janelle agius – principal 29 march 2018

Page | 1 Janelle Agius – Principal May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Easter. I pray that this year’s Easter will bring you new faith, new hope and new goals – “May the joy of the Risen Christ be yours”. I invite you all to take time in your very hectic lives to take the opportunity to attend one the many Masses that are being offered throughout our local parish churches during Holy Week, the Easter Vigil on Saturday night or the Easter Sunday Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord. It is a time of renewal and awakening for all. I would also like to wish our community a safe and happy holiday. I remind parents and students, that the first day of Term 2 is Tuesday 17 April. Monday will be a student free day allowing for staff professional development with the lead up to the new curriculum in 2019. Diocesan Principals’ Conference Last week, myself, Mr Geoghegan and Mr Mortimer took part in the Diocesan Leadership Conference which was held in the Kevin Castles Centre in Rockhampton. The conference was excellent, with speakers and workshops about: A Catholic Understanding of the Human Person; Student Protection; Planning – System wide thinking; and Promoting Higher Levels of Student Engagement. A highlight of the conference was attending the Mass of Chrism which was which was celebrated by Bishop Michael, together with priests, religious, parishioners and students representing our diocese. The conference was an excellent opportunity to meet with other leadership members from across the diocese and also with the Diocesan Leadership team. Cross Country We will be running the Cross Country on Friday 27 April which is in the second week back from the Easter holidays. Fees and Levies All parents are reminded that it is an expectation of the College that all fees and levies are paid in a timely fashion. If families are having difficulties in meeting payments, they are encouraged to speak to myself or Mrs Gail Gibbs (the College 29 March 2018 Dates to remember March 2018 29 Easter Liturgy QCS Exam Mid-Semester exams finish Industry Placement finishes End of Term One 30 Good Friday April 2018 2 Easter Monday 16 Student Free Day Syllabus Planning Day for Staff 17 Term Two Commences 18 – 20 Year 11 Camp 22 Music Ministry 25 Anzac Day 27 Cross Country May 2018 1 College Photo Day 1 – 3 Year 12 Indigenous Leadership Camp 4 Rice House Day 7 Labour Day Holiday 8-10 Year 11 Indigenous Leadership Camp 10 Parent Teacher Interviews 18-20 Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage 20 Music Ministry 25 Mackay Catholic Debutante Ball 30 Chisholm Day June 2018 15 Year 11 Maths A Exam RE Exam 17 Music Ministry

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Janelle Agius – Principal May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Easter. I pray that this year’s Easter will bring you new faith, new hope and new goals – “May the joy of the Risen Christ be yours”. I invite you all to take time in your very hectic lives to take the

opportunity to attend one the many Masses that are being offered throughout our local parish churches during Holy Week, the Easter Vigil on Saturday night or the Easter Sunday Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord. It is a time of renewal and awakening for all. I would also like to wish our community a safe and happy holiday.

I remind parents and students, that the first day of Term 2 is Tuesday 17 April. Monday will be a student free day allowing for staff professional development with the lead up to the new curriculum in 2019. Diocesan Principals’ Conference Last week, myself, Mr Geoghegan and Mr Mortimer took part in the Diocesan Leadership Conference which was held in the Kevin Castles Centre in Rockhampton. The conference was excellent, with speakers and workshops about: A Catholic Understanding of the Human Person; Student Protection; Planning – System wide thinking; and Promoting Higher Levels of Student Engagement. A highlight of the conference was attending the Mass of Chrism which was which was celebrated by Bishop Michael, together with priests, religious, parishioners and students representing our diocese. The conference was an excellent opportunity to meet with other leadership members from across the diocese and also with the Diocesan Leadership team. Cross Country We will be running the Cross Country on Friday 27 April which is in the second week back from the Easter holidays. Fees and Levies All parents are reminded that it is an expectation of the College that all fees and levies are paid in a timely fashion. If families are having difficulties in meeting payments, they are encouraged to speak to myself or Mrs Gail Gibbs (the College

29 March 2018

Dates to remember

March 2018 29 Easter Liturgy QCS Exam

Mid-Semester exams finish Industry Placement finishes

End of Term One 30 Good Friday April 2018 2 Easter Monday 16 Student Free Day

Syllabus Planning Day for Staff

17 Term Two Commences 18 – 20 Year 11 Camp 22 Music Ministry 25 Anzac Day 27 Cross Country

May 2018 1 College Photo Day 1 – 3 Year 12 Indigenous Leadership Camp 4 Rice House Day 7 Labour Day Holiday 8-10 Year 11 Indigenous Leadership Camp 10 Parent Teacher Interviews 18-20 Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage 20 Music Ministry 25 Mackay Catholic Debutante Ball 30 Chisholm Day June 2018 15 Year 11 Maths A Exam RE Exam 17 Music Ministry

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Bursar), so that alternative arrangements can be made. Tuition fees and levies are a priority over co-curricular excursions and trips. To be eligible to attend sporting or cultural tours, families are expected to be meeting tuition and levy requirements as a first priority.

Student Protection Contacts St Patrick’s College has four Student Protection Contacts who are available at any time to speak with students. These contacts are:

Mrs Janelle Agius Principal

Mr Sean Geoghegan Acting Assistant

Principal Curriculum

Mr Brendon Brauer Acting Assistant

Principal Student Welfare

Mrs Tracey Duthler College Counsellor

Year 11 Hamilton Island Foundations of Learning Camp In the first week of next term, Year 11 students will be involved in a three day camp on Hamilton Island. Please check that your student is aware of all their requirements for the camp. If they are unsure, they can see Ms Braby for verification. The Queen’s Baton Relay Year 12 students, Emma Manzelmann and Tyler Bobin represented St Patrick’s College at the PCYC Queens Baton Relay Start of Day School Celebration. Schools from throughout the region attended this ceremony to celebrate the start of the Mackay leg of the Queen’s Baton Relay.

Fr Don White - Parish News

Holy Week Holy Thursday 29th March Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.00pm St Patrick’s Church. Followed by Adoration 7.00pm St Michael’s Church, Sarina. Followed by Adoration 7.00pm Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mirani. Followed by Adoration Good Friday 30th March Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3.00pm St Patrick’s Church 3.00pm St Michael’s Church, Sarina 3.00pm St John’s Church, Walkerston 3.00pm Holy Rosary Church, Marian Holy Saturday 31st March Easter Vigil 6.00pm St Mary’s Church, South Mackay 6.00pm St Francis Xavier Church, West Mackay 6.00pm St John’s Church, Walkerston 6.00pm Holy Rosary Church, Marian Easter Sunday Masses 1st April 7.00am St Patrick’s Church 7.00am St Therese’s Church, Alligator Creek

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7.00am St Francis de Sales Church, Finch Hatton 7.30am Holy Cross Church, Eton 9.00am St Francis Xavier Church, West Mackay 9.00am St Michael’s Church, Sarina 9.00am Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mirani. 9.30am Francis of Assisi Chapel 6.00pm St Patrick’s Church

Stephen Mortimer – Assistant to the Principal: Religious Education

Difficult Decisions How many times in our lives do we make decisions, which will have a big impact on our future? These decisions are seldom easy nor made lightly. When you look back at these times and decisions, sometimes we are happy with our choice and others we may regret for a long time. It would be nice to have the benefit of hindsight as we consider our options, but this is not always possible.

one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me if I betray him to you?” They paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he began to look for an opportunity to betray him. (Mt 26: 14-16)(NRSV)

Judas made a decision that would have dire consequences for Jesus and himself. It is difficult to judge the intentions of Judas, but we can see the fatal results. After the act of betrayal, Judas felt enough remorse to take his own life. If given the opportunity, I wonder if he would have changed his actions, if he knew fully the consequences of his decisions. Hindsight tells us that without the crucifixion of Jesus occurring the resurrection (a miracle that truly demonstrated the divinity of Jesus) could not have occurred. We may not see the future, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we may take the path we may need the most. Considering Volunteering Your Vacation Vocation Overseas Mentoring teachers will improve opportunities for generations of children to come Schools in Myanmar, Kiribati, Kenya and elsewhere are requesting teachers to provide mentoring opportunities for local educators. Sharing your skills will improve processes and procedures vital to building their long-term personnel and organisational capacity. Effective skill exchange is best assisted by those who volunteer for two years, but requesting communities do accept that some are only available for 12 months. Your cultural immersion will assist sustainable poverty reduction and provide the vocational fulfilment of a lifetime in relationships of understanding, acceptance and care. For 58 years the Catholic mission and development agency, Palms Australia, have been matching

the skills of those who volunteer with the skills requested by receiving communities. Palms thoroughly prepare and support volunteers and partner organisations for authentic relationships based in mutual development. Call Christine at Palms on 0432 942 681 or go to www.palms.org.au/volunteer/

Can’t commit just yet? Take a look…Try a short Encounter tour to Timor Leste or Samoa. www.palms.org.au/encounters/ Phone 02 9560 5333 Readings at Mass, Sunday 1St April 2018 – Sunday of the Resurrection First Reading, Acts 10:34-43 …. WE have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead. Psalm 117:1-23 … This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Second Reading, Colossians 3:1-4 …. Look for the things that are in heaven, where Christ is. Gospel, John 20:1-9 … The teaching of scripture is that he must rise from the dead.

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Readings at Mass, Sunday 8th April 2018 – Second Sunday of Easter First Reading, Acts 4:32-35 …. The whole group was united, heart and soul. Psalm 117:2-24…. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting. Second Reading, 1 John 5:1-6 …. Anyone begotten by God has already overcome the world. Gospel, John 20:19-31 …. After eight days, Jesus came in and stood among them.

Sean Geoghegan – Acting Assistant to the Principal: Curriculum Year 12 QCS and Vocational Preparation in Term 2 The Year 12 cohort are traditionally very well served by the Year 11 attendance at the Hamilton Island camp that will take place from the 18th to the 20th of April. It provides staff with a rare ‘open sky’ opportunity to move away from subject teaching and to focus exclusively and uninterruptedly on exam and workplace readiness. ‘OP’ students will receive intensive preparation (and testing) for two of the three QCS Tests. The results of one of these tests will be immediately available to students and will be recorded in their individualised learning account which was set up at the beginning of the year. School attendance is critical in this first week of Term 2, as specialised and differentiated programs have been planned for the different academic strands within the College. The QCS test is mandatory for all those students who are OP eligible, in other words for those whose suite of subjects includes at least five OP subjects. The QCS Test produces a group average and that average is negatively affected by those students who do not apply themselves with the required diligence. The QCS is optional for those Year 12 students whose subject choice comprises mostly vocational subjects. Because the majority of vocational students have opted out of sitting the QCS Test, those students will experience a program geared very specifically to work preparedness. Reminder regarding applications for special provision for the QCS…………… QCAA recognises that some students have a medical condition, impairment, or exceptional circumstances that may affect their access to the test or their demonstration of achievement in the test. QCAA attempts to minimise such barriers by making special provision available to these students. Schools approve special provision for school-based assessment. Special provision for the QCS Test, however, is approved by the QCAA. Two types of special provision are available before the QCS Test: special arrangements and exemption. Special arrangements are practical adjustments to the test conditions, e.g. restbreaks, A3-size test materials, use of word processing software. Exemption allows a student to be absent from the test and retain their eligibility for an OP. Special provision does not affect OP-eligibility or alter the method of OP calculation. There will be no record of special provision on the student’s Senior Statement, Statement of Results or Statement of Achievement. The school may submit an application on the student’s behalf. QCAA relies on the following information to help make fair, equitable and reasonable decisions: information provided by school staff about the impact of students’ impairments/circumstances medical or other independent documentation. Schools should make all students aware that special provision is available. Any student who believes they have a reason to apply for special provision may do so. A student may submit an application directly if they have a reason for not submitting their application through their school (e.g. if they have a medical condition they do not wish to disclose to school staff). In this case, the student or their parent/carer should phone (07) 3864 0227 for information and an application form. Documentation Applications are assessed using the supporting documentation provided. All documentation, including medical supporting documentation, must:

• state the name or nature of the medical condition or impairment • describe how the student will be affected by the impairment at the time of the test • be provided by a suitably qualified person (as indicated in the relevant application categories) who is not related to

the student and who is not employed by the school. Applications submitted without appropriate documentation are not likely to be approved. Applications are due, at the QCAA not St Pat’s, by 21 May 2018. QCS Equipment Kit A perennial issue that the school faces at the time of QCS is that there is an array of equipment that students are required bring for these exams. Experience has shown us that students do not: a) procure the right equipment; and b) bring the

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appropriate equipment on the day. In order to remediate this issue, the College is providing an Equipment Kit at the remarkable, never-to-be-repeated price of $15.00 We urge all parents to order by completing the attached Order Form.

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Brendon Brauer – Acting Assistant to the Principal: Pastoral Care This month on SchoolTV - Physical Activity & Exercise In the last decade, children's participation in physical activity and exercise has been in decline. In this digital age, children are using computers and mobile devices, not only for learning, but for relaxation and recreation purposes. This sedentary behaviour is having a detrimental effect on today's youth. The key is finding the balance. Research shows, that regular physical activity and exercise leads to changes in the brain. It improves cognitive function, elevates mood, enhances learning and improves academic outcomes. Playing sport helps kids develop fundamental movement skills impacting positively on their confidence, self-esteem and ability to develop social skills. Parents play an important role in helping children establish positive habits that will benefit them in the long-term. In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will discover practical advice relating to the benefits of regular physical activity and exercise, as well as tips on how to get their kids motivated and moving more. The school holidays are an excellent time for our students to get active and to engage in some physical activity that was perhaps neglected over the last two weeks of exams and work placement. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month's edition and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information. Here is the link to this month's edition http://stpats.qld.schooltv.me/newsletter/physical-activity-and-exercise Excursion to Mackay Hospital (P.A.R.T.Y Program) St Patrick’s College students have been invited to participate in an excursion to Mackay Hospital as part of a trauma prevention program. The P.A.R.T.Y. Program (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth) exposes students to an experience of life post trauma with the view to altering their perceptions of risk-related activities such as drink driving. Young people are grossly over represented in trauma statistics in terms of both death and disability. Programs such as the P.A.R.T.Y. Program aim to change behaviour and assist students to identify risks and make safer choices. The date for the excursion is Tuesday May 8 from 8:50 am to 3:05 pm at Mackay Hospital. Students will be transported to and from the venue by the College. Only 25 students will be attending, accompanied by 2-3 school staff. The first 25 students who register their interest in this excursion will be eligible to attend. Nominations were taken last week but there are still places available. Students are required to be at College to catch the bus at 8:30 am and will return to the College at approximately 3:20pm. During the day, students will meet emergency service professionals, doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and people who have experienced trauma - and survived. This program is offered to all interested students and may be particularly beneficial for students interested in studying medicine and healthcare sciences. I would encourage you to seriously consider your child's participation in the P.A.R.T.Y. Program. However, in spite of overwhelming evidence to support its positive impact on those who attend, the material covered at the hospital is of a serious and sometimes confronting nature. It is important that your child be excluded from the excursion if you feel they have experienced a recent traumatic event (within the last two years) that would make participation in the P.A.R.T.Y. Program difficult. Please contact Mr Brauer or Mrs Duthler for more information.

Dorota Cook – Science Coordinator Science Competitions Two great Science Competitions are open to all students. 2018 International Competition and Assessment for Schools (ICAS) This competition be held on Tuesday 29 May 2018 and will be a supervised test (multiple choice format) which will take approximately sixty minutes. The cost is $9.00. Medals are awarded to the top students per state and achievement certificates are issued to all students.

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ANCQ (Chemistry) Competition This competition will be held on Thursday 2 August 2018. The Quiz consists of thirty multiple choice questions, taking approximately sixty minutes. The cost per entry is $5.50. All students are awarded for their efforts and receive a Certificate (of Participation, Merit, Credit, Distinction or High Distinction depending on their level of achievement). The above competitions provide excellent preparation for QCS. If you achieve great results, they could be mentioned when you apply for university scholarships. Students are encouraged to take part in these competitions (either in one or two). Please see Ms Cook (Science HOD) to register your participation and make your payment to the school bursar by Thursday 26 April 2018.

Tracey McLeod – Acting Assistant to the Principal: Administration Tass Update During this term, our TASS.web operating system, which controls Parent Lounge, Student Café and Teacher Kiosk, has been going through some changes. This is in preparation for a roll over to a new operating system TASS Enterprise, during the second week of the Easter holidays. The implications of changing to this system for parents and student is:

• All current web shortcuts set up for Parent Lounge and Student Café will no longer work • All usernames for Parent Lounge will change to a numerical code • Parent Lounge usage and passwords will remain unchanged • Student Café login credentials will be the same as the CENet (Google Drive) logins

In an endeavor to make the change over as seamless as possible the College has put the following procedures in place:

• The short cuts to Parent Lounge and Student Café will be updated on our St Patrick’s College website. • Personalised letters will be mailed to all Parent Lounge users with your new username in the first week of term two.

If you have not received the letter by Monday April 23, could you please contact the College reception. Due to format of the letters we are unable to email them.

• Reports will therefore be uploaded on Monday April 23, with access to book parent teacher interviews occurring from 8:30am the same day.

• Parent teacher interviews have been moved back a week to Thursday May 10, to facilitate parent’s inability to access Parent Lounge until week two of the term.

Kerry Braby – Pastoral Care Coordinator The Year 11 Hamilton Island Retreat is on the first week of term two. Students are reminded to check on any information received to ensure you are ready for the camp. Also, don’t forget to bring money for any additional purchases or activities that you may wish to do whilst on the island. Important Dates and Times: Departure from the College - Wednesday 18th April Girls’ buses for 18 April: Girls will need to be at the College at 6:00am to have names marked and collect information. The bus will depart by 6:30am with an arrival time of 8:30am at the Port of Airlie. The ferry will depart at 9:15am – arrival time at Hamilton Island approximately 10:15am. Boys’ buses for 18 April: Boys will need to be at the College at 8:00am to have names marked and collect information. The bus will depart by 8:30am with an arrival time of 10:30am at the Port of Airlie. The ferry will depart at 11:30am – arrival time at Hamilton Island approximately 12:30pm. Arrival at the College, Friday 20th April: Girls’ buses for 20 April: The girls will depart Hamilton Island at 10:00am - arrival time at Port of Airlie Maritime Terminal approximately 11:00am. Buses will be there at 11:00am ready to load with an arrival time of 1:15pm in Mackay. Girls are able to be collected and to go home. Boys’ buses for 20 April: The boys will depart Hamilton island at 12:30pm - arrival time at Port of Airlie Maritime Terminal 1:30pm. Buses will be there at 1:30pm ready to load with an arrival time of 3:45pm in Mackay.

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## As the ferry service changes to its winter run times on 1 April, some times cannot be confirmed until the day before departure (Tuesday 17 April), however the times that students are required at the College on Wednesday morning WILL NOT ALTER. ##We CANNOT wait for late students and unfortunately there will be no reimbursement of costs if students fail to attend camp.

Community Notices

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30 Year Reunion 2018

Date – 4 – 6th May 2018 Organisers – Simon McKenzie, David Rover and Bridget Morgan

For more information Email – [email protected]

Phone – 0419 227 771

St Anne’s School Sarina, on behalf of St Michael’s Parish would like to invite past

students of St Anne’s attending Mercy College, St Patrick’s College, Holy Spirit College and Sarina State High School to join with us to

celebrate the Year of Youth at Mass on Sunday June 10th at 9:00am. If you would you like to

be involved in the liturgy as singers, musicians, readers, altar servers or other parts, please

contact Mrs Helen Patroni at [email protected] or by

calling St Anne’s during school hours on 49 561534. We look forward to celebrating this

special event with the youth of our parish.

CBC Mackay 1967 Junior Class Reunion A class reunion is being planned for the 1967 CBC Mackay Junior class students, and including spouses/partners, for the May Day weekend 2018. If you are aware of a friend or family member who attended Junior class at “the Brothers” in 1967, it would be greatly appreciated if you would “spread the word” about this event. Text names and contact details to Pat Lanigan, mobile 0140 580 452, or Steve Ryan, mobile 0408 035 378.