hlc and me what does hlc stand for? hydrocarbolyte liquid crystal holy living in communion her left...

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  • Slide 1
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  • HLC and Me What does HLC stand for? Hydrocarbolyte Liquid Crystal Holy Living in Communion Her Left Cheek Hysterical Laughing Clown Whatever it is I dont want it!
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  • HLC Mom, and Apple Pie Why are We Doing This?
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  • Renewal Accreditation is about renewal. The time spent in self-evaluation and reflection gives us the opportunity to showcase who we are, to identify strengths and challenges, and to plan for an exciting future. Dr. David King, President of Malone University February 2012
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  • Required Follow Up Malones last HLC accreditation visit was in March 2004 Our timeline was accelerated (moved to an earlier date) due to concerns raised in the mandated focused visit of March 2009 about Malones progress in identifying and implementing effective student learning outcomes, especially in General Education
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  • If it squawks like a duck... What is a Self-Study Anyway?
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  • Some Benefits of Self-Study Self awareness Re-affirm and re-visit mission, goals, and values of the University Tell our story Identify opportunities and develop strategies for the future Renewal
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  • How the Process Works Basis for Review is the Criteria for Accreditation (5 core components) Institutional Self-Evaluation (self-study) Peer Review (on site visit) Commission on Accrediting (reviews recommendation and decides) Notification to Malone (via CEO)
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  • HLC - Core Criteria Mission and Integrity Preparing for the Future Student Learning and Effective Teaching Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge Service and Engagement
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  • For Each Criteria and Theme What is the main issue? What evidence is required? What sources are available? What does this mean? So what? Strengths? Challenges? Opportunities? Anticipate the future
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  • Self-Study Content Descriptivedata and narrative Analytical interpretive judgments Visual display of pertinent information
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  • Goals of the Self Study 1. Address HLC concerns especially about student learning outcomes 2. Identify and affirm areas of excellence 3. Enhance teaching and learning across the university 4. Inform strategic planning and budgeting processes 5. Position Malone for the future 6. Demonstrate compliance with HLC criteria
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  • The Peer Review Process Site visit scheduled for September 24-26, 2012 8-10 external visitors from other colleges and universities Review of documents prior to visit and when on campus Interviews with board, faculty, staff, students and others
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  • Avoiding Trouble Ownership of self-study Comprehensive review analytical and self-reflective Thorough evaluation of challenges and opportunities Analysis and recommendations for moving forward
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  • Important Things Before the Site Team visit: Read the self-study Review and know your department or program assessment report Be familiar with HLC core components When Site Team is here: Be available Smile, be kind and courteous Answer questions candidly If you dont know, say so
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  • Previous HLC Concerns
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  • Weaknesses noted 2003 Lack of comprehensive assessment process curricular and co- curricular Strategic planning Facilities and space allocation Governance and organization Faculty research Use of part-time instructors
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  • Self-Study Maximizing the Process
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  • Some Findings from Current Study STRENGTHS Open and collaborative curricular process Upgrades in technology infrastructure Multiple direct and indirect assessments Emphasis on global awareness and service-learning Quality and commitment of faculty Holistic approach to teaching and learning CHALLENGES Lack of a systematic and comprehensive strategic plan tied to budget priorities and performance indicators Diversity in faculty and administrative positions Improvements in financial strength and margin Orientation for adjunct faculty and administrators Authority and oversight of university-wide marketing efforts
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  • The site visit What to expect when the team is here
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  • Typical Team Visit MorningAfternoon/Evening Sunday Team arrives Team meeting and orientation Monday Chair and president meet Interviews and visits Team meeting Lunch w/ campus groups Interviews and visits Team dinner Team meeting Tuesday Interviews and visits Team meetings and review Report writing Lunch w/campus groups Interviews and visits Team dinner Team meeting Report writing Wednesday Report writing Needed follow-up Prep for oral report Final debriefing Prepare oral report Exit interview
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  • The Visiting Team Team work room 2d floor library (currently the faculty resource room) Many interviews will be arranged once the team is on site (be flexible) Exit Interview will be Wednesday, September 26 (oral summary given)
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  • Important Reminders No surprises Truth will prevail Pet peeves caged Data analysis evaluation Reflection and projection Planning and budgeting
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  • Your Role Be knowledgable Be courteous Be honest Dont make up stuff Dont exaggerate
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  • Commission Action The Institutional Action Committee of HLC reviews documents and recommendations from the site team and makes determination of status Commission meets in February, March, June, August