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  • Case studies 2010-1

    Mining and BiodiversityA collection of case studies 2010 edition

  • Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    Foreword 1

    Introduction 2

    Resolution Copper Mining Arizona, USA 4

    IndoMet Coal Kalimantan, Indonesia 6

    The Ambatovy Project Republic of Madagascar 8

    AngloGold Ashanti Brasil Minerao Ltda Sabar and Nova Lima, 10Minas Gerais, Brazil

    Compaa Minera Antamina S.A & Asociacin Ancash Ancash, Peru 12

    Cerrejn Coal Company Albania, La Guajira, Colombia 14

    Cerro Vanguardia S.A. Santa Cruz, Argentina 16

    De Beers Marine Kleinzee and Alexander Bay sea areas 18

    Namdeb Diamond Corporation Sperrgebiet, Namibia 20

    Rio Tinto Group Australia 22

    The Nature Conservancy Development by Design 24

    BirdLife International Linking Western Hemispheric Important 26Bird Areas and Bird Migration

    Conservation International IBAT for business 28

    Business and Biodiversity Offsets Program (BBOP) 30

    Acknowledgements 33


  • Foreword


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition




    Biodiversity is a term used to describe the breadth of life on earth fromanimal species to genes and ecosystems. Concern for the conservation ofbiodiversity is related to its decline as a result of human activity on theplanet. The reach of this vast number of activities, one of which is mining, is increasing with population growth. To draw attention to this concern, theUnited Nations has declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity:a celebration of life on earth and an invitation to take action to safeguard it.

    More than ever, the conservation of biodiversity is a priority. Our membercompanies have committed to contributing to conservation of biodiversity and,in this context, ICMM has been part of a dialogue with the International Unionfor Conservation of Nature (IUCN) since 2004. In that same year, ICMMpublished its first set of case studies on integrating mining and biodiversityconservation and, in 2006, ICMM published its Good Practice Guidance forMining and Biodiversity.

    Since then, field experience has grown and good practices have continued todevelop. In the run-up to the Convention on Biological Diversitys 10thconference of the parties, ICMM has compiled a short collection of recent case studies to demonstrate good practices in biodiversity. Much as in the2004 publication, these case studies are meant to show how good practice,collaboration, and innovative thinking can advance biodiversity conservation in the context of mineral exploitation.

    It is our hope that these case studies will inspire companies, communities,governments, NGOs and scientists to co-operate in developing more avenuesfor integrating mining and biodiversity conservation.

    Anthony HodgePresident, ICMM


  • Introduction

    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    Biodiversity conservation is, and will continue to be,an important consideration for mining in the future.Mining is a significant economic activity in manycountries recent studies show that 41 nations areheavily dependent on mineral development and afurther 7 have large internally focused industries(e.g. China and India). With increasing demand forraw materials, it is inevitable that mining willcontinue, and may expand into ever more remoteregions. It is many of these same regions thatscientists have identified as priorities for biodiversityconservation and possibly formal protection.

    ICMM believes that the mining sector should assesshow far it has come and how much more remains tobe done to develop and implement sound biodiversitymanagement methods so that it is ready to take onthe increasing challenges that lie ahead. Oneparticular challenge that the industry will have to faceis the recognition that in some instances mining andconservation may not be compatible, as evidenced byICMM members commitment not to mine or explorein World Heritage Sites.

    Overview of the Case Studies

    The selection of case studies for this volumerepresents voluntary contributions from a number ofcompanies. It is not a comprehensive survey ofbiodiversity management practices across the sector.The cases span a range of geographies, types andphases of mines. We begin with three case studies onbiodiversity management during the project (orplanning) phase of mines in the U.S., Indonesia, andMadagascar. They are followed by a series of casestudies of biodiversity programs implemented byoperating mines in Argentina, Australia, Brazil,Colombia, Namibia, Peru, and South Africa.

    Growing attention to biodiversity by ICMM members and by the industry as a whole is accompanied by theappearance of increasingly structured approaches tomanaging company impacts. ICMM and otherorganizations have published guidance for good practicein biodiversity management that promotes thisstructured approach. There are currently no definitiveindicators of good biodiversity management practice;however for the purposes of this volume we identify thefollowing common elements:

    Company Biodiversity Commitment company-wide commitments to no net loss and net positiveimpact to biodiversity are beginning to appear as are similar commitments for example around zero harm, or contributing to biodiversity protection in areas of operation;

    No Go Policies company-wide commitments to avoid mining within areas where harm to biodiversity is unacceptable, such as the commitment by ICMM members not to mine or explore in World Heritage Sites;

    Mitigation Hierarchy structured biodiversity management approaches that begin with avoiding unacceptable impacts, minimizing the impacts that do occur, restoring areas that are impacted, and offseting the residual net loss of biodiversity (and implementing additional voluntary projects in some cases);

    Biodiversity Action Plans (or Management) (BAPs) written plans that identify and quantify company impacts and risks to biodiversity and explain how they will be managed according to a structured approach to achieve the companys biodiversity commitments; and,

    Biodiversity Reporting systems in place to report onbiodiversity related activities either as part of company environmental or sustainable development reports, or as separate stand-alone publications.


  • 3Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition




    Each case study begins with a rapid summary of theuse of these elements by each company, as well asreferences to their sources of biodiversity guidance.In practice most companies are in the early stages of developing these elements a process thatrealistically may require years to complete. Morehard work will be needed in the future, and lessonslearned by leading companies will undoubtedlyassist the sector as a whole in improving itsperformance in biodiversity conservation.

    But industry is not alone in this pursuit. A number of international NGOs are developing tools andapproaches to assist companies seeking to improvetheir management of biodiversity impacts. In thesecond section of this volume there are descriptionsof the work currently being undertaken to assistextractive companies by Birdlife International, theBusiness and Biodiversity Offsets Program,Conservation International, and The NatureConservancy. The dedicated staff of theseorganizations welcome the opportunity to assistcompanies in piloting a range of innovativeapproaches to biodiversity conservation.

    Looking to the Future

    We expect that we will look back at this volume ofcase studies as a transition time from the morecommon historical practice of one-off voluntaryconservation projects by mining companies tostructured approaches that follow accepted guidelinesfor identifying, measuring, and managing impacts andrisks. This will be accompanied by an evolution ofBAPs to practical documents that integrate directlyinto company environmental management systems.With this broader use of a structured approach willcome greater field knowledge to support therefinement of methods for biodiversity risk analysis,landscape-scale conservation assessment andplanning, and design of biodiversity offsets.

    We look forward to continuing to partner with othersin supporting broader implementation of goodpractices for biodiversity conservation and in helpingto shape this continuing evolution.


  • Resolution Copper MiningArizona, USA

    Rio Tinto is the majority shareholder of the explorationproject Resolution Copper Mining (RCM), located in Superior,Arizona, USA. Initial exploration in 2001-2003 indicates alarge copper ore body is present more than 2,100 metersbelow the surface, possibly the largest in North America,capable of producing 20 percent of expected future US copperdemand over the next five decades. In addition to addressingthe technical challenges of accessing the ore body at a depthof over 2,100 meters below the surface and a temperature of80 degrees Celsius, pre-feasibility work is focused onevaluating a broad range of mining, processing and operatingalternatives. Pre-feasibility studies are expected to concludein 2013 with first production by 2020.

    One complication for RCM is that the proposed mine requiresuse of 974 hectares of land that is currently owned by the U.S.Government in Tonto National Forest. In order to proceed withexploration, RCM must complete a land exchange with thegovernment. A land exchange is effectively a trade of landparcels of equal economic value. Given Rio Tintoscommitment to a net positive impact to biodiversity, the landexchange presents a unique opportunity to exceed therequirements of trading land of equivalent economic value byensuring that the land parcels offered in the trade are also ofequivalent or greater value for the conservation of biodiversityand provision of environmental services a biodiversityoffset.

    To this end, RCM sought the assistance of stakeholders,holding a series of consultations with environmental groups,the outdoor recreation community, and others that placevalue on the area of Tonto National Forest proposed for theland exchange and who have informed views of local andregional conservation and outdoor recreation priorities thatcould be met by securing other parcels of land to be offeredto the government in the trade, and conserved for the longterm. Based on this, RCM has developed a proposal to trade2,230 hectares of private land it has acquired, composed of amosaic of areas identified as priorities for conservation andrecreation in eastern Arizona.

    From a biodiversity offset perspective, the portfolio of privateparcels is more than double the size of the federal lands to beacquired, and nearly triple the size of the area that wouldactually be impacted by the mine.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    Net positive impactCommitment to maintain flows in local surface waters

    No Go Policy:

    Will not mine or explore in World Heritage Sites

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:


    Environmental Management System:

    Rio Tinto Health, Safety, and Environmental QualityManagement System (HSEQ)

    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:

    Yes, based on Rio Tinto BAP Guidance

    Biodiversity Reporting:

    Stakeholder MeetingsRio Tinto Sustainability Reports

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    Rio Tinto Biodiversity Standard and BAP GuidanceNGO inputConsultantsICMM Good Practice Guidance on Mining & BiodiversityScientific literature

    >Photo: Native grasslands at Appleton Ranch Jared Hardner

  • The 1,244 hectare 7B Ranch straddles the San Pedro River that flows north from its headwaters in the Mexican state of Sonora. It is one of the last major undammed rivers in the Southwest. The San Pedro corridor is one of the most important riparian habitats in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts, with more than 390 species of birds and a highly diversified mammal population. The 7B Ranch contains a 328 hectare relic Mesquite forest, which is unique in its own right, and also is designated by Birdlife International as an Important Bird Area. Potential habitat for a number of threatened and endangered species exists here. RCM has acquired the 7B and contracted with The Nature Conservancy to manage it as a conservation area until a land exchange is completed.

    In consultation with conservation specialists, especially theArizona Audubon Society, RCM rated the conservation value ofthe parcels in terms of ecosystem condition and priority forconservation in Arizona. In doing so, RCM was able to take asemi-quantitative approach using Rio Tintos quality hectaresmethod, to determine whether the parcels representedequivalent or better conservation benefits than the governmentland. Table 1 provides a summary accounting of the netbiodiversity impact of the land exchange, which proves positive.


    Mike WegleitnerMS, CSP, CMSP, NREMTManager, Health & Safety

    Resolution Copper Mining102 Magma HeightsP.O. Box 1944Superior, AZ 85273

    [email protected]

    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    Using area as the sole measure, the impact of conserving the2,230 hectares proposed for the exchange represents a netpositive impact. However, the ecosystems on the parcels arenot all the same. The lands in Tonto National Forest areInterior Chaparral and Madrean Oak Woodland, while thelands in the other parcels are a mix of other ecosystem typeswith only some parcels containing similar ecosystems. Otherparcels, such as the Appleton Ranch and the 7B Ranch,maintain distinctly different but extremely valuableecosystems from a biodiversity conservation perspective.

    The 387 hectare Appleton Ranch acquisition is within the boundaries of the Appleton Whittell Research Ranch, managed by the National Audobon Society, and is adjacent to the Las Cienagas National Conservation Area. The property is home to more than 90 species of native grass and 480 native plant species that are not commonly found in the majority of grasslands in Arizona due to grazing and invasive species. Over 200 species of birds use the ResearchRanch for wintering, breeding, or as migratory habitat. Morethan 60 species of mammals have been found on theResearch Ranch.

    East Plant Maximum FootprintLand Exchange Properties offered

    Appleton Ranch

    Cave Creek

    East Clear Creek

    JI Ranch

    Dripping Springs

    The Pond

    Tangle Creek

    Turkey Creek JX Ranch


    All Offsets

    Net Position (Acres)












    Interior Chapparal

















    Madrian Oakwoodland

    Surface water,wetlands, floodplains,river channel

    Other like for likeor better habitats





















































































































































    Table 1: Impact accounting for the proposed land exchange








  • IndoMet CoalKalimantan, Indonesia

    The IndoMet Coal Project (IMC) is a high quality metallurgicalcoal resource within the Maruwai Basin in the Indonesianpart of the island of Borneo. Borneo is renowned for its highbiodiversity, with some of the most species-rich flora andfauna in the world. IMC consists of seven Coal Contracts ofWork (CCoW) that cover 355,000 hectares. The leases areprimarily located in lowland tropical forest dissected by riversand streams, thus making it an area of high ecologicalvariation and biodiversity. The leases are located in theremote and relatively inaccessible district of Murung Raya,which is still 87% covered by tropical rain forests.

    Cognisant of the high biodiversity of the area, IMC has since2000 commissioned seven biodiversity surveys in order tobetter understand the biodiversity management challenges.From an early stage, it was realized that operatingresponsibly in an area of outstanding biodiversity such asBorneo would require a comprehensive biodiversityconservation and sustainable development strategy. In this,IMC was guided by the BHP Billiton Charter, SustainableDevelopment Policy and other fundamental principles. Theseinvolve being acutely aware of minimizing the footprint ofmining operations, recognizing opportunities to work outsidethe mine areas as well as within them to achieve biodiversitygoals, and engaging and working with biodiversityprofessionals, government, the community, and non-government organizations (NGOs) to achieve high standardsof biodiversity conservation management.

    IMCs Biodiversity Strategy aims to deliver a net positiveimpact on biodiversity through a number of groundbreakinginitiatives. Active engagement with NGOs has been a key partof these initiatives. They include:

    Conservation of the Bornean orangutan; Strategically improving sustainable land use planning in

    the region where the project is located; and, Facilitating the process to set aside areas that offset the

    negative impacts of mining activities on biodiversity around the mine site.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    Enhance biodiversity protection. Stand for Zero Harm toenvironment

    No Go Policy:

    No exploring or mining in World Heritage listed properties

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:

    Yes, as guided by company sustainability policy andenvironmental standards and guidelines

    Environmental Management System:


    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:

    Yes, as part of the IMC Biodiversity Strategy and LandManagement and individual site specific or infrastructureelement Biodiversity Management Plans

    Biodiversity Reporting:

    Stakeholder meetingsBHP Billiton Sustainability Report

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    BHPB Group Level Document EnvironmentCommissioned Biodiversity Survey ReportsNature conservation NGOSConsultantsLocal stakeholders (government and communities) ScientificliteratureICMM Good Practice Guidance on Mining & Biodiversity

    >Photo: Black-spotted Rock Frog Staurois natator BHP Billiton

  • Outcomes from external engagement workshops with leadingconservation NGOs and leading conservation experts stronglyrecommended that the IMC project should exploremechanisms available in Indonesia to offset its environmentaland biodiversity impacts by supporting the management ofareas for forest and habitat restoration. While the process tosecure these areas is long and involved, the IMC project isactively developing an offset strategy in collaboration withconservation partners and government.

    In 2010, BHP Billiton signed a follow-on two year contractwith FFI to build on results from the previous program ofwork and to ensure that the findings are used in developing aregional conservation strategy. Through this initiative BHPBilliton will leave a positive biodiversity legacy in the region.The project comprises five key elements:

    Sustainable Land Use Planning in which FFI will improve the capacity of local government agencies;

    Orangutan Relocation which is a continuation of BHP Billiton's long-term engagement with the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF);

    Building Local Conservation Leadership at village-level; Sustainable Finance and Management to ensure long-term

    sustainability of the regional conservation strategy; and, Communications and Awareness Raising Activities.

    This project is an exciting opportunity to demonstrate bestpractice land use and the collaboration between business andbiodiversity.


    David SavoryBHP BillitonHSE ManagerIndoMet Coal ProjectsJakarta, Indonesia

    [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition





    The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundations (BOSF)Orangutan Reintroduction Centre Nyaru Menteng cares forand rehabilitates over 600 orangutans rescued from the wildor captivity. In 2007, at the Bali Climate conference, theIndonesian president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, launchedthe National Orangutan Conservation Strategy and ActionPlan. The plan stipulates that all orangutans held inrehabilitation centers must be released in the wild by 2015.Since 2006, IMC has assisted BOSF in identifying potentialorangutan release sites. Once identified, IMC providedlogistical support, safety management and helicoptertransport for four orangutan translocation projects (one peryear). As a result, a total of 149 rescued orangutans weresafely released back into the wild. This group represents animportant part of the wild population of the Borneanorangutan which is an endangered species and heavilythreatened in the wild by habitat destruction and hunting.BOSF has previously identified the district of Murung Raya asa priority area for these releases because the area containssuitable habitat and, importantly, the area does not contain awild orangutan population. The original orangutan populationwas exterminated over one hundred years ago by hunters andthe BOSF translocation and release program is hoping to re-establish a new breeding population in Murung Raya, thusmaking a tangible contribution to the survival of the speciesin the wild.

    The second conservation initiative represents a widercontribution to biodiversity conservation through thedevelopment of a regional conservation and sustainable landuse strategy. The initiative focuses on improving localgovernment land use planning capacity and the identificationof conservation options (such as offsets) in sustainablymanaged forests. In 2008, as part of the external engagementstrategy of the IMC Biodiversity Strategy, BHP Billiton andFauna and Flora International (FFI) commenced a jointproject. FFI, a leading international environmental NGO, hasbeen active in Indonesia for over 15 years, supportingconservation of over 3 million hectares of rainforest acrossthe archipelago. The first phase of the project (2008 2009)focused on improving the understanding of high conservationvalue (HCV) areas within the Maruwai Basin encompassingtwo million hectares, and to propose options for developing aregional conservation strategy with district and provincialgovernments. A major outcome was the first district-wideassessment of conservation values using the globallyrecognized HCV method.

  • The Ambatovy ProjectRepublic of Madagascar

    The Ambatovy Project, located in the Republic Madagascar, isin the construction phase of an 18 km 2 open pit nickel andcopper mine with an accompanying slurry pipeline and a US$ 2.3bn hydrometallurgical plant. The mine site is in anarea of high biodiversity and species endemism, requiringrigorous biodiversity management.

    As a world class mining project, Ambatovy and itsshareholders believe in demonstrating good environmentalmanagement practices to secure its license to operate. ToAmbatovy, a license to operate consists of the permanentsupport of civil society, local communities, national andinternational NGOs and governmental authorities regardingthe manner in which social and environmental affaires aremanaged. Because national and international stakeholdersuniversally consider Madagascars biodiversity to be ofutmost importance, producing positive conservationoutcomes is a critical component of this license to operate.Furthermore, shareholders recognize that Ambatovysbiodiversity management practices have provided additionalaccess to capital, and may help to improve future access toresources.

    The company is undertaking its biodiversity management in astructured manner that follows the mitigation hierarchyacross all aspects of biodiversity, and residual impacts arebeing offset through a multifaceted conservation program.

    Avoidance analysis of pipeline route alternatives (21 major re-routes to avoid sensitive areas), re-routing and fine tuning during construction, conservation barriers created to isolate onsite conservation areas from construction activities, strict mine footprint modification protocols and a set-aside of an area of the ore body.

    Minimization reduction of the surface area subject to impacts through appropriate design and implementation, such as rehabilitation of areas cleared for exploration, reduction of the mine footprint through planning optimization.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    No net loss (net gain preferred)

    No Go Policy:

    No species loss, priority habitat viability maintained

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:


    Environmental Management System:


    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:


    Biodiversity Reporting:

    Monthly report to shareholdersAnnual Sustainability ReportIndependent audits and Scientific Consultative CommitteeRegulatory reportingLocal community and stakeholder meetingsBusiness and Biodiversity Offsets Program meetings

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    International Finance Corporation, Performance Standard 6Business and Biodiversity Offsets ProgramICMM Good Practice Guidance on Mining and BiodiversityIUCNIPIECANGOsScientific Consultative CommitteeConsultants

    >Photo: Propithecus diadema

  • This undertaking includes engagement with Malagasyregulatory agencies, international and local NGOs(Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society,World Wildlife Fund), local communities, international andlocal scientific communities, forest communities around themine and the offset sites, and the Business and BiodiversityOffset Program. The Project has a strong commitment toensuring stakeholder consultation, which has createdtransparency, improved communication and sharing ofinformation, and inspired partnerships.

    In addition to achieving the objectives set forth in themitigation hierarchy thus far, the companys biodiversitymanagement plan has led to the development of significantcapacity in Madagascar, both internally and externally to theProject team. This capacity may contribute to future projectsin Madagascar and overseas. Ambatovy may also set astandard for large development projects in Madagascar it is increasingly seen as a case study for best practices inbiodiversity management.


    Steven DickinsonAmbatovy Project Biodiversity Adviser (Golder Associates)[email protected]

    Andrew CookeAmbatovy Project Environmental [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition







    Mitigation a substantial minimization program was developed for construction:

    Repetition of full biological surveys prior to each clearing todevelop taxa-specific mitigation measures, e.g., fitting lemurs with radio collars to monitor their natural ability to migrate away from the impact areas and relocate to refuge areas; identifying plant species of concern and sourcing them off-site to avoid extinction risk; salvaging plants to nurseries and/or propagating them during this process;

    Directional and paced forest clearance to optimise the natural migration of terrestrial fauna, with intensive salvaging undertaken of less mobile species;

    Management of surges in total suspended solids to protect water quality and aquatic biodiversity in mine watersheds using large retention dams (US$ 40m).

    Restoration / rehabilitation progressive footprint rehabilitation with reforestation.

    Offsets and Positive Conservation Actions a multifaceted program, including:

    An offsite offset spanning 11,600 ha of endangered forest;

    On-site conservation zones spanning 4,900 ha, including anarea of sacrificed ore body;

    A forest corridor ensuring connectivity with remaining eastern rain forests;

    Support to conservation of a RAMSAR wetland adjacent to the mine site;

    Expanded reforestation activities along pipeline right-of-way and within mine footprint.


    Ambatovy Project, 2009b. Business and biodiversity offsets program (BBOP) pilot project case study. The Ambatovy project, Antananarivo. www.forest-trends.org/biodiversityoffsetprogram/guidelines/ambatovycase-study.pdf

    Berner P. O., Dickinson S., Andrianaivomahefa P., and D. A. Melton. 2010, Ambatovy Project: From Impact Assessment to Offsetting,International Impact Assessment Association (IAIA)

    Dickinson, S. & Berner, P. O. 2010. Ambatovy project: Mining in a challenging biodiversity setting in Madagascar. In Biodiversity, exploration, and conservation of the natural habitats associated with the Ambatovy project, eds. S. M. Goodman & V. Mass. Malagasy Nature, 3: 2-13.

  • >Photo: Lobelia fistulosa Alexandre Salino

    AngloGold Ashanti Brasil Minerao LtdaSabar and Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil

    AngloGold Ashantis operations in the Brazilian state of MinasGerais include gold mining, processing, smelting andrefining. They are found in important Brazilian biomes Atlantic Forest, Cerrado (scrub forest) and the CampoCerrado (open savanna), all of which are under intensepressure from urbanization, agriculture, forest exploitationand located in an area of important geological interest (anarea called the Iron Quadrangle). The Atlantic Forest is highlythreatened and has lost 93% of its original coverage. It isamong the top five global biodiversity hotspots. The Cerradois the second largest Brazilian biome, covers 21% of thecountrys territory, and is also identified in the list of 34 globalbiodiversity hotspots.

    To achieve balance between mining and conservation,AngloGold Ashanti Brazil created two ecological reserves: the147 hectare Mata Samuel de Paula Private Nature Reserve(RPPN) in Nova Lima, and the 726 hectare AngloGold-CuiabRPPN in Sabar. The reserves are in priority areas forconservation and help to ensure maintenance of biodiversityand preservation of natural ecosystems. AngloGold Ashantialso operates the Harry Oppenheimer EnvironmentalEducation Centre within the Mata Samuel de Paula RPPN.

    AngloGold Ashanti has supported environmental studies tobetter understand the areas. Over a three-year period, theUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) and Faculdadede Estudos Administrativos de Minas Gerais (FEAD)conducted studies at Mata Samuel de Paula on animals(mammals, amphibians, reptiles, arachnids and birds),plants, water and soils to determine the species present andidentify those threatened with extinction. The companypublished the results of the study in the book Biodiversidadeda Mata Samuel de Paula (Biodiversity in the Samuel dePaula Forest) during World Environment Week in 2009. Thiswork is distributed free of charge to public libraries anduniversities. An initial assessment was also made of theAngloGold-Cuiab RPPN in partnership with the consultancyGHEOSFERA and the NGO AMDA (Minas Gerais Associationfor Environmental Defense) as part of the development of amanagement plan for the area.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    We will contribute to biodiversity protection in our areas of operation

    No Go Policy:

    Will not mine or explore in World Heritage Sites

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:


    Environmental Management System:

    ISO 14001

    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:

    As prescribed in environmental license conditions

    Biodiversity Reporting:

    Sustainability ReportIndividual company publications

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    Company guidanceNGO technical informationScientific literatureICMM Good Practice Guidance on Mining & BiodiversityConsultants

  • Following is an excerpt from the foreword of Biodiversidade daMata Samuel de Paula by Jos Carlos Carvalho, Secretary ofthe Environment and Sustainable Development of the State ofMinas Gerais:

    In the midst of so much concern and disbelief in the future,what reason could there possibly be for AngloGold Ashantilaunching the book Biodiversidade da Mata Samuel de Paula atthis particular time? We thought of the best one of all: hope.That is to say, even in the midst of doom and gloom about thefuture, complicated by the unbridled ambition of many, there isstill a place among us for companies and entrepreneurs who, inaddition to seeking profit, can find a way in the intricate world ofcapitalism to build something for those who come after us sothat they, too, may enjoy the blessings of the earth.

    That objective is what led AngloGold Ashanti to set up, next tothe beautiful capital of Minas Gerais, a Private Natural HeritageReserve (RPPN), which it created and has maintained since2000. Furthermore, it has supported studies, helping tounderstand the phenomena that take place within it, with theintention of compiling rich reference material for bothspecialists in the ecotones of the Atlantic Forest and Cerradoand students in general...

    Through this initiative, the company has added its name to thelist of mining companies in Minas Gerais that have left behind apast of predatory exploitation and disregard for the communitywell-being and joined a group of companies that are focused oncomplying with the constitutional requirement of the socialfunction of economic ventures, aware that protecting theenvironment is more than just a modern marketing strategy: itis a commitment to humanity.


    Irany Maria de Lurdes BragaAngloGold Ashanti [email protected]

    Bruno Stefan De SimoniAngloGold Ashanti [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition








    The studies point to the ecological importance of theconservation units created by the company. At the RPPN MataSamuel de Paula, 510 species of vascular plants wereidentified; of which 75 were pteridophytes and 435 wereangiosperms. Of the plant species, nine are threatened withextinction, notably species like Melanoxylon brana and Ocoteapercoriacea. One hundred fifty-eight bird species werecatalogued, of which four species are listed as threatened withextinction (Embernagra longicauda, the pale-throated pampafinch; Scytalopus indigoticus, the white-breasted tapaculo;Poospiza cinerea, the cinereous warbling-finch andCampephilus robustus, the robust woodpecker). There were 24species of mammals, belonging to seven orders and 12families. Of these, two species considered to be threatenedwith extinction were recorded, the lesser anteater (Tamandutetradactyla) and black-fronted titi (Callicebus nigrifrons).Seven species of reptiles were recorded, belonging to fivefamilies. Of these, three species are lizards, four are snakes.Fourteen species are anura amphibians belonging to fivefamilies.

    In addition, the reserves created by the company are importantadditions to the mosaic of regional protected areas. In thelandscape they join the natural monument of the Piedademountain range, the Fechos Ecological Station, Capito doMato RPPN (belonging to VALE S/A), Caraa RPPN and others.AngloGold Ashanti will create an additional 180 hectare RPPNin the municipality of Santa Barbara, further ensuring theprotection of this region, and consolidating 1053 contiguoushectares protected as RPPNs.

  • Compaa Minera Antamina S.A & Asociacin AncashAncash, Peru


    Antamina is an open pit copper, zinc, and molybdenum miningoperation located in the Peruvian Andes, in the Department ofAncash. Ore is transported from the mine to a port facility inthe coastal town of Huarmey, Peru via a 302 km pipeline. Thenine-year-old mining complex is among the ten largest in theworld and represents the largest mining investment (US$ 2.3bn) in the history Peru.

    The mine is located at high elevation (4,300 msl) and theecosystems present are largely composed of grasses andshrubs that can withstand the climatic extremes. Howeverwithin the rugged topography of this region, forests composedof Polylepis trees can also be found, offering importanthabitat, especially for several IUCN red-listed species of birds.These forests have been heavily impacted over time byhumans and grazing animals, reducing their natural extensionby over 90 percent, and making them a major conservationpriority in this landscape.

    Antaminas voluntary projects that address biodiversity arecarried out by Asociacin Ancash, a corporate foundation ofAntamina. Among its main objectives are the creation ofPrivate Conservation Areas (ACPs in Spanish) withcommunities that surround the area of influence ofAntaminas mining operation. This area has large and pristineforests of the genus Polylepis. Presence of the indigenousPolylepis weberbaueri species is remarkable.

    Polylepis Forest Conservation Program

    In 2003, Antamina and Asociacin Ancash, ConservationInternational (CI), The Mountain Institute (TMI), and theAssociation of Andean Ecosystems (ECOAN in Spanish)developed the concept to restore and conserve Polylepisforests as a joint venture. The focus of the program is an areaof some 200,000 hectares with patches of native Polylepisforests between Huascarn National Park and the HuayhuashReserve.

    The strategy of the Polylepis program is to work with localcommunities to develop conservation agreements wherebytechnical assistance and materials for reforestation (andimproved grazing practices) are exchanged for communityassurances to conserve the restored forests. Theseagreements attempt to balance economic and other incentives(identified locally) and local pride in stewardship.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    >Photo: Polylepis tree in Ancash, Peru Jared Hardner


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    Not stated

    No Go Policy:

    Will not mine in World Heritage Sites or IUCN category I and II protected areas

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:


    Environmental Management System:

    ISO 14001: 2004

    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:


    Biodiversity Reporting:

    Annual reporting on specific initiatives

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    Internal environmental guidanceConsultantsNGOs

  • At the time the program started, conservation agreements wereconsidered a novelty. The Polylepis project has been animportant learning experience that helped to fuel thepropagation of similar projects by CI in many other parts of theworld.

    Other Biodiversity Efforts

    In addition to the Polylepis program, Antamina through theAsociacin Ancash provides support to neighboring HuascarnNational Park to strengthen its management and to resolvetechnical issues such as the recovery of degraded areas insidethe park and the planning of low-impact tourism. HuascarnNational Park has the highest peak in Peru and the area is oneof the main centres of glaciers along the Andes and a source offresh water for many of the small tributaries and main riversthat irrigate the valleys of the Andes. Based on more thantwenty years of research this area is acknowledged for manyendemic species, many of which are threatened.


    Mirko ChangDirectorAssociacin [email protected]

    Luis VigoNatural Resource Conservation OfficerAssociacin [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition















    To date, conservation agreements established under theprogram are responsible for restoring 322 hectares of Polylepisforests, protecting more than 3,000 hectares of existingPolylepis forests, and improving pasture management (therebyreducing grazing pressure in areas of Polylepis forest) over anarea of more than 12,000 hectares. For example, the Aquia andHuasta communities involved in the project at the beginninghave seen their pastures improved with species that increasethe productivity of their cattle. In the most recent phase of theproject, CI has collaborated with the Peruvian Society ofEnvironmental Law (SPDA in Spanish) to achieve long-termlegal protection of the forested areas.

    The program has generated a number of additional unexpectedbenefits.

    Building relationships with local communities Involving local universities in the conservation of Polylepis

    forests Educating locals about the value of biodiversity Training locals in ecotourism, agro-forestry, and agro-silvo-

    pastoral methods Recognition within the industry for environmental innovation Potential expansion of the program to include other


    The Ministry of Energy and Mines awarded the SustainableDevelopment Prize to the Polylepis Program in 2006, and in thesame year the Peruvian Mining Society recognized Antaminafor environmental responsibility. The Business and BiodiversityOffset Program has documented the program as a pioneerinitiative in creating biodiversity offsets. In May 2009, theMinister of the Environment, Antonio Brack, announced thediscovery of four species new to science found in the area bythe ECOAN team and protected by local communities thanks tothe Polylepis programs conservation agreements.

  • Cerrejn Coal CompanyAlbania, La Guajira, Colombia

    Cerrejn is an open-pit mining operation dedicated to theexploration, extraction, transport, shipping, and export ofthermal coal. It is located in the northeast of Colombia, on LaGuajira peninsula. The mining operation uses the truck-and-shovel method and currently has a production capacity of 32mmetric tonnes of coal per year.

    Cerrejn has developed a Wildlife Management Plan thatincludes four specific programs:

    Fauna Rescue and Relocation

    Typically, open-pit coal mining begins with a survey of the areato be exploited and the removal of overburden so that miningcan proceed. However, Cerrejn, has changed this process byfirst identifying vulnerable and low-mobility wildlifepopulations within its impact area. In Cerrejns case, theimpact area is large, given that the mine licence area itselfcovers some 70,000 hectares. Additionally, Cerrejn operatesits own rail line (150km in length) and seaport, each of whichdemands careful attention in relation to indigenous fauna.

    When necessary, wildlife is captured using methods approvedby the national environmental authority, and released intosimilar habitats that have not been zoned for mining. Afterfauna are released, they are monitored to track their conditionand to ensure they are adapting to their new habitat. Over thepast five years, approximately 26,000 animals (includingmammals, fish, amphibians, and reptiles) have been rescuedand relocated to safe areas that offer habitats and foodsources similar to their original location.

    Fauna Rehabilitation Centre and Education Program

    The company completed the Cerrejn Fauna RehabilitationCentre (CRFCits Spanish acronym) in 2007 for the veterinarycare of wildlife. The centres staff is comprised of a biologist, aveterinarian, and several field assistants who serve as localexperts. Having extensive knowledge and training in sanitary,biological, and wildlife-management techniques, the teammanages fauna recovery processes.

    The CRFC has become well known in the region as a centre ofexcellence. It now also treats animals from outside of themines immediate area of influence. This includes wildlifesuffering from dehydration, injury, or from the impacts ofisolation arising from illegal wildlife trafficking. This isparticularly prevalent among the many species of monkeysand birds confiscated from illegal traffickers. To date, morethan 1,600 animals have been treated at the centre, includingfish, birds, mammals, and reptiles.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    >Photo: Fauna rescue and relocation


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    Conduct business in harmony with the environment & society

    No Go Policy:

    Not stated

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:


    Environmental Management System:

    ISO 14001

    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:

    Yes, part of Comprehensive Environmental Management Plan

    Biodiversity Reporting:

    Annual Sustainability ReportRegulatory reporting to local and national environmentalauthorities

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    Colombian environmental regulationsCollaboration with Conservation InternationalNGOsScientific community and literature

  • The results revealed a threatened population of crocodiles withan unbalanced age distribution, and a sea turtle populationunder pressure from hunting and egg collection for localconsumption and trade. As a result, in 2007 Cerrejn developeda five-stage program to conserve these species.

    Stage 1: Review of baseline data, and determination and identification of threats Determination of the ecological importance of these species

    and their crucial role in the mangrove ecosystem that they inhabit

    Contact with the local indigenous community to determine possible causes for the population decline of these species

    Stage 2: Population monitoring to increase knowledge of these species Field collection of data with community support Determination of zones with highest nesting and

    feeding activity

    Stage 3: Work with the indigenous community Social analysis of indigenous community in the area

    of the project Training workshops Creation of groups of leaders to be long-term beach

    patrollers and guards for the project Annual population census and habitat enrichment to

    increase nesting sites

    Stage 4: Ex-situ conservation and release of wildlife Egg collection and removal to secure site to increase

    survival rate Adaptation and release of animals raised under controlled

    conditions Monitoring individuals with microchips and estimating the

    population increase of the species

    Stage 5: Conservation Agreements Ongoing training and work with indigenous associations to

    achieve a conservation agreement

    During the four years of this initiative, local communities havedeveloped the capacity to oversee the conservation of thesespecies. Capacity building involves ongoing education andtraining in conservation methods and on the importance ofbiodiversity in improving their standard of living.


    Lina BezCerrejn Coal [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition







    The centre is recognized region-wide for its wildlife conservationefforts, education of the public on topics of biodiversity, and itssupport of various conservation projects fostered by Cerrejn. Italso promotes a number of educational programs about wildlifemanagement that increase awareness of wildlife preservationamong neighbouring indigenous and farming communities,employees, and contractors.


    A monitoring team analyzes the species composition,abundance, diversity, and spatial-temporal distribution ofpopulations of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals in thearea of the mine. The monitoring program generates datanecessary to continuously improve Environmental ManagementPlans to ensure that wildlife is not affected by mining operations.

    Currently, Cerrejns biological databases complement nationaldatabases on biodiversity compiled by the Alexander vonHumboldt Institute. There are 197 species of insects; 77 speciesof reptiles, representing 57% of the biodiversity of this group inthe Caribbean region; 230 species of birds, representing 52% ofbirds in La Guajira; and 68 species of mammals, representing20% of total mammal species in the country.

    Ongoing monitoring has shown an astounding threefold increasein the number of species recorded in the zone since the baselinestudies in 1982. This is the result of fauna protection on theCerrejn property, where hunting and fishing are forbidden.

    Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives

    Cerrejn participates in various biodiversity conservationinitiatives, engaging with public and private organizationsthrough cooperative agreements with the regional environmentalauthorityCorpoguajiraand with Conservation InternationalColombia (CI). Cerrejn also supports programs advocating theestablishment of new regional and national conservation areas.These programs involve the participation of The NatureConservancy (TNC), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and ParquesNacionales de Colombia (Colombian National Parks).

    One example is Cerrejns initiative for recovery andconservation of endangered species in Alta Guajira. Thecompany performed a population census of the Americancrocodile (Crocodylus acutus), hawksbill turtle, loggerhead seaturtle, leatherback turtle, and green turtle (Chelonia mydas,Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, and Caretta caretta).

  • Cerro Vanguardia S.A.Santa Cruz, Argentina

    Cerro Vanguardia (CVSA) is an open pit gold mining operationlocated in Argentinas Patagonia region. The mine begandevelopment in 1997 and production in 1998. It producesapproximately 200,000 ounces of gold per year.

    The company has undertaken a range of biodiversityconservation projects with the objectives of:

    Identifying and evaluating local biodiversity; Understanding the interfaces between the mine

    and biodiversity; Evaluating the risks posed to biodiversity by the mine; Developing mitigation measures for potential impacts

    and strategies for restoration; and, Exploring possibilities for improving local biodiversity


    Following is a description of two of the many programs thatCVSA has undertaken to improve local biodiversityconservation. Other programs not described here includeriparian zone and wetlands restoration through re-injection oftreated water into the water table, as well as publication of abook on the biodiversity of the Central Patagonian Plateauwhere CVSA is located and is characterized by a great numberof endemic species.

    Predatory Birds Program

    The objective of the predatory birds program is to identify thespecies of predatory birds that nest in Cerro Vanguardia, andimplement a monitoring program that permits evaluation oftheir long-term dynamics in the area. Predatory birds in thisarea have suffered from habitat loss associated withdeforestation by fuelwood users in the region, and thepoisoning of their prey by ranchers. CVSA attempts to improvenesting conditions for some species through installation ofnesting boxes.

    Activities conducted under this program include:

    An analysis of the status of predatory birds in Central Patagonian Plateau where populations have been vastly reduced;

    A literature review of scientific studies on predatory birds in the region;

    Bird watching campaigns to identify species and areas of presence, from 2007 to present;

    Analysis of predatory bird diet, from 2007 to present; Identification of nests and observation of breeding success,

    from 2007 to present; Installation of nesting boxes; Monitoring of nests; and, Ongoing population monitoring.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    >Photo: Control and monitoring of nesting within area of CVSA


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    Not stated

    No Go Policy:

    Will not mine in World Heritage Sites

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:

    Not stated

    Environmental Management System:

    ISO 14001

    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:


    Biodiversity Reporting:

    Sustainability Reports

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    ICMM Good Practice Guidance on Mining and Biodiversity


    Fernando SalomoneBiologist Environment Program AreaCerro Vanguardia, S.A.

    [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition







    Mara Reintroduction Program

    The objective of this program is to reintroduce the mara(Dolichotis patagona), or Patagonian hare, an emblematicspecies of the Patagonian steppe, that was decimatedthroughout the province of Santa Cruz prior to the arrival ofCVSA. The mara is listed by IUCN as a vulnerable species, and islocally extinct in many parts of Patagonia.

    Activities conducted under this program include:

    Coordination with the government agency responsible for wildlife and protected areas, as well as Argentine zoologists;

    Selection of ideal habitats for reintroduction of mara in the area of CVSA in coordination with government wildlife officials;

    Selection of subspecies for reintroduction based on geographic analysis and availability of breeding stock in zoos.

    Activities planned for this program include:

    Coordination of monitoring methodology between company personnel, wildlife officials, and zoologists;

    Further study of reintroduction sites to determine number of individuals to release;

    Transfer of breeding stock to area by the end of 2010.

    Mara (Dolichotis patagona) or Patagonian hare

  • De Beers MarineKleinzee and Alexander Bay sea areasSouth Africa

    As a marine prospecting, mining and technical service provider DeBeers Marine (DBM) provides services to clients in a range ofoperating environments. This includes operation of the SouthAfrican Sea Areas Marine Diamond Mining Licence, SASA ML3, onbehalf of the concession holder De Beers Consolidated Mines(DBCM). The licence area is located on the north western coast ofSouth Africa offshore of the coastal towns of Kleinzee in the southand Alexander Bay in the north. The ML3 licence covers an area of8,800km2. De Beers conducts the only offshore diamond miningoperations in the world, which present unique challenges inassessing and monitoring environmental impacts.

    Activities in the SASA ML3 concession area are typically conductedat depths of 100-140m below sea level. Suitable deposits are firstidentified and assessed using acoustic survey methods that do notutilize explosives as an energy source, as well as penetrating toolsfor collection of sediment samples. Mining involves the removal ofunconsolidated surface sediments from the seafloor using aremotely operated underwater vehicle which is deployed from alarge, purpose-designed vessel operated on an anchor spread.Typical cut depths in the mine plan for the licence area range fromapproximately 0.5m to 3m in depth. Sediments are pumped to thesurface for onboard processing, with tailings being returned to themined area.

    Marine Mining and Biodiversity Impacts

    Mining activities alter the nature of the seabed landscape or habitat.The disturbance of sediments results in unconsolidated sediments(sand, mud and rocks) being brought to the surface, processed andthen returned to the sea. The communities that live in the targetedsoft sediment areas are typically destroyed during the miningprocesses. However, independent scientific assessments of miningoperations on the west coast of southern Africa have demonstratedthat natural recovery of the unconsolidated sediment habitatsoccurs over time. The initial deposition of sediment and rocksresults in some degree of backfilling of mined areas. This isfollowed by gradual re-filling of mined areas with fine sediments.Surveys have shown that seabed faunal communities also recoveras the organic fine sediment layers re-establish. Re-colonizationtakes place by passive translocation of animals during storms orsediment sliding from nearby unaffected areas, active immigrationof mobile species, and immigration and settlement of pelagic larvaeand juveniles. Unlike terrestrial operations, active rehabilitationcannot be used; it therefore becomes necessary to scientificallydemonstrate the natural recovery of the post-mining environment.This is achieved by conducting baseline biodiversity assessmentsprior to the commencement of mining, with post-mining monitoringprograms to assess recovery. Recovery periods depend on themarine environment and the specific interactions with other naturalprocesses, but studies indicate recovery periods of between 4 and15 years for the seabed faunal communities in this region.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    Net neutral impact

    No Go Policy:

    Will not mine in World Heritage Sites

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:


    Environmental Management System:

    ISO 14001

    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:

    Yes, based on De Beers BAP Guidance

    Biodiversity Reporting:

    Annual Environmental Performance Reports

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    De Beers Biodiversity Standard and BAP GuidanceFamily of Companies Environmental Peer GroupNGO inputExternal expertsICMM Good Practice Guidance on Mining & Biodiversity

  • One such effort is the companys collaboration with the WorldWildlife Fund and the South African National BiodiversityInstitute in the planning phase for the development of a networkof Offshore Marine Protected Areas that adequately protectsSouth Africa's offshore marine biodiversity and enjoys widesupport from all stakeholders. The objectives of thecollaboration have been to:

    Share information, expertise and tools towards addressing the lack of benthic biodiversity knowledge in the Namaqua bioregion.

    Work together to identify marine areas for protection that best meet the separate objectives of these organizations.

    Collaborate on the further development of the Biodiversity Action Plan for the Mining Licence Area.

    De Beers is providing offshore biodiversity information fromsubmersible surveys and sediment/biological samples, as wellas accurate spatial information about offshore mining activitiesand their impacts to enable conservation planners to moreaccurately reflect the pressures on offshore biodiversity.


    Lesley RoosEnvironmental Manager, De Beers MarinePO Box 87 Cape Town 8000 South AfricaPhone +27 21 658 3194Fax +27 21 658 3355

    [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition






    Marine Mining Impact Research

    Several complementary sampling techniques are used to provideinformation on the seabed habitats and their associatedbiological communities. Studies of the fauna living in the finesediments (infauna) are conducted using Van Veen grabs. Visualinformation of the physical environment and fauna has beengathered by using a submersible for direct observation and thecollection of high resolution video. Geophysical surveys provideimages of seabed roughness and bathymetry data. Thecompanys benthic research program includes the collection ofbaseline data as well as post-mining assessments to assess anddemonstrate the recovery of the environment after mining.These studies include the control sites in adjacent unminedareas to assess natural variability.

    Partnerships and Collaboration

    The understanding of the seabed environment and its biologicalcommunities around southern Africa is limited. For this reason,De Beers Marine has a history of involvement in generalresearch in the field of marine science along the west coast ofsouthern Africa. This has included the sponsorship ofpostgraduate students, collaboration on marine research andconservation initiatives as well as the provision of marinebiological samples and data.

    Seabed images collected from JAGO submersible

  • Namdeb Diamond CorporationSperrgebiet, Namibia


    Namdeb Diamond Corporation (Pty) Ltd, jointly owned by theGovernment of the Republic of Namibia and De BeersCentenary AG, operates a diamond mine on and adjacent tothe southern coast of Namibia. Operations consist of large-scale placer mining, contractor mining and marine miningspread throughout nine mining licence areas (Douglas Bay,Elizabeth Bay, Bogenfels, Mining Area No. 1, Orange River,Atlantic 1, ML128A, ML128B and ML128C) in the Sperrgebiet.

    Diamond mining remains one of the biggest sources of incomefor Namibia. Although exploration continues on- and offshore,some of the land-based operations are winding down, puttingmore emphasis on the rehabilitation processes that will follow.

    Diamond mining in the Sperrgebiet has taken place for morethan 100 years, since the creation of the restricted area in1908. These restrictions have inadvertently led to theprotection of the biodiversity of a unique wilderness area.Mining licences make up 37% of the Sperrgebiet, but around2% of the mining licences have been disturbed translating toonly 0.7% of the Sperrgebiet.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    >Photo: Brown hyena with tracking collar Dr. Ingrid Wiesel


    Company Biodiversity Commitment:

    Net neutral impact

    No Go Policy:

    Will not mine in World Heritage Sites

    Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy:


    Environmental Management System:

    ISO 14001: 2004

    Biodiversity Action (or Management) Plans:

    Yes, based on De Beers BAP Guidance

    Biodiversity Reporting:

    De Beers Report to StakeholdersNamdeb Annual ReviewsPublic Meetings and stakeholder forums

    Sources of Biodiversity Guidance:

    De Beers Biodiversity Standard and BAP GuidanceFamily of Companies Environmental Peer GroupNGO inputExternal experts

    Atlantic OceanSperrgebiet




    Lderitz ML 128A








    Photo: Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) fittedwith radio tracking collar as part of TheKoala Venture partnership between theUniversity of Queensland and Blair AtholMine, Rio Tinto Coal Australia (RTCA). Rio Tinto

    Rio Tinto and biodiversity

    Rio Tinto is a leading global mining group, combining RioTinto plc, a public company listed on the London StockExchange, and Rio Tinto Limited, which is listed on theAustralian Securities Exchange. Rio Tinto is involved in everystage of the mining business and is a direct producer ofaluminium, copper, iron ore, coal and uranium. The groupoperates throughout the world but is focused in Australia andNorth America.

    Rio Tinto recognizes that biodiversity and ecosystem servicedegradation are issues of global significance that will havelong reaching, negative effects for society if not addressedpromptly.

    In 2004, Rio Tinto first made a public commitment tobiodiversity conservation and a goal of having a net positiveimpact (NPI) on biodiversity. Put simply, Rio Tinto aims toensure that biodiversity and its conservation ultimatelybenefit from the companys presence in a region. While it isobviously an ambitious goal, it is one that elicits interest andscrutiny from many of its stakeholders. The biodiversitystrategy and NPI goal is a voluntary commitment Rio Tintohas made in response to changing societal expectations andthe companys understanding of its value for business.

    In support of the Strategy and NPI goal, Rio Tinto hasdeveloped and implemented an overarching suite of supportand guidance materials for use by its operating sites toconserve the biodiversity features on the land it manages.This support comes from its formal partnerships withBirdLife International, Conservation International, EarthwatchInstitute, Fauna & Flora International, and Royal BotanicGardens, Kew, as well as internal biodiversity planningexpertise. The suite of materials developed for its operationsincludes guidance for a staged approach to biodiversity actionplanning for Rio Tinto operations, methodologies forassessing quality of habitat, guidance materials for NPItarget, an NPI accounting workbook and an on-linecollaborative forum. The action planning guidance utilizes theimpact checklists provided in the ICMM Good PracticeGuidance for Mining and Biodiversity.

    Assessing Rio Tintos impacts to biodiversity is an importantstep in implementing its biodiversity strategy. A Group-widebiodiversity values assessment protocol was developed in2007 to assess the biodiversity values of Rio Tintos landholdings and surrounding areas to help prioritize action.

    Biodiversity action planning at Australian operations

  • Threat assessment in the Rio Tinto biodiversity action planningprocess includes disturbance to any species or habitat that isalmost certain, as well as the possibility of impacts to species orhabitats that are listed as threatened or endangered. For eachspecies or habitat threatened, a line of action is developed toensure its conservation. Consequently, through the tracking ofdisturbed areas in the NPI accounting process, an importantcross-check is provided by ensuring that actions have beendeveloped for habitats of conservation significance andincorporated into the BAP. If a habitat of conservation significancehas been disturbed and no action assigned to itsprotection/restoration, then a red flag is raised and a directconservation action must be developed.

    Other improvements to the action planning process resultingfrom the introduction of the NPI target and methodology includethe development of an improved means to identify prioritybiodiversity features, the ability to identify and assess potentialopportunities, overall improved readability, and a strongeralignment with Rio Tintos internal reporting requirements.

    The NPI target has been the main driver behind the developmentof longer-term actions, with an emphasis on offset andrestoration actions and less on baseline studies, research andcommunity and stakeholder programs. While these additionalconservation actions still play an important role in managingbiodiversity at an operational level, longer-term actions such asoffsetting and restoration are what will ultimately progress anindividual operation and Rio Tinto overall towards its NPI target.

    Rio Tinto and biodiversity management the next steps

    Rio Tinto is proposing to add further rigour to its biodiversitymanagement and commitment to NPI through the developmentand management of a third-party verification program that willprovide a level of independent assurance to Rio Tinto that itsoperations are progressing towards NPI. Through this verificationprogram, and the ongoing development and implementation ofbiodiversity action plans throughout all of its operationsworldwide, Rio Tinto will remain confident in working towards itstarget of NPI. Rio Tinto is also currently considering theincorporation of its NPI accounting and biodiversity action plansinto its on-line internal HSE performance reporting tool whichmay significantly assist in the Groups tracking of performanceagainst its commitments. The organization also believes that thiswill not only demonstrate its commitment to the environment butalso raise the bar for biodiversity conservation managementwithin the broader mining sector and contribute to broaderknowledge in the field.


    Cameron Jones Senior advisor Environment, Technology and InnovationRio Tinto1 Research Avenue Bundoora VIC 3083 Australia

    [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition





    As a result, RTCA identified a business case for a moreproactive and strategic approach to managing biodiversity andrecognized the biodiversity action planning process as providingthe ideal starting point. The RTCA biodiversity action planningprocess commenced prior to the development of Rio TintosNPI target and the release of the action planning guidancematerial, so it provided a valuable exercise for the Rio TintoGroup in developing and refining its action planningmethodology. While the RTCA BAPs provided the genesis forbiodiversity action planning throughout the Group and aframework for the development of a number of BAPs at otherRio Tinto operations, the lack of a quantifiable Group-widebiodiversity target resulted in the development of a series ofmanagement actions that did not directly necessarily addressthe need for long-term, large-scale habitat protectionmeasures such as offset, restoration or avoidance activities.

    The NPI target and improvements to thebiodiversity action planning process

    As discussed above, the RTCA BAPs were developed andimplemented prior to the release of the Rio Tinto NPI target.Following the release of this NPI target and the development ofaccompanying NPI accounting tools and methodology, RTCAhas since reviewed the BAPs for both the Hunter Valley andBowen Basin regions. This review, done in light of the NPItarget and improved action planning guidance materials hasled to a number of improvements in the action planningprocess.

    The most significantimprovement to the BAPprocess resulting from theintroduction of the NPItarget and accompanyingmethodology is the directincorporation of habitats ofconservation significanceinto the action planningprocess. The NPIaccounting methodologyrequires Rio Tintooperations to identifyhabitats of conservationsignificance present on

    lease that have been, or are likely to be impacted byoperational activities. A significant habitat can be a threatenedecological community and/or provide essential or preferredhabitat for one or more listed species.

    Step 1: Biodiversity features/values identification

    Step 2: Identify operational and external threats

    Step 3: Assess threats to biodiversity

    Step 4: Assess opportunities

    Step 5: Impact accounting (NPI)

    Step 6: Objective and target setting

    Step 7: Develop biodiversity actions

    Step 8: Document and communicate

    Step 9: Implementation and monitoring

    Rio Tintos staged approach to biodiversity action planning

  • The Nature ConservancyDevelopment by Design

    2 Blend landscape planning with mitigation hierarchy: How can development conform to the hierarchy (i.e., when impacts should be avoided and when offsets are appropriate)?

    Key tasks Compile data on existing and projected cumulative impacts

    for the region. Identify conflicts between the conservation portfolio and

    potential impacts. Make recommendations for applying the mitigation hierarchy based on biodiversity criteria of vulnerability (degree of threat) and irreplaceability (rarity/uniqueness), and potential for re-drawing the conservation portfolio to meet conservation goals elsewhere in region.

    3 Determine project impacts and identify portfolio of best offset opportunities: How will offsets deliver values ecologically equivalent to those lost, be located at an acceptable proximity to the impact site, and contribute to landscape conservation goals?

    Key tasks Estimate expected direct and indirect project impacts to

    biological targets; goals for offsets are established based on these impacts.

    Identify optimal offset opportunities using site-selection algorithm (i.e., Marxan) at increasing spatial extents from project site.

    4 Evaluate offset options in terms of their potential contribution to conservation goals and their cost-effectiveness: To what extent will offsets compensate for impacts? Which offsets provide best return on investment highest conservation value at least cost and risk?

    Key tasks Estimate potential contribution of offsets to conservation

    goals. Consider additionality (i.e., offset conservation value additional to existing values), probability of success, and time-lag to conservation maturity (i.e., how long it takes for offsets to deliver conservation at a maturity level similar to what was lost at impact site).

    Estimate cost to implement offsets in portfolio. Evaluate this cost and expected conservation value to identify offsetsthat will provide highest conservation return.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    >Photo: Mining in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia Joe Kiesecker

    Development by Design is a science-based mitigationplanning process that balances the needs of planneddevelopment, such as mining, oil and gas, and infrastructure,with those of nature conservation. The aim is to bringefficiencies to mitigation planning that are transparent andtransferable to industry and regulators, complementary tothe environmental assessment process, and support no netloss of biodiversity values.

    In taking Development by Design forward, the NatureConservancy is harnessing 60 years of conservation planningexperience, advances in remote sensing and modeling, and ahistory of achieving on-the-ground conservation. TheConservancy is working with companies, governments, and arange of other stakeholders to apply Development by Designat several projects mining, oil and gas, and renewableenergy in the United States, Colombia, and Mongolia.

    The Approach

    Development by Design is applied at two distinct spatialscales: first at a landscape level to evaluate conservationpriorities, assess cumulative impacts in the region, andensure conflicts between conservation priorities anddevelopment conform to the mitigation hierarchy (Steps 1 and 2); and second at a project level to assess site-level biodiversity impacts and design an offsets strategy formitigating these impacts (Steps 3 and 4). This four-step process is summarized as follows:

    1 Develop a landscape conservation plan: Where are the highest priority areas for conservation and ecosystem services in the region?

    Key tasks Assemble stakeholder group to support analysis with

    expert and stakeholder opinion. Compile list of representative biological targets and gather

    spatial data. Develop eco-regional conservation portfolio. Incorporate ecosystem services and climate change


  • For more information

    Visit Development by Design website at:www.nature.org/aboutus/development

    Related Publications

    Kiesecker, J.M, H. Copeland, A. Pocewicz, N. Nibbelink, B.McKenney J. Dahlke, M. Holloran, and D. Stroud. 2009. A Framework for Implementing Biodiversity Offsets:Selecting Sites and Determining Scale. BioScience 59:77-84

    Kiesecker, J.M., H. Copeland, A. Pocewicz, and B. McKenney.2010. Development by Design: Blending Landscape LevelPlanning with the Mitigation Hierarchy. Frontiers in Ecologyand the Environment 8:261-266

    McKenney, B. and J.M. Kiesecker. 2010. Policy Developmentfor Biodiversity Offsets: A Review of Offset Frameworks.Environmental Management 45:165-176


    Bruce McKenney/Joe KieseckerThe Nature [email protected]@tnc.org


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition







    The Nature Conservancy recognizes that project successdepends not only on Development by Design providing aneffective and scientifically defensible approach, but also ondelivering results in a practical, timely, and cost-effectivemanner. Current Development by Design projects are beingapplied in timeframes of 6 to 18 months, with implementationtaking place in different geographies and habitat types, indata-rich and data-poor environments, and with a variety ofstakeholders. The Conservancy is looking to expand thisproject experience, to support improvements in mitigationand better outcomes for development and natureconservation.

    Development by Design evaluation map of Mongolia

    Mining and Oil licenses (May, 2010)



    Major lakesMajor riversAimag bordersSoum borders

  • BirdLife InternationalLinking Western Hemispheric Important Bird Areas and Bird Migration

    To date, activities have included:

    Publication of IBA and birding inventories; Priority baseline survey and conservation actions at IBAs

    and other habitats critical for migratory species; Visitor management at key sites; Environmental education programs in partnership with

    local communities; Exchange programs for capacity-building and international

    awareness raising; and, Sustainable livelihood development through

    community-based ecotourism at sites.

    BirdLife, with Rio Tintos continued support over the next fourto five years, plans a series of ambitious projects to continuesupporting the flyway initiative. It also welcomes the supportof other potential partner companies.

    Partnering with BirdLife International

    BirdLife International can support corporate partners inbiodiversity programs through a regional network ofconservation organizations in the Americas that:

    has broad geographic coverage, is focused on species and site conservation, is engaged in relevant national and regional initiatives, is grass-roots based, has established relationships with key conventions, has staff working at the species and site levels in more

    than 25 countries, has a strong science base, has well developed information management capacities,

    and; is actively engaged with the private sector, amongst other

    important traits.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    More than 75% of Americas birds migrate between two ormore countries. Some species like shorebirds, waterfowl,seabirds, raptors and small passerines move betweencontinents, some undertaking immense journeys spanningthe entire length of the Western Hemisphere. Because oftheir migratory habits, many species depend on discrete sitesalong flyways for breeding, feeding and staging. Thedegradation or destruction of these sites puts entirepopulations at risk. Indeed, the populations of manymigratory species are in serious decline as habitatsdisappear or are converted to other uses.

    Through support from the U.S. government and with theparticipation of partners in every country in the WesternHemisphere, BirdLife is compiling a comprehensive databaseon Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and Neotropical migrant birdsthat will enable conservation practitioners to identify andconserve IBAs critical to dependent migratory birds up anddown their flyways.

    The concept of the flyway initiative is to build partnershipswith companies operating near, or otherwise associated with,IBAs or specific migratory species, and to collaborate in theconservation of critical bird habitat along the flyways. Theidea to link sites along species flyways has already beendeveloped at some institutional levels within some countriesand regions, and this initiative integrates with them bybringing additional support for objectives that are common toboth partner companies and BirdLife organizations.

    The Initiative to Date

    Currently, Rio Tinto through its Kennecott Utah Copper(KUCC) business unit supports this initiative, in partnershipwith the Rio Tinto-BirdLife Program and the USFWS -Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Action (Fund).Launched in April 2009 the initiative has advanced a range ofpartnership projects based on the principle that the migratorybird diversity associated with Great Salt Lake, which is ofongoing interest and value to KUCC, can actually be moreeffectively conserved globally by addressing conservationresearch, action, environmental education and sustainablelivelihood development at critical migratory IBAs along theAmericas flyways that selected species use throughout theirmigratory lifecycle. BirdLife International, through BirdLifePartner NGOs and its programs throughout the Americas,supports IBA-based activities in Saskatchewan, Utah, Mexico,Peru, Argentina and Chile.


    Jonathan StaceyProgram ManagerBirdlife International

    [email protected]


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition







    Migration and important bird areas: a strategy for biodiversity conservation

    Shore birds

    Sea birds

    Land birdsRaptors


    Migratory flight paths

  • Conservation InternationalIBAT for business: an on-line tool for mining andexploration companies to manage environmental risks

    The fine-scale spatial data available through IBAT includes legallyprotected areas as well as sites known to hold critical biodiversity,known as key biodiversity areas. By providing information on bothprotected and unprotected high priority sites for conservation,IBAT informs the practical implementation of environmentalsafeguard policies and industry best practice standards. The toolintegrates globally compiled datasets from each of the IBATAlliance conservation organizations as well as their extensivenetworks of experts and partners operating in over 200 countriesworldwide.

    Core Data Available through IBAT Protected Areas

    Nationally designated parks, reserves, indigenous and communal areas

    UNESCO World Heritage, Ramsar, and Man-and-Biosphere sites

    Information is drawn directly from the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA), a joint venture of UNEP-WCMC and IUCNs World Commission on Protected Areas, which is the most comprehensive global dataset on marine, freshwater and terrestrial protected areas.

    Key Biodiversity Areas Areas comprising critical habitat for the survival of globally

    threatened or geographically concentrated species that can be managed for conservation

    Vulnerability of globally threatened species based upon IUCN Red List.

    IBATs web-based mapping tool enables users to overlay theirland holdings and prospecting sites with these comprehensivedatasets in order to assess site specific biodiversity risks. Giventhat many early stage projects are confidential, an added value ofIBAT is the ability for business users to assess potential overlapwithout publicly sharing their areas or territories of interest withexternal parties. Subsequent engagement with relevantconservation organizations at an appropriate time for follow upadvice and assessment is however strongly encouraged.

    De Beers Case Study

    In December of 2008, De Beers began actively using theIntegrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool for Business. The toolwas used as part of the De Beers Biodiversity OverlapAssessment (BOA) which aimed to determine where thecompanys ground holdings/licenses overlap with or are adjacentto legally designated protected areas and areas of highbiodiversity value. Maps depicting this information were compiledusing data from IBAT and superimposed onto existing De Beersdata, and the final product maps were exported to PDF files foreasy access.


    Mining and Biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition

    >Photo: Example map output of IBAT showing areas of importance for biodiversity conservation.

    As demand for minerals grows in response to increasingglobal standards of living there is an increasing drive forexploration and mining in hitherto unexplored areas oftencharacterized by pristine natural environments and uniquebiodiversity. Demonstrating a commitment to responsibledevelopment and conservation is now essential in managingbusiness risk and opportunity. Negative impacts onbiodiversity can affect a company's license to operate anddiminish shareholder value, while positive actions canimprove credibility and loyalty among key stakeholders.

    Through ongoing private sector collaboration, CI and itspartners have identified a number of common challenges tobiodiversity risk management. Among them, early explorationactivities frequently do not document overlaps with sensitivebiodiversity. Time and considerable amounts of money maybe spent before these risks are identified, causingunnecessary tension with environmental stakeholders andpotentially lost opportunities to consider project alternatives.According to industry leaders, biodiversity information is noteasily accessible making it difficult to conduct early stageevaluations. Additionally, junior mining companies may lackresources or capacity to carry out such analyses.

    In response to these stated business needs, an Alliance wasformed between four leading conservation organizations:BirdLife International, Conservation International, IUCN andUNEP-WCMC. Together, the Alliance partners developed theIntegrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool for Business (IBAT).This user-friendly online platform provides businesses withcentralized access to globally recognized biodiversityinformation. Access to this information at the earliest stagesof project planning makes it easier to consider alternativeprojects, approaches or locations at a time when suchchanges are still economically viable. Beyond screening, IBATcan help inform and prioritize subsequent data collection,assessment and planning in the project cycle. IBAT supportsa critical first step and is intended to inform not replace these subsequent processes.

    Business Applications of IBAT Informing corporate biodiversity commitments and policies Screening potential investments Siting an operation in a given region Assessing risks associated with potential sourcing regions Prioritizing biodiversity research around operating sites Focusing conservation interventions and offsets Reporting on corporate biodiversity performance


    Rowena SmutsMining Engagement Advisor Conservation InternationalTel: +27 (0) 21 799 8708

    [email protected]


    Mining and biodiversity A collection of case studies 2010 edition








    Ingrid Watson, (De Beerss exploration division) outlined thevalue of the tool:

    The outcome has proved to be a very useful visual record, whichhas been further enhanced through using additional descriptivedata provided on IBAT, i.e. country biodiversity information anddetails on the protected areas and KBA. The main value of IBATis having all the available biodiversity information accessi