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T Yes, it IS bard to fmd the right man or woman for that work.bnt others are tncceeding through using the classified. HERALD WANT ADS j Phone Main 3300 Herald Want Ad Department Published every day »n the year .y The W aftAlnftoo Herald Com¬ pany at 4 25 *2 4 Eleventh street, ^a«hln*toa. D 1*. Telephone Rsrhanfta.Call Main ¦ 300 4 For classified advertisemanta *ek ft»r Branch I). Membar Audit Bureau of Circula¬ tion. CLASSIFIED RATES WfcDtad R.lt> . "MlM XttuancM. ".."<1 Roma >M Bnnl. ftm (Uot K<-«# Warned UMKmn Fat S«>r IIIMkMa | ,;d ONE CENT A WORD IMIhi»"w Chart* ®c »<*» unm tsw. oor rime. fc. »a»a *a. f"** «*»-*.* tl»# r\mrC **. All Of Her < laaalflenf !«.«.. Per Line. J 'iix cents I tiaie* J1 ewta J tin* eoti-eotb'ely ««>*. ? r1®'** ....... . cent* ¦*»«. "nwa nmmtmlt T aa®«e MVrimrcn two rtnen. KORKIfi^ RePNKSBXTArVVEl 1HE a c BtCEWlTH Sl'KCUL -UINCI Tort Off** . Tafewe B'.ia < h»ea«i office .. Tnbune HUia I>e»rait ofTW O F«#d iwda .t. Ofir«. ThW Nitimui Bank HW| HELP WANTED.MALE. MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS .Wages paid as follows: 43c per Kr. first 3 months. -?6c per hr. next 9 months. 48c per hr. thereafter. Permanent employment in this ESSENTIAL OCCUPATION for men of good character between 19; ^nd 5G years of age. Credit given for former service with this company. Trainmen can make an average wage in excess of $120 per month at the lowest rate of pay. Apply in person at 2 p. m. at 36th and M sts. nw. Office of THE CAPITAL TRACTION COM PANY. Phone M. 9468. no7-tf WANTED.JANITOR AND CLEANER (COL. nodi An.lv HARDEN THEATER i<o*r.?t | WANTED PORTER FOR DRfli STORE, PEOPLES Ditto HTOHE, 507 7th at. nw. no2>lt w.%ntei> \ b«»x with a bicycle ix>| ran errand* and worlc around the store. I PEOPLEH I>RI"«» *TORE. SOT 7tU >t nw. nvwS-lt WANTVD-MEN T*» DltfTRIBITE ADVER-I ''uui|: miinr) adtanrtd each night. Apolr 7 a.m C *t. nw. II-.3-21 J \\ WTEI* «>KKI« K Vl'I'KHNTirLS WHITE I* to 17. Salary tirat month |I0. thereafter $50 if aatiafartorv Eligible for advancement to clerkship after satiafac-tnrr at iwentlceahip. Call Bl'REAL* OK STANDARDS for intrnie*. i-.-.o.. ir- W ANTED -MAX FAMILIAR W ITH REPAIR ii'f am! adjoafiitg of Hertrie range*. Kx rellent rnvjirrttraitT for advancement. Apply lu Mr. L. S. HKLM. Commercial Department. Po tS:nac Electric Piwer Company. 14th and C at.* nw. tu>34-3t MAN TO DRIVE MACK TRUCK J for general hauling: experienced man preferred. Mr. EASTMENT, L Herald office. tf PnsinoSB KOR MEN In f ar Shut*. EXPERIENCE DESIRED. Irt T NOT . RETIRED. Tb«» Washington Railway and Electric |ll| anj hat* -**»eral jowtion* oi<en for l ARI'KNTKRS a ul TRUCK OVER k HAULERS. MA' IIINE SHOP UEU' I ERS al«o »*eral oiler*, etc. liOOD WORKING CONDITIONS. Apply 2411 P nt. nw mdH 7t |*TED KHI R FIREMEN. T< > J75 I'Elt fonth. four latxwer*. Jf*) to tri rer month. 4s to ROOM W'J2. Interior Department I plding. 19<h St V *L*. nw. no21-ot 10USE TRUCKERS. BEST. fwages. Apply Mr. Hime. Amer- Railway Express, Second and . ne. no2l-tf lirrtD-BOT Tl- SCUTS BDULU; AroU Mr rorRTNF.T. ' <5 « ». HAL1 i Boys, help Uncle Sam. Earn money to buy W. S. S. and Thrift Stamps by de¬ livering The Herald. $10 a month and $2 a month bonus. Apply Mr. S. TRAVIS. 819 3d St. nw. tf SEVERAL GOOD bOYS WANTED to deliver The Herald; $8 to $10 per month; can make extra ^onry collecting. Apply 1018 K it. ne. WANTED - RRAKEMKN roll POTOMAU >ard. 39 een?a p«r boor; also car repairmen, o>acfcinlata, helpers, carpenter*, lrejght brake- men. Oremen and other occnpationa at farmua point®. Pennaylvaoia Railroad. Apply New .raey a»e ae. atylt-tt BOX WITH BICTCLE TO SERVE HERALD lo Clavelaod Park spcUod; til.50 per month or more ino commiaaioo basia. Ap,..'y C1B> CULATION MANAGER. Herald oihre. r4tt a * EXPERIENCED SPBcFaLTT ADVER, \ 4iD| hOiidtcr can make good tnot.ey ou com- rVtauo bJ wot kins part or all of the time. Ad> 4x*m BOX 36. Herald office. tt WANTED.CAR REPAIR MEN^ car cleaners (white or colored), ^ ffrst<l»t" locomotive machinists, first-class boilermakers. Time and a half for overti ne. Top salanej. Apply ROOM 308, Union Station. tf BOYS TO SERVE HERALD. $10 per month and bonus. Apply Mr. D. ANDELET, 660 E st. se. tf jOOD ROUTE BOY. APPLY TO H. EL SMITH. 803 C «t. sw. tf. REAL ESTATE. CABIN JOHN PARK. ATTRACTIVE SI Bt RBAN BOMES. I. S. TUML1NSON, » BO BLD<j M. 1<U. ^is new honan aad bungalcwa ready for in ipectioa. |1.4» to C. 500 Eaay tema. nof tf FLORIDA REAL ESTATE. ATTENTIO.N.HOMESEEKERS. BSAl'TiriX TROPICA I. HOME SITES In ae»aci Florida bunfalow colony. Rich in xoptcal T-rdare All year climate. Local nmd- acts maka U»ms cheap. Cokmy aituated on rafn^^cent protected watera, oienin* Into the whnv Gulf of Mesicix Wooderful boat n* and iahinS- »nd oyatar* in abundance. I'nique -urw arlhns plan bnnga property within raara yt people of modeat incotne Finest referencee. National Nink holda and deflt^r* deed. Call, ¦tiione or write for fnll free detail ij»format ion. SAX CO.. 5m Riua Bids., let Mam tMl. ft tituagton, D.C. w -22 ft LOST. LOOT-eVNDAY on PA AVE. CAR OR ON Pa. ate. arid Uth at. nr., ladx's black band- bag containing moof* and a War lH>tartment pass. Reward. Return to S. PAUL. T22 X'Ah st. noJJ-lt LOBT HCT»KW» HAHKINl.TON HOTELJ and Keith a Theater. diamond earring* and dinner ring. Finder please notify MANAGER; Keith's Theater. nuZ>-#t « LOfcT-A Bt NCH OF KEYS; RETURN AND) receive reward to HERMAN OPTICAL CO.. 513 7th a.t nw. ucM t ' *T BETWEEN HARRINGTON HOTEL I and Keith a Theater, diamond earrings and dinner ri.ig; liberal reward. Mr». E. FRED- ERIC 1IAWLEY. Keith a Theater uo2-3t L<>-»T SM ALL 1*1 U8E CONTAINING LADY'S J gHd watch and nrrnll chance; reward offered. CORA >1 ROBLE. 1121 Tenth »t nw. no2Ht LOST.GOLD CUFF BUTTON | with vnall diamond chip aet. Friday in down- town buainen* section; reward if returned to The Washington Herald, or phone Main MOO. Mr. COPELAMD. nuO-* 1 EDUCATIONAL. Keep Your War Job I»y taking our special short courses in stenography, typewriting, book- keeping and civil service. Individual | instruction. THE DRILLERY 1100 N. Y. Ave. moving, packing, storing SMITH'S TRANSFER ANT) STORAGE CO NORTH 331:. N *J4». N 3344 Nij-'ht or Holi¬ day. Franklin 3*11. l.ONCI-DI.STANCE MOVING. SAFETY FIRST. A»«>OLLTfcL* Fl HEPROUl 8TOBAUE. Rooms K anrt ai Moving and Packing I SITED SPATES t»ToRAOl CO. «tf-® W»b «t nw Phone* M aud Franklin « MOVING ffi tumtan large partded tana and earefnJ mew to bsodle yow gonds PACKERS of furniture, pianos. «ma, brio a brat etc Exp«n*nced mm only. SHIPPING 'o all parts of the workL SToRAGF for *urultjre. pismw. and houaa- bnhi got-ds KRIEG'S EXPRESS REFRIGERATORS, ICE BOXES. REFRIGERATORS That Are Superior NELSON REFRIGERATOR CO.. We build to order any sise refrigerator or cooling room. 61 I F St N U Franklin 2757. j credit Furniture creAd,t HOPWOOD'S r,opular Price Furniture and Stove Store. 8th and K Sta. N. W". AUTOMOBILES Washington Auto Exchange Automobile*. Tlrea. Areftaartaa, Kcpnlra. Truck*. Trailer*. Star- asr, Tstla. Auto t.lna*. Gn- ragra. lint Ierlea. Etc. For Hire, 3-Ton Truck With Driver. CAN BE HAD FOR FART OR ALL OF THE TIME. OR BY THE JOB. HAS D. C AND VA. LICENSE. FOR APPOINTMENT Phone Main 3300. FOR SALE.AUTOMOBILES. OVERLAND; PRACTICALLY NEW; USE?) t only 3.QJ0 milea; big bargain. <>LoRK j <.LOTHl.NO CO.. 803 Pa. ave. nw. no2i-2t FORI) ROAUHTKU IN UOOD CONDlfl&N; $X0. Call Columbia i'£i. or 5t» Irving at. nw. no»3t A DKTRolT WEATHERPROOF Till' ON your automobile makes motoring delightful winter or summer 8ee aami-le and order your too tnda». MFR3. A«iT.. 415 II st. pe. ool»-ft AUTO ACCESSORIES. CAR OWNERS NOT ONLY FIND OUR iocaUon cm lenient, w iuj long experience with aut<* is of great value to the thousands we serve. Are ve serving your cart Full atock accessories. nils, greases, etc. Central Auto Supply Co. lOOe l*a. a*e * Main ffla USED CARS. Come to the Largest Used Auto Dealers in the World. THE ROMAN AUTO CO. 1D3 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. Pa 1.000 cara to select from.ltlS. lf!7, IfM models, ia all makes. S25g up. Catalogue free oo request. novM.M.U.*9.8.9 PERSONALS. DR. REED SPECIALIST 804 SEVENTEENTH STREET. OVER 30 DEARS'.' Nervous and special Dtsca»ee rj Men an/» V*. Means Health to You tf You Suffer; Pttsb Catarrh bes . t trostuiu. i4*uaiipa Uoa. I "ilea. T « 'rain. Heart, and Skin Ol v"« Dft»lit>. Kidney Disease. ">3»Wa peciftc Blood P<* ¦coins. Eruptki**. k*» (1 All Private Dta ea*e» Cured to Uia c lal Slrthoda Charges Ix-v. ne Furnished. C0NSJJL 1 ^ iON FREE. Private Waiting Koem lor Ladies other Hmn . i- t naoin * to 11 WHAT IS T'fVtK |-j*g ANY CON aidsrstwn t|-' - <vu: iw naming low prices wher m ow Vfla* fiAi will buy. and we are anxious for men'a wan SriU o»em->** "«. i^^e «a *heu to rail an<1 we will r,4I vo hop ua Bob. | Jt'sTH ti OL* f.TAAU, taili. aa&lt MONET TO LOAH. MOUCT'"TO LOAH OH APPSOVlb CiTt rtti MUt* .( Um*et onw rate*. apac pnnkn with maped to art. payments TYr.CR * RI TIIPCRFORD lar . W 1Mb at tf WANTED TO BUI. VTILL CALL IN ftfT rWiXTTSBBD AOTO moNle. city ut subnrbaa. and pay joo tdgbeat prtctt for kariier. grotw-meo'a. eUMvm'i die perilad cfofhtng. ot ." daeeiiptkaw. 1llitri m or phone I will anil ft BfCB. U* Ttb ft. K If* BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALft-CA BPENTKR AND JOB 8HOpj toola. hardware. lumber, etc.. large trade BOX 3». Herald office. no»3t FUNERAL DESIGNS. Appropriate Floral Tokens. Artiatic ei ie vm! ve-loe ipenriea. Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street. Prompt auto dplifen .arrlce. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS Menittti* oj invitation ftatiuuai selected Mor ticiaua Semcea rrtviered in all part* ut United Stataa hy special repraaentatlvea. Telephone K»tabiiaim. » Main 5512-65 1 3 i.ady ItM-l* Ha. Assistant Avenue. Chapel w \V ( hambera ft. P. Chans ban W. W. CHAMBERS CO. 1400 Chapin St. N. W. Wa lae Automotile Service ftxcliartvely. Modern Chapel. Dai or Night Phone Col. i DIED. ANDERSON.On Friday, November 22, 191*. at his residence. the To¬ ronto. Gen. H. R. ANDERSON. Funeral at hm late residence tdday at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment pri¬ vate. BERRYMAN.Departed this life No¬ vember 22. 1918, RUTHERFORD HERRYMAN, beloved son of Mary Roaa. Funeral service* will be held at [ Robert Campbell's undertaking parlor today at 1 o'clock. BLACK BrRN-Huddenly, on Novem-! ber 22. 1918. at .1:30 p. m.. killed by an auto on his way home from school. AMOS B. BLACKBURN. In the sixth year of his a go. be¬ loved son of George and Ada Blackburn. a | Funeral services will I* held today at 2 p. m.. from the First S. D. A j Church. Eighth street northeast, between F and O ntreets. Rela¬ tives and friends are invited to attend. BL RRUSS-.On Thursday, November 21. 1918. FANNIE L, beloved slater of Mrs. Ellen Ogle, Mrs. Jose¬ phine Kenny. Mrs. Mollie B. Hall and Miss Anna M. Burruss. Funeral today at 2 p. m. from Nineteenth Street Baptist Church. Rev. Walter If. Brooka. pastor. < Fredericksburg and Pittsburgh papers pleawo copy). CHARLTON.On Friday, November 22. 191X. LOTTIE LAMB, beloved wife of Henry E. Charlton. Funeral from the residence of h*r sister. 4S0 F street southwest, to¬ day at 3 p. m. Interment Con- gresaional Cemetery. DERENE.On November 22. 1918. at 5:40 a. m.. at his residence. Thirty- fourth street. Mount Rainier. Md.. WILLIAM FRANCIS, the beloved son of the late George W. and Mary E. Derene and the devoted brother of Mary C. Derene. aged 150 years. Funeral from his late rc»idence to- day at 9:30 p. m., thence to St. James' Church, where mass will be said for the repose of his soul. Interment at Mount Olivet Ceme¬ tery. FAGAN.At Niagara Falls. N. Y.. r riday. November 22. 1918. of pneu¬ monia Set at. FRANK T. FAGAN. I H. A., beloved son of M. E. lagan. Notice of funeral hereafter. FARMER.Suddenly on Thursdav. November 21. 1918. CHARLES N. FARMER, adopted "on of A. S. HacketL Funeral today from his late home. 1213 B street northeast, at 2 p. m. Interment at Rock Creek Ceme¬ tery. FlT55GERALD*-On Friday. November «. 1918. at a. m.. at 1360 Colum¬ bia road northwest, MARIA A. FITZGERALD fnee Ferrero). Funeral today at 9 a. m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. FOJmiY~P? Saturday. November -a. 191«. at 1 A. m.. ELI.EN J.. diiuch- ter of the late John and Marv F oley. Funeral from her sister's residence 124 Sixth street northeast, at 9 a. m. today; thence to St. Jo-' soph's Church, where high re- quiem mass will be sung at 9| 0 clock for the repose of her soul. Interment at Mount Olivet Ceme- terv. GATEI.Y.Suddenly, on Thursday November 21. 1?1«, WILLIAM JO-1 8EPH. beloved son of John T. and Margaret A. Gatelv. Funeral from St. Stephen's Catho¬ lic Church. Twenty-fifth street and 1 ennsylvania avenue, thla room- Ing, November 25. GERARDI-Departed this life on Thursday. November 21. 1918. Vl'l'O V. beloved son of Marv Lucretia k? late Vincenao Gerardi. In nis 2oth vear. r.r? ,?r1illl.be.h'ld from hl« late home. 13(9 East Capitol street, to¬ day. November 25, at 2 p. m Kelatlves and friends Invited. HA£V?Jr°n Sa,urd*v, November 21, 1918, at the residence of her son. Wisconsin avenue and In¬ land street, Bethesda, Md FLIZA beloved widow of Burton W Har¬ vey. deceased, and mother of Frank Harvey. Notice of funeral later "EdNen?eR8?lNT^dher, real- [ M vmov rT?^* a.> northeast. SI ^ ; '"'"ved daughter .an 80 ^at^e,'lne llender- Funeral from the parents" residence Ipdav at 11 a. in. Interment Rock Creek -Cemetery. HOWARD.On Sunday. October 13, *r'1?. of pneumonia. Corp inn f1tz henry HOW¬ ARD Company II. 318th infant)y, T- ^;n",b J?ivl8i»n. American . « 1 y FDFces. beloved son of Frederick F. and Frances Eva (Goas) Howard. «l«KYr<in,-Friday' November 22. n hurifVv .?'. !-a,vRknck late"' K. Hurleir "°n Funeral from hia late residence. i:r» rvinK Street northwest, today at " .P j.', Rel*tives alld Mends In¬ vited. Interment at Rock Creek Cemetery. JOHNSON.On Saturday. Novr;nt>-r .. 191S. at his residence, in ii»w- near ljiur^l. Md.. RICHARD A JOHNSON, bel <i hushand of Grace Gormao son. Notice of funeral later. * JOHNSTON.Suddenly, on Fr 1 * November 22. 1918, mt 7:V> p t THI RHTUN B. JOHNSTON. *r.. beloved husband of Alice C. Jc u- ston. Funeral from his son's residence, .«J K|pventh street northeast, tod v) .,t1a , "K at 10 a. m. Interment privnte. .J DIED. LEK-Ot. Friday. I^oveny^Rt' cUB^ £Kss On Robert F.. and Marv Funeral .ervloe. «t Church of th. Epiphany this "/ .v*te 'paV o'clock. Interment . tlmore and Richmond pai>"» Pleaae month^' rodrK^r»J*r.Pe^PW- Mc'aT-swkd-oora h, '*dam«). wife of Frederick 8. McCauaiana. fSSJS'-^SS ». chape. a.enwoM Cemetery, today at ».» * * Friends Invited Omit n>J* McMAHON-On Jiatuiday Novrmt.ri a. HI*. at her residence * 1 i.tree! northeast. BRIOOKT MC MA HON <nee Sheedy). "Mow of John McMahon. a native of Scl riff, county Clare. Ireland, and a resident of Washington. D. I.. pIxtjr-Heven yearn. Notice of funeral hereafter. NRWROL.D.On Friday, November 22. 1»1S, at Bordentown, ". J-> THOMAS F... husband of c,e">e°" tine Could Newbold and son of the late William and A- and Ix>uisa Forbes Newbold. in the sixty-second year of his .. Relatives and friend® of the invited to attend the thla afternoon at 3 hi-, late residence. C,ro."..r Hireet. Bordentown. N. J. 'nw'" ment Tuesday at Oakwood Ceme- tery.vTroy. N. Y. PUE1TN EH.Departed this UfJ J*j" day morn In*. November 22 »t the residence of her dsu*hter. 337 Fourteenth ""Inru maroarf.tha f. Iwloved mother of Daniel ami Jul LIS pleltner and Mrs Amelia Mar tin. and widow of the late Daniel FuJTera "service a at W. W Dear, establishment. H rtreet east, today at 2 p. m. Interment Prosper! Hill. .Baltimore and New York papers please cop> SAXTON.Suddenly, on November 191S at 4 o'clock a. m.. at hia resi¬ dence. 2027 I'ortner place nortn- wMt. CHARI.ES N.. beloved hus¬ band of Nellie Rea Sexton. in his forty-sixth year. Funeral from his late residence. 2527 Portner place, today at £ P m. Funeral private. (Jamestown. N. Y.. papers pleare copy.) SEEBODK.On Saturday. November Z2. 1518. st 9:30 a. m.. at her resi¬ dence. 1808 Sixth street DORA L.. beloved daughter of:Mr. and Mn. Fred Seebode. a*ed 19 Funerai from her late residence to¬ morrow at 2 p. m. SHKI.BT.The remains of ANNIE it SHELBY, wife of ^ ShelDy and daughter of Mr andi Mrs. J. W. Hall, will be taken from the vault at Olenwood and burled to day at 2:10 p. m. Friend, and relatives invited to attend. TAYIX)R.The peator and oon(cr**»- I ton are InviKd .. attend the fun¬ eral of SARAH ELIZABETH TAYT-OF. 1728 L street northwest, at the People'a 8. D. A. Church today at I o'clock p. m. TEXTOR.Suddenly. Friday. ber K. 1918. at 2:» p. m.. FRED- KRICK J beloved .- husband of Roe<- J. Textor and fond father of Frederick. Jr.. Oenevleve and Funer*l'from hia late residence. 1118 Morse street northeast, today. Burial in Chicago. III. WASHINGTON.On Thursday. No¬ vember 21. 1918. at Freedmen. Hospital, of double pneumonia, w- ROY. beloved son of Henry and I.oulsa Waahinrton. of Herman- town. Md. Funeral from residence or hia cousin. Mr and Mrs. John Ray. 61i Morton street northwest, to¬ day at 2 p. m Relatives and friends Invited. Paris.In the big square at Ypres In Belgium stands the "invulnerable statue." It is a stout man of bronxe. In bronxe clothes of ancient days. It is of a lord mayor of another pen. ration.Mr. Van den Perreboom. And through four years of bombard¬ ment he ha. not even been scratched. Recently, In recognition of JJi\ Van den Perreboom'r brnien-faced bravery and disdain of Herman shells, a prankish Belgian attached the Croix de O'ierre to his bronze lapel. TODAY'S CASUALTY LIS7 JohnUvv8 *.'artln- CoatUble. N. T (K-o 8?h.,;V "°n' ""-"oXIvn. N. r Arte K iK K«'th«,npton. N. T. in. k o h""r«r- Marengo. III aB- "".'l. St. LouU. Mo. Thos F t^'" Okla. Kn«PI>. Saniifw. W. Va Oeo T m'U"h VrK,'. T">,|°r Neh. ' °; T- Mordue. Cuba. Ill 5»rl," Helton. Knld, Okla Wm J t, U"nv»" Maw "m' ,*. 7'iate, Brooklyn. N v ,*?, w*Her, Ha scorn, n, ' W'ltoiMot,, Bos well. OklR. Bt'GLERS rj- £ McClure. Loulavllle. Ky A vln n p,«Jrmor" Minn wlrwn » "I"' Cry'UI CU>' Mo "arren Hr|»hrr. Pen Arcvl p- Mualdan H. IHnlooly. /agi.^., i exa«. Musician Guy Genung. Ithaca. X. V. MBCHUNIC8 John E llooker. Ira Station. N y 2- i°? .£' W|l,on- Vivian. W. Va '."ant. Helton. 8. C. (heater H Jones. Wallervllle Miss "y'Tu'h ° Hobln""n Lake Cook N. O. Pickett. Waltham, .Mass PRIVATES Joseph Arguano. Kllxabeth. N J cvo St. Paul. Minn. Geo. B. Oilkyson, New York. N. V. Wm. H. Johnson. Eastham. Va Barney J. Karbowskl. Omaha. Xebr. t Unthlcum. Albemarle, N. C. V ??" w ^>cke. New York. N Y J. H McDanlel. Marcellne, Mo. Halter Mclntyre. Hoanoke. W. Va. ?"°5r T, McMai,u». Rockland. Man*. A. T. Manson. Greensboro, N. C. ' Miaejewikl. Springfield. M«n l.arl J Moore. I^tnraster. Ohio Lewis IV Norton. Shamrock, Tex K. Reh hard. Pi*rce. Pa Clifford Andy nice. Detour. Mich Harry Kudnlck. Brooklyn. N. V. Edward H. Selwell. Philadelphia. Pa. ThomAs B. i-hllllnt Salem, Va. William J. Hpears. Wenesago. Miss Kaymond Stageberg Thief River Falls. Minn. Charles W. Ktegle, Anna, III Clint Thompson. Merrick. Okla Theodon. A V'olden Ophelm, Mont. If.lrry White, Chicago. III. John Young. Newark, N. Y Andrew Zubrieky. Cleveland Ohio. Elmer Para Bloom. Frederick Wis Salvatore Rlunda. Madison M<- '"harlea A Bradbury. Marlon, lnd. H. T. Bull. Sturgeon l.ake. Minn John Patrick Burke. Avoca. Pa Martin Burke, Jersey City. N. J. James D. Calder. Hugo. Okla. Jamea A. Carey, Hoboken. N. J. Hubert J. Carr, Greensboro. N. C. Jack Carver. Ponce de Leon Mo. Onofrio Catalano. Detroit. Mich John Dalux. St. Antonio. Cape Wrde Islanda. Jaeob Denke. Qulnn. 8. Dak. Charles Doerr. Poufchkeepsie. N. Y Charles Doherty. Donegal. Ireland Amoa <J. Easter. Aberdeen. Miss Spiro Economos. Expiro. Greece Fred Fetko. Hyb. Russia. Thos J. Filton: New Market. X |r *>uy E. Garrett. Germantown. Mil George Gogan. Berlin. N. H BenJ. B. Goldflnger. Nyack N V B Goudswaard. Rotterdam". Holland James Graham. Brooklyn. N. T John C. Hamman. Hardwood. Okla Dent S. Holden. Clearfield. Pa Rafael Hunarlan. Liwrence. Mass. Benajah B. Hurst. Shorter Ala E. James. Eldorado Springs. Mo Joseph M Jennings. BufTalo. N. Y. Charles R. John. New York. N. Y. Thomas A. Johns. Belleville. III. T. C. Rartlam. Montgomery. W Va OKf N. Bjerkan. Walcott. N. Dak Bert B. Bradshaw. Charlerol. Pa Muriel E. Burns. Hopklnton. Iowa Francis Craig. Wilmington. N. c." < E. Johnson, Colllnsvllle, Ill George T. Johnson. Kane. Pa. I. F. Johnson. Manchester. N H Jf.tr,,e W- John"nn. Greenfield, Mass " foiam Jones. Lorain. Ohio. Alex. Koakr Moundsvilie. w Va Robert Lacy. Paragould. Ark Jeese W. lawyer. Jennings. Orfio ' J 4-eagon. Winston-Sulcm. X. C Floyd W. I.ee Atlanta. X Y W. J. Lolko. New York. X V Thomas l^rlmo Chicago. III. Merle E. MctAd.ims. Tarkio. Mo !. rank L. McAlee^ Brooklyn. X. y, Jas. D. Mi-Alister. Brooks. X. C Edgar C. McFarland. Oneida N y Oeo. G. Mahon silver Lake. Kana. John F Manning. New York, N. ^ Raymond T Maxon. Buffalo. N. Chas. P. Meier, .New York. N. Y Robt. E Miller, Elizabeth. N J Jas F Moll, Shoemakers Hie. Pa. M. H Mooney, Jersey CltjTN. J. Edward J. Moore, Lowell, Mahh. John Navrockl, Shamokln. Pa Wm. H. Potvin, Burlington, Vt. Clyds R. Powell. Miami, Tex. Henry Raak. Seel and, Mich. Anton Revsbeck. Carroll. Iowa. Clarence A. Richey. Glen Rock. Pa Wm. C. Ryeraon. Worcester. Mas* David Schmidt. Kulm, N. Dak A. J. Sherrill, Warsaw, 111 In. E. Shipley. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Jim H. Skinner. Mineola. Texaa. V. P. Smilglus, GrlsxakaUuda. Russia | K. J. Spearing. Jersey City, N. J. Olen L. Stone. Sand Springs. Okla. ! Richard A. Tarrant. Jersey City. N. J Walter L. Taylor. Berlin. N. H: Charlea B. Thomoson. Altona, Mo. F A. Thompson. McCracken. Kans J. Q. Thompson. Providence, It 1 John R. Thorns, Roxton, Texas A Vanasae, New Bedford. Mass. Geo. Van Pelt, Mount Vernon. X. Y Priestly Waggoner. Nonesville. Tenn Chas. I. Warner, Harnett. Kan*. D. J Waugh. Jr.. t'pper Falls. Mass. F. B. White. 3ay Minette. Ala Wm. O. Whit?. Chicago. III. John L. Whitman, Albany. N. Y Raleigh D Wlney. Beloit. Wta F. C. Woods. Kings Mountain. N. C. Born Wooten. Wooten. Ky. Carl Danley, Ocean Mine. W. Va. Frank DeRoaaire. Brooklyn. N. Y. Pete I>e Trinko. Pittsburgh. pa. Henry J. DilU. Castle Hhannon. Pa Sidney I,. Dugar. Chicago. Ill Joseph R. Durxen, Syracuae. N. Y. John Eposito, Clearfield, Pa Owen R. Evans. Granger. Mo H. W. Ferguson. WoodKfleld. Ohio. John H. Flchtor, Jr.. Chicago. III. John C. Fischer. Pittsburgh. Pa. Gilbert F Gouiding. Waltham Mass. Thomas J Griffin. Roxbury, Mass. Harry J. Hargrave. I>etroit. Mich. H. J*. Hodgman. Minneapolis. Minn. Henry A. Horst. Chicago. Ill John W. Huffman. Hazel. Okla. Herbert James. Indianapoli*. Ind. theater Johnson. New York. N. Y. Rolie C. Johnson. York, Nebr. Avery R. Jones. West Point. Nebr. I-aurence Kuril, ^ojexoxe. Italy. Alpl.onso Le Delia. New York. N. Y. Nelson I^easor, Oconto Wis. Edward J Mechllng. New York N Y Joserh P. M.Hia. Whitinarllle, Mass Fred M. Mlnton. Manchester. N. II. Thomas W. More*. Sioux City. Iowa! J Frank D. Morris. Creston, Iowa. Cornelius W. Jloyer. Chester. Pa Francis Osbom. Mount Victory- Ohio Samuel Patteck. Brooklyn. N Y. William L. Perry. Marblehead. Mass. W eston R. Port. Sharpaburg. Pa. Harry Pru*h*k. Beaver Meadow Pa Robert Puccl. Chicago. 111. Percy B Reid. Delaware. Ohio. Jarr.es A. Seamans,-Skowhetran. Me. Harry 8hapiro. New York. N. Y. William E Smith. Hammond. Ind. Wlliam H Sommer. Perryville. Mo. J. Stiff Tail. Harding Grove. S. Dak Ernest J Tetreault. Brooklyn. Conn Martin Totschek. New York. N Y. Ed. A. Von Fricken, Troy, >^. Y. John M. Vought. Berwick. Pa Perry D Waits. Holbrook. Nebr William Walter. Brooklyn. N. Y Hardy Walters. Lumberton. Miss. Christ Wein, Jr.. Tonawanda. NY George B. Whitehead. Freeport. Me Otha W. Wilson. Eller. Ky. Conrad J. Wise, Freeport, 111. Slightly Wounded. Lieut. Ernest E. Boyle. Kansas City,] Kan. Robert Espy. Abbeville. Ala. Battalion Sergt.-MaJ William Mc¬ donald. Jr.. Philadelphia. Pa. SERGEANTS. Fred Bietx. Jersey City. N. J. Michael Dockry, Ballymote. Ireland. Harold V. Jorgensen. Mankato, Minn. Chas. A. Kinyon. Stillwater. Okla. Forney B. Mlntx. Mill Branch. N. C. Ed. J. QuinMn. Philadelphia. Pa. Joseph Reardon. Philadelphia. Pa. Jamefe- A. Hynte. Paterson. N. J. Reginald Jones. Erie, Pa. Ritchey M. Marbury. Buford. Ga. Roy Tea. New Brighton. Pa. Harry B. Zuelke. Lock port, III. CORPORA I^S Herman C. Arison. T)ick*rson Run Pa. Ed. H. Butler. Cullman. Ala. Harold C. Dybdal. Viborg. Denmark. Vernon T. Hayden. Cedar Rapid* la. That Rookie from the 13th Squad. i'u taice this ) die By P. L. Crosby JA SPf?lN. Beo -cee1 ^ Robert Kreysig Philadelphia. Pa. Albert M. l^nge. Scotia. N. Y John T. Morgan. Ciarksville. Tenn Albert L. Marcotte. HaverhlU. tlm Henry J. Meier. Newark. N. J. William Taylor. Montgomery. Ala. William A. Welborn. Frederick. Okla. William H. Wendt. Detroit Mich William P. Surlis. Brooklyn. N. T. Mechanic Wm. C. Curley. Flushing. N. Y. PR1VATE8 Anthony A. Ackerino. Brooklyn. N T. Frank Allen. Salem. 8 C. Robert B. Arceneaux. Derouen, l*a. William F. Beethold. Bismarck. Mo. Bernard K. Bohlander. Chicago. 111. Jamea J. Boniface. New Haven. Conn.1 Jamea F Breslin. Battle Creek. Mich. I Wlllard L.. Bridges, E St. Louis IIL Mich. Annunsiata. Taunton. Mu> Henry Caraon. Lafollette. Tenn H-arry Cohen. Dorchevter. Mass. Tom Eania. M&nteca. Cal. William J. Flohr. Denver. Colo. Raymond J. Genicke, Newark Ohio. Thomas Higgins. Pittsburgh. Pa. Jesse Fenton Hoover, lnes, Tex. Daniel Jenkins. Plttcton. Pa. Joe Kajzer. South Bend. Ind William Kodak. Phillip*. Wig. Newman Lancaster. Garrison, N. T. Julius Morae. New York, N. Y I-«o H. Peckham. Everett, Wash M N. Vandine. South Seattle. Waah.' Jamea C. Bulger. North Cambridge. Maaa. Joaeph Capoaole. Philadelphia. Pa. Oeorge Diehl. Haxelton. Pa. William Draper. Eaat Weymouth, Mamm. George Dewey Drumh, Carrollton, 11L William M. Finch. Humeeton. Iowa. Milton Foater. Harbor. Ore. Raymond Leslie Garner. Bogue. N. C. John Hampahire. San Franciaco. Cal. Jeff Huron. Macedonia. Greece. Rom P. Harris. McCrory. Ark Raymond M Holden. Elmlra. N. T. Charlea W. Houseman. Hebron. Neb. Fred O. Johnaon. Aahiand. Wis. William G. Jones, Rome, N. Y. Frank J. Kerp. Philadelphia. Pa Henry Kessler. Brooklyn. N. T. Clarence E. KJa« Weat Mberty. Ohio I^wls Kramer. Philadelphia. Pa. Mitchell L. Kunitz, Watertown. Wis 1 Dalfeat Lambert. Lena. Wis Fred l^verdure. Lewiston. Mont. |0. B. Undiulst. Grand Forka. N Dak Joaeph Lis*. New York. X. Y. Ralph Little. Grlnnell. Iowa Jack B. I.yon Bellefonte. pa Roy McCarl. Selbert. Col. John A McClain. Boaton. Mass Ewell McCloud. Valdofft*. Ga Robert A McClure. Philadelphia. Pa. |Jno. F. McKeever. Dickinson. N. Dak. i Alf P. Midtskaug. Brooklyn. N Y Rex M. Moody. Bedford. Iowa. Henry C. Mormann. Chicago. 111. Adam Oatrowski. Dambrowa. Russia Poland. William Frank Owen. Penhook. Va. Edward V. Preaton. Whtting. Me Dominico Prexioao. Richmond. N. Y. Lyman Prim. Burlington. Vt. Belton Reavea. Oxford. Ala. w. P. Rymsxa. 6rand Rapids. Mich. George Schubert. Eau Claire. Wia. James Harvey Suratt. Athens. Tex. Peter Talarico. Red Bank. N. J. Benjamin B. Taylor. Somen ill... Maas Thomas J. Taylor. Brooklyn. N. Y. Wm B Van Buren. Hermon. N. Y Allyn Well*. Gitman. Wia. Elmer V. Westman. Le Roy Mich, Francis C. White, Roxburv. Muss Ward W. White. Caddoa. Colo Garland P Whlted. Gate City. Va. Robert R. Wing. Wellaville. N Y. Le Roy Young. La Grange. Me. Missing In Aetlaa. SERGEANTS Wm. J Gordon. Jersey City. S. J. Chaa. L Howard. Philadelphia. Pa. James E. Neely Wichita Falla. Tex. Willie Smith. Van I^ear. Ky. I Robert A. Votaw Fort Worth. Tex. CORPORA I jS. jJa*. S. Alliaon. Knoxville. Tenn. John T. Ficklln. Wichita Falls. Tex. PRIVATES Albert I* Adair. Greenville. Tex A. Alfonso. Campobasso. Italy. Ellxa F. Allen. O'Donnell. Tex J. W. Amett. Roan Mountain Tenn Clarence Bailey. Duke. Okla Chaa. Baa tain. Evansvllle. Ind (Truxton H. Beck Salem. Ore* Bud Bevin.o. Millard. Ky. Charley Bishop, Sterling. Tex jP R Blackburn. Goldaait. Texas Jess D Blackmore. Stlllwell. Okla Eddie R. Bohannon. Richmond Va [Walter B. Boh on Tunnelton \v Va Thos. J, Burke. Philadelphia. Pa Frederick G. Carlson. Providence. W. H. Chariton. Philadelphia. Pa. [t has. X. Cobble. Midwav. Tenn A. u. Coleman. Merry Mount. N. C. Jake E. Collier. W*apanucka Okla I.ouls Comina. Votega. Italy. Carl R. Coolidge, Reklam-. Texas 'mIm CowMTt- Lafayette Springs |Jo»_ H Cudwonh. Si I^ouis. Mo James G. Cullum. Councils, N C Archie camming*. South Fork Ha Cunningham. Fresno. Ohio Jos Cupldo. Turtle Creke. Pa Henry Dango. Berat. Albania D*vto- '-lndMV Okla Kaiph Dismario. Taceny. Pa. Alfred H Dunlop. Wayneabur* Pa. Jonn H. Emory, Disputaata Va £ J1'JFm"lkner' Boaton. V. ^ £' Fecher- Wichita Falla, Tex** C- Feirell. Shenandoah. V* Carl P. Fishel. Butler. Pa Wm. Flahaven. Baltimore. Md Oliver Fletcher. Cleveland. Ohio T. E^ Foster. Medicine Mound. TV* j." Frada. Tript. Sicily. Italy. Nori H. Fulsas. Albion. Nebr. O. O. Goldman New York. N. Y. Harry C. Futrell, Fort Sam Houa- ton, Texaa. Geo. P. Gage. Meridian. Miss. Wm. Gallagher. Btaddock. Pa Karl F. Get*. Clearfield. Pa Thomas J Glfford. Mtlan. Ala Frank W. Giles. Boiling Springs. Pa. Rolando Grande. Corpus Chriati. Te*. Bobt. A. Green. Benjamin. Tex Reuben Greer. Boan Mountain. Tenn N. K. Griffin. WilliMon. Fla James A. Hall. Ix>uisa. Va Luther Hall. TaaevtU. Va. S. HammerHand. Ossian. lows H. P. Hammond, l^ncaater. Texas PrUoaera. Lieut."B. F Chapin. Ashmont. Mass. Lieut. M W. Fredenburg. Biduwav Pa. 8er*t M. McCattaa. New York X Y- Corp. B C. Heck man. Avis, Pa. Corp. L. A. Mullin. Brooklyn. X. Y. PRIVATES. W. F. Bormskv. MlnersMlle Pa. J O. I>onnelly. I>en*more. Kans. Albert Gill. St Vincent. W. I. Eugene T. Hill,, Duck Hill. Muis. E. W Hoi ion. Chicago. III. J. I. W. Klinker Deloit. Iowa. S. J. McCallater. Xewvllle, Pa. J. C. Schuster, Gower. Mo G. J. Wendorf. Waltham. Minn. The Red Cross sends each month to Pershing's boy* im ions of jam and 1.500.000 packages of chewin* gum. In addition to hundred* of thouaands of har* of *weft chocolate and vaat nuantitle* of » tooth paste, tooth brushes and sAjJU' raxors. I WIRELESS ERA IN NEW PHASE Telephone Across Ocean Now Believed Possible, Holland Declares. *.¦»* years were'devoted by Roy I tVtwho" "" Ch"' '<".«* of the Marconi W.r.lea. Compaay. »«*. with intent to h «" Pn">bW th' ""«or.re h'OO.B law «, ..tur( wh|etl hu » prevent the per- ' "tlltaatlca or the wlrelea. v... "r ,r*n'm'",on or " *. th«t hi. p.. -»ce .Bd t.«aUI,e>ce h.y. raad. ^rVoT th" ""'. 1U baneful "SecT. ^"rUeV. com^nicat.an be hereafter'7, wh°T rtoot<" **o Lee de Poreat. who ha« with patieace be.n work¬ ing out the problem which when .o>v~l will make . frommAn.tel!CPh0"1C """".unicatlona from America to Europe or , ?ha."^r '* Z)'";' yeara hence, Hrfi *' ,wo >»" f,om telephonic communica- Uona acroaa the ocean hy the utili¬ sation of the Hariaian wavea will be an accomplished fact. Traaa-Oeeaale Pkaae Hoped. Mr'' w^°W°.r,",v,l» whether e»®*nd ¦ dlscovfry and mt>- paratu, will .,.kr . ,^.,lb,e '*a communicate by mcana of the Han f'*° *"»« '"e .um.n v.iK-e fn* aa i.ef JL J"1"* that Which t.par- State, from Kvi hut the inrfi|i Mt u ttet ¦ CO very and U »»». ,UB utillsea It ha.-. ina ,.r M«rronl (;i. *oay "i to provide te ?mi , tion> «¦ well j,. islea* rn»r It is not that M'*on: J**r" .«<> *v«« Ufore he labored night and da y for years upon the problem of the division of electric current served from a cen¬ tral station bo as to provide In¬ candescent lights. observed certain manifestations of a mystic law of nature which he termed "etherlc force/ Occupied as Edison was with other important matterfeVd^M did not carry on investigate* |r»o this mystic law and perhaps did r»or realise whst its discovery w*ul#' mean for the rapid commumo» .#» of intelligence without the ryf wires. A fern years later I>r. Herts ii't- covered and took he»*d of the err manifestation which Edison us. noticed These are now knowi a* the Hertsian waves. Elect ricafHn-"' pulse riven st any point. Herts dis¬ covered. creates an electric wave which will move ever onward through the atmosphere. perhaps circumnavrating the globe Herts, however, did not pursue his discov¬ ery to the point of commercisl ad¬ vantage. It remained for 81 r Oliver Eodge, and later for Marconi, to utilise Herts's discovery of a law theretofore unknown so as to make it through the invention of proper apparatus svailable for stupendous commercial uses. But there were defects even in the Marconi system due to the operation of the mysti< law which Wesgand seem* now to have discovered or fixed, so that he is able to devise apparatus where¬ by this interference with the op¬ erations of the Hertzian waves will be eliminated. Xew Km PrssiUrd. Weaga»d's discovery and invention are spoken of b\ men of science in New York as being one of the man** heralda of the approach of a new era. when heretofore mystic lams of na¬ ture will be revealed to men so that they may be nble to utilise these laws, bv the Invention of proper sP* paratu*. to the commercial aflmn- tage of the world Edison discovered a natural law. or rather its work¬ ing. when he set about his origins' invention which we now know as the perfected incandescent lamp He went back, far back, into his his¬ tory of electricity. and he msde many thousand experiments until at last he was able to place in his note book s memorandum that he had found how the law worked, how it was poasible to utilise It in the di¬ vision of the electric current, and in that wsy to perfect the incandes¬ cent light. Edison's discovery of the manifes- tations or movements of the new law involved the creation of absolute¬ ly orisinal apparatus or machinery for the utilisation of it- This Is something which Mr. Weacand seems to bsve done. HOEEANTV OPPOSE COTTON ACTION. Protests of farmers and business In¬ terests in tb*' South at the restric¬ tions placed on the e\ror*ntion of cot¬ ton by the War Trn<^ Hoard led to the creation of a committee to look into the matter at the meetins of the executive committee of the runners* National Congress here Saturday, ac¬ cording to President Kimble This committee will report at the* congrsaa to meet in Jacksonville, Fla.. on De¬ cember 3. 4. B and i REVOKE GOTHAM LICENSES. The licenses of three poultry .rm* of New York City have mgm revoked for unfair business practices. tha 1 "niu-d States Food Administration snnounced last night. Tlie penalty varies In each instance. AH three, however, are accused of reporting false returns to shippers Tbe Safer! InvrstroeBti it a t w nal 'Jssjft Its ft rnr A>| Umi Ibst * o«* riuctuatr a*ru* «k» tvrtn« »t.*M ol '\m mt m* asr«H* Siowfl ol era* mh«* is ¦lonm t| .til srcufYO tU» AMI rorpersts*- tW Tavtrv^ sf I'fKiatw. eo*'li«< (4s* .Btfrtsets 6c .- Ortml as>* ;tM rwiMia 'nsAeibibt) ' p»<por»U'"*. 1st ISe fit'i r»es !.« SwartielL Rkeen 4 Hcikt 727 FiHvn StraM h»f1kpl

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Page 1: HERALD ADS j PhoneMain Herald - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1918-11-25/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · T Yes, it IS bard to fmd the right man or woman for that


Yes, it IS bard to fmd the right man or woman for that work.bntothers are tncceeding through using the classified. HERALDWANT ADS j Phone Main 3300 Herald Want Ad Department

Published every day »n the year.y The W aftAlnftoo Herald Com¬pany at 4 25 *2 4 Eleventh street,^a«hln*toa. D 1*.Telephone Rsrhanfta.Call Main

¦ 300 4 For classified advertisemanta*ek ft»r Branch I).Membar Audit Bureau of Circula¬


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Chart* ®c»<*» unm t» tsw. oor rime. fc. »a»a *a.

f"** «*»-*.* tl»# r\mrC **.All Of Her < laaalflenf !«.«..

Per Line.J 'iix l» cents

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J tin* eoti-eotb'ely ««>*.? r1®'** ....... . cent*

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Tort Off** . Tafewe B'.ia< h»ea«i office .. Tnbune HUiaI>e»rait ofTW O F«#d iwda.t. Ofir«. ThW Nitimui Bank HW|

HELP WANTED.MALE.MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS.Wages paid as follows:43c per Kr. first 3 months.-?6c per hr. next 9 months.48c per hr. thereafter.Permanent employment in this

ESSENTIAL OCCUPATION formen of good character between 19;^nd 5G years of age.

Credit given for former servicewith this company.

Trainmen can make an averagewage in excess of $120 per monthat the lowest rate of pay.

Apply in person at 2 p. m. at36th and M sts. nw. Office ofTHE CAPITAL TRACTION COMPANY. Phone M. 9468. no7-tfWANTED.JANITOR AND CLEANER (COL.nodi An.lv HARDEN THEATER

i<o*r.?t |WANTED PORTER FOR DRfli STORE,PEOPLES Ditto HTOHE, 507 7th at. nw.


w.%ntei> \ b«»x with a bicycle ix>|ran errand* and worlc around the store. I

PEOPLEH I>RI"«» *TORE. SOT 7tU >t nw.nvwS-lt

WANTVD-MEN T*» DltfTRIBITE ADVER-I''uui|: miinr) adtanrtd each night. Apolr 7a.m 4® C *t. nw. II-.3-21 J\\ WTEI* «>KKI« K Vl'I'KHNTirLS WHITE

I* to 17. Salary tirat month |I0. thereafter $50if aatiafartorv Eligible for advancement to

clerkship after satiafac-tnrr at iwentlceahip. CallBl'REAL* OK STANDARDS for intrnie*.

i-.-.o.. ir-

W ANTED -MAX FAMILIAR W ITH REPAIRii'f am! adjoafiitg of Hertrie range*. Kx

rellent rnvjirrttraitT for advancement. Apply luMr. L. S. HKLM. Commercial Department. PotS:nac Electric Piwer Company. 14th and Cat.* nw. tu>34-3t

MAN TO DRIVE MACK TRUCK Jfor general hauling: experienced

man preferred. Mr. EASTMENT,L Herald office. tf

PnsinoSB KOR MENIn f ar Shut*.


Tb«» Washington Railway and Electric|ll| anj hat* -**»eral jowtion* oi<en forl ARI'KNTKRS a ul TRUCK OVER

k HAULERS. MA' IIINE SHOP UEU'I ERS al«o »*eral oiler*, etc.

liOOD WORKING CONDITIONS.Apply 2411 P nt. nw mdH 7t

|*TED KHI R FIREMEN. 1» T< > J75 I'Eltfonth. four latxwer*. Jf*) to tri rer month.4s to ROOM W'J2. Interior Department I

plding. 19<h St V *L*. nw. no21-ot

10USE TRUCKERS. BEST.fwages. Apply Mr. Hime. Amer-

Railway Express, Second and.ne. no2l-tf

lirrtD-BOT Tl- SCUTS BDULU;AroU Mr rorRTNF.T. ' <5 « ».

HAL1 i

Boys, help Uncle Sam.Earn money to buy W. S. S.

and Thrift Stamps by de¬livering The Herald. $10 a

month and $2 a month bonus.Apply Mr. S. TRAVIS. 8193d St. nw. tf

SEVERAL GOOD bOYS WANTEDto deliver The Herald; $8 to $10

per month; can make extra ^onrycollecting. Apply 1018 K it. ne.

WANTED - RRAKEMKN roll POTOMAU>ard. 39 een?a p«r boor; also car repairmen,

o>acfcinlata, helpers, carpenter*, lrejght brake-men. Oremen and other occnpationa at farmua

point®. Pennaylvaoia Railroad. Apply <® New.raey a»e ae. atylt-tt

BOX WITH BICTCLE TO SERVE HERALDlo Clavelaod Park spcUod; til.50 per month

or more ino commiaaioo basia. Ap,..'y C1B>CULATION MANAGER. Herald oihre. r4tt

a * EXPERIENCED SPBcFaLTT ADVER,\ 4iD| hOiidtcr can make good tnot.ey ou com-

rVtauo bJ wotkins part or all of the time. Ad>4x*m BOX 36. Herald office. tt

WANTED.CAR REPAIR MEN^car cleaners (white or colored),

^ ffrst<l»t" locomotive machinists,first-class boilermakers. Time anda half for overti ne. Top salanej.Apply ROOM 308, Union Station.


BOYS TO SERVE HERALD. $10per month and bonus. Apply

Mr. D. ANDELET, 660 E st. se.tf

jOOD ROUTE BOY. APPLY TOH. EL SMITH. 803 C «t. sw. tf.


ATTRACTIVE SI Bt RBAN BOMES.I. S. TUML1NSON, » BO BLD<j M. 1<U.^is new honan aad bungalcwa ready for in

ipectioa. |1.4» to C. 500 Eaay tema. nof tf


In ae»aci Florida bunfalow colony. Rich inxoptcal T-rdare All year climate. Local nmd-acts maka U»ms cheap. Cokmy aituated on

rafn^^cent protected watera, oienin* Into thewhnv Gulf of Mesicix Wooderful boat n* andiahinS- »nd oyatar* in abundance. I'nique-urw arlhns plan bnnga property within raarayt people of modeat incotne Finest referencee.National Nink holda and deflt^r* deed. Call,¦tiione or write for fnll free detail ij»format ion.SAX CO.. 5m Riua Bids., let Mam tMl.ft tituagton, D.C. w -22 ft

LOST.LOOT-eVNDAY on PA AVE. CAR OR ONPa. ate. arid Uth at. nr., ladx's black band-

bag containing moof* and a War lH>tartmentpass. Reward. Return to S. PAUL. T22 X'Ah st.


LOBT HCT»KW» HAHKINl.TON HOTELJand Keith a Theater. diamond earring* and

dinner ring. Finder please notify MANAGER;Keith's Theater. nuZ>-#t «


513 7th a.t nw. ucM t '

L« *T BETWEEN HARRINGTON HOTEL Iand Keith a Theater, diamond earrings and

dinner ri.ig; liberal reward. Mr». E. FRED-ERIC 1IAWLEY. Keith a Theater uo2-3t

L<>-»T SM ALL 1*1 U8E CONTAINING LADY'S JgHd watch and nrrnll chance; reward offered.

CORA >1 ROBLE. 1121 Tenth »t nw. no2Ht

LOST.GOLD CUFF BUTTON |with vnall diamond chip aet. Friday in down-town buainen* section; reward if returned to TheWashington Herald, or phone Main MOO. Mr.COPELAMD. nuO-* 1


Keep Your War JobI»y taking our special short coursesin stenography, typewriting, book-keeping and civil service. Individual |instruction.


moving, packing, storingSMITH'S TRANSFERANT) STORAGE CONORTH 331:. N *J4».N 3344 Nij-'ht or Holi¬day. Franklin 3*11.


SAFETY FIRST.A»«>OLLTfcL* FlHEPROUl 8TOBAUE.Rooms K anrt ai Moving and Packing

I SITED SPATES t»ToRAOl CO. «tf-® W»b«t nw Phone* M aud Franklin «

MOVINGffi tumtan large partded tana and earefnJ mew

to bsodle yow gondsPACKERS of furniture, pianos. «ma, brio a

brat etc Exp«n*nced mm only.SHIPPING 'o all parts of the workLSToRAGF for *urultjre. pismw. and houaa-

bnhi got-ds



NELSON REFRIGERATOR CO..We build to order any sise

refrigerator or cooling room.61 I F St N U Franklin 2757.

j credit Furniture creAd,tHOPWOOD'S

r,opular Price Furniture and StoveStore. 8th and K Sta. N. W".

AUTOMOBILESWashington Auto ExchangeAutomobile*. Tlrea. Areftaartaa,Kcpnlra. Truck*. Trailer*. Star-asr, Tstla. Auto t.lna*. Gn-

ragra. lint Ierlea. Etc.

For Hire,3-Ton TruckWith Driver.



Phone Main 3300.

FOR SALE.AUTOMOBILES.OVERLAND; PRACTICALLY NEW; USE?) tonly 3.QJ0 milea; big bargain. <>LoRK j<.LOTHl.NO CO.. 803 Pa. ave. nw. no2i-2t

FORI) ROAUHTKU IN UOOD CONDlfl&N;$X0. Call Columbia i'£i. or 5t» Irving at. nw.

no»3tA DKTRolT WEATHERPROOF Till' ONyour automobile makes motoring delightful

winter or summer 8ee aami-le and order yourtoo tnda». MFR3. A«iT.. 415 II st. pe. ool»-ft

AUTO ACCESSORIES.CAR OWNERS NOT ONLY FIND OURiocaUon cm lenient, w iuj long experiencewith aut<* is of great value to the thousands

we serve. Are ve serving your cart Full atockaccessories. nils, greases, etc.

Central Auto Supply Co.lOOe l*a. a*e * Main ffla

USED CARS.Come to the Largest Used Auto

Dealers in the World.THE ROMAN AUTO CO.

1D3 N. Broad St.,Philadelphia. Pa

1.000 cara to select from.ltlS. lf!7, IfMmodels, ia all makes. S25g up. Catalogue freeoo request. novM.M.U.*9.8.9



804 SEVENTEENTH STREET.OVER 30 DEARS'.'Nervous and special Dtsca»ee rj Men an/» V*.

Means Health to You tf You Suffer;Pttsb Catarrh bes . t trostuiu. i4*uaiipaUoa. I "ilea. T « 'rain. Heart,and Skin Ol v"« Dft»lit>. KidneyDisease. ">3»Wa peciftc Blood P<*¦coins. Eruptki**. k*» (1 All Private Dtaea*e» Cured to Uia c lal Slrthoda

Charges Ix-v. ne Furnished.C0NSJJL 1 ^ iON FREE.

Private Waiting Koem lor Ladiesother Hmn . i- t naoin * to 11WHAT IS T'fVtK |-j*g ANY CONaidsrstwn t|-' - <vu: iw naming low

prices wher m ow Vfla* fiAi will buy. and weare anxious for men'a wanSriU o»em->** "«. i^^e «a *heu to railan<1 we will r,4I vo hop ua Bob. |Jt'sTH ti OL* f.TAAU, taili. aa&lt


rtti MUt* .( Um*et onw rate*. apacpnnkn with maped to art. paymentsTYr.CR * RI TIIPCRFORD lar . W 1Mb at tf

WANTED TO BUI.VTILL CALL IN ftfT rWiXTTSBBD AOTOmoNle. city ut subnrbaa. and pay joo tdgbeat

prtctt for kariier. grotw-meo'a. eUMvm'i dieperilad cfofhtng. ot ." daeeiiptkaw. 1llitrim or phone I will anil ft BfCB. U* Ttbft. e» K If*


toola. hardware. lumber, etc.. large tradeBOX 3». Herald office. no»3t

FUNERAL DESIGNS.Appropriate Floral Tokens.

Artiatic ei ievm! ve-loeipenriea.Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street.

Prompt auto dplifen .arrlce.

FUNERAL DIRECTORS."JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONSMenittti* oj invitation ftatiuuai selected Mor

ticiaua Semcea rrtviered in all part* ut h»United Stataa hy special repraaentatlvea.Telephone K»tabiiaim. »

Main 5512-65 1 3 i.adyItM-l* Ha. AssistantAvenue. Chapel

w \V ( hambera ft. P. Chansban

W. W. CHAMBERS CO.1400 Chapin St. N. W.

Wa lae Automotile Service ftxcliartvely.Modern Chapel. Dai or Night Phone Col. i

DIED.ANDERSON.On Friday, November

22, 191*. at his residence. the To¬ronto. Gen. H. R. ANDERSON.

Funeral at hm late residence tddayat 2 o'clock p. m. Interment pri¬vate.

BERRYMAN.Departed this life No¬vember 22. 1918, RUTHERFORDHERRYMAN, beloved son of MaryRoaa.

Funeral service* will be held at [Robert Campbell's undertakingparlor today at 1 o'clock.

BLACK BrRN-Huddenly, on Novem-!ber 22. 1918. at .1:30 p. m.. killed byan auto on his way home fromschool. AMOS B. BLACKBURN.In the sixth year of his a go. be¬loved son of George and AdaBlackburn. a |

Funeral services will I* held todayat 2 p. m.. from the First S. D. A jChurch. Eighth street northeast,between F and O ntreets. Rela¬tives and friends are invited toattend.

BL RRUSS-.On Thursday, November21. 1918. FANNIE L, beloved slaterof Mrs. Ellen Ogle, Mrs. Jose¬phine Kenny. Mrs. Mollie B. Halland Miss Anna M. Burruss.

Funeral today at 2 p. m. fromNineteenth Street Baptist Church.Rev. Walter If. Brooka. pastor.< Fredericksburg and Pittsburghpapers pleawo copy).

CHARLTON.On Friday, November22. 191X. LOTTIE LAMB, belovedwife of Henry E. Charlton.

Funeral from the residence of h*rsister. 4S0 F street southwest, to¬day at 3 p. m. Interment Con-gresaional Cemetery.

DERENE.On November 22. 1918. at5:40 a. m.. at his residence. Thirty-fourth street. Mount Rainier. Md..WILLIAM FRANCIS, the belovedson of the late George W. andMary E. Derene and the devotedbrother of Mary C. Derene. aged150 years.

Funeral from his late rc»idence to-day at 9:30 p. m., thence to St.James' Church, where mass willbe said for the repose of his soul.Interment at Mount Olivet Ceme¬tery.

FAGAN.At Niagara Falls. N. Y..r riday. November 22. 1918. of pneu¬monia Set at. FRANK T. FAGAN.I H. A., beloved son of M. E.lagan.

Notice of funeral hereafter.FARMER.Suddenly on Thursdav.November 21. 1918. CHARLES N.

FARMER, adopted "on of A. S.HacketL

Funeral today from his late home.1213 B street northeast, at 2 p. m.Interment at Rock Creek Ceme¬tery.

FlT55GERALD*-On Friday. November«. 1918. at a. m.. at 1360 Colum¬bia road northwest, MARIA A.FITZGERALD fnee Ferrero).Funeral today at 9 a. m. IntermentSt. Mary's Cemetery.

FOJmiY~P? Saturday. November -a.191«. at 1 A. m.. ELI.EN J.. diiuch-ter of the late John and MarvF oley.Funeral from her sister's residence

124 Sixth street northeast, at 9a. m. today; thence to St. Jo-'soph's Church, where high re-quiem mass will be sung at 9|0 clock for the repose of her soul.Interment at Mount Olivet Ceme-terv.

GATEI.Y.Suddenly, on ThursdayNovember 21. 1?1«, WILLIAM JO-18EPH. beloved son of John T. andMargaret A. Gatelv.

Funeral from St. Stephen's Catho¬lic Church. Twenty-fifth street and1 ennsylvania avenue, thla room-Ing, November 25.

GERARDI-Departed this life onThursday. November 21. 1918. Vl'l'OV. beloved son of Marv Lucretiak? late Vincenao Gerardi. Innis 2oth vear.

r.r? ,?r1illl.be.h'ld from hl« latehome. 13(9 East Capitol street, to¬day. November 25, at 2 p. mKelatlves and friends Invited.

HA£V?Jr°n Sa,urd*v, November21, 1918, at the residence of herson. Wisconsin avenue and In¬land street, Bethesda, Md FLIZAbeloved widow of Burton W Har¬vey. deceased, and mother ofFrank Harvey.

Notice of funeral later

"EdNen?eR8?lNT^dher, real- [M vmov rT?^* a.> northeast.SI ^ ; '"'"ved daughter.an

80 ^at^e,'lne llender-Funeral from the parents" residenceIpdav at 11 a. in. Interment RockCreek -Cemetery.

HOWARD.On Sunday. October 13,*r'1?. of pneumonia. Corpinn

f1tz henry HOW¬ARD Company II. 318th infant)y,T- ^;n",b J?ivl8i»n. American. « 1 y FDFces. beloved sonof Frederick F. and Frances Eva(Goas) Howard.«l«KYr<in,-Friday' November 22.n hurifVv .?'. !-a,vRkncklate"' K. Hurleir "°n

Funeral from hia late residence. i:r»rvinK Street northwest, today at

" .P j.', Rel*tives alld Mends In¬vited. Interment at Rock CreekCemetery.

JOHNSON.On Saturday. Novr;nt>-r.. 191S. at his residence, in ii»w-

near ljiur^l. Md..RICHARD A JOHNSON, bel <ihushand of Grace Gormaoson.

Notice of funeral later. *

JOHNSTON.Suddenly, on Fr 1 *

November 22. 1918, mt 7:V> p tTHI RHTUN B. JOHNSTON. *r..beloved husband of Alice C. Jc u-ston.

Funeral from his son's residence, .«JK|pventh street northeast, tod v).,t1a ,

"Kat 10 a. m. Interment privnte..J

DIED.LEK-Ot. Friday. I^oveny^Rt' cUB^£KssOn Robert F.. and Marv

Funeral .ervloe. «t Church of th.Epiphany this "/ .v*te 'paVo'clock. Interment .

tlmore and Richmond pai>"» Pleaae


Mc'aT-swkd-oora h, '*dam«).wife of Frederick 8. McCauaiana.

fSSJS'-^SS ». chape. a.enwoMCemetery, today at ».» * *Friends Invited Omit n>J*

McMAHON-On Jiatuiday Novrmt.ria. HI*. at her residence * 1i.tree! northeast. BRIOOKT MCMA HON <nee Sheedy). "Mow ofJohn McMahon. a native of Sclriff, county Clare. Ireland, and a

resident of Washington. D. I..pIxtjr-Heven yearn.

Notice of funeral hereafter.NRWROL.D.On Friday, November

22. 1»1S, at Bordentown, ". J->THOMAS F... husband of c,e">e°"tine Could Newbold and son ofthe late William and A- andIx>uisa Forbes Newbold. in thesixty-second year of his

..Relatives and friend® of theinvited to attend the

thla afternoon at 3hi-, late residence. C,ro."..rHireet. Bordentown. N. J. 'nw'"ment Tuesday at Oakwood Ceme-tery.vTroy. N. Y.

PUE1TNEH.Departed this UfJ J*j"day morn In*. November 22»t the residence of her dsu*hter.337 Fourteenth ""Inrumaroarf.tha f.Iwloved mother of Daniel ami JulLIS pleltner and Mrs Amelia Martin. and widow of the late Daniel

FuJTera "service a at W. W Dear,establishment. H« H rtreeteast, today at 2 p. m. IntermentProsper! Hill. .Baltimore andNew York papers please cop>

SAXTON.Suddenly, on November191S at 4 o'clock a. m.. at hia resi¬dence. 2027 I'ortner place nortn-wMt. CHARI.ES N.. beloved hus¬band of Nellie Rea Sexton. in hisforty-sixth year.

Funeral from his late residence.2527 Portner place, today at £ Pm. Funeral private. (Jamestown.N. Y.. papers pleare copy.)

SEEBODK.On Saturday. NovemberZ2. 1518. st 9:30 a. m.. at her resi¬dence. 1808 Sixth streetDORA L.. beloved daughter of:Mr.and Mn. Fred Seebode. a*ed 19

Funerai from her late residence to¬morrow at 2 p. m.

SHKI.BT.The remains of ANNIE itSHELBY, wife of ^ ShelDyand daughter of Mr andi Mrs. J.W. Hall, will be taken from thevault at Olenwood and burled today at 2:10 p. m. Friend, andrelatives invited to attend.

TAYIX)R.The peator and oon(cr**»-I ton are InviKd .. attend the fun¬eral of SARAH ELIZABETHTAYT-OF. 1728 L street northwest,at the People'a 8. D. A. Churchtoday at I o'clock p. m.

TEXTOR.Suddenly. Friday.ber K. 1918. at 2:» p. m.. FRED-KRICK J beloved .- husband ofRoe<- J. Textor and fond father ofFrederick. Jr.. Oenevleve and

Funer*l'from hia late residence. 1118Morse street northeast, today.Burial in Chicago. III.

WASHINGTON.On Thursday. No¬vember 21. 1918. at Freedmen.Hospital, of double pneumonia, w-ROY. beloved son of Henry andI.oulsa Waahinrton. of Herman-town. Md.

Funeral from residence or hiacousin. Mr and Mrs. John Ray.61i Morton street northwest, to¬day at 2 p. m Relatives andfriends Invited.

Paris.In the big square at YpresIn Belgium stands the "invulnerablestatue." It is a stout man of bronxe.In bronxe clothes of ancient days.It is of a lord mayor of anotherpen. ration.Mr. Van den Perreboom.And through four years of bombard¬ment he ha. not even been scratched.Recently, In recognition of JJi\ Vanden Perreboom'r brnien-faced braveryand disdain of Herman shells, aprankish Belgian attached the Croixde O'ierre to his bronze lapel.

TODAY'S CASUALTY LIS7JohnUvv8 *.'artln- CoatUble. N. T

(K-o 8?h.,;V "°n' ""-"oXIvn. N. r

Arte K iK K«'th«,npton. N. T.

in. k oh""r«r- Marengo. III

aB- "".'l. St. LouU. Mo.

Thos F t^'" Okla.Kn«PI>. Saniifw. W. Va

Oeo T m'U"h VrK,'. T">,|°r Neh.' °; T- Mordue. Cuba. Ill

5»rl," Helton. Knld, Okla

Wm J t,U"nv»" Maw

"m' ,*. 7'iate, Brooklyn. N v

,*?, w*Her, Hascorn, n,'

W'ltoiMot,, Bos well. OklR.Bt'GLERS

rj- £ McClure. Loulavllle. KyA vln n

p,«Jrmor" Minn

wlrwn » "I"' Cry'UI CU>' Mo"arren Hr|»hrr. Pen Arcvl p-Mualdan H. IHnlooly. /agi.^.,

i exa«.Musician Guy Genung. Ithaca. X. V.

MBCHUNIC8John E llooker. Ira Station. N y

2- i°? .£' W|l,on- Vivian. W. Va'."ant. Helton. 8. C.

(heater H Jones. Wallervllle Miss

"y'Tu'h ° Hobln""n Lake

Cook N. O. Pickett. Waltham, .MassPRIVATES

Joseph Arguano. Kllxabeth. N J

cvoSt. Paul. Minn.

Geo. B. Oilkyson, New York. N. V.Wm. H. Johnson. Eastham. VaBarney J. Karbowskl. Omaha. Xebr.

t Unthlcum. Albemarle, N. C.

V ??" w ^>cke. New York. N YJ. H McDanlel. Marcellne, Mo.Halter Mclntyre. Hoanoke. W. Va.

?"°5r T, McMai,u». Rockland. Man*.A. T. Manson. Greensboro, N. C.' Miaejewikl. Springfield. M«nl.arl J Moore. I^tnraster. OhioLewis IV Norton. Shamrock, Tex

K. Reh hard. Pi*rce. PaClifford Andy nice. Detour. Mich

Harry Kudnlck. Brooklyn. N. V.Edward H. Selwell. Philadelphia. Pa.ThomAs B. i-hllllnt Salem, Va.William J. Hpears. Wenesago. MissKaymond Stageberg Thief River

Falls. Minn.Charles W. Ktegle, Anna, IIIClint Thompson. Merrick. OklaTheodon. A V'olden Ophelm, Mont.If.lrry White, Chicago. III.John Young. Newark, N. YAndrew Zubrieky. Cleveland Ohio.Elmer Para Bloom. Frederick WisSalvatore Rlunda. Madison M<-'"harlea A Bradbury. Marlon, lnd.H. T. Bull. Sturgeon l.ake. MinnJohn Patrick Burke. Avoca. PaMartin Burke, Jersey City. N. J.James D. Calder. Hugo. Okla.Jamea A. Carey, Hoboken. N. J.Hubert J. Carr, Greensboro. N. C.Jack Carver. Ponce de Leon Mo.Onofrio Catalano. Detroit. MichJohn Dalux. St. Antonio. Cape Wrde

Islanda.Jaeob Denke. Qulnn. 8. Dak.Charles Doerr. Poufchkeepsie. N. YCharles Doherty. Donegal. IrelandAmoa <J. Easter. Aberdeen. MissSpiro Economos. Expiro. GreeceFred Fetko. Hyb. Russia.Thos J. Filton: New Market. X |r*>uy E. Garrett. Germantown. MilGeorge Gogan. Berlin. N. HBenJ. B. Goldflnger. Nyack N VB Goudswaard. Rotterdam". HollandJames Graham. Brooklyn. N. TJohn C. Hamman. Hardwood. OklaDent S. Holden. Clearfield. PaRafael Hunarlan. Liwrence. Mass.Benajah B. Hurst. Shorter AlaE. James. Eldorado Springs. MoJoseph M Jennings. BufTalo. N. Y.Charles R. John. New York. N. Y.Thomas A. Johns. Belleville. III.T. C. Rartlam. Montgomery. W VaOKf N. Bjerkan. Walcott. N. DakBert B. Bradshaw. Charlerol. PaMuriel E. Burns. Hopklnton. IowaFrancis Craig. Wilmington. N. c."< E. Johnson, Colllnsvllle, IllGeorge T. Johnson. Kane. Pa.I. F. Johnson. Manchester. N H

Jf.tr,,e W- John"nn. Greenfield, Mass" foiam Jones. Lorain. Ohio.Alex. Koakr Moundsvilie. w VaRobert Lacy. Paragould. ArkJeese W. lawyer. Jennings. Orfio' J 4-eagon. Winston-Sulcm. X. CFloyd W. I.ee Atlanta. X YW. J. Lolko. New York. X VThomas l^rlmo Chicago. III.Merle E. MctAd.ims. Tarkio. Mo!. rank L. McAlee^ Brooklyn. X. y,Jas. D. Mi-Alister. Brooks. X. CEdgar C. McFarland. Oneida N yOeo. G. Mahon silver Lake. Kana.

John F Manning. New York, N. ^Raymond T Maxon. Buffalo. N.Chas. P. Meier, .New York. N. YRobt. E Miller, Elizabeth. N JJas F Moll, Shoemakers Hie. Pa.M. H Mooney, Jersey CltjTN. J.Edward J. Moore, Lowell, Mahh.John Navrockl, Shamokln. PaWm. H. Potvin, Burlington, Vt.Clyds R. Powell. Miami, Tex.Henry Raak. Seeland, Mich.Anton Revsbeck. Carroll. Iowa.Clarence A. Richey. Glen Rock. PaWm. C. Ryeraon. Worcester. Mas*David Schmidt. Kulm, N. DakA. J. Sherrill, Warsaw, 111

In. E. Shipley. Council Bluffs. Iowa.Jim H. Skinner. Mineola. Texaa.V. P. Smilglus, GrlsxakaUuda. Russia

| K. J. Spearing. Jersey City, N. J.Olen L. Stone. Sand Springs. Okla.

! Richard A. Tarrant. Jersey City. N. JWalter L. Taylor. Berlin. N. H:Charlea B. Thomoson. Altona, Mo.F A. Thompson. McCracken. KansJ. Q. Thompson. Providence, It 1John R. Thorns, Roxton, TexasA Vanasae, New Bedford. Mass.Geo. Van Pelt, Mount Vernon. X. YPriestly Waggoner. Nonesville. TennChas. I. Warner, Harnett. Kan*.D. J Waugh. Jr.. t'pper Falls. Mass.F. B. White. 3ay Minette. AlaWm. O. Whit?. Chicago. III.John L. Whitman, Albany. N. YRaleigh D Wlney. Beloit. WtaF. C. Woods. Kings Mountain. N. C.Born Wooten. Wooten. Ky.Carl Danley, Ocean Mine. W. Va.Frank DeRoaaire. Brooklyn. N. Y.Pete I>e Trinko. Pittsburgh. pa.Henry J. DilU. Castle Hhannon. PaSidney I,. Dugar. Chicago. IllJoseph R. Durxen, Syracuae. N. Y.John Eposito, Clearfield, PaOwen R. Evans. Granger. MoH. W. Ferguson. WoodKfleld. Ohio.John H. Flchtor, Jr.. Chicago. III.John C. Fischer. Pittsburgh. Pa.Gilbert F Gouiding. Waltham Mass.Thomas J Griffin. Roxbury, Mass.Harry J. Hargrave. I>etroit. Mich.H. J*. Hodgman. Minneapolis. Minn.Henry A. Horst. Chicago. IllJohn W. Huffman. Hazel. Okla.Herbert James. Indianapoli*. Ind.theater Johnson. New York. N. Y.Rolie C. Johnson. York, Nebr.Avery R. Jones. West Point. Nebr.I-aurence Kuril, ^ojexoxe. Italy.Alpl.onso Le Delia. New York. N. Y.Nelson I^easor, Oconto Wis.Edward J Mechllng. New York N YJoserh P. M.Hia. Whitinarllle, MassFred M. Mlnton. Manchester. N. II.Thomas W. More*. Sioux City. Iowa!

J Frank D. Morris. Creston, Iowa.Cornelius W. Jloyer. Chester. PaFrancis Osbom. Mount Victory- OhioSamuel Patteck. Brooklyn. N Y.William L. Perry. Marblehead. Mass.W eston R. Port. Sharpaburg. Pa.Harry Pru*h*k. Beaver Meadow PaRobert Puccl. Chicago. 111.Percy B Reid. Delaware. Ohio.Jarr.es A. Seamans,-Skowhetran. Me.Harry 8hapiro. New York. N. Y.William E Smith. Hammond. Ind.Wlliam H Sommer. Perryville. Mo.J. Stiff Tail. Harding Grove. S. DakErnest J Tetreault. Brooklyn. ConnMartin Totschek. New York. N Y.Ed. A. Von Fricken, Troy, >^. Y.John M. Vought. Berwick. PaPerry D Waits. Holbrook. NebrWilliam Walter. Brooklyn. N. YHardy Walters. Lumberton. Miss.Christ Wein, Jr.. Tonawanda. N YGeorge B. Whitehead. Freeport. MeOtha W. Wilson. Eller. Ky.Conrad J. Wise, Freeport, 111.

Slightly Wounded.Lieut. Ernest E. Boyle. Kansas City,]Kan.

Robert Espy. Abbeville. Ala.Battalion Sergt.-MaJ William Mc¬

donald. Jr.. Philadelphia. Pa.SERGEANTS.

Fred Bietx. Jersey City. N. J.Michael Dockry, Ballymote. Ireland.Harold V. Jorgensen. Mankato, Minn.Chas. A. Kinyon. Stillwater. Okla.Forney B. Mlntx. Mill Branch. N. C.Ed. J. QuinMn. Philadelphia. Pa.Joseph Reardon. Philadelphia. Pa.Jamefe- A. Hynte. Paterson. N. J.Reginald Jones. Erie, Pa.Ritchey M. Marbury. Buford. Ga.Roy Tea. New Brighton. Pa.Harry B. Zuelke. Lockport, III.

CORPORA I^SHerman C. Arison. T)ick*rson Run

Pa.Ed. H. Butler. Cullman. Ala.Harold C. Dybdal. Viborg. Denmark.Vernon T. Hayden. Cedar Rapid* la.

That Rookie from the 13th Squad.i'u taice this )die

By P. L. Crosby

JA SPf?lN.Beo -cee1^

Robert Kreysig Philadelphia. Pa.Albert M. l^nge. Scotia. N. YJohn T. Morgan. Ciarksville. TennAlbert L. Marcotte. HaverhlU. tlmHenry J. Meier. Newark. N. J.William Taylor. Montgomery. Ala.William A. Welborn. Frederick. Okla.William H. Wendt. Detroit MichWilliam P. Surlis. Brooklyn. N. T.Mechanic Wm. C. Curley. Flushing.


Anthony A. Ackerino. Brooklyn. N T.Frank Allen. Salem. 8 C.Robert B. Arceneaux. Derouen, l*a.William F. Beethold. Bismarck. Mo.Bernard K. Bohlander. Chicago. 111.Jamea J. Boniface. New Haven. Conn.1Jamea F Breslin. Battle Creek. Mich. IWlllard L.. Bridges, E St. Louis IILMich. Annunsiata. Taunton. Mu>Henry Caraon. Lafollette. TennH-arry Cohen. Dorchevter. Mass.Tom Eania. M&nteca. Cal.William J. Flohr. Denver. Colo.Raymond J. Genicke, Newark Ohio.Thomas Higgins. Pittsburgh. Pa.Jesse Fenton Hoover, lnes, Tex.Daniel Jenkins. Plttcton. Pa.Joe Kajzer. South Bend. IndWilliam Kodak. Phillip*. Wig.Newman Lancaster. Garrison, N. T.Julius Morae. New York, N. YI-«o H. Peckham. Everett, WashM N. Vandine. South Seattle. Waah.'Jamea C. Bulger. North Cambridge.

Maaa.Joaeph Capoaole. Philadelphia. Pa.Oeorge Diehl. Haxelton. Pa.William L» Draper. Eaat Weymouth,

Mamm.George Dewey Drumh, Carrollton, 11LWilliam M. Finch. Humeeton. Iowa.Milton Foater. Harbor. Ore.Raymond Leslie Garner. Bogue. N. C.John Hampahire. San Franciaco. Cal.Jeff Huron. Macedonia. Greece.Rom P. Harris. McCrory. ArkRaymond M Holden. Elmlra. N. T.Charlea W. Houseman. Hebron. Neb.Fred O. Johnaon. Aahiand. Wis.William G. Jones, Rome, N. Y.Frank J. Kerp. Philadelphia. PaHenry Kessler. Brooklyn. N. T.Clarence E. KJa« Weat Mberty. OhioI^wls Kramer. Philadelphia. Pa.Mitchell L. Kunitz, Watertown. Wis 1

Dalfeat Lambert. Lena. WisFred l^verdure. Lewiston. Mont.

|0. B. Undiulst. Grand Forka. N DakJoaeph Lis*. New York. X. Y.Ralph Little. Grlnnell. IowaJack B. I.yon Bellefonte. paRoy McCarl. Selbert. Col.John A McClain. Boaton. MassEwell McCloud. Valdofft*. GaRobert A McClure. Philadelphia. Pa.|Jno. F. McKeever. Dickinson. N. Dak. iAlf P. Midtskaug. Brooklyn. N YRex M. Moody. Bedford. Iowa.Henry C. Mormann. Chicago. 111.Adam Oatrowski. Dambrowa. Russia

Poland.William Frank Owen. Penhook. Va.Edward V. Preaton. Whtting. MeDominico Prexioao. Richmond. N. Y.Lyman Prim. Burlington. Vt.Belton Reavea. Oxford. Ala.w. P. Rymsxa. 6rand Rapids. Mich.George Schubert. Eau Claire. Wia.James Harvey Suratt. Athens. Tex.Peter Talarico. Red Bank. N. J.Benjamin B. Taylor. Somen ill... MaasThomas J. Taylor. Brooklyn. N. Y.Wm B Van Buren. Hermon. N. YAllyn Well*. Gitman. Wia.Elmer V. Westman. Le Roy Mich,Francis C. White, Roxburv. MussWard W. White. Caddoa. ColoGarland P Whlted. Gate City. Va.Robert R. Wing. Wellaville. N Y.Le Roy Young. La Grange. Me.

Missing In Aetlaa.SERGEANTS

Wm. J Gordon. Jersey City. S. J.Chaa. L Howard. Philadelphia. Pa.James E. Neely Wichita Falla. Tex.Willie Smith. Van I^ear. Ky.

I Robert A. Votaw Fort Worth. Tex.CORPORA I jS.

jJa*. S. Alliaon. Knoxville. Tenn.John T. Ficklln. Wichita Falls. Tex.

PRIVATESAlbert I* Adair. Greenville. TexA. Alfonso. Campobasso. Italy.Ellxa F. Allen. O'Donnell. TexJ. W. Amett. Roan Mountain TennClarence Bailey. Duke. OklaChaa. Baatain. Evansvllle. Ind(Truxton H. Beck Salem. Ore*Bud Bevin.o. Millard. Ky.Charley Bishop, Sterling. TexjP R Blackburn. Goldaait. TexasJess D Blackmore. Stlllwell. OklaEddie R. Bohannon. Richmond Va

[Walter B. Bohon Tunnelton \v VaThos. J, Burke. Philadelphia. PaFrederick G. Carlson. Providence.W. H. Chariton. Philadelphia. Pa.[t has. X. Cobble. Midwav. TennA. u. Coleman. Merry Mount. N. C.Jake E. Collier. W*apanucka OklaI.ouls Comina. Votega. Italy.Carl R. Coolidge, Reklam-. Texas

'mIm CowMTt- Lafayette Springs

|Jo»_ H Cudwonh. Si I^ouis. MoJames G. Cullum. Councils, N CArchie camming*. South Fork Ha

Cunningham. Fresno. OhioJos Cupldo. Turtle Creke. PaHenry Dango. Berat. Albania

D*vto- '-lndMV OklaKaiph Dismario. Taceny. Pa.Alfred H Dunlop. Wayneabur* Pa.Jonn H. Emory, Disputaata Va£ J1'JFm"lkner' Boaton. V.^ £' Fecher- Wichita Falla, Tex**C- Feirell. Shenandoah. V*Carl P. Fishel. Butler. PaWm. Flahaven. Baltimore. MdOliver Fletcher. Cleveland. OhioT. E^ Foster. Medicine Mound. TV*j." Frada. Tript. Sicily. Italy.Nori H. Fulsas. Albion. Nebr.O. O. Goldman New York. N. Y.Harry C. Futrell, Fort Sam Houa-ton, Texaa.

Geo. P. Gage. Meridian. Miss.Wm. Gallagher. Btaddock. PaKarl F. Get*. Clearfield. PaThomas J Glfford. Mtlan. AlaFrank W. Giles. Boiling Springs. Pa.Rolando Grande. Corpus Chriati. Te*.Bobt. A. Green. Benjamin. TexReuben Greer. Boan Mountain. TennN. K. Griffin. WilliMon. FlaJames A. Hall. Ix>uisa. VaLuther Hall. TaaevtU. Va.S. HammerHand. Ossian. lowsH. P. Hammond, l^ncaater. Texas

PrUoaera.Lieut."B. F Chapin. Ashmont. Mass.Lieut. M W. Fredenburg. BiduwavPa.

8er*t M. McCattaa. New York XY-

Corp. B C. Heck man. Avis, Pa.Corp. L. A. Mullin. Brooklyn. X. Y.

PRIVATES.W. F. Bormskv. MlnersMlle Pa.J O. I>onnelly. I>en*more. Kans.Albert Gill. St Vincent. W. I.Eugene T. Hill,, Duck Hill. Muis.E. W Hoi ion. Chicago. III.J. I. W. Klinker Deloit. Iowa.S. J. McCallater. Xewvllle, Pa.J. C. Schuster, Gower. MoG. J. Wendorf. Waltham. Minn.

The Red Cross sends each month toPershing's boy* im ions of jam and1.500.000 packages of chewin* gum. Inaddition to hundred* of thouaands ofhar* of *weft chocolate and vaatnuantitle* of » tooth paste, toothbrushes and sAjJU' raxors.I


Telephone Across OceanNow Believed Possible,

Holland Declares.*.¦»* years were'devoted by RoyI tVtwho" "" Ch"' '<".«*of the Marconi W.r.lea. Compaay.

»«*. with intent to

h«" Pn">bW th' ""«or.reh'OO.B law «, ..tur( wh|etl hu» t« prevent the per-' "tlltaatlca or the wlrelea.

v... "r ,r*n'm'",on or" *. th«t hi. p..-»ce .Bd t.«aUI,e>ce h.y. raad.

^rVoT th" ""'.

1U baneful "SecT. ^"rUeV.com^nicat.an be hereafter'7,wh°T rtoot<" **o Lee de Poreat.who ha« with patieace be.n work¬ing out the problem which when.o>v~l will make .

frommAn.tel!CPh0"1C """".unicatlonafrom America to Europe or ,

?ha."^r '*

Z)'";' yeara hence,Hrfi *' ,wo >»" f,omtelephonic communica-Uona acroaa the ocean hy the utili¬sation of the Hariaian wavea willbe an accomplished fact.

Traaa-Oeeaale Pkaae Hoped.Mr'' w^°W°.r,",v,l» whethere»®*nd ¦ dlscovfry and mt>-paratu, will .,.kr . ,^.,lb,e '*acommunicate by mcana of the Hanf'*° *"»« '"e .um.n v.iK-e fn* aai.ef JL J"1"* .» that Which t.par-

State, from Kvihut the inrfi|i Mt u ttet ¦COvery and U »»». ,UButillsea It ha.-. ina ,.rM«rronl (;i. *oay "ito provide te ?mi ,tion> «¦ well j,. islea* rn»r

It is not thatM'*on: J**r" .«<> *v«« Ufore helabored night and day for yearsupon the problem of the division ofelectric current served from a cen¬tral station bo as to provide In¬candescent lights. observed certainmanifestations of a mystic law ofnature which he termed "etherlcforce/ Occupied as Edison waswith other important matterfeVd^Mdid not carry on investigate* |r»othis mystic law and perhaps did r»orrealise whst its discovery w*ul#'mean for the rapid commumo» .#»of intelligence without the ryfwires.A fern years later I>r. Herts ii't-

covered and took he»*d of the errmanifestation which Edison us.noticed These are now knowi a*the Hertsian waves. Elect ricafHn-"'pulse riven st any point. Herts dis¬covered. creates an electric wavewhich will move ever onwardthrough the atmosphere. perhapscircumnavrating the globe Herts,however, did not pursue his discov¬ery to the point of commercisl ad¬vantage. It remained for 81 r OliverEodge, and later for Marconi, toutilise Herts's discovery of a lawtheretofore unknown so as to makeit through the invention of properapparatus svailable for stupendouscommercial uses. But there weredefects even in the Marconi systemdue to the operation of the mysti<law which Wesgand seem* now tohave discovered or fixed, so that heis able to devise apparatus where¬by this interference with the op¬erations of the Hertzian waves willbe eliminated.

Xew Km PrssiUrd.Weaga»d's discovery and invention

are spoken of b\ men of science inNew York as being one of the man**heralda of the approach of a new era.when heretofore mystic lams of na¬ture will be revealed to men so thatthey may be nble to utilise theselaws, bv the Invention of proper sP*paratu*. to the commercial aflmn-tage of the world Edison discovereda natural law. or rather its work¬ing. when he set about his origins'invention which we now know as theperfected incandescent lamp Hewent back, far back, into his his¬tory of electricity. and he msdemany thousand experiments until atlast he was able to place in his notebook s memorandum that he hadfound how the law worked, how itwas poasible to utilise It in the di¬vision of the electric current, andin that wsy to perfect the incandes¬cent light.Edison's discovery of the manifes-

tations or movements of the newlaw involved the creation of absolute¬ly orisinal apparatus or machineryfor the utilisation of it- This Issomething which Mr. Weacand seemsto bsve done. HOEEANTV

OPPOSE COTTON ACTION.Protests of farmers and business In¬

terests in tb*' South at the restric¬tions placed on the e\ror*ntion of cot¬ton by the War Trn<^ Hoard led tothe creation of a committee to lookinto the matter at the meetins of theexecutive committee of the runners*National Congress here Saturday, ac¬cording to President Kimble Thiscommittee will report at the* congrsaato meet in Jacksonville, Fla.. on De¬cember 3. 4. B and i

REVOKE GOTHAM LICENSES.The licenses of three poultry .rm*

of New York City have mgm revokedfor unfair business practices. tha1 "niu-d States Food Administrationsnnounced last night. Tlie penaltyvaries In each instance. AH three,however, are accused of reportingfalse returns to shippers

Tbe Safer! InvrstroeBtiit a

t wnal

'JssjftIts ft rnr

A>| Umi Ibst * o«* riuctuatr a*ru* «k»tvrtn« »t.*M ol '\m mt m*asr«H* Siowfl ol era* mh«* is¦lonm t| .til srcufYO

tU» AMIrorpersts*-

tW Tavtrv^ sf I'fKiatw. eo*'li«<(4s* .Btfrtsets .» 6c .- Ortml as>*;tM rwiMia 'nsAeibibt) '

p»<por»U'"*. 1st ISefit'i r»es


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