hsse training for subcontractor

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  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    HSSE Management Awareness

    After-sales Quality Dept

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Whats HSSE

    HSSE H: Health

    S: Safety

    S: Security

    E: Environment Other Labor Practice

    Human Rights

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    ZTE Pakistan HSSE Policy

    Occupational health and Safety policy sets out ourcommitment for continual improvement in health andSafety conditions for our employees and stakeholders.We aim to achieve this by

    Adopting our global occupational health and Safety visionand principles.

    Promoting robust occupational health and Safety workpractices to prevent ill health and injury cases.

    Ensuring compliance to legal and other requirements.

    Ensuring our people are well informed and trained.

    Minimizing occupational health and Safety risks toacceptable levels and working towards zero fatality

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    Project HSSE Organization

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Project HSSE Objectives

    S/N Objectives Targets

    1 Fatality Prevention Zero Fatality

    2 Compliance with Local HSSElegislation

    Zero warning and penalty fromGovernment

    3 HSSE Competence All team members includingsubcontractor in ZTE should

    received relevant HSSE Training

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Project HSSE Requirement

    ZTE Supplier Code of Conduct(V1.0) ZTE Global H&S Document Package(V1.0)

    published by ZTE Sales Quality Dept

    Responsible Business Conduct (ABC) released by

    Telenor Group Pakistan HSSE Legislation

    Factory Act

    The Fire Prevention and life Safety regulation 2010

    Other local HSSE legislation

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Subcontractor HSSE Management Qualification

    Self-Assessment by subcontractor On-site HSSE Assessment by ZTE HSSE Manager

    Sign SER Agreement


    HSSE Articals Promise to follow local legislation, ZTE HSSE

    Requirements ZTE Supplier code of Conduct and

    customer requirements

    Promise to follow local legislation

    Promise to report HSSE Incident on time

    Performance Management

    HSSE Training

    Monthly HSSE Performance Assessment

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Hazard Identification and Risk AssessmentMain Hazard in

    this project is road

    safety and workingat Height

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    HSSE Training RequirementsS/N Training Course Course Content Attendee Instructor

    1 HSSE Awareness Training Basic knowledge of HSSE rules inthis project

    All project members ZTE Project/RegionalHSSE Manager

    2 High risk activities safety trainingTechnical Safety rules, PPE usagerules etc

    working at height,working on electricalenvironment, driving

    Authorized trainingagency, ZTE ProjectHSSE Manager

    3 Subcontractor HSSE TrainingZTE HSSE Policy, Project HSSERegulation, Subcontractor HSSEManagement procedure

    CEO, Project Manager,HSSE Manager

    /coordinator ofsubcontractor

    Project HSSE Manager

    4Emergency Coordinator (firstaider, fire fighter) Training

    How to deal with EmergencyFirst Aider/ volunteer firefighter appoint by projectteam

    Authorized trainingagency such as redcross or hospital

    5 Visitor HSSE TrainingZTE HSSE Policy, emergencypreparedness procedure

    visitor HSSE Booklets

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Safety Management-Site Safety Plan

    Applicable for Site work implemented by subcontractor

    Management Procedure

    ZTE HSSE Manager will provide the template of

    safety plan to subcontractor HSSE manager Site roll out team responsible for finalize the site

    safety plan for certain site and sent to HSSEmanager(subcontractor) for approval

    Approved site safety plan should be in place when

    site work start

    ZTE will periodically audit the executive of site safetyplans implementation

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    Site Safety Management-Work Permit

    Applicable for

    Hot work or working at Height implemented by ZTEEmployees

    Work Permit Procedure

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor



    Six Absolutely Rules All Team Members in Telenor Project should follow

    Always wearseat belts whentravelling in, oroperating vehicles

    Always use suitable

    PPE, a safetyharness and fallprotectionequipment whenworking at height(harnesses must beattached at all timeswhen working atheight)

    Never work under the influence ofsubstances (alcohol or drugs) whichare illegal or in excess of legal levelsor where this impairs the individuals

    ability to perform tasks

    Never carry out electrical workon electrical equipment,circuits and gear if you are notqualified

    Never exceed speedlimits or travel atspeeds which aredangerous for thetype of road, vehicle,or conditions

    Never use a handheld phone whilstdriving and onlymake calls bypulling over or usinghands free devices,when it is safe to doso

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    Page 13

    PPE Requirement


    Safety Boots

    Harness(Working at Height)


    (For Lifting )

    High Visibility Clothing

    PPE Usage and storagetraining should be arrangebefore deliver the PPE to


  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Safety Signs and Operating Area Isolation

    Set safety boards in the entrance

    Berries should be set to make sure no authorityaccess to operating area

    The Signs can be

    adjusted according

    to the site safety


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    Page 15

    Working At Height

    Wear and anchor your safety harness when workingon height, near openings and edges. Use only safetyharness (safety belt are not allowed).

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    Page 16

    Working At Height

    When near edges or openings,

    ensure that you are anchored to alifeline. Tools are not to be placednear the edge. Keep them in a toolbox and away from the edge.

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    Page 17

    Working At Height

    When working at height, ensure

    that the ground below are cleared.Barricade the affected area.

    Station a watchman, and put up awarning signboard.

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    Page 18

    Working At Height

    Place ladder on level surface.

    Extend the ladder so theres at

    least 90 cm above the topsupport.

    Anchor the top and either tie thebottom or have someone hold it.

    Position ladder using 4:1 ratio.

    Position an extension ladderbefore you extend.

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    Page 19

    Electrical Safety

    Do not overload your power points.

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    Poor housekeeping produce tripping hazards.Keep your work area clean.

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    Page 21


    Do not dispose your unwanted

    materials from height. Disposeat allocated dustbin points.

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    Page 22

    Machinery/ Equipment Safety

    Do not overload your equipment/machinery. Onlyauthorised personnel are allowed to operate heavy

    machinery and equipment.

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    Page 23

    Machinery/ Equipment Safety

    Concentrate when operatingmachinery e.g excavator, cranes

    and bulldozer.

    Lack concentration will results in undesirable incidents.

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    Page 24

    Machinery/ Equipment Safety

    Do not remove machinery guard. Do not use theequipment, machinery if there is no safety guards.

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    Page 25

    Machinery/ Equipment Safety

    Do not go near machinery while they are being operated. No unauthorisedperson is allowed to enter the work area when lifting, piling and excavation

    in progress.

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    Page 26

    Earthwork Safety

    Ensure that the sides of excavation pit areproperly shored before you go down to work.

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    Earthwork Safety

    Proper shoring, access ladder and barricade are the main essential inexcavation works. Ensure their presence before you enter to work.

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    Page 28

    RF Safety

    RF Training should arranged before you enter an RF Area RF Monitor should be wear if you working on a living RF area

    Type of Radiation



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    HSSE Incident Report

    Incident Definition Waiting for Telenors reply

    Including the security incident such as robbery etc

    Incident Reporter

    ZTE HSSE Manager Frequency

    Fatality and disability injury incident should notice ZTEHSSE manager and your supervisor immediately

    Other incident should report to ZTE HSSE Managermonthly

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    Site HSSE Audit

    Self-audit FrequencyMonthly

    Quantity: 10% of sites installed in that month

    ChecklistSite Checklist defined in ZTE Site Safetyprocedure

    AuditorSubcontractor HSSE Manager

    Random Audit


    Quantity: 10% of sites installed in that month

    ChecklistSite Checklist defined in ZTE Site Safetyprocedure

    AuditorZTE Project/Regional HSSE ManagerSiteEngineer

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Labor Practice and Human Rights

    Child Labor No Child Laborbelow age 15 including 15

    Limited underage labor(15-18) usage

    Heavy job is not acceptable

    Overtime is not acceptable (5hrs every day)

    Force Labor

    The company shall not engage in or support the useof forced labor, nor shall personnel be required tolodge deposits or identity papers upon commencing

    employment with the company.

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor


    Labor Practice and Human Rights

    Working Hours Not exceed the working hours defined by legislation

    At least one day off in every seven-day period

    Overtime job should paid according to local legislation

    Discrimination No discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to

    training, promotion, termination or retirement basedon race, caste, national origin, religion, disability,gender, sexual orientation, union membership,

    political affiliation, or age.


    wages paid for a standard working month shall alwaysmeet at least legal (7000PRS)

  • 8/2/2019 HSSE Training for Subcontractor
