last sunday

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Post on 15-Sep-2015




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Sunday outings with my 96 year old Mother who resides at Trillium Manor in Orillia, Ontario.


Sonya,Thanks for these vivid descriptions - I can picture Lois having a 'ball' with the ball.Last-last Sunday found us brunching at Carthew Bay (Lois's favourite place for a cheese omelet) under a very hot noon day sun that introduced us to one of the more eccentric neighbours who arrived astride a motorized tricycle dressed all in black with dark shades, fedora, neckerchief and dinner jacket to match. We had a front row seat at the restaurant window overlooking the windless lawn, tables and chairs where a group of bicyclists were saddling up preparing to depart. We watched the lone tricyclist park himself on a bench, produce a thin, suspicious rollie which he mouthed and gestured about but never lit. After several minutes the jacket came off revealing a humpty dumpty physique which the middle aged, little man soon directed to the cool comfort inside.It must have been Lois's piercing blue eyes that beckoned this stranger to our table where he casually intoned in a soft, southern drawl, "Whayl, whut hayev way heya?" (Well, what have we here?)."Oh hello...we were wondering when the jacket would come off", I replied with a knowing nod of my head. Humpty lowered his shades to peer at Lois who's flushed cheeks and radiant smile was clearly arousing his interest."This is my 96 year old Mother" I stammered, "We were also wondering how fast your trike can go.""Yoo-all call thayes whoam?", he glanced at me with contempt. "Ah'm fum New Owl Leans an this heya h'ain't evun mildly whoam. A-bout fifty uh yoa miles. How do yoo-all staay so bayuteeful?" he murmured doffing his hat and shades and leaning down to scrutinize Lois, who was giggling and fluttering with pleasure.And so it went; curt replies to my tricycle questions and unabashed, admiring vocalizations for the captivated creature in front of him. When it became apparent that Lois was starting to run out of giggles he left our table with a bow and a wave to all inside; cashier, cook, a table of four, me and Lois, still managing a withering parting smile.As he pulled away with surprising grace Lois turned to me and said, with a roll of her eyes, "That one was a bit queer."We departed Carthew Bay bound for Barrie in the middle of a motorcycle procession that pulled off Ridge Road at Shanty Bay Public School parking lot. After a walk along the Kepenfelt waterfront and a tasty yogurt treat at Swirlezz we were ready for the virtual mayhem of "Fury Road" at the Galaxy theatre. Somehow I traded Lois's sunglasses for popcorn while she swapped out her diaper but she didn't notice they were missing until we were north bound on the 400. I promised to retrieve them on my way home and settled her down with a story from James Herriot about a gagging goat that had partially swallowed its masters summer drawers.Last Sunday started off well when I showed up with her sunglasses and an invitation to brunch overlooking Brewery Bay at the Leacock Cafe. Lois soured slightly on the idea when I suggested we take the 2 km Gordon Lightfoot path there, however, promises of spring flowers, women with big butts and mysterious strangers dressed all in black finally warmed her to the adventure.When we arrived, hot and sweaty with memories of close calls with the constant stream of nubile roller skaters in hot pants and careening cyclists, Lois was fit to be tied. With relief I saw that only one table was occupied by a gaggle of middle aged women apparently in full party mode so I happily urged her to sprint up the low hill leading from the trail to the raised patio. This effort raised a chorus of howls and exclamations from Lois that immediately caught the attention of the women who tottered over, crowded around clutching wine glasses and clucking with concern. As I guided Lois to an exquisitely appointed table, the matronly one offered some helpful advice; "You're welcome to rest a while dear, but this restaurant has been booked for a private function starting at one.""Ooh Amby!" Lois exhorted, feigning sudden weakness and instability (to great effect), "You mean we walked all this way and you didn't even check to see if they were open to the public?"The matron smiled knowingly while her tipsy tag team quickly raised their glasses in a gesture of solidarity. Then I remembered something; "Grovers Restaurant Mum, it's just a hop-skip and a jump away right beside the Reptile Store - you remember?" I said hopefully." know I can't skip and I don't want to see any reptiles - I'm HUNGRY!" came the emphatic reply accompanied by an eruption of coughs, snorts and throat clearing from our spasming spectators.With a Grovers omelet and coffee put away, Lois was very interested in seeing the reptiles although the massive snapping turtle with the vermiform tongue (imitation worm for luring prey) wasnt something she wanted to know about. I had bought tickets to the 2:00 pm Orillia Dance Academy performance at the Opera House but that had lost its appeal too so we drove to the Square Mall in search of cuticle softening cream at the S&H Health Food Store. Finding none, we asked the Filipino lady at Cali Nails whether she would decant some of her bulk product into a nail polish remover bottle, which she did without a second thought and refused payment of any amount. Such is their respect for the elders needs.Lois was very keen to see George Clooney in Tomorrowland but remarked that he hadnt aged well when the movie credits began to roll. It was a warm and still evening so we dropped into Brewery Bay Pub for chicken wings, coffee and apple crisp a la mode on their sidewalk patio. James Herriot entertained us with the gory details of putting a cows calf bed back in (after it had fallen out).