informational materials parenting initiatives pi...informational materials the support of parents’...

INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS PARENTING INITIATIVES - PI The project reaches persons through four partner organizations: - Foundation Family Center - Progresista Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeresy Consumidores de Guadalajara - Academy Kultur Ve Egitim Dernegegi - Cosortio Cooperative Sociali S.G.S.

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The project reaches persons through four partner organizations: - Foundation Family Center - Progresista Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeresy Consumidores de Guadalajara - Academy Kultur Ve Egitim Dernegegi - Cosortio Cooperative Sociali S.G.S.

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The Support of Parents’ Initiative in Education

Tytuł projektu: Wspieranie rodziców w działaniach edukacyjnych - Parenting Initiative "PI" Project Number: 2015-1-PL01-KA204-016845 Introduction

The theme of the project deals with the problem of adult education which is supporting parents in

educational activities - Parenting Initiative "PI". Support for parents and their education are seen at a

European level as social investments that help to reduce parental stress and help parents reconcile

work with family commitments.

Three specific objectives have been defined and reached owing to the nature and experience of the partnership:

1. The development of adults' educators' skills with a view to achieving a wider extent and better learning outcomes.

2. Improving and extending the offer of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of parents through innovative forms of contact and conducting training.

3. Promoting the position, participation and activity of parents in social and cultural learning for the sake of personal development and self-realization.

The informational materials "Parenting Initiatives" PI encompass the examples of innovation and good practice in the field of parents’ education in partner countries. The materials have been divided into four modules:

• Module I – Creating learning environment in the family. • Module II - Improving parents’ emotional intelligence. • Module III - Concern for health - well-being and physical fitness. • Module IV – The development of educational competence - support in the role

of a parent.

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Definition Educational environment is a social system focused on the constant development of human knowledge and its certification and expertise in a particular field. Some educational environments are more focused on knowledge development and its certification, while others on the competence development and its certification.

Educational system: • stimulates the personal development of the student by making them active, diligent and responsible for the whole process of education, • stimulates discussion, collaboration and decision-making, • makes the learning process become a dynamical and creative process through problem solving, experimentation, analysis, synthesis, creativity, decision-making and verifying the suitability of different solutions; the connection of new knowledge with the existing knowledge plays a key role. Why is it important to create an educational environment in the family. The environment in which the learning process takes place is one of the most important determinants of learning. Its constituent elements are not only the room, but also people and their relationships. They largely form the responsibilities and tasks. The importance of the learning environment in the family

FOR ADULTS • they develop their abilities, enrich knowledge, refine professional skills or acquire a new profession, change their attitudes or behavior depending on the socio-cultural conditions, • they acquire or develop important characteristics: a greater attention span, objective perception, developed criticism and caution in expressing judgments, the ability to distinguish important or typical features, creative imagination, improved logical and creative memory, managing thinking ability, a huge amount of experience, high ability to control emotions.

FOR CHILDREN Within a family, a child: • learns to meet their basic needs and respond to perceived shortcomings; expresses feelings such as contentment, joy, anxiety, anger, and fear, • meets valuation for the first time: adults from the closest surroundings define something as good or bad, • learns norms of behavior, is introduced to functioning in social roles such as: a family member, a kindergartener, a student, a colleague, a member of a wider community. Methods of embodiment • joining leisure activities: walking, recreational cycling, short tours; exploring the area close to the place of residence in order to know the history of the region (a walk around an old mining district of Katowice – Nikiszowiec; a visit to the Upper-Silesian Museum in Bytom); • participation in municipal celebrations and ceremonies. The Days of the City (The Days of Bytom; Industriada – an event promoting the monuments of industry and technology), family picnics (a horse race – Radzionków); • joining celebration of important anniversaries: organizing or participating in meetings with singing patriotic or regional songs; • cherishing tradition: baking gingerbread, painting Easter eggs; • organizing movie nights - watching a movie on a chosen topic.

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26th and 27 th October 2016, Wednesday and Thursday, (11:00 to 13:00)”HOW PARENTS CAN IMPROVE THEIR

CHILDREN EDUCATION EVERY DAY” By Claudia Castro Sepúlveda.


ACTIVITY: through a Power Point presentation we call their attention to the points shown bellow:

- Organizing their children’s timetables in the afternoons and evenings.

- Choosing the best places at home for doing their homework, reading and studying.

- Revisions and preparations for test and exams.

- Agendas controlled every day.

- Regular visits to the teachers and tutors at school.

- Helping their children in the best way (previous parent’s training and knowledge).

The presentations have been done during their Spanish lesson language and so we have helped them to listen

and practice Spanish in a different and practical way with the collaboration of a Palestinian member of the

organization who helped us to translate into their language.

In general we have not got any kind of problems as they are really interested in learning about the educational


How did it develop? It was a relaxed environment. They participate giving their own point of view and

experiences, although we had to encourage them to speak and express their ideas (as they need to feel

confident to participate).

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The game is the most authentic and spontaneous expression of childhood. Through playful activities you may foresee children’s trends and inclinations. The game is one of the main components in the psychological development of the child's personality and, above all, is an opportunity for socialization and learning. The game stimulates creativity, curiosity, ingenuity, dexterity, creativity; it used to the competition, to reflection, to respect the rules; through the game will enhance physical and motor skills, it helps to form the mind. Playing children the environment, it takes the space consciousness, develops the ability to integrate. In the course of human history the recreational activity has always played a huge importance in all ages the childhood game was considered a good preparation for life. It is obvious that with the centuries changed the problems and situations so them also adapted the ways of playing. Retrieve games once is to discover part of the history of an area. The game stimulates curiosity, dexterity, ingenuity, through play the child approaches to adult society. Talking about games and toys in the third millennium, referring to something other than the electronic and virtual gaming (computer, PlayStation) would let many young people smile. For them, in fact, the teddy bear, the marbles or blowpipe things are outdated, that no longer meet their recreational needs. In the meantime, some popular games, both individual and group, came to an end because their use is lost. The project will be developed through the creation of a recreational-crafts room, where the boys and the old people take part to realize a: • series of meetings in which the elders tell their experiences • reconstruction of the country tradition toys • rediscovery of popular games of the Italian tradition • graphic and pictorial elaboration • games and activities featuring SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT • Understand the concept of chronological time through the evolution of games and toys • Know how to express their play preferences • Know and experience no longer played games • Discover the differences and similarities between the toys of the past and current ones (material, form, function) • Discover the pleasure of sharing during playtime • Promote the development of the logical dimension through play • Develop manual skills in workshop activities ACTIVITIES • Collective conversations • Interviews • Survey on grandparents' games • Interview the elderly to know what games they played as children • Comparison between the games of the past and those of today • Play a few games of yore • Construction of a few toys of the past • Compare the way the children play today and the way their parents and grandparents did • Collection of nursery rhymes, count, twisters ... • Workshop activities for the construction of rattles, spinning tops, nuts, kites, pins, papermache dolls, puppets, etc. • Motor and mimic activities • Dramatization • Graphic-pictorial and manipulative works

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Recycling is an excellent way to teach your kids about environmental awareness and understanding. Implementing recycling programs for kids also teaches children about the importance of respecting their environment. Because the environment is central to children’s health and development, it is best to introduce kids recycle projects when your child is still young so that she can build life-long, environmentally-friendly habits early on. Recycling for Kids: How To Teach Kids to Recycle The first step in teaching your children about recycling is explaining to them why we should recycle. We teach our children that the earth is their home, and that it therefore deserves their care and respect. Also, we teach that there is a strong interconnectedness and interdependence between humans and the environment and that their daily actions can affect the earth in either a positive or negative way. That’s the reason why we arrange fun recycling projects for our children, together with adults (parents or old people attending our structures. It is important to identify the three R’s, three key ways to reduce the ecological footprint, that is, our impact on the environment:

reduce: this means cutting back on the amount of waste used in everyday life. For example, reduce waste by teaching kids to use canvas bags at the grocery store instead of plastic bags.

reuse: reuse an existing item in your household in order to minimize waste. For example, reuse gift bags to cut down on paper waste or decorate cans or jars with stickers or glitter to create a unique pencil holder.

recycle: recycling means when an object can be shredded, melted, or processed in order to create new raw materials; for instance, an aluminium can is used to create more cans while paper and cardboard can be recycled in order to generate more paper products

Recycling Activities for Kids We organized some fun recycle projects for kids such as: using old plastic bags and other misused objects at their home to create brand new objects together with adults in order to give new life to things instead of throwing them away. Children are very enthusiastic about this kind of activities, in particular when they can share these experiences with their parents and/or grandparents. They feel they are doing something important for environment, something adults can be proud of. We arranged a fashion-walk of children showing their self-created dresses made of recycled materials. It was a great experience and we’re gonna make it again again. This summer we also organized some fun recycle-labs on the beach during holiday camps. This time our children, together with educators and parents, painted stones which turned into colourful animals, they created shell-made frames and amazing octopuses made of plastic bottles. In the end, we organized Christmas markets where our children could sell their creations, always made of recycled materials. Every year this is a success and parents are very proud of their children’s activities.

So, Happy recycling!

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PRACTICE 1: What are families doing for their children to create learning environment at home? PARTICIPANTS: - The members of Academy Culture and Education Association - Parents TOPIC: The participants will learn; - The importance of creating learning environment at home. - To have great time as a family by the way of games, puzzles, making cookies. SOLUTIONS & DISCUSSIONS & RESULTS We asked about what are you doing at home to create learnıng environment for your children. They sent their photos while they are making different activities to create learning environment for their children. At the end of the activities when we asked about why did you do and what did you learn and how did you feel? The families the most important thing to feel happiness to do with our children. The children answered we had a great time with our family. The other point that the children raised their skills and information level. While they are having great time with their families, they learned some skills and made educative materials for example puzzle, play dough and making cookies.

PRACTICE II: Preparing a Brochure About Creating Learning Environment at Home PARTICIPANTS: - The members of Academy Culture and Education Association - Parents TOPIC: The participants will learn; -The importance of creating learning environment at home. -What can be done?

-Why are the homework assignments given?

-What can a parent do about homework assignments? SOLUTIONS & DISCUSSIONS & RESULTS There will be some tips for parents to create learning environment in the family. When the child asks for help, instead of saying the answer, guiding the child by asking questions that will help him/her to nd the answer. Through homework, children can learn time management skills, responsibility and independence. There is no option for the child to do homework or not. The issue that needs to be addressed is when and how to do homework. It is not possible for a school itself to achieve everything desired for a student . If the achievements that students gained at school aren’t supported and reinforced by the parents, they will be lost soon. For this reason, parents must cooperate with the school.

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DEVELOPING PARENTAL INTELLIGENCE They have control over a human being’s behavior and constitute a relevant component of our nature. What are they? They are emotions. THE IMPACT OF EMOTIONS ON FAMILY LIFE Emotions are involved in every human activity, we feel them. They work independently whether we want to or not. Emotions mobilize us to take actions in daily family life. They cause reactions in our body, influence our behavior and health. Due to them we perceive the surrounding environment in different ways. We behave in one way when we are full of happiness, joy or just pleasure, and in another when we feel bad and we’ve got a negative attitude to the world. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE An emotionally mature person is someone who can recognize not only his own feelings but also the moods of others. It is someone who can express them in a proper way and use them in practice effectively. Therefore, a self-conscious person is empathetic and is able to control their impulses. Consequently, emotional intelligence has a bigger influence on us then we may think. What is more, it can also be more vital than rational intelligence. However, good information is that the level of emotional intelligence increases with time. Moreover, we can mould and „train” it. It’s important to underline that the first place where it happens is family home. Simply, we can define and name our feelings there. We can also discuss them. At home parents give a sign to children that emotions are nothing bad. What is more, a child can associate emotions with a certain attitude, body language or a tone of voice. It is vital that when we are more self- aware, we can understand family members’ feelings better. PARENTS AS A PATERN Through the observation of parents’ functioning a child can learn, at least partially, every ability, for instance: making friends, collaboration in a group, creating relationships or resolving problems. Yet, there is one very vital factor- a parent must be a proper pattern to emulate in the future. Parents do not have to be the perfect and ideal example of „paternal emotional intelligence”- we are only humans so it happens that sometimes we do not behave as we should. Still, our mistakes give a good material to analyze as well. However, it is also a really important ability to admit being wrong. IMPROVING PARENTAL INTELLIGENCE IN POLAND I did a research and unfortunately I found little information about this topic. It is hard to find any kind of workshop or a course about this subject. Most often parents participate in a special psychology course when they have a child with a certain disability or dysfunction. But the positive thing is that when I talk about it with a person from a younger generation, they declare that if they notice this kind of workshop, they will definitely enroll to be more conscious in this area. However when I discuss it with my grandparents, who are about 80 years old, they tell me that is a very unfamiliar topic for them.


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and 10th November 2016, Wednesday and Thursday, (11:00 to 13:00) “ CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP”

with the collaboration of a Palestinian member of the organization. SHORT MESSAGES (PERSONAL AND

ANONYMOUS). Organized by Ernestina, Claudia, Fernando.


ACTIVITY: through a Power Point presentation we call their attention to the points shown bellow:

- Thinking and writing short messages about our daily life paying attention to some difficulties and

problems that may arise.

- Expressing our personal feelings.

- Our thoughts about different topics.

- How to solve daily problems in our family.

Through the presentation of different slides, we called their attention and invited them to write about

their personal experiences and thoughts.

We gave them some post-it where they could write some short and anonymous messages.

Some of them asked for help to write properly some Spanish words.

On the walls of the classroom we put some posters in order to stick their messages.

The posters were divided in topics such as: slide one: in the park where they have to give their

impression and feelings about going to this place. Slide two: Do you like or what are your feelings

about the place where you live? We thought that it was important to know their thoughts about the

place where they live because most of them are from abroad. Slide three: What do you do in your free

time? With this slide we tried to know how they spent their free time (family, sport activities,


Slide four: Things that do not let you enjoy your free time and how can you organize your duty in order

to have a better spare time. Slide five: now they have to choose a favorite place and write an adjective

next to it in order to express their emotions about the selected place.

The main problem was writing properly and they asked for our help in order to express themselves in a right


How did it develop? It was a really motivating session. They always participate giving their own point of view

and experiences.

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In order to improve and promote the emotional intelligence of parents we organized a workshop at our Nursery School open to all parents of the city, not only for the parents’ children attending our structure. It was an interesting occasion to understand what the parents’ needs are and what can be done for them to be better parents for their kids. The key points of the psychologist’s speech were: Naming emotions It is important to help children to name the emotions that they are feeling, labeling them and distinguishing them. Most of the time, the children, but also adults, struggle to distinguish some emotions, such as, for example, anger and sadness. Learning to recognize emotions and giving it a name is the first step in an emotional literacy work to overcome the emotional incompetence. Listen to your body Helping children to listen to their body’s signals is a very important lesson to be transmitted. Helping them understand what happens when you are angry, sad or afraid is the first step in learning to manage emotions. Manage emotions Learn how to find the most functional strategies to manage their emotions is a long process and requires a continuous readjustment. Supporting children in finding their own way to respond to a strong feeling that they are feeling is key to a healthy and harmonious development. Adults must guide the little ones in this way, not by imposing their ways, but by discussing how to best express themselves. The importance of “negative” emotions All emotions are important and they need to be explored. It is important not to repress the children’s emotions which conventionally tend to be defined as "bad" (such as sadness or anger), because they are fundamental to the psychic functioning and balance of every human being. Listen and observe others Closely linked to learning to recognize their emotions, there is the development of the so-called Empathy, or the ability to recognize other people's emotions and realize that fundamental emotional closeness to get in touch with each other. Parents should not only teach to eat, walk and talk adults. They should also educate the children to listen to themselves, to their emotional world and to translate into words any emotion. This is not easy, but still very important. Adults often do not deal with this teaching for several reasons: either they are not capable because they themselves are struggling to manage their emotions; or they are frightened by negative emotions such as fear, anger and sadness and they do not admit that their children can feel them. The parents who are aware of their emotions are not afraid to talk about emotions, even of their own, and knows how to put limits to the wrong behavior, especially if harmful to the child or others. They teach the children to become aware of their own feelings and provides strategies for adjust them. If emotions remain undefined, they scare, they are less controllable and the children feel imprisoned.

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TOPIC: The participants will learn; - why emotional intelligence is important - whether emotional intelligence can be educated or not - the effect of emotional intelligence in educational, social and private life. SOLUTIONS & DISCUSSIONS & RESULTS During the lecture, the lecturers mentioned about the importance of emotional intelligence. The lecturers told that ‘Emotional intelligence is more distinctive than IQ when it comes to success and happiness in life. We think that if someone is successful at school he/she will be successful for the life but that’s not true. Researches indicates that the people who have the highest IQ grades, do not earn as much as the ones who have higher emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence shows someone is full of social skills, empathetic, caring and loving others, respectful to others and being respected. All these characteristics bring the peace, success, happiness the world needs both in business life and family life. Because of this, we should stop just thinking and worrying about the grades of our children& students. Instead of this, we should apply better practices which develops and educates emotional intelligence.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF PARENTS PRACTICE 1: GIVING A LECTURE ABOUT EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE PARTICIPANTS: PRACTICE 2: READING A BOOK ABOUT EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE PARTICIPANTS: - The members of Academy Culture and Education Association - Parents TOPIC: The participants will learn; - Importance of emotional intellligence SOLUTIONS & DISCUSSIONS & RESULTS The participants were delivered books related with emotional intelligence. They learned about what is the meaning of emotional intelligence. How can we raise our children’s emotional intelligence? What are the distributes of people who have emotional intellligence? When they finished their books they could answer these questions on their mind.

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“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Parents’ support for their children’s physical activity affects the level of the activity, especially in girls;

financial and material support for children is relatively the least important;

the father’s level of physical activity and shared physical activity at home seem to be especially important.

26% of adult Polish population (aged 18-69 years) complies with the newest WHO recommendations, one quarter of Polish adults − physical effort lasting at least 150 minutes, or more intensive one lasting at least 75 minutes per week;

the criteria are met by 24.2% of young population aged 11–15 years (29.8% of boys and 18.6 % of girls);

health of above ¾ of young population aged 11-15 years is compromised due to inadequate physical activity;

older teenagers do not meet the recommendations of minimal physical activity. The importance of physical activity:

an optimal developmental level of each child: physical, mental, social;

one of the basic constituents of a pro-health lifestyle continued by a child during adulthood;

it reduces the risk of diseases and disorders during childhood and later. Parents:

recognizing the level of their children’s fitness and promoting a healthy lifestyle in their families;

participating together in sports and recreational events;

encouraging children to walk or cycle to school;

participating in meetings with doctors, dieticians, coaches or sportspersons;

cooperating with school. Administration:

developing sports facilities;

organizing local campaigns and sports events;

supporting the development of local sports organizations;

planning and building infrastructure which will enable the inhabitants to cycle to work and school. Dąbrowa Górnicza:

a modern sports hall, a stadium with football and training fields, a dozen or so football fields, volleyball and basketball courts, a seasonal ice rink, a water park, swimming pools, beach ball fields, a climbing wall, tennis courts, and outdoor gyms;

sports clubs and associations;

local lakes, with bike paths and rental shops of water sports equipment;

bicycle rallies, beach ball tournaments, many running events including the Half Marathon of Dąbrowa, triathlons, windsurfing competitions, sailing regattas, and European Sports Week for Everybody with various events;

Green Mobility project - building many new bike paths, in the near future.

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DE ARAGÓN and TARTANEDO”. Organized by Ernestina and Fernando.


from Poland, Morocco, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Rumania, Palestine and Spain).


- Visit to a medieval city (fair, castle, Jewish neighborhood, Romanic bridge, museum, some churches and the surroundings).

- Trip to the small village of Tartanedo (guided tour through the main streets and monuments). Workshop “How can we make our own bread at home” by a group of Muslim women.

Workshop “Making natural soap” by a member of the association from Rumania (Ildi).

A walk in a protected forest (savin or juniper trees in danger).

How did we it? Since we took the bus in Guadalajara we tried to encourage people to participate in the different activities. Firstly, reading and transmitting some interesting information about the medieval city we were going to visit (some volunteers had to do it inside the bus during the long trip). Another important point would be the collaboration of Muslim and Rumanian people who showed us how to make bread and soap at home. Finally, the protection of our endangering species, in this case trees in extinction. The main problem was the date we decided to organize it. It was the coincidence with the Ramadan celebration, due to this some of the members could not go. How did it develop? It was a really exciting activity. We learnt many interesting things related with different

cultures, habits and handcrafts. We also enjoyed the wild environment by walking through the savin (in Spanish

Sabina) or juniper tree forest.

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13TH NOVEMBER, SUNDAY “INCLUSIVE INTERCULTURAL AND INTERGENERATIONAL TRIP/ EXCURSION TO CALATAYUD (near ZARAGOZA)”. Organized by Ernestina, Claudia, Fernando. DIRECTED TO PARENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS FROM DIFFERENT NATIONALITIES (With the assistance of people from Poland, Morocco, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Rumania, Palestine and Spain). ACTIVITIES THAT WE HAVE DEVELOPED: - Visit to a Mudéjar city (Museum, castle, churches, central streets, cultural centre…) - Lunch in common (sharing typical food from different cultures). - Visit to thermal park and facilities in Alhama which has its origins in a muslin culture. As in the previous trip, since we took the bus in Guadalajara we tried to encourage people to participate in the different activities. Firstly, reading and transmitting some interesting information about the Mudejar city we were going to visit. Some volunteers had to do it inside the bus during the long excursion. (The Mudejar lived among Christians maintaining his Muslim convictions until his dying day). There were other cultures living together in Calatayud and, the most important issue that we learnt and transmit now, is the fact of sharing ideas, thoughts and cultures in spite of being Muslims, Jews or Christians. There are ruins, buildings and rests from these people which still remain in the city. At lunch time we shared different kind of food and interesting talks, so we tighten ties. It was an ideal moment from the point of view of education (we can educate our children better, if we know other point of view and, above all, we teach them respect to others). In the afternoon, we have a healthy walk round the city to know it and to get fit and healthy, of course. Afterwards we catch the bus that took us to Alhama de Aragón. Alhama is a town which has Muslim origins in its name.” AL”, means “the” and “HAMA” means “baths”. The reason is because it has been a thermal water resort for ages, since the Romans were in Spain in the first and second century AD. The facilities we visited were stunning, especially a warm lake whose beauty we can not describe in words. It is worthwhile visiting it We did not have any kind of problem: our bus was nearly full and everybody was extremely punctual, cooperative, polite and, at the end, totally happy with the organization of this event. (We were asked to repeat a similar trip).


- Postural exercises. - Creative fitness with music (Choreography). - Popular and folk dances.

The first part of the lesson is focused on knowing and learning the different names which are new for us with games (throwing balls to each other) that breaks the ice and make us laugh at the mispronunciations of foreign names. The warming up takes time as many of Muslim women are not used to physical exercise. It is also slow the way the teacher introduces the exercises as some of them have little command of the Spanish. Arising problems are solved with the help of the woman who are fluent in Spanish and Arab. In the same way, watching their movements (visualization) avoids a lot of long explanations. At the beginning, Muslim women were very reluctant to speak and touch, but later, step by step, they have become much more confident and are participating as desired. There are also economical problems as the income of these women is very low and we have received funds from the town hall institution to implement this activity. So they pay very little, but they pay as it is very important to make them feel they actually finance the activity. As in other activities they are reluctant to be shown in photos or videos, as they are protective and even offended when someone invades their privacy.

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The project we are very proud of. It involved our children attending the Daily Minors Centers and it

turned them in real TV stars!

It was a fascinating contest in which our children tested their skills and fantasy in a world they are fond of: SOCCER WORLD. The project was realized for two reasons: the great passion of the children for football and especially for “VirtusLanciano” which is the soccer team of our town. The second reason concerns the type of the television program "Virtustyle" that has a language and content accessible to minors. Children were asked to create and put on stage a show, a dance, a musical about their heart team. All their shows were broadcasted on TV during the program “Virtustyle” and it was a success! They were enthusiast and their parents really appreciated their children’s dedication to this activity. It was an opportunity to engage our children and parents in an educational activity that excited them. The activity had as its main goal the promotion of a healthy life style and a global sport education (respect for rules, for mates, for commitments and priorities). Engaging in physical activity the whole family can be a fun way to get everyone moving. Studies show that kids who believe they are competent and have the skills to be physically active are more likely to be active. And those who feel supported by friends and families to become active, or surrounded by others interested in physical activity, are more likely to participate.

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PRACTICE 1:MAKING OUTDOOR SPORT ACTIVITIES WITH PARENTS AND CHILDREN PARTICIPANTS: - The members of Academy Culture and Education Association - Parents TOPIC: The participants will learn; - To spend time with their children by making sport - The importance of making sport to be healthier and wellbeing SOLUTIONS & DISCUSSIONS & RESULTS We organized a picnic with parents and children .During the picnic the parents and children made different sport activities. They had great time and they enjoyed very much to spend time together and to make sport.

PRACTICE 2: SUPPPORTING CHILDREN MAKING SPORT PARTICIPANTS: - The members of Academy Culture and Education Association - Parents TOPIC: The participants will learn; - The importance of making sport and well being - How to support their children to make sport activities. SOLUTIONS & DISCUSSIONS & RESULTS We mentioned about the importance of making sport and well- being to bring up children healthier. We asked what kind of sportive activities make your children and how they support. They watched their children while they were making sport and their children felt happier and more eager. The children made different sport activities for example swimming, horse riding, gymnastics.

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MODULE IV IN POLAND What are the powers of education in the family? These are all positive skills that support our parents in their role of parent. They allow you to carry out this role in normal everyday situations and situations very difficult, crisis. They are a tool, a means of building relationships with child. They are needed to deepen ties of children and their parents. Typically skills These are passed on in families from generation to generation as the ability to raise children. So being a parent we learn from our parents.

How to develop educational competences in the family?

Parents learn to play a role in contact with your child that matures and changes, but also through the exchange of experiences with other parents.

Analyze also popular science literature, they seek knowledge on online forums and reach the advice of specialists.

The most favorable form of their skills, however, is involved in various activities of a workshop. These meetings allow you to experience and understand the need for change in dealing with your child and practice and hone specific skills to communicate with him. Roles adopted by parents

Children can assist in adulthood, but we should live their lives. Children are not the property of the parents. They are given to them for some time. The role of the

parent is the child's upbringing so that it can cope in life without the help and support from the parent.

A parent may declare certain values, but if his behavior belies those values, it does not provide their child.

There is a wise saying "the child will remember what he was talking about, and do what you're doing." We learn and bring up an example.

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ACTIVITIES”, by Claudia and Fernando Calvo.


assistance of people from Poland, Morocco, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Rumania, Palestine, Georgia and Spain).

TITLE: “The fantastic flying books”. To encourage our children to read.


The main objective of this activity is encouraging our children to read. First, showing the film to the mothers in the Association following by a debate about their daily routine, interaction with the children in reading books at home or visiting public library in order to borrow some books and participating in the educational activities organised by this institution. The idea is to take advantage of all the means of the public library to encourage people in general and parents in particular in using books, newspapers, magazines, videos... as a normal way of taking part in these activities. We have done a survey to ask questions about the books they read in a year, the number of books they have at home, the number of hours they spend on reading, if they read stories to their children, if they go to the library with them, if their children like / do not like reading... After doing the survey, we organised the results and we debate their solutions to the problems that have arisen in the survey. 2.- CUERDAS (ROPES). Emotional Education. Empathy, friendship... 3.- “Monsterbox”. Emotional Education. Friendship. Link: 4.- “The bridge”. Collaborate with others and do not be selfish. Link:

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The so-called P.I.P.P.I. Program pursues the aim to innovate intervention practices for negligent families, with children aged between 0 and 11, in order to reduce the risk of ill-treatment and the subsequent removal of the children from the family. It takes into account the wider perspective of parents and children in building analysis and response to their needs. The primary objective is therefore to increase the safety of children and improve the quality of their development. It offers innovative lines of action in the field of vulnerable parenting support. The intervention of removal, which by definition expropriates the parents of parental responsibility by putting it in charge of the social service, does not seem to be the most appropriate intervention and that it is therefore necessary to experience an alternative social response. The response might: • focus on the developmental needs of children (and not only the problems and risks) and on their global and integrated understanding; • organize coherent interventions for these needs, taking into account the obstacles and resources inside the family environment.

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PRACTICE 1: READING BOOKS ABOUT PARENT EDUCATION PARTICIPANTS: - The members of Academy Culture and Education Association - Parents TOPIC: The participants will learn; - Some tips and practises about parent education SOLUTIONS & DISCUSSIONS & RESULTS For the reading activity we bought some books about parent education at different topics. These books were delivered to the parents in our association. The parents read these books and they shared their opinions and gained information to other families. So the level of information about how to behave their children and parent education were given to our members. The families sais that we learned some important points about parent education and our way of behaviour to our children changed better way.

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Three specific objectives have been defined and can be reached on the nature and experience of the


The development of adults' educators' skills with a view to achieving wider extent and better

learning outcomes.

Improving and extending the offer of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the

needs of parents through innovative forms of contact and conducting training.

Promoting the position, participation and activity of parents in social and cultural learning for

the sake of personal development and self-realization.

The project "PI" is visible added value: essential added value to that concern:

Increasing the number of parents who have access to training,

Comprehensive support aimed at solving the problems parenting,

Supplementing the existing policies to support parents with new, innovative elements.

The project has influenced the participants by supporting the acquisition and expansion of competencies in adult education, in the specificity of parent education. Participants had the opportunity to share experiences with other groups from European: Spain, Turkey, Italy, Poland. Participants were encouraged to observe important points of view in the aspect of Parents Support. The project has had an impact on the participating institutions, which include improving the quality of work based on European standards, learning from each, transfer of innovation and good practice. New issues in parent education have been introduced to the training. There has been an increase in the number of parents in educational events. Prepared PI Information Materials are used for parenting courses using Parenting Initiatives (PI).