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Iran Iraq War Causes

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Iran Iraq WarCauses

Who started the Iran-Iraq war? What were the causes of the Iran-Iraq War? How long did it last? What were the Foreign influence in the war? How many died?

What do you know?

Iraq's foreign minister, Sa'adoun Hammadi, (1981) "The problem is neither new nor simple. It goes back over 460 years of history.”

traditional rivalry - both powers attempting to impose their hegemony on the Gulf region

Historical Rivalry

Hegemony is the political, economic, ideological or cultural power exerted by a dominant group over other groups, regardless of the explicit consent of the latter.


The Shah saw himself as the sole guardian of Gulf security. (1971)”I believe that the Persian Gulf must always be kept open - under Iranian protection - for the benefit of not only my country but the other Gulf countries and the world…after the British withdrawal from the Gulf, the safety and security of the area had to be guaranteed, who but Iran could fulfil this function?”

Repeated attempts to make regional military alliances with monarchy/US allied states in the Gulf

Iran Hegemony

Iranian forces took over control of the three islands at the mouth of the Gulf (Abu Mousa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs) in 1971

Iraq: Iran's massive military modernization program in the 1970s = expansionism at the expense of the Arab neighbors

Iran Hegemony

Claims to sovereignty over Bahrain were renewed

(Encouraged) entire population of the Gulf states in general, to stage "Iranian-style" Islamic revolutions

Iran Hegemony – Post Revolution

Iraq's Ba'athist ideology: Pan-Arabism resulted in Iraq’s desire for Arab leadership

Seeks to unify those Arabs within the boundaries of one Arab nation-state "from the Gulf to the Ocean

Present political boundaries as temporary and artificial and foreign inspired and imposed.

Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel in 1979 – leadership vacuum in Arab world. ◦ Iraq saw an opportunity to become “undisputed

leader of the Arab world”

Iraq - Hegemony

Khuzestan – large Arab population enclave in Iran. ◦ Iraq supports secessionist movements◦ “Arabistan which is part of Iraq's soil and was

annexed to Iran during foreign rule”◦ Renaming Iran cities with Arabic names and

inclusion of province in Iraqi maps (Nasiriyyah)◦ Iraqi agents and radio activitly calling for revolt◦ Most oil rich province in Iran

Ethic issues –Khuzestan

70,000 Iraqis of (questionable) Iranian origin were forceable expelled in 1971

Ethic issues –Khuzestan

Pre-World War 1 – Desire for independent state

After World War 1, Kurds found themselves divided between five countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and the Soviet Union)

Kurdish nationalist goal = sovereignty and political integrity of the regional states would be undermined

Iraq is the most vulnerable and volatile since the Kurds constitute a full 20% of the population, a much higher percentage than in any of the other states

Ethnic issues - Kurds

Result - guerilla warfare and rebellion have broken out since the 1920s in Iraq

Iraqi Kurdistan - main source of oil revenue◦ “ to give up the region was considered

tantamount to committing economic suicide” The Shah's Iran actively supported the

Kurdish rebellion ◦ financially, ◦ politically – appealed to international community, ◦ Militarily – base of operation, military training, and

supplied with arms, ammunitions and logistics.

Ethnic issues - Kurds

1980 - Iran was supporting Shi'i elements in Iraq and encouraging them to stage a take-over of politics; and Iraq was supporting ethnic unrest in Khozestan and Baluchistan, in addition to Kurdistan

Ethnic issues –Renewal of patterns 1980

Discuss how a causation link could be made between the ethnic issues and the start of war between Iraq and Iran


Since 17th seventeenth century - subject of political confrontation and negotiations

“characteristic of the Iran-Iraq relationship is a tendency to unilaterally abrogate treaties which no longer seem to serve the interests of the stronger party.”

“Iran's politics since the 1600s have been marked by an obsession with seeking at least partial, if not full, control over the Gulf”

Iran repeatedly traded northern territory for more concessions along the Shatt

Border Disputes

Dispute over the Shat-Al-Arab

• Iraq's longest border is with Iran.

• Narrow waterway formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

• 120 miles long

◦ Only outlet for Iraq/ important Iranian port of Khorramshahr

◦ Part of the Khuzistan province which is the major oil producing area for Iran (Arabic speaking)

Dispute over the Shat-Al-Arab

1847: Treaty of Erzerum: gave sovereignty of the water way to the Ottomans.

1932: Britain gives all of the water to the new state Iraq. Disputed by Iran

1937 Agreement: Unimpeded Iranian access to the water way

1969: Iran unilaterally annuls the 1937 agreement. ◦ Begins support of Kurdish separatist movements

1975 Algiers Agreement

History of the Dispute

Mid-point of the waterway will serve as the dividing line between the two states

Iran and US will stop supporting the Kurdish uprising Iran was to compensate territorially with 400 square

kilometers in the central Ahwaz zone Commissions were established to redraw the boundary

lines◦ The work not complete when the Iranian Revolution

started Iranian leaders expressed their intentions to export

their revolution to neighboring countries Renewed fighting in Kurdish areas and revolution

support in AlDa'wa Party – Hussein viewed as violation of treaty

Agreement publically torn up by Hussein 5 days before invasion

1975 Algiers Agreement

Dispute lead to series of minor military exchanges along border that were increasing in intensity.

Dispute over the Shat-Al-Arab

How could a territorial dispute cause a conflict when there was a diplomatic agreement four years earlier?

Discussion Linking historical events to


Historical disputes over the legitimacy and authenticity of theology in following the "true" religion

1420s traditional rivalry intensified and formalized politically ◦ Safawi (Safavide) dynasty established in Persia

rebelling against O.E ◦ Established Shi'ism as the state religion

“The Iranian Revolution revived an inter-Islamic rivalry that had been dormant for centuries between Sunni and Shi'i elements”

Religious tensions: Sunni-Shi’i

Concept of vilayat-e faqih – Khomeini as Imam

Iraq, Bahrain and Gulf states threat from Iranian- inspired secessionist movements among their Shi'i populations or political Islamic communities

Exportation of the revolution◦ Monarchy system “un-Islamic”

“Western”◦ Nationalism (including Arab

nationalism) is part of an imperialist conspiracy which aims at destroying the Islamic Umma (nation)

Iranian Revolution

The Ba'ath Party: secularist but not atheistic,

Arabs not all Muslims – Arab nation is a mix of different religious orientations.

Religion in its proper perspective, side-by- side with other considerations

Hussein: “Khomeini is a mad mullah seeking personal power and to return Iran to the 'dark ages'."

Religious tensions:

Iranian population 80% Shi'i and Iraqi Shi'is more than 50%

Iraqi Baath Party policy of “marginalizing and delegitimizing the Shia majority”

Ayatollah Khomeini had developed a network in Iraq during his time in exile in Iraq

Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Baqr al Sadr inspirational leader - was known to be a personal friend and a protege of Ayatollah Khomeini. J

July 1979 riots broke out in An Najaf and in Karbala Ad Dawah al Islamiyah (the Islamic Call) Assassination attempts (Iraqi foreign minister Tariq

Aziz – only non-Muslim Minister) followed by number of attempted assassinations of government officials

Executions of Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Baqr al Sadr

Iranian Revolution - Iraq

◦ Fear over the spread of Khomeini revolutions◦ Riots in Bahrain, ◦ Bombings in Kuwait ◦ Violent seize of Grand Mosque in Mecca:

November 20 - December 4, 1979

Iranian Revolution – Gulf States

Khomeini : “We are fighting to protect Islam and he [Saddam Hussein] is fighting to destroy Islam. At the moment, Islam is completely confronted by blasphemy, and you should protect and support Islam”


Iran’s military destabilized by revolution◦ Nearly all officers with ranks above colonel

were eliminated◦ Desertion rateshigh among the regular

military personnel◦ Replaced with Revolutionary Guard◦ Iraq large military of 190,000 men, with 2,200

tanks and 450 aircrafts – Soviet supplied


Iranian economy was in a shambles ◦ Shortages and oil production virtually halted◦ inflation and unemployment ran high

International diplomatic cover: ◦ Radical student elements were holding Americans

hostage in their own embassy◦ International unease over “radical state” ◦ US elections, Afghanistan, Poland issues

Unclear leadership◦ Assembly of Experts (split between

moderates/Parliamentarians (Freedom Movement) and the Council of the Islamic Republic, 12 member Council of Guardians and the “Hidden Iman”

◦ Kurds and leftists openly rebelling


Anticipated support of ethnic minorities war with limited military objectives – goal of

destablizing and toppling Iranian government while still keeping ease of supply lines


“Iraq's leaders chose an excellent moment to attack Iran. “

Historical conclusion

Both leaders recently in power Khomeini Feb 1979 Hussein purging of the Baath Party July


Consolidation of Power

Iran challenges from moderates and the radical

Islamic socialist In process of writing and modifying the

constitution Bani-Sader elected as first President (committed

to concept of a secular government Tensions with the United States over Embassy

hostage crisis and attempted rescue

Consolidation of Power

US Anti US rhetoric and hostage crisis in Iran Loss of major ally in Iran – double ally policy in the

Middle East

Impact of foreign governments