important mountains of world

IMPORTANT MOUNTAINS OF WORLD Mount Olympus is in Greece. The mountain range in Russia that is regarded as the boundary b/w Europe & Asia is Urals. Ural mountains separate Asia from Europe. Ordovician are oldest rocks. Oldest mountain system are Araveli. Youngest mountain system are Himaliyas. Andes Mountains are in South America. Ring of Fire are volcanoes in Circum-Pacific Seismic belt. Alps are Europe’s largest mountain system. Atlas are North Africa’s mountain range. Atlas Mountains are in Morocco. The Himalaya mountain range (Asia) is the greatest mountain range in the world. Ayers Rock is the largest single rock in the world. Mauna kea volcano is in Hawaii What is the world’s longest mountain range-The Andes Black forest is a mountain in Germany. Rocky or Rockies Mountains is the largest mountain system of North America. Koh-i-Sultan is in Pakistan. Highest mountain system in the world is Himalayas. Sefid Koh is mountain range in Afghanistan. Blue Mountains are in Australia. Mauna Kea volcano is in Hawaii. What is the name of the second highest mountain in Africa-Mount Kenya In what modern country is mount Ararat-Turkey Most active volcano Italiana is situated in Hawaii. Mount Everest is in Himalaya range with height 29,028 feet first ascent made on May 29, 1953. K2 named Godwin Austin or Chagori is in Karakoram Range with 28,250 ft height. First ascent made on July 31, 1954. Nanga Parbat is in Himalaya range is known as Killer Mountain with height 26,660 ft. First ascent was made on July 3, 1953. Broad Peak I is in Karakoram range with height 26,470. Tirich Mir is in Hindu Kush mountain. Prince Charles is mountain range in Antarctica. Zardak is the highest peak of Kirthar range.

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Important Mountains of World


IMPORTANT MOUNTAINS OF WORLDMount Olympus is in Greece.The mountin rn!e in Russi tht is re!r"e" s the #oun"ry #$% &urope 'Asi is Urls. Url mountins seprte Asi (rom &urope.Or"o)icin re ol"est roc*s.Ol"est mountin system re Ar)eli.+oun!est mountin system re ,imliys.An"es Mountins re in South Americ.Rin! o( Fire re )olcnoes in -ircum.Pci/c Seismic #elt.Alps re &urope0s lr!est mountin system.Atls re North A(ric0s mountin rn!e. Atls Mountins re in Morocco.The ,imly mountin rn!e 1Asi2 is the !retest mountin rn!e in the %orl".Ayers Roc* is the lr!est sin!le roc* in the %orl".Mun *e )olcno is in ,%iiWht is the %orl"0s lon!est mountin rn!e.The An"es3lc* (orest ismountin in Germny.Roc*y or Roc*ies Mountins is the lr!est mountin system o( North Americ.4oh.i.Sultn is in P*istn.,i!hest mountin system in the %orl" is ,imlys.Se/" 4oh is mountin rn!e in A(!hnistn.3lue Mountins re in Austrli.Mun 4e )olcno is in ,%ii.Wht is the nme o( the secon" hi!hest mountin in A(ric.Mount 4enyIn %ht mo"ern country is mount Arrt.Tur*eyMost cti)e )olcno Itlin is situte" in ,%ii.Mount &)erest is in ,imly rn!e %ith hei!ht 567859 (eet /rst scent m"eon My 567 :6; $apan.)&anga Manga is *a"%!s *%r sis&a" Ti"ber *%rests.T&e t%tal lengt& %* railways in Pa0istan is BBHI 0".Sial0%t &as t&e &ig&est ann!al rain*all.T&e largest distri-t %* P!n;ab by area is a&awalp!r;.Pa0istan En,ir%n"ental Pr%te-ti%n Ordinan-e was en*%r-ed in @ABC.Fr%st s&attering 0ind %* weat&er ta0es pla-e %n t&e ,alley side ab%,e t&e s!r*a-e %* a gla-ier.M%ns%%n wind re,erses"!da triangle extends !p t% S%!t& Fl%rida > P!ert% Ri-%.(y%t% Pr%t%-%l is an internati%nal treaty relating t% en,ir%n"ental pr%ble"s.+a2rat a&a1!d1Din 4a0lariaya bel%ngs t% )&istia %rder.T&e l%ngest ri,er in S%!t& Asia is ra&"p!tra.T&e lengt& %* ri,er Ind!s is 5BBG 0".T&e %ldest +ydr%1ele-tri- Pr%;e-t in Pa0istan is in Mala0and.T&e %ldest barrage %n t&e ri,er Ind!s at S!00!r was b!ilt in @AJ5.E!r%pe &as n% desert.Arabia? S-andina,ia > Alas0a are -alled Penins!la.T&e ri-&est *is&ing gr%!nd in t&e w%rld is N%rt& Eastern Asia.W&en %ne pla-e %n t&e eart& is %n a bigger eastern l%ngit!de t&en its ti"e will be a&ead.Ara0an 3%"aK is t&e extenLsi%n %* t&e +i"alayas l%-ated in Myan"ar.)arda"%"K (arnata0a is t&e largest pr%d!-er %* -arLda"%". India is t&e largest exp%rter %* -arda"%" in t&e w%rld.)li"%grap&K is a grap&i-al representati%n %* t&e di**erentia1ti%n between ,ari%!s types %* -li"ate.)%s"i- yearK One -%s"i- year is e#!al t% t&e ti"e ta0en by t&e s!n t% -%"plete %ne %rbit ar%!nd t&e gala-ti- -entre.Date Line? Internati%nalK Internati%nal Date Line is an internati%nally agreed line drawn parallel t% t&e @BGM "eridian. It di,ides t&e Pa-i*i- O-ean int% tw% e#!al parts. A -r%ssing %* t&e Internati%nal Date Line entails repeating %ne day w&en tra,elling westwards.Aberdeen in S-%tland is 0n%wn *%r ritainEs largest granite1exp%ritng ind!stry. It is 0nwn as .ranite )ity.Alexander