holy trinityholytrinitywilmington.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/...parents who apply bible based...

HOLY TRINITY November 2016 Volume 47 Issue 11 ΑΓΙΑ ΤΡΙΑΣ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Wilmington, Delaware St. John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople Patron Saint of our Holy Metropolis November 13

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Page 1: HOLY TRINITYholytrinitywilmington.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/...Parents who apply Bible based principles are far more likely to produce godly children than those who do not. The


November 2016

Volume 47 Issue 11

ΑΓΙΑ ΤΡΙΑΣ Holy Trinity

Greek Orthodox Church

Wilmington, Delaware

St. John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople

Patron Saint of our Holy Metropolis

November 13

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The Official Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

808 N. Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19806 / Telephone: (302) 654-4446 Fax: (302) 654-4204

Church Office Email Address: [email protected]

Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm

His Eminence Metropolitan EVANGELOS of New Jersey, Hierarch

Rev. Fr. Christos Christofidis, Proistamenos, [email protected]

For pastoral emergencies and confessions - please call Fr. Christos @ (717) 701-1971

Susan Kelleher, Church Secretary 384-7805 (home)


George Rassias, President - (610) 322-3200

Georgia Halakos, First Vice President - (302) 379-4335

Tom Hatzis, Second Vice President - (302) 764-2223

Tom Karas, Parish Council Treasurer - (302) 234-9090

John Pennias, Parish Council Secretary - (302) 530-1517

Yvonne Tsavalas, Assistant Secretary - (302) 540-2891

593-6433 Constantine Caras John Koninis II 535-1344

562-3850 Tom Diamanty Steve Nicholas 897-1029

478-2322 Leon Fotakos Paraskevi Wolcott 654-4446

(856) 678-3169 Vickie Karakasidis Peter Xarhoulakos 562-5151

897-9429 Michael Kirifides


379-4335 Philoptochos Georgia Halakos, President

(856)678-4924 Sunday School Maroula Haralambidis, Co-Director

293-1127 Sunday School Amalea Rassias, Co-Director

650-4871 GOYA Dia Halakos

507-1818 JOY / HOPE Elena Hall

654-4446 OCF (Orthodox College Fellowship) Fr. Christos Christofidis


478-7864 Choir Anthony Pantelopulos, Director

562-5151 The Young @ Heart Club Peter Xarhoulakos, President

530-1517 Greek School John Pennias, Director

798-3052 St. Elpida George Righos

Terpsichorean Dance Troupes

475-7672 Altar Guild Helen Doukakis, President

633-1112 Editorial Staff Dr. Costas Fountzoulas

655-2252 / 764-2183 Emmanuel Dining Room East Nikkie Tsakataras & Tina Ganiaris King

897-1029 Holy Trinity Food Pantry Steve Nicholas

798-3052 / 239-6140 Adult Bible Study George Righos & John Lazare

654-4446 Special Bible Courses and Fr. Christos Christofidis

Marriage Seminars/Inquirers Classes


897-9429 AHEPA Michael Kirifides, President

764-7278 Daughters of Penelope Gale Kostas, President

652-6242 Hellenic University Club Maria Caras, President

Holy Trinity Website Address: www.holytrinitywilmington.org



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From the Desk of Fr. Christos

November Message 2016

Inspired by and based on Deuteronomy 6:1-9

A Sprinkle of Thoughts

“Cake Baking and Child Rearing are both best achieved by following the recipe!”

Let us begin our November message not with a prologue but with a conclusion. The idea that good parents

always produce good God fearing children and bad parents always produce bad children is just not true. We all

know families where the parents were a walking disaster yet their children turned out to be very decent people,

good citizens and responsible adults. By the same token we’ve seen godly parents who sought to raise their

children in the church, to know the Lord, and yet one or more of those children ended up in serious trouble. I

remember a particular case of two young men, brothers, who were in the altar, GOYA, Greek School, etc., but

ended up in prison. It makes you wonder doesn’t it? This may have no direct connection here but a contemporary

father of the church made the following wise observation. He said, “Bad Children come out of good families

sometimes in order for the parents to learn humility, for they thought that their own efforts will make their

children good. And when sometimes we see from bad parents a diamond of a child to come forth it is to teach us

that God watches over children who are born in bad homes.”

Scripture, Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and in many other places, give us governing principles for training our children,

but no guarantees. Parents who apply Bible based principles are far more likely to produce godly children than

those who do not. The bottom line is to know God’s word, use it, trust it, pray constantly and consistently for

your ability as a parent and for your children, love them deeply, take nothing for granted, and cling to the Lord.

In this month’s lesson let us touch upon one ingredient of the recipe for successful parenting. Constant

Discipline! There are more ingredients but consistent discipline may be missing in our days. Perhaps the greatest

responsibility we are given as parents is to discipline our children. We are reminded in the book of Proverbs

29:15, “The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” And again in

verse 17, “correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes he will give delight to your soul.” These proverbs

clearly remind us that godly discipline will bring delight and rest to your soul, but failure to do so will bring

shame and heartache.

Some years ago the city of Houston waged an ad campaign to deter juvenile crime, the Houston Police

Department came up with “Twelve Rules of Raising Juvenile Delinquent Children”.

1. Begin with infancy to give the child everything he wants. In this way he will grow up to believe the world

owes him a living.

2. When he picks up bad words, laugh at him. This will make him think that it’s cute.

3. Never give him any spiritual training. Wait until he is twenty-one and let him “decide for himself”.

4. Avoid the words sin or wrong. It may develop a guilt complex and psychological disturbances. This will

condition him to believe later, when he is arrested for stealing a car, that society is against him and he is

being persecuted.

5. Pick up everything he leaves lying around. Do everything for him so that he will be experienced in throwing

all responsibility on others.

6. Let him read any printed matter he can get his hands on. Be careful, that the silverware and drinking glasses

are sterilized, but let his mind feast on garbage.

7. Quarrel frequently in the presence of your children. In this way they won’t be shocked when the home is

broken up later.

8. Give a child all the spending money he wants. Never let him earn his own.

9. Satisfy his every craving for food, drink, or comfort. See that every sensual desire is gratified.

10. Take his side against neighbors, teachers, and law enforcement. They are all prejudice against your child.

11. When he gets into real trouble, apologize for yourself by saying, “I could never do anything with him.”

12. Prepare yourself for grief. You will likely have it.

Continued next page...

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Ephesians 6:4 has two words which describe the responsibilities and methods that we are to use in child rearing.

“And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the


The first word translated, “training” (paideia) it is a word we get pedagogy from. It can refer to discipline but

normally contains a broader meaning of education, the entire training particularly of the very young giving them

life lessons, which should include a spiritual guide-teacher. The second word, “admonition”, (nouthesia) comes

from the combination of two Greek words. One meaning “mind” (nous), and the other “to place” (thesis) and

involves the idea of reasoning and gentle or friendly reproof for the benefit of the child’s soul. It is more

appropriate to the child as he gets older when they can have a better understanding of the spiritual and moral

issues of their own behavior. We must recognize the necessity for discipline for it is absent in the world we live

in today.

The Church, beloved parents, provides for adults and your children the most effective recipe for godly

discipline, when we decide to follow it willingly.

The Church Services of the Orthodox Church are conducted in a very orderly way. There is a certain liturgical

discipline which any visitor would notice. The Epistle and Gospel passages are set by the calendar so there

would be universal uniformity. The times of the service are scheduled in a certain discipline. (ex. Vespers in the

evening, Matins in the morning.) The Church has produced the perfect dietary discipline. Fasting in its core is

discipline and obedience. Wednesday’s and Friday’s we fast. (with some exceptions) Certain days we can

consume meat, other days only fish, or oil, or dairy products. How we approach and venerate icons has its own

discipline. How we greet a Bishop or Presbyter has its unique discipline. Why have we not realized it yet and we

call the Orthodox Church strict, old fashioned, outdated, etc., instead of seeing in her the many benefits of her

teachings with her Ecclesiastical discipline, is beyond logic. Do we know better than the Holy Spirit of God

what is good and proper?

Parents today are very disciplined when it comes to their children’s education or social life (i.e. sports,

vacations, extracurricular activities, etc.), but when it comes to their spiritual life–salvation are very lax/easy

going, almost hazardous. Parents choose which Sunday is convenient for the family to worship. Attendance is

scarce and untimely. There is hardly any Bible teaching at home and prayer is left to “just do your cross” so all

will go well. Which child would qualify to a sports team in school going to practice five minutes before the

whistle blows? The rules of the sports are obeyed completely as not to be cut off from the team. Do we have the

same fear not to be cut off from God’s team? Some parents bring their children to church when certificates are

distributed or when they have to perform in a pageant. Fasting in today’s Orthodox homes is rare and the

evidence is powerfully accusatory and wide open to see during periods of fasting.

Accuse me if you may; criticize me if you wish. Discipline is thrown out in the sea. The same way logic has

vanished as smoke in the air. The Church is the last arena of learning logical, healthy, profitable to the soul

discipline; discipline that will teach body and soul to walk nor in the counsel of the ungodly, nor to stand in the

path of sinners not to sit in the seat of the scornful! Psalm 1:1 The Church is here to teach her members to

delight in the law of the Lord, and to keep meditating in his law say and night, vs 2; and her children they will be

like trees planted by the rivers of water-wisdom, that they will bring forth their fruit in its season and their leaves

will not wither but whatever they do shall prosper, vs 3; and this will delight the Lord God. Who would say to

the parents who obey God’s discipline, “You have done well good and faithful servants. Enter with your

children in the joy of the Lord.”

I guess each family makes its own choices. Nevertheless we want to plead with you, brothers and sisters, to be

mindful of your children’s spiritual welfare above everything else. We want to remind you that you are not a tree

all by itself somewhere in the desert, but a member of the garden – of God – the Church – and if you’re not in it,

the garden seems incomplete, it loses part of its beauty!

Let us never forget the admonition of the Lord, “Bring the children to me”.

Thank you for your attentiveness!

Fr. Christos

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Holy Trinity Family,

Thank you to those of you that have returned your 2017 Stewardship Cards. Keep in mind

that Stewardship Sunday will be held November 13, 2016. You do not need to pay your

Pledge for 2017. We only ask that you submit your Stewardship Card for 2017 on

Stewardship Sunday, our day to recognize the role of Stewardship in the parish and be

grateful for the pledges of our community members for the upcoming year. Additionally,

please select those areas of the Church Ministry where you can lend your time and talents.

We all should actively participate in the ministries and programs of our Church. We need

support and contributions beyond money. Your fresh ideas and suggestions may spur new

programs so please take the time to consider where you are willing to contribute.

Beginning this year, we are pleased to announce the implementation of the Boines

Scholarship Fund that will provide thousands of dollars in scholarships for our youth. To

qualify for a scholarship, high school seniors need only participate in the life of the Church

as set forth in the eligibility rules. This is a wonderful and unique opportunity for the

children of our parish.

Our church renovation project is nearly complete and the scaffolding should be coming

down shortly as we are only waiting for the refurbishment and installation of windows in the

bell tower.

Our youth programs continue to grow and expand. Holy Trinity helped initiate and organize

the first ever Kick-Off Weekend retreat sponsored by the Delaware Valley Youth

Commission. The weekend retreat was held over three days at a campground in Lansdale,

Pennsylvania. Our youth participated along with dozens of GOYAns from the surrounding

parishes. Father Chris, along with several area Clergy, led discussions and seminars on topics

ranging from church history and iconography to contemporary moral issues. By all accounts,

the retreat was a tremendous success. On Saturday, October 22, our Joy/Hope (5-11 years

old) group hosted the Kid Mission Project. We were among only three parishes to be

represented at the event where the children assembled care packages for the homeless and

listened attentively to a presentation about a local homeless charity started by a 9-year-old.

Our Greek School entertained and impressed us with a moving Oxi Day celebration in our

Church hall on Sunday, October 23rd.

Thank you to all of those for making the past month’s events a success. Our Golf

Tournament and Philoptochos Bid-N-Buy were well attended and extremely successful. The

enclosed materials reference many more upcoming events in November and December

topped off by our annual New Year’s Eve celebration.

Finally, as always, please bring your children to church in a timely fashion (9:30 am Liturgy)

for Sunday School. We have terrific teachers preparing lessons and investing their time,

simply reward and respect them with your dedication to your child’s spiritual growth through

the lessons they provide.


George G. Rassias

The Presidents Letter

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Philoptochos Sisterhood of Holy Trinity St. Agape Chapter

Dear Beloved Philoptochos Members and Parishioners, I would like to say thank you to our Philoptochos ladies and parishioners for their support of our Annual Bid N Buy Fundraiser. It was a resounding success with 200 guests in attendance! There was food, gifts, and fellowship for all. Thanks to your support we were able to raise much needed funds to assist in our philanthropic endeavors. (Pictures will be included in the December bulletin.) We again, will be sponsoring the Community Christmas Card. Please use the form in this bulletin or sign up during any Coffee Hour in November. We will also be selling Christopsomo and Vasilopita this holiday season. Please see the form in this bulletin, as well, to place your order. We hope you can join us for our Christmas Luncheon on Saturday, December 3rd at The University & Whist Club. We will enjoy a wonderful luncheon buffet, fellowship, Christmas carols and a fun gift exchange! Our next General Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 15th at 4:30pm. Please join us for the last meeting of the year! In Christ's Service, Georgia Halakos


Kollyva for Memorials

Our Philoptochos Society would like to thank two

of its members, Vasiliki Kromedas, for her generous

offer to prepare the kollyva for any family of our

community and donate the money for our

Philoptochos charities, and Loula Kapordelis for

helping her. The cost will be $100 which will

include the Prosforon and the wine. Please allow at

least a week and call Alexandra Tsaganos at 302-

762-5292 who will contact Vasiliki.


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2016 Community Christmas Card

Dear Parishioners,

As the Christmas Season is approaching, the Philoptochos

Society once again is asking you to express Holiday Greetings

to each other by including your name in our Community

Christmas Card. Your contribution of $25.00 per person or

family will go towards Philoptochos charities. For your

convenience, the Philoptochos ladies will be available in the

community hall every Sunday during November, or you may

complete and mail the form below.

We thank you and wish you a very Merry Christmas!


I/We wish to add my/our name(s) to the Community Christmas Card.

Name(s): ___________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

City & State__________________________________________

Zip _______________________

Telephone: ____________________________

Deadline: Monday, December 5, 2016

Please make checks payable to:

Philoptochos Society

Mail to: Vickie Karakasidis

264 E Pittsfield Street

Pennsville, NJ 08070

Phone: 856.678.3169

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Order Form for Christmas Bread (Christopsomo)

Now is the time to order.

The Philoptochos Ladies will have available for your Holiday’s Christopsomo and also

Vasilopita for your New Years Celebration. This makes a wonderful gift for a friend or

family member ~ or ~ a lovely addition to any meal during the Christmas Season. Please use

this form for your order. Bread can be purchased any Sunday during Coffee Hour after the

Divine Liturgy, or you may call the Church Office (Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm).

Cost: $15.00

Name: ____________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________

# of Breads _____________________ Amount enclosed: ________________________

Make checks payable to Philoptochos Society and mail to:

Alexandra Tsaganos 4626 Weldin Road, Wilmington, DE 19803 ~ 302.762.5292

Philoptochos Feed the Hungry Initiative

As part of the “Feed the Hungry” Initiative we continue to sponsor meals at Emmanuel Dining Room

East on the 30th, 1st, 2nd, and 17th of each month. We have permanent sponsors on three of the days. We

thank the Tsionas, Mistras, and Bacchieri Families as well as the Season’s Family.

If you would like to help us out by sponsoring a month please contact Soula Mistras @ 897-7843

We thank our sponsors for their selfless giving to those in need.


Karakasidis Family

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family


Henry & Esther Irrthum

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family


Ted & Kathy Michell

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family


Gus & Elaine Michell

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family


George & Yvonne Vassilatos

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family


Fran & Susie Kelleher

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family


Pat’s Pizza Family

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family


Hellenic University Club

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family


Lazarus & Helen Kirifides

Mistras & Bacchieri Families

Halakos Family

Tsionas Family

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Annual Christmas Luncheon December 3, 2016 at 12noon

gratuity included

RSVP to:

Soula Mistras - 302.897.7843


Georgia Halakos - 302.379.4335

Send checks (no cash please)

ON or BEFORE November 29th to:

Soula Mistras

808 N Broom Street, Wilmington, DE 19806


Name: ___________________________________

How Many Attending ___________

Amount Enclosed ___________

I would like to sit with: __________________________________

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The Altar Guild will once again be decorating our Church in December with beautiful

POINSETTIAS and other decorations for Christmas. If you would like to make a donation for the

purchase of the poinsettias, please fill in the form below and mail it to the Altar Guild

The Altar Guild would like to acknowledge and thank the following parishioners for their

donation during October:

Fournaris Families – Wreath in honor of St. Demetrios the Myrrbearer on October 26; in

memory of Anna Fournaris, a beloved mother and grandmother on her 15-year memorial

(October 15).


Members on Duty in October: Helen Doukakis, Catherine Faller, Evie Fournaris,

Stacy Koninis, Mary Kountourzis, Sofia Regas


Our efforts are supported totally by donations from the parishioners. If you wish to share your

memorable events with our Church Community by donating for the purchase of flowers on your

special days, please advise a member of the Altar Guild (Helen Doukakis, 475-7672) or use the

form below.



Telephone_______________ Reserve Date_____________________________________

Special Occasion__________________________________________________________

Enclosed $______________ Make checks payable to "Holy Trinity Altar Guild".

Mail to: Stacy Koninis, 2602 Brightwell Drive, Wilmington, DE 19810

May we publish this in our monthly listings? Yes________ No______



For the convenience of the parishioners, the Icon Booth will be open on November 6 and 20.

Visit our booth to see all the beautiful icons, cookbooks, books for children, mugs, karvounakia

and many other items.

Newly arrived: incense – rose, jasmine and gardenia.

And a definite MUST BUY –

an ornament of our beautiful church. Great ideas for gifts!!

Something new at our booth: a beautiful book on “The Greeks”, a history from Ancient Greeks to

Alexander the Great. You must come and see it!

With proceeds from sales in the Icon Booth and Bookstore, we were able to donate $1,000 to the Church Restoration Fund.


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Come & Celebrate and Ring in the New Year

with Live Music by

Stoxos at

Holy Trinity’s New Years Eve Gala 808 N Broom Street, Wilmington, DE 19806

Join us for the festivities

December 31, 2016 Doors open at 9:00pm

Dinner to include Carving Stations Leg of Lamb & Pork Tenderloin

Complimentary Champagne & Vasilopita at each table!

Cash Bar

$75 / Adults $20 / 10-21yrs $10 / Under 10

For Reservations call the Church Office at 302.654.4446

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November 20, 2016

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Stewardship Sunday Luncheon

November 13, 2016

Sunday, November 13th has been designated as Stewardship Day to inaugurate the new year. Please bring with you the 2017 Stewardship Pledge Card that Sunday. At the end of the Divine Liturgy all pledge cards will be collected and offered to the Lord to be blessed by Him and accepted as a spiritual offering. Following the distribution of the andidoron we'll gather as one family to share a meal in the Community Social Hall as a way of saying thank you to all the Stewards of our Parish.

Here at Holy Trinity we strive to accomplish God's work with all our strength, love and joy. This community has been blessed by the almighty God for many decades to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone around us. This work could not be accomplished without your generous contributions, donations and most importantly your presence. This is the time of the year in which we need to look back and forward. Back, in order to examine if we have been good and faithful Stewards fulfilling our promise to God, and forward, in order to commit again ourselves and one another to Him and to His Church.

What is a Steward?

A Steward is a person who MANAGES

the affairs of God on earth. God has

made each of us a Steward and has

given us ABILITIES that are unique.

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The Young @ Heart welcomes you to join us for our next gathering...

We will meet again on Thursday, November 10th @ 12pm in the AHEPA Room

We hope you will join us .

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JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, ARCHBISHOP OF CONSTANTINOPLE / November 13 Apolytikion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone

The grace of your words illuminated the universe like a shining beacon. It amassed

treasures of munificence in the world. It demonstrated the greatness of humility,

teaching us by your own words; therefore, O Father John Chrysostom, intercede to

Christ the Logos for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion in the Plagal of the Second Tone

You received divine grace from Heaven, and by your own lips taught all to worship the

One God in Trinity. All-blessed, venerable John Chrysostom, deservedly, we praise you

for you are a teacher clearly revealing things divine.


This greatest and most beloved of all Christian orators was born in Antioch the Great in

the year 344 or 347; his pious parents were called Secundus and Anthusa. After his

mother was widowed at the age of twenty, she devoted herself to bringing up John and

his elder sister in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. John received his literary

training under Anthragathius the philosopher, and Libanius the sophist, who was the greatest Greek scholar and

rhetorician of his day. Libanius was a pagan, and when asked before his death whom he wished to have for his

successor, he said, "John, had not the Christians stolen him from us." With such a training, and with such gifts as

he had by nature, John had before him a brilliant career as a rhetorician. But through the good example of his

godly mother Anthusa and of the holy Bishop Meletius of Antioch (see Feb. 12), by whom he was ordained reader

about the year 370, he chose instead to dedicate himself to God. From the years 374 to 381 he lived the monastic

life in the hermitages that were near Antioch. His extreme asceticism undermined his health, compelling him to

return to Antioch, where Saint Meletius ordained him deacon about the year 381. Saint Meletius was called to

Constantinople later that year to preside over the Second Ecumenical Council, during which he fell asleep in the

Lord. In 386 Bishop Flavian ordained John presbyter of the Church of Antioch. Upon his elevation to the priesthood

his career as a public preacher began, and his exceptional oratorical gifts were made manifest through his many

sermons and commentaries. They are distinguished by their eloquence and the remarkable ease with which rich

imagery and scriptural allusions are multiplied; by their depth of insight into the meaning of Scripture and the

workings of God's providence; and, not least of all, by their earnestness and moral force, which issue from the

heart of a blameless and guileless man who lived first what he preached to others. Because of his fame, he was

chosen to succeed Saint Nectarius as Patriarch of Constantinople. He was taken away by stealth, to avoid the

opposition of the people, and consecrated Patriarch of Constantinople on February 28, 398, by Theophilus,

Patriarch of Alexandria, who was to prove his mortal enemy.

At that time the Emperor of the East was Arcadius, who had had Saint Arsenius the Great as his tutor (see May 8);

Arcadius was a man of weak character, and much under the influence of his wife Eudoxia. The zealous and upright

Chrysostom's unsparing censures of the lax morals in the imperial city stung the vain Eudoxia; through Theophilus'

plottings and her collaboration, Saint John was banished to Pontus in 403. The people were in an uproar, and the

following night an earthquake shook the city; this so frightened the Empress Eudoxia that she begged Arcadius to

call Chrysostom back. While his return was triumphant, his reconciliation with the Empress did not last long. When

she had a silver statue of herself erected in the forum before the Church of the Holy Wisdom (Saint Sophia) in

September of 403, and had it dedicated with much unseemly revelry, Saint John thundered against her, and she

could not forgive him. In June of 404 he was exiled to Cucusus, on the borders of Cilicia and Armenia. From here

he exchanged letters with Pope Innocent of Rome, who sent bishops and priests to Constantinople requesting that

a council be held. Saint John's enemies, dreading his return, prevailed upon the Emperor to see an insult in this,

and had John taken to a more remote place of banishment called Pityus near the Caucasus. The journey was filled

with bitter sufferings for the aged bishop, both because of the harshness of the elements and the cruelty of one of

his 310 guards. He did not reach Pityus, but gave up his soul to the Lord near Comana in Pontus, at the chapel of

the Martyr Basiliscus (see May 22), who had appeared to him shortly before, foretelling the day of his death, which

came to pass on September 14, 407. His last words were "Glory be to God for all things." His holy relics were

brought from Comana to Constantinople thirty-one years later by the Emperor Theodosius the Younger and Saint

Pulcheria his sister, the children of Arcadius and Eudoxia, with fervent supplications that the sin of their parents

against him be forgiven; this return of his holy relics is celebrated on January 27.

Saint John was surnamed Chrysostom ("Golden-mouth") because of his eloquence. He made exhaustive

commentaries on the divine Scriptures and was the author of more works than any other Church Father, leaving us

complete commentaries on the Book of Genesis, the Gospels of Saints Matthew and John, the Acts, and all the

Epistles of Saint Paul. His extant works are 1,447 sermons and 240 epistles. Twenty-two teachers of the Church

have written homilies of praise in his honour. Besides his feasts today and on January 27, he is celebrated as one of the Three Hierarchs on January 30, together with Saint Basil the Great and Saint Gregory the Theologian.

It should be noted that, because September 14 is the Exaltation of the Cross, the Saint's memory has been

transferred to this day.

Reading courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery

Apolytikion courtesy of Narthex Press / Kontakion courtesy of Narthex Press

Icon courtesy of Theologic Systems / Icon courtesy of Theologic Systems

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Our GOYA Ministry has begun with six GOYAns participating in the Delaware Valley Youth

Commission (DVYC) GOYA Retreat and all that attended had a great time! We continue playing

in the DVYC Basketball League. We hope you can come and watch us play and support out

teams! On November 13, we play in Egg Harbor NJ at 5 & 6pm and in Cherry Hill, NJ on

November 27 also at 5 & 6pm. Our next games here will be on December 4th after the Divine

Liturgy! We hope to see you there!

We will participate again in the Angel Tree Giving Program this Christmas Season. We will visit

Longwood Gardens again in December as well. In February we are planning to attend an 87ers

game and will host our annual Basketball Tournament over President’s Day Weekend.

We congratulate Sophia Angeletakis, Ethan Bodine, Eirenee Fountzoulas and Katherine

Mantzavinos on being selected to represent GOYA at the Ambassador Awards Banquet on

November 6th.

Looking forward to Spring 2017 we are planning a 5K Run at Rockford Park, with all proceeds to

benefit the Ionian Village Rebuilding Fund.

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving.


Dia Halakos

Father Chris leads 81 campers in morning prayer at the DVYC GOYA Retreat

Page 20: HOLY TRINITYholytrinitywilmington.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/...Parents who apply Bible based principles are far more likely to produce godly children than those who do not. The

Adamopoulos, Angeliki & Anastasios

Adamopoulos, Chris & Nancy

Adamopoulos, Demetrios +

Adamopoulos , Sotiere

Agriantonis, Demetri & Saori

Al-Annouf, Nabil & Rabia Batah

Alexandratos, Angelos

Alexandridis, Thanos

Alexopoulos, Demetrios & Lauren

Alexopoulos, John & Elena

Amygdalos, Michael & Christine

Anagnostou, Anamaria

Anagnostou, Anthoula

Anagnostou, Mary

Anastasakos, Georgia +

Anastassiades, Andreas & Litsa

Andrianopoulos, Faith

Angeletakis, Christos & Christina

Anton, Anthony & Lucille

Apessos, Spyros & Maria

Apostolakis, Nicholas & Irene

Archbell, Marianne & Christopher

Arvanitis, Argyrios & Lisa

Atsidis, Kostas & Eutichia

Bacchieri, Gregg & Stacey

Baker, Stephanie

Bambacus, Meropi

Boines, Daniel & Dale

Boines Pierson, Georgia

Bouloukos, Harry & Anastasia

Brewster, John & Eleftheria

Brown, Sean & Maria

Burpulis, Byron & Kecia

Burpulis, John & Mary

Burpulis, Maria

Burpulis, Stamatis

Busby, Evie & William

Caras, Christina

Caras, Constantine & Maria

Caras, James

Chahalis, Maria

Chambers, George & Katherine

Chappel, Jane

Charalambides, Dino& Nia

Chilimidos, Dennis & Effie

Chilimidos, Jerry & Amy Christofidis, Fr Christos & Pres Ioanna

Christou, Christos

Christou, Vasilios & Alexandra

Ciabattoni, Olga

Cloutier, Catherine

Coates, Efthia & George

Colborn, Brian & Nicole

Colello, Alexandra

Colyvas, Peter

Costis, Gus & Patsy

Coulaloglou, Michele & Costas

Courtis, Harry & Sophia

Coustenis, Robert & Katherine

Cozamanis, Olympia

Cusanelli, Patrick

Dalianis, John & Vicky

Daskalopoulos, James & Nikki

Demetriou, Spyros & Anna

Demourtzidis, Joseph & Eirini Demourtzidis, Nikolaos & Daphne

Diamanty, Thomas & Sue

Diamond, Athanasios & Debbie

Diamond, Anthony & Lauren

Diamond, John & Susan

Diamond, Soula

Dickey, Irene

Diniakos, Demetri

Dougherty, Mark & Eleni

Doukakis, Helen

Drimones, Clara

Drimones, Nicholas

Dumel, John & Evangeline

Eliades, Sophie

Faller, James & Catherine

Ferentinos, Joan

Fessaras, Zaharias & Irene

Fotakos, Leonidas & Sophia

Fountzoulas, Costas & Audrey

Fournakis, Kathleen

Fournaris, Anna

Fournaris, Constantine

Fournaris, Emmanuel & Evie

Fournaris, George & Aspasia

Frangia, Stephen

Galanakis, Ekaterini

Ganiaris, Pres. Joan

Ganoudis, Joanna

Gatanis, Theodore

Gatos, Paula

Geanopoulos, Georgiean

Geanopoulos, Katy

Geanopoulos, Louis

Geanopoulos, Tulla

George, Mary

Georgiou, Gus

Gerakios, Sakelaris & Spiridoula

Gerakios, Nikoletta

Gerakios, Michael

Geralis, Loula

Gianakis, Charles & Joanna

Gianelos, James & Stacie

Giannaris, Pres. Mary

Giannatos, Gerry & Anna

Gotides, Virginia

Graham, Alton & Catherine

Gray, David & Eugenia

Grigorakakis, Maria

Grivas, Christopher & Michelle

Grivas, Demetrios & Helen

Guajardo, Evangelina

Guardascione, Lou & Shelly

Hadjipanayis, George & Voula

Halakos, Billy

Halakos, Demitris & Georgia

Halakos, Evangelos & Donna

Halakos, Ioannis & Effie

Haldas, Harry

Haldas, Nicholas & Rodie

Haldas, Thomas & Prudy

Hann, Christopher & Amber

Hann, Eugenia & Gary

Hantzandreou, George & Diane

Hantzandreou, Katerina

Hantzandreou, Theodore & Labrini

Haralambidis, Maroula

Hatzis, Nicholas & Katherine

Hatzis, Thomas & Georgia

Hernjak, Nicholas

Hoddinott, Christina & Jonathan

Hondry, Bill

Hondry, Joan

Hughes, Jacqueline

Hughes, Phillip

Humphrey, Caroline

Ioannou, Ida

Issaris, Katherine

Jannelli, Richard & Eva

Joannides, Joseph & Alice

Johnson, Margo

Joseck, Fred & Xanthy

Joseck, John

Kamenakis, George & Effie

Kamenakis, Peter

Kapordelis, Loula

Karablacas, Helen

Karablacas, Stelios

Karablacas, Virginia

Karakasidis, Demetrios & Eleni

Karakasidis, John & Vickie

Karakasidis, Stephanos & Evangelia

Karaoglanis, Eleftherios & Niki

Karas, George M.

Karas, Tom

Karas, Yianni

Karavasilis, Nicholas & Foula

Kayiaros, Joanna

Kehagias, Vasilis & Irini

Keros, Georgia

Kessaris, Christos & Eleni

Kimbiris, George & Beatriz

Kirifides, Alexander & Kathy

Kirifides, Eleni

Kirifides, Lazarus & Helen

Kirifides, Lazarus

Kirifides, Michael & Kerry

Kirtses, Evan

Kirtses, Petros & Athy

Kledaras, Olympia

Klezaras, Michael & Kathy

Klezaras, Nikoletta

Klezaras III, Michael

Kolialis, John & Rosemary

Kolionis, Helen

Kollias, Basil & Dimitra

Kollias, Georgia

Kolovos, Dimitrios & Fani

Koninis, Christina

Koninis, John & Anastasia

Koninis II, John & Evdoxia

Kontis, Gus & Cindy

Kontomaris, Kostas & Melissa

Kostas, John & Gale

Kountourzis, Maria

Kourpas, Elias & Chrystallo Mouza

Koutsoukos, Yiannis & Sevy

Kramedas, Gregory & Matoula

Kramedas, Maria

Krikelis, Helene

Kritikos, Alexander & Tessa Kromedas, Constantinos & Vasiliki

Kyranakis, John

Kyziridis, Ioannis & Panagiota

Laletas/Brockett, Ernest & Barbara

Laws, Brian & Vasiliki

Lawson, Michael & Victoria

Lazare, John & Sandra

Lazaridis, Anastasis & Christina

Lazaridis, Nina

Lazopoulos, John & Christina

LeCompte, Stacey & Adam

Lemper, Anthony & Diana

Lempesis, Dimitra

Little, Mary

Logulla, Francis & Despiona

Lomis, Dean & Toula

Long, Irene

MacKewiz, W. Lee & Irene

Manis, Voula & John

Manoloudis, Michael & Kandi

Mantzavinos, Chris & Mary

Mantzavinos, Spiros & Megan

Maravelias, Angelique

Maravelias, James & Diana

Marini, Irene

Marinis, Kalliope

Marinis, Sotirios

Markatos, Harry & Susan

Marusiodis, Kaliope

Mavridis, Prodromos & Maria

McFarland, Antoinette & Steve

Mentis, Constantia

Michell, Constantine & Elaine

Michell, Theodore & Catherine

Michell, Vasilis & Megan

Milionis, Constantine

Miliotis, Stavroula & Nicholas

Minella, Tia & Charles

Misogianes, Milt & Carol

Morris, Douglas & Anastasia

Moutsatsos, George & Alexia

Nannas, Kristin

Nannas, Theodore & Alexandra

Ney, Bruce & Marina

Nicholas, Steve

Nicholas, William

Novakis, Louis

Ochlemacher, Leo & Evangeline

Oikonomou, Georgios & Elena

Pagonis, Carrie

Pagonis, Marcos & Cheryl Panagiotidis, Athanasios & Elizabeth

Pandelakis, Denis & Anna

Pantelopulos, Anthony & Daphne

Papachrysanthou, Chris & Popi

Papanicholas, Evan

Papanicholas, Maria

Financial Stewards of holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 2016

Page 21: HOLY TRINITYholytrinitywilmington.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/...Parents who apply Bible based principles are far more likely to produce godly children than those who do not. The

Papettas, Vasilis & Christina

Pappas, Dean + & Zoe

Pappas, Elizabeth

Pappas, Lois

Pappas, Sandra

Pappoulis, Demetra

Pastis, Jackie

Pentikis, Ioannis & Barbara

Phalangas, Charalambos & Mary

Phillips, Pauline

Pierson, Vetta & Charles

Pittaoulis, Steve

Pittas, John

Pittas, Michael

Popescu, Chris & Viktoria

Poulos, Marika

Poulos, Vasilios & Eulampia

Psaltis, John

Psaltis, Nickolas & Sophia

Psaltis, Thomas & Cindy

Psihalinos, George & Athina

Ranalli, Anthony & Marie

Raisis, Leonidas & Irene

Raisis, Spiros

Ranalli, Anthony & Marie

Rassias, Dion & Gina

Rassias, George & Amalea

Rassias, Peter & Julie

Regas, Constantine

Richardson, Stavroula & Robert

Riga, Ekaterini

Rigas, Elias & Potoula

Riggins, Margaret

Righos, George & Elaine

Roussalis, Valerie & John

Roustopoulos, Theodoros & Alexia

Saitis, Mary

Sartin, Nimrah & Deborah

Savopoulos, Basil & Despina

Savopoulos, Virginia

Schillinger, Robert & Karen

Shaer, Issa & Nuha

Shoemaker, Melissa

Snell, Areti

Snell, Bryan & Pauline

Soccio, Stephen & Antonia

Staab, Kristina & Ken

Staikos, Nicholas & Eirini

Stathakis, Catherine

Stavropoulos, John & Xanthy

Stavru, Nicholas & Maria

Stevens, Richard, & Penny

Stout, Bob & Voula

Tangalidis, Dimitrios & Maria

Tarabicos, Christina

Tarabicos, James & Sophia

Tarabicos, John & Joanne

Tawfik, Emad & Soultana

Terris, Costas & Clara +

Terss, Eugenia

Theodorakis, Stamatis & Lisa

Tsaganos, George & Alexandra

Tsaganos, Nicholas & Joanne

Tsaganos, Robert & Popi

Tsaganos, Tina

Tsakataras, George

Tsakataras, Nikki

Tsakumis, George & Julia

Tsakumis, Theodore

Tsavalas, George & Yvonne

Tsionas, Angela

Tsionas, Efthimios & Anna

Tsoukalas, Frideriki

Tsoukalas, Harry & Niki

Tsugranes, George & Penny

Turley, Steve & Akiko

Valko, Regina

VanVures, John

Vassilatos, George & Yvonne

Vassiliou, Kleoniki

Velitskakis, Steve & Karen

Vice, Billy & Elaine

Visvardis, Socrates & Ruth

Vlamis, Nicholas & Peggy

Mary Vore

Vouras, Nicholas

Wilkinson, Clifford & Suzanne

Wissman, Charles & Vaya

Wissman, Charles

Wolcott, Josiah & Paraskevi

Xarhoulakos, Peter

Yiannos, Stella

Zaloga, Paul & Joann

Zambetis, Paul & Zoe

Zerefos, Demetri & Tina

Zerefos, Markos & Eugenia

Ziccarelli, Louis & Catherine

Zographos, Nicholas & Katherine

Pledged and/or Paid

as of October 25, 2016

Financial Stewards of holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 2016 continued

If you have not sent in your 2016 pledge, Please do so today!

Page 22: HOLY TRINITYholytrinitywilmington.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/...Parents who apply Bible based principles are far more likely to produce godly children than those who do not. The

We graciously thank the 108 parishioners who have stepped up and made a pledge for the restoration project.

Your Capital Campaign Dollars at work!

Adamopoulos, Christos & Nancy Agriantonis, Demetrios & Saori Anastassiades, Andreas & Aglaia Apostolakis, Nicholas & Irene Apostolatos, Evaggelos Bacchieri, Gregg & Stacey Boines Pierson, Georgia Brewster, John & Eleftheria Burpulis, Memory of Costa Caras, Constantine & Maria Chambers, George & Katherine Christopher, Michael & Soula Christou, Vasilis & Alexandra Colborn, Brian & Nicole Constantinou, George Constantinou, John & Carol Daughters of Penelope Demourtzidis, Nick & Daphne Diamanty, Tom & Sue Diamond, Anthony & Lauren Doukakis, Helen Drimones, Clara Drimones, Nicholas Faller, James & Catherine Fournaris, Emmanuel & Evie Ganiaris, Memory of Fr. Stamatios Gatanis, Theodore Gatos, Paula George, Mary Gianelos, James & Stacey Giannaras, Memory of Basil & Demetra Giannaris, Memory of Fr George Graham, Alton & Catherine Gray, David & Eugenia Grigorakakis, Maria Guajardo, Evangelina

Halakos, Demitris & Georgia Halakos, Evangelos & Donna Halakos, Ioannis & Effie Haldas, Thomas & Prudy Hatzis, Thomas & Georgia Hatzis, Nicholas & Katherine Hernjak, Nicholas Holy Trinity Altar Guild Humphrey, Caroline Issaris, Katherine Johnson, Margo & Fred Kantakis, Memory of George Karakasidis, John & Vickie Karakasidis, Stephanos & Evangelia Karas, George Karas, Tom Kimbiris, George & Beatrice Kirifides, Lazarus & Helen Kirifides, Michael & Kerry Klezaras III, Michael Koninis II, John & Evdoxia Kostas, John & Gale Kress, William & Bess Lazare, John & Sandra Logullo Sr., Francis Despiona Lomis, Dean & Toula Manis, Voula Markatos, Harry & Susan McFarland, Antoinette Michell, Constantine & Elaine Michell, Theodore & Catherine Nannas, Theodore & Alexandra Nicholas, Steve Oikonomou, Georgios & Lena Papachrysanthou, Chris & Popi Papachrysanthou, George & Laura

Papettas, Vasilis & Christine Pappas, Helen Pat's Pizza Phillips, Pauline Psaltis, Thomas & Cindy Psaltis, Nicholas & Sophia Psaltis, John Raisis, Leo & Irene Rassias, George & Amalea Rassias, Peter & Julie Riggins, Margaret Righos, George & Elaine Roussalis, John & Valerie Sarmousakis, George & Tessie Sartin, Nimrah & Deborah Savopoulos, Virginia Snell, Bryan & Pauline Staikos, Nicholas & Eirini Stevens, Richard & Penny Stout, Robert & Voula Tangalidis, Dimitrios & Maria Terris, Costa & Clara Terss, Eugenia Tsaganos, Anthony & Joanna Tsaganos, Nicholas & Joanna Tsaganos, Robert & Kaliopi Tsakumis, George & Julie Tsavalas, George & Yvonne Valko, Regina Vassilatos, George & Yvonne Vice, Elaine & Billy Wolcott, Josiah & Paraskevi Xarhoulakos, Peter Zerefos, Demetrios & Tina Ziccarelli, Louis & Catherine Zinna, Anthony & Nina

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Thank you for your commitment to our Community!

Capital Campaign

To contribute, please send your donation to:

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

ATTN: Capital Campaign

808 North Broom Street

Wilmington, DE 19806

As of today, 108 parishioners have made a pledge to help our community.

Please join them as we raise the funds needed to restore and preserve our Holy Trinity Church. Your Community Needs you!

Pledged 2015

To be paid by 2016

To be paid by April 1,


TOTAL Pledged

PAID as of DEC 2015

PAID in 2016

Total # of



TOTALS $194,745.00 $216,300.00 $101,050.00 $511,945.00 $194,745.00 $205,350.00 108

Pledges to date represent 50% of our $1,000,000.00 goal

Preserving and Restoring our Beautiful Church… One Brick at a Time

Your Capital Campaign pledge will be welcome and appreciated!

_____ Over $15,000 _____ $15,000

_____ $10,000 _____ $5,000

_____ $2,500 _____ Other

Payable as follows with your check made payable to HTGOC Restoration Fund:

1st Quarter of 2016 $_______1st Quarter of 2017 $_______

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Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone

O Commanders of the Heavenly Host, we the unworthy beseech you, that through

your entreaties you will fortify us, guarding us in the shelter of the wings of your

ethereal glory, even as we fervently bow before you crying: "Deliver us from all

danger, as Commanders of the Powers on high!

Kontakion in the Second Tone

Chief Commanders of God; ministers of divine glory; guides for men and

leadership of the Incorporeal; as Chief Commanders of the Incorporeal, plead for

our welfare and for great mercy.


All the Angels, according to the Apostle Paul, are ministering spirits, - sent forth to minister to them who

shall be heirs of salvation - (Heb. 1:14). God set them as overseers of every nation and people, and

guides to that which is profitable (Deut. 32:8); and while one Angel is appointed to oversee each nation

as a whole, one is also appointed to protect each Christian individually. He commands them to guard

them that hope on Him, that nothing should harm them, neither should any evil draw nigh to their

dwelling (Ps. 90:10-12). In the Heavens they always behold the face of God, sending up to Him the thrice

-holy hymn and interceding with Him in our behalf, seeing they rejoice over one sinner that repents

(Esaias 6:2-3; Matt. 18:10; Luke 15:7). In a word, they have served God in so many ways for our

benefit, that the pages of Holy Scripture are filled with the histories thereof. It is for these reasons that

the Orthodox Catholic Church, wisely honouring these divine ministers, our protectors and guardians,

celebrates today the present Synaxis that is, our coming together in assembly for their common feast to

chant their praises, especially for the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, who are mentioned in the

Scriptures by name. The name Michael means "Who is like God?" and Gabriel means "God is mighty." The

number of Angels is not defined in the divine Scriptures, where Daniel says that thousands of thousands

ministered before Him, and ten thousands of ten thousands attended upon Him -(Dan. 7:10). But all of

them are divided into nine orders which are called Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, Dominions, Powers,

Authorities, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.


Apolytikion in the Plagal of the First Tone

Let us praise the most auspicious bride of Christ, the divine Katherine,

protectress of Sinai, our aid and our help. For, she brilliantly silenced the

eloquence of the impious by the sword of the spirit, and now, crowned as a

martyr, she asks great mercy for all.

Kontakion in the Second Tone

O friends of martyrs, now divinely raise up a renewed chorus, praising the all-

wise Katherine. For, she proclaimed Christ in the arena, trampled on the

serpent, and spat upon the knowledge of the orators.


Saint Catherine, who was from Alexandria, was the daughter of Constas (or

Cestus). She was an exceedingly beautiful maiden, most chaste, and illustrious

in wealth, lineage, and learning. By her steadfast understanding, she utterly

vanquished the passionate and unbridled soul of Maximinus, the tyrant of

Alexandria; and by her eloquence, she stopped the mouths of the so-called philosophers who had been

gathered to dispute with her. She was crowned with the crown of martyrdom in the year 305. Her holy

relics were taken by Angels to the holy mountain of Sinai, where they were discovered many years later;

the famous monastery of Saint Catherine was originally dedicated to the Holy Transfiguration of the Lord

and the Burning Bush, but later was dedicated to Saint Catherine. According to the ancient usage, Saints

Catherine and Mercurius were celebrated on the 24th of this month, whereas the holy Hieromartyrs

Clement of Rome and Peter of Alexandria were celebrated on the 25th. The dates of the feasts of these

Saints were interchanged at the request of the Church and Monastery of Mount Sinai, so that the festival

of Saint Catherine, their patron, might be celebrated more festively together with the Apodosis of the

Feast of the Entry of the Theotokos. The Slavic Churches, however, commemorate these Saints on their

original dates.

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Kyla Hughes Bartling, daughter of Jacquelene Hughes and Ryan Bartling, was baptized in our

church on October 23rd. Her sponsor was Phillip Hughes. We congratulate her parents and

sponsor and welcome Kyla into the Orthodox faith.


Georgia Anastasakos fell asleep in the Lord on October 14th . Her funeral was held here at Holy

Trinity on October 20th. She was predeceased by her husband, Constantinos, and is survived

by her children, Dr. Thomas Annos (Theresa), William Annos (Irene) and Voula Annos Stout

(Bob), as well as 4 grandchildren, Constance Dorsney (Ken), Theodore Annos (Kerry), Amanda

Annos (Jim) and Gregory Annos and five great grandchildren. Also surviving are her sister,

Maria Lees of Bethlehem, PA and her brother George Karukas of South Carolina. May her

memory be eternal.


Amanda Colyvas ~ 40 Day ~ October 2

Constantina Fountzoulas ~ 1 Year ~ October 9

Joanna Righos McGhee ~ 6 Months ~ October 9

An artoclasia was offered by Chris & Mary Mantzavinos on October 23 in honor of St.


When you pray…


EPHESIANS 6:18 Prayers for Health...

We ask that you give baptismal names only.

Andreas Anna

Antoinette Barbara Caroline

Catherine Chris

Christa Christine

Clara Daphne

Doug Elaine Eleni

Emma Ethan Faye

George Gerasimos

Gregg Gus


Jason Jeremy

Katherine Kathryn

Margaret Maria Marika Mary

Matina Michael Nicholas

Peter Rachel

Samantha Sophia Spyros

Stephanie Stephen Taylor Tena


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Sunday, November 20th

Support the HOPE/JOY Program by reserving your JOY-made

Apple or Cherry pie today. Call the church/ email us at

[email protected] /or send your check in with this order

form. Mark your check Hope/Joy & Jr. GOYA Pie Bake. Cost of a pie is

$10.00, all proceeds go the Joy/Hope/Jr. GOYA ministry.


Name: ________________________________________________

Please reserve me _____ Apple ______ Cherry

Amount enclosed __________________

Hope / Joy and Jr GOYA Calling all children between

the ages of 4 and 12!

What: Annual Pie Baking

When: Saturday, November 19th


Where: Community Center Kitchen

Please join us for our annual pie baking, fun, and fellowship!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Elena Hall @ 302.507.1818

Email: [email protected]

If you have children, grandchildren, nieces,

nephews, or friends that would like to be included in

the Hope/Joy or Jr. GOYA email list, please contact

Elena to receive future announcements and

information on upcoming events.

Thank you!

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Serving in November

Narthex Duty:

November 6 ~ Group 1

November 13 ~ Group 2

November 20 ~ Group 1

November 27 ~ Group 2

Coffee Hours:

November 6 ~ Philoptochos

November 13 ~ Parish Council

November 20 ~ Daughters of Penelope

November 27 ~ NO COFFEE HOUR

(Thanksgiving Weekend)

Prosforon Offerers

November 6 ~ Eleni Katapodi

November 13 ~ Vasiliki Kromedas

November 20 ~ Eugenia Zerefos

November 27 ~ Demetra Lempesis

If you cannot meet your scheduled date for Prosfora please contact Loula Kapordelis @ 354-5383




Matthew Christofidis


Athanasios Bodine

Phillip Colborn

Chris Coulaloglou

Constantinos Fournaris

Markos Zerefos

Yianni Zerefos

One of our own...


It is always a pleasure to

report on a young person

who has gone above and


Christopher Pappas, son

of Nick and Dorothy

Pappas was featured on

the cover of Chemical

Week (November

2015) with a cover

story in the magazine.

He is President and CEO

of Trinseo (Berwyn, PA)

– a carve out of Dow’s

rubber, latex, and

styrenics-based plastics


As a young boy, Chris

lived in Wilmington and

was active in GO.Y.A.

and Holy Trinity. Chris

is now married with

three children and has a

home in Pittsburgh, PA.

Page 28: HOLY TRINITYholytrinitywilmington.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/...Parents who apply Bible based principles are far more likely to produce godly children than those who do not. The

Holy Trinity Food Pantry

We here in America ~ all of us – (Greek, Italian, Polish,

German, etc.) celebrate together the great All-American


It has been said that it all began in 1621 and it is still

celebrated today around our nation with family and friends.

On this very special day, all of us come together, some from

great distances, to celebrate and to give thanks for all we

have and also for our great country ~AMERICA!!

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, more food will be needed to fill the hundreds of food

baskets that will be prepared and delivered to the poor and unemployed throughout the city

by various organizations.

We, the parishioners of Holy Trinity, can be involved in this special food drive by starting

to fill the bins found around the church, by the office, in the Sunday School Hallway and

on the balcony of our church hall, with non-perishable food such as:

Soups, fish, vegetables, meat, fruit, (any canned item), cereals, sugar, rice, pasta, Jellies, Peanut Butter, Pasta Sauces, Mac & Cheese, baby food,

coffee, tea, gravies, flour, sugar, etc. Any food that will not spoil.

Also, for your convenience, we will pick up any frozen food item from your home ~ just

call the church office (302-654-4446) ~ the deadline for this convenient pick-up service is

Monday, November 20. FROZEN FOOD items can be: turkeys, other meats, vegetables,

complete frozen dinners, any food found in the frozen food section of your favorite


We at Holy Trinity are proud to be involved in the local food drive of feeding the poor.

Your food donations will reach the tables of our city’s less fortunate. This group is ever-

growing and it is estimated that 1 in 5 children leave home hungry every day.

Again this year, our Sunday School children will be pitching in to help. A flyer will be

given to all Sunday School children to ask them to join the effort. We thank our youth for

setting the example for us to follow!!

Your Food Pantry Committee

John, Nikkie, Steve, Tina, Sandy, & Joanna

wish you all a Happy Healthy Thanksgiving.

May you all know that joy of family and friends and the satisfaction of giving to others!

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Holy Trinity’s Little Argonauts Basketball Team

Come join us in the Community Center on Saturday Mornings for

Fun & Basic Basketball Training

Saturdays ~ 9am to 11am (come when you can ~ leave when you must)

ALL YOUTH boys & girls - ages 12 and under are welcome to join in the fun! !

! !Coffee will be served for Mom & Dad! !

Questions or for more information call the Church Office 302.654.4446

October 12th at

The Emmanuel Dining Room East

180 men, women and children enjoyed a nice lunch on Tuesday, October 12th, thanks to the

very generous donation of our sponsor for the day, the George Tsakataras, in honor of his

father Renos, who was a devoted volunteer of this dining room for many years! Evie

Fournaris and Tina Ganiaris worked in the kitchen that day. We will welcome a new

sponsor and host to the dining room for Saturday November, 12th.

We sincerely thank all the individuals and organizations who generously give

their time and charity to this dining room and ministry!

All are welcome to join to help serve in October and on the 12th of every month!

Various groups and individuals from our church generously donate the food and host the

luncheon meal at the 3rd and Walnut St. location on the 12th of every month throughout the

year, as we have for 36 years now! New sponsors are needed to fill a few months, so if you

would like to become a part of this worthy service project with your family, friends or

church organization, please contact Nikkie Tsakataras at 655-2252 or Tina Ganiaris at 764-

2183 for more information.

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Boines Scholarship Program I - Types of Scholarships

There are three types of scholarships available to be distributed from the Boines Fund: (1) Boines College Scholarships,

(2) Boines St. John Oratorical Festival College Scholarships, and (3) Boines Hellenic College/Holy Cross Scholarships.

These scholarships shall be for the first year of college, except as otherwise stated.

II - Who Is Entitled

A. A graduating high school student may apply for any of the above three scholarship programs if he/she has fulfilled the

following three requirements during the past school year: (1) perfect Sunday School attendance, (2) participation in two of

the following: (a) St. John Oratorical Festival, (b) church choir, (c) altar service (for boys), and (3) sufficient active

participation in GOYA as determined by the point award system in the GOYA Youth Directory (as it may be amended).

B. Perfect attendance in Sunday School is defined as follows:

1. On-time attendance every Sunday throughout the church year, the exception being that two unexcused absences

during the year are allowed.

2. If the student arrives in Church later than the reading of the Bible, the student shall be deemed to be absent that

Sunday, even if he or she is present for the remainder of the Divine Liturgy and the Sunday School class thereafter.

3. An absence shall be excused if the student presents a note from a parent that the student was ill, or if the student

presents a note from another Orthodox Sunday School teacher that the student attended Sunday School in another

Orthodox Church.

4. Singing in the Church Choir and/or service as an altar boy during the Divine Liturgy is also an excused absence if the

student arrives in choir or the altar service at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy.

C. Scholarships will be available only to the children of parishioners who have been stewards of the Holy Trinity Parish

for three consecutive years immediately preceding the candidate’s graduation, except that this three-year requirement shall

not apply for the award of St. John Oratorical Festival scholarship awards.

III - Amount of Scholarship Awards

A. An amount equal to approximately 2.5% of the fund (determined as of April 30 each year) will be made available for


B. No one scholarship grant shall exceed $7,500.00 (for example, if there is only one eligible student) or be less than

$3,500. The scholarship amounts may otherwise vary from year to year, depending on the number of eligible students, The

Boines Scholarship Committee (see IV below) may request additional funds from the Parish Council, to be distributed from

the Boines Fund, if it determines that the 2.5% distribution is not enough to accommodate at least $3,500 for each eligible


C. Graduating high school students who have participated in the St. John Oratorical Festival are also entitled to the

following additional scholarships awards, provided they have met the three requirements contained in the first paragraph of

this section. $250 for all students who participate at the local level; $500 for students who succeed to the regional level;

$750 for students who succeed to the Metropolis level; and

$1000 for students who succeed to the national level.

D. Scholarship awards may be made available for the children of Holy Trinity parishioners who matriculate in Hellenic

College/Holy Cross on the following basis. A first year student entering Hellenic College will be entitled to a scholarship

amount double the amount otherwise available to first year students entering other colleges. The son of parishioners who

enter Holy Cross for the avowed purpose of preparing for and entering the priesthood will be entitled to a scholarship for

the full eight year Hellenic College/Holy Cross program (assuming funds are available) leading to the priesthood, provided

that prior to the award of any such scholarship such student agrees to request ordination within three years following his

graduation from the seminary. The intent of such an award to a student who enters Hellenic College/Holy Cross leading

to the priesthood is to supplement, and not replace, other scholarship programs available at the Hellenic College/Holy

Cross such as the Leadership 100 scholarship program. It is required that the student apply for all other scholarship

grants available before an award is made hereunder.

IV - Boines Scholarship Committee

A Boines Scholarship Committee will be elected by the parishioners during a duly convened General Assembly to

administer this program. The parish priest and the President of the Parish Council will serve as ex officio members of the

Boines Scholarship Committee.

V - These rules may be amended, subject to a majority vote by a duly convened General Assembly of the Parish.

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Mission in the City &

Out of the City

October 22, 2016

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Διάφορα Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας

Ξαφνικά έγινα σοφός!

«Οι γονείς μου δεν με καταλαβαίνουν», «έχουν άλλες

αρχές και αξίες», «μου καταστρέφουν την ζωή και τα

όνειρά μου», είναι κοινές εκφράσεις, κάτι σαν θυμωμένα

παράπονα, που σχεδόν όλοι μας τα έχουμε επαναλάβει

πολλές φορές όταν ήμασταν νέοι, συνήθως μέχρι τα 25 μας.

Λέγεται ότι η εκδίκηση είναι ένα πιάτο που σερβίρεται

κρύο! «Μάχαιραν έδωκας, και μάχαιραν θα

λάβης» (Ματθ. 26,52) κατά την γνωστήν ευαγγελική ρήση.

Άρχισα να αναλύω αυτά τα παράπονα μετά τα 30 μου και να

καταλαβαίνω την αγωνία τους όταν απόκτησα δικά μου

παιδιά. Θέλω να ξεκαθαρίσω κάτι, τα έμβια όντα όπως ο

άνθρωπος, δεν παράγουν αλλά αναπαράγουν ζωή. Είμαστε

βρωτοί και όχι ο Θεός.

Οι γονείς μου, αγράμματα προϊόντα της τετραμερούς

Γερμανικής, Ιταλικής, Βουλγαρικής και Αλβανικής

φρικιαστικής κατοχής από το 1940-1944, και ενός ακόμη

χειρότερου εμφυλίου πολέμου, 1944-1949, είχαν τα κοινά

χαρακτηριστικά αυτής της γενηάς, αγάπη στην πατρίδα,

πίστη στον Θεό, αγάπη στην οικογένεια και βαθειά

εκτίμηση στην αξία της μορφώσεως. Δέκα χρόνια πολέμου

και πείνας τους χάραξαν γιά πάντα την ζωή τους.

Εκτιμούσαν τον «άρτον τον επιούσιον», ανησυχούσαν αν

θα τον έχουν και αύριο, και προσπαθούσαν με κάθε τρόπο

να πιέσουν τα παιδιά τους «να μάθουν γράμματα» για να

ξεφύγουν από την δυστυχία και τη φτώχεια. «Άνθρωπος

αγράμματος, ξύλο απελέκητο» έλεγαν. Μας κατεπίεζαν να

μελετήσουμε τα μαθήματα μας, μας επίεζαν να «φάμε το

ψωμί μας γιατί μπορεί να μην το έχετε αύριο» και

προσπαθούσαν να μας προστατεύσουν από το κακό και την

επίδραση της κακής παρέας. Ήταν μία «ενοχλητική» αγάπη,

ένας αποπνικτικός εναγκαλισμός που σε έκανε πολλές φορές

να φωνάξης «όχι άλλο». Και όμως απέδωσε καρπούς αυτή ή

ενοχλητική γονική αγάπη!

Σήμερα, αν και φερώμαστε στα παιδιά μας με πιό

εκλεπτυσμένους τρόπους κάνουμε τα ίδια και ακούμε τα

ίδια παράπονα. Περπατάμε το ίδιο μονοπάτι με άλλα

παπούτσια. Ανησυχούμε για την πρόοδο τους στο σχολείο,

την συμπεριφορά τους, αν έφαγαν αρκετά, αν κρυώνουν, αν

ξεσταίνονται, τι παρέες έχουν, γιατί αργούν να επιστρέψουν

στο σπίτι, τι θα κάνουν για το μελλον τους, και

προσπαθούμε να τα προστατεύσουμε από πειρασμούς που

δεν είχαμε εμείς. Αλλά περισσότερο από όλα καταλαβαίνω

όσο τίποτα άλλο στον κόσμο την ανησυχία των γονέων μου

όταν ήμουν άρρωστος. Τα παιδιά μας αντιδρούν όπως

αντιδρούσαμε κι εμείς, γιατί θέλουν ν’ ανοίξουν τα φτερά

τους και να μας μας δείξουν ότι μπορούν να πετάξουν μόνα

τους χωρίς την βοήθειά μας.

Τα παιδιά μου άρχισαν να καταλαβαίνουν ότι ίσως να

γνωρίζω μαθηματικά και ιστορία καλλίτερα από αυτά. Ότι

ίσως να έχω κάποιες γνώσεις, ακόμη και στην ζωή.

Χειρίζονται καλλίτερα από εμάς τις ηλεκτρονικές

συσκευές αλλά άρχισαν πλέον αν καταλαβαίνουν ότι η

επιτυχία στην ζωή είναι προιόν σκληρής εργασίας, τύχης

και υγείας, όπως άλλωστε το καταλάβαμε καλά κι εμείς.

Various Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas

Suddenly, I became a wise man!

«My parents do not understand me”, “they have

different values and principles than me”, “they are

destroying my life”, are common expressions, something

like angry complaints, which all of us have repeatedly

said when we were young, usually until the age of 25

years old. It has been said that revenge is a dish served

cold! Or, according to the known Matthew (26:52) quote

“For all who take the sword will perish by the sword”. I

began to analyze those complaints after the age of 30

years old, and to understand their anguish when I had my

own children. I want to make myself clear; the living

things do no produce, but only reproduce life instead.

We are mortals and not the God.

My parents, almost illiterate products of the four-party

1940-44 horrible occupation, German, Italian, Bulgarian

and Albanian, and the even worst of all. A civil war,

1944-49, had the common traits of their generation, love

for their homeland, faith to God, love for their family and

a deep appreciation to the value of the education. Ten

years of war and hunger marked their life forever. They

were always appreciating having “the daily bread”, they

were worrying if they were going to have it the next day,

and they were trying to convince their children anyway

they could to “become educated”, to escape their

miserable poverty. They used to say “uneducated man is

like an un-carved piece of wood”. They were pushed us

hard to study at school, they were insisting to “eat all our

bread because you may not have it tomorrow”, and they

were trying to protect us from the influence of a bad

company. It was an “annoying” love, a chocking

embrace, which sometime made you screaming “no

more”. However, more of less that annoying parental

love worked! It takes time to appreciate it.

Today, although we treat our children in a more refined

manner, we act like our parents did and we hear the same

complaints. We walk the same path in different shoes.

We are worrying about their progress at school, their

behavior, whether they ate enough and healthy, if they

are cold or warm, who their friends are, why they are late

to return home, what their future will be; and we are

trying to protect them from temptations we did not have.

But above all, I understand better than anything else in

the word the concern of my parents when I was sick. Our

children react like we did, because they want to fledge

their feathers and to show us that they can fly by

themselves, without our assistance.

My children have begun to understand that I may know

mathematics and history better than them. That I may

even know something from life. They operate skillfully

their electronic gadgets, but like us they have begun to

comprehend that success in life is a combination of

hard work, luck and health.

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November 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 St Cosmos& Damianos 10am Holy Unction 7pm AHEPA Board Meeting 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel

2 12:30pm Bible Study 5pm Greek School 6pm Girls & Boys BBall Practice 6pm Choir Practice





6 7th Sunday of Luke St John Chrysostom 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 10am Sunday School Philoptochos to pass tray for Patriarchate 4pm AMBASSADORS AWARDS EVENT @ The Merion


8 Archangels 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 6am –10pm PRESIDENTIAL VOTING on Balcony 6:30pm AHEPA Meeting 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel

9 St Nektarios 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 12:30pm Bible Study

5pm Greek School

6pm Choir Practice

6pm Girls & Boys BBall Practice

7:30pm DVYC Meeting, St. Thomas, Cherry Hill FAST

10 12pm Young @ Heart 6:30pm Parish Council Seminar @ Holy Trinity, Egg Harbor, NJ


12 Mooney/Kritikos Wedding


10am Parish Council Seminar @ St Luke, Broomall, PA

12pm @ Emmanuel Dining Room

13 Nativity Fast Begins 8th Sunday of Luke 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 10am Sunday School 12:30pm SS Teachers Meeting FAST


15 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel FAST

16 Matthew the Apostle 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 12:30pm Bible Study 5pm Greek School 6pm Girls & Boys BBall Practice 6pm Choir Practice FAST


7pm PC Meeting




20 9th Sunday of Luke

8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 10am Sunday School Sunday School FOOD DRIVE ENDS & CHRISTMAS DRIVE BEGINS Thanksgiving Tray Passed by Philoptochos HOPE/JOY Pie Sale 2-6pm DVYC League Games FAST

21 Entrance of Theotokos 8:45am Orthros 10am Divine Liturgy FAST

22 6pm Daughters of Penelope Meeting 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel FAST

23 NO BBALL Practice NO Greek School NO Choir Practice FAST

24 Thanksgiving Day Church Office Closed FAST

25 St Catherine 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy Church Office Closed FAST

26 11am John Archbell Baptism FAST

27 13th Sunday of Luke 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy Family Worship FAST


29 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel

30 St Andrew 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 6pm Girls & Boys BBall Practice 12pm St. Elpida Serving @ Emmanuel Dining Room

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Νοέμβριος 2016 Κυριακή Δευτέρα Τρίτη Τετάρτη Πέμπτη Παρασκεύή Σάββατο

1 Αγίων Κοσμά και

Δαμιανού 10πμ Ευχέλαιον

7μμ Συνάντηση


7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD



2 12:30μμ Μελέτη


5μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο

6μμ Προπ. Μπ.ΜΠ.

Θηλέων και Αρρένων

6μμ Πρακτικώ







7ηΚυριακή του Λουκά

Αγίου Ιωάννου


8:30πμ Όρθρος

9:30πμ Θεία


10πμ Κατηχητικό

Δίσκος Φιλοπτώχου

για το Πατριαρχείο

4μμ Βραβείο

Πρεσβευτών @ The Merion


8 Αρχαγγέλων

8:30πμ Όρθρος

9:30πμ Θεία


6ππ –10μμ



ΕΞΩΣΤΗ 6:30μμ Συνάντηση


7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD



9 Αγίου Νεκταρίου

8:30πμ Όρθρος

9:30πμ Θεία

Λειτουργία 12:30μμ Μελέτη


5μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο

6μμ Πρακτικώ


6μμ Προπ. Μπ.ΜΠ.

Θηλέων και Αρρένων 7:30pm DVYC Meeting, St. Thomas, Cherry Hill ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ


12μμ Αειθαλείς





Συμβουλίου@ Holy Trinity, Egg Harbor, NJ



12 Γάμος




10πμ Σεμινάριο


Συμβουλίου@ St Luke, Broomall, PA 12μμ Σερβίρι@ Emmanuel Dining Room

13 Αρχίζει ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ


8η Κυριακή του Λουκά

8:30πμ Όρθρος

9:30πμ Θεία Λειτουργία

10πμ Κατηχητικό

12:30μμ Συνάντηση







7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD


Παρεκκλήσιον ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ

16 Αποστ. Ματθαίου

8:30πμ Όρθρος

9:30πμ Θεία


12:30 μμ Μελέτη


5μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο

6μμ Προπ. Μπ.ΜΠ.

Θηλέων και Αρρένων

6μμ Πρακτικώ




7μμ Συνάντηση





Ψήσιμο πίττας




20 9ηΚυριακή του Λουκά

8:30πμ Όρθρος

9:30πμ Θεία Λειτουργία

10πμ Κατηχητικό

Έρανος τροφής

Κατηχητικού τελειώνει & ΕΡΑΝΟΣ



Δίσκος Χριστουγέννων


Α/ΧΑΡΑ Πώληση

εδεσμάτων 2-6μμ Αγώνες







9:30πμ Θεία




6μμ Συν. Θυγ. Πην.

7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD


Παρεκκλήσιον ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ


ΟΧΙ Πρακτική Μπ.


Ελληνικό Σχολείο

ΟΧΙ Πρακτική














9:30πμ Θεία








Ιωάννου Archbell ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ

27 13η Κυριακή του Λουκά

8:30πμ Όρθρος

9:30πμ Θεία Λειτουργία

Οικογενειακή Λατρεία 1μμ Βάπτισις Βαλεντίνας




29 7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD



30 Αγίου Ανδρέα

8:30πμ Όρθρος

9:30πμ Θεία

Λειτουργία 6μμ Προπ. Μπ.ΜΠ.

Θηλέων και Αρρένων

12μμ Αγ. Ελπίδα

σερβίρει @ Emmanuel Dining Room

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