january –bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, benito, to run for...

EDITORIAL “ We need your articles” I’m getting slow and the new comers are very fast - Tn. Hj Nordin Abd Rasid 7 Steps to Beautiful Body Why is English important in Medical Workplace. TURN VISION INTO ACTION— DATUK DR. ADHAM BABA e–Bulletin Volume 11 January 2010

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Page 1: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

EDITORIAL “ We need your articles”

I’m getting slow and the new comers are very fast - Tn. Hj Nordin Abd Rasid

7 Steps to Beautiful Body

Why is English important in Medical Workplace.


e–Bulletin Volume 11 January 2010

Page 2: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

Greetings to Citizens of UniKL RCMP je have celebrated the coming of Maal Hijrah 1431 and New Year 2010. February 14, 2010 is the Chinese New Year. This is the year of a Tiger which is said to be a very challenging year for all. Time flies. One month of precious time has gone, what have we achieved since January 1, 2010? X-bulletins for 2010 will have more exciting and interesting contents and updates. Colleagues from various departments are encouraged to send in writings, news, and activities. Let us be proud of our monthly publication. I hope every department will contribute writings to E-bulletin. go all members of academia, I wish you another successful and productive period of teaching our students. Students’ achievements rely on your guidance. I sincerely hope all of us maintain our passion and enthusiasm in teaching and strive to give our best. Colleagues, \ pray for all of us to reach greater height in our personal endeavors. We should plan to do re-search and get it publish by the year end. All eligible members should be promoted to Associate Professor/Full Professor in the next promotional exercise. Let us set this goal for 2010. \ encourage all of us to be consultants to other institutions, organizations and related industries. We have the duty to promote University Kuala Lumpur and Royal College of Medicine Perak at national and international level. Uack in campus, we have to strengthen our ways and enhance our approach to academic excellence. Students must be proud of us and take us as their role model. We have to work to-gether in a harmonious environment. Our team spirit and supportive nature from members of academia and operations should be at the highest level. _et us work in unison to achieve success for 2010. Uest wishes and A Prosperous New Year. Dr. Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman Chief Editor

C O N T E N T S :

Datuk Dr. Adham Baba Working Visit


UNIKL Strategic Management Review Workshop


The Miracle of Love and Faith


Ibadah yang benar 5-6



Why is Learning English Important To a Career In The Medical Field


Farewell Party Tn. Hj. Nordin Abd Rasid




ADVISOR Professor Dr. Hashami Bohari


BOARD Dr. Mohammad Abd Rahman


Professor Dr. Awang IPR Dr. V. Gopalakrishnan

Pn. Siti Noraihan Sheikh Ahmad Mr. Pakirisamy s/o Saminathan


Pn. Zahaimi Abdullah Sani

DESIGN / LAYOUT Pn. Ainul Huda Ayu Anuar Aziz


En. Mohd Rizal Mohd Iskandar

Editorial Message

E-Bulletin J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 0 V O L U M E 1 1

Page 3: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

Datuk Dr Adham Baba’s working visit to RCMP from vision to action

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 1 1

Y. Berhormat Dr. Adham Baba, The Chairman, Board of Directors Universiti Teknikal MARA Sdn Bhd, on his brief working visit to UniKL RCMP on Tuesday 12th January 2010, recommended that RCMP management to embrace five philosophies in running the college. They are innovative, cost, quality, support and value. He also urged the college to translate its vision into action.

Dr. Adham Baba urged RCMP to forge ahead in innovation and competitiveness in order to be distinguished from other medical institutions in the country.

Expertise, networking, human capital, social and organizational capital should be maximized to internationalize the college to the highest level.

Royal College of Medicine Perak should provide quality programmes and a conducive environment besides ensuring the students graduated on time. All these qualities will attract more foreign students to study here. The presence of international students will speak for the quality of the programmes.

Before going international, RCMP should have strong financial backup and support from various organizations.

Last but not least, speaking of value, the college should project its image by designing signboards and c r e a t i v e a d v e r t i s e m e n t s . Advertisements and signages are excellent vehicles for projecting the organization’s products and services. It will also boost the college’s image and create RCMP corporate awareness amongst the locals and foreigners. He pointed out that there is no point in having value added programmes without publicizing them.

Also present at the visit were the Chairman of PCM Sdn Bhd, Datuk Zamani Md Noor and President/CEO of Universiti Kuala Lumpur Prof. Dato’ Dr Hakim Juri. The Dean and respective Heads of Departments accompanied assisted him during the 45 minutes tour around the college. He was later taken to Maxwell Clinic Women’s Specialist Centre at Jalan Labroy, Ipoh, to see the progress of the clinic before leaving for Kuala Lumpur.

Zahaimi Abdullah Sani Corporate Communication

Page 4: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another


Date : 10th -12th December 2009 Venue : Gambang Resort, Pahang

Participants : UniKL Management from the respective campuses RCMP Representative : Dr Mohammad Abdul Rahman, Professor Dr Shaharudin Aziz, Dr Ahmat Zamri, Thian Yee Wei, Capt Zabani Haji Abdul, Shamsul Bahrin, Nor Azhar Abdulah, Wan Rosli, Clemen, Siti

Noraihan and Fadziah Ismail.

The objectives set for this workshop were to establish systems for effective planning, business review, and problem-solving as well as setting future

directions. The retreat provided a more relaxed and innovative thinking environment for better collaboration, brain storming, and decision-making.

The sessions were facilitated by the President together with the UNIKL RCMP management team to stimulate and validate planning and mapping out strategy for 2010 to 2015. The head of campus, head of division, head of academic and centre directors are divided into eight groups to identify new opportunities and to be able to overcome exist-ing and future challenges.

The scope of discussion

IP 1 Stronger Emphasis on Research and Development Capabilities IP2 Developing and sustaining UniKL niche & uniqueness in core skills program development

IP3 Developing an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset in graduates IP4 Improving the quality of teaching and learning IP5 Quality assurance/QMS: Ensuring compliance to quality standards IP6 Strengthening consultancy and projects IP7 Building and strengthening UniKL’s brand IP8 Improving shared process

The 3 days workshop was successful and participants endorsed the re-view of the existing management structures and processes of respective institutions stemming from their different policies, procedures, and cul-tures.

Shamsul Bahrin Shaari Special Project

P A G E 4

Page 5: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

P A G E 5

Ines Ramirez Perez, in all probability, you may have never heard of her. She is a Mexican woman, born in 1960, and hails from a town called Rio Talea, in the state of Oaxaca in Mexico. Rio Talea, located high in the mountains, in rough terrain with crude roads, has a population of about 500 people and only one telephone. Ines Perez, a peas-ant, gained notoriety in 2000. Ines had given birth to 8 chil-dren; seven living and the last had ended in fetal demise during labour in 1997. Her husband, had assisted her through all her previous la-bours. She was now pregnant with her ninth child. On the 5 March 2000, Ines was alone in her one-room cabin, when her labour pains started. She had no access to a telephone, and the nearest midwife was more than 50 miles away. Her husband, today of all days, was away drinking at a cantina! Ines stoi-cally bore the pounding pains of a child insistent on entering the world. She remembered vividly, her agony of delivering a dead baby girl, three years ago. As her labour intensified, so did her concern for her yet unborn child. At midnight, after 12 hours of constant pain, Ines vowed that she was not going to experience the loss of an-other child. This woman, with no previous medical training, decided to operate on herself. She needed something for pain. She drank from a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and as-sumed the traditional native birthing position, sitting up and leaning forward. She grabbed the 15 cm knife that she used for butchering animals, and pointed it at her belly. Ines

used this knife to save her baby. Under the light of a single dim bulb, she began to cut. After a total of 3 attempts, she cut through skin, fat, muscle and uterus. The vertical incision was 17 cm long, several centi-meters to the right of her um-bilicus, from her rib cage to the pubic area. After an hour of operating on herself, she reached inside her uterus and pulled out her baby boy, who breathed and cried immedi-ately. She then severed the umbilical cord with a pair of scissors and lost conscious-ness. When she regained consciousness, she wrapped a jersey around her bleeding abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another assistant, found Ines alert and lying beside her live baby. Cruz sewed her abdomen with a needle and cotton thread. Mother and baby were then lifted onto a thin straw mat, lugged up vertical rock-strewn horse trails to the town’s only road, then driven to a clinic 3 hours away. She was given basic emergency medical attention, and transferred by truck to the nearest hospital 240 miles away, bouncing for 8 hours on dirt roads. Sixteen hours later, she underwent surgical repair of the incision si te. On the seventh pos t -opera t ive day, a laparotomy was performed to repair complications resulting from damage to her intestines. She was discharged on the tenth post-operative day, and went on to a complete recovery.

Later, when interviewed about her experience, Ines said, ‘‘I couldn’t stand the pain anymore. If my baby was going to die, then I decided I would have to die, too. But if he was going to grow up, I was going to see him grow up, and I was going to be with my child. I thought that God would save both of our lives.’’ When asked, what guided her in the operation, she said, ‘‘I had slaughtered chickens and other animals’’. Ines is believed to be profoundly lucky in several ways: • In the native birthing position, she put her uterus, rather than her intestines, against the abdominal wall under the incision site. • She did not pass out from the pain part-way through the operation, or die of shock. • She did not succumb to infection, from the large open wound in a non-ster i le environment with a non-sterile knife. Doctors believe that there are populations with an innate resistance so strong, that they can tolerate what urban groups cannot. She drank rubbing alcohol ( isopropyl alcohol), which most probably was of a sub-lethal dose and survived. Today, the baby she delivered, Orlando Ruiz Ramirez, is a playful 10 year old. Inez is recognized internationally as a modern miracle, the only known woman to have performed a successful caesar-ian section on herself.

As a parting note, she did say, that she does not advise other women to

follow her example!

Dr FS Malhi Senior Lecturer

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Page 6: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

P A G E 6

Ibadah seringkali difahami merujuk kepada solat, puasa, zakat, haji, membaca al-Quran dan berzikir. Namun hakikatnya pemaha-man ini agak sempit dan kurang tempat. Ibadah seharusnya difahami dalam ruang lingkup yang lebih luas dan dilaksanakan sepertimana yang dikehendaki oleh Allah dan RasulNya. Definisi Ibadah Syaikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah mendefinisikan ibadah seba-gai :

العبادة هي اسم جامع لكل ما يحبه اهللا ويرضاه من األقوال واألعمال

الباطنة والظاهرة

Maksudnya : “Ibadah ialah kata nama yang merangkumi setiap apa yang disukai oleh Allah dan diredhaiNya (yang terdiri) daripada perkataan-perkataan dan perbuatan-perbuatan zahir dan batin” . Perkataan dan perbuatan yang zahir merangkumi mengucap dua kalimah syahadah, solat, puasa, haji, berjihad di jalan Allah, mengajak kepada kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran, membantu orang yang memerlukan, berdakwah dan sebagainya. Manakala perkataan dan perbuatan yang batin pula merangkumi beriman kepada Allah, para malaikat, kitab-kitab, para Rasul, hari akhirat, ketentuan Allah sama ada baik atau buruk, takut pada azab Allah, harap pada ganjaran Allah, bertawakkal, memohon pertolongan serta meminta perlindungan.

Ciri-Ciri Ibadah Yang Benar Ibadah yang benar mestilah memiliki ciri-ciri berikut : 1. Merendah diri, tunduk serta patuh الخضوع والذل واإلنقياد Firman Allah:

أنيبوا إلى ربكم وأسلموا له و 1من قبل أن يأتيكم العذاب ثم لا

تنصرون2 Maksudnya : “Dan

kembalilah kamu kepada Tuhan kamu Dengan bertaubat, serta berserah bulat-bulat kepadaNya, sebelum kamu didatangi azab; kerana sesudah itu kamu tidak akan diberikan pertolongan”

2. Cinta الحب Firman Allah:

ومن الناس من يتخذ من دون الله أندادا يحبونهم آحب الله والذين آمنوا أشد حبا لله Maksudnya : “Dan ada juga di antara manusia yang mengambil selain dari Allah (untuk menjadi) sekutu-sekutu (Allah), mereka mencintainya, (memuja dan mentaatinya) sebagaimana mereka mencintai Allah; sedang orang-orang yang beriman itu lebih cinta (taat) kepada Allah”.

3. Takut dan harap الخوف والرجاء Firman Allah:

ويرجون رحمته ويخافون عذابه

Maksudnya : “Mereka mengharapkan rahmatNya dan gerun takut akan azabNya”. Berkata al-Imam Ibn Kathir ketika beliau menafsirkan ayat ini : “Tidak sempurna ibadah melainkan dengan perasaan takut dan harap. Maka dengan takut dapat menjauhkan daripada perkara-perkara yang dilarang dan dengan harap dapat mendorong kepada ketaatan “

Ketiga-tiga ciri ini haruslah seimbang dalam kita melaksanakan sesuatu ibadah. Seseorang muslim menunaikan solat kerana patuh dan tunduk kepada Allah, cintakan Allah, mengharapkan ganjaran bagi orang yang bersolat dan takutkan azab Allah terhadap sesiapa yang meninggalkan solat. Diriwayatkan daripada daripada salaf : “Barangsiapa yang beribadah kepada Allah

dengan rasa cinta الحب semata-mata maka dia adalah zindiq, barangsiapa yang beribadah kepadaNya hanya

dengan rasa harap الرجاء maka dia adalah murji’, barangsiapa yang beribadah kepadaNya hanya dengan

rasa takutالخوف maka dia adalah haruriy dan barangsiapa yang beribadah kepada Allah dengan rasa cinta, takut dan harap maka dia adalah mukmin sejati”.

Syarat-Syarat Ibadah Diterima Ikhlas kerana Allah semata-mata serta bebas daripada syirik Firman Allah:

ه دوا الل ا ليعب روا إل ا أم وم مخلصين له الدين

Maksudnya : "Mereka tidak disuruh kecuali supaya men-yembah Allah dengan me-murnikan ketaatan kepadaNya dalam agama". Firman Allah :

يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تبطلوا صدقاتكم بالمن والأذى آالذي ينفق ماله رئاء الناس ولا يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فمثله آمثل صفوان عليه تراب فأصابه وابل فترآه صلدا لا يقدرون على شيء مما آسبوا والله لا يهدي

ومثل الذين ) 264(القوم الكافرين ينفقون أموالهم ابتغاء مرضاة الله وتثبيتا من أنفسهم آمثل جنة بربوة أصابها وابل فآتت أآلها ضعفين فإن لم يصبها وابل فطل والله بما تعملون

) 265(بصير

Ibadah Yang Benar

Ustaz Hisyam Md Radzi

General Studies

Page 7: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

P A G E 7 V O L U M E 1 1

Maksudnya: “Ambillah dari-padaku (tatacara amalan-amalan) haji kamu”. Kesimpulannya ibadah perlulah dilaksanakan dengan penuh keikhlasan kepada Allah dan mengikut petunjuk RasulNya . Firman Allah :

الذي خلق الموت والحياة ليبلوآم أيكم أحسن عملا

Maksudnya : “Dialah yang telah menciptakan kematian dan kehidupan untuk menguji kamu, siapakah antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya”. Berkata Fudhayl ibn ‘Iyadh ketika menafsirkan perkataan : sebaik-baik amalanأحسن عملا“(iaitu amalan) yang paling ikhlas dan paling tepat”, ditanya kepada beliau : “Wahai Abu ‘Ali, apakah (amalan) yang paling ikhlas dan yang paling tepat?”, beliau menjawab : “Sesungguhnya amalan itu apa-bila dilaksanakan dengan ikhlas tetapi tidak tepat maka ia tidak akan diterima, dan apabila dilak-sanakan dengan tepat tetapi tidak ikhlas maka ia tidak akan diterima sehinggalah ia (dilaksanakan) dengan ikhlas dan tepat. Amalan yang ikhlas itu, yang dilakukan kerana Allah dan amalan yang tepat itu, yang dilakukan mengikut al-Sunnah”. Firman Allah:

فمن آان يرجو لقاء ربه فليعمل عملا صالحا ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه

أحدا Maksudnya : “Oleh itu, sesiapa yang percaya dan berharap akan pertemuan dengan Tu-hannya, hendaklah dia menger-jakan amal yang soleh dan jan-ganlah ia mempersekutukan sesiapapun dalam ibadatnya kepada Tuhannya”.

apa yang dia hijrah kepadanya”. Baginda pernah ditanya ten-tang seorang lelaki yang ber-perang jihad kerana ingin dikenali sebagai orang yang berani, berperang untuk mem-pertahankan diri dan berper-ang kerana ingin menunjuk-nunjuk, yang mana di atas jalan Allah? Lalu baginda menjawab :

من قاتل لتكون آلمة الله هى العليا فهو فى سبيل الله

Maksudnya : “Sesiapa yang berperang (jihad) demi men-jadikan kalimah Allah yang paling tinggi maka dialah yang berada di jalan Allah”. • Menepati petunjuk Rasu-

lullah Ibadah bukan sahaja perlu dilakukan dengan ikhlas, sebaliknya mestilah menepati sunnah Rasulullah, nescaya ibadah tersebut dapat dilak-sanakan sepertimana yang disyari‘atkan oleh Allah. Hal ini kerana, antara tujuan para Rasul diutuskan adalah untuk mengajak manusia men-yembah Allah semata-mata dan mengajarkan manusia tatacara beribadah kepada Allah U. Oleh itu sesiapa yang beribadah tanpa mengikut cara yang ditunjukkan oleh Rasulullah r maka dia telah mengambil syari‘at selain daripada Islam. Akibatnya amalan tersebut akan ditolak oleh Allah. Firman Allah:

ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من

الخاسرين Maksudnya : “Dan sesiapa yang mencari agama selain daripada agama Islam, maka tidak akan diterima daripadanya, dan dia pada

hari akhirat kelak terdiri daripada orang-orang yang rugi”. Sabda Rasulullah:

ا ه أمرن س علي ال لي ل عم ن عم م فهو رد

Maksudnya : “Barangsiapa yang me lakukan amalan tanpa adanya tuntutan daripada kami maka ia tertolak”. Allah memerintahkan hamba-hambaNya supaya mentaatiNya dan RasulNya dengan ketaatan yang mutlak. Firman Allah : ه وا الل وا أطيع ذين آمن ا ال ا أيه يم وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي األمر منكى ردوه إل يء ف ي ش ازعتم ف فإن تن الله Maksdunya : “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, taatlah kamu kepada Allah dan taatlah kamu kepada Rasulullah dan kepada orang-orang yang berkuasa dari kalangan kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berbantah-bantah (berselisihan) dalam sesuatu perkara, maka hendak-lah kamu mengembalikannya kepada Allah (al-Quran) dan RasulNya (al-Sunnah) jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Yang demikian adalah lebih baik (bagi kamu), dan lebih elok pula kesudahannya”.

Ketaatan tersebut me l ipu t i semua perkara termasuklah ibadah. Sebab itulah kita dapati Rasulullah m e n g a r a h k a n u m a t n y a melaksanakan ibadah seperti-mana yang dilakukan olehnya.

Sabda Rasulullah :

وصلوا آما رأيتمونى أصلىMaksudnya : “Dan solatlah sepertimana kamu semua melihat aku bersolat”. Sabda Rasulullah :

خذوا عنى مناسككم

Maksudnya : “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu menghilangkan (pahala) sedekahmu dengan menyebut-nyebutnya dan menyakiti (perasaan penerimanya), seperti orang yang menafkahkan har-tanya kerana hendak menunjuk-nunjuk kepada manusia (riak) dan dia pula tidak beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Maka bandingan orang itu ialah seperti batu licin yang ada tanah di atasnya, kemudian batu itu ditimpa hujan lebat, lalu diting-galkannya bersih licin (tidak bertanah lagi). Mereka tidak akan mendapat sesuatu (pahala) pun dari apa yang mereka usa-hakan dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak akan memberi petunjuk kepada kaum yang kafir (264). Dan bandingan orang-orang yang membelanjakan hartanya kerana mencari keredaan Allah dan kerana meneguhkan (iman dan perasaan ikhlas) yang timbul dari jiwa mereka, adalah seperti sebuah kebun di dataran tinggi yang ditimpa hujan lebat, lalu ia mengeluarkan hasilnya dua kali ganda. Kalau ia tidak ditimpa hujan lebat maka hujan renyai-renyai pun (cukup untuk meny-iraminya) dan (ingatlah), Allah sentiasa melihat akan apa yang kamu lakukan (265)”. Sabda Rasulullah :

إنما األعمال بالنية ، وإنما المرئ ما نوى ، فمن آانت هجرته إلى الله ورسوله فهجرته إلى الله ورسوله ومن آانت هجرته إلى دنيا يصيبها أو امرأة يتزوجها ،

فهجرته إلى ما هاجر إليهMaksudnya : “Sesungguhnya setiap amalan itu dengan niat, sesungguhnya bagi setiap orang itu apa yang diniatkannya. Barangsiapa yang berhijrah kerana Allah dan RasulNya maka hijrahnya itu kerana Allah dan Rasulnya dan barangsiapa yang hijrahnya kerana dunia atau wanita yang ingin dikahwin-inya maka hijrahnya itu kerana

Page 8: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

Nos. Good foods Great foods Super foods











Bananas-Rich in potassium-regulates BP. Chick peas- Rich protein- Pro-vides essential amino acids. Honey- Good decongestant, mild laxative, stimulates Endorphin production. Lentils- High in protein, soluble fibre (which lowers blood choles-terol), Insoluble fibre which pre-vents constipation and reduces the risk of colonic cancer Pumpkin Seeds – Rich in iron, potassium, Magnesium and zinc. Sunflower Seeds – Rich in vita-min E and good for skin. Tofu – High in protein and vitamin E. Also low in saturated fat if you avoid frying it. Whole meal Flour – Has insoluble fibre which prevents constipation. Courgettes – Rich in vitamin C, Beta Carotene and fibre. Meat – Fresh lean meat rather than meat products like sau-sages.

Aubergines- Rich in fibers. Avocado- Great source of Vitamin E & anti oxi-dants. Barley- Rich fibre. Butter – unsalted and organic Chicken – organic with no skin and no fat Eggs – organic & Free range – Has protein, lecithin, B12 for a healthy nervous system Millet- Gluten free. Peppers – source of vitamin C, beta carotene, and bioflavinoids and are an ideal antidote to free radical damage. Porridge- filling & a good source of soluble fibre, helps in reducing choles-terol. Soya milk – Easier to digest and does not contain lactose (Natural milk sugar)

Apples- Full of pectin a solu-ble fibre-Lowers cholesterol. Bean shoots – High in Vita-min C. Beet root- Anti carcinogenic, increases bile secretion from liver-enhances waste excretion from body. Brown Rice – Collects toxins as it moves through gut and flushes out. Carrots – High in vitamin C and Beta Carotene. Citrus Fruits – Oranges, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemons. Cranberries – Acidify urine, improves kidney function and relieves cystitis. Fresh Fish – 3 portions per week. Has omega 3 oils, vital for eye and brain func-tion and protects against cardiac diseases. Onions & Garlic – Has re-nowned detoxification prop-erties and great for boosting immunity. Easy swallow capsules are good option. Radish – Has vitamin C and is a natural Diuretic. Spices – Turmeric, nutmeg and cinnamon are good for liver function

DETOX….towards the beautiful body!!

P A G E 8 V O L U M E 1 1

Detox is a spring clean of your body, a serious clear out of all the Junk & Tox ins we have accumulated over the past months or years. Indications of Detox:

• Feeling sick • Dull skin (rough) • I r r i tab le wi th mood

swings, • Exhausted, • Bad dull hair • Bloated.

Why to Detox : After detox you feel refreshed, lighter with more energy, Regular b o w e l m o v e m e n t s , C l e a r complexion, Softer, smoother & less dry skin, Stronger & healthier nails How to Detox: The main ways are : 1. Wean from junk foods, coffee, refined carbohydrates, sugars, alcohol, smoking, chocolate in any form, hydrogenated fats, marga-rines, mushrooms, peanuts, white flour, smoked fish and salt. 2. Drink at least 3 liters water per day. 3. Welcome Good food, Great foods & Super foods.

The Detox foods can be divided into Good foods, Great foods & Super foods.

Page 9: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

P A G E 9

Get Set To Detox……In 7 Easy Steps

Planning • No need of expensive, complicated celebrity diets, you just need fresh and healthy foods. Go Seasonal & Organic • Shop for seasonal foods and preferably the organic ones. Write it down • Whatever you eat, how you feel physically and emotionally, the exercises done during the day…..u wouldn’t want to enter you smoked 5 cigarettes n had downed alcohol n ate the take away foods…would you?? Get Moving • Go for a walk, short run and increase your physical activity by cycling, swimming, stretching and exercising. Learn to Relax • Overcome stress with relaxation, a ten minute yoga and exercise. Sleep • The best health & beauty treatment money can’t buy. Sleep in a dark, silent, peaceful & uncluttered room. Beauty Treatment

• Very essential of course…Go for home facials ( for a fraction of price compared to beauty saloons), light massage for skin and hair, aromatherapy, reflexology or shiatsu as per your preference.

By Bilques Sultana, Unit Physiotherapy

Page 10: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

Raj Dronamraju General Studies


P A G E 1 0 V O L U M E 1 1

English first gained importance as a possible universal language for all the various medical fields during the Middle Ages. At that time, the era of Greek and Arabic as the main languages for medical texts was coming to an end and the era of Latin was in progress. While Latin is still used for classification purposes, English is now the language of communication internationally among all the disparate areas in the medical field. New medical terms are introduced in English and then doctors in non-speaking countries have the option of translating these terms into their native language. However, one of the most important and overlooked areas of English language instruction that is geared for the professional, that is some-one utilizing English with a specific purpose as posed to learning for academic reasons only or for writing papers and in research documents, is using English in real life situations i . e . f o r c u s t o m e r service. Adding a module in English that includes English for customer service to all the different English classes at Royal

Medical College UNIKL will give real world value to the different courses. It doesn’t matter if one is studying to be a physician or a pharmacist or a nurse or a radiographer, the skills learned will apply. It is the plan for examples and exercises in classes to be tai-lored to specific careers. This will not only boost the use of English but instill better cus-tomer service skills, better in-teraction communication skills in students in all disci-plines. Furthermore, these lessons will have been suited to the individual careers of the students. English is considered a low-context language meaning that weight is given to the meanings of words and what is actually said or written. Both Bahasa Melayu and Mandarin (in fact the languages in most if not all Southeast Asian countries) are high context meaning equal weight is given to other concerns outside of communication and the ac-tual meaning of words such as the gender or age or social position of the speaker. Moving towards a low context language structure in addition to forcing more attention to all the different

ski l l areas of English (grammar, speaking etc.) removes bias from communi-

cation and allows for more professional interact ions between patients or clients or customers and medical profes-sionals in all fields. The instructors who are orga-nizing the career based role plays in the English courses will strive to create a low context English language client/customer/patient based envi-ronment in the classroom in addition to working on the me-chanics of the English lan-guage. The language of English can be a wild, untamable beast, something huge that is hard to wrap one’s mind around. By focusing on real life situations as well as the required syllabus items, we can tame the beast and produce students who not only have a high level of fluency but an understanding of how to use that in the workplace.

Page 11: January –Bulletin - rcmp.unikl.edu.my · abdomen and asked her 6 year old son, Benito, to run for help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon Cruz and another

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At 3.00 pm on Thursday 28th January 2010 all Heads of Departments gathered at Dulang Coffee House, Ex-celsior Hotel, Ipoh, attend-ing Tuan Haji Nordin bin Abdul Rasid, Head of Nurs-ing farewell party. It started with a brief speech by the Deputy Dean (Academic) Dr. Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman, followed by Puan Noor Azizah bte Abdul Wahab, Head of Pharmacy who expressed their gratitude to Tuan Haji Nordin for having the oppor-tunity to work with him. The cool and patient Tuan Haji Nordin was later invited to deliver his retirement speech and he narrated his happiness throughout the 10 years working with the college. In his speech, he

expressed his interest to visit the college once in a while to update himself with the students’ progress. He stated that he had started his career with this college on 13 February 2000 after his retirement from KKM. He was the key person to initiate allied health sciences programme and later handed it to the respective departments after documenting them. The dedicated Tuan Haji Nordin stressed the impor-tance of having good net-working with local private hospitals that have sup-ported UniKL RCMP pro-grammes all the way. Until today our nurses are well accepted by the private hospitals, in fact the de-mand for UniKL RCMP nurses is very high. When asked for his reason

for leaving despite being of-

fered an extension on his contract, he answered with a smile “I’m getting slow and the new comers are very fast. I can’t cope up with them either”. Caring for the students’ welfare he frequently trav-elled from one hospital to another to assist them in facing the challenges that appear along their way. He gave top priority to ensure that the students enhanced the college image, and be more independent and com-petitive in the job market. Also present at the function were Prof Shahruddin Aziz, the Deputy Dean of Techno-preneur, Mr Thian Yee Wei – Finance & Procument, En Shamsul Bahrin – Special Task Officer and Puan Siti Noraihan, coordinator of General Studies.

Zahaimi Abdullah Sani

Corporate Communication