lb the best silk offer of the · new...

NEW YORK SUNDAY APRIL 15 1900COPYRIGHT 1900 BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION I J 1 r- I bg = fwUrith owt A Co I I rohtUn acrticmtut Millinery and Artificial Flowers floor I keHftrotiln Iaris cant withhold from ut her secrets of beauty in hat making indeed we find her best and In adding our own best to hers Its not too much to say we may give her points Even with the hurry and the immense business of before Easter still cur store is as pretty with those creations which you like The artificial flowers are wonders of skill and touch ol ratural is all thats needed to make them real And the prices are for everybody prod Stairway lust tastea crftime A number of the at a Iremo Cameras mod elst which are slightly shop worn no harm but we cannot them as therefore will of to morrow at a great reduction the most econom made It Its as in Its use and effectiveness when theres a tiny bit left as when start with a whole cake Its the nicest In the world for the nursery healing loothinR and pleasant to the most delicate skin of the baby nothing known- to science so for the skin Have you tried It The genuine is sold by us only in this country Cameras Rochester Optical Cos Reduction perfect- nd Carlsbad Its Ial soap lasts Pine Cone longer than other soaps Soap S I ¬ > More Rittottl OpportunitiesS- ome Even Let Half Price To nit of Mill Kulunrt Weve never been so successful In oil Ribbon purchases just because we fore- saw events and prepared for them The result Is wa ace Ribbons at prices enable the to buy from us I ¬ AT ISc YARD REGULAR 28c2Ji inch antique moire taffeta soft finish tine quality In twenty of the best ligh shades AT 45c YARD REGULAR 65c4 inch doublefaced satin extra quality white and cream YARD REGULAR 88c 101 AND SI2554 64 and 8 inch doubleface satin REGATTA BRAND soft finish high lustre and Honeycomb Quilts Marseilles patterns Comfortables 89c o IMKIoor 125- A lot of Marseilles quality slight mill imperfections of S7SO Extra size Honey dpmb Quilts Fringe for Brass Bedsteads o 5200 Soft Silkoline Comfortables filled pure white Cotton 149 instea of 200 New and colorings Fine Cheese Cloth Comfortables number of new colors 98c instead c 125 J Embroideries Half Prices are in nainsook and cambri insertions too all the new kinds fresh goods just In the prettiest patterns a few of the baby wider kinds will like You will the satisfaction we gave you las Monday but this is still a better lot ii the best ever 3 to 2 cents a yard Petticoats and tomorrow Dressing Sacques fortahle as the garments AT 98c INSTEAD OF 159Extra Quality Sateen Petticoats in black purple royal blue and cerise made um brella styles finished with 12 inch ac cordion flounce AT 198 INSTEAD OF 298Fine MERCERIZED Sateen Petticoats In Black and Colors two styles one with deep accordion pleated flounce edge the other three corded ruffles AT 139 INSTEAD OF l98Fine Percale Wrappers in light and medium coloring over shoulder trimmed with embroidery extra fine skirt Lounging Robes of extra fine in two styles ribbon and braid trimmed suitable for steamer 300 and S350 Same material made in Dressing Sacques 100 A Sale of Sewin 29c dOZen SpOOlS small llf areS Sn ii cm ftit c ou Fasteners vhite or grey 5c each Sateen Tape Measures 5c each Darning Cotton black 5c dozen cards colors Garter Elastic ISc yard I opular Hooks and Eyes 3 white and fc 5c ross Mslntrts Hookon Hose and binding Safety Pins all sizes black and nickel dozen Satin Belt Hose Supporters all colors ISc fancy Pin Cushions 5c and lOc each Pins 5c dozen papers Bias Velveteen Binding yards ot 12c ISc piece Cases each Spring Adjustable Stock Collars lOc I2c each Sheet Pins 300 Pins 3c paper Silver Polish and Sleeve ironing Boards Violet and Borax Toilet Soaps 2C for the Toilet 1 Uwanta Bath Soap floats 2 cakes 5c Transparent Glycerine Soaps rose 1c cake Uhvc uil and White Castile Soaps I c Violet Buttermilk Soap 3 large cakes tox HI- At luc a box of 3 cakes Cold Cream i ilnc Cardinal Rose Frangipane d Buttermilk Soaps Mentholine- esth The Kst Glycerine Honey Oatmeal Sulphur CA of three cakes Egg Cream lOc Ice in tins 5c rose perfume 5c lay 2 ounce bottles Make Tooth Powder 5c nionia pint 7c extra I fine Quilts f S 198 Ith a A great lot of nder thousands of- ards I ou fact offeredat A num ber ly prepared garments The prices are as corn ruffle on wear- at Black Silk b I a k Darning Cotton I c each Jack Supporters Needle cake er J ars In arJ Gl rllle Lavender Wild Locust Xhlc Shaving Soap Sticks Sc Car ulic and Soaps at 21 C Sha1 Camrl10r nttIre d Pure l llermc ounce bottles 5c I rlImJ talcum 4c j I pound jars 14c- lolct strength pInt bot Instead them too re- member large of Wrappers cord S Fancy an Articles Cheap I I nun Tar Cam I lOS 2 flu cal S tic 5c > ° AT 25c YARD REGULAR 48c4 inch plain taffeta hemstitch border black and blue AT 19c YARD REGULAR 4Sc5lnch antique moire black only AT 58c YARD REGULAR 78c4 inch doubleface satin best quality white cream blue mais lavender and I9c 32c3 inch black GrosGrain Womens WaistsT- he Silk the Flannel the Cotton the- n assortment from which to select Made meet them on the street as is often the ca THE SILK AT 298 INSTEAD OF 398Corded- Silk Wash Waists light blue pink lavender and cerise made with lace yoke back and front silk stock collar INSTEAD OF 500Taffeta- Silk Waists black tan heliotrope blue cerise made with in back fancy cording in front also some dots in the lot 498 INSTEAD OF 650 Taffeta black lavender pink blue and heliotrope made with box pleats and tucks front finished with stitched bow on stock collar THE FLANNEL- AT 298 INSTEAD OF 398 a turquoise- AT Silk Waists > < Springtime in the UpholsteryH- ave you thought of your Awnings Covers Shades Screens and the like seem but orders are coming In rapidly and we can assure quicker work now than when off to the last minute when every one wishes to be first We will gladly send a competent man to make measurements and give estimates Then of reuoholstering and recovering furniture The new fabrics P- It are now Tapestries plain and figured Velours Silk Damasks Broca catelles An expert with samples will call on you whenever desired you the cost recreating your furniture The following are prices sure to interest youRuffled Plain Striped Muslin Curtains and Dotted Muslin Curtains 2 and 3 long at 69c pair Ruffled Lace Curtains with lac and insertion 3 yards long at 169 New Style Nottingham Curtains at edge More of the Spring Dress Second IlfTolUnz Stairway Many of these new things are elegant where genius in the weaving comes in the innate taste exercises Its skill in choo and goodness impossible to be found outsl COLORED DRESS GOODS AT 39c A YARD REGULAR 49c 38inch allwool mixed Cheviots and 46inch allwool Sacking Cloths In plain colors Te A A In nit corded Covert Cloths greys browns castors and cadets AT 69c REGULAR 98c50inch all wool Hawlck Cheviots in the new hair line and tweed COTTON DRESS GOODS AT 8c FORMERLY lOc 30inch fine domestic Dimities in good designs on dark and light grounds- AT lOc FORMERLY Corded Madras in colors stripes and checks an extensive line or1 fine to choose from AT 2lct FORMERLY J7c30incb AT REGULAR I e28inch I Iloor Take I uu 1 tcohJ itttdt5tittCitE 198 regular value to 250 9 styles Irish Point Curtains including some Renaissance patterns 475 reg ular values up to 575 75 Bagdad Tapestry Couch Covers 198 each New patterns in real Marie Antoinette Lace at 450 and 690 pair regular worth 575 and 800 pair 80 Heavy Tapestry reversible In all desirable colorings 490 pair 48 Mercerized Tapestry Portieres perfect imitation of pair ¬ just because they are so simple Thats are not overdone And truly thats where Ing those fabrics that mark a refinement e of this store fine corded Lawns in select silk de signs on dark and light AT 15c FORMERLY 25c30inch imported satin stripe Grenadines in cardinal and pink stripes- on white grounds sheer and dressy BLACK DRESS AT 39c REGULAR Chal lies with silk stripes 38 inches wide a light and dressy spring fabric AT 59c REGULAR black Natte Cheviot an excellent allwool material for serviceable wear AT 59c REGULAR English Cable Cord Mohair in small figures on rich ribbed 65c REGULAR English Mohair Granite Cloth a new and lustrous material SOcBlack 69c42inch grounds- AT 79c42Inch inch ¬ hU oohl1 derfttincllt New WaiStS at 39C Instead of 59c pleated back and front and nc narrow collars and link cuffs 38 dozen ol them In sizes for the boys of 6 to I years CO OR for Double breasted Boys Regular i 398 and neat mixtures Trousers sewn and seams taped A splendid school suit for the boy Is rough o clothes Sailor These are and nobby Sailo SUitS 398 Suits for the boy Regular 498 wool and fast color navy blue flannels also blue and brown serge The collars trimmed with nine rows of white red o black silk braid and the shields embroid ered trousers lined throughout PLENTY OF THEM HEADY FOR Al at 398 regular 498 Silver Bleached Tabli Bargains Cloths Napkins to match Cloths t long 175 instead of 198 Household Cloths 3 yards long linens 210 instead 237 139 dozen instead of 159 24inch Napkins to match 179 dozer instead of 198 Extra fine Silver Bleached Ta ble Cloths Napkins to match 2 j yard long Cloths 249 instead o 300 long Cloths 275 instead o 325 Napkins to match 179 in stead of 225 Unbleached Damask 43c yard reg- ular value SOc yard Heavy Unbleached Damask SOc yard Instead SOc yard Bleached Damask 49c yard instead ol 57c 70Inch Bleached Damask fine quality 75c yard regular value 89c Fine Satin Finished Bleached Damask 70 inches wide at 89c regular value 100 dozen Fine Satin Finished Bleached Napkins 20 inches square 198 dozen 225 Linen Suiting specially adapted for womens Bicycle inches wide- at 15c per yard regular value 25c Good sized Huckaback Towels lie each instead of ISc each Large size Turkish Bath Towels ISc each instead of 19c each These sheets are Sheets made of the heaviest Pillow Cases and best muslin twilled This material wears and washes equal to linen are hand torn and laundered ready for use I5x2 45c instead of 59c 2 x2i3 49c 62c 24x2li eSe 79c 2ix2 69c 85c Pillow Cases made of extra good qual muslin 45x36 of ISc Bleached Muslin yard wide 6Jc yard instead of 8iC White Cambric Muslin yard wide 7c yard instead of 9c good quality Bleached Twill MUJ lin yard wide instead of 1 Ic Pillow Case Muslin 42 in wide yard instead of 14c 45 12jc ISc 54 I5c 18c Fancy Madras Pique Cords stripes and plaids 28c yard of 33c Organdies 68 inches wide35c instead 40c White Persian Lawn very fine and sheer 40 inches wide 18c yard Instead- of 23c White India Lawn 40 inches wide good quality 2 jC yard instead- of 15c Waists yard 65c Tucked Lawns 40 inches wide I9c yard regular 25c quality French Batiste 40 wide very fine quality 25c yard Instead of 3Sc I All read to put right on splen I percales light and dark for of 9 to years made of able cheviot d- casslmeres plaids I Boys new of 3 to 10 years Made from all are in 20Inch Napkins to match 98c- I wearing Muslins Lawns They H 12 Jc instead ard 111 c ex- tra A special lot of Imported Tucked Piques- for a patterns I I I I I S S 3 yard 20 inch 4 4 4 I ¬ ¬ > grooblp gtdmtUrmrntf Brooklyn 4vtrtUenuiti KjUrlrU Cotttr Co I 1 I wV m BROOKLYN Great Sale of Shirts and Collars Three 100 Shirts for 100 5c for Two 10 and 12k Collars Section C ilrtme tear This Is a kind of clearing sale a making way foe the Nefr Shirts Thus we offer all the soiled and up shirts of our former sales at a price low uMfllfcUrcilttF them all out Most are laundered white shirts a few fancy onta and fully 90 of them Ire the 50 and 75c shirls3 for 100 UC I 1 cent bMO shirts rest are kinds sizes 14Y to lB Inch neck Think of 35 cents for such Lb The Best Silk Offer of the Season 59c for Printed Foulards Weve been watching for a opportunity to give you something very remarkable in silks The time is ripe and here are the silks A lot of 8 6l of printed new season for the best retail trade and none the patterns ever shown Brooklyn before The of designs is immense come in small figures medium figures and those larger so popular season and is like an indisputable document of this stores character fact they are quality of which without exaggeration is being sold today at 100 a yard We offer the entire lot at this sale tomorrow at 9c Another of our and a further of our incontestable supremacy t 00 H > A Still Better Tailor Made Suit 1475 1950 and 2375 an Average of 12 PriceT- his is better than an echo of what weve done in the past Our deservedly successful sales have been noticed all over the country and brought every worthy maker to us with special propositions This is one so good that we accepted and give you the full benefit The suits lire beyond criticism in make finish fit design sure to please the most madetoorder gowns The prices are at an average of onehalf The suits are Eton effects with and without collars short coat kinds as well as many other designs which are a com- bination of the latest imported features revolutionized for the home market The materials are the most stylish colors include navy gobelin brown heather mixtures castor tan gray also black Sizes from 34 to 40 bust For Monday divided in 3 lots viz 1475 regular values up to 30 1950 regular values up to 39 2375 regular values up to 48 fastidiouslike ¬ the Newest Kinds atest designs and the very largest kind of for Loeserand so exclusive that you dont- e with the ordinary kinds French Flannel Waists cardinal light blue tan and lavender full front French back shirt waisf cuffs THE COTTON Fine Percale Waists in new striped ef- fects tucked front at 79c Finer styles in Madras Chambray and fine lawns at 125 179 198 to 750 The King Waists In fine percales 149 Fine White Lawn Waists with four rowBoltaMNiftK betwwi tucfcr tucks in back 9Sc regular MISSES and CHILDRENS PER CALE Waists in neat stripes 8 to 14 years 49c regular 75c t I 159 I I S I 25 S ¬ 79c and 298 for 125 to 498 Corsets Another one of those unusual Corset events which happen here quite often but unexpectedly I I AT 298 INSTEAD OF 475 AND 498 150 of the celebrated ZZ Imported Corsets White Coutil and Cloth long waists Bias cut in small sizes ONLY AT 79c INSTEAD OF about 300 pairs of the wellknown Son I 12SA lot of price STOCKINGS- AT 12JicINSTEAD OF 19cChildrens Black Ribbed cotton Stockings heels and toes spliced sizes 6 to 8 Also mens Socks sizes 9 to lO guaranteed stainless AT I9c OF 25cMensf- ine gauge black cotton Socks high spliced and double soles also and fancy stripes 25c INSTEAD OF 35c AND 39c Womens extra fine colored cotton and lisle thread Stockings heels and toes spliced Tan striped two tone and stainless AT 25c INSTEAD OF 35cChildrens cotton and lisle thread black ribbed Stockings spliced heels and toes with double knees 6 to 91 AT 3 FOR 100 INSTEAD OF SOc PAIR Womens extra fine fancy lisle thread Stockings striped ht AT lc nette Corsets White and Sateen strips over bones long waists sizes 18 to 30 AT 79c REGULAR 100 AND 125 Womens Nazareth Waists made of gauze material suitable for present wear broken sizes re An Event in Stockings and UnderwearP- rices A to Under the Market To IllRhl of Min Kntramt And we have them for every member of the family from the baby up One of the very best lots weve ever been able to offer Were proud of the goods and proud of boot and plain and ribbed stainless black UNDERWEAR AT 12ic INSTEAD OF 19cWomens Richelieu ribbed white cotton Vests low neck and no sleeves handsomely trimmed with lace at neck and arm size 4 5 6 Also childrens high neck short sleeves white ribbed cotton Vests AT 25c INSTEAD OF 35cWomens fancy ribbed white lisle thread Vests low short and no sleeves hand somely trimmed AT 3 FOR 100 INSTEAD OF SOc extra fine quality Shirts self and French neck and long slecves also Drawers to match made from combed Peruvian cotton Sizes Shirts 34 to 44 Drawers 32 to 40 I EACHMens Bal- briggan ¬ The Best Offer of Laces Yet Consisting of imitation Renaissance Cluny and Arabian Allovers at 49c to 149 are new uptodate kinds that are to be treasured for their goodness are well to those who are always looking for the rare scarce kinds of laces the kinds that come only direct to us from our houses in Nottingham Calais Paris and Plauen Our Chantilly Nets in black and white the real Arabian allovers with edges and galloons to match will gladden lace lover And the real Cluny allovers with edges and to match The white taffeta silk with black braid made into fancy designs used so much for revers on coats and dresses And of course we are cheaper than for over our counters direct to you from the makers many of which we entirely control Dress Trimmings Less Than 13 This is an astonishing offer that seem almost and in fact they are ordinarily An exceptional opportunity for dressmakers- or even the trade aside from our own customers I which is less than half the ordinary have been paying for them And all Our counters I I an I the re ular AT Sc A YARD INSTEAD OF ISc TO Cut Jet Guimps and Black Silk AT I7c INSTEAD OF 30c TO 45c Black Spangled Guimps AT 39c A YARD INSTEAD OF 100 Parismade fancy colored Bead Passe menterles 25cfine I S Economy in Cleaning and Dyeing Second floor Have you ever stopped to think how really unwise it is to put any kind of winter garments them cleaned Uncleancd clothing often has the germs of the moths already in them Our dry cleaning process is a one and prevents moths The process Is exclusively our own shrink garments or alter their shape We can blankets soft and fluffy and look like new has been a success years Curtains Blankets and Garments we will clean or dye now and store them free of charge until September Something New in Trunks The Best and Newest Always Come to Loesers Dnsfnunt This is a departure In Trunk making a Wardrobe Trunk the best and practical trunk ever Why wasn t it thought of before The capacity is 12 womens or mens costumes with use of the detachable swinging box ur 18 without it The claim is a modest one as will be by the use of the trunk It is unlike all other trunks and will be doubly appreciated by all European travellers We are sole agents for this trunk in we offer our Exhi- bition Trunkswhlch will be sold at special prices Some 12 Prices in the China StoreO- ur china store is constantly putting on added attractions The present always has to the past tomorrows are a good Illustration progress in acquiring benefits you I most I I t ¬ Glass Flower Vases Half and Less- A table full of decorated Bohe- mian Vases All kinds shapes and sizes Tall vases for long stem flowers medium vases for bouquets and the small vases for buds are flower vases hence useful but half their value is in their ornamental beauty Regular prices would average are even priced 19c to 98c BricaBrac at Half Several tables in the BricaBrac Salon are laden with pretty and artistic things that appeal lo taste They are a that came to us in an excep- tional way and that partly accounts for the half marked on Grace fully shaped vases urns cute pieces in bisque and bisque figures cups The prices are 25c to 125 Regular SOc to 250 Fern dishes 98c instead 150 150 200 Tea cups and saucers 25c instead SOc A lot of stamp match jewel and bon bon boxes in a variety of decorations and fully trimmed with are marked 19c regular worth SOc Oatmeal and mush and milk sets 25c instead of 75c 39c 100 doublesome I I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AT 49c A YARD INSTEAD OF AND 200Fancy Colored Bead Passementeries on net all Paris make AT 98c INSTEAD OF 300 AND 400 Fancy Colored Beaded Passe menteries very extreme patterns I ¬ cream 39c instead of 75c SOc 100 75c 150 Cream pitchers 19c instead of 35c Cracker SOc 100 Olive trays 25c 75c Olive shells SOc Sugar baskets 25c SOc Syrup jugs with plate SOc instead of 100 Bath sets SOc instead of 100 7Sc 150 100 200 150 300 Lamps Almost Half- A lot of beautifully decorated Table and Reception Lamps quite new designs best manner and fitted with the best burners made Here are some of the prices 300 instead of 500 375 600 598 1000 750 1500 1250 2500 1750 3500 Lamp globes 69c instead of 200 98c 300 125 350 150 400 Cond ensed I Dc to Character in FurnitureT- he Newest Summer Readiness Progress in our Furniture Store never quite repeats itself but produces some i todays are in some way outdoing the yesterdays here last week We never had such an interesting display of furniture for summer use Not the ordinary kind but furniture with character about it something that cannot be or contended with something that foils emulation Even if we could describe these new arrivals in the detail might weary you in the reading while a visit here will be sure to give you pleasure as well as many a suggestion for your comfort and tasteful adornment of your summer home That the prices are Interesting goes saying for they are lowest anywhere but drop tomorrow rae thing thats new and fairer Imitation lost and creation the elm the Something to see this week that I I with- out the > The Collars not sent or credited A ridiculously low price for fault not enough of a kind or soiled or mussed a goodly supply In sizes 12 to 15 j inch neck a of the larger sizes No limit to the quantity sold a purchaser only we ask you to take them you and we do not ex- change nor credit them at these prices ThenewestkJnds the prettiest ever Scotch Flannels pretty stripe effects 49cFancy Scotch Flannels silk stripe ef fects SOc The latest novelty In lightweight all wool Scotch flannels for sum mer wear a great variety of n W ind ex- clusive designs at D8c these mens and collars The only j theres t I f mall ancy latest and summer flannels shades shown I t ¬ ¬ Cold Storage The Ideal Method No Other Plant in Brooklyn- An experienced Furrier is in charge In the old method of fur preservation the cure Is nearly as bad as the disease Moths are kept out but at a heavy price Tigu wrappings and frequent beatings destroy the elasticity and SDtlness of hair Camphor and Naphtallne dry out the natural oils In skin resulting In Jjll and wiry fur instead of the velvety gloss so highly prized Thre is but scientific Storage Every furrier will admit to that cald stores is bst method for preserving furs Pure cold dry air at one a GERMICIDE arii PRE SERVATIVE Adds to the beauty and prolongs th lif of all furs No diatractlva beatings or foul smelling and unwholesome drugs No tiJioJs airings required before your furs can be worn in the Fall A mthoJ at one hygienic daInty anJ preserving Clothing Rugs Carpets and all othsr fabric against germs Only at Loesers Write us for full particulars the the methodCold yo economicalfor mothsand or one tIns ¬ 548 Trustworthy place morrow morning Refrigerators the lowest ice ever quoted They have circulation are sheathed very economical in consumption- of ice cleanliness flues they are furniture finished have bronzcd hinges and locks and solid metal shelves White 14 last We call special attention to Wilkcs Porcelain for which we are sole agents for Brooklyn The Favorite Gas Ranges Demonstrated Mrs Lemcke n nifii minute and 10 minutes later biscuits are done and ready for the table It saves fifteen to thirty minutes time prepara- tion of any fact that be ap- preciated in the dirt no sweltering over kitchen and flushed tired cross cook You can have your choice o different styes at 1498 We are also agents for Brooklyn for th celebrated Wolff Gas Cookers The best freezer every tent critic Very sfm and closed Impossible for salt water to get into the can dasher easy to no odor and all the gal- vanized parts are coated with the very best See the demonstration and have a plate of delicious cream made while you Our prices are lower than others ask for the fashioned kinds All the Needed Steel 78c Steel Rakes SSc Steel Hoes 29c Steel Spading Forks 7Sc Turf Steel Trowels 4c 7c lOc Wceders 5c Grass Shear 22c 25c Pruning Shears 25c 38c 4Sc SSc Grass Hooks I DC Imported Grass Hooks 40c Money Savers in Housekeeping uii size 75c Keystone Clothes IM nnii warranted or 3 years 248 Challenge Clothes Wringers 75c Gas Torches and a Box of Tapers 8c Rattan Furniture Beaters lOc Kreamers Bread Boxes largest size i9c Foot Tubs heaviest quality choice SOc Asbestos Stove Mats with Alaska handle 5c Square or long Asbestos Mats lOc Heavy Oral Stove Boilers IXX stock rim and copper bottom while they choice of 125 Galvanized Ash Cans with hinged over extra large size 245 Indestructible Ash Cans any size hile they last 200 Galvanized Iron Chamber Pails 19c Japanned Coal Hods with funnel they last ISc Rutherford Wall Paper and Fresco leaner ISc Ammonia onehalf gallon size lOc Manahans Tarlne Packing Sheet 43c Mothproof Bags 35c Celluloid Starch per package 6c GATE NICKEL STEEL WARE Nothing better invented Lipped Kettles I8c 20c 3Ic 35c Saucepans 1 8c 20c 3 I c 350 Milk 14c ISo 20c Pie Plates I2c ISc ISc Roasting Pans Sic 60c 88c 75c Convex Saucepans 43c 74c 80c Wash 22c 34c Dish Pans SSc 63c Milk or Rice Boilers SOc and 2lb package of Pettijohns Breakfast Fo 4 We will on to 548 The cold one In meala morningno dustno Peerless madc acknowledged as Ice Cream such com pc freezers pIe easy to the gearing Is Malleable I Rkea lSc t1aemni No SII Curtain Frames I ers las t dozen free Refrigerators j at F- avorite may be S tLinrnl rots Garden Tools g helps t l c 4 ¬ ¬ ¬

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Post on 21-Sep-2020




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I bg=

fwUrith owt A Co I IrohtUn acrticmtut

Millinery and Artificial Flowersfloor I keHftrotiln

Iaris cant withhold from ut her secrets of beauty in hat

making indeed we find her best and In adding our own best

to hers Its not too much to say we may give her points Even

with the hurry and the immense business of before Easter still

cur store is as pretty with those creations which you like

The artificial flowers are wonders of skill and touch

ol ratural is all thats needed to make them real And

the prices are for everybody




A number of the

at a Iremo Cameras modelst which are slightlyshop worn no

harm but we cannot them astherefore will of to

morrow at a great reduction

the most econommade It

Its as in Its useand effectiveness when

theres a tiny bit left as when startwith a whole cake Its the nicestIn the world for the nursery healingloothinR and pleasant to the most delicateskin of the baby nothing known-

to science so for the skin Haveyou tried It The genuine is sold by usonly in this country

Cameras Rochester Optical Cos



Carlsbad ItsIal soap lasts

Pine Cone longer than other soaps






More Rittottl OpportunitiesS-ome Even Let Half Price

To nit of Mill KulunrtWeve never been so successful In oil Ribbon purchases just because we fore-

saw events and prepared for them The result Is wa ace Ribbons at pricesenable the to buy from us



AT ISc YARD REGULAR 28c2Jiinch antique moire taffeta soft finishtine quality In twenty of the best lighshades

AT 45c YARD REGULAR 65c4inch doublefaced satin extraquality white and cream

YARD REGULAR 88c 101AND SI2554 64 and 8 inchdoubleface satin REGATTA BRANDsoft finish high lustre

and Honeycomb QuiltsMarseilles patterns

Comfortables 89c oIMKIoor 125-

A lot of Marseillesquality slight mill imperfections

of S7SOExtra size Honeydpmb Quilts Fringe

for Brass Bedsteads o

5200Soft Silkoline Comfortables filled

pure white Cotton 149 insteaof 200 New and colorings

Fine Cheese Cloth Comfortablesnumber of new colors 98c instead c



Half Pricesare in nainsook and cambri

insertions too all the new kinds freshgoods just In the prettiest patterns

a few of the babywider kinds will like You will

the satisfaction we gave you lasMonday but this is still a better lot ii

the best ever 3 to 2cents a yard


and tomorrowDressing Sacquesfortahle as the garmentsAT 98c INSTEAD OF 159Extra

Quality Sateen Petticoats in blackpurple royal blue and cerise made umbrella styles finished with 12 inch accordion flounce

AT 198 INSTEAD OF 298FineMERCERIZED Sateen Petticoats InBlack and Colors two styles one withdeep accordion pleated flounce

edge the other three cordedruffles

AT 139 INSTEAD OF l98FinePercale Wrappers in light and mediumcoloring over shoulder trimmedwith embroidery extra fine skirt

Lounging Robes of extra finein two styles ribbon and

braid trimmed suitable for steamer300 and S350

Same material made in DressingSacques 100

A Sale of Sewin29c dOZen SpOOlS

small llf areSSn ii cm ftit c ou Fastenersvhite or grey 5c each

Sateen Tape Measures 5c eachDarning Cotton black 5c dozen cards

colorsGarter Elastic ISc yard

I opular Hooks and Eyes 3 whiteand fc 5c ross

Mslntrts Hookon Hoseand binding

Safety Pins all sizes black and nickeldozen

Satin Belt Hose Supporters all colorsISc

fancy Pin Cushions 5c and lOc eachPins 5c dozen papers

Bias Velveteen Binding yardsot 12c ISc piece

Cases eachSpring Adjustable Stock Collars lOc

I2c eachSheet Pins 300 Pins 3c paper

Silver Polish and Sleeveironing Boards

Violet and BoraxToilet Soaps 2C

for the Toilet1 Uwanta Bath Soap

floats 2 cakes5c

Transparent Glycerine Soaps rose1c cake

Uhvc uil and White Castile SoapsI c

Violet Buttermilk Soap 3 large cakestox HI-

At luc a box of 3 cakes Cold Cream

i ilnc Cardinal Rose Frangipaned Buttermilk SoapsMentholine-

esthThe Kst Glycerine Honey Oatmeal

SulphurCA of three cakes

Egg Cream lOcIce in tins 5c

rose perfume 5c lay2 ounce bottles

Make Tooth Powder 5c

nionia pint 7cextra I



S 198



A great lot of

nder thousands of-



fact offeredatA numberly preparedgarments

The pricesare as corn

ruffle on


Black Silk

b I a k

Darning Cotton I c each








arJ Gl rllle Lavender Wild LocustXhlc

Shaving Soap Sticks Sc

Car ulic and Soaps at 21 C


nttIre dPure l llermc ounce bottles 5cI rlImJ talcum 4c

j I pound jars 14c-lolct

strength pInt bot


them too










CheapI I






flu calS

tic 5c



AT 25c YARD REGULAR 48c4inch plain taffeta hemstitch borderblack and blue

AT 19c YARD REGULAR 4Sc5lnchantique moire black only

AT 58c YARD REGULAR 78c4inch doubleface satin best qualitywhite cream blue maislavender and

I9c 32c3inch black GrosGrain

Womens WaistsT-he Silk the Flannel the Cotton the-

n assortment from which to select Made

meet them on the street as is often the ca


Silk Wash Waists light blue pinklavender and cerise made with laceyoke back and front silk stock collar

INSTEAD OF 500Taffeta-Silk Waists black tan heliotropeblue cerise made within back fancy cording in front alsosome dots in the lot498 INSTEAD OF 650 Taffeta

black lavender pink blueand heliotrope made with box pleatsand tucks front finished withstitched bow on stock collar




Silk Waists

> <

Springtime in the UpholsteryH-ave you thought of your Awnings Covers Shades Screens and the like

seem but orders are coming In rapidly and we can assure quickerwork now than when off to the last minute when every one wishes to befirst We will gladly send a competent man to make measurements and giveestimates Then of reuoholstering and recovering furniture The new fabrics



are nowTapestries plain and figured Velours

Silk Damasks Brocacatelles An expert with samples willcall on you whenever desired you

the cost recreating your furnitureThe following are prices sure to interest

youRuffled Plain Striped Muslin Curtainsand Dotted Muslin Curtains 2 and3 long at 69c pair

Ruffled Lace Curtains with

lac and insertion 3 yards long at169New Style Nottingham Curtains at


More of the Spring DressSecond IlfTolUnz Stairway

Many of these new things are elegantwhere genius in the weaving comes inthe innate taste exercises Its skill in choo

and goodness impossible to be found outsl


38inch allwool mixed Cheviots and

46inch allwool Sacking Cloths Inplain colors

T e A A In nit

corded Covert Cloths greys brownscastors and cadets

AT 69c REGULAR 98c50inch all

wool Hawlck Cheviots in the new hairline and tweed


fine domestic Dimities in good designson dark and light grounds-

AT lOc FORMERLYCorded Madras in colors

stripes and checks an extensive line or1

fine to choose fromAT 2lct FORMERLY J7c30incb





Iloor Take


uu1tcohJ itttdt5tittCitE

198 regular value to 2509 styles Irish Point Curtains including

some Renaissance patterns 475 regular values up to 575

75 Bagdad Tapestry Couch Covers198 eachNew patterns in real Marie Antoinette

Lace at 450 and 690 pairregular worth 575 and 800 pair

80 Heavy Tapestryreversible In all desirable colorings490 pair48 Mercerized Tapestry Portieres

perfect imitation of pair


just because they are so simple Thatsare not overdone And truly thats where

Ing those fabrics that mark a refinemente of this store

fine corded Lawns in select silk designs on dark and light

AT 15c FORMERLY 25c30inchimported satin stripe Grenadines in

cardinal and pink stripes-on white grounds sheer and dressy


lies with silk stripes 38 inches wide alight and dressy spring fabric

AT 59c REGULAR blackNatte Cheviot an excellent allwoolmaterial for serviceable wear

AT 59c REGULAREnglish Cable Cord Mohair in small

figures on rich ribbed

65c REGULAREnglish Mohair Granite Cloth a newand lustrous material



grounds-AT 79c42Inch



hUoohl1 derfttincllt

NewWaiStS at 39CInstead of 59cpleated back and front and ncnarrow collars and link cuffs 38 dozenol them In sizes for the boys of 6 to I


CO OR for Double breasted

Boys Regular i398

and neat mixtures Trouserssewn and seams taped A splendid

school suit for the boy Is rough oclothes

Sailor These areand nobby Sailo

SUitS 398 Suits for the boyRegular 498wool and fast color navy blue flannelsalso blue and brown serge The collarstrimmed with nine rows of white red oblack silk braid and the shields embroidered trousers lined throughout PLENTYOF THEM HEADY FOR Al

at 398 regular 498Silver Bleached Tabli

Bargains Cloths Napkins to matchCloths t long

175 instead of 198Household Cloths 3 yards long

linens 210 instead 237

139 dozen instead of 15924inch Napkins to match 179 dozer

instead of 198Extra fine Silver Bleached Ta

ble Cloths Napkins to match2 j yard long Cloths 249 instead o

300long Cloths 275 instead o

325Napkins to match 179 in

stead of 225Unbleached Damask 43c yard reg-

ular value SOc yardHeavy Unbleached Damask SOc yard

Instead SOc yardBleached Damask 49c yard instead ol

57c70Inch Bleached Damask fine quality

75c yard regular value 89cFine Satin Finished Bleached Damask

70 inches wide at 89c regular value

100 dozen Fine Satin Finished BleachedNapkins 20 inches square 198 dozen

225Linen Suiting specially adapted for

womens Bicycle inches wide-

at 15c per yard regular value 25cGood sized Huckaback Towels lie

each instead of ISc eachLarge size Turkish Bath Towels ISc

each instead of 19c each

These sheets areSheets made of the heaviest

Pillow Cases and bestmuslin twilled Thismaterial wears andwashes equal tolinen are

hand torn and laundered ready for useI5x2 45c instead of 59c2 x2i3 49c 62c24x2li eSe 79c2ix2 69c 85c

Pillow Cases made of extra good qualmuslin 45x36 of ISc

Bleached Muslin yard wide 6Jc yardinstead of 8iC

White Cambric Muslin yard wide 7cyard instead of 9c

good quality Bleached Twill MUJ

lin yard wide instead of 1 IcPillow Case Muslin

42 in wide yard instead of 14c45 12jc ISc54 I5c 18c

Fancy Madras Pique Cords stripes andplaids 28c yard of 33c

Organdies 68 inches wide35cinstead 40c

White Persian Lawn very fine andsheer 40 inches wide 18c yard Instead-

of 23cWhite India Lawn 40 inches wide

good quality 2 jC yard instead-of 15c

Waists yard65c

Tucked Lawns 40 inches wideI9c yard regular 25c quality

French Batiste 40 wide veryfine quality 25c yard Instead of 3Sc

I All read to putright on splen


percales light anddark

for of 9 toyears made ofable cheviot d-

casslmeres plaids


Boys new

of 3 to 10 yearsMade from all



20Inch Napkins to match




MuslinsLawns They


12 Jc instead


111 c



A special lot of Imported Tucked Piques-for









3 yard

20 inch


4 4





grooblp gtdmtUrmrntf Brooklyn 4vtrtUenuiti KjUrlrU Cotttr CoI 1



Great Sale of Shirts and CollarsThree 100 Shirts for 100

5c for Two 10 and 12k CollarsSection C ilrtme tear

This Is a kind of clearing sale a making way foe the NefrShirts Thus we offer all the soiled and

up shirts of our former sales at a price low uMfllfcUrcilttFthem all out

Most are laundered white shirts a few fancy onta and fully90 of them Ire the 50 and 75c

shirls3 for 100


cent bMO shirts rest arekinds sizes 14Y to lB Inch neck Think of 35 cents for such


The Best Silk Offer of the Season59c for Printed Foulards

Weve been watching for a opportunity to give you something very remarkable in silks The time is ripe and here are the silks A lotof 8 6l of printed new season for the best retail trade and none the patterns ever shown

Brooklyn before The of designs is immense come in small figures medium figures and those larger so popular

season and is like an indisputable document of this stores character fact they are

quality of which without exaggeration is being sold today at 100 a yard We offer the entire lot at this sale tomorrow at 9cAnother of our and a further of our incontestable supremacy

t 00H


A Still Better Tailor Made Suit1475 1950 and 2375 an Average of 12 PriceT-

his is better than an echo of what weve done in the past Our deservedly successful sales have beennoticed all over the country and brought every worthy maker to us with special propositions This is one sogood that we accepted and give you the full benefit The suits lire beyond criticism in make finish fit design

sure to please the most madetoorder gowns The prices are at an average of onehalf Thesuits are Eton effects with and without collars short coat kinds as well as many other designs which are a com-

bination of the latest imported features revolutionized for the home market The materials are the most stylishcolors include navy gobelin brown heather mixtures castor tan gray also black Sizes from 34 to 40 bustFor Monday divided in 3 lots viz

1475 regular values up to 30 1950 regular values up to 39 2375 regular values up to 48


the Newest Kindsatest designs and the very largest kind offor Loeserand so exclusive that you dont-e with the ordinary kinds

French Flannel Waists cardinal lightblue tan and lavender fullfront French back shirt waisf cuffs

THE COTTONFine Percale Waists in new striped ef-

fects tucked front at 79cFiner styles in Madras Chambray and

fine lawns at 125 179 198 to750The King Waists In fine percales149Fine White Lawn Waists with four

rowBoltaMNiftK betwwi tucfcr tucks inback 9Sc regular

MISSES and CHILDRENS PERCALE Waists in neat stripes 8 to 14years 49c regular 75c






S I 25



79c and 298 for 125 to 498 CorsetsAnother one of those unusual Corset events which happen here quite often but



AT 298 INSTEAD OF 475 AND498 150 of the celebrated ZZ

Imported Corsets White Coutil andCloth long waists Bias

cut in small sizes ONLYAT 79c INSTEAD OF

about 300 pairs of the wellknown SonI 12SA lot of

priceSTOCKINGS-AT 12JicINSTEAD OF 19cChildrens

Black Ribbed cotton Stockings heelsand toes spliced sizes 6 to 8 Alsomens Socks sizes 9 tolO guaranteed stainless

AT I9c OF 25cMensf-ine gauge black cotton Socks highspliced and double soles also

and fancy stripes25c INSTEAD OF 35c AND 39cWomens extra fine colored

cotton and lisle thread Stockings heelsand toes spliced Tan striped two toneand stainless

AT 25c INSTEAD OF 35cChildrenscotton and lisle thread black ribbedStockings spliced heels and toes withdouble knees 6 to 91

AT 3 FOR 100 INSTEAD OF SOcPAIR Womens extra fine fancy lislethread Stockings striped




nette Corsets White and Sateenstrips over bones long waists sizes 18to 30

AT 79c REGULAR 100 AND 125Womens Nazareth Waists made of

gauze material suitable for presentwear broken sizes


An Event in Stockings and UnderwearP-

rices A to Under the MarketTo IllRhl of Min Kntramt

And we have them for every member of the family from the baby up One of thevery best lots weve ever been able to offer Were proud of the goods and proud of

boot and plain and ribbedstainless black


Richelieu ribbed white cotton Vestslow neck and no sleeves handsomelytrimmed with lace at neck and armsize 4 5 6 Also childrens highneck short sleeves white ribbed cottonVests

AT 25c INSTEAD OF 35cWomensfancy ribbed white lisle thread Vestslow short and no sleeves handsomely trimmed

AT 3 FOR 100 INSTEAD OF SOcextra fine quality

Shirts self andFrench neck and long slecves alsoDrawers to match made from combedPeruvian cotton Sizes Shirts 34 to44 Drawers 32 to 40


EACHMens Bal-



The Best Offer of Laces YetConsisting of imitation Renaissance Cluny and Arabian Allovers at 49c to 149

are new uptodate kinds that are to be treasured for their goodnessare well to those who are always looking for the rare scarce kinds of laces

the kinds that come only direct to us from our houses in Nottingham CalaisParis and Plauen

Our Chantilly Nets in black and white the real Arabian allovers with edges and

galloons to match will gladden lace loverAnd the real Cluny allovers with edges and to match The white taffeta

silk with black braid made into fancy designs used so much for revers on coats and

dressesAnd of course we are cheaper than for over our counters

direct to you from the makers many of which we entirely control

Dress Trimmings Less Than 13This is an astonishing offer that seem almost and in

fact they are ordinarily An exceptional opportunity for dressmakers-

or even the trade aside from our own customers


which is less than half the ordinary have been paying for them And allOur counters






Cut Jet Guimps and BlackSilk

AT I7c INSTEAD OF 30c TO 45cBlack Spangled Guimps

AT 39c A YARD INSTEAD OF 100Parismade fancy colored Bead Passementerles




Economy in Cleaning and DyeingSecond floor

Have you ever stopped to think how really unwise it is to put any kind of

winter garments them cleaned Uncleancd clothing often has thegerms of the moths already in them Our dry cleaning process is a one and

prevents moths The process Is exclusively our own shrink garments oralter their shape We can blankets soft and fluffy and look like new hasbeen a success years

Curtains Blankets and Garments we will clean or dye now and store them freeof charge until September

Something New in TrunksThe Best and Newest Always Come to Loesers

DnsfnuntThis is a departure In Trunk making a Wardrobe Trunk the best andpractical trunk ever Why wasn t it thought of before The capacity

is 12 womens or mens costumes with use of the detachable swinging box ur 18

without it The claim is a modest one as will be by the use of the trunk Itis unlike all other trunks and will be doubly appreciated by all European travellersWe are sole agents for this trunk in we offer our Exhi-

bition Trunkswhlch will be sold at special prices

Some 12 Prices in the China StoreO-

ur china store is constantly putting on added attractions The present alwayshas to the past tomorrows are a good Illustration progress inacquiring benefits you







Glass Flower Vases Half andLess-

A table full of decorated Bohe-

mian Vases All kinds shapes and sizesTall vases for long stem flowers mediumvases for bouquets and the small vasesfor buds are flower vases henceuseful but half their value is in theirornamental beauty Regular prices wouldaverage are evenpriced 19c to 98c

BricaBrac at HalfSeveral tables in the BricaBrac Salon

are laden with pretty and artistic thingsthat appeal lo taste They are a

that came to us in an excep-tional way and that partly accounts forthe half marked on Gracefully shaped vases urns cute pieces inbisque and bisque figures cups

The prices are 25c to 125Regular SOc to 250

Fern dishes 98c instead 150150 200

Tea cups and saucers 25c instead SOcA lot of stamp match jewel and bon

bon boxes in a variety of decorations andfully trimmed with are marked 19cregular worth SOc

Oatmeal and mush and milk sets25c instead of 75c39c 100








AT 49c A YARD INSTEAD OFAND 200Fancy Colored Bead

Passementeries on net all Paris make

AT 98c INSTEAD OF 300 AND400 Fancy Colored Beaded Passe

menteries very extreme patternsI


cream39c instead of 75cSOc 10075c 150

Cream pitchers 19c instead of 35cCracker SOc 100Olive trays 25c 75cOlive shells SOcSugar baskets 25c SOc

Syrup jugs with plate SOc instead of100Bath sets SOc instead of 100

7Sc 150100 200150 300

Lamps Almost Half-

A lot of beautifully decorated Tableand Reception Lamps quite new designs

best manner and fittedwith the best burners made Here aresome of the prices

300 instead of 500375 600598 1000750 1500

1250 25001750 3500

Lamp globes 69c instead of 20098c 300125 350150 400

Cond ensed

I Dcto

Character in FurnitureT-

he Newest Summer Readiness

Progress in our Furniture Store never quite repeats itself but produces somei

todays are in some way outdoing the yesterdayshere last week

We never had such an interesting display of furniture for summer use Not theordinary kind but furniture with character about it something that cannot be

or contended with something that foils emulation Even if we could describe thesenew arrivals in the detail might weary you in the reading while a visit herewill be sure to give you pleasure as well as many a suggestion for your comfort and

tasteful adornment of your summer home That the prices are Interesting goes

saying for they are lowest anywhere but drop tomorrow


thing thats new and fairer Imitation lost and creation the elm theSomething to see this week that




out the


The Collars not sent orcredited A ridiculously low price for

fault not enough of a kind orsoiled or mussed a goodly supply In sizes12 to 15 j inch neck a of thelarger sizes No limit to the quantitysold a purchaser only we ask you totake them you and we do not ex-

change nor credit them at these prices

ThenewestkJnds the

prettiest ever

Scotch Flannels pretty stripe effects49cFancy Scotch Flannels silk stripe effects SOc

The latest novelty In lightweight allwool Scotch flannels for summer wear a great variety of n W ind ex-

clusive designs at D8c

these mens and collars The only j



f mallancy latest and summer

flannels shadesshown





Cold StorageThe Ideal Method No Other Plant in Brooklyn-

An experienced Furrier is in charge In the old method of fur preservation the

cure Is nearly as bad as the disease Moths are kept out but at a heavy price Tiguwrappings and frequent beatings destroy the elasticity and SDtlness of hairCamphor and Naphtallne dry out the natural oils In skin resulting In Jjll andwiry fur instead of the velvety gloss so highly prized Thre is but scientific

Storage Every furrier will admit to that cald stores is bstmethod for preserving furs Pure cold dry air at one a GERMICIDE arii PRE

SERVATIVE Adds to the beauty and prolongs th lif of all furs No diatractlva

beatings or foul smelling and unwholesome drugs No tiJioJs airings required

before your furs can be worn in the Fall A mthoJ at one hygienic daInty anJ

preserving Clothing Rugs Carpets and all othsr fabric against

germs Only at Loesers Write us for full particulars


methodCold yo





548 Trustworthyplace

morrow morning Refrigeratorsthe lowest ice ever quoted They

have circulation aresheathed very economical in consumption-of ice cleanlinessflues they are furniture finished havebronzcd hinges and locks and solid metalshelves White 14 last

We call special attention to WilkcsPorcelain for which we aresole agents for Brooklyn

The Favorite GasRanges Demonstrated

Mrs Lemcken nifii minuteand 10 minutes later biscuits aredone and ready for the table It savesfifteen to thirty minutes time prepara-tion of any fact that be ap-

preciated in thedirt no sweltering over

kitchen and flushed tired cross cookYou can have your choice o differentstyes at 1498

We are also agents for Brooklyn for thcelebrated Wolff Gas Cookers

The best freezer

everytent critic Very sfm


closed Impossible for salt water toget into the can dasher easy to

no odor and all the gal-

vanized parts are coated with the verybest See the demonstrationand have a plate of delicious cream madewhile you Our prices are lowerthan others ask for the fashionedkinds

All the Needed

Steel 78c

Steel Rakes SScSteel Hoes 29c

Steel Spading Forks 7ScTurfSteel Trowels 4c 7c lOcWceders 5cGrass Shear 22c 25cPruning Shears 25c 38c 4Sc SScGrass Hooks I DC

Imported Grass Hooks 40c

Money Savers inHousekeeping uii size 75c


IM nnii warrantedor 3 years 248

Challenge Clothes Wringers 75cGas Torches and a Box of Tapers 8cRattan Furniture Beaters lOc

Kreamers Bread Boxes largest sizei9c

Foot Tubs heaviest quality choice SOc

Asbestos Stove Mats with Alaskahandle 5c

Square or long Asbestos Mats lOcHeavy Oral Stove Boilers IXX stock

rim and copper bottom while theychoice of 125

Galvanized Ash Cans with hingedover extra large size 245Indestructible Ash Cans any size

hile they last 200Galvanized Iron Chamber Pails 19c

Japanned Coal Hods with funnelthey last ISc

Rutherford Wall Paper and Frescoleaner IScAmmonia onehalf gallon size lOc

Manahans Tarlne Packing Sheet43c

Mothproof Bags 35cCelluloid Starch per package 6c

GATE NICKEL STEEL WARENothing better inventedLipped Kettles I8c 20c 3Ic 35c

Saucepans 1 8c 20c 3 I c 350Milk 14c ISo 20cPie Plates I2c ISc IScRoasting Pans Sic 60c 88c 75cConvex Saucepans 43c 74c 80cWash 22c 34cDish Pans SSc 63cMilk or Rice Boilers SOc and 2lb

package of Pettijohns Breakfast Fo 4

We willonto



cold one



Peerless madc acknowledged asIce Cream such com pc

freezers pIe easy tothe gearing Is

Malleable I

Rkea lSc


No SIICurtain Frames



las t



Refrigerators j


F-avoritemay be




Garden Tools




l c



