Ó'in search of plutus' · web viewdavid wasn’t just being polite. he meant every word. david was...

Ó"In Search of Plutus" By Wayne Bryant Chapter One Love Is No Accident? My name is Donovan Daring. I am a writer of romantic adventure novels. If anyone had told me when I got out of bed this morning, I would become a Soldier of Fortune (much like the temerarious heroes and heroines I often write about), I would have told him or her, no way. I only write these adventure novels. I might participate a little, but only in my imagination. I would learn there is a very thin line separating fiction from non-fiction, and I would soon cross that line. What started out, as a seemingly normal morning routine for me would soon prove to be anything but normal. A sudden twist of events would drastically change my lifestyle forever. I had put my life on a time schedule these past few months without even realizing it. I hurriedly got dressed in my Hawaiian beach shorts, flowery shirt and flip-flops (which by the way) was my normal attire whenever I had leisure time to spare. I grabbed a cup of coffee on my way out the door and headed for my chaise lounge on the beach. I learned to time this morning ritual of mine fairly accurate by now, and was seldom off more than a minute or two either 1

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Ó"In Search of Plutus"

("In Search of Plutus"

By Wayne Bryant

Chapter One

Love Is No Accident?

My name is Donovan Daring. I am a writer of romantic adventure novels. If anyone had told me when I got out of bed this morning, I would become a Soldier of Fortune (much like the temerarious heroes and heroines I often write about), I would have told him or her, no way. I only write these adventure novels. I might participate a little, but only in my imagination. I would learn there is a very thin line separating fiction from non-fiction, and I would soon cross that line.

What started out, as a seemingly normal morning routine for me would soon prove to be anything but normal. A sudden twist of events would drastically change my lifestyle forever. I had put my life on a time schedule these past few months without even realizing it. I hurriedly got dressed in my Hawaiian beach shorts, flowery shirt and flip-flops (which by the way) was my normal attire whenever I had leisure time to spare. I grabbed a cup of coffee on my way out the door and headed for my chaise lounge on the beach. I learned to time this morning ritual of mine fairly accurate by now, and was seldom off more than a minute or two either way. Just to catch a brief glimpse of this beautiful lady as she came jogging by was well worth the extra effort of getting up about a half hour early each morning.

A lady this attractive could have her choice of any man she chose. I had no business even thinking I stood a chance gaining her affections, but still I would allow myself to dream of her anyway. I couldn’t see any real harm in that. After all I didn’t think she was married. Since I began noticing her these past few months, I never saw her with a wedding ring. She was always alone, but I was certain I wasn’t her only admirer.

I sat on the beach this beautiful summer morning sipping my coffee from my favorite cup, while anxiously awaiting another spectacular sunrise that would soon be rising over the Emerald Green Atlantic Ocean. I looked intently at my watch. I was a record two minutes early arriving on the beach today.

I’m getting rather good at this, I thought to myself as I took my right hand and patted my left shoulder as though I had just broken some Olympic World Speed Record. Well, I had broken my own record anyway.

Here she comes now. She’s a little early this morning also, I thought as I caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of my left eye. She was still about one hundred yards from me, but there was no mistaking this lovely Goddess of the Dawn at almost any distance on the beach.

I wonder why such a good-looking lady like that is always alone, I would often ask myself? She could just as easily have been a movie star, and for all I knew, she just might be. The medium length blond hair she wore in a ponytail while jogging, accented her baby blue eyes. The white headband she wore, complimented the rose-colored glow in her cheeks as she smiled. She had ruby red lips that were so … so kissable, are the only words that come to mind at the moment. She had the cutest little nose that turned upward just enough to give a hint of sophistication about her.

She had the most gorgeous deep golden tan that one might have thought, at first glance, came from a Coppertone Billboard Sign you might see while driving down the highway. She appeared to be sensuous, but not in a naughty way. Although we had never been properly introduced, we knew each other by the nodding of our heads and the friendly smiles we exchanged as she passed by me each morning.

I wanted to talk to her on many occasions, but being very shy when it actually came to meeting women, kept me at a disadvantage. I really didn’t know how to go about meeting her without seeming to be somewhat too forward. She had jogged by me every morning like this (weather permitting) for the past three months. She was already a part of the seascape as far as I was concerned. I would often play guessing games trying to imagine her name.

Is she a Gloria? No, that doesn’t seem to fit. Perhaps she is a Beverly, Wanda, Patsy, Jessica or some other name more common. Not knowing her name, only added to the mystique he had already created in my mind surrounding her identity.

“Even if I knew her name, would I dare speak to her,” I asked? 

What if she thought I was trying to put the make on her, and then she might choose another jogging route? I sure didn't want that to happen. Whatever her real name was didn’t seem to matter all that much anyway.

I still wanted her to continue to be a part of my life, if only for a few passing moments each morning.

“Today, Mr. Donovan daring, you are at least going to speak to this young Goddess and let her know you are not a mute,” I boldly whispered under his breath.

I sat there trying to figure out a way to meet her without seeming to be too aggressive, but still wanting her to know I was very much interested in getting to know her.

I often wondered what she thought about me (if anything) whenever she jogged by. She always had a big smile for me, but that really didn’t prove anything as far as true feelings were concerned. Most people will smile automatically when they pass one another on the beach.

I am six feet tall with dark hair and sky blue eyes. I really love life and all my friends said that was very obvious by the sincere smile I always wore. I was slender in stature, not all that bad to look at, but still, I couldn’t help but feel this attractive lady was way out of my league.

Just like clockwork she came jogging by.

“Ok now Mr. Donovan Daring, get ready to at least say hello out loud,” I said in almost a whisper.

She suddenly stopped in front of him and stood there for a brief moment without moving.

Oh goodness. I must have done something wrong without realizing it and she is fixing to really tell me off, I thought to myself.

The pain finally hit her as she moaned in agony and grabbed her left leg. I quickly sprang to my feet to see what was wrong as she was starting to fall. I reached out and ever so gently took her by her arms, slowly helping her sit down in my chaise lounge. We had no way to know at the time, but she had pulled a muscle in her leg.

I seemed as shocked over the accident as she and could tell this lovely lady was in a lot of pain.

"Can I help you, what’s the matter?" I nervously asked.

She had tears in her eyes and it took a moment for her to catch her breath before she was able to speak.

"I’m not sure what happened to me. I was running like I do every morning and my leg just suddenly caved in under me," she responded.

Here comes Mister Hero to the rescue. You must mean someone else. I was only a writer of adventure stories and most certainly no macho hero myself.

The most heroic thing I was able to do was call 911 from my cell phone. Rescue arrived on the scene in less than five minutes. I was allowed to accompany the young lady in the back of the ambulance to the emergency room.

"I am Donovan," I said as we headed for Baptist Memorial Hospital at Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

"I’m glad to meet you at long last. I have watched you for the past few months as I jogged on the beach in front of your Condo every morning. Megan is my name;” she managed a smile as the paramedics were still taking her vital signs.

"Well Megan, I am so happy to personally be meeting you at long last also, but we can’t go on meeting this way," I said with a grin, while trying to make her feel more at ease and making a small joke at the same time.

"I should hope not, but you might say it’s been painfully nice meeting you too," she was quick to reply.

Megan was the kind of girl you wouldn’t mind bringing home to meet your Mother. She had that wholesome, honest, and just about every man’s dream girl looks about her in every sense of the word. I could tell just by watching her, she had a self-confidant aura about her that told him she was used to making her own decisions when it involved her life.

She didn’t speak with any hesitations or uncertainties in the sound of her voice whatsoever. She had a kind of take-charge command about her. That is just something I had learned to sense through the years when it came to judging how responsible people would be with financial matters such as loans, etc.

After all, I had worked in a small branch office of a major bank in the panhandle of Oklahoma for about ten years as a loan officer. I learned to recognize those who were more stable when it came to making important decisions in their lives. Megan certainly qualified as a prime candidate in that category. He patiently waited as the doctors examined her.

"It is a pulled muscle," the doctor on duty in the emergency room said.

He was still holding the x-rays of her leg up to the light as he continued talking.

"You will be on crutches for a couple of week’s young lady, but I think you will be just fine. I don’t see any permanent damage," he concluded.

"Megan, May I have the honor of being your servant for a while? I have a downstairs guest room and will be more than happy for you to take advantage of my offer," I said as I suddenly realized how stupid that remark sounded.

Now that must have really sounded idiotic. Saying something like that to someone you just met. I better say something quick to let her know those words came out all wrong before she takes that awkward statement the wrong way, I thought to myself.

"I …uh… didn’t mean that like it sounded," I said as I stuttered a little apology and turned red with embarrassment at the same time.

Meagan laughed a little at my obvious nervousness.

"What I am trying to say …uh…well… my place is your place while you convalescing if you like."

At first Megan wouldn’t hear of it. Then she detected sincerity in the sound of his voice and knew he meant what he said in spite of the way it sounded.

"Megan," I began to speak as sincere as I knew how, while at the same time trying to make her feel as comfortable as I could,

"I know we have just recently met. All I want…ahem,” I continued as I nervously cleared my throat, "is to be just a small part of your life if you will let me.

Megan was quite moved emotionally by my last remark.

"I wanted so much these past few months just to stop and chat with you also. I didn’t dream you had the same feelings as me," Megan coyly confessed.

"Megan please listen to me a moment," he said in trying to explain his reasons for not meeting her that first day he saw her jogging on the beach.

Meagan was moved by my sincerity.

"You are so young and beautiful. I felt you were way out of my league," I responded rather apologetically.

"So what has beauty got to do with meeting someone anyway? Haven’t you heard beauty is only skin-deep? Let’s take a chance and see how we really feel about each other. I get so annoyed at these men with all of their ogling and wolf whistles trying to impress me and prove they are macho. That kind of stuff really turns me off. I have dated some of these men and frankly speaking, they need to grow up first and learn some manners. I have noticed you have always been quite the gentleman and never flirtatious. That shows me you have class and know how to treat a lady. If you’re game, at least give us both a fair chance," she laughed.

The doctor wrote Megan a prescription for pain. She was wrapped in an Ace bandage from just above her left knee to past the calf of her leg. After a few more instructions on the limitations of things she could and could not do for a couple of weeks, the doctor released her from the emergency room.

I summoned a cab. I was surprised to learn Megan only lived two blocks from me. I paid the cab driver and helped Megan into her condo.

"Just get some of your things together you may need right away. You can always come back later when you are feeling better and pick up anything you may have forgotten," I suggested.

“Thank you, I need to rest a moment first. I’ll have to get use to these crutches,” she said.

"I will go home and get the guest bedroom ready for you. I will get my car and come back for you in about an hour," I promised.

"I really feel I am putting you through too much trouble. I am glad you offered to be my private nurse for a while. I don’t have a downstairs guest room. I’m not at all sure I could climb steps, even with these crutches,” she confessed.

"That is nonsense. I am only glad I have the opportunity to be your knight in shining armor, and help a damsel in distress if only for a little while," I winked.

I left her and walked the short distance to my condo. It shouldn’t take too long to get the guest bedroom ready. I was glad it was Dianna’s day to come over and clean my place. I did not need a full time maid. I was a bachelor and kept my place fairly neat and in order, but still Dianna came by twice a week to give my place a good going over.

Dianna answered an ad I placed in the local newspaper for a part time maid. She had proven to be very reliable and stepped in on several occasions to help me out when I would have guests over on the weekends. She reminded me a lot of Hazel in the comedy series that was so popular on television a few years back by the same name.

She was already busily cleaning the downstairs when I returned from leaving Megan at her house to get her things ready. I explained the situation to Dianna about Megan staying there for a couple of weeks until she was able to climb the stairs and return to her own Condo.

"Well, I shall make the guest room my main priority for this morning then," Dianna smiled as she set about preparing the room.

I went upstairs, took a quick shower, and changed clothes. When I came back downstairs, Dianna was just finishing with the guest room.

"I will go pick the young lady up," I said to Dianna as I was glancing at the mail she had placed on my desk.

"While you are gone, I will make some sandwiches and iced tea for the both of you for lunch. I can also come in as often as you need me while your friend is convalescing here," Dianna offered.

"That will be great. Why don’t you plan on coming in every other day for the next couple of weeks anyway?" I said.

"Consider it a done deal," Dianna replied in affirming my request.

I left to pick up Megan. When I arrived back at her condo, she was still sitting in the chair I had left her earlier.

"I feel so stupid," she kind of wryly grinned.

"What’s wrong?" I asked as I was somewhat puzzled by her statement.

“I am going to stay with you for the next couple of weeks because I can’t climb the stairs here. All my things are upstairs." Duh! She said shaking her head.

"I’m the one who feels kind of stupid here," I remarked as I was apologizing for not thinking about that myself.

"Let me go back to my place and get Dianna. You can tell her where everything is that you need, and she can pack for you. Dianna is my part time maid, but she knows just how to help you Megan."

"That may be the best idea we both have come up with today," Megan echoed back.

I called Dianna and explained the situation to her.

"That is not a problem. Do you want me to drive over, or would you prefer to come get me so we can get this young lady settled in where she can get some rest?" Dianna asked.

“I’ll be there in less than five minutes," I promised.

I picked up Dianna. She listened as Megan gave directions as to what she would need. They had everything under control in less than twenty minutes. The three of us returned to my place. Dianna had Megan settled in and feeling quite comfortable under the circumstances in a matter of minutes.

There was a large picture window overlooking the ocean in Donovan’s living room. His favorite couch set facing the window. It provided a constant view of the ocean. It was also very comfortable, and was probably the most used piece of furniture he owned.

Megan asked if she could lie there for a while. It was obvious she loved the ocean as much as I did.

"You may stay anywhere you feel you will be comfortable. I often spend hours on end sitting there. It can be so peaceful just sitting and watching the ships pass by on the horizon. I started writing novels about twenty years ago, I get a lot of inspirations just staring out that window and daydreaming," I confessed.

"I wish I could write what I feel. I envy people with that kind of talent. By the way, do you have any of your novels lying around that I can read while I am here, and what name do you write under?" she managed to say in one breath.

"I write under the name of Donovan Daring," I said as I handed her a copy of my latest novel.

This book has not even been released as yet. You my dear, are getting the first preview before it goes on sale, I stated as I gently tapped her on the tip of her nose.

"I have heard of you. I have read several of your earlier novels, and I really liked each one of them." she gasped in surprise as she took the book from him

"If you like a good mystery, then you might like reading this one. It is titled "That Was the Last Time I died." Try and guess the ending," I laughed.

"Like I just said, I have read several of your novels, but you always lead me away from the obvious, and I am totally dumbfounded by the endings," she remarked.

"I have a few things that need attending to, but Dianna will be here while I am away. If you need anything at all, just let her know," I said.

"Ok, thank you. Right now I believe a couple of quiet hours alone with your book will be all I need," Megan smiled.

Dianna reminded me of some things I needed to get taken care of today.

"You are scheduled to take the car in for an oil change and lubrication. Don’t forget to get the tires rotated and then stop at the car wash for the finishing touches. Your publisher called and left a message on your answering machine. They need you to send them the rewritten chapters seven, eight and nine by this Friday so they won’t get behind," Dianna said.

"Thank you for reminding me, Dianna. I had completely forgotten about that. I will finish those chapters and mail them tomorrow," I replied.

"Your sister in San Antonio called to wish you happy birthday."

"Oh dear, is it that time of the year again already?" I sighed.

"Yes, Mr. D.," Dianna said.

"Growing older isn’t all that bad when you consider the alternative," I laughed.

"I must admit you make a pretty strong point,” Dianna replied.

"Leave any shopping that needs to be done to me. I will take care of it when you return," she said.

Dianna was also a lady who knew how to take control in almost any situation. Donovan had grown somewhat dependent on her and relied a lot in her over the past few months.

"One other thing, Mr. D., hurry back," she laughed.

"All right then, if everyone is set for now, I shall return later," I said as I closed the door and left.

When I returned some three hours later, Dianna and Megan had planned a little surprise birthday party for me. I walked in the door and Megan began to moan quite loudly. I rushed in to see if I could help, as I did not see Dianna anywhere.

It turns out Megan was only faking the pain, while Dianna brought the birthday cake into the living room and placed it on the coffee table. I was surprised because my birthday was the last thing on my mind. Dianna was kind this particular day. She had only placed one candle on the cake.

"Happy birthday, Mr. D," she said as she lit the candle.

"You know what to do next," she laughed.

"Yes, I do. And if I were granted two wishes, one of them would be for you to quit remembering my birthdays," I laughed.

They both laughed at my request.

"Well, Mr. Daring, if you will lean over here, I have a present for you, also," Megan whispered.

"You do, young lady?" I asked with a somewhat puzzled look on my face.

"Yes, I do. You are so shy I see right now I will have to take control if our relationship is headed anywhere positive," she whispered.

I leaned toward Megan; she met me half way placing her arms around me, and gave me a little more than just a friendly kiss.

"Wow! I gasped. If I can expect that on my birthday, I wouldn’t mind celebrating it seven days a week," I said.

"Better keep an eye on him," Dianna warned.

"Oh, I intend on doing just that, I didn’t go through all this pain for just anything." Megan responded with authority in her voice.

Dianna and Megan sang, "Happy Birthday to me. I blew out the candle and everyone opted on waiting until after lunch to eat a slice of cake

"I have a few phone calls to make and some letters to write that I’ve been putting off forever it seems," I said as I went to my desk.

"I’ll find something to do in the kitchen," Dianna remarked.

"I’m into this book right now, and I certainly won’t disturb you," Megan replied.

"Thanks ladies, I won’t be that long. I do appreciate your consideration for me nonetheless," I said as I retreated to my desk

I settled down at my desk and began to answer some letters that had been neglected. I paid most of my bills online, so I didn’t have to worry about too many stamps, envelopes and the like. It had proven to be most convenient for me.

"Oh my goodness," Megan said out loud.

"What’s wrong?" I exclaimed as I sprang from my chair.

"I am so sorry," Megan said with a kind of foolish look on her face. "I got carried away with this story line and couldn’t help myself."

"That’s ok Megan I have the same reactions myself a lot of times when I read one of his books," Dianna laughed out loud.

"Thank you Dianna, at least I don’t feel quite so stupid now," Megan replied as she settled back and continued reading.

"Well, at least I know you are getting into my writing and that makes me happy," I quipped as I returned to my desk.

"That’s that!" I said as I finished the last letter and put the stamps on them and asked Dianna to make sure they get mailed.

"I certainly will, Mr. D., I need to put some letters back in the box that came to this address by mistake anyway. I will attend to it first thing in the morning."

About an hour later, I returned to the living room.

"Would you like something to eat?" I asked Megan.

Megan answered rather seriously. "I must finish Chapter Twelve before I can even think about stopping for now, You don’t give me any breaks in your way of writing where I feel I can put this book down for even a moment, I love a book like this, " she smiled.

“Ok just let me know when you’re ready," I said as I retreated for the kitchen and poured myself a glass of ice water.

Dianna made a small list of things she thought Megan might like. Dianna lived by herself and had been divorced for about ten years now.

“I was just thinking Mr. D., would you like me to sleep over this first night? I am quite sure it will be her roughest night and she may feel more comfortable having me attend to her."

"Here are the car keys, Dianna. Just pick up whatever you think we will need. Let me talk to her while you are out shopping," I suggested.

"Good idea, It won’t take but a couple of minutes for me to set the daybed up when I return" Dianna replied.

“You are such an Angel of Mercy," I said as Dianna was going out the door.

“Mr. D, do my wings really show that much,” Dianna teased as she left.

I returned to the living room and Megan was just finishing Chapter Twelve.

"I love this story," she said.

I explained to Megan that Dianna had gone shopping and about her offer to stay over this first night.

"I might feel a little more comfortable if I need help going to the bathroom or something of that nature if there was another female here to assist me."

“Say no more, Dianna has already thought about those possibilities do you feel up to going out on the patio and having lunch?" I asked.

"I think I can get through the sliding glass doors easy enough" Megan winked.

"Well then my dear, let me help you get seated outside and I will bring the sandwiches and tea out."

A soft gentle breeze began to blow as we sat down to eat our lunch.

"See that ship out on the horizon?" I said as I handed Megan my binoculars that I kept handy by the door.

"Yes, I wonder where it is headed."

"That ship makes a regular run every other month to San Juan, Puerto Rico," I said.

"How do you know that?" She asked with somewhat of a startled sound in the tone of her voice.

"I keep up with the shipping records for the port of Jacksonville. The newspaper gives the shipping information for the Port of Jacksonville, and that ship has been doing this for three or four months that I know of," I explained.

"What is its cargo," she asked?

"This particular trip it has Sea land Trailers loaded with frozen chickens," I answered.

"This is so interesting. I have often dreamed about sailing around the world," Megan said as she took another bite of her sandwich.

"That has really been a secret fantasy of mine since I was a young boy. I am almost at the point now of doing it, “ I confessed.

"Hey, wait for me to heal first. Remember, I want to be a part of your dream, also." Megan quickly responded.

"Feeling better already, aren’t you?" I laughed.

We no sooner finished our lunch, when we noticed the sky was beginning to get dark. The afternoon thunderstorms that had been predicted earlier that morning were starting to rapidly develop.

"I think we finished just in time," I said as the wind started to pick up. I quickly rolled the umbrella down on the patio table and helped Megan back to the sofa.

Dianna had just barely returned ahead of the storm.

"Good timing!" I shouted as Dianna went into the kitchen to put the groceries away.

"That was close," she said. It just started raining when I was getting out of the car.

"Do either of you need anything while I am nearby?" Dianna asked.

"Yes dear. Will you please come in here for a moment? I want to ask you something," I said.

"Yes master, what is your command?" Dianna said as she was trying to do her best impression of Barbara Eden from the "I Dream of Jeannie" TV series.

"Seriously we have decided to take you up on your offer to spend the night and help Megan out," I said.

“That is not a problem. As soon as this storm passes, I shall run home and throw a few things in my overnight bag. I will set the daybed up near the patio door, so I can hear you when you call, Megan" Dianna said as though it was no big deal to her.

"You are such a dear to be so readily available like this. I am sure you have other things you would prefer to do than is a nursemaid to me," Megan said with sincerity.

"Well… there’s nothing more important right now that I can think of than your welfare," Dianna said in finalizing that part of the conversation.

Dianna returned to the kitchen to finish putting the groceries away.

"Just sit beside me for a while if you don’t mind. You told me earlier you often sit here and get inspirations for new novels. I would like to hear more about that and something about your personal life. If you don’t mind sharing with me, I will gladly tell you all about me also," Megan promised.

"Ok young lady, you have a deal" I smiled as I sat down beside her and watched out the window as lightning filled the sky above the Atlantic Ocean.

Almost immediately, the sky had turned so dark that it appeared almost like nighttime. Except for the brief flashes of lightning at times, it was hard to tell where the ocean ended and the sky began on the horizon. The wind began to howl as it picked up in velocity and blew the rain sideways across the patio in front of us.

"Please, get a little closer to me. I have been afraid of thunderstorms every since I was a small girl. I don’t know why, but I never outgrew my fear of them,” Megan pleaded.


"That is not unusual," I said, as I nestled closer to her.

I put my arm around her shoulder.

"How’s this? I asked.

"I feel much safer now," she whispered.

Every now and then, the lights would dim as a large flash of lightning would fill the sky and thunder would rattle the picture window in front of them. Megan would only close her eyes and shudder.

"It is ok. We are inside and quite safe. This will all pass us by in just a few minutes," I tried to reassure her.

“I know, she said, and I should be used to them. We have them quite regularly at this time of year, but I still get just as nervous as ever."

I asked Dianna to join us for a while.

"Sure thing now, bossy," Dianna said with just the hint of a Chinese accent.

Dianna had quite a sense of humor and it was fun just having her around at times. Donovan mentioned earlier how Dianna helped on weekends whenever he entertained guests. Even though she was a maid, she seemed to fit right in. Everyone was always trying to steal her services away from him, but she remained true to Donovan and would thank them politely anyway.

"How long has Dianna worked for you? She has a great personality" Megan commented.

"Dianna has been with me six months now. It seems at times like she has always been around. And yes, she does have a great personality. That is a trait so rarely found in a lot of individuals today. I feel lucky to have found her,” I said.

"She never seems to have a bad day," I whispered as Dianna brought the coffee server out and placed it on the coffee table before them.

“This will be a kind of what we always wanted to know about each other, but were kind of afraid to ask," I chuckled out loud.

"Mr. D, I don’t like the sound of that chuckle in your voice. Are you quite sure you wouldn’t rather have me vacuum the carpet or run a few errands for you? Maybe go outside and rake the sand on the beach around the patio," Dianna was quick to reply.

She was trying to find an easy way out of our little game of twenty questions or how many we could get by with asking.

I knew Dianna wasn’t one to spread gossip. I had heard her express concern before over the treatment of some children who lived in her neighborhood, but still she was not one to pry into other people’s business. I was quite sure she would not have hesitated to step in if she had witnessed the mistreatment of any child.

I really didn’t know that much about Megan, but I got the impression she had a tight circle of friends and gaining her trust might prove difficult. I felt I was half way there by the mere presence of her being here now. I really didn’t know who Megan was. I didn’t believe she was hiding any dark secrets of her past that would create any kind of mystery, but if she was going to stay here for a couple of weeks, I’d better ask anyway. It seemed like a fun idea to get to know everyone a little bit better. I didn’t know that much about Dianna either, but in the three months she had worked for me, I knew I could put my complete trust in her.

I realized neither of the ladies really knew that much about me. If someone shares your life outside of just a general acquaintance, people should expect to know a little bit more. I did not believe that was being nosy or prying. I did not intend to force anyone into saying things that might embarrass either Dianna or Megan. I was too much of a gentleman to ever allow that to happen.

Chapter Two

When Dreams Become Realities


"Ok ladies, its show and tell time," I laughed, as there was just the whisper of a light rain falling now and everyone was feeling more comfortable.

"We are going to find out just a little about each other. We will be fair about this. Do not say anything that you are ashamed of. If there is something very private in your life, and you feel uncomfortable talking about it, by all means, then please don’t. One other thing before we get started, if anyone here is an axe murderer or murderess, I would appreciate you letting me know that now." I was only joking, but still you could see the quick glimpses we gave each other.

"Where are you from Dianna?" Megan asked as she took a sip of coffee.

"Originally, I am from Buffalo, New York. After I graduated from high school, I met a traveling salesman. He sold heavy equipment for a major tractor company. He was so glib; he could have sold refrigerators to Eskimos in Point Barrow, Alaska. He promised me the world, and I fell for it. We got married and moved to Tampa, Florida. I saw the neighbors more than I ever saw him after that, she laughed. He would call me and say he had a client he must see who lived in Kansas or some other place conveniently a thousand miles or so away from me. It wasn’t until our third year of marriage that I discovered he was also married to three other women at the same time. After that very disappointing failure in marriage I tried to go on with my life the best I could.

My parents were financially comfortable," Dianna continued. "They came to Florida after they retired. Dad bought a home in Neptune Beach, which is only about four or five miles from here. Dad passed away six years ago; Mother died last year. I was an only child. I moved into their house. I really didn’t need a lot of money to speak of.

When Mr. D. placed an ad in the paper for a part time maid, well that was just what I was looking for. It was a chance to do a little something each week and kind of break the monotony of a long week, if you know what I mean,” Dianna answered.

"I really think I do. What about the guy you thought you was married to?" Megan asked in a curious manner.

"The last I heard of him, he was in prison in Mississippi doing a lot of time. It seems his last marriage was to a Circuit Judge's daughter in Biloxi, Mississippi. I think he understands now you need to get a divorce from your previous marriage before you can say I do again." Dianna laughed out loud, as did Meagan and I.

"Ok Donovan, and now let’s hear your story,” Dianna said as she pointed to me and said, your turn.

"I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. I attended the University of Ohio. I worked my way through school by being on the school newspaper and delivered Pizzas at night while attending college. In a round about way, that made me appreciate the education I was receiving as well as earning money. My family didn’t have a lot of do-re-me, but still they encouraged me to finish college and make a name for myself. Dad worked himself to death at the early age of fifty.

I made up my mind right then and there; I wasn’t going to end up that way. I knew if I got a good education, I could pretty much choose to do anything I set out to do. I made a few sacrifices along the way, but I managed to make my dreams almost complete.

Mother took a job as a waitress at a diner in downtown Cincinnati. She was happy doing that because she loved to meet people. She died a couple of years ago, but at least I know she died happy. She suffered a stroke and then a massive heart attack. The doctors said it all stemmed from smoking. She had quit smoking all together six months before she died. The sad part about that was, she waited too late to quit.

I have one younger sister who is married to a Major in the Air Force. The last time I talked to her, which was last Christmas, they were stationed at Lackland AFB, in San Antonio, Texas. They have two girls and seem to be doing just fine. I keep promising them I will come too visit them, but it really is hard finding the time to just take off for a couple of weeks. I have invited them here several times, and they seem to have the same time frame problem I have.

I worked as a loan manager at a branch office of a major bank in Oklahoma for ten miserable years. I always knew I could write stories, but never really gave myself a chance to prove it. I began writing my first novel while I was working at the bank. Had it not been for my interest in writing, I am almost certain I would have gone stir crazy sitting behind a desk at the bank day after day. It took a solid year and countless rejections before I found a publisher for my book. Three months after my book was released, it was doing well enough I was able to quit my job at the bank and devote full time to my writing.

I came to Jacksonville Beach about a year ago to write a story about a good friend who had become quite a hero during the Vietnam War. I fell in love with this place and decided to buy a Condo here. I don’t think I have left anything out about me that I know of anyway," Donovan laughed.

Oh yes, I was serious when I told Megan earlier I was almost at the point of sailing around the world. You might say I want to write my way around the world," I said as an after thought.

"Great idea for a story I am really serious about joining you and please don’t forget that," Megan cautioned me.

"My thoughts exactly, you have heard the worst so go ahead and give us your bio. After my life, yours has got to be much better. There’s really not that much more about me left to tell, except being a writer has afforded me the opportunity to travel around the world in search of good stories. It’s your turn, Megan," I said as I pointed to her.

"I guess I have the most boring story to tell after listening to the two of you. I guess you could call me the poor little rich girl. Like you Dianna, I was an only child. My family was from the uppity, uppity class of greater Boston. All of the Country Club and elite party living with all of the social snobs just wasn’t my cup of tea.

If my family could have had their prim and proper way, I would have married Sir Oliver Lord Newberry the Twelfth or someone with a pedigree like that. I am quite certain you get the picture. I am sure that kind of social life would appeal to a lot of young ladies, but not me. You can take all of those polo ponies and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine, if you get my drift.

Ten years ago I would have gladly traded places with you, Dianna. I was beginning to think being an Updyke would doom me to a life where I would be miserable. I was so afraid of being trapped in that life style where I could never be truly happy," Megan said as she paused and glanced out the window.

"I really understand where you are coming from," Dianna said; in support of Megan’s last statement.

"Rather than taking the risk of me ruining the good name of the Updykes of Boston, Mother and Father decided it would be much wiser to give me my inheritance now with the stipulation I legally change my last name and leave that part of the country. Well dear people, to make a long story short, I took the money and ran."

Both Dianna and myself gave Megan a big round of applause at that last statement.

"I settled for three and one half million dollars and was more than glad to let them have that last name they were so proud of. The last I heard about their miserable lives, they were staying in a Chalet somewhere in Switzerland. I don’t believe I ever heard a sincere laugh from either of my parents. I am totally crazy about my Uncle Bill. He has the same outlook on life I do.

"You were talking about sailing around the world earlier, Donovan. Uncle Bill has done it many times. I don’t think he has had many dull moments in his life. He also is sort of the black sheep of the family. I had planned on joining him aboard his boat when I left Boston. He kind of discouraged me from doing that until I had at least tried it on my own for a while."

"My life is not as glamorous as you might think Meagan. I want you to be sure you seek this lifestyle, he urged. As exciting as it may appear, it is not always easy living without a permanent home anywhere.” he told me the last time I talked to him.

"I know he would have welcomed me anyway if I had come and joined him right then and there, but I trusted his judgments and decided to do as he asked. So that is what I am doing here now."

"It seems you really had it rougher than the both of us," Dianna said.

"I guess it would depend on how you look at it," Megan replied.

"Well, now that we know a little about each other, I will have all of your calls transferred to this condo tomorrow," Dianna said.

"Hey Mr. D, We cannot end this evening with out eating a piece of your birthday cake," Dianna reminded me.

"You are so right," Megan echoed.

"I will fix a pot of decaf and maybe we can tell a few more war stories," Dianna chuckled.

"Good idea," Megan said, as they sat around making small talk and staring out the window at the bright stars that night which seemed to light up the entire ocean as far as the naked eye could see.

As I reflected on the past experiences of what Megan and Dianna had told me about their lives, I thought how happy my life had really been when I compared it to many people I had known. We finished with our cake and coffee.

Dianna resumed telling Megan her plans for tomorrow.

"I don’t mind picking up your mail and bringing it to you either," Dianna reassured Megan.

"You two have completely restored my faith in mankind," Megan said. "I had just about given up on people doing good for one another just because it was the right thing to do."

“Well, my sweet pretty, chivalry is definitely alive and well within me," I laughed.

Somehow, I sensed what Megan said as being truly sincere, as she looked at me and smiled. We talked a little while longer and Dianna suggested we all try and get some sleep.

"I’m not sure how comfortable you will be, Megan, but we are here for you," I said as I got up to get ready for bed.

"That goes ditto for me," Dianna said.

"Thank you both very much," Megan sincerely acknowledged.

"See everyone in the morning!" I cried out as I jogged up the stairs to my bedroom.

"By the way, Megan, what did you change your last name to?" I asked while I paused half way up the stairs waiting for her answer.

"Are you ready for this? I am now Megan Lauren Brindleson," she laughed.

"Hey girl, I like the name," I said as I finished jogging up the stairs to my bedroom.

As I closed his bedroom door, I thought about Megan. I had not heard her complain the first time about her injury. I was sure she had to suffer some discomfort. I soon realized she was the kind of person that would not put any unnecessary stress on anyone around her. I also knew Megan really was grateful for the hospitality both Dianna and I had extended to her.

You don’t do these things for money. You do these things because, not only is it the right thing to do, but also it makes deep inside. I woke up a couple of times during the night. I guessed somewhere in my subconscious I was worried about Megan. I hoped she was comfortable. I knew that Dianna was close by her. If she needed anything, I was satisfied she wouldn’t be neglected. Not only was Dianna my part time maid, she was also a good friend and a confidant. I valued good friendships the way some folks value silver and gold. When my mind was satisfied all was well, I would drift back off to sleep.

The night seemed a little longer than usual to me for some reason, and I welcomed the appearance of the dawn. I went to his window to see if the sky was clear. There were plenty of stars out. That meant we were in for another beautiful sunrise.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready to greet the day. I thought I smelled coffee brewing.

“Must be something wrong with my sense of smell,” I said to myself.

The odor was rather invigorating. I finished shaving and got dressed.

I did not want to disturb Megan or Dianna for that matter this early in the morning. I came down the stairs as quietly as I could.

I always loved to watch the sunrise, especially over the Atlantic Ocean. It is so beautiful. It is almost impossible to describe with words. I went in the kitchen to put the coffee on. Dianna was already up and way ahead of me.

"The coffee is ready," she said quietly.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with my nose," I whispered.

"What do you mean?" Dianna asked in a voice just above a whisper.

"I thought I smelled coffee brewing from upstairs. I believed maybe my nose might be playing tricks on me," I smiled.

"How did she rest last night?" I whispered to Dianna, or at least I thought I whispered.

"I heard her moan a couple of times, but she did not ask for a pain pill."

"Hey you two, a voice from the living room echoed. You can speak in a normal voice. Remember Donovan, I am an early riser, also," Meagan reminded me

"How do you feel?" I asked."

“My leg is a little sore, but other than that, I feel fine."

"Would you like some coffee or juice?" I asked.

"Coffee would be great," she replied.

I stood up and opened the curtains wide so we would not miss the sunrise. Again, Dianna was ahead of us. She brought the coffee server out and placed it on the coffee table in front of us.

"This is such a beautiful view you have here," Megan exclaimed.

"Thank you. This was the main reason I bought this place, for the vista it provided in the mornings looking at the ocean," I said without hesitation.

By now a deep red glow was beginning to form on the horizon.

"Guess what, Megan? In just about ten minutes, you will witness one of the most beautiful sunrises you will ever see anywhere. I have witnessed this many times and it always astounds me. I don’t think I will ever tire of viewing this," I said.

"Donovan, you really do care for a lot of the simple pleasures life has to offer, don’t you?" Megan remarked.

"I suppose I do. God put it here for a reason and I intend to take full advantage of it," I answered.

As we watched the sun begin to rise, Megan made the comment that at just about this same time every morning she would come jogging by hoping to get a glimpse of me.

"I think I might have missed you once or twice in the past two months and it worried me."

"Why was that?" I asked.

"Well, I didn’t know if you were just a tourist down here on vacation and gone back north or some other place, and I might never see you again, or maybe you had been taken ill. A person can imagine a lot of reasons when they don’t really know for sure. I had grown accustomed to your smile, also," she confessed.

"We may have wasted the last couple of months of our lives not speaking to each other, but that has all changed over one small accident," I said.

"I know, and if I were able to this morning, not only would I be jogging right now, but I would have you jogging right by my side," she laughed.

"I believe you are the one person who could get me to do that," I remarked, as we heard Dianna call from the kitchen.

"What would the two of you like for breakfast?"

"Do you have a preference?" I asked Megan.

"Not really," was her reply.

"Surprise us," I said to Dianna.

"Ok then, here comes your surprise, you are going to get scrambled eggs and bacon with toast and orange juice! Is that surprise enough?" Dianna giggled.

"That sounds just fine," Megan said, almost in unison with me.

"Would you like to eat outside on the patio?" Dianna asked.

I looked at Megan as she nodded in affirmation.

"Alfresco will be just fine," I called back to Dianna.

"I will go outside and wipe the patio furniture off from any dew that might have formed there during the night," I said as I got up.

"I will go to the bathroom and freshen up and join you in a few minutes," Megan said as I was walking outside.

"There is just something about the salt sea air in the morning that is hard to describe also. To me it is extremely invigorating. Just to stand here on the deck, yawn, stretch, and breathe in all that fresh air. It can do great wonders for just about any mood I may find myself in," I said as I stared at the ocean.

As I finished wiping off the furniture, Dianna was busy bringing breakfast outside.

"This is such a beautiful morning, Mr. D," she said as she put the orange juice on the table.

"It is very lovely this morning," I agreed.

"I’ll see if Megan needs anything. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me; just singing out," Dianna said.

"Ok, but I think you have just about gotten everything under control for us," I said thanking her as she retreated inside.

Megan came out a few minutes later looking every bit as beautiful as King Neptune’s daughter. As we sat down to enjoy breakfast, we were given a surprise show. The surf was a little higher than normal on this particular morning because of a northeastern breeze that began to blow during the night. Some surfers were already in the water taking advantage of it. We watched as the surfers would grab some of the larger waves and ride them in to shore. The brisk breeze made it possible for a couple of wind surfers to venture out a mile or so and then sail back in.

"Have you ever surfed?" Megan asked as we continued staring at the surfers.

"I tried it a couple of times, but I never could get the hang of it. I like to jet ski though," I confessed.

"I’m afraid it’s the same story here except I have never been on jet skis. What is on your agenda for today?" she asked.

"I plan to help you get your communications set up here for one thing," I answered.

"The mail won’t be a problem. Dianna or I can pick that up for you every morning. I just need to get the phone company to put in a splitter here so you can receive all of your calls here. You will have your own phone with its own distinct ring," I explained.

"I have never heard of that," Megan remarked as a gull landed near by to beg for food.

I crumbled up some toast we had left over and fed it to Gertrude as I had named this particular gull.

"That gull has been hanging around here every since I moved in," I told Meagan.

"How can you tell one gull from all the rest?" Megan asked rather curiously.

“Well, my dear, see that black ring marking around its left eye?" I pointed.

"Yes, I do," she replied.

Just about then more flew over and began to beg for food.

"Do you see any more with a black circle around their eyes?" I asked.

"No, I don’t, "You seem to have a knack for drawing attention where ever you are," she replied.

"I don’t mean to. I am glad you are feeling better," I said as we were preparing to go back inside.

"My main objective for today is to finish reading your novel. I am not a writer as I have already told you, but I do plan on keeping a diary on the events of my days in case I should ever get the urge to try."

"I’ll tell you what I can do that might help you once you decide. I have some books upstairs that can help you write creative thoughts. I will bring them down to you. I also have to pick up some stationary today and I will get you a diary to help you get started," I offered.

"My goodness," Megan exclaimed, "you are a man of action.” No sooner is the word spoken than you make it become a reality," she sighed.

"Megan, you are going to learn that procrastination is not in my vocabulary," I remarked.

"Oh I can already see that," she smiled.

We went back inside while Dianna cleaned the patio table of the breakfast dishes. I went upstairs to get cleaned up and tend to the business of the day I had on my agenda. I needed to confirm some speaking engagements I had obligated myself for.

I was supposed to attend a writer’s conference in Oslo, Norway, next month, but I asked my good friend who is also a writer to go in my place. He happily agreed because of relatives he had living there.

"You could not have asked me at a more opportune time," he said. "I am completely free next month and was thinking of planning on going there on vacation anyway.

I notified the conference committee of my replacement. His credentials showed he was more than capable of filling in for me. I had attended conferences in the past for my friend also. We sort of helped each other out when the need arose.

The next ten days passed by rather quickly. Megan was already walking without the use of crutches. A small limp was the only sign of any injury at all. I rose early on the twelfth day. I came down stairs to fix the coffee and get ready for the sunrise.

As I walked into the living room to say good morning to Megan, I noticed she was gone. She must have walked over to her condo to check on things there, I thought. I decided to take my coffee out on the beach this morning and sit on my chaise lounge as I had done so many times in the past.

The bright red glow of the sky bouncing on the horizon of the green ocean gave a clue to the beauty that would soon fill the Eastern sky. I raised the coffee cup up to take a sip. As I brought it back down again I noticed the shadow of a jogger pass by. I turned my attention to this person who had passed by so close to him. There was certainly plenty of room between the ocean and me for anyone to jog. A good one hundred yards anyway, as the tide was at its lowest, so why were they getting this close to me?

The bright glare of the sun shining on the mirror like ocean temporarily blinded me. I saw the figure returning to where I sat.

I rubbed my eyes as I heard an all so familiar voice say,

"Where can a girl get a sip of coffee on this beach?" Meagan said as she sat down beside me.

“Megan, you certainly are full of surprises," I said as I handed her my cup.

"Are you quite sure you are not rushing things just a bit out jogging like this?" I asked.

I was concerned about her possibly re-injuring her leg.

"I only jogged about fifty yards. I waited for you to come out and sit down. I wanted to surprise you with my healing progress." she confessed.

"Well darling, you have certainly surprised me all right," I said.

"I am going to move back home today. I will continue to be a pest if you don’t mind", she whispered as she handed the coffee cup back to me.

"I will welcome a pest like you anytime. You do realize I am no farther than a phone call away if you need me?" I said as we both got up.

"I know you are, Donovan. I am becoming quite dependent on you," she confessed.

"I can feel the sea starting to call me more and more lately," I said to Megan as we walked back to his condo.

“Please tell me more about it?” Meagan asked.

"I don’t know why, but I sometimes get the strongest urge to just weigh anchor and follow the outgoing tide. It is just a restless spirit inside of me, I keep telling myself it will go away soon, but it hasn’t. It actually is getting stronger each day," I told her.

"It may be a lot more than that, Donovan. I have been getting restless spells myself here of late. Maybe our spirits are trying to tell us something. If we will just follow our sincere inner feelings, we will be just fine," Megan reassured me as walked back towards my condo.

"I will have your phone service restored," I said as we walked back through the sliding glass doors. Your service should be back on by this afternoon.

"Please let me fix breakfast for us this morning, you just have a seat and let me handle everything." Megan pleaded.

"The kitchen is all yours, my dear. I will be at my desk. I have a few things to do that I have been neglecting. Just let me know when breakfast is served," I said.

"Yes master," she said, trying to imitate Dianna in a small way.

I continued to see Megan three and four times a week after she returned home. We would go out to restaurants or take turns cooking meals at home. We always found time to talk to each other on the phone every day. I would bring an extra cup of coffee with me every morning to the beach as I waited for the sunrise. Megan made sure she timed it just right so she could enjoy the early morning with me. This went on for the next two months. The only time we altered this ritual of ours was during bad weather conditions. Megan made sure she was at my place during these times. I think I knew after meeting Megan, there could never be anyone else for me but her.

Although I got a lot of flirts from other women, they really didn’t mean anything tome. I would give them a passing smile, but that was it. When the right girl comes along, a man just knows it. I knew Megan was that special girl.

Sometimes when I would get so involved in my writing and forget to call her at a certain time, she would walk over just to make sure I was all right or to see if she had made me mad about something and didn’t know it.

"Donovan Daring," I guess when we get married some day, I will have to marry both of you, she teased,"

"Both of us?" I asked.

"Yes, my dear, you and your writing. But that is ok, darling; I know you love me, too."

"Well, darling, at least you will allow me to keep both of you, and that is the best of both worlds," I would say as I always gave her a small kiss on the tip of her nose.

Sometimes she would go back home after she made sure I was ok, and other times she would grab some pillows and a blanket and curl up on my couch by the window. I never knew for sure if she was there or not. If I smelled hot coffee brewing, I knew she was there.

Ok, I would say to myself, Megan is downstairs.”

"Meet you on the beach in ten minutes and don’t forget my coffee," she would say.

Sure enough, by the time I got set up on the beach to watch the sunrise, she would come jogging up and we would enjoy coffee and sunrises together.

One morning as I was lost somewhere in thought, and staring out over the ocean, I was interrupted by the sweet sound of Megan’s voice.

"I am going to fix you and your restless spirit breakfast this morning," she smiled.

"Oh yes," I responded. "And just what will my restless spirit and me eat this morning, but keep in mind I am eating for two?" I winked.

I think that statement really cracked Megan up.

"You are having pecan waffles with maple syrup, brown link sausages, and whipped butter, hot coffee and orange juice. Have I left anything out, Master?"

"As a matter of fact, you have. I would enjoy your presence at my table this morning, also," I said.

"Well, just try and keep me away," she laughed.

"I think you may have fixed too many waffles, my dear," I said as I finished my second one.

"I am afraid you are right, Donovan. Looks like I might have gotten carried away, huh?"

"Quite possibly," I grinned.

I heard the door from the garage to the kitchen open. I had completely forgotten it was Dianna’s day to come in.

"You are just in time," I said.

"In time for what" Dianna asked.

"Megan fixed pecan waffles this morning and made too many. Please sit down and join us."

"That’s kind of funny. I overslept this morning and skipped breakfast." Dianna said.

"Well, you see there was a reason for it," Megan remarked as she got up and set the table for Dianna.

"You don’t have to do that," Dianna said.

"No problem, Dianna. It wasn’t that long ago you were catering to me."

"Who’s the maid around here, anyway?" Dianna asked.

"That’s a darn good question," I said as we all laughed at that little remark.

After breakfast, I got dressed. I was going to give a motivational talk at a business meeting in Jacksonville. Megan had never been to any of my speaking engagements. I was way ahead of schedule this morning and invited her to come along.

"I should return around three," I said to Dianna.

"Anything that’s special need attending to today while I am here?" Dianna asked.

“Not a thing that I can think of," I said.

I called Megan, as I was getting ready to walk out the door.

"Are you ready, my dear?" I asked.

"Yes, I am. I will meet you at the front door," she said, as I hung up the phone.

I picked up Megan and headed for Jacksonville.

After my speaking engagement, I treated Megan to lunch at the Red Lobster. The atmosphere and the service there is very good. As the lady showed us to our table and seated us, I could tell Megan was almost bursting at the seams to tell me something.

"You certainly are a powerful motivator, Mr. Donovan Daring. I can see now why you are in such big demand," she said in praising my speech.

"Why thank you, sweetheart, for that lovely compliment. All I'm really doing is rekindling the fire that is already burning inside of them," I remarked.

"Yes that is true, “she said,” but the way you tell it, makes me believe I can accomplish anything I set out to do, and that talk wasn’t even intended for me."

"Oh yes, it was my dear. In a round about way, it was meant for everyone who heard it," I explained.

After lunch, we headed back for the beach.

"You want to come over to my place for a while?" he asked.

“I need to change clothes first. I will walk over in a few minutes," Meagan said as I dropped her off.

I kissed her and drove the two short blocks to my place. Megan came over after a while. The weather was overcast and there was a cool breeze blowing.

We decided to go for a stroll along the beach. We took our shoes off and left them on the patio. We were like two school kids as we placed our arms around each other’s shoulders and walked down the beach at the waters edge. Occasionally the waves would wash closer and the water would cover our ankles. We would stop, as the water would rush back out to sea. It felt as if we were moving, as we watched our feet as the strong current pulled the sand out with it and it gave the sensation we were moving too. Those of you, who are lucky enough to have been to the ocean, know what a feeling that is.

"I love our moments together like this," Megan said as we walked back to my patio.

"I think I will go back home and read some more of your last book. Don’t forget to call me around eight, Mr. Donovan Daring, or I will be over here to find out why?" she said.

"Yes Ma’am," I said as we kissed and I went inside.

I did remember to call at eight and we chatted for about twenty minutes.

"I will see you tomorrow, my love," she said as we exchanged kiss smacks over the phone.

Tomorrow I will ask Megan how serious she is about sailing around the world, I thought to myself. I had this urge for a long time now. I might as well do it and get it over with. My spirit will not rest until I at least try it.

The more I thought about the reasons I couldn’t sail around the world, the more I convinced myself I could. I was about two chapters from finishing the novel I was writing. I would begin serious preparations and buy a sailboat. I considered myself a fair sailor. The things I didn’t know about sailing, I figured I would learn by experience. After all, I had always been told that experience was the best teacher anyway.

I posed a question to myself. Why not make my next novel a true-life adventure? 

I was not one to procrastinate, so I made a mental note now to stop talking about it and put my thoughts into action. I didn’t have that "Yo Ho and a bottle of rum" spirit about sailing, but I did have that thirst for adventure, coupled with the love for the sea, and the itchiness to travel. I could only think of the good reasons I should follow my dreams, and would not allow myself to even think any negative thoughts.

I’m not getting any younger, I thought. It may very well be now or never, I also reminded my inner thoughts.

I could actually envision myself getting aboard my sailboat and waving good-bye to my friends as I sailed to far away places. Little did I realize at the time how soon this would actually become a reality. I finally drifted off to sleep with the vision of sailing strongly implanted in my mind.

It was kind of strange as I dreamed I was actually sailing around the world. I could see the image of a lady standing at the bow, as the brisk sea breeze would gently blow her golden hair back and forth. I would shout to her trying to get her attention. I wanted her to turn around where I could see her face. I could not tell whether I knew her or not. I thought it was Meagan, but I couldn’t tell for sure.

It seems as though she spent most of my dream with her back to me. When finally she did turn around, I could see it was Megan.

"Didn’t you hear me shouting for you to turn around," I asked?

"I’m sorry dear," she said as she walked toward me.

I could hear a bell ringing somewhere in the distance. Could it be a sea buoy warning him of a reef or possibly a channel marker? It was getting louder and louder. By now, I could barely make out the image of Megan, as the sound of the bell seemed to be chasing her out of my dream.

"Where is that ringing coming from?" I asked her.

"It sounds like a telephone ringing my darling," she whispered as she faded completely out of my dream, and I awoke to the reality of the phone on the nightstand by my bed ringing. I looked at my watch; it was four am.

"Who could be calling me at this hour?" I asked him.

"Hello," I said, still half asleep.

I heard a sobbing voice on the other end.

"It’s me, Megan," she said as she continued sobbing.

"What’s wrong?" I asked, as I was wide-awake by now.

"I just received a phone call from Fishermen’s Hospital in Marathon in the Florida Keys. My Uncle Bill had a heart attack and is in critical condition there. I must leave as soon as possible to be there by his side. I’m really his only true family," she said.

"Don’t worry, Megan; I will see that you get there in just a few hours. I have a friend who has his own plane. I will get ready and go with you. Let me call him and explain the emergency," I told her.

"Thank you, Donovan. I don’t know what I would do without you at times like these."

"There is no need to thank me. I think you know I will always be here for you. Get packed while I make a phone call, and I will be over as soon as I can" I reassured Megan.

I called his friend. It was almost scary what he told Donovan.

"I am already awake. I was going to leave this morning and join some friends in Key West for a fishing trip. I can be ready in less than an hour," he said.

"I will meet you at Craig Field," I told him.

I left a message on Dianna’s phone and explained to her about the emergency and what was happening. I had a spare key to Megan’s condo. I left it there with instructions to watch out for her place until we returned.

I threw a few clothes in an over night bag and went to pick up Megan. She was waiting for me at her door. I explained to her what my friend had told him a few minutes earlier.

We arrived at the airport about the same time as my friend David. He unlocked the plane. We loaded what little luggage we had onto the plane while David went to file a flight plan. Twenty minutes later we were air born. We were near Cocoa Beach when we saw the sun began to rise.

"I will stop in Miami and top the fuel tanks off. I remember landing at Marathon a few years earlier and they were out of fuel. I had to wait for them to bring fuel in from Key West," David chuckled.

"Are you all right?" I asked Megan.

"I’ll be better when we get there, and I can see Uncle Bill," she said.

"I hope your uncle will be ok," David said.

David wasn’t just being polite. He meant every word. David was another one of those people who really cared for those around him. After a short stop in Miami to get fuel and grab a quick cup of coffee, we were on our way once more for Marathon.

We landed at the airport and someone from the hospital met us. David had called ahead and requested help for us. We thanked David and headed for the hospital. We entered the hospital and went immediately to the Intensive Care Unit. A doctor met Megan just outside the door and told her she could only see her uncle for five minutes at the most. I went to the waiting room while Megan went inside. After about ten minutes, Megan came to the waiting room door and motioned for me to come to her. I could tell she had been crying.

"Will you go with me to the Chapel?" she asked.

I placed my arm around her shoulder and we walked into the little Chapel. Megan walked up to the altar and knelt down. I heard her say one of the sweetest prayers I had ever heard. She thanked God for the time she spent with her uncle. I didn’t know her uncle had died until I heard the last part of her prayer.

"God I don’t know why you called him home just now, but I know you had a reason."

I walked up and knelt beside her. She reached over and placed her hand in mine.

"We need to talk," she told me.

We walked to the back of the little chapel and sat on a pew.

"I was able to talk to Uncle Bill for just a few minutes. He asked to be cremated and his ashes be scattered at sea. He also gave me his sailboat. He tried to tell me something about a small box that was hidden somewhere on the boat. It had something to do with a treasure, but I couldn’t understand him because he was barely able to utter anything above a soft whisper. What do you know about sailing?" she sincerely asked.

"I took lessons and sailed a lot on Lake Erie when I was younger," I told her.

"I have had a few lessons. It appears we will have to get use to sailing together. Remember telling me a while back you were just about ready to sail around the world? Here we go,” she said.

"Yes I do, so I guess this has helped me make up my mind. Sweetheart I will help you make the arrangements for cremating your Uncle Bill, and then we will set sail from here to Jacksonville Beach," I said.

"Last night before you called me, I had already made up my mind to talk to you today about purchasing a boat. I intend to take that cruise around the world that we have discussed so often. It looks like Destiny, if we can call it that has made that decision for us; our dream was suddenly coming to life. We will have a little memorial service at sea and fulfill your uncle’s last request," I commented.

I made a few calls and completed all the details. Megan and I spent three days and nights aboard her uncle’s boat or rather her boat now. The mortuary sent his ashes over to the boat. We set sail for home. A bit rusty at first, but none the less, we were forced into sailing without a real choice.


Chapter Three

A Sailing We Will Go

About forty miles off the coast of Palm Beach, Florida, Megan decided it was as good a place as any to scatter her uncle’s ashes. She said a few words about her uncle and told me about some of the good times they shared together. She prayed and as she scattered her uncle’s ashes in the East Wind that had begun to pick up, she softly whispered,

"Might this wind carry you to all the ports of your dreams."

"Hey, girl, I said in breaking the silence, you make a pretty fair sailor."

Megan snapped back as though she had been abruptly awakened from a deep sleep.

"You’re not half bad yourself," she complimented me.

"If we are going to take a cruise around the world, I have a favor to ask you?" I said, as I was being a little more serious now.

"Donovan, all you need do is ask," Megan replied as she detected a more serious tone in the inflection of my voice.

"Ok then. I would like to rename this sailboat Megan’s Voyage."

"I like that name," Megan answered rather proudly.

"How long do you think it will take before we can actually set sail on our cruise?" she added.

"I believe we can have all of our unfinished business taken care of in thirty days or less, but remember I am only taking a wild guess," I replied.

By the time we reached the Jacksonville Beach Marina, Megan and I had become pretty fair sailors. We encountered a storm lasting about seven hours with sea swells around eight to nine feet high; wind gusts were well over forty miles per hour. This was just off the coast of Stuart, Florida. We had withstood our first real taste of what the sea was capable of offering at any given moment.

"Let’s rent one of the condos out," I suggested.

"That will be just fine with me," Megan added.

"I will rent mine for a year while we are away," I said.

"If we get back before then, we will have mine to stay in," Megan quickly replied.

"That sounds reasonable to me," I chimed back.

The next morning I called my realtor and asked that my home be put on the market for rent for the next year.

"It will be available in two weeks," I said.

"I don’t think we will have any problem renting it I get calls daily for ocean front rentals," the realtor said.

The next morning after sunrise and the ritual of sharing coffee with Megan on the beach, I began looking for a shipyard nearby where they could haul the Megan’s Voyage, and put it in shape for an around-the-world cruise. I located a boat yard in Fernandina, which is about thirty miles north of us up the coast. I talked with the dock master and explained what we intended to do.

He told me I could not have picked a better time to get maintenance done on the boat because it was slow at this time of year, and they could have the work completed within ten to twelve days if there weren’t too many major repairs to be made.

"I can deliver the boat this afternoon," I confirmed.

"Fine then, I will see you when you get here," the dock master answered.

I called Megan and told her the good news.

"Meagan, you can drive up this afternoon and pick me up. I know of a great seafood restaurant there. It is right on the ocean and the food is simply delicious," I said.

"That sounds great! Not only are we getting the boat ready, but I have a dinner date as well," she laughed.

Seeing Meagan getting all excited about our trip actually intensified the excitement I already had.

"Do you need any help sailing the boat up there?" she asked.

"I don’t think so dear. I am going to take the intra coastal waterway all the way. I will have plenty of help docking it once I get there. It is ten am now; why not plan on meeting me there around three p.m.?" I suggested.

I gave Megan the directions to the boatyard and proceeded on to the marina to take the boat for maintenance. I arrived around two pm at the boat yard. By the time I went over the list of things I wanted the boatyard to pay close attention to, (like making sure the hull was sound before they painted her, to checking the sails to make sure they weren’t weather worn) Megan arrived.

The Dock master said he would call when the boat was ready.

"Well my dear, Are you ready to sample some great seafood?" I said as I slid in the front seat beside Megan.

"Yes I am. I am about starved. I have had a mouth watering appetite for seafood every since I talked to you this morning."

We left the boatyard and headed for downtown Fernandina. This quaint little fishing town is rich in history and shrimpers have lived here for many years. It reminded me of some of the other fishing villages I had visited around the Cape Cod area.

The streets in the main part of town were paved with red bricks. There is quite a bit of history in this old town. At one time pirates use to sail here. It was somewhat of a haven for them until the turn of the twentieth century. There is a bar here called the Palace Saloon. It has been here since the early twentieth century also. It is world famous for the paintings on the walls behind the counter.

"I have never been here before. I live so close, and yet I didn’t even know this place existed. I see right now, Mr. Donovan Daring, you are going to have to educate me to the local environment," Megan said with a cute little grin.

We pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. Megan and I decided to take a quick stroll along the docks before going inside for dinner. There were charter boats for hire that would take you deep sea fishing or perhaps maybe a pleasure cruise was more to your liking. Everything was right here at your fingertips when it came to whetting your appetite for the sea.

"I love this little town," Megan exclaimed as she was drinking in all of the excitement of her first visit to a small fishing community.

You could smell shrimp beginning to boil as the gentle sea breeze was blowing the aroma in our direction. It was as if an invisible savory magnet were pulling us along without us even realizing it. We strolled from the docks right up to the restaurant. There was a porch that extended three quarters of the way around the restaurant. Chairs were lined about the porch so you could sit and view the many boats that were docked at the city marina or look out over the ocean if that was your preference.

We went inside and took a seat at one of the many tables. We weren’t there thirty seconds before a waitress with a menu greeted us.

"Can I bring you something to drink while you look over the menu?" our waitress asked.

"Yes, I’ll have a glass of sweet tea," I responded.

"I’ll have the same," Megan said.

The waitress smiled and said," I’ll be right back."

"What do you recommend?" Megan asked as she was scanning the menu.

"Personally my dear, they have delicious grouper that you can get broiled or fried," I said as I had eaten here before and found it to be quite delicious.

"What are you having?" Megan asked.

"I think I will have the fried grouper with Cole slaw and baked potato with sour cream," I answered.

"I’ll have the same," Megan said.

The waitress returned with the tea and asked if we ready to order.

"Yes we are, but make this a double.  We are having the same thing," I told the waitress.

Now that everything was set in motion, Megan and I began to plan for our world cruise in earnest.

"Where should our first destination be?" Megan asked with enthusiasm.

"I was thinking about Nassau in the Bahamas," I replied.

"I think I would love to go there," Megan answered.

That should give us ample time to develop our sea legs and get adapted to sailing, as the trip up from Marathon in the Keys really didn’t qualify us as real sailors. I already knew how to use a compass and charts; that was one obstacle we didn’t have to worry about.

"I want to fix one section of our boat for you to continue your writing in," Megan said.

She was starting to get a broader picture by now of our upcoming trip.

"I am quite sure you will want to write at night, or perhaps while it is my turn at the wheel," Megan said as the waitress was bringing our food to the table.

"Just let me know if you need anything," the waitress said as she walked back towards the kitchen.

"This really is delicious seafood," Megan said as she let the taste of the grouper savor in her mouth for a moment.

"Wow! These hush puppies are so good you could almost make a meal off of them by themselves, I don’t think I could eat any dessert, I’m stuffed." Megan exclaimed.

"Me either, I am stuffed too," I whispered, although Megan and I were the only customers in there now.

"They certainly give you enough to eat, don’t they?" Megan replied.

We finished our dinner and headed back home to Jacksonville Beach.

"I am going to take us back via A1A. It is a beautiful scenic drive," I said as we left.

It was so beautiful looking at the Atlantic Ocean on the left and, at times, the intra coastal waterway on our right. We passed through Amelia Island and the golf course that paralleled A1A at times; it provided such a splendid view.

"This is where they play some of the Ladies Professional Tennis matches," I pointed as we passed Amelia Island.

We caught the ferry at Ft. George Island that took us across the St. Johns River to the sleepy little fishing village of Mayport, Florida. As we were crossing the river, Megan and I decided to get out of our car and stand by the railings on the ferry.

"Look at all the shrimp boats over there," Megan said as she pointed to the docks on the other side.

It was almost like she was seeing Florida for the first time.

"I never knew this place existed either. There is just so much right here at my fingertips I am suddenly discovering. Donovan, I am so glad you came into my life at this time."

"Just think, sweetheart, we are about to discover this whole wide world together," I said as I gave Megan a soft kiss on her brow.

"I know and I am so excited. I wish we were leaving now," she whispered.

"Be patient, we will set sail before you know it," I promised.

We spent the next two weeks finalizing our plans and getting our business taken care of. My Condo was rented two days earlier. The boatyard was right on schedule with its completion of the work. I sailed the boat back to the Jacksonville Beach Marina.

Megan and I woke up quite a bit earlier than we were accustomed to the next morning. It was so exhilarating with all the excitement and hoopla you might expect from just the thrill of undertaking such an adventure. Just before the dawn we took our coffee and walked out on the beach to watch the sunrise.

"Isn’t this a beautiful way to start the mornings?" Megan said as she squeezed me tightly around his waist.

We were already packed. All the supplies were loaded on board. We tried to make sure we left nothing to chance. We had planned to set sail from the Jacksonville Beach Marina at eleven am. Everything was going as planned.

"I don’t think I could eat very much breakfast this morning, I’m much too excited. My stomach has butterflies," Meagan confessed.

"Well then my dear, let’s go make sure everything is safe and secure and finish packing the rest of our things. We can stop at McDonalds or some other fast food restaurant and get a McMuffin and some juice," I said as I was feeling the same anxiety also.

"That sounds just fine to me," Megan excitedly replied as she affirmed my suggestion.

We hurriedly finished getting ready. An adventure of a lifetime for the both of us was at last beginning. We stopped on the way and got a quick breakfast to go.

"I feel so bubbly inside. This all seems like a very good and special dream to me." Megan smiled.

“I feel the same too, but trust me, darling, this is all very real," I assured Megan as we pulled into the parking area at the marina.

As we loaded the last of our personal things on board we were really in for a big surprise we were not expecting. Some of our friends arrived to wish us Bon Voyage. There were the usual fruit baskets and flowers, but most of all and most importantly, there were honest and sincere people wishing us the best.

One of my closest friends David (who is also the one who flew us to Marathon in the Keys when Megan’s uncle died) gave us a real warm send off with a small speech he had written on our friendship and what it meant to everyone there. I was deeply touched and it stirred both Megan and myself to tears when David read it aloud.

Megan and I could only stand in silence for a few minutes before we were able to even speak and thank everyone. We were given an address book of everyone present, and promised to send cards to each of them from the many ports we planned to visit.

"I don’t believe I would trade places with anyone else on earth right now and lose this wonderful feeling I have for life," I said to Megan.

"I know exactly what you are talking about," she answered as our first real adventure at sea was at last starting to begin.

"We wish you bright clear skies and smooth waters with a brisk breeze to your backs," everyone shouted as Donovan and Megan were preparing to leave.

Megan was just about to cast the last line free when Dianna came rushing up to them and gave both of them a kiss and a great big bear hug.

"I will take care of everything here for you," she promised.

"We know you will. We will keep in touch with you," I said as Dianna stood on the dock and waved bye with tears in her eyes.

We cast our lines free and started up the intra-coastal waterway that would lead us to the jetties and the mouth of the St. Johns River. Megan and I continued waving good-bye until we turned the bend in the marina and were out of sight.

"She is bringing tears to my eyes watching her," Megan said referring to Dianna.

"She really is going to miss us. We are the only family she has down here," I reminded Megan.

"I know I will miss her, also. She is one friend I can talk to whenever I have a question or maybe some minor problem I can’t find an answer to. She always seems to know what to say or at least tell me how she might handle it." Megan confessed.

"Yes, she is quite a remarkable lady. I have tried on several occasions to increase her salary, but she will not hear of it. I really do not believe she needs the money. I have been to her home numerous times, and it is nothing fancy, but very comfortable looking. You know at a glance someone lives there. And it is always neat as a pin I might add," I remarked.

"I know a lot of people who are that same way," Megan said as she continued with her own opinions.

"I think they work just to have something to do and not get so bored with their own lives. Many will take jobs as volunteers in hospitals or other similar places just to help other people," I offered as a suggestion.

"I believe you are quite right my dear, although I never really looked at it in quite the same way, As long as she is happy, we can all be happy. People like Dianna always seem to enjoy doing things for other people," Meagan remarked as we closed that subject of their conversation and began to concentrate more on the winding Inland Waterway Canal that would lead us to the St. Johns River and, eventually, the Atlantic Ocean.

"I am so nervous I think I might explode from just the excitement alone. This dream adventure has actually become a reality. I do believe I have gotten drunk off all the excitement this morning has brought us, as I am feeling quite light headed at the moment. I shall always remember this moment and our friends who were here to share it with us." Megan whispered to me.

"It’s hard to believe, but we are at last on our way," I said as Meagan put both arms around me and stood behind me at the helm.

We cleared the mouth of the St. Johns River as it emptied into the Atlantic Ocean. I set our course for a southeasterly direction.

"Did you know that the St. Johns River is one of only three known rivers in the world that actually flows north?" I asked Megan.

"I had heard that before, but I must confess, I had forgotten that fact," Meagan told me.

"We will follow the Gulf Stream south, and then turn more easterly when we get just east of Miami Beach heading for Nassau," I responded.

"Aye, aye captain," Megan said with all of the Jolly Roger ho, ho spirit she could muster up.

I could tell Meagan had a question to ask by the look on her face when I mentioned the Gulf Stream.

"What exactly is the Gulf Stream? I have heard of it often?" Megan asked rather curiously.

"I’m glad you asked my dear. It is really a warm river that runs through the ocean. It runs all the way up the Eastern Coast of the United States. Its warm waters near the surface actually help control the temperature in the United Kingdom and other parts of Western Europe as well. If it were not for the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, it would be almost unbearable to live in parts of Western Europe."

"Well, I just learned something else I didn’t know before," Megan smiled.

We reached the Gulf Stream around two tha