guide turistike per pogradecin

Nga Pogradeci ne Krushevo From Pogradec to Krushevo një guidë turistike - a touristic guide

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Page 1: Guide Turistike per Pogradecin

Nga Pogradeci ne KrushevoFrom Pogradec to Krushevo

një guidë turistike - a touristic guide

Page 2: Guide Turistike per Pogradecin

Pogradeci eshte nje qytet turistik me shume mundesi per argetim dhe zbavitje, me bukuri te ralla natyrore, lagunen e mahnitshme piktoreske, eshte vendi i duhur per turistet e çdo moshe, ku njerezit me mikpritjen, miresine dhe dashamiresine tyre e bejne ate me te bukur. Vlerat e tij nuk kalojne jashte vemendjes dhe memories se turisteve te cilet me dashuri kerkojne te rikthehen.

Ejani ne Pogradec! Ka per te qene nje eksperience e paharrueshme!

Pogradec is a turistic town with a lot of possibil it ies for recreation and entertainment, with rare natural beauties, picturesque fascinating landscapes, is the wright place for every age tourist, where people with hospital ity, their kindness and openness add even more beauty. Its values not allow to leave without taking with them impresive memories, love and longing to be restored again.

Come to Pogradec! Has to be an unforgettable experience!

Pogradeci eshte nje qytet i kendshem modern me rreth 40000 banore. I vendosur ne juglindje te Shqiperise ai eshte nje destinacion shume i mire per vizitoret. Pogradeci ndodhet ne kryqezim te rrugeve te vendeve te Ballkanit per shkak te afersise qe ka me Maqedonine dhe Greqine. Dy pika kufitare me Maqedonine, shume afer Pogradecit jane pikat e hyrjes me Maqedonine: pika kufitare ne Tushemisht 5 km larg Pogradecit dhe Pika Kufitare e Qafe Thanes 25 km larg qytetit.

Pogradec is a pleasant and modern city with about 40,000 inhabitants. Located in eastern-central Albania, it is a wonderful destination for visitors! Albania is located on the Balkan Peninsula of Europe. Pogradec is a crossroads for other Balkan Countries as well due to its close proximity to Macedonia and Greece. Two border crossing points to Macedonia are very close to Pogradec: the crossing at Tushemisht is 5km away from the city and the crossing at Thane Neck is 25km away.

Mireseardhje Welcome

Gjuha: Gjuha zyrtare eshte shqipja. Shume prej njerezve flasin gjuhe te huaja. Cdo i ri flet nglisht, italisht, frengjisht, gjermanisht.

Monedha: Leke (1 Leke = 100 Qindarka).Monedhat jane 10, 20, 50 dhe 100 Leke, dhe banknota 100, 200, 500, 1000 dhe 5,000 Leke.

Monedhat e huaja mund te thyhen ne banke, zyrat e kembimit, zyrat e postave dhe shume agjensi turistike apo hotele. Orari i bankave eshte 8:00 paradite deri 17:00 pasdite nfa e Hena deri te Premten. Te shtunen bankat jane hapur deri ne oren 13:00.

Karta krediti : Te gjitha bankat e qytetit dhe disa hotele pranojne kart krediti (American Express, Diners Club, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa).

Telefoni: Kodi per Shqiperine eshte +355 dhe per Pogradecin eshte 83

Language: Official language is Albanian. Most of the people speak a foreign language. Every young person speaks English, or Italian, or French, or German, language.

Currency: Leke (1 Leke = 100 Qindarka). There are 10, 20, 50 and 100 Leke coins, and 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5,000 Leke banknotes.

Don't be confused when people say 1000 Leke and they mean only 100 Leke. (it is old measuring)

Foreign currencies can be exchanged at banks, exchange offices, post offices and at most tourist agencies and hotels. Banking hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays banks are opened until 1 p.m.

Credit cards: All the banks in the town and some hotels accept credit cards (American Express, Diners Club, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa).

The telephone code for Albania is +355 and for Pogradec is


Cross-border shared integrated alternative tourismThis project is funded by the European Union Turizmi i përbashkët alternativ ndërkufitarKy projekt financohet nga Bashkimi Europian

A project implemented by ORT and AULEDANjë projekt i realizuar nga ORT dhe AULEDA

Page 3: Guide Turistike per Pogradecin

POGRADEC ART GALLERY - It is situated in the center of the town. It has works from well known Pogradec painters. You can visit it from 9.00 - 16.00

"TASO" ART GALLERY -You can visit Anastas Kostandini studio admiring his paintings and also you can buy his works.

"LAKO" ART GALLERY - You are welcome to visit Skender Lako studio to see his paintings and also you can buy his works.

"ICKA" HANDYCRAFT - Handycraft has a good tradition in Pogradec and "ICKA" studio it is always open for you. Its works of wood will impress you.

POGRADEC MUSEUM - Pogradec has a rich museum with antiques and ancient testimonials. It is open from 9.00 - 16.00.

POGRADEC CHURCHES - Pogradec has an old Orthodox Church, the Church of "Saint Maria" situated in the old part of the town, and a new build Church called the Church of "Resurrection" .

POGRADEC MOSQUE - Pogradec has two Mosque, one in the Center of the town and the other in the hill, part of old Pogradec.

POGRADEC CINEMA - Pogradec has a modern cinema where new movies are played there every day. It is situated in the Center of the town.

GALERIA E ARTIT POGRADEC – Eshte vendosur ne qender te qytetit. Aty gjenden punime te piktoreve me te njohur Pogradecare. Ju mund ta vizitoni nga ora 9:00 – 16:00.

GALERIA E ARTIT "TASO" – Ju mund te vizitoni studion e piktorit Anastas Kostandini, te admironi punimet e tij si dhe t'i blini ato.

GALERIA E ARTIT "LAKO" – Jeni te mirepritur te vizitoni shtepine e Skender Lakos te shihni punimet e tij si dhe t'i blini ato.

ARTIZANATI "ICKA" – Arnati ka nje tradite te mire ne Pogradec dhe studio "ICKA" eshte gjithmone hapur per ju. Punet e tij me dru do t'ju impresionojne.

MUZEU POGRADEC – Pogradeci ka nje muze te pasur me ekspozime te objekteve antike dhe te hershme. Eshte e hapur nga ora 9.00 - 16.00.

KISHAT POGRADEC – Pogradeci ka nje Kishe te Vjeter Ortodokse, Kishen Shen Maria te vendosur ne nje pjese te vjeter te qytetit dhe Kishen e re te quajtur Kisha e Rikrijimit”.

XHAMIA POGRADEC – Pogradeci ka dy xhami, nje ne qender te Pogradecit dhe tjetren ne nje koder pjese e Pogradecit te Vjeter.

KINEMAJA POGRADEC – Pogradeci ka nje kinema moderne ku shfaqen filma cdo dite. Ajo eshte vendosur ne qender te qytetit..


Page 4: Guide Turistike per Pogradecin

The Pogradec district has been inhabited since the period of the late neolith (6000-2000 BC). Near Buqeza, 20km north of Pogradec, there are prehistoric palaphites built over the surface of the water. The residents of the area are mythological. The monumental tombs of Selca e Siperme speak about their high developed life. Our region has also been inhabited during the Roman time taking a special strategic importance allong the road Via Egnatia. According to ancient sources, this area has been inhabited by the Illyrian tribes of Enkelean and Dessaret. In their areas, by the end of 5th century BC, was established a powerful Illyrian state with series of settlements and castles around Ohrid Lake such as Enkelana, Lychnidos, Pelion, Sation, Baos etc.

Lin - Lin is a small peninsula on the western shore of Lake Ohrid with a beautiful village of the same name. The houses are made of stone and bricks on the sides of the narrow streets shadowed with grapes. At the south of Lin there are some palaphites into the lake in the depth of 2-3 meters.

Old Christian Basilica of Lin - During the archaeological excavations an Early Christian basilica with extraordinary floor mosaic from the forth-fifth century of our era was discovered. The mosaics have some beautiful figures such as fish, birds etc.

Selca e Poshtme - At end of Qafe e Thanes when you go to Tirana, please turn to the left to Selca e Poshtme, to visit the five monumental tombs. The castle being in a dominant position of the valley of Shkumbin River played a very important role and of the first hand in the Illyro-Roman and Illyro-Macedonian wars.

The Golik Bridge - Ura e Golikut in Albanian, is a part of Via Egnatia. This elegant, triple arched bridge is built, as all the bridges from that time.


Distrikti i Pogradecit eshte banuar qe ne periudhen e neolitit te vone 6000 -2000 para Krishtit. Afer Buqezes, 20 km ne veri te Pogradecit ka ndertesa parahistorike te paleolitit te ndertuara mbi uje. Rezidentet e kesaj zone jane mitologjike. Varet monumentale te Selces se Siperme flasin rreth nivelit te larte te zhvillimit te jeteses. Distrikti i Pogradecit eshte banuar gjithashtu pergjate periudhes romake, duke marre nje rendesi strategjike te vecante pergjate Rruges Egnatia. Sipas burimeve antike kjo zone eshte banuar nga fiset Ilire, Enkelianet dhe Dessaret. Ne zonat e tyre, ne fund te shekullit te 5 te para Krishtit, u stabilizua shteti if uqishem i Ilirise me nje seri ngulimesh dhe keshtjellash pergjate Liqenit te Ohrit si Enkeliana, Lychnidos, Pelion, Sation, Baos etc.

Lin - Lini eshte nje gadishull i vogel ne pjesen perendimore te Liqenit te Ohrit me nje fshat shume te bukur me te njejtin emer. Shtepite jane te ndertuara prej guri dhe tullash ne ane te rrugicave te hijezuara prej vreshtave. Ne jug te Linit ndodhen disa palafite brenda ne liqen ne nje thellesi 2-3 m.

Bazilika e vjeter kristiane e Linit - Pergjate germimeve arkeologjike eshte zbuluar Bazilika e Hershme Kristiane me dysheme mozaikesh te jashtezakonshem te shekullit te katert dhe te peste. Mozaiket kane figura shume te bukura si peshq, zogj etj.

Selca e Poshtme - Ne fund te Qafes se Thanes kur shkohet per ne Tirane, kthehuni ne te majte per te shkuar ne Selcen e Poshtme per te vizituar 5 varet monumentale. Keshtjella ishte vendosur ne nje pozicion dominant te lugines se Lumit Shkumbin dhe ka luajtur nje rol shume te rendesishem ne luftrat Iliro-Romane dhe Iliro-Maqedonase.

Ura e Golik-ut - Ura e Golik-ut eshte pjese e rruges Egnatia. Kjo ure elegante me tre harqe eshte ndertuar ne te njejten menyre si te gjitha urat e asaj periudhe.

Page 5: Guide Turistike per Pogradecin

Pogradeci eshte nje qytet me nje tradite kulinare dhe gastronomike shume te vecante. Tavat e koranit, belushkes, gatimet e zogjve te liqenit, embelsirat karakteristike jane vecoria e tij.Mos u largoni nga Pogradeci pa shijuar lakrorin, taven e koranit, peshkun me arra, ngjalat me oriz, guxe ne tave balte, zog me tikush etj.

Bar-Restorant "1Maji" - Ofron nje shumllojshmeri gatimesh tradicionale dhe moderne. Ne sezonin e veres ne lulishten e ketij restoranti mund te degjoni muzike live.

Bar-Restorant "Perla"- Restorant romantik, i mobiluar me shije dhe muzike te kendshme ne sfond. Kuzhine e pasur tradicionale dhe moderne. Vendi i duhur per organizimin e festave familjare.

Bar-Restorant "Borana" - Ndodhet prane qendres se qytetit. Arkitektura tradicionale eshte ne harmoni te plote me cilesine e sherbimit dhe te gatimit.

Bar - Restorant "Enkelana" - Ne qender te Pogradecit. Ofron nje menu te larmishme. Pamje magjepsese ne liqen.

Bar-Restorant "Royal" - Ne qender te Pogradecit. Ofron nje menu te larmishme dhe nje pamje magjepsese ne liqen.

Bar-Restorant "Savoja" - Kuzhine tradicionale. Peshku Koran dhe krapi, kleni, belushka etj , gatuhen ne menyre te persosur.

Pica "Artist" - Ndodhet ne qytet. Ofron nje shumllojshmeri picash me furre druri. Gjithashtu sherbim Pica Taksi .

Pica "Mikria" - Ndodhet ne qender te qytetit. Nje nga picerite me te vjetra ne qytet, vazhdon te ofroje shijen e vertete italiane te picave. Gjithashtu ofron pica taxi ne shtepite tuaja.

Pica "Mondi" - Ndodhet ne qytet. Keni rastin te provoni shijen e pices me furre druri , nga pronari i picerise. Gjithashtu pica ne shtepite tuaja me sherbimin taxi .

Fast Food "Tomas" - Ne qender te qytetit. Rr Rinia, Pogradec. Specialitetet e tyre do i kenaqin gjithmone shijet tuaja. Nese jeni duke pare per nje ushqim te shpejte, te lehte e pa shume shpenzime, Fast Food "Tomas" eshte vendi i duhur. Mos harroni te provoni "Sufllaqe me salce".

Hapja e buteve te veres eshte shnderruar tashme ne nje feste tradicionale

per secilin prej banoreve te zones si dhe per vizitoret te cilet vijne te

shijojne veren e butit dhe te shohin pejsazhet e bukura te qytetit ne stinen

e dimrit. Ne 16 dhe 17 dhjetor, gjate “Festivalit te Veres” organizohet edhe

nje konkurs per poezine me te mire kushtuar veres.

The opening of the wine barrels is turned to be a traditional feast for every

inhabitant of the city and for the visitors that come to taste the wine of the

barrels and to see the wonderful views of the city during the winter season.

On December 16th and 17th, a poetry competition was held during the

“Festival of Wines 2011” to choose the best poetry dedicated to wine.



Edicioni i parë i Festivalit të Filmit Ballkanik dhe Kulinarisë organizohet cdo

vit nga data 29 gusht deri më 4 shtator. Ne kete aktivitet shfaqen filma

nga te gjitha vendet e Ballkanit, Maqedoni, Kroaci, Mali i Zi, Shqiperi,

Greqi, Kosove, Serbi, Bosnje Hercegovine

The first edition of the Ballcanic Festival of movies and enogastronomy, was

organized every year from 29 August – 4 September. In this activity were shown

movies from Macedonia, Kroatia, Montenegro, Albania, Grecce, Serbia, Bosnia


Pogradec is a city with a very especial enogastronomic products. The koran (fish) dishes, belushke, the dishes of bird lakes, sweets are its pecularity.Don't leave Pogradec without tasting of “lakror”, “koran” dish, fish with nuts, eel with rise, guxe in the clay pan, bird with “tikush”

Page 6: Guide Turistike per Pogradecin


Pakete turistike nje ditore

Kjo pakete perfshin udhetimin, akomodimin ne hotelet e Pogradecit, vizite ne pikat turistike te Drilonit dhe Linit, shetitjen me varke, vizite ne qytet per njohjen e figurave te rendesishme historike, letrare dhe artistike te qytetit, shetitjet me varke, festen e mikpritjes me ushqim dhe muzike tradicionale. Vlera e paketes 45 Euro.

A day tour package

This package includes travel, accommodation in hotels Pogradec tourist visit to Drilon and Lin, boating in Ohrid Lake, visit to the city for the recognition of important historical figures, literary and art of the city, boating, holiday hospitality with food and traditional music. The value of the package 45 Euro.

Pakete turistike 3-5 ditore

Paketa perfshin udhtimin, akomodimin ne hotelet dhe komplekset e qytetit te Pogradecit, vizitat ne pikat turistike te Drilonit, mozaiket e Linit, shetitjet me varke ne Liqenin e Ohrit, vizite ne varret monumentale te Selces se Poshtme, vizite ne galerine e arteve me punime te piktoreve te njohur pogradecare, njohjen e figurave te rendesishme te artit dhe kultures Mitrush Kutelit dhe Lasgush Poradecit, festa me gatim dhe muzike tradicionale. Vlera e paketave 150 Euro.

3-5 days tourist package

Package includes traveling, accommodation in hotels and complexes in Pogradec, tourist visits to Drilon, mosaics of Lin,boating on Lake Ohrid, visit the monumental tombs of Lower Selca, visit an art gallery with works of wellknown painters,recognizing the importart figures of art and culture like Lasgush Poradeci and Mitrush Kuteli, party with cooking and traditional music. The value of pachages is 150 Euro.


Page 7: Guide Turistike per Pogradecin

Touristic packages

Paketa turistike 5 ditore (Pogradec –Korce)

Keto paketa perfshijne udhetimin, akomodimin ne hotelet dhe komplekset e qytetit, viziten ne Parkun Nderkombetar te Liqenit te Prespes, ishujt Mali Grad dhe Golem Grad, vizitat ne Kishat e Shen Merise dhe Kishen Eremite, udhetimin per ne Korce, viziten ne Muzeun e Artit Mesjetar, darken me gatim dhe serenate korcare, viziten ne Voskopoje- qendren e kultures se shek te XIII, vizitat ne Kishat e Voskopojes, Kishen e Ristozit, Kishen e Shen Kollit, vizitat dhe sporte ne natyre, darken me kernacka dhe birre Korce, vizite ne Kishen, baziliken dhe Mozaiket e Linit, darken e lamtumires me ushqim dhe muzike tradicionale pogradecare, shoping dhe suvenire nga qyteti. Paketa 5 ditore 300 Euro.

5-days tour packages (Pogradec-Korce)

These packages include travel, accommodation in hotels and complexes of the city, visit the International Park of Prespa Lake, islands Mali Grad and GolemGrad, visits to churches: church of Saint Mary the Hermit, travel to Korca, visit the Museum of Medieval Art , dinner with traditional cooking and serenade, visit to Voskopoja-culture center of the XIII century, visits to churches Voskopoja, RistozitChurch, Church of St. Nicholas, sightseeing and outdoor sports, dinner with kernacka and Korca beer, visit in church the Basilica and mosaics of Lin, the farewell dinner with traditional food and music Pogradec, shopping and souvenirs from the city. 5 day package Euro 300.

Paketa turistike 3 ditore/ekoturizem

Kjo pakete perfshin udhetimin, komodimin ne hotelet dhe komplekset e qytetit, vizitat ne Prqet Kombetare te Drilonit dhe Pogradecit, Parkun Nderkombetar te Prespes, shetitjet me varke ne Liqenin e Ohrit dhe te Prespes, sporte dhe lojra ne natyre, ushqim pikniku me produkte tipike dhe muzike tradicionale. Vlera e paketes 150 Euro.

3 days tour packages / eco tourism

This package includes travel, accomodation in hotels and complexes of the city, visits to National and International Park at Prespa Lake, at Drilon and Pogradec , boating on Lake Ohrid and Prespa, sports and outdoor games, picnic food and typical products traditional music. Value of 150 Euro package.

1 Maji

Numri i dhomave: 33

Numri i shtreterve: 75

Numri i telefonit: (355) 083


Email: [email protected]



Numri i dhomave: 60

Numri i shtreterve: 99

Numri i telefonit: (355) 083


Email: [email protected]


Euro Korça

Numri i dhomave: 60

Numri i shteterve: 150

Numri i tel:(355) 068 2248295/

(355) 069 2153774

Kalaja- IH Kalaja Alfa Company

Numri i dhomave: 60

Numri i shteterve: 48

Numri i telefonit: (355) 083

Natyra e Qetë

Number of Rooms: 24

Number of Beds: 48

Phone Number: (355) 069 2343196


Numri i dhomave: 18

Numri i shteterve: 30

numri i telefonit: (355) 083 26688

Email: [email protected]


Numri i dhomave: 15

Numri i shtreterve: 40

Numri i telefonit: (355) 083

223158/ ( 355) 083 226393


[email protected]

Vila Bimbli

Numri i dhomave 10

Numri i shteterve: 20

Numri i telefonit: (355) 083 222516

Email: [email protected]

1 Maji

Number of Rooms: 33

Number of Beds: 75

Phone Number: (355) 083


Email: [email protected]



Number of Rooms: 60

Number of Beds: 99

Phone Number: (355) 083 222010

Email: [email protected]


Euro Korça

Number of Rooms: 60

Number of Beds: 150

Phone Number: (355) 068

2248295/ (355) 069 2153774

Kalaja- IH Kalaja Alfa Company

Number of Rooms: 60

Number of Beds: 48

Phone Number: (355) 083 223508

Natyra e Qetë

Numri i dhomave: 24

Numri i shtreterve: 48

Numri i telefonit: (355) 069


Number of Rooms: 18

Number of Beds: 30

Phone Number: (355) 083 26688

Email: [email protected]


Number of Rooms: 15

Number of Beds: 40

Phone Number: (355) 083 223158/

( 355) 083 226393


[email protected]