incorporation of technology into the classroom by: jenna snyder

Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

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Page 1: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom

By: Jenna Snyder

Page 2: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

First Chosen Reading The article discussed ways to integrate

technology into the classroom and its advantages.

The information in this article provided teachers with better instructional materials and more variety. Communication, family involvement, and interaction between the classroom and the student’s home life can be better established through the use of technology.

Page 3: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Second Chosen Reading This reading from the U.S Secretary of

Education focused more on the Privacy and Progression of technology into the classroom.

The purpose is for personal data, of children, to only be used for educational purposes and they promise that this will be monitored. Privacy of students must be a higher priority.

Page 4: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Third Chosen Reading The topic for this reading was if technology is

more helpful or harmful. The harmful components of incorporating

technology into the classroom are that it requires double innovation. Not only do teachers have to figure out how to incorporate the technology to support the objectives and curriculum, they also have to learn how to use the equipment.

The helpful components are that technology can really personalize learning. Progress can be tracked and levels can be adjusted based on performance and ability.

Page 5: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Fourth Chosen Reading The title was the ongoing challenge of Access,

Adequacy, and Equity. This article was written as a resource to help

policymakers, researchers, and educator’s deal with the integration of technology.

Experts further believe that teachers should know how to use technology to deliver alternative kinds of pedagogy, such as inquiry learning, models, and simulations to help students develop higher-order thinking skills. This helps children become more involved in the construction of their knowledge.

Page 6: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Fifth Chosen Reading

The old definition for the term 21st century learners use to be watching videos, using the internet for a math game, or having an interactive whiteboard in the classroom. The new definition for the term 21st century learner is quick access to knowledge and the importance technology plays in the classroom.

Everyone has heard of the three R’s, but now we also have the four C’s: critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration.

Page 7: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Effects on My Profession I have personally grown with my current

events. It has given me a better understanding and realization that there are many components that come along with integrating technology into the classroom. It might not be as easy as it seems, but on the other hand, it is the future of education.

By doing so much research on this topic, it has made me more aware that teachers need more instruction and knowledge about technology and ways to effectively incorporate it into their classrooms.

Page 8: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Personal Goal In the beginning, my personal goal was

to take classes or look into a Master’s program where I could get more knowledge about how to educate teachers about how to incorporate technology into the classroom effectively.

After completing these current events, I was able to see how important and necessary it is for teachers to be more knowledgeable about incorporating technology and learning how it works.

Page 9: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Future Goals In the future, I would like to develop a

program, clinic, or class that gives these teachers the tools, materials, and techniques about technology and 21st century skills to pass on to their students.

Page 10: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Impact on the Community One of the main reasons I am so passionate about

incorporating technology into the classroom is for the benefit of every student, but especially for special needs and inclusion students.

These children did not choose to have disabilities or learning delays.

Some examples of how technology can help a student suffering from a speech disability are the ACC app speech communicator, Myvoice (which includes a talking picture keyboard), and a DynaVox (which repeats what the student is saying).

Page 11: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Connections with the Community I suggest that schools partner with companies such

as Dell, Apple, Best Buy, Samsung, Microsoft, Sony, Amazon, Google, and Toshiba. By setting up a partnership with these companies there is a chance for reduced pricing, free materials, and possibly grants.

The more we strive to get different forms of technology into the classrooms, the more we are allowing students to learn through different strategies and the more opportunities we are giving them for success.

Page 12: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Favorite News Item My favorite Current Event was my 1st one

which was titled, “Integrating Technology In K12/Advantages of Technology in the Elementary Classroom”

This article was my favorite, because it mentioned how important technology is for students with disabilities. Everyday we take for granted the ability to communicate, but it is technology that is giving them their voice back.

Page 13: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Some examples of how technology can help a student suffering from a speech disability are the ACC app speech communicator, Myvoice (which includes a talking picture keyboard), and a DynaVox (which repeats what the student is saying).

This related to my personal life, because one of our close family friends has a severe case of down syndrome and uses his DynaVox and picture book to communicate with us about everyday needs.

Page 14: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Least Favorite News Item My least favorite article was my second one

titled, “Technology in Education: Privacy and Progress”.

I did not like how the U.S. Secretary of Education negatively talked about having a child’s information on the internet. I personally do not think there is a problem with that, as long as the correct security procedures are in line.

A child is more likely to be taken walking out of school, than tracked online through their school system, which would require a password only the families are given.

Page 15: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Did I Stay Current On This Topic In The Past? Before this class, yes, I did stay current

on this topic. In the education program, we are required to take an Instructional Technologies class, which we learned all about the Macs we received and what could be done with them, how to create wiki’s, prezi’s, websites, apps, blogs and many other educational tools.

Page 16: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Also, every time I was in a classroom, I would ask my co-op about technology and how they incorporate it into their classroom.

By collecting all of the different ways technology has been incorporated, it has provided me with many ways to create lesson plans for every type of learner.

Page 17: Incorporation of Technology into the Classroom By: Jenna Snyder

Do I Think I Will Stay Current With This Topic After The Course? I definitely plan to stay current on this

topic even after this class. Like I said earlier in my presentation, I really have a passion for the topic of technology in the classroom, because I can see past the computers and Ipads and truly see the benefits of these devices.