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Jacquelyn Smith , Forbes Staff Leadership 6/20/2013 @ 3:20PM |8,866 views How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview 10 Tips On How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

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Jacquelyn Smith, Forbes Staff

Leadership 6/20/2013 @ 3:20PM |8,866 views

How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

10 Tips On How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

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How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

What you wear to your next job interview might be more important than you think. Why? Whether you like it or not, your appearance is the first thing people notice about you–and the hiring managers first impression may play a big part in his or her hiring decision.

Once upon a time, almost everyone wore business suits to job interviews.

“If you watch old television shows and movies from the 1950s, men wore suits and ties and women wore nice dresses pretty much everywhere,” says Andy Teach, author of From Graduation to Corporation, and host of the YouTube channel FromGradToCorp. “However, over the years, our society has become less conservative when it comes to dress code. Certain industries still require dressing conservatively but others have a more collegiate atmosphere and it’s not unusual to find employees wearing shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops to work. You probably don’t need to wear a suit and tie to a job interview at a laid back company, but that doesn’t mean you should dress too casually, either.”

What you wear to your next job interview might be more important than you think. Why? Whether you like it or not, your appearance is the first thing people notice about you–and first impressions are usually formed within the first 30 seconds, says Brenda Ferguson Hodges, a California-based image consultant and career coach. “Appearance affects hiring decisions and plays a major role. Hiring managers need to be able to visualize you in that position they are trying to fill.”

Jacquelyn Smith Forbes Staff

Nicole Williams, LinkedIn’s career expert and best-selling author, agrees. “On a job interview, your attire makes a statement about yourself before you even open your mouth,” she says. “A scuffed shoe, a messy bag, or a low cut shirt can speak volumes. You need to wear your ‘power outfit.’ Have a favorite skirt that always makes you feel great when you wear it? Why not pair that with a blazer? It’s okay to show off your personality through your clothes, as long as you aren’t wearing a lime green mini skirt. Stick to business-professional looks.”

In Pictures: 10 Tips On How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

Teach says that many, if not most hiring managers believe that people who dress appropriately for a job interview are more likely to be successful because they look the part. Conversely, those who dress inappropriately–too informal, for example–may be seen as having a more casual attitude toward work and authority, as well as possessing a lack of understanding of business etiquette. “It doesn’t matter if this is true or not; what matters is that this is the perception of many hiring managers. Make no mistake–you are being judged as soon as you walk into the room and the interviewer has made an initial impression of you in the first few seconds they see you based on how you look. That may not be fair but it is reality in many cases. An interviewer is expecting you to dress appropriately for the interview. If not, you are showing the interviewer

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that you don’t understand the basics of what it takes to be successful in the workplace. If this is the case, you already have one strike against you.”

Your appearance not only shows that you’re taking the opportunity seriously, that you are eager to make a good impression, and that you’d fit in nicely within the corporate culture; it can also communicate that you have respect for the interviewer, says Mark Strong, a life, career and executive coach based in New York.

Strong says about 80% of job candidates get it right; 20% don’t. “Some dress on the dumpy or casual side, while others are too made up.”

Other common mistakes: Skirts that are too short or tight, too much cleavage, scuffed shoes, excessive perfume or makeup, “or looking like you walked off the set of Working Girl circa 1985,” Williams says. “The most important thing you bring to an interview is confidence. What you wear and how you wear it helps convey that. If you aren’t comfortable in your outfit – that will come across in an interview.”

Ferguson Hodges says for many people, their “dress for success” training started with their parents, “but now, due to the state of the economy, people are so busy and are crunched to find a job, that they are not taking the time to get trained on the appropriate dress for interviewing.”

Why else might they fail to dress appropriately? Lack of interviewing experience, lack of knowledge, lack of common sense, and lack of research, Teach says. “But there really is no excuse for not dressing appropriately for a job interview.”

Another reason a job candidate might have difficulty determining what’s appropriate: The days of the “interview uniform” are over, Williams says. As Teach mentioned earlier, a suit isn’t always the right thing to wear anymore.

“The workplace has changed in leaps and bounds in the last 15 years,” she says. “Start-ups and tech companies have embraced a much more casual approach to what is appropriate at the office. It’s imperative to check out the office attire prior to showing up for the interview. It’s another bit of research that you can arm yourself with to give you an edge. If everyone at the office is wearing shorts and a T-Shirt and you arrive in a three-piece dark suit, you’ll be out of place and won’t fit in. Half the battle in interviewing is proving that you belong and can be part of the team.”

Strong says if you’re interviewing at company with a most casual dress code, dress as if you were going to a dinner party on a Saturday night. “When in doubt, bring a jacket and carry it with you. You can throw it on to formalize and leave it off to be more casual.”

In Pictures: 10 Tips On How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview

He also reminds us that appropriate dress for an interview often varies by industry. “What one person wears for an advertising interview is very different from what a person wears for a

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financial services interview,” Strong explains. “My suggestion is dress a half step up from what the typical daily dress is for that given industry.”

Ferguson Hodges says as a rule of thumb, if you are interviewing for a professional, managerial, or executive position, always wear a suit. “If the position is more casual, you should still dress professionally, wearing a ‘business casual’ crisp outfit. Crisp meaning no wrinkles, stains, lint, holes, or snags. Absolutely no jeans for any jobs you are interviewing for even if you talk to people who are currently wearing jeans to work. They already have the job; you don’t yet.”

If you fail to dress appropriately, you could face severe consequences, Teach says. “For example, you might not get the job simply because of the way you look. Again, it doesn’t matter what you think is appropriate, it only matters what the hiring manager thinks is appropriate dress. You may only get one shot so you need to make it count. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you were the most qualified candidate for the position but you didn’t even get a second interview because of the way you look?”

To avoid making a poor first impression, here’s what you’ll want to do:

Thoroughly research the company’s culture/typical dress code within the industry. If you know anyone at the company you’re interviewing with, ask them about the environment and culture, Teach says. Call the company’s receptionist or Human Resources department and ask them what is recommended as far as dress code is concerned. “Even if the company has a laid back dress code in general, they may expect you to dress up for the initial interview. You can never go wrong overdressing for an interview.”

Invest in a “power outfit.” Depending on the industry you’re in and the companies you’re interviewing for, buy a few outfits that are appropriate, professional, and, most importantly, comfortable. If possible, purchase a few outfits because you might be asked to return for a second or third interview.

“It’s worth spending the extra money on clothing that looks great, and you’ll get tons of use out of them,” Williams says.

She adds: “People don’t necessarily notice when you are put together but they 100% notice when you aren’t. It’s worth it to take the extra step.”

Invest in comfortable, work-appropriate shoes. Don’t neglect your feet. You may have a beautiful, well-tailor outfit on—but if your shoes are tattered or uncomfortable, your overall appearance will suffer. You don’t have to spend a fortune; but keep in mind that you will likely get a lot of use out of these shoes when you start your new job.

Women can wear low, conservative, comfortable heals or “power flats.” Men should invest in a pair of loafers and lace-up dress shoes. In general, you want to avoid shoes that expose your toes.

Have your interview outfits tailored and dry cleaned. “It doesn’t hurt to tailor your work wardrobe to fit even better,” Williams says. You’ll feel better if your clothing fits properly—and

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you’ll appear more confident. “Spending $10 at the dry cleaners can dramatically change your outfit as well,” she says.

Test-drive your interview outfit. You probably tried on the clothing before you bought it, but when you get home, put the outfit on and spend a few minutes in it. Make sure you’re comfortable sitting and walking. “Practice your interview answers while you wear your interview outfit,” Strong suggests.

Do not wear perfume or fragrances. “There are a people with allergies and have problems with scents and you don’t want your sent to the first thing that enters the room,” Ferguson Hodges says.

Pay attention to accessories. “Accessories are important, too, whether you’re a male or female,” Ferguson Hodges says. “Make sure your shoes are polished and wear a nice belt. Don’t wear too much jewelry—and make sure what you do wear isn’t too large, distracting, or flashy. Watches are fine. For men, a non-flashy, non sparkling watch and one ring would be fine. The key is to look professional and to look like you’d be a great fit within that company’s work culture.”

Amanda Sanders, a celebrity image and branding expert, says to wear neutral colored nail polish and avoid too much make up.

Be aware of your posture and body language.Good posture and a solid handshake is important, Sanders says. “Always make eye contact and smile.”

Your body language is part of your overall appearance, so it’s imperative that you pay close attention to it.

Pay attention to your grooming as much as your outfit, Strong says. “Your hair should be neat, and fingernails should be clean,” Ferguson Hodges adds. You want to look nicely kempt from head to toe.

Continue dressing for success, even after you land the job. “Once you get a job, always dress for the position you want, not the one you have,” Teach says. “Don’t emulate how your peers dress, dress how management dresses, if that’s what you aspire to.”

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