how to be a better husband

How To B e A Bett er Husba nd If you want to be a better husband to your wife then you have to be a winsome man and reform your persona. The mistake men make when they try to be a better husband is they do not create strong foundation of attraction.

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Page 1: How to be a better husband

How To Be A Better Husband

If you want to be a better husband to your wife then you have to be a winsome man and reform your persona. The mistake men make when they try to be a better husband is they do not create strong foundation of attraction.

Page 2: How to be a better husband

How To Tell Someone You Love Them

As a child, I never heard the phrase “I love you.” Now, I hear people say it all the time—at the end of phone calls and whenever parting ways.When I moved away from my hometown of Adelaide, South Australia, twenty years ago, I noticed how much less I felt loved interstate in Melbourne, Victoria. Even though I didn’t hear “I love you” when I was in Adelaide, somehow I knew people cared. Soon after I arrived here, I had two wonderful children who’ve taught me all about love. They regularly tell me they love me, and I often overhear them telling their friends.

Page 3: How to be a better husband

How To Make Her Feel Special

Men and women will always be different. We like that they're wired and tick differently. At times though, it can make our heads spin. But we need to make her feel special and appreciated. Men think problems out; most of the time on their own. Women like to talk it out; with you or a friend. We could spend a life time trying to figure out the opposite sex.

Page 4: How to be a better husband

How To Be A Better HusbandThe winsome quality of your persona is the most important thing for your wife. So, for being a better husband, first you need to work on your own persona and make yourself worthy. Here are my few secrets which not only projected me as a better husband to my wife but also ignited the sexual intensity in my relationship. I doubled the sexual desire of my wife for me with these below secrets.

Page 5: How to be a better husband

How To Tell Someone You Love Them

Getting a date and going out with someone is real easy but when it comes to the matter of telling them that you love them most people seem to stumble. One of the biggest fears most people have is the fear of rejection and often due to this they never confess their love to their mate. You see rejection often comes when your approach is wrong.

Page 6: How to be a better husband

How To Make Her Feel SpecialThink back to the last time you were stuck in a jam and just needed a friend to listen. For us men this doesn't happen very often. But when it does it's usually after exhausting all other options and we just need a friend that'll listen.Women are similar, except that the listening part comes more often. They're wired differently. That's why we like them. Women like to communicate.

Page 7: How to be a better husband

How To Be A Better HusbandDo friendship with fashion designers, restaurant managers, entrepreneurs, sportsmen, meteorologists, and firefighters etc. Your wife observes your personality by watching at your social status. So, avoid being with low status people. Enrich your social status and keep authoritative and decisive people around you in order to make your wife drool over you.

Page 8: How to be a better husband

How To Tell Someone You Love Them

Tell him/her what they really mean to you- It's always better to express love before you actually verbally say it. You see when there are strong feelings involved your mate will never refuse. Make your mate feel extremely special in your company and you should always try to bring joy in their life. And when you feel the moment is right you must tell them how much you love them.

Page 9: How to be a better husband

How To Make Her Feel SpecialThere's only 5 so it shouldn't be too tough. Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. If you're unfamiliar with these 5 love languages I suggest you learn about them. These love languages aren't strictly for women. Us men have them too. For me it's quality time. I can remember growing up wanting to spend more quality time with my dad. But he wasn't there. I didn't quite realize why it was so important to me until I came to learn that this was my primary love language.