how to prepare for interview

How to prepare for Interview ? Question : Tell /Describe about yourself ( you will be asked this 90% ) Answer : Don't recite your resume. Tell about your education, experience, projects worked ,passion etc.,Make sure you complete this within 2-3mins. Q: Why should we hire you into our organization A : This would be perfect time to tell about your strengths,achievements & assets. Compare your profile with the job role & justify that you will be a best fit for the job. Answers like ‘This is a best company’ , ‘I want a job in this field’ wont impress the interviewer.posted at Q : What are your strengths & weakness ? A: Again this is also a commonly asked question to test how much you know of yourself.Make sure the Strengths you say have some relation to the job you applied.’I am very good in english’ can be said as ‘I have good communication skills’ , Weakness - ‘I don't have any weakness’ means you are not ready to talk about it.Similarly don't say something like, ‘Im short tempered & get angry very soon’ – It gives an impression that you are not fit to work in group.Say something which does not affect the working & also describe about the steps taken to overcome that. Q: Where do you see yourself after 5 years ? A: This question would be asked to check how much you know about the career path. ‘After 5 years,I want to be in your seat’ wont work in any case.Think realistically, understand the growth opportunities of that job & put it across to them. Q : Why are you shifting from your current employer/company (for experienced people) A : This would be a tricky question & you have to answer by

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Page 1: How to prepare for interview

How to prepare for Interview ? 

Question : Tell /Describe about yourself ( you will be asked this 90% )Answer : Don't recite your resume. Tell about your education, experience, projects worked ,passion etc.,Make sure you complete this within 2-3mins.

Q: Why should we hire you into our organizationA : This would be perfect time to tell about your strengths,achievements & assets. Compare your profile with the job role & justify that you will be a best fit for the job. Answers like ‘This is a best company’ , ‘I want a job in this field’ wont impress the interviewer.posted at

Q : What are your strengths & weakness ?A: Again this is also a commonly asked question to test how much you know of yourself.Make sure the Strengths you say have some relation to the job you applied.’I am very good in english’ can be said as ‘I have good communication skills’ ,

Weakness - ‘I don't have any weakness’ means you are not ready to talk about it.Similarly don't say something like, ‘Im short tempered & get angry very soon’ – It gives an impression that you are not fit to work in group.Say something which does not affect the working & also describe about the steps taken to overcome that.

Q: Where do you see yourself after 5 years ?A: This question would be asked to check how much you know about the career path.

‘After 5 years,I want to be in your seat’ wont work in any case.Think realistically, understand the growth opportunities of that job & put it across to them.

Q : Why are you shifting from your current employer/company (for experienced people)A : This would be a tricky question & you have to answer by choosing proper words.Give the real reason, but make sure you don't put the blame on your previous company nor onto yourself.

These are just few questions that can be asked during an Interview ,but the list is exhaustive.So be prepared to answer any question with confidence.But , Never ever get tensed – It pulls your confidence down & will throw you out of the competition.

Interview : Salery Negotiations General Interview Tips And Tricks

Salary negotiation is more of an art than a science. It usually is one of the most neglected and

under-rated aspects of a Job search. I have heard quite a few people say, "I just want to get my

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foot in the door, and I don't care about how much they pay me to start with. Once I am in, I can

get good raise etc." In my opinion, don't ever make that mistake. It just doesn't work that way.

Do not accept a position at a salary lower than you know you are worth with the hopes of big

raises in the future. The article below by Lee Miller is the best article I have found on this

subject. He has also written a book, "Get More Money on Your Next Job", which is very

interesting and an informative read.

Principles for Negotiating: The Ten Commandments of Employment Negotiations

Taking into consideration those things that make employment negotiations unique, together with

generally applicable negotiating principles, I have developed a set of basic principles which I

refer to as The Ten Commandments of Employment Negotiations. These principles, along with

what I refer to as the Eleventh Commandment, apply in every employment negotiation.

Commandment 1: Be Prepared

Preparation is critical when negotiating the terms of your employment. The more information

you have, the more successful you will be. This is so important that I have devoted a full chapter

in my book to preparing for employment negotiations. This is the first commandment because it

is the most important single thing you can do to ensure that you get the best deal possible.

Commandment 2: Recognize That Employment Negotiations Are Unique

Employment negotiations are different from other types of negotiations. They are not a one-shot

deal like buying a house or a car. When the employment negotiations are over, you will have to

work with your former "adversary" on a daily basis; more important, your career success may

depend on the person with whom you have just finished negotiating. Therefore, even though you

want to negotiate the best possible deal, you need to proceed in a way that doesn't tarnish your


By the same token, your future boss will want you to feel good about joining the company. Once

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an employer has decided that you are the person for the job, the primary concern will not be to

negotiate the least expensive compensation package the company can get away with. Rather, the

main focus will be on getting you to accept the job. As a result, employment negotiations are

unusual in that both sides share that same basic goal.

Commandment 3: Understand Your Needs and Those of Your Prospective Employe

r Any employment negotiation is going to involve trade-offs. To be successful in this type of

negotiation, you need to examine your own priorities. What is it that you want? Are comfortable

with a low salary and a large equity stake? Do you feel confident that you can meet the requisite

criteria to earn a bonus? Are you able to handle dramatic swings in income from year to year?

How important is job security to you?

Understanding your needs will also help you determine what type of company you want to work

for. (For example, a family-owned company might offer a larger salary than start-up company,

but the same start-up company will offer stock or stock options that a family-owned company

typically will not.) Regardless of the type of company you are considering, an employer may not

be able to give you exactly what you want. There are numerous institutional constraints on how

much a company can pay for a given position or what kinds of benefits it can offer.

Understanding what you want and what a company can do within its own organizational and

budgetary constraints will enable you to determine what trade-offs are possible in order to

maximize what you get. This knowledge will also enable you to walk away from a job when a

company cannot offer the type of compensation package that suits your needs.

Commandment 4: Understand the Dynamics of the Particular Negotiations

Sometimes you will have skills or experience for which there is a great demand. You may be the

only qualified candidate to have made it through the interview process, and the company would

like to hire someone quickly. Similarly, if you have been able to defer discussing compensation

until the company has determined you are the best candidate for the job, your bargaining position

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will be greatly strengthened. These are enviable positions to be in.

On the other hand, you may in fact be one of several candidates the company is considering, any

one of whom it would be happy to hire. Under those circumstances, compensation may be the

key factor in determining who gets the job. Sizing up the situation and understanding the relative

position of each of the parties to the negotiations will help you determine when to press your

advantage and when to back off.

Commandment 5: Never Lie, but Use the Truth to Your Advantage

Honesty is important. If you lie during the negotiations, sooner or later you are likely to be

caught. Once you are caught lying, you lose all credibility. Even if you don't lose the job, you

will be placed at a tremendous disadvantage, and your future credibility on the job will be


On the other hand, total candor will not be rewarded. You are not required to answer a specific

question directly unless the answer helps your position. You can determine what you want to say

and how you want to say it. One element of preparation is to understand those areas which may

be problematic so you can rehearse how you will handle them when they come up.

Commandment 6: Understand the Role That Fairness Plays in the Process

The guiding principle for most employers in determining what they will agree to is fairness.

Within the constraints of their budget and organization structure, employers will usually agree to

anything that is fair and reasonable in order to hire someone they want. Appeals to fairness are

the most powerful weapon available in employment negotiations. Sometimes such an appeal may

even convince an employer of the need to adjust its salary structure or increase the amount of

money budgeted for a position.

You should be able to justify every request in terms of fairness. If the cost of living is higher

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where you're going, it is only fair to have your salary increased sufficiently to compensate. If

comparable executives in similar companies are given one percent of the company's stock, you

should be treated no differently. Your prospective employer will want you to accept its offer and

to feel that you have been treated fairly. Understanding the importance of fairness as a

negotiating principle can make the difference between success and failure.

Commandment 7: Use Uncertainty to Your Advantage

If an employer is not certain what it will take to recruit you , its initial offer is likely to be close

to its best offer. If you have divulged too much information, it will likely not offer you as much

as it might have otherwise. By not disclosing exactly what your compensation package is or

exactly what it would take to get you to leave your current job, you will force a potential

employer to give you its best offer.

Commandment 8: Be Creative

You may not be able to get everything you want, but you want to be sure to get everything you

can. Focus on the value of the total package. Look for different ways to achieve your objectives.

Be willing to make trade-offs to increase the total value of the deal. Limit your "requirements."

When you lock yourself into a position, you limit your ability to be creative.

If you are creative, you can package what you want in ways that are acceptable to the company.

You will also be able to find creative "trades" that allow you to withdraw requests that might be

problematic to the company in return for improvements in areas where the company has more


In the end, however, you still must get the company to agree to those elements of the deal that

are critical to you. If you are not able to do so, or if have to give up too much to get what you

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need, perhaps this is the wrong job for you. However, before you insist on any particular term in

your employment package, be sure that it is really essential. By insisting on a particular term you

may be giving up something of greater value; you may even be giving up your chance to get the

job altogether.

Commandment 9: Focus on Your Goals, Not on Winning

Too often in negotiations winning becomes more important than the actual goals that are

achieved. This tendency is particularly problematic in employment negotiations. Not only is it

important to focus on achieving your goals; it is also important not to make your future boss feel

like a loser in the negotiations. Remember, that this person will control you future career. You

will have gained little by negotiating a good deal if you alienate your future boss in the process.

Commandment 10: Know When to Quit Bargaining

There comes a point in every negotiation when you have achieved everything that you could

gave reasonably expected to achieve. At that point you should thank the person you are dealing

with and accept the offer. If you don't recognize when to stop negotiating, you run the risk of

having the company decide that it made a mistake by offering you the job in the first place. Most

companies will want to treat you fairly and make you happy, but few companies want to hire a

prima donna. Being perceived as greedy or unreasonable may cause the deal to fall apart. Even if

it does not, you will have done immeasurable harm to your career with your new employer.

Commandment 11: Never Forget That Employment Is an Ongoing Relationship

This is the most important commandment and cannot be overemphasized.

Employment negotiations are the starting point for your career with the company. They set the

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tone for your employment relationship. Get too little and you are disadvantaged throughout your

career; push too hard and you can sour the relationship before it even begins. How you handle

the initial negotiations can have an impact, for better or worse, on how successful your tenure

with a company will be.

Following the Ten Commandments of Employment Negotiations and employing the negotiating

strategies described in my book will enable you to effectively negotiate the terms of your new

employment. Once you have done so, you will be able to start your new job confident that you

have achieved the best possible result. If you do your job well, there will be opportunities to

negotiate further improvements as time goes on.

Interview : What to Ask After the OfferGeneral Interview Tips And Tricks

All job hunters are waiting for that call -- the one that says they've landed the job. But as eager as

you may be to escape either your current job or the unemployment ranks, don't abdicate your

power position once the offer comes in. Now it's your turn to sit in the interviewer's seat and ask

the company and yourself some tough questions -- the answers to which could mean the

difference between career bliss and disaster.

Will the actual work and job responsibilities provide gratification, fulfillment and


This question is often overlooked, because applicants get hung up on job titles, salary and

benefits. Try to get a clear sense of what an actual day would be like. What will you spend the

majority of your time doing? Is the work in line with your values? Will you likely learn this job

quickly and become bored and unchallenged?

What are the boss's strengths and weaknesses?

This question can be tough to answer, and it's best saved for after the job offer has been

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extended. You'll want to get a good idea for your potential boss's management style. Speak to

your potential boss as much as possible to get a feel for his personality and what you can live

with. Does he micromanage? Will you get consistent feedback and reviews? Does he make small

talk, or is every conversation strictly business?

How much change is in the works at your prospective company, and what kind?

Constant change at work can mean constant stress. Find out if there are any big changes coming,

such as new processing systems or management, impending retirements or adoption of new

procedures that still need to be ironed out. At the same time, remember that some of these

transitions will have less effect on your position than others.

How many of my skills and experiences will I be able to use and learn?

Make sure your unique skills and talents will be used and that training and promotion are open in

the future. When you decide to move on, you'll want to have a new crop of experiences to sell to

your next employer. Your goal is to perform well at work while constantly growing and learning.

How many people have held the position in the past several years?

Knowing how many people have been in your job and why they left can offer you great insights.

You'll want to know if they were promoted or quit altogether. A steady stream of resignations

may be a sign you could be reentering the job market soon.

While many of the reasons positions eventually become unfulfilling are unavoidable, such as

hitting a plateau after repeatedly performing the same duties, job seekers should consider the

ways a new position will advance them

Interview : Do and Don't In Interview General Interview Tips And Tricks

What To Do....

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Do express yourself clearly with a strong voice and good diction and grammar.

Do pay close attention to your personal appearance; dress to your advantage.

Do make concrete goals in planning for your career.

Do offer a firm handshake.

Do look the interviewer in the eye (but don't stare him or her down).

Do fill out applications neatly and completely.

Do have as much knowledge about the industry, employer, and position as possible.

Do take criticism gracefully.

Do equip yourself with a strong knowledge of the company.

Do have prepared questions about the employer and position.

Do display a sense of humor.

Do display self-confidence.

Do bring a pen and small notebook with you to the interview.

Do remember the interviewer's name and use it during the interview.

Do take time to think before answering difficult or unexpected questions.

Do take an extra copy of your resume and a list of references with you to the interview.

Do follow-up with a thank-you note restating your interest in the position.

Do contact the employer by phone if the interviewer does not contact you one week after

the time from which he or she indicated you would be notified.

What Not To Do....

Don't be overbearing, overaggressive or conceited.

Don't show a lack of interest or enthusiasm.

Don't emphasize money as your main interest in the job.

Don't expect too much too soon - be open to the idea of starting at the bottom and

working your way up.

Don't make excuses for unfavorable factors on your record.

Don't condemn past employers or institutions of education; keep comments positive.

Don't display a marked dislike for schoolwork.

Don't be indecisive.

Don't display intolerance or prejudice.

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Don't interview unless you are interested in the job...don't just "shop around."

Don't be late to the interview.

Don't state specific geographic restrictions.

Don't contradict yourself in responses.

Don't take notes during the interview - jot down your notes immediately after the


Don't forget: YOU control the content of the interview.

Don't glorify your past experiences - getting into a job for which you are under qualified

is not recommended.

Don't assume that all employers will be delighted to hear of your plans for graduate


Don't smoke, chew gum, etc. even if offered or if the interviewer does so.


Do's and Don'ts of Interview

Be as natural as possible. Do not try and be someone you are not. Be yourself.

A group discussion is your chance to be more vocal. The evaluator wants to hear you speak.

Take time to organize your thoughts. Think of what you are going to say.

Seek clarification if you have any doubts regarding the subject.

Don't start speaking until you have clearly understood and analyzed the subject.

Work out various strategies to help you make an entry: initiate the discussion or agree with

someone else's point and then move onto express your views.

Opening the discussion is not the only way of gaining attention and recognition. If you do not

give valuable insights during the discussion, all your efforts of initiating the discussion will be in


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Your body language says a lot about you - your gestures and mannerisms are more likely to

reflect your attitude than what you say.

Language skills are important only to the effect as to how you get your points across clearly and


Be assertive not dominating; try to maintain a balanced tone in your discussion and analysis.

Don't lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The key is to stay objective: Don't

take the discussion personally.

Always be polite: Try to avoid using extreme phrases like: 'I strongly object' or 'I disagree'.

Instead try phrases like: 'I would like to share my views on...' or 'One difference between your

point and mine...' or "I beg to differ with you" Ch etanaS

Brush up on your leadership skills; motivate the other members of the team to speak (this surely

does not mean that the only thing that you do in the GD is to say "let us hear what the young lady

with the blue scarf has to say," or "Raghu, let us hear your views" - Essentially be subtle), and

listen to their views. Be receptive to others' opinions and do not be abrasive or aggressive.

If you have a group of like-minded friends, you can have a mock group discussion where you

can learn from each other through giving and receiving feedback.

Apart from the above points, the panel will also judge team members for their alertness and

presence of mind, problem-solving abilities, ability to work as a team without alienating certain

members, and creativity.