full business 2in1

Full Business Premium Wordpress theme Author: mixey (Michael M) Demo: http://demo.wpbakery.com/full-business

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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Full Business – Premium Wordpress theme

Author: mixey (Michael M)

Demo: http://demo.wpbakery.com/full-business


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Table of Contents

General information .................................................................................................................. 3

Theme Installation ..................................................................................................................... 3

Theme Setup ............................................................................................................................. 3

General Settings .................................................................................................................... 3

Layout Options ...................................................................................................................... 4

Custom CSS ............................................................................................................................ 4

Making post or page .................................................................................................................. 4

Making a portfolio post ............................................................................................................. 4

Theme shortcodes ..................................................................................................................... 4

FAQ section............................................................................................................................ 5

Messages ............................................................................................................................... 5

Tooltip.................................................................................................................................... 5

Floating box ........................................................................................................................... 5

Image previews ..................................................................................................................... 5

Tabs ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Slideshow ............................................................................................................................... 6

PrettyPhoto ........................................................................................................................... 6

Shortcodes for building the pages layout.............................................................................. 6

Form builder .......................................................................................................................... 7

Theme widgets .......................................................................................................................... 7


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General information

Thank you for buying my theme. This is a truly unique premium wordpress theme. I hope

that you will find it easy to use.

Please read help information that I have prepared for you, it should be enough to get you

started. In case you will have question or suggestions please send me a message from my

profile page at ThemeForest (http://themeforest.net/user/mixey).

Theme Installation

1. Login to your WP administration panel.

2. Go to the Appearance -> Add New Themes.

3. Choice “Upload” and then browse for the theme`s zip package and click on the

“Install Now” button.

4. Your theme should be installed automatically.

5. Don’t forget to click on the “Activate” link to make your theme active.

Theme Setup

After activating the theme you’ll notice new menu item called “Full Business” in the menu

on the left, go there to review and modify theme`s settings. After setting themes options

click on the “Save All Changes” button.

Settings are divided in sections:

I. General Settings

II. Layout Options

III. Custom CSS

Let’s briefly review each section.

General Settings

• Theme Stylesheet – Select which stylesheet to use, light or dark.

• Custom Logo – Click “Upload Image” to upload your logotype or simply enter URL to

the image if it’s already stored on your server.

• Your email address – Enter your email address, it will be used when a contact from

will be submitted.

• Default background –Each page/post can have a custom background, but if you

want – you can specify a default background.

• Tracking Code – Paste your google analytics code or any other tracking code you are

using. This code will be placed right before the end of the </body> tag.


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Layout Options

• Blog Category – Select which category use as a Blog.

• Copyrights text in the footer – This text will be rendered in the footer section, right

after the main content.

Custom CSS

• Custom CSS – You can enter css code to override theme`s default css code. (No need

to modify theme`s css files directly).

Making post or page

To make a post, click in the “Posts -> Add new”.

• Enter post title and post body.

• Set category where you want to publish this post.

• Fill tags.

• Then scroll to the “Full Business Custom Settings” and fill values there

� Full width – check this box if you want a full width page, without a sidebar.

� Hide featured image – check this box if you don’t want to show featured

image at the top of the post.

� Video – paste url to the youtube or vimeo video.

� Background Image – Browse for the image that should be used for the post

teaser (blog) or image. Leave it empty if this post will not show up in the


• And hit “Publish” finally.

Making a portfolio post

To make a portfolio post locate “Portfolio items” menu on the left and click Add New. Then

follow the basic instructions on how to create a post/page.

Theme shortcodes

This theme comes with various shortcodes. A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that

lets you do nifty things with

very little effort. Shortcodes

can embed files or create

objects that would normally

require lots of complicated,


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ugly code in just one line. Shortcode = shortcut.

Most of the shortcodes that are shipped together with this theme have Graphic User

Interface (GUI). Take a look at the WYSIWYG panel inside of the post creation page.

You really don’t need to remember all the shortcodes, try to use GUI for automatic

shortcodes insert.

FAQ section

To insert faq question you should create following shortcode structure.

[toggle title="FAQ question title"]Answer here (hidden part)[/toggle]

You can write this small markup with your keyboard or use GUI.


To insert message box you should create following shortcode structure.

[message color="green"]This is green message[/message]

Color variations are green, blue or yellow. You can write this small markup with your

keyboard or use GUI.


To insert tooltip you should create following shortcode structure.

[tooltip text="Toltip text here"]Link text[/tooltip]

You can write this small markup with your keyboard or use GUI.

Floating box

To insert floating box you should create following shortcode structure.

[box_right]Floating content here[/box_right]


[box_left]Floating content here[/box_right]

You can write this small markup with your keyboard or use GUI.

Image previews

To insert cool image preview you should create following shortcode structure.

[image_preview image_url="path_to_the_image/image.jpg"]Link[/image_preview]

You can write this small markup with your keyboard or use GUI.


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To use tabs you should create following shortcode structure.


[tab title="Tab title"]Put tab content here[/tab]

[tab title="Tab title"]Put tab content here[/tab]


You can write this small markup with your keyboard or use GUI.


To use slideshows you should create following shortcode structure.


[slide url="http://www.link-here.com"

image="path_to_the_image/image.jpg"]Description text[/slide]

[slide url="http://www.link-here.com"

image="path_to_the_image/image2.jpg"]Another text[/slide]


You can write this small markup with your keyboard or use GUI.


To insert prettyPhoto image or video you should create following shortcode structure.

[prettyphoto url="path_to_the_image/image.jpg"]Link[/prettyphoto]


[prettyphoto url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siQgD9qOhRs"]Youtube


Shortcodes for building the pages layout

This theme is shipped together with few shortcodes which are giving you the possibility to

build page with columns (flexible layout) without a problems.

Think about page space as it is 100%.

[column]This is first column[/column] [column last=”last”]Another


This code will create to equal columns each 50% width of the main contents areas width,

which is 350px wide.

[column width=”25”]One 25% column width[/column] [column width=”25”]Another

25% column width[/column] [column width=”50” last=”last”]Last column 50%


This will make a 3 columns two 25% (160px) and one 50% (350px)

I hope you got the idea.


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Available columns widths are: 25, 30, 50 and 70.

Important: Last column in column series should always have attribute last=”last”

Form builder

You can build forms for your website with built in forms builder. Let me explain how it


First you need to tell wordpress that you want a form to be built.

[contact_form][/contact_form] This shortcode will tell wordpress where to build contact

form. Everything that inside of this shortcode wordpress will try to treat as a form element.

Basic form element structure:

[form_field value=”NAME OF YOUR ELEMENT” type=”ELEMENT TYPE” required=”TRUE


As a value you should use name of your form element, such as name, email, surname or

something like that.

As a type you may use “text”, “email”, “textarea”.

Required attribute should be set to “true” if you want force user to enter information in that


Example of the contact form which is used on the demo page

http://demo.wpbakery.com/Full Business/contact-me/

[contact_form] [form_field value="Name"] [form_field type="email"

value="Email" required='true'] [form_field type="textarea" value="Message"]


Theme widgets

This theme comes with various custom widgets. Please visit widgets sections located in the

Appereance->Widgets to check them. Theme has 6 widget areas to place your widgets.

Widgets list: Featured box, Pages menu, Search form, Twitter widget pro.