jixlii-ls yce;5re:r sons, · the times. orliillm· hv;l'ut».timi m ?.»?g?*?...

THE TIMES. ORLI ill M · HV ; l'Ut». TIMI M ? .»? G?* ? Tinas Hl II.IHN«.. Tvulli Ml «t Hut!« Sir···!·, .|!HllM«.\ ?·. ? ? "h*· listi- Tiin«*«_'s »cimi li («arrisi* m Uli* eilt ??? M a ich e»'et for-l. r. Wtek l>> II.Ili, fi ? « fill 'tir Snail»« ? Ion«· Ihr··.· rents perjeopy; tl..'_» ? « sai G?· tVptklily Tim»«-. .1,1 (loiUM » fea» bj mal) llll I IMI- ¦' «I IV ?«. It,, lim n.l. Va. -t M»A\.k"i G??? _ . KM, G? 1 -II \? G??????.??????. Kor accorar« «.? receiving and reprodue» Ins Sound· no itti· ? iii-trunu it on earth :??- proat'b.« ??> phono.rapii. ?..? n reeetvc ih« noti s ot «"i--. » tun, ti»' music ut a band or an orcheotra. oi tin· words ol ¦ p Vrlsatiol». l'I.ire it a* at until songster. Instrumentalist, ami conti ?«,itioiialist are ib-Sil ami for»-,,Iteti ami then ? will cive forth uiicrrin.i) th· aovada it received year*· before. Happoee every man, ivomiiii, unit child in Hie world ·??????_ bute his or bet · -very mirr¬ ano, reeerdei ?>> ? phoaogra1 h throafh in··. Slip|smc at ...Lniciil lhat pbOfl .hould I." »IMll iM.it lilrnrr ?-.??1?-? bini oi ber. Think .1 ·.unii· «s thOOghtl··! word«, t:,· e. ,»· -, ti.·· ti l.ar jests, the profanity which might poor lr,,in lur ear pieci«. Ihe ? artlilt pbOBOfraph isa run«· rtcr only I pleasant and agre» able sounds, tliu celestial phono. graph woaM sake ao dlatlBcttoa, bul Would give forth .·?·«? andill. I licite Hup- positions ?, .? appear BbMird, bul resili Bol i in· reoordlaf aa -el ae unti Ibe utterance« ot mall, !> it Ins :iiin«,s! thoughts Bad sileni ,u!i ??·. M :, ear. fall] WI ?.????. and ?? I. Bred linpirnt It overt·alai,, «?· «?. Im «un·, huni-i. t«ui«"f Bgeay,giM,aad eoatrltlon ma) stille soine o| Hi» sounds and l,|o| out some ot tin· moid «? deede. Bal eoaeider the Idols and Hie »nnrruptin «? ttli.it might bate I« «II haniiol.', .BUBM iN-iiAv 1.1. tl HI I it II-, im ut ha» cil III id- Obi mas ritiaeaa t.lebrato to-????t?? With such distili« lion t t.-it il will be lOBg in« ni'Tiibn oi «.f Hie BIOSl BOtal Slons that baa ciel h.·» ?. ?··«¦· id. «I in the im- n.ils«.| Uii», il). Tic miei·-I and ntlni- sla-rii win« I. will animate the chief palimi· pania udì I..· »hand by lb· wh«·!·· BOBS. inunitt. Irrespective ol opinion, nativity, or Bar ta our citisene of tiermaa Mrth or il".««'»«! ¡»?? ree Pjlxeoneol tbe naoataub· .tannai ami progressive na ?tool mu ·". «¦uii ami ?.ir .alks of dubIbcm. If there vvcr«· to he oiniit..l ??'??? Hi« »um of OUI ITospciit) tilia! the) hat« «'"lit filmt· ?! lo ii Cha ahriah ? .«seid U- apparent ¡n once. lÜeLiiiom!. t'iitui.ati- »In in lim .·« ..- ,-rai bara« b ? f population, Las no h"H» xvle.in si,« e««ubi »pale With BBSS BBS- 01 vini, p aalai injury to ber latereeta than lei ·« limn citi/'??», 'x le« Lax«· brought lo their adopted »..il thai «p·??:-·?. «¦! man- li'iiil. iLii Btuidlneea ol moral character, that in inn« »s and perslston of purpose, III «I that I.,.en. punte ,1 tagBClt) wliicl« dlstlaguieb the race in the latberland. Tnrice w h ?p? ¡.p? com ??p p ?) aie SlICB til··!« aa tie -··. .BO, «?? ..«.??«. tbell »' e ·. lutte not ?|?,???."·,| II, -; ii it t!i ¡I La» In· Sphred tlmiii Irom «? ««Id. ami xx I,,, lllustrab Un- »aine t iitu« » Willi «',? il "1« allí. -- BUll simple n bealde im ?.?p? a aa b, il Blum ami Um Kibe. The motives which leml our ?.«umili citi« /..us io '. lebrato «ks___4_rfO. a distinctive (·« muí.Caalon Lai e 11¡· il ". -in in t mo¬ tion» ami ? ¡nu» which .nix commend tb«*lil Un· ," Li. Ll) t" our t' cm an.I al¬ ie« 1 mil. in honoring the memori« » and Ira diti«.us ««? ib.ii great race and m paying a public tribute t" theli community ot ?«!«>«·«? ami all that .! Implies and Involvi ». tl« are li"t Hi« -- 'X al Hi limn all« iBttOfi \ Irgials lees Uns m their attachment i" I'.n-bnioiui. I heir présent citizenship ia md ti,.· lesa true because the) sre proud ? Un' lutili I" whii'li th« ? m b, longed, ami whose ¡*iorioiis liislor» « part o| their inoialmhi iilaii.e. ? »? Un· «? 11 a y,Um limi, ten I, llx ont «.· ¡?.'¡in «'??/' eli« risii their ties ol nain it) and deecBBl the d< ¡" » :¡! la· Unir devotion t" ih·· oommunit) witli winch u.« n trsBspiaati «? in« » sri eia.« «I. All ol "tu i·· "pi. will il.«· pail, «ill,, ¡udì« ill; »? nit, in the «. biatlon ol ?«-???«.?'«'tv. «ml will in\,«!,"|"i it th. aiii- p'· Mail am! pío-peni). ? in um ?: Brim » une «u tl.·· ebaraetera In Mi Hear) ?.?« lor*· tin. drama, l*hllip \ an At h) repreaeated »eying lhat the world does net keow It· greatest awe, a remark that has ?,,a ifd ear* reaeral approval either haeaaee It Matter· tbe «elf love ol ma ? kind, tb·· overwhelming proportion ol whom are in· sii«., nn·« Intellectual aad moral,«» be» cans.- ? reallv «ul,stanti.,',',? .. ¦éducation ot tbii Idea is cit.uni.« cor· net. nsimdy. tint Bien have ao petfectl) oceurat. laelgbl ini,, ..«.-h otbei ibi howrtei llitilnit.lt tint mat I·. a«s ,, lat· ,; With e idi "??- ?. As a ,?.·. tt.· ,·,, a!,¡,· |aj ¦s-iouir -.ib« lin oai mp.ii.i.,1,» ai« »ninni oi it .it· Ilh.- Ill their pl'llir'.plss. libeller lh·) ai·· m u iwardly, bold or lUaor» ms, Impulsiv» calcai itlng, and Hut cten I,« re, ne "Iteli at fault, and do no· b;»ie lu ol.»'·! te «villi I »I. .Inlinnon lbs last eceiicitof life todihCovei "the tears of th hi aie and Hi·-folli, s the tu·.·." ThCM p*rodlcka ataad oui before ui only i|iiently in the daily conduct Ol lmntth· «-ill in thi uioiinn- "i tbeli existence. lit*, «eck to look betoa lh· aurtaoeol u«e hraadlv distlactive traila ol oui associates, wi' Booo lad oareelves obstructed bj iaaui- m..unti!.l. barrier·, ??,,« Is a ? loe that 111» I·"}« ml lh· I.Hiin o ft ill' ? liln.ll 111- hpK'iion. ':' a land tlt.tt uu« .pler.-d aud un«\i·' ? .«'·. i|Ui itlonabbi etell Wbetli« I lb« indiT,,'. ,,«: bun», It full) eompi« !.. i.i« the vari ta feature· ot bla la* iiei fili.·. l».it alln dit it.« u.a\ lltdOWB In all Hi (i-t-douioftbeiuost friemlly inter- .-oiiisf.il·.;,, .ni, .Lin n who la falntl-i unit, ? ll.«· ii.id. ? ol lite .u,.| tt h,,«.- man is «« ..pi'i.ss.,1 witii « !i.tt Ibal in.· law of -ell-plvM-natinii loi bun n |.·..| Its MM and It· inline·.. .·. and « I disOOTei no rt id« BOB «l a spin! pn air re* lease m »< H-sl ,. hier. ? theaiaad modificati >ui ol n,. same phi - Ilium BOB BU i,-lai,It ; Hi. toil Un ? Who «Silt lin H lit j th. n si«·«.· sun ratal· a faalacai m itici I innei c\i«i«iic« t.. whieh ao nth·· ?.?,.? «.? paaamiaa. ?·,..¦·. \ tb khlaMtlt with imrri .'«t« «? Ilaslnn I, .m bis Pp.. n,, itabthadai l la hi· «oui, arenad whose walla hie « aad bn iah reredaith K'boslly solemn.:,!. ll is »n tb.-se re«-esses of nur beiag, ·«- nr«· as f.u ninoVnt ir«».· the t< nth ? t>-or |be pen. tintili.' »> m pat hut« ?.; ihe·· Wbo are nearest to by tbe lumini,; lore of tbe dearest He«, th. depth« ,,f the s,a are from the <.*a/e ofhshcriiuu Hosting up..« the stillai·»;, it is in tin se n-, ««.. » timi «ai bold coiiiiiiiinioii witii the «?·· «? Nature To ite nal tb it a I framr. aad m broadaai tajmtk ami tbniui/h Nature »ith in. U ??.,,? Sai. All n die alone, and in a certain »cnae all nn ? inu-t live alone: aud it is well that ii-bcn those 'iti' »-ti "ns tt bub liarassis I :,., inlelli_em* of Hamlet, ami a lii'h obtrude tin ni-elves u|kui tb«·coiisclvusm-ssof etc»· insu, are knot.-lug at tb«· iloa.ru of the intuì spirit, tl «pint should hi illuminai.ti i.y a aeren«· oonhdenoe iu tbe benignity ami just- j jit'»» of rivvjikiire, .which will luukc- Uiej h.-url ImmovaLle In H* a.n'ngth and «.?- d....ci ,. BB bra-pry« >"' £f "l.,.r...,ir*,»..sUU,«e I tSB^ritJ ·« ¦» .,e...Of right am. w,,..nr.Lu«b-,...H» ^...kues. ,1»«·... -u,',·"»'"» V >"»""¦-' .panioliahi,' Ot lh I'·»*· »«*- " ' ra whlcb Boealamlt) «*·»· <·"·¦'>'"·¦¦ m-.t ?··. I.....-1»!.· --.otib" awleal-icwi «.r*·* «»t S. ??? ".·»·- risse, .¦ii.coM ¡usti,·.· tbal irto« al] af. fiaiora," h iuiTr*"*n p?·?·'·?.·??.?* pua· iti.inclita. II. lui* n«' BOllBS "fìn-ei» «t . , ? are, h n ha aas ail il« ..w. ra ol earth, air. ¡in-1 w.tt.-i, .1 .ninnai. Sai luminiate naUin h lus s. ri i.·«- b \. - Ute his leu·.... ni». I he limili« 111 ? lux «- . x Hi.In 'tin.?. la-gins, soul« lime* »peed), sonn (.p.··* »l·-w ii «"¡.»???????- llO·, »lire tieXerU,, l"S». ami Ili* piilH»!l- i.Hiits arc ttf___f-t ·. ii,*l ¡uh ¦» 1 » ¦ t < .». I » un«, he sniiplv leuvi » in tb·· fin» and pinacle» uni·· pi· un»· » i" | «v. n-decinaLIc tu «?«! are in acl.es and rriuij ?.? ««Unis L«· nukes quick pat im uta lv eii'-.-k» «m lb«· bid and pi|l«,\v bank. To the m pri nt 'ht' r In - I «nil is be sun· l"-nii_l.t tlioii »hull hate 1 a, » «b- itlenea thai «hub pen Ihv ?? nth m Thou si,nit »it- pin« bot u- tht-fc h.·)· «¦«lililí., ?. more »itu_ii>_ I him beea thai made llielii. 1 II Inalo· Hue ? ¡¡ai iH.Hkta «i.uii tremble st iby g a, Ann? ne ii ill «doth'· hi* CUlpril in »lili, will make Lim like to wear Un hi. VV Inn OBS persist» m . fogli, ??« ?? iiiake Inni «JOB -uiimnls .mi aairy I detakaM] marklag Li« .eiiius a ap ami bella und a bauble. ?«, tiiat ha bla outward ibowa, μ ??«·?? sa llllh«· t"li' a '.Ibis ? ipl« »«: ??». .1 !" 1 innli'.ïhat he le a h«o' :" though be md lanini t«« kiek bim ml lbs sub walk. Indeed. Um xxaxs m wlnch <·?!··??<1«-G» a.-linst senee and right arg Biade to punish Ivea ¡md unconsciously .ara tbe wmid against their follies,are oouatlea· *mi most familiar. \ man ha» only t«· op- p in- sad thlaga aa tb» and ml as tb« ) ar«- lied al.I. ami he'll Le a laughing "i a ereeplng j bllóeophor. I'. il ¡«Illi"»l Un aliali.·· »' "I »Han ¦· pun. Ishmentt Mlf-imprisonment. The Man m iba Lrea Mask w¡,s bul a ???.· ol th-.ii- »ti, Istinti bave 11 - il sim··· In» da), and itili wslkoui streets. Botoal] »?«" heroic OUI "1 IL" 111», and "!>« aid "? II« rcule» and Dr .niiii.l- vi n-.'' lint ibe mask of -i nal. «'lililí!, or commonplace importaoce thai wi' mil« » axx' i'i" nl ih· Ir tragic blator) in :.mie way. ? -1 -nn fai iL' r, wi ¡«.«?« » mani \xays <>? »¡mitin, ourselves In snd .alliag our« .elves of ?.? tbe light and lympathyand bsppineas tbal belong t" us, Uur conceit m ik« s ua jealoua ol receiving instruction ii m otbers, and limits ua to the little thai ??· «an ol oui genlua "i itesllng ac«iulre, «»?? pn.I.· blinds our eyes aad hardens oui ¡md fbrblds p"»iiit«!x a thousand ..e sai imi! ? ?-11 u tucul a ? it "i life and joy ami good aenae. « mr 11 .s«· tbe . loo!» and wlndo.a ol OUI »oui», and ob- stnmi the ? ?-?.? f knoa ledgi. And when these wall buildera ,are supplemented by other «porks of lam. Hatred and Main···, .¦.p. |i »» Indi .1. l'ni)· lei dis¬ loyalty to heaven put on the roof, and alas for our Imprisonment. Vet, ho. often ibis fulfilled on oui Btrceta! How main ire -. bose heaven ii on, whose ai lh i.i'iii-'iv« » their own dungeon. mana· ,-b ,?. fettered, Impriaoned by theme ¡?« » . .? ???? R 11 ? iiiiiMii ? « TheJIln-l ?. e. Ill .il· !'"« It'll) «-tel V <"ll- -.i«-si«iiiai district in the «»tat·.-firm ail lie t.,«"laide ?, port· .?« ?" Hi" "Ull««"k fol Ibi ?·· mocratle candidate· which had been ¡e, rlously ? a it« «l. Tbi demorali-i d a dltlon into which tb·· Republican party bai talli ? In the metropolitan district la ob* «« rt.'.i t«, a more or leu degree throughout tnmonwealtb, and ii II ontlnw ?, as Ihcn ever* reaaon to anticipate that it will, the success of the Democratic party in Hn \.,'.(in!,.·! election· will be overwhelm· III. in the I-n«t «li«tn t there ·» a ditIsion «.? Mepublli .ms ?«, nn. ? Browne and «tuiih«; «··,·,,mi disili, ^the Itepublicans will be divided between Bowden and Mur* and m the I out:, [hi ?, are already evidence· ol a future split m the Republi¬ can vote, ? ic ?«· no opp sition so far to I.« -t« ;, Kdmund· a in < · rrnll, and u the id i. m th Klghth dia. tiii grow· m itreugth and popularity, .tin!, ll·.1.1··, th. md. pend, ut candidate, niiioii beooming de in 11« ihal i"i all practical purpose· bla independen! Democi ie) onlj Reput*. Mill« ?-a comparatively recent importa¬ tion into the Ninth district, and ran make but little lieadttat against that sturdy rep- ., A. liuohan- an. The triumph ol Mr. w iae, m Hi«· Third, musi notable in the lii«- tory "i bla < \\ bile ihe j i"«;·· ¦! I' umerali.· «11«'- ceaa ia the fall election· calculated t" nil evert Hcmocrat with tin· blghesl of satiafaotion, there ii no room for our confidence. The party abould continue with the utmost eoerg] ami determination ot it· organisation, ami pursue tbe f actlvi, untirii «s,?,· .¦.un.issin·,· that nus already begun, until ib.- boni .mates foi- throwing ,·?, ? tin· poll·. Not only must victory bo won nil along tin ill.«', lull «??,?. a net"! ? itili can« in u levatole ? um as t«. u the deepest,. nu" tbe Itepublican rank·, , ?»! BBOMISM. s.'im .sparerà ol loh are -'. «I !.. !i!l ipaoc m IL« n chumis ? essa) » upoB whal Ui« j style Boorl.?»?p ¡u«· at ??· ?? ii a.· «I m ipread-eaglewel> ???«··. ki lb« pi« »? iitatvx- ? ? irb »nlsrn, ? omtodi l'ai Is. m ottfa ? pap i.the Sea . Hi raid, ia alluding to the risii of the < "hill, sax» 111* 11»,' the l "¡Hit PB calls limi ? I.ala). Ili in l-'.'i. win« «itili.·. all .Hi al'»i'bl'C ci ioli) .'.'¡U», t" a·«' III« republic In whose ronnatlon be limi taken , .ut. loi wh« p in» sasMjolatea m ti..· iMVoiutlon, »vere living to welcome Lafayette .v«iam- Jenereoa, Madlaoa, ami Monroe. Ilia Jour· m·) xv .in a ? Bgi .iut, ami Ami ri,a, in h««n«>r- m tt«·, boaotn d r Bui Unie a ililleiciii'c Lctwci ? I.alat¬ iti« and the (mud. Th. lalb r i'Uun»alt« r aa ai«»« in-, "i several year·to gee tbere· pul'lic m the «l« in.«litivi. Ol WbOae Luinila- iioiisli« «. k in adite part. It may hardly that Am« ii'-.t in ¡i-?..'??:-· 1 «uiilc ile l'ai La honore raace. ?\ oiiiiii.me«· winch bad pa_-B*B_ the I!.«aid "I Aid. limn lia» ¡ci u tailed ill Um « .'inni ?? l'minci!, prOVl III Unit BO «'"W .bail is· allowed «aa <·?p itreeto aaleeeat· tended b) soase oae t«· keep e watoh oven bei ???'?.??«' ut», l'ublic si'iiUim-iit ?»»tron_- it in tat «u ot iba passage oi this onUagaon a imana ««I piittin. an ciul to one of the «:.·-! »·?? in».nice» lhal lias »oag ha¬ ras». ?,?,? p?/ p», und ? UK ?? vi ?.» bui « i- preSMii Um popular Iceliii.- when it calla upon lh. I «'imiril t" limi IL, ««____ap|g of Un· B"uiil «1 ALI« mieti ami pass Ih«· orili· nane·· ut Iheeailicst pi ..«?« table m. «un ni. I l'.i,in o| |be apprcd.iii«'ii ..? ???? 1'iviK.» Ly our Inend», tin people "I Kiel.- mond and the state, issimi,n in mir rapidly inereasiuK circulation. Our aim is to give I!.« iunoml and \ irginia the !«·*! pa]* ? tbey have ever had, ami the ¡a·««)«!.· are second¬ ing our erTtut«. ???? l'iilas.i Adtertisar, it newsy tic« kit. ih.· lute»t addition to the press of Vu* ¡-itila. mm "?t riiK shops·· JNDstì OING REPAIRS FOR THE WINTER SEASON. ft·»* I«·«· ef the · l»'io«_Hn.( okr Nnpllal·- Tl.«· I'lr.l Tc» «.G ??,,. .*,...,.. <i|T,. ·,- Ml». '«¦«¦» rr-r.iu,iM..r, ««?1 known G. ti|,li*. l'In· im?'fatu aide husines« nl the society tlorld Ul present scili«»,, I». L'cttltl. lilt«. '.s!.l| -l.ape." i- at tie le ,ps as 11 tt t .·. ttitii Ota 0G aimtlirr pait «f its ¦Malar IT getan throagh repaire. t-'roin tb·· ne nt aiiitaN, making «««i!· stani puss alile Ulieem«nt-. sle.tvs that t:,« a -"¦(kI d· al uf tdiiftin·. of material ami regalati-! t·· apaoiated pia··s. ? p. bolsi« iiil. is ?? sit :ulv process, frulli Ihe .in ss. « of warm tinted woolen· that are taking tin· pi ..·<· "i n.·· lilmv trecke oath· fair. For many, the oouatry -trapplag and mäkln· strenger coastiiuüoas week« en«.I by tie tt u ami t«ai ? summer exer- ti.i.s; while tb·· city m taking advantage "t tin· dui; siaseli for ..i· ai Inn. out freckle· «nd tan. .vis not itili napping tboogb, bol ha· at laal rear-oaded to the eoaimaad to ¦ii-c aad »how your bright eves," as wa· evidenced In tbe tan lotereetlag -vents ul the aeaeoa. Tb· Bret has airead* been dwell upon, but it oaonot be sufered lb» re to reet. however many th ; ,.u«i* may t«·. when it waa oi.? ???··??.? elegaat bobm wedding·evei witaeeeedin our city. II -VatAQAK-t "KK. it ua« the marriage ot ? ?-« idi-·· < ok· t«. ??. Halla« ì ialina.au, bright young laiv- ¦- ew Vork rati. The ceremony, per¬ formed hi it*.. Pr. MoaeeD. Ilogeand mv, 111. I.alii« J ? ?????????. "I Ih· "< lillirb o| Ail An-· .-."tía« both Im pre··! ve aad beea* titiii, tbeii voice· breaking the alienee of ,1 iii«.«l .il. etite ta'«leau. I.tcrt u li"l" throughout the spacious home all ivas ¡? ,?»? ??·t?·· of gfeammg white in hoaot of Ibebapp) r-cculon, anallavjleb immiti··* "t Bower· Bad planta toocaed every pceatble With tbeir dei «ration. .bOV· tin¬ nitili- ot ji«· n md u bite ?!««.' ers. there ?????? an exquisite marriage bell of while roeee, tongue ofcrlmeoB, m iklag · vivid touch .«I color, lllfllH-Mill'«. Mr. II. .1. I!« «ll'ieltl. Of V W -Orb, BCted a- ..i.« «i man," while tí»*- brideetaalde, la ir«-ii. aweet toilete of green and white al* Limitili itOOd around III" handsome roung couple, ? bey w< re Mi«« Aahlej Miller, Mlaa i*n«-be Warwlek, MtaaKat* Blankcnship, Mies Nonna Walker, ??«« Mayo, ? ?«« l .zie Toa Bea. Mlaa Kann· Baugbman, ami ??«« Bv« Flanna* --.m oi N.-tt Vork, ««aie.· could there he a more Ideal wedding feast, and the boat and is, « a plain and Mre. John ?.» ««?.«-. made ever] gueat right welcome to ever] bounty and ever* pleaeore of the oeoe* ¦Ion. Aiuoli-' BOBM Of tlcse p|e»«'llt were Mr. and Mra. VV. VV. Flannagan, of Nett ? ork; Mi«. VV. I.. Trice ami Mis. .1. ., ? an.oi Kentucky; ??. und Mis. IJniuhart, ilonel ami Mre. ?. !.. Hobaoa. ueneraj ami Mrs. Joseph It. Anderson, Colonel and Mra. Archer Anderson,Colonel und ??», ?. s. Un ioni, e m ral an Mrs. I'eylon lee, Judge and Mra. I.. I.. I.· wi·, Mr. mul Mr«. Allan Talbott, In. and Mr«, tleorge Boas, Mr. ,n d Mra. Auburn Boulware, Mrs. a. it. . ?a??, ,?.«· ind Mre. U. VV. Fiournoy, Mr. and Mra. R. < Morton, Mr. aad Mre. J. I'.. Pace, Mr. and Mra. Jame· lleaaanU, Mi and Mi«. Mile· < art. Mr. hiuI Mi«. N. I. Miller, Mr·. Frank i-cb» 11, Mi«. Catlin, Mr. and Mra. Olover, Mr. aad Mra. Robert Munford, Mr. and Mr·, « baríes Watklns, Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Sasb. Mr«. Fit* -cr.'tl.l. Misa l'agi lt-gerald, Miaa Blank- .nahip, Mi« Booker, Miss i'ower·. Mi«« I,etti«. Mm« 1 .ilumina Ilutes. M-I Clark, Miss I lien Höbe» ?, Miei Miller, Mim Ëi le w alker, und other·, tils- MOOBB'H I- I. The Ant''tea" ol the season waa given >n ihni--d.it afternoon by Mi«« Mar] Pre·* ton Moi at ber bon.nweet Mainatreet. If wae not a large affair; it iva« a very charming one, and the bevj "t boda près« nt iiio-iiy attest it. Tbe young h<,«t« «-« made welcome ber guest· in a pink India Bilk, and wa· ;issi«te.i iu receiving by Misa «alii,· Talbott in a becoming gown ol white tulle. Among ilmse pr» 11 Misi - lille H n.« Misi ??????? Morton, Miss Mary Min· nd, Mia· Mat¬ thews, «? Angusta, (¡a.; Mia· Bert ha l'leasants, Mi«« Ellen VVilliama, Misi Meade, M issi Weddell, Mi«« Artici Miller. Miaa Mi·· Burvrvll, M'-s Sellie Adkins, Messrs. «-»tenie; Tyler, Churchill Young, Vubrc* Voung. Itobert l'egrarn, ? d. Itenson, («eor_e I'« ;ram, w illie Pick· rail, ?. mie W elei ... Vllan Talbott, Morton Maii«. littori Milli r, ? irtnond ? oung, daines Valentine, Willie (Iray, and Robert roxton. ITi:-..\it Miases Norma and Eva Walker an usit- ing fri» ml« in Lynchburg, Miss Matthews, «·? Angusta, <«a.. tin gueat "i Miai Mary Alfriend. Ni l'iil.lii al loll·. A l.l 111: Book oi ?'ß?? 11 tBLI ? ?? l - the titl«' of tbe latest book ol Eugeuc Field, i'ublisbed by Charles Seribner Sons, Si w York. sali b) Weat, Johaeon _ Co., liichmond. 'lins an exquisite Httle volume ol «·???-«?«· allegorie·, toM In Ian· pur.· and simple as to 1"· poetic, though rendered in prose. Each iton Beta forth m all«-it »oiiie well-known theme, a«, for ¡natane·?: "The First < hrhtmas eleni it and beautifully the stm t ot »bust. It is artistically bound and ah il colic· ption ol ht. r iture and topic for the '..iii'-ii ii", ci i'.t'ii't market. A l-ii 11 y 11.i m u r.«? r.its VbB-B a similarly bound volume bj tb· aame author, Eugene Field. Also for sale by VI «i. Johnston ? ·,. I be ?.? la distinct!) re¬ vealed In these fragmentary songs. In tbe dialect .-eroe, ol t\ bich there are maay. there Ii alwayi the keenness of a pretty humor and often decide«) wll apparent, italic tin"" are other poem· "t purest ? tm ami bigbi «t sentiment. \ ? the other new l.u out are: ?>·??t?? \ .? incc of <»ld Russia. By F. w. itain. ?. ?., Fellow of All Soul'· » of. .l'old. This an historical novel of an episode .«? groat Int. -·. aud tre «tory of the falso » /.u told ttiib dramatic force and I'ublisl ,1 by 1». Appi» ton ft « o., Sew 1 ork. I'm: m in I'ROPI ?; ? ? ??,?,? I.t It am,. VVhltby. Published by l>. Apple* II ? » o.. N .tv ? oik. Nonni ?.?G??? w Kit ut«, for October baa some unu-ually Interesting topica among il« contenta. " G«·1·??? and the ? rent- /.a «««naia-· ì. a dual theme thai tin might) word-pugilist Roliert <·. Ingereoll bandies with "ungloved band-." and none ..tilt for justice, "Society Women ol the ? ime of » brist," bj Hall Hamilton, i- ß strange tul.-'-i another Interesting article, ',»1 nilil·'« Miiu/IM. for ·',·!"'.a- al«·, received, contain ? leb ction "t _: li t. Bhort Storiai and discussi.«us Of the question· nt tbe dm ? he leali. _ Dally, Th, Ulchraond Tisi ua bag moved int«» it* r.i-tx and loiniimdioiia quarters, i- .iithwcst cornerò) ?? nth and Bank itreete. About tbe 15thol tlii» mollili ¡? will be printed in eigbt-psge form on anew ??? «perfecting IM.es. ?? t ? Timi:» baa ««ine to the Iront as ths leadiBg daily of tbe Mate, it is Piled with new» from all «piaiders, ami it ll-w rilt.-u aitivi«·* SB Hi" topics of the lUy. Il u ill· »» t ? a.ld tti.it It Is llcliio- ,t.??,· to the core. ?. ?.; Ufe and success to the Kichmond Tim»/.». « anipbcll county Booord. «iron ? In lOioila. ity. We Botewith ptoasaretbal the RiceHOXO Tunta baa moved ??«?>. Be. quartera, and will in a bit dai» 0OBM ««ill as ah eight· pagedally. Thi imi- hi ably edited, aad Will -Up piled W Itti lie IV s It.'Ill» I l'Olii ¡ill let'· Hobs, ami grtiwtag m popularity. I'ill- »i Ivania ? ribuae, Sweetbread croqui ttee with peM at BUI l.e's, Mollila) l'Ile»: l'ile«! It« hin« l'ile« I stMi'i"·!»: Moisture; iBteaee Itcblag and stiii-'iiiL·; miai at night: .one '¦· acratcbtag. If allowedto oOBtinue tumors i«>i m. it inch ««??. p bleed ami olcarate.be· coming ver] sore, flaaj nn*e ointment sto|B the itching snd bleeding, !i".ils uloeratlo_b ami in iie'-i '¦:«»'»;. .? ree tbe tUB-Ofg. At druggists, or bt mail, tot ."*) cents.__l>r. Swat ne & Mon, Philadelphia. Ws hi.v« a »p, ?·'!??«.???? positive cure tor Cu· tai r... .liplitbei .?. > lik« r Month and Head- »·.p sill I.i »I I s CM AUBII UK.U..DY. A Nunal Injector In·.- with each bottle, f»«· It If you dei·!,., beali h und ?.? St bieath. I'rlfe, .V) ceni». Sold In llodek« r llrothrr· anil II. M. Wheil.l« a G?.', corner oi Klflli asd Mar· e»iall »trat ?p» w er Till· «..mat Ion. WllV do KO Illim.t people lie Kee gglMIld Bg M-en, to prefer lo Miller und be mude minent- ble by Iudlgestt.il, «'«'litUHllptlou, IMSSinSSS, Lorn ««? Appelli«·. Uomlns Dp ot the ????? V. ¡L.tv skin. Mb, ? tor 75 «'eiila we will sell ..hem Mill.,h s.-tslelu V itullzer. gUliruideed to cine them. K«»l*l by Btalekt-r itrolher* and U.M. Bbellda 4 Uo..orner of Kilthai.d M*r- .hull .lieclb. Many Persona are broken _own írrita overwork or bonaebold care«. Ilrowu'a Iron Bitters Rebuild»the »t »lem, bid« dlgettion, remove· execs· of hü«, and cure« malaria, civt the gcuuuie. ____¦ Von wd!l «lo usili«· h'.imr to rciiietnltcr that for the week ciimnin ¡m- H .-M« »Kl!« »Vf, Mumia V. t.« i««hbi: «'.ni. villi «aetir .?.e?e _fo_eò.m:a.i__ o_PEi^riisro ni our relil'delud »tore. Bl «·'«L'Hill ni* lb« fact G??? lli'-r« un! ?"· luiiiUr« «I» d ? I»! !" 11,. 0\ has I«, ni Hllíililíed for*|a-rlal sab» we liellcVe for Hi«· profits bat this week ll'·' t»'ll Bs retgsaaiaed by IBs astea ine ?·· .panses] -Burlasi aha .sassi aa, Basa b) «posa -Sla-sa. of oag pot fe«'tl)-i,i lall-·« d sioi« klld til«: lililí,·; ¦!«« nlia»'!·· x an«·!· ¦ f iv.il· » S%3«w¿/- «S"?** ¿-.u-eciÎ. Wfr_>,.' f!j ¦ «5V** f-&??a</. Millinery Opening, Tuesday, Wednesday, Oct. 7th and 8th BO « AIM'». ? m: μ 11.id.muy i'Aiu.oK i> isiKirr.ii.i'i.v un. Bl vi iv .Pol OP TUB >i"i;i. iBeb-BB- -tibe «_____ üa srordi, wmid bevala, Tow apte g-B-t later· prêt-w·· le lii:.«b· ll eaex f r IB. Ill tod'».' «CBaSS Hile.I, »n.-'x » fall ¡?. ap» libere j.ii, «¡m handles» well lottk at them try lliem «m tilth.Jiit f«aroi!¡:¡. :i;. ?.?.«,: _M to ibe opciiinu TUB8D \v or vv ihm -i» vv. tei Uytoa alti ba rera-sttea« TheDrsM ««Stooda Depertnsent, tMsUea m ik- In« ? K|»-cial exldblt of tin· I'sris Hr.·». l'allerti», will a«'ll Ihr dollar ?,??,????? l;i..a.lclolh, B_ Im Ins wl,|e, In all lolld colora, us«·«! no. lot Blasera, ?¦«« kits, ¡md t«i l««i -1,1:1.I·· aulla, for 7·*>< a ?.-.rd. ni pr« um Brocade it«-« »««? -? ("obit CBab- ??? s. noi ? h tbe , for G.' ,.· a ? ¡,?«! AbOOt .? Hies» l'ai Ici «,f leni dirli. ?«·??··?- e.,|or,d l'b.1,1 end -tilp« Hough »uri:.«· Pei-gea, u«.ni, si and Pli 98 f««r tv. All of the latest colo.« mid atnple »bride« of ih«- «,??,· dolisi quali») hUk-Onish Hen· rbtUi». 11 Inches ? nie. f. .r 7'*·. a ? ??? «I. Por Ho*MC W ear, mi.? ·_'? pinas plain and Bine) Persa si lOe. s ? ara. For5He.nyHril.nlKiiit MI pu«·· s l'Inai· rimi Strip's ami tiairoxv rhn-k, nt.d whul not Hiuiiii! ibis Opening vv.-. k theee aoperb qoalltv !-« i_«'s. »««nd«solora.«all B*oot, soft and eli·*·· cUnglng in quality, id luche« ?? Ida, xx III I"· sol'l for tibe, a jnr.l. The leni r«iii_h twist.«1 solch Cheviot Just one "(dor, n llgLt bio en mixture, worth ti « van!, opening pn«·.· ,V»r. Solid i.luck -roieii Cheviot, ?* InchM aide, look« like men's eloth, n ¦ yard, I hitty-eit'ht inrhi's wl«!«· Henrietta ????»|?«·? Jet black «'aihini'ie, all wool, tvoitli .*><»«·.. ¦I 111. price :',~l fi. ? X ani. Th« «?«,l.in quality, InebM.ide, sdk tini-i. jet bieca Henri« un, will be »..id tot 79e, s yard· Tbe l'io*« Brami «ilk Velvets, sll «colors, 7.?«· vani III k ai Ik Warp I »rap «l'I· to. ?«·? VV n. M.-mties, 4d lim! es wide, opening price I ???. «¦olor» ol silk Velvi t* am! Plush. * lo match ml ih* drcs» ? ¦" ». SO « yard. I «a opening ire» I only, a nmclal-bought i"t of J'lpnmse I'bl'.-.wnie, rlgbl down the (.entre alale "f Ibe atore Japanese Broamstone Tea Pots, irles r han¬ dles, lOOol ibera at I5ceach. ?wain Bini non« bei lai» tu e eh. in the Unding between the iir«-t sud - fi«.-r» tbere an aggregation of Baskets thai il ¡iloti* WOTth a vlsb to the »tor«-. utile Fancy baskets, ¦'.<·. lo $l. ...-tap I'.i.k«-'». toe. \n%¿ 40, ??.nun, iBkets, IT«· to tl I" Kl'.wei baskets, 15 to BBC. Candy Baiket·,25c. to ?_.i!· salin 1 limi Basket«, I».· top. IO. Lunch Hssketa, 17 io '.«t". Vb.ik' ? Baskets, 24e. t.. g lu«. < -...tli.-S Uallip.-I«, 11.MI ???.?T. laundry ?ßß?ß?ß, Il in to !'.?<!« Baaket Trunka, f_ 48 t«. .no». ?? ,?? ? BBkete, in t" Me. VVi>.,| »HSk.ls 11 lit tof_ !«!· Inn vv id·· Puttied Lunch liaikets, bcautlfu», 15c .worth 10c. ino Blandi-· Bamboo \v.>r. Basket·, _' ¡ feel tan, eoa. .Min llassanks, coi,!,,I unii Unissi Is ami \ .·,·.· t 'a: pet, ·.·.'.« * Joat seven exquiet's patternBof Valve! Me¬ nane l'ari'* Is thai « liei·' 11.M) a iar,| «111 iBJ» ami lin,· fol you nt 11 90 a vard for order·taki \l ..? ?,, m itj ?,· «urtala Polea, white iilld sohl, aiitl.pif li ?/· nil fold. 1»XI «-hit nra .Mat«. ti"t ll·· kind tie hit« beea Belline lor 19e, bal · «-«"««? anellty, it iti, a pattern, uu,· each. The l-icel llltnlliH hai" had Ilio'e than I'SI new putt« in« added In Ihem this ? t.·!, man] special bargain·. Real hand iñude Irish point luca Curtains, Benatsanespattern·,"im» a pair, worth «7 .Ml. Bern Nottlngtaim Curtain·, full length, ns» |)t«ir t«. s.ii foi 11.ta],. worth il.mi. fciu »ml whit· SOfl Nottingham l.-e I'ur. tatua, fl.7-, v_.m». HA», ?.7_, 13.1»-, firn» a pair, Hnmii· of different pat¬ ii rus, [inttatt.a s-tiiís lami .in, when bard, I » bard to tell them from lh« real ipsclal pa.it. n ¦ u il .'.u. *? and a ? Mi pair Heal Swiss I amboor Curtain, band wrought tine net I-··.u.? Kantaaqui n, tt- | atti 111 -t. ? ; 50,11000,11-, ·". 11 ·*» .< h ». . 17.mi and i.'.·. .u a pair. m cunt"! for in·' eel« "i N< on»,Binali Ware·, ami Pre.maker·' ?'.mil- is ... inn. h attention m- again enll tour attention t«· tome Items. .siik Qartei u.i«, solid retors, il··, for a pl.'CC -»ilk linl.rold.rc.l (.arid Web, lîc. silk Btltched s.-uni lllnding and Bead« Hur, '_·''.«·. und 35c | ?. «-.- hu,-, «? Ik Hook an By» ? ipe, _5e. a yard Chamóla akin It« «s shield«, 8»c. ¦ pair. Tape,won'l twtal in washing, all widths, Se. a roll. Kiri.v Beads, Maintins, S ? bo« Kin t- Beads, Bla· k Pina, 10c. ·· box, ? lot I;ijli should» I». ·"·«·.:« .»In» PaittolW, ?? ? ich W 1rs 'oat-Hangers, Oc each. Bed ? mbroldered Initial tt ira, ¦ -Mud- ?,.,\ t"i toe. Leather I_otoe;rnpb Kram. Home Kh'-ain Leather Photo Kram and 7~e. ai, I Cabinet ir·· Photo I UN·. Borne new, pretty i|. «i-iis in liras« Photo liâmes, [oe. While lmlutloii »? Unioni »ahn l'hot«. I- lai«., A ??» '¡al hu of ?·?«.?. -i ..·,· liack-IIand Ib.eOc it«e toi 'J·'..·. furling Irena beating Iron separate ?: i¡. - nu .Vie. T«. Militatile,·. th-Bniahea, toe.; Baby Brnsbea, ISe. ? iii-lMi-tiHi; Brushes, ??,.· kind t- tbe kltcben, Us·. \ one for ?.'·.·. a « bit.· hair mixed one, 35e. A pure white on« 'III« Veneered I 1 .i'h· s I'.rilall. ll*· he fine ß?? llotbe· iiruab«·» mr toe ¦. K.fiesl Imported Cloth« s i;ni«h. ». HOC an I 7'r»". -sin,died Beading, 8e. a piece. Bed mid Ulm· l'callmi-Min m «I Heading, 11«' |«r, \l e-.'b ». ",,'. a ||, /eil. Kubber Contra .·.»»·?? one stamped, iius comb win ?.«· exchanged n n bri . ?«..· within ««p.· y.-ni. 1 *·*!; only _.V. . a- b. tern for -t· (Tombs; tin· best r children sad ladiM with thick hair. I'«« Making buti At the Button ount, ? thi re la ? cullei litt'·· maehtae which will makeai Button from anj kind ol cotton, wool, sill: or linen ciotti or braid. Tbe young lady will gladly show i"u how elm pio 11 I.« make a l erb Cl bullón. VV machine we can niekeyoui bottone fi. the »¡mn· material aa your dree», tbereby ensuring you with n iurte, t match. IL«· ?. ·????»? not ?.verlo«.ked when you xi»!t the itore p dividetl Into four sreat soctloni Millinery, Cut l ms, Curtiilns, ¡mu ?? Kor opening week, Window Shades, 3 feel wi«!«·, «i le. ! I- m·, mad. ,«n tb.· I..»! patent aprtug-relli ?», all "I re, Iaui, gre« ua, browns, p Is, with frtnRc to match «?- actif ready for anybody to putup, :13c, ?, wbleh Includi a cord, natii «.? i\thing. Beautiful colored Mata «ritti sheepaktn bor¬ ii.-?», brighi blu«·, bright red, brin; « low, p m-' ! each. You know we have been Belling ieveral| I tern- .,? .'.«>. arp« ? ir tl»· it yard, so l««r log «'« l: vv«- bave aid, «I 9 m ?? pot terni ¡«? ¡17c, a yard Tilt CLOAK l'I PARI MBNT haa Joined hand with all of ih« other il ami »hOW« Com píete ¦.»».tlln.ni» b!» w. k. V -,.« elei thlug: 518 ? «? >ak», im IH,, alike, a p? ??.pG??.???:, » »an.? ¡t Testa to 1ßyears, Bllooticelvabl« kin«i», t. -1... g-.,?. inn prices tange from IO lo I ui Children's ll. ¡<\? Reefer, gilt braid trimmed, tvli.t« ¡gbt, li.25, All-Wool t..m?- hcvloiConnemaraa,wim atta end·, worth 117 JO* opening price, |H ... ? going to m S.'t». An VI Wool I'Lim me. p.-it. ,t u t Mack,$.'>. nn«· with Lapel Vesta, bound. I · ???'.??'. I'etibb· .t,.«., bou it n ;·> p and ui«·- th Bum M -4. VV'«· will be v. ly bUBJ MlllBg G???« s. l«oi, I x inn flota «'ape. alidore, bra .tod. as Bliick Astra, ban Cloth Cape, high «lucen An· ¡collar, 15 n«. \\ »i ii« 1*7 silk »? al I'ltlBh aI"'. »all', lined high collar. $*i. Silk end eroi-bi-tt-il t'ap<·, fOl liiouri.- tngor t-Lb-iix idi« », llu Don't yon overlook the Perfum ?? nu«l Jes« ma hen >ou come in tb« it« re ? »· are ilit.-r. »t i" he !:..!:«¦» .-.ml ?«·?.t io more th in now. Cul le Ing opening wi ok. Ulvcerlne «Soap, durine opening week, l·.1 ,«· :, cake. Tbe elegant, refreshing ?·) Kun »¦ rak«· during opening ?? k. Hand pi I Soap .'.¦ B "il- tin. Koep,vailom ? «cented, Vnpte ??1?*μ«·?.?. Ktder i-'i"-.t. Vi ornai Clover, during opening week, 8e a cake llgHte*·, t!:e ?.,·.? .111 »pi 11. kle-tojj bottles. Violet, Heliotrope, mere Bouquet, iu de Cologm ?·.. 15 ·, a boti le during up u- Ing week ? ..«»? tbe iin«¦-¦ very large sir«·, toe. 50 dosen Blue and Fink Metal Powder-Fuff· ? '\. », it«·, dui ing «-k. BOI ? -I'vi'id; 111 nu·: i«»i m>, ««I · I BBdStSM Uctsvo No'. »I/.«'. « 'onilm¦¦'¦ -1 ils* Inen, vv bite Unen ?? Itti' lin with, nt lines, i:'" ? ?·· t Le·!. Paper, Of ill k.?. pound; welgbetl lad.? our, ? ¦·» I ei Intnalit« H t- u prefer 11 bj the i-««\ we bave a won· !, Linen I" ., lilsh f ,? ??. ?? ?·; ? an Kn ? I li-i-i« I'ap.-r nil H\ l"i .¦-. I'·; ?- fioiii FBI -Ixl J"ixlii-LS __YCe;5re:r & Sons, Dry Good«! Carpets, Md millinery. «Sixth ziri l-r««,.. il.Olili Mi. ll'itJ a MI ".' *"'i /·««:;· ß ·/ ?? dea'» /'«a/· ''·¦'« 'riu: ·»< mì'iwi.nu' / «Lomi.s. ish ii road to Ibe .lu· velili.- Fashion) .«f me world Ihreugb "ur stock and tin· . tolI-KBta s make Ughi d··- li" n«, ,,f tin- new» »t ihlngN ai be \ l.-l-l-1'n.Nl .-I ITS. .Ml llsei from ?·« .'·?|? ? ??,· ? pul "i; pantanil tl bin enough iporl ¦ |i nu· I,« «S 1 Ine M »ill ll II t ai - M1**H il- ? palai ti-· have ill'' ma.¡e Ile in In plain ami CALI IN fane« eft*«cu not to be want· 11.\ Ing lu whnl you re III (d ? call !"i-,»** ????ß). ???1 VV'C Import nil "iu II ?:-? ? ?>?:?· \hi- «? ??- because ihe MINI- work Iu tills line »..la« lo ??« li, a Iteti« more cu dliable. Any Kl'i.li \ I. way, Ihe novelilei tske bet- Yui'K t«i. ??») slae all sia ¦ i WAMS -,,-iih · «. -U to ??? in There more boye In tbe 11; \i ichooli «? , Hulla HIKE» ll.in tumi lho_s from Bnjr other store .ml il·» Hon. HO - In the world but the qualilii and lb.· pria 1 hese are iwo 1 IIKiu - ¦,, controvertible argum· nts. ,.? MIAMI I ;: .Ml »tt I,·« plain or plaited ' l.l-.Vi Kin,··..-l«. KIIUBT PANTH I.N l-._0 tollS li'.N·· ??? ? VI Bl - IO 1-6. And th.- l..,i- n.M. well, .hm ? ti,·-.«· ¦' »*o they ami will all along. Watch th» \ we ir of th.*.-'. BAVIN- u ?,nn it com» » lo DIH -.« IN » l ||- the Ol c thin.s you li .'M tee u u make roui ··.«-·. itti u oat -»l\«.i.r. and - POI I'd.I 1:1,1.AMI.I' SA« ? HI 11.-. CI IAH AY HI 11-, ?????-??- ai '«f* I l*."i k BUI IH, VA!,? ¡NOM it'i a wonder to u ? m. Imaginative gentili liaan t «.? μ?: r, ,,. d it» limit <>f design, u Ai Whnl could be more tasty, moi.· genteel, iban the crea- - li"is tinte gol on halli! to .bOB ?? H ' ?'?????» Dp to NOVI 1.1 II S u ,?. Hint's «??,· \\n ?,« u'.sctUeil weaihei -i t-t'lMItli Cool - with the mi ?; »»??- ilaya Baudwlehed In loo fie [aOAl>__- fluently. Bui It. Ibe change it 11 ll ??., ? demanda Uie extra pn id ? cauti ? «Make II ? KKKH ?: f AlllV If you want aomelblng nobby; \Ni. a LIGHT w ? ii.ii ? n\ y u- l.H-ii IN lili COA1 p you preferii More Hi than ciioii-h of both tOgtVI (il H von n satisfai t«.; ? si l.-.-lnn;. I'KH't.-, II,,· I Ml I'.WI ?? anil K.M-iü.Ni.s genenUly- I- icjiniitly, ion kti'.n tout Boi « um e t.. take tbe men's ¦mail s;r.s- Nul llkl.K- \\ e te a «I. Ilille <|, part· lii.iit -lock« ,1 « Uh th. plenty of generous selection. nil Biadi fot th' iV,i/i Ih, i/i- MI It I WAlHTh conn· under tins iiciid Don't forget our nenal big vartetj. ? perfect itock 'perle marked f"i bo rent to ut iroiii-.'i "hs,kits" io look Ihioii-h. .-.Ik- \M. ? ...M1ANV i m. w.'i-i.i· - BttrT in otta) wroui km»;: m un μ?:?·:?? in. « iu .AM. rCB CREAM REDUCED. »II.D ???????.?·: OF l'I'.It K- lll.-liiK».I. III!. ld.il.INI. IN IHK l'Hill-: i.K ICK TBI i\t -? ?.? ? r.vnui.N- Iti HAVK IHK ??·\ ANl.Vi.l ?'.??.Y Uli. 111.-? i.KAliK M Ml ICH (III.AM ?.?» U ATI-.U ICK. ??.M) PER i;ai.i...n si'K» IAI. l'ltli'Ks »It I.AK·.I IHANIIIIK«. l'l/./lMs. t. I«. Hl'liKI .it 111! ii.th.-iUJltl G?·|,? id«««·. c ILARANCE A. MARSHALL Musical linel««i M«-ail A »social ¡on il liott r.a it to usuine ??>??.????<»?1? »l AL ll I.Tlill at his rooms, corner ..i Km IUH AM» UtANKI.I.N slKl.kl- oicr Wmium's ??.??.????.·. Baerà, I lai _. m «uhi«·. Bata,aal.. ;·. u_r_ FI.OWKRlNt. Hl l.l'.H. (CHÍNESESACKED NARCISSUS, OR J 01????.\_, l.l ?.? ?.-» ? « » ? K.I. ani» ß?a?t???. ?. fi.owki_-.. ibe batta, _h.ni. d lu ahail.>w ?,oi« is tilled with totali |..?.?,|(·» ami «niter, lu....m In from four to in ·*<·.·_-> ? ine lot of Hull,», Just received ami for nal at ? W. W»»_l»_HUNK'MkKlisi(iiti-, oc.V6t Iticliiuond Vn. -, · Have fut /./- usar* of an thai on : MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6th and 7th. They will have a Grand Opening of Pattern Hats and Bonnets for Fall Wear. THIS GORGEOUS DISPLAY OF MILUNEMY NOT ONL\ INCLUDES IMPORTED DESIGNS, the .imiei if ei'iiing·; of foreign markets, but also thi /«rn [ucftoni of the 11 «f talent ichi ·'« ?/? co r own work¬ room, when mill·, found a corps of THE FINEST ARTISTS INOUR LINE OF BUSINESS. Inspired by th* »ucee*» nei it ved bg ut in the post in the output of EXi 'LUSTVE NOVELTIES IN MILLI appreciating thi satisfactory results obtained by thou ande of patrone, we have be«,« prompted and em mah» it greater effort thi» teason than ever before to how a larger and mort varied line. OurAjvyerhtujui re I fro Paris, when he une successful in obtaining many new and choia designs, and tn ean safely a it fear of contra diction or doubt Hint Ol Ii DISPLAY WILL Hi: UNSI RPASSED, and will contain many at ¦¦· ? ? te to '/. of Riehmond, "ll of whom wt cordially Invite to our great exhibit TO MORROW AND TUESDAY. Th* tarii ty of UNTRIMMED HATS now in nur large stablishmet > wa* «¡. «¦· r greater than now, and al F__.81_IIOIV-_.BLE GG???31.\???<_»-<, Buch a* /fir«/.«. Tip*, Phone*, Aigrett**, R*bbon*, tn tin- FINEST silk and VELVET, and in all new »had*», ean be found tu onr show THE 8T0CK18. in fact, TOO TREMENDOUS to admit of anything lilu enumeration in a newspaper advertisement Each department has it» own peculiarly fascination for the feminine eye, and we are better equipped now to cater to all tasi**, however fattidioue, than per before in th« history of our »tore, which, as the older Richmonaere know extend* ov*r a period of sum·: years, and with our large and efficient fore* of salespeople, ire feel quitt able to cope with the largest crowd which may visit nur placa. Again extending a hearty welconu to tht iodi*» of Richmond, Manehetter, an I the vicinity to atti nu on,· grand MiUii · nj opening, Very letpectfutkj, KAUFMANN & CO.. 401 East Broad St, tl« ???? S VI. KM. -Future 1>.??·. ? UK LATEST AND BEST NEW JL r«.vv.\, VI 1 -? 1.11 l.iN FOB l.V A. A «.111 VI I V IM'. TOB PUBLIC sAl.l. OF A LIMII U M Villi BOB LOTS «»VV M ? BT Ml». CHt-KAPI IKE »XDOlliODK« tldil'MIlM «'«»Ml ANY vv I I'M.M'Ai. OCTUBKB ??. l-i«'. v. il Cllftou Forsje I* practically a ? "he- peaks and tibio ?? iiiw ?? Company low,,; ? o. Bailwaj ¡» parent to tbe town, ta Estherlni it, and will nie sll Uii means to in;«i.·- u n pros] ··!· as eltjr. n- - - ¦urea. ? ?, is bow ¡t:.· ratttoaul «bops aad ear acras. Rolling mil», pine «..nn and other c-uierpilbi* experte·!. It lathe end of ¦vim.,1 I «.f tbe «' -V <». Umili.? «¦i. " «p.·, bere, ? Belve bnndred l.*-«i raen to be employed In railroad shop* .indoli tram* t'opul.-itioii ««I ««¦»« ml IbOU· .aiiii p.-opic BSinred in s fea reara ? - tloauok* ¡? railroad town amt n m making potBt. IBs Al'oona «·? p.·-- : ¦ donated, aid extended, and lowfrelcfat raw * will be offered to deserving enb Hoi. >.r.· on tn.· property in aieal abundance, dot ex«·· ¡i« ntqnatltj '«·!..¦ ai. ? on cium· M-vei-tl !r«.n Im uii.-i » In mi« CBBBlul "p. aiton. a prosreselve manufacturing point ¡.mi a prosperous aad [popuiou* city saeared Hi·· town now on ß bla boom, m.v beine ai «?«- ibi ¡«Hi. liimdrt ds ot bouaea 11 .-.-.?.-, ¡,t once. Mc.'LmiH-s, «carpenter«, inaaons, etc., «.an Mud employaient, Just tbe puree for -«ast- ae«. «? ¡ui kind». Alt.'ini Ihe salt· of ¡«?« , ?,??.??t 15th. buy a I'll- Iota and iloiilde your BBOBSJ» ?? a fell ut ini nient* made here ¡n< · · Intel) si.f,- Ail ii«·»·. foi pamphlet! ami ? BJ KAKI.i: Al Ol'BT A ?>«»?·?\ IN, A-ent* of the l'In *ap«-ake ami « 'h'.«> Devi Lp- meal Oompaaj net ?-H-ut W FU1NT1M). HITTET & -tHI-PPEBSO J')I, .MUNTISI» A BPECIALTT, I IBI ll._ ? lap 11MJII Bl HB. Ill« ¡l.vi"M>|\ v. ?»??·»?>: 7SÎ. THE PALAIS ROYAL, 117 ____._-X Iil-<âvVI». SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Opening Our New Wrap Department. tall.-li tbe ¡aiiÍe p-irlors aij.iv.· oui slol-c.ai. ? ll Ml tbi op as a I'lOB- Hep run :¦' 11· mil Cad a latto aaBortaienttof I adlea' Cape·, t'oau, Sswn - ? Clot b. I'lii-li. niel I'm, and I'hillicu s l;,-e|ei«. ,...·«. and Long I III fi "idlallv united tOO »111 tlinl our slyi· « and ¡ · CAPI.». ?? tCltl ? « «Jspassrs verj Btyltsh |n*i now, snd ate Inai ubai w;nit«'.| for tlie preeenl weather. We bave oar immense >t<>«k i<> ibowatour popubn I'-xx priée« t'be few Item* b lechad at ran-lona irom «««u »-"<-k «liai our populei pi lees are, We ebow: At St «i- Pratt ¡back Astrachan «'ap··. lined with fanner laUn, ai $·_·.*» ? stra-4.? üirui. AstiaeBaB, llaed wlih Quei tanner latin «Vt 13.50 Very Handaome HI.irk Astraehan, I».ill!.-.I Iront, ill!, d With 1. ile ¡H' Ul" 'piali· 1x »atI n. At 8i soueantn* Heal Pinata Came, altb loag |M.int from, very bamtooinelj lined, vt |s ??.«?,,?·.· m«· A itracban, with real »bou?,i.-i» trimmed with paasemenB rie. it MAO licititi fit «¡nit A»'ruchan. At »t -learning -in« network of dull ¡el it IS liiis.elileultrle »II K, olimi of dull «ilk; oatlively worth -m. ? · »l_ i.ix ?·!?·-·;???? sij I.·» in I'l.'.ili and .lian. At jhi Baal Black latrachaa I si .»?-?'???t ? ii. JatKBaTl ??« ki ,». n. mo well-lilt ui-' «liiril«!«·, or eco- noinlcalae tbeaejasfcets and ibejr sre never «mt ..t style. We bave ?.gnlsad theeetacts, ¡md laid m a lärm- assortment, Weaboin AI I.1.7Ô a Handsome All-Wool Doable- Breasted Jaekst, boand silsroond. At ?l mill vekl frolli, ???^?? »hOlll his, bound with bruiti. Ititi niaaur »tyie, altb vast froat, aad Bsja ihoolden At it blaser style, front trimmed m it it Irani, military »?? ?«·, aeparate \.--t. At Irt to 911 ?«'! ? bainIsolile eitle·,, Bifle* 39 io u I tt IS I Beaver, Plaid and rwilletl ? i r · ti uh ant tt filoni t .si fronts, \- ··. ? ? Bough I I'liet lot ! for. ..... ttavtot, \' e, It) !·-, H,th V.-st ?.. k11.1ll ?? M ·.·· ¦, beaver, «·¦ mmed ·.«uh ¡ lark ek ..ml Una ·? gir· d , coal from it un ».para'· ·, est. Al Im 11.nu«,.ne Kesl -«'al l'tusli ?. Al II ? Baal >. r - "- ni. Iso l'Insti Jacket· nini ? u«. . Hil.HKl.N | «I BAI « I \ , « «Ivlcii ani lea ptkMB t.igu »il- ireiiic here ,.| i'I.ll.li.-t, »tot·! ??·-.-?.·!·*, irimuic.i In gilt braid,ala· \ ... had!· » ll.iiidsoiii, Loris si· Al «Vi.·".«» Mis·.-- Bandi « Wool «Talk* Ina Jacket·, « se· 1_ te 1- t.-ars \l » .'.,? ? ¡l-ll,.ol, tua,.mal liouldc-llrcHSt- e,| Peefei Jeekela, 1. lo Ift-reaia, .Ut·'»·*··· V.-rv llaii.lvuuc Ail-iA <*«1 Riaver Waiking Jackets trtnmsd «ritti black Astrachan ?? velvet, sta·· froaaltta II At P) Very Htyllsh Ali \\ .«I lini,? ?.?????ß,?ß ai ¿t ?·· Ilo Vary Uantlaocaa ? "ais THE PALÀIS BOTAI. 117 E. Broad St. AMüftiM Birra. \?????t \c.\i>KMY or nàsici |:«??-?,? ? MrrB*. leu«.·.«« sod ??????")« ss» ! mm <i¡ t. p?, ?.?????» -AU Id'lV VI VI IBI And Her Excellent Musical Comedy Co Inn riivtiu UM ?"'.1·«·»'!".: I. »'·p_.??»?·· ? An III- ?. G l*«"il MABTIB " NKii,. RABBI f I'l.AIlM AM'V V VI INV. vv ¡?.? ? wi »i i.i f BB, V V SVI Ml IIX1 alBCI.AIB, \ BI1 ¡? v·. ??? ? s BARI BOB »Utili, IKI.-NK IIKIIN VN.)! / AMI» VIANV "lili I.- VV li VV A V rickets on ss '-1· iVrOZABI .CADI MY OF MUSH ?: ? ? R A. . X take» ?¦!.·,»,-.? In sun unelng ih«· engsgeaaenl here on MONDAY llfDTUBS_)AYETBNIÎf08 «? |? 'III It !.¡ni VBO Hin. KIIIALFY'S -III V RDI ? HI VI Kl. M VV YORK, lu II - p? E W ? ? ? : ?: «.-i i: i ? I laatlon m ?? «i i. vi: pitici » vt ?? ?·??\ ? blCHMOND ?? ? ATRI lili IN, I! .·. »I HILTON «p? I¦». FROM SIRE TO SON. * piny >el Wl Hielt by nil X Plciun - im ? I \ ,. pu IIMON «?? li le· ¡?! lie Mi.Vt Ml.ll I. .fiel.,·. Ulli m»! he pn «ent« u 11 ¦? "i.i-i'ii un ititli««n-«-.it·:» ll l¡. Il.ixi. -, bl» ?- · Vi Al I I It XII -I I. \ XI , It '. V!n». ir· -,? II ?. ? b. ', G. " ??'??,? 1)1« ??????? THEATRE. lints. II ? »ne nia BONI) ? .. «·' thi Or» .u moll VI ll.l I V XI Iti I'M" ? I.X Mir».·» BEATRICI ¡? ?: ami un . iipi'.iix In lili . ima, l.i.KVIiMI ? ?,??¬ ?·.. le ol , ¦·! _t VV A- - ? W 1 ? M DESIROI *s OF OBI UNI IG _. 1 »' 111* II, IS A l'HIV 1 I I. 1 Will.*, U in b : '¡.lisi, lumi In », I.hIIii, Ire«! MI** M A *¦. ? ti .. V STED, P! PIL8 ?? G??? Y> »N - ¡.l'i ¡TIN i » ottici·. . l.-lni G ANTED. A LADY re» «? «.-'lion ni IKM III. . fan - li *\i\ ¡? i; »u ire. -THI ! S1TJ D ·)' ' « V.SD HI II l'I m. COM· wi ...'¦ roi ? .«:¦ limit« il nun ? num. payable ? ? , from »,? üle¬ ti data "i ti,.-? '-.-?« iti · ¦ Of t.'U p. turn t«« tim »ii per cent. p. t annum 111, a.nomi, Va. .im W.NTED M -JNE8S ? NI» PRO K-BI1 'S VI. MIN In ? ... ?, bui ibe Bf MI i-i VM' x.1.1» i V l'I Vi bll ru. _*ol lift. ? l III .1 ?? tb, ?·, si for ¡llx ol work «nil ?,Mili¬ to!.Ill,u- <»X> " toll* o ib-iiio!«-!!.·:· Ita iu| |. in.» t .G? Ions I'll «l'Ilei» 'in·! ? e XI I'till in ?* John ?; ? ?. ?? ?, tUeiokl. Sortii caro- si U1ÑTED Bl Ñ G vv mi I Franklin il WAN G? \ BTRICTLT G.? ¡? BAI ', " V«, V! t t I »Ilion ??« ol hotel « es! ol li ? I HAVE BEEN .PPOINTED EX 1 ¡u»i\. deader In It'll, Wl,· li manifold* au . ? Jiill.N ll l.l'l PKK. .»I'.· ? tt.it «?.?.d, V ?. G BACCO AND C10AR8! lock fi. m u crop "f «'· · t ··! a . II. n land. *»ll|>pl> C1UAI I I make Un- : r lay in y,,ur-U| J. I. ·, \ 11 tt,,.,i. .1«. ? .. .1 ? iu 1 |17ANTTOCALL8PeC--_L 4TTEN- V V u ««Í t!.«·»«· ttli«. n.¦¦¦ I |'l. \ ? ·'·'*· -?- UVA ru(ll-.«.,r -H't k- fori.KKKN ?··! «i.«.aSa lliose abo nuli to cul'lvat« \t vii.1; ili n - laal bloom frota .primi t.. ? ill.and tur.,? g ß a·? Ice an M. B, · A 11.IN. 7-1 south Laurel -tre»·., on Ki.cr Btét l**rfc. | HTIl.ti in m; -l«il ??. _: ? ? \ m ? ??: s ? ui.i'.n -osi: «·_-__>-> ? ?«»??ion -¡'.ini; ?-? i»i-\.iii»a_____a months black, witb wini·· «·, I.rsi.it. IIms on a itiiiiiiioii ifulher culler. A liberal reward aitow-d .Or sut informel leading t«. lu recovery, rtruisr win ·>1«*_*«* ..avesaiueal -? .west Marahall ·??·«·? ,a-ft.lt \t II BEX EHI li. ? ta S FIKITI'ALISM. l>|{. llt-NKY si.iiu- the eelebraKd kl. Hum, will lecture MUNDA1 iH-roaaa &»b. st io:_o o'clock, al Mmltb'e fl_.ii (Ceatrsl·, Killli »trc«-l. >ii..|*»cl: ? ?. Joy» siiti S. ,ti,», ,.? a \|.Unin, and lU-w 1 llersms Ou«. ..c5it 3«r.. 1

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Post on 20-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Jixlii-LS YCe;5re:r Sons, · THE TIMES. ORLIillM· HV;l'Ut».TIMI M ?.»?G?*? TinasHlII.IHN«.. Tvulli Ml «t Hut!« Sir···!·,.|!HllM«.\..? ? "h*· listi- Tiin«*«_'s »cimi

THE TIMES.ORLI ill M · HV ; l'Ut». TIMI M ? .»? G?* ?

Tinas Hl II.IHN«..

Tvulli Ml «t Hut!« Sir···!·,.|!HllM«.\ ?·. ? ?

"h*· listi- Tiin«*«_'s »cimi li («arrisi* m

Uli* eilt ??? M a ich e»'et for-l. r.

Wtek l>> II.Ili, fi ? « fill

'tir Snail»« ? Ion«· Ihr··.· rents perjeopy;tl..'_» ? « sai

G?· tVptklily Tim»«-. .1,1 (loiUM » fea» bjmal)

llll I IMI- ¦' «I IV ?«.

It,, lim n.l. Va.

-t M»A\.k"i G??? _ . KM,

G? 1 -II \? G??????.??????.Kor accorar« «.? receiving and reprodue»

Ins Sound· no itti· ? iii-trunu it on earth :??-

proat'b.« ??> phono.rapii. ?..? n reeetvcih« noti s ot .« «"i--. » b« tun, ti»' music ut a

band or an orcheotra. oi tin· words ol ¦ e» p

Vrlsatiol». l'I.ire it a* at until songster.Instrumentalist, ami conti ?«,itioiialist are

ib-Sil ami for»-,,Iteti ami then ? will cive

forth uiicrrin.i) th· aovada it receivedyear*· before.Happoee every man, ivomiiii, unit child in

Hie world ·??????_ bute his orbet · -very mirr¬

ano, reeerdei ?>> ? phoaogra1 h throafh in··.Slip|smc at ...Lniciil lhat pbOfl.hould I." »IMll iM.it lilrnrr ?-.??1?-? bini oi

ber. Think .1 ·.unii· «s thOOghtl··!word«, t:,· e. ,»· -, ti.·· ti l.ar jests,the profanity which might poor lr,,in lur

ear pieci«. Ihe ? artlilt pbOBOfraph isa

run«· rtcr only I pleasant and

agre» able sounds, tliu celestial phono.graph woaM sake ao dlatlBcttoa, bulWould give forth .·?·«? andill. I licite Hup-

positions ?, .? appear BbMird, bul ;·

resili Bol i in· reoordlaf aa -el aeunti Ibe utterance« ot mall, !> it Ins :iiin«,s!

thoughts Bad sileni ,u!i ??·. M :,

ear. fall] WI ?.????. and ?? ?« I. Bred linpirnt It

overt·alai,, «?· «?. Im «un·, huni-i.

t«ui«"f Bgeay,giM,aad eoatrltlon ma)stille soine o| Hi» sounds and l,|o| out some

ot tin· moid «? deede. Bal eoaeider theIdols and Hie »nnrruptin «? ttli.it mightbate I« «II haniiol.',

.BUBM iN-iiAv

1.1. tl HI I it II-, im ut ha» b· cil III id-

Obimas ritiaeaa t.lebrato to-????t??With such distili« lion t t.-it il will be lOBgin« ni'Tiibn ?» oi «.f Hie BIOSl BOtalSlons that baa ciel h.·» ?. ?··«¦· id. «I in the im-

n.ils«.| Uii», il). Tic miei·-I and ntlni-

sla-rii win« I. will animate the chief palimi·pania udì I..· »hand by lb· wh«·!·· BOBS.

inunitt. Irrespective ol opinion, nativity, or

Bar ta our citisene of tiermaa Mrth or

il".««'»«! ¡»?? ree Pjlxeoneol tbe naoataub·.tannai ami progressive ?· na ?tool mu ·".

«¦uii ami ?.ir .alks of dubIbcm. If therevvcr«· to he oiniit..l ??'??? Hi« »um of OUI

ITospciit) tilia! the) hat« «'"lit filmt· ?! lo

ii Cha ahriah ? .«seid U- apparent ¡n once.

lÜeLiiiom!. t'iitui.ati- a» »In ?» in lim .·« ..-

,-rai bara« b ? f h« population, Las no

h"H» xvle.in si,« e««ubi »pale With BBSS BBS- 01

vini, paalai injury to ber latereeta thanlei ·« limn citi/'??», 'x le« Lax«· brought lo

their adopted »..il thai «p·??:-·?. «¦! man-

li'iiil. iLii Btuidlneea ol moral character,that in inn« »s and perslston of purpose,III «I that I.,.en. punte ,1 tagBClt) wliicl«

dlstlaguieb the race in the latberland.Tnrice w h ?p? u» ¡.p? com ??p p ?) aie SlICBtil··!« aa tie -··. .BO, !¦ «?? ..«.??«. tbell »' e ·.

lutte not ?|?,???."·,| II, -; ii it t!i ¡I La» In·

Sphred tlmiii Irom «? ««Id. ami xx I,,, lllustrabUn- »aine t iitu« » Willi «',? il "1« allí. -- BUllsimple n bealde im ?.?p? a aa b, ilBlum ami Um Kibe.The motives which leml our ?.«umili citi«

/..us io '. lebrato «ks___4_rfO. a» a distinctive(·« muí.Caalon Lai e 11¡· il ". -in in t mo¬

tion» ami ? ¡nu» which .nix commendtb«*lil Un· ," ?· Li. Ll) t" our t' cm an.I al¬

ie« 1 mil. in honoring the memori« » and Iraditi«.us ««? ib.ii great race and m paying a

public tribute t" theli community ot ?«!«>«·«?

ami all that .! Implies and Involvi ». tl«

are li"t Hi« 1« -- 'X al Hi limn all« iBttOfi\ Irgials lees Uns m their attachmenti" I'.n-bnioiui. I heir présent citizenship iamd ti,.· lesa true because the) sre proud? Un' lutili I" whii'li th« ? m b, longed,ami whose ¡*iorioiis liislor» ?» « part o| theirinoialmhi iilaii.e. ? »? Un· e« «? 11 a y,Um limi,

ten I, llx ont «.· ¡?.'¡in «'??/' p» eli« risii theirties ol nain it) and deecBBl the d< ¡" » :¡!

la· Unir devotion t" ih·· oommunit) witliwinch u.« n trsBspiaati «? in« » sri

eia.« «I.

All ol "tu i·· "pi. will il.«· pail, «ill,,

¡udì« ill; »? nit, in the «. i« biatlon ol?«-???«.?'«'tv. «ml will in\,«!,"|"i it th. aiii-

p'· Mail am! pío-peni).

? in um ?: Brim »

une «u tl.·· ebaraetera In Mi Hear)?.?« lor*· tin. drama, l*hllip \ an Ath) repreaeated a· »eying lhat the world doesnet keow It· greatest awe, a remark thathas ?,,a ifd ear* reaeral approval eitherhaeaaee It Matter· tbe «elflove ol ma ? kind,tb·· overwhelming proportion ol whom are

in· sii«., nn·« Intellectual aad moral,«» be»cans.- ? ?» reallv «ul,stanti.,',',? ..

¦éducation ot tbii Idea is cit.uni.« cor·net. nsimdy. tint Bien have ao petfectl)oceurat. laelgbl ini,, ..«.-h otbei ibi

howrtei llitilnit.lt tint mat I·. a«s ,, lat· ,;

With e idi "??- ?. As a ,?.·. tt.· ,·,, a!,¡,· |aj¦s-iouir -.ib« lin oai mp.ii.i.,1,» ai« »ninnioi it .it· Ilh.- Ill their pl'llir'.plss. libellerlh·) ai·· m u ?« iwardly, bold or lUaor»ms, Impulsiv» calcai itlng, andHut cten I,« re, ne u· "Iteli at fault, and dono· b;»ie lu ol.»'·! te «villi I »I. .Inlinnon lbs

last eceiicitof life todihCovei "the tears ofth hi aie and Hi·-folli, s o¡ the tu·.·." ThCMp*rodlcka ataad oui before ui onlyi|iiently in the daily conduct Ol lmntth·?« «-ill in thi uioiinn- "i tbeli existence.lit*, «eck to look betoa lh· aurtaoeol u«e

hraadlv distlactive traila ol oui associates,wi' Booo lad oareelves obstructed bj iaaui-m..unti!.l. barrier·, ??,,« Is a ? loe that111» I·"}« ml lh· I.Hiin o ft ill' ? liln.ll 111-

hpK'iion. ':' ?» a land tlt.tt ?« uu« .pler.-daud un«\i·' ? .«'·. i|Ui itlonabbietell Wbetli« I lb« indiT,,'. ,,«: bun», It full)eompi« !.. i.i« the vari ta feature· ot bla la*iiei fili.·. l».it alln dit it.« u.a\ lltdOWBIn all Hi (i-t-douioftbeiuost friemlly inter-.-oiiisf.il·.;,, .ni, .Lin n who la falntl-iunit, ? ll.«· ii.id. ? ol lite .u,.| tt h,,«.- man is

«« ..pi'i.ss.,1 witii « !i.tt Ibal in.· law of-ell-plvM-natinii loi bun n i« |.·..| ItsMM and It· inline·.. .·. and « I disOOTei no

rt id« BOB «l a spin! pn air re*lease m »< H-sl ,. hier.

? theaiaad modificati >ui ol n,. same phi -

Ilium BOB BU i,-lai,It t·; Hi. toil Un ? Who «Silt lin H lit

j th. n si«·«.· sun ratal· a faalacai m itici

I innei c\i«i«iic« t.. whieh ao nth·· ?.?,.?«.? paaamiaa. ?·,..¦·. \ tb khlaMtlt with

imrri .'«t« «? Ilaslnn I, .m bis Pp.. n,,

itabthadai l la hi· «oui, arenadwhose walla hie « aad bn iah reredaithK'boslly solemn.:,!.

ll is »n tb.-se re«-esses of nur beiag, ·«-

nr«· as f.u ninoVnt ir«».· the t< nth ?

t>-or |be pen. tintili.' »> m pat hut« ?.; ihe··Wbo are nearest to u» by tbe lumini,; loreof tbe dearest He«, a« th. depth« ,,f the s,a

are from the <.*a/e ofhshcriiuu Hosting up..«the stillai·»;, it is in tin se n-, ««.. » timi «ai

bold coiiiiiiiinioii witii the «?·· «? NatureTo ite naltbita I framr. aad m u« broadaaitajmtk ami tbniui/h Nature »ith in. U ??.,,?

Sai.All m« n die alone, and in a certain »cnae

all nn ? inu-t live alone: aud it is well that

ii-bcn those 'iti' »-ti"ns tt bub liarassis I :,.,

inlelli_em* of Hamlet, ami a lii'h obtrudetin ni-elves u|kui tb«·coiisclvusm-ssof etc»·

insu, are knot.-lug at tb«· iloa.ru of the intuì

spirit, tl .· «pint should hi illuminai.ti i.y a

aeren«· oonhdenoe iu tbe benignity ami just- jjit'»» of rivvjikiire, .which will luukc- Uiej

h.-url ImmovaLle In H* a.n'ngth and «.?-

d....ci ,. BB bra-pry« >"' £f *¦"l.,.r...,ir*,»..sUU,«e I tSB^ritJ ·« ¦»

.,e...Of right am. w,,..nr.Lu«b-,...H»^...kues. ,1»«·... -u,',·"»'"» V >"»""¦-'

.panioliahi,' Ot lh I'·»*· »«*- " '

ra whlcb Boealamlt) «*·»· <·"·¦'>'"·¦¦

m-.t ?··. I.....-1»!.· --.otib" awleal-icwi

«.r*·* «»t S. ??? ".·»·-

risse, .¦ii.coM ¡usti,·.· tbal irto« al] af.

fiaiora," h iuiTr*"*n _¦ p?·?·'·?.·??.?* pua·iti.inclita. II. lui* n«' BOllBS "fìn-ei» «t

., ? are, h n ha aas ail il«

..w. ra ol earth, air. ¡in-1 w.tt.-i, .1 .ninnai.

Sai luminiate naUin h lus s. ri i.·«- b \. -

Ute his leu·.... ni». I he limili« 111 ? lux «-

. x Hi.In 'tin.?. la-gins, soul« lime*

»peed), sonn (.p.··* »l·-w ii ?» «"¡.»???????-

llO·, »lire tieXerU,, l"S». ami Ili* piilH»!l-i.Hiits arc ttf___f-t ·. ii,*l ¡uh ¦» 1 » ¦ t < .».

I » un«, he sniiplv leuvi » in tb·· fin» and

pinacle» uni·· pi· un»· » i" | «v. n-decinaLIctu «?«! are in acl.es and rriuij

?.? ««Unis L«· nukes quick pat im uta lv

eii'-.-k» «m lb«· bid and pi|l«,\v bank. To the

m pri I« nt 'ht' r In -

I «nil is be sun· l"-nii_l.t tlioii »hull hate1 a,

» «b- itlenea thai «hub pen Ihv ?? nth mThou si,nit »it- pin« bot u- tht-fc n» h.·)·

«¦«lililí.,?. more »itu_ii>_

I him beea thai made llielii. 1 II Inalo· Hue

? ¡¡ai iH.Hkta «i.uii tremble st iby g a,

Ann? ne ii ill «doth'· hi* CUlpril in»lili, hü will make Lim

like to wear Un hi. VV Inn OBS persist» m

. fogli, ??« ?? iiiake Inni «JOB -uiimnls.mi aairy I detakaM] marklagLi« .eiiius a» a ap ami bella und a bauble.?«, tiiat ha bla outward ibowa, µ ??«·?? sa

llllh«· t"li' a '.Ibis ? ipl« »«: ??».

.1 !" .« 1 innli'.ïhat he le a h«o' :"

though i· be md lanini t«« kiek bim ml lbssub walk.

Indeed. Um xxaxs m wlnch <·?!··??<1«-G»a.-linst senee and right arg Biade to punish

Ivea ¡md unconsciously .ara tbewmid against their follies,are oouatlea·*mi most familiar. \ man ha» only t«·

op- p m» in- sad thlaga aa tb»and ml as tb« ) ar«- lied al.I. ami he'll Le

a laughing "i a ereeplng j bllóeophor.I'. il ¡«Illi"»l Un aliali.·· »' "I »Han ¦· pun.

Ishmentt i» Mlf-imprisonment. The Man

m iba Lrea Mask w¡,s bul a ???.· ol th-.ii-

»ti, Istinti bave 11 - il sim··· In» da), and

itili wslkoui streets. Botoal] »?«" heroicOUI "1 IL" 111», and "!>« aid "? II« rcule» and

Dr .niiii.l- vi n-.'' lint ibe mask of-i nal. «'lililí!, or commonplace importaoce

thai wi' mil« » axx' i'i" nl

ih· Ir tragic blator) in :.mie way.? -1 -nn fai iL' r, wi ¡«.«?« » mani \xays

<>? »¡mitin, ourselves In snd .alliag our«

.elves of ?.? tbe light and lympathyandbsppineas tbal belong t" us, Uur conceitm ik« s ua jealoua ol receiving instructionii m otbers, and limits ua to the little thai??· «an ol oui genlua "i itesllng ac«iulre,«»?? pn.I.· blinds our eyes aad hardens oui

¡md fbrblds p"»iiit«!x a thousand..e sai imi! ? ?-11 u tucul a ? it ?» "i life and joyami good aenae. « mr 11 .s«· tbe. loo!» and wlndo.a ol OUI »oui», and ob-

stnmi the ? ?-?.? f knoa ledgi. Andwhen these wall buildera ,are supplementedby other «porks of lam. Hatred and Main···,

.¦.p. |i »» Indi .1. l'ni)· lei dis¬loyalty to heaven put on the roof, and alasfor our Imprisonment. Vet, ho. often ?»

ibis fulfilled on oui Btrceta! How main ire-. bose heaven ?» ii on, whose ai lhi.i'iii-'iv« » their own dungeon. mana·

,-b ,?. fettered, Impriaoned by theme ¡?« »

. .? ???? R 11 ? iiiiiMii ? «

TheJIln-l ?. e. Ill .il· !'"« It'll) «-tel V <"ll-

-.i«-si«iiiai district in the «»tat·.-firm aillie t.,«"laide ?, port· .?« ?" Hi" "Ull««"k folIbi ?·· mocratle candidate· which had been¡e, rlously ? a it« «l. Tbi demorali-i d a a·

dltlon into which tb·· Republican party baitalli ? In the metropolitan district la ob*«« rt.'.i t«, a more or leu degree throughout

tnmonwealtb, and ii II ontlnw ?, as

Ihcn I· ever* reaaon to anticipate that it

will, the success of the Democratic party inHn \.,'.(in!,.·! election· will be overwhelm·III.

in the I-n«t «li«tn t there ·» a ditIsion«.? Mepublli .ms ?«, nn. ? Browne and«tuiih«; «··,·,,mi disili, ^the Itepublicanswill be divided between Bowden and Mur*

and m the I out:, [hi ?, are alreadyevidence· ol a future split m the Republi¬can vote, ? ic ?«· no opp sition so far to

I.« -t« ;, Kdmund· a in < · G« rrnll, and u theid i. m th Klghth dia.

tiii grow· m itreugth and popularity,.tin!, ll·.1.1··, th. md. pend, ut candidate,

niiioii beooming de in11« ihal i"i all practical purpose·

bla independen! Democi ie) i« onlj Reput*.

Mill« ?-a comparatively recent importa¬tion into the Ninth district, and ran makebut little lieadttat against that sturdy rep-

., A. liuohan-an. The triumph ol Mr. w iae, m Hi«· Third,

musi notable in the lii«-

tory "i bla <

\\ bile ihe j i"«;·· ¦! I' umerali.· «11«'-

ceaa ia the fall election· i« calculated t"

nil evert Hcmocrat with tin· blgheslof satiafaotion, there ii no room for our

confidence. The party abould continuewith the utmost eoerg] ami determination

ot it· organisation, ami pursue tbef actlvi, untirii «s,?,·

.¦.un.issin·,· that nus already begun, untilib.- boni .mates foi- throwing ,·?, ? tin· poll·.Not only must victory bo won nil along tinill.«', lull «??,?. a net"! ? a« itili can« in

u levatole ? um as t«. u a« thedeepest,.nu" tbe Itepublican rank·,

, ?»! BBOMISM.s.'im n« .sparerà ol loh are

-'. m« «I !.. !i!l ipaoc m IL« n chumis? essa) » upoB whal Ui« j style Boorl.?»?p

¡u«· at ??· ?? ii a.· «I m ipread-eaglewel>???«··. ki lb« i« pi« »? iitatvx- ? ? irb »nlsrn,

? omtodi l'ai Is. m ottfa ? pap i.the Sea. Hi raid, ia alluding to the risii of the

< "hill, sax» 111* 11»,' the l "¡Hit PBcalls limi ? I.ala). Ili in l-'.'i. win« «itili.·.

all .Hi al'»i'bl'C ci ioli) .'.'¡U», t" a·«' III«

republic In whose ronnatlon be limi taken, .ut. loi wh«

p in» sasMjolatea m ti..· iMVoiutlon,»vere living to welcome Lafayette .v«iam-

Jenereoa, Madlaoa, ami Monroe. Ilia Jour·m·) xv .in a ? Bgi .iut, ami Ami ri,a, in h««n«>r-

m tt«·, boaotn d rBui Unie ?» a ililleiciii'c Lctwci ? I.alat¬

iti« and the (mud. Th. lalb r i'Uun»alt« r

aa ai«»« in-, "i several year·to gee tbere·pul'lic m the «l« in.«litivi. Ol WbOae Luinila-iioiisli« «. k in adite part. It may hardly

that Am« ii'-.t in ¡i-?..'??:-· 1 «uiilc ilel'ai La honore l· raace.

?\ oiiiiii.me«· winch bad pa_-B*B_ theI!.«aid "I Aid. limn lia» ¡ci u tailed ill Um« .'inni ?? l'minci!, prOVl III Unit BO «'"W

.bail is· allowed «aa <·?p itreeto aaleeeat·tended b) soase oae t«· keep e watoh ovenbei ???'?.??«' ut», l'ublic si'iiUim-iit ?»»tron_-it in tat «u ot iba passage oi this onUagaon.» a imana ««I piittin. an ciul to one of the«:.·-! »·?? ?» in».nice» lhal lias »oag ha¬ras». ,¡ ?,?,? p?/ p», und ? UK ?? vi ?.» bui « i-

preSMii Um popular Iceliii.- when it callaupon lh. I «'imiril t" 1« limi IL, ««____ap|g ofUn· B"uiil «1 ALI« mieti ami pass Ih«· orili·nane·· ut Iheeailicst pi ..«?« table m. «un ni.

I l'.i,in o| |be apprcd.iii«'ii ..? ????1'iviK.» Ly our Inend», tin people "I Kiel.-mond and the state, issimi,n in mir rapidlyinereasiuK circulation. Our aim is to giveI!.« iunoml and \ irginia the !«·*! pa]* ? tbeyhave ever had, ami the ¡a·««)«!.· are second¬ing our erTtut«.

???? l'iilas.i Adtertisar, it newsy tic« kit.?» ih.· lute»t addition to the press of Vu*


mm "?t riiK shops··JNDstì OING REPAIRS FOR THE


ft·»* I«·«· ef the · l»'io«_Hn.( okr Nnpllal·-Tl.«· I'lr.l Tc» «.G ??,,. .*,...,.. <i|T,. ·,-

Ml». '«¦«¦» rr-r.iu,iM..r, ««?1 known

G. ti|,li*.l'In· im?'fatu aide husines« nl the society

tlorld Ul present scili«»,, I». L'cttltl. lilt«.

'.s!.l| -l.ape." I· i- at tie le ,ps as 11 tt t .·.

ttitii Ota 0G aimtlirr pait «f its ¦MalarITgetan throagh repaire.

t-'roin tb·· ne nt aiiitaN, making «««i!·

stani puss alile Ulieem«nt-. sle.tvs that

t:,« ?« ?« a -"¦(kI d· al uf tdiiftin·. of materialami regalati-! t·· apaoiated pia··s. ? p.

bolsi« iiil. is ?? sit :ulv process, frulli Ihe.in ss. « of warm tinted woolen· that are

taking tin· pi ..·<· "i n.·· lilmv trecke oath·fair. For many, the oouatry I· -trapplagand mäkln· strenger coastiiuüoas week«en«.I by tie tt u ami t«ai ? summer exer-

ti.i.s; while tb·· city m taking advantage "t

tin· dui; siaseli for ..i· ai Inn. out freckle·«nd tan.

.vis not itili napping tboogb, bolha·at laal rear-oaded to the eoaimaad to¦ii-c aad »how your bright eves," as wa·evidenced In tbe tan lotereetlag -vents ulthe aeaeoa. Tb· Bret has airead* beendwell upon, but it oaonot be sufered lb» re

to reet. however many th ; ,.u«i* may t«·.when it waa oi.? ???··??.? elegaat bobmwedding·evei witaeeeedin our city.

II -VatAQAK-t "KK.

it ua« the marriage ot ? ?-« idi-·· < ok· t«.

??. Halla« ì ialina.au, bright young laiv-¦- ew Vork rati. The ceremony, per¬

formed hi it*.. Pr. MoaeeD. Ilogeand mv,111. I.alii« J ? ?????????. "I Ih· "< lillirb o|

Ail An-· .-."tía« both Impre··!ve aad beea*titiii, tbeii voice· breaking the alienee of,1 iii«.«l .il. etite ta'«leau. I.tcrt u li"l"throughout the spacious home all ivas ¡?

,?»? ??·t?·· of gfeammg white in hoaot ofIbebapp) r-cculon, anallavjleb immiti··* "t

Bower· Bad planta toocaed every pceatbleWith tbeir dei «ration. .bOV· tin¬

nitili- ot ji«· n md u bite ?!««.' ers. there ??????an exquisite marriage bell of while roeee,?« tongue ofcrlmeoB, m iklag · vivid touch.«I color,

lllfllH-Mill'«.Mr. II. .1. I!« «ll'ieltl. Of V W -Orb, BCted a-

..i.« «i man," while tí»*- brideetaalde, lair«-ii. aweet toilete of green and white al*Limitili itOOd around III" handsomeroung couple, ? bey w< re Mi«« AahlejMiller, Mlaa i*n«-be Warwlek, MtaaKat*Blankcnship, Mies Nonna Walker, ??««

Mayo, ? ?«« l .zie Toa Bea. MlaaKann· Baugbman, ami ??«« Bv« Flanna*--.m oi N.-tt Vork, ««aie.· could there he amore Ideal wedding feast, and the boat and

is, « aplain and Mre. John ?.» ««?.«-.made ever] gueat right welcome to ever]bounty and ever* pleaeore of the oeoe*¦Ion. Aiuoli-' BOBM Of tlcse p|e»«'lltwere Mr. and Mra. VV. VV. Flannagan, ofNett ? ork; Mi«. VV. I.. Trice ami Mis. .1. .,

? an.oi Kentucky; ??. und Mis. IJniuhart,ilonel ami Mre. ?. !.. Hobaoa. ueneraj

ami Mrs. Joseph It. Anderson, Colonel andMra. Archer Anderson,Colonel und ??», ?.s. Un ioni, e m ral an Mrs. I'eylon \· lee,Judge and Mra. I.. I.. I.· wi·, Mr. mul Mr«.Allan Talbott, In. and Mr«, tleorge Boas,Mr. ,n d Mra. Auburn Boulware, Mrs. a. it.

. ?a??, ,?.«· ind Mre. U. VV. Fiournoy,Mr. and Mra. R. < Morton, Mr. aad Mre.J. I'.. Pace, Mr. and Mra. Jame· lleaaanU,Mi and Mi«. Mile· < art. Mr. hiuI Mi«. N.I. Miller, Mr·. Frank i-cb» 11, Mi«. Catlin,Mr. and Mra. Olover, Mr. aad Mra. RobertMunford, Mr. and Mr·, « baríes Watklns,Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Sasb. Mr«. Fit*-cr.'tl.l. Misa l'agi lt-gerald, Miaa Blank-.nahip, Mi« Booker, Miss i'ower·. Mi««I,etti«. Mm« 1 .ilumina Ilutes. M-IClark, Miss I lien Höbe» ?, Miei Miller, MimËi le w alker, und other·,

tils- MOOBB'H I- I.

The Ant''tea" ol the season waa given>n ihni--d.it afternoon by Mi«« Mar] Pre·*ton Moi at ber bon.nweet Mainatreet.If wae not a large affair; it iva« a verycharming one, and the bevj "t boda près« ntiiio-iiy attest it. Tbe young h<,«t« «-« madewelcome ber guest· in a pink India Bilk,and wa· ;issi«te.i iu receiving by Misa«alii,· Talbott in a becoming gown olwhite tulle. Among ilmse pr» ?» 11

Misi - lille H n.« Misi ???????Morton, Miss Mary Min· nd, Mia· Mat¬thews, «? Angusta, (¡a.; Mia· Berthal'leasants, Mi«« Ellen VVilliama, Misi

Meade, Missi Weddell, Mi«« ArticiMiller. Miaa Mi·· Burvrvll, M'-s SellieAdkins, Messrs. «-»tenie; Tyler, ChurchillYoung, Vubrc* Voung. Itobert l'egrarn,? d. Itenson, («eor_e I'« ;ram, w illie Pick·rail, ?. mie W elei ... Vllan Talbott, MortonMaii«. littori Milli r, ? irtnond ? oung,daines Valentine, Willie (Iray, and Robertroxton.


Miases Norma and Eva Walker an usit-ing fri» ml« in Lynchburg,Miss Matthews, «·? Angusta, <«a.. i« tin

gueat "i Miai Mary Alfriend.Ni i« l'iil.lii al loll·.

A l.l 111: Book oi ?'ß?? 11 tBLI ? ?? l -

i« the titl«' of tbe latest book ol EugeucField, i'ublisbed by Charles Seribner Sons,Si w York. sali b) Weat, Johaeon _

Co., liichmond. 'lins i« an exquisite Httlevolume ol «·???-«?«· allegorie·, toM In Ian·

pur.· and simple as to 1"· poetic,though rendered in prose. Each iton Betaforth m all«-it »oiiie well-known theme,a«, for ¡natane·?: "The First < hrhtmas

?« eleni it and beautifully the stm t ot»bust. It is artistically bound and ah

il colic· ption ol ht. r iture and topicfor the '..iii'-ii ii", ci i'.t'ii't market.A l-ii 11 y 11.i m u r.«? r.its VbB-B ?« a

similarly bound volume bj tb· aame author,Eugene Field. Also for sale by VI «i.Johnston ? ·,. I be ?.? la distinct!) re¬vealed In these fragmentary songs. In tbedialect .-eroe, ol t\ bich there are maay.there Ii alwayi the keenness of a prettyhumor and often decide«) wll apparent,italic tin"" are other poem· "t purest? tm ami bigbi «t sentiment.

\ m· ? the other new l.u out are:?>·??t?? \ .? incc of <»ld Russia. By

F. w. itain. ?. ?., Fellow of All Soul'· » of..l'old.

This i· an historical novel of an episode.«? groat Int. r» -·. aud tre «tory of the falso» /.u ?« told ttiib dramatic force and

I'ublisl ,1 by 1». Appi» ton ft « o.,Sew 1 ork.I'm: m in I'ROPI ?; ? ? ??,?,? I.t

It am,. VVhltby. Published by l>. Apple*II ? » o.. N .tv ? oik.Nonni ?.?G???w Kit ut«, for October

baa some unu-ually Interesting topicaamong il« contenta. " G«·1·??? and the ? rent-/.a «««naia-· ì. a dual theme thai tin

might) word-pugilist Roliert <·. Ingereollbandies with "ungloved band-." and none

..tilt for justice, "Society Women olthe ? ime of » brist," bj Hall Hamilton, i- ßstrange tul.-'-i another Interesting article,

',»1 nilil·'« Miiu/IM. for ·',·!"'.a- al«·,received, contain ? leb ction "t

_: li t. Bhort Storiai and discussi.«us Of the

question· nt tbe dm

? he leali. _ Dally,Th, Ulchraond Tisiua bag moved int«» it*

r.i-tx and loiniimdioiia quarters, i- .iithwcstcornerò) ?? nth and Bank itreete. Abouttbe 15thol tlii» mollili ¡? will be printed in

eigbt-psge form on anew ??? «perfectingIM.es. ?? t ? Timi:» baa ««ine to theIront as ths leadiBg daily of tbe Mate, itis Piled with new» from all «piaiders, amiit ll-w rilt.-u aitivi«·* SB Hi" topics of thelUy. Il i» u ill· »» t ? a.ld tti.it It Is llcliio-,t.??,· to the core. ?. ?.; Ufe and successto the Kichmond Tim»/.». « anipbcll countyBooord.

«iron ?« ? In lOioila. ity.We Botewith ptoasaretbal the RiceHOXO

Tunta baa moved ??«?>. Be. quartera, andwill in a bit dai» 0OBM ««ill as ah eight·pagedally. Thi imi- hi ably edited, aadWill -Up piled W Itti lie IV s It.'Ill» I l'Olii ¡ill let'·Hobs, ami i» grtiwtag m popularity. I'ill-»i Ivania ? ribuae,

Sweetbread croqui ttee with peM atBUI l.e's, Mollila)

l'Ile»: l'ile«! It« hin« l'ile« I

stMi'i"·!»: Moisture; iBteaee Itcblagand stiii-'iiiL·; miai at night: .one '¦·

acratcbtag. If allowedto oOBtinue tumorsi«>im. it inch ««??. p bleed ami olcarate.be·coming ver] sore, flaaj nn*e ointment sto|Bthe itching snd bleeding, !i".ils uloeratlo_bami in iie'-i '¦:«»'»;. .? ree tbe tUB-Ofg. Atdruggists, or bt mail, tot ."*) cents.__l>r.Swat ne & Mon, Philadelphia.Ws hi.v« a »p, ?·'!??«.???? positive cure tor Cu·

tai r... .liplitbei .?. > lik« r Month and Head-»·.p sill I.i »I I s CM AUBII UK.U..DY. ANunal Injector In·.- with each bottle, f»«· ItIf you dei·!,., beali h und ?.? St bieath. I'rlfe,.V) ceni». Sold In llodek« r llrothrr· anilII. M. Wheil.l« a G?.', corner oi Klflli asd Mar·e»iall »trat t«

?p» w er Till· «..mat Ion.WllV do KO Illim.t people lie Kee gglMIld Bg

M-en, to prefer lo Miller und be mude minent-ble by Iudlgestt.il, «'«'litUHllptlou, IMSSinSSS,Lorn ««? Appelli«·. Uomlns Dp ot the ?????V. ¡L.tv skin. Mb, ? tor 75 «'eiila we will sell..hem Mill.,h s.-tslelu V itullzer. gUliruideedto cine them. K«»l*l by Btalekt-r itrolher* andU.M. Bbellda 4 Uo..orner of Kilthai.d M*r-.hull .lieclb.

Many Persona are broken_own írrita overwork or bonaebold care«.Ilrowu'a Iron Bitters Rebuild»the»t »lem, bid« dlgettion, remove· execs· of hü«,and cure« malaria, civt the gcuuuie.


Von wd!l «lo usili«· h'.imr to rciiietnltcr that for the week ciimnin ¡m- H .-M« »Kl!« »Vf,

Mumia V. t.« i««hbi: «'.ni. villi «aetir

.?.e?e _fo_eò.m:a.i__ o_PEi^riisroni our relil'delud »tore.

Bl «·'«L'Hill ni* lb« fact G??? lli'-r« un! ?"· luiiiUr« «I» d ? I»! r» !" 11,. 0\

has I«, ni Hllíililíed for*|a-rlal sab» n« we liellcVe for Hi«· profits bat this week ll'·' t»'ll Bsretgsaaiaed by IBs astea ine ?·· .panses] -Burlasi aha .sassi aa, Basa b) «posa -Sla-sa. of oag potfe«'tl)-i,i lall-·« d sioi« klld til«: lililí,·; ¦!«« nlia»'!·· x an«·!· ¦ f iv.il· »

S%3«w¿/- «S"?**¿-.u-eciÎ. Wfr_>,.' f!j ¦ «5V** f-&??a</.



Oct. 7th and 8thBO « AIM'».

? m: µ 11.id.muy i'Aiu.oK i> isiKirr.ii.i'i.v un. Bl vi iv .Pol OP TUB

>i"i;i. iBeb-BB- -tibe «_____ üa srordi, wmid bevala, Tow apte g-B-t later·

prêt-w·· le lii:.«b· ll eaex f r IB. Ill tod'».' «CBaSS Hile.I, »n.-'x » fall ¡?. ap» libere j.ii, «¡m

handles» well a· lottk at them try lliem «m tilth.Jiit f«aroi!¡:¡. :i;. ,¡ ?.?.«,:

_M to ibe opciiinu TUB8D \v or vv ihm -i» vv. tei Uytoa alti ba rera-sttea«

TheDrsM ««Stooda Depertnsent, tMsUea m ik-In« ? K|»-cial exldblt of tin· I'sris Hr.·».l'allerti», will a«'ll Ihr dollar ?,??,?????l;i..a.lclolh, B_ Im Ins wl,|e, In all lolldcolora, us«·«! no. lot Blasera, ?¦«« kits, ¡mdt«i l««i -1,1:1.I·· aulla, for 7·*>< a ?.-.rd.

H« ni pr« um Brocade it«-« »««? -? ("obit CBab-??? s. noi ? h tbe , for G.' ,.· a ? ¡,?«!

AbOOt .? Hies» l'ai Ici ?» «,f leni dirli. ?«·??··?-e.,|or,d l'b.1,1 end -tilp« Hough »uri:.«·Pei-gea, u«.ni, si and Pli 98 f««r tv.

All of the latest colo.« mid atnple »bride« ofih«- «,??,· dolisi quali») hUk-Onish Hen·rbtUi». 11 Inches ? nie. f. .r 7'*·. a ? ??? «I.

Por Ho*MC W ear, mi.? ·_'? pinas plain andBine) Persa si lOe. s ? ara.

For5He.nyHril.nlKiiit MI pu«·· s l'Inai· rimiStrip's ami tiairoxv rhn-k, nt.d whul not

Hiuiiii! ibis Opening vv.-. k theee aoperbqoalltv !-« i_«'s. »««nd«solora.«all B*oot, soft

and eli·*·· cUnglng in quality, id luche«?? Ida, xx III I"· sol'l for tibe, a jnr.l.

The leni r«iii_h twist.«1 solch Cheviot Justone "(dor, n llgLt bio en mixture, worthti « van!, opening pn«·.· ,V»r.

Solid i.luck -roieii Cheviot, ?* InchM aide,look« like men's eloth, n ¦ yard,

I hitty-eit'ht inrhi's wl«!«· Henrietta ????»|?«·?

Jet black «'aihini'ie, all wool, tvoitli .*><»«·..

¦I 111. price :',~l fi. ? X ani.Th« «?«,l.in quality, l» InebM.ide, sdk tini-i.

jet bieca Henri« un, will be »..id tot 79e, s

yard·Tbe l'io*« Brami «ilk Velvets, sll «colors,

7.?«· vaniIII i« k ai Ik Warp I »rap «l'I· to. ?«·? VV n.

M.-mties, 4d lim! es wide, opening priceI???.

«¦olor» ol silk Velvi t* am! Plush. * lo matchml ih* drcs» ? ¦" ». SO « yard.

I «a opening ire» I only, a nmclal-bought i"tof J'lpnmse I'bl'.-.wnie, rlgbl down the

(.entre alale "f Ibe atoreJapanese Broamstone Tea Pots, irles r han¬

dles, lOOol ibera at I5ceach.?wain Bini non« bei lai» tu e eh.in the Unding between the iir«-t sud -

fi«.-r» tbere ?« an aggregation of Basketsthai il ¡iloti* WOTth a vlsb to the »tor«-.

utile Fancy baskets, ¦'.<·. lo $l....-tap I'.i.k«-'». toe. \n%¿ 40,??.nun, iBkets, IT«· to tl I"Kl'.wei baskets, 15 to BBC.Candy Baiket·,25c. to ?_.i!·salin 1 limi Basket«, I».· top. IO.Lunch Hssketa, 17 io '.«t".

Vb.ik' ? Baskets, 24e. t.. g lu«.< -...tli.-S Uallip.-I«, 11.MI ???.?T.laundry ?ßß?ß?ß, Il in to !'.?<!«Baaket Trunka, f_ 48 t«. .no».?? ,?? ? BBkete, in t" Me.VVi>.,| »HSk.ls 11 lit tof_ !«!·

Inn vv id·· Puttied Lunch liaikets, bcautlfu»,15c .worth 10c.

ino Blandi-· Bamboo \v.>r. Basket·, _' ¡ feeltan, eoa.

.Min llassanks, coi,!,,I unii Unissi Is ami\ .·,·.· t 'a: pet, ·.·.'.« *

Joat seven exquiet's patternBof Valve! Me¬nane l'ari'* Is thai « liei·'11.M) a iar,| W· «111 iBJ» ami lin,· folyou nt 11 90 a vard for order·taki\l

..? ?,, m itj ?,· «urtala Polea, whiteiilld sohl, aiitl.pif li ?/· nil fold.

1»XI «-hit nra .Mat«. ti"t ll·· kind tie hit«beea Belline lor 19e, bal · «-«"««? anellty,it iti, a pattern, uu,· each.

The l-icel llltnlliH hai" had Ilio'e than I'SInew putt« in« added In Ihem this ?t.·!, man] special bargain·.

Real hand iñude Irish point luca Curtains,Benatsanespattern·,"im» a pair, worth«7 .Ml.

Bern Nottlngtaim Curtain·, full length, ns»|)t«ir t«. s.ii foi 11.ta],. worth il.mi.

fciu »ml whit· SOfl Nottingham l.-e I'ur.

tatua, fl.7-, v_.m». HA», ?.7_, 13.1»-,firn» a pair, Hnmii· !» of different pat¬ii rus,

[inttatt.a s-tiiís lami .in, when bard, I »

bard to tell them from lh« real ipsclalpa.it. n ¦ u il .'.u. *? m» and a ? Mi pair

Heal Swiss Iamboor Curtain, band wroughttine net I-··.u.? Kantaaquin, tt- | atti 111 -t. ? ; 50,11000,11-, ·". 11 ·*» .< h ».

. 17.mi and i.'.·. .u a pair.m cunt"! for in·' eel« "i N< on»,BinaliWare·, ami Pre.maker·' ?'.mil-

is ... inn. h attention m- again enlltour attention t«· tome Items.

.siik Qartei u.i«, solid retors, il··, for apl.'CC

-»ilk linl.rold.rc.l (.arid Web, lîc.silk Btltched s.-uni lllnding and Bead«Hur, '_·''.«·. und 35c | ?. «-.-

e· hu,-, «? Ik Hook an By» ? ipe, _5e. a yardChamóla akin It« «s shield«, 8»c. ¦ pair.

Tape,won'l twtal in washing, allwidths, Se. a roll.

Kiri.v Beads, Maintins, S ? bo«Kin t- Beads, Bla· k Pina, 10c. ·· box,? ?» lot I;ijli should» I». ·"·«·.:«.»In» PaittolW, ?? ? ichW 1rs 'oat-Hangers, Oc each.Bed ? mbroldered Initial i« tt ira, ¦ -Mud-

?,.,\ t"i toe.Leather I_otoe;rnpb Kram.Home Kh'-ain Leather Photo Kram

and 7~e.ai, I Cabinet ir·· Photo I

UN·.Borne new, pretty i|. «i-iis in liras« Photo

liâmes, [oe.While lmlutloii »? Unioni »ahn

l'hot«. I- lai«.,

A ??» '¡al hu of ?·?«.?. -i ..·,· liack-IIand "·Ib.eOc it«e toi 'J·'..·.

furling Irena beating Iron separate?: i¡. - nu .Vie. T«. Militatile,·.

th-Bniahea, toe.; Baby Brnsbea,ISe.

? iii-lMi-tiHi; Brushes,??,.· kind t- tbe kltcben, Us·.\ one for ?.'·.·.a « bit.· hair mixed one, 35e.A pure white on«

'III« Veneered I 1 .i'h· s I'.rilall. ll*·he fine ß?? llotbe· iiruab«·» mr toe

¦. K.fiesl Imported Cloth« s i;ni«h. ».HOC an I 7'r»".

-sin,died Beading, 8e. a piece.Bed mid Ulm· l'callmi-Min m «I Heading, 11«'

|«r, .» \l e-.'b ». ",,'. a ||, /eil.

Kubber Contra .·.»»·?? one stamped, iiuscomb win ?.«· exchanged n n bri

. ?«..· within ««p.· y.-ni. 1 *·*!; only _.V.. a- b.

tern for -t· (Tombs; tin·best r children sad ladiM with thickhair. I'««

Making butiAt the Button ount, ? thi re la ? ?« cullei

litt'·· maehtae which will makeaiButton from anj kind ol cotton, wool,sill: or linen ciotti or braid. Tbe younglady will gladly show i"u how elmpio 11t« I.« make a l erb Cl bullón. VVmachine we can niekeyoui bottone fi.the »¡mn· material aa your dree», tberebyensuring you with n iurte, t match.

IL«· ?. ·????»? not ?.verlo«.kedwhen you xi»!t the itore p ?» dividetlInto four sreat soctloni Millinery, Cutl ms, Curtiilns, ¡mu ??

Kor opening week, Window Shades, 3 feelwi«!«·, «i le. ! I- m·, mad. ,«n tb.· I..»! patentaprtug-relli ?», all "I re, Iaui, gre« ua,browns, p Is, with frtnRc to match «?-

actif ready for anybody to putup, :13c,?, wbleh Includi a cord, natii

«.? i\thing.Beautiful colored Mata «ritti sheepaktn bor¬

ii.-?», brighi blu«·, bright red, brin; «

low, p m-' ! '» each.You know we have been Belling ieveral| I

tern- .,? .'.«>. arp« ? ir tl»· it yard, so l««r

log ?» «'« l: vv«- bave aid, «I 9 m ?? potterni ¡«? ¡17c, a yard

Tilt CLOAK l'I PARI MBNThaa Joined hand with all of ih« other il

ami »hOW« Com píete ¦.»».tlln.ni» b!»w. k.

V -,.« elei thlug: 518 ? «? >ak», im

IH,, alike, a p? ??.pG??.???:, » »an.?¡t Testa to 1ßyears, Bllooticelvabl« kin«i»,t. ?« -1... g-.,?. inn prices tange from

.· IO lo I uiChildren's ll. ¡<\? Reefer, gilt braid trimmed,

tvli.t« u« ¡gbt, li.25,

All-Wool t..m?- hcvloiConnemaraa,wimatta end·, worth 117 JO* opening price,|H ...

? going to mS.'t».

An VI Wool I'Lim me. p.-it. ,t u t Mack,$.'>.nn«· with Lapel Vesta, bound. I ·

???'.??'. I'etibb·.t,.«., bou it n ;·> p and

ui«·- th BumM -4.

VV'«· will be v. ly bUBJ MlllBg G???« s. l«oi, I

x inn flota «'ape. alidore,bra .tod. as

Bliick Astra, ban Cloth Cape, high «lucenAn· ¡collar, 15 n«. \\ »i ii« 1*7

silk »? al I'ltlBh aI"'. »all', lined high collar.$*i. Silk end eroi-bi-tt-il t'ap<·, fOl liiouri.-

tngor t-Lb-iix idi« », lluDon't yon overlook the Perfum

?? nu«l Jes« ma hen >oucome in tb« it« re ? b« »· are

ilit.-r. »t i" he !:..!:«¦» .-.ml ?«·?.t

io more th in now. Cul leIng opening wi ok.Ulvcerlne «Soap, durine opening week,l·.1 ,«· :, cake.

Tbe elegant, refreshing ?·) Kun »¦

rak«· during opening ?? k.Hand pi I

Soap .'.¦ B "il- tin.Koep,vailom ? «cented, Vnpte ??1?*µ«·?.?.Ktder i-'i"-.t. Vi ornaiClover, during opening week, 8e a cake

llgHte*·, t!:e ?.,·.? .111 »pi 11.

kle-tojj bottles. Violet, Heliotrope,mere Bouquet, I· iu de Cologm

?·.. 15 ·, a boti le during up u-

Ing week? ..«»? tbe iin«¦-¦

very large sir«·, toe.50 dosen Blue and Fink Metal Powder-Fuff·

? '\. », it«·, dui ing «-k.

BOI ? -I'vi'id; 111 nu·: i«»i m>,««I · I BBdStSM

UctsvoNo'. »I/.«'.« 'onilm¦¦'¦ -1 ils*

Inen, vv bite Unen ?? Itti' linwith, nt lines, i:'" ? ?·· t Le·!. Paper,Of ill k.?.pound; welgbetl lad.? our, ? ¦·» I

ei Intnalit«H t- u prefer 11 bj the i-««\ we bave a won·!,

Linen I" .,lilsh f ,? ??. ?? ?·; ? an Kn


I li-i-i« I'ap.-r nil H\ l"i .¦-.

I'·; ?- fioiii FBI -Ixl

J"ixlii-LS __YCe;5re:r & Sons,Dry Good«! Carpets, Md millinery. «Sixth ziri l-r««,..

il.Olili Mi.

ll'itJ a MI ".' *"'i '·

/·««:;· ß ·/ ?? dea'» /'«a/· ''·¦'«

'riu: ·»< mì'iwi.nu' / «Lomi.s.

ish ii road to Ibe .lu·velili.- Fashion) .«f me worldIhreugb "ur stock and tin·. tolI-KBta s make Ughi d··-li"

n«, ,,f tin- new» »t ihlngNai be \ l.-l-l-1'n.Nl .-I ITS..Ml llsei from ?·« .'·?|? ?

??,· ? pul "i; pantanil tlbin enough iporl ¦ |i nu·

I,« «S 1 Ine M »ill ll II t ai -

M1**H il- ?· ? palai ti-· haveill'' ma.¡e Ile in In plain ami

CALI IN fane« eft*«cu not to be want·11.\ Ing lu whnl you re III(d ? call !"i-,»** ????ß).???1 VV'C Import nil "iu II ?:-? ?

?>?:?· \hi- «? ??- because iheMINI- work Iu tills line »..la« lo ??«

li, a Iteti« more cu dliable. AnyKl'i.li \ I. way, Ihe novelilei tske bet-Yui'K t«i. ??») slae all sia ¦ iWAMS !» -,,-iih · «. -U to ???

in There m· more boye In tbe11; \i ichooli «? , Hulla

HIKE» ll.in tumi lho_s from Bnjr otherstore .ml il·» Hon. HO

- In the world but the qualiliiand lb.· pria 1 hese are iwo

1 IIKiu - ¦,, controvertible argum· nts.,.? MIAMI I ;: .Ml »tt I,·« plain or plaited' l.l-.Vi Kin,··..-l«. KIIUBT PANTH

I.N l-._0 tollS li'.N·· ??? ?¬

? VI Bl - IO 1-6. And th.- l..,i-n.M. well, .hm ? ti,·-.«· ¦' »*o theyami will all along. Watch th»

\ we ir of th.*.-'.BAVIN- u ?,nn it com» » lo DIH -.«

IN » l ||- the Ol c thin.s you li.'M tee u u make roui ··.«-·.

itti u oat -»l\«.i.r. and- POI I'd.I 1:1,1.AMI.I' SA« ?HI 11.-. CI IAH AY HI 11-,

?????-??- ai '«f* I l*."i k BUI IH, VA!,?¡NOM it'i a wonder to u« u? m. Imaginative gentili liaan t

«.? µ?: r, ,,. d it» limit <>f design,u Ai Whnl could be more tasty,

moi.· genteel, iban the crea-- li"is tinte gol on halli! to

.bOB ?? H ' ?'?????» Dp toNOVI 1.1 II S u ,?. Hint's «??,·

\\n ?,« u'.sctUeil weaihei-i t-t'lMItli Cool - with the mi

?; »»??- ilaya Baudwlehed In loo fie[aOAl>__- fluently. Bui It. Ibe change

it 11 ll ??., ? demanda Uie extra pnid ? cauti ? «Make II ? KKKH ?:

f AlllV Ifyou want aomelblng nobby;\Ni. a LIGHT w ? ii.ii ? n\ y u-

l.H-ii IN lili COA1 p you preferii MoreHi than ciioii-h of both tOgtVI

(il H von n satisfai t«.; ? si l.-.-lnn;.I'KH't.-, II,,· I Ml I'.WI ?? anil

K.M-iü.Ni.s genenUly-I- icjiniitly, ion kti'.n tout

Boi « um e t.. take tbe men's¦mail s;r.s- Nul llkl.K-\\ e te a «I. Ilille <|, part·lii.iit -lock« ,1 « Uh th.plenty of generous selection.nil Biadi fot th' iV,i/i Ih, i/i-

MI It I WAlHThconn· under tins iiciid Don'tforget our nenal big vartetj.

? perfect itock 'perle?« marked f"i borent to ut

iroiii-.'i "hs,kits" io lookIhioii-h.

.-.Ik- \M. ? ...M1ANVi m. w.'i-i.i· - BttrT in otta) wroui

km»;: m un µ?:?·:??

in. « iu .AM.


»II.D ???????.?·: OF l'I'.It K- lll.-liiK».I.

III!. ld.il.INI. IN IHK l'Hill-: i.K ICKTBI i\t -?

?.? ? r.vnui.N-

Iti HAVK IHK ??·\ ANl.Vi.l

?'.??.Y Uli. 111.-? i.KAliK M Ml

ICH (III.AM ?.?» U ATI-.U ICK.??.M) PER i;ai.i...n

si'K» IAI. l'ltli'Ks ?· »It I.AK·.I


l'l/./lMs.t. I«. Hl'liKI

.it 111! ii.th.-iUJltl G?·|,? id«««·.

cILARANCE A. MARSHALLMusical linel««i M«-ail A »social ¡on

il liott r.a it to usuine

??>??.????<»?1? V» »l AL ll I.Tlillat his rooms, corner ..i

Km IUH AM» UtANKI.I.N slKl.kl-

oicr Wmium's ??.??.????.·.

Baerà, I lai _. m «uhi«·.Bata,aal.. ;·. u_r_

FI.OWKRlNt. Hl l.l'.H.

(CHÍNESESACKED NARCISSUS, ORJ 01????.\_, l.l ?.? ?.-» ? « » ? K.I. ani»

ß?a?t???. ?. fi.owki_-.. ibe batta, _h.ni. dlu ahail.>w ?,oi« is tilled with totali |..?.?,|(·»ami «niter, lu....m In from four to in ·*<·.·_->

? ine lot of Hull,», Just received ami for nal

at ? W. W»»_l»_HUNK'MkKlisi(iiti-,oc.V6t Iticliiuond Vn.


Have fut /./- usar* of an thai on

: MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6th and 7th.They will have a

Grand Opening of Pattern Hats and Bonnets for Fall Wear.THIS GORGEOUS DISPLAY OF MILUNEMY NOT ONL\ INCLUDES

IMPORTED DESIGNS,the .imiei if ei'iiing·; of foreign markets, but also thi /«rn [ucftoni of the 11 «f talent ichi ·'« ?/? co r own work¬

room, when mill·, found a corps ofTHE FINEST ARTISTS INOUR LINE OF BUSINESS.

Inspired by th* »ucee*» nei it ved bg ut in the post in the output of EXi 'LUSTVE NOVELTIES IN MILLIappreciating thi satisfactory results obtained by thou ande of patrone, we have be«,« prompted and emmah»it greater effort thi» teason than ever before to how a larger and mort varied line. OurAjvyerhtujui re I froParis, when he une successful in obtaining many new and choia designs, and tn ean safely a it fear of contra

diction or doubt Hint Ol Ii DISPLAY WILL Hi: UNSI RPASSED, and will contain many at ¦¦· ? ? te to '/.

of Riehmond, "ll of whom wt cordially Invite to our great exhibit TO MORROW AND TUESDAY.

Th* tarii ty of UNTRIMMED HATS now in nur large stablishmet > wa* «¡. «¦· r greater than now, and al

F__.81_IIOIV-_.BLE GG???31.\???<_»-<,Buch a* /fir«/.«. Tip*, Phone*, Aigrett**, R*bbon*, tn tin- FINEST silk and VELVET, and in all new »had*», ean befoundtu onr showTHE 8T0CK18. infact, TOO TREMENDOUS to admit of anything lilu enumeration in a newspaper advertisement

Each department has it» own peculiarly fascination for the feminine eye, and we are better equipped now to cater to all

tasi**, however fattidioue, than per before in th« history of our »tore, which, as the older Richmonaere know extend* ov*r

a period of sum·: years, and with our large and efficient fore* of salespeople, ire feel quitt able to cope with the largestcrowd which may visit nur placa.Again extending a hearty welconu to tht iodi*» of Richmond, Manehetter, an I the vicinity to atti nu on,· grand MiUii · nj

opening, Very letpectfutkj,

KAUFMANN & CO.. 401 East Broad St,tl« ???? S VI. KM. -Future 1>.??·.


VI 1 -? 1.11 l.iN FOB l.V A.

A «.111 VI I V IM'.


M Villi BOB LOTS «»VV M ? BT Ml».

CHt-KAPI IKE »XDOlliODK« tldil'MIlM«'«»Ml ANY

vv I I'M.M'Ai. OCTUBKB ??. l-i«'.

v. il Cllftou Forsje I* practically a ?"he-peaks and tibio ?? iiiw ?? Company low,,;

? o. Bailwaj ¡» parent to tbe town, taEstherlni it, and will nie sll Uii means toin;«i.·- u n pros] ··!· as eltjr. n- - -

¦urea. ? ?, is bow ¡t:.· ratttoaul «bops aadear acras. Rolling mil», pine «..nn andother c-uierpilbi* experte·!. It lathe end of

¦vim.,1 I «.f tbe «' -V <». Umili.?«¦i. w« " «p.·, bere, ? Belve bnndred t«l.*-«i raen to be employed In railroad shop*.indoli tram* t'opul.-itioii ««I ««¦»« ml IbOU·.aiiii p.-opic BSinred in s fea reara ? -

tloauok* ?» ¡? railroad town amt n mmaking potBt. IBs Al'oona «·? p.·--

: ¦ donated, aid extended, and lowfrelcfatraw * will be offered to deserving enbHoi. >.r.· on tn.· property in aieal abundance,dot ex«·· ¡i« ntqnatltj '«·!..¦ ai. ? on cium·

M-vei-tl !r«.n Im uii.-i » In mi« CBBBlul "p.aiton. a prosreselve manufacturing point¡.mi a prosperousaad [popuiou* city saearedHi·· town now on ß bla boom, m.v beineai «?«- ibi ¡«Hi. liimdrt ds ot bouaea 11 .-.-.?.-, ¡,tonce. Mc.'LmiH-s, «carpenter«, inaaons, etc.,«.an Mud employaient, Just tbe puree for -«ast-ae«. «? ¡ui kind».Alt.'ini Ihe salt· of ¡«?« , ?,??.??t 15th. buy a

I'll- Iota and iloiilde your BBOBSJ» ?? a fellut ini nient* made here ¡n< · ·

Intel) si.f,-Ail ii«·»·. foi pamphlet! ami ? BJ

KAKI.i: Al Ol'BT A ?>«»?·?\ IN,A-ent* of the l'In *ap«-ake ami « 'h'.«> Devi Lp-meal Oompaaj net ?-H-ut




Ill« ¡l.vi"M>|\ v.

?»??·»?>: 7SÎ.

THE PALAIS ROYAL,117 ____._-X Iil-<âvVI».


Opening oí Our New Wrap Department.tall.-li tbe ¡aiiÍe p-irlors aij.iv.· oui slol-c.ai. ? ll Ml tbi I» op as a I'lOB- Hep run :¦' 11· i·

mil Cad a latto aaBortaienttof I adlea' Cape·, t'oau, Sswn - ? Clot b.

I'lii-li. niel I'm, and I'hillicu s l;,-e|ei«. ,...·«. and Long I III fi "idlallv united

tOO »111 tlinl our slyi· « and ¡ ·

CAPI.». ?? tCltl ? «

«Jspassrs verj Btyltsh |n*i now, snd ate

Inai ubai ?« w;nit«'.| for tlie preeenl weather.We bave oar immense >t<>«k i<> ibowatourpopubn I'-xx priée« t'be few Item* blechad at ran-lona irom «««u »-"<-k«liai our populei pi lees are, We ebow:At St «i- Pratt ¡back Astrachan «'ap··. lined

with fanner laUn,ai $·_·.*» ? stra-4.? üirui. AstiaeBaB, llaed

wlih Quei tanner latin«Vt 13.50 Very Handaome HI.irk Astraehan,

I».ill!.-.I Iront, ill!, d With 1. ile ¡H' Ul" 'piali·1x »atI n.

At 8i soueantn* Heal Pinata Came, altb loag|M.int from, very bamtooinelj lined,

vt |s ??.«?,,?·.· m«· A itracban, with real»bou?,i.-i» trimmed with paasemenB rie.

it MAO licititi fit «¡nit A»'ruchan.At »t -learning -in« network of dull ¡el

it IS liiis.elileultrle »II K, olimi of dull «ilk;oatlively worth -m.

? · »l_ i.ix ?·!?·-·;???? sij I.·» in I'l.'.ili and.lian.

At jhi Baal Black latrachaa I si.»?-?'???t ? ii. JatKBaTl ??« ki ,».

n. mo well-lilt ui-' «liiril«!«·, or eco-

noinlcalae tbeaejasfcets and ibejr sre never«mt ..t style. We bave ?.gnlsad theeetacts,¡md laid m a lärm- assortment, WeaboinAI I.1.7Ô a Handsome All-Wool Doable-

Breasted Jaekst, boand silsroond.At ?l M» mill vekl frolli, ???^?? »hOlll his,

bound with bruiti.Ititi niaaur »tyie, altb vast froat,aad Bsja

ihooldenAt it blaser style, front trimmed m it it

Irani, military »?? ?«·, aeparate \.--t.At Irt to 911 ?«'! ? bainIsolile eitle·,, Bifle* 39

io u I

tt IS IBeaver, Plaid and rwilletl

? ?« i r ·

ti uh ant tt filoni t .si fronts,\- ··. ? ? Bough I

I'liet lot ! for.?· ..... ttavtot,

\' e, It) !·-, H,th V.-st ?..

k11.1ll?? M ·.·· ¦, m»

beaver, «·¦ mmed ·.«uh ¡ larkek ..ml Una ·? gir·

d , coal from it un ».para'· ·, est.Al Im 11.nu«,.ne Kesl -«'al l'tusli ?.

Al II ? Baal -· >. r - "-

ni. Iso ?· l'Insti Jacket·nini ? .· u«.

. Hil.HKl.N | «I BAI «

I \,

« «Ivlcii ani lea ptkMB t.igu »il-

ireiiic here,.| i'I.ll.li.-t, »tot·!

??·-.-?.·!·*, irimuic.i In gilt braid,ala·\ ... had!· » ll.iiidsoiii,

Loris si·Al «Vi.·".«» Mis·.-- Bandi « Wool «Talk*

Ina Jacket·, « se· 1_ te 1- t.-ars

\l » .'.,? ? ¡l-ll,.ol, tua,.mal liouldc-llrcHSt-e,| Peefei Jeekela, 1. lo Ift-reaia,

.Ut·'»·*··· V.-rv llaii.lvuuc Ail-iA <*«1 RiaverWaiking Jackets trtnmsd «ritti blackAstrachan ?? velvet, sta·· froaaltta II

At P) Very Htyllsh Ali \\ .«I lini,? ?.?????ß,?ßai ¿t ?·· Ilo Vary Uantlaocaa ? "ais

THE PALÀIS BOTAI. 117 E. Broad St.

AMüftiM Birra.

\?????t \c.\i>KMY or nàsici|:«??-?,? ? MrrB*. leu«.·.«« sod ??????")«

ss» ! mm <i¡ t. p?,?.?????» -AU Id'lV VI VI IBI

And Her ExcellentMusical Comedy Co

Inn riivtiu UM ?"'.1·«·»'!".: I. »'·p_.??»?·· ?


III- ?. G l*«"il


vv ¡?.? ? wi »i i.i f BB,V V SVI Ml ?¬

IIX1 alBCI.AIB,\ BI1 ¡? v·.

??? ? s BARI BOB »Utili,IKI.-NK IIKIIN VN.)! /

AMI» VIANV "lili I.-

VV li VV A V

rickets on ss '-1·


?: ? ? R A.

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take» ?¦!.·,»,-.? In sun unelng ih«·

engsgeaaenl here on

MONDAYllfDTUBS_)AYETBNIÎf08«? |? 'III It !.¡ni VBO Hin.



p? E W ? ? ? : ?: «.-i i: i ?

Ilaatlon i« m

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blCHMOND ???ATRIlili IN, I! .·.


HILTON ?« «p? I¦».


piny >el Wl Hielt by nil X

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m»! he pn «ent« u 11¦? "i.i-i'ii un ititli««n-«-.it·:»

ll l¡. Il.ixi. -, bl» ?- · Vi Al I I It I»

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1)1« ??????? THEATRE.lints. II ?

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thi Or» .u mollVI ll.l I V XI Iti I'M" ?


Mir».·» BEATRICI ¡? ?:

ami un . iipi'.iix In lili .



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1 »' 111* II, IS A l'HIV 1 I I. 1 Will.*,U in b : '¡.lisi, lumi In », I.hIIii,

Ire«! MI**M A *¦. ? ti .. V

STED, P! PIL8 ?? G???Y> »N - ¡.l'i ¡TIN i


ottici·. . l.-lni

G ANTED. A LADYre» «? «.-'lion ni

IKM III.. fan

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*\i\ ¡? i; »u ire. -THI ! S1TJ D·)' ' « V.SD HI II l'I m. COM·wi ...'¦ '» roi ? .«:¦ limit« il nun


num. payable ? ?¬

? , from »,? üle¬ti

data "i ti,.-? '-.-?« iti ·


Of t.'U p.

turn t«« tim »ii per cent. p. t annum

111, a.nomi, Va. .im

W.NTED M -JNE8S ? NI» PROK-BI1 'S VI. MIN In ?... ?, b« bui ibe Bf MI '¦

i-i VM' x.1.1» i V l'I Vi bll ru. _*ol lift. ?l III .1 ?? 1» tb, ?·, si for

¡llx ol work «nil ?,Mili¬to!.Ill,u- <»X> "toll*

o ib-iiio!«-!!.·:· Ita iu|?« |. in.» t

.G? Ions I'll «l'Ilei» 'in·!? e XI

I'tillin ?* John ?; ? ?. ?? r» ?,

tUeiokl. Sortii caro-


U1ÑTED Bl Ñ G vv mi

I Franklin il

WAN ?» G? \ BTRICTLT G.?¡? BAI ', " V«, V! t t I »Ilion ??«

ol hotel « es! ol li !·?

I HAVE BEEN .PPOINTED EX1 ¡u»i\. deader In

It'll, Wl,· limanifold* au



Jiill.N ll l.l'l PKK..»I'.· ?

tt.it «?.?.d, V ?.

G BACCO AND C10AR8!lock fi. m u .· crop "f «'· ·

t ··! a . II. n land. *»ll|>pl>

C1UAI II make Un- : ?· r lay in

y,,ur-U|J. I. ·, \ 11 tt,,.,i.

.1«. ? .. .1 ? iu 1

|17ANTTOCALL8PeC--_L 4TTEN-V V U« u ««Í t!.«·»«· ttli«. n.¦¦¦ I |'l. \ ?

·'·'*· -?- UVA ru(ll-.«.,r -H't k- fori.KKKN?··! «i.«.aSa lliose abo nuli to cul'lvat«\t vii.1; ili n - laal bloom frota .primi t..? ill.and tur.,? g ß a·? Ice an

M. B, · A 11.IN.7-1 south Laurel -tre»·., on

Ki.cr Btét l**rfc. |

HTIl.ti in m; -l«il ??.

_: ? ? \m ? ??: s ? ui.i'.n -osi: «·_-__>->? ?«»??ion -¡'.ini; ?-? i»i-\.iii»a_____amonths black, witb wini·· «·,I.rsi.it. IIms on a itiiiiiiioii ifulher culler. Aliberal reward aitow-d .Or sut informelleading t«. lu recovery, rtruisr win ·>1«*_*«*..avesaiueal -? .west Marahall ·??·«·?

,a-ft.lt \t II BEX EHI li. ? ta

SFIKITI'ALISM.l>|{. llt-NKY si.iiu- the eelebraKd kl.

Hum, will lecture MUNDA1 iH-roaaa &»b.st io:_o o'clock, al Mmltb'e fl_.ii (Ceatrsl·,Killli »trc«-l. >ii..|*»cl: ? ?. Joy» siiti S. ,ti,»,

,.? a \|.Unin, and lU-w 1 llersms Ou«...c5it 3«r..