july 2010 monthly report

SERBS FO SERBS 2010 Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us Monthly Report No 1 July, 2010 Charity organization Serbs for Serbs PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: +131285SERBS Website: www.SerbsForSerbs.org EMail: [email protected]

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Monthly Report July 2010 (updated) Mesecni Izvestaj za Jul 2010 Srbi za Srbe







Monthly Report   


 Monthly Report No 1                       July, 2010 

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634  

Phone: +1‐312‐85‐SERBS Website: www.SerbsForSerbs.org   E‐Mail: [email protected]   


Monthly Report     www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2010  Dear friends and donors,

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs have finally registered in the state of Illinois in UnitedStates by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity organization Serbs for Serbs is currently in theprocess of applying for a 501(c)3 non-profit organization status. We registered organization inJun 2010 and we have already started working andbegan raising donations for our first small project -providing humanitarian aid for Serbian childrenand people living in Kosovo and Metohija villages.Since this is our fresh start in the United Statesplease excuse us for any difficulties and mistakesthat we make in the beginning.

About Us

The mission of Charity organization Serbs forSerbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,Serbs and their friends through plannedprojects, social and humanitarian activities inorder to develop and foster better society forfuture generations and provide aid for underprivileged families in need. Although there are many humanitarianorganizations and associations, help often doesn'treach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessaryadministration, missing information and slowdecision making, the delivery of aid arrives too lateto the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad andembarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000children daily die around the world because ofstarvation and malnutrition. There, among us, theblind and deaf. We are witnesses of the bad demographic situationof our nation, decreasing natality, increasingnumber of singles, abortions, accelerated aging ofthe population and generally bad economic

condition of the households in Serbia, Republic ofSrpska and Montenegro and other countries in the Balkan. An average couple has "fallen" on one child.Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority inits own country in the following century if thenation, individuals and government don't wake upfrom the nescient in which they've fallen! On the other hand, nobody is talking about thefamilies with many children which grieve by livingin bitter poverty. Occupied by their everydaystruggle for survival, they are being humbly in theirdesire for implementing rights which belong tothem. Their life stories, fears and problems are identical, but almost invisible and unheard in orderto gain the attention of the public, media and evenstate. That's why the idea of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs arose. Organization was formed by a group of young and trustfulpeople, who are united by the common vision ofhelping families blessed by many children and whoare aware of the fact that even a small help means alot for those who don't live in a material excess.

We are united by the humane idea to help the poorest part of the Serbian nation. Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian heritage as well as all good people throughout the world with minimal, but constant monthly donations. We hope and believe that there is also a grain of doing good and that you will join us in the endless struggle against poverty. God bless and save all Serbian families with many children and our honored donors who participate in the noble effort to return smile on children faces.



Monthly Report     www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2010  


The mission of Charity organization Serbs for Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Serbian people through our projects and humanitarian activities, in order to develop better society for future generations. Why Serbs for Serbs? We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian people in togetherness and brotherhood help through humanitarian work and social aid. Who do we help? We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans, have five or more children and live in terrible poverty. How do we define “terrible poverty”? Under terrible poverty we define absence of one or more basic factors required for living: food, clothes, shoes, and safe space for living. Why do we help? We believe that there is a basic need for one human (or a group) to help others in distress. A help is not only human virtue but also a Christian responsibility. By focusing our help on families with many children, we directly affect on their stirring toward becoming independent from social-dependable government programs. Indirectly, we want to affect on birth rate of Serbian people that has been in great decline in last 20 years.

What are our long term goals? - family is ready to support itself daily and manage to pay all required expenses and bills - their children are encouraged to continue with school and raising their own family - our donors are satisfied with the activities and they are ready to help other families - our organization is satisfied with the results - family is ready in the future to become our donor and if necessary help other families that are in need of help Who do we need in organization? We need members and donors that will secure financial stability through supporting our programs and activities in the future. Donors may join our daily activities within the organization in order to coordinate our work better. We also need volunteers ready to donate several hours per week for actual work within the organization. Activities of volunteers and their specific tasks would be determined by the required projects and their personal interest. From that group of volunteers we would look for future leaders of organization.

Monthly Report     www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2010  

In July we helped two families in Serbia family Danjek and Militunovic

A fresh start for family Danjek

Few members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs from Serbia visited and helped the family Danjek from Ravno Selo near Vrbas, Serbia July 04.2010. We used a visit to Danjek family to make a first of two installments in the amount of 1,500 Euros for their new house where they moved two months ago. We have also helped the family Milutinovic with purchase of two pigs (in the amount of 200 Euros).

We began our trip after the Holy Liturgy in the church of Sv. Demetrius in New Belgrade. After a brief meeting and planning we started our trip to the Ravno Selo. In the village of Ravno Selo we stop by first to Mr. Lazar Jakic with whom we made an agreement on buying a house for the Danjek family.

Having delivered the first installment in the amount of 1,500 Euros agreement was to pay the remainder of 3.000 Euros in two equal installments. We comply with the agreement and give the first installment of 1500euros.

After taking a formality, we agreed to pay final part at the end of the September when the Danjek family officially become the owner of the house, and also get a chance to start a new life. This will also be the second house we bought to Serbian vulnerable families.

After meeting with Mr. Jakisic we went a couple of streets below, where we found Sasha with his daughter and two neighboring kids in front of his new home. Sasha was filled with words of gratitude on account of our organization, especially since only C.O. Serbs for Serbs help him in his own words only SFS found in his hand when it was most needed.

Report: Predrag Marinkovic

Monthly Report     www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2010  

Help for Milutinovic Family

After visiting family Danjek in Ravno Selo village, the road continues about 20- km away to the village Pivnice and family Milutinovic our old acquaintances that we visited last fall and gave them goats and chickens. This time we bought two pigs. Unfortunately big family like Milutinovic still living in very difficult conditions. Parents' wages whenever the opportunity arises, but it was enough for only one meal a day.

Very difficult situation, a little better after buying goats and chickens by our organization but still not good enough. Children are malnourished and many appear to have at least three or four years younger than their peers. This time we got to play second football match-Milutinovic "Serbs for Serbs," but we only exchanged a few passes with the children.

It should be recalled and that several young Milutinovic are mild mentally handicapped, while the youngest member who has only two years into something more difficult condition.

To Milutinovic family we deliver a package of two quilts that were donated by friends of our organization.

Good news in all this is that the pigs will get piglets for a month and we hope to contribute as much as improving their existential situation.

Thing that made us very sad is image of very rich houses that surround the Milutinovic family home and that Milutinovic neighbor watching lions and other similar statues placed on neighborhood fences. We simply do not understand that people from the same village, same street, who certainly know the very difficult financial and social situation in which Milutinovic live, are not able to carry them one potatoes, tomatoes and a glass of milk to children and at least to had the second meal during the day. However, as children father Milan said ''how is God will''. For our part, we help family to create the conditions to work and survive.

Monthly Report     www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2010  

In early October we will find out how much the new piglets they got.

Our odyssey ends after visiting St.Sava endowment. Kovilj monastery dating from the 13th century.

Report: Predrag Marinkovic



Monthly Report     www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2010  

July in USA

We builded new website and promoted our organization. Members of the Charity organization Serbs for Serbs visited several different events in the wider Chicago area. Beside these events, we also visited important Serbian locations and sacred sites. We prepared a brief photo report for our donors...

In a healthy body, healthy mind

Member of Charity organization Serbs for Serbs Aleksandar Krsmanovic from New York City,successfully completed Nautica New York City Triathlon ,Age Group July 18, 2010 in New York,NY 1.5k Swim, 40k Bike, 10k Run time(2:33:40)

Monthly Report     www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2010  


Donors in July **************************************************











Number of Donors (14)

Number of Donors (14)

1.Aleksandar Krsmanovic (NY) - $50 2. www.CikaskiSrbi.com - $50 3. Zeljka (IL) - $50 4. Sinisa K. (IL) - $50 5. www.NemaPredaje.net - $25 6. Mateja Stojkovic (IL) - $25 7. Milan Kolundzija (IN) - $15 8. I.S (IL) - $25 9. A.S (CA) - $70 10. Milos Joncic (NY) -$25 11. Mladen Simic (OH) -$25 12. Vesna Glisic(CA) -$100 13. Vladan Krstic (IL) -$30 14. Ivan Simic (IL) - $40










Donations in July ($580.00)

Donations in July ($580.00)

********************************************** Total: $580.00



[email protected]