kompilasi ppi r dr ruben 2


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Page 1: Kompilasi PPI R Dr Ruben 2


Ruben Dharmawan


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Searching of Evidence

Rizaldy PinzonClinical Epidemiology and Biostatistic Unit

Gadjah Mada University School of Medicine

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Iwan DwiprahastoFaculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University

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Dr. Agus Budi Utomo

Maret 2010

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The practice of EBM

Pertanyaan klinik Pelacakan bukti ilmiah yang terkini dan terbaik

Telaah kritisImplementasiEvaluasi dan pengawasan

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Pelacakan bukti ilmiah

Manual Elektronik

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4 Tipe Sumber Informasi

1. System

2. Synopses

3. Summaries

4. Studies

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1. System

Sumber informasi yang berupa bukti klinis dan secara reguler mengalami pembaruan,

mirip textbook atau ringkasan.

Kadang berintegrasi dengan informasi kesehatan yang lain dan dapat memberikan

rekomendasi atau panduan dalam manajemen pasien.

Jumlahnya tidak banyak, tapi sangat mudah di akses.

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1. System

Contoh :

PIER (http://pier.acponline.org/)

UpToDate (http://www.uptodate.com/)

Clinical Evidence (http://www.clinicalevidence.com)

EBM Guidelines:Evidence-Based Medicine:


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1. System

DynaMed (http://www.dynamicmedical.com/)

Merck Manual (http://www.merck.com/mrkshared)

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2. Synopses

Jumlahnya ratusan, mudah diakses, mempunyai 2 fungsi:

a.sebagai media informasi bagi klinisi akan adanya suatu perkembangan klinis

(ringkasan penelitian) dan,

b.sebagai suatu database artikel jika ternyata telah ada suatu panduan lengkap

dan sistematis (systematic reviews).

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2. Synopses

Bandolier (http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/)

ACP Journal Club: (http://www.acjc.org/)

InfoPOEMs: (http://www.infopoems.com/)

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3. Summaries atau Syntheses

Merupakan kumpulan penelitian yang dianalisis secara sistematis (Systematic

Review), jumlahnya <50.000.

The Cochran Collaboration (http://www.cochran.org/)

Campbell Collaboration (Riviu Ilmu2 Sosial) (http://www.campbelcollaboration.org/)

MEDLINE via PubMed

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3. Summaries atau Syntheses

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews : http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-


DARE (Database of Reviews of Effects) :


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4. Studies

Kumpulan penelitian asli atau primer, jumlahnya jutaan sehingga membutuhkan

kemampuan melacak tersendiri.

MEDLINE database

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Merupakan database yang disusun oleh The National library of Medicine dengan jumlah referensi lebih dari 15 juta dan bertambah

10.000 -20.000 artikel setiap minggu.

Dapat diakses melalui PubMed dan lain2nya.

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The Cochrane Library http://www.cochranelibrary.com/clibhome/clib.htm

PubMed Clinical Querieshttp://.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query/static/clinical.shtml

CINAHL (Cummulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)


Cochrane Controlled Trals Registryhttp://www.cochrane.org/reviews/clibintro.htm

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Sumber informasi lain

Google (http://www.google.com)

SumSearch (http://sumsearch.uthscsa.edu/)

TRIP (http://www.tridatabase.com)

OVID http://www.gateway.ovid.com/autologin.html

PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/

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Kriteria pemilihan

1. Pendekatan berbasis bukti

2. Spesifik dan Komprehensif

3. Kermudahan penggunaan

4. Ketersediaan

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Pelacakan yang spesifik akan

lebih cepat dan lebih berpeluang

untuk menemukan artikel yang


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• Artikel spesifik– Penulis– Kata kunci– Volume dan nomor jurnal

• Bekal– Pengetahuan dan pengalaman

sebelumnya– Pemakaian frase yang tepat– Logika Boolean

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Searching on the internet

Is named for the British mathematician George BooleIs named for the British mathematician George Boole

Much database searching is based on the principles of Boolean logic

Much database searching is based on the principles of Boolean logic

Boolean logic refers to the logical relationship among search termsBoolean logic refers to the logical relationship among search terms

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Logika Boolean

Koneksi kata-kata


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Boolean Searching

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Boolean logic


Query:    I would like information about college.


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College17,320,770University33,685,205college OR university33,702,660

College17,320,770University33,685,205college OR university33,702,660

Search terms ResultsSearch terms Results

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The more terms or concepts we combine in a search with OR logic, the more records we will retrieve

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College 17,320,770

University 33,685,205

College OR university 3,702,660

College OR university OR campus 33,703,082

College 17,320,770

University 33,685,205

College OR university 3,702,660

College OR university OR campus 33,703,082

Search terms ResultsSearch terms Results

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poverty AND crime


Query:    I'm interested in the relationship between poverty and


Query:    I'm interested in the relationship between poverty and



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Poverty 783,447

Crime 2,962,165

poverty AND crime 1,677

Poverty 783,447

Crime 2,962,165

poverty AND crime 1,677

Search terms ResultsSearch terms Results

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The more terms or concepts we combine in a search with AND logic, the fewer

records we will retrieve

The more terms or concepts we combine in a search with AND logic, the fewer

records we will retrieve

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Poverty 783,447Crime 2,962,165poverty AND crime 1,677poverty AND crime AND gender 76

Poverty 783,447Crime 2,962,165poverty AND crime 1,677poverty AND crime AND gender 76

Search terms ResultsSearch terms Results

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cats NOT dogs cats NOT dogs


Query:    I want to see information about cats, but I want to avoid seeing anything about


Query:    I want to see information about cats, but I want to avoid seeing anything about



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Cats 3,651,252Dogs 4,556,515cats NOT dogs 81,497

Cats 3,651,252Dogs 4,556,515cats NOT dogs 81,497

Search terms ResultsSearch terms Results

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Dapat digabung

Pelacakan yang kompleks

("signal transduction" AND

(phosphorylation OR kinase))

NOT xenopus

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Capitalization and Punctuation

Capitalization and Punctuation

will generally return articles where Thrombin is the first word in a sentence.

will generally return articles where Thrombin is the first word in a sentence.

thrombin thrombin

will return all articles containing the termwill return all articles containing the term


In general, you should use lower-case in all of your searches unless you have a specific

reason to do otherwise.

In general, you should use lower-case in all of your searches unless you have a specific

reason to do otherwise.

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"Life and death of a cell"

will return all articles containing the terms life, death, or cell in the title

will return a specific article

Life and death of a cell

How to find the article(s)

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Keywords can either be searched in the Title/Abstract, or anywhere in the


Keywords can either be searched in the Title/Abstract, or anywhere in the


will cause an error since every article in the entire journal will have a “C” in it

will cause an error since every article in the entire journal will have a “C” in it

protein kinase c protein kinase c

forcing a phrase match will yield better results.

forcing a phrase match will yield better results.

"protein kinase c" "protein kinase c"

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Article(s) from a particular institution

Article(s) from a particular institution

will return articles by an author claiming a Purdue affiliation (as well as any articles written by someone

named "Purdue").

will return articles by an author claiming a Purdue affiliation (as well as any articles written by someone

named "Purdue").

Purdue Purdue


Page 50: Kompilasi PPI R Dr Ruben 2

Using "Phrases"

articles containing only signal, only transduction, or even "transduction

signal" are not returned.

articles containing only signal, only transduction, or even "transduction

signal" are not returned.

signal transductionsignal transduction

will return articles which include either the term signal or the term transduction (or


will return articles which include either the term signal or the term transduction (or


"signal transduction""signal transduction"

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Batasan waktu

Dapat menyempitkan pelacakan

Membatasi hanya pada artikel

yang dapat diakses “full text”

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Using "Wildcards"

will return articles containing phosphatase and


will return articles containing phosphatase and



will return articles containing child, childcare, and children

will return articles containing child, childcare, and children

phospha* phospha*

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Capitalization and Punctuation

Capitalization and Punctuation

will generally return articles where Thrombin is the first word in a sentence.

will generally return articles where Thrombin is the first word in a sentence.

thrombin thrombin

will return all articles containing the termwill return all articles containing the term


In general, you should use lower-case in all of your searches unless you have a specific

reason to do otherwise.

In general, you should use lower-case in all of your searches unless you have a specific

reason to do otherwise.

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Medical Subject Heading

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eclampsia and magnesium and


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EBSCO Research Databasehttp://search.epnet.com

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Pencarian gagal

• Masalah pada program search


• Tidak ada artikel yang sesuai

Your search retrieved zero


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• Jangan terlalu spesifik

• Cek ejaan

• Bila ragu-ragu akan ejaan jangan

masukkan kata tersebut

• Gunakan wildcard

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Mempelajari EBM secara online

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Beberapa Referensi

1. Giustini D. How Google is Changing Medicine. BMJ. 2005; 331; 1487-8.

2. Tang, H and Ng, JHK. Googling for a diagnosis- use of Google as a diagnostic aid : Internet based study. BMJ. 2006; 333; 1143-5.

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Discuss & Explain

• How to search• Where to search• What to search• Which one could answer the

question• Why do you choose the final one

• How to search• Where to search• What to search• Which one could answer the

question• Why do you choose the final one

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