june 27, 2021 love god. love self. love others. share jesus

June 27, 2021 ST. MARY CHURCH (SM) 155 STATE ST. CORNING, NY ALL SAINTS ACADEMY (ASA) 158 STATE STREET CORNING, NY PARISH OFFICES (PO) 158 STATE STREET CORNING, NY Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus. AllSaintsParishCorningNY AllSaintsAcademyCorningNY www.allsaintsparish.org www.asacorning.org All Saints Parish Corning ASPCorning ASACorning MyParishAPP (smartphone) Father Matthew Jones Pastor, x208 [email protected] Mary Ann Lacey, x203 ASA Principal [email protected] Kathy Warner, x210 Business Manager [email protected] Office: 607-936-4689 Emergency: 607-481-1113 School: 607-936-9234 Jill Reimann, x212 Bookkeeper [email protected] Charlette Smith, x201 Communications [email protected] Mary Ann Tozer, x209 Cemetery and Funerals [email protected] Baptisms ...x204 Marriage ...x208 Michael Plagerman Music, 509-237-0094 [email protected] Lorraine Smith Faith Formation, x204 [email protected] Office Hours: Due to COVID restrictions, office hours are by phone only. In God We Trust Join Us For Mass on Saturdays at 5:00pm | Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am | Mon-Wed-Fri at 12:15pm

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Page 1: June 27, 2021 Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus

June 27, 2021






Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus.





All Saints Parish Corning ASPCorning

ASACorning MyParishAPP (smartphone)

Father Matthew Jones Pastor, x208 [email protected]

Mary Ann Lacey, x203 ASA Principal [email protected]

Kathy Warner, x210 Business Manager [email protected]

Office: 607-936-4689 Emergency: 607-481-1113 School: 607-936-9234

Jill Reimann, x212 Bookkeeper [email protected]

Charlette Smith, x201 Communications [email protected]

Mary Ann Tozer, x209 Cemetery and Funerals [email protected]

Baptisms ...x204 Marriage ...x208

Michael Plagerman Music, 509-237-0094 [email protected]

Lorraine Smith Faith Formation, x204 [email protected]

Office Hours: Due to COVID restrictions, office hours are by phone only. In God We Trust

Join Us For Mass on Saturdays at 5:00pm | Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am | Mon-Wed-Fri at 12:15pm

Page 2: June 27, 2021 Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus

June 27, 2021 | Page 2

Dear Friends,

Just hours after most parishes submitted their bulletins for publication, pastors received a communication from the Office of the Bishop with new direction about restrictions and guidelines:

“Today we were informed that “effective immediately, [New York State’s] mandated restrictions are lifted across commercial and social settings.” These include “social gathering limits, capacity restrictions, social distancing, cleaning and disinfection, health screening, and contact information for tracing.” In the same announcement, the State indicated that “Unvaccinated individuals continue to be responsible for wearing masks, in accordance with federal CDC guidance. Consistent with the State’s implementation of the recent CDC guidance, masks are still required for unvaccinated individuals.” No mention was made in the NYS announcement of the need for continued social distancing between unvaccinated individuals or between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, except at “indoor venues that hold more than 5,000 attendees.” Therefore, by virtue of this Memorandum, the policies, guidelines and permissions previously issued from my office between March 2020 and May 2021, for the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the administration of the Sacraments during the Coronavirus pandemic are hereby rescinded with the exception of those noted below. The instructions of the Universal Church and the Diocese for the worthy and reverent celebration of Holy Mass and the Sacraments are to be followed and no extraordinary considerations that were previously permitted during the Coronavirus pandemic should continue. The following are to be maintained:

• Holy Communion is distributed only under one form, namely the Sacred Host. • The exchange of the sign of peace, which is always optional, either continues to be omitted or only encouraged without shaking hands or holding hands, “in a somber manner,” in accord with the Church’s instruction (The Sing of Peace will continue to be omitted for the time being).• Our churches, as houses of God, should continue to be kept clean, especially commonly touched surfaces. Cleaning in between Masses is no longer required (We will still do this).• Holy water fonts remain empty. • Baptisms continue to use only fresh water for each baptism and the fonts cleaned afterwards. • Churches should continue to assure good ventilation by introducing fresh air, whenever possible (we have almost zero ventilation in the Church!!)• It is recommended that some “social distancing” seating should still be offered, as needed (We will continue to do this as well).

One can infer from this communication that we can begin to resume some Liturgical Ministries in the parish. Since there has been a lapse of one year and three months since Lay Liturgical Ministers were last used, there is a need for retraining for experienced and training for new members. It will be a task of great responsibility to rebuild, sustain and maintain the most important ministry to the life of the parish as we move forward. With that, this is an opportune moment to make a very important announcement about the life of our parish. Michael Plagerman is not leaving us after all. He will remain with us as Director of Music and take on an additional role of Pastoral Ministry, which includes overseeing and developing liturgical ministers, funeral ministry and planning, among many other duties. He has been a tremendous help to me during this past month, where we averaged at least three planned funerals a week, to say nothing of those that come to us on a regular basis. Since our Mass schedule has reduced from four before the pandemic and three since reopening, the music responsibilities have diminished (about three quarters time). The pastoral responsibilities will be about one quarter time, but as the parish continues to grow and expand, this need will become greater. This full-time position was in constructed during Michael’s work in preparing for his successor, which is no longer needed. I am very grateful that he has decided to remain with us at All Saints. He has turned down other offers, some higher paying, because he believes in the direction our parish is heading. He has developed a good rapport with parishioners, which helped his decision to remain here so that he can continue to build a solid, quality sacred music program. He has helped a lot of grieving families find peace and understanding through the Rituals of the Church which takes a lot of skill and compassion. His full-time appointment will begin around Labor Day weekend, and we will continue a light fare offering of music throughout the summer, with a few weeks off to return home to visit as well as tie up loose ends in Ithaca, where he has completed the necessary requirements for the Doctor of Musical Arts. His appointment will begin at a good time, as the Committee on Doctrine (of which our own Bishop Matano is a member) recently produced a document ahead about music in Catholic worship. They are instructing us to be mindful that music chosen for the Mass the reflects the biblical reality of the Catholic faith, and to make sure music selections reflect a liturgical pattern are not more than just simply picking our favorite songs. More will be coming on this later, toward the end of the summer, when expect the majority of our parishioners who have decided to return are back.

In Christ,

Fr. Jones

Good News

Page 3: June 27, 2021 Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus

June 27, 2021 | Page 3

Adoration of the Blessed SacramentTuesdays, 9:00am - 9:00pm

ConfessionsSaturdays, 3:00-4:30pm

St. Mary Church is Open for Prayer Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 7:00am - 12:15pm

Tuesday: 7:00am - 9:00pm Thursday: 7:00am - 6:00pmSaturday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm

Prayer GroupsRosary/Divine Mercy: Sat, 7:30am

Daily Evening Zoom Rosary: 8:00 p.m. Contact Teresa at [email protected]

for zoom log-in

Thinking of Marriage? Contact Father Jones, [email protected], at least nine months prior to your planned wedding date and before making other wedding arrangements.

Sunday TV Mass Sunday at 11:00 AM WETM2 (18.2)

Spectrum 11, Empire Access 97, Blue Ridge 8 ~~~~~~

Look for ASP-TV atwww.allsaintsparish.org

Baptism: A preparation class is required before the Baptism of your first child. To schedule an appointment, please contact Lorraine Smith via email at [email protected]

Mass Book | July - December 2022The Mass Book for intentions is now open for July 1 through December 31, 2022. Please call the Parish office at 936-4689 ext. 209 to reserve your Mass intentions. Also, please ask about Bread & Wine, Sanctuary Lamp and Flower Memorials. These can be sponsored each week for the church. TV Mass memorials can be requested as a remembrance of a loved one each week up to two TV Masses. Digital Book of Intentions: We encourage you to visit our digital Book of Intentions at allsaintsparish.org/prayerintentions.

Day-by-Day Week Long Vocation IntentionsPlease join us in daily prayer over the course of this coming week. Please recite the following prayer for the particular daily intention.

Eternal Father, We lift up to you {intention}. Sanctify, heal, and guide him/her. May the Holy Spirit possess him/her and give him/her His Gifts

and Fruits in abundance. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Sunday: Pope Francis

Monday: Bishop Matano

Tuesday: Fr Matthew Jones

Wednesday: For Priests and those pursuing the Order of Priesthood

Thursday: For Sisters and those pursuing the Religious Orders for women-Sr Mary Jackson, FMA

Friday: For Deacons and those pursuing the Order of Deacon-Brian Mizzoni

Saturday: Increase in Vocations from All Saints Parish


SANCTUARY LAMP Deceased Orelli Family Members - The Family BREAD AND WINE Joe Mellusi - Anita Mellusi

FLOWERS Deceased Members of the Horn & McCrudden Families - The Horn Family

WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE and INTENTIONSThirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sat June 26 (Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 5:00pm Faye Tong - Bacalles Family (TV Mass: Ronald Maurer - Wife, Gisele Brian & Teresa Utz; 20th Wedding Anniversary - Family) Sun June 27 (Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 8:00am William Gorme - Alexander Gorme 10:30am For the People of All Saints Parish

Mon June 28 (Saint Irenaeus, Bishop, Martyr) 12:15pm Angela Russo - Daughter, Theresa Puccio Josephine & Thomas Recotta - Family Wed June 30 (Weekday; The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church) 12:15pm Lyle Kimball - Lou Ferraro Fri July 2 (Weekday) 12:15pm Joe Mellusi - Wife, Anita Pauline & Thomas Clancy - Daughters

Sat July 3 (Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 5:00pm For the People of All Saints Parish (TV Mass: Mary & Louis Nessle - Mary Lou & John Wood Raymond Augustine - Family ) Sun July 4 (Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 8:00am Edgar Alan Gorme - Alexander Richter 10:30am Gordon Schenck & James Jack - Wife, Sally Schenck & Daughters of James Jack

Page 4: June 27, 2021 Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus

June 27, 2021 | Page 4

Touching the Cloak of Christ

Look to today’s Gospel and you’ll find one of the most arresting images in all of Scripture. Christ in a crowd, everyone clamoring for his attention, pressing against him. Several feet away, is a chronically ill woman, weak and desperate for help. She knows she doesn’t have a chance of getting his attention. She has no connections. She has no strength. All she can do is lift up her hand.

So that’s what she does. She reaches out.

There comes a time, or maybe several times, in each of our lives when we become this woman. We’re tired and we’re sick. Is it with sin? With fear? With anger? It doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, it’s made us weak, and we feel like we’ve run out of options. We’ve looked for help and come up empty. We’ve consulted friends and gotten nowhere. We’re lost in the crowd of life, unable to stick our heads above the pressing throng to wave for help.

And there is Christ, always passing by us. The hem of his cloak is never far from our grasp. We have no hope of a big miracle like the synagogue leader. We don’t even bother asking for that. But that cloak ... we can touch that cloak. That’s something we can do.

Do we do it, though? Do we have the confidence of that sick, beaten-down woman who knew so totally that healing was there for the taking? Or do we retreat back into the crowd, stumbling back home with our pain and our sinfulness? Reach out, friends. However, whatever, whenever — reach out. Christ will not fail you.

— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS


“Do not be afraid, just have faith.” God does not rejoice in our demise or our destruction. Rather, He made us in his image and desires that we have life. He also desires that we be healed and know His loving touch. There is great power in an embrace offered in love. The touch of another can heal wounds and restore life. There is also power in faith. Faith can turn us toward the truth and turn us toward God. Both love and faith can lead us to hope that no matter what we encounter, God will continue to sustain us in being. He will not allow us to perish. God can profoundly change how we see Him, ourselves, and one another. God desires that we turn toward Him and be healed of all that wounds and binds us so that we can be free and enjoy the fullness of life. We are asked to arise and walk proudly with this life-giving faith. Reach out and share this faith with someone this week so that they too can receive God’s life changing embrace and heed His call to wholeness. There are many in our world wandering around aimlessly without hope. Bring it to them.

The All Saints Parish Men’s Group is calling Spiritual Warriors

to come deepen your Faith through Prayer, Community, Discussion, and ACTION!

The Group meets each Saturday from 8:00-9:00am in Rogers Hall

June Works of Mercy Ideas:

Pray for the living and the dead

* Have a fasting day to pray and remember those who are living and dead.

* Pray for those who feel alone and unwelcomed, are hungry, sick or are in


Page 5: June 27, 2021 Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus

June 27, 2021 | Page 5

Cemetery Corner

You may recognize this statue of our Blessed Mother. She was previously standing on the outside of the St. Mary’s Convent. Since the Convent was torn down she has been residing in the garage behind the church. We are in the process of working with a restorer who is going to clean, paint, and make a new foundation for the statue. It will then be moved to the Sisters’ Circle in the Cemetery.

This is very exciting and I know she will look beautiful in the Holy Ground of the Cemetery! Of course the restoration is not free, so we are asking for help to pay for this very important project.

If you would like to make a donation, please contact, Mary Ann Tozer, at the number below, or send your donation made payable to “St. Mary’s Cemetery” to: All Saints Parish, 158 State St, Corning, NY 14830.

Thank you and we will keep you updated on the progress!

Watch this space for announcements and/or reminders about our Cemetery. For questions or concerns, please contact: Mary Ann Tozer, phone: 607-936-4689, ext. 209 or email: [email protected]

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The author of The Cloud of Unknowing prays, “That which I am and the way that I am, with all my gifts of nature and grace, you have given to me, O Lord, and you are all this. I offer it all to you, principally to praise you and to help my fellow Christians and myself.” Knowing that God sustains us in being is the key to faith. All that we need to do is to love God as God is and the rest will begin to fall into place. God made us in His image and desires that we have life. God also desires that we be healed of all of our wounds, especially those caused by sin, and know his loving touch. Being weighed down by negativity, imperfections, the cares of the world, and weakness is not something that God desires.

Faith can profoundly change how we see God, ourselves, and one another. It gives a clearer lens through which to see life and connects us with the powerful virtues of love and hope. Three friends journeying with us through all that we encounter, faith, hope, and love, help us experience God’s embrace and heal us. All we have to do is let God be who God is and not foolishly try to make Him into what we need or want Him to be. Without God we cease to be. It’s that simple. The very blood that flows through my veins and the life that I have come directly from Divine origins. With this knowledge of who God is and who I am, I can open my ears and hear the powerful words Jesus speaks, “Do not be afraid, just have faith.” Trust begins.

When we are struggling, we naturally reach out for God because we know that a divine remedy is the only remedy. But, in doing so we wrestle with letting God take charge. We want something more miraculous and visible than the obvious and have difficulty in finding consolation simply resting in God’s presence. Our naked being, stripped of any pretense or self-serving agenda, is being called to rest in and love the uncreated Presence of God. Reach out in love to God. Ask God to heal you from all that separates you from Him. Put aside any ideas of God that create barriers between you and God’s tender and endearing presence. The Cloud of Unknowing leaves us with wisdom, “think of yourself and of him in the same way, that is, with the simple awareness that he is as he is and that you are as you are.” This is a meeting of two friends who desire nothing more than to share life together.


Page 6: June 27, 2021 Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus

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Page 7: June 27, 2021 Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus

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Page 8: June 27, 2021 Love God. Love Self. Love Others. Share Jesus

June 27, 2021 | Page 8

ALL SAINTS PARISH YOUTH GROUP Calling all 7th - 12th Graders

Join us or for more information contact,Lorraine Smith at 962-4689 ext. 204 or

[email protected]

The Faith Formation Program is in the planning stages. Please continue to look for bulletin announcements or

email blasts, pertaining to program and Sacrament sign ups.

Enjoy your summer!

Please be sure to check for updates with yourrespective groups on myParish App. You can download the App on Apple App and Google Play.

Grades Pre-K through 8th

Sign up for a free session of A Biblical Walk through the Mass

We’ve been encouraging you to take a look at the newly revised A Biblical Walk Through The Mass for the past few days.

If you’re longing for a deeper experience of the Mass, this program can help.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.Sign up for a free session today and see for yourself.

Copy and paste the link for more information. https://bit.ly/3zgE75g


Has your family considered All Saints Academy?

The benefits of a Catholic education produce lasting and meaningful results. Research shows that not only do Catholic schools have smaller achievement gaps when compared to their public school counterparts, but that graduates of Catholic schools are more civically engaged, more tolerant of diverse views, and are more committed to service as adults.

All Saints Academy strives to continue the rich tradition of Catholic education with the Corning community and provides students with the life-changing gift of a faith-based education.

All Saints Academy is committed to developing:

• Communities of Faith centered on the model of Jesus Christ

• Communities of Knowledge focused on high academic expectations for all learners

• Communities of Service committed to improving our community and nation

If you are interested in establishing a solid Catholic foundation for your child or grandchild please call:

All Saints Academy at 607-936-9234. Mary Ann Lacey, Principal