group overview

Providing global energy solutions

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Overview of the Energ group and its products and services


Page 1: Group Overview

Providing global energy solutions

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Welcome to our world



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The wisdom of reducing carbon dependency to boost environmental and cost performance is universally accepted, but the best route to achieving this goal is less obvious. As a clean tech solutions provider, ENER-G cuts through this confusing array of sustainable technologies, services and advice, to understand your organisation’s precise requirements and the challenges you face. We then deliver the most appropriate solution for you. ENER-G, a UK business, designs, develops, operates and finances energy efficient, sustainable and renewable solutions on a business-to-business basis globally.

The group provides complete end-to-end solutions for all commercial and industrial requirements. These include every aspect of energy management, from procurement, consultancy, controls, combined heat and power manufacture and operation, to geothermal energy, energy from biogas and new generation energy from waste.

All our advanced technologies and services aim to help our customers to meet corporate objectives and reduce operational costs, carbon emissions and enhance Corporate Social Responsibility.

Established in the 1980s, ENER-G has grown through acquisitions and organically and current turnover is £130 million. We employ more than 750 people globally and have a presence in 17 countries.

We operate more than 365MW of generation capacity, which enables our customers to reduce their collective CO2 emissions by 5 million tonnes per year, equating to the environmental benefit of 500 million trees.


ENER-G Headquarters Manchester, UK

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e to our world


We apply our proven sustainable energy solutions in all sectors, including:

• Health sector, including public and private hospitals such as the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust and Malvern Community Hospital.

• Cultural institutions, such as the National Gallery and the

new Museum of Liverpool.

• Private and public leisure centres and leisure parks, such as the Basingstoke Aquadrome.

• Hotel chains, including a number of world renowned brands.

• Educational sector, including primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, such as Leicester Grammar School, St John’s College, Oxford and Coventry University.

• Public sector and government buildings, including the Department of Work and Pensions, Food and Environment Research Agency, prisons and courts.

• Retail sector, including world renowned and national retailers.

• Industrial and food sector, such as Tangerine, SCA and Kerrygold.

• Pharmaceutical companies.

• Waste management and recycling companies, such as Biffa and SITA UK.



• Water industry, like Severn Trent Water and Budapest Sewage Treatment Works.

• Agriculture and farming, including BV Dairy.

• Historic buildings, including Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle.

• Local Councils, including Chesterfield Borough Council, City Council of Johannesburg and Western Isles Council.

• Housing Associations, including Hyde Housing Association and Gentoo.

• Developers, such as Berkerley Homes and Urban Splash.

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Energy and carbon consultancy


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At a time of high energy costs and increasing environmental concerns and legislative pressures, our team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals identify and deliver the right solutions to reduce your carbon emissions, energy consumption and costs. Offering a complete range of services, ENER-G helps organisations across the globe to benefit from effective and environmentally friendly energy management that delivers quickest return on investment.

Energy and carbon management

Effective energy and carbon management is increasingly important for any organisation seeking a competitive edge in the marketplace. We develop corporate energy and carbon management strategies and solutions that control carbon emissions, minimise risk, reduce costs and enhance corporate reputation.

Process energy management

Our experienced consultants find the root causes of energy waste at each stage of the manufacturing process and recommend and implement the necessary changes. Through the delivery of capital projects and identification of operational improvements, we help our customers realise sustained carbon and cost reductions.

Legislative compliance

We provide up-to-date advice on environmental legislation, ensuring legislative compliance, reduced financial risk and exemplary corporate reputation.

Building energy efficiency

We advise on all aspects of the performance of buildings and regulatory compliance, helping to improve efficiency and reduce carbon footprint.

Renewable energy consultancy

We can identify the right opportunities and technologies for renewable energy generation and provide bespoke solutions: from specification, through product sourcing to project management and commissioning.

Water consultancy

Significant savings can be achieved by identifying and implementing water related cost reductions, helping to minimise your water footprint.

Project design consultancy

We offer engineering and consulting services to energy and utility projects including feasibility, design, planning, procurement, project management and commissioning. This complete service means we take responsibility for environmental permitting and legal administration too.

All projects incorporate the latest technologies to meet enhanced energy requirements. Our expertise covers biomass and biogas power; small hydro power; photovoltaic; gas turbine; cogeneration and trigeneration; wind; industrial and district heating and cooling; and fuel handling.

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Energy procurement and bureau


Energy procurement and bureau

Energy procurement and bureau

As an independent energy broker, our analysts find the best gas and electricity deals on the market. We take away the complexity and minimise the risk of energy purchasing. By analysing the true value of each supplier’s offer we secure the most suitable contract terms to meet our customers’ needs. Fixed energy procurement allows you to agree a fixed price today, for future delivery of your contracted energy volumes, giving peace of mind and confidence in budget projections.

Flexible energy procurement offersgreater freedom by purchasing gas and electricity on a timely basis throughout the term of an energy contract, taking advantage of wholesale price movements and spreading risk.

Risk management

With energy prices constantly fluctuating, our risk management approach focuses on managing market volatility and ensuring an optimum balance between risk and opportunity.

We work closely with our customers to develop a risk management strategy that establishes a framework for procurement decisions to achieve optimum results.

With our advanced risk management software, ENER-G RiskManager™, our team can monitor wholesale market prices in real time. This reduces risk and ensures energy is purchased within budget and at the most advantageous price.

Market intelligence

Our market analysts have access to a wealth of market intelligence to create an accurate and timely picture of the energy marketplace. We deliver regular market reports, providing analysis and commentary on economic, political and legislative developments.

Bureau and metering services We look after the validation and payment of utility invoices, resolving any errors on your behalf, therefore allowing you to focus on your core business activity. Our experienced bureau team has access to advanced software tools to assist them in validating and approving invoices to ensure they tally with relevant supply contracts and actual consumption. Smart metering solutions

Smart meters provide the information that allows companies to gain control over energy costs and consumption. Loggers and smart meters automate the collection of consumption data, making the process much more efficient and free from human error, thus removing the problem of estimated and inaccurate supplier invoices.

The data generated offers a range of analytical uses, helping to highlight waste and improve efficiency and cost savings. Monitoring and targeting

Automatic monitoring and targeting (aM&T) software can collate, analyse and transform data into meaningful information, allowing customers to monitor energy consumption, identify waste and highlight areas for improvement.

Online energy management tools provide a single platform to manage data, and monitor and measure energy use so that customers are able to make informed and targeted decisions about energy efficiency.

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Energy solutions for the residential market


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We offer an all-encompassing range of energy management services starting with design or design validation, up-front financial modelling and tariff setting, through to supply of equipment, energy management, operation and maintenance. When working with the communal and district heating industry to develop solutions for metering products and billing services, we adopt a flexible and innovative approach with the aim to achieve energy and carbon reduction. Metering, management and billing services

Whether you are metering output from solar PV panels for feed-in-tariff purposes or metering heat and electricity from a centralised energy centre, we have the entire portfolio of products and specialist services to support the entire Energy Services Company (ESCO) or communal energy project.

A metering and data collection strategy is the key to the success or failure of managing energy schemes, be it for commercial, mixed use or residential developments. Automatic meter reading systems enable timely production of consumer bills and, ultimately, assist cash flow. We collect the data, cleanse it and report on exceptions as well as issuing monthly or quarterly bills to all types of consumers, such as residential, retail or commercial.

Our services include the cash collection process for bill payment and credit control process to ensure financial optimisation of the scheme. These services can be undertaken on behalf of landlords, scheme operators, or developers, who may wish to receive a long term income from their initial capital investment.

Our online account management system gives our clients access to consumption and account data, with analytical tools for monitoring and targeting, which is so critical in reducing energy and carbon. Our customer support centre provides comprehensive support for all of our customers, covering billing enquires through to arranging engineer and cyclical service visits.


Stratford Eye, London

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Energy solutions for the residential market


Contract energy management

ENER-G partners with both the public and private sectors to develop communal energy schemes which deliver both environmental and economic benefits. We design, finance and operate complete communal heating solutions for residential apartments, commercial and industrial buildings. Where funding is required, we are able to provide capital investment in the energy centre and the meter assets around the site.

As part of our complete utility solution we shoulder all the technical and operating risks of the plant to deliver benefits to the customer through reduced maintenance spend as well as lower energy costs.

The level of the ongoing operations and maintenance service (O&M) has a major effect on the lifetime of communal heating schemes. This is why we offer a number of O&M packages covering the plant room and related equipment. We have a highly qualified team of employed service engineers in place who are available 24/7 to deliver the highest standard of service.

Managed service agreement

With a significant number of unmetered households in the UK, high numbers of residents have to pay fixed charges for their energy. Quite often this is included within their rent, but research shows that these charges are disproportionately higher than their actual consumption. Introducing metering to such communal housing schemes means residents pay fair charges for what they actually use, thereby changing behaviour and encouraging responsible consumption of energy.

This Managed service agreement means that there is no initial capital outlay for the metering system, plus you get the benefit of a comprehensive data management and billing service package. Our charges for these activities are more than paid for by the savings accrued by the client (landlord) and the consumer. The typical contractual period of the service agreement is 10 years.

Our projects show typical savings of between 30-40% per annum, which would take most residents out of ‘fuel poverty’ as well as covering the operating costs of our services. We aim to deliver service excellence and the continual achievement of high levels of customer satisfaction.

Newton Heath, Manchester

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Building energy efficiency



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With steadily rising energy prices, increased tax burdens on carbon and growing environmental legislation, excellence in energy efficiency is a necessity for every organisation.

ENER-G provides proven and viable energy saving solutions that optimise building and energy performance and achieve sustainable reductions in maintenance, carbon and cost.

Our team of experienced energy consultants, CIBSE qualified engineers and Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA) accredited specialists, work closely with customers to fully understand their energy needs and find the most appropriate solutions for optimising building efficiency and providing real return on investment. We have the capability to deliver an expansive range of technologies that heat, light, cool and power buildings.

Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS)

The building energy management solution offers seamless integration with existing building plant and equipment. Our highly trained engineers ensure that our implemented systems provide optimum control and maximum energy reductions. A dedicated team monitors, measures, manages and reviews each customers’ BEMS 24/7 to achieve substantial energy savings by optimising the site’s lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and auxiliary equipment.


E-MAGINE is the next generation of energy management systems, utilising state-of-the-art technology and offering the highest levels of control functionality. E-MAGINE is a fully scalable, integrated solution that can be customised to provide fully optimised controls and management for all HVAC and lighting applications. Using the latest in IT and web-based technology, the E-MAGINE product range has been designed to seamlessly integrate with existing building control systems and third party systems. One of the key benefits of E-MAGINE is its ability to deliver pre-engineered solutions that can be configured to match the customer’s requirements. This offers fast, reliable engineering and optimised on-site commissioning, whilst still achieving a high level of flexibility of application.


E-VISION is a state-of-the-art web-based portal that displays, controls and measures an organisation’s energy and plant performance across multiple sites. It allows our customers to control and manage the sites, automatically adjusting as the business changes. By generating quick, easy to understand information at a glance, E-VISION offers the ability to see an entire portfolio or drill down to a specific issue. It also provides a wide range of tools to assist with monitoring, target setting, measuring, analysing and reporting.

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Building energy efficiency


Efficient lighting

ENER-G combines state-of-the-art technology, technical expertise and ongoing project support to deliver bespoke lighting solutions to suit your working environment. Whether your requirement is refurbishment, retrofit, or new build, we can deliver significant energy and cost savings.

Fluorescent, eHID and LED applications with control provide an environmentally friendly, future proof solution that can achieve up to 50% energy savings, reduced carbon footprint and better quality light. Modern lighting systems that use T5 and eHID technology are fully controllable using digital ballasts, allowing them to be dimmed or switched on / off to a required schedule, further increasing energy savings.

Efficient air conditioning technology

ENER-G supplies a natural salt solution based system which not only meets comfort criteria but saves 30-50% energy. The technology achieves the required temperature and humidity in a single step by cooling and drying the air at the same time. This provides a more effective method to dehumidify, cool and heat the built environment. As a result of the energy efficiency improvement, significant reductions in cost and CO2 emissions can be achieved.

Solar thermal

Solar thermal water heating is one of the most cost-effective, affordable renewable energy technologies currently available, which reduces not only your carbon footprint but also your energy bills. It allows you to effectively collect and utilise the energy radiated by the sun to heat the water in both domestic and commercial applications. Solar energy is free, clean and safe and produces no waste or pollution.

There are different types of solar thermal collectors available. Vacuum tube panels are currently considered the premium product on the market being on average 30% more effective than traditional flat plate panel equivalents. The vacuum inside each tube ensures the most effective transfer of solar energy into heat and provides perfect insulation from outside influences, resulting in consistent high quality performance all-year-round. Flat plate panels remain the most popular solar collectors on the market. They provide a cost-effective solution and deliver excellent levels of efficiency and performance.

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The small-scale, commercially proven, ENERGOS energy from waste technology provides an environmentally beneficial alternative to mass burn incineration and landfill. We provide a local solution to produce low cost heat and electricity, while outperforming the EU Emissions Standard (2000/76/EC).

Our community sized facilities convert non-recyclable, residual waste into renewable energy, displacing fossil fuels.

As a leading supplier of energy from waste plants using gasification technology, our solution offers:

• Diversion of residual waste from landfill• Energy recovery as heat and/or electricity• Ultra-low emissions• A local solution to a local waste problem

New generation energy from waste






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The technology is proven beyond doubt at eight commercial plants, which have accumulated a combined total of 450,000 operational hours over a 14 year period, with outstanding environmental results and minimal impact on the local community. The ENERGOS technology provides a robust solution for the treatment of residual waste and its conversion to energy. As a local solution it minimises transport issues, thereby reducing emissions from refuse vehicles.

With its small building footprint and low overall height, the plant’s visual impact is minimal.

Sarpsborg plant, Norway

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Environmental compliance

The patented gasification process and proprietary control system are strictly controlled and monitored to ensure consistently low emissions. In the UK the ENERGOS technology is classified as an Advanced Conversion Technology and the electricity produced from the biomass fraction of the waste qualifies for Renewables Obligation Certificates. The construction of a standard ENERGOS plant takes approximately 21 months, depending on site condition and location. Due to the flexible process, various waste streams can be processed, including municipal solid waste (MSW), residual MSW, SRF/RDF and commercial waste. This flexibility is important as the composition of waste streams will change due to ever-improving recycling rates.When combined with an efficient materials recycling facility ENERGOS plants can be used as part of an overall integrated waste management strategy.

1 Waste bunker2 Shredder3 Metal extraction conveyor4 Fuel crane5 Fuel bunker6 Hopper7 Primary chamber (Gasification)8 Secondary chamber (High temperature oxidation)9 Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)10 Lime and carbon silo11 Bag house filter12 Filter residue silo13 Flue gas fan14 Chimney15 Bottom ash extraction16 Steam turbine17 Air cooled condenser

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Methane gas produced by the degradation process of waste within landfill sites and anaerobic digestion plants is a potentially harmful greenhouse gas, 21 times more damaging than CO2 when released into the atmosphere. However, this methane gas is a valuable fuel that can be used to generate renewable energy, for which ENER-G has developed commercially viable and optimised utilisation techniques. This expertise also extends to mines gas and coal bed methane utilisation. With over two decades of experience, a worldwide client base, and a proven track record of delivering methane gas generation projects, ENER-G is one of the world’s leading independent experts in the field.

ENER-G has innovative and environmentally friendly solutions for:

Optimised biogas and methane gas utilisation



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Coal bed and coal mine methane

We have significant experience in the design, permitting, developing and operation of CMM projects, and the sale of the power produced. ENER-G, in partnership with a specialist CBM developer, commissioned the UK’s first CBM electricity generation project. Both solutions have great future potential around the world.


Landfill gas

Our unique approach maximises the use of the gas resource, whilst reducing any negative environmental effect. We achieve this by managing the projects from conception through to commissioning and thereafter through the operation and maintenance phase. ENER-G has also designed and developed an optimised gas management system for the best utilisation of the available gas, which is the fuel for our reciprocating engines and is used to generate renewable power. The electricity produced qualifies for various government incentives around the world and ENER-G also negotiates the sale of the electricity through Power Purchase Agreements.

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ised biogas and methane gas utilisation


Digester gas

ENER-G is experienced in utilising combined heat and power (CHP) technology to harness methane gas from anaerobic digestion of organic waste. We design, install and operate biogas CHP systems for a variety of digestion plants, from sewage treatment, agricultural or industrial facilities to distilleries and food processing applications. The heat produced can be utilised locally in the AD process while the electricity is sold to the local grid, recovering financial value from the Renewables Obligation Certificates.

Finance options

Customers can choose whether or not they wish to invest in the project or leave all the investment risk with us. Our Build Own and Operate (BOO) model provides a single point of contact throughout the lifetime of the project. The fully financed solution means that the generators remain in ENER-G’s ownership, thus ensuring that maximum flexibility on the project is retained. It also allows for decisions to be made quickly when further investment is required. Attractive royalties are paid to the owner of the gas rights throughout the lifetime of the projects.

Operation and maintenance

As part of the one-stop-shop service ENER-G provides an operations and maintenance service for both engines and gas field. Our comprehensive and patented Gkontrol engine management system allows for remote management and monitoring. Our experienced engineers provide service cover 24/7, ensuring repairs are completed without delay and downtime is minimised. More than 80 technical staff cover the UK operations, with dedicated teams in the overseas businesses.

Associated gases

ENER-G’s expertise can also be applied to the utilisation of associated gases such as wellhead gas, stranded gas and flare gas for power generation. ENER-G can work alongside the oil and gas industry and assist in reducing emissions from these operations.

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Combined heat and power



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The demand for energy is ever growing whilst it is becoming increasingly expensive. Organisations are seeking sustainable and efficient power generation solutions to secure supply and keep energy costs low. The benefits of decentralised generation, such as cogeneration, are widely recognised – leading to wide uptake across the UK and Europe. Cogeneration, or combined heat and power (CHP), converts gas or other fuel primers into both electricity and heat in a single process at the point of use. Cogeneration is highly energy efficient and as well as supplying an organisation with power and heat, it can deliver a number of positive financial and environmental benefits.ENER-G designs, manufactures, operates, maintains and finances cogeneration systems from 4kW up to 10MW, fuelled by natural gas, biogas, propane, biodiesel or pure plant oil.

The technology is well-proven and recognised worldwide as a cleaner alternative to traditional centralised generation. Its long-term future in the global energy market is secured by its ability to provide operational, financial and environmental benefits from a single unit of fuel. CHP is ideal for applications with consistent demands for thermal energy and substantial electrical base loads, such as leisure centres, hospitals and industrial facilities.


Overall efficiency of 90%

100% natural gas

5% energy loss

5% heatloss

50% heat 40% electricity

Energy centre at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital

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bined heat and power


Introducing absorption chillers into a cogeneration system means that the production of electricity, heat and chilled water occurs on site. The hot water driven absorption chiller produces cooling from the low temperature hot water provided by the CHP unit. The operational hours from the CHP plant can be increased, particularly in summer periods where significant energy savings can be achieved by displacing conventional electric chillers. The benefits of trigeneration can be achieved on medium to large scale projects such as hospitals, museums and industrial applications.


Micro cogeneration

The small-scale units range from 4 to 25kWe and are suitable for a range of applications, including retail, commercial and residential. These units can be installed individually or as part of a modular system. ENER-G’s micro CHP range is designed to be located either internally or externally and benefits from long maintenance intervals.

Energy centres

Bespoke turnkey energy centre solutions can be designed for large industrial, commercial and public sector applications. These centres use CHP systems and other complementary technologies available from ENER-G. Such solution-based schemes usually include all necessary infrastructure enhancements to fully optimise the energy requirements of the site.

Long term care

In order to maintain the largest fleet of cogeneration systems in Europe, our customer care department co-ordinates our engineering teams that work 7 days a week throughout the year. ENER-G’s advanced remote monitoring systems allow continuous operation, monitoring and communication between the site and our service centre. On top of our range of standard service packages we take a flexible approach and are able to tailor service packages to suit the client and the site.

Research and development

Our continual dedication to research and product development means all our systems benefit from up-to-the-minute technology with tried and tested methods.

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Renewable heating and cooling solutions



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Renewable energy systems such as heat pumps can deliver substantial savings in energy and CO2 emissions for both domestic and commercial applications. Using the widest selection of heat pump technologies available in the UK, ENER-G delivers heating and cooling solutions to its customers across all sectors. Through partnerships with four leading manufacturers we are able to select the right technologies to match precise customer requirements. Our people are passionate about delivering the highest levels of customer satisfaction, consistently surpassing expectations.

Heat pump systems can use the ground, the air or water as a source of energy, while being powered by electricity or natural gas.

Ground source

By exploiting the relatively stable temperatures found under the earth’s surface, ground source heat pump systems are able to deliver heating and / or cooling for buildings at very high efficiencies.

Gas absorption

Gas absorption heat pumps use natural gas to run the pump, capturing renewable energy from the surrounding air or ground with outstanding carbon and cost savings.

Air source

Air source heat pumps absorb energy from the outside air and can provide heating, hot water and cooling.

Water loop

Using a water loop as a reservoir for extracting or rejecting heat, unitary water-to-air heat pumps deliver a highly efficient heating or cooling solution.


Ground source heat pump system, vertical loops

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able heating and cooling solutions


System combinations

Where heat pumps are used in conjunction with combined heat and power, the electricity generated by the CHP drives the electric heat pump, and the building’s heating or cooling requirement is satisfied by the combined output of the CHP and the heat pump. This fusion of sustainable technologies delivers even greater efficiencies and CO2 savings.

Heat pump care

We provide a flexible warranty and support package to meet our customers’ exact needs. Extended warranties can be provided as well as a complete range of service and maintenance options to ensure that our heat pumps provide reliable and efficient operation throughout their operational life.

Hot gasHeat Pump

Expansion Valve

Evaporator Condenser

Very cold


Cold liquid

Heating / Cooling return



Low temperature gas

Hot gas






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Finance and long term care






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We are committed to making our products available to every organisation whether or not they have the capital to invest. Capital purchase

We can offer a complete turnkey solution at a fixed cost, including supply, installation and commissioning of the energy project. A separate operation and maintenance package is offered in parallel for the lifetime of the system. Customers opting for capital purchase benefit from 100% financial rewards instantly, together with the possibility of Enhanced Capital Allowances.

Discount energy purchase

As capital funds are not always available, ENER-G can offer its technologies on a Discount Energy Purchase scheme. We fund all the cost associated with the implementation of the project, including design and project management, supply, installation and commissioning. As the client, you contract to purchase the electricity generated by the machine over a number of years. A valued element to this option is the maintenance service provided by our nationwide service team, offering continual support throughout the contract term. Contracts tend to vary in length from 5 to 15 years, although they can be tailored to suit both customer and site specific requirements.

Enhanced Discount Energy Purchase schemes

For larger sustainable energy projects incorporating a variety of technologies such as boilers, chillers, infrastructure upgrades or other energy efficiency measures like high efficiency lighting or frequency inverter drives, we can offer enhanced Discount Energy Purchase finance. These schemes are designed to deliver significant savings in energy consumption, cost and carbon emissions.

Energy Services Performance Contracting (ESPC)

ESPC allows Public Sector bodies to outsource the provision of plant, infrastructure, energy and services associated with long term energy utilisation projects. This is made possible through Government Public/Private Partnerships (PPP) initiatives and the broader auspices of PFI or third party funding from a number of financial institutions keen to participate in Energy Services, Contract Energy Management and Energy Services Company (ESCo) type projects.

Projects are effectively self-funding, from the savings produced by the various energy efficient technologies and associated services provided through the contract. A proportion of the utility spend avoided is paid as a unitary payment to the ESPC provider.

Flexible finance and project funding

ENER-G also facilitates bespoke project specific funding that we are happy to discuss on an individual customer basis. In all cases our flexible approach to alternative financial solutions provides both quantifiable and tangible transfer of risk together with real and demonstrable value for money.

Partnership funding

Spreading the cost of energy investment to match the payback period reduces overall costs. Partnership funding is available for:

• Government loan or grant schemes• Carbon Trust loans and 100% Enhanced Capital Allowances

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Finance and long term care


Carbon Trust Interest Free Loan Scheme

Many carbon reduction schemes can qualify for an interest free loan from the Carbon Trust. As such, ENER-G delivers services as a capital sale and the client pays for the equipment over a period of time without incurring interest charges. Because ENER-G is an accredited partner of the Carbon Trust, we can apply for the loan on the clients’ behalf.

Rental Agreement

If finding capital is difficult for your organisation or your company cannot apply for Carbon Trust loans, ENER-G operates its own funding package. Our clients enjoy the savings generated by the equipment from day one without having to pay for the capital. ENER-G will take an agreed fixed percentage of the savings generated as a fee over an agreed period. This form of financing, which may be ‘off balance sheet’, is very popular with our clients.

Long term care

For most ENER-G projects, including CHP equipment, energy centres, HVAC, lighting, heat pump and biogas utilisation systems, we provide operation and maintenance services.

ENER-G maintains a large fleet of cogeneration and biogas generation projects around Europe. We also look after the metering, aM&T and billing systems for numerous commercial and residential customers. In addition we offer a range of operation and maintenance packages from standard to tailor made packages to suit the client, and our customer care department co-ordinates our engineering teams 7 days a week throughout the year.

We offer a range of standard service packages. However, we take a flexible approach and are able to tailor service packages to suit the client and the site.

Service packages can also be offered independently of ENER-G installations, as our service technicians are fully trained in all aspects of engine maintenance, including complete engine overhauls.

Research & Development

Our continual dedication to research and development means customers can guarantee that they are embracing up-to-the-minute technology with tried and tested methods. Remote monitoring

An integral part of every ENER-G cogeneration unit is the patented on-board Gkontrol system. The system monitors and manages the unit and is programmed to optimise its operation to suit the demands of the site. Every day the system automatically communicates with our head office to upload recorded operating data and, in the event of a problem, takes the appropriate corrective action.

Before travelling to a site, engineers can communicate with the system to assess the problem in more detail and, wherever possible, correct and restore the unit remotely.

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ENER-G plcENER-G HouseDaniel Adamson RoadSalfordManchesterM50 1DT

Tel: +44 (0) 161 745 7450Fax: +44 (0) 161 745 7457E-mail: [email protected]