ionta na, tuesday, october 5, 19 26 · rally ---tues day at 5:00 p. m. ---special assembly wedn e...

Rally ---Tu es day at 5:00 p. m. ---Special Assembly Wedn e sday 11·15 a m P M t' Th d 5 00 . . .--- ep ee mg urs ay : p. m. ·n:ent VOLU:\!E XVIII. BOZEi\lAN, i\IONTANA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1926 Nl!:\IBER :l. C OMPLETE WOMEN'S ATHLETIC PROfiRAM Freshman Paint 1 Special Assembly Scheduled For "M" Next Friday Wednesday Morning in Gym.11:15 Program to Include Fie ld and Bai;eball Picnic an d Dance to Work on Letter Follow Bl"TTE TRIP WILL BE DISCL"SSED \:\"D PL\ .. _, :11.\DE FOi{ THE BIG G. \!\I E. R.\LLIES WILL .\LSO " a an p1·ogram 1 !dit unal t the te}!ul:tr ArranC"l'nllnts for the fr shnH·n L 1·aint the '')l" Frida\' ha\'e nl)w bt-"ell BE DISCl'SSED. }'111 \\ 1 K J.! l\'t t \ l'l Y girl a chani rl Ill.!, anud CC1a l'Xperil'tH l hr t v:1ra•ty of sports. Th..;o ll t-.1t 11(·d on through intrn- NEW SALE PLAN ;:,.:, men men will mtel at the: Y. )l. <. I 11:15 at \\hirh ttr1c .thl· 11 J cm, t1tion, t·v£'ry girl bein,. Xl •1 tul to Ulll' tl'am or an- 1·r. )'l'ar Pa(:k ha.:-i plan- d i;.n l ven more and at· i is possibL·, s}u.• has made in tht• arran)!ement o: 1 CONCERT TICKETS portabon . A lee of twenty-f1,·e tl·nt" _., 1 resident of th a .. ._ 1 ·ici e I each way will be l'hargul for \,a urg-cd that ,.e \f•n ptrtation. Tht' nlln are reque!'ted u (; ·'£•£'tin!: sin·L' it hring- and arv o!cJ tubs 1 -> 1 · an Be Purchased On The ln- assembly. buckeb that they m;ty haH• avail- stallment Pla n 1 The cf the tic:'- · a able. of finanC'e"' will be t l Following- the work on the ":\I" / COXCERT TICKETS P1ofc:-gor Grant. whn i lhu1 will incluti arcl b2st•hall. If picnic will be heir! in Bridg-t:r canyon A new ".-.tudent ]llan'' i:o: beinz in he atfl tie finani·e c nmit l Tht· freshmen wome1: and the !:'J-lu aug-urate<l this year in the salt· ,i I.lamilton will the .. \V!IJ be in charite of thi:-. fc1tt1rl'. ,.\ loncert ticket:-;. l"ndtr ne, trom the an:de of rtsn nn 1 (:am·e will be held in Thre_· Bears Jn!' p!['n only onc-:hitd of the .., a:-on lo and from tf e g-am<> But L after the picnic. It is al"o plannc11 ticket pric€ is paid dow 11 on reLeip;,. IR< mney ":ill ,J?'iH• a t to have the nomination of da--i-- of- of the ticket and the halanc-c uf t\t. the athletic side of hr si+uat n I itt1· for Utt' ylar at thi.; me£.>ti1 g- or amoi;nt extHds over : 1 may gi\'e . cmL i1lea o tl-iC' <·o 1 ' •ni .... tiaC'k, and 'it Id mp ·a"' z(>(I in the spring- quar: r. y irl on the ('am pus is to t1 \ out for the ditforl'nt I llt• of the.- bu•t wa\'S to shO\'' the ('Jass. thn.e montJ-.:. on the following dates: ati\·e stren!!'tl or thl two " The roll will be called durin r At date of :-al Bowden, publidty ma11" 1 j!l'r for tl tl-_e ope1·ation <1f p!!inting the '·:\!'',I Oc-. 15. .50 ·ollel!e, will ccndudl• hl· smt h"s Jl' at which time the annual freshman Oct. 18 _ .. 1 , lh hour. I":. alt,:. to your t ln:-;s, . dass dues of fifty l'L•n's will be pay- Xo,·. () . .50 This will hf.:' I ab le. No membtrs of the class with Dec. 2 ..... .. .50 at'h.·r the new ,·hin ar.J ell ..\.::idt• frcm th• spur ard fun of iipL i•ion sph:ntlirl et\vards are of- f j l v 'arious wo'1wn in ,:\lontanJ. t l •h1 Women's athlcti<.· asso<.·iation n th education dtpartment 1 r in \'arious :::.port:-. Th "''" a\':ards irelude medals. cu .s 1;. nil bol cat swimming suits. ('onsid- t r11b a i\'it\' has alreaclv bf.en the possible exce1ition cf the footb·,ll \YC'rlne!'day w!ll ht' fif l'<·11 1 ((uad are cxcusc>d from absence 11i1 C'hc-rt. The whi tie \\ill that day. All unexct:sed abst•r:t.e tcginnin:r and c.-ntl will bt: tried before tht' TriLuna' class periods. which ras 1ecen:ly b<'en institu ed by Two Rallies the Fames aml fll\'iri. Schedu led ,\ -ith a prohahility of Two pep mC>etintz ar ... c I I weather at time of t'Jl' year t e r is ''eek tn lake pl. c :l O hown in the for X o. 7. Bobc.:at yhistle th cdle$?e lwating pla1.· Tu .;;:d: y and (•vcn 1 I \\ill be blown at 6:.10 a. 111. as usu,,', / Gatt-on field. Thtse rallie "11 r This suit is award- \'eJ y woman who complete5' of th 1\0 in the Bobt"at swirnm ng l<::-t and ag-ain at 7::rn te) arn()unre th,lt t'·1arg-e of the l·ommi:-; 1cn r 1 f tli .. ":.\f'' will bl' painted. In I rns·rati<.ns and n·w,y app t E\t:'1y+1 inl?' poirts to an inte1'€St - in"' ye r in wome11'3 athll'tic:s, for be- s r' 0 lhl' splendid new material. f 111 wine' medal winn rs uf last year La\ ... n•a1ly rc·1orted· - Lois :\IcCoy, Fc.J:t 1 !-'wing-le, Esther Asbury, Amy B2"1 1 e :Xla1·kin. Jo OTonmor, ,:\lary Pait, Frieda Hendrickson. Florence .T<""n"nn, Dorothy Jack::.on, and i\.Iar- j cella Schneider. that the da,· is :-.:on11,· the U"-ual I leader. Paro!d Rh·in ;i:, and ,\ l ·.vhistles wili'be blown a·nd elasses w;11 "h: the a wond r\d o..., lie held that day. tumty to learn all uf 1':1l' n "' 1 Tradition Violaters To Meet Tribunal The 11resident cf the .:tt d st r1 'ts, Don Bt:-irnett. i 1 ••. 1 that' everyone 1 ut these for it is qui t r-..:: 't I that some onrnnization be ftl' ed b for the Butte trip, All f Captain J. A. Jahant Transferred to Georgia Them e of 1927 !\lontanan I :'.\" Ew Body Organized To Deal With Freshmen Offenders A n w methl.d of dealing- wi,.h freshmen Yiolating the tradi- tions ''"'ill take action on \\' ednesday. .....,. October 6. in the form of a Tribun.J E:\IIL ROSSEAU French dramatic tenor who appears on No\·ember 6, the third numb er of the series . MANY OUT FOR 192 7 v b ok to c. eature which will act as a court of ju"ticc. Among the familiar faceis, to the l ear 0 r Tl:rl'e members of SEptemviri anti I tt:t•omes "financially c.lcl :-;tudL11ts, that have disappeared 1 three of the Fangs will ar:• or is not able to attend one or more from the 1.:ampus this year is that of EXPONENT STAFF L d f Sh • • M t I as the Tribunal judi.res. 1 \ of the rumbers. he will not be l·harg- j('apt. Gco1:ge A .. Jahai:t: formerly an 1 an 0 lnlng oun azns All 'i' of traditions will .be ed for them, and only n small"'"" ui inst1ucb1r 111 military :s.:1cnce and tac - arra1,gned betorc tins court and gp·- 1 50 tents for he tine'.' attend. :ic!o' at :\lontana Sta.le college. Capt. l I e-n a fair trial. Both the Up to date onlr fifty stucll•nt"' ha\' .lahant has been transferred to For t More Than Forty -fh·e Appear TOOTELL TO A:'.'<NOUNCE ST.\Ff APPOINTl\IE'.'ITS AT authr.rit'" and the frcs!1111an on de- bought eoncert btkel>. Ths l'eprc Benning, where he is takinP.' of the may br11 J? eye w1tnessls to only one-eighteenth of the stu- spetial training which all junior of- at econd ! ileeting B.\NQ UET :11EETING TH RSDA Y EYE;\' ING trial so that the freshnan acrn>ecl o: ·dents register<d at )[ot tan.1 ,;tat ficc1s of the Lnitt.d States army are Year any broken tradition will }rn,·e the Colleg-e. Last vear two-third.:; of Ttquin'tl to take some time durin:r Sl'enic :.\Iontana will be thL· thlnte tobcr 'i. at U:lil for the :.\lontanan r.ri\'ilcge of gi\'ing his side of th<.> studEnt body bOu.l!ht eoncert tickets. Heir tarecr. r Th e meeting of Expon- carried in the Hl27 :\lonlanan. an i staff. Tho::.e who lune tccciY<:d slafl qu: .-.tinn. Tht• punishment will var,. The rolle!!e ha:-:. gone to <l ,l!rea; F(,ur ) (ars ago, on Oct. 201 Ca?t. ent staff was Sunday afternoon, work has already started tuwar<l tho.! according to the offense but the Tri- dlal of expl'nse to procurt;> tl-iesc tel .Jahant tame .t? as an m-1 October third, at the La mbda Phi development of this there. : Montana appointmer.ts are urged to be prl:sent l)unal i.ruarai teed that ull punish- I tonted artists for our stru tor iu military :sc1Ence and house. the reg-ula r which boa!Sts two wonderful at this mLeting". Also any who at ' ments will be lather sc\'ere it is necessary that all buy P1·ior to thi..; he was a recruit - ther e were about twentv-fiye 0 1 Parks in add i tion to numerous bl:au- inten.:sted in on the At the time of the off 1 ne the of- tickets in order to . .-ure u similar ... ing cfficer ut Camp Lewis, \\"ashing- thirty s tud e nt s who are out fo1 tiful mountain ranges an<l u1lleys, i.; tanan should st<' Bob Tootcll or Don I ft>nding frosh will be g-i\'lm an ordtr I course next yenr. ton. Ile was well_ kr.own on the Expone nt work of n1rious kinds. I a \'eritable scenic paradise. Pi ctures Bem:ett before Thur::;day tLat ar- to appear bdon• the court .at the l ('ampus and. liked by Thi s year as then• an: so many try- of ::\l ont ana 's beauty :;;pots, cnril'he·.i rangements c:an be nrnch: for their at- next naetint!. Anyont' faihng to SOPHO::\IORES TAl{E FIFTH He was a man an.d worked ing out for the posit ion of H:·porters, I by numerous color scenes, will make tendi ng the banqull. At this Linw court b<' co1:siderecl SCRAP hard for _the- _of 1 ther will be a charce for competi- a.n attractiv€. annual and at the. saml! the plan of the book and \'alul! ul gmlty .01 a double olfen::t.• anti treated mcnt._ Ills plctce 1nstu1cto1 is no\\ ti\·e work . Only the best time pay tnbute to the Leautles of t? the will I accord111 gly. l <,ccup1ul by r_apt. Zeck has been I which are writt en will be pu blished. ou r wonderful state. disc:usscd. !:)tan appo1rtmcnb \\ 1L ---- Thl sack 1 U:'h. the fifth l'\·ent o at Fort B nr mg. Georgia. To rate a r epor te r one must h:ive had ' Those who have pi<:turc·s be announced. the annual series of fre.;hman-soph· ------- - sufficient work published in the Ex·'. which they would likl to ha\'C in t }(· ere arc :){'\'lra pos lU s ::; ontana a I I 1 'h I 1·l· n t1'1l M fl [[ tlass scrai-s. went to tht• I h · l <l t th · t a\·ailable 011 the editorial staff an I unorc class who cnl1e. ted of M S ponent to eq ual thirty·fi\'e int' e·s .ol J annua an urge o turn t•se in o . the t\\·e!1·e s·acks.· 1'n th· i1ll1itt-.J ,,;;c" t t t th d't O I f · t e those who have had some expenc!H:C' - .. t.'\1 0 n an a a e print. I _e e I or. t .E.'l' sources pie ur with annual work will find it to their en of fig-hting-. The sac ti. I )lr. Ray Bowd en gaye a ,·ery in- will be thC' "duclt• rai.ithcs 1 .of the · I rush was held on Gatton fi Id be· ' College terest ing and benefitial talk on state .and also . aclvantagl: to try out. There a How \Viii lhe Freshnten De- tween hah·c$; of tL<' Grl'r:.t Falls- s SI Xews- \Yrit in rr. :\l ention was aho and :\orthern Ptu·1fo:. ra1lroans.· wh1<:h. special opportunity for two fnshme: l I \\" h t It " Ong t'< t b of ene 1 th 11 01 · sophomore men, \\ho ha\e the edi- \ velop I roper Y 1t OU F-ro:::;h foot:lall gamL About fourteen made of tht- 17 reat progress toward us._ num er:-;. st s 11 c I 1 n en fro111 <'arh 1·!·,lss. took I a1t in th" l'> t t r t r t th rks of torshi p of the annual as u ll- 1 ha,·ing a bigger and better at rac ion ° ouris s 0 e a · I eYent. An i1 {-row I ot' spec )l . S. C.-" E LO\'E YOU for thi s college te rm. the northwest. . . mate goal, to \\Otk as assot·1atl' N E h ti. t in 'atoTs watl·hcd the n•pn•:'el tath-c:' o' To our Alma )laler so dear I A banquet will be held at G1lker- to1 s ths year and .i.ret "hie 1 ',·ery?ne a.s •. son:c · 1 g < \\"e·u all aive one rousing cheer ' so n' s tafeleria Thursday e,·eningi Oc- "ill qualify them tor the ed1tor!'h1p the :mbJect of gurni.r to :\[ ('. t'1e two sses battle fort ie JHIS:'t's- Our frienclship acd loyalty forev •r R oot for the team-the bl•st in the\ · 'wi thout :.\lontana II all.'' Cont .nunP of th·• covEted :--al·ks. bo I "'est- I l\l ISS DOR0 1 'HY l"lJEBI EI"> :\fiss :\lildred '.'\emed.:, who I we hea r .. ri Ls of distress. ·· \\'} The 1 rit inal plans few the One in pu r pose for our 1\1. S. C.! 11ontana State-our Jo,·e all for · • \ .. \. [house director al lhimihon hall can fmd .• ne. o.r. mc .. et ti.• n 1 1. ''.r ser:q.s rnllC'cl fo1· an obsiadl"" rn<·t• and thee I mt H nl "hl 1" t 111 '' e 111 H l!ros:-: C'OUntry r<\l'e to he lwld on thr Through ull th(• ol<l years a nd new :\Iem'ries of gold an<I blue Bring to our college friends so tnte- :\1ontana State, we love you! Down the field the flashing ha\C- IS !'JE'V HO SE DIRECTOR sdiool at. C'o- 1 "\\;hy it snme cla'C' th rush. hut backs r ace- L I ly can't be- done-iro i ng- tn l'nllc-gt c i org:rnizati11n on the part of l ot1 For the blu e and the KOld \'iclory! :\l i!ss Dorothv Kuebler is the new without Hall." <iassts 11rnhihitc•d thlSI." l'\'l'llt". A"· hou se clirec:tor. at ll amilton hall thi; But those who reall\' nrl' bein'..!' ma1le to hold TOA. T TO )I. 8. C. \·tar. :\Iiss Ku ebler w<Js a membt?r o• LOOTEHS (. 1. l' B \I EET I:\'(: most. are the fn)shnwn. Tht•y ta 1 thl·· postponed ral'C's at thC' iwxt foo• Colllc all \ 'e lad ·. ancl las·•.1'es ihe graduating- t la ss of lU22 of ·he nilrht at at tht. . not be properly initiated into th lifo hall !." a t1l Rob T iotell. "' "' Uni\·<.rsit\' of "'a shinJ!ton. and has I of tht collcgt-> without t.l·' frt;shman "Dad". Clink wit 0 h your flowing ,!!lasses had work in in,tituttonal man- Lambda Phi hltUsr. All Looter-; crowd in . }.lain, hall. ".nd bl'comin7' •. "I h(')i n.•," ... aid TnotL'll. "'th: t .. tl· \I:\T GOT :\0 STYLE Drink as the hour agement. For th<' pa.;t four to he present. 1 part of 1 1, \\ e anttcql<tl<• an ent!l"P- though th,, f1·e hnwn h:nt• no "''"'r Tl·e,- sav that the they To the gold and blue, she has b<'en house director al the ly new type of the 1 11 \vin the sl ri :-. n poin's, these g'ot no styk Let this be your toast ard my girls dormitor y of th<: l'niYersity of suit of this chang-e in thP campU" tlass conltsl:' an" a metrns oi' better- Thev\·e st\"le all the while sty 1 e toa st, \Vashington. She is also an instTu• - The ::\Jain hall loafers of th J,Yroup in!r rl'lati ilr!'h ips within l'fil'h cla..::.s as 'an the.while ' H e1·e's to the school we tor of a class of in stitutional manag-L- will not he dc.•\'eloped. To whnt will wt>ll a:' bc•tweL•n thC' twt1 rou'l"" They sa)r that the Bobt"ats, lhi:y J most ment in the clepartme1 t of 1-·ome \\ \'\TED they turn their enequ or lack 0 arn't got no style I Montana State-our guide post econvmit:R her e. T\\O fr rshnll' n or i t? How will our younir p(_llititial' 8evera1 Experienced l\ len They\·e style all the while, all the Here's to you. The work of hou se dir ecting is not ml•n, preferabl) \\ith some an nual be educatecl and trained'! Tht• while' an eask task and requires much n·- or nl'\\ St>a 1 >er lXpe rience. to a nd many other type's of £1mbryu Eligible for Hifle Team as associate editors o'! th e H>27 l lcge stude nt s will be fon·ed to de :\ \I ON sponsibility but the gil'ls who li\'e at :\lcntanan "ith thC' 'it\\ of gain· velop along other lines ttnd that is Al thoug-h actual rifle ra til'l' 11ocs R t f th '' .t . ; / o 1 vie I roTC CE the hall and are well plea sed ing experience \\hich "ill fit then the main foundation of the cry. "How not bq.dn until after the first of Dl'· 00 or u. -1 :'\liss Ku ebler and her inslrul'- for the cditor · hi1l at :-<omc futun J ran we go to school without )I on cembcr, tlw outlook for thi:-- year 's R oot for the team that wears the ,, There "';11 be a meeting of thl'I tin 1 e I tana Hall"., 1 ifll• tt.>am looks V<'l'Y gold and blue Y. ,V. C .. A. tonight at the Alph n Josephin 2 Frye-, who \\.'as as- )t en int erestl'd in this \\"i th sud1 ml'n a-. .Jnnt'!' Thev will fight for Alma l\later Gamma Delta house at 7 : 3 o. All sistant to the house dire :tor la :;t Br.:> 'rootc ll on the cam 1. us or L et's all go to the rallies on TuP.;- .T. )forri on. Pl!' y. nc I me mber s are requ ested to attend. year, still competently maintains the call him ( Phon e S!l6) C\e11ings. da\· and Thursday on th Gilbertson, D odge, and Fight for her-for me-for you! '------------------.: ,same position. I football field, back at the game it is h oped that and sonJ?s at the two o ..:: on will be under compt•tC'nt lradersh1' antl a real pep mec:ing for both £>\'e-{!s has be;;.n promised if the t:.. dents turn out. Harold Rh-enes Is Yell Leader, Harold Rivine.- has aut11mat ·c l'Y become the yell leafier for this yea1 because of the inelhdbility of c>Ycn· one else on the hill. will takt 'IP his duties immediately nnd di..,ula:'t his wares at lhp two 1·al!ic .. to he held this week. Officers Appointed at A. W.S.Meeting Emergrney Board .\lso Decide- To Create Committee At a special met o'' lhl" tine·. '.!;Cn<.·v board of th<· .\. \\". S., )..1 I by the pre""ick•nt, thl· o lt•\dll appointment of offi<.-e1 s wa:-. mad Ruth Rutledgl-, Yil'e pnsident, •o f' I the offic.-e \'acated by llorott.yB nC'pf'; )Jarrella Sthneidl·r. Chtlitmnt' Dav. slll'l'l'cdintr \lb :.\lite: hell; He.len Solbt.: .r. < l;urrr ln of Finance, sUCl'Ccdini: :.\1Pta But I man; :\lerl'ccle:-: Stal•bJC'r Chait nnt of }.Jusic, ::ucceedini!' 1.oui:-.e Tripp. 1t was also tlecid d a: t 1i meetin to 1.:reate an \.d \'isory l'ounril to mnde up of tl'C' offi{'E rs of t'l b datul ,,. omen .. he l'U n mittee <.·hairmen. and to ad t \\t11 nll we men students in :rnrh a cnp1111tv as the nanw Th pH ·0111 I of this alhi:-;My l'OUnl·il as. fo! lows: Alta ..\tkirson. pre:-:iden·: Rutl('dge, vice presicknt; Stone, :-enttary; Clara lJu•ran. r i;ricr; :\larian Shaw, I• ·i "\\'ylie. chainnnn of \"o at on t ('ongre,;;;s; \lan·t•lla Sl·hneitlC'r, man of \\'omen's Day: 11 11 n lwrg-, l·hn1rman of Iman<.'<'; Rut.h l de:e. rhairman of ('Tit rtam H'n :\lertedes Staeblc1· <·hair tan o n1 sic. last ,·ear·s s<:ore-. 111. y l:t (·qui CT \\''en ex1 cedf.'d. Last ,·ear tht• k.un " n np i1 mnteh- h:-.ilf of th< ir matt•t-rs, w n l n from school::: a 8t Xorthwe::.tern, and )fontan·1 l'nhe t\· nncl losing- to On )!on \ g , l n ,:l•rsitv of Kansa ... and \ r ·rn M itary · In st! utC'. )iontz1na nla C'd sevent t 1n .1r a ma \;h, comp tr t<'am-. 1 l €'11 '> HeP.rst's <.·ompet1ns:: teams.

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Page 1: IONTA NA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 19 26 · Rally ---Tues day at 5:00 p. m. ---Special Assembly Wedn e sday 11·15 . a m .---P ep M ee t mg ' Th urs d ay 5 : 00 p. m. ·n:ent VOLU:\!E

Rally---Tuesday at 5:00 p. m. ---Special Assembly Wednesday 11·15 a m P M t ' Th d 5 00 . . .--- ep ee mg urs ay : p. m.



Freshman Paint 1Special Assembly Scheduled For "M" Next Friday Wednesday Morning in Gym.11:15

Program to Include Field Hocke~ and Bai;eball Picnic and Dance to

Work on Letter Follow Bl"TTE TRIP WILL BE DISCL"SSED \:\"D PL\ .. _, :11.\DE FOi{

THE BIG G.\!\IE. R.\LLIES WILL .\LSO " ~ a an l'Xl"ll~I\'(• p1·ogram 1

~1 !dit unal t the te}!ul:tr ArranC"l'nllnts for the fr shnH·n L

1·aint the '')l" Frida\' ha\'e nl)w bt-"ell

BE DISCl'SSED. }'111 \\ 1 K J.! l\'t t \ l'l Y girl a chani

rl Ill.!, anud CC1a lll~ l'Xperil'tH •

l hr t v:1ra•ty of sports. Th..;o ll t-.1t 11(·d on through intrn-

~~2;h:~~~\~~~~~:lh•g::1\0 0~0l1~/~~!~~: NEW SALE PLAN 111 ~.7.~'.~~ "';\~-:~,~;~E~,~:·d ;:,.:, men men will mtel at the: Y. )l. <. I 11:15 at \\hirh ttr1c .thl· 11

J cm, t1tion, t·v£'ry girl bein,. Xl •1 tul to makt.~ Ulll' tl'am or an-

1·r. Thi~ )'l'ar ~liss Pa(:k ha.:-i plan­d i;.n l ven more t•xtc11~1,·c and at·

i is possibL·, s}u.• has made

in tht• arran)!ement o:

~~s~~i.\~.:~~1~:\1'.~~!~ t~r~~·~.;~i~~u:,~illS· 1 CONCERT TICKETS ~·I~ tl~C:e a:fue~·i~~·i!~flh~}t;f'il:h~r portabon . A lee of twenty-f1,·e tl·nt" _., 1 resident of th a .. ._ 1 ·ici e I each way will be l'hargul for tran:~ \,a urg-cd that ,.e \f•n ptrtation. Tht' nlln are reque!'ted u (; ·'£•£'tin!: sin·L' it is.~ \C'~ hring- b1oom~ and arv o!cJ tubs 1->1· an Be Purchased On The ln- assembly. buckeb that they m;ty haH• avail- stallment Plan 1 The ~ale cf the tic:'- · a able. ~den of finanC'e"' will be t l

Following- the work on the ":\I" / COXCERT TICKETS P1ofc:-gor Grant. whn i lhu1 th.~ y~ar will incluti arcl b2st•hall. If th~ picnic will be heir! in Bridg-t:r canyon A new ".-.tudent ]llan'' i:o: beinz in he atfl tie finani·e c nmit l

Tht· freshmen wome1: and the !:'J-lu aug-urate<l this year in t he salt· ,i I.lamilton will di~l"u~s the b· .. \V!IJ be in charite of thi:-. fc1tt1rl'. ,.\ loncert ticket:-;. l"ndtr thi~ ne, trom the an:de of s· rtsn nn 1

(:am·e will be held in Thre_· Bears Jn!' p!['n only onc-:hitd of the .., a:-on lo and from tf e g-am<> But L

after the picnic. It is al"o plannc11 ticket pric€ is paid dow 11 on reLeip;,. IR< mney ":ill ~l--o ,J?'iH• a ~~4 t to have the nomination of da--i-- of- of the ticket and the halanc-c uf t\t. the athletic side of hr si+uat n I itt1· for Utt' ylar at thi.; me£.>ti1 g- or amoi;nt extHds over :1 p~ri(ld may gi\'e . cmL i1lea o tl-iC' <·o 1 ' •ni .... tiaC'k, and 'it Id

mp ·a"' z(>(I in the spring- quar: r. y irl on the ('am pus is indt~d to t1 \ out for the ditforl'nt tenm~. I llt• of the.- bu•t wa\'S to shO\''

the ('Jass. thn.e montJ-.:. on the following dates: ati\·e stren!!'tl or thl two t~ " I~ The cla~s roll will be called durin r At date of :-al ~l.:JO Bowden, publidty ma11"1 j!l'r for tl

tl-_e ope1·ation <1f p!!inting the '·:\!'',I Oc-. 15. .50 ·ollel!e, will ccndudl• hl· smt h"s Jl' at which time the annual freshman Oct. 18 _ .. 1 , lh hour.

I":. alt,:. to your t ln:-;s, . dass dues of fifty l'L•n's will be pay- Xo,·. () . .50 This a~semblv will hf.:' I able. No membtrs of the class with Dec. 2 ..... .. .50 at'h.·r the new ,·hin ar.J ell ..\.::idt• frcm th• spur ard fun of

c· iipL i•ion sph:ntlirl et\vards are of­f j l v 'arious wo'1wn in ,:\lontanJ. t l •h1 Women's athlcti<.· asso<.·iation n th phy~1c-a education dtpartment

1 r ~ 1rl'ma<·~ in \'arious :::.port:-. Th "''" a\':ards irelude medals. cu .s

1;. nil bol cat swimming suits. ('onsid­t r11b a i\'it\' has alreaclv bf.en

the possible exce1ition cf the footb·,ll \YC'rlne!'day w!ll ht' fif l'<·11 1 ((uad are cxcusc>d from absence 11i1 C'hc-rt. The whi tie \\ill

that day. All unexct:sed abst•r:t.e tcginnin:r and c.-ntl will bt: tried before tht' TriLuna' class periods. which ras 1ecen:ly b<'en institu ed by Two Rallies the Fames aml Sept~ fll\'iri. Schedu led

,\-ith a prohahility of storm~· Two pep mC>etintz ar ... c I I weather at thi~ time of t'Jl' year t e r is ''eek tn lake pl. c 1 ~ :l O

hown in the ~a<:e for X o. 7. Bobc.:at yhistle a~ th cdle$?e lwating pla1.· Tu .;;:d: y and Thur~da\; (•vcn 1

I \\ill be blown at 6:.10 a. 111. as usu,,', / Gatt-on field. Thtse rallie "11 r This suit is award­

~ \'eJ y woman who complete5' of th 1\0 in the Bobt"at

swirnm ng l<::-t

and ag-ain at 7::rn te) arn()unre th,lt t'·1arg-e of the l·ommi:-; 1cn r 1f tli .. ":.\f'' will bl' painted. In en~nt I rns·rati<.ns and tr~ n·w,y app t

E\t:'1y+1 inl?' poirts to an inte1'€St­in"' ye r in wome11'3 athll'tic:s, for be­s r' 0 lhl' splendid new material. thl~ f 111 wine' medal winn rs uf last year La\ ... n•a1ly rc·1orted· - Lois :\IcCoy, Fc.J:t 1 !-'wing-le , Esther Asbury, Amy B2"1 1e :Xla1·kin. Jo OTonmor, ,:\lary Pait, Frieda Hendrickson. Florence .T<""n"nn, Dorothy Jack::.on, and i\.Iar- j cella Schneider.

that the da,· is :-.:on11,· the U"-ual I ~ell leader. Paro!d Rh·in ;i:, and ,\

l·.vhistles wili'be blown a·nd elasses w;11 "h: the student~ a wond r\d o..., lie held that day. tumty to learn all uf 1':1l' ~' n "' 1


Tradition Violaters To Meet Tribunal

The 11resident cf the n:-.~O<.' .:tt d st r1 'ts, Don Bt:-irnett. i~ e~p i 1 ••. 1

••i10u~ that' everyone ~urn 1 ut these ralli~s for it is qui t r-..:: 't

I that some onrnnization be ftl' ed b for the Butte trip, All f t~

Captain J. A. Jahant Transferred to Georgia

Them e of 1927 !\lontanan I :'.\" Ew Body Organized To Deal With Freshmen Offenders

A n w methl.d of dealing- wi,.h freshmen Yiolating the co1le~e tradi­tions ''"'ill take action on \\'ednesday.

.....,. October 6. in the form of a Tribun.J


French dramatic tenor who appears on No\·ember 6, the third number of the series .

MANY OUT FOR 192 7 v b ok to c. eature which will act as a court of ju"ticc. Among the familiar faceis, to the l ear 0 r Tl:rl'e members of SEptemviri anti I tt:t•omes "financially cmbanas~ed"

c.lcl :-;tudL11ts, that have disappeared 1 three member~ of the Fangs will ar:• or is not able to attend one o r more from the 1.:ampus this year is that of EXPONENT STAFF L d f Sh • • M t • I as the Tribunal judi.res.

1\ of the rumbers. he will not be l·harg-

j('apt. Gco1:ge A .. Jahai:t: formerly an 1 an 0 lnlng oun azns All 'i' lato~·s of traditions will .be ed for them, and only n small"'"" ui inst1ucb1r 111 military :s.:1cnce and tac- arra1,gned betorc tins court and gp·-


50 tents for tho~c.> he tine'.' attend. :ic!o' at :\lontana Sta.le college. Capt. l I e-n a fair trial. Both the pro~ecutin·!' Up to date onlr fifty stucll•nt"' ha\' .lahant has been transferred to Fort More Than Forty-fh·e Appear TOOTELL TO A:'.'<NOUNCE ST.\Ff APPOINTl\IE'.'ITS AT authr.rit'" and the frcs!1111an on de- bought eoncert btkel>. Ths l'eprc Benning, G ~orgi a, where he is takinP.' of the f<:n~·e may br11 J? eye w1tnessls to th·~ ~ents only one-eighteenth of the stu-spetial training which all junior of- at econd !ileeting B.\NQ UET :11EETING TH RSDA Y EYE;\' ING trial so that the freshnan acrn>ecl o: ·dents register<d at )[ot tan.1 ,;tat ficc1s of the Lnitt.d States army are Year any broken tradition will }rn,·e the Colleg-e. Last vear two-third.:; of th~ Ttquin'tl to take some time durin:r Sl'enic :.\Iontana will be thL· thlnte tobcr 'i. at U:lil for the :.\lontanan r.ri\'ilcge of gi\'ing his side of th<.> studEnt body bOu.l!ht eoncert tickets. Heir tarecr. r The SH~ond meeting of th~ Expon- carried in the Hl27 :\lonlanan. an i staff. Tho::.e who lune tccciY<:d slafl qu: .-.tinn. Tht• punishment will var,. The rolle!!e ha:-:. gone to <l ,l!rea;

F(,ur ) (ars ago, on Oct. 201 Ca?t. en t staff was l.~lcl Sunday afternoon, work has already started tuwar<l tho.! according to the offense but the Tri- dlal of expl'nse to procurt;> tl-iesc tel .Jahant tame .t? )1onh~na as an m-1 October third, at the La mbda Phi development of this there. :Montana appointmer.ts are urged to be prl:sent l)unal ha~ i.ruarai teed that ull punish- I tonted artists for our en~trtainmcnt stru tor iu military :sc1Ence and t~~- hou se. Beside~ the reg-ula r ~taff which boa!Sts two wonderful ~aticllwl at this mLeting". Also any who at ' ments will be lather sc\'ere ~nd it is necessary that wl~ all buy lil·~. P1·ior to thi..; he was a recruit- there were about twentv-fiye 0 1 Parks in add ition to numerous bl:au- inten.:sted in \\'orkin~ on the ~Ion- At the time of the off 1ne the of- tickets in order to i1~ . .-ure u similar

... ing cfficer ut Camp Lewis, \\"ashing- thirty s tud ents who are goi~1g out fo1 tiful mountain ranges an<l u1lleys, i.; tanan should st<' Bob Tootcll or Don I ft>nding frosh will be g-i\'lm an ordtr I course next yenr. ton. Ile was well_ kr.own on the Exponent work of n1rious kinds. I a \'eritable scenic paradise. Pi ctures Bem:ett before Thur::;day ~o tLat ar- to appear bdon• the court .at the

l('ampus and. ,~·<.·II liked by ~,·eryone. This year as then• an: so many try- of ::\lont ana 's beauty :;;pots, cnril'he·.i rangements c:an be nrnch: for their at- next naetint!. Anyont' faihng to SOPHO::\IORES TAl{E FIFTH He was a d1l~gent man an.d worked ing out for the posit ion of H:·porters, I by numerous color scenes, will make tendi ng the banqull. At this Linw th~s court wi~l b<' co1:siderecl ~lTCCES~IYE CLA~S SCRAP hard for _the- .n~te r~s~s _of .~ I S. ~~part~ 1 there· will be a charce for competi- a.n attractiv€. annual and at the. saml! the plan of the book and th~ \'alul! ul gmlty .01 a double olfen::t.• anti treated mcnt._ Ills plctce a~ 1nstu1cto1 is no\\ ti\·e work. Only the best article~ time pay tnbute to the Leautles of t~e ?llontan~n t? the ~ollegl will .~l~ I accord111gly.

l<,ccup1ul by r_apt. Zeck ~vho has been I which are written will be published. ou r wonderful state. disc:usscd. !:)tan appo1rtmcnb \\ 1L ---- Thl sack 1 U:'h. the fifth l'\·ent o at Fort B nr mg. Georgia. To rate a repor ter one must h:ive had ' Those who have ~eerie pi<:turc·s ~d~o be announced. the annual series of fre.;hman-soph·

------- - sufficient work published in the Ex·'. which they would likl to ha\'C in t }(· ere arc :){'\'lra pos lU s ::; ontana a I

I 1'h I 1·l· n t1'1l M fl [[ on1cr~· tlass scrai-s. went to tht• ~aph·

I h · l <l t th · t a\·ailable 011 the editorial staff an I unorc class who cnl1e. ted sc\'el~ of

M S ponent to equal thirty·fi\'e int' e·s .ol J annua an urge o turn t•se in o . the t\\·e!1·e s·acks.· 1'n th· i1ll1itt-.J ,,;;c" t t t th d't O I f · t e those who have had some expenc!H:C' - .. t.'\1 0 n an a a e print. I _e e I or. t .E.'l' sources ~, pie ur with annual work will find it to their en minute~ of fig-hting-. The sac ti.

I )lr. Ray Bowd en gaye a ,·ery in- will be thC' "duclt• rai.ithcs 1

.of the · I rush was held on Gatton fi Id be·

'College terest ing and benefitial talk on state .and also th~ . (1U!~1t ).;orth~rn aclvantagl: to try out. There I~ a How \Viii lhe Freshnten De- tween hah·c$; of tL<' Grl'r:.t Falls-s SI Xews-\Yritinrr. :\lention was aho and :\orthern Ptu·1fo:. ra1lroans.· wh1<:h. special opportunity for two fnshme: l I \\" h t It" Ong t'< t b of ene 1 th 11 01· sophomore men, \\ho ha\e the edi- \ velop I roper Y 1t OU • F-ro:::;h foot:lall gamL About fourteen made of tht- 17reat progress toward us._ va~ num er:-;. st s 11 c I 1n en fro111 <'arh 1·!·,lss. took I a1t in th"

l'> t t r t r t th rks of torshi p of the annual as th~1r u ll-


ha,·ing a bigger and better Expontn~ at rac ion ° ouris s 0 e a · I eYent. An i1 Hre~ted {-row I ot' spec )l . S. C.-" E LO\'E YOU for this college term. the northwest. . . mate goal, to \\Otk as assot·1atl' N ;· E h ti. t in 'atoTs watl·hcd the n•pn•:'el tath-c:' o' To our Alma )laler so dear I A banquet will be held at G1lker- to1 s ths year and .i.ret lrui111~1g "hie 1 ',·ery?ne a.s •. son:c ·1 g < ~:ry

\\"e·u all aive one rousing cheer ' son's tafeleria Thursday e,·eningi Oc- "ill qualify them tor the ed1tor!'h1p the :mbJect of gurni.r to :\[ ~. ('. t'1e two <.·1~ sses battle fort ie JHIS:'t's-Our frienclship acd loyalty forev •r Root for the team-the bl•st in the\ · 'without :.\lontana II all.'' Cont .nunP ~ion of th·• covEted :--al·ks.

bo I "'est- I l\l ISS DOR01'HY l " l JEBI EI"> :\fiss :\lildred '.'\emed.:, who wa~ I we hea r .. l· ri Ls of distress. ·· \\'} p1·~ The 1 rit inal plans few the da~' One in pu r pose for our 1\1. S. C.! 11ontana State-our Jo,·e i~ all for · • \ .. \. [house director al lhimihon hall la ~t can ~,·c- fmd ,~!1~0 .• ne. o.r. mc .. et ti.• n

11. ''.r ser:q.s rnllC'cl fo1· an obsiadl"" rn<·t• and

thee I mt H nl "hl 1" t 111 '' e ~ 111 H l!ros:-: C'OUntry r<\l'e to he lwld on thr Through ull th(• ol<l years a nd

new :\Iem'ries of gold an<I blue Bring to u~ our college friends so

tnte-:\1ontana State, we love you!

Down the field the flashing ha\C- IS !'JE'V HO SE DIRECTOR i'~~~i~s ~\~i,~ei~~itt",~ding sdiool at. C'o-1 ;\~:~ate


:t,lo,~·-dow~'!". "\\;hy it si1;~P snme cla'C' a~ th ~ac:k rush. hut hH~ backs race- L • • I ly can't be- done-iroing- tn l'nllc-gt c i org:rnizati11n on the part of l ot1

For the blue and the KOld \'iclory! :\l i!ss Dorothv Kuebler is the new without ~lontana Hall." <iassts 11rnhihitc•d thlSI." l'\'l'llt". A"· house clirec:tor. at ll amilton hall thi; But those who reall\' ..::u~t\·t !~W r~111:::!'l'tl'<•nt nrl' bein'..!' ma1le to hold

TOA. T TO )I. 8. C. \·tar. :\Iiss Ku ebler w<Js a membt?r o• LOOTEHS (. 1. l' B \I EETI:\'(: most. are the fn)shnwn. Tht•y ta 1 thl·· postponed ral'C's at thC' iwxt foo•

Colllc all \'e lad ·. ancl las·•.1'es ihe graduating- t la ss of lU22 of ·he \\~ednesda.\· nilrht at l:'~O at tht. . not be properly initiated into th lifo hall !." a t•1fftlin~ t1l Rob T iotell.

"' "' Uni\·<.rsit\' of "'ashinJ!ton. and has I of tht collcgt-> without ~e<.'ire t.l·' frt;shman "Dad". Clink wit


h your flowing ,!!lasses had speti~ I work in in,tituttonal man- Lambda Phi hltUsr. All Looter-; crowd in. }.lain, hall. ".nd bl'comin7' •. "I h(')i n.•," ... aid TnotL'll. "'th: t .. tl· \I:\T GOT :\0 STYLE Drink as the hour pas~c:-; agement. For th<' pa.;t four years ~ reque~ted to he present.


part of 11, \\ e anttcql<tl<• an ent!l"P- though th,, f1·e hnwn h:nt• no "''"'r Tl·e,- sav that the Bobcat~, they To the gold and blue, she has b<'en house director al the ly new type of fre~hmun a~ the 1 11 \vin the sl ri :-. n poin's, these

·~dn'i g'ot no styk Let this be your toast ard my girls dormitory of th<: l'niYersity of suit of this chang-e in thP campU" tlass conltsl:' an" a metrns oi' better-Thev\·e st\"le all the while sty

1e toast, \Vashington. She is also an instTu• - The ::\Jain hall loafers of th J,Yroup in!r rl'lati ilr!'h ips within l'fil'h cla..::.s as 'an the.while ' H e1·e's to the school we priz~ tor of a class of institutional manag-L- will not he dc.•\'eloped. To whnt will wt>ll a:' bc•tweL•n thC' twt1 rou'l""

They sa)r that the Bobt"ats, lhi:y J most ment in the clepartme1 t of 1-·ome \\ \'\TED they turn their enequ or lack 0 arn't got no style I Montana State-our guide post econvmit:R here. T\\O fr rshnll' n or ~ophomon.• it? How will our younir p(_llititial' 8evera1 Experienced l\len

They\·e style all the while, all the Here's to you. The work of hou se directing is not ml•n, preferabl) \\ith some an nual be educatecl and trained'! Tht• while' an eask task and requires much n·- or nl'\\ St>a 1>er lXpe rience. to ~C"ne a nd many other type's of £1mbryu tl'i~ Eligible for Hifle Team

as associate editors o'! the H>27 l lcge students will be fon·ed to de :\ \~D \I ON sponsibility but the gil'ls who li\'e at :\lcntanan "ith thC' 'it\\ of gain· velop a long other lines ttnd that is Al thoug-h actual rifle ra til'l' 11ocs

R t f th ' ' .t . ; / o 1 vie I roTCCE the hall and other~ are well pleased ing experience \\hich "ill fit then the main foundation of the cry. "How not bq.dn until after the first of Dl'· 00 t~;ious etea~~~ll- or u. - 1 ~~~t~~ :'\liss Kuebler and he r inslrul'- for the cditor · hi1l at :-<omc futunJ ran w e go to school without )Ion cembcr, tlw outlook for thi:-- year's Root for the team that wears the ,, There "';11 be a meeting of thl'I t in1e I tana Hall"., 1 ifll• tt.>am looks V<'l'Y prom:sim~.

gold and blue Y. ,V. C .. A. tonight at the Alphn ~1iss Josephin2 Frye-, who \\.'as as- )t en int erestl'd in this pl C'a~e \\"i th sud1 t~Xp('Tit'nC'l'd ml'n a-. .Jnnt'!' Thev will fight for Alma l\later Gamma Delta house at 7 :3o. All sistant to the house dire:tor la :;t ~t·e Br.:> 'rootcll on the cam or Let's all go to the rallies on TuP.;- L~·nl'h, .T. )forri on. Pl!' y. ~ nc

~dea r I members are requested to attend. year, still competently maintains the call him ( Phone S!l6) C\e11ings. da\· and Thursday e\'enin~s on th Gilbertson, D odge, and Perleber~ Fight for her-for me-for you! '------------------.: ,same position. I football field, back a t the game it is hoped that

ydl~ and sonJ?s at the two o ..:: on will be under compt•tC'nt lradersh1' antl a real pep mec:ing for both £>\'{!s has be;;.n promised if the t:.. dents turn out. Harold Rh-enes Is Yell Leader,

Harold Rivine.- has aut11mat ·c l'Y become the yell leafier for this yea1 because of the inelhdbility of c>Ycn· one else on the hill. Tl~ will takt 'IP his duties immediately nnd di..,ula:'t his wares at lhp two 1·al!ic .. to he held this week.

Officers Appointed at A. W.S.Meeting

Emergrney Board .\lso Decide­To Create .\dYisor~


At a special met um~ o'' lhl" tine·. '.!;Cn<.·v board of th<· .\. \\". S., )..1 ~- I a ll t~l by the pre""ick•nt, thl· o lt•\dll

appointment of offi<.-e1 s wa:-. mad Ruth Rutledgl-, Yil'e pnsident, •o f' I the offic.-e \'acated by llorott.yB nC'pf'; )Jarrella Sthneidl·r. Chtlitmnt' '\\~omen's Dav. slll'l'l'cdintr \lb :.\lite: hell; He.len Solbt.: .r. < l;urrr ln of Finance, sUCl'Ccdini: :.\1Pta But I man; :\lerl'ccle:-: Stal•bJC'r Chait nnt of }.Jusic, ::ucceedini!' 1.oui:-.e Tripp.

1t was also tlecid d a: t 1i meetin to 1.:reate an \.d \'isory l'ounril to mnde up of tl'C' offi{'E rs of t'l b datul ,,.omen ~tu1k•n·~ ~n<l .. he l'U n mittee <.·hairmen. and to ad t \\t11

nll we men students in :rnrh a cnp1111tv as the nanw su.£?ge~ts. Th pH ·0111 I of this alhi:-;My l'OUnl·il i~ as. fo! lows:

Alta ..\tkirson. pre:-:iden·: Rutl('dge, vice presicknt; Stone, :-enttary; Clara lJu•ran. r i;ricr; :\larian Shaw, hi:-.tor~an; I• ·i

<.·e~ "\\'ylie. chainnnn of \"o at on t

('ongre,;;;s; \lan·t•lla Sl·hneitlC'r, man of \\'omen's Day: 11 11 n lwrg-, l·hn1rman of Iman<.'<'; Rut.h l de:e. rhairman of ('Tit rtam H'n :\lertedes Staeblc1· <·hair tan o n1 sic.

last ,·ear·s s<:ore-. 111. y l:t (·qui CT \\''en ex1 cedf.'d.

Last ,·ear tht• k.un " n np i1

mnteh- h:-.ilf of th< ir matt•t-rs, w n l n from ~sul'h school::: a lo\\~ 8t Xorthwe::.tern, and )fontan·1 l'nhe t\· nncl losing- to On )!on \ g , l n ,:l•rsitv of Kansa ... and \ r ·rn M itary · Inst! utC'. )iontz1na nla C'd sevent t 1n .1r a ma \;h, comp tr t<'am-. an~l 1 l €'11 '> HeP.rst's troph~ , <.·ompet1ns:: teams.

Page 2: IONTA NA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 19 26 · Rally ---Tues day at 5:00 p. m. ---Special Assembly Wedn e sday 11·15 . a m .---P ep M ee t mg ' Th urs d ay 5 : 00 p. m. ·n:ent VOLU:\!E

/ PAGE T\\'O

The Weekly Exponent f'ubl f'ht>• evt. y Tut <fay of the College )' ar by the Staff

l'ho~cn ·nm the ~tudellt$ of ::\lontana $tnte College of th(• l u;, l'l"Stty of )lont-nnn, BOZl'l113tl, )lontana.

Atl'{ ptant e fur mailing ut ~pel"ial rote of po~rag1c ~roYi<ll·cl f ff in ~cctio11 110 ... .-\ct of October .,, l.ll 1.

authoriz<'d F\•bruary 17, 1!11!)

:'ub 1.:ri;•t:r lo thf! >."1..'W ~tudent lnt~·n·oll~giatt> Xt•ws 1

:-:lf\ll'~. covt:rin;,, tht: happ .. mng-~ vf :ill Amcnlan eollegt~s 1



Tuesday, Oct. G. II :15 a. 111.--Speeial assem­hh· and pep lllt'ding.

\\'c•dne.sday, Oct. G. 11 : li5 a. m.--Special. Thursdav. Od. 7, ;; p. 111.-Rall,- and pep

gathering on Gatton field. Friday, Oct. 8-Freshmen paint the "ill''.

Saturday·. Oct. n. 1 :30-Football game, Frosh ,·s . 111termo1111tain College.


Cluck! Cluck!

Looh .\t ~ly Flock!

Military Department ls Fully . . . ""'" F<>i

Organize or .1.ear. ' . 1

. th• t"''..''ht·r" J.;!Yt. 1lown. . . d f , . . C·1det I The hat tie ro) a is .

. \. · t d man\ l n) ~ . .. 1 I Officers • ppo1n e It w·a~ a fit'n·r and _tl·rnl1l' :.- rugz · -- flCI"Le :.m<l lt 11fflL th:H lhl O!l Phone 91)

and Ulll\'c1_·•_11_"_'_·----------------:-

l I \\- I "-)~1 1' Dona c eyt emeyer Editor-Ill-chief Bet "·een ha! ,·es-Class scraps. :3 :30-Repons of the Yarsit.1· Bobcat game on gridgraph iu gym.

The H. 0 T C d('pnt lmcnt tll':.-:. t ~~n·d tl1 fll•' But nu\\- L'H 1")

/, Nl.l Jrn~ starlt'd "1th a lnrgt.•1 tk-1 thlllJ.!' i:s. pcacdul ( 11t ll'.t"L \\l' h~'Jll i1a1tment than ul..'r bt•ttn"L' anti 1:-.nO\\ so) :lnd ull th" d1ftt'tt 1 t 1w1: -

I i.:omJlll'lLiy o1J!.1lll:i:cd \\Ith l nptn n ,l?l"UUJl~ on till' catnJHb Hll' h.u.~;lm .... ""'"-"-~~"""-.~"'-""-~'""" ~''~''-~~'~"' ~''' ~,.._,-.-' ~'''''~ Z ... L\.k. "ho suppl.111.h•d. Ca.ptn111 .• J.1h.1~11' their nc" thl k-.. ht•folL' trtr o wi-. 1 ~-at the head o: tit' umt n1 d a. tompli;t~ coopg.

.\Ianaging Editor Josephine O'Connor ·2 ?\E\\"S STAFF

staff of u1det off1n.1rs \,01·krng undt•! Tht• seig~ of l'tmgra 1 ulatiun~ 1s in ~ P .\I..]) 1~ G~8 hi:.: c:onmrnnJ. _ full S\\ fl\'. Thl:' d1id.::-. l!'l.I r=bni~ ~

A"o" ate Editor Edwin Bt>rraft '29 this nar then' sL•em>' lo be an awaken ing of the .·ews Edltor ;,r~Y K~~Jee ;~~I old·D.obral right \\'hr not keep up this spirit and Feature Echtor ·· • au:m a" - 1 mcrease it until we rnn ha,·e a school spirit back

Bl'Sl:\ESS STAFF of the team which will inRtill enough of t he old BusinL·ss Manager · .... ~ .. Ern, D

1 eAl!on ;~97 J limc figh,ting lWP into them to bring home the

,\ 1 ·erti ·ing .\hwig 'r Laselle \ orl 1111gcon -· • o·~ L'i~·~·ulat~on :\r,;n,;ge~· · .. Russell .Anderson '28 bear m«at from Bulle' on October :. ..

Courier rdnt ~ llortman. :'>lon1:ina

EDITORIALS .Al Edito ials written by the Editor unless

ulhcrwisc signed


~ .... -........................................................... _._ ................... -......................................... _ ........... -::

~EXCHANGES~ \ ~ ~ Borghild ,\nderson, Editor ~

I ~ ~ ........................... -.. -......................................................................................................... .......,... .... ....

( (.. ·ontinut•d frnm Inst ii:.~ut·. J

If 1 had p W\·r to ct1mmand till' st•a, to gov1..·rn its 1· <.:tlL~ss wan.•s,

Frank Lamb, fornwr captarn risking' a· cold in onh•r tl• show ot ~ Company "C", i;' mnjc.w 'or tht..• pns· tht.'ir pretty. ribhn1~:..:. and., :~II '-'l~.'ull.: ~ enl quartu. l11Jwt•,-cr. ns ht gr~id- g-rown-up rhll·k~ ol \a~t ) t.:31 . ~ ua:c:..: nt Chrislnw..-. u nt'\\ niafor will nround with ~ueh ltt'nutiful :.:mill:-. 11• ~ be 1.'hO~l'n from the :ulv:rnt.:'l'd men at lht•ir fol'(~ that tlwy a}lp('Ur al mos' ~ Lhat time. Lamb lweam(' major lnst if Wt.: didn't know hnw in•ntlt• and . 1 1 ~ ::;pri1:,g qlHHLer, as sut·c.·ts:::;or of Don- the,· nil are we would ~ay glo n ~ aid T. Jad.::::;on . 1;h('l'(' i~ Jiltlt:> l'b tu 'ell but \\C 1_

Thl' unit thb Yl'!lr will be tliYidPrl say ".:\tort.:' power to tht d11.k~n~ a1 I.. into four 1..·om1,anit>:;;, as in previuu::; m:t.\· llt'Xl Ylllr hL' l'\'l'tl morl' bi d... ~ Yl'nrs. being- approximately l:IO ~ ;ntn 1n t•ach. So11humores, 1..·omposin,.;. ~ Company "A'' undlr (.'apt. Fox, will I ~ Jll't..':-.t•nt tht' US'JU! drill excrds\,• ut thl Peace Reigns ~ at~nu:d Girb' \"o"·ational cvni:rl.•:;;s, ~ which is to b~ hl.·ld h('l"l' on :\o\'l"nl· ~ lwr lh and HI. Thi! pith.Ld 1111..•n ul ,_ thto> eompany ,..,.ill b(• chosen fur thi~ Co-ed Ru ~hing Ends \\•ith ~ ~:\.hibition. antl it is hopl'd that thc~l' ~ 1111..'n will makl• n snappy :<-howing be- General .Armistice j. ftlrt' thc> ,·i~itin~. g-irls. "

The dutt tur the anrual R. 0. T. C. ~ b<lll has not been ~et as yd, hut wil At last diw d:t\\ 1 t:d n\t·r till' ho.Htl• ~ prohabl;\' take 1,lt\1.:c aftt·r Cloistmns. field cloud):, J!l'illl. i..:·ll')' H:<. b·fib ~1 ~

T C C Sweat Shirt Coat l"i WHITE

\\ E H.\ \'E YOl'R ~ I ZE

Hauseman & McCall :->ta ti oner) Drawing- Instruments List year. frelmg the need of "'me of the J

rrn sical numl><•rs ordinarily limited lo the highest class theate,.s and 01wra houses of the East. the t:ollt'ge J' adl' a ,trcnuous ".ffort to bring some of/ th rs t le •1t to .\lontana State· ·and sueceeued. Some uf i..he F O!".t tan1uu::: l'nncert and opL•ra. .sing-1 er:-:.. a~ we!J n~ niany of the Lt.'sl nn1~icians. of the L'nill'd :"tales gan· selections during the course of :he rt:nr in the Gyn na~ium for Cl sun1 of money tlcat \\ould h:.nlh· buv onl' tirkl't to one of the

I wnuld hr111,g you diumond:-; uncl pearls and gold fnim out of llw un~m1's can.>$;

Th1.• 1..·ompa11y sponsor for lhe ball da..,- thnt mnlk.s. tht end <.1f n L:"n·a ~

wi11 lw cho:;('Jl in the ~amti nHlllllll :>t1:ug-g"lc.For onf' whole """' k hl')' h·1 '''''''-''''"-'-'''''"'-''''''-''''''-''-''''~ ·~~'-..'-.'-.~. I a~ la!:;t ylar, that i~, Nl<.:~ l·omp:i.ny contundud. .-\llinnu·s and {·ntent l would :..:umn1t n a hrtt'Ze from the .-\.ntille:..: lo \ ~nll 1..·n~t bullob and the F1rb rN·t•I\·- h:ul b<.'cn formt•d anti bruk( n . .'.\lan,\-

1111.r tht• hu·g-e~t 1 umber 01 \'Oll·s from had hetn dt•eply woundetl lmt .it ~-~~._.~~_...._._._. ____ ~,.

~::~;. ~Ol~::'~'Yl::i:I :·~· ~~11

:::~1 ·:~, :,~1~1

~ :,:~~~c;i'":~·. v;:;i1~1°1~ ,~t~~'~'."'~~'.~t!:','.:'. i,

till ~llll' silkt•n :-.:1ils,

\nil Wl•'cl iak~· a trip on a fairy :-.hip with llt'\'C'I"

a fl.'<11' of ).!all'$. It I had powll" to l'ommand thl• sl•a tlll'~l' an• ~om('

f the things l'd do But :-:inn• i·, nnt, dot·s 3 t:hOL"olatl:! {hot)

1 or a

::;oda appl·al to you ·:

7. 1s alway~ ont> nf tfe big l''l'llb It had been a g-reut battle, ancl mu,.t on thl· 1.·ar;1pu!:'- l'ilt"11 yun. It is at- rnirnculou:), for none had ]o$t. Eud1 t t1.:nded by a .l!l"l ~tt I". Umber of peopll!, ~ororitv on thl' !:ill f.!Ol .. the sWd'll' '

kast ,,t thes, J1jJ;1!ier; in the East. j King in Outltiok. t To Le t·ontinut•d I

I and i:_.;. thl final prndul't vf the yL•nr's bunt.:h Or pledge:::; you t·\'C'l' saw·· ' rain ng-. 1 hl:' prug-rnm lhis yi;>ar will lt is lo he lll~ped that n g-t.>ner~.1 ii

be approximntcly tlh' :..:anll' as last, armistice hn:::- bu·n signrcl nrnl that ¥ foalu1 in~ <1 revit•w. es .. urt l<l tht..• l\\, th(' fi\'~ grt•at powl:'rs will "'vol form I on. closl• on!Ll" drill, bnttlt> cxErl'ise, a !('agu1.; for thl' partiul prt.•:..:t.•natiPa a11J ;iward of mark~mau!<.hip nn·dal~ of jll'a~e.

Aga ,, th s year a concert course of the same I high talib1t and excellence has been :;ecured for coOLll>GE Ol'l'OSES CO \ll'l'LSOH Y Dllll.L.

the benef1+- C1f thtl .:\lnntana State .students who 1 Though thL• pr ~idL'nl hdiL·n•s military traininir useful

do r:ot U~JC'n }ul\e the opportunity to lbten to the I in luilding up till' dnd), hL' f1.·ar::- thal us .. · of f1reurm:;

great Arti~t~ ot the tin1e. Despite the wonderful by !'~hoolboy:-: u.-nd~ toward cl1.H·lopmt.·11t t)f militarism. opportunity \'L'l".Y f PW ticket~ haYe been bought! T~i:-: i:- \\hat hl' told \\:l~ih· }-fou~c cort.'l'Spondt:nts in dt'· ,-et bv ('Ollcge student~. ]f the .students do not in uncin~ L' inpulsory nnlt~~u·y tru.mmg rn the ~l'ho~ls mui · . · . . . . I t.:••lll'~l'~. ~l·cn·t~try tif \\ ar Dans ~uh~cl)Ul'ntly d1~q1uted a\·all the1n:-;el\·e~ of this chance this year it Is the chief t:X\,'<.:utin"s vie\\ s 11y rll•<:larinl!' :..:t·hol1l military \·er~· l!~{ely that the tonct..•rt course will han? to training 1.·:..:~l·ntial. .. \lany do not, :..:ome will nnt. under­

h~ dropped Ill the future. ]f we want the course ~land thl"' diffl'ren~·e bt1twl'l!n militarism and military

to t.::cntirue. it j;-.. up to u:-:; to ~upport it thi$ year. trnininl!.'" Jw runarked. E'\L"l1a11c-C'

Th~ ofiil't.I!" f,·r tht: f11ur l'Ompanit•s t U b n·ar arl' ns follow::;: John :\likkh:.son . a g-raduatt• in 3111-

:\l:~jor, }i'runk Lamb. ma! hu~bundry, i!:' r:ow localed on a & C m1a1w ".\'" Captain, E. D. Fox; ranch near Bel~rade . .'.\lr. .\Iikkles1•11 f

1:-.t lit·nutt:nant. 0, Gilbe1t:..:on, l"'t is putting into practil'e tht knuwlcdi.:\· 6 lit..•ufl•nar,', .I. T Bradbury; 2nd lieu- which he at•.:umulated ·while herl, J t('na· t, 11. n .. '10:..:..:ll·; l~t ~erg-can:. and as u bret•der of purebred Jin·- t R. llanil'lsv11. slock, is doing- very wdl. lfo 1:-. t

Le"s all lnry tickets for this . eries.


('01111 any "ff' Captnin. L. R. Ker- membl'r of .\ lpha Gum111a Rt- 1, an i lee; ht lilUll'nant. E . B. Klein; bi recently \'isilNI hi.; old frat lnL•r:1b.. i"utl'nant. ('. _-\. Ot1l'ker. :.!nd lieu-

1t•nart E. .\Id :'lughlin: 1.,.t st•l"l?'t.flnt. \\· .• Jona!:'.

PFrU'El I' f'OOTB.\l.L CO.\ Cll l''ompnny .. l··• Captain, G. F.

s1..·IPct~ th pl:iyt•r~ whik IC'tting- tht.:' campu~ '-'eleli- .\ln,.k; bt lit•utt>nant. E. l'. ,Jone:.:; ht 11' 1 1 . 't He 11lans the lieuten:1nt, ,J. ..\. Spn!:<-e, 2nd lien-,

ritil'S imac-inl• they han: a HUH m 1 · trmrnt, T. AL"kt•L·mnn; ht ~l.'J'g"C'ant, :-:.trutt·~y. at the ~ame time making the influential alumni X. l<~. CnHn~.

b('li n· tlwy arc· thiin~ it lie anangl'::;; :..:uch a ..-clu:dule Company "D" Captnin, J. ~lor­that tf hts tt~am \\ins 1t \\Ill appear to ha\C' Ot'C'omphshed rison; lst lieutl'nunt, C. Irish; L..:..~ t1w mpos~ihle, whlh• if it losc:o: the l.:ritics will say none lil'lltl•llant, .J. Kenne; ht :-<l'l'!.!'(<.1nt, uiuld ha\ l' won. IE. C. ht•r:.-011.

11 ~ i:..: the perft·ct <:ual'h. Too had no cnlleg-l' has dis- --- . . , . , . d him.- Lift'. )Jax Ll.·.i?ge, . a ~raduutt• 111 M!Tl-to\ lJ t' niltur:d t•ducauon in the dv~s of


1 !J:!tj, i!' now J0<,_·at d in Chirwok lb

r :'.'.IY EHS IT \ OF :'.\E ,~_\Q \ l'ot.:t11y a~1.:nt fol' Blai1w cour:ty. :\tr. . · . . . . . . . , . · .. ··t. Lt•~g-r was Yery prominent in :..:tudcut

Th\• l'nivl'r:..:1ty cit ~l.'Yada is the fust \\C'~lt'l~l Ut11\eT~l) I al'tiYitit·s. btin_C" H ml·mbt>r of Alpha to u..,e_ u IH'\' l"y~t.m. of stn·ng-th tP~~s :~ its J~h:·s~c·~~ I ~~:1m!lla Rho, tht• Ag _dub. stod .. I •iw·at10n dqiartnwnt tor men. In this tu.;t the mstim ;udl!'lllg- tl·am, nnd lht' \ ltcnins' hu­

tor is ;_lbje to Pstabli:"h the status of any :-.tudent and dt•- reau. He was also idt.•rtified with wrmiiw th_. point:' on which he 11l'L'ds "Pe<.:inl Htt~ntion. tht· Indl'Jll'lllfonts for two yturs. ;u d

Feit· this work a new type of thnrl- has bctn dl-'Yelo1wd pl~1~·C'J. in the bnsehall tou1 nannn.L I to Ii;-;• indi\'idual nwasurt:ments and lest::;. On the chart I Iii:' h1J!h '-':Xl'Clll'llt'e of schobrsl.1n

·ao.;ur rnt•ntl'" including statur~ and mu~rular dt'\'t'lop- i W<l' rN·og-n1zed, crn~I ~t: was ~hlh"'n m1... . 1 1. I ·t., ti I as a llll'mber of Phi Kappa Pl11. lit> n1 .. 11 ts ·in· listu1 tn<.,.etlkr with tlw re:..:u ts o t lt' s 11.:11,g- 1 ,

1 . . II .

1. .

.. • • 1"> I ts l Oll'.L!" \"t 1·y wt:' in 11...; n~w po~1-lt>"ls.· 0. A. t. Barnmclt·r tion anti ·f.~ farnwr:; of t',_at l'tlUnty

pl.Hl'l' their cnnfid<:.'lll'(' 111 h11n. IHJL BLE~ BlU:-0(. ll!Ol llLES

I ., l I Have You huught ynur til·kt•'. for En.•ry 11romi1w11l man hus hi~ "'doub l.'S nan w 10 this \'un\ 1·ont't'rt l"llt;l'S(' rl't •l

!tl(•k l'XHl tl\" like' him, or flattl'l' thL·n1st•hl'S that thl'y do. · · Sonu oni' o~ll't> told .:\aJmkon that 1woplc said the actor I Talma lo kt>d like him. T,} thi:..: ::\apt.ilt·un matll' one of ~·~<HJ

thnt an~ one tlwught lw look Pd likl-' Tai mu. wre nn•


After the sho"· drop in and try

<•Ur .\Ialted .\[ilks. To~tee Saml-

wiche:; and Hot Drinks


\\'ith the deHloprnent of our ei1·i!ization to­ward that ultimate end of an outlawry of \\·ar to bring about "·oriel peace, our country is O\·erlook­

, ing one of the most dangerous entmies of this polic.\-. :\fuch has been said and \·o]umes ha1·e been 11 r:~ttn in an effort to cuncei,·e some plan \1·hereb.\ we might be assured of a permanent peace. DEspite all this action against war. we are still mai11taining compulsory military training units in a large share of the well-known colleges and unin·rsities of toda.\-. True. the grncral pub­lic has heen il!formL·d 1 hat the purpose of military trn.11i11g was to denlop the students both physi­cally 2nd mentally, and to foster Letter citizen­'h1p, l>Ut nulitarist:; ham said themselws, and ; heir drill bL•c,;,s prm·e the same thing, that the r~al and greate. t purpose uf this training is to 1 RA!.!' ;\IE,. TO KILL Far too long has the genrral pul1!ic bt·en duped into belie\ ing that out of thr.- \\Ille prearl mrlitar.\· training would grow mt'n o. higher H cals and bLtter citizenship. The traini1.g for cit1z n,hjp has Ll•en necessarily omit­ted Lttause of th•· lack of Lim~ left after killing 111ethods hm <' Le<'n !hurnughly explained. In 1 any srhL•Ols a11cl college» in the lJnited Stales ac-

.on ha. lieen takrn Ly the students to abolish !ht crn1pul.-ory fr.ature of milita1y training. Why m here at :llo11ta11a State'? \Yhat do you think aLou• it? If ) ou han• any •>pinions on the ~ub-1en . .\'OU wi:I haH a chance tu mice them in the

hi:-: ~cnrnful an:->Wt.·t~. s:iying that he "had nt;>\'t•r notiel'11 E~ L•.-.. <na~~ l.'8 I ,, Ti DE"•Rmi


1u•Ad . E. SIEFiStte<S1 ph•nty of lllt 11 who art• said to bt. dns"· l'Oph~s of \\'ilson. l!anli•JJ!' and Bryan, and e\·en of Lincoln, although hl• ont·c

!'.<11d that thC' L'lrd had ma1k him so lrnn1C'1y that it was OPTO.\lETHIST imJ11bsil1h· tu dupli<:all' the job. Jlark Twain was con­:-.tn11tly r n j\:illg kltct·~ from llll·n who would st.•1111 him tlwir photngT;1ph and tdl him thut tht•y and he W~L't'

tl111ug-ht to ht a~ likl· as two pt:a.;:. :\lark hat! a ~le.neu­

t) prd Wl!"\H' • n·ady for all such t'OITl!~pontlt·nt:-; 1 uncl h"· \\ oul(I \\ ritl.' thl'lll as follows'.

When the sun goes down

1war future.


Broken (; Jn sst.'s Promptl) Rc 1>1:.t cC'cl

Hon111 I S tory Block ''.\Iv lh·ar Sir: :'ll1rny thanks for yuur ll'lll•r, with in­

,·lo~t·ii phuto!!n.q1h. Y11ur rl'st·mblann• to me is n.nwrk- O<Hl-Oil-ntl-~ Thl_. Bobcat de\ Ml ha:-:. dl·monstratctl its ability ab! • 111 fnd, to ht• p<:.•l"ft>ttly holll'st, you look moi·l· Iikl"

a a foo11Jall ll'illn IJ.)- holding the strong ltlaho ll\l' thnn I do my~l·lf. l wus ~{J lllUt'h impt·t.·~Sl'll hy tht.: ! • I I I. I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.'

Lnhi·rsity £.:k\l'll lo a scurele~s tie. The student~ l"l_ embl:.rnc·p that 1 have hud your pictun• franwd. and .. E•f°" } have clemonstra: l'd their pride in their lean1 ClH alll 1111\\ using it ngularly, in plat'l' of a mirror, lo :shan' .. I 1e · · I L } I 1 I I l It,· Yours gTnldully, 8. L. Cll'lllllltll!'i," - Puthfirnkr. The G eneral Electric: mcl1catll y lie arge num Jer w 10 turntt uu to s·1k H Company .. the world's meet the ll'an when it rd urned. Ltl's all keep I ose lurgest manufacturer of

up thf· guo<l work and turn nut in .a body al the eil:~;::.iuc;~ 1 ~0~.h~.~:~~li~1~~'·1l·~·hl'.:::::~'.· ~~~::·,H~~111:·s ~;;~:~1 ~~ 0 ~~t~~~::<.~ : \Vear Guaranteed ~~~~~~e:~~nh:~1~~~~ !"pu.<al a~sf-n.L~y to be; h_eld next \\ ednesday and I him highbrow hi:.: tufC so it don't J.!t't hy. If you can't I: BLACK. \VHI1~E AND !:~:r~t':r~e:as~~~~~:~~~ at. tl:, b\O r~ll.ll'~ for th1~ Wl'Ck .. 0~11~ school has \\l"ih· f\wme:-; )ot•k mt• up and l will furnish oridnal one·~

1: . \LL THE NE\V F' .\LL to cheaper and bt:ttcr

o1ten ~lLP l'rJllc1zecl for a lal'k ot .~·qnrit. Already at a d•\I nr uph·n ancl up. Paid Ath-. En•l'green./ _ -: SHADES electric illumination.and t o the conservation of

HOlL\LTNK eyesight . . ------------------------------ ' I " Sen ice Weigh! $ 1.25 - A series of G-E ndver-

I: BOTIALINK. tisemcnts showing what HITS

More than 350,000,000 incandescent lamps, with combined light of nine billion candlepower, mal city streets, stores, and homes brighter than ev b efore.

In bungalow or mansion, workshop or factor dormitory or auditorium, there is no excuse f poor illumination. V.'e haYe cheaper and bett lighting in the electric lamp than e \·er b efore; f the dollar that bought 1,115 candlepower-hours light with the c arbon-filament lamps of 181'! now buys 16,200 candlepower-hours of light wi the MAZDA lamp s.

N o t only more light, but correctly applied light, the order of the day. The electric lamp, with · flameless y e t highly concentrated light sour< lends itself ideally to reflectors, shades, an~ scre~r It is controlled light- safe light. And illwm tion b ecomes an exact science. REAL VALUE ON DRAWING SETS '\t•\\ Ht·cords l? e. lt•ll!-;t•cl Ench

" t't'k

1-- Chiffon \\'eight $ L.25 - lectrieity is doing in

p ING TING .. mnny fi~lds will be sent d · f l'r t }' l I:_ 'J.'ull Fa~hi on ed =_ I on request. Ask for During college days an 111 a ter 11e, correc 1g . _ NO. 500_ $ l .



booklet GEK-1. ing must ever be of paramount importance to t

$1.25 to $19.00 A ~ET


l•'u ll Fa~hion $1.75 : college man and woman. Good lighting is t - (' 711- : worthy handmaiden of culture and progress.

\ ~\\ Snnpl)) Shee t '1usic \rri,ing Dail)

Come in and hl'ar thl'm it "ill

- lfoavy Weight $2.00 : -- 1 • Cnclet Silk lo hem-High

Orton Bros. Point<'d liPel~ .$2


Bozoman, ~1 0 111 nna ~ Hollingsworth's ~ I '--------------..:


~.,,,,, '" ' """ ',,,,,, "' "',, , , ~ 0 B NB RA L n 1EcTu1 c c 0 Mr AN v. =-=s c H B NE c TA o v. NE"' v3~

ht• n )lll'a8urt• to !-ien l' JOU

EYER \ Tl! INC; 11\ M l 'S IC

Page 3: IONTA NA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 19 26 · Rally ---Tues day at 5:00 p. m. ---Special Assembly Wedn e sday 11·15 . a m .---P ep M ee t mg ' Th urs d ay 5 : 00 p. m. ·n:ent VOLU:\!E

GsSOCIETY ..\$sistant. Helen Solberg Ld1lor. :'.\lal'gard Booth

f )11 Ome,!a an· oun e~ t .1 p 1•0 rin

of tht: full)\\ ing \·iola La Larheu1 nnd _ fary ~imp on, P. Z('. a · 1 ri ka "'arnc:r. Rh rshk. l odif 1rni 1; ("ollctta \Yal~h. fll'IC'n Str• n~ ar 1 Fa,·c Hahn Butte; ~t 11c­

Dc~ Lod.1?~; I\Iarsdt:th Sul11\· n \ hamhra Hot Spll:igs: babd G thri t and L,1r:l!n ( oy. Grea I· a! 1

.\ta ... Pai•an, Gla!'J.:"oW .

Kappa Delta ;rnnoumc~ "flw nl('d inl!' of the folio\\ :ng- Ruth Cru, .\n.i onda; It..1·h P !l t :.i1d :\ ir., Hekna: .I te I:u h _; Rutn Dmll ' Y r~ ill:a <. 1t Lw illc 1~ Jllk. ~h jnn; Orn .\larch. .J.lilt·s Cit).: .luanit l· h, Jla1din· E\·Cl.) n Ilan:-;en, t hotcau.

~1 rn Chi anrtoi..:1 L(' th

}< 11 :-- Da'\v f ve e t 'Rt.-;. R . .,.._cJJ Jas 111 Pre+ n, < 'l I Ro t~1 I. (ii nn .\!uchow . .\L ... x l':111'm a I of lfozpman; .lo "" ff·· t 111 r

''t n: ~\er t !:<'~'. :-'antl .\. 1 nltf.. 1.c"Ro'"· :'ol1tl1 rk, Hut'-': .Joh Bo~ IP, But· c.

ha p 11nou11Ct':-, t pied c·and, R undu


\\"ol(l <ind .lack. \\"eich k, Laure : K -or I. kengard, (oh:rnbia Fall~: P t

~ ·f4 wt•, C:re.:.t Fal ~ n1 • orma \',·· C oI~tr·p.

L~mbu.1 Phi fra erni y aim •u th 'c.lhwin~ pied ('s .Jame :\h,1 Lt•\\·1 town; ~lanlt•y GoldL rg. lm 1-

flf'S.; Leland Tash. T\\ in U1 idt;c.; \\'il s ""11 d. Pom · Rohe ·t Jh, Great. Fall': .\rthu (;oin"'"'· Gtc Fall$; JJar.iel ('ulkn, .\naconcla, n I Hu.1 )lei \\ illett:-:, Ha" r .

Alrh.i Omkron Pi a11nounc :;;; th !Jkdl!'in~ of the folh1win"': Gt>nil

rlin BowdC'n. HelC'na: Evelyn Bnr on, 'fhrel' Forks: Ruth ·\:-:bur). Hanlin \Yarcln Jhncf,!nn and Carolin<' Halt•:;, Boztnrnn.

ALUMNI NOTES Judith Ropes, Editor

\\'h at," Bulletin :'\o. 180, by \\'. 0. \Yhitcomb, ~upcrintend<ml :\Iontana G1ain Inspection Laboratorv and E J. Bell .Jr., a~sistant depa1:tmutt Jf nl.!ricultural economics. pulili::'hed in .July.

2. "Sore :\louth in Lambs.'' bul­letin Xo. 186, by H. Wekh. vetedn-arian :\lontana State• Colleg-e Ag ri-

:\[ary Jo Stockton. ':'.!ti, i~ teachin ultural Experiment Statiun. pub-at Coffee Crt•ek .. \I1 n•a .a . She is ir li,::,hc<l in January. <:hargc of all eizh:h {!'radc :subject:-:. \ ;J. "\Vintl'nn~ Beef <;ows. ln :'\or-

thern .:\lontana, bu'.let1n !\o. 1"~7. .:\.[arion Bates, '2t.i is ti:; aching Span-1 by C. :\. Arnett, A. L. Baker, L.

1 h, l.btory ar<l art at RobLTt~. :\Ion- Vinke, in co.operati_on with the .bu­tana. reau of animal 1rdustry, UnJt,d

Katherine Andrew.:.. ·20, is t ~ach- Stales cleparlnH:n~ of ag-ri<:uhure in~ in the public "rhool:-. at Tdden+. . published in February.

Thtlma :\ki\all, '2ti. i~ teaching art al Grl'l.'n:-:boro. ~nnh ( nrolina.

Lotetta .:\kHu·.'h. ':!:1. i8 tl:!achin • art in n.• hi:.~h St' ool al Fli1:t, )lit·h· igan.

4. " \Yintcring Beef Caln~s and Yearling-s in :\orthen1 :".lontan'a, bul­letin 0-'o. 188, publishLd in February by same authors as bulletin ~o. 18'i.

:\Iontana State ColleJ,tc will ag'ain send teams to the Pacific Interna­licnal show this year, to participa:.• in the stock and grain judging co11-

Lm·illc Stalblt.r. 2:L 1s ll'achin~ art tests, to bl. held about the: fiT~t o; in the high school ·n ..\!~run, Ohio. Xo,•embcr.

Hamjfton Hall

Women·s ' ocial Center

Hamilton Ilall is not j·.:~t a ,girt: dormitor:r, it is a lar,l!e. nil'ely fur­nished. wdl kept homC', "' lll'r~ .1

group of ,!!iris ta\·e come togt>the1 with Dean Hcnick a<; our tcmpotar) mother. \Ve feel alreadv. as othc!' irirls havt: felt before us: that Dear. Hcn-ick is our te.~t fric111l and om whom we love and apprcdate.

She has made Hamilt1,n hall wha 1

it is an<l cor.tinue:; tu do hl·r utmo~' to impro,·e it c\'en more t:ach year.

l t i5 an opportunity for g-irl:-: Ji,·e at Hamilton Hall. It gives u:-


..;~mething which we probably wou. t never receive in the mam1er in wh1 11 we f"{"(.'eh·e it here. 'fhcre i~ ~ut-h rn exl·ellcnt training in a ~ocinl \\f\Y • .,

y·cll u-. an intellectual onl' "e nr..., nrou!::'ht to~cther and taug t c in -! anwn-.hip and proper rc~p~ct !or on anotht;r.

Thl~ hom•t~ thi~ vear is fillell to i~s capacity as it al-:o was la:-;t vcar. :".lo:-.t of thelll beinK fre hmen,· i cour:-c. while th H' a c al\\,\)' oml' upper du~smen

Rcm1.mbcr tht.• B)bcat-H in Bu ttl' on 0 ob T ~: , your ti<:kct for lhP ::-1 e 'nl.

Don't forg-L't ·ht:.· ::\lontana· b nqu and first meeting of th ~\J.t81 'l '. Thursday even11 g at G1lk h• n ~ teria.

~~~'"''''''''''''''''"'''''''''' ~ ~ fiALLATIN LAUNDRY

FTan('es Robins011, ·:! l, is teaching ar~ in the publi(' school in Akron,

Pr .. lo'-t'ph was a dinnrr J?UL':-.t at Ohio. thC! .\lp!1a Gammu Rho hou<.; .. ;-.\unday I

Five men will partkipnt~ in :he stock judging contest and will judge classes of beef and dairy cattl~. :;het:p, horse~ and ~wine. There: will be tweh·e classes of livestock in all, and reasons will be j!iven on eight classes.


~ 13:3 - 137 E. ~

( r ~utherland. '2ti, was it pntJ. JI I

•cdnr, \',1 }1

e Hu k 11 I )l'J1 i d r. lt r f Thrl'. T• rl:::: "'P"n thl:' \'. ek n I , h Ku 1pa Della h UH'.

~ di11m·r .. ue. t­

house Friday

laura Hufi:nc :.incl ,,f\Ui~t:! Pitman wer ~ ( ntf'rtain('(I .1 1linne1· ai tht Rappa Delta hou « Sun1hly .

llcl n Fll'min~ o' I utk is s wnd tH! a r, , .. dav..: i J\'. n he Kapp ll(•ltu l Oll"'L~ .


AG NOTES Six men will r..irticipato in thtt grain ju<lg-ing conttsl. \\'ork 1.

now underway to prepare i:ew mt'n for this \'ear.

Keen Competition is assund, be-Th, ".·\g:·· ch.oh hdd 1b first se ·au~e five states as w-.ll as C'anada

Always al Babcock SL ~ Your Service ~

~ Phone 79 ~

i.....s.~...s""'~~'ssss~~~~~"-"-~'~''-~~ sion >( the qua1ter. Thursday tVt':· are represented. :\lontana State ha:. ning ln the Agrkultul al build in: . won the g-rain judg-ing corlt.::.t for ! I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '

This nH eting was tur lhe pt; rpo~e of three year s, and took s.i:ond plac~ in .. g-t·ttin~~ ur)'.{:rnizerl, makin1r the ac o lhe stock judging contest. \Ye are .. quaintan"e of the I•'ns:rnu:n Ag-gie;; ~ure that the teams can <lo as we.I .. ard making- plans for thi.~ s hool ylal' this year a~ in the pa~t. and we ar.. .. .\ lari:rc crowd. e~p dally of Fn .h a1l for them. men. were present. and all enjoy<•.! Harvey E. Murdock, professor or ~ short ta:k b\· Profes-.:or :\kl\:ee. agricultural engineering, has taken a .. Th" lll(lllbcrs a;·c going- to ~et busy leave of absence of on ... yea r. li e is t•arly. and feel sun• that th:? club w.11 going to school in Berk eley, Cali· a c. mpli:'>h much !hi..; y ar. fornia. and is especially intereRtt'd in ..

T!'e .:\lontana State ('olle-g:e Agricul- the economics of irrii:rntiCJn.



tur:1l Expl'rimcnt station l:as pub- Basement Commercial Bank Uf'he<l the foJlowin)!' bulletins this \Vhaclda'say we all go to the spec- -

Phone 332-J rarv ·' lot. \~ sc; Ter:i k RJ'1lrt rc'c· ; \\"m. Sto k-.:, Thr c Fork.;; Ted i\ cDona111, T i'ing-:t HC'tbc• z,\ i I .. :. Park c·it~; llarri-.l n Rec.l'J. ).I:inhattan.

Sigma Omcg-a < f Kuppa Dl'lla <.l''l·

Of unns tlw plukin:.!" or L~tma lluf fine and Loui-.:e Pitman. both l.1ozl'man .

rear. ial as~embly next \\' tdnesday moro 1. ' 'The ProteiJ1 TC's.t in i\Iarkcting ing. ! I I I •• I I I I ' I I I I • I I I I I I t t • I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I • I I I ;

..\ 11 o l lub an:.l1u: •·("• the 1luh.:. cf: \\"m .. Johnson. Si11 m:'>; Oli


.\thletic Shoes Including Dr. :\leanwell's Athletic

\\.illiam B rtche and .James :\lihlf• Inf Grpat Fall' W• re> din:wr gul'-.ts a

the Lambda Phi fr.1tl'rn1 y Satu~ day.

Ome..,.a B<:'ta announn s thl: enc-a .. ment of Dm id Fox tu Thelma Tazu I of Havre.

H. S. R· gPrs. p·u\·ine chici of Al 1 ht1 Tau Omega. frum ('orn1.lli". On• ..

I 2nd \Ym . Ch:n·teris ('f :\Ji~"'''ula \\, 1

I Alpha Gamma Dt>lta·s pn·fM·ern~


Wednesday andThursday­

mis. WALJ..\CE REm·s l'ROIHJCTIO:'\


Premier Pipe $1.50

Kleinschmidt & Co. Phone 71




OXFORDS .\~D SPORT SHOES I we _·k end .l!'ue:-:ts at tl'e Amic-u huu

I ra1 t)'. \\\•cJne:-<day P\ t Jlin,C" Wa~ ll fO" ma! dinnt•r a• the chapter hoU~l'. T •

----------------------! ~~~.:. ~~~~<1rf~1 ;i~)~('1\~11: ~re~·o~.:~~~:1~'. • -:----====--=====--====================

f ·sabil_; • • • • • • I

l.c>om• L\ n;. wl o h;l:; been ln l\li --·ouri, ret~rned Saturda,· to re,u1. her cour:-:e at ~lontana State .

Pew<:·y ('a!=;hm11re, '2·L spent a fl • da~·-- dmin<:! the ra:--t week a' t'i Sil!' .·\lph t-r.u~r .


Friday and Saturday­FHED TIIQ)ISO'.\'


"LO"°'E·H.\:'\D SAU~DERS"

llQ.(>o.~~~ The Principal Keynotes of the Millinery Mode Paris Decrees Are

• You can bat out lots of good stuff with i

a Remington Portable Typewriter

I .1' is surprising ho:-"' the Remington P rtablt- helps wtth collegt> work.

L 'ng: reporti:., theses. antl tran-scriptions c,f lt tur..:s simply roll out of this ma .. c.h1 1e. Yo..:; dor.'t have to be an ex:pe­r erced operator to speed up you r •vritin~ to an unbelii:vable de~ree.

Vour theses and reports look better, t )(,i, and quite n;;turally create a more favorahle impres,ion on tht.! professors

her they .are written on the Reming­ton Ponable.

\1Ve1ghs onlr 8 • pound". net.and is the ha11Jiest. fastes~. -simplest to operate, 3nJ mo::;t dependabli: of all portables. SmalleH. lighte~t and most compact :,;,umdard keyboard portable.

$10 down and $5 monthly


• I I



(;allatin Drug Co .. 11 East ~lain St.reet. Bozeman, Mont.ana

Ka hryn Andrew-.:. ·2r;, who tea.hint! in Trident, spu1t thC' \\ end at the Pi Phi house.

Ethl•J , ar~1" '23. who is lc'af'li\11 in '.\lu11h~tt~1: . sr:cnt S3turday at tl:l' Alpha Gamma hou::r.

r. is )le( oy and '\on1H\ Smith :-p nt 'he wel'k l'lld at the ~attPr' home in Tl ident.

Prof ~ r" .\. H. Pi t an•I I nu \.i kt• w11e d nnl'r g lt' t at the Al h~~ Gammh Rh J l 1 s I· ·da .• c•\t> nin ...


Champion Shoe Shop GI\'ES

10% Discount TO ALL STUDENTS

Opposite Woolworth's

Sunday. :\Jonday and Tuesday­




Coming Later-




\\ .\'l'Cll !'OH TllE !l .\TE

~ .... -.......... ..-.r ........ .,..... ....... -.-..-.. -............... -..-.. • .. -.. -..-.. -............ _ ..... _ ..... _..._ ..................... _ ........ ..-.... -........... ~ ;

~ · " - Warm Winter ~ I \ i

I~\ ~ '"~~=,~~,~~~~, I ~ mixed weaYes. Single and dot;ble- • REl\IL ·GTO. · TYPEWRITER CO .. Spokane. Washington • "--- \ r- •: ' ~ __::] l~\ :__ ~:;~~;.t~d . Priced t.o warrant great ~.'


I I I I It I I I I It I I I I I It I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I I I If I I I I I I t~ I I I I I l 22 -o ~42 -o - > .. ) t.o ., .,) '• JOH'.\STO'.\S WHinL\:'\S : ~ \ ~ j

Lunches and Sodas


'• .-t.:t.u;'- ' I (' .\'.\DIES : < •f;..;,:_ (~ 1

Our better clothes arc tailored :: I : ~ ~ al Fashion Park ~

BUNGALOW =~ ~ : ~ THE MEN'S STORE ~ 1 .. ~ ~

HOME:\IADE : ~ l\lcCRACKE:'.'< BROS. ~ I

Parisian modistes are fashioning hats ~o ~oft and supple that they may be draped or creased to suit l\Iadame's Oll'n particular style. The striking charm of these new hats lie in their ,·ery simplicity-their adaptability.

$1250 Upwards

These particular hats are fashioned in I.he ne\\'est of the ne\\'-satin and metallic comb1na­tions. \'eh·et and metallic combinations-in black and ll'hite '\'Jlh combination of colors.




I I I I I I I I I I 11II11 1 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I I I 11 111 ,; ~~--~~.-..~..-~-~-~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~K I

Page 4: IONTA NA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 19 26 · Rally ---Tues day at 5:00 p. m. ---Special Assembly Wedn e sday 11·15 . a m .---P ep M ee t mg ' Th urs d ay 5 : 00 p. m. ·n:ent VOLU:\!E



Bobcats Meet Colorado Sat. 1




Game Promises to Be One of the Features of l\lontana State's


Thi:. Saturday thl' figl.ling- Gnhl';:\t" jounH'!Y to Bouhh: r. (t.llo., the "!nil"

(.)tt Rnm1wy's Jl)l'll hlld ·}-,v strong hi~h'' city. to meet the :--:rong l l>f Pnin•1 ]'ilY of Jdalw l'k\'en to a ll Colorado t.l'al11, two times t·onfcn·n 1.• to O lit: i1 :\lo::-it'O\\" lu:-t Saturday. I winners. and rated hy "Pus:-.'· Par,:;~l1l" That fal't ~1nak:- \H'll for tlw efforts as h:wi1 ~a ntlll h :'lrong-cr team than of th fig-hting- Bobcats. .;\t·cording· last yi;ar wlwn tbty made a. su:ong to competent critil:- only the dow1:· 1 bi1l frl' t·onter<.!Jhc hl11l•lll:'- ag't1Hl, Ill~· poul' anti t11l' heaYJ" mt.1ddy fil·l.d pre- ~ame that promi:s.e~ I~' bl~. Vlll' of th~ vi:ntcd the Bobl·at<:: from seorlnt!\ not- features of thl' ~nttr(' ~LIWlHl. with~tanllini; the fad t! Idaho lud I l'('!1t'h \\"itharn ha:> s.ix :1blc :1..:;­the bnll cm out· :: yard lire. due l• 1 nnt l'Oat•h(s nnd nlthou!!h rot nYe-rly u fumbll'. optimbtk on·r l 'donttln's d1a1H'l'!" hl'

~ (ecl~ that the P. 1~ rhrht for a d.·-Thl ~hift s.urprisl'd ld:tho g1itlste1::> tc·ry at th~ E:'\.j)CHd~ t1C tlw :\lon~ann

a1_Hl only th:tti tlll' gat!ll:! dt?\l~lop'.•d $dwt1l. With<llll fr(!ls kc?t•nl~ the loi:-=­into a punting· dul•I b"twecn Glynn 1 o[ Healy, star e1lll. and l'hillsvn. <J\Hlr­nnd Ptiwers prcn•ntwl ~omc g-lm•I tcrb:wk, hoth ~11-C'onferenN.· ('hoii.:· ~ up1.m fotithalL last ~.:ar. :\kGlnre, :l pGWtl' •·1

~tn'ngth tin thl line anti atwthcr all-L. nf ;\lcntana w~s ovtn\bilmui l~llft'h:ncc ma1~ is .hack for h!s l~~t

l•y tht.• pliwerfnl lht·g-on Agg'ie team i thnt: :it tlw !''!!''~111 g:alllt'. :1~·0~·1.l_. ir. )!issoula 1a~t ~n:urday hy the lo:)-1 a tl~1:'e-ypa.r man, l:;;_bacl~ :it tl.e p1n1 ~idcd ~i.:ore oi -W 10 o. The Bruin< pt ~tt11 n ."1th a pau ~ii ?u;utb d ... ~ lnh· tl'rcat W1l$ the aL'rial gnnw \c>hpl·d irom l:iq,Y~'ars 1rn~h. :qua" whi. h \\'tH'ked

1 llCl· (.r twict for ~rain _ that lock ~oo(L \\ ~Htt• en~ d \\ lllfl ~tr~

In :".ra l!ht line work On·g-<>n ~lashc 1 t:.ll·kle'.' "ith two m('n enJ:-: u~1 thiou,!.!h the ti. at will. n1mrr holds ::rl' fully r:::: g-t)vd ns t!l'"

GardnC'r seC'med to be the luckie5t litJe GenC'nl t'r.lle~t' t•lcHll be:lt tht ba11 toler for th~ Bobcats Saturdo.;. CamhritL aiiist.::. of .\rnl1ld lf(1ween m.1king: ::;. nTnl im: ressh-e .!!ain5. . .

l'1_>lorado teacher::;, tout~d a~ the I l~nute Rockne u~ed Gil men ::l!ni? ~t c11m1rg- t·onference diampJtms, h1:-:t . v Beloit and '''on ';7 to ll. a c l'niver.,.ity of ltiwa by a ~-! tcJ u ..

""e meet them here: Ol t. ;311. L "\\"ild Rill. Kl a\' didn't se<'Tll tc' be tlw1e las~ ~<ltl;rday ll~ainst the AggiC' Ch.'W from OrC'g'LTl. 11 u.~u:.ill~ pulb at kast line 1.'r two ld his ~rel'­lacul:lr run~ a:?:ainst hi::. opl1on-r ts. in ll gall IC hut thl' Ore~o11i<1ns t d1 1 t~ntly held him in 1.J'f• ... k.

Cclorado l"nh torsity. our opp('mer.~ ~his Saturda\ at Boulder \'H'lll from (hadron ~01innl 2n to O,

DenH·r t·. wiin tht"ir initinl foot­bu!l game on•r he :\rin -rs 21 to I The Pie neer::; h:tn· ~ p-0wc::rful back­field that made itself felt ag-ainst t:w -,:;tror:g :\lounrnineer •. leven.

Bri!!ham Young l!nivcr~lty hdd th!! crack C'.lliforniu Ae:~ie eleYen and al· lowed 1 he Aggies a 11 to 0 vietory. The 2\Iormon~ ha Ye n gre~ 11 team this year whi .. h is det.:idt:dly weak as yet in ieam play.

DiC'k Romne\p's Chlh Agg-1cs tri­umphed O\'Cr ihc light but scrappy .:\Iontana )line:; t!Oam 2!1 to 0. Rom· rtr i:~ed -W men to subdue ::UcAul­iffe's prote.ges. . . . .

Bob ~!c)Iillan scoted anotl'ey \"ic­tory O\ rr his most famous opponent, thif' tim(' n the rol of coach. His

l:~l·ldentdly, Ort::!:;nn b ·.oull"d as the strun.L?:esi 1 t•am in the ('cast Co fer nl'e nml dop h<~lds th?.t they h:ni.: the be:'t dialll'l' for the l'onfrn·nt·e title,

t oloratlo l l1lki.::t> ho1.u:b a drop kit:ker that is nu sl1 uth nc:cording- t!1 all 1·epoll~. The tducated till' of I;.-it'iJ Phelps hooted 11ne o\"t:?'l' frnm tht? ·L~ ynrd line and erahletf c~)Io1ado Cd leg-e to defeat "'EstC'rn Stat :~ tu l!.

The l'. i~ sil::Hing 100 r•~r l'ent fo1 the big !!ame at Butte. nan~ yu-.1 ~·icned yd? If not 1 do $tl a~ o~ce. That is tht. bi,!! ganlC' 1 f tl1~ ~·ear ar:ii we want ('\·err student of .J.L ~. C'. in t.he Bobcat rooting- ::edion.'!3 all go nYer and back rhe BOBCAT~.


ee Our Fine Line of-

Sheepskin Coats The Blue Corduroy iR a Wonder


Walk 01·er Shoe:; Stetson Hats Nobby Caps

.~~--~_,..,,..._ .. _,._._.._.._.._,._ ... _,._..,. ........................... _..,...,. ... _._ .. ,......,.,.,... ... _ ... _ ..... _ ..... _ .. _ .. ___ ..... _. .... > ~

I $ in Abundance ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -A,'\D THEY'RE .JL'ST THE STYLES ~~ ~ Yoe \\'ILL \\'ANT.

·: " ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ $



~-· Gantner seemed to hL1 the- lucky F h s boy when il came tn canyinµ- the ros wamp ball. .-\}!nin unJ ug:ain he eluded op-

Great Falls [ po::i1:~°':,::1t:1li::1 s "f'~:~,~~::.i::·~:,:~:i1:<. I a fn.•qucnl ottUITCllt .. '('. (31ady u· snfcty man had orders t.o pla)' it sa'•' H.\ YE .\ 49 POl;\;T LE \D , but ::;,esC'ral lime:; misJuJrlge~l the Lall . . ~


FRANK HEIKKlLA and plnc·1d Idaho within 0t·oi·in1-< dist-I .\T E '.\D THIRD QllARTE 1

I Assistant anct. However, the \~andal~ didn'· . ---

I ha\'(' the m'<.'c:;.sary pun1.:h to put it [Elec tri c Ci ty Lads .Pu .. h Q, e1 ------·------+ oi·er. One Touchdown .\fler Frosh 'd h I INTRAMURAL PLAN "Pop" Gre)!ot)' ployed his usue1l Reseryes .\re Put In


• Bobcats Hold 11 a 0 I .~~~·~eg:-~11~1~·,~-~~ki~l,!!c~1;s~2~tli~~u~::.erE~: ..\husky, lilll' ::-ma::-hing l'lL·nn to

NEW THIS YEAR I cnc:ouragement to his men. throug-h their S~lrnla~ti1:: oppon1.•r ~

I Great Fall~ High s<'hool, champion

1 S l G of. :\lontana in Hl2fl. and piled up 4:

n Core ess ame 'l'he Bo.beat.::; .lefl ollt:> in11weiision i11 pomts and allowed the fut: t¢ ~<.'O ~loscow Lhat will not be ::;t)Oll fnq!·ot· but onct anll that aft1..'r :_hf.! n.:~en No lnte rfraternity Gruncs. All I t1..n and that was fig-ht! FJGilT! unrl liad be(-n $Clll i11 to relie\"e tl.e reg I Interclass Sports j more FIGIJT! -- ulars. l''rom :;tart to Lini~h th\· nu•

0 > X"ED N l\ 0"('0\\ G N '11 I corne was ne\cr in tlouLt wi:h nu l'IHST G.\lllE OF SEA:'l N l LA' 11 I ~ ' A ,_\I S l'nder th

1 . t

1 Idaho rnolcrs were lustilv pinrn1- bucking- the Jin , Eikrem, ~td'arb \" . \.'."\DALS ON I\IUDDY F I E LD . e new Pan. lll rnmura hcfore lhe game- was nvn· to .:\w Ll and Horner ::;kinin!-!' hl' em.I!' a:1d 0 sports.: whil·h arc contluded l~y 1111:- I that line!'' and lt lookeJ :1~ if Idaho the ta1.:klt.:'s for i:::ood i.:ains, the Kitt. .. 1·y Ellis, o~ the ~lcaprtmcnt 0.1. phy 1 m·t::ded the L11cour:1L:emctH. pu~hed n\·er )'<L•nm touchdimns a J.?ame or the ~~a:sm1 bA.ttkd thl:' hu~k~· 11 'XL play and Gurtin l't't·ov~nd t:\\.' interclass cum1wtition ins.Lc:1•I ii. in ·~ -- ~ained at will thr• ut:} . .Jt:'. th L!'am

Tht' Uohe::lts, playing thei1 t'irs' 1 llt,WlH'r Balwock fumblC'tl on 1h-.· 1.:nl cduc-at1011, will bt: run 1di und 1 I Idaho \'irndal.< to a "'"rd<•> tic Sat- b·tll for idaho. ~lontan:i "'"" peral- t«drntcrnily rirnlr)' fro suprcnHl<.1 Ever,)· B"bcat playn had 'h< k111, In the line Preston, Palo, Renn. Bes urday in a gam,, \\hi.!1 \\:IS playc• I in·d filt«<"n yards then Duft fuml.led for the yarious pennants. La>t ye:u· "f spnit tbal a Romney cu:ic'll<I Scming-<on, \\'illar.J and Hcquet on tiic extn•mel)· muddy ldnho field. un<l Lllscn 1·ecn1wed tht hull for ~lo!•· /.lonlana :>tat« l'ullc.o:e enj»)''<l · 00 , l<-am should haw and that's ><•me- sh,,wed up weL. tu; pin" :dl the l'Hll TLe ,nndition ,,r tho ti<·ld and the ta11:1 nn tdahu·, forly-ei1dit yard lim of the best vears in i1trmnural com- thll1g to be proud oL If th« m<H'nl" thinul!h that quail r. 1ain. which J:i,tul th,. entm ;!anie, l,l)nn thl'n pa>Sed to G:irdmT frnn petition the ·school has t1•er ,•aw; ful- stay< ~L S, (' will be" hard nut I 1 .\wndin" ln the sho\\inK made. wade irequent fumblt·' :rnd a ass- run" formation aml he cani<•d the ly ninety-fi1·e per cent of the mai. irnck fM cvor team this Y«ll'. looks like the Kittens '.\i.1 hn11• a• in"


1 impossible, In ,traigl,> b:ill to ldaho',< twenty-three )':trd 1.m students of the im;titulinn takin. dhu· good team to '"" d the F•n· li1w bt1ddng idalw hud a sli1ht ad- n1H're Ulynn tried a dn•p kick whic!1 part in stmic fo1m of cun1p<•ll'i•m l'ITTEl'i-GHE, \ T F .\LLS crew ol last yc>r. Dc>pl\e •' fa rnnla><c due to hl'I' lun\'lcr tea Ill, buL f,·11 sh01 L Th half cnLkd, i\l>'r1lnn<e This vcar compelition will 1 ot he•- limited plays " "' used ·ind th Glynn·., rcmarblcle puntin:c ewrl'l h ldirg thl' ball on lduhe's forty-se\' )!in until ufltr the ci\lllJ'ie<i<>n ., 1 l >< the1e w:is <·onfo3ion m e..ttin:< tl

tl I l l Y<ll' I 1t ie mil th ·cor ll Lo {) I l play~ ~ta1·tet1. the yearlln;;.. sh u11 w n1 rnn _ag-e. ' -, ', 1 '_ , "s · '' ' Ioctbu I season, in );1>vc1nl:cr. .'."hen Great Falls 1-ligh Jnok<d fnrniid- · !1unn1' the t1rst quart r boll t1'ams ~ · S. l. lloJd, m basket ball will be 1 un <>tL I hc•t a hie ,nough bef• l c th, ,,-ame. Ou.- pronme of good nwl< ri:il that 1·


n hdd to line hud.s <!lld nn (iequcnt Soe< nd llalL \\ill be twu di,isions of La kerhall .\ of the big~est and henYiest hw 0

"d against the tub>. who nr, r!!'. so that neither m~liL a Jir.-:.t 1 Thi! sPnmd half ~larLetl willi both I and B, every class hnving a learn it ..., putC'd to be ;-;tron~ tLh:: year T dcw11, !lowe\et· in :he s.•·ond quart•" turnis in new suilo and Glynn kick- both did,ioi:s :n1d each :iarn will ~e~i~-~I ~~1~~~ ~~1~11~ ~~s ~~~-: s;~~k~'; Frosh used a "reat number of m Idaho worked th ir fanw11s cri»-cro:·i inir off Ior ~Jontana. Powers p1111ted meet ernry other team in !.oth dasse; the necessary 11 un<'h and sr.-ed, hn'1- ancllnthtelt)~ a1_1

1.1nnplla:.11.1'1.01111ctr~::lflac·aai·l,.i."'l. :· play to ao advantao;e nncl ca1 ried th, for Idaho, Grady fumbl<d and Diehl [ durinir the •Hie.<. ,\fter basketba'l ever. ' ., ,. ,, • ball 10 11ontnna's .-ix pr,J lin< where n•t<.ver,d the ball for Idaho on ~!on- >eri«s n•llcy ball "ill be played wit'i Frosh res n·e>, Grea· FnJi, stren~t 1he, Bob1.:aL:::. stflgC>d a rally :tnd l'l'- t.·.11.1a's three-.yard line. But. Ida.ho I evlry das~ medinK eYtr\,' other 1.:las::.. enl·d and Ac< r<l, thl' pcwl·rfal fullba l'!'l\'ed the ball "" dnwn> Glrnn 1·11led t" put 1t arross as the f11'htm." once, The· Kittens hid fair t<> duplicate who made all-stat,, plun •e<I t 1r 'U punted to T't>11ers who fumhl d. ;,, d F nhc"t line lwl<l like a ,tone walL The rules are to be r01·ised io fit the rt ·ord "f Inst year's '°°'!' " c<·11

t.i· for the ,chola-ri<-s' c n v >CC Gardnl'r reu1vl·rt>d tLL· hall fnr :\lan· ;:hH1tnnu ~u.:Url'd an Idaho fumbL ar1l I the n~w system and thq- will be J1l111_ ~quad. \Yhile .still woefdly g:n•en an~l cf~cy didn't han• ·u ~o horn' wit r

1 - and a bit at sea, Lh~v ~hn\\ed- the t · h 1-· tana nn ldahn's thirty ynnl line '-' ~-nn punted ou: u[ danger._ ltlnho lli:shcd in a later i:-:Stll. • llU Cn:'stn:!" t e '\.1tten ... · goal lil

I f.t1ll•d to g-ain so punted buck. Glynn·~ _ ____ 1 ii..;_ht kind of fight and moralt? a1vl :\nns.lron_!'.!' and Acord wete tl

1i: c ,

1 1 J ktk like the real n-oods. 0111· 111<•i1"1· · t t I · .ar

11air uf last \·ear Hl•:tl\· .·rn t I l.'Xt putt \\ns 1.1 o~ Hu hut BabcOL'k SIOELlliHTS ON l'- ... :0:1s. ln g1o~n1 t!amers for th(' hi

. ,

1 't ,

1 , t t i~ l~TI them in the l'ub •.rram<·, ,·111)·11·a_·,: .i. 001 Ja 1 h" '1'1 ~ 'I I lcihnstin. ChambCJ'L:iin. la::;t · y~ar', ~t.·,cn1_1·erc·•. 1 _ nn :' •ntana s wcr: y- , ~ > " ts w ,_,, " 1 ne anu r, " sub quarter succ««ls Chillsun at tl>e • u , ~a1t! line. GI; nn punted a~ain

lo, k.<l best in the l "• althcu.•h th ~-ncial ion with l'axtun and but it, was blocked ::nd lcl:ibo r.c 0 ;· Chez is a real foo'.hnll player. lie nul<ln" cope wit! the Frosh 111

a Ct.nrm::; ~:t huh-1:·~ and H{lhn at full I ercd lt on :\Io1:tana s ttn-:rard Im·. SATURD iy l~AME ~hc·ws by every moHnttm· l 31 h(• df.'panment ,f the l!arnP back. 1 owers then tned for a fielcl )!on! f\ U knows his work, llis work on n(-Lir ~up and Summur):

. . _ from th1..• twl.•nty-. l~Ycn yard line bu fer~<:> us well as dl'fen~l in the ganw lhat i)l. s. t .. "ill have_ d hard nut the kit:k W€nt widl', \\"ith the bnll on was 1 eautiful tn l.ehdd. l~) cial'i.: J!lh.•::: without :--a~mg, but th":) ontana·~ t\nnty \·ard lint. Glyn• BOBC.\TS-IDAHO

G1y1rn's punting was a. fcattITl' of tht: Idaho C!.ame. Ile con::oL.-tt:"ntly cut punted Pov.·lrs cf the \'andnlt" anJ. ~t·\·er!d tirnes j'.!'Ot ofl soml' bea r.ic frulll bd1ind }-,is own i.:t1;.d Lne.

Both Eikrem un<l llcrnt.•r :-k r e.l the e ds in nice style. no h ha\ J'knty of sprtid antl drive with Ei1

nm a bit more versatile. :'\ll'Fa-lan make~ a ni~t' bill·k. His work in h:c-'1 ~- ·hool was 3:' tml, but ~~turdav he howed that he l'an hit thl' lint.' ·wit.h

t\)e ht:st of rh~m.

Bubki ~t~n ... Renn Bequette \\'illant Pr~.::tt n nest St!min!!:"On Palo Rith:ird:: Eikrflm Chez

(',. a F! L F Tan L. T Cun L G. B:rnrn

( An1ler· R G ,Ii I R. T. ''!LI< R. f,, Ht·nnU Q. Ki!

L ll .\r n"'tl'I F. B. At:'.

1:hlh~at:-; han• alnady hu:lt up 111 th1: p.rnted to Powers ~'ho pr(\mptl. re J.dnL? game a wt..:nd~r!ul tC'ptttallun wnwd the b:1ll "hil'h rulled :l1 ~\lo11-~cr f1ghl a_nd tha: ::::p11 Jt'lllt'- to I:>! tann's one Y<Hd line. Gknr. then incultatt:~ Ill thl 1~1.uiall• 1H e:\'('l) rna11 ILlllted ·rom l1t·\1i 11,I t! e ~o1::1.l 10:3t' on the ~qua~l. \.\.1th thl-' team pl.1y- and 1dr.ho tnuk till linll Lack to :\loll· ~'.'Jr th(~ tr:'plll'd kmd d football t!h'l. t<tmt's ten yard linl' with a Hl'i1:s of '1)gl and Gardner ylasl•d la:<l Satu:·- line luprges. A.train the l:fob<:at-.. ~by tl~t· Bt l .• t·a~~ :'·ill .Le hard to Leal :::;111.wecl the fi!.!.h:insr :::.pirit for whl:-h .11~1{ ~ iikt;lau will kno:\· that. tL.y tl ey are noted and held Ida~ 11 un j \Ht.(' l11 a !!ilme. It was. 1.n thl Jllllch .... (;1·ady Tet'oYertd th· hall nn a Jumhl . tha~ the Illlbt·at.:5 held 111 the lduhn Gl) nn punted from b- hintl thl.' g\lHI

The work of \'c:.:;t at ,..uanl wa"' littll' :<:.hort of semrntwn: 1 con ith•r ••. that ht:: lf' a new Yarsity r cruit. Thi.., lanky youngster ·will l:ear watchin~.

'i:"''''''-'-'-'~'''''~"'''''''''"-'-'~ '-''-''~~~'''-'''-~ c:-a1rn: and that :;hows that ti. ·v ht1U j 11, t"' again t t thi ·t · I r rl~l\Y of FfGIIT! _anti fight· wi1:• ~\~- lh~ -Ya1:dari:.; ~~uld ~~~ ~~a1

~e :~1~: iooC 1all i:ames. A~ m the l<laho ~ame y::nfo._E!'e on linl' buck.:::., f' 11 wer:.; tr:~:i the pb.Y "<.ls l>~st 111 thl pinl.'h_Ls when a11nthl r drop kiek from the thirl\'· ~ood tight actwn wa~ essen·1al. thd1 lh'l: );Jld hnc but it fell .:-ho1t and ti1\; "'ho\' s that th1..• Uob1..:a~s are c.:a11abl• 1l 1rd. quattcr ~ ndccl '''Jth ),Jr,nt<rnu nf the right k111d of fig-ht. I h1·1dmg- the hall on her own forl~ -

.--------------- Th~ la~t quarter ht?~an with Glnm l LI ree ) ard l1nl'

"'71 n ... DI A Pl nting- to .lacoby \\ho \'<IS do\\11Ul ln .._ ~ V hi' tracks on Idaho's twent,·.~ev(•n

I,-; rd. lin. Montana pii.:ked un ·an I<la-


r ( fumble and Gartll"l'l' tarril·ll thl• I h< 11 to Idaho·~ fifieC'n yard litw whC'rt.• J Glynn trktl a lace kkk but failvd.

nl nfil•ld went bal'k in ag-ain and th-

Only two ~ub~.itutkns ''l.'n marl~ Bn'<:•U(lon g-uing in ft r Dnb. 11-.; ;t"'"d Bahrock [or Penfiel.I. \Ith 1ui.:.h 2~ men were taken all tWJ.: 1r v, ;~ l i hat it \\'OUIJ be a poi ' polic:v to take any of the starting- d.:•~n ·out alter they had become al.·eustomcd tn lhi.> tren1.:huou::; ~roun<l antl thl' feel or the slipp('ry pigskin.

Olson nnd Glynn wtre twn shinin . .!' lig-hl~ in the line-. Throug-hout thq· wt•re eon)'<tant threats and powerful fig·ures on <lcferse.

" ~ a DANCING ~

~ i Rose Garden Feature Night ~ Thursday, Oct. 7


l'Juml.Jing, Ueating, Electrical and Sheet ~letnl Work


lwll se~t-sa\\L'd batk nnd forth anri w:1s or the mitidlt' of th~ field when JjEzt='"±j l.II

1th~ g-ame rntlu.l. ~ _ r (;ridgraph SomrEN rRS


a § a Sta te Charleston Cham pion in full Charleston Exhibition

Phone 300 30 W. Main

FASHION Barber Shop

SI (t\\s (;am{'

A :<.mall but enthu:--ia~tic cniwd of B1°h·al ::;uppol'ler~ saw th~ g-anw phyecl on tht> g<ridg-r:q1h :ird l'heer I l~;:;tily when 'ht:.• ::-t.ellar playing ,,[' (,lynn Hnd l;anlntr k(·pt tht• \'andn1.; w 1nil·d thnllwhout tl·c c-anw. PO\r­l.'l~ :1n1I Duff playPd tl11:• hf'~t gam· r.1,. ldaho.

ttHh. Hnt Pins. Broal·hes. Rings and Souv1:'11ir Spoons in Silver and Gold Plall•d.

The college ~L:al in blue and gold elu\lnel.

<'ollq~c .Jto>wl'lry in Fobs, Cuf[ But-!


~ In Pirate Costume LESLIE E. fiAfiE ~ -Featurinl' :'\e"- :Xumber~-


1 E Jc" e ler nnd 01>tician ~ \ L 'O REGUL

II I.LEN_~HEATRE ~,,,; . :-; - .\H S.\'l'l'RD:\Y :'\ITE l),\"1"CE ~ , Bn1ken Len;es Replocl'd tho Same Day .,. "

I 20 S. Black \ n•. Phone 925·" · \d 10 Beauty S hoppe • m . c Dance

I J. B. NEIL, Proprietor I TUESDAY ' orT 5 I ~~~~~ ~ §~~~§ ~'''~'''-''-''-'''''''''''~'-'-'-'-~'-'~'''~~''''~ ..


I Baths Phone .JGl-J I ' lJ • i _______________ mi _________ mlllmi:=:!llll---llll~~~~J --------~ BL.\CK PIRATE

Doug Fairbanks


Engagement Ri11gs


rnua;n~COn. 7 I L.\ mEs o~ LEISURE \




Fall Frocks for the Smart Miss

Like a breath of the coming season are these Fall frocks so dcfti)' fashioned anti depicting every new stde trend for street or afternoon wea~" The young miss c>111 be, proud to appear at town or count ry iuncl1ons clad in one of these cle\•erly fashioned frncks. Smart one and two-piece models, with eYer)· type of plt«iling 111 lhe skirt. new jabots, \'estecs and smartly tailored effect~. Newest shad s and ncwesl fabrics.

$995 $15 $2750 ! Holloway's ! •: "\\hen Quality is Iligher Than Price" ~ :: ~

Jn ol<len times m.111 and rn wl c:..cch,tngc<l ring' ppon bctrnth· al. Tt.iJ;iy d1is ru,tom i"' h~111g rc"ivcd. The r11mkrn girl pre­sents her foincc \\ 1lh a rin,g JS a :;ymhol of lier acnpt.rnlc. A sronc !:ICC ring i~ 1n11 .. c •1rpr11pr1-ntc. The swnc b..:i11g cidll'r the man's hir1l1 .. 1tlnC' •>r on<· .k11rH· ing the month of the cnl! 1•'t>· mt::nt. A fine ;1 .. ,on11i...n1 • .i ~ . .. appr!J\'NI l\f'l' ld 1111,.;.~ 11.- •Ill .._,,. • .,1r inspt·• t1un .._. •



J EWELEll::i

~ ' 1 FLORSHEI:\f SIIOES EMERY SlllRT,' ~ L . ._._.._.. .. _. .. _.. .. .,. .... _.,,.. ...... -..-..•.•.·.•.-.-.-.w • ~ • ........,._,..__.. .......... _..,,.._..._.._.ti"..-__ _._,..,,..,,...,,.._