geopark news 3th edition

The Managing Council is an advisory organ that has as function to accompany pro- jects, actions and to work on behalf of the Araripe Geopark's territory people. The team is composed by 47 partners among institutions federal, state and municipal besides some entities. Araripe Geopark's Managing Council accomplishes first meeting Action plan is presented to the partners Technical course will form Tourism Guides. SENAC’s director receive the Geopark’s plate The partnership between Araripe Geopark and SENAC will form Guides of Tourism to act throug- hout Brazil, with emphasis in Araripe Geopark. The technical course is foreseen to be initiate in the second semester of this year. 30 vacancies are offe- red. Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA Year II | Number 03 | April / July 2010 ENTIDADES COLABORADORAS The Cariri's Regional University's Paleontology Museum (URCA), it was reopened in the beginning of the month of July. After passing for an enlargement and res- tructuring, visitors and onlookers can check the innovations. The Integration Ministry visits Cariri. The Secretary of Regional Programs of the National Integration Ministry, Marcia Regina Sartori Damo, together with the technical res- ponsible of the Araripe Plateau's Mesoarea, Raphael Paiva. Equip in visit to the works of the new Araripe Geopark’s headquarters

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Geopark News 3th Edition


Page 1: Geopark News 3th Edition

The Managing Council is an advisory organ that has as function to accompany pro-jects, actions and to work on beha l f o f t he Ara r ipe Geopark's territory people. The team is composed by 47 partners among institutions federal, state and municipal besides some entities.

Araripe Geopark's Managing Councilaccomplishes first meeting

Action plan is presented to the partners

Technical course will form Tourism Guides.

SENAC’s director receive the Geopark’s plate

The partnership between Araripe Geopark and SENAC will form Guides of Tourism to act throug-hout Brazil, with emphasis in Araripe Geopark. The technical course is foreseen to be initiate in the second semester of this year. 30 vacancies are offe-red.

Universidade Regional

do Cariri - URCA

Year II | Number 03 | April / July 2010


The Cariri's Regional University's Paleontology Museum (URCA), it was reopened in the beginning of the month of July. After passing for an enlargement and res-

tructuring, visitors and onlookers can check the innovations.

The Integration Ministry visits Cariri.

The Secretary of Regional Programs of the National Integration Ministry, Marcia Regina Sartori Damo, together with the technical res-ponsible of the Araripe Plateau's Mesoarea, Raphael Paiva.

Equip in visit to the works of the new Araripe Geopark’s headquarters

Page 2: Geopark News 3th Edition

News2 April/ July 2010


the most famous of Brazil for exhibiting even part of the pre-served leather, with blood ves-sels and petrified muscular fibers - a think would fill with pride any country. One of the main challenges of the Santana do cariri's Paleontology Museum is in sho-wing for the local population the real importance of the area's paleontological patrimony and the need of its protection. People just give importance of what they know. Exactly in that part the great contribution that the museum can give exists: to show that the fossils transcend eventual financial earnings , fomented by smug-glers and even unscrupulous foreign researchers. But, for this to become more and more effective, it is neces-sary to strengthen the Santana do Cariri Museum. Among the actions are prominence the orga-nization of a good exhibition and an important social pro-gram, bringing the people insi-de of the museum. For that is necessary, again, to look for the society help. As it was already said previously: A museum that doesn't dialo-gue with the society is condem-ned to the extinction. A society that doesn't value and doesn't invest at their museums is alre-ady, at least partly, culturally extinguished...

Alexander W. A. KellnerNacional Museum/UFRJ

Brazilian Academy of Sciences

believe that all - inde-pendently of their con-Ivictions political, social

and religious, they agree that Brazil is changing. This statement cannot be truer when it is spoken in terms of museums, that more and more has been having a pro-minence and a larger insert in the society. Difficultly somebody in these days will make questions about the importance of this instituti-on type, so much in its cultu-ral aspect, that through their exhibitions are fundamental tools in what refers the demo-cratization of the scientific knowledge, as well as in its importance for the preserva-tion of objects (the collecti-on), fundamental for the future generations (among others). In that matter it is impor-t a n t t o d e t a c h t h e Paleontology Museum loca-ted in Santana dof Cariri, that belongs to the Cariri R e g i o n a l University(URCA). It would not be an extrapolati-on to affirm that this muse-um has a fundamental importance exactly for its location: in the area of some of the main fossil's deposits, not just of Brazil, but of the world. Some people can think that there is a certain exaggeration in this state-ment, but those that militate in the area, as much national or foreign searchers, they have to real notion of the existent of the "paleontolo-gical treasure" in that "pie-ce" of the planet, located among the states of Ceará, Pernambuco and Piauí. They are pterossaurs' rema-ins - also known as flying reptiles, of the popularly known "fish-stone", insects and plants. Unassuming with the dinosaurs, like Santanaraptor that turned

Paleontologist and professor of the Alexander W. A. KellnerNational Museum/UFRJ -


We made a mistake !!!In the second edition of the Geopark news we said that Arthur Sáis president of the Arouca Geopark, but he is president of theportuguese Geopark’s cientific commitee.

A didactic walk for the fossils formations in the Araripe Plateau. The Santana do Cariri Paleontology Museum reopens in a new moment of its history, to do the visitor to dive in the Cretaceous era of more than 110 million years. Closed since 2008, the museum brings a moder-nity air amid the prehistoric past. They are about 10 thousand pieces fossils, among the exposed material and, also, the technical reservation.

The exhibition space duplicated. The internal safety raisin for a replanning and the whole area is acclimatized. The replicas win a special illumi-nation, with red and blue lights also detaching them. That whole modernity air pulls the first visitors' of the new stage admiration. In the late-ral of the Museum are printed the marks of the Araripe Geopark, of the Geoparks Global Net, given in by Unesco; and of the own Museum, that has a perfect dragonfly as symbol. The Cariri Stone brings the characteristic lines of a city that it was famous for its paleontological wealth. It is in the floor, in the walls, and it is the driving spring of a responsible local economy for the income of thousands of families. The library and the space of laboratories have a new dimensionality inside of the space. According to the director of the Museum, teacher Álamo Feitosa, doctor in Paleontology, the scien-tific research wins with that new moment. According to him, the equipments destined to the researches disposed give a new direction for the paleontological discoveries. The technical reservation of thousands of fossils in the Museum opens spaces for the local research and also for university of the whole Country and even international ones.

The Museum went by a atmosphere moderni-zation. As part of the work, several pieces were restored and they were exposed again. The vice-director of the Paleontology Museum, João Kerensky, said that this week the Museum will be open to visitation from Tuesday to Saturday of the 9 to the 17 hours and Sundays, of the 9 to the 14 hours.

The reform and the enlargement of the Museum had investment of R$ 805 thousand. It was thought initially R$ 640 thousand, there was the need, later, of a structural reform, passing by the renewal of the hydraulic part and reinforce-ment of the electric, to give support for the equipments installed at the place.

With the new apparel, the perspective is to have, from now, larger popularization of the sci-entific space, that makes stronger, above all, for the secretary of Science, Technology and Superior Education of the State, René Barreira, the scientific tourism in the area. We "need to internalize and to develop the tourism in the State. The Museum is an example that his can be done”. He announced, in the Museum's reope-ning, in the last Friday, the approval of R$ 1 milli-on in the State budget, for the accomplishment, in november of this year, the Geopark's Panamerican conference, that it will attract a lot of researchers.

Paleontology Museum brings innovations

Pieces are restored and exposed again












Plácido Cidade Nuvens

Deputy head

Antônia Otonite


Araripe Geopark


Executive Coordinator

Patriciao Melo

President of

Scientific Committee

Zuleide Fernandes


Scientific Coordinator


Araripe Geopak's


Teófilo Siqueira Street,

712-I center,


Telephone (88)



Responsible journalist

Geopark News

Edition and


Michel Macedo


Thaís Francelino


Álamo Feitosa

Idalécio de Freitas

Sarah Menezes

DRT- 0187/07.01/JP

Sarah Menezes

arah Menezes

Reginaldo Medeiros

Flaviana dos Santos

Elizangela Santos


Reginaldo Medeiros

Eliarley E. de Oliveira

Page 3: Geopark News 3th Edition

News 3April/ July 2010

he Rector of the C a r i r i ' s TR e g i o n a l

University (URCA), Professor P lác ido Cidade Nuvens, signed yesterday morning, with the President of the Property Trade Federation, Services and Tourism of the Ceará State (Fecomér-cio-CE), Luiz Gastão Bittencourt and the regi-onal director of Senac in Ceará, Ana Cláudia Martins, partnership agreement for the accomplishment of a technical course of Tourism Guide. With that, the Cariri a rea wi l l qua l i fy Tourism Guides for act all around the contry. This will be possible thanks to the partners-hip formed between the instituitions. The cere-mony happend during a C e a r á ' s R e g i o n a l Council of Senac mee-ting. The tecnical cour-se it's foreseen to be ini-tiate in the second

Geopark and SENAC: The partnership will form tourism guides in the Cariri Area

semester of this year, with 30 places. It will be three modules that will qualify the guides for act in all the brasili-an regions, with emp-hasis in the Araripe G e o p a r k . A s t h e Senac's administrative manager, in Crato, Cristiano saraiva, the final details about the course are been closed, but R$ 210 thousand will be invested by Senac. The technical trips for the graduating people will be made by the Araripe Geopark. The URCA's Rector, P l á c i d o C i d a d e Nuvens, detached the strategic importance of the partnership with the convergence of inte-rests and opportunities, through the different institutions, with the task of the leaderships mobilization in the qua-lification for the job. “It is a promoter and promising meeting”, he said.

Fecomércio’s President, Luiz Gastão Bittencourt, bets in the enlargement of the partnership

The president of the Fecomércio people abble to act just in the region. At part of the Araripe Geopark.said that the partnership will be one of the this time, besides of been one of the ins- Luciana Lacerda says that this ways to act with URCA, on the geotou- tructors she will have the opportunity to course is so important for the regional deve-rism's promotion the area. He said that extend her technical knowledge in the lopment, for to workout and to qualify the the partnership will be extended, for the area and to receive the Brazilian institute people, besides to offer a regulamentory participation with Araripe Geopark, in of tourism (Embratur), Tourism action by the Embratur. The teacher says events like the Sesc's art and culture exhi- Ministry, to act with a recognized way that the growing of this job, in a internatio-bition that happend in november, in like a professional in that area on the hole nal level, in the perspective of develop-Cariri, with a place just for the project's country. ment by the Araripe Geopark.exhibition to all the public. The class hours of the course For the cordinator, the partnership

The university professor and will be of 1.130 hours, withou a finacial consolidate an important professional tourism guide, Luciana Lacerda, will be onus for the students. In the first module, continuation, inside of a regional develop-one of the instructors of the course. She the students will be abble to act like a ment strategy, that is the Araripe Geopark. said that just in 1997 was accomplished a regional guide. At the end of the second The project acts in the area of environmen-tourism guide course in the area, making one, like nacional tourism guides. The tal education, environment preservation people abble to act just in the region. At third step will be reserved to the tecnical and in the geotourism's promotion, with the this time, besides of been one of the ins- trips, ending with the airport part. The reception tourism and not a kind of tourism tructors she will have the opportunity to trips and the hosting in the final part of to a big crowd, wit the community's invol-extend her technical knowledge in the the course, will be financed by the vement and their development.area and to receive the Brazilian institute Araripe Geopark project. Senac will be the responsible for of tourism (Embratur), Tourism Ministry, The students' selection process the promotion of the technical course in to act with a recognized way like a pro- will be in July and the classes are seem to Tourism, Guide, while the Araripe fessional in that area on the hole country. begin on august. The Geopark's coordi- Geopark and the URCA will subsidies the

The university professor and nator, Patricio Melo, highlights the expenses with the obligatory apprentices-tourism guide, Luciana Lacerda, will be importance of the student's participation hips that the students need for the conclusi-one of the instructors of the course. She of the six Carir's cities ( Missão Velha, on of the course.said that just in 1997 was accomplished a Crato, Barbalha, Juazeiro do Norte, tourism guide course in the area, making Nova Olinda, santana do cariri) taht are

o touch the close communities to Neuma Galvão. “ at the end, they draw, they Araripe Geopark's 10 integral write sentences and textstelling about the thing Tgeosites about the preservation that the liked more in the video.”

and environmental conservation. The second part of the project is to form chil-Thinking about that, the Araripe dren as a local's conductors with those students Geopark's education team developed the and to give conditions of generating money. project Geopark in the school break. The Another option are the fossil's replica work-work is introdu- shops. “The youths ced to children, can use it as a tou-directors and rist attraction, as pedagogic coor- souvenir and expo-dinators of the sing for sale”, said 60 municipal N e u m a . T h e s e and state scho- young people also ols of the six receive notions of cities where the environmental edu-geos i tes a re cation through lec-located. tures and discussi-I n a f i r s t ons. The work is m o m e n t , a developed together Geopark's team with six people that visit 10 schools have a scholarship of each city and in the courses of show the video “ Araripe Geopark :Whe- Biology, History, Geografy, Social Sciences re the day is born” to the managers. and Pedagogy of the Cariri's Regional Therefore after it is the students' of the 7, University (URCA). This pilot project used 8 and 9 year time. “ They are invited to the criterion of proximity of the schools with watch the video through puppet theater”. the geosites of the cities fo Crato, Juazeiro do Explains the coordinator of the project Norte, Barbalha, Nova Olinda, Missão Velha e and of subjects for Geopark's Education, Santana do Cariri.

Araripe Geopark in the children's school break

Bonecos são usados para atrair a atenção das crianças

Geopark's Promotion in the Sesc's Exhibition

New signalling of Araripe Geopark in development

A team of specialists in visual planning responsable for the new project of Araripe Geopark's signalling had a metting in May with the Geopark's Executive Coordination and representatives of the State's Cities General office. The visit's main objective of the specialists to Cariri were to nego-tiate a partnership with the city halls of the Araripe Geopark's municipal districts in the point of the places cleaning and accessibility.The new proposal signaling includes urbanization, to signal the interior and the access roads of each one of the six geosites. The new signalling will make possible the tourist a better orientation about the peculiarities of each place. Each geosite will have a specific map and a general one, to facilitate the displacement of the visitor to the others. It also includes in the project the roads' paving that give access to the geosites, the place-ment of garbage cans, banks and support points. All the old plates Will be substituted. The cities of Crato, Juazeiro do Norte, barbalha, Missão velha, Nova Olinda e Santana do Cariri will to receive totens the with the geosite denomination, in substitution to the

old ones that contained the name geotope.The signalling work was requested and contracted for the Cities' General office, of the State Government. And it involves survey of his-torical, cultural, geologi-cal, religious, archeolo-gical and environmental data of the Area. The team is led by the archi-tect Elton Timbó.As novas placas terão conteúdo mais acessível ao


Page 4: Geopark News 3th Edition


raripe Geopar's Gestor education, culture and in other Team was created in the important areas that promote the soci-Amonth of May, in an event al involvement. The objective is to

accomplished in the theater of the accompany projects, programs and Cariri Regional University actions developed by the Araripe (URCA). The first meeting was Geopark. It has the purpose of sup-prestiged by the Executive porting the training of resources, the Committee of Araripe Geopark, accomplishment of new partnerships the General Coordinator, José suggested by the manager group and Patrício Melo, the President of the to search the communities' of the Scientific Committee, Zuleide Geopark territory involvement. For Fernandes, the Director of the the Executive coordinator, Patrício Santana do Cariri's paleontology Melo, the Gestor Team's creation Museum, Álamo Feitosa, the represents a significant step in the Assistant for Culture Subjects, communities' integration with the Titus Riedl and the Coordinator of M a i n t a i n a b l e E c o n o m i c a l Development, Laudeci Martins. In that time were showed the atribui-tions and was told the importance of each partner. The Concil team is formed by technicians and representatives of federal, state and municipal insti-tutions and entities of the third sec-tion. They are 47 partners with per-formance in the areas of tourism,

Chineses assinam convênio com Geopark Araripe e URCA

Cultural and academic exchange bet-ween China and Cariri now closer. Representatives of Chinese Geopark "Wang-wushan-Daimeishan" of the "Henan" provin-ce, in the Northeast Area of China, signed Term of Agreement with the Cariri's Regional University (URCA) and Araripe Geopark. The event counted with the URCA's rector's presence, Plácido Cidade Nuvens, with Araripe Geopark's General coordinator, José Patrício Melo, authorities of URCA, besides the "Jiyan city" mayor and a team of researchers of the Chinese Geopark. For the rector Plácido, that agreement will converge the interest and the Araripe Geopark's efforts and Chinese in defense of the environment. With that partnership, the Jyian's mayor believes that it will be easier to work on behalf of the popularization and protection of the Geosites. The Chinese cortege in Cariri visited the Santana do Cariri and the Horto Hill Geosites and they were impressed with the Cariri's natural beauty.

Araripe Geopark participates atInternational Tourism Fair.

Araripe Geopark's stand was one of the more sought in Brazilian National Tourism Mart (BNTM), accomplished in Porto de Galinhas (PE), on April 30. The International Fair is accomplished all of the years to publish the tourist destinies of seve-ral countries. Visitors of several parts of the world eulogized the work presented by the Geopark's team.A cortege of the Cariri's hotels also partici-pated in the event, what made possible the opportunity of businesses and the develop-ment of the tourism in the Cariri Area.

Cortege of the Cariri Hotel Net in the stand of Geopark, one of the more visited

Meeting had the partners' guaranteed presence

The Araripe Geopark's manager grouppromote the first Seminar

Patricio Melo and Mayor of Jiyan, Thian Zhihua

ore than 10 thousand people passed through the and green, stiller involving the public in the interactive nature of corridors of the Cariri Regional University's Cariri.Mbooth (URCA), that this year prioritized the The Lira Nordestina, with the woodcuts and the popular literature,

Araripe Geopak's project with its 10 Geosites, located in six several products typically regional, as the sandals and the artisan's of municipal districts of the Area. The culture, environment, Nova Olinda creative bags, Expedito Celeiro, are present. Master fauna, flora and the tourist itineraries of those areas are Noza's craft, including the sculptures of animals, priest's Cícero ima-being exposed in a didactic and in a fun way for the visitors ges, the itinerary of the faith in Cariri, centered in the mythical illus-of the whole country that arrive to ExpoCrato. On average, tration of the religious person, they are inserted in the Geopark's con-are visiting the space daily, about 3 thousand people. text.The space is of Interactivity with all the publics, including The Geographer Luciana Lacerda detaches the importance of the tou-children, with the funny part, where the kids can make pain- rist itineraries development . She affirms that for the first time, a part-tings, with drawings related to the regional themes, and defi- nership between the project and three agencies, will work the recep-ciency bearers, with access ramps and texts in “braille”. The tive tourism. For that, are inserted the itinerary of the faith initially, of first experimentations of tourist itineraries in the cities that Juazeiro do Norte; waters itinerary , in the municipal district of compose Geopark are being exposed through partnership of Barbalha; cultural itinerary , in Nova Olinda; geoturistic, involving the Project with travel agencies, that incorporate the the municipal districts of Santana and Nova Olinda, and the itinerary Araripe Geopark's philosophy, providing a differentiated where the day is born, for the Araripe forest.form of doing regional tourism. The project will insert other areas. It begins to work in an experimen-As the geologist Flávia Fernandes de Lima said, the objecti- tal way. The objective is to make possible the accomplishment of ve of the exhibition is to publish Geopark for the Cariri Araripe Geopark's integrated itinerary, that is in elaboration phase.population in the best possible way and in a didactic way and even educational.And for that, there is also the inclusion of the deficiency bea-rers. In the corridor, the panels exposes the aspects related to the formation of each geosite and the patrimony of those areas, with descriptive models. The idea, as the geologist said, is to show the diversified contexts from where interfe-res each one of the geosites. The conservation lines, educa-tion and geotourism are being explored. The regional characteristics are present in every part. In the booth's entrance, an explanatory panel detaches the great historical value of first American Geopark, that tells a little bit about the origin of the planet life and of the histori-cal and cultural lines of the Cariri's people.The glance escapes for an opening. It seems something a strange for who sees out. But it is only to give a look, and to enter more in the history of each geosite, allowing a larger understanding and the value of the formations of each area in prominence. Ahead, the fauna, the flora, the watery wealth. A face of plants, copies of the Araripe Plateau, alive

Exhibition about Araripe Geopark interactswith the public in ExpoCrato

Corridor of the Geosites: one of the main attractions

Chinese sign agreement with Araripe Geopark and URCA

April/ July 2010

Page 5: Geopark News 3th Edition

T h e C e a r á ' s F e d e r a t i o n o f Cyclism and the Group Eco Bikers, they accomplished in the month of April the Northeast Cup of M o u n t a i n B i k e 2010, in the Sítio Pinheiros, in the Barbalha city. The promotion is of the Oficina Esporte & Aventura e Cia with support of the Barbalha's City hall, through the General offi-ce of Sport and Youth, Government of the Ceará State and Araripe Geopark.

The proof, that it counts points for the national ranking of mountain bike, will have competitions in several categories (master, juvenile, infant-juvenile and junior) brought Cariri the best athletes in that sport of the Northeast, besides other several states of Brazil, like Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. Besides, the event provided to the public photo-graphic exhibition, exhibitions of videos and clo-sing show.


h e A r a r i p e Geopark made Tfour new impor-

tant partnerships on the follow áreas: Committee of Rio Salgado's Sub-Hidrografic basin, inte-gral of Hidric Resources' State System, Araripe Plateau SOS Foundation, Lira Nordestina and Juazeiro Turismo. These partners will con-tribute in specific areas in agreement with their c o m p e t e n c e s . T h e Committee of Salgado River's Sub-Hidrografic basin will act in the River's revitalization, improving the quality of two geosites: Batateiras a n d O l d M i s s i o n Waterfall. The SOS Foundation, that deve-lops practice maintaina-ble actions close to soci-ety, will contribute with lectures and in the creati-on and development of environmental projects. The contribution in the area of the culture is under the responsibility

Geopark make new partnerships

of the Lira Nordestina, larger expression of the brazilian popular literature culture. The culture Point will operate in the area of lectures, exhibition of popular literature and it will also be included in the itine-rary of Geopark's visitation. In the Tourism section, Juazeiro Turismo will work offering tourist packages for

the visitors that possess inte-rest in knowing Geopark. Through of those agree-ments the institutions commit to publish protection actions and Environmental conserva-t i o n , G e o t u r i s m a n d Geoeducation in the six Municipal districts members of the Araripe Geopark's geo-sites.

Tourism: company of the section integrates partners' net. To the right, José Osmar, of Juazeiro Turismo

Barbalha City receives Mountain Bike proof

Event had support of Araripe Geopark

Araripe Geopark was present in the 5th Tourism room - Itineraries of Brazil, accom-plished in the Parque Anhembi - Pavilhões Norte/Sul, in Saint Paulo-SP, from 26 on May 30. In the occasion, Araripe Geopark's Executive coordinator, José Patrício Pereira Melo, participated in a Table of Debates with the theme: " Regional development: The Geopark's paper." Also participated in the Table of Debate the m e m b e r o f t h e U N E S C O -GEOPARK/França, Guy Martini and of the Company of Minerals resources Research /SP, Antônio Theodorovicz. The table had as mediator the member of the Integration Ministry, Adriana Melo Alves. The presenta-tions are available in the internet and they can be accessed through the site:

Lecture of the Araripe Geopar's Executive Coordinator, Patrício Melo, was prominence

Geopark Araripe é destaque no 5º Salão do Turismo

Araripe Geopark's is prominence in the 5th Tourism room

A team of the National ciplinary team. Integration Ministry (MIN), of The headquar-the Cities and General offices ter will have a and of the Science, Technology Multipurpose and Superior Education (Secite- room (auditori-ce) it accomplished a series of um for a hun-visits in the last week to tourist dred people), equipments inside of Araripe e x h i b i t i o n Geopark 's area. The Project room, meeting Administrative headquarter cons- room, manage-truction also received technical ment, access visit t of the project. The group area for defici-accomplished meetings to verify ency bearers the potentialities and needs of and technical the several sections, returned to room. It will the regional development. also be acqui-

There are possibilities of red a vehicle through the agree- several areas of Brazil. more investments in the area, on ment. The main potentialities of the the part of the National The National secretary of places included in that national Integration Ministry , mainly in the Nat iona l In tegra t ion politics are being worked by half the sense to equip the own buil- Ministry Regional Program, several projects.ding of Geopark, that should be Márcia Damo, affirms that today The National Secretary inaugurated until October of this the area is priority in the national was gathered with the URCA's year. The construction was politics of national development. Rector, Teacher Plácido Cidade begun in March, in the Crato city, We "have some areas, denomi- Nuvens, and the second rector, in the Campus do Pimenta of the nated mesorregions that are prio- Otonite Cortez, besides the Cariri's Regional University rity in that politics", she says. A t t a c h e d S e c r e t a r y o f (URCA). They are six cities of SECITECE, Teresa Lenice

There are being invested Cariri included in Geopark, with Mota, the architect of the Cities R$ 778 thousand in equipments the identification of 10 geosites, General office, Emanuela and in the work. Of that amount where they are being worked Monteiro, and the manager of of money, the building of 441 mainly three focuses: the geo- Mesorregion of the Araripe square meters takes R$ 500 thou- tourism, geoeducation and the Plateau, Rafael Paiva, among sand. The technicians accom- geoconservation of the areas. other technicians of the general plished several evaluations, Cariri is headquartered in Meso offices and integral of the through meetings close to the Araripe's area, inside of a deve- Araripe Geopak's Project.Geopar's and URCA's multidis- lopment program that integrates

Team of the Integration Ministry verifies potentialities and make tecnical visits in Cariri.

Team of Geopark renders homage to the Ministry of the National Integration

April/ July 2010 News

Page 6: Geopark News 3th Edition

News6 April / July 2010

n the last month, Geopark Araripe's IS c i e n t i f i c

C o m m i t t e e t o o k ownership in the entiy's headquarters, in Crato city. The advisory organ has as president the URCA's E d u c a t i o n department's teacher, Zuleide F. Queiroz bes ides more 20 m e m b e r s , a representative of each URCA's department and the members of the GA's Comitê Gestor. The Committee works as the nucleus manager's advisory o r g a n w i t h t h e function of proposing, to accompany and to evaluate the research actions and extension developed by Geopark

and by the partners institutions. Teacher Zuleide e v a l u a t e s o f f u n d a m e n t a l i m p o r t a n c e t h e existence of that organ because it helps to foment the teaching activity, researches and extension, in the

several areas, directed to the Geopark ' s m i s s i o n : t h e m a i n t a i n a b l e development of the Area. The Ceará's Federal University (UFC) also acts in partnership with the S c i e n t i f i c Committee's work.

From the left to the right: Profs. Oderlânia Torquato, Marivando Bastos, Zuleide Queiroz, Josier Ferreira, Neuma Galvão, Frederyck Sidou ,Sheva Rodovalho e Michel Macêdo

The Cariri 's Regional Maria Helena. “That is a single University (URCA) began the cour- opportunity”, she said finally.s e o f S p e c i a l i z a t i o n i n The Araripe Geopark is one Paleontology and Historical of the partners institutions of this Geology classes in June. The p ro jec t . The Ins t i t u i t i on ' s group, of 35 students of the varied Administractive Director, José cities of Cariri, will be the only of Patricio Melo, explain that the the area that will have the opportu- Geopark's partnership consists of nity to specialize in that area, since making the geosites available for the course has exclusiveness cha- research. “ We hope that the stu-racter. dents can act in the geosites' admi-

According to the speciali- nistration and in the project's coor-zation coordinator, the Professor dination in the area of Paleontology Maria Helena Hessel, the main and Geology”, he said.objective of the course it is the regi- The course of Specialization onal izat ion of the Araripe in Paleontology and Historical Paleontology and the research and Geology was aproved by the popularization of the fossils that are Education Ministery (MEC) and in here. “ The students will have 12 have the Ceará's Federal University modules with classes supplied by (UFC), the Ceará's Foundation of teachers of the whole Country for a S u p p o r t t o t h e S c i e n t i f i c cheap value, this value is just R$ Development (FUNCAP) as part-50,00 a month”, said the Professor ner instituitions.

Inaugural class of Specializationin Paleontology and Historical Geology.

First Seminar Araripe Geopark andFirst Meeting of Conservation's Unitare accomplished in Missão Velha.

Between the 3 and Ceará - Missão Velha - of May 4 it was accomplis- the State Government, hed, in the Missão Velha's through the Cities' General City hall, the first Seminar office were presented. Araripe Geopark and the Another exposed impor-first Municipal Unit of tant point was the Regional Conservation Meeting. Development induced by Generated from a partners- Geopark in the municipal hip between the Cariri's districts where are located Reg iona l Univers i ty the geosites, in lecture utte-(URCA), Araripe Geopark red by the Ministry of the and the Missão Velha's National Integration.municipal city hall, the The Seminar made event is a result of the possible two guided visits Geopark's actions in pre- to the geosites Missão senting to several seg- Velha's Waterfall and ments of the society the tou- Petrified Forest of Cariri. rist potential and the scien- During the walk the parti-tific value of the instituti- cipants had contact with on. the history of the Indians,

Important themes as legends, paleontology and the roule played by the history of the continents' State's General office of drift. It is important that Environment (SEMACE), the community has that S t a t e C o u n c i l o f knowledge", emphasized Environment (Conpam) the concilwoman Maria and the project Cities of das Graças.

Professor Maria Helena Hessel gives good arrivals to the specialization students

Geopark's Scientific committee takes ownership

As part of the First Seminar, it was accom-p l i s h ed t h e F i r s t Geopark's Meeting of Conservation Unit with the participation of FLONA, APA, PARQUE S Í T I O F U N D Ã O , ARAJARA PARK,MISSÃO VELHA'S WATERFALL. Among other relevant subjects, the meeting treated of the partners' participation, of the geo-sites' maintenance and p r o j e c t s o f R i o Salgado's recovery.

The event counted with the communities' representatives' inte-gration, third section and of authorities inser-ted in Araripe Geopark's context. The seminar is p a r t o f t h e E n v i r o n m e n t a l Calendar, that it con-sists of a series of events to promote the environmental educati-on and to publish Geopark.

First Meeting ofAraripe Geopark'sUnit of Conservation.

First meeting Araripe Geopark’s conservation unit

To publish the pre- hip with UFC, Araripe servation of the current Geopark ICM-Bio, and fossil biodiversity Sítio Pinheiros and and to draw the plan- Agrocenter Campos ning for better adminis- and Construção.tration of the natural The course was resources no-renewed accomplished during are the themes discus- the first week of June s e d b y A r a r i p e with practical classes Geopark's Scientific of field in the Sítio coordinator and direc- Pinheiros and in the tor of the Santana do E c o l o g i c a l P a r k Cariri Paleontology R i a c h o d o M e i o . Museum , Álamo People of the most seve-Saraiva. The event was ral areas form the opened at the auditori- public of 30 listeners. um of the Ceará's Teachers, biologists, Federal University rural producers, stu-(UFC-Cariri) - Campus dents and writers of Barbalha. popular literature had

Entitled "Geopark access to information and Conservation", the on hidric resources, lecture makes part of conservation of the bio-the course "Knowing diversity for the appro-the Araripe Plateau", priate handling of the organized by the SOS vegetation and animals A r a r i p e P l a t e a u - an d er os io n c ontrol and Foundation in partners- extraction of ores.

Geopark and Conservationare lecture's theme.