franklin d. roosevelt-the great communicator 1: roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945 Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension File No. 231 1920 October 30 New York City, NY -Campaign Speech

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Page 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension

File No. 231

1920 October 30

New York City, NY -Campaign Speech

Page 2: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt

._..-~\ . (' b~AC:~ 11!011 IJ'ITOil ·~, ' liOll . r . t .ROOSFY!L!

~ IP 'f'Oitt OIT1', 00'1'. J;l, liiO .

foniltbt th• Un1U4 fl'ah" •t A.•r1Ca • ' .n4• at. t11• ,.,.,ua of ~a• ••1•· •• .uat. •u ~n~rl .r1 U?·~~ \o~.r! lbe 14.,,1 n tlon,

the 4•-••r ot t.h" •orlrt, f:r~ ~~~• rt4r1 .all•r• of nA~lon&l .u4 pereoe-

' al •r••~. of lnJu•\lca r~· tne rula of b~ule force, or tate the r~-

'"rx.1n,o :.o.o..-r.-.r-1 p!'tll b i\Cll to th• ol 4 .,.,,. "t;e.ln. •• :> h·•t, eo net

a. ~;.r,...t. n .. ~lon eltl:fu gro• or ~111. fber• 1• JIO altematlY•. • • • uet

..... nunu.,u .. .:.y 10txetoll ~ut. t>ur 'b· •&.;h" :>t cll-'J:rce, or "orl4 rfll•H onnlp,

furtner ..-.1 rurtlle.,., M cll11r 1111:1 hi. h~r. w .. S'"' oontlnu.a.n:r atr.,\c.1.

ou• ~~. rqot• ot Ju•t1ot, ~f •1u~ lt.y , ot rl~ht th1nklne ~1 .oln&,

u• .per utJ. de•rer. The ot.ner OO\lUII 1 • "" wltner ler..C br le.u, tat&

d• .1 •nt •hdYth~ n"'lon .

Tu•~• o.m ~ t:fl ·.1oubt aJ tha r,.&l hllu' bes'ore the .,..,,., • •

.All ~ 1.1111 ~-Oil.l"'dot <u intflll•ion, 11 .. 1.l r tile &IKiktl IO<Il'eflll C:! CWllli lli-

11 .o4V1wt4 11<)1'>1" \c QO>IC\lr<t thf!i:r real ho1.• anJ ;-u;,o•~ , all or the

lo~ .. ""' ~.\11\flnt .r 'alae a\at•~>ent~ an:l. no1 •Y or .. torr • ll ol "'•

f olacn " ''" "" W>llll• .It \Oh al\cJt~le.,~ "'' 1 ~ou:rrUoua d.,ru•~ion CfU'< ie<l

(Ill l>y tne u.n~tc~-,,u.lout~ b "'·\ <•'. r~t~U:~U~>no.:r.t.ea wuo n.,,,. ••1 ... 4\l 'ontrol et

a ,.r• t ,. •:ty ' • " c ... ln~n, ~;~~o..r.ot nt.,e t:~~ u 1 h•u.e. •• · r• '""' A

~ ....... r1 ... 1•# m, b•'-i ,ua \.ts l ,. ... , 1.t one -;, 'th'l J.\lturft ~· ~J;ns n'!l:c1oa

•n:l \I>• • ...,\ ~1:1•~ o fl&J> \ .. un II l.l.ota rat.>•r t!\llt• bUUa\,e, <l.a•,. ne\

lO!Ita "'"" 1vtllo ~QO . ,tlt"ftr .. te 84ll'1C ... an••A Of til• 8tl'llo:J'lt! \ tO <! .. apair

c-1 til l :•a\1.1.\ "'>ul<l ~.o• ~" ... 1 o.1r ot 'll." c:onao1enco if ill,lt A;. rtoan

f1 o; 1e - llo ~ dr of ·h•lr ••n~• <>t Ju•Uoa e.n:t rtph' - to 1 .. ;~1Ur or

tll.•t -lu.r ,. • .,1116 •1a1on' •ni;~., bll." a 'l.le u• tl<n lfl~r ot 'he trot J>M­

);ln cl tho •11rlu. I .or <lilt I• ).., fi'IIC ~<I 111 ftoi~h 111 "'' Country,..n , I I "

til a...:c.u 01 ~l11A oo\U•'rJ ell uJ. fro~ • l ~" ef 1n.1hlciM&l

o1.~;;1• ~~&alnat \he roqr a of 11'11. W11et1 •• l-ltraw aaideuuol'J .. a

htl:llii,Jj •,,\ le> a :U'IItr\r loY1tlO pte>pla, 'b• aorlll ••~Cih•4 •UII or•or •n~ P•r•1c•l ~lrQ&-

Page 3: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt


le between brothers. But since that time we have won battle by battle X&

the silent stru~~le against corru tion in our poli t ical life , against

the control of our national resources by conscienceless corporations,

against the r ight of mere money to s i t supreme in our halls of l egislation,

against the !oroes of anarchy and Bolshevism, ~ainst the enslaving of

our industrial J.Opulation - all these .7i thout an aotual physical con­

flict, but with as truly l>reat a moral effort as our physical effort in /.nV1 L&.-. ,(

the Civil War. Bec~use of these victories we~koureelves so !ftCS*oe

1nh'n• ee:~ become the example and the hope of all the liberty

loving peopl es of the world - the inspirati on of the downtrodden and the

dread of the~~ Whether we aish to or not, our pro,;ress t oward

a hig?er , better kind of li ving will lead the rest of the worl d in our foot-

steps , and our failure will ciJ.•ag a.ll civiliz'-tion .. ard 1Vith us • .:;>...

~ We enteral the great war for far . {ttt<-"Vf - - -

more than i>h-e materi a lJM A G1< C-\..Q

·H"' lli e, and the liberty l ovi ng masses of ~

hailed our entry because it meant1after the

the peoples of the Old Worl d

war1 a new and better era for

the World in general. Never has the entry of a combantant on the battle­

f i eld been received w1 th quite the a3.1lle spil·i t as was ours. It was not

~s i n their headquarters , nor the statewen in their council

rooms th~t f elt the greatest exaltation at our appearance - it was the

peoples of the di fferent nat i ons themselvea 1\'ho took, eaoh a:nd every ------- ?-l one , fresh courage, fresh heart and fresh hope in the iuture, not ._.

-16'1111' our mili ta.ry strength but~~ declared moral purpo ee in

crushin& the greatest enemy of pro~rees that the world had known. We

fou6ht not f or profits but for peaoe . ~t'~r 11 ~V\. PL7,.,,..,1"t"'--l Take til) the old f iles of your nespapera when our repr<Oaent-

ativea arrived in Furope, Read of the wonderful receptions from the

peoples in Italy, i n Franoe , in Ent;land, Read how the whol e


Page 4: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt


waited t o accept our l eadershi p toward a new kind of fellowsh ip among //. Q{IA.,.,U(,-" Co(.

nat i ons Where~r dealine should replace force and conference~ conflio~,

~ ~ead~how the little knot of selfish Senators who al l their

lives had f ought a losing fibht against progress, who had opposed &11

legislation eiving the people the things which were theirs, banded to-

~ether ~d thwarted the desire in every patriotic American's heart,~

aaepme the rnJe of W2J:·', 1e acie» gf tAe h~Q m&eR ftad been seoMeQ~

~ .B.e~ l p thou·rDea tile loi~~. Read how the whol e

pro~reas of the world was thwarted for the sake of partisan advantage and

piqued Fide. Read hoi¥ this same band, di are.,;a.rdint:; the voice of the

people of their own party at the primaries fori maa ~~&6~•••i·e &fta ''~

laoa t& leo • •&e• at ~= p~& th •o yea~1 in the confident belief that

tiea of a.c·ty woul d enable them to lea.d a. majority whither they pleased, ~a·.-

a.t that fa.mouo ba.ok-room.- m1d.n1~ht conference ail.a ••• t serw··ul ~ a. oandi-

date entirely pliable to their reacti~nary purposes and bol j l y challenged

. JA!-/4"" --~~"-~ the Country to defeat,. their struggle for that evil thing c&lled "llo'rmalcy•,

at M• lll:b. Continue through your files. I do not oare whether you

subscribe to a Republican or a Democratic paper. ~"~ See how they

were in their first confident assurance that a nat ion "ea.ry of war and

suffering from the tremendous ooat of war woul d unintelligently vote for

what they vaguely described as •a change •. See how in the first flush of 'l..t-u• <\ u~ •lfl/''

their easily 170n victory in the Convention they bact tal sd11


Infant In~ustry, the monopoly protecting tariff, the nee~ of increasing

production and re~uoing the cost o! wages - all the old shibboleths of Mt...J..J~ .... ~~~. (!A~ .

the ~. See bow the temper of the people early warned them to ~ k.., t!u "'nt ,,~('

ba;tily revise their •canned• campaign speeches, and you will ••• e .. ef

Page 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt


the real objeot of the controllins f oroes of what is l ett today

of the great Republican Party. I t woul d be a mi suse of words to

oall these forces • l eadets•.

As to the f uture of our Country , as to whether we entered

the Leac;ue of !lat i ons or not , as t o whether the worl d ani history

would look upon us as a nat i on of shallow senti ment and no real pur­

poce, they oared not a whit. Their only interest in worl d h i story

or i n the conui t i on of civili •ation was the fear of it s effect upon

thei r personal polit i cal fortunes. They so~ht to t alk about every­

thin~ except the LeaJUe and what it meant. The docile mouthpiece

of their procl amations spoke one day for and the next day against ,

perfectly willing to throw the ,•hol e League pri nci.le over f or t he

sake of the support of •irreconcilabl e• Senators and e~er the next

day to deceive the people i n an effort to sooth murmurin&s of di e­

content and rebellion whi ch followed that &etion. Read all this your­

sel f . I am not makin~ cl aims -I am merely analy~in~ what the records

of the Preas will show.

Then read from the beginnin~ now, forgetting all mi nor

i ssues , how di sclai mi ng all speci al credit ! or the wi nning of t he

w~r, whi ch we mi ght easily have taken for our campai gn slogan, we of

the Democratic Party have sought to lay before the peo~le the

greatness of the real i osue. We have made it clear that we seek to

join in thi s .7onderful surge of the world ' s people toward a new order,

t oward a civili~ation in whi ch wars Will be a matte~ of history.

Our only fear has been that the peopl e woul d not real i ze the real

issues. Our confi dence tonight is the feeling that throubhout the

ent ire ovunt ry there i s shown remarkable and wonderful evidence

Page 6: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt


that the votars unJerbt and what they are really goi ns to vote for

next Tuesday . A hundr~d years from no~ the world hi stor ians will

write a chapter on the peri od in Am r i can history, a.nd i n the world ' s

hi story aa well , fro~ 1920 on . On your ballots depends the heading

of that chapter . Shall i t be - •Ameri ca l eads the Worl d toward The

!lew Era• - or - •Ameri ca abandons her Faith"?

To return to the world condi t ions of July 1914 is unthi nk­

able . Ameri ca must never bea.r in the pa6es of hi story the responsi­

bility for such a f ate .

Yt t thi J el ecti on wi ll mark the decisi on. In the years to

come ~rand-children studying thei r books wi ll come to us and u s

ho>~ \Ve asc i ded on the great referendum of 1920. I for one wa.nt to be

able to l ook them in the eye and give :mswer. I IVD.nt to be able to

say to the children of tomorrow -"'I vot ed for the teachi ngs of

reliJion. I vot ed for eaoe on earth . I have never regretted my

course ".

Page 7: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt


Aa i n the Nat i onal El ecti on, so i n many St ate El ecti ons

i t is the same dominant ~roup of Republican react i onari es at the hel m.

In our own St at e the very nomi nati on of the present Re_~blioan candi­

da te for the Governorshi p i s an exampl e, and the renomination of the

present seni or Senator from New York clinches the aruument. I t i s our

good fortune that the &iimxai electorate has reai and unlerstands the

records of the nominees. The success as unself i sh public servants of

our a lendi d Governor Smith and Lieutenant Governor Walker is known

i n every town .~~ in ever y home of the Empi re Stat e. The voter s will

say to them on November 2nd - •Wel l done good and faithful servant s •.

Page 8: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt
Page 9: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt


toni~\ \be Oal\ed 1\a\ee ot Aaer1oa e1ancle &1 \lie p&r\184

of \llo ••Y•· lo au~\ ao an<l 11p-...rll \owud. \llo 1cleal .. uoa, \llo

l.e&<lu of \be •orlcl, froa tile clull wall•J• of naUeaal aac1 porooual ane4,

of laJlla\loo ancl\111 ~l• of b~\o foroo, or \alto tllo ro\11rnlaa 4o...ar4

path 'llaoll to \lie 11".fo aaa1n. Ao a tree, eo not a ,,....,, naUoat'

i ro• or die. lo EUo\ oon\ln11oual7 o\re\oa OUlO" ouz lloll&h• of oowaoroo

fur\llu Nut furlhar, lllper &Dd llijl)ler. le lllle\ coaUnl1allJ eUo\oll 0111

our roo\o of Juo\ice, of equali\y, of rl~ll\ \111nk1a& aacl aot1n&, 4eopor

aa.1 cl .. por, or ·•• 1.ue\ wUII OJ' leaf 'by loaf, t •1& '1»7 \ 111&, ... tCa-.4 , d~}

...,.. n&Uon.

Tllere e&ll 'D" no doubt of \bo real 1•wuo before \llo •otero.

A! ' oi \be ... outl~• of 1n1en11on, all or \lie •KG•• eore•n of GUDBlD&­

lJ deYlaoll worda \o o'baoure \bellO" ro&l hope and p~ooa, all of 1110

nohJ 'bollllarclaon\ of faloo a\a\ .. en\o and nohJ 010"&\ery, all of tile ~.,.....~-._

poholl a•• of unapeall~le aaorUoa• &Del aourrUouo clofQ&Uoa - '\lla (

wooorupv.loua bQJld of naoUoll&..r)' Wllo llun·o aelaocl oou\:rol of a area\

party• • II&OhlllerJ, .. nno\ 1114e \he nal ho11e, Ia are eo\ a\ A~ocldoa,

&Del booauea \he 1•""' 1• one of \he future of \he A&\loa &D4 \he f&o\

\lla\ •• l1ibt o1tb 'ballo\e ra\her \llan bQlleta, cloee no\ •~•• ~~~•

iota \lie cloeperate oer1ouenooa of \he e\~la. to cleap&ir of \he

lO"eoul\ would be to cleopa1r of tho oonaolenoe ~· \bo Aaer1oan poople.­

fo cleopa1r oi \heir ••n•• of Jae\1oe ancl r1&h\ - to cleoratr of \ha\

olear aeo1aa •1•1oa 111110~ llae ~e ao tho le~r ot \he flO"ee peoplee of

1111 110rld, &D4 I folO" oao hol4 fad ~o 8J fal\111 111 DJ Coun\rpea. file

..rob o1 \lab OOWihJ onward hoa a 10114 of laclh1< oolflall 1\atoe to

a UD1\e4 aa\1oa ll&e al~J•'boea a\\oncle4 o1\A ooaotan\ -.rf&ro -aaiDot

po .. n of ••11. nea •• \llrow &elclo ola•erJ •• a \blq allilonOD\ to a

llber\J lo•la, people, tllo world ea\OIIod w1111 borror \be pbyo1oal ••rae-

Page 10: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt

a !ut alnoa that time we haYe won ba~tle by ba~tle ~

~he allent atruggle asainat oorruptlon 1n our political life, a&ainat

the control of ovr national reaouroee by oonao1enoelaea oorporatloaa,

againat the right of aara money to alt supreme 1n our halls of lag1alatlon,

aga1nat the foroaa of anarchy and BolabeYiaa, agalnat the enslaYlng of

our 1nduatr1al population - all these without an actual physl o&l oon­

fllot, but with aa truly great a moral ef fort aa our physical eff ort in

the Civil War. Because of theae Yiotorlea we find ourselvea ao great a

natibn aa to have become the example and the hope of all the liberty

loving peoplee~rld - the inspiration of t he downtrodden and the

dread of the ~ •• ,, ... ,. Whet her we Wish t o or not, our progreaa toward

a higher, better kind of living will lead the rest of the world ln our foot­

atapa, and our failure wlll drag all civilization backward with ue,

We entered the great war f or far more t han ~material

adYant&ga, and the liberty loving maeaes of the people• of the Old World

hailed our entry because it meant after t he war a new and better era for

the World ln general, NeYer hao the entry of a ooabantant T the battle­

field been received wlth quite the same eplrit aa waa aura. It waa not '

th• genfrala ln their headquarters, nor the atatemen in their oounoll

rooaa that felt the greateat exaltation at our appearance - lt W&a the

peoples of the different natione themaelvea .no took, eaoh and avery

one , freah ooura&e. freah heart and freeh hope in the future, not bl­

oauee of our allltary atrength but of our declared moral purpo~e ln

oruehlng the greateat anamy of prosr••• that the world had kno~. We

fought not for proflta but for peaoe . '

Taka up the old fllaa of your ne~apera ~hen oar ~eprt ... t-

at1Yea arrlYed ln ~rope. Read of the ~ndarful reoeptlona froa 1ae

people• ln Italy, ln rr .. oe , ln EaglaDd, Read bow the ~ole wvrld

Page 11: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt

ll -

ll&lh4 to aooept mU' leaderalllp to•r4 a mow 111n4 ot tellolflll\lp -"'

a&tlone ~ere falr 4eal1~ ~~ul4 rerl~e toroe aad oonferenoe, o~nfllot1

a.ac1 \hen read. llow the llttle tnot or eeltiab Sotn&\ere no all t.beir

l1Yea b~c1 !ought a loa1na tl~bt 10a1net prosreaa, ~o ba4 oppoae~ all

lt~1 •lat1on .t•lng tbe p~pla ~~~• \lllns• •111Gb .. ra \hair•, banda~ to­

aetbar ~4 tbwar\ed tlla 4aa1re in eYary patr1ot1o !aarioan1 e bear\ to

uauu \bt naa ut aoral ot Ua l'ol'lli 111111oll llaol batn aootded to

-.. Bta4 ln tboae !ilea tbe h1a\~rf of tba\ periOd. Rea4 bow tl\a .aole

pro110n•• ot Clla WO:t'l..t wu tllwutad for tl>a aaltlt e>f puUaan &<iY&nil&fle &ll\1

11qua..t trida. ReaJ bow th1a • •• b~, 41a~t6&r4ln tba Yoloa ot tba

people ot tbtlll' nwn part' at the rrlae.riea for a aa11 prOt)ll'tha1"• a.oel hu-

1••• \O le•t •Ilea at \be po11a tnla 711~ ln \bt oonlldant btl1af \bat

t1ta ot p~~1 would enAble thea to la~t a aajor1\y wbltbar they pla .. ad,~

at \l:lat t-. 'llaolt-:roOtt, a14niVt\ cnmtu~tnoa aaOJ.u•·.,. ••• I , ' &. a oac41-

c1&t a entlrelf plla~a to \hair ra~tinnary vurpoaaa an4 bol~ly Oballauca..t

\bit Oountrf to dotfa&t their atll'uagl• !or \ba\ tYil thin& oallad •Koru&lcy•

a\ the polle .

trtlbaodba to a Rep\lblioom or a n.cooratlo papar. Sea how anurarl \ht7

wara iu their tire\ con!i4an\ &~eQranoa \hat a nation waar7 o! war and

.uf!ar1~ tro•· ~ha \rMaandouw ooe\ or war would un1ntall1&antl7 •ot• for

what thtf ~17 •••oritoa4 aa •a Ob&n&a•. Sea he>w ln tb• rtrat fluth of

tha1r •••117 won YiotorJ in the ConYan\ioa \liiJ '-l~J trotted o\li iba

Iataat lA~u•trJ, \be aonopolf protaotiQG tariff, \hi naad ol 1norea~tna

prodootio• tn4 ~•~oolaa \hi ooat or --a•a - all \ba old allitobola\ha o!

tilt old &&II&• laa llow til• u~a:r of tha p1oph tlU'lJ wanad thea \a

~Uq\117 .re•ha t t.d:r •ouma4• oupalp IPt•OAaa, aatl JOll •111 aaa "' or

Page 12: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt

- . -of tAt uen oeluant et ~• lltlpV'IIUoan trllun no .. el.,.d

•11• nkl oltJ .. ' et tho r.-l lttB4on of oat~at h loU to.IAJ ot tho

&r .. \ Ro~'l:llloaa Partr.

'• •• \llo t~t~r• ol our OoUAtrJ, •• \oaa Wbotllor ••

aatart4 tllo ~-c~• of ••tlor.o or ~ot, •• to wbot~ar tha world. and.

b1•torr wt wcl. look ~en ~• ao a n&Uonal 11! thallo• antl•or.t. Nll1 no

ro 1 pu%pooa, •11•1 ua~"d no~ & Wblt . Tbolr only 1ntoroo\o ln

world hl~\orJ or la \ho o~nc!.1,1on of o1,l l1&&t1ona wae tllo toa2

of 1\o eftoot Qpon th•lr pe r~onal polltlo~ for\un~•· !ll~J

•anted \o t~~ abou• ewory\tlna oaoop\ tho Lt~o and. .nat 1•

aoaot, Tho 4oo1lo aoutllpl•o• of tllolr pro~la.&tlon• opoka on•

day !or nne!. \ll~ ne~t ~•1 -.•1nwt, verleo\ly Willlna to torow tho

wttolo I.e-..~• \Joeo~rr ••r • or tba a'\1111 ol 'II• •~o?J'Ort <!I two ~~"r-h

, •lrnconollablo•S•n\&\oro Allli •aa•~r, to a.•olll•• tno ~ ttolll .. oa \lila .....,......~ ' ~to aoot~ tba cur•~ns• of 41•0Qn\ont aad rabolliou w1\hln

\belr own rank• wntcb tolLowwd \ba\ aQilan. ~•&4 all \lila youraelf .

I ..,. nv\ ..... tn.. ol'<l .. - I aa aur10l7 IUu•lJ ~ln& wna\ \ba reoo:r 1 ot

tho Pr••• • 111 anow.

Tben taiW t "''" \A<~ ~.,1nn1nat llo•, r ol'll•ntno &ll alnor

llouea, bow J l eolaialn& all or•>ll tor \lie wl nino of \he ..r,

W<\1\ln we Ill&~\\ oaell.)' ba.YA ~~)ctn tot UIIJ' O!\IIJ'at,.n alo.,an, W8 Of

the D•.oo~atlo P~r\J b~fa •o~t to l&J ba lore tno pac~le tha

0 roa\ao•• ot \no r•~ l~.u• - wbe\be~r or no~ • • wlll Join ln

tbl a •undertQl .ur1 of tlla •ozlJ'a v•ople towar~ a n~• or4er,

\owarll Ol¥llla~<1.1on in llhlell\ wal"l trill be & ae.Uol ot bhiOl'J.

0\lr tnlr tta2 h~• ~~~r. u .at ua !'<M>Pl• woul\1 not ul'lia.o \lie real

hwao. 0\lr ooatlc!.ODOt \onl.,tl.t 1a \ba t .. al1JI4 \lla\ \llrOUoPOU'-. llle

aun oo\IA\l'J 1ten h~Ul'l,.'lllo &nJ wcnc\ortul -:::l~P'"I.+i

Page 13: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt

... II -

, •• , tao •otor• Q~¢tre,and •~at \11-y ar~ ro~ly &OlA£ \ o YO\o

lor noat ~••4 y. A h~izod J44rO fr~ no• t ho ·~rld h1a\ortaao

will ''~' tholr -barter• on tho pori~ ln ~ Aa r 1o.a h\otory

ea4 1n tho -orld ' • hlotory •• welll fro• 19 . oa. OA yoQ~~l01a

4opoa4a \ho ho~l~ ot \bat ehaptor. Shall it bo - •Aaor1oa

do ·1.,•• to lelold \114 World towa:rc. th,o ••" tra• - en~ - •tho

lo~;1an1no. of tbo ,.,..11 ot ~~~• ._,.lq&fl Peooph'. llll 'IJO ao••

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will bo obll&~ ~o cro•te, ln ~be •~• way n~ tor tho ~• p~­

po .. •• tbo ltaleor' " bo,.~• ••r• 4of•at•·\ two ye&u ~of think

oaret~lly ~foro you ••'•· 1 ror one h••• no filar ot yOQr

<1 oUhn.

Page 14: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt
Page 15: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt
Page 16: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt
Page 17: Franklin D. Roosevelt-The Great Communicator 1: Roosevelt