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1. Membership qualifications S5; R1

2. Register of members S5.11

3. Fees, subscriptions etc S5.12

4. Members liabilities S5.13

5. Disciplining of members S5.14

5A. Internal disputes S5.15

6. Committee S6

7. General meetings – calling of S7.3

8. General meetings – procedure S7

9. General meetings – notices S7.4

10. Funds – source S9.1

11. Funds – management S9.3;S9.4

12. Alteration of objects S7.9

13. Rules – altering, rescinding, additional S7.9

14. Common seal S10

15. Custody of books, documents, securitiesS11

16. Inspection of books and documents S12

17. Remuneration of officeholders S13

18. Distribution on dissolution S14

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1. Foundation

The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales (Grand Priory) Preceptory of Australasia (Preceptory) is a chivalric Order of ecumenically-minded Christians who take their inspiration from the highest ideals of the medieval Order of Knights Templar, founded by Hugh de Payens and eight companions in Jerusalem circa 1118.

The Preceptory follows in the tradition of the following founding acts:

The Rule prepared under the guidance of St Bernard of Clairvaux for the medieval Order and enacted by the

Council of Troyes circa 1128

The letter of St Bernard of Clairvaux, “De laude novae militiae” (“In praise of the new knighthood”), written

to Hugh de Payens, first Grand Master of the medieval Order, before 1136

The Papal Bull “Omne Datum Optimum” of Pope Innocent II, dated 1139, which confirmed the medieval

Order’s Rule

The Declaration of Principles issued in 1841, after a General Assembly in Paris, which committed the modern

Order of the Temple to the principles of ecumenical Christianity and active charity.

2. Motto

The motto reminds Members that they join the Preceptory not to be served, but to serve others, and to give themselves to the service of God.

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis; sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam

Not to us, O Lord, not to us; but to Your Name give the glory.

3. Rule of Life

“Here begins the prologue to the Rule of the Temple: We speak first to all those who secretly despise their own will and desire with a pure heart to serve the Sovereign King as a knight and with studious care desire to wear, and wear permanently, the very noble armour of obedience.”

-(from the introduction to the Primitive Rule of St Bernard of Clairvaux for the Templars)

The Rule of Life of the modern Order, the “Regula Moderna”, was approved by the International Theological Convention of the Chaplains of the Order in November 1962.

Chapter 1: On the Temple and its Service

Remember that you are a Templar, an inheritor of the “Poor Fellow Soldiers of the Temple”, so called

because the first headquarters of our noble Order were in the precinct of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Think on the word “Temple” and its meaning continually. As divine scripture says: “One thing have I desired

of the Lord which I will require; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the

fair beauty of the Lord and to visit his Temple.” (Psalm27; verse 4)

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Chapter 2: On Love for the Church

Consider with joy “that we are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building being bonded together grows into a holy Temple to the Lord, and in whom we are built together as a dwelling of God through the Spirit.” (St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians; chapter 2; verses 19 to 22)

Chapter 3: On Discipline of the Body

Read over again the original Rule given to us by St Bernard of Clairvaux and seek to put it into practice in modern life. With all thankfulness for God’s good gifts, resist temptation and be master of your body.

Chapter 4: On Knightly Combat

Be mindful that you are on the crusade of the King of Kings. “Unless you take up your cross and follow me, you have no part with me”, said our Master. (St Matthew’s Gospel: chapter 16; verse 24) Do not be afraid to confess the King who is like no other King.

May the white cloak remind you that we fight a holy war in all truthfulness; and may the red cross remind you that sacrifices must be made; for “we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against potentates and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in the cosmos.” (St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians: chapter 6; verse 12)

Chapter 5: On Fellowship

Remember that you stand beside your brother at all times, as he fights under the same banner as you. Obey

your superiors, honouring Christ in them. We have only one Master, Christ; but we are all brothers. Feel

responsible for your brother, for God will also ask you one day: “Where is your brother?”(Gen 4: 9)

As a knight, stand up for the weak, above all for women and children, widows and orphans who need your

help. Avail yourself of the worldwide community of the Order to correspond with your brothers and sisters

and visit them whenever you have the opportunity. (Matthew 25:vv 31-46)

“Now we have told you the things which you should do and what you should guard against . . . and we have not told you everything we need to tell you, but you will ask it. And may God let you say and do well.”

4. Code of Chivalry

And now as a model . . . we will briefly set forth the life and virtues of these knights of Christ. Let us see how they conduct themselves at home . . . how they appear in public, and in what way the knight of God differs from the knight of the world.

In the first place discipline is in no way lacking and obedience is never despised. . . They live as brothers in joyful and sober company . . . They dwell united in one family . . . careful to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

-(from “de Laude Novae Militiae” by St Bernard of Clairvaux.)

The following extracts come from the Primitive Rule of the Templars:

Each brother of the Temple should know that he is not committed to anything so much as to serve God, and

each one should apply all his study and understanding to this. (Article 279)

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Each brother is required to do all noble actions and to say all good words. (Article 325)

Each brother should strive to live honestly and to set a good example to secular people and to other Orders

in everything, in such a way that those who see him cannot notice anything bad in his behaviour . . . nor in

any of his actions and works. (Article 340)

Each brother should ensure that the other brothers, especially his companions, behave well like worthy men

. . . and that the others do not let themselves go nor elevate themselves and do things which are against the

honesty and good customs of our house. (Article 367)

“There is no distinction of persons among them, and deference is shown to merit rather than to noble blood. They rival one another in mutual consideration, and they carry one another’s burdens, thus fulfilling the law of Christ. . .

They think not of glory and seek to be formidable rather than flamboyant. At the same time, they are not quarrelsome, rash or unduly hasty, but soberly, prudently and providently drawn up into Orderly ranks . . .

Thus in a wondrous and unique manner they appear gentler than lambs, yet fiercer than lions. I do not know if it would be more appropriate to refer to them as monks or soldiers, unless it would be better to recognize them as being both. Indeed they lack neither monastic meekness nor military might. What can we say of this, except that “this has been done by the Lord and it is marvellous in our eyes.”

5. Personal Commitment

Membership of the Preceptory is a way of life (“ordo vitae”) according to the Rule, freely chosen but nonetheless binding on their honour.

Prayers and participation in the life of the Church help Members to lead the Christian life to which they are bound.

Moral obligations in personal, family, professional and public life follow from the claims which chivalry makes on Members.

Members are under an obligation to take part in the community life of the Preceptory, particularly in events and meetings organised by the Preceptory.

Members contribute of their time and financial resources to furthering the work of the Preceptory, as best as their personal means allow.


S1. Legal Form

S1.1 The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales Preceptory of Australasia

(Preceptory) is, under the laws of Australia, an unincorporated association of persons associated together for social reasons and for purposes concerned with the advancement of social welfare, education and religion.

S1.2 The constitution, as set out in this document, is deemed to form the terms of a contract between

the Subscribing Members of the association.

S1.3 The Preceptory Chapter constitutes the governing committee of the association.

S1.4 Property (such as books, seals, banners and ceremonial furnishings), which may be acquired by

the association, together with the association’s funds belong jointly to all the subscribing and subsequent members of the association from time to time. The governing committee act as trustees in

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the administration of the property and funds, except where the Preceptory passes any property or funds to a registered charity.

S2. Name

S2.1 The name of the association is The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales

Preceptory of Australasia.

S3. Territorial Definition

S3.1 The Preceptory operates within the territories commonly known as Australasia.

S4. Aims

S4.1 The aims of the Preceptory are:

To promote ecumenical Christian charitable and chivalrous behaviour

To uphold civic virtues and to pursue excellence in the workplace and in daily life to the greater glory of God

To protect human rights and to promote international peace and justice

To increase our understanding, as Christians, of other faiths

To support a Christian presence in the Holy Land

To assist persons undertaking pilgrimages, both spiritual and physical

To relieve human suffering by the support of the poor, the sick and those in need

To assist in the preservation of monuments and sites associated with the medieval Order of Knights


To maintain archives and foster research into the history of the Knights Templar

S5. Membership

S5.1 The Preceptory has two ancillary ranks:

Postulant – a person who has applied for membership of the Preceptory but not yet been admitted into the Preceptory

Novice – a person who has been admitted as a member of the Preceptory but not yet invested or inducted as a Knight

S5.2 The Preceptory has three classes of full membership:

Dame - who is a member of the laity

Knight - who is a member of the laity

Chaplain - who is a minister of religion

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S5.3 Full membership of the Preceptory is open to any Christian aged at least eighteen, who is willing

and able to serve God and humanity according to the Rule, Statutes and Regulations as set out in this Constitution.

S5.4 The Preceptory has four ranks of seniority in each class:



Grand Officer

Grand Cross

S5.5 Promotion is earned by undertaking an office, a project or another duty that the Preceptory

Chapter considers to be a notable contribution to the work of the Preceptory and subject to the approval of the Grand Priory Chapter of England and Wales.

S5.6 The Preceptory has two types of associate membership:

Honorary member – who holds an honorary rank

Friend – who holds no rank

S5.7 Associate membership is open to individual members of similar Preceptorys that are recognised

by the Preceptory Chapter. These associate members continue to pay membership dues and may exercise the right to vote in their home Preceptory.

S5.8 Full membership is also open to members of other Knights Templar Preceptorys that are

recognised by the Preceptory Chapter. In such cases the member concerned pays membership dues and may exercise voting rights in Preceptory meetings.

S5.9 Membership of the Preceptory, and the ranks and titles within it, do not confer any rank, title or

social privilege outside of the Order.

S5.10 Termination of membership occurs when either:

a member formally notifies the Preceptory Chapter of a wish to leave the Preceptory and that notification is accepted; or

a member is dismissed from the Preceptory as a result of a disciplinary decision of the Preceptory Chapter

S5.11 A register of members will be maintained by the Preceptory Chapter

specifying the name, address or each person who is a member of the Preceptory together with the date that such persons were appointed as members. The register (or a copy of it) is to be kept at the principal place of administration and made freely available for inspection by members during business hours. Members may obtain a copy of any part of the register upon payment of such fee as determined by the Preceptory Chapter. If no fee is determined it shall stand at $1 per page.

S5.12 Full members and novices pay application fees and annual

membership dues to the Grand Priory and to the Preceptory as determined by the Preceptory Chapter from time to time and are thereby Subscribing Members of the Preceptory. In cases of hardship, the

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Preceptory Chapter may agree that all or part of the membership dues of a subscribing member be met out of funds under the authority of the Almoner.

S5.13 On dissolution of the Preceptory the liability of the members to contribute to debts and

liabilities or the costs, charges and expenses of the dissolution is limited to the amount (if any) unpaid in respect of their membership of the Preceptory.

S5.14 In the event of a breach of the Constitution of the Preceptory by a member, or conduct

unbecoming of a Member of the Preceptory as determined by the Preceptory Chapter, disciplinary action including reduction in rank and, in serious cases, dismissal from the Preceptory (forfeiture of

membership), in which case the member concerned has the right to be heard by the Preceptory Chapter, accompanied by a friend (if desired), before a final decision is made by the Preceptory Chapter. Where such a decision is made (and stated to be final) by the Preceptory Chapter, the disciplined member has no further right to be heard on the matter nor any right of appeal.

S5.15 All internal disputes between members are to be resolved by the Preceptory Chapter and in the

event that the dispute remains unresolved the Preceptory Chapter shall call an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly to consider the dispute. The resolution of the of the General Assembly will be final and not subject to challenge or appeal.

S6. Preceptory Chapter

S6.1 Subject to the Constitution, the Preceptory Chapter is the governing committee of the Preceptory

and has full authority to administer the property, funds and affairs of the Preceptory.

S6.2 The minimum number of officeholders of the Preceptory is three, being the Preceptor, Chancellor

and Treasurer elected by the members of the Preceptory and subject to approval of Grand Priory Chapter.

S6.3 The Preceptor is to be appointed by the Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales for

such period as the Grand Priory determines. The other Officeholders of the Preceptory Chapter, who must be Subscribing Members of the Preceptory and not employed under any position of remuneration or profit within the Preceptory, are elected by the General Assembly of the Preceptory for individual, renewable terms of four years.

S6.4 The Preceptory Chapter is called to meet by the Preceptor, or by at least three officeholders, with

at least 21 days notice, at least each 3 months and at such other times as business may require or as called by the Preceptor.

S6.5 The quorum for a meeting of the Preceptory Chapter is half the number of serving Officeholders,

which must include the Preceptor or his deputy, plus one officeholder. Participation in a meeting may be by conference call or other electronic means.

S6.6 The powers of the Preceptory Chapter include:

Recommendation to the Annual General Assembly of the Preceptory of candidates for office on the Preceptory Chapter, and the co-option of individuals to fill any unexpected vacancies which occur in the Preceptory Chapter;

Appointment of individuals to such Assistant Offices as are specified in the Constitution or otherwise approved by the General Assembly of the Preceptory;

Acceptance of individuals as applicants, postulants, novices, honorary members (after consultation with the Grand Priory Chapter Seneschal), friends and associates of the Preceptory;

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Recommendation to the Grand Priory of promotion of members to higher rank (after consultation with the Grand Priory Chapter Seneschal), and the making of awards for distinguished service.

Creation of Foundations within the Preceptory to carry out such activities as determined by the Preceptory Chapter from time to time;

Creation of sub-committees, which may consist of persons who are not members of the Preceptory and provided always that the Chair of such sub-committees shall always be an Officeholder of the Preceptory, to carry out specific functions, provided that the acts and proceedings of such sub-committees are regularly reported back to the Preceptory Chapter. Such sub-committees shall exist for such period of time and purpose as determined by the Preceptory Chapter;

Issuance of insignia and brevets of membership and office;

Cooperation with charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities in furtherance of the aims of the Preceptory;

Conduct of relations with those similar Preceptorys that are recognised by the Preceptory Chapter;

Determining the level of application fees and annual membership dues and their timing of payment that will apply from time to time;

Resolution of disputes between members;

S6.7 The Officeholders of the Preceptory Chapter (where appointed), in alphabetical Preceptory, are:

The Almoner, who is responsible for the programme of charitable donations and humanitarian aid in the Preceptory and for the welfare of its members;

The Chancellor, who is responsible for the programme of national events and schedule of projects, acts as Deputy to the Preceptor as required and undertakes the activities of the Clerk if such position is not otherwise filled.;

The Chaplain General, who is responsible for the conduct of religious services within the Preceptory and for the spiritual care of its members;

The Clerk, who is responsible for the secretariat of the Preceptory, including correspondence, literature, the website, journals and official minutes;

The Marshal, who is responsible for the habit, insignia, heraldry, ceremonial furnishings and the conduct of ceremonies in the Preceptory;

The Preceptor, who presides at the Preceptory Chapter and at the General Assembly, who represents the Preceptory at international meetings, and who may obtain the authority from the Grand Priory the authority to invest Knights and Dames and to induct Chaplains; and undertakes the responsibilities of the Seneschal, Marshal and Almoner if such positions are not otherwise filled.

The Seneschal, who is responsible for the recruitment process, register of membership and the training of members in the Preceptory;

The Treasurer, who is responsible for the finances of the Preceptory including the collection of membership subscriptions, payment of accounts and the keeping of proper accounts;

S6.8 The responsibilities of any vacant office may be allocated by the Preceptory Chapter to one of the

other officeholders.

S7. General Assembly

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S7.1 The General Assembly of the Preceptory consists of all Subscribing Members, who each have one


S7.2 Associates and postulants may attend meetings of the General Assembly but have no vote.

S7.3 The General Assembly is called to meet by the Preceptor, with at least one month’s notice, at

least once a year and in such location as the Preceptory Chapter determines, and at such other times as ordinary business may require. In the case of extraordinary business, the General Assembly may also be called by at least ten subscribing members.

S7.4 Notices of meetings shall be despatched by ordinary mail or electronically to all members, at their

registered preferred address for the receipt of notices as shown in the register of members, at least 21 days before the meeting.

S7.5 The General Assembly is chaired by the Preceptor or, in his absence, by the Chancellor. If neither

the Preceptor nor the Chancellor is present, the General Assembly may elect a full member to Chair the meeting.

S7.6 The quorum for an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly is at least half the current

subscribing members plus one member present in person or by written proxy. Decisions at an ordinary meeting require a simple majority of those in attendance, with the presiding Chair having a casting vote.

S7.7 The business for an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly is tabled by the Preceptory

Chapter and includes:

Electing officeholders to vacancies on the Preceptory Chapter and/or confirming co-opted Officeholders;

Discussing the annual report of the Preceptory Chapter on the activities of the Preceptory;

Approving the annual accounts of the Preceptory, which are subject to independent examination;

Approving the level of application fees and membership subscriptions;

Recommending to the Grand Priory for approval novices for investiture as knights or dames, approving of promotion of members to higher rank, and the making of awards for distinguished service; or for induction of chaplains;

Approving any amendments to the Services and Ceremonies of the Preceptorys;

Approving the appointment of Auditors to the Preceptory.

S7.8 The quorum for an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly is at least three quarters of

the current subscribing members present in person or by written proxy. Decisions on extraordinary business require a three quarters majority of the subscribing membership present in person or by written proxy.

S7.9 The business for an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly, which must be tabled by the

Preceptory Chapter or by ten subscribing members of the Preceptory, includes:

Approving any alterations, recisions additions or amendments to the Rule, Regulations or Statutes of the Preceptory;

Resolution of disputes between members;

Approving any proposal for the Preceptory to affiliate, join in association with or leave affiliation or association with a similar international Preceptory;

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Approving any proposal to create or dissolve any Foundation within the Preceptory;

Voting on any motion of confidence in any officeholder of the Preceptory Chapter;

Approving any proposal to dissolve the Preceptory.

S7.10 In cases of urgency, the Preceptory Chapter, or ten subscribing members of the Preceptory,

may present extraordinary business to the General Assembly by means of a postal and/or electronic ballot, with decisions requiring a three quarters majority of the subscribing members.

S8. Validity of Decisions and Candidature

S8.1 Except where stated otherwise, decisions in meetings of the Preceptory Chapter and of sub-

committees within the Preceptory are taken by a simple majority, with the presiding Officeholder having a casting vote.

S8.2 Candidature for the elective posts within the Preceptory is open to all subscribing members,

unless they are subject a disciplinary decision of the Preceptory or are unfinancial.

S8.3 Any subscribing member of the Preceptory who fails to pay the annual membership dues by the

due date, and who has provided no explanation to the Preceptory Chapter, loses the right to vote until such time as the arrears are paid.

S9. Sources and Management of Funds

S9.1 The funds of the Preceptory are to be derived from Application fees, member’s annual

membership dues, donations, fundraising activities and subject to resolution of the General Assembly from such other sources as the Preceptory Chapter determines.

S9.2 All monies received shall be receipted and banked as soon as possible without deduction, into the

Preceptorys bank account.

S9.3 Subject to any resolution passed be meeting of the General Assembly, the funds of the

Preceptory are to be used in pursuance of the aims of the Preceptory.

S9.4 The Preceptorys bank accounts are to be controlled by the Preceptory Chapter. All payments are

to be authorised by the Preceptory Chapter in meeting and cheques, electronic payments and promissory notes are to be signed by any two out of at least three signatories, who shall be the Preceptor, Chancellor and Treasurer or such other Officeholders as determined by the Preceptory Chapter.

S10. Common Seal

S10.1 If the Preceptory Chapter so determines, the Preceptory may adopt a Common seal.

S10.2 Any common seal, if adopted, must be kept in the custody of the Chancellor.

S10.3 Where a common seal has been adopted, it must be not affixed to any document without the

resolution of the Preceptory Chapter and then must be attested to by two signatures of members of the Preceptory Chapter.

S11. Custody of Books, Documents and Securities

S11.1 Except as otherwise provided in the Statutes and regulations, the

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Chancellor will keep in his or her custody and under his or her control all books, records and other documents relating to the Preceptory.

S12. Inspection of Books and Documents.

S12.1 The books, records and other documents of the Preceptory will be open to inspection by

subscribing members free of charge, during business hours at the principal place of business.

S13. Remuneration of Officeholders

S13.1 No Officeholder shall be entitled to any remuneration by virtue of holding office.

S13.2 The above provision does not operate against the reimbursement of an Officeholder for

reasonable expenses incurred in the furtherance of the aims of the Preceptory. Such reimbursements must be approved by the Preceptory Chapter.

S14. Distribution on Dissolution

S14.1 No member is entitled to participate in any distribution upon dissolution of the Preceptory.

S14.2 Upon dissolution and by resolution in a meeting of the General Assembly all funds, assets,

books and records shall be distributed in part or in whole to other organisations, whether in Australia or not, who have similar aims as the Preceptory.

S15. Mantle and Insignia

S15.1 The Badge of the Preceptory is the traditional red eight-pointed Templar cross patée.

S15.2 The Banner of the Preceptory, known as Beauceant, is divided into two horizontal bars, black

above and white below.

S15.3 The Mantle of the Preceptory is white, with the Badge of the Preceptory sewn over the left


S15.4 The Insignia of the Preceptory is the traditional red eight-pointed Templar cross patée or such

other insignia as may be approved by the Grand Priory from time to time..

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R1. Admission Process

R1.1 An applicant is required to provide a curriculum vitae containing: personal details; religious

denomination; academic, vocational and professional qualifications; membership of other charitable organisations, learned societies and Orders; the names and addresses of two referees.

R1.2 An applicant is expected to provide evidence: of a personal spiritual pilgrimage as a follower of

Christ; of an understanding of the concept of a rule of life; and of engagement in both public and private Christian worship.

R1.3 As soon as possible after approval of an application to join the Preceptory, the Preceptor

allocates a knight, dame or chaplain mentor to the postulant. The support of the mentor is available for both the periods to admission and also to investiture or induction.

R1.4 Ceremonies of admission for Novices, investiture for knights and dames and induction for

chaplains take place within the context of a church service where possible.

R1.5 After admission into the Preceptory, a Novice usually serves at least six months before being

considered for investiture or induction.

R1.6 On admission, a Novice receives and signs a copy of the Constitution of the Preceptory.

R1.7 In order to be considered for investiture or induction, a Novice is expected to serve by:

completing a project as approved by the Preceptor

showing commitment to the local community and to the Preceptory

providing evidence of spiritual development

R1.8 On investiture or induction the dame, knight or chaplain receives a brevet signed by the

Preceptor. Further brevets may be issued on promotion.

R2. Proceedings of General Assembly, Preceptory Chapter and Sub-Committee Meetings

R2.1 Meetings of the General Assembly, Preceptory Chapter, and of any sub-committees, are subject

to written agendas.

R2.2 Minutes of Preceptory Chapter and sub-committee meetings are recorded, approved at the next

following meeting of the Preceptory Chapter or sub-committee concerned, and signed by the presiding officeholder.

R2.3 Past officeholders of the Preceptory Chapter are titled “emeritus”, and may be invited to attend

meetings of the Preceptory Chapter in an advisory capacity at the discretion of the Preceptor or other presiding officeholder.

R3. Financial Year and Annual Membership Dues

R3.1 The financial year of the Preceptory runs from 1st July to 30th June.

R3.2 Subscribing members, other than those supported by the Almoner, are expected to pay their

annual membership dues to the Treasurer by 31st May each year.

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R3.3 Someone who becomes a subscribing member during a financial year pays an appropriate

portion of the annual membership due.

R3.4 The costs of insignia and mantle are payable by a subscribing member according to the

appropriate class and rank of membership, unless the member concerned is supported by the Almoner.

R4. Assistant Officeholders

R4.1 The Preceptory Chapter may appoint the following assistant officeholders and determine the

period of their service:

The Historian, who assists the Seneschal and is responsible for official documents relating to the history of the Preceptory of Knights Templars and for historical research;

The Webmaster/Webmistress, who assists the Clerk and manages the website of the Preceptory;

The Editor, who assists the Clerk and is responsible for publishing the journals of the Preceptory;

The Warden of Insignia, who assists the Marshal and is responsible for stock of insignia held by the Preceptory

The Standard Bearer, who assists the Marshal in the conduct of ceremonies in the Preceptory;

The Delegate, who assists the Preceptor and is responsible for liaison with such similar Preceptorys as are recognised by the Preceptory Chapter of the Preceptory.

R5. Titles and Styles

R5.1 The titles and styles of the Preceptory, and the post nominal letters attaching to them, may only

be used within the Preceptory and not in other social circumstances.

Dames/Knights/Chaplains of the Temple of Jerusalem DTJ/KTJ/ChapTJ

Dames/Knights/Chaplains Commander of the Temple of Jerusalem DCTJ/KCTJ/ChapCTJ

Dames/Knights/Chaplains Grand Officer of the Temple of Jerusalem DGOTJ/KGOTJ/ChapGOTJ

Dames/Knights/Chaplains Grand Cross of the Temple of Jerusalem DGCTJ/KGCTJ/ChapGCTJ

R5.2 It is customary to address members of the Preceptory as “Sister” or “Dame” and “Brother” or

“Chevalier” in formal correspondence or in the conduct of ceremonies.

R6. Wearing of Insignia and Mantles

R6.1 The insignia of the Preceptory may only be worn at Templar functions and at other functions to

which the Preceptory has been specifically invited. Members are encouraged, however, to wear the lapel badge whenever possible in Preceptory to show their membership of the Preceptory.

R6.2 In keeping with the simplicity of the Preceptory motto, the insignia of the Preceptory is worn as a

neck cross on a ribbon by all classes and ranks of the Preceptory, and as a pendant cross on a cord by novices.

R6.3 When attending international events of the Preceptory, members may be requested to conform

the wearing of insignia to the relevant dress code of the country and the event in which they are participating.

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R6.4 At church services organised by the Preceptory or otherwise with the permission of the Church

and during ceremonies, dames, knights and

chaplains of all ranks wear the mantle of the Preceptory with the eight-pointed red Templar cross patée sewn over the left breast.

R6.5 At church services organised by the Preceptory or otherwise with the permission of the Church

and during ceremonies, novices wear a plain white mantle without the eight-pointed red Templar cross patée.

R7. Awards

R7.1 The Preceptory has two awards given by the Preceptory Chapter for distinguished service and

subject always to approval by the Grand Priory Chapter.

The Certificate of Honour, awarded to associate or non members of the Preceptory

The Certificate of Merit, awarded to full or associate members of the Preceptory

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Declaration of Principles of the Order of the Temple:

“The Order of the Temple is distinct from and independent of all other institutions, whatever their denomination or aims; it is neither the embodiment nor the successor of any Order existing before 1118 AD but, born of and founded in the bosom of the apostolic, Roman Catholic faith, today it admits equally all Christian denominations, in Order to give to the people of the world an example of wise tolerance and a genuine and pious brotherhood.

The Order is cosmopolitan, the universe is its homeland; it teaches and gathers together the wisdom of ancient and modern times; its customs are in harmony with the progress of reason and it practices the pure form of evangelical charity. It offers to persons of honour, in all countries where Christianity is professed, a line of communication; it upholds and continues the practice of all noble sentiments and seeks to deserve the title of benefactor of humanity, by founding hospices and establishments of public welfare and by contributing in all ways available to it to the good of mankind.

No-one is admitted to the Order unless he is a Christian, has received a liberal education, holds an honourable place in society, and is to be recommended by his virtues and morals. For that is how the Order today interprets the four degrees of nobility required under the ancient statutes. Every knight is eligible for the highest offices in the Order; his title is permanent and sacred, and may never be annulled. If, however, - which God forbid - a knight sullies his noble character, he is judged by his peers, and declared unworthy of knighthood, or suspended from its honours, either in perpetuity or for a determined period.

The Magistry governs the Order as a whole, administering it by decrees and ensuring adherence to the Rule, Laws and Statutes voted by the General Assemblies.

The Order of the Temple, grateful for the protection accorded to it by various governments, respects all established constitutions and remains entirely outside politics. If, however, grave misunderstandings arise between states, resulting even in war, then the sacred duty of every knight, whilst following the Orders of his government, would be to speak words of peace and to plead before the world the holy cause of humanity.”

At the Temple in Paris – AD 1841.

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Whereas on this Fourth day of October, 2009 the following persons (initial members) have agreed to form an association to be known as The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in England and Wales - Preceptory of Australasia in accordance with this Constitution.

1. Name: N T, Manager

2. Name: G T, Director

3. Name: K A, Accountant

4. Name: K S R, Field Officer

5. Name: G H, IT Consultant