helping hands make home cleaning light

Helping Hands Make Home Cleaning Light

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Post on 13-Jan-2017




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“If a man’s home is his castle, let him clean it!” was a pithy slogan on an old T-shirt of mine. Funny of course, but hardly practical or necessary in real life. Fortunately.

Homes must be kept organised and clean, no doubt. Who doesn’t love a sparkling clean home where everything’s in its place and there’s a place for everything? But, in today’s bustling world where time is a scarce commodity, it is always a boon if we could have someone to handle the chores.

Many professional house cleaning services have sprung up in the market. So, if you are shopping for a service to help keep your castle clean, here are a few pointers and suggestions that may help you make the correct choice.

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Once in a way, or every day?The first thing that you need to decide is the frequency of the home cleaning to be done. This would depend on many factors – the kind of house that you live in, whether you have children and/ or pets or how often you travel, how big your family is, how often you entertain……

Maid-to-order or full time?Again this is a decision that you will have to take depending on your lifestyle. If your family consists of growing children or elderly parents, it might make sense to hire someone on a full-time basis. If you are busy at work all the time and spend more time out of your house than in it, part time help should be adequate.

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How many helping hands?Is the service that you hire the only help you have? Or are there other hands which will make work light? Ensure that there are no turf wars and that each person knows what his/her job is, if the house cleaning service is an add-on to the set up you already have at home.

Is supervision necessary?You might like housework done in your particular way. You could be satisfied just giving the home cleaners detailed instructions. But, you might also be that person who would like to supervise the work personally. This would also depend on the time you have on hand. For whatever reason, supervision is necessary. Hence, you will not only have to consider the frequency of the house cleaning but set the time that the service will have to arrive and leave.

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Who will have the keys to your castle?Do you feel secure with a home cleaning service if you are not at home? Again this depends on your individual situation. If someone is at home when the service arrives, security need not be an issue – this could be a parent or a trusted retainer.Would you be willing to take the guarantee provided by the home cleaning service? Fret not as there are certain certified house cleaning services who provide trustworthy staff.

Clear all these points in your mind before you start searching for a home cleaning service.Now, how do you find one?The obvious way is to enquire among friends, colleagues, neighbours and relatives. You can also be more adventurous and surf the web: you can find ratings there too.

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After you have made out a shortlist, ask a representative to meet you for a consultation where you can explain what is needed. Let the agency then give you a quote. You can compare quotes given to you, or compare the charges and services provided to people in your circle.

Here, we advise that the cheapest is not always the best. In fact if a quote takes a big comparative dip, you need to ask yourself why.

If the law of the land necessitates a work permit, you need to ensure that the agency complies with all legal requirements for the staff that it provides.

If there is an accident which results in injury to the agency workers when they are on the job, is the service insured for such an eventuality? If not, it will be your responsibility as the homeowner.

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If the house cleaning service will be bringing its own cleaning materials, you need to ensure that these are acceptable to you and do not pose a health hazard. Some cleaning ingredients are known to aggravate allergies like asthma and skin rash.

Make it amply clear that the service will be responsible for any mischance and that the security of your home and of your possessions is their liability.

A written contract to seal the deal is an absolute must.Once you have decided and hired a house cleaning service, do not hesitate to give instructions. This might make you feel a little uncomfortable if you are a first time employer, but these are people that you have hired to work for you

Either indulge in all the above activities and wait before you get a good cleaning service provider to take it over or simply visit for the most trusted domestic service in Dubai.

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