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  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    Free ESL LessonPlans to


    Drs. Suhanto Kastaredja, M.Pd


    [email protected]

    Staf Pengajar Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

    Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

    Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya




    Suhantos Collection _Pae _ !

  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    #nglish Assistant. #nglish *P+s. Private /essons. Amerian Slang

    "his #ae $as oriinally desined to share my materials $ith other Enlish teachin

    assistants in %rance, es#ecially those $ho ha&e no e'#erience in teachin ES( yet. )*&e also

    included $orksheets that ) used +or #ri&ate Enlish lessons in %rance as $ell as some o+ the

    materials ) used in my ES( classes in the nited States. %eel +ree to use them as you*d like.

    Some o+ the lessons listed under the -ssistant section can also e used +or #ri&ate lessons and

    &ice &ersa.

    Reommended Books!

    "he one ES( ook that ) rouht to %rance $as /ih$ay to ES(. - +e$ other hel#+ul ooks

    are: Kee# "alkin, (essons +rom 0othin , Pronunciation 1ames, 1ames +or (anuae

    (earnin,/o$ to "each 2ocaulary , "eachin ES(3E%( $ith the )nternet ,"eachin

    -merican Enlish Pronunciation ,"eachin Pronunciation: - 4e+erence +or "eachers o+

    Enlish to S#eakers o+ 5ther (anuaes , %i+ty Strateies +or "eachin Enlish (anuae

    (earners , and"eachin Enlish as a Second or %orein (anuae.

    For fastest downloading, use theDownThemAlladd-on for Firefox. This will allow you to

    download all of the documents on this page at once and increase the download speed up to


    #nglish Assistant in Frane /essons

    efer to the Teaching section of the Assistants !uideif you"d li#e a more detailed account of

    how $ used these lessons in my classes, as well as lin#s to other plans that $ found online.

    ost documents are a&aila'le in (ord format) howe&er if you do not ha&e icrosoft (ord,

    you can still open the documents in *pen*ffice, which is a free software. +$ try to pro&ide my

    documents in (ord format instead of DF format so that you can modify them. The maority

    of the 'elow documents $ ha&e written myself, 'ut some $ ha&e found online and can no

    longer locate the original source to lin# 'ac# to.

    ,onversation " S'eaking

    6ou should only ha&e to +ocus on teachin con&ersational Enlish 7listenin, s#eakin and

    #ronunciation skills8. "he students $ill learn readin and $ritin skills in their reular

    Enlish classes. 6our school may ha&e some materials and ooks that you can use, ut try not

    to +all into the tra# o+ only teachin the stilted +orm o+ Enlish +ound in these ooks. 6ou

    should incor#orate authentic lanuae 7such as +rom tele&ision and mo&ies8 as $ell as

    reduced +orms 7such as onna, $anna, doncha, etc.8 ecause that is the $ay that most-mericans talk and that is $hat the students $ill need to understand the most. "e'tooks $ill

    Suhantos Collection _Pae _ 9
  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    +ocus on the +ormal $ays o+ s#eakin and $ritin, ut students need to learn the in+ormal

    $ays too.

    0ust Get (hem to (alk Plan +or the +irst day $ith a ne$ class $hen the teacher

    instructs you to ;just et them to talk; and you ha&e nothin else #lanned

    Formal vs- Informal ,onversation "ale o+ reetins and oodyes +or

    +ormal s#eech and in+ormal s#eech

    Intervie1 2our Partner nscramle $ords to +orm t$o

    that are true and one that is +alse. "he rest o+ the class must uess $hich is the lie.

    5esribing Peo'le Phrases to use +or descriin a #erson $ith asic #ersonal

    in+ormation, as $ell as likes = dislikes and #ersonal a##earance

    6Peo'le6 ards +or students to descrie. )ncludes name, ae, nationality, $here

    they li&e and $hat they like3dislike doin

    ,olor ,ards +or ames 71o %ish, Memory, etc.8 to re&ie$ colors and +amily

    memers, and #erha#s ;do you ha&e 3 ha&e you ot?;

    #)'ressing /ikes7 5islikes 3 Indifferene Sam#le #hrases +ollo$ed y nouns

    and erunds, as $ell as s#ace to $rite more

    (ele'hone ,onversations Students match u# Enlish = %rench #hrases, read

    sam#le dialos and $rite their o$n

    5ebate (o'is Students choose to#ics and $rite a dialo in #airs deatin the#ros and cons o+ oth sides

    Anglo'hone ,ountries Students i&e oral re#orts on anlo#hone countries o+

    the $orld

    Fillers 3 Redued Forms common +illers and reduced +orms in e&eryday

    s#eech $ith sam#le sentences

    Synonyms of say 3 uses of like Plus e'ercises on s$itchin +rom in+ormal to

    +ormal lanuae 7reduced +orms8

    ,ommon Redued Forms )ncludes all the reduced +orms #resented in

    Slanman ook 5ne, ut not in the order o+ the cha#ters

    8o1 to Present a 5oument %or "erminale students, uide on ho$ to #resent

    the unkno$n document on the oral ac


    9o1els of #nglish! S'elling vs- Pronuniation list o+ -merican Enlish

    &o$els $ith )P- symols, Enlish e'am#les and %rench e'am#les> sortin

    e'ercises and s#ellin e'ce#tions, as $ell as 9A sentences to #ractice


    9o1els of #nglish! 5i'hthong 9ersion same as document ao&e, ut $ithdi#hthons o+ the ;lon &o$els; in Enlish

    Suhantos Collection _Pae _ B

  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    /etter ,ombinations 3 Pronuniations -nother list o+ lon &s. short

    &o$el #ronunciation accordin to s#ellin, as $ell as e'ce#tions

    #nglish Pronuniation Poem - #oem to sho$ that s#ellin cannot al$ays

    hel# $ith #ronunciation> author unkno$n

    5ifferent 9o1el Sound Students circle the $ord that has a di++erent &o$el

    sound than the rest, e&en thouh they*re s#elled $ith the same letters

    ,onsonant Sounds )P- symols o+ consonant sounds in -merican Enlish,

    $ith room to $rite e'am#le $ords

    8omo'hones Set o+ A homo#hones in -merican Enlish 7di++erent s#ellin,

    same #ronunciation8

    8eteronyms "$o sam#le sentences com#arin each heteronym 7same

    s#ellin, di++erent #ronunciation8

    Pronuniation of :ed and :s Sort #ast tense &ers and #lural nouns

    accordin to the #ronunciation o+ their endins

    ;ord Stress Mark the stress on the ad&anced &ocaulary $ords +or"erminale to#ics 7en&ironment, un control, immiration, health, oraniation

    o+ s#eech8


    *inimal Pair /istening #)erise Students must circle $ord they hear amon

    minimal #airs: $ant, $on*t, or $ent?

    Similar Sentenes #)erise Students mark the sentence they hear: She*s

    takin a ath or She*s taken a ath?


  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download



    Make oards $ith just the #ictures 7such as ody #arts, clothes, s#orts8 at

    ES(/ +ree. "his $ay the student must understand the $ords you

    say, and rememer ho$ to say them ack to you in order to $in the ame.

    British vs- Amerian #nglish %ill in the lank e'ercise> $rite -merican

    &ocaulary on oard and students match $ith ritish &ocaulary

    S'orts Match names o+ s#orts $ith #ictures, sort s#orts accordin to their

    &ers 7to o' &s. to #lay soccer8, small re&ie$ o+ short ans$ers

    Sattergories Enouh cateories +or B ames> you choose the letter 7students

    should kno$ ho$ to #lay it*s called/e etit acin %rance8

    (erminale 9oabulary 2ocaulary list +or the to#ic o+ health 7junk +ood,

    smokin, drinkin, drus8

    =ations 3 =ationalities %las, nations and nationalities $ith +illinthe

    lank $orksheet

    ,ountries 3 /oations Phrases +or descriin location o+ E countries,

    #lus nationalitiesFake #nglish (ist o+ +ake Enlish $ords used in %rench and their actual

    translations in real Enlish, correct the mistakes and matchin

    ,ount vs- Unount =ouns E'#lanation o+ uncount, matchin, translatin,

    correct mistakes

    Adjetives"9erbs > Pre'ositions 3 Pre'ositions > =ouns Students sort

    collocations accordin to #re#ositions

    (ranslation Problems Ghen translatin +rom %rench to Enlish and $ith

    the &ers de&oir and #ou&oir> $ron translations in Enlish +or students to


    ,ommon (ranslation *istakes Sentences in %rench +or students totranslate, many $ith +au' amis or &ers that are o+ten translated $ron

    Sim'le *istakes -nother correct the mistakes e'ercise, $ith e'#lanations

    and multi#le choice

    (e Ge PHdaoi

  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download



    US #letion ?ui@ Short multi#le choice also includes some +amous

    #laces to see in the S

    Si@e of US om'ared to #uro'e "$o ma#s 7to scale8 that com#are the sie

    o+ the S to the sie o+ Euro#e 7"he S is ! times larer than %rance8

    (ourism in the US Match tourist attractions $ith location, and identi+y

    #ictures o+ nine tourist attractions

    ;eather in the US Descries $eather in A reions o+ S, #lus translation

    e'ercise +or $eather &ocaulary 7%rench to Enlish = &ice &ersa8

    US 8igh Shools Short article on -merican hih schools, mostly $hat is

    di++erent +rom %rench hih schools

    8igh Shool (est Multi#le Choice = "rue 3 %alse test on -merican hih


    Interditions 3 4bligations! *odals Choose correct modal to +ill in

    sentences aout -merican hih schools

    Interditions 3 4bligations! ("F )nterdictions and oliations aout hih

    school, students determine $hether true or +alse and correct the +alse ones

    Shedules 3 Grades ,om'ared Sam#le schedules and rades 7marks and

    years8 com#arin the school systems in %rance and the S

    Suhantos Collection _Pae _ L

  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    Student 9oabulary (ist o+ nouns and adjecti&es +or descriin teenaers or

    students, $ith %rench e'#lanations

    Stereoty'ial Students Pictures o+ stereoty#ical students, students +ill in

    nerd, jock, oth, and eek, #re##y and slacker

    *artin /uther King Artile 5ne #ae article on M(K, as $ell as


  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    0umers)rreular 2ers Present, Preterit = Past


    Days, Months, Seasons "rans#ortation = Places

    "ime Countries = 0ationalities

    Geather /ouse = %urniture

    Colors = Sha#es Parts o+ the ody

    Suject = 5ject Pronouns Clothin, -ccessories = "oiletries

    e = /a&e 7Present "ense8 School

    -u'iliary 2ers Gork

    Contractions $ith 0ot %ood = Meals

    Contractions $ith Gill, Gould =

    /ad%ruits = 2eetales

    )nterroati&es -nimals = )nsects

    Possessi&e -djecti&es = Pronouns 0ature

    %amily S#orts, 1ames = /oies

    Pre#ositions o+ Place = -d&ers o+

    Mo&ement-merican States

    -rticles = Fuanti+iers -merican Cities y Po#ulation

    -djecti&es = 5##osites 2o$els o+ -merican Enlish

    (ink Gords -merican Enlish /omo#hones

    Private /essons

    "he #ri&ate students that ) ha&e in %rance are all at the einnin le&el. Since they are

    learnin Enlish at collNe or lycHe, the +ocus is on rammar 7and ritish Enlish instead o+-merican Enlish8. )*&e +ound a lot o+ use+ul e'ercises on -nlais %acile,(earn Enlish

    Suhantos Collection _Pae _ O
  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    5nline, Enlish 1rammar 4e+erence, Enlish asics, (antern+ish7+ormerly ole*s Gorld8,

    and ES( %lo$. %or more ad&anced to#ics, tryEnlish Pae,ES( 4esources at 5G(, and

    reakin 0e$s Enlish. 6ou can also uy -nlais $orkooks desined +or collNe students

    at many ookstores. "hey usually cost less than A and include all the rele&ant rammar that

    students learn in school, so you kno$ $hat to teach. -dditionally, a lot o+ #ulisher $esites

    allo$ you to do$nload sam#le #aes or units +rom their te'tooks, such as0e$ )nterchane.


    Be 3 8ave got harts to +ill in> #resent tense o+ e and ha&e ot: reular


  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    Sim'le Past Revie1 E'ercises on the #ast tense, reular and irreular &ers and

    neati&es and

  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    &ocaulary and reduced +orm lesson +rom each cha#ter. -nother ook that teaches essential

    slan and idioms is - 6ear in the (i+e o+ an ES( Student.

    4e&ie$ o+ 4educed %orms in Slanman

    Fui !

    Fui ! -ns$er Key

    Fui 9

    Fui 9 -ns$er Key

    Fui B

    Fui B -ns$er Key


    Fui -ns$er Key

    Fui A

    Fui A -ns$er Key

    Fui L

    Fui L -ns$er Key

    Fui 7Cha#ters O8

    Fui -ns$er Key

    Fui O 7Cha#ters J!8

    Fui O -ns$er Key

    Fui J 7Cha#ters !8

    Fui J -ns$er Key

    Fui ! 7%inal Fui8

    Fui ! -ns$er Key

    Suhantos Collection _Pae _ !!
  • 7/23/2019 Free ESL Lesson Plans to Download


    Kee# in mind that your students may ha&e had assistants in the #ast $ho s#oke $ith di++erent

    accents and they may e con+used i+ they don*t realie that you s#eak $ith a di++erent one. )

    like to e'#ose my students to as many accents as #ossile, so ) o+ten use Dr. (ade+oed*s

    recordinso+ ;-rthur the 4at; in +i&e accents o+ Enlish. "he S#eech -ccent -rchi&ealso

    has a lare collection o+ sound +iles o+ s#eakers o+ Enlish. ) hand out this list o+ links near

    the end o+ the semester so that students can use the internet at home to learn more aout slan$ords and Enlish accents:

    /el#+ul (inks +or Slan = -ccents

    Suhantos Collection _Pae _ !9