hypothetical past situations

Hypothetical Past Situations Wish/if only can be used to express wishes, regrets & criticisms about the past. I wish I hadn’t given him my phone number If only you’d been wearing a seat belt Grammar

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Page 1: Hypothetical Past Situations

Hypothetical Past Situations

Wish/if only can be used to express wishes, regrets & criticisms about the past.

I wish I hadn’t given him my phone number

If only you’d been wearing a seat belt


Page 2: Hypothetical Past Situations

Hypothetical Past Situations The construction is as follows:

Subject + wish + subject + past perfect

I wish I hadn’t given him my phone number

If only + subject + past perfect If only you’d been wearing a seat belt


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Hypothetical Past Situations

Conditional sentences can be used to hypothesise or speculate about the past.

If you had told me you were having problems,

I could have helped you


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Hypothetical Past Situations The construction is as follows:

CONDITIONAL CLAUSE: If + subject + past perfect

If you had told me you were having problems

MAIN CLAUSE: Subject + would / could / might + have

+ past participle

I could have helped you

Note that the order of the clauses may vary.

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Hypothetical Past Situations Look at the previous example:

If you’d told me you were having problems,

I could have helped you.

The abbreviated forms of would & had look the

same, but in the “if clause” the abbreviated “’d”

must be had.

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Hypothetical Past Situations Pronunciation Conditional and abbreviated forms are normally weak forms, therefore their pronunciation is very relaxed:

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Hypothetical Past Situations A more formal alternative is to omit if and begin with had: Had she stayed longer, she would have met Brad

CONDITIONAL CLAUSE: Had + subject + past participle

Had she stayed longer

MAIN CLAUSE: Subject + would / could / might + have + past


she would have met Brad

Note that the order of the clauses may vary.


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Hypothetical Past Situations

Would / might / could  + infinitive can be used to describe possible present consequences.

If we had left earlier, we would be there by now


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Hypothetical Past Situations

Should have + past participle can be used to

criticise, express regret or talk about what was

supposed to happen.

It was chaos-I shouldn’t have invited some

many people

Hurry up! You should have finished that by now.


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Hypothetical Past Situations

Suppose / supposing / imagine can be used instead of if, particularly in spoken English.

Suppose he’d invited you. Would you have gone?
