i n best advertising meuii the - chronicling america

1W1 6l lli- Best n IHIIM i n < lrjfrrrT iii aiiim Juj Advertising Meuii 4jl c iN DrtEATHlTT AND ADJOINING CGpt m+ s ristunuc IIIIIIIaIa s- If r = = L = == = 1 T = = W lass Hvoivs Editor Plibliihur ANEWSlAlYJt DEVOTHD TO ru > h ltaTS OF BASTKUK iKiev rtaKY ONE DOLIAU PER YEfR m Anv WOE = Af l = I r = i Volume V Jackson Kentucky Fky JulyTllOOG Number 38 HURRY FOR BARGAINS IiS4l4 j CLOTHING HOUS- Ei havo recohcd trout NiW Turkn largo stock ofI 1 Metis F fySPdnSuits I Sitigloniid DiwJJJtfia8te l milln lot of nice Spring i I mi of Hop and j Spring and Sujnioor Clothing Also an lloghntlIno of Ladies Skirts and Dress Patterns t I rind Shirtwaiaia nnd n hmidsoitJO lino of Lhdioi r Triiiuned lltit ti and n good Hno of Womona and f Mons Shous and Slippora also n fancy lino of Spring rind SiniimBr Indorwenr all eixra and n nobby lino 1 or flip Intl w vlcs in Mons nd Js 11111x also Straw j Iltshnvu n tiu hnu of 1J Gotxle and Notions Tmnka Ktc j 13XTRA SIVKS IN SUITS AND PANTS I L i FIRESTEIN YSTERl S21t dAoKsONTDEROSFLBkNL4r N 14 1 TOOOuold 0 0 moo 11 ofc g Lumber Manufaettirers > nr 111 1ru 1sineSS 1 Men ffi MOlc1uintsID k i Farmers S- Tllioughout s iiistern Kentucky and olfpr our CustolltoraG iithe moat LIBERAL TEF MS Within tho limits of legitimate bnsinoH ij m = = = = COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY Ja- BasHSHsasaOTsasaffiisaHSMsaasasraraB v k A j IJIILLIEA M E AULLIKAN Principal OlTors unexcelled couraoS of instruction in SHORTHANDTun- glit by l xpBrt tonimgrn ltOr3 Actual experience in every lay work Spoiling Punctuation Oilico Training TYREWRITINO under n e eciul teacher Single and double t writingJ in eluding writing i oporatoMBOOKKEERINO 1nlltodate cOlmo include Uipid calcttlation s IUp Correspondonco Practice Commercial Law Poumnnsliip and PUPILS GET POSITIONS ASK FOR LISTS lOUR KLBYATOll SHOUT ST 13XTUAXOI3 HOUTIIKUX MUlUAIj JJUILDING ON XY LLEgING 4 > 1Y J fOLErSnOmANDTAR fOtri5KIDmCURE MatllKldIS cad for eAlldnmiJ S suns I 1A r J ir BREATHITT COUNTY NEWS nnd l NOVEL READING T A SuKUvnltoirliiir Ifi4 of It Fur Girl tudtr 1trenir ire- 1etvfr novel fur Rift under twcn yflvo It the recuiiiuiciHlrttloii of n- wrUr who Iwlloro lint Hit allly nov elrIrla fold lire respoiiHiUli for innttj unhappy limrrhiKe unrt much of the auilluxloiiment of women Consumed with curiosity unit HontlmcutnT long toI a totally erroneous mid fsnonilly silly- emuoption of Ifei At the outset her head In HtulTotl wtUI acnUmendil lion i souse written liy i eolo who UnoW- nothing of society niul fttlll loe of life the roiisecnieuco too often bolus that j the girl who Imttuliieil men committing Hiitcldo for her sake HniU hurnclf part iiorleKB at her twit ilauco or best waltzing with n pnlu facVd youth In InulncpptatlrhJ11rt front whor to std bin memory him lirohahl jotted liar down ou ills programme us skinny with freckles tints author holds It doubt fill trlictlior even lionltliy fiction of the type of Iviiiihoo Is necessary for girls ttl for the stories which tell of meek little xuvimmniM marrying heirs to peerages ami typewriters with holes In their lockings Ktnelotuly bestowing Ihfllr baud ou uyiRiintes 11111 million nlros line author sums hum up by ob nerving that It Is quite I1S ponilelous In tho long run to read thorn ns to rend of paMloii Intrigue null villainy Astliimi SulUirurx Should ictlow r Thus- Pussys loner mid Tar irons cares tniliiy Oases aithma that w rn otiu tillered hnjiele Sirs Adolph hue lug 101 West 1 hid St Davenport Jown writes A tftSre Cold contract 4U twelve jehrl nc < wns ttPnlecJtd all it Hnnlly grew Intu asthnlar1u beet medical iilll nvnIUblti could rim II VB nu mute than pihpirary rellcl FaheyIlnntf nnd Tar wn rcom umQIHIOd suM one tllljr cent bottle 1111 ttrely cured me uf nrtlimn which hue felt uruvvltiR me fur twilrf years If 1 hnd taken It nt the gtart I wtllllt hnrtilmen nml mnyj eJri of uTeo ing JaoUnin Drug 1ftof HOUSEHOLD HINTS TIM bMl4ll <> r to uw with linoleum Is sntttjjut edited ovriily ovr the door Stab hon nullhe on wall or marbl aay IH rwnovpd by npiilymg uterI or them eoatc of white ennmol nrc idly- olah4 ky wiping Mflfli n damp cloth If AIM 1IIfdNl oU jw tf1flKKl In asVhatbmptes vtftb1MIbr ur foramti p- bMtBi moth or tnlee will not nmdc 1 I1It1t iJih fiI v I tlamiterdd wile imlnted than imierwl 1ftlnt wn tw mi lifl occukuwHy unit Is reSlly more couowkal than iwper A iMluter suggests that If tho bntb tub be given two goats of common iwiiit before tile enamel paint Is np piled lotting each dry for twentyfour boars the objectionable flaking off- procoss will uot follow Slay Ilvo 100 Years The chmloes fur HvlriR n full centtirj are excellent time also or Mr Jen ¬ lute Dunaan of llajne vllle Me mw TO years old She writes Electrk IS ter cured me of Ohroitlc Dyieiisln uf 90 years standing and made mp uel US well ard strung as a JOUIR Ctrl Ulectrle hitters cures S omaolj and User diseases Illood disorders Gonernl Debility and builily weakness Said Oil a guarantee at tlm Jnctisun Drug Oou tore Trice only 69 cent THE DOUBLE CHIN Correct Trcnliitrnt to hid Onrmlf of Till Iltrmlkh There Is scarcely any ono who retains the coutour of the lower port of the fats after this ago of Ulrty lather the uniTurjnw Iwoonms thin or limo drcndod double chin arrives anil both could he iirovuntod If h few procuu Uuas were taken twiliitit thin oudoney uf nature to jilay rlckn with this par Time correct trcutinuut for the lower xrof the taco U rest the fuce In the iHtluis of both linnds with the nil core rMlliu tho tutnplo The thumbs will thon hll nlong the jaw- bone lUll tine timed will rest against the full tint or the hnuil JlI Iflla posi Ion knead the face gently always tjMirlng In Indus the lifting process of the task on line face lbs saute treat mont nppllrH for the double chill and 4hif einuclntwl furs As umuy people will doubt bin statement It Is best ¬ plained that either vondltloa hIs been brought about by ulu sleli circulation anil thlji results soiuctlinoa In nu sulllflent and foinotlinos In super llnotm deposit of fatty tlBsno There fore massage which HiuallzuB mattcni repairs time wrong In both eases It builds up wasted tissues and causes to1 bo n bsor bod tiny unhealthy deposit of fatOf a good sklft food must bo used throughout these exercises and nil creams that have nnlnml or mineral fats oiicournpo the growth of hair so must IK> avoided In buying cream It will bo found tho dearest of economies to buy tho cheapest i flukes the Liver Lively Orino LaxaUve Fruit Syrup gives nornianent relief In cates of ImbUunl constipation na It stimulates the liver and restores the nnturnl ncJion of thto bowels without irritating these organs llle pills er ordinary cntlmrtlos Does not nauseate or gripe and ii mild and pleasant to take Itemember the name ORINO and refuse substitutes JAckson Drug Oo h = = F HAY OOO S Vice or llniiniim f fttlTli Dnnrx For the IlnyfiirK i fliere iim sewral wily s of liniiBlUsr gfblu1eole for tho hayfork ntHtmnol1J nnmbor llliwtrnted nod Cojmly Joutlemau intro tho fotlgtvlng t Vn rO JIm liny U remoVetVrOin the land with tlllujj the door nittif huve h chilli nearly Illul to Hint 81 the Ia I- tt + elf fUll In the dlntrrams tllI1 door fa reproteiited an eleven fett wide by van feet highs To miiko perfectly IIUru that the loaded furl or filing VJgaM with tho co1I CL hilT thedUOC r mnaurKlbnd 1It Ff I lj1rQfl t1 l I g o- dobh111Itgeltfit till luittouttsb to open oiihrunl olllll doWinvhrd Iu Wls ro HIXOKU >QQR S type or door It le ufrIrt fur mn Ing tiio door let n nlW II L 11 over a pulley lu ttlef to mnkothe door ntSmnll njirt 11011111 < II ulnffiw t ettafhlt 11trtlIf Id If desired with n mlr of opening In for the > i af tho wrribr support sbdtrn Is proridtal TIIIf nrrdl uncut n1 1 s n shorter door tlf UP Hjo l Itikn iikl utlunrlge ho ttocesmia 4 Another typo OL 114 ril time manner of a wlndotv ffiiMvJffilitriljpl by wvtxlitt so that It tII i lil rfpea In n uldeiriiY built to tIuG oral at flid hank outside f The typo of door ri lqv tIn pfc 2 Is wade In two 4UO f lCIlUlIJ rtidpixv +Ito lllrsrtloue oft 4ot tntrk Xtirvil to the onNlde of tins born jYi order to provide ttutlUUmt 8lklor for the doors o slot Is left hi tbe owl iirojw Ion of UH roof aunt lhe ilotted lines show where the doora sUilid whdii open Hdc ThMo doors uilfilit nlto Inmndo roll asldii hung front nil ovorliMa ttttek U Is tnrthar 4IIjtF Jo nnkc this typo of door In mrro ir socomla w thmit olie wtloijwlaCll other thus nifiMrttBif IItfi teapthbf slide way Slich o 1I10UfkaUOnMihl bo do ojjjjK jjjjt jlI 1IfiIfot the mgwra itomnke slate lit to root uwlesosrnry Vhrr till burn lis n hip roof and Us width If hlrtyeleht or morn foot the doors iiuiy bo made roll a dde on ta1- oLLmxo nouns hn otiraead track nu represented In Fly H where the dour made In two KWllons Those doors conk nUu be IIIIUK on side kluges and mailo to swing out t5o too could they lie made to roll aside on time limlile time barn if this wore thought to bo more desirable Where time barn has a width of thirty slx feet or less the doors tinny bo made to fold In two or more folds and the folding ugly be accomplished by means of hinges or the sections may bo mount ed to roll past ono another either overhead or on foot track Hull till WorhiWomlo how the other hall lives Tiie who use Ilickhmj Arnica Sake nover won ¬ der it it will euro Outs AVoundf Itnm Sun1 rind nil Skin Ernptiorif they know It will 3lrH Grant shy 1130 U ltuynuld St fprliiRlMd III Pays I rcgixid It one of the absolute iieceajitles of housekeeping Guar teed by Jackson Drug Co 25o lolxliirt fliqulrtimiit It Is Htiij l by UK state osporfuicut station that wh0n limo straw necessary Io produce a bushel of wlitmt Is esti ¬ mated nt ninety pouitds tho water rev Gtllred Colorado to produce n bushel of grin uinonntH noft tons More molsturo Is raiiulrcd to mature crops under tcmlarld ban under Mould con dlliontt Honking from lowest to high est In the mount of water required fur maturity thin common field crops are fflvon lu tho following order Corn po ¬ In tOO wheat barley field peas oats alfalfa null red clover heats the posse Cure To keep the body In tune writes Mrs Mary thrown 20 Lafayette place PouEhkecple N Ylf I take Dr Kings Nell LUll Pills They are the most reliable and pleasant laxative 1 have found Best tar Stomach Liver stud Bowel Gimrnnlesd by Jackson I Drug Co 25o < < 7FAfiM MECHANICS An ArriiiiKPiiiint Fur TrMiufprrlntt Jlnwer Irtuii It AVInd Wliccl SoiiQtiiiiBi it In doMirnblu to pliico tho jflnd wheel upoll souse building In erecting n frame directly over thp lump lu this cn a the power mfg l clP B149V iliiny thnt a downwnnl strtku b do wheel product Kan equul down uugluL BTSTBll OF laDOW JOINTS thatlhclr the eonHpondlng wooden arms the middle of the stroke The ami An may ho mUdo of any deslmile length The original of time I1raul Is over twoiityllvc feet Wlten of such length however It Is best to stinVi it with sovarnl kluged braces luF Fig i These allows jwrfect freedom ot motion anti uro used merely to prevent sldewisc bending American Agricul ¬ turist r OOPS evil still lour uliule life fltlf Does fOIt betide Your thought abide on suicide Yiiu nred npllt- Jf ow for prose mind laclpJe Will Mule Early Hlsors are the most pleat ant and reliable pills known today They never gripe Sold by Jwoksor Drug Cu The House Clcnulnii llnlilt House cleaning is Inrgoly habit TIt thrifty bousokoeptir gets In the way of having a Ronoral upheaval twice a year and the couuT not dls pale with It or she thinks she couldnt And yet some authorities de duro that It M jnirlodhail house cleaning Is unnecessary Infliction Tliolr plan Is to give ono roojn a loaning every w cola Titus If there are Seven rSoms oseh rommroU u ronovton overy Sov on weeks and the house never has an opportunity to bocoinu dirty enough to need lroubjo omo overlmullns Mirrors anti looking lassos should be cleaned every limo room Is done A little spirits of wine Judiciously applied with n soft ng will remove the most obstt nnte marks Iicturo frames and hooks too should bo well dusted and tho cup uoard Bholvcs dusted mid rellncd with clean papcr Vcil Impending1 Doom The feeling of Impending doom in the minds ot many victims of Itrifilits license and diabjeii has been changed to thniikfullneis by the benefit de- rived ¬ from thUiiig Foleys Kidney Jure will cure incipient Bright dlfflnjQ and OUbtttes end even In the worst easeb gives comfort and relief Slight disorders are cured in a few days I had diabetes time worst tonne wiites Mnricn Lee of Dun reaUt Ind tried elcht phystctam without relief Only three bottles of liulpjs Kidney Come trade mo n well man Jncksnn Drug Jm Ai I rlirr For Cattle soillii crop is not grown entirely for time nutrition contained therein Consequently In summer the wise feed ¬ er cuts green stuff as SOUl as It begins to make crop when gadiurlng Is com paradveJy easy The man who leas cut do ou dry pasture will do well to cut torn and fowl even If the nutriment In the plant Is far below what It will be ¬ come Time jrieon stuff Is an appetizer much as fruit or salad Is to tho human palate and assists in keeping the gosdvo rack open nUll In good condl Ion Ilrceders Gazette Try n littledOU L KOIt DYalBl ilV utter yur monk So time effct it will produce on your pfiinril reeling by digesting your tumid and helping I our iioniuoh to get Itself limbo shape Many Rtomauhs are nvervorkeJ to the point wheie they refuse to go further Kudul digests your food end gives your stomach the rest it perdrf while its reconstructive properties get time stounich aok Into tvorkulg order Ko dol relieves Ihiulencii sour stomauh pallilollin the heart belching etc Suld by Jucksuy Drug Co Million Ilniioul Cut limo mutton Into two Inch lengths threo cupfuls lu till season with salt and popper and dust with flour I lace two tablcspoonfuls of butter In n pus beat very hot and brown tho meat baking often Draw tho pan to the hack of tho rouge lift tho meat out with a skimmer nnd place It on Uio serving dish Add a pint of oysters chopped to the gravy also nn onion mill n sprig of parsley minced Cook for five minutes nnd amid n cupful of milk When hot add two tablespoon mils of flour stirred to n paste with a little cold water When theso are well rooked taste the gravy and add more seasoning It necessary then pour It over tho mutton and servo at once The oysters should bo drained well be tore ndJIng to the gravy rti l y- Z a = wrrrIfit I The Jnigest Circulation I OF ANY PAPER IN THIS SECTION 1- ae L J + s at nil un on In to on ex In a u to to U of ou In to of In u an a It in I A n dl r DONT FAIL TO ATTEND CutRate Jones9 Ytidsummeritur Furniture sold at greatly reduced prices for thejicxt two weeks 5000 I5od doom Sets JTQ at 2498 2500 lied Room Sets JO at 1903 2350 Bcd doom Sets Ko nt18Cl 2000 Bcd Room Sets go at 1600 1500 lied Boom Sets go at 1298 H 500 Bedsteads jo ut 393 100 Bedsteads KO nt 300 300 Bedsteads go at 225 800 Music Cabinets front 500 fritoS diit on Bjireans Wash Stands Dressers Center Tables Rocking Chairs and in fact wocut the price on everything in the house for tho next two weeks Hon neecj Furniture now io tho delaybut t Remember this sale only lasts 2 weeks so come early Every- bodyJONES COllIe L FttrnitureStore MAIN STKEET JACKSON KY IIt n r We Are IHere Celebrated E3HOE Time Best on Earth PRICE SOO PRICE 0 For Sale By DAY BOOS 00 Jaek501 Kei tueky 1 3 n InN IIonL IN TilE FREE BUS TO and FROM cn Y DEPOT ARLINGTON HOTEL- S S TAULBEE PROP JACKSON KY GOOD LIVERY STABLE IN FIRST GLASS SAMPLE OOKNKOTION ROOMS rrmo Bargains illI Real Estate Wo have for sale n number of good fitrms and town lots among arc the following A good farm of about 400 acres on Frozen Crock within four miles of Jackson Good dwelling house good barn and outbuildings Good well at dwelling and also at barn Good orchard lwith moro than iOO trees in bcadjig and set ¬ oral young trees set out last year 100 acres in cultivation balance woodland Title perfect a good place for anyone looking for n home Price 300 A farm of mahout 400 acres with- in ai miles of Jackson Good dwelling anti barn Also n store house about 50 acres in cultiva ¬ tion balance woodland Title perfect A good homo lUJllcheap at tho price 1600 t ys it Another tract of land on time up ¬ per Twin Branch of Spring Fork about Hmiles from Lambric This tract contains 201 and is well timbered nnd a virgin forest null adjoining the lands of tho Conti ¬ nental Realty Company A bar ¬ gain for anyone looking after tin- t ¬ bet or coal lands A coal vein about 5i feet thick Price 1250 A tract of landat tho mouth of Spring Fork containing 350 acres n good dwelling n good store house n good barn about 20 acres bottom liwd Most of the balance well timbered with poplar and oak close to floating water This is one of tho best locations for a store in Breathitt county Price 3300 A tract on Laurel Branch of Spring Fork and on main Spring Fork containing 1372 acres near Lambric Well timbered 2700 upI pine c Also nn eleven foot I vein of coal This is one of tho best coal nnd timber tracts in I Breathitt county Price 10 per acreFor further information call on or address Hagins Blanton l t JAOKSQN KV s d 2- P

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Post on 25-Dec-2021




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1W1 6l lli-Best

n IHIIM i n <lrjfrrrT iii aiiim Juj

Advertising Meuii 4jlc iN DrtEATHlTT AND ADJOINING CGpt

m + s ristunuc IIIIIIIaIa s-

If r= = L = = = = 1 T = =

W lass Hvoivs Editor Plibliihur ANEWSlAlYJt DEVOTHD TO ru > h ltaTS OF BASTKUK iKiev rtaKY ONE DOLIAU PER YEfR m Anv WOE= Af l = Ir = i

Volume V Jackson Kentucky Fky JulyTllOOG Number 38


IiS4l4 j

CLOTHING HOUS-Ei havo recohcd trout NiW Turkn largo stock ofI

1 Metis F fySPdnSuitsI Sitigloniid DiwJJJtfia8te l milln lot of nice Spring



mi of Hop and j

Spring and Sujnioor Clothing Also an lloghntlIno of

Ladies Skirts and Dress Patterns tI

rind Shirtwaiaia nnd n hmidsoitJO lino of Lhdioi r

Triiiuned lltit ti and n good Hno of Womona and

f Mons Shous and Slippora also n fancy lino of Springrind SiniimBr Indorwenr all eixra and n nobby lino 1

or flip Intlw

vlcs in Mons nd Js 11111x also Straw j

Iltshnvu n tiu hnu of 1J Gotxle

and Notions Tmnka Ktc j




1TOOOuold0 0moo

11ofc g

Lumber Manufaettirers >nr 1111ru1sineSS1 Men ffi

MOlc1uintsIDk i Farmers S-

Tllioughouts iiistern Kentucky and olfpr our CustolltoraGiithe moat

LIBERAL TEF MSWithin tho limits of legitimate bnsinoH ij



k A


OlTors unexcelled couraoS of instruction in

SHORTHANDTun-glit by l xpBrt tonimgrn ltOr3 Actual experience in every

lay work Spoiling Punctuation Oilico Training

TYREWRITINOunder n e eciul teacher Single and double

t writingJ in

eluding writingi


1nlltodatecOlmo include Uipid calcttlation s

IUp CorrespondoncoPractice

Commercial Law Poumnnsliip and







for eAlldnmiJ S sunsI








A SuKUvnltoirliiir Ifi4 of It Fur Girltudtr 1trenir ire-

1etvfr novel fur Rift under twcnyflvo It the recuiiiuiciHlrttloii of n-

wrUr who Iwlloro lint Hit allly nov

elrIrla fold lire respoiiHiUli for innttjunhappy limrrhiKe unrt much of theauilluxloiiment of women Consumedwith curiosity unit HontlmcutnT longtoIa totally erroneous mid fsnonilly silly-

emuoption of Ifei At the outset herhead In HtulTotl wtUI acnUmendil lion

i souse written liy i eolo who UnoW-

nothing of society niul fttlll loe of lifethe roiisecnieuco too often bolus that

j the girl who Imttuliieil men committingHiitcldo for her sake HniU hurnclf partiiorleKB at her twit ilauco or bestwaltzing with n pnlu facVd youth InInulncpptatlrhJ11rt front whor to std binmemory him lirohahl jotted liar downou ills programme us skinny withfreckles tints author holds It doubtfill trlictlior even lionltliy fiction of thetype of Iviiiihoo Is necessary forgirls ttl for the stories which tell ofmeek little xuvimmniM marrying heirsto peerages ami typewriters with holesIn their lockings Ktnelotuly bestowingIhfllr baud ou uyiRiintes 11111 millionnlros line author sums hum up by obnerving that It Is quite I1S ponilelous Intho long run to read thorn ns to rendof paMloii Intrigue null villainy

Astliimi SulUirurx Should ictlowr Thus-

Pussys loner mid Tar irons carestniliiy Oases aithma that w rn otiu

tillered hnjiele Sirs Adolph hue

lug 101 West 1 hid St DavenportJown writes A tftSre Cold contract4U twelve jehrl nc < wns ttPnlecJtdall it Hnnlly grew Intu asthnlar1ubeet medical iilll nvnIUblti could rimII VB nu mute than pihpirary rellclFaheyIlnntf nnd Tar wn rcomumQIHIOd suM one tllljr cent bottle 1111

ttrely cured me uf nrtlimn which hue

felt uruvvltiR me fur twilrf yearsIf 1 hnd taken It nt the gtart I wtllllthnrtilmen nml mnyj eJri of uTeoing JaoUnin Drug 1ftof


TIM bMl4ll <>r to uw with linoleum Is

sntttjjut edited ovriily ovr the doorStab hon nullhe on wall or

marbl aay IH rwnovpd by npiilymguterI orthem eoatc of white ennmol nrc idly-olah4 ky wiping Mflfli n damp cloth

If AIM 1IIfdNl oU jw tf1flKKl InasVhatbmptes vtftb1MIbr ur foramti p-

bMtBi moth or tnlee will not nmdc

1 I1It1t iJih fiI v I tlamiterdd

wile imlnted than imierwl 1ftlnt wntw mi lifl occukuwHy unit Is reSllymore couowkal than iwper

A iMluter suggests that If tho bntbtub be given two goats of commoniwiiit before tile enamel paint Is nppiled lotting each dry for twentyfourboars the objectionable flaking off-

procoss will uot follow

Slay Ilvo 100 YearsThe chmloes fur HvlriR n full centtirj

are excellent time also or Mr Jen¬

lute Dunaan of llajne vllle Me m wTO years old She writes ElectrkIS ter cured me of Ohroitlc Dyieiislnuf 90 years standing and made mpuel US well ard strung as a JOUIR

Ctrl Ulectrle hitters cures S omaoljand User diseases Illood disordersGonernl Debility and builily weaknessSaid Oil a guarantee at tlm JnctisunDrug Oou tore Trice only 69 cent


Correct Trcnliitrnt to hid Onrmlf ofTill Iltrmlkh

There Is scarcely any ono who retainsthe coutour of the lower port of thefats after this ago of Ulrty latherthe uniTurjnw Iwoonms thin or limo

drcndod double chin arrives anil bothcould he iirovuntod If h few procuuUuas were taken twiliitit thin oudoneyuf nature to jilay rlckn with this par

Time correct trcutinuut for the lowerxrof the taco U rest the fuce In

the iHtluis of both linnds with the nilcore rMlliu tho tutnplo Thethumbs will thon hll nlong the jaw-bone lUll tine timed will rest againstthe full tint or the hnuil JlI Iflla posiIon knead the face gently alwaystjMirlng In Indus the lifting process ofthe task on line face lbs saute treatmont nppllrH for the double chill and4hif einuclntwl furs As umuy peoplewill doubt bin statement It Is best ¬

plained that either vondltloa hIs beenbrought about by ulu sleli circulationanil thlji results soiuctlinoa In nusulllflent and foinotlinos In superllnotm deposit of fatty tlBsno Therefore massage which HiuallzuB mattcnirepairs time wrong In both eases Itbuilds up wasted tissues and causesto1 bo n bsor bod tiny unhealthy depositoffatOf a good sklft food must boused throughout these exercises andnil creams that have nnlnml or mineralfats oiicournpo the growth of hair somust IK> avoided In buying cream Itwill bo found tho dearest of economiesto buy tho cheapest i

flukes the Liver LivelyOrino LaxaUve Fruit Syrup gives

nornianent relief In cates of ImbUunlconstipation na It stimulates the liverand restores the nnturnl ncJion of thtobowels without irritating these organsllle pills er ordinary cntlmrtlos Doesnot nauseate or gripe and ii mild andpleasant to take Itemember thename ORINO and refuse substitutesJAckson Drug Oo h


Vice or llniiniim f fttlTli Dnnrx Forthe IlnyfiirK i

fliere iim sewral wily s of liniiBlUsr

gfblu1eole for tho hayfork ntHtmnol1Jnnmbor llliwtrnted nod

Cojmly Joutlemau intro tho fotlgtvlngtVn rO JIm liny U remoVetVrOin the

land with tlllujj the door nittif huve hchilli nearly Illul to Hint 81 the Ia I-

tt + elf fUll In the dlntrrams tllI1 door fa

reproteiited an eleven fett wide byvan feet highs To miiko perfectlyIIUru that the loaded furl or filing VJgaMwith tho co1I CL hilT thedUOC r

mnaurKlbnd1It Ff I lj1rQfl t1 l I g o-

dobh111Itgeltfit till luittouttsb toopen oiihrunl ollllldoWinvhrd Iu Wls

roHIXOKU >QQR Stype or door It le ufrIrt fur mn

Ing tiio door let n nlW II L 11

over a pulley lu ttlefto mnkothe door ntSmnll njirt11011111 < II ulnffiw t ettafhlt 11trtlIfId If desired with n mlr ofopening In for the> iaf tho wrribr support sbdtrn Isproridtal TIIIf nrrdl uncut n1 1 s n

shorter door tlf UP Hjo l Itikn iiklutlunrlge ho ttocesmia 4

Another typo OL 114 ril time

manner of a wlndotv ffiiMvJffilitriljpl bywvtxlitt so that It tII i lil rfpea In nuldeiriiY built to tIuG oral at flid hankoutside f

The typo of door rilqvtIn pfc 2 Iswade In two 4UO f lCIlUlIJ rtidpixv+Ito lllrsrtloue oft 4ot tntrk Xtirvilto the onNlde of tins born jYi orderto provide ttutlUUmt 8lklor for thedoors o slot Is left hi tbe owl iirojwIon of UH roof aunt lhe ilotted lines

show where the doora sUilid whdii openHdc ThMo doors uilfilit nlto Inmndo

roll asldii hung front nil ovorliMattttek U Is tnrthar 4IIjtF Jo nnkcthis typo of door In mrro ir socomlaw thmit olie wtloijwlaCll otherthus nifiMrttBif IItfi teapthbf slideway Slich o 1I10UfkaUOnMihl bo do

ojjjjK jjjjt jlI 1IfiIfot themgwra itomnke slate litto root uwlesosrnryVhrr till burn lis n hip roof and

Us width If hlrtyeleht or morn footthe doors iiuiy bo made roll a dde on


oLLmxo nouns

hn otiraead track nu represented InFly H where the dour made In twoKWllons Those doors conk nUu beIIIIUK on side kluges and mailo to swingout t5o too could they lie made toroll aside on time limlile time barn ifthis wore thought to bo more desirable

Where time barn has a width of thirtyslx feet or less the doors tinny bo madeto fold In two or more folds and thefolding ugly be accomplished by meansof hinges or the sections may bo mounted to roll past ono another eitheroverhead or on foot track

Hull till WorhiWomlohow the other hall lives Tiie whouse Ilickhmj Arnica Sake nover won¬

der it it will euro Outs AVoundfItnm Sun1 rind nil Skin Ernptiorifthey know It will 3lrH Grant shy1130 U ltuynuld St fprliiRlMd IIIPays I rcgixid It one of the absoluteiieceajitles of housekeeping Guarteed by Jackson Drug Co 25o

lolxliirt fliqulrtimiitIt Is Htiij l by UK state osporfuicut

station that wh0n limo straw necessaryIo produce a bushel of wlitmt Is esti ¬

mated nt ninety pouitds tho water rev

Gtllred Colorado to produce n bushelof grin uinonntH noft tons Moremolsturo Is raiiulrcd to mature cropsunder tcmlarld ban under Mould condlliontt Honking from lowest to highest In the mount of water required furmaturity thin common field crops arefflvon lu tho following order Corn po ¬

In tOO wheat barley field peas oatsalfalfa null red clover

heats the posse CureTo keep the body In tune writes

Mrs Mary thrown 20 Lafayette placePouEhkecple N Ylf I take DrKings Nell LUll Pills They are themost reliable and pleasant laxative 1

have found Best tar Stomach Liverstud Bowel Gimrnnlesd by Jackson

IDrug Co 25o < <


An ArriiiiKPiiiint Fur TrMiufprrlnttJlnwer Irtuii It AVInd Wliccl

SoiiQtiiiiBi it In doMirnblu to pliico thojflnd wheel upoll souse building In

erecting n frame directly overthp lump lu this cn a the power mfglclPB149V iliiny thnt a downwnnl strtkub do wheel product Kan equul downuugluL


thatlhclrthe eonHpondlng wooden arms themiddle of the stroke

The ami An may ho mUdo of anydeslmile length The original of time

I1raul Is over twoiityllvc feet Wltenof such length however It Is best tostinVi it with sovarnl kluged bracesluFFig i These allows jwrfect freedom otmotion anti uro used merely to preventsldewisc bending American Agricul ¬


r OOPS evil still lour uliule life fltlfDoes fOIt betide

Your thought abide on suicideYiiu nred npllt-

Jf ow for prose mind laclpJe WillMule Early Hlsors are the most pleatant and reliable pills known todayThey never gripe Sold by JwoksorDrug Cu

The House Clcnulnii llnliltHouse cleaning is Inrgoly habit

TIt thrifty bousokoeptir gets In theway of having a Ronoral upheavaltwice a year and the couuT not dlspale with It or she thinks shecouldnt And yet some authorities deduro that It M jnirlodhail house cleaningIs unnecessary Infliction Tliolr planIs to give ono roojn a loaning everyw cola Titus If there are Seven rSomsoseh rommroU u ronovton overy Sovon weeks and the house never has anopportunity to bocoinu dirty enough toneed lroubjo omo overlmullns Mirrorsanti looking lassos should be cleanedevery limo room Is done A littlespirits of wine Judiciously applied withn soft ng will remove the most obsttnnte marks Iicturo frames and hookstoo should bo well dusted and tho cupuoard Bholvcs dusted mid rellncd withclean papcr

Vcil Impending1 DoomThe feeling of Impending doom in

the minds ot many victims of Itrifilitslicense and diabjeii has been changedto thniikfullneis by the benefit de-


from thUiiig Foleys KidneyJure will cure incipient BrightdlfflnjQ and OUbtttes end even In theworst easeb gives comfort and reliefSlight disorders are cured in a fewdays I had diabetes time worsttonne wiites Mnricn Lee of DunreaUt Ind tried elcht phystctamwithout relief Only three bottles ofliulpjs Kidney Come trade mo n well

man Jncksnn Drug Jm

Ai I rlirr For Cattlesoillii crop is not grown entirely

for time nutrition contained thereinConsequently In summer the wise feed ¬

er cuts green stuff as SOUl as It beginsto make crop when gadiurlng Is comparadveJy easy The man who leas cutdo ou dry pasture will do well to cuttorn and fowl even If the nutriment Inthe plant Is far below what It will be ¬

come Time jrieon stuff Is an appetizermuch as fruit or salad Is to tho humanpalate and assists in keeping thegosdvo rack open nUll In good condlIon Ilrceders Gazette

Try n littledOU L KOIt DYalBlilV utter yur monk So time effctit will produce on your pfiinril reelingby digesting your tumid and helpingI our iioniuoh to get Itself limbo shapeMany Rtomauhs are nvervorkeJ to thepoint wheie they refuse to go furtherKudul digests your food end givesyour stomach the rest it perdrf whileits reconstructive properties get time

stounich aok Into tvorkulg order Ko

dol relieves Ihiulencii sour stomauhpallilollin the heart belching etcSuld by Jucksuy Drug Co

Million IlniioulCut limo mutton Into two Inch lengths

threo cupfuls lu till season with saltand popper and dust with flour I lacetwo tablcspoonfuls of butter In n pusbeat very hot and brown tho meatbaking often Draw tho pan to thehack of tho rouge lift tho meat outwith a skimmer nnd place It on Uio

serving dish Add a pint of oysterschopped to the gravy also nn onion

mill n sprig of parsley minced Cookfor five minutes nnd amid n cupful ofmilk When hot add two tablespoonmils of flour stirred to n paste with alittle cold water When theso are wellrooked taste the gravy and add moreseasoning It necessary then pour Itover tho mutton and servo at onceThe oysters should bo drained well betore ndJIng to the gravy

rti l y-


= wrrrIfitI The Jnigest Circulation I



J +
































Furniture sold at greatly reduced pricesfor thejicxt two weeks5000 I5od doom Sets JTQ at 2498

2500 lied Room Sets JO at 19032350 Bcd doom Sets Ko nt18Cl

2000 Bcd Room Sets go at 16001500 lied Boom Sets go at 1298

H 500 Bedsteads jo ut 393100 Bedsteads KO nt 300

300 Bedsteads go at 225800 Music Cabinets front 500

fritoS diit on Bjireans Wash Stands Dressers Center TablesRocking Chairs and in fact wocut the price on everything in thehouse for tho next two weeks Hon neecj Furniture now io thodelaybut tRemember this sale only lasts 2 weeksso come early Every-



IIt nr We Are


E3HOETime Best on Earth


For Sale By

DAY BOOS 00Jaek501 Kei tueky

1 3n






Bargains illIReal Estate

Wo have for sale n number ofgood fitrms and town lots among

arc the following

A good farm of about 400 acreson Frozen Crock within fourmiles of Jackson Good dwellinghouse good barn and outbuildingsGood well at dwelling and also atbarn Good orchardlwith morothan iOO trees in bcadjig and set ¬

oral young trees set out last year100 acres in cultivation balancewoodland Title perfect a goodplace for anyone looking for nhome Price 300

A farm of mahout 400 acres with-in ai miles of Jackson Gooddwelling anti barn Also n storehouse about 50 acres in cultiva¬

tion balance woodland Titleperfect A good homo lUJllcheapat tho price 1600 t ys it

Another tract of land on time up ¬

per Twin Branch of Spring Forkabout Hmiles from LambricThis tract contains 201 and is well

timbered nnd a virgin forest nulladjoining the lands of tho Conti ¬

nental Realty Company A bar ¬

gain for anyone looking after tin-



bet or coal lands A coal veinabout 5i feet thick Price 1250

A tract of landat tho mouth ofSpring Fork containing 350 acresn good dwelling n good storehouse n good barn about 20 acresbottom liwd Most of the balancewell timbered with poplar andoak close to floating water Thisis one of tho best locations for astore in Breathitt county Price

3300A tract on Laurel Branch of

Spring Fork and on main SpringFork containing 1372 acres nearLambric Well timbered 2700upIpine c Also nn eleven foot

I vein of coal This is one of thobest coal nnd timber tracts in


Breathitt county Price 10 peracreFor further information call onor address

Hagins Blantonl tJAOKSQN KV s

