joe griffin gospel’s missionary journey · 2see griffin, one day at a time(2013, 2017), pages...

Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey Edited by John Cameron Smith GOSPEL’S MISSIONARY JOURNEY JOE GRIFFIN

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Page 1: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and

Joe Griffin


JourneyEdited by

John Cameron Smith




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Page 2: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and



Page 3: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and

“For it is by [God’s] grace you have been saved, through faith [in Christ] — and this [salvation] not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works [effort], so that no one can boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9)

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JourneyEdited by

John Cameron Smith

St. Charles, Missouri

Page 5: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and

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There is no charge for any material from Joe Griffin MediaMinistries.AnyonewhodesiresBibleteachingcanreceiveourpublications, disks, manuscripts, and Web services withoutobligation.GodprovidesBibledoctrine,andwewishtoreflectHisdivinegrace.Joe GriffinMediaMinistries is a graceministry and operatesentirelyonvoluntarycontributions. There isnoprice list foranyofourmaterials.Nomoneyisrequested.WhengratitudeforGod’sWordmotivatesabelievertogive,heisprivilegedtocontributetothedisseminationofBibledoctrine.

ThisbookiseditedfromthelecturesandunpublishednotesofJoeGriffin.JoeGriffinMediaMinistries1821SouthRiverRoadSt.Charles,©2017byJoeGriffinMediaMinistries.Allrightsreserved.ProofreadingoftextbyGlendaSharbono.CoverdesignbyCindyRawlins.Nopart of this publicationmaybe reproducedor transmitted in anyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical, includingphotocopy,recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher.Unless otherwise noted, Scripture is taken from the NEW AMERICANSTANDARDBIBLE®, Copyright© 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972,1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used bypermission. Someverseshavebeenexpanded(EXT)tomoreliterallyreflecttheoriginalHebrewandGreeklanguagesincurrentEnglish.PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.ISBN0-9760775-8-2

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iiiCONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vPreface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi1--Gospel’sJourney,EuropeApostlePaul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3RomanEmpire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5Ulfilas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5MartinofTours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6ReligionofIslam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Patrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Columba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9Columbanus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Boniface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11Cyril&Methodius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12Ansgar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12EricTheRed&LeifEriksson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132--Gospel’sJourney,AmericaIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15MartinLuther. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19Zwingli&Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193--ClientNationstoGod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-214--ProtestantChristianity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-245--PivotCrossestheAtlanticPivot’sTheology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-28Pivot’sEstablishment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29DoctrinesinFoundingDocuments:DivineProvidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30LawofGod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

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ivDoctrinesinFoundingDocuments(cont’d):EqualityUndertheLaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31InalienableRights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-32DelegatedPowers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-34ChecksandBalances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35

InnocentUntilProvenGuilty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36RighttoBearArms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37

PrincipleofPrivacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39SeparationofChurch&State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-44Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446--DoctrinalConclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-50

AppendicesIntroduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-52A--JesusChrist,Lord&Savior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-56B--FiveCyclesofDivineDiscipline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-58C--LawsofDivineEstablishment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-60D--RelationshiporReligion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-63E--PfefferianInversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-66

IndicesScriptureIndex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67SubjectIndex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69

BiographiesAboutTheAuthor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70AboutTheEditor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

BiblicalMandateResponsibilityofbelieversasroyalambassadors istorepresentGodtheSon,JesusChrist,beforeman:


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vINTRODUCTION The ratificationof ourDeclaration of Independencefrom Great Britain occurred over 240 years ago.Thereafter, the American people have benefitedfrom the most extraordinary period of prosperityever experienced by mankind since the Garden ofEden.ThemajorreasonforthisprosperitywastheinculcationofBibledoctrineinthesoulsofcitizenswhofreelybelievedbyfaithaloneinChristaloneastheirpersonalLordandSavior.TheebbandflowofhistoryiscontrolledbyChrist.The principleHe uses to prosper or curse a ClientNation isthesizeof itsPivot.1 Thus,whereverthelargest gathering of spiritually advancing believersexists in history is where the greatest degree ofprosperity and divine blessing occurs. NationalprosperityfirstexistedintheJewishClientNationofIsraelunderthereignofKingDavid, followedlaterby Gentile Client Nations throughout Europe, andeventuallyintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.ThisbookhonorstheinfluenceofspirituallymaturebelieversthroughoutworldhistorybyrevealingthefaithfuleffortsofdedicatedChristianmissionariesinthe Gospel’s journey from the Apostle Paul in thefirstcenturyA.D.topresent-dayAmerica.

JoeGriffinSt.Charles,MissouriApril20171 Seepages20-21andtheSubjectIndex,page68fortheexplanationofClientNationsandtheirPivots.

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PREFACE If you are a believer in the Lord and Savior JesusChrist, thenbeforebeginningyourBiblestudy it ismandatory that you name your sins directly andprivatelytoGodtheFather.

If believers confess their known sins totheFather,Heisfaithfulandrighteoustoforgive their sins and to cleanse themfromallwrongdoing,includingunknownorforgottensins.(1John1:9)

Accordingly, you will be filled with God the HolySpirit in fellowship with God the Father, and thusspirituallypreparedtolearnBibledoctrine.

Godisspirit,andthosewhoworshipHimmust worship in the filling of the Spiritandbiblicaltruth.(John2:24)


HewhobelievesinChristhaseternallife;buthewhodoesnotobeythecommandtobelieveinChristshallnotseeeternallife,but is condemned to the Lake of Fire,foreveralienatedfromGod.(John3:36)

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GOSPEL’S JOURNEY, EUROPE TheinsertionintohumanhistoryofourLord’sministryfollowed by the introduction of the Church Age2 isreferredtoas“ ”(Gal.4:4a).Althoughthe firstmissionary effortswere directed toward theJewishpeoplebytheApostleJames,thisverserevealsthatGentileswouldbeincludedbyGodinaworldwidemissionary outreach as His Client Nations.3 The firstClientNationwastheRomanEmpire,anautocracythatdefended the freedom of missionaries to evangelizepeoplesandnationalitieswithinitsborders.APOSTLE PAUL (ADc.5–c.67)Missionary outreach activity is the link betweenNewTestament apostles and teachers, and the Protestantchurch inAmerica. Themost successful ApostlewasPaulwhowascommissionedtoministertotheGentiles.

IshouldbeaministerofChristJesustotheGentiles,ministeringasapriestthegoodnewsofGod,thattheofferingconsistingofthe Gentiles might become acceptable,havingbeensanctifiedbytheHolySpirit.(Rom.15:16EXT)Iwillnotpresumetospeakaboutanythingexcept what Christ has accomplishedthroughme, resulting in obedience of theGentiles to God by word [Gospel] and byoccupation[missionary].(Rom.15:18EXT)

2 SeeGriffin,OneDayataTime(2013,2017),pages91-92.3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation,education,anddisseminationofHisWordthroughouttheworld.

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2Paul conducted fourmissionary journeys, the first toAntiochlocatedinAnatolia(present-dayTurkey).ThisareawasheavilypopulatedbypeoplewhomtheGreekscalledCeltsandtheRomanscalledGauls.4Thisethnicgroup migrated from the British Isles and settled inAnatoliawheretheybecameknownastheGalatians.

On his secondmissionary journey, Paul extended hisGospelministrybytravelingfromAnatoliatopresent-dayMacedoniaandGreeceontheEuropeancontinent.PaulwasseekingpositivevolitionsinceamajorityofJewshadreactednegativelytowardtheGospelofChrist.Thisjourney outside Israel was a critical event inWesterncivilization sincePaul ventured intoEuropewhere theGentileswerereceptivetotheGospelofJesusChristandHisorthodoxChristiantheology.

By the power of signs [to the Jews] andmiracles[totheGentiles]inthepoweroftheHolySpirit;sothatI[Paul]fromJerusalem,on a circuit as far as Illyricum ['IllurikÒn (Illurikón)5], Ihavefulfilledthegoodnews[Gospel]ofChrist.6(Rom.15:19EXT)

4“Celt”:divisionofearlyIndo-EuropeanpeoplewhorelocatedfromtheBritishIslesandSpaintoAsiaMinor.AmodernHighlandScot,Irishman,Welshman, Cornishman, or Briton” (Merriam-Webster’s CollegiateDictionary,11thed.,s.v.“Celt”).5 RomanprovinceofsoutheasternEuropealongtheeasterncoastoftheAdriaticSeaandwestofMacedonia(SpirosZodhiates,gen.ed.,TheCompleteWord Study Dictionary: New Testament, rev. ed. [Chattanooga: AMGPublishers,1993],773),anareabelievedtoatleastpartiallyrepresenttheformercountryofYugoslavia.6 SeeAppendixA–JesusChrist,Lord&Savior,pages53-56.

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3WhenPaul crossed theHellespont, he leftAsiaMinorandtheMiddleEastandenteredEuropewiththeGospelmessagefortheGentiles.ThemissionaryemphasisnowofficiallychangedfromtheJewstotheGentiles.

ThatIshouldbeaministerofChristJesustothe Gentiles, ministering as a priest thegospel of God, that the offering of theGentiles might have become acceptable,having been sanctified by theHoly Spirit.(Rom.15:16EXT)


By their acceptance of orthodox doctrine, the RomanCatholicChurchprovidedtheearlyimpetusforsuccessfulmissionaryactivityduringthe1,000yearsfollowingthefallofRome.TheseyearswereknownastheMiddleorDarkAges,animpoverishedandcorrupterainhistory.

ROMAN EMPIRE (c. 31 BC – c. AD 476) The Nicene Creed was formulated in AD 325 in Anatolia that represented a doctrinal statement seeking to clarify orthodox doctrines of the Christian faith. Individuals could be guided to orthodox churches that endorsed the doctrines of the Nicene Creed. From such churches came the early Christian missionaries who evangelized many of the peoples and nationalities inhabiting the countries and regions of Europe.

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4This orthodoxy remained unchanged until the 6th century when a controversy arose between the Latin and Greek regions of the Greco-Roman world. The argument originated over whether the Holy Spirit was provided to Church Age believers by God the Father or by both the Father and God the Son (John 15:26). This conflict, identified as the “Filioque Dispute,” was never resolved between the two factions, resulting in a separation within the church. The Eastern Church endorsed the erroneous belief that the Holy Spirit was provided by only God the Father, while the Western church supported the orthodox doctrine of procession (succession) from both the Father and Son. This schism eventually resulted in the founding of the Greek Orthodox Church in Constantinople, Turkey.

In the years following Pope Gregory (c. 540-604), the Catholic Church increasingly deviated from orthodoxy causing widespread corruption and apostasy. This decadence within the Church occurred under several popes, most notably Pope Zacharias (679-752). In summary, Catholicism attempted to integrate pagan festivals, rituals, values, and beliefs with Christian orthodoxy, and persecuted or on occasion killed those who failed to accept this newly created religion.

With declining Roman military power, the Germanic Lombards became a serious threat to

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5the Roman Empire. These people were ruling northern Italy when the Lombard king, Astolf, invaded the papal territories. Pope Zacharias sought protection from these invasions from Pepin the Short (714–768) who was the “power behind the French throne.” The Pope promised Pepin that if he helped in his battle with the Lombards, he would grant him the Crown of France. This was the first step toward the creation of a new Western empire whereby the political head of state was granted his ruling authority from the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. This resulted in the creation of the Holy Roman Empire in 800, the first emperor of which was Charlemagne (c. 742-814), King of the Franks and son of Pepin the Short. Since he united much of Europe during his reign, he is also called the “King of Europe.” The unholy alliance between church and state survived until 1806 when the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, terminated the alliance described by the French author Francois Voltaire as “neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.”

ULFILAS (311-382)TheGothswereaGermanicpeoplecomprisedof twogroups, Ostrogoths and Visigoths. These tribes livednorth of the Roman Empire to the Baltic Sea. TheOstrogothscapturedUlfilasasaboyandraisedhimasaGothwithproficiencyinGreekandLatin.

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6Atagethirty,UlfilaswassentasanenvoytotheRomanEmperorwherehewasconsecratedastheBishoptotheGothsandreturnedtohiscountryasamissionary.SincetheGothslackedawrittenlanguage,hetranslatedtheBibleintoanewwrittenlanguagebycreatingaGothicalphabet.UlfilasspenttherestofhislifepreachingtheGospel,teachingdoctrines,andtrainingpastors.MARTIN OF TOURS Martinwasborninpresent-dayHungary.Whenhewasold enough, he joined the Roman army. Followingseveralyearsof service,hebecameaRomanCatholicmissionarytoGaul(present-dayFrance).In360,MartinbegantoevangelizeGermanicsoldiersbytrainingtheminGod’sWord.Whensatisfiedwiththeir understanding of the Gospel message, he sentthemthroughoutGaultoevangelizeothers.In371,hebecameBishopofToursandestablishedamonasteryonthesiteofwhatbecameoneofthemostimportantbattlesinWesternhistory,theBattleofPoitiers.By the6th century, the religionof IslamhadgainedwidespreadacceptanceintheMiddleEastandNorthAfrica with followers identified as Saracens, a Latintermfor“Easterners.”Inthe730s,theIslamicgeneral‘Abd ar-Raham, commanding an army of Saracensconsisting of Moors (Arab-Spanish mix), Arabs, andBerbers(NorthAfricans),invadedGaulfromSpaintoreplace Christianity with Islam while destroyingMartin’smonasterythathadbecomeaChristiancenterthroughout Europe. However, the army of CharlesMartel,KingofFrance,decisivelydefeatedhimintheBattleofPoitiersinsouthernGaulin1356.

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RELIGION OF ISLAM (600s – Today)Created as a substitute for Christianity, the religion of Islam is the brilliant invention of Satan to destroy Christianity with doctrines that depict Jesus Christ as only an apostle without the essence of deity. In 610, an obscure Arab merchant named Abu al-Qasim Muhammad became the prophet of Allah, supreme being or god of Islam, for leading this attack against the Christian faith. Subjected to evil control of demon possession, Muhammad believed he was receiving visions during which Allah communicated directly with him. Until his death, he received recurring revelations from Allah, some 650 of which were reduced to writing. These visions developed into the Qur’an, or the Islamic Bible. Islam accepts all previous revelations as divinely inspired, including the Christian Bible, but only the Qur’an is capable of completing and superseding biblical revelation wherever differences exist between theologies. “Islam” indicates “surrender,” identifying the basic doctrine of its theology: Muslims must

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8 surrender to Allah’s will. In other words, the Muslim profession of faith is, “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.” Thus, as the last of a series of prophets including Adam, Noah, Moses, and Jesus Christ, Muhammad supersedes Christ as the Prophet, Priest, and King of the Church. Christ is reduced to an apostle, the Christian Trinity is rejected, and its Bible is portrayed as an historical artifact.

PATRICK (mid-400s)Patrick was an aristocrat born in Great Britain to aCeltic-Romanfamilyofhighrank.Atagesixteen,hewaskidnappedbyIrishraidersandtakentoIrelandwhereheservedasaslaveforsixyears.DuringhiscaptivityheacceptedJesusChristashispersonalSavior.Aftersixyearsasaherdsman,heescapedbacktoBritainwhere he dreamed that his former Irish captors hadappealedtohimtoreturntoIreland.Patrickinterpretedthis dream as his personal destiny to become amissionarytotheIrishpeople.Sincehefeltunqualifiedacademically, he delayed returning to Ireland forfourteenyearswhilepreparingforhisministry.OncebackinIreland,hebecameaninstantsuccess inpreaching theGospelofChrist. IthasbeenestimatedthatPatrickevangelizedoveronemillionIrishmen.HealsofoundedlocalchurchesandamonasteryatArmaghthat became a famous medieval school of theology.PatricktaughtthedoctrineoftheTrinitybyusingthe

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9three-leavedcloverasavisualaid.Today,theIrishpeopleregardPatrickastheirpatronsaintandtheshamrockastheirnationalflower.COLUMBA (521-597)OneofthefruitsofPatrick’sministrytoIrelandwasanIrisharistocratandprofessionalsoldiernamedColumbawhoisrecognizedforconvertingScotlandtoChristianity.HisministrystartedinIrelandwhereheestablishedoverfortymissions. He trainedhismissionaries as if theyweresoldiersandeventaughtthemclose-orderdrill.In563,Columbabecameinvolvedinadisputethatendedin thedeathofoneof themen involved. Columbawasinnocent,butcouldsufferifhedidnotleaveIreland.Asaresult,heleftwithtwelveofhismissionariesforIona,anisland of Pictland (present-day Scotland), where hefounded one of the notable Christian missions of theworldduringhisday.ThereweretwomajorpowersfightingforcontroloftheareawhenColumbaarrived.OnegroupwasthesavagePicts (Celts), theirnamederived fromtheLatinPictior“painter,”anaptdescriptionoftheiruseofbodytattoos.The other major power was the kingdom ofDalriadaknownastheScots.ColumbabeganevangelizingthePictsand Scots for conversion to Christianity— It has beenestimated that over eighty-five percent of the paganpopulationwasconvertedbyhismissionaryefforts.Subsequently, his first cousin Aidan joined him fromIreland and the two formed and trained an army thatendedthewarfarebetweenthePictsandScots. AidanbecametheKingofDalriadaandthegreat-grandfatherof

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10KennethMacAlpinwho established Scotland by finallyconqueringthePictsandconsolidatinghiskingdomofDalriadaintoScotlandin841.It is interesting tonote thatPatrick is credited in IrishmythologywithdrivingallthesnakesoutofIreland.Nottobeoutdone, the Scots insist thatColumbakilled thefabledLochNessmonster.Columba spent his final years on the island of IonadirectingandtrainingmissionariestospreadtheGospelofChrist.Hediedin597andwasburiedonIona.COLUMBANUS (543-615)

Bythelate6thcentury,theChristianimpactofMartinofTours in France was exhausted and the country wasravagedbywarfareamongthepeople.Columbanus,likeColumba,wasanIrishmanhighlytrainedintheoriginalbiblicallanguageswhotraveledtoFrancein590toinitiateaChristianrevival thatreturnedstability to theregion.Uponhisarrival,ColumbanuswasacceptedbyGuntram,King of Burgundy, but was not welcomed by QueenBrunhildeofAustrasia.Brunhildewasanarrogant,self-righteouswomanwhoopposedCelticChristianityand,accompanied by the clergy, forced Columbanus out ofFrance.HemovedtoSwitzerlandwherehecontinuedhismissionaryworkuntilhediedinhisseventies.BONIFACE (675-754)BornofanobleSaxonfamilyinWessex,Englandin675,BonifacewaseducatedinEnglandandordainedapriestatagethirty.From716-722,hesuccessfullyevangelizedthepeopleofFriesland,whichisapresent-dayprovinceofTheNetherlands,untilhecameintoconflictwithitsKing

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11RadbodwhowasatwarwithCharlesMartelofFrance.SincebothCharlesandBonifacewereChristians,RadbodtriedtokillBoniface,butheescapedintosouth-centralGermanytoanareaknownthenasHesse(orpresent-dayFrankfurt)wherehe foundedaChristianmission. Thestory is told that the people of Fritzlar, North HesseworshippedaoaktreetheybelievedwassacredtoThor,theirpaganGod.BonifaceproceededtoevangelizetwothousandangryThorworshipperswhilechoppingdownthetreeandusingthewoodforamissionstation.WiththebackingoftheCelticChurchofEngland,BonifacewasabletoestablishmissionstationsalloverGermany.HewaskilledasamartyrbypaganFrisiansin754whilereading Scripture to converts. Many of his preservedsermons reveal his orthodox understanding of thedoctrinesofGod’sWord.CYRIL(827-869) & METHODIUS (825-884)ThesetwobrotherswereknownastheapostlestotheSlavicpeople.AlthoughtheywerenativesofGreece,theypreached as missionaries to the Slavic inhabitants ofmodern-dayBulgaria.In865,thebrothersattemptedtoevangelize Bulgaria’s King Boris who was negative toCyril’spresentationoftheGospelofChrist.Methodius,atalentedartist,paintedamuralononeofthepalacewalls,whichrevealedtheLastJudgmentdepictingJesusChristontheGreatWhiteThronewiththeLakeofFire7blazingbelow.AsCyrildescribedthefateofthosewhorejectedChrist and the everlasting bliss of thosewho acceptedHim,Methodiusincorporatedtheideasintohismural.

7 Eternalresidenceofunbelievers,foreverseparatedfromGod.

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12When the message and mural were finished, BorisbelievedinChristashisSavior,atestimonythatresultedinthousandsofBulgariansconvertingtoChristianity.Cyril created a Slavic alphabet based on Hebrew andGreek characters and translated Scripture intowhat isknownasOldChurchSlavonicorOldBulgarianlanguage.In the 1400s, Czechmissionary Jan Hus evangelized inCzechoslovakiausingCyril’sBible.JanHusprecededMartinLutherbyalmostacenturywithhisexcommunicationfromtheCatholicChurchbecauseofhisrejectionofthesaleofindulgencies.HewasburnedatthestakebytheChurchforheresyin1414.ANSGAR (801-865)OfFrankishdescent,Ansgarbecameamissionaryatagetwenty-one. HehadseveralsuccessesinDenmarkandGermany,buthisgreatestoccurredinScandinavia.Thefirstdooropenedin829whenKingBjornofSweden,anunbeliever,invitedAnsgartohiscountry.Tohelpintheconversion, Ansgar hoped to offer gifts to the King.However,whilecrossingtheBalticSeahewascapturedby Viking pirates who dumped him on the shores ofSwedenwith only the clothes he waswearing. Thus,instead of bribing the King, Ansgar was obliged topersonallyevangelizehimintoGod’sFamily.Themanwhoopenedtheseconddoor forAnsgarwasHaakon I ofNorway. After his father’s death, HaakonreturnedtoNorwaytobecomeitsnewKing.Oneofthepeopleevangelizedandbrought toNorwaybyHaakonwasOlaf I who ruled Norway from 995–1000. Olaf 1initiatedtheconversionofmanyNorwegianstoChrist.

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13ERIC THE RED (10thcentury) LEIF ERIKSSON(10th-11thcenturies)ErictheRedgrewupinIcelandwhenhisfatherwasexiledfromNorway.In982,Ericexploredtheland175milestothewestofIceland,whichonacleardaycouldbeseenfrom the Icelandicmountaintops. After spending fouryears exploring the area, Eric’s son, Leif Eriksson leftGreenlandandsailedtoNorwaywherehewasconvertedtoChristianitybytheNorwegianKingOlafIwhosenthimtoevangelizetheGreenlanders.Onhisreturnvoyage,LeifbrieflylandedinanareahecalledVinland(presentlyeasternCanada).WhenLeifreturnedtoGreenland,heevangelizedhisfellowcolonists,includinghismotherwhoestablishedthefirstchurchinGreenlandatBrattahlid.The next trip to Vinland was made by Leif’s youngerbrother,Thorvald,whosailedasfarsouthasthepresentstateofMaryland,USA,buthisattemptstoevangelizethenativesfailed.OncehiscrewreturnedtoGreenland,theweatherunderwentoneofitsmajorcyclicchangesfromextremely warm to exceptionally cold, thus endingmissionaryjourneystoNorthAmericaforover400years.

SUMMARY When Christopher Columbus discovered NorthAmerican in 1492, missionary activity began again.During the first millennium,millions of people wereevangelizedintoChristianitydespiteconfrontingsevereopposition. Even as churches had degenerated intoapostasybytheendofthemillennium,soulswerestillsaved by faith in Christ. The increased demand forbiblical truth prompted God to initiate a return toorthodoxywithbelieversthatsurvivedandprospered.

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INTRODUCTION FromJamestownin1607untilthebirthofournationin1776,ProtestantscametodominatethelandthatwouldbecometheUnitedStates.NeitherSpainnorFrancehadsufficientpopulationstosustainimmigrantsinnumbersthatcouldmatchtheEnglish.Asgoldwasdepleted,SpainlostinterestintheAmericas.BothSpainandFrancekeptamilitarypresenceon the continent andattempted toexpand their empires, but involvement in Europeanventureskeptthemtoobusytobesuccessful.Asaresult,thelandthatbecametheUnitedStateswaslargelyunoccupiedbyCatholicmissions.However,ourentranceupon the international scene as a freenationwastheresultofovertwocenturiesofinterrelatedeventswhichcanonlybeexplainedbythefactthatJesusChristcontrolshistory(Col.1:16-17).A major change in public knowledge would occurfollowingJohannesGutenberg’sinventionoftheprintingpresswithmovabletypeinthe1450s.Fromthatpointon,anyneworoldideacouldbeprintedandcirculated.The public’s knowledge of Scripture was especiallyenhancedbyitsaccesstothepublishedBible.Toward the end of the 15th century, two seeminglyunrelated events were historically significant. First,ChristopherColumbus,believingAsiawasaccessiblebysailingwestwardacrosstheAtlanticOcean,convincedtheSpanishmonarchs,KingFerdinandofAragonandQueenIsabellaofCastileofhisproposal.Theyfinanced

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15severalofhisjourneys,includingthediscoveryofTheBahamasonhis initialvoyage in1492. ThisdiscoveryinitiatedamajorinterestinSpanishcolonialism…goldwas the motivation and evangelism was the justification.SpanishandPortuguesevoyagesalwaysincludedCatholicmissionaries who were mandated by the Church toevangelizetheindigenousIndiansoftheNewWorld.

Columbus’NewWorlddiscoveryinspiredseveralotherexplorersincludingthefollowing:ItalianAmerigoVespucciwhojoinedColumbusonhis2ndand3rdvoyages;SpanishexplorersAlonsoOjeda,VascoNunezdeBalboa,HernandoCortes,FranciscoPizarro;andPortugueseexplorersPedroCabralandFerdinandMagellan. Thus, the treasuriesofthesecountries,especiallySpain,wereoverflowingwithNorthAmericangoldwhilenewCatholicconvertstothefaithweresignificantlyincreasedduringtheseyears.

Secondly,aworlddominatedbyRomanCatholictheologyseemedinevitableuntilanobscuremonkinWittenberg,Germany challenged the theology and practices ofCatholicism. MartinLuther’sefforts toradicallychangeCatholicisminspiredareturntothetheoriginalorthodoxdoctrinesthathadbeenignoredbytheCatholicChurchforaritualistic,humanistictheologythatwouldincreasethenumberofitsparishionersandsatisfyitsdesireforpoliticalpower.LuthersoughttoseparatetheStatefromthe Church and restore the former biblical orthodoxy.ThoseCatholics responsive tohismessagewerecalledProtestants(thatis,“Protestors”),whilethoseinGermanypreferred the term Evangelical, and those in Francebecame known as Huguenots who were followers ofCalvin’sreformedProtestanttheology.

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16MARTIN LUTHER(1483-1546)MartinLutherwasborninEisleben,Germanyin1483.Atage seven, he entered the Latin school in Mansfeld,Germany,wherehelearnedthelanguageofthescholars.In1501,heenteredErfurtUniversitywherehereceivedalawdegree. However, beforehe could establish a lawpracticehewasalmostphysicallystruckbya lightningbolt. Convinced that the incidentwasamessage fromGod,hestated,“Iwillbecomeamonk.”Thus,in1505heenteredthemonasteryinthecityofErfurtwherehereadandre-readScripturefortenyears.AsheattemptedtocomprehendthegraceplanofGod,hebecamefocusedononeverseinthebookofRomans:

ForinthegospelanintegrityfromGodisrevealedthatisfromfaithtofaith.Justasitstands written: The justified shall live byfaith.(Rom.1:17EXT)

Inthisverse,LutherdiscoveredthedoctrineofsalvationbyfaithaloneinChristaloneandofspiritualitythroughfaithinGod’sWord.Inhiswritings,heisquotedassaying:“ThewholeScripturerevealedadifferentmeaningtome. ThispassageinPaulopenedformethegatesofparadise, I felt I was born again.” This discovery ofdivinegracethroughfaithalonecontradictedtheRomanCatholicrequirementsofhumanworksforbothsalvationandspirituality,aswellaspenancefortherecoveryfromsins.CatholicparishionerswerepracticingthesacramentofpenancewhenScripturetaughttheexactopposite.Inamythicalplacecalledpurgatory,sinsofthelivingandeventhoseofthedeadcouldbeabsolvedbyasystemof

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17humanworks:forexample,payingmoneytothechurch,performingritualssuchasfasting,repetitiverecitationofprayers,andevenflagellationinsomeinstances.Onceperformed, the church issued an indulgence from its“treasury ofmerits” in order to forgive their sins andpunishment.Apapalbulldeclaredthatthelivingcouldbuythedeadoutofpurgatory.On All Saints’ Eve of October 31, 1517 (Halloween),Martin Luther, now a professor at the University ofWittenberg,offeredaninvitationtodebatethedoctrineofindulgencesbynailingaprintednoticetothedooroftheAllSaints’ChurchinWittenbergthatservedastheuniversity’sbulletinboard.To be debatedwereninety-five theses that refuted thedoctrine of indulgencies and identified the threemostfundamentalofwhichwerethefollowing:1) JustificationbygracethroughfaithaloneinChrist.2) Universalpriesthoodofthebeliever.3) Bibleastheonlysourceofrevealedtruth.

Inoneofhismorecriticalpassagesinthepaper,Lutherwrote, “If for the sake ofmoney the pope can freesufferingsoulsfrompurgatory,whynotforthesakeofloveemptyoutpurgatoryaltogether?”In1519,LutherrefutedtheCatholicdoctrineofpapalsupremacy inadebatewiththeCatholic theologianJohann Eckwho obtained a papal bull from RomecondemningLuther’s theology. Undaunted, Lutherclaimed that the printing press was “God’s latestandgreatestgift,”andbeganaprolificoutpouringoftracksandpapersinordertovalidatehisdoctrinalconclusionstotheCatholichierarchyandamonghis

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18fellowCatholicbrethren.Threeofhismostfamouspapers,supportedbyScripture,were:“FreedomoftheChristian,”whichspokeofapersonalrelationshipwithGodinoppositiontoalifeofworks,rituals,andextra-biblicalmandatesfromthePope.“BabylonianCaptivityoftheChurch,”whichclaimedasunbiblicalallritualsforthechurchexceptbaptismandtheEucharist.“ChristianNobilityof theGermanNation,”whereinLutherurgedtheterminationofcertainpracticessuchas adoration of saints, vows of poverty, indulgences,papalbulls,andobservanceoffestivaldays.Hefurtherinsisted that priests shouldbe allowed tomarry andthosewithdissentingopinionsshouldbedebated,notexecutedforheresy.

In other writings, Luther claimed the Pope was notinfallible and did not possess power to issue newChristiandoctrines.HeinsistedthattheofficeofPopewasofhumanoriginnotvalidatedbyScripture.By1523,Luther’sprintedwritingstotaled1,300andoveramillion copiesofhisworkswere circulated. By thetime of his death in 1546, he had averagedwriting apapereverytwoweeks.However,theinitialtractswereenoughtoincurthewrathofPopeLeoX,whoin1521issuedapapalbullexcommunicatingLuther fromthechurch.ThebullallowedLuthersixtydaystorecanthisallegedheresy.Onthesixtiethday,Lutherlitabonfireintowhich he cast the bull of Leo X and volumes ofcanonlawconsistingofrulesanddirectiveswrittenoverthecenturiesbyBishopsfalselybelievingtheyoriginatedfromChrist’sapostlesofthefirstcentury.

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19WhenLutherproclaimedCatholic theologyas totalheresy in1521, theemperorCharlesVof theHolyRoman Empire summoned Luther to appear at ahearing todisavowhiswritings. Hisresponsewasbrief and persuasive: “Unless proved wrong byScriptureandplainreason…myconscienceiscaptivetotheWordofGod.Icannotandwillnotrecant.”Thefollowingyear,CharlesVissuedtheEdictofWormscondemning Luther as a heretic and banned hiswritings. Although he was a markedman, Lutherlived to be sixty-twoyears old, dyingpeacefully inEislebenin1546.Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531) and John Calvin (1509-1564)were the initial supporters of Luther’stheologyanddisputeswithCatholicism.ZwingliwasSwisswhoinitiatedtheReformationinSwitzerlandin1522. LutherandZwingliwerecatalysts for theReformation,whileCalvin,aFrenchtheologianandpastor, expanded their doctrines and codified theProtestantmovementintoasystematictheologythatrapidlygainedadherents throughoutEurope. Thisnewtheologicalmovementcapturedtheattentionofeveryday people by liberating them from therestrictiveobligationsimposedbytheself-righteous,legalistic, and intrusive Roman Catholic church.(RefertoAppendixD-pages61-63).

ThepeopleofWesternEuropebegantobenefitfromusing biblical doctrines in their lives. Protestantdoctrines inspired the creation of denominations,manyofwhomsubscribedtoLuther’s95ThesesandtheteachingsofCalvinandZwingli.

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CLIENT NATIONS TO GOD In1685,LouisXIVofFrancerevokedtheEdictofNanteswithhisownEdictofFontainebleau.Nantes,mandatedin1598byKingHenryIV,allowedreligiousfreedomfortheFrenchHuguenots. Themostimportantfreedomallowed was public worship that Louis XIV’s edictrejected, placing the large Huguenot population indangerofpersecutionorevenexecution.Huguenots had formed a large Pivot8 in the FrenchClientNationtoGod.Thosenotpersecutedmigratedto form Client Nations in Brandenburg-Prussia,Netherlands,GreatBritain,andtheAmericancolonies.TherelocationoftheHuguenotsdestroyedthemiddleclassinFrance,togetherwithitseconomicprosperity.Their absence was a leading cause of the FrenchRevolution (1789-1799) that ended about a centurylaterandfromwhichFrancehasneverfullyrecovered.AlargecontingentofHuguenotswhocametoAmericasettled in Charleston, South Carolina, and helpeddevelopthatcityintoacenterofSouthernculture.Atthistime,PrussiawasruledbyFrederickWilliamI.InitiallyLutheran,Prussia adoptedCalvinismaround1614. Following the reversal of the Edict of Nantes,Frederick passed the Edict of Potsdam welcomingHuguenot refugees, a relocation of highly qualifiedpeople mostly from the middle to upper classes.Industryandcommercedevelopedrapidlyfromthe8 SpirituallyadvancingbelieverswithintheClientNation.

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21arrivaloftheProtestantPivot.LaterFrederickIIwouldwrite that his country benefited immensely from theinfluenceoftheseindustriousHuguenotrefugees.In1689,FrederickWilliam’snephew,WilliamofOrange,becameKingofEnglandandruledjointlywithhiswife,QueenMaryII.Underthesetwomonarchs,ProtestantismreplacedRomanCatholicisminEngland.TheHuguenotPivot alsomoved toHolland (re-namedNetherlands) fromwhich theDutch Republicemerged.ThisProtestantmigrationcontributedtotheGoldenAgeoftheRepublic(1581-1795)whichdevelopedintoaworldempiredespiteitslimiteddomesticresources.AnotherProtestantPivotcreatedaClientNationinSwedenundertheministryofKingGustavusAdolphus(1594-1632).Underhis leadership,Swedenbecameoneof thegreatProtestantpowersofEurope.The18thcenturywitnessedeventsthatshapedthemapsofEuropeandtheAmericastotheadvantageofthePivot.Forexample,theWarofSpanishSuccession(1701-1714),resulted inBritainbecomingthe leader inworldtrade.Furthermore, the French and IndianWars (1689-1763)wereaseriesofbattlesbetweenFranceandGreatBritainfor control of North America. Resulting from theseconflicts,Britainbecametheworld’s leaderinoverseascolonizationandcommerce.Theformationofmultipleclientnationsstimulatedthedevelopment of Protestant doctrines that inspired theIndustrialRevolution,beginninginthe1760s.ThissocietalrevolutionguidedEuropeoutoftheDarkAgesintotheincreasedprosperityofthe18thcentury.

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ChristianityinEuropeprovedtobefarmoreimportantthannationalityorrace.Areasofadvancedthoughtwereacclaimedbyspirituallyadvancingbelieversduetotheirunderstanding of biblical doctrines. For instance,essentialtruthsintegratedinthesoulsofbelieverswereabsent inmany non-Christian cultures: (1) dominanceoveranimals,(2)uniquenessofindividualpersonalities,(3) freedomfromthecontrolofthestate, (4)dominionovernature,(5)inherentfreewill,(6)inbornsinnature,and(7)responsibilitytodetermineone’sdestinyintimeandineternity.However,loyaltytospiritualbeliefsdevelopedgraduallyinthesoulsofEuropeanChristians.ForcenturiessuchbeliefshadbeeneclipsedbytheaccomplishmentsoftheMuslims,culturallyandintellectually.Additionally,theGermanictribesthatoverrantheRomanEmpireweredescribed as Barbarians because of their ignorance,violence,andinhumanebehavior.Becomingsavedandlearningdoctrinecannotinstantlytransformthecultureof unbelieving civilizations. Willing acceptanceof theGospelmessageprovidedbymissionaries,followedbyacommitment to learnandapplybiblicaldoctrinescangradually renovate the cultural beliefs of unbelievers.The Bible assures us that God always blesses thepresenceanduseofHisWordwhereveritisfound.9 Themajorresourceforthischapteris:ErikvonKuehnelt-Leddihn,TheIntelligentAmerican’sGuidetoEurope(NewRochelle:ArlingtonHousePublishers,1979),pages45–57.

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23TheculturalrenovationoftheBarbariansbeganwiththeinitial invasion of Rome in 410 by Alaric, King of theVisigoths. A period of plundering followed but endedwhen the German King Odoacer deposed RomulusAugustulus in 476 as the last Roman Emperor. FromRome’scollapsetotheProtestantReformation,overonethousandyearselapsedbeforeProtestantismreplacedtheritualsofpaganism,humanism,andlegalisminEuropeanlives. Only after Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin explainedProtestanttheologydidEuropebegantobenefitfromtheprinciplesofChristianorthodoxy.ItwasGod’sperfecttimingtoraiseupamanofLuther’scharacter to dispute the excessive legalism and oftenostentatious emphasis on humanism that prevailedduring the Renaissance (14th-17th centuries). Lutherbelieved this humanist emphasis was a return to thenonspiritualculturesofGreeceandRomeadvocatedbytheancientscholars.AlthoughLutherwasnotresistantto classical literature, he was greatly opposed todevelopingaculturebasedonman-centered,humanistopinions,attitudes,andbehaviors.LuthersupportedthemedievalconceptoftheuniverseasacirclewithGodatitscenter.TheRenaissanceviewoftheuniversewasanellipsewithtwofocalpoints—Godandman—thatadvocatedequalityinprominencewithinthe universe between sinfulman and perfect God, theSupremeAuthorityandCreatorofthatuniverse.Stimulated by Gutenberg’s printing press, differencesbetweenProtestantismandCatholicismbecameobvious.Forexample,apartfromLuther’s95Theses,distinctionsresultedfromtheirviewsofChristianstyleanddesign.

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24Catholicismsoughttoreconcileitstheologicalbeliefstothe widespread humanism and emotionalism existingthroughouttheRenaissance.KnownasBaroqueartandarchitecture,itsstylecanbeexplainedbysuchadjectivesasextravagant,exaggerated,idolatrous,andexcessivelyunrestrained. Somewritershavedepicted thestyleasexpressing such human traits as self-indulgence, self-absorption,and/oraninordinatedesireforattention.Conversely,GothicartandarchitectureofProtestantismisportrayed as highly organized and symmetrical, withstraightverticallinesandhigh-reachingarchesextendingheavenwardinhonorofGod.Thus,theGothicformmaybedepictedasmathematicsreducedtoanartformwhichrevealstheconceptofdivineabsolutes.TheAgeofEnlightenment(17th-18thcenturies) infiltratedChristiantheologywiththenewconceptsofrationalismandempiricismassourcesofauthorityandtruth. TheEnlightenment merged Greek philosophy with newscientificfindingsfromwhichmancouldfindwisdomandevenpersonalhappinessapartfromGod.Theseconceptsinterfered with the Christian perception of reality bymeansof faith inGodand the teachingministryofHisabsoluteWord(1Cor.2:9).In 1534,KingHenry VIII separated the English Churchfrom Rome. This new church later evolved into aProtestantversionofCatholicismthatwasunacceptabletoEnglishPuritansduetoitscorruption,stateaffiliation,andelaboraterituals,vestments,andceremonies. Onlyunder Protestant theology had the prosperity of free-enterprise capitalism developed, which the Puritansviewedasanimputationofdivinegrace.

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PIVOT’STHEOLOGYProtestantswholeftEnglandfortheAmericanColoniesseekingreligiousfreedomwereinitiallylabeledPuritans.Their name expressed their belief that the AnglicanChurchofEnglandwascorruptandspirituallyimpurebymaintainingcertainaffiliationswithCatholicism.ThePuritansweresteadfastlyopposedtothestatehavinganyrelationshipwithanychurch.ThespokesmanforthisProtestantmovement in EnglandwasWilliamTyndalewhoconsideredEnglandasaClientNationtoGod. Hetaught thatEnglandwasunder theprotectionofGod’ssovereignty,butonlyifshepurgeditselfofall formsofidolatry. HeassertedthatwhenEnglandobeyedGod’slaws, its citizens would prosper. Otherwise, Englandwouldsufferthefivecyclesofdiscipline10 dispensedbythejusticeofGod.Under King Edward VI (1537), Tyndale’s desire for aProtestantismfreeofpoliticalintrusionflourishedsincethe clergy could apply a systematic orthodox theologyconsistingof:


However,whenQueenMary IreplacedEdwardon thethronein1553,EnglandrevertedtoCatholicism.


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26Positivechangesoccurredin1558withElizabethI,butnotasexpected.Forexample,sheissuedtwostatutes:Act of Supremacy, identifying herself as the sovereignadministratorovertheChurchofEngland,andtheActofUniformity,mandatingthatEnglishworshipmustfollowtheBookofCommonPrayer.Largelyforthesereasons,Puritanism,orrejectionofCatholicinfluence,developedandexpandedduringElizabeth’srule.Elizabeth’srequirementofuniformvestmentsforclergywereopposedasremnantsofCatholictheology.By1570,most of the Puritans became Separatists, rejecting anyassociationwith a state-affiliated church. What finallyemergedwastheformationofanumberofindependentlocal churches which selected their own pastors andorganizedBibleclasses.However,these“do-it-yourself”churcheswereunacceptabletoQueenElizabethandhertraditionalstate-churchrelationship.The enmity between the two factions flared in 1583whentwoSeparatistswerehungforsellingpamphlets.Theconflictintensifiedwhenthreepastorswerehungfor teaching outside the established church. TheremainingSeparatists instantly fledtoHollandwhereseveral of them later organized the MayflowerExpedition that sailed westward across the AtlanticOceanin1620toestablishthePlymouthColonyinNewEngland. They were all Calvinists and this originalgroup became known as the Pilgrims. Because ofAdam’s original sin, they believedmankind is totallycorruptedatbirthandthestate,likethechurch,wasaninstrumentofGodusedtocontrolsinfulbehavior.

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27Before leaving for America, the Pilgrims signed theMayflowerCompactstipulatingtheformationofacivilgovernmentwithinasanctifiedCommonwealth.Onlychurch members could vote or hold public office.Nonmembers were permitted to benefit from thepersonalsecurityspecifiedintheirbasicrightsoflife,liberty,andtheownershipofprivateproperty.AsCalvinists,thePilgrimsbelievedthattheScripturescontained all the principles needed to govern theirAmerican colony. It was firmly believed that eachpersonhadhisownpersonaldestinyinGod’smasterplan,whichpromoted the conceptofhardworkanddiligencetofulfillthatdestiny.Since theyunderstoodman’s total depravity (inbornsinful nature), they believed in preventing those ingovernmentfromexercisingunjustifiedauthorityovercitizens.Itwasthisfearofpowerthatconvincedthemto distrust a system of majority rule. In short, ifheathen majorities ignorant of divine wisdom weregiven power, they would likely become tyrannical.PuritanpastorRev.JohnCottonisquotedassaying;“IdonotconceivethatGodeverordaineddemocracyasafitgovernmenteitherforchurchorcommonwealth. Ifthepeoplebegovernors,whoshallbegoverned?Asformonarchy and aristocracy, they are both clearlyapprovedanddirectedinScriptureasthebestformsofgovernmentinthecommonwealthandinthechurch.”ProtestantthoughtassertedthatGodhadnotintendedforcitizenstosubordinatetheirlifeandlibertytothepredispositions of an elitist government. TheybelievedthatScripturallawsshouldbeenforcedforthe

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28protection of life, liberty, and private property. Theselawsprotectedsocietyandprohibitedauthorities frompursuing their own interests. Protestant colonistsbelievedthatwhenrulersbecametyrannical,resistancewasadutybeforeGod.

Therefore, individual rights were emphasized and theslightestinfractionwasviewedasathreattotheorderofsociety and the peaceful success of its future. Privatepropertywasregardedasanextensionoftheindividual.Thus, legal safeguards against government invasion ofproperty rights served toprotected these rights of theindividualpropertyowner.

Scripturemandated they should be authority orientedbutorientationwastothelaw,nottoman.Evenahintofoppressionbygovernmentwasviewedasanattackonindividualrights.FearoftyrannymotivatedProtestantsto place serious restraints on delegated governmentalpowersovercitizens.Theconsequencewasaculturethatemphasizedlimitedgovernmentandmaximumfreedomforindividualsgovernedbypersonalaccountability.

PIVOT’SESTABLISHMENTWhenourFoundingFathersgatheredinPhiladelphiain1787todraftournation’sConstitution,theywerenotmenguided by absolutes. They would argue and discuss,debateandproclaim,neveronthesubjectofgrantingthegovernmentadditionalpowerbutratheronrestraininggovernmentalauthorityoveritscitizens.Itisnotaneasytasktodelegatepowergrantingauthorityoverpeople,yet holding those authorities accountable. Permittingsomeonethepossibilityofviolatingtherightsofafree

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29peoplewasconsideredrisky,potentiallydangerous,andrequiredmaximumoversight.Protestanttheologyhadfirmlyestablishedintheirsoulsthe doctrine that men are totally depraved, thereforesinfulbynatureandunabletopleaseGod.Theyconcededthe human conscience provided a basic knowledge ofrightandwrong,buttoentrustmenwiththefreedomofotherswasaflawedconceptandneededrestraint.Thus,governmentmustbestrongenoughtorestrainthemasses,butnotsostrongas toallowrulers inordinatepower.SuchconcerninspiredtheFounderstosetupatripartitesystemofgovernmentwithbuilt-inchecksandbalancesdesignedtoinhibitsinandregulatepoweroverothers.TheseprinciplesintheologywereincorporatedintotheoriginalfoundingdocumentsofourRepublic.

DOCTRINESINFOUNDINGDOCUMENTS 11 DivineProvidence:•Declaration of Independence concludes with thissentence:“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”• Anti-Godcriticsassert thatProvidence isa term fromDeismdenotinganimpersonalGodwholackspersonalityand,hence,doesnotexistasapersonorbeing.• Samuel Johnson’s 1755 Dictionary definesProvidenceas:“The care of God over created beings; divine superintendence (supervision).”11 The major resource for this subchapter is: John Eidsmoe,ChristianityandtheConstitution:TheFaithofOurFoundingFathers(GrandRapids:BakerBookHouse,1987),pages355–377.

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30•NoahWebster’s1828DictionarydefinesProvidenceas: “In theology, the care and supervision which God exercises over his creatures. He that acknowledges a creation and denies a providence, involves himself in a…contradiction; for the same power which caused a thing to exist is necessary to continue its existence. Divine providence is often understood as God himself.”

LawofGod:•Declaration’sopeningsentencecontainsthephrase,“the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitle them ….”•ThisphraseisfoundinthewritingsofJohnLocke,SirWilliamBlackstone,andThomasHobbsandisusedtodescribeasuperiorlawthattranscendshumanlaw.•Nature’sLawsarethestandardsbywhichman’slawsmust be judged. Otherwise, human law cannot bedescribedasunjustsincethereisnothingsuperiorbywhichtolabelitunjust.•Thus,theLawsofNaturerefertotheLawsofDivineEstablishment,12 and Nature’s God refers to JesusChristwhocontrolshumanhistory(Col.1:15-17EXT).

ForwhentheGentileswhodonothavetheLawdo instinctively the thingsoftheLaw,these,nothavingtheLaw,arealawtothemselves,inthattheyshowthe work of the Lawwritten in theirhearts, their conscience bearingwitnessandtheirthoughts…accusingorelsedefendingthem.(Rom.2:14-15)

12 SeeAppendixC,LawsofDivineEstablishment,pages59-60.

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31EqualityUndertheLaw:• Declarationassertsinitssecondsentencethat“all

Men are created equal.”• Constitution emphasizes equality by denying any

possibilityofanofficialaristocracyinthecountryinArticle I, Section9,Paragraph8: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States.”

• Scripturespeaksofsuch,“Godisnotonetoshowpartiality”(Acts10:34).Also,“Goddoesnotshowpartialitynortakesabribe”(Deut.10:17).

• Israel’s legal code includesequality,“There isnodistinctionbetweenJewandGreek[Gentile];forthesameLordisLordofall”(Rom.10:12).

• Citizens have “Inalienable Rights … among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

InalienableRights:• Founders believed that all men were born with

certaininalienablerightsimputedbyGod.• Therefore,nogovernmenthasthepowertogrant

suchrightsnordoes itpossess theprerogative todenysuchrights.

• Government is empoweredonly to guarantee theprotectionofthoserights.

• TheseGod-givenrightsareeasilydiscernedintheProtestantBible.

• Rightto freedomofvolitionandhumanlife:“Youshallnotmurder”(Exod.20:13,6thCommandment).

• Righttopossessprivatepropertyisimpliedinthe“Youshallnotsteal.”(Exod.20:15,8thCommandment).

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32• Righttoprivacyandone’spossessionsisfoundin:


• Rightofliberty:“IfamaniscaughtkidnappingoneofhisfellowIsraelitesandtreatshimasaslaveorsells him, the kidnapper must die. You mustpurge the evil fromamong you.” (Deut. 24:7 NIV).ThreeoftheseGod-givenrightsareincludedintheDeclaration: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, the latter of which Locke and Blackstone concluded as referring to private property.

• BillofRights13 includesrightsthatarestatedintheimperativemoodsofScripture.~Pastoriscommandedto“Shepherdtheflockof God” (1 Pet. 5:2), a mandate that cannot befulfilledwithoutfreedomofspeech.~ Flock is commanded “not to forsakeassemblingtogether”(Heb.10:25)thatcannotbefulfilledwithoutfreedomofassembly.

~ ThesecommandmentsrequirethefreedomofreligionandallthreeareinAmendment I.

• The following written by Thomas Jefferson isengravedonhisburialmonument:

God who gave us life, gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed their only sure basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God?

13 FirsttenamendmentstoUSAConstitutionratifiedin1791.

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33DelegatedPowers:• Framers intended tomake it clear that itwas the

governedwhograntedpowertothosewhogovern.• Consequently,governmenthasnopowerexceptas

specificallyauthorizedbythepeople.• Declaration: “To secure these Rights, Governments

are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed.”

• Constitution reiterates this concept: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”(AmendmentX).

• Conceptofdelegatedpowers is clear:You cannot exercise power that you do not possess.

• ThesedelegatedpowersrevealhowtheFounderssoughttolimitpotentialtyrantstotherestrictionsimposedbytheConstitution.

• Israelwas originally governed as a Theocracy byGod.GodreluctantlyagreedtoallowtheJewstobegovernedbytheirownkings,butthekingsmustbedelegatedlimitedpowerandwithspecifiedduties(1Sam.8:11-18),towhichthepeoplereplied:“No[tothedutieslisted],butthereshallbeaKingoverus,thatwealsoshallbelikeallthenations,thatourKingmayjudgeusandgooutbeforeusandfightourbattles”(1Sam.8:19b-20).

• Having anticipated their reply, the Lord advisedthemtodelegatetotheKingonlylimitedpower“sothatheandhissonsmaycontinuelong[terms]inhiskingdominthemidstofIsrael.”

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34• Jewishkingswereissuedaconstitutionintheform

oftheTorahandassociatedScripture.• Theseleaderswerelimitedintheirpowersbythe

mandatesoftheHolyWrit(Deut.17:18-20).• OurFoundingFathersusedthisconceptoflimited

powersinthecreationoftheAmericanConstitution.ChecksandBalances:• FoundingFathersdidnot incorporate checks and


• Rather, they understood the biblical warning ofman’s total depravity: “All have sinned and fallshortofthegloryofGod”(Rom.3:23).

• Founders intended to form a government thatpreservedthisprincipleinallofitsfunctions.

• JamesMadison,whoiscreditedwithauthoringtheConstitution,wroteinThe Federalist, Number 51:

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.

• Menhavesinfulnaturesandagovernmentmustbeabletorestraintheminordertogoverneffectively.

• Whengovernmentisgiventoomuchpower,rulerswilluseittodenyfreedomorenslavethepeople.

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35• Solutionwas not a democracy since democracies

grantpowertotheadvantageofthemajority.• SolutionwasaRepublicwherein thepeopleelect

representativestovoteasisbestforallconcerned.• CongressmaypasslawsthatthePresidentmayveto.

Congressmay override the veto, but the SupremeCourtmayfindthelawtobeunconstitutional.

• Supreme Court may view the Constitution as apatchwork of opinions that theymay expedientlyinterprettopromotetheirownpersonalcrusades,butthePresidentmayappointmorehonorablementotheCourtsofLaw.

• WecanbethankfultoGodourFoundersincludedtheselimitationsofpowerintheConstitution.

InnocentUntilProvenGuilty:• InIsraelapersonwaspresumedinnocentuntilhe

wasprovenguiltybyatleasttwowitnesses.Asinglewitnessshallnotriseupagainstamanonaccountofanyiniquityoranysin which he has committed; on theevidence of two or three witnesses amattershallbeconfirmed.(Deut.19:15)

• Also, thesewitnessesmust be in total agreementregarding the factsanddetails. This isevident inourLord’strialbeforeCaiaphasandtheSanhedrin:

Witnesses were giving false testimonyagainstHim,buttheirtestimonywasnotconsistent…Some said, we heard Himsay…Not even in this respect was theirtestimonyconsistent.(Mark14:55-59)

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36• Need for twowitnesses inagreement toestablish

guilt before the law was incorporated into theConstitutioninArticleIII,Section3,Paragraph(1):“No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses …”

• ContinuingwiththeLord’strial,Caiaphasasked:AreYoutheChrist,theSonoftheBlessedOne?”AndJesussaid,Iam;andyoushallsee the Son ofman sitting at the righthand of Power, and coming with theclouds of heaven. Tearing his clothes,thehighpriestsaid,Whatfurtherneeddo we have of witnesses? You haveheardtheblasphemy;howdoesitseemtoyou?AndtheyallcondemnedHimtobedeservingofdeath.(Mark14:61c-64)

• ItwasagainstJewishandbiblicallawforapersontotestify against himself. Caiaphas and the chiefpriestsviolatedthismandate.

• AsstatedbyAmendmentVtotheConstitution:“No person … shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself ….”

RighttoBearArms:• Amendment II to the Constitution states that the

bearingofarmsisaright of the citizens.• Governmentsdonothavethepowertograntrights

norpossesstheprerogativeofdenyingrights.• Inalienablerightsareinherentinhumanbeingsby

divineimputation,notbygovernmentedict.• Merely the possession of human life is all that is


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37• Furthermore,thegun-controllobbywouldhaveus


• However, Amendment X states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.(Note:Groupsdonothaverights;onlypeopledo.)

• Moreover,Amendment II states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

• Infringemeansanencroachmentviolatingaright;encroachistoenterbygradualstepsorbystealthintothepossessionsorrightsofanother.Peopleareborn with the right to possess arms and nogovernmentmayinfringeuponthatright.

• Whenastrongman,fullyarmed,guardshisownhouse, his possessions are undisturbed. Butwhen someone stronger than he attacks himandoverpowershim,hetakesawayfromhimall his armor on which he had relied anddistributeshisplunder…whoeverhasnoswordistosellhiscoatandbuyone.(Luke11:21-22,36–JesusChristSpeaking)

• TheGreekwordsinthisverseforsellingandbuyingreflecttheimperativemood,indicatingacommand.Theverb“tosell”istheaoristactiveimperativeofpwlšw (pōléō):“Sellyourcoat!”Theverb“tobuy”istheaoristactiveimperativeof¢gor£zw (agorázō):“Buyasword.”

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38PrincipleofPrivacy:• BelieversaremembersoftheRoyalFamilyofGod

andarecommissionedbyHimasHisroyalpriests.Youareachosenrace,aroyalpriesthood,aholy nation, a people for God’s ownpossession, so that youmayproclaim theexcellencesofHimwhohascalledyououtofdarknessintoHismarvelouslight.(1Pet.2:9)

• PriestsarepersonswhorepresentsmanbeforeGodandarecalledroyalpriests.Thus,believersaretheirown priests representing themselves individuallyandprivatelybeforeGod.

• UnliketheJewishnation,nospecializedpriesthoodwithspecialaccesstoGodexistsintheChurchAge.

• There is nomandate to confess your sins to anyother human or to be involved in any legalisticbehaviortoearnGod’sforgiveness.(1John1:9)

• Regardingyourownpersonal affairs,God’sWordunequivocallysupportsyourprivacy.

Wehearthatsomeamongyouareleadinganundisciplinedlife,doingnoworkatall,butactinglikebusybodies.(2Thess.3:11)They also learn to be idle, as they goaround from house to house; and notmerely idle, but also gossips andbusybodies, talking about things notpropertomention.(1Tim.5:13)Makesureyoudonotsufferasamurderer,thief,evil-doer,oratroublesomemeddler.(1Pet.4:15)

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39• Greekfor“busybody”isperierg£zomai(periergázomai),

onewho intrudesupontheaffairsofothersbypryingorsnooping(1Tim.5:13).

• Greekfor“meddler” isstronger,¢llotrioep…skopoj(allotrioepískopos),abusybodyinterferingwithwhatdoesnotconcernorbelongtohim;orunwantedorunnecessaryintrusionthatmayseriouslyhamper,hinder,orfrustrate(1Pet.4:15).

• Bibleisclear:Youhavearighttoyourprivacyandallothersaretostayoutofyourpersonalaffairs.

• Founding Fathers valued this doctrine of privacyandincludeditasAmendmentIVinourConstitution:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause ….

SeparationofChurchandState:• Therearethreesourcesforanalyzingtheconceptof

theseparationofchurchandstate:~ Bible~ Constitution: Amendment I~ Pfefferian Inversion(AppendixE,pages64-66)

• BiblesupportedtheseparationofresponsibilitiesinthepoliticalandspirituallifeofIsrael.

• Duties formanaging the spiritual affairs of Israelwere delegated to the tribe of Levi: “The LawrequiresthedescendantsofLeviwhobecomepriests….“(Heb.7:5).

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40• Regardingaffairsofstate,Scripturestates:


• Dutiesformanagingtheaffairsofstatewereclearlydelegatedtothedynasty(family)ofDavid:

Your house and your kingdom shallendurebeforeMeforever;yourthroneshallbeestablishedforever.(2Sam.7:16)

• AllkingsofIsraelbeginningwithDavidoriginatedfromthetribeof Judah. And its finalRuler inthefuturewillalsooriginatefromthattribe:


• Thus,theBibledefinesacleardistinctionbetweenthosefunctioninginpoliticalandspiritualaffairsofIsrael.ThespiritualislimitedingeneraltothetribeofLeviandspecificallytothefamilyofAaron,whilethepoliticalislimitedingeneraltothetribeofJudahandspecificallytothedynasty(orfamily)ofDavid.

• KingSaulwaspunishedforviolatingthisdivision:Saul said, “Bring to me the burntofferingandthepeaceofferings.” Andheofferedtheburntoffering.(1Sam.13:9)

§ WhenSamuel learnedofwhatSaulhaddone,heresponded by saying to him, “You have actedfoolishly,”andreplacedSaulwithDavidasIsrael’sKing(1Sam.13:12-13).

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41• KingUzziahofJudahalsosufferedtheLord’sjustice:

But when he [King Uzziah] becamestrong,hisheartwassoproudthatheactedcorruptly,andhewasunfaithfultotheLordhisGod,forheenteredthetempleoftheLordtoburnincenseonthealtarofincense.(2Chr.26:16)ThenAzariahthepriestenteredafterhimandwithhimeightypriestsoftheLord,valiantmen.(2Chr.26:17)TheyopposedUzziahthekingandsaidtohim,Itisnotforyou,Uzziah,toburnincensetotheLord,butforthepriests,thesonsofAaronwhoareconsecratedto burn incense. Get out of thesanctuary,foryouhavebeenunfaithfulandwillhavenohonorfromtheLordGod.(2Chr.26:18)ButUzziah,withacenserforburningincense,was enraged; andwhile hewasenragedwiththepriests,leprosybrokeoutonhisforeheadbeforethepriests in the house of the Lord,besidethealtarofincense.(2Chr.26:19)Azariahthechiefpriestandallthepriestslookedathim,andbehold,he was leprous on his forehead;andtheyhurriedhimoutofthere,and he himself also hastened toget out because the Lord hadsmittenhim.(2Chr.26:20)

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42• OnthenightbeforeChristwascrucifiedtheJewish

Sanhedrin illegally exchanged its responsibility asspiritualleadersfortheroleofpoliticalexecutioners.

• TherearetwospheresofresponsibilityinaClientNation,thepoliticalandthespiritual.OurLordwasunequivocalinHisdirectivesregardingthecitizen’sattitude toward both: “Render to Caesar thethingsthatareCaesar’s,andtoGodthethingsthatareGod’s”(Luke20:25).Twoareasofauthorityexist,receivingtheirdelegatedpowersfromGod.

• Writersofthefoundingdocumentsdidnotenvisionawall of separation between the two preventingany interaction. Their ideawas one of “esprit de corps”inwhichbothinstitutions,thoughseparate,wouldmotivateandsupporteachother.

• Government officials acquire courage in facingpolitical problems by doctrine learned from thechurch.Believersreceivemotivationandconfidencefrom government that provides the freedom toadvanceinGod’splan.

• Former USA Supreme Court Justice Joseph Storywrote the following inhis1833CommentariesontheUnitedStates:

Christianity ought to receive encouragement from the state, so far as was not incompatible with the private rights of conscience and the freedom of religious worship. An attempt to level all religions, and to make it a matter of state policy hold all in utter indifference, would have created universal disapprobation, if not universal indignation.

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43• The current legal explanation of Amendment I

assumesanimpenetrablewallbetweenthetwo.• Thegovernmentviewsthewallasagarrisonbehind


• Theconventionalchurchviewsthewallasaplaceofopendebatewherebythemindsofmenmightbeinfluencedbydivinerevelation.

• However, the Supreme Court rules that simplecontactwithreligionconstitutestheestablishmentofreligion.

• Since Christianity is a part of our nation’s Anglo-Saxonculture, it isalmost impossible foranever-expandinggovernmentnottohavecontactwithit.

• To restrict all contact infringes upon the free-exercise clause of Amendment I. Yet, acceptedintrusionistosuppress,notpromote,Christianity.

• Anexcellentanalysisoftheestablishment and free-exercise clauses is the Pfefferian Inversion byRichardNeuhaus.(SeeAppendixE,pages64-66)

• Founding Fathers were very perspicuous whentheywrote,“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

• Simply stated, the government cannot establish anational religion, nor can it prohibit any religionfromfreelyexercisingintheUnitedStates.

• Clearly, any restraint placed on religion by anymeansservestoprohibitthefreeexerciseofit.

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44• Todisallowtheexpressionofbiblicalideasinpublic

schoolsoranywhereelseisacademicallydishonestand a prohibition of the free-exercise clause thatincludesfreespeech.Thisdoesnotimplythattheschools should teachdoctrineor theology— theyshouldteachonlyacademicsubjects.

• Butwhenreligionisanintegralpartofthesubjectmatterandobjectiveacademicdebateispermitted,then a student or teacher should be allowed toincludebiblicalconceptsinthediscussion.

• Furthermore,freedomofspeechandfreeexerciseof religion permit anyone at any time to sayanythingheorshewisheswhenevertheyenterintopublicdiscussion.

Summary The ten biblical doctrines described above highlight

the extent to which God’s Word was purposefullyincorporated into the founding documents of ourClientNationbytheFoundingFathers.Thesedoctrinesof Protestant Christianity demonstrate the unseendivinepowerthathasendoweduswithover240yearsofpersonalfreedomandprosperity.

However, thesedoctrines alone cannotmaintain ourfreedom. For our nation to survive, the Pivot mustcontinuetomatureinitsknowledgeanduseofGod’sWordanddisseminateandexplainourConstitution’sbiblical heritage to succeeding generations. Only byourabidingloyaltytothespirit-filledChristianwayoflifemayourfreedomsbepreserved.

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DOCTRINAL CONCLUSIONS Constitutionalprofessionals interpret the separationofchurchandstatesonarrowlythatiftheirinterpretationswereappliedtotheDeclarationofIndependenceandtheUSA Constitution, those documents would be declaredunconstitutional.GeorgeWillnotedthisambiguityinhisbook,StatecraftisSoulcraft:

If ‘right’ rests solely on agreement without reference to absolutes, then what is ‘right’ is determined by opinion. Change opinion and the people again agree but what is ‘right’ has also been changed. And so has the character and the mind of the people. Citizenship is a state of mind, so if the mind is changed enough, the people may still be citizens, but of a different nation.14

JustastheProtestantReformationmotivatedChristiancommunities toreturn to theabsolute truthsofGod’sWord,asimilarreformationisneededtodaywherebythePivotofthisClientNationencouragesareturntotheabsolutesofourConstitution.Thiscanbeachievedbyapplying God’s Word in our lives and remainingsteadfast in protecting our God-given rights. Theinclusion of these rights in theUSA Constitution wasprimarily attributable to Patrick Henry who cogentlydefined themaswritten in the first ten amendments.Our American culture is defined, revealed, andpreserved by the divine principles included in itsfoundingdocuments,asinspiredbyGod’sWord.


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46Because of the Lord’s everlasting grace plan for thehuman race, biblical truth perseveres throughout allgenerationsofhumanhistory,evenintoeternity.

For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness iseverlasting and His faithfulness to allgenerations(Ps.100:5)…Thegrasswithers,theflowerfades,buttheWordofourGodstandsforever (Isa. 40:8) … Forever, O Lord, YourWordissettledinheaven.(Ps.119:89)

God’sWordappliedtolifebymembersofthePivotinaClientNationpreservesthatnationinhistory.Failureof the Pivot in its faithfulness to God’sWord incursdivinedisciplineforthePivotandClientNation.

ListentothewordoftheLord…fortheLordhasacaseagainsttheinhabitantsoftheland,becausethereisnofaithfulnessorkindnessorknowledgeofGodintheland.(Hos.4:1)There is swearing, deception, murder,stealingandadultery.Theyemployviolence,sothatbloodshedfollowsbloodshed.(Hos.4:2)Therefore the land mourns, and everyonewho lives in it languishes along with thebeastsofthefieldandthebirdsofthesky,andalsothefishoftheseadisappear.(Hos.4:3)Yet letnoone find fault, and letnoneofferreproof;foryourpeoplearelikethosewhocontendwiththepriest.(Hos.4:4)Soyouwillstumblebyday,andtheprophetalsowillstumblewithyoubynight;andIwilldestroyyourmother[mothercountry,i.e.,ClientNation].(Hos.4:5)

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47Mypeoplearedestroyedforlackofknowledge[of God’s Word]. Because you have rejectedknowledge,IalsowillrejectyoufrombeingMypriest.SinceyouhaveforgottenthelawofyourGod,Ialsowillforgetyourchildren[succeedinggenerations].(Hos.4:6)Youarethesaltoftheearth;butifthesalthasbecome tasteless, how can it bemade saltyagain?Itisnolongergoodforanything,excepttobethrownoutandtrampledunderfootbymen.(Matt.5:13)

Preservation of our Client Nation depends only upon arestorationofthebasicprinciplesfoundinScriptureandintheLawsofDivineEstablishment,thoseenshrinedinourDeclaration of Independence andConstitution, and thosefoundintheGospelanddoctrinesofNewTestamenttruth.

Dissemination of these principles is mandatory for allmembersofGod’sRoyalFamily. PersonalevangelismismandatedbyHimforallbelieversto“dotheworkofanevangelist”(2Tim.4:5).Thiscanbeachievedbymeansofverbalwitnessingorbyone’sownexampleof livingtheChristianwayoflife.

Evangelizingthelosthasalwaysbeenaccomplishedonaglobal level by evangelists and missionaries. We havebrieflyresearchedtheeffortsofsomemissionariesduringthefirstmillenniumoftheChurchAge:

1) ApostlePaulinIllyricuminthe1stcentury.2) UlfilastotheGothsinthe4thcentury.3) Martin,BishopofToursinGaulinthe4thcentury.4) PatrickinIrelandinthe5thcentury.5) ColumbatoScotlandinthe6thcentury.

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486) ColumbanusinFranceinthe6thcentury.7) BonifacetoGermanyinthe7thcentury.8) CyrilandMethodiusinBulgariainthe9thcentury.9) AnsgartoScandinaviainthe9thcentury.10) JanHustoCzechoslovakiainthe15thcentury.11) ErictheRed&LeifEriksontoIceland,Greenland,

andNorthAmericainthe10thand11thcenturies. We then studied the Protestant Reformation under the

inspirationofMartinLutherbeginningin1517,followedbyHuldrych Zwingli and JohnCalvin. Otherswho initiallycarriedtheGospelofChristtoAmericawerethePilgrimswhosedescendantsbecameourFoundingFathers.


JonathanBrown(Brazil) PatCate(USA) ArmandoGarcia(USA) MarioGarcia(Mexico) GaryHorton(USA,AmericanFreedomAssembly) RickHughes(USA,RickHughesEvangelisticMinistries) FaisalJohn(Pakistan,GraceBibleChurch) MaxKlein(Thailand) RalphLaRosa(Philippines) NickLipsi(Brazil) TimMcLachlan(Thailand) TomMolinar(SouthAfrica,OperationMolinarMission)

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49 GeorgeMueller(Cameroon) JimMyers,(Ukraine) MosesOnwubiko(Nigeria) DavidRoss(England) QuentinSwafford(USA,FamilyAlwaysMatters) ElmerSmith(Hoopa,CA,FirstBaptistChurch) GaryWatson(PhilippiFreedomMinistries) EastRidgeBibleChurch(Shreveport,LA) GraceEvangelicalSociety(Corinth,TX) JoeGriffinMediaMinistries(St.Charles,MO) OperationsGraceWorldMissions(Houston,TX) R.B.Thieme,Jr.,BibleMinistries(Houston,TX).

These twenty-fourmissionaries/missionsarerevealingthe Gospel of Christ and Bible doctrine to unbelievingnations,includinganincreasingnumberoflostsoulsinour own Client Nation. There is a need for moremissionariestofeedthosewhoexpresspositivevolitionto theLord. Until face-to-face teaching is available fortheseindividuals,MP3disksandInternetWebsitesexisttoinstructandsustainthosepositivetoGod’sWord.Maywe be aware of the importance of spreading theWordandthechallengeofhistoricalimpactassignedtoeverymember of the body of Christ, especially to theprómachoi,the“frontrankers”oftheChurch-AgePivot.


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50Finally,howshallmissionariesproclaimthegospel unless they are sent out? Just as itstandswritten [Isa. 52:7], “Howbeautifularethefeetofthosewhoproclaimthegoodnewsaboutgoodthings!(Rom.10:15)Fornotallhaveobeyedthegospel;forIsaiahsays [Isa. 53:1a], Lord,who has believed ourmessage?(Rom.10:16)Faith comes from hearing a message, thatmessagecomesthroughtheagencyofdoctrineaboutChrist.(Rom.10:17EXT)Therefore,weareambassadorsforChrist,asthoughGodwasmakinganappeal throughus[believers].(2Cor.5:20)IfanyoneservesMe[Christ],hemust followMe;andwhereIam,thereMyservantwillbealso; if anyone serves Me, the Father willhonorhim.(John12:26)



…becomeblamelessandpure,childrenof Godwithout fault in a crooked anddepravedgeneration,inwhichyoushinelikestarsintheuniverse,asyouholdouttheWordoflife.(Phil.2:15-16a)

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APPENDICESTheseappendicesofferbiblicalevidenceandcontextto furtherclarify thedoctrinalconcepts introducedinthetextofthisbook.






IfyoucontinuetostudyChrist’sWord,thenyouare trulyHis followers.Andyoushallknow the truth and the truth shall makeyoufree.(John8:31-32)

Blessed is the man who finds divinewisdom, who gains understanding, forBible doctrine is more profitable thansilverandyieldsbetterreturnsthangold…Long life is indoctrine’s righthand; in itslefthandarerichesandhonor.Doctrine’sways are pleasant ways, and all its pathsarepeace[soultranquility].(Prov.3:13-17)

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WORD OF GOD For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be that which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the manner in which I sent it.

(Isa. 55:8-11)

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AstheSecondPersonoftheTrinity,JesusChristagreedtoexecuteGodtheFather’sgraceplanofsalvationforthebenefitofaninherentlysinfulhumanrace.SinceGod’sperfect righteousness cannot be associated withmankind’s imperfect essence, an impartial mediatorrepresentingGodandmanwasrequiredtointercedeonbehalfofbothparties.Asundiminisheddeity(God)andtruehumanity(man)inseparablyunitedinonepersonforever,onlyJesusChristisqualifiedasthatmediator:



InthepersonofJesusChristaretwonaturesinseparablyunited,withoutmixtureorlossofseparate identity,withoutlossor transferofproperties or attributes, the union betweenthetwonaturesbeingpersonalandeternal.

15 AdaptedfromGriffin,OneDayataTime(2013,2017),pages17-18and58-59.16 LackingasinfulnatureduetoHisvirginbirth(Matt.1:18-25).17HypostaticUnionisderivedfromtheGreekfor“essence”—JesusChrist is “theexact imageof [God’s]divineessence [hupostasis]”(Heb.1:3),unitedwithHistruehumanity.

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54IfthehumanityofJesusChristhadcommittedevenonesinduringHis lifeonearth,Hewouldnothavebeenqualified to serve asmankind’smediator; in fact,HewouldhaverequiredamediatorforHimself(Jas.2:10).InadditiontoHis truehumanity, JesusChrist isGod,not merely an agent or representative of God theFather(John1:1,14).AstheprophesiedMessiah/Savior,JesusChristwillinglydeprivedHimselfofHisattributesofdeity.Thus,inHishumanity, He becameman’s substitutionary sacrifice,bearingthepunishmentmandatedbytheFatherforallpast,present,andfuturesinsofthehumanrace.SinceHewasundiminisheddeityandtruehumanity inoneperson,HisspiritualdeathonthecrosswasacceptabletotheFatherasthepenaltyforallthesinsofmankind.

In thebeginningwastheWord [Christ],andtheWordwaswithGod,andtheWordwasGod.HewaswithGodinthebeginning.TheWord became flesh [human] andmade Hisdwellingamongus.(John1:1-2,14)GodmadeHimWhohadnosintobesinforus,sothatinHimwemightbereconciledtoGod.(2Cor.5:21EXT)

The humanity of Jesus Christ could have decided tocommitsin,butHedidnot.Inaddition,lackingasinfulnature,Hewasablenottosin(Matt.4:1-11). HencetheLatinmaxim:Possenonpeccare,nonpossepeccare—Hewasablenottosinandnotabletosin. 1818TheIntegrityofGod(4thed.),R.B.Thieme,Jr.BibleMinistries,2005,page88.

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Who [Christ],being in theessenceofGod,did not consider equality with Godsomethingtobemaintained[asonlydeity],but emptied Himself, taking the verynatureofaservant,beingmadeinhumanlikeness…HehumbledHimself[submittedto salvation plan] andbecameobedient todeath—evendeathonacross!”(Phil.2:6-8)19

OnlyoneSaviorexiststhroughouthistory.AneternalrelationshipwiththeGodheadisassuredbyfaithalonein Christ alone for the purpose of providing thegloriousprospectofsharingthehappinessofGod.

SalvationisfoundonlyinChrist,forthereisnoothernameunderheavengiventomenbywhichwemustbesaved.(Acts4:12)I[Christ]amtheWayandtheTruthandtheLife. NomancomestotheFatherexceptthroughMe.(John14:6)Letusfixoureyes[focusourfaith]onJesus,theauthorandperfectorofourfaith,Whofor the joy set before Him [willingly]enduredthecross[substitutionarysacrificeforthesinsofmankind].(Heb.12:2)


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56However,asoftenoccursfollowingsalvation,toomanybelievers live their lives in ignorance of God and theabsolutetruthsofHisWord,resultinginpersonalandpossiblynationaldiscipline.20 HavingbeensavedbutlackingsufficientknowledgeofGod’sWord,thebelieverfailstobenefitfromtheblessingsawardedonlytothosewhopersistintheirdailylearninganduseofdoctrine.

Aftersalvation,theforemostresponsibilityofbelieversisGod’smandateto“growinthegraceandknowledgeofourLordandSaviorJesusChrist”(2Pet.3:18).Unlesswe complywith this admonition,we are incapable offulfillingourpersonaldestinieswithinHisplan;and,asbelievers,weareidenticalwithunbelievers. Progressbythebelieverspiritually issimilar to the increase incompetency that distinguishes all individuals seekingto improve theirperformance. AsChrist stated: “Youareinerror[havebeendeceived]becauseyoudonotknowtheScripturesorthepowerofGod”(Matt.22:29).

All that is required is the believer’s positive volitiontoward God’s Word, a willingness to learn biblicaltruth,andthecouragetoapplythattruthinhislife.WecannotlivetheChristianwayoflifewithoutknowledgeofGodandHiswillandpurposeforourlives.Doctrinestoredinoursoulsempowersuswithproblem-solvingstrategiestoresolvelife’sinevitabledifficulties:

Whetherwell-fedorhungry,whetherlivingin plenty or in want, I [Paul] can doeverythingthroughHim[bythepowerofJesusChrist].(Phil.4:12-13)


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FIVECYCLESOFDIVINEDISCIPLINE21AClientNationis“God’sprotectedrepresentativeonearth, a source for divine truth where the Gospel isfreely communicated, doctrine iswidely taught, andmissionaries carry God’s Word to areas of positivevolitionthroughouttheworld.TheformationofsuchanationbeginswithpeoplewhorespondtothegraceofGodandbecomebelieversinJesusChrist.AnucleusoftheseChristiansgrowsspirituallyandformsaPivotofmaturebelieverssufficienttosustainthenationandthroughwhichGodfurthersHisplanformankind.”IftheClientNation’smissioniscorruptedorignored,God’s perfect justicewill expose that nation to theincreasingintensityoffivecyclesofdivinediscipline,potentiallyresultinginalossofindividualfreedomsandnationalsovereignty:

FIRST CYCLE: Loss of health, decline ofagricultural prosperity, terror, fear, combatdeath, and loss of freedoms due to negativevolitiontowarddoctrine(Lev.26:14-17)SECOND CYCLE: Economic recession and/ordepression plus added personal and individualdisciplineforpersistentnegativevolitioninspiteofthefirstwarning(Lev.26:18-20)THIRD CYCLE: Violenceandcollapseoflawandorder, severe restraint of travel and commerce(Lev.26:21-22)

21 InformationhereinisadaptedfromR.B.Thieme,Jr.,FreedomthroughMilitaryVictory,4thedition.(Houston:R.B.Thieme,Jr.,BibleMinistries,2003).

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58FOURTH CYCLE: Military conquest or foreignoccupation,scarcityoffood(reducedtoone-tenththenormalsupply),andtheseparationoffamilies(Lev.26:23-26)FIFTH CYCLE: Destructionofthenationduetomaximum rejection of the biblical principles inGod’sWord(Lev.26:27-39)

As God’s first Client Nation, Israel descended intounrelentingapostasy three times in itshistoryandsufferedthefifthcycleofGod’sdiscipline— that is,nationaldestruction.First,theAssyriansdestroyedIsrael’sNorthernKingdomin721BC;andsecond,theChaldeans destroyed Israel’s Southern Kingdom in586BC.Intheyearsfollowingthediscipline,theJewsof both kingdoms lost personal freedoms andnational autonomy. The third application of God’sdivinedisciplineoccurredinAD70whentheRomanlegionsdestroyedJerusalemanddispersedtheJewsthroughouttheworld,knownasthe“Diaspora.”WhileClientNationsmay impacthistory forwhichthey receive blessings, disobedient Client Nationsdecline into apostasy resulting indivinediscipline.Today, theUnitedStatesofAmerica is increasinglydisobedienttodivinedirectivesand,thus,worthyofdivine discipline. Personal freedoms, privacy, andproperty originally protected by our foundingdocuments are increasingly misinterpreted ortotallyviolatedbyourgovernment.Moreover,manyChristian doctrines have been distorted by secularhumanisticbeliefs. ThesolutionisagrowingPivotofspirituallymaturebelieverswithinaClientNation.

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Since God created the essence of human beings toinclude the attribute of personal volition, humanfreedom must be protected and preserved. Forexample, the Bible’s Ten Commandments identifypersonal sins that could destroy the fundamentalpreceptsof freedom: life, liberty,property,privacy,anddivinelydelegatedauthority.Also,beliefinJesusChrist as Savior is an act of volition that must beprotectedtopermitChristianevangelismandstudy.Goddelegatesauthoritytothehumanraceinordertopreservefreedomthroughouthistory(Rom.13:1-7;Titus3:1;1Pet.2:13-14).Thesesystemsofauthorityareidentified as theLawsofDivineEstablishmentorsimplyDivineInstitutions:

Volition: Individuals are held responsible fortheirdecisionsandactionsas regulatedby self-discipline,divineguidance,andrational thoughtratherthanemotionalorinstinctivebehavior.Marriage: A husband’s delegated authorityoverhiswifeemulatestheloveofJesusChristforHisChurchandprovides theessential structureforcontinuedsocietalstability.Family: Parentalauthorityover theirchildrenmustincludeimpersonalloveandrespect,whichservestoprolongandprosperthenationalentitybytheinfluenceofsucceedinggenerations.

22 AdaptedfromR.B.Thieme,Jr.,FreedomthroughMilitaryVictory.

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60Nation:Throughenforcementoflawsinhibitingcentralizedgovernmentcontroloffreedomsandby military readiness capable of overpoweringforeign and domestic aggressors in order tosafeguardnationalstabilityandsovereignty.

The Nation (or Nationalism) safeguards the firstthreedivineinstitutionsbylawsdesignedtodefendandpreservepersonal freedomwithinthenationalentity. To safeguard these rights, the nationmustprotect its governing authority from internal andexternalthreatsthatendangeritsproperfunction.

Internally,bylawsandtheirenforcementthatrestrain violations or control of individualfreedoms.Centralizedpower,ifunrestrained,invariablyresultsinsecularhumanism,beliefsystemsapartfromGodthattakeadvantageofman’sarroganceandlustforpower(Col.2:8).Externally,by thestrictenforcementof lawspreventing the loss of national sovereigntyresulting from international agreements thatthreaten self-government; and by superiormilitary forces capable of overpowering allforeignaggressors.TheBiblewarnstherewillbenointernationalpeaceandprosperityuntilthemillennialreignofJesusChrist(Mark13:7).



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Christianityisnotareligionorphilosophythatutilizeshumanthought,energy,charity,ormorality.Nohumanattribute or innovation can contribute to or improveupon God’s grace plan for the human race. Rather,Christianity begins with a personal relationshipbetweenGodandeveryhumanbeingresultingfromHisgrace giftof salvation and eternal life forwhich JesusChristenduredspiritualdeathonthecrossonbehalfofthehumanrace.Thus,ChristianityisdefinedbyGod’sunequaled and unmerited grace plan for mankindconsistingofthesubstitutionarydeathofJesusChristonthecrossinfullpaymentforallpast,present,andfuturesinsofthehumanrace.

At themoment of salvation, God imputes His perfectrighteousness to thenewbeliever (Rom. 3:22) and theHolySpiritempowershimtocontrolhisinheritedsinfulnature by the use of God’s Word in his soul. If thebeliever faithfully perseveres in learning and usingdoctrine,heisdivinelyenabledtolivetheChristianwayof life. Thus, Christian service or the performance ofgooddeedsacceptabletoGodbecomestheresult,notthemeans,ofthebeliever’sspiritualgrowth:“Bearingfruit in every good work [divine good], [due to]growingintheknowledgeofGod’sWord”(Col.1:10).

Conversely, humanistic religions inspire attempts bymantoearnorprotecthissalvationorgaintheapprovalofGodbyactsofhumaneffortapartfromGod.Rather

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62than agreeingwithGod’s grace plan by acceptingHisSon’s sacrifice on behalf of mankind as all that Godrequires for salvation, they promote works-orientedinterference instead of reliance on His grace plan.WhetherforsalvationorGod’sapproval,humaneffortsaredepictedas“filthyrags”(Isa.64:6).



Emotionalism and empty ritualism dominatemany churches. Mysticism supplants objectiveknowledge of Bible doctrine. Good deeds aretouted as an approach to God. Morality isdistorted into legalistic asceticism and ispreached as a substitute for Christian virtue.Christianservice is enforcedthroughguilt, fear,penance, and doubt concerning one’s eternalstatus,orfalsehopesofdivineblessings.Politicalactivism precludes divine viewpoint thinking.



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63Mankind’srelationshipwithGodandHisgraceplanistotallydependentonbelievinginthetotalaccuracyandfaithfulnessofHisWordasliterally,grammatically,andhistorically interpreted from its original manuscripts.Differentreligionsoriginatefromman’sflawedbiblicalscholarship,whichallowsforscripturalinterpretationscompatible with their own worldly views. TheseversionsaretotallyunacceptabletoGod.

GodhasrevealedHisWordtobelieversbyHisHoly Spirit, not inwords taught us byhumanwisdombutinwordstaughtbytheHoly Spirit, expressing spiritual truths inspiritual words…that we may understandwhatGod inHis gracehas freely givenus.(1Cor.2:10-13)

Conversely,manisinherentlyunabletoimproveuponGod’sinfinitelysuperiorgraceplanforthehumanrace.Wecannot fulfillGod’splan forour lives ifwedonotunderstandthesignificanceofGod’sgrace,whichrejectsattemptstodeserveorearnHisfavor—God’sgraceisfreelygiven,neverearnedordeserved!Falsereligiouspracticesinvolveself-centeredattemptsbymanusinghisownvirtue,intelligence,andefforttoattainsalvation,provideforgivenessofsins,earndivineblessings,and/orqualifyforaneternalrelationshipwithGod. These actions define the essence of religion:namely,manarrogantlyandhopelesslystrivingtoearntheapprovalofGodapartfromagenuinebeliefinJesusChristasSaviorfollowedbyobediencetoHismandateto“growinthegraceandknowledgeofourLordandSaviorJesusChrist“(2Pet.3:18).

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LeoPfeffer,nowrichinyearsandhonors,hasdonemorethananyoneelsetoshapethelawregardingreligionandthestate in America. For forty years he has argued againstschool prayer, religious symbols in the classroom, aid toparochialschoolsbeforetheSupremeCourtand,moreoftenthannot,hehaswon.Recently,Pfefferdescribeshimselfasan “absolutist for strict separationism” — the “wall ofseparation”betweenchurchand state canneverbehighenough. Heknowsthatbeinganabsolutistisanextremeposition,buthisideaofdemocracyisthatabsolutistsononesidecontendagainstabsolutistsontheother,andsomehowsomethinglikejusticeemergesfromthebattle.Lookingback,heseemspuzzledthattheabsolutistson“thereligiousside”justweren’ttherewhentheyshouldhavebeen.Timeandagain,hisabsolutismprevailedasthoughbydefault.LeoPfefferisnotagainstreligion;Heviewsreligionasanexclusivelyprivatematter—whatheisagainstisreligioninpublic.Withtheexpansionofthemodernstate,thewordspublic and governmental have become increasinglyexchangeable. As a result, it is increasingly possible toconstrue the separation of church and state as theseparationofreligionfrompubliclife.Asthegovernmentincreasingly absorbs all public space, and a gooddeal ofprivate space, religiongets squeezed intoanever tightercornerofprivacy.Inrecentyearswehavewitnessedanewassertivenessofreligioninpublic.Forexample,thereligiousrightandtheRomanCatholicbishops’pastorallettershaveattractedwidespreadandoftenanxiousattention.Religion

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65isstrugglingtogetoutofthecornerinwhichithasbeenconfinedbyCourtrulingsandbyhabitsofmindthatwere,inlargepart,craftedbytheformidableLeoPfeffer.Pfeffer sold the Court, important sectors of religiousleadership,andalmosttheentiretyof“enlightened”publicopinionononekeyidea. HisconceptmightbecalledthePfefferian Inversion of the First Amendment. The FirstAmendment states: “Congress shall make no lawrespectinganestablishmentofreligion,orprohibitingthefreeexercisethereof.”ThesewordsleavenodoubtthattheFramerswereconcernedforreligiousfreedom,includingthe freedom of conscience. Theywere adamant in theirbelief that the national government had no businessinterferingwith that freedom. Oneway thegovernmentmight interfere isbypromotingonereligionoverothers.The proscription of such establishment is designed toprotectreligiousfreedom.“Freeexercise”ofreligionisthegoal;“noestablishment”isoneimportantinstrumentintheserviceofthatgoal.NowcomesthePfefferianInversion.(Admittedly,hewasnotalone,andtherewereprecedentsonwhichhebuilt.)Insteadofatwo-partreligionclause(“noestablishment”and“freeexercise”),itwasurgedthatthereweretworeligionclauses,and theyhad somehow to be “balanced” one against theother.Thisignoredthefactthatthetwopartsoftheclausedonotworkagainst eachother, “noestablishment” is in theserviceof“freeexercise.” Inversionwascompletedwhenlawyers became familiar with talking about the religionclauseas“theestablishmentclause.”Thus,themeans(“noestablishment”)iserroneouslygivenpriorityovertheendresult(“freeexercise”).

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66AnextremeexpressionofthisinversionistobefoundinthemuchusedtreatiseonconstitutionallawbyLaurenceTribeofHarvard.ProfessorTribewritesthatthereisa“zonewhich the free exercise clause carves out of theestablishmentclauseforpermissibleaccommodationofreligious interests. This carved-out area might bedescribedasthe“zoneofpermissibleaccommodation.”One doubts if the Framers would be grateful to theProfessor for his allowance of a “zone of permissibleaccommodation”forwhatwastheirentirepurposeinthefirstplace—thefreeexerciseofreligion.OnceweidentifythePfefferianInversion,theCourtdecisionsof the last fortyyearsbecomeeasier tounderstand. Thepremiseisthatanygovernmentinvolvementinorsupportfor religion violates the “no-establishment clause.” Thus,everythingthatgovernmenttouchesmustbefreeofreligion.And,ofcourse,governmentincreasinglytoucheseverything.One consequence among many is that religious socialagencies and colleges have in many cases traded theirreligious identities for governmental dollars. It is theirshamethattheydidso;itisagreatinjusticethattheywererequired to do so. Here and elsewhere, the PfefferianInversionhassupportedagovernment-imposedconformityagainst the genuine pluralism, including the religiouspluralism,ofoursociety.ItistimetoreasserttheelementarytruththatthepurposeofthereligionclauseoftheFirstAmendmentistoprotect,notprohibit,thefreeexerciseofreligion.24

24 Adaptedfrom JohnNeuhaus,“ThePfefferianInversion,”NationalReview,May13,1988,page44.

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OldTestamentExodus20:13,15. . . . . . . . . . . . 3120:17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Leviticus26:14-22. . . . . . . . . . . . 5726:23-39. . . . . . . . . . . . 58Deuteronomy16:17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3117:18-20. . . . . . . . . . . . 3419:15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3524:7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321Samuel7:16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408:11-18. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3313:9,12-13. . . . . . . . . . 402Chronicles26:16-20. . . . . . . . . . . . 41Psalms100:5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46119:89. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Isaiah40:8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4652:7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5055:8-11. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5264;6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Hosea4:1-5,6 . . . . . . . . . . 46,47

NewTestamentMatthew1:18-25 · · · · · · · · · · 534:1-11 · · · · · · · · · · · 545:13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4722:28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Mark13:7 · · · · · · · · · · · · · 60

Mark14:55-59. . . . . . . . 3514:61c-64. . . . . . . 36Luke11:21-22,36. . . . . 3720:25. . . . . . . . . . . 42John1:1-2,14· · · · · · · 548:31-32 · · · · · · · 5112:26. . . . . . . . . . . 5014:6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5515:26. . . . . . . . . . . . 4Acts4:12 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5510:34. . . . . . . . . . . 31Romans1:17 . . . . . . . . . . . . 162:14-15. . . . . . . . . 303:22 . . . . . . . . . . . . 613:23 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3410:12. . . . . . . . . . . 3110:13-14. . . . . . . . 4910:15-17. . . . . . . . 5013:1-7 . . . . . . . . . . 5915:16. . . . . . . . . . . . 315:16,18 . . . . . . . . . 115:19. . . . . . . . . . . . 21Corinthians2:9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242:10-13. . . . . . . . . 632Corinthians5:20 . . . . . . . . . . . . 505:21 . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Galatians4:4a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Philippians2:6-8. . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Philippians2:15-16a. . . . . . . . . . 504:11-13. . . . . . . . . . . 56Colossians1:10· · · · · · · · · · · · 611:15-17. . . . . . . . . . . 301:16-17. . . . . . . . . . . 142:8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Ephesians2:8-9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622Thessalonians3:11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381Timothy2:5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535:13 . . . . . . . . . . . 38,392Timothy4:5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Titus3:1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Hebrews1:3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537:14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407:53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910:25. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3212:2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55James2:10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541Peter2:9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382:13-14. . . . . . . . . . . 594:15 . . . . . . . . . . . 38,395:2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322Peter3:18 . . . . . . . . . . . 56,635:21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Revelation22:16. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

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68SUBJECTINDEXA Ambassador,III,50AmendmentstoConstitution,32-33,36-37,39,43,45,65-66

Anatolia(Turkey),2-3C Calvin,John-seeProtestantismCatholicism-Roman,3-6,12-15,21,25, 64,seeProtestantismforcontrastCatholicism-GreekOrthodox,4,13 FilioqueDispute,4CharlesMartel,FrenchKing,6,10CatholicvictorinBattleofPoitiers

ClientNations/Pivots,IV,1,13,20-21, 25-29,44-46,49-50,57-58D DivineDisciplineCycles,58-59DivineEstablishmentLaws,59-60DivineGrace,16-17,23-24,44,46, 49-50,53-56,57,61-63DoctrinesinFoundingDocuments: DivineProvidence,29-30LawofGod,30EqualityUndertheLaw, 31InalienableRights, 31-32DelegatedPowers, 33-34 ChecksandBalances, 34-35InnocentUntilProvenGuilty,35-36 RighttoBearArms,36-37


E ExplorerswithMissionaries: ChristopherColumbus-Spain,13,14 AlonsoOjeda-Spain,15 AmerigoVespucci-Italy,15 VascoNunezdeBalboa-Spain,15

HernandoCortes-Spain,15 FranciscoPizarro-Spain,15PedroCabral-Portugal,15FerdinandMagellan-Portugal,15

F FoundingFathers,28-29,34,39, 43-44,48FoundingDocuments,29-45,58Freedom-Religious/Political,1, 18,20,25,28-29,31-32,34, 42,44,48-49,57-60,65G Gentiles,1-3,30-31Gospel,III-VI,1-3,5-6,8-9,11,14, 16,22,47-50,57Greece,2,11,23Gutenberg,Johannes,14,17,23 InventionofprintingpressH Henry,Patrick,45Huguenots-Protestants,15 FrenchHuguenotscreatePivots withinmanyClientNations,21Human/Humanist/Humanism,16- 17,23-24,30-31,36,38,53-55, 58-63,seeLegalismHypostaticUnion,IV,53I IslamReligion: Allah,Muhammad,Qu’an,7 DefeatedinBattleofPoitiers,6J Jefferson,Thomas,32JesusChrist,III-VI,1-3,6-9,11-14 16-17,30,36-37,40,48-51,53- 57,59-63

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69L Legal/Legalistic/Legalism,19,23, 28,31,38,43,62Luther,Martin-seeProtestantismM Madison,James,34Missionaries-Protestant/Catholic: ApostleJames-Jerusalem,1Apostle-Paul-Anatolia,Illyricum, 1-3,16,56

Ulfila-Goths,5 MartinofTours-Gaul,6,10 Patrick-Ireland,8 Columba-Scotland,8-9 Columbanus-France,10 Boniface-Germany,10-11 Cyril/Methodius-Bulgaria,11-12 Ansgar-Scandinavia,12 ErictheRed-Greenland,12-13 LeifEriksson-NorthAmerica,13 JanHus-Czechoslovakia,11 SeeSummary,47-48 GDCMissionaries,48-49N NiceneCreed,3P PfefferianInversion,64-66Protestantism,14,20-21,25-50, 53-63 MartinLuther-Reformation,15- 19,23-25,45,48 Orthodox,3,4,13-15,19,23,25 Theologians/Evangelists: WilliamTyndale-England,25 Calvin,John-France,19,26-27 Zwingli,Huldrych-Swiss,19 RoyalAdvocates/Activists: KingBoris-Bulgaria,11 KingOlafI-Norway,12

KingFrederickI-Prussia,20 KingAdolphus-Sweden,21 KingWilliamIII-England,21 KingEdwardVI-England,25 KingHenryVIII-England,24 QueenEliza.I-England,26 ComparetoCatholicism,15-19, 23-26,61-63 seeClientNations/Pivots, Missionaries,Huguenots Puritans/Pilgrims Puritans/Pilgrims,24-27 Calvinism,26-27 ConflictswithAnglicanChurchof England,24-26 MayflowerExpedition,26 PlymouthColony(USA),26 MayflowerCompact,27R Religion,4,6-7,32,42-44,61- 63,64-66ReligiousRituals,4,17-18,23- 24,62Renaissance/Baroque/Gothic, 22-24RomanEmpire,3-5S Salvation/EternalLife,IV-VI,16, 53-56,61-63Spiritual/Spirituality,16.22-23, 25,39-42,50,54,56-58,61,63W Word,God’s,VI,6,11,16,19,22,23-24, 44-47, 49-52, 54, 56-58,61,63

Z Zwingli,Huldrych-seeProtestantism

Page 79: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and


ABOUTTHEAUTHOR… Joe Griffin is pastor of Grace Doctrine Church andpresidentofJoeGriffinMediaMinistries,bothlocatedinSt.Charles,Missouri.HeisagraduateoftheUniversityofAlabamaand,afteracareerintelevisionproduction,was ordained as a Pastor in God’s grace ministry byBerachahChurchinHouston,Texas.

Griffin became the pastor/teacher of Grace DoctrineChurch in1985. From theBible’s original languages,his exegetical analysis of Scripture has gained anational following through the live broadcasts of

Griffin has authored seven other books:God Exists,Safe to Die?, Know What God Thinks, Does HeHearMyPrayer?OneDayataTime,PromisesofGod, Forty Proclamations, and was editor of JoeHunt’sWhoLovesYou?

Joe and his wife, Jo Henra, live in St. Charles County(justwestofSt.Louis),Missouri.Theyhavetwosons,adaughterandson-in-law,andtwograndchildren.

Page 80: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and


ABOUTTHEEDITOR…John Cameron Smith, a native of British Columbia,Canada, has livedmost of his adult life in St. Louis,Missouri.Forhisundergraduatedegree,hemajoredinthephysicalsciences,followedbyaMastersdegreeinFinancialManagement.

During his business career lasting almost forty-fiveyears, Smith served as an executive with severalcompanies.Heretiredasanexecutiveresponsibleformentoringthegrowthofsmallbusinesses.

Smith and his family were among the initial groupthatjoinedGraceDoctrineChurchin1975,andsincethenhasserved inseveralpositionson theBoardofDeacons.HecurrentlyservesasSeniorEditorforthepublications of JoeGriffinMediaMinistries. He hasedited two other books: One Day at a Time andPromisesofGod.

John and his wife, Susan, live in St. Louis County,Missouri, and enjoy sharing in the lives of fourchildren,theirspouses,andelevengrandchildren.

Page 81: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and


Page 82: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and

Books by Grace Doctrine Church

God Exists

Safe to Die?

Know What God Thinks

Does He Hear My Prayer?

One Day at a Time

Promises of God

Forty Proclamations

Gospel’s Missionary Journey

The Divine Decree

Who Loves You?

These books may be ordered from:

Joe Griffin Media Ministry1821 South River Road

St. Charles, MO 63303-4124

Page 83: Joe Griffin Gospel’s Missionary Journey · 2See Griffin, One Day at a Time(2013, 2017), pages 91-92. 3 Selected by God to administer the development, preservation, education, and

Joe Griffin Media Ministries

1821 South River Road • St. Charles, MO 63303-4124

ISBN 0-9760775-8-2