iwmson country club grounds to be scene...

12 RADIANT IS FIRST AGAIN AT MINEOLA Dpftntu Mnxlmnm in rontosl nf I he I'.iir Ciil.itiist lifts ;i RIDDOIIi CHILnnKN if i in: FOB rrrs MlNBDI . Sept W The horwRMHi nt Um f.iir of in AirrleoimnU Bortttji r: QuttntNssau Pountkri had ,t busy day Jddi-iti- bruin :ii i n'cUieli this morning ami iiid not finish until lata in the after-- f n, The morning Mitkm was dgwrtgs, le reeding classes MMl in th ft" " bunt r nd itaddl homi oeeupltd lb nid. Chgmplonshlpi in ths two divi- - flOM wort. n .yarded. Marry T, Ptrt of lalln fudged the a kilt horoM and ponies, anil nil daol-ato- m were sppri rod by ill. Raoiast and Maximum rompotod in lb cla for norm over IS.I handa, and Radiant wai sgnln sictcd for th bloa. w A. McOlbbon rod Manlmunti bui ovon that flnlhd hon ma uld not makd Matt mum ihow Hi tl of Radiant. in th rlaaa fr horses unswr 11 handa th Putrallun farm sent Mia. ii baautlful ' i) maro. Into Hi ring nfl h defeat, d such good onaa .i Iha Reotiatngu Farm's N dalla. who was i Ul.len b) Mlw Hubt; Mrs (leofgt A Kiiiss i '. i Iddcn hy Boll R icbi nml W 'i lb) UocW . wahoo, rlddan by Mi-"- ; . ti Um t . and Bllmmaf. ridden by Mlaa H irlwra uoc Tbroa in ,,r horara. ona rid- - bv a man aim "ii ' traoted mucn attention. The priae want la Iha m. itou imir. WHdfl wer and Kldatla, nnd Intel WlMflower. ridden by m mm unhh. a. ii tin' champtonehlp ror the fltvleloti ni Him i'"' " " liamli- - Bella araa puieed atci i. in ine champion In rompetltli n for nadiii.' Uirse" r I, nia R "'i mt wai again i tha reeerve rlbb n an nt ti.e Wli i" r. in In al inlmum. fhe Powi Iton r irm won the blue iJi Iha clnai for ponlea under anddle With j. b tutlful mare named leorglanna. ' e- - ithvrlne n.'.niu.i (...u accon priBf with Rottl an attractive bay Whli ii ie rodi daaa " tj tie Tlv i. was ' tie riddi by children undei i eat ; in age rinit. The tiny Into 'lie nml thn e ill rtdera arei too young to control th1' iHiiK.'s and . each had uroom. iionu s Phlppa ent In tivu linn:', ii1'" lleauty, Rvoy ld tn ire. ridden by Mieh.i. r dppa, B vmik old, and Athena, a blai k ni if . rlddi ;, bs Barbara t'nipi 4 .,rH nld, Theoa were pia.-e- Brat ent to .rid third, wn le " . . hrnwn mat'- uwiie.t by tin Hayvlew Biding a. .demy, ridden by Pearly Warren, Ittj year old. Bacn chl'd inde out nf the rins carrylna the rim won. 01 three took port In the Jumping I foot hlh. ronteal over four fence A c Pox'a HVrculea wa the winner, Confidence and BKyaernner. owned by . ...... ik,.,ma arere idarrd aecona ','i.ir.i r.t tlvelr. A big Bold t k ...... i iha miniature BtOtlleCha over , 1,.. ri'i n i.. an r air".-- . Hal LodeWa Rkeitabt. winner of 'hamntonahlp In the ti ; -- pnae, t'ae London ahow t .king Elmhurat wna aecond and Bkyacrgpor third. Mr- - Tho a. Hit. hcock ohowi d some piH.d youaK' in tl- i- "lass for linrs' s mttabla to hi com huntei ". .,i ni won rue- nnd Hid nr:7. with lit entwood w llets took ,' d Htm' s Head. Htatwi iiird J'ri.e with Peg o' My Heart, whli t,.hn T Pratt was (OUrth M.llt Hall.. Matroughl i Sixteen competed for the champion-hi- p and H airy U Bell after weeding ut all hut four took the latter over tl e Jumps himself l'onionrniii"u rt njiimuil m this comiii'titiou and after a cr.'fui consideration the cham- pionship went to Mrs Hitchcock' Cal vinltt. Miss V.ra Cornell Rocker gained tic reserve rionon xir Bell nearll bad a tumble when i.' field ol I.. . n i mng badlv cat up so that the tnUeoff was in i.ad ponillilon. .lust as he Was HIHIUI to Jump Rocker ."lipped but qulvkl) Munwivil and Jump am beautifully , leaf d the hurdle A special sweepstake of 110 each wag arranged for lumper, to which the a nan. ii oi, added 1100 There were fifteen entries, ami Acrobat, owned by Henry won. with Mrs. Hitch-coo- BrenlWixd second. T, I. Chad-bourn- e' Conftdence waa third and Mrs Arthur Bcoti Burdcn'a Cleveland fourth The Bummarle r.s. X Trotters, breeillna el.." first, w 0rtrell'a Almlette, hr : yi gfcond, I' lb" ' r's An ' "i - tlnri. J. J Looms llellfalr. br. a : - i'ihss T Hreeatn eioos, -- - I' s. f,.Hs ,,r ISl t S irsi. mtmitwi " o ll s l .. ,)' Mi Heart, nr. tn K.lain II Mlssl. blk. in i 'ias g- - ling els- -, an- ral par-Itl- l fau's of -- Firs'.. I' Horn-t- r's aecono. Iimni oj it- A ro a ti ' a m .. .1 aims, tl Hiiro. .. ,l oiey's Bellfalr, hr. g. fourth, Thomai H, van's unnamed nn by Ballyhoo jonr'ding ..- -. pur-- 1 - t. .1. ,,. fn Fir-- t, Bamuel "' . tss Orayfard br second, Mrs Thomas II Iscatells, -- Ii a.; thir l. Thomas Heaan's unnamed coll ay band O Burns. 11 Brsedln class, gsnaral pur- - , , 1, rood mars '.nil a' toot Fir-'- , V I' iir ice's rlOSfl "t the RaBOhO, n. m . gecond, w u ttraci'i Alllher. ra, m.i ' In ,a 1: I'.raies litis 1. it. 'Utah. Mi Thomas Hastings Winksl m ll Breeding elsss, general pur- - posss, sacking foal Fust. W R. i iracs's roa -- '"I. second, Mrs Thomas MmsIIii ,'s brown i "it. third, w. R (trace g ,iietnnt Bllyi Wurtn, auwin n. raynei Us) nil lass I - Bssl of frm harses shown 1, an, hi First. .1. H Veln.r-- . ggl' ilk tn . and Molly, blk ni .nd. a g, wor's Tea, gr k . ana meg, gr x Itoa.is;. oaoerg owneu ny a TT7 the Nassau Driving ClUb First. r Conroy'i Oakland Roy, eh. ii rears; seeoti l. Wlllluin J .Minor's lllrnm Al.in. n. 11 y.aits .'s goddla horss ovsr 11.1 hands . .ripBl. u II Itle "les s Kadi Radiant I'll. . ll v. nr.: e. .md. Hairy Bl Uaxl- - mum. i h g I rr. ,".,.s .ll- - Rgddls harses over 14.1 nnd not eaceedlng II hands Pewslto Farm's liellay, t. m . years; aeoond, irJ.il"L'l,i la rills ,. in nt.s,e.,is uiird Mi- - Osorg T Hills" Dolphin, h ag...i. fourth, w. 'i Uoew's wh . b. r... a1 d. Plasi :;.' Palrg of saddle horse. -- 1'lritt, itequiitogus I nail's wilunowsr, en. in , i venn and VI lalla, eh. m 4 years, secnml irs ii ,. If r. v Fresco! i.ler Twist, b. g. mid Tbe Nat. ch g third. Hair, n.ilf-- 't anker, b. .. J years, and Broker, 1). g. Clinsi r. pRiiiiifj horeei chemplenelilpi hartei o r ... hnndeFlrat, W II Rnodere Rmll mi. ti t: rentrve, Ilwrrv I! ilfa V nimiiiii. rl. i y ClaM 13 f ,'!,, hnreei rhittiploathlp ,.' homeii uivlr IB ha nd Flri( Hvaua neiiii K irm WHulla ch m I ree tt rt i ruvvi-ltd- I irm h it. i,. ree)M ,i-- - ii- - l'cnti-- undrf Mndie 14 h iii'ts pirat, (iwfltnn "aria neoraliana. i k ni . f irs lecnndi Minx Citthfrlne I Hullowaye Ruilir h v. i reiire; ihirii. Mm Q, iltanebrlda'! Baef llamU, i m.. i' fourthi MiH" Parbare lnew i.rii Hi ibttry. ' Hiff't Ditm Suiiiiif i.rip ridden by ehll inn un ii r .ir- - t'ir-sr- Jahn Phlppe'e Rlaekj Reeutyi blk, m., B yearp; etfoadi Ray view RlOlntf aeademy'i Spin u way. ir. m. rean; iiiirii, John f. Phlppa'e A t hi n i nik. m 1 eri Ci if ii !( 14 11 aoalee I ,f baadi Pint, w i.ii Uowalt'i Major, h k nrs- liecoadi Mlee era Coraelfe rr ft ir- - Third. Mrn Oniifre) i i Vane tut hi ebi k Irourlai William I'.-.- Soil'- - p.1: ir.nr, i h. k 7 y:ir. Hunteri iad lumper aver tir r ntm -( hiith Kii-- -. a ' fot'e Her k pt. m vrri ieeandi T I. Oi cMnfldeare, a. eyedi Thift. i i.. Chad bear ne i Hkyi raaer br. i 47 Hunts r ..n.i iumaera ever th "mfira pfiurw t'u-- i n.iri Lade we iiHyitrrkt, n nne-- aei'oad, Mm. rv. v gawlMha'i Rlmhuret. b e i rs. TUrd, T. L Cii4Jtourn dkt.rptr, br Y "f. lap..- - New Hunt iitnl to Add to Club BEST RT ABLER The Rumton Hunt ami Slcepleehnae Aaaoclatlon, undar aanctlon from the hunta committer .f the National Nteeplechaaa ami Hunt Aaaoclatlon. will make It bOW next Saturday a the pro- moter of a racing meet. For month! naepnratloni have been going forward quietly at ni Rumaon Country Club and tile agperti who have aupervleed ;he layiriK out of ihe tr iek deelare !t to be now tn jerfei't condition. Rntrle Ctoaad last Monday and th- - llata promlae inre aport In both the Hat and iteeplochae event. Tho boat Htal'tes ill t l.o Kust are r.preoontad and the entry of horOOa that have baen eotn- - iwtlng recently in the big maeta at Bel moni Park, th Aqueduct track and ut Harntogn Indicate that the award will he hotly contested Th. ill, Bf thr purseM aggregate 11.000. k.. i yeari roi Mr- - Hltchcock'i ta en a 4 1 ra Clan ."- - norpei become tuinl. r ytrat. Mr. Hi ebco lire lit wood. h. k . 4 yeara, ml. Hit. !i cm k in ... II. .. I, Third. P.iaiuel u llleta'f Pi a . Ml He. y. ar K airih. John T I'r::' g , 4 . earn. Plapi .'. Hunters , Intnl. Ion pl Sli. Hit. he... k' Calvlalit, nr. g Rrtrrve, Mtaa Vera Cornall'i it " g rear. Claee ta - H imt.-r- wcepatakeii II. nr Deegan'a Acrobat, eh a gaennd. Mr Hltchcock'i Hr-n'- ,'t a. 4 vaara. Third, T U chadbournt Cnll. .g. Four: ti Mrs, Vrh- - tt Hurdeii' . Clsv land. h TENNIS TOURNEY BEGINS. line gel in Pleat Rowad rin.eii on Bloomgeld ourle. BbOOMPIgLD. N. J . gpt tl. A men's handicap tournament Ii single heean on the BtoomlUlId Ter-nl- Club curts this afternoon, with the preliminary round and on set In the first round. The sum-- tries Prellmlnari Round aril neat nl.nnt. ii 4. f I. M.'itfl-:- at t Van Vll.'t. t . - ii J Sellirt Lent Bngle, I, 1. Hirst Round- - Benton beat atone, it 1 .'. TORONTO RACING RESULTS. First Ho'.' Selling, three-year-ol- nnd up. six fur. eng.- - K' ipje. as gterreti . ItlU. Ill 14) nnd II a, won; gemsiila. ill Hi ei. ii 7" and 1 TO, s,'. .Old .1 I'll 1.. 111 ifMiuttlni ill .1". third Tlmi ill 1! ...1 Tan. Miii.tr-- I. K rine " it Jennlnts, rrnluart, ilamlta Kajrde-- r . ..s ilecllntoelg Brandywlns aad Kn rlitp Hlffer al-- .. i..n e ...ni it.o'e a;, aie.'s. handi, ap: ix furlongs- - Water liaity, ill (Callahan). rt ,s in. 5 e, won; Keweasa, lif Klolilattln). Ms and It.!, gerondi a. n Akin, 10: (Ward), ll.fi, third, Time 1 in Between l' an Southern Mill I also Tin' It a gs i.rey ktakeg; Is, r.ns mile rnndie. inn I Warrington), l,; ''. i: ..n.l II 0 ..ni. Prohibition. Ill (Oold' st. .int. 71 nnd IZ.SS, gscnnai waaua "i pteagure. ! (gmyih). Ill, third Tims, 14' Polite, Resswatsr aa Kuriv , '1. ran. FallT ll He- - Rendrla glaeplschasej handlritp; fouryeroida and upward! nnd a half mllea 'Baton, ixs W interne). I N, I" '" and out. sroni Hon- - down, 141 'Wo t. 1. xn ant out, n.'.said,! sgtuceo, I4ii (O'4'onnorl. out, third. Time r.'So. .ine ii.tiety and New Haven also ran. rxftuplsd. Plftb Race Ontario Jocks) Club Bandl-ca- u.a.ia added, three vear-old- g and an- - ward, about two mii-- s and a Quarter Rgncher, us limyth). straight Ig.TO, nioeo l:t .0. slinn IS.&O. , nn l.iitlil W liu a.' (Collin), (.la. e If.sO, show pin, ,.. end; Fountain Far 11 iCallahan), ghua I': , third. Tune, fill Mar- tian Tactlci and Iplglg li .ss gigo rati. 'Coupled Htath Itnce Dominion Handicap thre,. Voajr ol.N and upviurt, foaled In Canada. II. IHI added; tine ndte and a slxteetah Lady Curson, lex (Rice), straight lll.lt, place l 10, .how IS.it, won. Fair Hon- - lague, tl.' IWetta), plaea 14.10. show IS ,',n, second; Siiun-- r ito Caftahan '. -- now ll.ts third Time. 1:411-1- . 'Sua Lord, soerlah gun. Hampton Dame, I'rlncs Phlllsthorps and iRustllng also run Millsr sntry tgeagrain entry. ReVenth Race Aer F ate; three year ol.Js alld UPWerdi selling. 6tf sddeil; one mile nnd gevsnty inr.l.- - S'lr t'p, in., (amitni. straigni sis.gs, ptacs slts, mow I'. Tn. wan. Beau rere, i o. iBruger) placg n to. show i ni. gecondi Changs Itl iKIseji show I" 10. third Time. Tim Rdge, Progressive, Corsleans Alston, King It". Vnl- -t and Aprlsa a'so ran. The to the board can be achieved under no more than through the medium of Club Cocktails. It is the right start that a successful end. thechoicegt liquoig, mix ' I, nn to meaa-ur- e, age them to amooth-nes- a in the wood. All varictlet at your dtattt'i. G. F. III.UIll ) IN 4k BHD H..U..J Nt Y..k 4 tmporirtt nf Ihe famou gee I A' I .Sour. sr The RuillaOII Hunt and Steeplechase I Aaaoclatlon was Incornorai d gboui a ' month, tiao a'ter eoiisldornblo dlacuaalon hy member! f the Rumaon Country Club, who weie anxious to nil the gap between the clooa of the polo eeaeon .mi tn beginning of the racing, Imlh of Which pastimes have held the Inter! of the club for many yeara Tin- officer of the MaoclUtlon are: t'ol. Lewis s. Thompaon, president Boward s Borden, via prMident, nnd tl, Jason Wntera, aoorotary anil iroaaur r. The honorary vlccprooldent ate Col, Wilt lam Barbour, Thomas N MeCnrter, 11 layn Whitney, I'ayna Whitney, Robert J. Collier, Otorgo Qould, Burton II Borden, Kdward ! Adatns and .1 Amnry Ifaakell. The Rumaon Countrj Club property i" on iiie South gtirowobury Rlr al Rum son. N. .1. and the excellent condition of the po, tteid m ule it readily adapt aide for racing PUrpoara There a track has been i!d our un ter the direction f William C. Hays of WeatbUry, 1. I The four Bat race will he run on the half mile ,I rack Iiid oat around the practice polo Bold, The iwo st ep'e- - ehase eve- is will he run on i Courae me and. a hair miles around. The raaers w.ll he In full vlW of th. annul stand and t lie parking S ' at all times A new grand stand has beet ercqed and all of the bog have been sold The -- on parking apace are ao.n-- r fat, Mnsie will In- furnlah d hy the Regiment Hand nnd the club member are planning to celebrate the inauguration of the racing in a Biting manner Many hive r WIriipi' Un vc Emj Tlinpg So Plogo Kltifkhon Sopn. KliASH PATCH KS UlKBOl . Sent 88- .- Th 'let's 111 the trot held In connection With the fair of he Ab cultural S ciety of! Queens-Naeta- u Countle t"-- ' ' all had comnaratlvety easy tims. Tn ech ex-e- the Winner Was decided In Straight heats and the finishes were not particularly close The programme started with a trot for the 2 :K, etas and BlagtO, I owtied by T. A. Ifoahor r Tr . was Ihe winner In tie 11 lieit Abbl Oration j for H Igio to do hotter than be had i done in the two previous beats and tie won in tillH by a good length. There wa re seven starters In the 2 21 ttot. and Peter 0) ode drove BgltO, win-- ; ning in three hetta The time for these was very uniform, being 2 '.' I , , t :is Hpter sr.k, owned b) 1: k. Phetpi f Wb'At Plain, i.a. see md In the first two heals, lull was i.e. it, '11 lo S: jr Mgtll In the ml Spa r gllk got i acond monet and star Light third. The free for all pa-- e drew five to the pn.. and Flash i'ai, hen. owned by C B I '.man of Treat-t- won. His tliel heat was In - I'll,, but after that he was not pushed Tile ppoclal -- up for members of the NaU Driving Club was won by .1 l.ty of win. drcive b's chestnut tnare .lull; Sanderson, and won In two heats. The tummnri! .'lass, trot purse S Blaglo, ' h lo Bellini illosher), 1 1 1 AiO'ie Urattoa, i ni Mat ray . t.,t tin llmg.-n- , k. s iMpriav. Jr Nell M.Tili k l user ( .. Tit... .'dli.. 1114. : l : fill i lass; trot. purs.- I'. Exito. bik. g. by Nolan i (tin .! 1 1 t Spiel Ml., I, Ik g Ph P" ' 2 : Htar l.lght. t. in. i pevy i plreei Aciullln, a, b, tCarntll) I s Hi, elt.nl i, lir. s. a 7 Llssls Uurvgll, li. in. (Shorn i t is--, un. psRisr. b. in (Chambers) s .lean iiuk.and. It. m. I'll a, an .... Time Mitt, lilll, I lilt. Free f'.r all pace, purtt l&ttl K n- Ii Pstehen blk li . lo' Jon Pat, lien Pitman Wanless. ti. ni. (Cr0Stnnl RHa Ambulator, b m tJroolii ... - a. in v . oh. ni Davla) :l Huiler Beawn, b g (leae) 4 Time 2:101,. lltlU, SllJVg. spe. tai sup far members ef the Nassau Driving iiuii; trot-- Julia gantfsraon, h ni. by Nobl Boy i Dot . i l l Th.. Patent, btk g iPosti Marengata, ch. h. (Cornwall) 1 it Bright Metal, b m, (Chamber! i i l.ee Oleoit, Ii iHtulthi 4 5 Time ;.,. 2 ;4Uj. EDISON FIRST. Kl.' l.i,- Hull. Itnce Is n Tea Inre of HrooL I 11 ( onteafa. The commercial d partimtn1 "f the Brooklyn Rdlon Company won the an- - ' BUgl point trophy hy finishing a. close Seeontl to Hie operating depart incut at the second Held day yesterday on the Brooklyn P, s . 1. field At the nrl nld dy the oommrelal rtprtmnt athlete let by a large number of points and their lend carried them through yesterday's contests. il. II paisley of the operating dcp.art-me- led liome the Held In the quarter mile rnce ami also captured points In tiie sprints. A featur wns Mie "electric bulb" race in which the contestant fitted tleetrlo bulb in sookets. 0. i, Knott won the contest. II ill In rford Ulna Till, Iti TM I'liKoim, N. J,, Sept. IB, In a Passaic Valley nnt league mateh here Rutherford won nil Hv oontts yyllh Arlington and captUI'itd the cham- pionship The summaries ; singi.s Brlnkortiog, Ruiberfrd( gt trai... i Thomas Arlington, I-- 2. ii i. Campbell, Butherforit, a Buekley, ai nil on. t I, l ii. i i. it ii. Bulb' trfotd dsfsaisd Cummlnga Arliiiitnii. t- - I. 4 i Haul. Bros a. Itoiberfnrd. drfsaied Walker and Thome., Ariingi,.u, - I. s I. Hind and Wslcb, Ruthorford, defeated Until It protber., Arllnston. 4 THE SUN. SEPTEMBER 26, 1915. IWMSON COUNTRY CLUB GROUNDS TO BE SCENE OF RACING MEET FOR FIRST TIME NEXT SATURDA StwplPchMl" Afmofintlon Onrnnlzed Activity. ENTERED Clut Oockjltvils introduction hospitable auspicious circumstances portends Expartableml MINEOLA RACES ALL STRAIGHT HEATS Partlrnlnrlj KPKEDY COMMERCIALS SUNDAY, ' ' news - tablel for ilinnrr part win .if dancing at tho iui that n'.Kht. The Ti ll if ;im firllim-f- Htm K Th Mnnimiuth TUtr. for II .tK' ". About ai 'B- (in tho ttnf. Putm laiSOi oi which J to iho MKond harnvi fn i" the tuirti Twoyoi t t rorri pountJi, four yrur oldi ftnil to ' in rj itlfi iiouniU. innti n of tv H r,i in ffll ii i .riv p ii ! iri. Nt iniirr In 191ft BllOWtd I bound Uniiitnti f rtvojr,wii'oldi ttft'i upwAfifl, ititoo i poimdOi Het'ontl iit The Hokbrlihl Btetnlt- llomtltfOi f'"" lhrtjroor-oW- i nn i HpH .1 i. mi t w ml! u r .1 hruh iOUl I' 1 .t . hi- ii ';n In ih ( tii.'l Imrne, f to he third Wolthtn ti KtinounrcNi live "!' hfful th tin) r l nt niTiTiini: t he roro t.ir I It i . f h Mhro uttiiry Plot. hin !i t.Bht nandi tfi, r.it tMrif vfnr 1. tin ;i .1 A nt 'n'l" iifl ih jrf rum" tm'it. nt 0 hlch is t.. th- - 0OI ml homo, 1 J lo tho thir l Wolihti t" ..un", mi ik v dnjri hr.'tr' the ...iv (! f in 11. tut Ci .i..i,ii tarry 'ttftttl .iImi I th Vtt irth It i Ph linmffion Can fnr h : HlUt in mif h.tlf rt u brush rourov. I r h nite-r- il.ilv tfrt. bf t ho huh onttnl t'-- ' i'i- Sa if ii.i Hi h.i itnl Hi' A MO r 11 1'lin id, l.i Hon Pit $"1 . i hi- h I i h norond 1.. tho Mur.i U . mht. 1?" pound! nii innon ISM 1 I.'. t lnw twi ind, f IBM it. Ill Ott t T n.uing Won w Mi m t I l't if un. 1. iiiii n rtUooroii pountii Tho own nt t!i !'iirr ! rei run oloro "f t'.i' .f Hi.- v iiu ' of l0ft nnd he lot 'f th In her In r(0l0O el Ojl (ilrtte Fifth Rro TV- Hhir PUlo, fir thre. jroor-n- i to .'iiii uno ri Annul p mtlo .in hotf n hi t irf PurtM SO i f A'hlrh M f th Mcond h"i-- i. t.:. la tho tbit'i Weight, i."- winnon "f tvn ri'p In ltl-- .rrv poun ' lr.i; if f.inr rnrot In IBIS trrv 2 pound PHILLIPS TAKES FINAL II,-- , its I'. tetter In tri.li;ht nets for N .1 II II I nudn le I DP. Mot' .vt VMON, N V. Se.t. U H "Jam!ti M I'I: II lis won 'he gunning dale Count I! Mai open teams tgurna ment at the club ourts here y hy defeating ll rheri W Kors-- . r. I hi wi cheater eihonlbo: 'ti tho final round, three .trnlghi ts at it - '. Tin- youngater. wl o surprised followers nf the (fame rrday h . at Hr W II lam Roa I, um n the semlflnal round, played except a.rially well today and t was only Hie sni Phi perior Reneealahlp of lips that turn, d the lid . f victory In his favor, Tin- dpubli s wen- - to Fran, is T. Hunter ami Ralph 1. Bugga Tney start, d by Ii-- ting Fr I Bagg and s Howard Voahell, he strong Borough, i'ark pair. In the sem. final at ' I, It- - 4 and the final .anted straight s.t victory over ps ami Rosenbaum at 10-- Roaenbaum and Phil lips had reached the final hy dlipoalng f 11 a ih r .1 a Bernhe tn at 13, LOUISVILLE RACING RESULTS. First iiu.- - gelling, maiden too venr- alds, Alllsa. fl.'- and a half furlong-- - Bernini. Iti (Kedeiis), I- - It, 14 sn and i J". w ot. Doling mi ii... I'sllllsi, it a atid 11 '.ll. Second; Joxle Hr'ir, ,. l.i thn. i iitne. r ix ; j, Olive Mi ;.- -. I... ic. Rayonar, Ptoaels Walksr, ln nioatloii. .S'araid-e- , Jennie Stua :, Anna Iui and Argument glen ran. gecond R.'' gelling, three-.ea- aids ant upward s.x furlong! Marlon Uoosby, loi ljudy), I'l Ill.St an l. T, w,m. Olhetlo, 111 iMeteajlf). 14-- '" at' II. It, I second; Rewthnrn, ii? l(rnr), ll.tt, third. Tim- -, 1:11. Undaunted, Th- - N..r man. Billy .to- -. Haeva, win:- - Crown, Knrfbsgi aid Miss Fielder also ra ' Tiotd Race -- Hon, Heap. Ihres-yssr-ol- sa l ups ird, one tnll- - and a furlong - J ii ink O'Dsy, hi I (lamer i, Is r.o. ll.tt and i :t in won, Idndenthal. M iKederlei. I Ift.ss md l4o. aecond; golar gtar, i"x, Is- igh I xn. third Time. I :',i I. Ringllng, John Ound nnd Beseb Comber j also ran. si ,k. two-ye- It ret. added nve an,i n hatf furlongs- - Rocnsster. t'--' iPooli, ' straight fl. place lt.lt, show 14 :,o. won Porklehno, lei (Connolly), plana ll.lt. .lew is ta, second; Impreaalve, nr. ilai- - O iillei. show .. X0, third Tim. l:ttl-l- . ' I'hicka, "Ig Fellow. Little Slst.r and ii ,n iki r ggn ran Fifth Race Three.yesr.alda and up-- j wat, I sellltig; ,urse Itttj one mile nnd a ilstesnth IfeAdoo lit iQarner). itralghi II Tn. plaes It.st shew Hin. ,.,.,. lassls mils. if'i iHtearns), ptea IT in. ghow I', 7" seeoadi Bonanaa. ot (Goes), she A' ft v" ll.iid Time, I :i:. i Hard Mall, I. If:.- S'rtig. BtUfcUl R Mi! , bsr and gprudtl slsn ran. Rltn (tee. .Handicap: aM ' IHlrse 1700; six furi ngs Bjrlnghursl les . siraigl:: i.n. place 11 show t:i (ti. ,.nn: Convsrss, '.'7 Robinson t I S lt,2t, she iT.r.a. ..,, nd: The ragsr, itl I Murphy I. she ll.tt, thirl 'i Ime, ill i Manager Whits, Iron Mask. Flack I'liney um i',.nnii,i: Tower tiso ran S. . nt li Ksce S." In w (01 four-year- - iilds and Up; one mil' and litre . "I X t en ll s - fltllile Post, n, .....). 1 I II I'l .1 II.I l.i "i. a, oi. Moeksry, 111 iK igh I. IT '.ni and IS, seeon.l War1.!', tt'oiali 112 Hlar- - tier.. x, ihlr.l. Time. 2:ln j.:, Helen M Any Port, Juali.'i Qoabl. 0U-gole- r and Goldy also r hi HAVRE DE GRACE RESULTS. Fn st Race ffendlt .p: Ihrei yi tr 0 Is and upa ar.l Sva and a half furlon Hanson, i2 I Cooper), veg I to 4 and out. won .ir Blair. " Lilly l 12 to I. 4 to I and 2 to I. second; Rlrusi 112 IT M r..gg nt' I. I and to a. third Tune, in - lit. is Cunarder. Tin Masuuersd rhtde nnd Sir .l.iliu John- - ran also ran. e'eeori Bes Strep', chase, thn ear ,,i,is ,111,1 upward (IV. rilt'SM S ,,M, I 4 iTighs), T 1,1 .. 1.1 Hill I If. n oil I.n Viile un .skins. , '.'."1 to I. 4 III I ,n,l ', - lid. lire, lag, 114 un- did I, erlt. I to 1. r, tn 2 and 4 to Time. 4 m 2 .' Rrbrook. Annus. II, 111 Ut sr, Arcturiis and Hen l)als also ran TMrd ii n e Thrseysar "ids ami up ird; one mile and s, yxrils Rrpublleun, lex IT UoTaggart), n i" I, 7 t" I and I to to. woni Fugle. US .1 M,-- Tasaari), i in 1. I to and I ta i". sec- ond: Hqueeler, ill (Cooper), 2 tn I. T to III and to 3, third Time. 1:11 Shyness All Smile. I'r.sd, Nepblhys. Stala. nt lie ,n unl .it sse. ,lr.. a run F.uirlh II. oi, II, j, thre, year-olds III, I lip. oil.' tnlle II lid teventy ysrde-- : Strombull, iiu 11(11 a I'll 1. i i. i to Si ii ni I'd li nr. it m T iggarl I, I to I even and 2 lo a Me, odd r :ix l,i'ah,-- i, 11 tu :,. 4 t(( .'. and lo I, third Time. 42 ., 'Pie Finn, Robert irsdls; and Ho 11,1 also ran Firm Hare Maiden miles grid geldings: purs,. llOn; one utile an, evenly yard Maid of Dundee. til', Mmkl. In I, In 1 and 3 In 2. won. Ilia, k Cogei Ii7 IMeCaheyl, ll to V even "in' i to 2, second! Bells or tic Kitchen, ml Nil k la os T lo 1, .1 to and ii, ir, line. "1 2 . It,,,,. ', Friar inight. Life. Isrry. Jr., O Vedena, White Kyi. I'armen and KUli llotirro also ran. sixth Race hmr vagr elds and upward selling tense lain, nna mile and a gg. I. el, ll N tu and in I. won Mary Ut'ai in ll. rn a . I ti. and It lo 2. second in:i Mink tfi lo li ID an, 1 tu I. hi' d Time, I l Canto I'nl Ash inna te Afterglow, Tewiun Field, ) leimg, Osstelil ami Henry ftulcklneas ai.y rao v Fliilf Mile Truck Uld Out on PictHreflque Gfonndii i ( irri Polo Field. NEW (IRANI) STAND BlILT ..tn Uentlma rldert Thoae whii bavl not iron three racea la 11114 ..lid Itllll al- - lowea :. peiimli Retlntered bunteri . in.iiii'ls The .... n. r of the ..Inner tr receive piece of p: e or th vsiue .f tine in-- lli- n.lr ,.r the wllilir elso lo receive .1 ii"'' of pl .t. Si'h Itfl.e Th- - Holmdel l"te. for limits Avaui Ihree furlongf. For penlei M..I eaceedlng t" bamtg Purge lino. ,.f "l.i. h ? lo the seeond horne, I'.', to ties third Weight Ml BoiinOi tientlemen ihler. Th- - rlilef of 111'' wltnisr tn reielve a piece ef plst. The stewards ,,f the mooting are Howard s Borden, ti Jaaon Waters, fhnrlea i' lialaey, CharlM Hart, h t. I ter iter! and W, s Jone The alarter arlll Ik ,iim McAvoy and Oeorg W. Ilall will l'e el.'rk of the enutse aid goal en Th- Judires will he II A Frank Rryan and 5 It Venwlck. Arrangetnenti have been made by the asgo. latlon to furnish transportation from Itelmont I'ark ami Trenton for horao The club ts reached by trains from New York over th Central Hail-roa- d of New Jersey or the Pennsylvania Railroad. TEXAS JIM PACES TO A NEW MARK liuws More Spcpd I'ndcr Whip of Ni'w Prlvor nt Colnm-hi- s Meet. GOLPIE C A SURPRISE "' .I r MOT'S. Ohio, Peru IT. Texis .Tim, a Canadian pacer, started this afternoon In a special Polnmbu" Orand Tlrcuit pace for a purse ,f 400 and won He also got a marl: of 2 "t flxed Upon him. that time buna n the third heat. Fleet Dillon got the firs' two heats. A change of driver w is made voluntarily behind Texas .Tim. Fern Hal rushed Fleet. Dillon to the half in the third rrlle In lop. That killed both mares. bUl U"SS Rl !''t brought Texas ,t ni boni- - In half a second less than 2 :"."' In the next two heats, the Canadian ntry won ally, ( lotdic , driven in Indtann letioot Itl't rT't a lif it in th 2 IK it irdn)'. t i it y h look iMft' niifl won rn'V Tliistli I'ntrh V fill tn lrtkN lien riMf tiii- - hnltfhtfl H i Miski broke in th Mrnt ho.it .unl was ii it a need 1 rm th- Moond choice. Nobody in hp betttni paid any nttentloti t loldle . Sin prime found th pimhI tint Quite eaey plcklnej and never had t trol as food M !;t0 tn win in .tr!iiKht heat. The nirntiil wwk'n Will nart iiji Monday The eutniiwrlei 1:11 elaa. pacta i t hrte In ft r pur tin. ll m hy win tranhy f Rhodes) t 4 4 1 t ' T!.'-- ' Ic Pali h. blk by Joe I'.', hen Snow I I 1 I ! 4 Itudd Rlllntl lo g. b Prodlfel ' leers-Fen- . on l t 4 4 s Spring Mill eh (n. I Whlti Va1entlneHnrani 2 S I 5 S r Vlrgl-i- l Mr,. ,k- h m ll.ane .1 I I r It. Mik. eh a ' Me AUtSteri 4 1 ills Prince Jolt, h. s. ilte.l- - . rl.'ki 4 I (tr Ills. Rejseterl, r m ( s 7 7 dr Me ig, g nml Pat ehen, h a lUePanaldl 7 ,ir. Time- - Itttti, 2:0(14, :a.,i4, s:0T.i. g:ggflj, 2:1.111,, gpeelal elase, trotting, thr.-- In flr purs. 1(01: S'aia Prime, br, In., hy Jahn Mas eomb ' D'right Ail.rta, ch in (gnedeektr) S Pan iff.', i. g i M, earthy I Willow Hack, h h iH'drloki . .1 Drandebimes, h h (ildmondi.., i Jeansttg Speed I, Ik m n'on s Time l!tt, It . Itttli gpselsl class, pacing! three in purse Hit! 'I'1 . - .hin ch g bv Texas .1 ,. k Boi In V Plemln) .4 t 1 Fle.iu Dillon, ti 111 lo Rid- - nsy Dillon 1. ghuler) .1 l i Bom Keith, b g iRerryl... 12 2 Hi. e br h i Ruble I 2 I i Fi rn ii.ii. ',ik m M, Phsrson ll Tun.- 2:11X1,. Hagllah Maroa for Wttltnep, Tiie matrons at Harry Payne Whit- - ' ney'l Itrookdale Farm will he Increased by ihe arrival from Ungbind yesterday of several brood man. Including ihe great race mare Artful, which won the Futurity as a Others which Dam over yvere Miss Hamburg, UreellVSl and Hearts In )h sain,.' conalgnmanl were some belonging to John ganford and which will he sent in the Hurntcant Htud st Amtterdam, N. V. . underbill Una mi Kg.) in. NalHVIM.g. Tenn Bpl The Van-he- derblll University n am i gslly M - j die Tennessee state Normal a i h e gam i .'. In ll The lies offered stiff i ippoaltlon oi the first period, hut soon Hjient their rnsrgl, V'anderblll relied entirely on straight fiHitball, BOXING BOUTS LAST NIGHT. Broadway Hportlng Club Dutch Hlan.lt defeated Young Solaliey Clermont Rink Tomin) HuraC won uvcr soldier Johnny Hhaw h an mini! A. I Mn key M, ' . un! Ja. k HH1 ln hoxed lee oundl lo a draw IJutsn.boro a c Kid Qulnn tie-l- feiited 'i'ony Marengo latter being compelled to uuli in the mi x, Ii round o Ing lo Inula un ir his uniit huilici ing him MISS CASSEL ENDS WITH TENNIS WIN Vpg, Side IMiivor Ilcfcafs fl Clnbmatp. in Pinal nt Orange. HARD PTOHT AT oi tskt MOUNTAIN Station. V. J.. Sept IA. Th curtain wai rung down mi thn lawn tennis season here y When Mis l 'hire i i iel ,.r iha Waal side Tm- - niK Club defeated Miss Florence Unit In, a rlubmnta. In the iinni round of lb Orange lawn Ttnnis Cltfb women' In vitatlon lountamtnl in straight setg at 7 r., n i nr oouraa then- - win bo n f.'W clUb lOUrnnrnOntl here and there nrhlch will drng along until ti e snow drives thn player to the Indoor nam' . hut to.ila.'s wns the last mati'h In whieh players will he seen in eiunpeti Hon DUtlld) of the liome COUrt in the metropolitan disiriet Miss I'assel's tetinis a' wan if anything a little la tter than nny she has displayed throughout ttli' season She was ngdy aocurat gnd itrong. ahereby h r opponvnt'i high eiass game ' availed tn.. latter little. .Miss Ballln, however, madn a gam Ugh! from the very outs, t and in the early gamoi of the pieti0iig s.'t looked to have vary ts toil chance of winning. Tin- tattle started out lit full tut. While Miss Tassel wits loW to Ret ' started, and took the lend at 4 gam to J. sent ink' II poll Is Whli Miss t'ass. l whs mnklng II, Tin, fourth game ol the first let, Which Went t.i Mla Tassel after it hail been twin' o di m e, i rally ' ll)t that set fo Mist. Hall. a The lat- ter led in the gam at 411 1.'. and A point Would hav aiven br the lead at .'i I inatead of evening the set at I all. Aft. r Miss BaNIn had taken the lead at I I! Miss Cael hit her stride nnd took tlir,.' atralghl K.imes and Ihe ad-- , , v. int. ik.' at S I Miss Uall.n hroUKht tbe aet to douco, hut could not hold th' pace ami , st ft.e atralghi games, which ua. Mist. Tasw,.j ti,. flrst set and a lead of in.,- in t',,. gecond, Mtss Ballln managed tfi carty ,fr the fourth ttame of th,- t. hilt nllhongh she fought hard was una hie to da he'ter thm bring two of tl. next three to douce i lie sum- mary . (ranffe I.. .n T'tiitl- - rititi Women ..ti..n Pltal Raiin.1 mi- - ."re I' r. in ,1 Mi K or. n Ballln, ' .., - Th point .ctirr PI RUT S KT t... '..ssr! I I I I 4 I ! t :. Mlsa Ballln 4 i 4 4 0 I It 4 j II I BCOXD dBT, Mt" ftassel ... ...144ft : ;. mi-- - Ballln i:5i s r. -- ;r,i Totals Mi faassl, : 11 tfamea, tfi point; Mi Ballln, " et. game-- . ,l p ;.l BROWN S CAPTAIN ACTIVE. j I ndeeges Heavy in ,'ts to Defeat of llbode Island. PltOVIOHNCg, H I . Sep' 5- .- The Brown football team r pened Its season with a its to 11 victory over ine rinoae Island State Toll, ge team nere mi 1 afterr a,ti. The home team howed up I exceptionally well for 0 early in tn- - j Sanson, i 'apt. Andrew was very much In the limelight for th. w.nnet.s. scoring' two of their touchdown ami ilolng mifcll heavy wtirk In th backfleld. Jimmy Murphy, the little quarterback, ran Ihe team well When the game was cinched oach Robinson gave practi- - call, all f his aubatitutei a chance to pel firm. Til" llneu n.'..on I intio Rhode land lie iter ,sik (i usaem ig in. k.-- Mr I ni iih atari i n ffunril . la w grd Hhbs M ..xa.-l- It's ker ' rarnum Kitfh' inrkle Lloyd Mellee Klirlii cr..l. , ll.oi'lall lira. llehneuf Purd) l.i rt ti.iirtKick I.agersta-1- 'Hlr. w wood J,r.Mitr(ihj' VUil! ItT'ilH-- I. role llrowai lh-- - In ind 11 Tone. a . n,trc- - '.' Ruwrxell Ihird) onro. rarnum lleaUs from itHiehdowns Andrew. Purd. HurMtllllteg ItroM ti Weeks for Mm tu r Rlnderman for Hiisftenvi, 11 for staff Riiramie, for Maul. Bi.wiaan fo' Maiweli Ten. r..r Karnuni. Ward in Mrllee, l f..- - llri.ee. W.,lh fig- - Cur. I. Kr:.. r for Sndri'Ss ('. ar.. for Murpli. I.SIK f Wl 'ks -- t il for II.. air Ia-- s fr tViedt ihhntl fo.- sagtr aghn for lewis, llgswetl for Iteiwrnan, Karmim for Teela Kiiniaili for Maswell Mcllis' r,.r Ward lllllhotixe " Busseti Hasten he ihiihuiis. fievlne r..r ii.ii Purd) r.ir lie. ine. K Miirtili. for Frnxer, l(gp for 'on-ro- HuMtn. for tlgnp Murphi for llucirlns Johnson for Mnriltl. Bhisl ' Island r,.r Randall Randall for Hanlon, Uoyd for) (litlhS, I'niniT, for IMrealadt, short fori jjoyd Referee J 1 llstlorsn, Rtiston l uipire .. Brown, llosio'i Ilea. Lines.-ma- ii. t' Mci'arihv Boston TlBM) Two 1J and two 10 minute perkotts RUTGERS CRUSHES ALBRIGHT. IbOWl Owl I irnlichl I 'mi thn II tn iri n t hi OnliMilit-rM- , N'iw Biii'mrwii-k- , Bepl : Itutger apetie.l her foorball season to-- , lav and rushed Albright, icoring a total ,,f :,s point to in thlrtytwo irrinut of play VAlth the tgcptlon of one touch-dow- which was made on a fifty yard forward pass iiuj run hy Nash, all of tiie scoring was straight line plunging, til which tin Ccarltt hacks, ii.irt.-tt- ltialt, Itnabroui'k and Mhoyved (real work Rutger carried the ball from one lengdh of the Held to the other on simple formation A dtgtlon of Princeton men wit- nessed the Rutgers meets Prince- ton next Saturday. bUl these men hum- - nothing imt itralghi football, The lineup und summary : Rutgers Positions iiirigiii Ko, k . feller l.efl ellil Springer Naah Let' tsckls HarllTiie VMul. l.efl guard .1 SchaurUhtlUgh Mason I'enirc llBchs Talman Itight Rtiard Katilftnan Riant tackle,. CI Bchaumbtniah lUStln Kt.'lll ellll Yost Rcarr Vuarlerl.-i.-- F.sler Rlllntl, Left halfhai-- Martlcr llgMltrourk Itlglu halfli.'-- HotXinun lltmai lull k lle.cndonl.-- score Rutgers, Mi Albright, D Touch- - duwiiN Clarretl, 3; llasiiroucu, KlUoil '2 Uric her lloalg froui loucleloAn Taltuau .' sal sillullons Kutgcrs Seller for Austin Itri Cher f.r liashrouck, ole for While I'o sell for Itis'kafeller r.per for Powell. Ibmlhv tor iiarretl, Jackaon for Whit. Rehlaeier for Jaekgon Mhrtrhi Cburch lor Springer. soiuiKcr for .1 SehumrHmah. Referee l)r Way, Swarthmia-e- , Pntplru l.i'lii'ing. 0aU I'li'ld Jlclirc hosier al Figber, t'olumblt W nri r.li r s.xu ioia I lllon. IrV'OgOggTgg, Mass Sept IB IVorce. ter Academy had little Uft1.-n- i x In ,ie. feu ting Tllton seminary this afternoon by tile s, ore of 52 lo 0. The vtotk of Captain Robertson ami Kelly featured. fill' Worcester. Hall Cross Dawn Bati t o. VvORt'gSTgg, Mass, So(l 25. Holy Croat won 7 lo u o.cr Hates y in a Rami cliaractsrlssd bu man. fumbla Holy Cross made its only score on all uninterrupted puss thsl Uonntllan nailed on nis own l, yard line nm earned for' a tKin hdov. Hates s aoa line t.as not m duugar agalib Hull ll lid Fell W in l)((uhleg. I4 NS.CK. N .! Sept- 2a. Ill the lennla whlhltlun at tin. Hackensack Oolf Clujb hr ibis afirnoon Waiter M Ilall and Theodore It Cell heat Harold Throckmorton nnd Lindsay Dun- - ham. II 1, It '2. 1 t. H , Ilall bal Pell in mie set .It singles It. the inl I'hnmplonehlp Miss ci l llllli' ' her heat Miaa i.u.y Coffey, tt 3, - t. CORNELL TRIES NEW GRIDIRON Innll) ami Nernl. Teamn XehoelUopf Tlelrt. ITHACA, W, V., Sept. 25. -- The week s football praetlc at Cornell was cloood y with n gam between lb varolty and h seeoawl iteams, ptUTtd on HcttoelkOpf Mold, This was Ihe llrst lime .the Held 'has been used tot foot hall, and the Informal Opening was en-- J yed by several hundred students. The Oponing (tame of the seawm with Uettys-bur- was Originally scheduled to he played but wis postponed until next Tuesday. In aame the varsity scored fou limes and Barrel) kicked two f tiie four (finis. He also Mytl a drop kick Irnm the it" yard line. Inn It fell short. There were a lew change "'" varsity lineup. Shelton. lett end. Will not be nble to play for several days and '. der is being alven a chance In that position mill. s. a big 1!'" pound reeru.' from last yuir'M treshm.in team, played Halev at cght tackle Klohierl Wan hack at fUlHtack. Tllloy, last .ears ri(tht auanl. Who reported .esterday. was aiveli a nlii.lt 'till at end 0 lite .eisind team, The line material now avallnbli ;oois so good that the conches have decided thm they can spare TtlleV from Ihe line aid Will attempt to him into an end. lie has Strength, Weight and speed, hut hi. ks expi net ee in Mil position Coach Van nrmai. is hnurul that lie Will make -- ,,...! and (IK the hole caused b) the niadnatlon "f I I'm i n NORWICH EASY FOR TRINITY. I.eorae Uriel. I. .. RntthO of I'or-BS- er llorvonl Mllr. tal.e I. ona Him llAitrroao, Sept. Norwich Unl VOrBlty was weak before Trinity Col- - leae in the first t otball gam ol the season nere Hie HI lie and Hold winning, 17 to 0. Trinity had a good defence, hut was weak on th offensive i leorg Brlcklo) brother of the former Harvaitl ator, at tudhacl: and Tole at left hair furniahod ihe feature with fairly lotia runs aided hy go d Int. r- - ter. :. Trlntty played sli'HiRltt fO.it- - hall . nly. Ta limui 'I'rinlty Poslli'SM. Norwich. Morris Left end I 'Ollieroil Len mekle Mnschetln Harper Left Kuard Hasklna .Nordlriim Centre Hall I .aitll.ei HiKhl iruard Locke oole. Kisdit tackts Ravi t'lark II end Amor, Mhxoii tJtiio lerlmck .... llr.s.k. Cole bairiiack .... Hlshop vlsner .Hllii halfback I leer) lln.'klev fallback Ijoewfi Kerens- Heneage Dartmouth Umpire l.ieul. I'rilV I s .Inestllall llerr Dart- - moiiih Time in minute quarter! roucii-doiin- s Buckles j cole. Vlsner Uoals from touchdowns Nordstrum, ii MOTOR BOATS IN PARADE. i ic .'. Mile Hmr lo i lie wtin.ilnr.l, He. The New York Motor Boat Club. Tharles which I'liai-iiiii- n Is Oomtn dure, ctoaed its regular season yesterday .Ih gals ia of s,o!ts on the Hudson Rive Th laces were watched by the member and their auests from the Plata of the ClUbhOUa at IITtii street, ..ml after a shore .linner there whs an Illuminated parade of some 110 deco-- j ral. motor Isiats. Th. team rela) race of elx mil was Won by the "green" team, consisting of h. .1 Allan' Veneta. 15 Moore' North star and it. Voaelman' Raglna. Th opposing "veiiow" team was made tit. of C, H, I'ugllsg, Jin, Kid II , Fail lloth.r-hw- Mohawk and William Newbergor! Piana. The Icing and go back race was won by the North Star, The sutn- - marloo ,,,,ts,u t....T RIOH SPEED CUIS. .TAUT I' M d'RSK M1LM Time hy l.v.s llnal and own. r 1st !d IM 4th ll int.,..! Sr K ii :t ii on i: na i: is 15 tl IS at 1! 15 s) 14 41. if. r. v.. Os If. Oi II 47 14.40 14 r: it ti Koiw ton gcratehi astern Mar K l. Pinch s,T..teb Mm, ptai-t- r. Uatiimsr llpos '." nun Amorlta W T Ran dulph ..: nun 's- ARCANUMITES BEAT POLICE. r ii ,, n s o n,( IVr.mi. 'Ion. to flame .1 HrooU 1 n. V thousand persons saw the ;,:,'k of 11... Royal Arcanum Itaaeball League le- - fea by a score of K to It a re;rvs nta- - llve 'earn from the Brooklyn and Queent I'ollee Ueague ytrday at the Brook fed I'ark. The cam from behind In II: eighth, scoring: four runs ami ivin-nln- tarlon Rtarted oft by tralklng ami steal:: a Recotiil. la .v.s doubled, scoring CnrlRon. Johnson followed with a hit and Lewis scored Fagari also doubted ..mi scored along ..iti, Johnson T. O'Connor's llgle The it II K ii.pt .r, .in For.'sl ll lls ...... 111 liten 11 1. in. lil.KS RlOOli, Sept The . Rid tennis , te nn in ht F. s . Valley League del. ..led the Forest Mills team al (lieu 11 dg four of five mat hex The results sing.s Hodman, yorest Ill beat ghufer. t .' 2: Palmer, l(ldg beat Hallos, I 3, .1 It. beat White, i, 4. 4 poublea- - Beard and courts Ulen tti ic .. st Ke) rs and Baldwin, 1 ( .' . S 4; Mi in. ill an. I Baldwin, Ulen Itl 1(1 lii at Itogari and .lane-- . 61, '. ; Hlllliloliih Miicoo I. (.( lo Irulola. I'll kk '1TKVtt.l.K, Va Pept ;r, glnla 'ideate, i Randolph College in lo 0, tool Ing in every quarter ex cpl the last In order I o get .1 line on tlte men fur the Yale game next Siiur-da- Coach Vainer tried out t . enly-tiv- e candidal, tang runs were made liy j Mayer, K. Anderson aid Carrington i tiriexi lieu Bayald Prie. 'P' e yachting Reason of the B.I y aide Y.i, lit Club el I l:w n4fhl ;(h "hlp sport." 'Pin I'm lew. Charles t niHard't ynohl of the bird class got lirst prig for the season aid among the butterflies John Jolrra, a ilgtten-- t yoar-ol- d sklppar, was iticcMisful, MONDAY'S CARD FOR RACES AT HAVRE DE GRACE. Fust Rare Three old. and upwtnl ei rig six fill .iiii.lt Do lie, Mapter 14 Silver Moon as. larse t Sihea Kill lir Wat .loii n.on Vlhetta In:. Ureal Surprise Ri ally waa batwa Volenti I 'l 'Key Oakaood s, ,,i amouch 11' Ticpin Martin Csae l"l True Steel Vanir I' ' Phltil agetiet ii uniiltatioit NpMtiorir A geeond Race s ami upward Slsepteelisge: selhnii about two miles: Ida Rock 112 Agon 137 Robert Oliver 117 Aherfsl Is I if Hoekfl.h 147 Jul a US Third Ka.x Tan ar olds; the Trenton selllllS stake. live t;. t r turioiii. Totn Kdw uial p'S'Sky IM, it UT. l. ly Heavens tl ti olden List 103 I": rVnrock t')T Hidden star us Klines gg Fourth Raaa All in '.; handicap; mile and gevenly yard. Uuckborn ii2' landman II 10 Sam 10" Addle M tl Piftk Ha. ( Three ... al old. and llin mile ami .evenly yard Task s Jr lay 'ay la Far ' la.lii m. Cglgra M Me nl Puk Santo '.1 Altel ;hiw Uriau lioru I" Page Whilf Mary Warren ir. it. ikwoott Faster Star I.e. . .ROggt 'on I'm From Royal Cotton Top sixth liar Ta year olds tu,. und .1 half furlontti .in., Counsel itn Moonstone Hikh Hori. luf, Flu. al or ll.au. nmu I Nolh gdna nn Uisturbei Kkldlg T Itl My ponnis .ic lii anil Hut at Little Alia iui Hedflelil in: Itnili glricklsial Rai .ic. lei I.ad) Aikin ' as i a a 'AliprtMiot i'ii Ih Hi enter allow. iic claimed BIG NATIONAL HORSE SHOW PRIZES LISTED Prom films Totalling $30.00(1 An noa need fur v. nit in Nnvetiilif'r. row n. ins rori,i.iMT The prize list of the Nat or at tl Show Association hag been IsSUOd T . win ho the thirtieth annual eshlliii o of this tsooolatlnn and it win be Madison Bguar Harden Movemli p to is, inclusive. Premium am . to 110,000 ate announced The nurnbor of elapses " Inrgei .. that of the last exhibition, md with nm except loi the largest Since Ihe took place tn I XXI Thll In due partly to doubting tin i of saddle horse class s. This w.-i- i are separate competition lor li tailed hors.s of th thoroughhreH and Ihe d idted horses of the N . Vorh rldlns; school type Se.eral notable sr,eei:ti r r eg ' iva heen offered in this dii si,. 'i f Rowman of the Blltmoi Hoti has t n rnaiieng cup vaiuea n - " Best saddle horse suitable loi pn riding to tie owhi il and l dd. I: ,r, nmatcur. This trophy It's tu twice. M. Fl' ischm inn um i;,, dip for the best woman's saddle horti and 1OUis Sherry offer 1 1 fit for the best pair of saddle horses, s to be suitable lor a man nnd th othi for a woman. The small harness horse or p grown wonderfully Ii popular nnd this year for the Hist inii" there wil be two champlonahlpi for 'or pairs and the other for sdigl--- In the division for harness horse-lon- e of the noteworthy departurei the new 1st is the throw fit Opel novice ctaoge to prof.as mal is we' M amateur ethlbltnrs in.. a- - i were barred In the classes and grate classes Were made for theli In selecting the Judgei this yi n KlrtOIOri have called In man' be ex-- , pens to undertake the tha- - s - of a warding prig, "ne ..f then woman. Ihe flint ever Invited to Judk'i tjie National Horse Show. S Bock, wife of Sil Adam Reek, ('ana, director of Hie International M Show AgOOlgtlon. She - at' R h woman who has hUntad much cestershlre and in Canada .nd V .i 'she will judge th- - unriocki ga.lilio horaot In company witti James ; v shall. The jUdg will lie at fol ws ' " K. Madden, tstxlngton, Ky.. hreds . Robert ilrahnm. To onto. neys. Oaorgt Wllllnk. Chcstiitn I! Philadelphia, Plerr rll ird, r trotters and road-:,-:- Joint J To to. and Qaorg H. Iluln York, harness hones, I air- - t indent! an : nppolntnti nt I I'harles A. Baudouluo, NV Tk j In harness, pony tandems, I"'' I hands and pony breeding cla - T. Matlaok. Winchester, Ky.. .1 - . ' saddle horses I.a.l. Reck, l."i I" Unl and James 0 Marshall. N. a docked saddle hoi ac; l T lack. Winchester, Ky . and .I'd:'. M II Bowman, New York, ponies i"'i. d1e; Foxhali F. Keene, Sew ) ' ponl, polo pony Rtalllons and ' mares: Fletcher Harper. Mtlbrook, S K. 8. Von Stade. New Vork, III It. gharpe, Berwyn, Pn., hunten i .1 Jumpers. Rntrtea for ail class) close on Priduy. October l" SIXTY RIDEKS CHASE FOX' lint Will v ii Iran in Kiu'ii y in i)) w II nn U ii ii I fl. WllRATIsKY Hi 1. Bent. sixiy or mor .lets .11 (lie saddle f whom xv. re worn ti nnd oh i'ii opening autumn fo hum held in BUSPll es of ti . M ailow Hie i proved a nucei ss. With eighteen ami a half well bred and clever Virginia fi ml the hunt party, wiiii Horn Si the master of 1101111111. in charge. tin- - Henry I. Whitney ..tat. o'clock tins morning. Uong hefoi hour motors wer mlng from all and country home in the vicinity, Week end partus had been mndi tiie limit and the horse show at V und ihe I'nlted Hunt races nt A Allison, the huiitsma the pack well in I, and and tot three hours there was an aliunde g I Riorl 111 which fifty or more were negotiated, Two fox. s were but both held to the woods nnd sf te being driven out into tiie open w earth, Aft. drawing the two coverts - I X Whlti estate the pack was laid a.wn en tl RurqUOSI .state, latt resull d. ih, ine finishing ell up w ith H ,' when they were nlled off th Mr an, Mr Harry N Mrs Arthur Bcoti Burden, tin A Burden, O. ' Know, li A U, Schwartz. Harvoy s Tinker. Harry T. Peter Vli wets, .lames (' Cooley, Jack Filch, r. Mr. and Mrs i 'hat Hums, v Miss triors Whltm i K Mr I. iv. rmore, l lelnni cy k .i Huyler. Three fox hunt Will I" 1' week. BRITISH SOCCER RESULTS London, apt. 25 Follow - ruitt of the principal l!tig Scott. sh saccr gamei playi ENCILISH 11 Mil l's Sail I SBl'TIIl.X Blackpool 2. Bolton w ti pi. i. ;.. Burnli y M un nehester ctt) i llochdaii " Athletic n; sue ki'-a- North En.i o goutnn ot gloki ii. Bur ' MIDLAND gRCTt'N Barnslsi i. Derbi Count! lla.ia.'.slie i T"n Bradford " l.i e, . I Lelcesisi Fosse " Notti i' Fnltsd .1, tirlinghy T is a a shefii' Id i sdnasda) 0, liiVImN SBC Qun. Park Rnnter. crrsial Halac s, w. 11 lenhain Hotspur I. ' h Arsenal n Clapton Orli n a. on ". Watford a. m in si a ITT1BH K Aberdren l. m I'nl ii- Irloonlang I Morton i nock i, puntbartoa D Park 1. Fslklik 2. Ham Ralth Rovers 111''."' u ::. si ulrren i Ul.ASOOW i'l P -- i'i Bangers ,. Psrti.'k Thli Third l.aniirk I Howlers on Hpeen in The gci'ond round of Iiu .at. tournament ,r the 1i o Qi een i inn .is put yen " Park grccti y eaterdn l vv defeated !' Taj lor ,li I it, nn, tt trlumphi over t 24 lo II; A Hcsl W" oi son. 21 to 18, .1"' ' Dyer. 51 lo (,l((i rl - , no oi ' u o(( MTgACI'Mi Bepl nnd Hoi.. ni .una irltlci ngrre on an neuui" hill game proposed fOI Billiard Boy i REPAIRS h P. I" T Ml. i ihe Brunswlt Balks "ii. ml' U to HA 1 esi 2d si . Ni ... I'

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Page 1: IWMSON COUNTRY CLUB GROUNDS TO BE SCENE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1915-09-26/ed...Clinsi r. pRiiiiifj horeei chemplenelilpi hartei o r... hnndeFlrat, W II Rnodere




Dpftntu Mnxlmnm in rontoslnf I he I'.iir Ciil.itiist

lifts ;i RIDDOIIi

CHILnnKN if i in: FOB rrrs

MlNBDI . Sept W The horwRMHi nt

Um f.iir of in AirrleoimnU Bortttji r:QuttntNssau Pountkri had ,t busy day

Jddi-iti- bruin :ii i n'cUieli this morningami iiid not finish until lata in the after-- f

n, The morning Mitkm was dgwrtgs,

le reeding classes MMl in th ft" "bunt r nd itaddl homi oeeupltd lbnid. Chgmplonshlpi in ths two divi- -

flOM wort. n .yarded.Marry T, Ptrt of lalln fudged the

a kilt horoM and ponies, anil nil daol-ato- m

were sppri rod by ill. Raoiast andMaximum rompotod in lb cla fornorm over IS.I handa, and Radiant

wai sgnln sictcd for th bloa. w A.

McOlbbon rod Manlmunti bui ovon thatflnlhd hon ma uld not makd Mattmum ihow Hi tl of Radiant.

in th rlaaa fr horses unswr 11

handa th Putrallun farm sent Mia.ii baautlful ' i) maro. Into Hi ring nflh defeat, d such good onaa .i Iha

Reotiatngu Farm's N dalla. who wasi Ul.len b) Mlw Hubt; Mrs (leofgt A

Kiiiss i '. i Iddcn hy Boll R icbi

nml W 'i lb) UocW . wahoo, rlddanby Mi-"- ; . ti Um t . and Bllmmaf.ridden by Mlaa H irlwra uoc

Tbroa in,,r horara. ona rid- -

bv a man aim "ii '

traoted mucn attention. The priae wantla Iha m. itou imir. WHdfl wer andKldatla, nnd Intel WlMflower. ridden bym mm unhh. a. ii tin' champtonehlp rorthe fltvleloti ni Him i'"' " "

liamli-- Bella araa puieed atci i. inine champion In rompetltli n for nadiii.'Uirse" r I, nia R "'i mt wai again

i tha reeerve rlbb n an ntti.e Wli i" r. inIn al inlmum.

fhe Powi Iton r irm won the blue iJi

Iha clnai for ponlea under anddle With

j. b tutlful mare named leorglanna.' e- - ithvrlne n.'.niu.i (...u accon

priBf with Rottl an attractive bayWhli ii ie rodi

daaa " tj tieTlv i. was ' tie

riddi by children undei i eat ; in agerinit. The tinyInto 'lienml thn e ill

rtdera arei too young to control th1'

iHiiK.'s and . each had uroom. iionu

s Phlppa ent In tivu linn:', ii1'"lleauty, Rvoy ld tn ire. ridden by

Mieh.i. r dppa, B vmik old, and Athena,a blai k ni if . rlddi ;, bs Barbara t'nipi4 .,rH nld, Theoa were pia.-e- Brat

ent to.rid third, wn le ". . hrnwn mat'- uwiie.t by tin

Hayvlew Biding a. .demy, ridden by

Pearly Warren, Ittj year old. Bacnchl'd inde out nf the rins carrylna the

rim won.01 three took port In the Jumping

I foot hlh.ronteal over four fenceA c Pox'a HVrculea wa the winner,Confidence and BKyaernner. owned by

. ...... ik,.,ma arere idarrd aecona','i.ir.i r.t tlvelr. A big Bold t k

...... i iha miniature BtOtlleCha over, 1,.. ri'i n i.. an r air".-- . Hal LodeWaRkeitabt. winner of 'hamntonahlp In

the ti ; -- pnae,t'ae London ahow t .kingElmhurat wna aecond and Bkyacrgporthird.

Mr- - Tho a. Hit. hcock ohowi d some

piH.d youaK' in tl- i- "lass for linrs' s

mttabla to hi com huntei ". . , i ni won

rue- nnd Hid nr:7. with lit entwoodw llets took,' d Htm' s Head. Htatwi

iiird J'ri.e with Peg o' My Heart, whlit,.hn T Pratt was (OUrth M.llt Hall..

Matroughl i

Sixteen competed for the champion-hi- p

and H airy U Bell after weedingut all hut four took the latter over

tl e Jumps himself l'onionrniii"urt njiimuil m this comiii'titiou and

after a cr.'fui consideration the cham-pionship went to Mrs Hitchcock' Calvinltt. Miss V.ra Cornell Rockergained tic reserve rionon

xir Bell nearll bad a tumble when

i.' field ol I.. . ni mngbadlv cat up so that the tnUeoff was ini.ad ponillilon. .lust as he Was HIHIUI

to Jump Rocker ."lipped but qulvkl)Munwivil and Jump am beautifully, leaf d the hurdle

A special sweepstake of 110 eachwag arranged for lumper, to which thea nan. ii oi, added 1100 There werefifteen entries, ami Acrobat, owned by

Henry won. with Mrs. Hitch-coo-

BrenlWixd second. T, I. Chad-bourn- e'

Conftdence waa third and Mrs

Arthur Bcoti Burdcn'a Cleveland fourthThe Bummarle

r.s. X Trotters, breeillna el.." first,w 0rtrell'a Almlette, hr : yi

gfcond, I' lb" ' r's An ' "i -tlnri. J. J Looms llellfalr.

br. a : -i'ihss T Hreeatn eioos, -- -

I' s. f,.Hs ,,r ISl t S irsi. mtmitwi " oll s l .. ,)' Mi Heart, nr. tnK.lain II Mlssl. blk. in

i 'ias g- - ling els- -, an- ral par-Itl- l

fau's of -- Firs'.. I' Horn-t- r'saecono. Iimni o j it-

A ro a ti ' a m.. .1 aims, tl Hiiro. ..,l

oiey's Bellfalr, hr. g. fourth, ThomaiH, van's unnamed nn by Ballyhoo

jonr'ding ..- -. pur-- 1

- t. .1. ,,. fn Fir-- t, Bamuel "'. tss Orayfard br second, Mrs Thomas

II Iscatells, -- Ii a.; thir l. ThomasHeaan's unnamed coll ay band O Burns.

11 Brsedln class, gsnaral pur- -

, , 1, rood mars '.nil a' toot Fir-'- ,

V I' iir ice's rlOSfl "t the RaBOhO, n. m .

gecond, w u ttraci'i Alllher. ra, m.i' In ,a 1: I'.raies litis 1. it.

'Utah. Mi Thomas Hastings Winkslm

ll Breeding elsss, general pur- -

posss, sacking foal Fust. W R.i iracs's roa -- '"I. second, Mrs ThomasMmsIIii ,'s brown i "it. third, w. R (trace g

,iietnnt Bllyi Wurtn, auwin n. rayneiUs) nil

lass I - Bssl of frm harses shown1, an, hi First. .1. H Veln.r--

. ggl' ilk tn . and Molly, blk ni .nd.a g, wor's Tea, gr k . ana meg, gr x

Itoa.is;. oaoerg owneu ny aTT7 the Nassau Driving ClUb First.

r Conroy'i Oakland Roy, eh. ii rears;seeoti l. Wlllluin J .Minor's lllrnm Al.in. n.

11 y.aits.'s goddla horss ovsr 11.1 hands

. .ripBl. u II Itle "les s Kadi Radiant I'll.. ll v. nr.: e. .md. Hairy Bl Uaxl- -

mum. i h g I rr.,".,.s .ll- - Rgddls harses over 14.1 nndnot eaceedlng II hands PewsltoFarm's liellay, t. m . years; aeoond,

irJ.il"L'l,i la rills ,. in nt.s,e.,isuiird Mi- - Osorg T Hills" Dolphin, h

ag...i. fourth, w. 'i Uoew's wh. b. r... a1 d.

Plasi :;.' Palrg of saddle horse. -- 1'lritt,itequiitogus I nail's wilunowsr, en. in , i

venn and VI lalla, eh. m 4 years, secnmlirs ii ,. If r. v Fresco! i.ler Twist, b. g.

mid Tbe Nat. ch g third. Hair, n.ilf-- 'tanker, b. .. J years, and Broker, 1). g.

Clinsi r. pRiiiiifj horeei chemplenelilpihartei o r ... hnndeFlrat, W II RnodereRmll mi. ti t: rentrve, IlwrrvI! ilfa V nimiiiii. rl. i y

ClaM 13 f ,'!,, hnreei rhittiploathlp,.' homeii uivlr IB ha nd Flri( Hvauaneiiii K irm WHulla ch m I ree tt

rt i ruvvi-ltd- I irm h it. i,.

ree)M,i-- - ii- - l'cnti-- undrf Mndie 14

h iii'ts pirat, (iwfltnn "aria neoraliana.i k ni . f irs lecnndi Minx Citthfrlne IHullowaye Ruilir h v. i reiire; ihirii.Mm Q, iltanebrlda'! Baef llamU, i m..

i' fourthi MiH" Parbare lnew i.riiHi ibttry. ' Hiff't

Ditm Suiiiiif i.rip ridden by ehllinn un ii r .ir- - t'ir-sr- Jahn Phlppe'eRlaekj Reeutyi blk, m., B yearp; etfoadiRay view RlOlntf aeademy'i Spin u way. ir.m. rean; iiiirii, John f. Phlppa'eA t hi n i nik. m 1 eri

Ci if ii !( 14 11 aoalee I ,f baadiPint, w i.ii Uowalt'i Major, h knrs- liecoadi Mlee era Coraelferr ft ir- - Third. Mrn Oniifre)

i i Vane tut hi ebi k Irourlai WilliamI'.-.- Soil'- - p.1: ir.nr, i h. k 7 y:ir.

Hunteri iad lumper aver tirr ntm -( hiith Kii-- -. a ' fot'e Herk pt. m vrri ieeandi T I. Oi

cMnfldeare, a. eyedi Thift.i i.. Chad bearne i Hkyi raaer br. i

47 Hunts r ..n.i iumaera ever th"mfira pfiurw t'u-- i n.iri Lade weiiHyitrrkt, n nne-- aei'oad, Mm. rv.v gawlMha'i Rlmhuret. b e i rs.

TUrd, T. L Cii4Jtourn dkt.rptr, br


"f. lap..--

New Hunt iitnl

to Add

to Club


The Rumton Hunt ami SlcepleehnaeAaaoclatlon, undar aanctlon from thehunta committer .f the NationalNteeplechaaa ami Hunt Aaaoclatlon. willmake It bOW next Saturday a the pro-

moter of a racing meet. For month!naepnratloni have been going forwardquietly at ni Rumaon Country Cluband tile agperti who have aupervleed;he layiriK out of ihe tr iek deelare !t tobe now tn jerfei't condition.

Rntrle Ctoaad last Monday and th- -llata promlae inre aport In both the Hatand iteeplochae event. Tho boatHtal'tes ill t l.o Kust are r.preoontad andthe entry of horOOa that have baen eotn- -

iwtlng recently in the big maeta at Belmoni Park, th Aqueduct track and utHarntogn Indicate that the award willhe hotly contested Th. ill, Bf thrpurseM aggregate 11.000.

k.. i yeari roi Mr- - Hltchcock'ita en a 4 1 ra

Clan ."- - norpei becometuinl. r ytrat. Mr. Hi ebco lire litwood. h. k . 4 yeara, ml. Hit. !i

cm k in ... II. .. I, Third.P.iaiuel u llleta'f Pi a . Ml He.y. ar K airih. John T I'r::'g , 4 . earn.

Plapi .'. Hunters , Intnl. Ion pl

Sli. Hit. he... k' Calvlalit, nr. gRrtrrve, Mtaa Vera Cornall'i it "g rear.

Claee ta - H imt.-r- wcepatakeiiII. nr Deegan'a Acrobat, eh agaennd. Mr Hltchcock'i Hr-n'- ,'t a.4 vaara. Third, T U chadbournt Cnll.

.g. Four: ti Mrs, Vrh- -

tt Hurdeii' . Clsv land. h


line gel in Pleat Rowad rin.eii onBloomgeld ourle.

BbOOMPIgLD. N. J . gpt tl. A men'shandicap tournament Ii single heeanon the BtoomlUlId Ter-nl- Club curts thisafternoon, with the preliminary roundand on set In the first round. The sum--

triesPrellmlnari Round aril neat

nl.nnt. ii 4. f I. M.'itfl-:- at t VanVll.'t. t . - ii J Sellirt Lent Bngle,

I, 1.Hirst Round- - Benton beat atone, it 1



First Ho'.' Selling, three-year-ol- nndup. six fur. eng.- - K' ipje. as gterreti .

ItlU. Ill 14) nnd II a, won; gemsiila.ill Hi ei. ii 7" and 1 TO, s,'. .Old .1 I'll1.. 111 ifMiuttlni ill .1". third Tlmiill 1! ...1 Tan. Miii.tr-- I. K rine "it Jennlnts, rrnluart, ilamlta Kajrde-- r

. ..s ilecllntoelg Brandywlns aadKn rlitp Hlffer al-- .. i..n

e ...ni it.o'e a;, aie.'s. handi, ap: ixfurlongs- - Water liaity, ill (Callahan).

rt ,s in. 5 e, won; Keweasa, lifKlolilattln). M s and It.!, gerondi a. nAkin, 10: (Ward), ll.fi, third, Time1 in Between l' an Southern Mill I also

Tin' It a gs i.rey ktakeg; Is,r.ns mile rnndie. inn I Warrington), l,; ''.i: ..n.l II 0 ..ni. Prohibition. Ill (Oold'st. .int. 71 nnd IZ.SS, gscnnai waaua "ipteagure. ! (gmyih). Ill, third Tims,14' Polite, Resswatsr aa Kuriv, '1. ran.

FallT ll He- - Rendrla glaeplschasejhandlritp; fouryeroida and upward!

nnd a half mllea 'Baton, ixsW interne). I N, I" '" and out. sroni Hon- -

down, 141 'Wo t. 1. xn ant out, n.'.said,!sgtuceo, I4ii (O'4'onnorl. out, third. Timer.'So. .ine ii.tiety and New Haven also ran.

rxftuplsd.Plftb Race Ontario Jocks) Club Bandl-ca-

u.a.ia added, three vear-old- g and an- -ward, about two mii-- s and a QuarterRgncher, us limyth). straight Ig.TO,nioeo l:t .0. slinn IS.&O. , nn l.iitlil W liua.' (Collin), (.la. e If.sO, show pin, ,..end; Fountain Far 11 iCallahan),ghua I': , third. Tune, fill Mar-tian Tactlci and Iplglg li .ss gigo rati.

'CoupledHtath Itnce Dominion Handicap thre,.

Voajr ol.N and upviurt, foaled In Canada.II. IHI added; tine ndte and a slxteetahLady Curson, lex (Rice), straight lll.lt,place l 10, .how IS.it, won. Fair Hon- -lague, tl.' IWetta), plaea 14.10. showIS ,',n, second; Siiun-- r ito Caftahan '.-- now ll.ts third Time. 1:411-1- . 'SuaLord, soerlah gun. Hampton Dame, I'rlncsPhlllsthorps and iRustllng also run

Millsr sntry tgeagrain entry.ReVenth Race Aer F ate; three year

ol.Js alld UPWerdi selling. 6tf sddeil;one mile nnd gevsnty inr.l.- - S'lr t'p, in.,(amitni. straigni sis.gs, ptacs slts, mowI'. Tn. wan. Beau rere, i o . iBruger) placg

n to. show i ni. gecondi Changs ItliKIseji show I" 10. third Time.Tim Rdge, Progressive, Corsleans Alston,King It". Vnl- -t and Aprlsa a'so ran.

The to theboard can be

achieved under no more

than through the mediumof Club Cocktails. It is theright start that asuccessful end.

thechoicegtliquoig, mix ' I, nn to meaa-ur- e,

age them to amooth-nes- a

in the wood.All varictlet at your dtattt'i.

G. F. III.UIll ) IN 4k BHDH..U..J Nt Y..k4 tmporirtt nf Ihe famou

gee I A' I .Sour.


The RuillaOII Hunt and Steeplechase I

Aaaoclatlon was Incornorai d gboui a '

month, tiao a'ter eoiisldornblo dlacuaalonhy member! f the Rumaon CountryClub, who weie anxious to nil the gapbetween the clooa of the polo eeaeon.mi tn beginning of the racing,Imlh of Which pastimes have held theInter! of the club for many yearaTin- officer of the MaoclUtlon are: t'ol.Lewis s. Thompaon, president Bowards Borden, via prMident, nnd tl, JasonWntera, aoorotary anil iroaaur r. Thehonorary vlccprooldent ate Col, Wiltlam Barbour, Thomas N MeCnrter,11 layn Whitney, I'ayna Whitney,Robert J. Collier, Otorgo Qould, BurtonII Borden, Kdward ! Adatns and .1

Amnry Ifaakell.The Rumaon Countrj Club property i"

on iiie South gtirowobury Rlr al Rumson. N. .1. and the excellent conditionof the po, tteid m ule it readily adaptaide for racing PUrpoara There a trackhas been i!d our un ter the direction

f William C. Hays of WeatbUry, 1. I

The four Bat race will he run on thehalf mile , I rack Iiid oat around thepractice polo Bold, The iwo st ep'e- -

ehase eve- is will he run on i Couraeme and. a hair miles around. The raaersw.ll he In full vlW of th. annul standand t lie parking S ' at all times A

new grand stand has beet ercqed andall of the bog have been sold The-- on parking apace are ao.n-- r fat,

Mnsie will In- furnlah d hy theRegiment Hand nnd the club

member are planning to celebrate theinauguration of the racing in aBiting manner Many hive r

WIriipi' Un vc Emj Tlinpg

So Plogo

Kltifkhon Sopn.


UlKBOl . Sent 88- .- Th 'let's 111

the trot held In connection With thefair of he Ab cultural S ciety of!Queens-Naeta- u Countle t"-- ' ' all hadcomnaratlvety easy tims. Tn ech ex-e-

the Winner Was decided In Straight heatsand the finishes were not particularlyclose The programme started with atrot for the 2 :K, etas and BlagtO, I

owtied by T. A. Ifoahor r Tr . was Ihewinner In tie 11 lieit Abbl Oration j

for H Igio to do hotter than be had i

done in the two previous beats and tiewon in tillH by a good length.

There wa re seven starters In the 2 21

ttot. and Peter 0) ode drove BgltO, win-- ;ning in three hetta The time for these

was very uniform, being 2'.' I , , t :is Hpter sr.k, owned b)1: k. Phetpi f Wb'At Plain, i.a.see md In the first two heals, lull wasi.e. it, '11 lo S: jr Mgtll In the ml Spa rgllk got i acond monet and star Lightthird.

The free for all pa-- e drew five to thepn.. and Flash i'ai, hen. owned by C BI '.man of Treat-t- won. His tliel heatwas In - I'll,, but after that he wasnot pushed

Tile ppoclal -- up for members of theNaU Driving Club was won by .1

l.ty of win. drcive b'schestnut tnare .lull; Sanderson, and wonIn two heats. The tummnri!

.'lass, trot purse S

Blaglo, ' h lo Bellini illosher), 1 1 1

AiO'ie Urattoa, i ni Mat ray .

t.,t tin llmg.-n- , k. s iMpriav. JrNell M.Tili k l user ( . .

Tit... .'dli.. 1114. : l :

fill i lass; trot. purs.- I'.Exito. bik. g. by Nolan i (tin

.! 1 1 t

Spiel Ml., I, Ik g Ph P" ' 2 :Htar l.lght. t. in. i pevy i

plreei Aciullln, a, b, tCarntll) I sHi, elt.nl i, lir. s. a 7

Llssls Uurvgll, li. in. (Shorn i tis--, un. psRisr. b. in (Chambers) s

.lean iiuk.and. It. m. I'll a, a n ....Time Mitt, lilll, I lilt.

Free f'.r all pace, purtt l&ttlK n - Ii Pstehen blk li . lo' Jon

Pat, lien PitmanWanless. ti. ni. (Cr0StnnlRHa Ambulator, b m tJroolii ... -

a. in v . oh. ni Davla) :l

Huiler Beawn, b g (leae) 4

Time 2:101,. lltlU, SllJVg.spe. tai sup far members ef the Nassau

Driving iiuii; trot--

Julia gantfsraon, h ni. by Nobl Boyi Dot . i l l

Th.. Patent, btk g iPostiMarengata, ch. h. (Cornwall) 1 it

Bright Metal, b m, (Chamber! i il.ee Oleoit, Ii iHtulthi 4 5

Time ;.,. 2 ;4Uj.


Kl.' l.i,- Hull. Itnce Is n Tea Inre ofHrooL I 11 ( onteafa.

The commercial d partimtn1 "f theBrooklyn Rdlon Company won the an- -

' BUgl point trophy hy finishing a. closeSeeontl to Hie operating depart incut atthe second Held day yesterday on theBrooklyn P, s . 1. field At the nrlnld dy the oommrelal rtprtmntathlete let by a large number of pointsand their lend carried them throughyesterday's contests.

il. II paisley of the operating dcp.art-me-

led liome the Held In the quartermile rnce ami also captured points Intiie sprints.

A featur wns Mie "electric bulb" racein which the contestant fitted tleetrlobulb in sookets. 0. i, Knott won thecontest.

II ill In rford Ulna Till,Iti TM I'liKoim, N. J,, Sept. IB, In a

Passaic Valley nnt league mateh hereRutherford won nil Hv oontts

yyllh Arlington and captUI'itd the cham-pionship The summaries ;

singi.s Brlnkortiog, Ruiberfrd( gttrai... i Thomas Arlington, I-- 2. ii i.Campbell, Butherforit, a Buekley,ai nil on. t I, l ii. i i. it ii. Bulb'trfotd dsfsaisd Cummlnga Arliiiitnii.t-- I. 4 i

Haul. Bros a. Itoiberfnrd.drfsaied Walker and Thome., Ariingi,.u,

- I. s I. Hind and Wslcb, Ruthorford,defeated Until It protber., Arllnston. 4




Afmofintlon OnrnnlzedActivity.


Clut Oockjltvilsintroduction


auspicious circumstances









' 'news -

tablel for ilinnrr part win.if dancing at tho iui that n'.Kht. The

Ti ll if ;im firllim-f-

Htm K Th Mnnimiuth TUtr. forII .tK' ". About ai 'B- (in tho ttnf.

Putm laiSOi oi which J to iho MKondharnvi fn i" the tuirti Twoyoi t trorri pountJi, four yrur oldi ftnil

to ' in rj itlfi iiouniU. innti n oftv H r,i in ffll ii i .riv p ii ! iri.Nt iniirr In 191ft BllOWtd I boundUniiitnti f rtvojr,wii'oldi ttft'i upwAfifl,ititoo i poimdOi

Het'ontl iit The Hokbrlihl Btetnlt-llomtltfOi f'"" lhrtjroor-oW- i nn i

HpH .1 i. mi t w ml! u r .1 hruhiOUl I' 1 .t . hi- ii ';n In ih( tii.'l Imrne, f to he third Wolthtnti KtinounrcNi live "!' hfful th tin)

r l nt niTiTiini: t he rorot.ir I It i . fh Mhro uttiiry Plot.

hin !i t.Bht nandi tfi, r.it tMrif vfnr1. tin ;i .1 A nt 'n'l" iifl ih jrf

rum" tm'it. nt 0 hlch is t.. th- - 0OImlhomo, 1 J lo tho thir l Wolihti t"..un", mi ik v dnjri hr.'tr' the ...iv (! f

in 11. tut Ci .i..i,iitarry 'ttftttl .iImi I th

Vtt irth It i Ph linmffion Can fnrh : HlUt in mif h.tlf rtu brush rourov. I r h nite-r- il.ilvtfrt. bf t ho huh onttnl t'-- ' i'i- Saif ii.i Hi h.i itnl Hi' A MOr 11 1'lin id, l.i Hon Pit

$"1 . i hi- h I i h norond1.. tho Mur.i U . mht. 1?" pound!

nii innon ISM 1 I.'. t lnwtwi ind, f IBM it. Ill Ott t T n.uingWon w Mi m t I l't if un. 1.iiiii n rtUooroii pountii Tho own nt

t!i !'iirr ! rei run oloro "f t'.i' .fHi.- v iiu ' of l0ft nnd he lot 'f th Inher In r(0l0O el Ojl (ilrtte

Fifth Rro TV- Hhir PUlo, fir thre.jroor-n- i to .'iiii uno ri Annul p mtlo.in hotf n hi t irf PurtM SO i fA'hlrh M f th Mcond h"i-- i. t.:. la thotbit'i Weight, i."- winnon "ftvn ri'p In ltl-- .rrv poun ' lr.i;if f.inr rnrot In IBIS trrv 2 pound


II,-- , its I'. tetter In tri.li;ht nets forN .1 II II I nudn le I DP.

Mot' .vt VMON, N V. Se.t. UH "Jam!ti M I'I: II lis won 'he gunningdale Count I ! Mai open teams tgurnament at the club ourts here y hydefeating ll rheri W Kors-- . r. I hi wicheater eihonlbo: 'ti tho finalround, three .trnlghi ts at it

- '. Tin- youngater. wl o surprisedfollowers nf the (fame rrday h

. at Hr W II lam Roa I, um n thesemlflnal round, played except a.riallywell today and t was only Hie sni

Phiperior Reneealahlp of lips thatturn, d the lid . f victory In his favor,

Tin- dpubli s wen- - to Fran, is T.Hunter ami Ralph 1. Bugga Tneystart, d by Ii-- ting Fr I Bagg and sHoward Voahell, he strong Borough,i'ark pair. In the sem. final at ' I,It- - 4 and the final .anted straights.t victory over ps ami Rosenbaumat 10-- Roaenbaum and Phillips had reached the final hy dlipoalng

f 11 a ih r .1 a Bernhe tn at 13,


First iiu.-- gelling, maiden too venr-alds, Alllsa. fl.'- and a half furlong-- -Bernini. Iti (Kedeiis), I- - It, 14 sn andi J". w ot. Doling mi ii... I'sllllsi, it a

atid 11 '.ll. Second; Joxle Hr'ir, ,.

l.i thn. i iitne. r ix ; j, Olive Mi;.- -. I... ic. Rayonar, Ptoaels Walksr, ln

nioatloii. .S'araid-e- , Jennie Stua :, Anna Iuiand Argument glen ran.

gecond R.'' gelling, three-.ea- aidsant upward s.x furlong! Marlon Uoosby,loi ljudy), I'l Ill.St an l. T, w,m.Olhetlo, 111 iMeteajlf). 14-- '" at' II. It,

I second; Rewthnrn, ii? l(rnr), ll.tt,third. Tim- -, 1:11. Undaunted, Th- - N..rman. Billy .to- -. Haeva, win:- - Crown,Knrfbsgi aid Miss Fielder also ra 'Tiotd Race -- Hon, Heap. Ihres-yssr-ol-

sa l ups ird, one tnll- - and a furlong - J

ii ink O'Dsy, hi I (lamer i, Is r.o. ll.tt andi :t in won, Idndenthal. M iKederlei. I

Ift.ss md l4o. aecond; golar gtar, i"x,Is- igh I xn. third Time. I :',i I.

Ringllng, John Ound nnd Beseb Comberj also ran.

si ,k. two-ye- It ret. added nvean,i n hatf furlongs- - Rocnsster. t'--' iPooli, '

straight fl. place lt.lt, show 14 :,o. wonPorklehno, lei (Connolly), plana ll.lt..lew is ta, second; Impreaalve, nr. ilai- -O iillei. show .. X0, third Tim. l:ttl-l- . '

I'hicka, "Ig Fellow. Little Slst.r andii ,n iki r ggn ran

Fifth Race Three.yesr.alda and up-- jwat, I sellltig; ,urse Itttj one mile nnd ailstesnth IfeAdoo lit iQarner). itralghiII Tn. plaes It.st shew Hin. ,.,.,. lassls

mils. if'i iHtearns), ptea IT in. ghowI', 7" seeoadi Bonanaa. ot (Goes), she A'

ft v" ll.iid Time, I :i:.i Hard Mall, I. If:.- S'rtig. BtUfcUl R Mi!, bsr and gprudtl slsn ran.

Rltn (tee. .Handicap: aM ' IHlrse1700; six furi ngs Bjrlnghursl les

. siraigl:: i.n. place 11 showt:i (ti. ,.nn: Convsrss, '.'7 Robinson t I S

lt,2t, she iT.r.a. ..,, nd: The ragsr,itl I Murphy I. she ll.tt, thirl 'i Ime,ill i

Manager Whits, Iron Mask. Flack I'lineyum i',.nnii,i: Tower tiso ran

S. . nt li Ksce S." In w (01 four-year- -

iilds and Up; one mil' and litre . "I X t en ll s- fltllile Post, n, .....). 1 I II I'l .1 II.Il.i "i. a, oi. Moeksry, 111 iK igh I. IT '.ni

and IS, seeon.l War1.!', tt'oiali 112 Hlar- -

tier.. x, ihlr.l. Time. 2:ln j.:,Helen M Any Port, Juali.'i Qoabl. 0U-gole- r

and Goldy also r hi


Fn st Race ffendlt .p: Ihrei yi tr 0 Isand upa ar.l Sva and a half furlonHanson, i2 I Cooper), veg I to 4 and out.won .ir Blair. " Lilly l 12 to I. 4 to I

and 2 to I. second; Rlrusi 112 IT Mr..gg nt' I. I and to a. thirdTune, in - lit. is Cunarder. TinMasuuersd rhtde nnd Sir .l.iliu John- -ran also ran.

e'eeori Bes Strep', chase, thn ear,,i,is ,111,1 upward (IV. rilt'SM S ,,M, I 4

iTighs), T 1,1 .. 1.1 Hill I If. n oilI.n Viile un .skins. , '.'."1 to I. 4 III I

,n,l ', - lid. lire, lag, 114 un-didI, erlt. I to 1. r, tn 2 and 4 to

Time. 4 m 2 .' Rrbrook. Annus.II, 111 Ut sr, Arcturiis and Hen l)als alsoran

TMrd ii n e Thrseysar "ids ami upird; one mile and s, yxrilsRrpublleun, lex IT UoTaggart), n i" I,

7 t" I and I to to. woni Fugle. US .1 M,--

Tasaari), i in 1. I to and I ta i". sec-ond: Hqueeler, ill (Cooper), 2 tn I. T toIII and to 3, third Time. 1:11 ShynessAll Smile. I'r.sd, Nepblhys. Stala. ntlie ,n unl .it sse. ,lr.. a run

F.uirlh II. oi, II, j, thre, year-olds

III, I lip. oil.' tnlle II lid teventy ysrde-- :Strombull, iiu 11(11 a I'll 1. i i. i to

Si ii ni I'd li nr. it mT iggarl I, I to I even and 2 lo a Me, odd

r :ix l,i'ah,-- i, 11 tu :,. 4 t(( .'. andlo I, third Time. 42 ., 'Pie Finn,

Robert irsdls; and Ho 11,1 also ranFirm Hare Maiden miles grid geldings:

purs,. llOn; one utile an,evenly yard Maid of Dundee. til',Mmkl. In I, In 1 and 3 In 2. won.

Ilia, k Cogei Ii7 IMeCaheyl, ll to Veven "in' i to 2, second! Bells or ticKitchen, ml Nil k la os T lo 1, .1 to and

ii, ir, line. "1 2 . It,,,,.', Friar inight. Life. Isrry. Jr., O

Vedena, White Kyi. I'armen andKUli llotirro also ran.

sixth Race hmr vagr elds and upwardselling tense lain, nna mile and a gg.I. el, llN tu and in I. won Mary Ut'ai in

ll. rn a . I ti. and It lo 2. secondin:i Mink tfi lo li ID an, 1

tu I. hi' d Time, I l Canto I'nl Ashinna te Afterglow, Tewiun Field, ) leimg,Osstelil ami Henry ftulcklneas ai.y rao


Fliilf Mile Truck Uld Out on

PictHreflque Gfonndii i

( irri Polo Field.


..tn Uentlma rldert Thoae whii bavlnot iron three racea la 11114 ..lid Itllll al- -

lowea :. peiimli Retlntered bunteri. in.iiii'ls The .... n. r of the ..Inner

tr receive piece of p: e or th vsiue .ftine in-- lli- n.lr ,.r the wllilir elso loreceive .1 ii"'' of pl .t.

Si'h Itfl.e Th- - Holmdel l"te. forlimits Avaui Ihree furlongf. For penleiM..I eaceedlng t" bamtg Purge lino. ,.f"l.i. h ? lo the seeond horne, I'.', to tiesthird Weight Ml BoiinOi tientlemenihler. Th- - rlilef of 111'' wltnisr tn reielvea piece ef plst.

The stewards ,,f the mooting areHoward s Borden, ti Jaaon Waters,fhnrlea i' lialaey, CharlM Hart, h t.I ter iter! and W, s Jone The alarterarlll Ik ,iim McAvoy and Oeorg W.Ilall will l'e el.'rk of the enutse aidgoal en Th- Judires will he II A

Frank Rryan and 5 It Venwlck.Arrangetnenti have been made by the

asgo. latlon to furnish transportationfrom Itelmont I'ark ami Trenton forhorao The club ts reached by trainsfrom New York over th Central Hail-roa- d

of New Jersey or the PennsylvaniaRailroad.



liuws More Spcpd I'ndcr Whipof Ni'w Prlvor nt Colnm-hi- s



"' .I r MOT'S. Ohio, Peru IT. Texis .Tim,

a Canadian pacer, started this afternoonIn a special Polnmbu" Orand Tlrcuitpace for a purse ,f 400 and won Healso got a marl: of 2 "t flxed Uponhim. that time buna n the third heat.

Fleet Dillon got the firs' two heats.A change of driver w is made voluntarilybehind Texas .Tim. Fern Hal rushedFleet. Dillon to the half in the thirdrrlle In lop. That killed both mares.bUl U"SS Rl !''t brought Texas ,t niboni- - In half a second less than 2 :"."'

In the next two heats, the Canadianntry won ally,

( lotdic , driven in Indtann letiootItl't rT't a lif it in th 2 IK

it irdn)'. t i it y h lookiMft' niifl won rn'V Tliistli I'ntrh

V fill tn lrtkN lien riMf tiii- - hnltfhtflH i Miski broke in th Mrnt ho.it .unlwas ii ita need 1 rm th- Moondchoice. Nobody in hp betttni paid anynttentloti t loldle .

Sin prime found th pimhI tintQuite eaey plcklnej and never had ttrol as food M !;t0 tn win in .tr!iiKhtheat. The nirntiil wwk'n Willnart iiji Monday The eutniiwrlei

1:11 elaa. pacta i t hrte In ft r pur

tin. ll m hy wintranhy f Rhodes) t 4 4 1 t '

T!.'-- ' Ic Pali h. blk byJoe I'.', hen Snow I I 1 I ! 4

Itudd Rlllntl lo g. bProdlfel ' leers-Fen- . on l t 4 4 s

Spring Mill eh (n. I WhltiVa1entlneHnrani 2 S I 5 S r

Vlrgl-i- l Mr,. ,k- h mll.ane .1 I I r

It. Mik. eh a ' MeAUtSteri 4 1 ills

Prince Jolt, h. s. ilte.l- - .rl.'ki 4 I (tr

Ills. Rejseterl, r m( s 7 7 dr

Me ig, g nml Pat ehen, ha lUePanaldl 7 ,ir.

Time- - Itttti, 2:0(14, :a.,i4, s:0T.i.g:ggflj, 2:1.111,,

gpeelal elase, trotting, thr.-- In flrpurs. 1(01:S'aia Prime, br, In., hy Jahn Mas

eomb ' D'rightAil.rta, ch in (gnedeektr) S

Pan iff.', i. g i M, earthy IWillow Hack, h h iH'drloki . .1Drandebimes, h h (ildmondi.., iJeansttg Speed I, Ik m n'on s

Time l!tt, It . Itttligpselsl class, pacing! three in

purse Hit!'I'1 . - .hin ch g bv Texas

.1 ,. k Boi In V Plemln) .4 t 1

Fle.iu Dillon, ti 111 lo Rid- -nsy Dillon 1. ghuler) .1 l i

Bom Keith, b g iRerryl... 12 2Hi. e br h i Ruble I 2 I i

Fi rn ii.ii. ',ik m M, Phsrson llTun.- 2:11X1,.

Hagllah Maroa for Wttltnep,Tiie matrons at Harry Payne Whit- -

' ney'l Itrookdale Farm will he Increasedby ihe arrival from Ungbind yesterdayof several brood man. Including ihegreat race mare Artful, which won theFuturity as a Otherswhich Dam over yvere Miss Hamburg,UreellVSl and Hearts In )h sain,.'conalgnmanl were somebelonging to John ganford and whichwill he sent in the Hurntcant Htud stAmtterdam, N. V. .

underbill Una mi Kg.) in.NalHVIM.g. Tenn Bpl The Van-he-

derblll University n am i gslly M - j

die Tennessee state Normal ai h e gam i .'. In ll Thelies offered stiff i ippoaltlon oi the firstperiod, hut soon Hjient their rnsrgl,V'anderblll relied entirely on straightfiHitball,


Broadway Hportlng Club DutchHlan.lt defeated Young Solaliey

Clermont Rink Tomin) HuraC wonuvcr soldier Johnny Hhaw

h an mini! A. I Mn key M, ' . un!Ja. k HH1 ln hoxed lee oundl lo a draw

IJutsn.boro a c Kid Qulnn tie-l-

feiited 'i'ony Marengo latter beingcompelled to uuli in the mi x, Ii roundo Ing lo Inula un ir his uniit huilici inghim



Vpg, Side IMiivor Ilcfcafs fl

Clnbmatp. in Pinal nt


HARD PTOHT AT oi tsktMOUNTAIN Station. V. J.. Sept IA.

Th curtain wai rung down mi thnlawn tennis season here y When

Mis l 'hire i i iel ,.r iha Waal side Tm- -

niK Club defeated Miss Florence Unit In,

a rlubmnta. In the iinni round of lbOrange lawn Ttnnis Cltfb women' In

vitatlon lountamtnl in straight setg at7 r., n i nr oouraa then- - win bo n

f.'W clUb lOUrnnrnOntl here and therenrhlch will drng along until ti e snowdrives thn player to the Indoor nam' .

hut to.ila.'s wns the last mati'h In

whieh players will he seen in eiunpetiHon DUtlld) of the liome COUrt in themetropolitan disiriet

Miss I'assel's tetinis a' wan ifanything a little la tter than nny she hasdisplayed throughout ttli' season Shewas ngdy aocurat gnd itrong.ahereby h r opponvnt'i high eiass game

' availed tn.. latter little. .Miss Ballln,however, madn a gam Ugh! from thevery outs, t and in the early gamoi ofthe pieti0iig s.'t looked to have varyts toil chance of winning.

Tin- tattle started out lit full tut.While Miss Tassel wits loW to Ret

' started, and took the lend at 4 gam toJ. sent ink' II poll Is Whli Miss t'ass. l

whs mnklng II, Tin, fourth game olthe first let, Which Went t.i Mla Tasselafter it hail been twin' o di m e, i rally 'll)t that set fo Mist. Hall. a The lat-ter led in the gam at 411 1.'. and A

point Would hav aiven br the lead at.'i I inatead of evening the set at I all.Aft. r Miss BaNIn had taken the leadat I I! Miss Cael hit her stride nndtook tlir,.' atralghl K.imes and Ihe ad-- ,

, v. int. ik.' at S I Miss Uall.n hroUKhttbe aet to douco, hut could not hold th'pace ami , st ft.e atralghi games, whichua. Mist. Tasw,.j ti,. flrst set and a leadof in.,- in t',,. gecond, Mtss Balllnmanaged tfi carty ,fr the fourth ttame ofth,- t. hilt nllhongh she fought hardwas una hie to da he'ter thm bring twoof tl. next three to douce i lie sum-mary

. (ranffe I.. .n T'tiitl- - rititi Women..ti..n Pltal Raiin.1 mi- - ."re

I' r. in ,1 Mi K or. n Ballln,' .., - Th point .ctirr

PI RUT S KTt... '..ssr! I I I I 4 I ! t :.

Mlsa Ballln 4 i 4 4 0 I It 4 j II IBCOXD dBT,

Mt" ftassel ... ...144ft : ;.

mi-- - Ballln i:5i s r. -- ;r,iTotals Mi faassl, : 11 tfamea, tfi

point; Mi Ballln, " et. game-- . ,lp ;.l


I ndeeges Heavy in ,'tsto Defeat of llbode Island.PltOVIOHNCg, H I . Sep' 5- .- The

Brown football team r pened Its seasonwith a its to 11 victory over ine rinoaeIsland State Toll, ge team nere mi 1

afterr a,ti. The home team howed upI exceptionally well for 0 early in tn- -j Sanson, i 'apt. Andrew was very much

In the limelight for th. w.nnet.s. scoring'two of their touchdown ami ilolng mifcllheavy wtirk In th backfleld.

Jimmy Murphy, the little quarterback,ran Ihe team well When the game wascinched oach Robinson gave practi- -call, all f his aubatitutei a chance topel firm. Til" llneu

n.'..on I intio Rhode landlie iter ,sik(i usaem ig in. k.-- Mr I ni iihatari i n ffunril . law grd HhbsM ..xa.-l- It's ker

' rarnum Kitfh' inrkle LloydMellee Klirlii cr..l. , ll.oi'lalllira. llehneufPurd) l.i rt ti.iirtKick I.agersta-1-

'Hlr. w woodJ,r.Mitr(ihj' VUil! ItT'ilH-- I. role

llrowai lh-- - In ind 11 Tone.a . n,trc- - '.' Ruwrxell Ihird) onro.rarnum lleaUs from itHiehdowns Andrew.Purd. HurMtllllteg ItroM ti Weeks for Mmtu r Rlnderman for Hiisftenvi, 11 for staffRiiramie, for Maul. Bi.wiaan fo' MaiweliTen. r..r Karnuni. Ward in Mrllee, l

f..- - llri.ee. W.,lh fig-- Cur. I. Kr:.. r for Sndri'Ss('.ar.. for Murpli. I.SIK f Wl 'ks -- t il forII.. air Ia-- s fr tViedt ihhntl fo.- sagtr

aghn for lewis, llgswetl for Iteiwrnan,Karmim for Teela Kiiniaili for MaswellMcllis' r,.r Ward lllllhotixe " Busseti Hastenhe ihiihuiis. fievlne r..r ii.ii Purd) r.irlie. ine. K Miirtili. for Frnxer, l(gp for 'on-ro-

HuMtn. for tlgnp Murphi for llucirlnsJohnson for Mnriltl. Bhisl ' Islandr,.r Randall Randall for Hanlon, Uoyd for)(litlhS, I'niniT, for IMrealadt, short forijjoyd Referee J 1 llstlorsn, Rtistonl uipire .. Brown, llosio'i Ilea. Lines.-ma-

ii. t' Mci'arihv Boston TlBM)Two 1J and two 10 minute perkotts


IbOWl Owl I irnlichl I 'mi thn II tn

iri n t hi OnliMilit-rM- ,

N'iw Biii'mrwii-k- , Bepl : Itutgerapetie.l her foorball season to-- , lav andrushed Albright, icoring a total ,,f :,s

point to in thlrtytwo irrinut ofplay VAlth the tgcptlon of one touch-dow-

which was made on a fifty yardforward pass iiuj run hy Nash, all oftiie scoring was straight line plunging,til which tin Ccarltt hacks, ii.irt.-tt-

ltialt, Itnabroui'k and Mhoyved(real work Rutger carried the ballfrom one lengdh of the Held to the otheron simple formation

A dtgtlon of Princeton men wit-nessed the Rutgers meets Prince-ton next Saturday. bUl these men hum- -

nothing imt itralghi football, The lineupund summary :

Rutgers Positions iiirigiiiKo, k . feller l.efl ellil SpringerNaah Let' tsckls HarllTiieVMul. l.efl guard .1 SchaurUhtlUghMason I'enirc llBchsTalman Itight Rtiard Katilftnan

Riant tackle,. CI BchaumbtniahlUStln Kt.'lll ellll YostRcarr Vuarlerl.-i.-- F.slerRlllntl, Left halfhai-- MartlcrllgMltrourk Itlglu halfli.'-- HotXinunlltmai lull k lle.cndonl.--

score Rutgers, Mi Albright, D Touch- -duwiiN Clarretl, 3; llasiiroucu, KlUoil '2Uric her lloalg froui loucleloAn Taltuau .'sal sillullons Kutgcrs Seller for AustinItri Cher f.r liashrouck, ole for While I'o sellfor Itis'kafeller r.per for Powell. Ibmlhvtor iiarretl, Jackaon for Whit. Rehlaeier forJaekgon Mhrtrhi Cburch lor Springer.soiuiKcr for .1 SehumrHmah. Referee l)rWay, Swarthmia-e- , Pntplru l.i'lii'ing.0aU I'li'ld Jlclirc hosier alFigber, t'olumblt

W nri r.li r s.xu ioia I lllon.IrV'OgOggTgg, Mass Sept IB IVorce.

ter Academy had little Uft1.-n- i x In ,ie.feu ting Tllton seminary this afternoonby tile s, ore of 52 lo 0. The vtotk ofCaptain Robertson ami Kelly featured.fill' Worcester.

Hall Cross Dawn Bati t o.VvORt'gSTgg, Mass, So(l 25. Holy

Croat won 7 lo u o.cr Hates y in aRami cliaractsrlssd bu man. fumblaHoly Cross made its only score on alluninterrupted puss thsl Uonntllan nailedon nis own l, yard line nm earned for'a tKin hdov. Hates s aoa line t.as notm duugar agalib

Hull ll lid Fell W in l)((uhleg.I4 NS.CK. N .! Sept- 2a. Ill the

lennla whlhltlun at tin. HackensackOolf Clujb hr ibis afirnoon WaiterM Ilall and Theodore It Cell heatHarold Throckmorton nnd Lindsay Dun- -

ham. II 1, It '2. 1 t. H , Ilall balPell in mie set .It singles

It. the inl I'hnmplonehlp Miss ci


'her heat Miaa i.u.y Coffey, tt 3,

- t.


Innll) ami Nernl. TeamnXehoelUopf Tlelrt.

ITHACA, W, V., Sept. 25. -- The week s

football praetlc at Cornell was clooody with n gam between lb varolty

and h seeoawl iteams, ptUTtd onHcttoelkOpf Mold, This was Ihe llrstlime .the Held 'has been used tot foothall, and the Informal Opening was en-- J

yed by several hundred students. TheOponing (tame of the seawm with Uettys-bur-

was Originally scheduled to heplayed but wis postponed untilnext Tuesday.

In aame the varsity scoredfou limes and Barrel) kicked two f

tiie four (finis. He also Mytl a dropkick Irnm the it" yard line. Inn It fellshort. There were a lew change "'"varsity lineup. Shelton. lett end. Will

not be nble to play for several days and'. der is being alven a chance In thatposition mill. s. a big 1!'" pound reeru.'from last yuir'M treshm.in team, playedHalev at cght tackle Klohierl Wan

hack at fUlHtack. Tllloy, last .earsri(tht auanl. Who reported .esterday.was aiveli a nlii.lt 'till at end 0 lite.eisind team, The line material nowavallnbli ;oois so good that the concheshave decided thm they can spare TtlleVfrom Ihe line aid Will attempt to

him into an end. lie has Strength,Weight and speed, hut hi. ks expi net eein Mil position Coach Van nrmai. ishnurul that lie Will make -- ,,...! and (IK

the hole caused b) the niadnatlon "fI I'm i n


I.eorae Uriel. I. .. RntthO of I'or-BS- er

llorvonl Mllr. tal.e I. ona HimllAitrroao, Sept. Norwich Unl

VOrBlty was weak before Trinity Col- -

leae in the first t otball gam ol theseason nere Hie HI lie and Holdwinning, 17 to 0. Trinity had a gooddefence, hut was weak on th offensivei leorg Brlcklo) brother of the formerHarvaitl ator, at tudhacl: and Tole atleft hair furniahod ihe feature withfairly lotia runs aided hy go d Int. r- -

ter. :. Trlntty played sli'HiRltt fO.it- -

hall . nly. Ta limui'I'rinlty Poslli'SM. Norwich.

Morris Left end I 'OllieroilLen mekle Mnschetln

Harper Left Kuard Hasklna.Nordlriim Centre HallI .aitll.ei HiKhl iruard Locke

oole. Kisdit tackts Ravit'lark II end Amor,Mhxoii tJtiio lerlmck .... llr.s.k.Cole bairiiack .... Hlshopvlsner .Hllii halfback Ileer)lln.'klev fallback Ijoewfi

Kerens- Heneage Dartmouth Umpirel.ieul. I'rilV I s .Inestllall llerr Dart- -

moiiih Time in minute quarter! roucii-doiin- s

Buckles j cole. Vlsner Uoals fromtouchdowns Nordstrum, ii


i ic .'. Mile Hmr loi lie wtin.ilnr.l, He.

The New York Motor Boat Club.Tharleswhich I'liai-iiiii- n Is Oomtn

dure, ctoaed its regular season yesterday.Ih gals ia of s,o!ts on the Hudson

Rive Th laces were watched by themember and their auests from thePlata of the ClUbhOUa at IITtii street,..ml after a shore .linner there whs anIlluminated parade of some 110 deco-- j

ral. motor Isiats.Th. team rela) race of elx mil was

Won by the "green" team, consisting ofh. .1 Allan' Veneta. 15 Moore' Northstar and it. Voaelman' Raglna. Thopposing "veiiow" team was made tit. ofC, H, I'ugllsg, Jin, Kid II , Fail lloth.r-hw-

Mohawk and William Newbergor!Piana. The Icing and go back racewas won by the North Star, The sutn- -

marloo,,,,ts,u t....T RIOH SPEED CUIS.

.TAUT I' M d'RSK M1LMTime hy l.v.s

llnal and own. r 1st !d IM 4thll int.,..! Sr K

ii :t ii on i: na i: is

15 tl IS at 1! 15 s)

14 41. if. r. v.. Os If. Oi

II 47 14.40 14 r: it ti

Koiw ton gcratehiastern Mar K l.Pinch s,T..teb

Mm, ptai-t- r. Uatiimsrllpos '." nun

Amorlta W T Randulph ..: nun 's-


r ii ,, n s o n,( IVr.mi. 'Ion.to flame .1 HrooU 1 n.

V thousand persons saw the ;,:,'k of11... Royal Arcanum Itaaeball League le- -

fea by a score of K to It a re;rvs nta- -

llve 'earn from the Brooklyn and QueentI'ollee Ueague ytrday at the Brookfed I'ark.

The cam from behind InII: eighth, scoring: four runs ami ivin-nln-

tarlon Rtarted oft by tralklngami steal:: a Recotiil. la .v.s doubled,scoring CnrlRon. Johnson followed witha hit and Lewis scored Fagari alsodoubted ..mi scored along ..iti, Johnson

T. O'Connor's llgle Theit II K

ii.pt.r, .in

For.'sl ll lls ...... 111 liten 11 1. in.lil.KS RlOOli, Sept The . Rid

tennis , te nn in ht F. s . ValleyLeague del. ..led the Forest Mills team al(lieu 11 dg four of five mat hexThe results

sing.s Hodman, yorest Ill beatghufer. t .' 2: Palmer, l(ldgbeat Hallos, I 3, .1

It. beat White, i, 4. 4poublea- - Beard and courts Ulen tti ic.. st Ke) rs and Baldwin, 1 ( .' . S 4;

Mi in. ill an. I Baldwin, Ulen Itl 1(1 lii atItogari and .lane-- . 61, '. ;

Hlllliloliih Miicoo I. (.( lo Irulola.I'll kk '1TKVtt.l.K, Va Pept ;r,

glnla 'ideate, i Randolph Collegein lo 0, tool Ing in every quarter

ex cpl the last In order I o get .1 line ontlte men fur the Yale game next Siiur-da-

Coach Vainer tried out t . enly-tiv- e

candidal, tang runs were made liyj Mayer, K. Anderson aid Carrington

i tiriexi lieu Bayald Prie.'P' e yachting Reason of the

B.I y aide Y.i, lit Club el I l:w n4fhl;(h "hlp sport." 'Pin I'm lew. Charles

t niHard't ynohl of the bird classgot lirst prig for the season aid amongthe butterflies John Jolrra, a ilgtten-- tyoar-ol- d sklppar, was iticcMisful,


Fust Rare Three old. and upwtnlei rig six fill.iiii.lt Do lie, Mapter 14

Silver Moon as. larse t

Sihea Kill lir Wat .loii n.onVlhetta In:. Ureal Surprise

Ri ally waa batwaVolenti I 'l 'Key Oakaoods, ,,i amouch 11' TicpinMartin Csae l"l True SteelVanir I' ' Phltil agetiet

ii uniiltatioit NpMtiorir A

geeond Race s ami upwardSlsepteelisge: selhnii about two miles:Ida Rock 112 Agon 137

Robert Oliver 117 Aherfsl Is I ifHoekfl.h 147 Jul a USThird Ka.x Tan ar olds; the Trenton

selllllS stake. live t;. t r turioiii.Totn Kdw uial p'S'Sky IM, it UT.

l. ly Heavens tl ti olden List 103I": rVnrock t')T

Hidden star us Klines gg

Fourth Raaa All in '.; handicap; mile andgevenly yard.Uuckborn ii2' landman II 10Sam 10" Addle M tl

Piftk Ha. ( Three ... al old. andllin mile ami .evenly yard

Task s Jrlay 'ay la Far ' la.liim. Cglgra M Me nl Puk

Santo '.1 Altel ;hiwUriau lioru I" Page WhilfMary Warren ir. it. ikwoottFaster Star I.e. ..ROggt 'on I'm From RoyalCotton Top

sixth liar Ta year olds tu,. und .1 halffurlontti.in., Counsel itn Moonstone

Hikh Hori. luf, Flu. al orll.au. nmu I Nolh

gdna nn UisturbeiKkldlg T Itl My ponnis .iclii anil Hut at Little Alia

iui Hedflelil in: Itnili glricklsialRai .ic. lei I.ad) Aikin' as ia a

'AliprtMioti'ii Ih Hi enter

allow. iic claimed



Prom films Totalling $30.00(1

An noa need fur v. nit in


row n. ins rori,i.iMT

The prize list of the Nat or at tlShow Association hag been IsSUOd T .win ho the thirtieth annual eshlliii oof this tsooolatlnn and it win beMadison Bguar Harden Movemli p

to is, inclusive. Premium am .

to 110,000 ate announcedThe nurnbor of elapses " Inrgei ..

that of the last exhibition, md with nmexcept loi the largest Since Ihe

took place tn I XXI ThllIn due partly to doubting tin i

of saddle horse class s. This w.-i- i

are separate competition lor litailed hors.s of th thoroughhreHand Ihe d idted horses of the N . Vorhrldlns; school type

Se.eral notable sr,eei:ti r r eg ' ivaheen offered in this dii si,. 'i fRowman of the Blltmoi Hoti has t

n rnaiieng cup vaiuea n - "Best saddle horse suitable loi pnriding to tie owhi il and l dd. I: ,r,

nmatcur. This trophy It's tutwice. M. Fl' ischm inn um i;,,dip for the best woman's saddle hortiand 1OUis Sherry offer 1 1 fitfor the best pair of saddle horses, sto be suitable lor a man nnd th othifor a woman.

The small harness horse or pgrown wonderfully Ii popular nndthis year for the Hist inii" there wilbe two champlonahlpi for'or pairs and the other for sdigl---

In the division for harness horse-lon- e

of the noteworthy departureithe new 1st is the throw fit Opelnovice ctaoge to prof.as mal is we'

M amateur ethlbltnrs in.. a- - i

were barred In the classes andgrate classes Were made for theli

In selecting the Judgei this yi nKlrtOIOri have called In man' be ex-- ,

pens to undertake the tha- - s - ofa warding prig, "ne ..f thenwoman. Ihe flint ever Invited to Judk'itjie National Horse Show. SBock, wife of Sil Adam Reek, ('ana,director of Hie International M

Show AgOOlgtlon. She - at' R h

woman who has hUntad muchcestershlre and in Canada .nd V .i

'she will judge th- - unriocki ga.lilio

horaot In company witti James ; vshall.

The jUdg will lie at fol ws ' "

K. Madden, tstxlngton, Ky..hreds . Robert ilrahnm. To onto.neys. Oaorgt Wllllnk. Chcstiitn I!

Philadelphia, Plerr rll ird, rtrotters and road-:,-:- Joint JTo to. and Qaorg H. IlulnYork, harness hones, I air- -

t indent! an : nppolntnti ntI I'harles A. Baudouluo, NV Tkj In harness, pony tandems, I"''I hands and pony breeding cla -

T. Matlaok. Winchester, Ky.. .1 - .

' saddle horses I.a.l. Reck, l."i I" Unland James 0 Marshall. N. adocked saddle hoi ac; l Tlack. Winchester, Ky . and .I'd:'. M II

Bowman, New York, ponies i"'i.d1e; Foxhali F. Keene, Sew ) '

ponl, polo pony Rtalllons and '

mares: Fletcher Harper. Mtlbrook, S

K. 8. Von Stade. New Vork, III

It. gharpe, Berwyn, Pn., hunten i .1

Jumpers. Rntrtea for ail class)close on Priduy. October l"


lint Will v ii Iran in Kiu'iiy in i)) w II nn U ii ii I fl.

WllRATIsKY Hi 1. Bent.sixiy or mor .lets .11 (lie saddle

f whom xv. re worn ti nnd oh i'iiopening autumn fo hum held inBUSPll es of ti . M ailow Hie i

proved a nucei ss.With eighteen ami a half

well bred and clever Virginia fi ml

the hunt party, wiiii Horn Sithe master of 1101111111. in charge.tin- - Henry I. Whitney ..tat.o'clock tins morning. Uong hefoihour motors wer mlng from alland country home in the vicinity,Week end partus had been mnditiie limit and the horse show at V

und ihe I'nlted Hunt races ntA Allison, the huiitsma

the pack well in I, and and totthree hours there was an aliundeg I Riorl 111 which fifty or morewere negotiated, Two fox. s werebut both held to the woods nnd sf tebeing driven out into tiie open w

earth,Aft. drawing the two coverts - I X

Whlti estate the pack was laid a.wnen tl RurqUOSI .state, lattresull d.

ih, ine finishing ell up w ith H ,'

when they were nlled off thMr an, Mr Harry N

Mrs Arthur Bcoti Burden, tinA Burden, O. ' Know, liA U, Schwartz. Harvoy sTinker. Harry T. Peter Vliwets, .lames (' Cooley, JackFilch, r. Mr. and Mrs i 'hatHums, v Miss triors Whltm i K

Mr I. iv. rmore, l lelnni cy k .i

Huyler.Three fox hunt Will I" 1'



London, apt. 25 Follow -ruitt of the principal l!tigScott. sh saccr gamei playiENCILISH 11 Mil l's Sail

I SBl'TIIl.XBlackpool 2. Bolton w ti

pi. i. ;.. Burnli y M unnehester ctt) i llochdaii "

Athletic n; sue ki'-a-

North En.i o goutnn otgloki ii. Bur '

MIDLAND gRCTt'NBarnslsi i. Derbi Count!

lla.ia.'.slie i T"nBradford " l.i e, . I

Lelcesisi Fosse " Notti i'Fnltsd .1, tirlinghy T is aa shefii' Id i sdnasda) 0,


Qun. Park Rnnter.crrsial Halac s, w. 11

lenhain Hotspur I. ' hArsenal n Clapton Orli n

a. on ". Watford a. m insi a ITT1BH K

Aberdren l. m I'nl ii-

Irloonlang I Morton i

nock i, puntbartoa D

Park 1. Fslklik 2. HamRalth Rovers 111''."' u::. si ulrren i

Ul.ASOOW i'l P -- i'iBangers ,. Psrti.'k Thli

Third l.aniirk I

Howlers on Hpeen inThe gci'ond round of Iiu

.at. tournament ,r the 1i o

Qi een i inn .is put yen "Park grccti y eaterdn l


defeated !' Taj lor ,li Iit, nn, tt trlumphi over t

24 lo II; A Hcsl W" oison. 21 to 18, .1"' '

Dyer. 51 lo

(,l((i rl - , no oi ' u o((

MTgACI'Mi Beplnnd Hoi.. ni .una irltlcingrre on an neuui"hill game proposed fOI

Billiard Boy


REPAIRS h P. I" T Ml. i

ihe Brunswlt Balks "ii. ml'U to HA 1 esi 2d si . Ni ... I'