jefferson county project dashboard

Last Refresh at 04/29/2010 08:22 PDT (08:22 AM MST) Projects Due to be Completed in Current Month Schedule Health Icon Title Target Date Owner: Last, First Graffiti Tracking 04/29/2010 Good, Dorinda Electronic Messaging Retention Policy 04/30/2010 Monahan, David JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 04/30/2010 Binkley, John Projects that are Active and Past Due Schedule Health Icon Title Target Date Owner: Last, First Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Monahan, David Current Requests at PMO, CIO Gates for Approval All PIRs by Owner Owner Gate Title Benefiting Department Desired Start Date Desired Completion Date Customer Project Priority (1-High, 10-Low) Project Description Note Comments: Latest Count 0 Report Totals 0 Current Requests at Final Approval Gate All PIRs by Owner Owner Gate Title Benefiting Department Desired Start Date Desired Completion Date Customer Project Priority (1-High, 10-Low) Project Description Note Comments: Latest Count Page 1 of 24 4/29/2010

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Jefferson County, Colorado PMO Dashboard. This is a sample of our Project Dashboard in our PMO


Page 1: Jefferson County Project Dashboard

Last Refresh at 04/29/2010 08:22 PDT (08:22 AM MST)

Projects Due to be Completed in Current Month

Schedule Health Icon Title Target Date Owner: Last, First

Graffiti Tracking 04/29/2010 Good, Dorinda

Electronic Messaging Retention Policy 04/30/2010 Monahan, David

JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 04/30/2010 Binkley, John

Projects that are Active and Past Due

Schedule Health Icon Title Target Date Owner: Last, First

Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Monahan, David

Current Requests at PMO, CIO Gates for Approval

All PIRs by Owner

Owner Gate Title Benefiting Department Desired Start Date Desired Completion Date Customer Project Priority (1-High, 10-Low) Project Description Note Comments: Latest Count


Report Totals 0

Current Requests at Final Approval Gate

All PIRs by Owner

Owner Gate Title Benefiting Department Desired Start Date Desired Completion Date Customer Project Priority (1-High, 10-Low) Project Description Note Comments: Latest Count

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Report Totals 0

Active Requests at BA Gate Requiring Research

All PIRs by Owner

Owner Gate TitleBenefiting Department

Desired Start Date

Desired Completion Date

Customer Project

Priority (1-High, 10-


Project Description Note Comments: Latest Count

Binkley, John

BA Gate

Accounting Input Accel Project

Administrative Services: Accounting

01/01/2010 03/31/2010 2 Input Accel Project

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 02:45 PM No movement as yet. Other project priorities took precedence. Meeting is set with Karen on April 21. -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Apex Printing Human Services 04/01/2010 06/30/2010 3

Add Apache FOP to the APEX boxes. Application Express 3.0 introduced the ability to export a report region to PDF - essentially, printing a report. This is defined declaratively and is available for all report regions. Application Express users can now view and print reports with page headings that repeat on each page and content that properly conforms to various page sizes. To accomplish this, report data is transformed to PDF format using an externally defined report server.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 02:47 PM After discussing with customer, we will begin this project following the data center move -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Program Integration Project

Human Services 01/01/2010 12/31/2010 1This project will attempt to create a single point of entry for clients of the Human Services Department and their many diverse divisions.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 02:49 PM Set up recurring meeting with customer begin process mapping and requirements gathering. -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Data Information Sharing (Child Support Enforcement)

Human Services 07/27/2009 08/31/2009 0

DISH (Data Information Sharing) is a project that will allow courts and the Colorado Department of Human Services' Child Support Enforcement Units to exchange data in administrative process cases. This project is for families who depend on timely execution of administrative process action child support orders. The DISH project is an electronic case filing and information exchange program allowing child support enforcement and the courts to exchange data electronically. Unlike the current paper dependent systems, this solution will expedite child support orders, reduce redundant data entry, reduce dependencies on paper, and improve data accuracy. DISH is scheduled to be in its first pilot site early in 2009.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 03:06 PM Met with customer and SME's to discuss requirements and primary tasks to be included in the project plan. This project will be approximately 150 hours and will be completed over a 2-3 month span of time. -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Options For Collaborative Online Meetings

Human Services 02/08/2010 02/26/2010 2

The purpose of this project is to provide the Human Services Training Staff with a communications tool or set of tools to facilitate online, real-time collaborative meetings and ongoing discussions between trainers. The immediate requirements of the group entail the provisioning of live chat groups allowing for document sharing.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 02:51 PM Still waiting for customer feedback. In the meantime I have been experimenting with the SPARK IM tool to see if it will answer their immediate requirements. -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Online Workshop Application

Human Services: Career and Family Support Services

01/01/2010 03/31/2010 2 N/A

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 02:54 PM Meeting scheduled on April 15 with customer to review a business process that may neccessitate a change in application flow. -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

HS WFD Web Site II

Human Services: Career and Family Support Services

05/01/2010 12/31/2010 2 HS WFD Web Site

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 02:55 PM Regular batch updates are being completed on the 5th and 29th of the month according to the SLA. No major enhancements have been requested nor are any on the horizon. -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

State Mandated E-Filing

Human Services: Career and Family Support Services

04/26/2010 07/15/2010 1

The state judicial has mandated that all domestic case legal documents be electronically filed with the district courts. This project will provide Child Support Services a business process and methodology to accomplish e-filing to the Sate standard.


Binkley, John

BA Gate

CSCM/CAT Data Sharing

Human Services: Children Youth and Families

04/01/2010 06/30/2010 4

"John, I just met with Natalie Mall, one of our admins here in CYF and Tom Bay, an admin in Justice Services, about the possibility of sharing data between our two data systems. In CYF, we use a state system, Trails, but download the Jeffco Trails data into our local SQL server for use in reports and to feed the CAT system. In speaking with Tom, they use two systems developed by County IT - one is called Pretrial Services Case MGmt (PSCM) and the other Community Services Case Mgmt (CSCM). Since both systems have their data stored internally, it seems technically feasible to match clients to identify the individuals who are open in both systems. The type of information that would be shared would be pretty simple - caseworker/case manager name and case status. Natalie and Tom wanted to get a feel for the extent to which clients are ""shared"" between both systems before they consider additional shared data elements. My thought is we could match our open clients based on certain identifying demographics (SSN or Name/DOB) - but in order to do this we will need access to the underlying DB for the two justice services systems. Tom recalled that Nick Massaro was the developer who created the two justice services systems, but I wanted to run this by you to see if you have a contact for the systems and second, if you know how we could get access to the DB - at least for the initial data match to determine how many shared clients we have. I know we have a meeting scheduled next week to discuss CAT, so if you want to talk about this request then as well - that would be fine with me. Thanks for the assistance John.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 02:58 PM Met with CYF staff to prioritize all CYF requestes..This project has been dropped to customer priority 4. -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

CAT Data layer web-service

Human Services: Children Youth and Families

01/01/2010 06/30/2010 2This project will allow the data layer of the CAT System to be exposed as a web service on the Microsoft IIS environment

Status - Binkley, John 03/31/2010 08:11 AM Status unchanged -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Head Start GIS Service

Human Services: Head Start

02/18/2010 03/31/2010 2This project will cartographically depict "pockets of poeverty" for the Head Start Leadership to use for service targeting.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 03:00 PM No change. Waiting for customer feedback -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Head Start On-Line Forms Impementation

Human Services: Head Start

04/01/2010 04/30/2010 3 This project will enable on-line forms for the head start web site. 1

Binkley, John

BA Gate

Justice Services Payment Intake

Human Services: Justice Services

01/01/2010 03/31/2010 3Provide a way to take in payments, receipt them and apply them to the proper client in the CSCM system.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 03:01 PM No status change. -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Analysis of Purchasing's Project Status Reporting Tool

ITS Program: Business Solutions

04/01/2010 04/30/2010 0This analysis will focus on the current useablity of Purchasing's project update software and determine if a current enterprise solution can be utilized in it's place.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 03:01 PM have not yet had a chance to start this request -------------------


Binkley, John

BA Gate

Enterprise Event Reservation and Management

Jefferson County Enterprise

07/13/2009 12/31/2010 3

From meetings with multiple customers, different divisions/departments, it has become apparent that a standard reservation system is needed by the county. Currently, CSU Extension and Open Space Parks are asking with Facilities also looking to replace their reservation system with a new facilities management package.

Status - Binkley, John 04/13/2010 03:02 PM Status Unchanged -------------------


Binkley, John


Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 03/01/2010

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Garbrecht, Janet K

BA Gate

New JDE Reporting Tool Analysis

ITS Program: Business Solutions: JDE

01/01/2010 12/31/2010 2New JDE Reporting Tool. Research options, determine scope of roll-out, acquire, train, deploy.

10:59 AM No recent activity on this request at this time. Need to gather additional information. -------------------


Garbrecht, Janet K

BA Gate

Develop a JDE process for Accounting to track Procard Payments requiring 1099s

ITS Program: Business Solutions: JDE

01/01/2010 03/31/2010 1Develop a JDE process for Accounting to track Procard Payments which require 1099s

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 03/01/2010 11:00 AM No recent activity on this request at this time. Need to set a follow-up meeting with JDE to plan for the best course of action. -------------------


Garbrecht, Janet K


Good, Dorinda

BA Gate

Assessor Web Index Books

Assessor 04/04/2011 06/01/2011 5

Provide the public internet access to the Assessor Index Books . Access is currently available via a Livelink application within the county network/intranet. The application is available on all Assessor kiosks (the front counter workstations and the kiosks located at the City of Lakewood, Ken Caryl and Evergreen Sheriff sub-stations).


Good, Dorinda


Hartley, Marty D

BA Gate

Request to get a Travel Card program implemented like the Procard

ITS Program: Business Solutions: JDE

01/01/2010 03/31/2010 2 Request to get a Travel Card program implemented like the Procard

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 10:59 AM An initial meeting with key stakeholders from Human Services, Accounting, Purchasing and IT was held on 4/14 to start a discussion regarding requirments for this request. More analysis is needed. -------------------


Hartley, Marty D


Landuyt, Penny

BA Gate

Open Space Enhance Touch Screen Kiosk

Community Resources: Open Space

04/01/2010 06/30/2010 2

Upgrade capability of stand alone kiosk, for the Lookout Mtn Nature Center, to include subject-specific web-site potential while managing interactive interface capabilities. Tim Sandsmark, 720-497-7602 project contact, and Nancy Palik keep in the loop for discussion.

21APR10 - Meeting with Tim Sandsmark and Dustin VanNieulande - Landuyt, Penny 04/27/2010 08:31 AM Please see 'Attachment' section for meeting minutes. Note, Tim Sandsmark has scheduled a requirements gathering session with staff and volunteers on May 4th. Larry Reams and Penny Landuyt to attend. -------------------


Landuyt, Penny

BA Gate

Implementation of Acive Directory Password Reset Solution

ITS Program: Customer Service

05/03/2010 12/31/2010 2

There have been 478 LDAP password resets since January 2009 for a total time of 2,559.68 hours spent on downtime due to a password requiring a reset. This cost takes into account the time lost by the end user and the time cost associated by Customer Service staff to resolve rest the password. Additionally, although these tickets are treated as a High priority if not Urgent at times, they are normally caused by user error, and not by something that is due to infrastructure related causes. Dramatically reducing these incidents would improve service delivery, reduce downtime, and allow CS staff to handle more throughput.

Status - Dayton, William G 03/19/2010 12:01 PM Submitted back to Penny to gather more info. -------------------


Landuyt, Penny

BA Gate

Windows7 Deployment Requirements

ITS Program: Customer Service

05/14/2010 08/27/2010 1

This is a planning effort only for the implementation of Windows 7 Operating System. The project will identify impacts and tasks required such as PC purchases with Win 7 licenses, imaging issues with Win 7 installed, training of service desk, pc tech and windows admins, and checking compliance of PC software and PC administration tools. The deliverable of this project will be a clear project plan for Win 7 implementation that will result in a new project request.

Update - Landuyt, Penny 04/27/2010 09:12 AM - A partial draft of the Project Plan has been completed. - 19APR10 Meeting with Jim Smith, Brian Colburn, Bill Dayton, Penny Landuyt to discuss availability of ITS SMEs to particiapte in risk identification, resource planning and work breakdown structure to complete project plan document. Jim approved using ITS SME resources with Data Center Relocation as the priority. He also recommended a compression of the 4 year deployment schedule to 2 years and evaluate including the Windows Office (version 2007 or 2010) upgrade with the Windows OS deployment. - 22APR10 meeting with Brian Colburn, Jim Smith, and Penny Landuyt to discuss further the tasks to include for the Office upgrade. Jim introduced a possible inclusion of implementing virtualization architecture for virtual desktops in 2011 with the Windows OS upgrade. A meeting is scheduled for Thurday, 06MAY10 with Joe Palmer, Jim Smith, Josh Moles, Steven Henton, Jim Garner, Lanny Loveday, Terry Dooley, Brian Colburn and Penny Landuyt to discuss Microsoft Agreements. - Completion of the project plan is dependent on the outstanding decision to include Windows Office 2010 and deployment of virtualizated desktops with the Windows OS upgrade. Information from the 06MAY10 meeting is the gating factor to make a decision on the full scope of the Windows OS upgrade. -------------------


Landuyt, Penny


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Amanda Upgrade 5.0 Analysis for potential upgrade in 2011

Development and Transportation

01/04/2010 05/31/2010 4Upgrade the Amanda thick client to the Amanda thin client and pursue purchasing/installing the Executive Monitor Module.

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 04/23/2010 08:42 AM The Amanda Steering Committee has unanimously decided they do not want to proceed with this project. Because of Tim's departure, as Director of Dev/Trans, a final decision will have to wait until his successor can be brought up to speed and a decision made. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Amanda Credit Card Interface

Development and Transportation

04/01/2010 09/30/2010 7

Create an interface, from a credit card machine, directly to Amanda, as seen at grocery stores, etc. Applicant would see the amount to pay on the machine, slide thier credit card through the machine and then digitally sign for the payment. Will need credit card machines and an interface to Amanda.

1/25/2010 Status - Mayer, Cookie K 01/25/2010 09:02 AM This request will not be started on until April of 2010. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Amanda Time and Activity Tracking Implementation

Development and Transportation

04/06/2010 07/16/2010 8

This was split out form the approved project, Amanda Upgrade/TAT Implementation/ Mobile Implementation. It was split out because it is an entirely different effort and needs to focus on time tracking reporting requirements from the Amanda users and assisting them with the implementation of this function. The goal is to Implement the Time and Activity Tracking module software and identify of activities to track, custom coding and reporting.

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 04/23/2010 08:44 AM A meeting has been set up with the Division Directors and the Power Users to determine if they want to proceed with this project. Due to Tim Carl's departure the meeting could not be scheduled until May 19th. -------------------


1/25/2010 Status - Mayer, Cookie

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Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

HART to Amanda Integration Modification

Development and Transportation: Building Safety

04/01/2010 06/30/2010 5Modify the existing Hart to Amanda interface to accept only warranty and quit claim deeds.

K 01/25/2010 09:07 AM Work on this request will not start until April 2010. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Amanda to Livelink Inteface Modifications

Development and Transportation: Building Safety

07/01/2010 12/31/2010 81. Pass the attachment file description instead of the file name. 2. Allow correspondence attachments to be saved to Livelink. 3. Move correspondence attachments from the Amanda database to Livelink.

01/25/2010 Status - Mayer, Cookie K 01/25/2010 09:05 AM Work on this request will not start until July 2010. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Building Livelink Image Clean Up

Development and Transportation: Building Safety

04/14/2010 07/30/2010 0Images that have been scanned through InputAccel or transferred from Amanda, to Livelink, are appearing in incorrect folders or as versions of other images they have no association to.

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 04/23/2010 08:55 AM Meetings have been held w/Livelink team and Amanda team to determine problems. MikeS has provided files, from Livelink, to be compared to Amanda for accuracy. Kim has queried Amanda for additional information on versioning problems. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Modify Amanda eNtraprise to accept attachments

Development and Transportation: Planning and Zoning

04/01/2010 06/30/2010 6Provide the functionality, within the Amanda eNtraprise software, to accept attachments from the public and save as part of the folder documentation in Livelink.

1/25/2010 Status - Mayer, Cookie K 01/25/2010 09:13 AM Work on this request will not start until April 2010. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Road and Bridge Internet Road Inquiry

Development and Transportation: Road and Bridge

10/01/2010 12/31/2010 4

Road and Bridge would like to add an application to their web site which would allow the public/Jeffco citizens to enter an address and be provided with the following road and contact information: 1. If the road/street is maintained by Jefferson County 2. What district, within Jefferson County, is responsible for the road maintenance 3. Contact information for the applicable district Amanda currently stors this information in the property table.

1/25/2010 Status - Mayer, Cookie K 01/25/2010 09:14 AM Work on this request will not start until October 2010. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Crash Database Update for GIS Programs

Development and Transportation: Transportation and Engineering

10/01/2010 12/31/2010 2Modify existing GIS programs that are using the H&T MS Access Database Composite. Point the programs to the new database on Oracle Crash.

1/25/2010 Status - Mayer, Cookie K 01/25/2010 09:05 AM Work on this request will not start until October 2010. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Sign & Signal Inventory

Development and Transportation: Transportation and Engineering

10/01/2010 12/31/2010 2Provide a software interface, on a hand held device, to enter GPS and location information for all traffic signs and signals in the county.

1/25/2010 Status - Mayer, Cookie K 01/25/2010 09:14 AM Work on this request will not start until October 2010. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Create a Test environment for Amanda eNtraprise and Mobile

ITS Program: Business Solutions: Amanda

10/01/2010 12/31/2010 9 Create a new test node for the Amanda eNtraprise and mobile applications.

1/25/2010 Status - Mayer, Cookie K 01/25/2010 09:06 AM Work on this request will not start until October 2010. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Configuration Monitoring/Alerting

ITS Program: Infrastructure

10/01/2010 12/31/2010 1

Once implemented, this project will allow for the tactical monitoring of the operational environment including event notification and remediation. It will enable the creation of a roadmap for improved monitoring/alerting capabilities and implementation of the initial phase using currently available tools such as Nagios, SCOM and Service-Now Discovery. This product will provide information regarding the health of the server environment.

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 02/05/2010 10:22 AM Talked with SteveH. This project will not start until 4th qtr of 2010, moved back to BA Gate for Cookie to talk with Infrastructure at the appropriate time. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K

BA Gate

Modular MessagingJefferson County Enterprise

04/02/2010 12/31/2010 2 This is to install a new Modular Messaging system

Status - Dayton, William G 03/11/2010 03:16 PM Cookie, I have deleted the Avaya Modular Messaging project per Jim Smith's request and created this new PIR. Jim suspects that they will be issuing a new RFP for a new system. He will be meeting with Josh about this this week or next and Josh will be the lead for this project. -------------------


Mayer, Cookie K


Reams, Larry

BA Gate

Facilities Energy Audit

Administrative Services: Facilities and Construction Management

01/01/2010 06/30/2010 3

1st Qtr - Install and manage software to control PC power management settings (hibernation and shut-down). 1st Qtr - Upgrade UPS in Human Services building (most of this will be done by Faciliteis with our input.) 2nd Qtr Analyze and adjust new data center temperature set-points (most of this will be done by Faciliteis with our input.) 2nd Qtr - Create fax servers to reduce the number of fax machines required.

4/26/10 Status - Reams, Larry 04/25/2010 08:17 PM No change. Checked with Anne Panza, informed that the ITS infrastructure group already had candidates selected for software to turn PCs off and back on. -------------------


Reams, Larry

BA Gate

Facilities Management Requirements

Administrative Services: Facilities and Construction Management

06/01/2010 12/31/2010 2

Facilities is currently using a number of software products in their division. They would like to purchase a solution that would allow them to incorporate their processes. ITS has been asked to assist Facilities in gathering their requirements to assure the robustness of their software selection.

4/26/10 Status - Reams, Larry 04/25/2010 08:19 PM Facilities now looking to prepare RFP in-house. They will be meeting with Dan Wade this week. -------------------


Reams, Larry

BA Gate

Coroner System Replacement Analysis

Coroner 07/01/2010 06/30/2011 1Perform analysis and build Business Case to seek funding to Replace Coroner System - Likely COTS choice is CME by VertiQ

4/26/10 Status - Reams, Larry 04/25/2010 08:22 PM Plan for data center move workaround negotiated with Windows group. Meeting with Marty Hartley and Tom Sorensen 4/26/10 to make sure all persepectives covered. Will present to Coroner afterward. Hope to start on Capital Expenditure requirements gathering now that most of the work for data center move is (hopefully) behind. -------------------


Reams, Larry


Walker, Robert C

BA Gate

MATS HART Workflow

Assessor 01/01/2011 06/01/2011 2

This project would provide for necessary modifications to the existing Hart Data Resolver to integrate with the Assessor's Manatron GRM System. The Hart Data Resolver receives document and path information from the Clerk's HART/Anthem system in XML format which is then delivered to Legacy workflows. With the advent of the Clerk's Manatron Recorder module this project may not be needed.

2010.04.12 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/12/2010 10:29 AM No change in status -------------------


Walker, Robert C

BA Gate

Subdivision Plat eRecording

Clerk and Recorder

01/03/2011 01/02/2012 0

Per Joan Card...As we continue to move ahead in the world of electronic recordings, I would like to have considered for development the area of electronic recording of all plats, subdivision plats included. I have attached our County Attorney's opinion and it appears that legally there aren't any hurdles for us to begin planning this process. From what I understand from Manatron, our system is capable of supporting the large format documents electronically. At this time, I enlist your assistance in moving ahead with this. I believe the most logical next step is to meet with various internal stakeholders, IT, P&Z, Surveyors, Assessor, Building, and perhaps County Administration - and you may know of others. The purpose of the meeting would be to identify possible problems and discuss various issues involved, including the electronic notarization process. The City of Lakewood already accepts large formats

2010.04.12 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/12/2010 10:25 AM No change in status -------------------


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electronically and has developed their requirements which may be of value to us.

Walker, Robert C

BA Gate

Treasurer ePayment Vendor Repl

Treasurer 07/01/2010 09/30/2010 2

Replace current property tax epayment vendors with Epayment solution. The Treasurer has decided that Jeffco taxpayers would be better served with an ePayment Vendor that (1) currently has a banking relationship with the county (2) has the capability to provide better service to Jeffco taxpayers. The current ePayment vendors, PRI for eCheck and Certified Payments for credit cards, do not provide an intuitive interface to the public nor do they provide any configuration capabilities to make it more intuitive. PRI has had issues all along with multiple responses to one property tax ePayment which had to be accounted for within Jeffco software. The Treasurer has been in negotiations for some time with US Bank but has yet to make a decision/recommendation on the replacement.

2010.04.12 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/12/2010 10:28 AM Joe Palmer and Tim Kaufman are leading an effort to bring together all potential/current ePayment users for discussion of a county-wide solution. -------------------


Walker, Robert C

BA Gate

Treasurer Performance Escrows

Treasurer 01/01/2010 12/31/2012 0

The SHR AS/400 is scheduled for decommission by December 31, 2012. The Treasurer has a Performance Escrow application which runs on the AS400. It is used to track deposits, from developers, via Planning and Zoning (P&Z). P&Z tracks all this information in Amanda currently, before they take the deposits to the Treasurer for manual entry. P&Z also tracks renewal reminders, process of the contractor on the project and when funds can be released. Once a developer has met their obligations P&Z informs the Treasurer who returns the refund back to the developer. There may be integration with JDE via an HTE account code translation? The Treasurer system has deposits on the system that date back to the late 70s. This function requires migration from the AS/400 to a new business solution. The new business solution may involve “reuse” of our current financial system, integration with Amanda and integration with the new proposed Manatron system. Objectives: 1. Business Analysis with stakeholder(s). 2. Propose business solution. 3. Implement business solution by December 31, 2011.

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:41 AM No change in status -------------------


Walker, Robert C


Report Totals


Open Project Change Requests

Project: Title

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Project Owner: Last, First

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Type

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Title

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Start Date

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Target Date

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Create Date

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Status

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Problem Description

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Detailed Description

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Problem Resolution

Warranty Projects Status Report

CIP Project

TitleOwner: First, Last

Schedule Health %

Schedule Health Icon

Schedule Health Color

Schedule Health Hint StatusComments: LatestBenefiting Department

Start DateTarget Date

Customer Project

Priority (1-High, 10-


Estimated Project Size

CIP Total Expenditures

NoGraffiti Tracking

Dorinda Good

100.00 % Yellow

Summary Task: Warranty Period - Target Date: 04/29/2010 - 0 days late of 22 days scheduled = 100.00 %

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:05 PM Demo for chiefs and captains completed. Software in production in warranty. Tom G and CPDs requesting changes. I will discuss with Rebecca week of 4/25/2010. -------------------

Sheriff 02/01/2010 04/29/2010 0

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoJDE HS CFMS Reconciliation

John Binkley

99.66 % Yellow

Summary Task: Project Close Out - Target Date: 04/30/2010 - In Progress 294 days elapsed of 295 = 99.66 %

Status - Binkley, John 03/11/2010 09:37 AM Customer has yet to test and provide feedback to JDE team. If no movement on this by 03/16, the Test nd Train task due date will be extended and customer will be engaged by the PMO to investigate what can be done to bring this project to completion. -------------------

Human Services

03/15/2009 04/30/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


Active Projects Status Report

CIP Project

TitleOwner: First, Last

Schedule Health %

Schedule Health Icon

Schedule Health Color

Schedule Health Hint

StatusComments: LatestBenefiting Department

Start DateTarget Date

Customer Project

Priority (1-High, 10-


Estimated Project Size

CIP Total Expenditures

Summary Task: Update - Moles, Josh 03/31/2010 12:34

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YesOracle OEM Change And Patch Management Extension

Kyaw Than

190.00 % Red

Create Purchase Order - Target Date: 04/16/2010 - 9 days late of 10 days scheduled = 190.00 %

PM We have worked with oracle to determine CSI numbers and also possibly include weblogic into this. Oracle will be delivering quotes the week of April 4th. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

03/16/2010 08/31/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


YesManagement of Security Privileges for PC Administration

Stephen L Henton

160.00 % Red

Summary Task: Directive Creation - Target Date: 04/16/2010 - 9 days late of 15 days scheduled = 160.00 %

status - Henton, Stephen L 04/23/2010 01:20 PM this project has been put on hold until 3rd or 4th quarter -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

02/22/2010 07/05/2011 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


Yes GIS ModernizationWilliam G Dayton

109.52 % Red

Summary Task: ESRI EAP Purchased and Implemented - Target Date: 03/10/2010 - Completed 2 days late of 21 days scheduled = 109.52 %

Status - Dayton, William G 03/31/2010 07:21 AM With the completion of Phase 1, we have started work on Phase 2 and Steve Mitchell is working on SCORE election items. We have paused temporarily to discuss GIS modernization more strategically and are working with Jim and Joe on this. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

11/30/2009 12/31/2012 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


YesIBM pSeries Development (AIX) Server

Kyaw Than

100.00 % Yellow

Summary Task: JDE Disaster Recovery - Target Date: 04/29/2010 - 0 days late of 32 days scheduled = 100.00 %

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 03/08/2010 09:59 AM Added tasks to the project w/Kyaw. Tasks 3.4 - 3.6 Kyaw needs to touch base w/JanetG (JDE) about JDE availability. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

02/17/2010 09/30/2010 3

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes Blade Center ExpansionJosh Moles

95.51 % Yellow

Summary Task: Purchase Hardware - Target Date: 05/05/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 89 = 95.51 %

Update - Moles, Josh 03/31/2010 07:54 AM Current status of this is we have a finalized quote coming from our Vendor with the needed hardware and software. That is expected to be delivered today. Once I have that information i will be meeting with Joe and Jim to go over it. From there a requistion will be put into the system to purchasing. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

01/01/2010 07/16/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


Yes MATS ReportingCharles E Tate

83.61 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 05/13/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 61 = 83.61 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 01:59 PM Interface meetings start week of May 3rd. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 01/15/2011 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


YesJeffco Enterprise Web Content Management System

Marty D Hartley

76.81 % Green

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 05/21/2010 - In Progress 53 days elapsed of 69 = 76.81 %

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 09:36 AM We have received feedback from the County Attorney's office as well as the Purchasing office regarding the initial RFP. The feedback was fairly minor and we should be able to incorporate the changes easily. The RFP with the notes from the CA and Purchasing was sent to Joe Palmer and Jim Smith on Friday, 4/23 for their review. Sheri and I have set-up regular meetings from 4:00 - 5:00 PM on Tues, Wed & Thurs for planning and coordination purposes. There are a number of activities that need to be completed before we can effectively work with any vendor. Sheri and I are in the process and preparing a simple plan that can be implemented to assist the PIO in completing the activies they need to own and complete. The next Web Governance meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on 4/28. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

02/01/2010 12/31/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


YesMulti-Location Network Reliability

RJ Katafiasz

75.82 % Green

Summary Task: Business Analysis - Target Date: 05/31/2010 - In Progress 69 days elapsed of 91 = 75.82 %

Status Update - Katafiasz, RJ 04/21/2010 05:45 AM This is now in purchasing we are wainting for a PO -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

01/25/2010 05/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesMaintenance Administration Tools for Microsoft Exchange

Stephen L Henton

75.56 % Green

Summary Task: Eval software / proof of concept - Target Date: 05/14/2010 - In Progress 34 days elapsed of 45 = 75.56 %

Status update - Henton, Stephen L 03/26/2010 12:11 PM Meet with Cookie to work on roles / resources. Will need to change tasks with the project as the product evaluation has uncovered a few issues that will impact the installation and deployment and maybe the software that will be purchased for the project. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

03/15/2010 05/14/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


YesEnterprise Storage Upgrade/Replacement

Marty D Hartley

68.57 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 06/30/2010 - In Progress 96 days elapsed of 140 = 68.57 %

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 07:58 AM Reguluar project status meetings with EMC have been scheduled for Thursdays from 2:00 - 3:30 MDT. Regularly schedued internal Jeffco coordination meetings will be held on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 1:30 PM MDT beginning May 4, 2010. The technical team is working on completing all pre-design information by 4/27. EMC will be on-site May 5/6, 2010 to rack and stack equipment. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

12/17/2009 07/23/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes Data Center RelocationJoseph V Palmer

42.06 % Green

Summary Task: Data Center Relocation Project - Target Date: 07/26/2010 - In Progress 45 days elapsed of 107 = 42.06 %

Update - Palmer, Joseph V 04/20/2010 01:36 PM Construction is complete. Facilities turned over the data center to us on 4/14, more than 1 week ahead of schedule. ITS teams and contractors are preparing the data center to receive equipment, installing cabling, ladders and racks. The operational plan is nearly complete. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

02/26/2010 07/26/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


2010.04.26 Status #2 - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:23 AM Date: April 20, 2010 Status Time Period: 4/14/10-4/20/10

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YesManatron PTOC Master Project Plan

Robert C Walker

32.48 % Green

Summary Task: Project Implementation - Target Date: 03/28/2011 - In Progress 114 days elapsed of 351 = 32.48 %

Sessions: Q Limited Web sessions: Records Validation, CAMA, AA, TAX, PPROP Upcoming Due Dates: Conversion Phase 1 Q Records: 3/8/10-Broomfield Target date: 4/09-missed target due date. New target due date is 4/16/10 Q Records Validation: On-going o Arapahoe: Web session scheduled to review Arapahoe 2nd pass o Jefferson: received 2nd pass conversion report from Manatron Q Tax: 3/22/10-Broomfield target date: 4/2/10 –missed target due date. New target due date is 4/16/10 Q Tax Validation: On-going o Arapahoe & Jefferson completed validation-Manatron is converting data into GRM application. Q CAMA: 4/16/10 o Lookup tables: missed due date of 4/16/10 o Jefferson will miss due date of 4/16/10. New ballpark estimate is 4/30/10 o Broomfield target due date of 5/21/10 Q PPROP: 5/4/10-Jefferson, Arapahoe & Broomfield on track to meet due date Q AA: 5/7/10-Jefferson, Arapahoe & Broomfield on track to meet due date Decisions: Completed Items: Q Arapahoe & Jefferson 2nd pass Records conversion Action Items: Q DAS: Training Strategy: develop review team to meet with Manatron 4/14/10 o Team: Corbin Sakdol, John Storb, Julie Rich, Marsha Adams, Bob Walker Q PTOC: review reports Gap Document and compare to our reports list-on-going-1st review completed and handed to Keith, Marsha & Bob. Q Tax Lien iterative review: Code release 6/2010 Al is working on timing-tentative 6/21/10 Next Steps: Q Conversion Phase 1: (see Upcoming Dates above) Q GIS Demonstration and Gap session 4/27-4/28/10 Q Interface Session: schedule 1st week of May (May 3rd) Q Appeals demo and Gap session May 4th & 5th Q Configuration Session May 11th-13th Q Presentation by Early Stephens to Executive Sponsors May 12th 7:30am-9:00am Issues: Q Broomfield behind schedule Q Potential issue: Jefferson missed due date for CAMA Mapping/Extract. Q Jefferson & Arapahoe timeframe to convert sub-set of data took longer than expected. PM’s are working on issue in respective jurisdictions to prepare for Phase 2 Conversion (entire set of data). -------------------

Assessor 11/23/2009 03/28/2011 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


Yes MATS Data ConversionRobert C Walker

32.39 % Green

Summary Task: Warranty Period - Target Date: 11/17/2010 - In Progress 69 days

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:36 AM The RECORDS Module conversion for Phase 1 has been completed. Manatron has created the GRM database from our template data (second pass) on April 15. We have reviewed the results and made significant changes to the conversion programs with respect to duplicate mailing and situs addresses. Manatron was informed on April 21 that the data is ready for the third pass. We are waiting on their results. Please keep in mind that this was Phase 1 and multiple iterations of extract and validation can be expected in the next month or so. SYSTYPE definition continues amongst the SME groups and are being submitted to Manatron for inclusion to the validation scripts. The TAX Module data mapping and conversion activities for phase 1 have been completed. The due date for completion of data mapping and conversion extracts was 3/22/2010. We received the validation scripts for TAX on 3/26/2010 and have performed several iterations of the validation script run. Manatron was informed on 4/21/2010 that the template data is ready for database creation. We have as of today not heard back from them. As is the case for RECORDS multiple iterations can be expected. The CAMA module data mapping activities have completed (Sue Sterret is leading). Conversion extracts are underway. ITS has joined the effort and is in the process of importing Access tables created by Sue into the MANP1XX tables created for the SQL export. ITS has also written a couple of conversion programs for sketch/photo path names + Sales Verification data. Discussion with Sue and Mr.Everson has resulted in ITS taking on more of the load with respect to admin templates within CAMA module. Due date for completion of

Assessor 01/25/2010 11/17/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


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Page 8: Jefferson County Project Dashboard

elapsed of 213 = 32.39 %

data mapping and conversion extracts is 4/30/2010. We will most likely not meet this initial due date. CAMA conversion remains ongoing and the hope is to have it completed in early May. The PERSONAL PROPERTY module data mapping activities have been competed with what we currently know. This module is in a state of flux as it is still being developed by Manatron. The NAICS conversion of Jeffco business codes has been completed. The conversion program is in place to convert asset descriptions to the Denver/Arapahoe module adopted by the group. Assessor staff has finalized the mapping of the Asset descriptions and conversion programs have been rerun. Due date for completion of data mapping and conversion extracts is 5/4/2010. The ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION module data mapping activities have been completed with what we currently know. The conversion programs have also been developed. We expect additional changes to this module as we get closer to the conversion due date. Due date for completion of data mapping and conversion extracts is 5/7/2010. In summary - we continue to be heads down with respect to data mapping and conversion programming. We are now spending some time in determining (auditing) the data that is actually being moved as compared to what is not being moved. The time line imposed on us to get the Phase One Conversion tasks competed has prevented us from taking a step back and reviewing our legacy side data as a whole. -------------------

YesJeffco Enterprise Badge Access Upgrade or Replacement

Charles E Tate

30.14 % Green

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 01/31/2011 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 282 = 30.14 %

4-22-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/22/2010 03:59 PM Final revision of SOW completed. Waiting on fee schedule and contract template. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

01/01/2010 02/07/2011 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


Yes MATS IVRCharles E Tate

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

04-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 02:01 PM Interface meetings start week of May 3rd. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS Subdivision Plat ListCharles E Tate

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 01:59 PM Discussed current application functionality with vendor. Second discussion will be set once we verify that the six fields that Manatron currently does not have are needed by the users. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS Master File ExtractRobert C Walker

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:38 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS Tax LienRobert C Walker

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:39 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS KioskRobert C Walker

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:38 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


YesMATS CAMA GIS Integration

Charles E Tate

23.46 % Green

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 01/15/2011 - In Progress 57 days elapsed of 243 = 23.46 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 02:01 PM GIS Interface meetings start April 27th. -------------------

Assessor 02/10/2010 02/08/2011 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesMATS Parcel Layer Integration

Charles E Tate

22.44 % Green

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 01/31/2011 - In Progress 57 days elapsed of 254 = 22.44 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 02:00 PM GIS Interface meetings start April 27th. -------------------

Assessor 02/10/2010 02/08/2011 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS Financial WorkflowDorinda Good

21.94 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 34 days elapsed of 155 = 21.94 %

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:13 PM Interface meetings scheduled for week of 5/2/2010. Project will become active then. -------------------

Assessor 03/15/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesMATS Addressing Web Service

Dorinda Good

21.94 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 34 days elapsed of 155 = 21.94 %

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:13 PM Interface meetings scheduled for week of 5/2/2010. Project will become active then. -------------------

Assessor 03/15/2010 10/15/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


Summary Task:

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Page 9: Jefferson County Project Dashboard

Yes MATS Permitting WorkflowDorinda Good

21.94 % Green

Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 34 days elapsed of 155 = 21.94 %

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:14 PM Interface meetings scheduled for week of 5/2/2010. Project will become active then. -------------------

Assessor 03/15/2010 10/15/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


Yes Email ArchivingCharles E Tate

20.37 % Green

Summary Task: Project Close Out - Target Date: 12/27/2010 - In Progress 44 days elapsed of 216 = 20.37 %

04-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 01:47 PM Proof of Concept meeting with vendor the week of May 3rd. This kickoff meeting will be ensuring that all of the technical configurations are will be: Review Architecture set up for the POC, review our agreed to Success Criteria -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

03/01/2010 12/29/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes End Point ProtectionDavid Monahan

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 03/29/2010 08:16 AM Met with DavidM to discuss policy timelines for project. David told me that this was his project so I have changed the ownership to him. David said this project will not start until July 1st, with the creation of the standards/guidelines. Project has been queued. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

07/01/2010 10/29/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesLivelink Tuning & Business Process Improvements

Dorinda Good

0.00 % Green

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:10 PM Postponed until 3rd quarter 2010 per Rebecca. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

07/01/2010 09/28/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


YesLinux Server Consolidation/Virtualization

Kyaw Than

0.00 % Green

Project Update - Moles, Josh 03/31/2010 08:03 AM This project of CIP is also being combined with the Bladecenter virtualization project to "Pool" money. The hardware and vmware software quotes will be available today. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

08/02/2010 08/13/2010 0

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesTransparent Jeffco - Automation of Pro Cards

Marty D Hartley

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 09:58 AM Testing has been mostly completed. A final test and review session is scheduled with Marliyn Holycross and the project team for 4/30/10 @ 10:00 AM. Upon successful review and testing, the first procard upload will be completed by Marilyn more than likely the first week in May. An RFC has been submitted for the Oracle APEX changes and the New JDE changes required for this solution. The Oracle APEX changes will take place the morning of 4/26/10. The JDE changes will be implemented in production the evening of April 27, 2010. -------------------

County Administrator

05/15/2007 06/30/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesEmploy JDE MSS to Automate PAs

Marty D Hartley

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 07:47 AM The JDE team continues to work through the plannning phase of this project. The JDE Governance meeting is scheduled for 4/29. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

03/10/2010 08/23/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


Yes JDE Position ControlMarty D Hartley

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 07:51 AM Marty Hartley was assigned to this project as PM on 4/19/10. The JDE team continues to work through the plannning phase of this project. The JDE Governance meeting is scheduled for 4/29. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

02/01/2010 03/14/2011 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


YesNetwork Infrastructure Management and Disaster Recovery Toolset

RJ Katafiasz

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Katafiasz, RJ 03/29/2010 09:01 AM This project has been pushed until after data center move -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

06/09/2010 08/09/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


No Disaster RecoveryDavid Monahan

8500.00 % Red

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 01/01/2010 - 84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %

Status Update - Dayton, William G 04/14/2010 12:27 PM Project has been reassigned to David Monahan and we are starting with a review of the Project Work Break Down Structure -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

01/01/2010 01/01/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


No Animal Control Online FTPCharles E Tate

118.75 % Red

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 04/26/2010 - 3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %

04-22-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/22/2010 03:58 PM No firm date as to when this will be needed. Emailed Scott Hunter to confirm placing in the queue. He responded that it would be fine to place in the queue for now. -------------------

Sheriff 03/09/2010 04/26/2010 0

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


NoP and Z Multidocument Conversion

Karen Hughes

99.63 % Yellow

Summary Task: Subdivision - Target Date: 04/30/2010 - In Progress 272 days elapsed of 273 = 99.63 %

4/26/10 Status - Reams, Larry 04/26/2010 11:48 AM Data delivered on 3/4 for 2 mountain areas and 1 misc group. Evaluation completed and loads completed by alpha and numeric address (NW, South and Numbered file) is completed from existing control file formats. Error found in testing data for loading and awaiting vendor correction as of 4/20. Additional loads are needed to be completed for legal description, subdivision and contractor which is new criteria that have not been written control files for yet. Waiting on additional data to be delivered from vendor for 1st quarter 2010 data. 1,000 aperture card images scanned 1st qtr 2010 still have not received from vendor. Should receive data this week from vendor 4-12 to-4-17. Began creating subdivision data loads - In development stage of new control file format as of 4-12. -------------------

Development and Transportation: Planning and Zoning

04/15/2009 06/30/2010 3

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


Summary Task: 02/05/2010 - Wade, Daniel 02/05/2010 2: Medium

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NoIT Services Move to Laramie

Daniel Wade

99.50 % Yellow

Training - Target Date: 04/30/2010 - In Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %

10:01 AM Laramie move to turnaround space completed. -------------------

Administrative Services: Information Technology

07/28/2009 06/30/2010 1

- Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

David Monahan

98.84 % Yellow

Summary Task: Warranty Period - Target Date: 04/30/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %

3-29-10 Update - Monahan, David 03/29/2010 07:20 AM The Policy was created and reviewed. County Administrator would like to see a POC to better understand how the technology to enforce and manage the policy will affect him prior to going to the BCC for approval. See email Archiving for more information. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

01/01/2010 04/30/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


NoHuman Services Quality Assurance Application

Dorinda Good

98.61 % Yellow

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 04/30/2010 - In Progress 71 days elapsed of 72 = 98.61 %

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:09 PM Meet with customer. Report list given to customer for privatization. TOE and PMP in progress. Meeting with customer to review work flow scheduled for 4/27/2010. -------------------

Human Services: Business and Finance

01/21/2010 09/30/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


No Court Expansion RemodelSandy Mikos

97.92 % Yellow

Summary Task: Purchasing move - meetings - walk throughs - Target Date: 04/13/2010 - Completed 1 days early of 48 days scheduled = 97.92 %

Court Expansion Project 3/29/10 - Mikos, Sandy 03/30/2010 08:44 AM Had a walk through of the new IT phase C space to plan for modular furniture and voice/network connections. Most connections can be reused with only a small amount of cable to be ordered. A new data switch will be need for the telephone closet. Probation has a small remodel and cable was order through Facilities for the area. No date set for the remodel yet. PURchasing still on schedule to move April 9. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

02/25/2009 12/31/2010 2

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoGrant Management Analysis for Community Development

Cookie K Mayer

70.77 % Green

Summary Task: Project Close Out - Target Date: 06/22/2010 - In Progress 92 days elapsed of 130 = 70.77 %

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 04/23/2010 06:47 AM Determined other county customers for a grant management system and have extended an invitiation to them for the HTC demo on 5/20. Included a brief orientation of the HTC product from the State Judicial RFI. Due to the anticipated cost of any solution Kat and I felt bringing addt'l customers in and get possible buy in would be beneficial for the CIP request. -------------------

Human Services: Community Development

12/23/2009 07/07/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


No T&E Crash Data IntegrationCookie K Mayer

68.00 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 06/24/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 125 = 68.00 %

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 04/23/2010 06:43 AM Have downloaded the pre-2007 extract files from DOR site. Will analysis what columns actually contain and then determine what is necessary for the update to the Crashd database. Will follow with the download of the 2007 > data. -------------------

Development and Transportation: Transportation and Engineering

01/01/2010 09/24/2010 2

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoCreation of an Acceptable Usage Policy

David Monahan

65.89 % Green

Summary Task: Warranty Period - Target Date: 06/30/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 129 = 65.89 %

3-29-10 Update - Monahan, David 03/29/2010 07:17 AM Acceptable Use Policy will be reviewed by BCC in conjunction with Electronic Messaging policy proposal. The goal is within 30 days. See Electronic Messaging policy project for more information. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

01/01/2010 06/30/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


No Dakota Building RemodelSandy Mikos

65.89 % Green

Summary Task: Warranty Period - Target Date: 06/30/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 129 = 65.89 %

Dakota Building Remodel 3/29/10 - Mikos, Sandy 03/30/2010 08:40 AM The telephone and data switches need to be taken off the old UPS and put on the buildings new UPS Thursday, April 1, 2010 between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM, RFC-610. The telecom section will also be doing work for Dean in the Sheriff computer room and telecom closet. -------------------

Sheriff 01/01/2010 06/30/2010 2

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoRoad and Bridge Cartegraph/GIS

Marty D Hartley

63.57 % Green

Summary Task: Project Close Out - Target Date: 07/09/2010 - In Progress 89 days elapsed of 140 = 63.57 %

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 09:50 AM Calli and I met with Marsha Martin and Dale Snowbarger on 4/15 to review their findings with regard to the data quality and integrity between their legacy system (tabular), CarteGraph (tabular) and SDE (vector) data sets. There were several different scenarios identified by Dale that need to be addressed, however, the overall number of total records that encompassed the various scenarios was better than anticipated with an approximate 3-4% issue rate. Calli, Barb Morey and I met on 4/21 to plan the approach to correcting these data errors. The time estimated to complete the errrors was estimated to be 64 hours. A project change request has been submitted to include this additional scope in the project and make the necessary changes to the project schedule. -------------------

Development and Transportation: Road and Bridge

12/28/2009 07/23/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Status - 4/27/10 - Ouellette, Sheri 04/27/2010 07:38 AM Training Power Users Update: -Scheduled power user meeting -Made necesesary profile configuration changes -Created training session documentation -Training PIO - 3 hours on high level use -Conducted training meeting on 4/26/10 We had a good turnout. Folks that didn't make it included Doyle Harrision (OOO), Karen Hughes (In training), Monica Stalter, Bridgitt Coffman and Marsha Martin. Plan to send each individual their personalized Google handout - see attached as sample. Issues: Kathryn was concerned that users

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No Web Statistics/TrackingSheri Ouellette

62.14 % Green

Summary Task: Warranty Period - Target Date: 06/23/2010 - In Progress 64 days elapsed of 103 = 62.14 %

will now email reports to management and then to Ralph without following a process. PIO made statement that no one can send reports to management until further notified of the process. Julie plans to discuss process in Web meeting 4/28/10. Overall Feedback: Users like Goolge however still will need to perform some manual data manipulation. Next steps include: Follow-up items from yesterday. -Tara having issue seeing data in one of her profiles. -add news and news_uploads to ??? -do you want to send out the thank you e-mail and I can send the personalized handouts to the folks that didn’t come? -how to handle the da? -schedule working meetings: Action items: review existing reports – move reports to personal accounts as needed review custom reporting work with leadership/management on process create management template finalize entire process communicate to rest of the users provide access/train rest of the users -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

02/01/2010 07/07/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoNAC Network Access Deployment

Josh Moles

52.69 % Green

Summary Task: Pre-Deployment - Target Date: 06/30/2010 - In Progress 49 days elapsed of 93 = 52.69 %

Status Update - Innotas, Reporting and Dashboad Administrator 04/01/2010 10:22 AM Per Joe/Jim in Project Status meeting - please queue this for now, till further notice from Josh/Jim / Cookie. -------------------

ITS Program: Infrastructure

02/22/2010 12/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoProgram Performance Measurement

Daniel Wade

52.23 % Green

Summary Task: Warranty Period - Target Date: 12/24/2010 - In Progress 187 days elapsed of 358 = 52.23 %

Status - Innotas, Reporting and Dashboad Administrator 04/01/2010 10:20 AM Per Joe, Per John B per Dan, Dan is going to close this out ASAP. -------------------

Administrative Services: Information Technology

08/12/2009 12/24/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoSCCM and PC Packager Implementation

Stephen L Henton

49.71 % Green

Summary Task: Configure desired configuration management / discussion - Target Date: 08/28/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 171 = 49.71 %

Status update - Henton, Stephen L 03/26/2010 12:13 PM Project on schedule. Now that the software in installed and configured need to modify the project somewhat to accurately the task that remain as they have change somewhat in the past week. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

01/01/2010 08/28/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoRoad and Bridge Enterprise Tracking System

Robert C Walker

45.54 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 09/30/2010 - In Progress 92 days elapsed of 202 = 45.54 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:40 AM No change in status -------------------

Development and Transportation: Road and Bridge

12/23/2009 09/30/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


NoApply JDE Tools Release 8.98.2

Janet K Garbrecht

41.56 % Green

Summary Task: Project Close Out - Target Date: 09/02/2010 - In Progress 64 days elapsed of 154 = 41.56 %

RE: Status - Garbrecht, Janet K 03/15/2010 05:59 PM This project will be done by the JDE team, no consultants will be needed. Jeff Black has done preliminary research to identify what will be in this tools release. The plan is to complete this by then end of the second quarter. -------------------

ITS Program: Business Solutions: JDE

02/01/2010 09/02/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


No BEA Web Logic UpgradeJames F Smith

37.14 % Green

Summary Task: Architectural / Security / Web Meeting Review & Recommendations - Target Date: 07/30/2010 - In Progress 39 days elapsed of 105 = 37.14 %

2010.03.01 Status - Walker, Robert C 03/01/2010 12:10 PM We plan to begin additional deployments the week of 3/1/2010. Bob Finney engaged Oracle on 2/26/2010 to review the root cause analysis of the server failure over the 2/20-2/21 weekend. Pending the outcome of the RCA plans are to activate the following 3/3/2010: 1. ASYST-CA 2. Treasurer Tax Lien Buyer Registration -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

03/08/2010 07/30/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


NoSecurity Vulnerability / Threat Assessment

David Monahan

34.33 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 92 days elapsed of 268 = 34.33 %

3-29-10 Update - Monahan, David 03/29/2010 08:12 AM I have increased the number of footprinted devices to just over 2600. This is all device networks we had documented. I have begun the process of grouping them all to resemble both how they are documented in the network spreadsheet and by organization.I have scanned about 10% of the devices find only 3 servers with significant issues comprising about 41 vulnerabilities. I have submitted an RFC to enumerate the vulnerabilities on our DC ip blocks this coming weekend.. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

12/23/2009 12/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoService Now Service Desk Software Implementation

Daniel Wade

32.57 % Green

Summary Task: Architectural / Security / Web Meeting Review & Recommendations - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 261 = 32.57 %

2/05/2010 - Wade, Daniel 02/05/2010 10:23 AM Service Now admin domain user accounts setup, unix and window credentials completed, setup of midserver environment for ITS, expect initial output on ITS network to begin the next week -------------------

Administrative Services: Information Technology

01/01/2010 12/31/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


Status - Binkley, John 04/06/2010 09:48

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NoCreation of Information Security Policy

David Monahan

32.57 % GreenIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 261 = 32.57 %

AM The purpose of this project was to establish a methodology for compiling security policy and responding to requests for security policy. This project will be closed as completed and future security policy requests will be treated as individual projects within Innotas using the agreed upon template created by the Security Officer and the PMO. -------------------

ITS Program: Information Security

01/01/2010 12/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoLivelink Data Loads HR Scanning

Karen Hughes

32.57 % Green

Summary Task: Technical Operating Environment Documentation Produced - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 261 = 32.57 %

4/26/10 Status - Reams, Larry 04/26/2010 11:49 AM Data received from vendor for 4 loads on 3/16. All loads have been completed on 3/24 and 3/25 from existing control file formats. Received data 4/14 from vendor. Waiting control file from SteveK requested 4/16. -------------------

Administrative Services: Human Resources

01/01/2010 12/31/2010 3

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


No MATS POIM IntegrationRobert C Walker

32.57 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 85 days elapsed of 261 = 32.57 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:38 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 01/01/2010 12/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoOpen Space Time Keeping Database Conversion

Larry Reams

32.31 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 06/30/2010 - In Progress 21 days elapsed of 65 = 32.31 %

Status 4/26/10 - Reams, Larry 04/25/2010 08:34 PM Finished inventory of objects to be converted. Reviewed with Heather Butvidas. Will be meeting with Open Space this week to review plan and see if there are specific objects that don't need to be caried forward. Drafted preliminary TOE and sent to Jim Lindauer for review. Will be meeting with him this week to make necessary modifications. -------------------

Community Resources: Open Space

04/01/2010 06/30/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


NoDigital Records Classification / Retention

Larry Reams

29.66 % Green

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 07/02/2011 - In Progress 129 days elapsed of 435 = 29.66 %

Status 4/26/10 - Reams, Larry 04/25/2010 08:31 PM Karen is pulling together lists of key words and phrases for each of the functional groups. She reviewed proposed list for Legal with team last week; wll be sorting ot sub-classes this week. Reviewed demos of SmartLogic Semaphore. Product looks like a good fit. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

11/01/2009 07/15/2011 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


No Leave Management in JDEMarty D Hartley

26.67 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 64 days elapsed of 240 = 26.67 %

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 07:52 AM The JDE team continues to work through the plannning phase of this project. The JDE Governance meeting is scheduled for 4/29. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

02/01/2010 12/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoClerk Manatron GRM Recorder Upgrade

Charles E Tate

26.36 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 63 days elapsed of 239 = 26.36 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 02:07 PM MATS implementation has been delayed to 4/2011. This will impact the delivery of the C&R GRM upgrade. Meeting with Susie Swain and Gary VanDeStouwe in Recording scheduled. We plan on discussing after the Manatron Interface meetings start week of May 3rd. Moved the status from Active to Queued. -------------------

Clerk and Recorder

02/02/2010 03/20/2011 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoAmanda Mobile Motorola Implementation

Dorinda Good

18.84 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 07/16/2010 - In Progress 13 days elapsed of 69 = 18.84 %

04/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 12:59 PM MC70 hand held device ordered week of 4/18/2010. Waiting to receive device from CSDC. -------------------

Public Health 04/13/2010 07/16/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoJDE Time Entry for Public Health

Janet K Garbrecht

8.89 % Green

Summary Task: Preliminary Project Planning & Work Break Down - Target Date: 06/27/2010 - In Progress 4 days elapsed of 45 = 8.89 %

Public Health 04/26/2010 06/27/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


NoAnimal Control Modifications - Phase II

Dorinda Good

6.38 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 12 days elapsed of 188 = 6.38 %

04/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:02 PM Meet with customer to prioritize and go through issue and enhancement list. New work set created. Planning and bug fixes will be done in the next two weeks. -------------------

Sheriff 04/14/2010 12/31/2010 0

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


NoUpdate Web Services Environment

Cookie K Mayer

0.00 % Green Not Started Yet

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 04/23/2010 06:49 AM JimL created the web architecture future state and reviewied it with JimS/Joe. Kyaw and I have modified the tasks to reflect the effort of 3 phases, internet, intranet and extranet. Actual work, by Infrastructure, will not happen until after the Data Center move. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

06/14/2010 09/24/2010 0

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoJ.P. Morgan File X-fer Scripts

Janet K Garbrecht

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Dayton, William G 02/01/2010 01:13 PM This project is not due to start until 3rd quarter. Have assigned it to JDE Team / Janet and will have my BA's check in on how to assist with this. -------------------

ITS Program: Infrastructure

07/01/2010 09/30/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


NoTransparent Jeffco Searchable Contracts

Marty D Hartley

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 09:59 AM This project is still queued. No meeting has been scheduled by the PIO regarding initiating the analysis for this project. Will bring this up as an agenda item in the next Web Governance meeting. -------------------

Board of County Commissioners

07/01/2010 07/01/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Status Update - Hartley, Marty

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Page 13: Jefferson County Project Dashboard

District Attorney Case Management Solution

Marty D Hartley

51.20 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 07/23/2010 - In Progress 64 days elapsed of 125 = 51.20 %

D 04/26/2010 07:44 AM The DA's team has estimated that they will have the first phase of gathering and documenting requirements by April 30, 2010. The team will also need to reveiw and conduct the initial validation of the requirments for the Discovery module of the existing system. Once these are completed, the initial requirments document must be finalized and prepared for the second phase of the project. The second phase will consist of scheduling 1.5 hour sessions with each of the business units to review the requirements that were gathered and documented by the systems team in phase I. Additioanlly, the initial Risk Register has been completed. The project team will meet on 4/27 to plan risk responses. -------------------

District Attorney 02/01/2010 07/23/2010 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


MATS Public Web AccessRobert C Walker

34.33 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 92 days elapsed of 268 = 34.33 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:39 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 12/23/2009 12/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Active Project Issues

Project: TitleIssue/Risk/Change Request: Project Owner: Last, First

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Type

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Title

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Start Date

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Target Date

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Create Date

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Status

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Problem Description

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Detailed Description

Issue/Risk/Change Request: Problem Resolution

Disaster Recovery Monahan, David IssueProject Plan needs approval

03/30/2010 04/07/2010 03/31/2010 Seeking Resolution

Both Joe and Jim are not satisfied with the WBS and Network Diagram proposed for the project

Enterprise Storage Upgrade/Replacement

Hartley, Marty D Issue Quick Wins 01/28/2010 Identified

Amanda, GIS, JDE could be quick wins. Anything that we have a document model for. Livelink, Input Accel

GIS Modernization Dayton, William G IssueAGE to ASP Work that Nancy peforms

02/10/2010 Identified

Jim Smith is suggesting that Nancy's work get pushed eventually to planning & zoning and to make it a learnable process.

No resolution yet, but will address this issue at the appropriate time.

GIS Modernization Dayton, William G IssueDo we add mobile devices to the scope???

03/18/2010 Identified

Per Jim Lindauer, do we perhaps add mobile devices to the scope?

GIS Modernization Dayton, William G Issue

OLA Connection to Oracle via Arc Catalog is not working.

04/15/2010 04/20/2010 04/15/2010 Seeking Resolution

Geoprocessing should not be running on local desktops. AGE to ASP Processing could be a major show stopper due to only being able to install to C: drive to get services on the server. Steve will reinstall and try to re-establish the connection. We have a small work around and Steve has called ESRI Support

Jeffco Enterprise Web Content Management System

Hartley, Marty D IssueKnown Questions / Issues

02/19/2010 02/23/2010 Identified

List of know questions / Issues for Web Content Management Project, Responsibility matrix included. Prepared by Jim Smith, Sheri Ouellette, Bill Dayton

Road and Bridge Cartegraph/GIS

Hartley, Marty D IssueUninstall version 7 license manager

01/26/2010 03/10/2010 01/26/2010 Solution Proposed

No problem, but an opportunity to properly maintaining the technical operating environment.

Will need to uninstall the version 7 license manager once all clients have been upgraded and are successfully using version 8.

Remove the version 7 license manager at the completion of the project.

Queued Projects Status Report

CIP Project

TitleOwner: First, Last

Schedule Health %

Schedule Health Icon

Schedule Health Color

Schedule Health Hint

StatusComments: LatestBenefiting Department

Start DateTarget Date

Customer Project

Priority (1-High, 10-


Estimated Project Size

CIP Total Expenditures

Yes MATS ReportingCharles E Tate

83.61 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 05/13/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 61 = 83.61 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 01:59 PM Interface meetings start week of May 3rd. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 01/15/2011 1

1: Large - Estimated Hours Over 400


Yes MATS IVRCharles E Tate

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of

04-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 02:01 PM Interface meetings start week of May 3rd. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


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172 = 29.65 %

Yes MATS Subdivision Plat ListCharles E Tate

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 01:59 PM Discussed current application functionality with vendor. Second discussion will be set once we verify that the six fields that Manatron currently does not have are needed by the users. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS Master File ExtractRobert C Walker

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:38 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS Tax LienRobert C Walker

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:39 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS KioskRobert C Walker

29.65 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 51 days elapsed of 172 = 29.65 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:38 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 02/18/2010 10/15/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


Yes MATS CAMA GIS IntegrationCharles E Tate

23.46 % Green

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 01/15/2011 - In Progress 57 days elapsed of 243 = 23.46 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 02:01 PM GIS Interface meetings start April 27th. -------------------

Assessor 02/10/2010 02/08/2011 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesMATS Parcel Layer Integration

Charles E Tate

22.44 % Green

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 01/31/2011 - In Progress 57 days elapsed of 254 = 22.44 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 02:00 PM GIS Interface meetings start April 27th. -------------------

Assessor 02/10/2010 02/08/2011 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


Yes MATS Financial WorkflowDorinda Good

21.94 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 34 days elapsed of 155 = 21.94 %

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:13 PM Interface meetings scheduled for week of 5/2/2010. Project will become active then. -------------------

Assessor 03/15/2010 10/15/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesMATS Addressing Web Service

Dorinda Good

21.94 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 34 days elapsed of 155 = 21.94 %

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:13 PM Interface meetings scheduled for week of 5/2/2010. Project will become active then. -------------------

Assessor 03/15/2010 10/15/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


Yes MATS Permitting WorkflowDorinda Good

21.94 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 10/15/2010 - In Progress 34 days elapsed of 155 = 21.94 %

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:14 PM Interface meetings scheduled for week of 5/2/2010. Project will become active then. -------------------

Assessor 03/15/2010 10/15/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


Yes End Point ProtectionDavid Monahan

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Mayer, Cookie K 03/29/2010 08:16 AM Met with DavidM to discuss policy timelines for project. David told me that this was his project so I have changed the ownership to him. David said this project will not start until July 1st, with the creation of the standards/guidelines. Project has been queued. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

07/01/2010 10/29/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesLivelink Tuning & Business Process Improvements

Dorinda Good

0.00 % Green

4/26/2010 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:10 PM Postponed until 3rd quarter 2010 per Rebecca. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

07/01/2010 09/28/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


YesLinux Server Consolidation/Virtualization

Kyaw Than

0.00 % Green

Project Update - Moles, Josh 03/31/2010 08:03 AM This project of CIP is also being combined with the Bladecenter virtualization project to "Pool" money. The hardware and vmware software quotes will be available today. -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

08/02/2010 08/13/2010 0

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


YesNetwork Infrastructure Management and Disaster Recovery Toolset

RJ Katafiasz

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Katafiasz, RJ 03/29/2010 09:01 AM This project has been pushed until after data center move -------------------

Jefferson County Enterprise

06/09/2010 08/09/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


No Animal Control Online FTPCharles E Tate

118.75 % Red

Summary Task: Execute & Control Project - Target Date: 04/26/2010 - 3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %

04-22-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/22/2010 03:58 PM No firm date as to when this will be needed. Emailed Scott Hunter to confirm placing in the queue. He responded that it would be fine to place in the queue for now. -------------------

Sheriff 03/09/2010 04/26/2010 0

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


NoNAC Network Access Deployment

Josh Moles

52.69 % Green

Summary Task: Pre-Deployment - Target Date: 06/30/2010 - In Progress 49 days elapsed of 93 = 52.69 %

Status Update - Innotas, Reporting and Dashboad Administrator 04/01/2010 10:22 AM Per Joe/Jim in Project Status meeting - please queue this for now, till further notice from Josh/Jim / Cookie. -------------------

ITS Program: Infrastructure

02/22/2010 12/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


No MATS POIM IntegrationRobert C Walker

32.57 % Green

Summary Task: Project Planning - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 85 days

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:38 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will

Assessor 01/01/2010 12/31/2010 12: Medium - Estimated Hours Between


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Page 15: Jefferson County Project Dashboard

elapsed of 261 = 32.57 %

be on site at that time. -------------------

100 and 400

NoClerk Manatron GRM Recorder Upgrade

Charles E Tate

26.36 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 63 days elapsed of 239 = 26.36 %

4-26-2010 - Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 02:07 PM MATS implementation has been delayed to 4/2011. This will impact the delivery of the C&R GRM upgrade. Meeting with Susie Swain and Gary VanDeStouwe in Recording scheduled. We plan on discussing after the Manatron Interface meetings start week of May 3rd. Moved the status from Active to Queued. -------------------

Clerk and Recorder

02/02/2010 03/20/2011 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


NoTraining Calendar Application Upgrade

Dorinda Good

0.00 % Green

4/26/2020 Status Update - Good, Dorinda 04/23/2010 01:16 PM It is waiting on an access procedure from the IT Security Officer on access to JCIN for Jeffco Library users who do not have a network login. This has to do with the Library not wanting to pay for Jeffco IT services. -------------------

ITS Program: Customer Service

06/15/2010 10/29/2010 0

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


No J.P. Morgan File X-fer ScriptsJanet K Garbrecht

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Dayton, William G 02/01/2010 01:13 PM This project is not due to start until 3rd quarter. Have assigned it to JDE Team / Janet and will have my BA's check in on how to assist with this. -------------------

ITS Program: Infrastructure

07/01/2010 09/30/2010 1

3: Small - Estimated Hours Under 100


NoTransparent Jeffco Searchable Contracts

Marty D Hartley

0.00 % Green

Status Update - Hartley, Marty D 04/26/2010 09:59 AM This project is still queued. No meeting has been scheduled by the PIO regarding initiating the analysis for this project. Will bring this up as an agenda item in the next Web Governance meeting. -------------------

Board of County Commissioners

07/01/2010 07/01/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


MATS Public Web AccessRobert C Walker

34.33 % Green

Summary Task: Project Initiation & Intake - Target Date: 12/31/2010 - In Progress 92 days elapsed of 268 = 34.33 %

2010.04.26 Status - Walker, Robert C 04/26/2010 11:39 AM Interface meetings have been scheduled for the first week in May. Manatron will be on site at that time. -------------------

Assessor 12/23/2009 12/31/2010 1

2: Medium - Estimated Hours Between 100 and 400


All Items Due This Week, Next Week or Past Due

Project: Owner: Last, First

Project: TitleTask: Team Members

Task: Target Date

Task: TitleTask: Status

Task: Schedule Health Color

Task: Schedule Health HintTask: Start Date

Task: Complete Date

Good, DorindaAnimal Control Modifications - Phase II

04/14/2010 Development Complete Open Red11 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,200.00 %


Good, DorindaAnimal Control Modifications - Phase II

Good, Dorinda Krumtum, Steven M

04/28/2010 Define fixes & enhancements Open Red1 days late of 11 days scheduled = 109.09 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Execute & Control Project Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Production Cutover Complete Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Service Level Agreement Accepted & Complete Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Approved Change Management Request Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Obtain Final User Acceptance Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Build Production Environment Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Warranty & Stabilization Period Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Go / No-Go Decision Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Development Complete Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Build Development Environnment Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Testing Complete Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Obtain User Test Acceptance Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Build Test Environment Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Project Close Out Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Warranty Period Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Lessons Learned Document Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Project Completion Gate Review Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Project is Closed Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Training Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 User Documentation & Training Materials Created Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Project Planning Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010Technical Operating Environment Documentation Produced

Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010Architectural / Security / Web Meeting Review & Recommendations

Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


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Page 16: Jefferson County Project Dashboard

Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Investment Council Review Complete Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Project Plan Document Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open Red3 days late of 26 days scheduled = 111.54 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open Red3 days late of 35 days scheduled = 108.57 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP 04/26/2010 QA to Test Open Red3 days late of 1 days scheduled = 400.00 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTPKrumtum, Steven M

04/26/2010Modify Monthly Notices (1st and 2nd Renewal to include URL)

Open Red3 days late of 3 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTPStadig, Jeffrey L

04/26/2010 Complete Design Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Tate, Charles E Animal Control Online FTP Tate, Charles E 04/26/2010 Project Management Open Red3 days late of 16 days scheduled = 118.75 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 03/12/2010 Create Admin Change Log Open YellowCompleted 0 days late of 5 days scheduled = 100.00 %

03/08/2010 03/12/2010

Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 03/17/2010 Deployment Open YellowCompleted 0 days late of 1 days scheduled = 100.00 %

03/17/2010 03/17/2010

Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/02/2010Decommission old 10x prod env and reallocate memory to new 10x

Open Red19 days late of 3 days scheduled = 733.33 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/02/2010Decommsion old 10x environment and reallocate memory

Open Red19 days late of 1 days scheduled = 2,000.00 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/05/2010 7 - WLI - HART Data Resolver and Workshop Open GreenCompleted 2 days early of 1 days scheduled = -100.00 %

04/05/2010 04/01/2010

Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/05/2010 12 - WLI - PPDS, PPDS Workshop Open Red18 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,900.00 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/06/2010 Application Migrations Open Red17 days late of 22 days scheduled = 177.27 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/06/201013 - WLI - AGE EJB, EPO, AGE to Amanda, Amanda to AGE

Open Red17 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,800.00 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/09/2010 Create Operational Procedures Open Red14 days late of 25 days scheduled = 156.00 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/09/2010 Document Change/Reboot/Backup/Restore Process Open Red14 days late of 5 days scheduled = 380.00 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/16/2010 Exact D/T/P Enviroments for 10x Open Red9 days late of 10 days scheduled = 190.00 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/16/2010 Implement Monitoring/Alert Systems Open Red9 days late of 10 days scheduled = 190.00 %


Smith, James F BEA Web Logic Upgrade 04/16/2010 Plan For Data Center Move Open Red9 days late of 10 days scheduled = 190.00 %


Moles, Josh Blade Center Expansion

Henton, Stephen L Moles, Josh Than, Kyaw

05/05/2010 Purchase Hardware Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 89 = 95.51 %


Mikos, Sandy Court Expansion Remodel 04/13/2010 Purchasing move - meetings - walk throughs Open YellowCompleted 1 days early of 48 days scheduled = 97.92 %

02/05/2010 04/12/2010

Mikos, Sandy Court Expansion Remodel 04/30/2010 Purchase additional materials Open GreenIn Progress 9 days elapsed of 10 = 90.00 %


Mikos, Sandy Court Expansion RemodelBerry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony

04/06/2010 Pull wire, move existing wiring, test connections Open RedCompleted 1 days late of 43 days scheduled = 102.33 %

02/05/2010 04/07/2010

Mikos, Sandy Court Expansion Remodel

Berry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony Mikos, Sandy Mundy, Sue

04/13/2010 Followup of the Moves, Adds, and Changes Open YellowCompleted 1 days early of 20 days scheduled = 95.00 %

03/17/2010 04/12/2010

Mikos, Sandy Court Expansion Remodel

Berry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony Mundy, Sue

04/12/2010 Move Purchasing phones and data connections Open Red13 days late of 2 days scheduled = 750.00 %


Mikos, Sandy Court Expansion Remodel Mundy, Sue 04/06/2010 Cut sheet, software programing, voice templates Open YellowCompleted 0 days late of 4 days scheduled = 100.00 %

04/01/2010 04/06/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/19/2010 Swing Qwest Internet Connections from CAB to LAR Open Red8 days late of 1 days scheduled = 900.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/20/2010 Label Necessary Network Connections on Servers Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/21/2010 Document Procedures Open Red6 days late of 2 days scheduled = 400.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/22/2010 Map Equipment Moves Open Red5 days late of 4 days scheduled = 225.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/22/2010Design Alternate UPS Protection for CAB Equipment

Open Red5 days late of 40 days scheduled = 112.50 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/23/2010 Data Center Operational Plan Open Red4 days late of 2 days scheduled = 300.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/23/2010 Complete Services Inventory Open Red4 days late of 6 days scheduled = 166.67 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/23/2010 Security Review Open Red4 days late of 6 days scheduled = 166.67 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/23/2010 Install MHO Wireless Internet Mount Open Red4 days late of 1 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/23/2010 Clean Up CAB Data Center Open Red4 days late of 41 days scheduled = 109.76 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/23/2010 Implement New UPS Protection Open Red4 days late of 1 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/26/2010 Preparation for Service Moves Open Red3 days late of 7 days scheduled = 142.86 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/29/2010 Terminate DA Fiber Open Yellow 0 days late of 1 days 04/29/2010

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scheduled = 100.00 %

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 04/29/2010 Terminate LAR Phone Room Fiber Open Yellow0 days late of 1 days scheduled = 100.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 05/05/2010 Outside LAR Data Center Preparation Open GreenIn Progress 10 days elapsed of 14 = 71.43 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 05/06/2010 Preparation of New Data Center Open GreenIn Progress 10 days elapsed of 15 = 66.67 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 05/06/2010 Network Preparation Open GreenIn Progress 10 days elapsed of 15 = 66.67 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 05/06/2010 Inside LAR Data Center Preparation Open GreenIn Progress 8 days elapsed of 13 = 61.54 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation 05/07/2010 Review Roles and Responsibilities Open Green Not Started Yet 05/07/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationBerry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony

04/20/2010Pull Cables to Connect Wireless Link and Weather Station

Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationBerry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony

05/03/2010 Install and Label Cables from Patch Panels Open Green Not Started Yet 05/03/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationBerry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony

05/05/2010Additional Voice, Data, Fiber Work, and Cable Tagging

Open Green Not Started Yet 05/05/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation

Berry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony Ferguson, Michael A Katafiasz, RJ

04/29/2010 Install 24 New Racks in Laramie Data Center Open Yellow0 days late of 1 days scheduled = 100.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation

Berry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony Mikos, Sandy

04/20/2010 Prepare Qwest De-Marc Room Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation

Berry, Daniel P Carbone, Anthony Mundy, Sue

05/04/2010Install Voice/Data and Phones in LAR Data Center, Office, Co-location Hallway an

Open Green Not Started Yet 05/04/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation

Bollinger, Kevin J Cheng, Jack S Daniels, Maria Finney Jr., Robert J Fischer, John Galbraith, Janet K Hancock, Daniel E Rosenthal, Harold Uyetani, Tina K Wouk, Michael S

04/20/2010 Server Test Plans Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation

Bollinger, Kevin J Daniels, Maria Fischer, John Rosenthal, Harold

04/20/2010 Link to Server Test Plan Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Colburn, Brian 05/06/2010Order and Install Desktop PC and Printer in LAR Data Center Office

Open Green Not Started Yet 05/06/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationFerguson, Michael A Katafiasz, RJ

04/20/2010Install Wireless Network Access Point in Data Center

Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationFerguson, Michael A Katafiasz, RJ

04/20/2010 Connect Granicus Server from Hearing Room 1 Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationFerguson, Michael A Katafiasz, RJ

05/04/2010 Install 2x4500 Open Green Not Started Yet 05/04/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationFerguson, Michael A Katafiasz, RJ

05/04/2010 Install 2x6509 Open Green Not Started Yet 05/04/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationFerguson, Michael A Katafiasz, RJ

05/04/2010 Configure MHO Wireless Internet Connectivity Open Green Not Started Yet 05/04/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationFerguson, Michael A Katafiasz, RJ

05/05/2010Connect 6509 Network Switches from Laramie DC to CAB 4th Floor

Open Green Not Started Yet 05/05/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationFerguson, Michael A Katafiasz, RJ

05/05/2010 Configure 4500 Switches and Test Connectivity Open Green Not Started Yet 05/05/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationGalbraith, Janet K

04/16/2010 Servers Open Red9 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationGalbraith, Janet K

04/19/2010 Services Open Red8 days late of 1 days scheduled = 900.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationGarbrecht, Janet K Morey, Barbara

04/21/2010 Define Application Test Plans Open Red6 days late of 1 days scheduled = 700.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationGarbrecht, Janet K Morey, Barbara

04/22/2010 Link to Application Test Plan Open Red5 days late of 1 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation

Hascall, Rebecca Moles, Josh Palmer, Joseph V Smith, James F

04/21/2010 Map Services to Move Schedule Open Red6 days late of 1 days scheduled = 700.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationHascall, Rebecca Smith, James F

04/20/2010 Application Owner Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation

Henton, Stephen L Katafiasz, RJ Than, Kyaw

04/20/2010Tag Network Gear, Servers, Racks and Equipment to be Moved

Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationHenton, Stephen L

04/19/2010 System Administrator Owner Open Red8 days late of 1 days


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Than, Kyaw scheduled = 900.00 %

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationHenton, Stephen L Than, Kyaw

04/21/2010 Services Shutdown/Startup Procedures Open Red6 days late of 1 days scheduled = 700.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationHenton, Stephen L Than, Kyaw

04/22/2010 Identify non-Technical, Supplies, etc. to Move Open Red5 days late of 1 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationHenton, Stephen L Than, Kyaw

04/22/2010 Identify and Secure Space to Store Open Red5 days late of 1 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationLindauer, James

04/23/2010 Perform QA Review and Update of Inventory Open Red4 days late of 1 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Mikos, Sandy 05/05/2010Ensure ability to make phone connections (cell, VOIP or Landline) in each Row

Open Green Not Started Yet 05/05/2010

Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Moles, Josh 04/19/2010Create Layout of Racks and Equipment Locations for New Data Center

Open Red8 days late of 1 days scheduled = 900.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationMoles, Josh Smith, James F

04/19/2010 Create Floor Layout for Non-Racked Equipment Open Red8 days late of 1 days scheduled = 900.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationMonahan, David

04/16/2010 Identify New Storage Location for Backup Tapes Open Red9 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationMonahan, David

04/19/2010 Document Backup Tape Procedure Open Red8 days late of 1 days scheduled = 900.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationMonahan, David

04/20/2010 Implement New Storage Location Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationMonahan, David

04/23/2010 Assess Cameras/Monitoring Design Open Red4 days late of 1 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center RelocationPalmer, Joseph V

04/22/2010 Prepare Move Day Communications Plan Open Red5 days late of 1 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Smith, James F 04/22/2010 Create Operations Manual Open Red5 days late of 1 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Smith, James F 04/22/2010 Document Co-location Agreement Open Red5 days late of 1 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Smith, James F 04/23/2010 Deliver Operational Training Open Red4 days late of 1 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Smith, James F 04/23/2010 Develop Co-location Lease Cost Proposal Open Red4 days late of 1 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Smith, James F 04/23/2010 Operational Level Agreement with Facilities Open Red4 days late of 1 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Palmer, Joseph V Data Center Relocation Smith, James F 04/30/2010 Perform Voltage Tests on Racks Open Green Not Started Yet 04/30/2010

Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

03/04/2010 ID Record Sub-Sets Open Red40 days late of 21 days scheduled = 290.48 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

03/15/2010 ID Record Sub-Sets Open Red33 days late of 28 days scheduled = 217.86 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

03/16/2010 Obtain Signoffs / Request Implementation Open Red32 days late of 11 days scheduled = 390.91 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

04/02/2010 Match & Update Retention Schedules Open Red19 days late of 23 days scheduled = 182.61 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

04/02/2010 Match & Update Retention Schedules Open Red19 days late of 23 days scheduled = 182.61 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

04/02/2010 Match & Update Retention Schedules Open Red19 days late of 22 days scheduled = 186.36 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

04/27/2010 GIS Images Open Red2 days late of 86 days scheduled = 102.33 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

04/27/2010 GIS Record Set Complete Open Red2 days late of 73 days scheduled = 102.74 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Garbrecht, Janet K Morey, Barbara

03/02/2010 Recommend Production vs. Archive Periods Open Red42 days late of 11 days scheduled = 481.82 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Garbrecht, Janet K Morey, Barbara

03/15/2010 Recommend Production vs. Archive Periods Open Red33 days late of 20 days scheduled = 265.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Garbrecht, Janet K Morey, Barbara

03/15/2010 Recommend Production vs. Archive Periods Open Red33 days late of 20 days scheduled = 265.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/09/2010 Owner(s) Review Open Red37 days late of 6 days scheduled = 716.67 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/11/2010 Tie to Retention schedules Open Red35 days late of 6 days scheduled = 683.33 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/11/2010 Tie to Retention schedules Open Red35 days late of 6 days scheduled = 683.33 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/15/2010 Legal Review Open Red33 days late of 4 days scheduled = 925.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/15/2010 Final Signoff from Owner/Panel Open Red33 days late of 6 days scheduled = 650.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/18/2010 Draft (Revised) Functional Schedule Open Red30 days late of 5 days scheduled = 700.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/19/2010 Note Production/Archive Time Spans Open Red29 days late of 2 days scheduled = 1,550.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/22/2010 Note Production/Archive Time Spans Open Red28 days late of 14 days scheduled = 300.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/22/2010 Note Production/Archive Time Spans Open Red28 days late of 14 days scheduled = 300.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 03/29/2010 Incorporate Owner/Panel Feedback Open Red23 days late of 6 days scheduled = 483.33 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 04/02/2010 Incorporate Owner/Panel Feedback Open Red19 days late of 5 days scheduled = 480.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 04/02/2010 Incorporate Owner/Panel Feedback Open Red19 days late of 5 days scheduled = 480.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 04/02/2010 Incorporate Owner/Panel Feedback Open Red19 days late of 5 days scheduled = 480.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 04/19/2010 Owner(s) Review Open Red8 days late of 11 days scheduled = 172.73 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 05/04/2010 Owner(s) Review Open GreenIn Progress 8 days elapsed of 11 = 72.73 %


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Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 05/04/2010 Owner(s) Review Open GreenIn Progress 8 days elapsed of 11 = 72.73 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen 05/04/2010 Owner(s) Review Open GreenIn Progress 8 days elapsed of 11 = 72.73 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen Morey, Barbara

03/26/2010 Meet with Record Owner/Panel Open Red24 days late of 6 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen Morey, Barbara

03/26/2010 Meet with Record Owner/Panel Open Red24 days late of 6 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Hughes, Karen Reams, Larry

03/16/2010 Create PIR to Implement Revisions Open Red32 days late of 7 days scheduled = 557.14 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Monahan, David

03/18/2010 Security Review Open Red30 days late of 4 days scheduled = 850.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Monahan, David

03/25/2010 Security Review Open Red25 days late of 4 days scheduled = 725.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Monahan, David

03/25/2010 Security Review Open Red25 days late of 4 days scheduled = 725.00 %


Reams, LarryDigital Records Classification / Retention

Monahan, David

03/25/2010 Security Review Open Red25 days late of 4 days scheduled = 725.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Execute & Control Project Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Production Cutover Complete Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Service Level Agreement Accepted & Complete Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Approved Change Management Request Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Obtain Final User Acceptance Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Build Production Environment Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Warranty & Stabilization Period Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Go / No-Go Decision Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Complete Design Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Development Complete Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Build Development Environnment Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Testing Complete Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Obtain User Test Acceptance Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Build Test Environment Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Project Close Out Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Warranty Period Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Lessons Learned Document Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Project Completion Gate Review Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Project is Closed Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Project Initiation & Intake Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 CIO Gate Review Complete Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 PMO Gate Review Complete Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Project Initiation Request Submitted to BA Gate Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010Solution Scope & Project Initiation Request Document

Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Project Planning Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010Technical Operating Environment Documentation Produced

Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010Architectural / Security / Web Meeting Review & Recommendations

Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Investment Council Review Request Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Investment Council Review Complete Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Project Plan Document Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 Training Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


Monahan, David Disaster Recovery 01/01/2010 User Documentation & Training Materials Created Open Red84 days late of 1 days scheduled = 8,500.00 %


District Attorney Case Management Completed 0 days late of 19

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Hartley, Marty D Solution 02/25/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open Yellow days scheduled = 100.00 % 02/01/2010 02/25/2010

Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

03/30/2010 Identify Non-functional Requirements Open Red22 days late of 22 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

04/01/2010 Project Plan Document Open Red20 days late of 44 days scheduled = 145.45 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

04/20/2010 Identify Process Functional Requirements Open Red7 days late of 37 days scheduled = 118.92 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

05/04/2010Validate Process Functional Requirements w/Organizational Units

Open GreenIn Progress 7 days elapsed of 10 = 70.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D

03/30/2010 Platform & Interface Open Red22 days late of 22 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D

03/30/2010 Access & Availabilty Open Red22 days late of 22 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D

03/30/2010 Performance Open Red22 days late of 22 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D

03/30/2010 Security Open Red22 days late of 22 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D

03/30/2010 Support - System & End-user Open Red22 days late of 22 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D

03/30/2010 Back-up & Recovery Open Red22 days late of 22 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D Homra, Donette Reams, Larry Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/01/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open Red20 days late of 44 days scheduled = 145.45 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D Homra, Donette Reams, Larry Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/01/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open Red20 days late of 44 days scheduled = 145.45 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Hartley, Marty D Homra, Donette Reams, Larry Zamora, Joseph A

04/20/2010 Finalize Requirements & Documentation Open Red7 days late of 4 days scheduled = 275.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

03/26/2010 Crimes Against Children Open Red24 days late of 1 days scheduled = 2,500.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

03/29/2010 Economic Crime Open Red23 days late of 1 days scheduled = 2,400.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

03/30/2010 Elder Abuse Open Red22 days late of 1 days scheduled = 2,300.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

03/31/2010 Felony Open Red21 days late of 1 days scheduled = 2,200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/01/2010 Juvenile Open Red20 days late of 1 days scheduled = 2,100.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/02/2010 Misdemeanor/Traffic Open Red19 days late of 1 days scheduled = 2,000.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/08/2010 Discovery Open Red15 days late of 4 days scheduled = 475.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/09/2010 Investigations Open Red14 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,500.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/09/2010 Diversion Open Red14 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,500.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/14/2010 Victim/Witness Open Red11 days late of 3 days scheduled = 466.67 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/21/2010 Intake Open Red6 days late of 1 days scheduled = 700.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/22/2010 Crimes Against Children Open Red5 days late of 1 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/23/2010 Economic Crime Open Red4 days late of 1 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/26/2010 Felony Open Red3 days late of 1 days scheduled = 400.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/27/2010 Juvenile Open Red2 days late of 1 days scheduled = 300.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/28/2010 Misdemeanor/Traffic Open Red1 days late of 1 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/29/2010 Discovery Open Yellow0 days late of 1 days scheduled = 100.00 %


Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

04/30/2010 Investigations Open Green Not Started Yet 04/30/2010

Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

05/03/2010 Diversion Open Green Not Started Yet 05/03/2010

Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Homra, Donette Steinmaus, Jean-Noel

05/04/2010 Victim/Witness Open Green Not Started Yet 05/04/2010

Hartley, Marty DDistrict Attorney Case Management Solution

Steinmaus, Jean-Noel Zamora,

05/07/2010 Colorado District Attorney's Council (CDAC) Open Green Not Started Yet 05/05/2010

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Joseph A

Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Creation of an Acceptable Usage Policy Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Update Policy Document Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Review Policy Proposal draft with ITS Director Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010Present final policy to County Administrator for Approval

Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Update Policy Draft Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Update Policy changes from Leadership team Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Review Policy Proposal draft with Security Peers Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010Review Policy Proposal draft with Division Department Directors

Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Author 1st Draft Proposal Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Update Policy changes from Policy Coordinator Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Present final policy to BCC for Approval Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Review Policy Proposal draft with Policy Coordinator Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Update Policy changes from Elected Officials Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Update all requested changes Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Present final policy to Elected Officials for Approval Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010Review Policy Proposal draft with Security Committee

Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010Architectural / Security / Web Meeting Review & Recommendations

Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010Technical Operating Environment Documentation Produced

Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Monahan, DavidElectronic Messaging Retention Policy

04/30/2010 Warranty Period Open YellowIn Progress 85 days elapsed of 86 = 98.84 %


Tate, Charles E Email ArchivingMonahan, David Tate, Charles E

03/31/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open Red21 days late of 23 days scheduled = 191.30 %


Tate, Charles E Email ArchivingMonahan, David Tate, Charles E

04/19/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open Red8 days late of 2 days scheduled = 500.00 %


Tate, Charles E Email Archiving Tate, Charles E 03/29/2010 Project Plan Document Open Red23 days late of 21 days scheduled = 209.52 %


Tate, Charles E Email Archiving Tate, Charles E 04/16/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Red9 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Hartley, Marty DEnterprise Storage Upgrade/Replacement

02/24/2010 Contract Terms Accepted Open Red46 days late of 12 days scheduled = 483.33 %


Hartley, Marty DEnterprise Storage Upgrade/Replacement

04/05/2010 County Issues Formal Notice to Proceed to Vendor Open Red18 days late of 10 days scheduled = 280.00 %


Dayton, William G

GIS Modernization 02/26/2010 ASP Integration Open Red44 days late of 41 days scheduled = 207.32 %


Dayton, William G

GIS Modernization 03/10/2010 ESRI EAP Purchased and Implemented Open RedCompleted 2 days late of 21 days scheduled = 109.52 %

02/10/2010 03/13/2010

Dayton, William G

GIS Modernization 04/02/2010 RFP Process and Implementation Open GreenCompleted 14 days early of 38 days scheduled = 63.16 %

02/10/2010 03/13/2010

Dayton, William G

GIS Modernization

Broome, Callista J Massaro, Nick A Mitchell, Stephen D

04/12/2010Discuss Big Picture Approach - Create Workflow - Business Rules

Open Red13 days late of 6 days scheduled = 316.67 %


Good, Dorinda Graffiti Tracking

Good, Dorinda Massaro, Nick A Wouk, Michael S

04/29/2010 Warranty Period Open Yellow0 days late of 22 days scheduled = 100.00 %


Good, DorindaHuman Services Quality Assurance Application

04/30/2010 Project Planning Open YellowIn Progress 71 days elapsed of 72 = 98.61 %


Good, DorindaHuman Services Quality Assurance Application

Completo, Cyril J Good, Dorinda Lindauer, James

04/30/2010Architectural / Security / Web Meeting Review & Recommendations

Open YellowIn Progress 23 days elapsed of 24 = 95.83 %


Good, DorindaHuman Services Quality Assurance Application

Good, Dorinda 04/30/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Green Not Started Yet 04/30/2010

Good, DorindaHuman Services Quality Assurance Application

Good, Dorinda 04/30/2010 Project Plan Document Open YellowIn Progress 19 days elapsed of 20 = 95.00 %


Good, DorindaHuman Services Quality Assurance Application

Good, Dorinda Lindauer, James

04/30/2010Technical Operating Environment Documentation Produced

Open YellowIn Progress 12 days elapsed of 13 = 92.31 %


Than, KyawIBM pSeries Development (AIX) Server

04/12/2010 Install JDE Open Red13 days late of 6 days scheduled = 316.67 %


Than, KyawIBM pSeries Development (AIX) Server

04/29/2010 Delete JDE DR Installation Open Yellow0 days late of 1 days scheduled = 100.00 %


Than, KyawIBM pSeries Development (AIX) Server

Black, Jeffrey W Garbrecht, Janet K

04/28/2010 Test Installation Open Red1 days late of 12 days scheduled = 108.33 %


Than, KyawIBM pSeries Development (AIX) Server

Cheng, Jack S Rosenthal, Harold Than, Kyaw

04/02/2010 Install OS Open Red19 days late of 5 days scheduled = 480.00 %


Than, Kyaw IBM pSeries Development (AIX) Cheng, Jack S 03/26/2010 Planning Network Open Red 24 days late of 7 days 03/18/2010

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Server Than, Kyaw scheduled = 442.86 %

Than, KyawIBM pSeries Development (AIX) Server

Rosenthal, Harold Than, Kyaw

04/29/2010 JDE Disaster Recovery Open Yellow0 days late of 32 days scheduled = 100.00 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Investment Council Review Request Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Project Plan Approved Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Investment Council Review Complete Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Project Plan Document Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 Training Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Wade, Daniel IT Services Move to Laramie 04/30/2010 User Documentation & Training Materials Created Open YellowIn Progress 198 days elapsed of 199 = 99.50 %


Binkley, John JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 02/26/2010 Post Production Support Open RedCompleted 65 days late of 4 days scheduled = 1,725.00 %

02/23/2010 05/28/2010

Binkley, John JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 03/03/2010 Obtain user acceptance/Close Project Open RedCompleted 62 days late of 6 days scheduled = 1,133.33 %

02/24/2010 05/28/2010

Binkley, John JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 03/03/2010 Project complete Open RedCompleted 322 days late of 1 days scheduled = 32,300.00 %

03/03/2010 05/28/2011

Binkley, John JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 04/30/2010 Project Close Out Open YellowIn Progress 294 days elapsed of 295 = 99.66 %


Binkley, John JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 04/30/2010 Lessons Learned Document Open YellowIn Progress 294 days elapsed of 295 = 99.66 %


Binkley, John JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 04/30/2010 Project is Closed Open YellowIn Progress 294 days elapsed of 295 = 99.66 %


Binkley, John JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 04/30/2010 Project Completion Gate Review Open YellowIn Progress 294 days elapsed of 295 = 99.66 %


Binkley, John JDE HS CFMS Reconciliation 04/30/2010 Warranty Period Open YellowIn Progress 294 days elapsed of 295 = 99.66 %


Garbrecht, Janet K

JDE Time Entry for Public Health 05/05/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open GreenIn Progress 4 days elapsed of 8 = 50.00 %


Tate, Charles EJeffco Enterprise Badge Access Upgrade or Replacement

03/07/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open Red38 days late of 10 days scheduled = 480.00 %


Tate, Charles EJeffco Enterprise Badge Access Upgrade or Replacement

03/28/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open Red23 days late of 25 days scheduled = 192.00 %


Tate, Charles EJeffco Enterprise Badge Access Upgrade or Replacement

04/05/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open Red18 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,900.00 %


Tate, Charles EJeffco Enterprise Badge Access Upgrade or Replacement

04/05/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Red18 days late of 3 days scheduled = 700.00 %


Tate, Charles EJeffco Enterprise Badge Access Upgrade or Replacement

Monahan, David Tate, Charles E

03/19/2010 Selection of Consultant Open Red29 days late of 20 days scheduled = 245.00 %


Tate, Charles EJeffco Enterprise Badge Access Upgrade or Replacement

Tate, Charles E 03/31/2010 Project Plan Document Open Red21 days late of 23 days scheduled = 191.30 %


Tate, Charles EJeffco Enterprise Badge Access Upgrade or Replacement

Tate, Charles E 04/16/2010 Consultant SOW and Contract Negotations Open Red9 days late of 20 days scheduled = 145.00 %


Hartley, Marty DJeffco Enterprise Web Content Management System

Hartley, Marty D

05/09/2010 Notify other IT Groups Open Green Not Started Yet 05/09/2010

Hartley, Marty DJeffco Enterprise Web Content Management System

Hartley, Marty D Monahan, David

05/09/2010 Security Review Open Green Not Started Yet 05/09/2010

Hartley, Marty DJeffco Enterprise Web Content Management System

Hartley, Marty D Ouellette, Sheri

05/09/2010 Preliminary Selection Open Green Not Started Yet 05/09/2010

Hartley, Marty DJeffco Enterprise Web Content Management System

Hartley, Marty D Ouellette, Sheri

05/09/2010 Architectural Review Open Green Not Started Yet 05/09/2010

Hartley, Marty DJeffco Enterprise Web Content Management System

Ouellette, Sheri 03/03/2010 Marketing / Communications Open RedCompleted 57 days late of 12 days scheduled = 575.00 %

02/16/2010 05/21/2010

Hartley, Marty DJeffco Enterprise Web Content Management System

Ouellette, Sheri 03/03/2010 Phasing Open RedCompleted 57 days late of 12 days scheduled = 575.00 %

02/16/2010 05/21/2010

Hartley, Marty D Leave Management in JDE 04/30/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open YellowIn Progress 64 days elapsed of 65 = 98.46 %


Hartley, Marty D Leave Management in JDE 04/30/2010 Project Plan Approved Open YellowIn Progress 64 days elapsed of 65 = 98.46 %


Hartley, Marty D Leave Management in JDEHartley, Marty D

03/05/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open Red39 days late of 3 days scheduled = 1,400.00 %


Hartley, Marty D Leave Management in JDEHartley, Marty D

04/30/2010 Project Plan Document Open YellowIn Progress 42 days elapsed of 43 = 97.67 %


Hartley, Marty D Leave Management in JDEHartley, Marty D Hicks, Jerry

03/12/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open Red34 days late of 10 days scheduled = 440.00 %


Hartley, Marty D Leave Management in JDE Hicks, Jerry 03/19/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open Red29 days late of 5 days scheduled = 680.00 %


Henton, Stephen L

Maintenance Administration Tools for Microsoft Exchange

04/30/2010 Statistics / Health of Exchange Data Stores Open YellowIn Progress 34 days elapsed of 35 = 97.14 %


Henton, Stephen L

Management of Security Privileges for PC Administration

Monahan, David

04/16/2010 Directive Creation Open Red9 days late of 15 days scheduled = 160.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 01/27/2010 Review requirements Open Red66 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,420.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 02/10/2010 Design Open YellowCompleted 0 days late of 15 days scheduled = 100.00 %

01/21/2010 02/10/2010

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Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/04/2010 Test Case Development Open Red40 days late of 31 days scheduled = 229.03 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/04/2010 Test Script Development Open Red40 days late of 31 days scheduled = 229.03 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/08/2010 Records Open Red38 days late of 31 days scheduled = 222.58 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/11/2010 Code Open Red35 days late of 21 days scheduled = 266.67 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/15/2010 Records Open Red33 days late of 5 days scheduled = 760.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/15/2010 Validate Extract Data Open Red33 days late of 5 days scheduled = 760.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/15/2010 Configuration Open Red33 days late of 5 days scheduled = 760.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/18/2010 Test Open Red30 days late of 5 days scheduled = 700.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/19/2010 Release cycle planning #1 Open Red29 days late of 42 days scheduled = 169.05 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/19/2010 Review for PP, TLS, Appeals Open Red29 days late of 1 days scheduled = 3,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/22/2010 Tax Open Red28 days late of 41 days scheduled = 168.29 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/29/2010 Tax Open Red23 days late of 5 days scheduled = 560.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/29/2010 Validate Extract Data Open Red23 days late of 5 days scheduled = 560.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 03/29/2010 Configuration Open Red23 days late of 5 days scheduled = 560.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/09/2010 Design Open Red14 days late of 15 days scheduled = 193.33 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/14/2010 PTOC Directors Meeting 14 Open Red11 days late of 1 days scheduled = 1,200.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/16/2010 CAMA Open Red9 days late of 60 days scheduled = 115.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/19/2010 Training Strategy (Deliverable #7) Open Red8 days late of 1 days scheduled = 900.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/20/2010 PMC Meetings 15 Open Red7 days late of 1 days scheduled = 800.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/21/2010 PTOC Directors Meeting 15 Open Red6 days late of 1 days scheduled = 700.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/23/2010 CAMA Open Red4 days late of 5 days scheduled = 180.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/23/2010 Validate Extract Data Open Red4 days late of 5 days scheduled = 180.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/23/2010 Configuration Open Red4 days late of 5 days scheduled = 180.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/27/2010 PMC Meetings 16 Open Red2 days late of 1 days scheduled = 300.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 04/28/2010 PTOC Directors Meeting 16 Open Red1 days late of 1 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 05/04/2010 PMC Meetings 17 Open Green Not Started Yet 05/04/2010

Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 05/04/2010 Personal Property Open YellowIn Progress 69 days elapsed of 72 = 95.83 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 05/05/2010 PTOC Directors Meeting 17 Open Green Not Started Yet 05/05/2010

Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 05/07/2010 Code Open GreenIn Progress 14 days elapsed of 20 = 70.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 05/07/2010 Extracts - subsets Open YellowIn Progress 69 days elapsed of 75 = 92.00 %


Walker, Robert C Manatron PTOC Master Project Plan 05/07/2010 AA/Levy Open GreenIn Progress 38 days elapsed of 44 = 86.36 %


Good, Dorinda MATS Addressing Web Service 04/30/2010 Project Plan Document Open YellowIn Progress 34 days elapsed of 35 = 97.14 %


Good, Dorinda MATS Addressing Web Service 05/07/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Green Not Started Yet 05/01/2010

Tate, Charles E MATS CAMA GIS Integration 04/04/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open Red18 days late of 25 days scheduled = 172.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS CAMA GIS Integration 04/04/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open Red18 days late of 25 days scheduled = 172.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS CAMA GIS Integration 04/09/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open Red14 days late of 5 days scheduled = 380.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS CAMA GIS Integration 04/18/2010 Project Plan Document Open Red8 days late of 35 days scheduled = 122.86 %


Tate, Charles E MATS CAMA GIS Integration 04/19/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Red8 days late of 1 days scheduled = 900.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS CAMA GIS Integration 04/25/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open Red3 days late of 5 days scheduled = 160.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Tax Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Validate Extract Data Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Configuration Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Personal Property Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Validate Extract Data Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Configuration Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 CAMA Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Validate Extract Data Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Configuration Open Red 45 days late of 5 days 02/19/2010

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scheduled = 1,000.00 %

Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Records Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Validate Extract Data Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 02/25/2010 Configuration Open Red45 days late of 5 days scheduled = 1,000.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 03/25/2010 Extract Validation/Configuration Open Red25 days late of 25 days scheduled = 200.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 03/25/2010 AA/Levy Open Red25 days late of 5 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 03/25/2010 Validate Extract Data Open Red25 days late of 5 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 03/25/2010 Configuration Open Red25 days late of 5 days scheduled = 600.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 03/26/2010 Final Extract Deliveries Open Red24 days late of 1 days scheduled = 2,500.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 04/16/2010 CAMA Open Red9 days late of 60 days scheduled = 115.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 05/04/2010 Personal Property Open YellowIn Progress 69 days elapsed of 72 = 95.83 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 05/07/2010 Extracts - subsets Open YellowIn Progress 69 days elapsed of 75 = 92.00 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion 05/07/2010 AA/Levy Open GreenIn Progress 50 days elapsed of 56 = 89.29 %


Walker, Robert C MATS Data Conversion

Carter, Vincent S Moravek, Leonard M Wolfe, Lois M Zamora, Joseph A

05/07/2010 Conversion Phase 1 - Preliminary Conversion Open YellowIn Progress 69 days elapsed of 75 = 92.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS IVR 03/14/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open Red33 days late of 17 days scheduled = 294.12 %


Tate, Charles E MATS IVR 04/04/2010 Project Plan Document Open Red18 days late of 20 days scheduled = 190.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS IVR 04/11/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Red13 days late of 37 days scheduled = 135.14 %


Tate, Charles E MATS IVR 04/23/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open Red4 days late of 10 days scheduled = 140.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS IVR

Massaro, Nick A Tate, Charles E Wolfe, Lois M

03/25/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open Red25 days late of 9 days scheduled = 377.78 %


Tate, Charles E MATS IVR Tate, Charles E 04/04/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open Red18 days late of 7 days scheduled = 357.14 %


Tate, Charles E MATS Parcel Layer Integration 04/04/2010 Stakeholder Analysis Document Open Red18 days late of 25 days scheduled = 172.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS Parcel Layer Integration 04/04/2010 Preliminary Business Requirements Document Open Red18 days late of 25 days scheduled = 172.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS Parcel Layer Integration 04/09/2010 Final Business Requirements Document Open Red14 days late of 5 days scheduled = 380.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS Parcel Layer Integration 04/18/2010 Project Plan Document Open Red8 days late of 35 days scheduled = 122.86 %


Tate, Charles E MATS Parcel Layer Integration 04/19/2010 Project Plan Approved Open Red8 days late of 1 days scheduled = 900.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS Parcel Layer Integration 04/25/2010 Kickoff Meeting Open Red3 days late of 5 days scheduled = 160.00 %


Tate, Charles E MATS Parcel Layer Integration 05/09/2010 Complete Design Open GreenIn Progress 9 days elapsed of 15 = 60.00 %


Than, KyawOracle OEM Change And Patch Management Extension

04/30/2010 Patch back from Oracle Open GreenIn Progress 9 days elapsed of 10 = 90.00 %


Than, KyawOracle OEM Change And Patch Management Extension

Than, Kyaw 04/16/2010 Create Purchase Order Open Red9 days late of 10 days scheduled = 190.00 %


Hughes, Karen P and Z Multidocument Conversion 04/30/2010 Subdivision Open YellowIn Progress 272 days elapsed of 273 = 99.63 %


Hartley, Marty D Road and Bridge Cartegraph/GIS 03/22/2010Architectural / Security / Web Meeting Review & Recommendations

Open Red28 days late of 61 days scheduled = 145.90 %


Hartley, Marty D Road and Bridge Cartegraph/GIS 03/22/2010 Warranty Period Open Red28 days late of 61 days scheduled = 145.90 %


Hartley, Marty D Road and Bridge Cartegraph/GIS 05/07/2010 Development Complete Open YellowIn Progress 82 days elapsed of 88 = 93.18 %


Hartley, Marty D Road and Bridge Cartegraph/GIS

Broome, Callista J Hartley, Marty D

05/07/2010 Create Installation Guide and Validation Checklist Open YellowIn Progress 71 days elapsed of 77 = 92.21 %


Mayer, Cookie K T&E Crash Data IntegrationMayer, Cookie K

04/30/2010Architectural / Security / Web Meeting Review & Recommendations

Open YellowIn Progress 14 days elapsed of 15 = 93.33 %


Hartley, Marty DTransparent Jeffco - Automation of Pro Cards

04/23/2010 Test & Rework Open Red4 days late of 13 days scheduled = 130.77 %


Hartley, Marty DTransparent Jeffco - Automation of Pro Cards

04/30/2010 Obtain User Test Acceptance - Procard (Automated) Open GreenIn Progress 4 days elapsed of 5 = 80.00 %


Hartley, Marty DTransparent Jeffco - Automation of Pro Cards

04/30/2010 Plan & Prepare for Manual Process cut-over Open GreenIn Progress 4 days elapsed of 5 = 80.00 %


Hartley, Marty DTransparent Jeffco - Automation of Pro Cards

Ellmann, Kipp C

04/30/2010Build Production Environment - Procard (Automated)

Open GreenIn Progress 4 days elapsed of 5 = 80.00 %


Hartley, Marty DTransparent Jeffco - Automation of Pro Cards

Ellmann, Kipp C

04/30/2010 Production Deployment Open GreenIn Progress 4 days elapsed of 5 = 80.00 %


Hartley, Marty DTransparent Jeffco - Automation of Pro Cards

Garbrecht, Janet K

04/30/2010 Develop and Deliver Training Open GreenIn Progress 4 days elapsed of 5 = 80.00 %


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