haskell.net the art of avoiding work oliver hunt & nigel perry university of canterbury, new...

Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

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Page 1: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand


The Art of Avoiding Work

Oliver Hunt & Nigel PerryUniversity of Canterbury, New Zealand

Page 2: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand


Introduction Background Prior Art Challenges & Solutions Results The Future Questions

Page 3: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Introduction: What? Implementation of Haskell 98 on

Rotor/.NET Haskell is one of the worlds most popular

functional programming languages. How to compile Haskell for .NET is still a

research problem• Can it be done “reasonably”?• Would IL changes provide “worthwhile”


Page 4: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Introduction: Haskell Well known Used in industry and academia Non-strict Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC)

Provides intermediate-level output to support new backends

Extends Haskell 98 – providing future avenues of research

Page 5: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Introduction: Why?

Different language families are suited to different tasks This adds a non-strict functional language to

the languages available on .NET To test the extent to which .NET can run

many languages. Primarily used by object oriented imperative


Page 6: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Prior Art: Bridges

The functional language runs natively on the real machine

A software bridge is provided to the VM Examples:

Lambada (Haskell for JVM) Hugs.Net (Haskell for .NET)

Page 7: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Prior Art: New Languages Designed to work on the VMs

Reduced features Mixed compile/interpretive approaches More OO-like type systems

Examples: Pizza (JVM)

• Strict• Introduced parametric polymorphism to JVM

Mondrian (.NET)• OO-like type system• Used a mixed compiled/interpretive approach• Targeted at scripting applications

Page 8: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Haskell 98 on .NET: Challenges

Non-strict evaluation Functions as values Partial evaluation/“currying” Type switches

Page 9: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Challenge: Non-strict Evaluation

Mondrian: “External” non-strictness Client must know

• Manual evaluation Interpretive-like

JIT Objects: “Internal” non-strictness Non-strictness hidden from client

• Automatic evaluation Doesn’t support disjoint union types well

• Disjoint union types central to Haskell 98…

Page 10: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Haskell.NET: Non-strict Evaluation

Use “Internal” non-strictness Best for interworking

Primitive types Follow JIT Objects Optimise to use single class, rather than

type/subtype combination Auto conversion to/from values & boxed values

Function types Use hidden nested subtype

Page 11: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Non-strict Evaluation (cont) Disjoint union types

Type: abstract class Alternatives: sub-classes Discrimination:

• use tag fields Resolution:

• “asX” methods rather than casting Non-strictness

• Hidden sub-class• Internal: evaluation hidden by tag/asX

Issues: Casting only works for evaluated values Not totally transparent

• But disjoint unions not “standard” OO

Page 12: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Non-strict types data List a = Cons a (List a) : Nil

Page 13: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Challenge: Functions as values .NET provides delegates, which are “OO function

pointers” Unfortunately:

Relatively inefficient given the high usage in Haskell Difficult to combine with non-strictness

Replace using a parametric function type Provide conversions to/from delegates for inter-language

working Extends to support partial application Might extend to support higher-rank types (Glasgow extension)

Page 14: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Challenge: Partial Evaluation

Calling a function omitting arguments, to create a new function, e.g. Inc x = x+ Calling (inc 3) returns a function that adds 3

to its argument We extend our previous function type

Instance fields used to store pre-supplied arguments

Page 15: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Challenge: Type Switches

Very slow in .NET Must use a series of type checks/casts These checks take account of subtypes

Addressed by the addition of an explicit tag enumerand to each type. I.e: Effectively duplicate the hidden VM tag Do exact, as opposed to subtype, matching

Page 16: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Status Compiler functional

But incomplete…• Large %age of Haskell 98 language• Smaller %age of Haskell 98 libraries• Largely engineering, not research, left

Performance? Primes Sieve (first 1000 primes)

• GHC Native: 0.9s• GHC .NET: 1.5s

Page 17: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Future Work: Glasgow Haskell Higher Rank Types

Passing generic functions as values Partly supported now:

• Wrap inside interface

Higher Kind Types E.g. allow M<X> where both M & X are variable How to do reasonably efficiently in .NET?

• Fallback is reflection/runtime code generation…

Currently by-passed (e.g. hardwire Monad to IO)

Page 18: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Future Work: IL Changes? Compared to “native” implementation:

More classes – adds VM load Some extra indirections – a runtime cost Virtual dispatch for tag checking Etc.

Investigate if IL changes would: Provide Haskell a good benefit:cost Benefit other languages

Page 19: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand


It really does work…

Page 20: Haskell.NET The Art of Avoiding Work Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Q & (maybe) A