genius hour final project

Genius Hour Final Project Dahseim Henry 11/20/13

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Genius Hour Final Project

Dahseim Henry


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Special Topic: Racism

I chose racism as my special topic because it plays a big role in many

people’s lives today. It plays good roles as well as bad roles. This

interests me because it is hard to understand why people think less

of someone else because of their race.

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Interest in Racism Now

My interest in racism now is the same as it was when I

picked it as my special topic because when you bring up

racism, there are a whole bunch of different things to talk

about within that one topic. Yes I am still interested in this

topic because it really makes you think about what life

would be like without it.

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Satisfaction With Research

I am satisfied with my research thus far because through my

research, I learned even more things about racism than I already


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Special Topic Post #1

• 1. Miami Heat's Repeat

• 2. New Yeezus Album

• 3. Drake New Album

• 4. Twitter

• 5. Racism

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Special Topic Post #2

I chose racism as my special topic. I chose Racism because it affects so many people in the world today. Back in the 1800s , the white race dominated over every other race. Slavery was a very popular thing for a long time. Racism can be expressed verbally, physically, and mentally. The people who are racist now were taught racism as a child. I think racism should be illegal. What do you think?

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Special Topic Post #3

I chose racism as my special topic because A lot of people in the world believe that it does not exist anymore. To be honest, I think that a person is treated or judged a certain what because of the color of their skin. White people call black people "Niggers" all the time. Black people call white people "Hunkies, Crackers, and Rednecks" all the time. So if you believe that racism is destroyed think again. It is all around us everywhere we go. What do you believe?

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Special Topic Post #4

I chose racism as my special topic because think it it a topic that I can continue to talk about more and more every week. For example, racism is a very broad topic because everyone in the world is affected by it in some way. A Mexican person can be discriminated by other races because of there poor lifestyle. Also, a Puerto Rican person can be ridiculed by their family's density. No matter what race you are, you will be affected in some kind of way. How are you affected?

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Special Topic Post #5

I chose racism as my special topic. Racism is my special topic because it is a major problem in the U.S right now. Racism was extremely active and legal until 1966. I believe that slavery still goes on across the world. I hope the government finds lost plantations and destroys them. Would you want to be a slave in these times?

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Special Topic Post #6

I chose Racism as my special topic because it is a global issue.

Honestly, even though it is not as blatant as it used to be, racism still

exists. For example, some white parents still teach their children that

they should think less of any other race that is not their own. The

bottom line is, every body is human so everyone sure be treated like

a regular human. What do you think?

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Special Topic Post #7

I chose racism as my special topic because it makes me very angry

when I think about the court system and how they determine

someone’s fate because of their race. For example, the George

Zimmerman trial was nowhere near fair because in any where in the

world, a person shooting someone just by the way they look is a

crime. It shouldn’t matter what the person’s race is. Are you in


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Special Topic Post #8

I chose racism as my special topic because there are so many

different ways to show racism. For example, if a black person walks

into a store with an all black hoodie on, the white cashier would be

more attentive to him than he/she would be if a white person

walked into the store wearing the same exact thing. How do you

think that affects society?

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Research In The Future

No I would not want to do more research about this topic in the

future because I believe it would be a waste of time on my part. For

example, if I'm putting all of my energy into researching this topic,

it would not change anything about.

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Essential Question Answered

I did not have an essential question, but I am glad I researched

about racism because now I have a better understanding of how

and why people are so judgemental.

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Who did your topic affect ?

• My topic affected the whole world because it can be talked about and related to by anyone who is any race. People are profiled everyday by their nationality. My posts will help people understand that it still exists, and that it is important that we stop it.

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Who it affected?

No it is not different than who I thought it would affect because

racism is a universal setback.

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As the research difficult?

The research for this project was not difficult at all because I used

my common knowledge, plus the stuff I learned from the websites I

found while looking for resources.