franklin d. roosevelt - the g reat communicator the master ... · franklin d. roosevelt - "...

Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, I 9 I 0-I 945 Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FOR and the New Deal File No. 847 I 936 February 22 Address at Temple University- Honorary Degree

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Page 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

Franklin D. Roosevelt - "The Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, I 9 I 0- I 945

Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FOR and the New Deal

File No. 847

I 936 February 22

Address at Temple University- Honorary Degree

Page 2: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

Oovernor Earle, Preeid.ent Beury and rrhnd.•

c! Tet~ple Univeuity:

I have juet hU. be::~towed upon me: a twofold

honor. I a.m honored in havine bt~en made an .Uunmue of

Te:!lple Univere1 ty; and. I u honore~ in having had conferred

upon Cfl tor the f1nt Use. thfl !Jflgree o! Doctor of

It 1B a hl:.ppy coincidence that we ehould

meet to&etber to pay CUI respects to the cc.uae o! education

~ on the birtMay of the rather of thia Uatlon . In hie

wifle and. kindly way O<lorge la.t~b11'1i:tOn d.fleply apprecia t ed.

U.e i~rtance or ed.uca.tlon in a. Rt!pUbl1c &m\ the re:~po!l.l"1-

b1l1ty ~j.vorr.ment to oroaote 1t , ' 1 ""'"j-j I

Page 3: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

I:IS£1\T A

/tn p !.f.," • ..( 1 T.Z //--Let ~ f'illlple ......-,( sta.nd by ~ without the ,r,of

ot quotation. I Ill:" l .. t, 1! ! quoted excerpts fri)UI

the sor.~swhnt voluminous nitiruJs a."l.d fl"eaaage:of the first

Pr•""idrnt of the United. States, aome capt1:rua crt tic mlgbt

search the Library o! Cor..sreu t.-. provo by other quotatl ontJ

/"r "· ~ .... ~ th'l.t (!eorse Waab1ngtcn "'f'&8 ln !fiiVOr or Hli ~ClECJ ~

dco+='9%AR Qf t a •hm. There!o:-n on this Nlniverury of

bh birth I propoee to 'c!'eak a century old precedent. I

thall not quote t:roe~ Georc:" 'il':l3b1ngton on hill birthday.

Uore than thh , ""'d tre&king precedent once

1110re, I do not tnt~nd to ooaence any tf'lntence with t hese

words - •u George Waabtncton bad been a1.;,.," t:::clay• or •u

Thomu Jefferson hl!-d been &live today• or •rt .Uuandsr

He:r11ton had been &l.lve today• or •It Abrah4111 Llnooln bad.

been alive today• -- beyond per adventure of a 4oubt he

would have opposed - or perhaps f'lvored- etc.,etc., eto., • J .->

Page 4: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

IJSi:RT A (continued)

'"''I Buttice 1.1:, therefore, to~ what HJfXI

President Waehina:ton pointed out on aany occaaione and in

aan:r practical ways * that & broad and ooemopolitan education W'\

---- in every etratum o! aocioty 1111 11. neoeuary

facto-r in ~Y free nation gove:rn.-d throueh a democratic

ayetem . Btl'Ldea towa:d thie !uf'~ental objective were

great 1:1. th'l two or thre• earl tar genorattona of the Republic

but you and I "ell realize that the greatest develop!Cent

of eenerlll education baa occurred in the p~!!lt half century.

Page 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

e people coned v goTerw:~ent u a per~

rola\1 1p botwoon tbo Joct Md tbo~tor.:y 1noreuea -wl:.;,t[;;e aware or the raot that £0Terncent and

aoo1ety ~;;een'Ually a oooperattve relat1onah1p ~ 1->-

r? t o1 Uzene and the

( -rt;iL uleoted repreunta t1vee of ~ o1Uzene- ,

(So •• ho,., ..... , ··~_ .. z:·:·~t ... 1oportanoe ••Y •y·oup •;·• whole of

Page 6: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

When u cpeak of IIOdern prosreu t. t ue.u to •

'that we place altogether too JNch emphasie upon progreu in

aaterial thinge - in in\·ention, in !nduatrial ~evelopment,

in growth of national wealth.

But progue in the thinge of the aaind ~ ;(,._..,.

..._ ./:,/">'(;;· been even more etr1king in the.., ! eer~. ~

wua an op;>o:rtun! ty for ur. A:aericon boy or sirl;

an a college education waa poao~tle only to exceedt.:--cly uc.all

a1norliy. Profeuional echoot. h:s.d hardly co:ae into

u:t.etence . Si nce 1900, while the nat1on 1 E population hae

increased. by :~.t-cut ~~ the enrolaent in all branchee of

a<-1- '"•'6-: inoti tutione o! higher le&rnine ha.e J.r.oreaeed )/iJf!J&"~t

the be&iMing of tbh century the total enrol2o,nt in our

colleef'e and univeraiti ee wa u juet one a tudent shor t of

168, 000.

Page 7: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

I tblnk 1 t h too be.d they did r.ot &et th&t

other one a tudent -;4 1t only to round out the nua~ber and

!l••e the way tor future atath~!.clanu .~

Today well over a a1111on atud .. r.ta ue seek-

1ng Degr&u 1n c.ur collo&:eD a.nd W"l1vere1t1ea and more than

700,000 are en!'oled in exteneion co\IJ"ttee and eUllllller :schooll .

I think that we of Temple Un1vere1ty- I am exero1e1ng r.~y

risht no,. t c ape3t aa L, ·•l:ur:mus - can t akt\ apeoial prl~t"

ln the part th!l.t our inatitution here tas taken ln thlc

crowth . 'M11s 1na t1 tution hu ce.rried in practice the ba.alo

lde11.l of 1t11 ereat founder , thl'l lnte Doct.;,r R'.J.aaell H.

Con"ell . He believed that every young person ehould be

chen a c~ct to obtdn a good educ~t.t•cn a:1d ht founC.ed

Temple Un1verto1tr tc r.leet the needu o! thou who aight not

be able to alford a. collect ":"~'.!C~ttlc.n elaewht~re . He bfllieved

Ht:el! into the many- aided and cornplflx life thc.t :11odern

conditions h&ve 1lll!'oeed upon ua .

Page 8: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

I o.m proud to be tho head ot a go<'crn=ent that baa

sought to lll!Lt:e a aubotantial contribution to the cauee of

aduost1on, even in a period. of eoonoaio c11otreaa. Throqb

" . ? the PUblic 1'orka Ad::lintatratton the E;ovcrrur.ent ~ help·( l

educational in.at1tut1ona to ac1d to their preaent equipeent -

14 ,....;;! J,/ ~ 0 00,000,000 worth of new bl' . Since 1933

the govel'l\l'lent h:!O made, tbrO'.lCh the FUblie iJorka A:!!a-

tratlon, allotmenta to local co~un1t1n tor achool, college

3 and librnry bu1ldinca, ::unountino to alesoat t~o,ooo,ooo . le

are also providing th:roue;h the llo:rkD p-ogreu ,;.,trri!li&tration

ed.ucational courua for th:~.,.acnds of' ; r oups of adults wherever

aM. C.Or.J..//, f. I• >-1. ,.fl 'fill -r:-:;· ., there h a d:e1aad: \h~ou:e;lwa ~ Mte oOtt:'ltry; a."\d through the

lte.t ione.l Youth Admln!st rat1on funda for put time e~:;lloYJ!:,ent

to hPlp daaer ving yo\Ulg people to eun the-!r r,ay throvgb

aco:redi ted collegu and unherei tiaa in all puts of the

United States . We he:ve rle;htly taken the poo1Uon that in

cptte of ":tie fact that economic adveraity t hrough theee years

r:ight icpose upon the youth of t he country dbtreasing and

Page 9: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


unavoid.a.ble burdena, u.e governme!'lt owed it to tho future of

tt.e nation to oee tba.t these burden" ahould not include the

denial of educational opportunltiee for thoee who were J ll&q

willtnc: a.·u1 re~y to use the• Vol e.t!:nntage.

Ed\!C.II.tional progeau in the pnat s:eneraUon

hP.e given to tbia country a pof'Ulc.tlon rwre literate, core

ou1tured, in the beat aenee of the word, and more aware of

the COIII))lex1 t1ee ot modern o1\•111%ed l1!e than ever before

t•l•l in hill tory . And while the methods of apreading education . s-• new, the leaaone of education eternal. The booke aay

be new but the t::--.Jtl> ie old.

!he qun11tiel'l of -=. true eduCJJ.tlon reoaln whitt

they were when Wuh1ne:ton 1na1ated. upon ita 1mporb.nce·.

C!trirat &IIIOJ'l8 tbeee qual1t1u Je a. of fair plcy among can,

(/.I Aa education b!'OWO men come to recognl:e their eaaentlal

d.ependl!l"l,.f' or..e upon the other. '!'here 11 revealed. to them

the tru111 nature of eoo1ety and. of govl'rnment wh1oh, 1n a.

large u"eure, cu11111natee 1n the art of hu=~ cooperation,

Page 10: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


The second great attribute of education is peoulhrly

appro)>rlate to a great /emooracy. It la a unu of equa.lity

among aen 1rhen they ue de&ling W'1 th the thlna:e of the 111ind.

Inequality !%:&)" Unger in the world of materi&l thinga but

grea.t f!"Uaic, great literature and the wonders of aotenof' Are

and should bfll open to all .

Finally, " true educa t!.cn depends upon !reedo~:~. in

tte punult of truth. l'fo &roup and no government can

properly prescribe preci~flly whl'.t ahould oonatlt\:.te t he bodr

of knn,.le~Sge with true education 1s concerned. 'I'he

truth 1a found when !!:en ere free to pursu e 1 t . Cenutne

education is present only wh'"!r. the aprlnga from w!11ch

knowledge oomea are pure . li 11: this belle! ln the freedoo

of the mln4, written i nto our fundamental le.w and obearved


Page 11: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


In our ability to keep pure the eouro .. o! knowledge• -

in ou:r mind• a !reedom t o winnow the chaff from the z-~/ ~~~

p~e ottbl ob·aurse *b l'ght di t~- in the..,...,..~

te::tper and in the oal~~~neae o! ou.r e..-ery day relaUonahipe ,.. in

our w1.1lingneea to face the detaih of f act and the needS o!

te11pora.ry eaftr!Jenoiea - in all of then lie our f uture and our

ohlldren'a tutuxe. On wJ today dapen .. tt•r•otneayor the

tallurj ot that future/,: Amarlo•. I

(Check on the Temple Atli!IOOiatea - h it a fund

raldng orgMiz&tionl )

Page 12: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


I ~ve ~ bad b"to-.4 upon 111 a twotol\'. honor.

It ia a happy oolrtold.enea tbat " ehCN14 :&le~

t!rth4ay ot the tat~er ot t hle J:atlon . In hll wt .. and

wo.y Geora:e W111h1nston deeply apprtol atld the i ll;»rtMce o:r

e4ucl\tlon in n Republic P~d the :ruponelbillty ot the

OOvern.ant to pro110te 1t. Lit thh ol:plc ltatc•nt ltani

by ltealt rl~?Ut the p:root o:r couotat1on. 1 .., thle lalt,

and .... ,1( .. ot the tint Prta14ent o:r t"e tl'n1\e4 su.t .. ,

1c.e oapt1011.1 orHle r.1ght eeuoh t ha Ltbruy ot con.rnee

to prove by other qu.otntlon~ tha t O.OJ'ifO WUbtn,gton 'IIUI i n

ta•or or jult the oppolltt l l'hlrtfore , on tble annhenuy

Page 13: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

or bh blrtb I p!'Opoaa ~ break a cent\1"7 old p:eo.dent , I

Wor e t han t hh , an4 breakl~ precadtnt onca

110re, I eo not l ntenl1 to COIIII::tnct t.n)' ttnttnct with thut

wor41 - •:r Otorp Waahlne:ton t'.&d bun ll.lvt tod.a)'• or • u

'ftl_, .rarra uon had been alhe t~• or •lt .Uu;

Hullt<ln ba4 btan &l!:we tod.t.)'" or "I! .LI::r~ Lincob ha4

bttn IJ.lYt toda)' - beycmd .... .,.~,.anturt or a do\lbt he E:r~!S.

haYa op:;)Oaed.- or, J)llr~a , ! aYorad- e t c., ate., etc. , •

SU:!lca it , therc!cre, t o Ia)' what PTeeldant

WuhiliQ'ton polnted 0\lt 011 IUZ\Y cccaelcnl and. 1n aany

pu,ctlc:.l waya that a bro..d and COa:'IOpol!ta.. aducati<m ln

ova:ryc t rat ..... ot aoc!.etyh a neoaacarrtaotorlne.nrrrea

natlOD co,..rned threuc;h a d-.ocruto eyn... IStrldn

toward thla tun4asenn! cbjact ha •r• iJI'tat ln ~ht tav

or tbraa aarllar £:tntraUo.:u ot tba Repu.bUo but you and I

atll reallu tbat tba s rea taat d11'alopEtnt ot &•na:ral

tduoaUon !:le.c: ooc:urrad ln tba peat halt oant \U'y,

Allit erac:l' lnoraueap&Opltbtcoll&awara ot

tba t a ct ~l-at iO,..I'Tllllllt L'\4! t oolaty tor. auan\lelly a

Page 14: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

ooo~re\ht rel&Uoneh1p 1U10J1i: o lUuna - tta. edeotecl.

r•;>r41ttn\et1Yttof tho .. eiUune.

lft:en we epa&!: of 11104ern prOC't'llt 1t eeeae to

•• t het .. pl ace e.ltoaetber too 111\loh eapheete 11.p0n pro(J'Itt

ln .. terle.l thil:l£:e - in 1n,.enUon, tn 1ncl.\l.l tr1al de,..lopor;ent ,

ln CJ'OW\h of u t1onal wealth .

Bin PTOGT••• in t!'.e tbtnee of U~e air:ICI. baa baeD

,,..D oeore etr1Ur.,c ln the" put ftt\y , I n _,. chll~

• hl&h eobool edt~eatlon vu ..,.. aJ:CtpUonel opportw'lltJ' for

lltl Amtrtoan boj' or atl"l; • eollec• eduo&Uon wu poteible

only to e11 exoeed1nt;lY INll atnorUy, Prohedonal eolu:lole

bad b.udly cOltS into e:det ence . Bi net 1900, whU t tbt

neUon•R pop\lltUon hall lnoru"od by e!>Qut ~. the enrol .. ent

ln ell brenobn of 1neUC\I.Uou ot bl(bt:t leuntnc !:.&a

1norueed. ebo\.l.t 400ti.

J.t the beglnnlllf: ot t b1e cent\U'y t:t.e totel

tnJ'Ol'l:l'llt in our oollecee end WI1Ytrt1Ute wu j~at one

lt\ldtnt tbort ot 168, 000.

I tb.lnk 1t h too ~&4 \n&)' 414 :'10\ it\ that

••" the ~ for tuture u.aUet1ctena,

Page 15: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


To4:1.7 nll O"'n • allUon at\14anh ue ntklDC

O.sren tn our oolle"f" &D4 \IAln:rdUea an4 JIO:re \huo

700,000 a.:re enroled. tn e:.:\enllon CO\U'ttl and •-:r eehoola.

1 tUnk ttu.t"" o:- 1'e111~le trnl,..eralty- 1.,. e:r.e:clall\i '"1

:rlrh\ now to epee a.a loll. AJU~tt~ue - can tate epeolll ;~zol4.e

tn the put \bat our l~Ututlon here b&a taken in \lila

r:rowtll. l'hla lutltv.~l~ b&a ou:rlK ln p:reoUoe tbe bulc

lUal ot lte CHat tounc!e:r, the late Doeto:r Rwo&ell H. He bolle,..ed. that en:ry your.c penon ebould. be

10hen a cbanot to obtain a good. educa.Uon 1.11d he to=d.ed

temple trnherelty to ~r~eet the neede of thoee who " l &bt n?t

be able to at'to:r(!. a colleit e<!.uo:l.tloA elnvbere. He

bol1e1'td Uu1t e4uc:..t1on abould. reapon1 to oor-.-~1 ty :1~ed.l:

-.=&!. t1t ltnlf into the -.ny-c:lded and QOm;l}U Ute ~bat

aod.erc cor..<!J.Uone han~ 18poeec!. upoft ue.

1 ab.t.ll watch with the ll:eeneu 111.tenet the

IIO:rklna: out or the pl1.11 :recentl)' odopted. b7 rrcple !'!:r

e"rrylll( ann further into pre.atloal eppl!c&Uon tble

eutcuna: tcln.l. 1 rater to tM plc.n tor tor.Lne an o:reent­

~;.Uon to t:a kr.or.t u t he •.ueocletee of Te19h Unlvereltr•,

Page 16: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


-.n4 to be ~·*" of :rtpra::t:-~athtl ot tht Yt:dOUII ~ret-.1,

lrw:lu.n:t&l, Un.anclal &tid pro!< loteruu ~ the

oo-.lty out d4e the Un1Yera !ty' e --.111 . AI I wtdentand.

U, thill 0111:&nlu.t1on will be ta.r ::&Ort than ll aer e &C!.Tltory

bod.y, eet up to llttt O!'l tpeolal and l!l!rtqutnt occulooa an4

to c1r.:t r,oco=endu.tton.. of a aenulll ob.ut.cter. The

•.ueoctatu ot t.sple t."!l!:.-n·dt r• '1'1.11 t.. ._"' lDtea::ral ~

oq:at~lc put :.! the l"nhneur•• l'tJ'\Ict~o~n; the lno:!.l.Yld\

Mtoclatee will haYt clearly c1eflned cuu .. ar.d reaponal­

blltt1u, .t\1oh they '1:'111 CUTY out accor4lnc to" ;ito!':nite

:ouUnt; a.n4 their purpoae ;:Ul be to "'"' ae t.he •eyet

&n4 tart• o:t the Unlvenuy t hl'ouchout the collliiNlltty ,

conuantly alnt 1.o the ohanslnc Holl.l Ul4 eool10lllto needtl,

and conttn110utl7 lotou·preth>c thna nuc1e to the lhlhertlt y .

1 ... prcn.:.d \o t.. the head ot a EOYettiiMDt that

bu eouaht to Ml:e a ~\&lltial OOTitrl'button to the c&

ot a®oattcm, eYae l n a period ot d.lltreu. Thr oqb

the YUiOWI -e:enllhC, tt'.e 0oYOr:'lt:IM h helplT-& tdi1C&UO~

lnttltutlon. to fl.dd. to their ~r.,unt tq\llf*t"'t . 81not 1933

tbt 3o,.tf'nlaer.t hU ~t1 'tbl'OII£h tl:t Y&'dOWI 'JoYtr.'llltn<;r.l

q;t11:• ... , ct tbe J.~l'!.htraUot!, r.llotcenh to lll(:a.l

Page 17: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


~ltln/orlot.o:tb, oolll&ll ll:ldllbruyblll.ld.l"-=1

U.OW\Unc \o -ore t1'.an f400,000, 000. 1'1 u1 1.ho ;~ro'l'ld.lq

tht'O\IIh the 'll'orkl Proareu A41:11nhtra \1on edu.ot.ttoMl cour1e1

/or tb.:lUtl~otcrou.peo/adu.lte'lller..,ertblrearee{)!:l:petent

Ull-.ployed teaohera; .::.nd through the ::aUonal M&tr.b­

trt~.tlon /u.n1ts /or part tU. ll!ployaetlt w help delerYlJifl' yo~

people to ltztl ~hel.r .a,. \hroll(!h t..OOl'ldltl~ collq:11 t..n4

W'iherelt1n 111 llll put s o/ tbe UnitK ltatee. W. h.:l"

rlchtly taken the poeitlon tbd in splte o/ the/act tht..t

e:10nMio ad.nraity throueh th111 yeare ~atcht l~~tpoll upoD t he

youth o/ t1'e oou.ntry dlltreiiiJifl' 11111 unavot dablt burdene , t"e

00Yinlllf,ll.t owed it to the /u.ture o/ the naUon to 111 that 'tnar41u ehould not 1nolud.l the d.eDicl o/ &6uct..t1,..-.a.l

OO'port\lr.ltlel tor t hoee who nre WllUnc u4 rea47 to Ull thH

to advant-ce .

Ecluoe.tlo:u:l progreee In \he pel.~\ cez:oere.U oa

hae chen to tbll oowttry a ?OP\ll&Uon -ore literate, -or e

c:ultured, In the be$ t ecnte ol \hi wor4, and 150r e t..'ll'&rl ot

thl cc.pluttiee ot -.ode:rn c:i'l'llhed Ute than ITer betore

In our blltory. ml1 wh1le t he M thodl ol epttad.tnc: eduoe\ !on

are :~~._, n.e llllontl ol ei!ucat ioa are e terua.l. Tile booke _,.

" t~ truth 11 old.

Page 18: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

wne Wben. 1JII.ebtncton tnehttd Uj)OII. itt tmpon~e•.

rtret "'"?riC: U111e qual1ttfl 1~ a 1111.11 t~ fair

play PO~ :Hr.,

U 1duo::.~ton ~·~ '"'-n ooae to reoo1J1.1ZI their

.... nulll de:;.e!\4flnce one w.::~:~ the ot"'n. fhen 11 re·;e..ll d

:... :"'<n thl ~r..1e nat".ue of eoc.laotr IU'Io1 ot p•erraent Yh.1ch,

tn a l e.r&e .. ul.lre, ~l::latee 1:!. the art o! coo~ratlon.

!'he aeoond &:tea t a t.:rtbutl of e41.lC:..t1on l.a

peculh,rl)" &:?t:''lpr1att ~ a•n• t 4eiiOC1'1.0J. It 111. 1111.1e

or equality IUIO!l6 111en when t he¥ are dell1f!C wi t h ~h~ ~Mnca

o! tl'":.1n4. Iaec;w<U t yu.yllllitr1n theii'Orlaor-urtal

t~lne• hut ;reu ""*l c, gna.t 11tP~:.~"''"' Ul4 tho .ondera o:r

eele:t.e+ -.·e a A. eJooul o! te open'" llll .

rtnll.lJ, a ecto.~e&tio:t. ".l.pon t reed.OC!I

ln the punu1 t of truth. lio croup an4 no to•trnr>el!.~ C.."l

properly p r ncrll>e p:J'eohel)" ":lha~ eb<Nll1 OC>MU~ute the bed.:f

ot lmowltde;t with wbloh true eoi:.~oe.Uon 11 oononaed, The

truth 11 found ..tten 111n art free to )7W'tue u. a.nutne

ellllot.Uon 1• preunt onlr ':!'han ~h• •prl!IC' fro. whlc~

Page 19: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

ll:llO•dtcltJt ooaon ue puH . lt !t tllit belle! 1.11 tM heedool

of t!lt lUnd, written into our !\OIUla!Dent tl taw and obttrv~

1.11 our tTtl'Y lllt.y cittline• dth u.e pr obl- or 1 1ft , t~.a~

dltU~l<lbn ut u:a!Jatlon .

1n our ab1U t y to kttp puu tht 10\U'Ctt o !

tnowhdf;l - in our lmlnd.1t !re~ t!:l •h\liOt the chat!

!:tOfll ~bt pod zrain - 1n t ht tTen te-ptr V\4 in tht

otl.Citu : ' our eTtrr c1a.7 r~lat1or.th1~1 - ln our wllllll('­

nne t? f~tee !~e dtta1lt of ! ~:t and the r.etdt o! te~ruy

tMrs:enoin - i n tll o! then U e OW' fut ue and O\U

ch1ldnn1e !utiU'e. "On yOUl' Oll'l'l heada, in YO'.lr oll'l'l har.C..,

tJ.oeln:uuitbttaTlnglite . •

Page 20: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h



Saturday , February 22, 1936

Governor Earle, President Beury, (and) friends or Taple

University, ~. I am slad to be able to SAL..J:!!n!:, &

!ellO!J alll!!1A! . (Applause)

I have Just had bestowed upon z:e a twofold. honor .

I am honored. in having been made an AlWDnus or Temple

University; and I q honored in having had conferred u pon

ae tor the first til:le the Degree or Doctor or .1W'isprudence.


It 1a a happy coincidence that lie shou1d meet tosether

to pay our respects to the cause of education not only on

the birthday of the Father or thia Nation but also in the

halls or a very grellt inst"tution thflt 15 bringing true

educatign into thousands or homes throughout the countty.

In (hil) Y.'nth1nrton's wise and kindly ny (George Washington)

I have always felt certain that he deeply appreci ated the

importance of education in a Republic - 1 mhht sav through­

out a Republic , a nd !.1!2. the responsibility or ~

kno1m u (the) Goverl'llllent to pr 0111ote (it) ~· Let

this simple statement stand by itself without the proof or

quotation. I say this last, in this year of 1916, it I

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'rtr.lrl ·'-Oai'I'Ol\ LIWar T

Tbh h a trrn•ertrt n~do t.y tha lhi.t~ Kou•o ot onor · ~ h11 ohortband. notoo t~':cn t. tho "PfiOCh wao .. da, r~. rl I !!cat~• wordo lltN:1po;·l ·.ee" -~~d to 'lla pr""'IO\uoly propued:cco! ··tur 1 !n perantbo.11e1 .11.:"8 t oatnoc • hentbe•pe ~ t!. "'~~" , \ ur.h U.ey appev '" tt ,. ~ly ~r P&~ read~ eopy te:n.

Page 22: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


quot ed excerpts trOCD t he somewhat YolUIIIinoua writinas

and muaasas of the first Pr esident ot t he United States,

some captious critic 11ight search the Libr &r:y of Congreu

t o prOTa by other quotations that Geor ae Washlncton wu

in f aYor or Just the opposite! therefore, on this anni­

versary ot hi s birth I propose to break a century-old

pr ecedent . I shall not quote rrom George Washington on

his birthday . (Laughter, applause)

More than (thill) ~. and pr ecedent once more ,

I do not i ntend to commence any sentence llit h t hese wor ds -

11lt Georae Washington had been a live t oday" or 111It Thomes

Jefferson" (bad been alive today) or "lf Alexander Bu1lton11

(had been a live today) or "If Abr aham Lincoln had been d ive

today -- beyond per adventure, (or a doubt he would have

opposed -- or, per haps, favored) buond a doubt or per haps

t he other way around, etc . etc . etc . 11

Suttlce i t, (therefore) 1 to say ~ whet President

fiashin&ton pointed out on many occasions end in cany practical

11i&yS !!!.I that a broad and co11111opolitan education in every

stre.tum of society is a necessary factor in any f ree nati on

governed through a de.ocrstic system. Strides toward (this)

ll!!!i t'unduental objective were great , ~~ in the

r.l.rli two or three (earlier) generations or the Republic

(but) ~ you and I (well realize) ~ thli.t t.he

greatest development or general educati on baa occurred in

Page 23: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


the past halt century, ~. !:U.b!n the liyes of a great

wany or those or us who are here today.

As literacy increases people beco-e aware or the tact

that government and society t or• essentially a cooperative

relationship among citiuns and the selected representatives

ot those c1t1z.en.s .

When ,,., apeak or modern proaress it seems to me that

we place altogether too much emphasis upon progre.u in

uteria.l thincs - - in invention, in industrial developz1ent ,

in growth of national wealth.

But progress in the thiiliS or the mind h3s beta 8Vi!'l

Jl:~re stri"tlQI in these past fifty years. In .y childhood a

high school education was an exceptional opportunity tor

an American boy or girl; a college education y;as pouible

only to an exceedingly small •inoritY. Professional shcools

had hardly come into existence . ~since 1900, ~

.!.&Q, while the nation's populntion has increesed by about

7~, the enrolbent in all bro.nchois or institutions or higher

learnins: has increased (about) ~ 40~, and that tells


At the be&innina: or this century the tota l enrollment

in our colleges and universit i es was just one student short

or 163,000.

I think it 1s too bad (they) that the •rlWIIerators and

colleu presidents c11d not get that other one student --

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(U' only to round out the number and ease the way tor

ruture statht1e1ans) ~4 h6vt been so muclJ easier

for the statisticians and enumerators in thh rear.

Today , instead of 163 000 ltu one, (well) over a

a1ll1on students are seeking Degrees in ou.r colleges am

univerSities and •ore than 700,000 are enrolled in extension

couraes and s1.111111er schools . I thin&: that •• ot Tellple

Univorsity --~ I am exercising my r i.ght now to

speak as an Alumnus (applause) ~- ~ eRn take special pride

in the part that our institution here has taken in this

vowth . (This institution) ~has carried in practice

the basic ideal ot its great rounder, (the late) Doctor

Rus!lell (H.) Conwell. l..!.!!l....'!.Jl~ to think bRck or the

dll.vs li"hen I wu in colbu and heard him del_!llL~

lecture or his !h!eh almost everx mao, wo:u.n a!ld child knew.

(He) Doctor Con,.ell believed that every YOI.Ul8 person should

be given a chance to obtain a good education nnd he rounded

Temple University to meet the ne&(1s of those who mi&:ht not

be able to artord a college education (elsewhere) in other

h!JJ.J. . He believed that educ.ntion ahoi.l.l.d respond to cC~Uunity

needs and tit itself into the mo..ny-sided a nd c011plex lite

that ~aodern condit i ons have imposed upon us .

~ I shall watch with the keenest interest the

working out or the plan r ecently adopted by Te•ple for carry­

ins even further (into) W practical applicntion 2l. this

Page 25: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


~ &uiding: ideal. I reter to the plan tor tor!Un&:

an organiution to be known as the "Associates of Te11ple

University" , and to be composed ot representatives of the

various ca.oerctal~ industrial, t1nanc1al and protessi:nwl

interests of the ccamunity outside the Unhers1ty 1 s walls .

As I understand it, -- and this 1s somethinl ~hat every other

universitY can well atrord to f!!ul&te -- u I understand. it,

this or&&nizatton rill be tar •ore than a •ere a~iaory bod7,

set up to •eet on special and infrequent occasions and to

draft r ecommendations of a general character. the "Associates

ot Temple Universtt:r• will be an integral $nd organic part

ot the On1Ters1ty's structure; the individual Assoctatea will

have clearly defined duties and rupons1bil1t1es , which they

will carry out a ccordins: to a definite (routine) ltl.!.!l and

their purpose Will be to serve as the •eyes and ears" or

the University throushout the col!llllunity, constantly alert

to the cha~ing social and econom.ic needs, and continuously

interpreting these needs to the Un1...-erslty ~·

1 •• proud to be the head ot a goverraent (that) .!hls!l

tries to think alons f1milar lines, a government that has

sought and is seelc:1q& to IL\&ke a substantial contribution to

the cause ot education, even in a period or aconoaic distress.

Through the various acencies \tha GoTern~~ent is) ~

National government, we have been helping educational in­

stitutiona (to add to their present equipaent) ~

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maintain their exbtence 'but helpins them to add to their

tguil!!l!!nt ll.nd to their offetL='lRS to the youth Of the eountrx.

Since 1933 the Government has made, throU&:h the various

Govermental agencies of the Ad.aa1n1strat1on, allot11ents

of various kinds to (local) colll!llunities tor school:. , colleau

and library bUildings uounting to more than t400,000, 000 .

(Applauae) I won ' t go into higher :DAthtaat1cs and tell you

~n-hours of work thnt that has creatt,4, ~

work 1t out tor yourself and you will as:ru with " that

that expenditure or moneY has served at least two purposes .

IM, !..9!1 we are also providing, in addition to bricks and

mortar find labor and loans, we art also pr0!1d1ng through

the work:s Progress Adlll.ini!ltration educational courses for

thousands or gr oups of adults W"herever there are COilpetent

unemployed teachers; and, throll8h the Natione.l Youth Admin­

istration, funds fo r part-time -.ploy:ment to help deservill8

young people to earn their way through accredited college•

and universit i es in (all) ~ part(s) or the United States .

~ n hue ri&htly taken the position that in spite o£

the ruct that econor:lic adversity through these years might

111pose upon the youth or the country distressing and unavoid­

able burdens, the Government owed it to the future of the

nation to see thnt these burdetl$ should not include the

denial or educational opportunities tor those who were willing

and ready to use them to advantase . (Applause)

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Educational procress in the past generation he.s &lven

to this country a population more literate, more cultured,

in the best sense of the word, (e nd.) more aware or the

eomplex1t1ea of' modern civilized lU'e than e'f'er before in

our history. And Y>hile the methods or spreading education

ere new, the lessons or education are et ernallz old, The

books say b e new but the truth 11 old .

The qualiti es or a true education, ~. remain

ll'hat they were when Washington 1nalsted upon its importance.

First n1ong the(ae) qualities is a sense or fair pl ay

uong aen.

As educntion arows men c011e to recognize their essent1a1

dependence one upon the other. There is revet.led to them the

true nature or society and or gO'I'erJOent 'llhich, in a large

measure, culminates in the art or human cooper ation.

The second great attribute ot education 1a peculi arly

appr opriate to a great democr acy. It is a sense or equality

8.11long men 'll'hen they are dea1irc with the thina:s or the mind.

Inequality may linger in the world or zaterial things but

great music, great literature , ~ and the wonders or

science are and should be open to all .

Finally, a t rue education depends upon freedom. in the

pursui t of t ruth . No group, (and) no gov errwent can properly

prescribe precisely what should constitute the body or

lcn.owledge with which true educati on is concerned. The truth

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-·-is round when :aen are tree t o pursue it . Qenu.ine education

is present only when the sprilliS ! rom which knowledge

comes are pure. It is this belie! in the freedom or the

mind, written into our rundamental law, (and) observed in

our everyday dealtnas with the pr oblems of lite, that dis­

tinguishes (us as a Nation) the U)}1ted Statu of Ap1erica ,

LYY.!l!s., a bO!e everv Nntion in t he world .

In our ability to keep pure the sources o r knowledge -­

in our 111ind 1 s freedom to winnow the chaff from t he good

grain-- in the evan temper, (and.) in the calmness or our

everyday relationships -- in our willingness to race the

details or tact and the needs or temporary emergencies --

in all of these lie our future and our children's future.

•on your own heads, in your own hands , the sin and the

saving 11u111 (Prolonged applause)

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Go•nroor Jarla, Praa14o•\ lov.r7 0 aad rr1o o41 or taopla

Uat• a r s U.71

1 b.a•• J1U\ b.a d boa\oaad •P•• •• a \wo-rol4 tt.oaor. 1 ••

tloooracl io h•ioc 'Dooa -4• ao •1•••• • or taaplo Ua1• o ra1\7J

Uld 1 aa b.ooorad 11'1 h w1D I bad oo11rorrad apoD ao , r ar \b.o

t1ra\ \lao , \ha dac r •• of Doo\l)r of Jvriaprutlonoa.

11ul aow, 1 tSod \ M\ 1 raaa a raapooliblli \7 "'"''' h

ltkowtaa t.•o-told. 1'1. 1• Dot ao •••1 taak for •• t.o .. ¥ • ..,._

\ tlbc \b.a\ will adoqu.a \ o l 7 aaknowlod&• ov.r dab \ 'l.o \tlo croa\

aaataaaou\ to IA7 an7t.llt•c \lla\ will toll7 a xpr•• • ov.r c r a\1-

\v.d.a \ Pro•ldanoa d1oald. ha•• ct• •• v.a aaob • lat dar \ o

111 of •• kaoa Ooor c• •• • lllltac \oa , \llo aold t ar, \b.a a\a \aa­

-~~~ aod tba •1•• aad k1rtdl7 Pat.llllor of oar aov.a \1'}"• ! tlt a

Ooor&• •••tltoc \oo alllloao tar-a l&ll\ ad •1 4oa tt.a a l l ch\ad • • r p•t.h••7

tor 11:pward o r a ooft\\11'7 a ad 1 belt 0 • • a a ll lr.aoa a ad doapl7 r a•aro.

Page 30: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

-·-Ia attaira of ••••r••••t. - ta a at -t.loaal ••• h•tar­

•• U .oaal poll•T - a o laa•o loaao d boa•llT •po• llla ad.Yloa for

atad our tut.•r• cov.rao.

faailbr. I rofar to 1faab i arton, tha odacat.or.

So, 1 • ant. to talk Yitob you for fl faa a!nut.a l about. tba

aattora of aduoatl oa, jaat. aa wa ha•o oo of't.oa clra•a roaowod aoa-

to a ffalra or l t.a h.

Sappoaa wo lot. Yaab l art.oa, bla aalt, t all •• 'Ilia •1••• oa

Ia a latter to Co• orDor ll rooka of tlrata la la 1197,

•• •1ll••'·· .... , •• •tllla tlaa l a ooao, t)lo r oforo, olloa a plaa of aal•oraol

Page 31: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

_ ... o4aoo~ loo nallt. \o bo adopto4 ia t ho Uat\olll 1\o\oo ...... tho

oalaooeloo at ,.!IIllo a ad prl·nto lifo 4o•a4 1\u ••• • 414 l a obtactoo Uala ll: a'Doat tb• da\too o1111l raopoo.t­

blllt.loo of \bo 1odoral Go•oro-a\ t o odaoats.oo f

Ia aao\lilor lot.tor, bo ooldt

•11r ool.toltado f o r \llo oot.abllollaoat of a oatl""aal aol••­

ol\7 1\.ao boo a aroo\ a ad taoroaolol•••• •• ol ba d pootpooolll \)t.o

fortbor a oaoldora\Soo of \ b o o•bJoot t o a ooooo\ o f -oro lola•ro •

••• • to ••• U I ooold d.o•too •••• ploa \t7 Yll loll •1 wtoboo aoallll

b o e•rrled oat. •

Bora Walblnat oD t a ll& a o about ao eduoatto-1 project that

YOI Y01'7 clooo t o )li la boort., aod t.ooor4 t.lllo roaltoat.loa of wlald1

bo loft a oa'bot.aat.t a l boqaoa t. t o bh will . !Ut woo , \bo • •­

t tblt otlaoo\ of a e r n \ oattoool uol'l'oroU .y, to bo •1t• •\o4 la \IIIIo

Dl1trlet o! Col• a bla aa4 •apj)or\o4 'IIJ" \ llo ••tlo••l Go• • r•••at ,

•u· t kat Go• • r ••• a t ahoYld 1aol1a• t.o o ~~:\oDd. a fo1toriaa ~a1u1 • .

a oal T

I a ~11 fari Yi ll &d. d.rooo , Wa all1Bf't.OD 1a ld.t

• Pro•o\o t.hoo , • • o ••bJoot o f pr ioary 1a t orol l. 0 1alt.1t•-

tio1 1 f or t \l.o aot~oral d11f••1•• of t.aowlo4&•• la proportloa ••

\ be 1\r'lc\•ro of aowor .. oa\ a1Yo.o foro• t.o ,.ttlio oplaloa. it.

to onoatia l p11blio op1n1o'l a bo•ld. bo oal1&btono4.•

Page 32: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

... _

\loa o •tkl aeaoaott:r io \lll.le •-•\rJJ ••••••• tU\ llo llollo•••

\Ut tlko latto .. l Oo•u·~~.a-t oU...l• \alro oo oot1•• oU loo•Uq

,.n la o141-c tllo do•olopooat. ot odacaUoaJ oad tlll.rll , \llat

lll.o ••• ooa•laood , ... ,, to tlt.o tlul aaolJalo, tlll.o ••••••• or

doa roo of aaUallltoaoaat of tho plilbl i o oplatoa fro• allloh tbat

ao,.oJ'aooat dorl•od lto poaoro oad 1'ooo1Yod tt1 Ch•oo\loao .

I t •• •oro oolloC apoa todQ' \ o li'lo - ooooaotlac of

1•1 of Coa,tarJ, tbo tot..l oarollaaat t a oar oollocoo oad

a.t•oraHlol ••• Jaot oaa a\.vdaat. ollort o t 111,000. ( 1 t.bh11:

lt.'o too bad tllo7 41Ca't a o\ tht ot.illor ••• at.wdoftt , l .f oal7

t. o roooct oat tllo ooallor aU •••• tlll.a ••7 for tutaro otoUotlciaao.)

Tod.o;r, ooll •"•r o alllloa o tadoat.o oro aoo11:1q do&rooa la our ..,..--

Page 33: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


J'ilb.t 11011 to opoak &I 111 alaaaaa - 1111 tall:o apooiol p rf.clo f.a

tllo foot \lllat tb.f.a •-•l•c aroo\tr., ollleb. llooa doabl7 l'&pld

•• \lao par' of oar oi\J' aat• ... , lllooa ad1lo'fod ••r1

larrol7 t o t.lllo o:r.t.oat to wlliolt. o..- l.aot.lh t.l o11a o r loorotac

b&Yo oal'rf.od ia\e prootf.oo tho b.oio f.doal of ov.r I I'Oo\ rov.ador,

tho loh Dr. laoooll 1 . Coaodl.

not f.doal atcht lllo ••-•• ap t o too word .. •aoot ooodo•.

lo bolf.oood t.bat •••rJ 1•-a poraoa oboalcl llo at••• a o b.aaoo

to oll tai o o aood odv.oa tf.ollf ood. h o foa•ulo4 foaplo IJ•1•oro1t,­

to ooot. tho oood o of t. booo wbo of. c bt a o t. bo a blo to afford a

1adaotrhl 0 ff.aoaoial oad profooolon..l la\oroot.a of \11~t oooouof.\7

o•to l do t bo 1Jaf.Torolt.J'O walla. &o I •ad.oJ'o\.&ad it, tllio oraaai-

tf.o11 o of a coeo:rol obaraotor. 117 alulorotoalllac 11 tlu.t \lao

•&ooooloto• ot Toap1o Oal•orolt,.• •111 bo •• latocra1 oad orcoalo

por t ot tllo llal• •rolt,.•o otnotur11 ttr.o l a 4.1•lcl.-l .&aooolatoo

•ill -.. .. , oloarl7 cl.otlao4 4111t loo a H 1'oopoae l tr.Ultllo, •lllob t llo7

•Ill oorr7 oat "'ooordlac to a dc flalto roatl••l aa4 tlaat tbolr

Page 34: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

---parpooo olll ... t.o oorTo ao tbo ••7•• oad -r•• of t~o 1Jat<roro1-

t.7 tbroacll.-t '\bo oooqdtT. ooa1t.ootl7 alort. \D t.b o o'aa.a1h1

oootol o..S ocoaooio aoa4o, aad ooat t oaouol7 la\orprot.lac t )looo

ooodo to t.».o D'Dl'IOJ'OltT•

ft1o lo a p toooor ot.op,. ood a atop la tU rtcll t. 4lrooUoa.

I •• for u.. •llloo I ••• Go•or111or of t ko St.oto ot l oa f ort , tb.o

aoo4 of ju.ot. • ••• au.oh plaa tor ot r oot.t.oc a olooor tlo-ap botoooo

oducatlonal loot.Lt.u Uoao ood t ho U ooo.ualtloo ••• otha lilroucb.t.

o h lob -•ld bo•o pro.ldod •oro nor-1 colsoolo tor t.rataJq

oobool toaoboro o t. t.t-• wboo t.bouooa do ot t.ooobu•o 1a tbo Stat.o

ooro alr Mdy oat of oor t . I ooo •••• t.llorotoro, t.ho \'oloo of

oaob a plo• o o tkot. tor t. bo 0 .loooolat oo of Tooplo VlllYorotty•

la bolpbc to oappl7 b.olo iatoroot.Joo obto b. •111 bo or aid t.o

t.llla A•a:loh·ar aad t o tho Caraar Coat• ranoo tor 1afora1ar aatar ..

tar O\Q.daat.• or ooa4lt1o•• alf aot.lac t taalr aUaaaa at aapl•7•••'

1a \ lila rlold1 1a wbleJl tll.o7 aoall IJIOOlal t.ralalq . 01 •all ao

1a llaaptar t.b o 1aatlt.vtloa l\aolf a lert. to oa\oldo a aodo.

lox\, Goorro laabl ua:toa lilollo·ud 1\ t o lila ••• ot t.llo

prl-J"7 4•tlol at tho laUoaal CaTor •aont t.o \alr.a a 1"41ar ad

ao\lTa pe.r\ l a o4"oa\loa.

lo M•o l'!l.llt lllora at 1'oa~ to lalworol\7 tba bMaUr.l •••

.. nt• •• a.a orlal Libra.,-, lilallt alt lll tba old ot ••• ot \llo tiro\

.. lilllo l orlr.o !4.a lalatrat1 oa paata to ,rt• •t• odaoat l oaal l a ..

1\1\atlo•• l a tho Valtad Stata a, aad to bo 4odlo•to4 to4•7•

Page 35: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


fiiiJ1 7MI' \bo Cio•or-oat., \lllrowclll \lllo "-111lh wo .. -.:a Ad­

oialatratioa,wlll ltalp .. aoa.tloo taatl\atlo- to ••• ooo

"u•t•a• ooat!aa _,.. '"-• t aoo,ooo,ooo to "•lr proaoat

ollalpooat. 11aoo l ltiU \ lila Go'l'oPa-at. lilao -eta, tlllro•clrt. Ut.o ••••

acoao:r, ollotaoato to loool ••-••U.loa for aoltool, oolloco

aad 11111J'U'7 Wlldla11 oau.-tod at •••• \llr.aa, ooo,ooo.

boil of Ualo ooao\J'\Ie\lo aoald aot h •o "••• aa41or\a11:oa oltJl-

out co•oro .. at old.

lor ctooa 1\0r7 ot.op horo. !llo c•• n ·aaoll\ l a oliO

pro•1dlna, thrcu11b tb.o Wor k• Propooa adallliatratloa , •••••tloa­

ol ooor101 tor \boa-ado of JI'O'aj)l o f ad-.l \ 1 oboro'l'or tllloro la

a clo-ad tbrouchcn~t on•'-1'71 oad 11 pr011'1d1D;, tturoa&lt. t llo

Jotloaol l'0atb &da.•la\J'otloa, f •nth tor 'P•rt-t t a o oaplo7• ••t. to

lllolp ••••r• •ac 7o•n1 poo plo t.o oara t.tlolr ••7 ttaro•t• aoarodlt.od

oolloc•• a •d a1Yorolt.1oo la all part.o of \bo laS.t.od

Oa \llo •lilolo 0 I wo llla.,o -•• Joed OJ I'OII'&Oa t.o•ard

roal1•1ac our 14oal ot ••h•oroal o4u.oa\1ollo

PS.aall7, Woobi a1t.oa aado oao ot.llor polat. •b1oll d.ooor.,oa

eoaaldoraUoa at. \Iillo t.S.o. Ia oxproaao4 t.h lilollat t.llat.

t.lla ••••••• or ta1 laro at au .tor• o f r••oraooat. dopoad ..

alt.loa\ol7 apoo \lila doll'&& ot oalltb\ollooa\ or t.lllo ,-.bllo op1a-

1oa troo •hiob \llat. IOYOI'aaoDt. dart••• 1t.a po•ora aad roool.,od

1\o cUroot.loao.

I Ulak •• -¥ oa.tol7 oa7 \lila\ t.o4•7 t.)lo \oak at Whalac

o1t-t. ••• oato,..rdtac a t.nl7 oau.,OIIt.o••• palllllo op1aloa 1o

a -•• .. ro ooaplo• aa4 tor• ldoblo oao t.baa 1\ prolllalll7 app .. rod

Page 36: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

-·-to bo S.. Yaalltoct.oo'a tlaa. ••t oal7 oro t.l:lo ooa41\1oao of

aodora lUo lnflaltol7 ooro ooorloa \baa \'fllo7 ooro a lt.oadrad or

a lllanl.rod. aocl f l ttr T•• ro acoJ bat ol ao •• oro :taoo4 b7 t lt.o :taot.

tlllat tbo ••r7 acooalot obloll. h•o Mdo poaol llllo tbo ._. horool

Clraoalmatloo o f lafor-UGa llawo lU:oolao oa4o poooU•lo "••

• •••117 wf.dooproad d.laaoolaat.loa o f o la .hforuttoa. •• aaat

:troall:l7 t a co tho foot, hi •••r7 ooaotry tlloro &J'o olooya

oooo , roapa ohooo aol:t-lJitoroat • do 1\0t ooloalclo oltb tbo t o-

low, t bolloYO oallEbt ottod publ ic opl alort l o oo aontlal

to a dooocraoJ, oat ••17 1a cUrac t proportloa to tbo oatoot. to

a ll lob it ct,.oe aut 'fllorlt7 aad dlroottoa to tho coYoraaeat , bv.t

olao t o ctlrul't proport.lo• t o t bo oacaltooto aod loportaocll of t b.o

hollu wU.h • llhll it baa \0 4ul. .h4 I boll•••• t a r\.ber, \.llat

t •••4 1••••• ••r• boaa i• or •or• •••••to•• \.llaa S\. t•c•• t•••7J oa4 1 'lloll••• 1\lll tar\.llr.r \.b&\. \.ber1 llo1 aiTir ll11• & t ! - a l:lea

•• ll••• 11.&4 aor1 at 1\&kl •P•• 1Ulch\.latt4 pablie opiaioa - 1••

'117 \bat, 1 • ••e & lf'l&\1r 1hu•o or oor htaro eatloaol woll•ll1l11.1

at o t&lte - \.lu.a •• ba't'o to4ay.

Page 37: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

-·-I t~lat tha t •• thul Ia tho JUibllc opiaton o .. our ~at.ioa

t.oda-7 '" ..,b , baalo oatl oolll:o . P'roa t.hooo ur.dorl7lae I!I001a1

out.lootl l ill a Yl:'7 alopl o ••7•

Wo olll ow;~poeo \hera &J'I bofo ro • • t a o •••• oaoll tllo

lloadl or o l a r • • b1niaooa oraaaloat. ho a ad oa ott llo l lltoc a h laa oo

p orb.po , a tbouaa a<l illdh•ldual llt1.1&0lG boinll l oach oltli bi111 ...

hopes, and 11 l ao , and i nter ata , and h obbioJ and reapoao1b111 t 1 oiJ

oa oll a l t. r\ h1.o o wn t h o or a f foct.loa a i t b. loved oao~ and trloadoJ

f oail;n oaoll tindli:IJ: t hf' • ••• ~lo,. oaro la &iYilll bapp1aon \o llh

aile aad ob.Ud.ron a nd fr 1c:a4!o ao dlooo ou llaa d of ooapaa;r.,

•t•o• U', aad ttadtaa t.ho ••• • dl 5t.r oo • la aoolac t!sooo 4opon4a a t

o• Ilia ta aaat of ooa for to aad plaaouoo "leh be •••' ' aappl7 .

l ad oo t b.l o -a, l o olriac a t t he • • oun t of •oft.,-­

e 4 b:p the u .•• ot :r..bor , do'u t~ot. betr•fa e 1t.J a or doe• be , e:s

a e••• b••1•• •• - • • f eU to 'J'eaUsa \ hat t.'l' l ltaa Dlt lie ke pt.

• r•••oaalll e 1U1t• , 1.t h: l 1 oo•r •"7 11 to ••••••4 aad U

1111 e• pl•T•e•t of laba-r le te coat!•• • · t •t b.e de• • 1e1 r eflect-

Page 38: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

o4 1a tho doUar-fiprol tollow1a1 U1o itoa, U•o b.-.a.ltll, aa4

happ1•••• a11d ••lfaro of tbouoa.ad1 o( tol~ow to~-~~ bo1•1•, ab.loll

ho roal i••• &!'I of croator ultiaato iaportaaao thaA ro4uae4 opa­

at.b~ arpoaaoa 1a \111••••1•••· Tlt.J.o -•'• at.titAdo !'aflaota oao

llh ,,., ooaoo to t.b.a 1toa - Labor. To ll.ta Uaia U.oa aaa~aa J~ao t

eea tb.i111 - aa awpo'llto whieb 1\ 111 b!a lla\7 t.a paro dowa. Ia

dollar :to!'t. fla b.Jr•IIJ•• owpoaoo, boeaa.•o, oitlloat t't,

_,., dollal'o wovld obow o p 111 t.llo 1\oa of • •' Jll'Ofita . '!Ilia

or th• othtrr. !at. I •• J~illl t.o plaa4 that. ••1 ba kott opoa

for fora!n' • trd7 aalicbtor:.od ~abUe optclc• witll ratpoot. to

ttaao ••• Ita•• 4tad ia tllo •••• of pa \ 1' 1ot.1oa \o • • r•• oal/1•111

••4• of ot.lllora.

l!o laoll. t~•U.~ad oatoh-p!ira .. • a a4 appoa'la l:l lof\7 •••U­

•••t• of lo7olty to • •• • or aot. •1•••!'1\7 lha \ bore.

'lfholl TGU ara t old. t.~a 't )'0111' l t bart.taa aro tlllroatoaod, d o

tboao alto toll 7011 raaU7 aoaa \Jaat. 1••r rlcllt.a to lioo, • ••

Page 39: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


e:::oa •f f• l l e• ~1\.h•"~• u11t ~o a7r lo 1t. o~h•r• tor \.h•lr OY11

1•1• f I a I\ 7o•r 11bar\.J t.,_l'l" t~ re r a.sll1' oonaerfted abo11t. , or

tt 1• thell' po~lret.boek• f

appaal11l& !ctl' )'OGJ' a id f

Jou are l1'kl l 7 Lo !)1 tol <l IIUlJ ot!a1r \.nlo&• d.a.Jl&!!ld t.o

a.u l.&•• oo•Jlllt.t £a1tll t ba t. "•erloar pG~l1c opi1toc. •11 1 aol••

U.a pra•l • • • wtael7 aod. •111 a oh•a \.~~• rtallt.lJ o

I \.l11o't t.D.aL .-• • \.oa &11arto•• paopla, oa1 ~aka 110 lll&b. t r

l'eaoh·a o• t.llia ooo•• t"' oJ! Ceor c• lu;IIJ.oa Lo11 1 1, t.baa

t.lkat. •• •111 tol' a oar oplotooa ooDaert~1c& til•• craat. lllllll of

aa \ Joeal 1 ,.r t. • 1'' ata11• l L7 1a oar !aaar\.1 aad ~U•p••• toaat.a

Page 40: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h






Page 41: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h




Cit•l• Go..nor~H.brlo

O....ofOoctorof~ ,..,../..,..j.,.


Add ......

Page 42: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


PROGRESS 1926-1936


Page 43: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


w~::~;; ::~:!;! ::..::,:;::: tiH!.,thr.J~.tiH ftJ:ht,.fT••t•• •IN

t-•~t f>/ Cbutt b.wr ktll IJ'If(I~J-1 t<Hlo JluJJf...-.-J l'ropn1.

T--1 '-lt/u is Jnlt .. IO /"t•~• , ... -·u.l••t 1-~r~ of 1M •IMrmHfl

Jndo,..tllll n. tM ku t~ JU'I·

lwuJ •I'>" tiK «t..- of tilt Tt.,lo

lf~~•rnur1 f>/ l'rniJtlll 8t.,f, i-z• ••-· 1t is Jdu111d to IIIII 1/lou """'t lo,.CSil/f«lo/Tr•;lr'Jdllt'.-tiQ,.J/"0'

l'"••t ... -..JtlhnP•ot"ll/f>Wblt.

lUotLLII C:O..-...u IIH·Lfll

(;,_,.,,.,;.,.~.J •• ,_ ~JHI .. HIIItlh_,.,,;., ... .,._~',._."' ol•a ,.,.,.,., j..- tH /' iAI••fl>/t; tlvl

...... ,_,.. "••*•""tin ..... 1-fh-·-··-· ....................... , .. ·-···-~·-"~ ..,,_,,-ofG.J ...... •-H•"',_f,. ... _, ................ ,.,.... ..,.._.

Page 44: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

C....•nt.a.Lo't.A.t...LLt...LLD. rr...J.. •fT• .. ~IJ._.,.,

T m Years of Progress

~r~~~~ l........,.. ~ • ......, ..... _.__ o. c-.nlo..-.pcoloJtnf•....,~· ..... .._.~--ol ........ ol~-,....... _ _. ___ .........,.~~nuy ... ~

lht toot olcr--.: ot~eoc...,... aood lllulo­p<ono.-.l,..•li•'""

Not-odul""""',: d>t ,.._,,..,.,~ de.:n ol o

.. ~~!!! :;'.~~·:: .=::::: :t..:~ .. ~':."~.::=:. Tod.>r '"" .... go!* .... "';" rt!' .!~~ ::.!'.=::.:~:;r..::t~-=. ... -.~......,.,..u.-oldoll.&n p...,,, ....... ,.....,~ wbO:h ........... ..,., .... lowed'l'ml6enl ....,.., ..... rot-. ...., -Af<l• SI.OOO.OOO Sdoool ol Mtddw. CloNII Ho.ll.aood__, ........ aot.Lo_-.1~ ,__..,...,....__ ....

..,. ,..UC...,..-1 ......, ....... ~ ad.M.-1 ~ - "' ..... "'. --~t.wtn.

Af""C" -- .. __..,.., ~ &-"'- a """""-io: .........,. ..,..W.T~..-.........,~,f ....... ..w,..l ........

r.:;:~·..;_~~~-:w~..;.:;-= ;::-: ... '"":.C".:~~~'":. ..... "=~ Nl-··~tooc~.t~~ ..... -

I'Jlf,-C.,...,·,/1 1/.J/-fnlot~ '"" onc,...ucdd.u- "I"''

blol~~:~~~~!:;~~:~~~~.,;~T::r.:~~6t '1.:.;~~ clo....,.,.,..; .._,., ~; bbo.><oM<,..; boo!;.- Uld "'* 06co

19~-"-' •f oiiMN_....Pbnn«< ofo .. on .,...,..,.,..,.fWTollhtbnl :"e"'..:t.:~~'=.'.~~'f~-::!'u~ .. -ol

19)0--;'hft,. ~·-"" IIJI-~·- ......,_ r«-..-1 """'* ..d


Page 45: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

lt\1~ ,_c-., O..,k-----""""'"--­-· ... -a.a...-... ,... ...... ~EM,.,_

19J+-SJt,. .... ~ ,....,.._,._...~.,.'-<1 ..... -olSll'I.OOOf_ .. _ of ,.._, o s.u..--. -.1 ~ ~P"I'!'Aioonffl ,~,.,.000; ~~~. ron-~ ....... .,.,_,."" .......... .,. .. ...... <f>•IOiih .. ')'fOCthtiC'I,

lt)1-$ull~ 11jJ.r T)l<f Sr"-1 ofFIIU Am-Goft ol MrondMrt.Gfooj!tA Tyl«.

o1 o~ .... Poole, ··ho l"'flC"'«< thoi<'---.--Goo<-... T..--e"• .... ........,. .... Kklol6ortf ....... .... __ .... ..,........, Ottwt-~~­

.... LoN ... '"" iodoodto ...

...,.....o~ .. ~;lho .............. ;:~:: -.....,,.,,.,_ Nldon~F I"'""

........... ~"'lol•Oio~Sd>OOibuild...,;;o,...._ol_"•

dotmo ....... ;ru«JoaKol,...... ...... ~ho<o ... ,..~~o<»Js.~non~~_.~" ollltrQS.~; thomlot,.....,.t olrhtT.,..ri<Unt>'Of>I'T I-Iolof"t•l ond tho


M"'""'~• tbtlullmr<•n.alldw"""",_,.,..,c( ~ 10odi"'A' ~ ... ._ ......... ~.....,....~.,.tbt ... ly....non.d

.......,.........,won.T""'f'k~ll>doy...,.oG< .. A•-tl •allol .. l..., ....... _......,___..~ Acloc .. -,,...._ ...... .,..._...,.bt ............ follooo-.

r"'u"""'r'*'-6k"-~• y, .. .,., CJit~n .....,_.. .-..._.,..-.- ......,._ .,.._., ............... ~,_,.._ .......... ot--...

f'<l"f'«<----n..o.,:.. .................. ...n~o ... ,....,.,.._.. ..... .,.-..--....... .. ........a ................ ........ ~...._,_ ............. f.noi1J_,.-...Jf-U1•1tl1• li0MI9)1,

CJJ•1• •flM<.J A•ll- ~e-n~_,'" ioodl ... ...,.....,. ·-"""'-"*-··-_.,..., . .,.,ml.,,;~ =:'~~';'..!:.~:;;::.=:'::..~::;=:~~= i'H-VO<"otOOtllll rounn for MNor-. M"'o$11)', T.....:h .... Yw on.! O...tollry; orpnoud,.. lloo.r~ for f~ Oll6: E•ftln&C>IIopC:O.. ... , will! dtJift<tf!'-'hdoorotSc...,.o; llVft11ffJElttcmionD"nion.

k"-1 . , c......--The O.OI>tond..' """"'f''~ ........ School in tho 1"11 doh.M hoobHnlhonot """f"<"'<" ioo lbotr_..,l ond po.-1 c#lbtttocioons.._, y.,.,_.,..O(IJ.thtO>'tt"';<fotull)'......,..hddhulo Bacholtot'•~-·~-,.-rtr"""f.,.,....w.<l.,......~~. ....... ..._IIH_Ioo ... iohco. Thoslwbom......,.follow.,dl,.

:;:+;.. ,_.;.:-..::::~~~~.,~.!;:.~ .. ........

Page 46: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

T .. h./a-..IStMMs SttHI •I ..litJ«-n.. School J M..s.r-• .,.,...... • 1901.­

.... _, ... ......., ..... __ ofllw_.,. Swadolr .. _,_.,.........loo..,>tcd. .. b<ulty..mooHbr......,.,...,._..,. ,_.., ..... f(>tr<Pf""""""" .............. ~...., ........... ~110 «>MoiSI.UO.OOO .... <n.odtrn locilllioofOflbo>tudrof"'"""lf'lf,alMltho OJII'OfNI'"'f<><COtry••OU<~<OIDp<d>m..,-.,f"'P .... (I/ ...... ol(h ln"'"oJII""',

St .. ofl).~llllrJ-I:nroll....,..in19}4·"n:c....Jtdd>att>f..,,O<hc1 dmul """'~ "'<ho U.uN S..rn. Stoto Boanl ,....,d< fOf m. lut oi~ rr•« >how o ,......olovn•P'vl ....,......hat kulh&n ~..,r<<«ffl f.,l•fff. In 19)). O...UI £...._,_, Cou<><il. of...- carflul •nqo of tchool ond ito notthod of ,__t.,... p ... led~o\··,.,...,.IIH<l"'l""""'·"''"'·of~uiO....•I ,,.........,., ,....,,.....,..,......""1!-.-.klkclin.,_oftho"'"'•tloc ,_.,. Ac<puwt""" of Go·- HoopW ... ""P-""'of o.r-- of Otaltty.,...._ootni_JpooWo<....,.ico

StMM •f~oliooc..- ......... 1-•rwo"'• .............. .,..... __._, - .......... .-.,.m ,..w ......... ._ ...

....._ ........ ol .. -~tr.uooooe..., ..... a...-lcw;

~=.:r.:'...:~~.:.=:--~'0!.-: ..-. _..., odoool .., ..... _ "' "-"'-' "--ol c..a.p. of ....._.,,., ..... cw,oa-thr~..........,..~o.~,..,... • ....,. :::::::.~ = ::;:::.-: ~~-:.. ..,.._.. ..

sn..l ef ,__._. .. of thr.S.."h>olof law.,_....-~_,,...., !lmi>ol..w.dado tO IIOdio:...q,wtokdooa.,.._...ol .. A_..,. o,..,._.,,.,""'""'oftholilwllf . ....t'"'A-"' .. ,: olt~>o-~"''·u"' 1'"' '""""-"•tolmdf'mvo.oblorqoouo:oon. l>..y«oo<fXo.ddN.,.........,I clo....,Af'l"')"'d...,. thoC.,...,Coi ""Log.aiEdoocatoonolllwAtnftitOIIIIOl A»tXIO!.,., ond A..:x"'""' ol Am<ncan La"' 1ioctoooh: l>o, ~~­ntobloolwdandtochoolrla«dc.full~..,.,.~

~.::.':,:f,~'o::;,':;: ~ a':.:!".t!-7.~~~;t,;: Motlol~wfoolu..,.r«r<>ed.lop.,.of~ofM.,.;cottomof11"'1 imp<lfl...,ro••"''"""'"""""'""'tnliq;ft. A ~•"""""oc'"'"'"'"'' """""tN.......,.......olrl-."'•P"f"lotoourx.,.Ho.....,.ood ....,...._

S<MM •f n,-o~.1,-n.. 01loool ..J T..twn ColloJI<- ........ .... .-niOoh<•~-.,......-.... ~~ .... ..... tM"""""'of,--..,.,...,...._""',.... ...... "'._,~ofM-

Page 47: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

oiSo< .... ,.....,. ..... .,.,..._,.dor ... of ... ___ .... ... ....... ........ ~oi!M.S. ...... ... ~, .... .,.

St'*tl•fC6-I*'y-1 ... < ...... f-UIO}J-< ... ,.

n-:fti.W""'-of-· < ill ...... t """""ab; g...,.,..,..,v ....... r ........ t:..ot><IEI«tPO-Tho: .. ..,~ .,. .......... ,_x .• ,....,,l" _,,~oan,.r.-~10

"'-,...••tooorw .... Mh,.. ..,,..... .. u,,.,oltoohjf(u..,.. -~;r-,....._ ._..., .......... , ..... .,.

A•""'fof...b...-1 • • 1 ........ ..,. ... 2" ..... wloo_,..... .... -t;., d.T...,a. U..on­

_, ll,..Sdloolf_l,l1*""'PI'J.4Mdl01to..-lcd~ ........ a..ttP"«oo~ola...Wof'm6m&tbwrttol,..-.,.......,~ortert.

Thlll'roi.....,_I Sdoaol••uM'J'...dPho..-yofTrmplr Unt•n .. !y~,if>~IOM<Ion<X,in>pori .... M'I:IOtllftlhofftr-~lwollle hMMn•·•n&ION~Iofeanol pr<>m<Jklounwowdfare


.., 0. O..allff Jocbo" _. 0.. C. L Jan.-, dta,.. Mlff<•tn (r(lm alii"'" ofth<WO<IdiOh.a~ f"""""""'"",_to;~.,..j,Miill~llrunofrhc-lu ....

r~.,to;~ IUF.U.C.....,~I-""'"""IfiAphyw<i&Mf""" ... "''-t'" illlhollwl«<<ai O<~ r., KM., l•f-"# ,,...~, ... a--Tloe ,,. .. _ • .., ..._,. of

...-..r. ..... -~a-'le,..-ol)'t& eo-tun,.,_ (~ <WMoo) -1oM. --'. 4l0 of ........... .._...... ...... ct-........ ~

r.,o,,.._~s..,..._.n.T<efWU..........,. tbpouol•-ol ... ................ ..-..."-""' .. ~ol-loiNo..oiSd ...... Dr w w.,..Boeoodr.~oaoe.... .. ~.....,.. '" _......_ .. "'- ................. ,.u~ .......... IO(IIoooic ... .......,...,. .. ....,._, • ..tft.d_...,..r.l,_......

Tlw o.,..._ •/ '""-"o-Dr bl .. w Tr-, Pvcl- _.HeM of ... o.,.-...... -s-o~ ... - ...,. ....... fu ""' dl <Wd, ._ f"""'odoo d-• ,.., wdl ......... O.kl ~,. ... ~,_in

........ ..-of , .. , •• ,h.l.lttto,is"""of* ~ ....... _.

rt.dtf>o··-n. ,.,...,_., "' mruurt-~le<k.l Studmu ... ""-'sf'!lr •••on..d

"' 'hiolmroo••"''~••br-h ol~. u..~ar•~~<MOtk kft UOI! bobon.., tlwT..,ri•IJn,.·a"'!'lloo.potol Du.Amold ond f')"h• ... ..... fl<>ped . ~fOttlwttn ....... lofll<l ............ hd!lwp•••IJ'~

lhed<aU. t-Oith•d-.Miconrlo<dio8ofdod<hrdl.


'*"'~-...,.·-~-·-ol-- n--"••••tlr ........... •-ol.~ .. --...... o.,...- ..... """"'"loedtnlopofDr. 'U' E.(]roaaobrrla-.

"' ""' a · .'fnr • "lu[ t \) i"i l ' '~ l"t-~ II I • li ' · ~

Page 48: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

r-. o- o-J a,..,_, u...-r-no. .,..,_..fill .. Sdoool fill o.-.u, •,.,...---............ och r-. rk,__ ~ .,...,_._ 'k6-.l of ,..__,_no.....,..._..... ..... ....,,. .. ....,...~--~.-.-· ......_._ ............ oad-*>dflll-tor.......,....tfN--....... f""'«'du,_... _.... ....... _....._. ,.._Nto<ollo:.-'" ..... -...- .............., .... ,_.__.


Tloo nrml 10 "'"""' Tomplr Uniwnory Hoopot•ro '"''"" N« ,_... do.o•ltlltlott ... t<n,.... .... i.dic>«'d ... thr foi"""""~~-

19U 1 \1)~ l66 ...SJ

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4 Alut••t C.,wH liJIIttll10WI l'rH/t•J • ..._......, ... -' .......... «looau ... oloou!...,..._~ ..... _...., ..................................... ...,. ........ .. _ ... ....._. .. ....,. ............... -

T .. F- ""'Sr'-1-lt. ............ ~.,..,.._ ....._ ..... _ .. ..-.Md ·-..,....,._- ra _.....__ a--.,...... ....... ..., .... _. ... _ ....... -.a-- .... -­...........

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"''J'OI"'Io•....,......'«"•.....,.oi'JO-ll .... ...d-f.otpoht"' MII thr,._.blo:ltf>ot'C"

T/w f.,.,.,.., 0.1''' CHtW-I.«mt ........ tiorool ....... n<n ha~ ..... ot poH.!Mf<><,..,....._,ouod_oofl•nodtgfft on oll tho.,.undttJ!•odo.o· otco:hoolooolcl1hf •II...W..Jif>"flllltJ<Iu ....

T .. M.\M' c_,_,.n npn-;,.. tndJtt ~, .. .,., JI'O'I""'I- ol tho f'l!"'*'rhf ol f"'ll'"'"'* edoont- 1m born "' 1""1,... ., T-htro C.:.U.,.wo:ol\l)J . "'-"a>thtX''Gooup.otlw~wodoly~oo a w.u.t....., __ ord-... -.lodl>aoo<aom<ulor~OOithtmllrp~.

T4t0AJ.-C_,o..,Sr~...dopor-.J .. •~-r ._.,.__ odooo:JI lot" T""'f'k 1--..,. ._., lt)l. Sooo<o ott ......._ ... ., .... ........... ,....... .. ~.-......

Page 49: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

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Page 50: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h
Page 51: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h



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Page 52: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

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Page 53: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h
Page 54: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

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Page 56: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h



C.JJ'I'ICI"': '!tllte<l~J'eMO(~ l're•ld•at, toto. r.I'i'nrM It 'hoopt. URIUUII,, P!ollM•lPI•, ... ..,..,1.,....1• 1 OR 311\ul'd.., , hbru .. y l:a , U3t, ~!!.~.!!~ ~W>tllN:WtMdo

~~IDSt':= "rt!:tlhi~b&:ri'?d''l~":~l 10:4!1 A, Jl,,

PlH .... ttCJ• l'd .. •lut,n:ahN Nlt• .. •

fiU!I.lD~ I.JIU J.uld .. tili•N\&t1'1.0U..Pr .. l4eot

Page 57: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h
Page 58: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

~ ld.OIO.UCICI&l ~u !11 I.M )IN\ c-J"&UOOI Me IIYr.l 1.0 1.1-te _,..,. • popuUttoa :IliON taenw, 110ft wlto.u-e4, t• u.. IM•t -• of c• ror4, - :oore ...... or Ullt -plewUte• of ..O.n ohll1M4 lite tllen ... , betoN Ill Wr lthto.,., W wbtle tb - l.hOO!•

;~:::::'~ ~..!!":..:":~~e,..::....::•t!•:~• of •du•U.,.. ""' etooru~ y ~

on.. qu&ll\lU of • '""' eci\1Cittd"~tll •Mt tHY ..... .,t...,. lfnt.lft'J:\ OIIInlle:..t upoa IU tap;~ruue .

rtnt """'"C the->q>AUI\te• te 11 ••• or f11l r pl~- ... .

AI< •&u:&Uon P""""..., .,._ 1.0 Hooplu Ulelr UMati&l M~-- .,... .,... tbt OU..:r, n. ... II ... ~ •• 1.0 tt.. tile tnoe M I..,.. Of-IUy&ad ofCOftt ... llt•lllob,llllle.t·-""'"' ' coo.l:al• uw• Ia tM ert or lo_. ~~Ntt•.

Tt.e ..c0114 P"' utrtww or •-tto. h pooeuU•rl.J"

~£~r=~" ::!F::·Er£~t!=-!~~-~:.:r~:~.:::., -J\ .., tt•-Mnot ~,.,..,.an- allolll4M ••1.0 all .

• f\Mllr, e t..- M1KU\Ofl 4tpn4e llpoll ,,...._ I~ U•o P>rRU

or tNtll. l'o IIJ'O'IP - "",.,......-n o~• rN~rlr '"'"''" pNct•tr ... , Mould c•m•Ut:.t\41 tte _,or lao""~ 'O"Itll ..,!ell,,... educ11Uoa h_..,.,.ltd, 'nle U'\<tb.lafOUDII•Ma..,.eNf'J'M\oll'lt-1\ , Ota~IM M~>eUI<III h p-eMn\ oat¥ wbU tbt tpcl. t'ro" 11111~11. tlloo<l edp 0-1 IN JIU.N• 1\ II tl>lo ~lllf Ill the I'HtdOII Of '" AIM, w .. 1n ... 1no our t'IID<Iallltll\41lla•1 M6-oi>M"'d 1a Dllr lftrT U7 <Htllnp, rul> lbt probl: : .. '::~1::•:04~:::~1>1~~~;!' . .-~~~;;;/_~! 111 Dllt •lad' l fNid.m>to•IDIIowtbocllofffr<ll.ll.lli~C,..III •••>l

1 .. 11 \ .. l)lr - Ill tl>l oat:.lll Of OW" l'ltrJ' 4Q NloiUOIIebll)l ••• Ill ... rwllli"CC"Ut.O R;.cttMdtUill Offtft tM \!'A .. ld.IOf \lapc>Nry :-~':"'ln---l•allof'I.MMlllwrt\I'IINM(Iourolllld.Nll'l


, I

Page 59: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

e..uriO"': t1111 ..s ....... or u.. '""~ .. ,. t.o M ;r.tTi;"""m n "-1• t.'l>lnrellJ', PlltWUI'Ilt•, """"7lftllta, ... 311.,,1"11<0;:1', ,.,.,,..,.,. u,lt36, e!!~.!!.n!!£1 ~18\tlNle·-·

lfOT'II: ~~ .... ,._,..,.11•11••1'7,U:PHted aboatl0:45A.llf. , 'fU""uoaSUA4eNTL1o.l, !~·


J.uiUliDl U.cN\ary to \boo PN•i~ .. t

l bo ... J,.,.tllallbu-"PP"••t1110fol.d...,,.,r. I .. llo..,.... Ia U•tac--.., :..1-.. or 'fulolt U.t••NilJ';- I­lloaonll la lo-..1116: lul4 ooatnNd ""'" • tar tbo tint U:oo n,. DePM otDoot.oroi.Ju.rl~.....t•

It If • !leJ;~PJ' eolactl~...,. tlo•t " ebo\11-t _, topt!oer t.o pq 011r ... .,.cu t.o tile ca<tM of ..t.-. .. u .. oa tl>•bt rtild&l' or tilt J'aU•r or tloU llauoa. la U• WIN .. 4 kln4l.y W&J' 0.0rp llulll~~&toa <IMPlJ' ..,,..,._ ciU..tthel...,rtanceotdue.Uottla•~llo•MtlotNr.><>n•llollitJ' or c~~oo eo .. ......,,., to , ..... .,u n . t..t t!lh •U.le •t.t -M , ,..,_ "' ltHlt wtUoout t~• proof or q~~<;>Htlon. J ..,,. t!l.h lut , it I quottd. nll"l!tl fro. tile -110\ ool\1"\.JDOII• wrltlftll ~nd MIM&*I ot tllll tir n PH•14••t or tboo UnuM <>tetu. •• n'"OIII cru to al;h\ -Nll t!la Ll\lf'llrJ'otCoa&MIIto,.-o"tiJ'Olber~UtiOU tlllotGtor&l;illllllqt.oo "'lahoorotJ ... ttlllono.ttel ,. ... toN,OIIt"hulllnr ... ryot lli l\ltr11ol,1'0JIOI'ato\I..U:a...,t....,.old'"""'"' · IIMU:>otqwte troaC.Orse Ue&IDCtODOll hle\llrU.:I.q.,-liNiliii"C,ftlloolntoM•-re,lolofiDiiz>• t..,d.too-• UJ'•"t"''ct wltiiU•MWOT'III·•JtO.Or&~hllllllll~ll<~•ror•It~•l•ttu-hl4-•11••104e.1" ... •tt Al•ll&lld.•r _u...,- - ·au .. , .. _,. or •u All....._ LIDOo1o w .....,,u .. tod_,---'H,.,..a~...s""'.,...otaG.outot~•-1411eH 09'fOI'M -- or. ,.~'too)~~. r ... or.o - nc., ttc •• no.,•.

Utlc•lt, n .... , ro .... , to...,_, PN•td...,tllaiiiii"Cto•;>olntool out ooo ...,, oocuiou - Ia - pre~t 1 ... 1 '""'' tloat • '"""'- 1:14 ooa­•PC>liU• ..t•aUo" !D. eHry ,,..,,,.or -ltt7 h 1 -•...,.tutbr ID.UJ'f .... D.ItiOIIC'I'11'11td.tll1'0'41t.&.t .. OONtlll•71tM. Strldell to-rd. tlt.l t t....:l-"tno\ljoctlw""''""' ta\Mtwoorut .... Hrll•rp! ... tlo"' or tile ,_, .. bltc ~"' y011. w 1 .. u ... ~tn t~t n• crut .. t 4tulo,_,., or IILII'O.l e<!ucatto• Mt ooourrM h tile ,." lllo1t 01111\\11')',

A.llltoracriii.CN<>• .. ~lf'Hoo••nreottllatac\tii&\IO'ftr"­•U•!I.IItool•trtot!O uoantt•llt•ooo;>tNtlw riLit louhlp ..,DC 01\luu&l.:l. tt.HltctooiNpreH,.tatt••oot tboM•ittuao .

Page 60: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h

-f'OSpMito.E..odenlpf'OC"WH-WMti:Jt .. ptae. &lt•ot•WI't.oo..:b..,.....llll;)CIOIPI'GC .... SLIIMt.lrlllthtlll,t-lai!>­....,U._, Uladul.rial ~t, 111 ci'OIJUI ot uu~ .... Lth.

hl!lthethl~ot\lllr.iJoiiU..b _ __,.,.,..,,rlt­

iAC 111 tMH pMt tlttJ T"o•t . I" wt dlll-.ood • 11.111> Hhool ~u ....... ., aeept.l......t opportw>U,r tar"" Motriclll ~.,.. , 1r11 • call-ca ..,.,.,._ UOft "' ponll>l• OllllT t~.., .n-•••!.i••cl:r ..,].1111Dorit)'. ProhuJ......t .ehoolt t..d '"tdlJ' .,.,., into !line• uco, !!hill the n•U..,' • ,)Op.:.laU CWIIIUlnc:I"Htedb)'tbout'T'OJ,U.. "'rolotrlt.LIIallb...,Cbelaf in1Ul.IIUonlafll1!1'•rlMm1flo:llulnerlt&MCiabollt~.

U thl beciMi.ll:: ot tMI Cllnllf')l 1.!11 total 1nro~t. in ow ooll ... I&M.,..h•r•1Uu"'•J113tan~s~tllbortotlU,CXXI,

I< h 11 t.oo bod 1.!1017 dldnot r•t U..t.oUI!Ir- •tu~.,t ­

lt •l:r "" f'Oinl out. then~ end - 1.!11 nq tor floW.,.. lt...UIUcl.MI,

fodq ... u onr a :a1Woa t"""'-U aN -u.. Ill«•- 1n.,.... ooUteN and <ll.hen1Ue• trod.,.,.. t.1r..11o 100,000 ,,.. •roS...~ 1A uw ... ioa _,....-" _ .. -..o11. t thlllll u..t .. or f-.1• ~ .. ~,..u.,- 1 u Rlt'; 117 ~t _. t.o.,.... U INIAl,_.- c• ~~ lpotehl pride ill &Ill ,.rt \~oat Olr l .... Uw-..1 ... h<>N llu t.U.I in \1111 cr-th• 'Jhb la-1\U.u.U• 11a1 u.m..t 1a .,...,uu. the buic L"-1 or u.• , ... u r.......:tu, \Ill law Doct.or llnMl.lll, c-u. lie b•U~* \lilt _.,. 7oo.r pe.-­lbollld. hoi p .... a dKDc1 to obt&ill I .-1 ....,.U.., Mli M f......dod t.pl1 O..benlt:tt.o-tl.lll.....acru.""rtoolll(:lltQOtbeOiblet.o&ffonl.• ooll• todueau .. 11-erc. Keba:.l....,. u.n ....,..tlon abo:old ,..~to ~1.1 llltodllllcl !it ltMlr lnt.O the ~-aided "ld CO:O~IX l1f1 that aode"'coaoUt.iORibantapaaedupaa ....

I lh&U ••t~h • lUI till t-•t lnt.oo ... ~\ 1.111 workl.As out ot 1.1:1 plln ...c""tlJ' r.dopl.ld by tOU>le tor c•rrylna: ..,..., 1'\orU..r into praetical awl1ctt1on Ulhsu!<llnstde"'l. I ,,orrlllL­uUon t.o be tno.... u U.. •a.oodo\el or f nplo lbhorl1~· , M<1 t.o be o...poled or t'C~N...,to.Uvu o! tho nrlo\LIG-'">'.!'· '\indiLitrtal, ttnanclll Mdprofenlonal.Lnw ...!Uioeo&IWILI.ToiiUL<IIt.hiUn1un1~'1n.lll ,

.ut lll<llrtt&ncllt.._ thllorrlniutlonrlll blfn.oN u...,. ..... ldrt..,.,. "*• Mt. llP to-t on .,""" illt..........,t occulon.e anJ to dr&ft. ...-dation• or a ["MNl cb&NC\er, ttMo •.ueodew• ot Tei!Pl• Dllher-11!11'"rillh01lillt1Cralaa4orpllicpa""or~lllll..,.r11tl''''t.rvcW!'I; U..Uo4lrl<l\lll.lA .. oclatMwlllba•ocl ... r\7<1et11Mdd:ut.L•o lld ,..IJPOIId­blliUu,ot.ldiU.IJ..Ulur.,.""t....:ol'dlactoa<letl.!olt•.-til>cl-"' fl'llrpoll• '11111 bl t.o " "" u the • .,. .. ...t ""'"or u.. l:lolftnltJ Uli"'OIIIb<>>lt. u.. -lfti"'' --\oM~ al ..... \0 u.. c:a..ia& IOClal-~c Mtoda, and eco>~t,. t.nwrp ... u,. tbr .. to u.. llftl ... r-

''"· t •P..- t.obl u.oiMol.d or •CO"-t.lhathu eolldot t.o

IIUI 1 IIIIUtanUil. eorltl'il>llt1an W tbo """ or edt.>caUoa , ,...., 1n a period or ~c o11n ..... . 'ftlro,.P u.. ... rlo\11 ... -h•, u.. "'"•-t 11 lll.l.plnl och>eaU~ 1Bit1Wt10ft.l t.o edd to Uldr p.,....,, "llli~t. Sl.ne1 ltUUioGo'l'•..-thu,..&oo,thro\IPtbanrloueGo'l'etnMat.&l'l;....,h•ot the U1111111t ... tlion, al.l.o-te to locll c-ua.lUII tor ld>ooll, colle111 Mdl1br&f')lblllld~IUOW'JtlnftoDONUI..,(to00000,000. l"ll!'lel.., pro•1dlnfthroiiJI>UIOl"•nA41l11111tratlonld11Citlonll~lll'lll

tor Ulout.and• or rro"''• or.a..J.u ""• Nnr UIIN •ra COIIp&t.ant ..-ployed t.Ncher11 MIL thr'OIIIII !.lie lllt1onal Io11!.11 A4'11.ninnuon flond• tor part U111 1119l..,,.-7"""1:PIOPl•t.o""'UM1r.,.,thro\llh&Cc....Ut­edoolleruiWl<IW\.hou1t.1u1nallparuotU..tJn1ttod8tl\el ... b ... , rl&htl.J ~.aha U..polltlOI'lth.o.tin l pl\eot!'l'erllt.T Ulrolllb 1.11- ,_.., alP,t LapoH "P"" !.lie 7011\11 ot th• DO'""tf')l dht.Nu~ ....t-YOldolobl•bv.....S.•,U..Go...........,to-edlt.t.oU..flot.ureotU...notloa W- U..~ -~llbo!Wiao~ iACl .. Ull~ll ot tod..e&U......t oppo......Utln tor thoH c.o ",.. rill"'C ud ...,.. to 11M Uloll t.o od'l'ant.e(O.

Page 61: Franklin D. Roosevelt - The G reat Communicator The Master ... · Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The G reat Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898 , I 9 0- 945 Series 2 : " You h


u .. ~uOMl ~u Ia u.o ,..~ c-•r~Uoa .,., t.l"" w thle - IZ7 1 pO,\011 _,.,. Hter~uo, _,. ClollNI'M, h \M be•t _ .. or t H .. ord , ~ ~.,. ..... or tile ~nutu or--""' oiYil\aedl\U t liUI .. rbet'oNIII""rlrlh\017 • .r..d'*lloth-Utocl.o or op ... dt~~&Nuoo.".,.,, .. ,.. .. , noln-•of•oN•lloo <:Nouo.....U. . Tbt\100111-J be -but u.. t rl>tlo uold .

Tbt q~>~lUtu or • ' ""' .ov.cetton ruela whit Ue1 MN Phn '!lulllalt ooolultt ed. upoo IU t.pOrt u•• ·

rtr n ~ t l>l" <~.~>~111111 to, """or pl&J .-c - · All odueaH oa C"""W'- - to reoop\11 tbolr .... atlal

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'ftll McOI!III ,..,., uttUotUo ot o<totceUoa II peeoolllrlJ . ,roprloUo \0 I p$11 -rl¢1• lt h 1 _ .. Of IC(QalHJ- liD •• \MJ ,.,. d"tt:LS wttll. dol U.l"'• of tM al"· lll~ltJ _, u~r 1.1 u. .. ,..1<!. or .. u.rtal Ultllllll• ""' ,. .... , _,,, , .,..., uwra"'"' Ull Ull_..rl of uluellrl ea4 MoulAI be opel to ell .

r t .. UJ. • t :ue o~w:.t\011 e.,-Mo •pO• rrll<l .. 1a till P''"''' of tr"th. 1'0 P"D"P U>d ..., ,.., .. ,_.,t - properl.J priMrlbl P"CIIIIJ _ , lboltlol _.ut .. uo tt..e ~or no-1~ " ltllwllteh '"" , au •• u..., II -MJ'Did. 'ftll tr~>U II f ouad wloea- aN f'NI to pu:r- lt . Qeoiiiiiiii(IIICI\ICIIIIpNM11\CIII\J' .. UU>IIP'IIICitr<>IO""Iell.-l~ """"' '" ,.... • n h t blo -c.U of t a till ,......._ or tllol •tad . •rHln tato OIIr t'lmd.IM"t ' l l .. ...,ouorw4taCNron..,. .. ru•lt~•tta t bl pt obl•I Cfll ho . \li.HdiiU ..... Io.I.IO IIIIIIKU\011 .

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