kic innoenergy se - cc poland plus business creation kic innoenergy highway krakow, 12 april 2011

KIC InnoEnergy SE - CC Poland Plus Business Creation KIC InnoEnergy Highway Krakow, 12 April 2011

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KIC InnoEnergy SE - CC Poland Plus

Business CreationKIC InnoEnergy Highway

Krakow, 12 April 2011

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway


KIC InnoEnergy HighwayBusiness creation - KIC added valueCC Poland Plus - partners in business creation

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Business creation - process flow

Ideas management - opportunity capturing Ideas management - opportunity assessmentPre-incubation - opportunity validation Incubation - business launchingPost-incubation- business consolidation and development

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Opportunity capturing

Critical phase - involvement of all the KIC partners necessary

Push and pull activitiesSources: KIC’s projects, universities and R&D institutions,

industry, individualsDifferent stage of business concept maturity: from

research results to the existing venture concept of growth

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Opportunity capturing – entry channels

CC: business creation unit KIC partners: centres for technology transferCC external partners: industrial and technology parks,

incubators, clusters, chambers of commerce, regional development agencies

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Opportunity capturing - CC tools

Agreement with the KIC Partners: availability of resources

LOI with the CC external partnersLocal events, seminars and conferences, open days Dedicated events: InnoEnergy breakfasts, seminars,

prizes Press, websites, social networks

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Opportunity assessment

Initial contract signaturePreliminary assessmentif positive

First evaluation: novelty, maturity, market ability (IP, technology, commercial issues), team competences

if promising but not mature technology

Transfer to the KIC innovation projectsif matured opportunity

Contract signatureAssignment of coachRoadmap definition

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Opportunity assessment - actors

Leadership and coordination: CC business creation unit

Expertise: KIC Partners - universities, R&D institutionsDecisions: CC Board

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Opportunity validation

Product/market fit (preliminary assessment)Quantitative market survey IP issuesif opportunity confirmed

Product/market fit (final assessment)Technology enhancement (PoC) Initial training

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Opportunity validation - actors

Leadership and coordination: appointed coach, CC business creation unit

Expertise: KIC partners - universities, R&D institutions, CC external partners - technology parks,

incubatorsDecisions: CC management board

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Business launching – phase 1

Team creationVenture legal constitution and equity constructionCustomer/industry fit validationIndustrialisationBusiness model definition Business model quantificationTeam trainingif business feasibility confirmed

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Business launching – phase 2

KIC accreditationCreation of ventureLaunching customers Commercialisation Business plan (final)Team training

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Business launching - actors

Leadership and coordination: appointed coach, CC business creation unit

Expertise and support: KIC partners - universities, CC external partners - incubators, technology parks

Decisions: CC management board, CC supervisory board, KIC SE board

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Business consolidation and development

Assessment of potential for growth Manufacturing capacity increase InternationalizationTechnology transfer

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Business consolidation - actors

Ventures management and shareholdersExpertise and support : universities, CC external

partners - incubators, technology parks, CC business unit

Financial institutionsStrategic investors

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Why is it different? We fill the existing gaps…

Gap 1: Business opportunities coming from research and development of innovative technology are hard to identify

KIC InnoEnergy aims to bridge this gap through:

Systematic scouting process, based on industry needs and market opportunitiesTraining programmes for researchers (e.g. “From Science to Business” course)Widespread information and promotion

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Why is it different? We fill the existing gaps…

Gap 2: Traditional support services to business creation (incubators) are usually close systems, with low business approach, and few of them specialize in the energy field

KIC InnoEnergy aims to bridge this gap through creation of an European Incubator with 6 entry points specialized in energy:

Open to any energy related business opportunity, coming from the KIC society and from any interested researchers and entrepreneurs

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Why is it different? We fill the existing gaps…

Gap 2: Traditional support services to business creation (incubators) are usually close systems, with low business approach, and few of them specialize in the energy field

KIC InnoEnergy aims to bridge this gap through creation of an European Incubator with 6 entry points specialized in energy:

Providing an integrated bundle of professional services during the whole business creation process, including technical, IP, legal, management, financial and business experts support

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Why is it different? We fill the existing gaps…

Gap 2: Traditional support services to business creation (incubators) are usually close systems, with low business approach, and few of them specialize in the energy field

KIC InnoEnergy aims to bridge this gap through creation of an European Incubator with 6 entry points specialized in energy:

Giving support in creation of the best team to manage the business venture

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Why is it different? We fill the existing gaps…

Gap 3: New ventures have difficult access to market

KIC InnoEnergy fills this gap through professional support aimed at securing of proper fit of the venture commercial offer to the actual customer needs

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Why is it different? We fill the existing gaps…

Gap 4: Access to finance is crucial, as energy ventures are highly capital intensive

KIC InnoEnergy fills this gap establishing its own European Venture Capital Network.

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

Why is it different? We fill the existing gaps…

Gap 5: Energy is a heavily regulated sector across the value chain

KIC InnoEnergy bridges this gap, establishing continuous dialogue with legislators

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

What are other benefits?

KIC SE is a Pan European society, which makes possible access to its European scale resources, in particular:

Best practices Expertise Know how and technology transfer Research Capital and partnership Markets

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

CC Poland Plus - partners in business creation

Malopolska Region

AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH Centre for Technology Transfer, AGH Academic Incubator, Faculty of Management, Krakow Centre for Innovative Technologies INNOAGH Ltd

Jagiellonian University (Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian Centre for Innovation Ltd)

Krakow Technology Park Ltd (business incubator, seed capital fund, capital investors forum)

Malopolska and Podkarpacie Cluster for Clean Energy

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

CC Poland Plus - partners in business creation

Upper Silesia Region

Silesian University of Technology ( Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre, Academic Incubator, Faculty of Management)

Scientific Technological Park - Techno Park Gliwice (business incubator, capital investors forum)

Business Creation - KIC InnoEnergy Highway

CC Poland Plus - partners in business creation

Lower Silesia Region

Wroclaw University of Technology (Wroclaw Centre for Technology Transfer, Academic Business Incubator, Faculty of Management)

Wroclaw Technology Park SA (business incubator, capital investors forum)

Cluster for Power Generation and Energy Utilization in Mega and Nano - scale