help ani zamba 2

Help buddhist nun Ani Zamba to save a spiritual and environmental project

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Post on 10-Jul-2015




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Help buddhist nun Ani Zamba

to save a spiritual and environmental


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The Venerable Bhikkhuni Zamba Chözom was born in London in 1948 and has practiced Buddhism for over 30 years, having lived most of the time in Asia.

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Ani Zamba was student of some of the most renowned Buddhist masters of different traditions, including the SS Dalai Lama and his tutors, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche and Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dzognsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, among others.

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Her teachings focus on the mental perception as the cause of happiness and suffering as well as integration of spiritual practice with daily life.

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Over the past 5 years, due to a growing connection with local Buddhist practitioners, Ani Zamba established herselfin Brazil to develop not only projects linked to the study and practice of mind training, but also linked to education and ambientalism.

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For that, with money from donationsshe bought an area in the region of

the Chapada Diamantina.

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In part of this area, in the Monte Azul Valley, 30km from Mucugê (BA), Ani Zamba and a group of Buddhist practitioners built a small house for retreats. The first retreat took place there in last June in a very simple way, with many practitioners sleeping in tents.

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These pictures were taken during the retreat. However...

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... in early November 2008, fires of unknown origin began a wave of destruction of flora and fauna in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia.

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One of the most affected places was the Monte Azul valley.

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Home not only of one of Ani Zamba’s projetcs, but also of hundreds of rare species of animals and plants, are now threatened.

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Many small farmers had their properties destroyed by fire.

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The small house of the project was almost consumed.

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This natural sanctuary and Ani Zamba project are now threateaned.

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Not much left. All the large collection of precious tibetan buddhist texts she had saved over this years were all lost in the fire.

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We need your help.

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Ani Zamba wrote the following

“We need funds to rebuild our bridge.In order to be able to enter the land with vehicles to transport materials that we need to reconstruct the house for people to stay. We need funds to help reconstruct the house that was destroyed in the fire so that we have a place to sleep while we work on the land.We need funds to pay the salaries of the people who are helping us and buy food for them to eat.”

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“We need help to buy plants and trees to reforest the land so that it can be beautiful again and the home for many creatures that have no homes. We don’t need much –but what we need we need urgently in order to continue and this depends on your generosity-please help us to be able to help you and others.”

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“There are 2 accounts that are at present accessible and working both are in my name one is in Hong kong and the other is in Brazil. Previously we had an account for the association but because of the changes in the representatives and the burocracy that goes with reinstating a new council, I’ve not been able to reactivate this account as yet. So please if you wish to make a donation please write and let me know how you would like the money to be used and how much you have deposited in the account.”

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Account 1Susan Dawn Lee (the birth name of Ani Zamba)Bradesco (Chame Chame Branch - Salvador)Agencie number 1708-6 Account number 0010778-6

Account 2Susan Dawn Lee (the birth name of Ani Zamba)HSBC (Hong Kong )161-030317-833

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If you feel connected to this issue, please contribute.Any quantity is really helpful.

Feel free to send this presentation to friends that you think that may be interested.

Thanks for your attention.May all sentient beings benefit.