keiko araki - l’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. she tends to draw insects, monstrous...

È nata a Firenze nel 1993. Sin da piccola mostra interesse a dipingere e giocare con i colori. L’uso delle immagini le consente di studiare, nonostante le dif- ficoltà nel linguaggio, e di coltivare la sua passione artistica. Si è diplomata al Liceo Artistico di Porta Romana di Firenze, dove ha approfondito le principali tecniche di disegno e pittura. Frequenta il Centro Ca- sadasé, gestito dall’associazione Autismo Firenze, e partecipa al programma di visi- te alle mostre di Palazzo Strozzi e al Museo Marino Marini. In pittura Keiko predilige la rappresentazione di figure umane, animali e paesaggi naturali. Sperimenta inoltre la costruzione di scatole di carta, la decora- zione di T-shirt, borse o stoffe, la realizza- zione di collage e ceramiche. Ha esposto le sue opere in numerose mo- stre personali e collettive. Keiko Araki She was born in Florence in 1993. She has shown an interest in painting and playing with colours since childhood. In spite of her language difficulties, the use of images has allowed her to study and to cul- tivate her artistic passion. She graduated at the Porta Romana Arts College in Flor- ence where she studied the main drawing and painting techniques. She attends the Casadasé Centre, managed by the Florence Autism Association, and she takes part in the visiting programmes for the exhibitions at Palazzo Strozzi and the Marino Mari- ni Museum. When painting, Keiko favours representing people, animals and natural landscapes. She also experiments making paper boxes, decorating t-shirts, bags and fabric, and making collages and ceramics. She has exhibited her art in numerous indi- vidual and collective exhibitions.

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Post on 15-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nata a Firenze nel 1993. Sin da piccola mostra interesse a dipingere e giocare con i colori. L’uso delle immagini le consente di studiare, nonostante le dif-ficoltà nel linguaggio, e di coltivare la sua passione artistica. Si è diplomata al Liceo Artistico di Porta Romana di Firenze, dove ha approfondito le principali tecniche di disegno e pittura. Frequenta il Centro Ca-sadasé, gestito dall’associazione Autismo Firenze, e partecipa al programma di visi-te alle mostre di Palazzo Strozzi e al Museo Marino Marini. In pittura Keiko predilige la rappresentazione di figure umane, animali e paesaggi naturali. Sperimenta inoltre la costruzione di scatole di carta, la decora-zione di T-shirt, borse o stoffe, la realizza-zione di collage e ceramiche. Ha esposto le sue opere in numerose mo-stre personali e collettive.

KeikoArakiShe was born in Florence in 1993. She has shown an interest in painting and playing with colours since childhood. In spite of her language difficulties, the use of images has allowed her to study and to cul-tivate her artistic passion. She graduated at the Porta Romana Arts College in Flor-ence where she studied the main drawing and painting techniques. She attends the Casadasé Centre, managed by the Florence Autism Association, and she takes part in the visiting programmes for the exhibitions at Palazzo Strozzi and the Marino Mari-ni Museum. When painting, Keiko favours representing people, animals and natural landscapes. She also experiments making paper boxes, decorating t-shirts, bags and fabric, and making collages and ceramics.She has exhibited her art in numerous indi-vidual and collective exhibitions.

Page 2: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 3: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nata a Roma nel 1992 da genitori napo-letani. È una ragazza dolce e serena, si interes-sa alla scelta dei suoi abiti e degli acces-sori con una predilezione per le collane e i bracciali. Nonostante abbia un deficit visi-vo molto grave, ha sempre avuto una pre-disposizione per il disegno. L’esempio del fratello Giampiero, che da anni disegna fumetti, è stato uno stimolo importante per sviluppare il suo talento artistico da autodidatta. Nei suoi lavori privilegia for-me piuttosto semplificate e colori accesi. I temi preferiti sono quelli legati alla quo-tidianità e agli affetti. La tecnica usata in prevalenza è quella dei pennarelli su carta.

Maria Paola Bartiromo She was born in Rome in 1992 from Neapol-itan parents.She is a calm and content girl who has an interest in picking her clothes and acces-sories, with a preference for necklaces and bracelets. In spite of a severe visual impair-ment, she has always had a predisposition for drawing. The example of her brother Gi-ampiero, who has been drawing cartoons for years, has been a great incentive for the development of her talent as a self-taught artist. In her work, she shows a preference for simple shapes and vivid colours. Her favourite themes are those related to dai-ly life and her loved ones. Her main tech-nique is felt tip pens on paper.

Page 4: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 5: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato nel 1984 a Manerbio. Ha frequentato la scuola secondaria di pri-mo grado. Dal 2008 risiede presso l’Istitu-to Ospedaliero di Fondazione Sospiro. Dal 2014 frequenta l’atelier La Manica Lunga – Officina Creativa. Fin da subito ha manife-stato una particolare passione per le auto-mobili: i suoi primi lavori raffiguravano tut-ti un’auto di grandi dimensioni, disegnata a matita e colorata con i pastelli. Recente-mente si è concentrato sullo scheletro delle automobili, di cui traccia il contorno con la biro, una Bic blu o nera, riempiendo l’inte-ra superficie del foglio e sovrapponendo le vetture con incredibile precisione.

He was born in Manerbio in 1984.He attended middle school, and has been living at the Fondazione Sospiro health-care facility since 2008. Since 2014, he has been attending the creative workshop La Manica Lunga. From early on he has shown a passion for cars: his first pieces represented large cars, drawn with pencil and coloured with crayons. Recently, he has been focusing on the car’s skeleton, tracing the contours with a blue or black Bic pen, filling the entire surface of the sheet and superimposing the cars with amazing precision.

Daniele Bertanzetti

Page 6: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 7: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nata a Cremona nel 1995. Diplomata al Liceo Artistico Bruno Munari di Crema, attualmente frequenta l’Acca-demia di Belle Arti G. Carrara di Bergamo. Nella sua opera spazia dalle arti perfor-mative alle installazioni, all’arte concet-tuale, alla scrittura creativa, al disegno, all’incisione, alla fotografia. Ha iniziato a disegnare molto presto, prevalentemente animali, fiori e insetti. Lo strumento da di-segno che predilige è la biro a cui aggiunge scolorina, china e matita. Nel novembre 2016 ha allestito una mostra a Treviglio, con alcuni colleghi di Accademia.

She was born in Cremona in 1995. She graduated from the Bruno Munari Art School in Crema, and she currently at-tends the G. Carrara Art Academy in Ber-gamo. Her art ranges from performing arts to installations, to conceptual arts, to creative writing, drawing, etching and photography. She started to draw early on, mainly animals, flowers and insects. Her preferred instrument is the ballpoint pen to which she adds Tipp-ex, ink and pencil.In November 2016, she had an exhibition in Treviglio with some colleagues from the Academy.

Roberta Biondini

Page 8: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 9: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Firenze nel 1996. Ha appena concluso il suo percorso sco-lastico presso il Liceo Artistico di Porta Romana di Firenze dove, attraverso i lin-guaggi dell’arte, ha trovato mezzi per esprimersi. All’esame finale ha presentato un lavoro ispirato ai quadri di Piet Mon-drian. Le opere di questo artista hanno permesso a Manuel di giocare con forme, colori, righe e spazi sfruttando le proprie capacità visive che rappresentano uno dei suoi punti di forza. Le tavole sono state utilizzate per realizzare un Memory messo in commercio dalla nota ditta di giochi da tavolo Ravensburger.Frequenta il Centro Casadasé con una pro-grammazione finalizzata a incrementare le abilità necessarie per una vita più auto-noma possibile.

He was born in Florence in 1996. He has just finished his schooling at the Porta Romana Arts College in Florence where he has found ways to express him-self through art. At the final exam, he pre-sented a piece inspired by the paintings of Piet Mondrian. This artist’s work has al-lowed Manuel to experiment with shapes, colours, lines and spaces exploiting his vi-sual skills, which represent one of his main strengths. His work has been used to cre-ate a memory game sold by the famous board games company Ravensburger.He attends the Centro Casadasé where the programme is aimed at improving the skills needed for him to become as auton-omous as possible.

Manuel Falcone

Page 10: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 11: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato nel 1997 a Pistoia. La sua passione per l’arte è nata sfoglian-do i libri d’arte della zia paterna. Ha inizia-to a dipingere nel 2009, usando acquerelli, pastelli a olio, colori acrilici e a olio. Dipin-ge soprattutto paesaggi e, più raramente, qualche natura morta. Le sue opere, ricche di riferimenti alla storia dell’arte italiana ed europea, manifestano la sua cultura ed esprimono il suo amore per la grande arte. Attualmente frequenta la facoltà di Storia e tutela dei beni artistici all’Università de-gli Studi di Firenze.È appassionato di musica e di teatro e reci-ta in compagnie amatoriali.

He was born in Pistoia in 1997. His passion for art started by looking at the art books belonging to his aunt from his father’s side. He started painting in 2009 using watercolours, oil pastels, and acryl-ic and oil paints. He paints mainly land-scapes, and more rarely, still life. His work, which is of full of references to Italian and European history of art, reveals his culture and his love for great art. He is currently enrolled in the Faculty of History and Preservation of Art Heritage at the University of Florence. He has a passion for music and theatre and performs in amateur theatre groups.


Page 12: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 13: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nata a Milano nel 1983.Ha iniziato molto presto a disegnare: all’età di sei anni conosceva gli insetti e li disegnava con grande precisione. In diversi periodi ha manifestato passioni e interes-si differenti che si sono riflettuti nei suoi lavori. I temi e le tecniche di disegno sono perciò molto vari e passano da colori sgar-gianti a disegni a penna biro nera, molto dettagliati. Insetti, figure umane mostruo-se con grandi muscoli, autoritratti, figure mitiche, castelli sono i motivi che predili-ge. Ama le immagini piccole e molto det-tagliate. Personalizza, rendendoli umani, alcuni insetti e piante, dà una sua impron-ta personale e fantastica a tutto ciò che disegna.Ha partecipato a una mostra collettiva all’ospedale San Paolo di Milano.

She was born in Milan in 1983.She started to draw at a very young age: at the age of 6 she knew about insects and represented them in great detail. At vari-ous stages she showed different passions and interests which reflected in her work. Hence, her drawing themes and techniques are quite varied, and range from bright co-lours to detailed drawings made with black ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles. She loves small and very detailed images, which she personalises by making insects and plants human-like. She puts her personal and imaginary stamp on ev-erything she draws. She took part in a group exhibition at the San Paolo Hospital in Milan.

Stefania Giancane

Page 14: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 15: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Desenzano del Garda nel 1998.Si è appassionato all’arte attraverso lo stu-dio della vita dei pittori al primo anno di scuola media. In breve tempo la passione per la storia dei grandi dell’arte, ha portato Gabriele a trasformare la casa della sua fa-miglia in un laboratorio di pittura. Frequen-ta il Liceo Artistico Leonardo di Brescia, dove ha modo di esprimersi nei grandi e attrezzati laboratori, seguito da insegnanti specializzati. Le tematiche preferite sono il paesaggio, la natura morta e la figura umana. Le tecniche che privilegia sono la pittura ad acrilico con metodologie etero-genee, l’acquerello e le tecniche miste. Ha partecipato a numerose mostre col-lettive.

He was born in Desenzano del Garda in 1998.He became passionate about art after studying the life of painters during the first year of middle school. Soon his passion for the history of the great artists led Gabrie-le to turn his family home into a painting laboratory. He attends the Arts College in Brescia where he is able to express himself thanks to the well-equipped laboratories where he is tutored by specialised teach-ers. His favourite themes are landscapes, still life and people. His favourite tech-niques are acrylic paint with heteroge-neous methods, watercolours and mixed techniques. He has taken part in numerous collective exhibitions.

Gabriele Lobertini

Page 16: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 17: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nata a Brescia nel 2002. Ha iniziato a disegnare nell’estate del 2015 ed è totalmente autodidatta. Utilizza pre-valentemente pennarelli e i suoi lavori si caratterizzano per uno stile fumettistico, dai colori saturi in cui volti, elementi deco-rativi e scritte ricoprono completamente lo spazio pittorico in una sorta di horror vacui. Ha vinto un concorso artistico scolastico.

She was born in Brescia in 2002. She started drawing in the summer of 2015 and she is completely self-taught. She uses mainly felt tip pens and the main feature of her work is the comic-like style with sat-urated colours where faces, decorative el-ements and writing cover the entire paint-ing space creating a sense of horror vacui. She won a school art competition.

Francesca Lussignoli

Page 18: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 19: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Firenze nel 1964. Sin da giovane ha mostrato una spiccata attitudine per le arti figurative. Dal 1982 al 1985 ha frequentato l’Istituto d’Arte di Firenze e, al termine del percorso di studi, ha avuto modo di lavorare, assieme alla sua classe, presso il laboratorio dell’Opera del Duomo di Firenze. Alessio realizza i suoi lavori usando pennarello o acrilico. La sua opera si caratterizza per la vivacità dei co-lori e l’uso della materia: sia sul foglio sia sulla tela il colore viene steso in modo den-so, corposo. Da circa un anno Alessio predi-lige il lavoro astratto: anche se parte da una figura, la ricopre con il colore e, da ciò che aveva rappresentato, fuoriesce così l’opera finale che si presenta sempre come puzzle armonico di colori dalle forme astratte. Ha esposto le sue opere in alcune mostre personali.

He was born in Florence in 1964. Since a young age, he has shown a great talent for figurative art. From 1982 to 1985 he attended the Art Institute in Florence, and at the end of his schooling he had the opportunity to work at the Florence Opera del Duomo laboratory. Alessio works using felt tip pens and acrylic paint. The main feature of his work is the vividness of the colours and the use of the paint: both on paper and on canvas the colour is spread very densely and thickly. In the last year, he has shown a preference for abstract art: even when he starts from an image, he then covers it with colour and goes over the outline so that the final work looks like a harmonic puzzle of colours with abstract shapes. He has exhibited his work in a number of individual exhibitions.

Alessio Mattei

Page 20: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 21: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Cuneo nel 1994 Non utilizza la comunicazione verbale, né quella scritta. Nella pittura ha trovato il mezzo espressivo congeniale per vivere e comunicare la propria interiorità. Il suo lin-guaggio sostanzialmente astratto, si ca-ratterizza per i colori vivaci e intensi che creano campiture che si dispongono una dentro l’altra fino a saturare la superficie disponibile, oppure si snodano in forme sinuose e intrecciate, quasi luminose. Dal 2005 frequenta il laboratorio Amorevolear-te di Villanova Mondovì (Cuneo). Ha esposto le sue opere in mostre collet-tive e ha vinto il secondo premio della VI edizione dell’International Art Exhibition of People with Autism tenutasi a Budapest nel 2013.

He was born in Cuneo in 1994.He does not use verbal or written commu-nication. He has found, through painting, the best way of communicating his inner self. His language, which is mainly ab-stract, is characterised by vivid and intense colours that create backgrounds that are placed one inside the other until they sat-urate the whole available space, or they develop into sinuous and twisted shapes, which are almost luminous. He has been attending the Amorevolearte laboratory of Villanova Mondovì (Cuneo) since 2005. He has exhibited his work in collective ex-hibitions and he won the second prize of the sixth edition of the International Art Exhibition of People with Autism held in Budapest in 2013.

Stefano Musso

Page 22: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 23: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nata a Ceva nel 2001. Dal 2011 frequenta il laboratorio Amorevo-learte di Villanova Mondovì (Cuneo), gesti-to dalla Cooperativa Sociale Il Cortile, e la sua presenza è dolce, allegra e strepitosa-mente viva. L’esperienza del laboratorio le permette di elaborare in modo creativo il suo ricco mondo immaginativo, attraverso un linguaggio pittorico personale, armo-nioso e libero da stereotipi. Ama rappresen-tare racconti fiabeschi o opere teatrali, di cui è appassionata. Di solito non ambienta le immagini che sceglie di rappresentare: tutto fluttua nello spazio del foglio e il suo interesse si concentra sui simboli che con-densano tutto il racconto. Da settembre 2016 frequenta il liceo arti-stico di Cuneo.

She was born in Ceva in 2001. Since 2011, she has been attending the Amorevolearte laboratory of Villanova Mondovì (Cuneo) which is managed by the Social Cooperative Il Cortile. She is sweet, happy and extremely lively. Her attendance at the lab enables her to elaborate with cre-ativity her rich imaginary world, through a very personal painting style, which is har-monious and free of stereotypes. She loves to draw fairy tales and representations of theatre plays both of which she is passion-ate about. Usually she does not set a space for what she paints: everything fluctuates on the sheet and her focus is on the sym-bols that tell the story. She has been attending the arts college in Cuneo since September 2016.

Valentina Negro

Page 24: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 25: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Cuneo nel 1986. Per lui la pittura rappresenta una grande occasione di sfogo, un modo per esprimere le proprie ansie e rallentare i ritmi. Dal 2005 frequenta il laboratorio Amorevolearte di Villanova Mondovì (Cuneo), gestito dalla Cooperativa Sociale Il Cortile. Dal 2016 la sua esperienza artistica si svolge nell’ambito di un setting di arteterapia. Il percorso svolto ha portato Francesco ad acquisire una nuo-va capacità comunicativa ed espressiva e a modificare il proprio segno pittorico. Tra i temi prediletti paesaggi e brani di na-tura, rappresentati con un segno rapido ed espressivo e con colori forti e intensi. Le tec-niche privilegiate sono quelle miste in cui all’acquerello e alla tempera si uniscono le cere e i gessi. Francesco si esprime anche attraverso la scultura che gli offre l’oppor-tunità di concretizzare il mondo che lo cir-conda e i suoi pensieri.

He was born in Cuneo in 1986. For him painting represents an outlet, an opportunity to express his anxieties and to slow down. Since 2005 he has been attend-ing the Amorevolearte laboratory of Villa-nova Mondovì (Cuneo), managed by the Social Cooperative Il Cortile. Since 2016, he has been attending art therapy sessions. This experience has led Francesco to gain better communication and expressive skills and to change his own painting style. Landscapes and nature are amongst his favourite themes. He represents these with quick and expressive brush strokes using vivid and intense colours. He favours mixed techniques where watercolours and tem-pera are combined with wax and chalk. Francesco also expresses himself through sculpture, which offers him the opportuni-ty to turn into reality the world around him as well as his thoughts.

Francesco Saverio Perra

Page 26: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 27: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Jesi nel 2000. Si esprime quotidianamente attraverso il disegno e ripetendo sempre gli stessi sog-getti ovvero i componenti della sua fa-miglia, caratterizzati da grandi corpi con gambe minuscole, piccoli occhi che a volte compaiono sopra la testa e braccia lungo i fianchi. Usa esclusivamente pennarelli e spesso unisce più fogli. Non si esprime ver-balmente e fa uso della comunicazione au-mentativa-alternativa.Frequenta il Liceo Artistico Edgardo Man-nucci di Ancona.

He was born in Jesi in 2000. He expresses himself daily through his drawings, repeating the same subjects, i.e. members of his family who are drawn with large bodies and tiny legs, small eyes which at times appear on top of their heads and arms drawn alongside their bodies. He uses only felt tip pens and often joins a number of sheets. He does not express himself ver-bally and uses augmentative and alterna-tive communication. He attends the Edgardo Mannucci Arts College in Ancona.

Riccardo Rossi

Page 28: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 29: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nata a Roma nel 1998.Frequenta il quarto anno del Liceo Classi-co E. Montale di Roma e partecipa a diversi laboratori scolastici di teatro, manipola-zione e arte. Recentemente ha intrapreso un corso di acquerello tenuto da un profes-sore di storia dell’arte. Privilegia la rappre-sentazione di fiori e animali, resi con colori intensi, ricchi di sfumature. Ama la musi-ca. Le piace cantare e andare a cavallo.

She was born in Rome in 1998.She attends the fourth year of the Classi-cal College E. Montale in Rome, as well as a number of theatre, craft and art laborato-ries organised by her school. Recently she has started a watercolour course held by a Professor of History of Art. She has a pref-erence for drawing flowers and animals, using vivid colours with many shades. She loves music, singing and horse riding.

Aurora Sabellotti

Page 30: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 31: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Firenze nel 1987. I suoi interessi sono rivolti alla pittura, alla scultura, alla musica e al teatro. Ha fre-quentato l’Istituto d’Arte di Firenze e la Scuola Comics, con indirizzo Illustrazione. Frequenta il laboratorio del C.T.E. (Centro Terapeutico Europeo) a Rignano sull’Arno e ha partecipato a varie edizioni del concorso annuale Artisticamente, riservato ai C.T.E. del territorio nazionale, aggiudicandosi nu-merosi premi. È capace di rappresentare con pochi tratti, anche attraverso il dise-gno al computer, l’espressione delle diver-se emozioni umane. In pittura privilegia la tecnica della tempera su tela e il genere del ritratto. È anche fumettista e illustratore di fiabe classiche e moderne. Frequenta il Centro Casadasé di Firenze. Suona il piano-forte e ha doti eccezionali di recitazione.Ha esposto le sue opere in numerose mo-stre personali e collettive.

He was born in Florence in 1987. His main interests are painting, sculp-ture, music and theatre. He attended the Art Institute in Florence, and the Comics School where he specialised in illustration. He attends the art laboratory of the CTE (European Therapeutic Centre) in Rignano sull’Arno and he took part in several edi-tions of the national competition Artisti-camente where he won a number of priz-es. With only a few strokes, he can portray the expression of human emotions, even with computer graphics. When painting he favours portraits using tempera on canvas. He is also a cartoonist and illus-trator of classical and modern fairy tales. He attends the Casadasé Centre in Flor-ence. He plays the piano and is an excep-tional actor.He has exhibited his work in numerous in-dividual and collective exhibitions.

Francesco Salvadori

Page 32: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 33: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Bagno a Ripoli nel 1997. Vive a Firenze e frequenta il quinto anno del Liceo Artistico di Porta Romana. I suoi disegni, caratterizzati dalla semplicità della forma e da arditi accostamenti cro-matici, rivelano la sua visione del mondo. Attraverso i colori, figure di animali, segni, simboli, paesaggi o forme irreali emergo-no con semplicità. Frequenta il Centro Ca-sadasé, gestito dall’associazione Autismo Firenze, e lo spazio d’arte Le Curandaie, dove ha recentemente tenuto una mostra personale. Partecipa al programma di visi-te alle mostre di Palazzo Strozzi e al Museo Marino Marini. Ha esposto le sue opere in mostre collettive e personali.

He was born in Bagno a Ripoli in 1997. He lives in Florence and attends the fifth year of the Porta Romana Arts College. His drawings have simple shapes and daring colour combinations, and they reveal his view of the world. Through his use of co-lours, animals, symbols, landscapes and surreal shapes emerge with great sim-plicity. He attends the Casadasé Centre, which is managed by the Florence Autism Association, and the art space Le Curan-daie, where he recently held a personal ex-hibition. He takes part in the visiting pro-gramme at the Palazzo Strozzi exhibitions and the Marino Marini museum. He exhibited his work in individual and col-lective exhibitions.

Francesco Zani

Page 34: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 35: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

È nato a Bagno a Ripoli nel 1996 e vive a Firenze. Il suo percorso artistico, sostanzialmente da autodidatta, è stato arricchito da lezio-ni di disegno a cura dei maestri fiorentini Tommaso De Carlo e Andrea Malcontenti. Ha sempre dimostrato uno spiccato amore per l’illustrazione, in una forma assai simile al fumetto, attraverso la quale reinterpreta temi letterari (dalla Divina Commedia a I promessi sposi) e cinematografici (da As-salto alla terra a Scialla!) offrendone una visione personale. Ama anche il disegno dal vero e i ritratti. Usa prevalentemente tec-niche miste (matita, cera, pennarello, ges-setti, collage) e un segno sintetico e sem-plificato. Frequenta il Centro Casadasé.Ha al suo attivo due mostre e la realizza-zione di manifesti e brochure.

He was born in Bagno a Ripoli in1996 and lives in Florence. His artistic career, mainly as a self-taught artist, has been enhanced by drawing classes by Florence artists Tommaso De Carlo and Andrea Malcontenti. From ear-ly on he has shown a great love for illus-tration, similar to comics, which he uses to reinterpret literature (from the Divine Comedy to the The Betrothed), as well as cinema (from Them! to Scialla!) offering a very personal view of these works. He also loves life drawings and portraits. He uses mainly mixed techniques (pencil, wax, felt tip pen, chalk and collage) and uses short and simple strokes. He attends the Casa-dasé Centre.To date he has exhibited twice and has cre-ated posters and brochures.


Page 36: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles
Page 37: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

Medium, termine comune che definisce una persona che nasce con, o svi-luppa, facoltà paranormali, occulte, assume tutt’altro significato nell’ambi-to dell’arte. Si definisce medium il supporto, lo strumento o la tecnica usa-ta dall’artista per comunicare con il proprio pubblico. Quando si parla di arte contemporanea ci si imbatte spesso in questo termine che a volte può confondere, per la sua pluralità di significati. In verità medium è quanto accomuna tutte le arti e tutti gli artisti passati, presenti e futuri. Senza me-dium come può l’artista rivolgersi al pubblico? È come parlare al vento senza un interlocutore lì, pronto all’ascolto; il medium è supporto fisico e mentale.Serve a quel “cercatore/artista” come “parola” verbo e frase, dice e raccon-ta di lui (artista) molto più di quanto si possa immaginare, a partire dal-la scelta dello stesso (medium); come poi viene sfruttato, “imbastardito” e “messo in scena” ci fa dire: “Ah! Tu guarda, questo modo di fare è tipico di quell’artista, vuoi vedere che l’opera è sua?”. Insomma il medium interagisce per l’artista con gli occhi degli altri, parla con loro, dice, dialoga…Ecco perché l’arte è fondamentale per l’autismo; è un mezzo efficace trami-te il quale la persona autistica parla di sé, ci racconta il suo modo di vedere, sentire, percepire. Il “mezzo” Arte permette a una persona esterna di entrare per un breve istante nel suo mondo fatto di forme, colori, paesaggi fantasti-ci, sensibilità smisurata e amore, e agli occhi degli “altri” appare come Arti-sta Vero, così come son veri gli artisti ospitati in queste prestigiose Gallerie.La mia opera nasce come gioco di parole e supporti, poiché la parola me-dium è supporto, supporto che viene riprodotto su secondo supporto e cioè il monitor: medium as medium as medium (cit. Kosuth, Art as idea as idea).

Roberta Biondini

ROBERTA BIONDINIMedium2018 Installazione digitale

Page 38: Keiko Araki - L’arte risveglia l’anima · ballpoint pen. She tends to draw insects, monstrous human figures with great mus-cles, self-portraits, mythical beings, and castles

Medium, a common term that in Italian defines a person born with, or who develops, paranormal, occult faculties, takes on a completely different meaning in the arts. The medium is defined as the support, the instrument or the technique used by the artist to communicate with his audience. When we talk about contemporary art we often come across this term that some-times can be confusing, due to its plurality of meanings. In truth, medium is what unites all the arts and all the past, present and future artists. Without a medium how can the artist address the public? It is like talking to the wind without an interlocutor who is ready to listen; the medium is the physical and mental support.The medium provides the ‘seeker/artist’ with a ‘word’, verb and sentence. It says about an artist much more than one can imagine, starting from the very choice of the medium itself; as this is exploited, ‘bastardised’ and ‘staged’ we find ourselves saying: “Ah! Look, this technique is typical of that particular artist, there’s a good chance this is his work!“.In short, the medium interacts on behalf of the artist with the eyes of view-ers, speaking with them, and establishing a dialogue...This is why art is fundamental for autism; it is an effective means by which an autistic person speaks of himself, tells us his way of seeing, feeling, per-ceiving. Art as a ‘medium’ allows an external person to enter for a brief mo-ment an autistic person’s world, made up of shapes, colours, fantastic land-scapes, immeasurable sensitivity and love, and in the eyes of others they appear as True Artists, just as the artists whose works are hosted in these prestigious galleries.My work is born from a play on words and supports, since the word medium is a medium, a medium that is reproduced on a second medium, the screen: medium as medium as medium (quote Kosuth, Art as Idea as Idea).

Roberta Biondini

ROBERTA BIONDINIMedium2018 Digital installation