
THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL 22 1900 kft M f 8 T Jtw SUNDAY APRIL rli Mbirrlplloni bj Mall Ftntpald flAtlY P i Mnnllj O 5O DAILY pet V t CO- 8UNDAV per Year a OO DAILY AND fllNDAY Vear DAILY ANU SUNDAY per Month Ill loil toforelfn cuunlrtei added THKIiK New York City PAHisKlasqut to 12 near Grind Haul aiil- Kloaque No 10 Boultfitd 11 Mir frltnit uAa furor til trrtA manuifflpd or tuMlroJftn trill r Aai rtltrtiil urtltlti rtturntt try In oU calf I lotnl ilompD Mat piirpoi Why Senator Wellingtons Platform Will Nut Do The lion GKOIUIR 1 WKIUNUTON nf Maryland whose place In the Sctmte Mnmls In the name of the Hepnblloan parly ha announced that ho will not support the Itepublican Presidential nominee If tho I upon a platform tolerat Ideas ot it colonial tariff and the permanent retention cf the Philippine Inasmuch n Senator VKiUvriTON ex- presses thn belief that the platform to be by the Philmlolphla convention will nature he weans that tie U cer- tain to bo a bolter Through thn humble medium of the senior Etnatorof Marylnnd therefore a question hwbeen put forward prominently for gen- eral consideration which later the roming Democratic platform of Kansas City may make of the first Importance republicans have already virtually pronounced for thn retention of the Philip- pines nml a colonial trtriff that Is for the principle that for territory belonging to the United States It is within tho power of Con reisstoclUoriiulnuteus to Imports and between such territory and the States dictate of political common en t that when once launched upon nuch u policy It must bondhercd to since to withdraw from It would he to withdraw from content with the opposition that compels such a surren- der There Is however another reason why the Republics partyshould take the opposed by Senator NViiUJXOTOM Incomparably weightier than their acci- dental Identification with It Tho truth U that the party which should maintain that the lnlted States are power- less to acquire territory oiitldo of their former borders without reiOKnlzinj rule and regulation Imposed ii Mate themselves by tho Constitution In other that the United State cannot colonial tariff or nro practi- cally debarred by the Constitution from expanding and competing with other great nations In the development of the globe would be utterly and disgracefully beaten in a national election American Republic ha comfort- ably and progressively for a cen- tury with the right to make colonial tariffs asserted arid practised from the first It will not renounce it time In the worlds history of all others Syracuse University Of the tinlversltlfH situated In the State of New York the Institution established In the city of Syracuse is tho youngeiu but the remarkable rate of Us development during the last quarter of a ceiitmy ha already given it high rank Its doors wero not opened until 1871 and in SO It had only 288 BtudoiitH By 1SW the number of those benefiting by its opportunities wits BIO and it has risen to 1402 In the present Hcndemical year In thive Ilgureri young women an well a men are comprehended the Institution being founded on the coedu- cation principle There are now 130 pro- fessor in the cevral depart- ments of tin university The Syracuse University Includt four organized depart menu Ihexe are The college of liberal nrlc the college of tIns arU the college of iiirdlcine ansi the of law The college of liberal prided a classical course a philosophical and a general course in ilence together with special courses in civil en- gineering mid elctriciil engineering The degrees obtainable In this department vary recording to the course of studies pursued They comprise this e of Harhelor of Arts Bachelor of Philosophy Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineer and Civil Engineer Can Is taken at this wit of learning to pnservo of thn It de- cree Applicants for admission to the clun course must offer Uiiin nnd they are required to study both of these lanciiapiv during Die freshman and sopho- inorn yours The other conditions for ad- mission do not differ fruit those prescribeil at other firhtnile universities The philo- sophical course lending ID the degree of Bachelor of PhiloNuphy is nearly Identjiiil with the classical any modern language- liowever being substituted for out of ancient tongues It IsiimieceKary tu offer either lrifkiorlii tin In order to matriculate In the general or ttperlil course in scletu e- AVo should add that whole number of undergraduates incident graduates and spe- cial BttidonlH In college of liberal urta- Is 727 ornightytbree more than lust year An interesting feature of this institution Is the college or this arts whish oilers- cournert In architecture inuaiu painting and lellwlettres and according to tit cur- riculum pursued confers the degree of Bachelor of Architecture HacVidor of Let Bachelor of Painting or Hachelor of Ciindidntes for admission to tiny of the offered by this college art examined in English In geography In his- tory In physlm In arithmetic in algebra nnd In plane and solid geometry They are not required to present either reek or Those art students who do not care to pend four jtars In college and t viince the hope of scouring dcgreen may- a a normal art course which covers period of two years and U planned to pre- pare young persons for the position of Warners and superintendent of drawing in schools The number of HlmtenU In tire college of tints arts IK now 52 whilst means an Increase of 132 ulnco last year The college of medicine and the collegu of law contain each 1W students o nile Is permitted to enter tim former college with the Intention of taking the degren of Doctor of Medicine until In has earned tire medical student certlllcati pre cribed by thn Ilegontrt of the Diversity of the Stutt of New York arid he must In addition pass laminations III algebra plane geometry nnd Latin Tin curriculum covers tour yearn hut II student who Intends to take at Syracuse not onlya college course hut al o a pfofeMtonnt course In medicine or III law can advantage of this elective y t m In such a way as to save twelve thus completing the four years olleiecmirno and the four years course j f be I 2 11- I I r PI t I I des Caputln- I I 0 f f i t j later i adopt i I t i I ho 1i i r x port i rOle I PIT word t I i The led allot r i i i i I loll J arl II lOU t t I 1 1 I I the I and I i i I i I lilt I J t tel I I I J I I Latin who It r j f I I t J i 7 f L t 1 4 jJi ti I I I 6 I 1 piLaf lot I in- i I I I rasl it tOut I s4igiI I1fi IiI P deal hot Ii resk I V tim this I I four corirs I 2 A C irks o moith i je iwv D 5 t i < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = ° In medicine In seven years or the four years collect rourso and the thrto law course In sli yiura AppllcantN for ad inlsHlon to th law Bchool miles they urn gradual1 of a university or college must pais an examination upon the subject prmcrlbeil in the idles of tliedmit- of Appeals nf thu Siutc of New York ex PhiL that it of the Hoard of lle- genlrtof till State of New York diploma Issued by a high school or main lalning Katlsfuitory courses of or a certltlciitu of admission to tiny or university of approved grail may bo ac- cepted in lieu of such an Tho for tuition In tin collega of liberal aits U 75 II year for courses III the rlasMes Ill philosophy and In general Hilenctj for tuition In civil or electrical engineering rile must PitY Sim The Inci- dental charges me IM it year In till colicgo of fine arts the fee for tuition it llo but tho incidental charges amount to only annually In tin college of mcdldno tuition CoSts mi arid III the collegu of law tumu year We should mention lint I he cost of liv- ing In Is comparatively low Thiw lust year ono Ktudent expended only Ji1 found that 277 nplemcoveied all necessary outlay two pent 28 apiece ono fSoC and several J31 each for the twelvemonth Neither rooms nor board art provided by Ih university but accommodations ate easily procurable In Syracuse It seems that wtudents nfeding to Increase their Income while III college tan frequently Ibid employment of various kinds In the city Upon tho whole thero tire fow If any Institutions In this country whew liberal education I obtainable at so small an outlay of tummy The fleetly ireut Southern Irot leni A conference for this discussion of the raw problem Is to ho hold at Montgom- ery in Alabama on threo ilnyH of May the Nth to the 10th That problem iif Is negro question nml the conference to IK held under tho- nusplcos or the Soul hern Society arid Is to be controlled entirely by Southern men though two Northern men Dr FnissKU- thn Principal of the Hampton Institute fur tho Industrial education of negroes nnd lion lioritKu of New Yorl have been Invited to bo among the speakers Tho approach of tlifsranfcrenco has Induced the delivery and subsequent publication of a thoughtful address on the negro problem tire Rev KDOAII G MfitPiir- rcitorof St Johns of which w have received a copy but It does not touch what seenis to UH to bo the main subject for tIre consideration of tho confercnoi- The Rev Mr Mtnrnr makes a distinc- tion between Southern anti Northern for which there Is no justification Hn- Kpenksof them ns If they were the names of distinct peoples with pollt teal intitutioiH and typ s of character Actually of cource there Is no puch dis- tinction The States of the American Union make up a common nation with common Interests politically ImllsholuUlo and mutually Interdependent Except In States along th hut of Mexico mid them to B alight extent only no cllmatM dllTorenceH exist which muki airy ueh distinction In temperament of the popu- lation a tint supposed to exist between Inhabitants nf the and tropie- 7ones Tbo population of the Southtiin ns lying below tIre now almost Mason and Dlxon lint Is In Its origin substantially till sumo us of Now Knglancl In religion It Is till same wholly Slavery III that Southern belt of States oma constituted n real dl tlnctlun between the ehilizuttons of North HIM South the labor syittin In sure wii radically different trout that of the other The ratio of repre and till ltH vote biing piciillnr nlco- beeaiinc ff slavery tliern was it polltleald- llTtMMieii likewlee Hut now all that Ims- pa Mid nwny Polllleully ami socially In tilt system of labor ami In buBlnee methods anti interests there Is no longer any touch distinct km The South muru apart than Is this West or till Eat or a northern county of a single Stall from a southern county The Inhabitants of one part Union are frt to emlgrntn to any other part nml to enjoy and exwcko political privilege equal to those which belong to the Inhabitant with whom tliey east theIr lot The concern In tlm negro question 01 tilEs rneo iiroblem therefore Is not limited to the geographically Southern States hut extends to every Part of tIe Union for eah hi the welfare of nil The called South has no Interets which are front those of till ocnlel North No settlement of the question of negro labor which Is not for thendvnntiigo of thn South un bo otherwise than dl m- lvantuceoiis to thu North Prosperity at Soutli l of fonimoii beinlll to the whole Union ansi wlmlevtr there reaot Injuriously iipun nil Tim Southern States especially need to this approval and to convince judgment of the Northern States by heIr political pollile uiid method beeuiisiu fromtlieNnrtlicoiiiPB the chief part of the capital on whlcli Southern industries must depend for thclr develop mnnt nnd capita Is secured only by gain- Ing its iontlclincn through fnlr and wise nnd thn elimination tie strintlon of I lie seitlonnl prnjudlin which Is only another name for provincial feeling It liiiit no toleration for Inherited prejudices nnd for heartburnings over a lout cnue but afraid of them It demands first of nil harmony and n domlnnnt fishing of nationality So long therefore us wo hays what Is railed solid South or n group of State which whatever tin Mithnt rnetliully there Is no dl- cussion In them the group tegrcgntes Itself from tire tuition with results Injurious to Itself and dangerous to the rest That In subject which should engage tin thought of Montgomery confereiko- as the serious problem now confront- ing this South Thi raw queM ion will set tie itself already It hn made only poradli trouble At nny mti Its innnt cannot be forced Inuoniuuli tin Slates need labor of negro population sinco in It they enjoy greet nil vantages in competition with the labor of the rest of world It Is plainly to tliolr interest to treat thn negroes with consideration Complaints aro iniitlo of the negrous nnd justly but Much roniplnints run bo niAilc of nil labor Here In New York now we have be- fore us u rnio problem III the Instance of the Italian We have nlway had raco problems here imposed upon us by an enormous immigration The only really pTlloun negro ques- tion which inn come up In the South- ern States would to precipitated if o a I lid IH H Ill 11 two uriurdeatti S It ntrllll1n from I t lie COCK liAS Church at llonllomer the lharacler cirilesi I or thu Souithrri tOtCb iU JIJoIS I I ulwlrrt11 u In trrillc pent y IUIII ilia lid t I 111 un outs el I sure I lie I tie II t h Dam r p or T t 1- t j r years high grr s iii cert I that its ad ci ii 11 leg eiinliruI ion fee I his tire 1 iou i s t hiss his rate ci vi I iiitt ion I lie tein pt urn is Stat es is gotten eentatlou ore I itt of- t ito 5 ri let gui i e I lit slit tubs P 115 s his govelu intuit ii ash e fl flu It IS s I ire sr v e sob lily I y hot ititni t ire n use is its I set s Sorut ire uit t hit t lie ca irtb tots riotersat Croton TT I yi ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < tho nc roen Miould t nbout to or ganlzn n general movement to abandon thorn IIH of course they havn a right to do That would portend iwulUUo- SdUlliern Industry would real blow to Southern prosperity as wan notorasiven trot Thosn Stales then ilesirlllg to keep thn negroes an II laboring population wiitlil- to tlielr prosperity tlm iaco prohlem Is- alniidy wottlcd to that degree at lenst fur get blllllex Id of them wILIiln the poMl Constitution thus decision lit hard tackle Is unit iln nrjfro cminllon but tlio political problem creAted by tho nentl inent which dlsHmulslies them from tho rent nf tlm Americnn penpli Hint thiy hold tliclimelvcH ns If they bnloiiKOil to n distinct nnd pootillnr riicn nnd nn inde- pendent imtlun When that iinfortiinnto hcntinient Is gone nnd wo wa e III hear tho South hpnkon of nn if It was n dis- tinct country to which tho North mother distinct country Is naturally tho ntBro probliMii ns u dnnceroiis question will have ceased to eilst Tin proton by which the race problem In now Nittllntc Itself will bo hastened to u conclusion prosperity of the South will go ahead n hound OM Clo Wllllnmi UmvSnuu WuUAMaof YOHIO City itprirunU till Mississippi dis- trict in tilt Fiftysixth ConnroM Inuvi- tably ho Is Dcmocrat Ho happens to bo- nn ulso Un April ft tho belntr In Commllteo of the Vliolo and considering tho bill lo provldo n government for hawaii Mr WIUIAMH emitted n speech which win publlsdicd III Uxonlof April 11 with Iho titln Kmplro or Itcpiilillo of till Philippines Its most Inttrostlns passage Is tills curious lilt of learning Tlirn Mr Chairman we area HejmWIr Asron- tradlsilnetilfclird from all larch Inf hark Intbt elymologlcsl prununrU troll a ntie roan power Mr VitUAUS has studied nt several nnivcrplllcp Including IleldolberrT and his etymological pronunciation monarch thows how ho hits prolltid Study hus mntlo him modest ton lb 1m was on his leg tint so much on hU own nocount as for the purpose of onricliliiK tho Uiconl with two old spooclus by tho Hon m j Snipu Would p nnlisnu bo given It was Then Mr VntiMS nuked nnd ob i tamed permission to swell tire Hooord with nn old letter written by tho Hon OKOCOK Kiiisiitr hour to rortain Jioston ncw papers Then ho wanted permission to re- print of nn old pamphlet culled Tho Liberty Cntorlilum by IrruriucK V iXKtv Who mny please In iUlnl this Kxoxof MIISSV chiiHotU Tlio lion nevnv S liotTiiiL of Illinois said thnt Mr GOOKIX wits ours of his ctinstitu- cntc ncanhlorof n ChicdKO bnnk a very able man and a very mini So the very ablo and very tliouhtfiilClooKiNs- Liberty Cateihlum lit revised by thn Hon Tolls HliAKI VIMIAMH WIIH switched Into tho alltoiitalnlni Ittconl Then WtiitAiis n kid anti nnunlmoiis sour sent td tin republication nl expense of a benevolent iovtrmmnt nf u musty old speech by the Hon iKoiiTi s loirwnti Finding ho still had fifteen minutes left Mr WIMIAMM reml loiij iiotatlons from nml the Iund of tfiuwhint wound up in ireoop Macodonlu- In tho onjjivHsIonnl Keionl Mr Wn- MAMSM remiirk eltKuut extracts oouupy u little more than threw tKVf HU cxlilbll of antllinperin- lIi HUraturi n morn than elhlivu of hire type such typo n few men will to tackle long even ako of dlK ltiR out tin wiun- of the very till und very ilinti litfiil- looKiN As fur this lion CAIII ScitrnsP- hllndelpliln Ionfeienco mill Chicago con nddrcssoM they mv not t bo re- vlvtd by n popular publication tilt oiiRrtSslonul Hpoorl lInt wo con the Hon liiiiv SiiAttl WUIIAMS upon his iiiethii of inaklin a speech He Is this old elo inun Some Wnbnsh liens Anybody can see that the Inert Is n groat- nntunil hearer Kven a Miporllelal ob- btrver would riot talSo tire jack rabbit with nil his curs for hens equal In doleetlni Tlm liens alt Undo is that of listening When ndult lieu shifts her pose It Is to take on utico of listening with till She Is amblnurliMilnr- Nobody hors seen u mother lien scanning the hky for bird of prey yet no Imwk over many circles nbovo h r brood iMforo hilt hustled tier cldclfl out of sight uinl riilTod tinfeathers on her nock wslfIn henrd n mvnhot pinions far nbovn ns tho threatening Rpcik tacked wings in bis Illglt j This phenomenal ability of thin hen to ills tinguUh sounds Unmixed In mi Interesting way by n community IICIH In tho WalnMi region of till Hooiler coiumonweullh Tim fuels are presented herewith upon nu- thorily of wevornl reputnblo nnd esteemed ctmtcmpornrles of tin Central West At Monoii Ind the junction of Motion main lino nnd the Indianapolis dlvlsii n two through trains meet dully nnd tlio dining caw nit run onto Biding where clean up Hie kitolicns throwing out culinary odds nnd endi Tiint n- trnins nro met with clockwork regularity- by tint hens of thu vicinity tlio temps thrown furnish them with mnr butt acceptable This in no way out of tho ordinary lUll tilt Interesting I part tins not LIMMI told It Is asserted nnd vouched for tlmttheie- Wabash hens so nell Is tliili Mii if hearing run illntliiKUlh tin whlMlisof tlm- illiiliigcar trains from tlios of thn lonl lassdiger nnd freight trnin or even from thirst of a loiomntlvn running wild nnd j thaI they sit placidly on their ncstn or rcralih gravel in II noticliiilant wiry upon nf nil KHVC pulling the dining ar Ami this Is nut nil those winin hens run thn- whlstlns of the ItKoiiiiillves on till dining car trains nt linrndlhln ill tance fill that if niio tif till sn twins is twenty minutes late for Instance intending pus iMigcr do riot I look at tho blackboard bulletin hut merely WilY toward tItus crosing It Is iiH rteil moroovor that Hooslcrs thcrinboiits of n j turn of mind hay nn easy their dorks ansi wntrlns to into by the movements of thtsc- thurphearing hen Tho hens of Kanins have been justly cele- brntedof lain becauso of their vnlun from a purely utilitarian point of view this having been a tremendous year fur eggs Those of the Wabash have revealed thorn n 1 I 1111111111111 lOll nrlltIIIll1hlllt wits It shulsnt 1111 slsVhsIig ot uuisilns or olllIIIIIItId Iin huisiblsuli for Ihp Soritticuit IItuplf In I hos- tile wit h lift II a itt Ihe ton rl loIITlI monltrrhlJl rolfuIrom 1 I hiutu VIIITAll S Ir WIIIIUI ullsluit know thou r gut I I I btJ I iii tie I I till npam uithitr ear I I I 1111 I thi ill ulh note IIw istamietu or IatlIl1 pilkilll thlr runt hnatlllIl PflttJOl or disiist rusts nun buss a I his I lit I bug i this Ill a nil I Ito Tire llouu hut 11 Ut iii I bsei so ii t ion a- ma thereby saul CA par t lie tie fit i ii t lie J attic I Its trill I u itsi hug si Iii logo C Ii tnt oC ii pit pages tOn for- t ii urn uIs ii t furs its s s VOlt Ii h si gist tilflts aunt I lie kill I rudn chuiurat erlt his t list ii uii let she lou t his t lie I hi cooks t Ito ii mel cyst rhou Id Ii fog lie that apIitrlil lousiiiitut t Irs ttt lug rail ions I IL ¬ ¬ ¬ ° selves In wholly different but not lees lntnrestng nspect- Tor Our Own In nnoiliir cidiinm will bo found nn p- nl to tho Americnn people In- tinthrilling leninTor Our Own Sinn thn ending of the war with thn attention has to a great extent moved on lo South frlcu ansi bus inisist money fur the benefit of combatants of Hint cunt n t but I lie lictd for raring for wlvcn ansi cliildren of American soldier has ro- mnlned iiiisntlsiled Tlm continued ditty fle l the ri iiiri mititH rill such aid as U to brought by National Society for llellef of Widows and Orphnlin of tho Olllctrs runt Inlisted Men of Itegular Army of United State A fow wctks igo Metropolitan Opera lloiiHt was packed with faslilon that had bought tickets at high pilccn for n conceit mninly In aiil of lirltish nulferers from the war in South Africa something being allotted to this Anmririn Hed Cross to give tho nffair- coiintenanco btfom tho American public Much morn U needed Renders of TUB firs aro referred to the circular for Infor mation as to how they may contribute Dctvcy Ihe result of Admiral DEWETS deolnra thou that ho is II candidate for tho Presi- dency Will that practically not one news paierof either Kivnt a worth of encoiinigiinent The second stage of Downy campaign of the platform Is snld- t bo nt hand Wellwishers of this dis- tinguished Americans fame who been upset In their judgment by A deslro to uso lrwiv to further some Hdieme of polltics will nil urge tho second bid nomination bo not made Tho American people hiivo great faction In their Idiot of Admiral DKWKV of Manila nml would dlsllko mightily If iroiT UKWKY of Wnshington tthonld spoil It Ho rather owe It to thorn to pro vent such a reverse and wo say this In full admission of American citizenA privi- lege to bo nraiidldnto for President The becoming oonrrv for Drwxv to pursue Is not to persist hilL to withdraw IMmpfiltlhtn Mirrcrd therE will bt in rrmrjn or Iti political iloiirlnr to the futnorc limit nf the Stitr unit the from wltlrli llullclnfitly sprang fprtialdij Ilinuti lieni hum SAIIIIO nowiER nn frlundu Why he allowed to howl nail caper In the ntroM Take the poor chap Lisk to liln Institution shave his him In lotions blued him ant give him a little thin uriiel Vow that the oppo ltlon to thn jirovl lon In tin naval Mil fur buying tlie l armor to IIP liad for iho Mnlnn Ohio and Mlsivoiir- lhns bun bonten and tli till ims cd by lbs llciii e this rtinarli la t week upon tlil salt Ject by th lreldcnt of the Ilrlti ti lli tilu lion if Xnvnl Arrhlterti Lord IlorKTof- Nl in order Fur n Slate to undertake nmniifiirtiirc of armor pUte tald Lord HorK Is ipon to tffrioiii objection an- oplnicm nHv lhn luiidon Knaintrnng to which nil who linv itidiefl tie mbleot wilt mhiribe Indced say our contemporary further If Lord HOPETOUN verj the ehl rtnn ne lin would hardly put fc r nrd this prcipo al of a State nrinor- nctory von a reniololy potslbl alterna- tive The lion WILLIAM KATOM Ciuxmtnof New IlHmp hlr nnd Dr JACOH II OALLISOKII of New IIninp dilrnbavf not hovel each other nn much a collctaKiieit should They to IIIIVD slinkcn bunds ln t week II much more prooeodlnc tItan shaklne their fnirli tIter Jlay they dwell together In unity henceforth Tin tcotid livin In the Navy Department Mr Me KiMiV lre lcient lias- jn t liwn ninii Pit In lice letlrenient ftuin the Iiciiirtnieiil Serreliiry II AIJKN ftlin gus tn a iimc the invrnior- M nf Iorln Hlcii anti tho appointment In his pltce nf KPISK v With Mr- AIIKN will co the lp t wi hr ut the tlepari- nieiit arjiroval of piililie llAciviTr n Xtw llamii r ire terra who hi llVfd in Wri iiiton for vdiiu years ll- i a Inwyer nl siuncliiii in lii own and In tin 1iipitul liu IH married to lb damjliltr of n imval uniier nnd tots her oniiHctliiin in lh Navy KO that he takes Ilia plato with- in liivnr nf llm nrviit will flit opH rtiinlly in make hj mark on our nnvnl n hln i rde have Hindi their KrldeHunipIng lady faIlure to kill lion vvlint nn eitraordlnarlly loiitih- Kiihjeot the beiiitt is Kven a full from n helutif of no iVcl on hard a surface n water followed n that Miniitd hu- enniiRh to dronn aivomplKli the nui tides purpoti The Cutiati Fair that clued last evenlni nfl a warm fprp inii of tho yiniaihy of tin uf this rity with Ihs ehllilren of Affairs of thin kind arts nlleh yliuwy nnd jinvn ho crnorul credit of grent IKTI ilri In fun liutcnl if fro vldlng find fur charity leave difldti lo bo- rnvtrid Miiny fairs Innnhed iih lout tiiM liiivln i of hiivli ioclnl- ititticiii aId til whlth Iho tub He takes n luuxuid Intcril Ttit e iemi uf- flinrital ltt iiiniiey rul inc generally ur Inmely tlifllfiilt tn nanuro anti ntiliuH duiteil with titniu are apt to procjnco poor refills tvfii in the initi worthy It Is H of tlicrefnre to fay Unit hits Culmn Fnirwa a tunnirR me- c s financliilly nml u 1 faIr pure and im lc It was In nlil of a pirpwe than florist oouM ipieal mure In the Itlnd hearts o nun rtifin huh anI ytniinj Ihi urilllUH of ulja and Indicd most plcasur uMc r ilt nr till function the tvideni- ii iiiord tint ibi u lioltl upon iho Amvrl can trust mind nd nn niPiiiion nf titus Knlr rotnpleie Hint d n s not credit lifildii icifcciiuity Art hiMlneiH iklll nf ilh MiinaKirinChlef Mr Mimi HATCH ILIAIIII- HP DonrttItiluk Hi Will Attend 7o Tim KlilTOIt n si fur nffm- itnrif mr rnninirin un H r iijiifstKini In In- iirn t so iin tn rrcinl In iloiil think AI In rceniil InArlinrliil ire It not it b n fc y Idontlhlnk 1 hull it- tcn l UK rklu tr It rut nfftrlnp nu niacin i llif anti twiuiMj 3 ilinuclu riot think Hi niklil tumdy I that altrnd liimiiCnnii April i w S IIHOWN- Kllrrurr Smllh of rut t rum Ihi laniloi tfiinaiuiA- iiinilit cutlu illro uf the Pflrlc j nl yfl I 1 111 of iiiunn ionnrrtrd wlli Ih mini l rr ululth vtr Unow pnimtur Iopt narni li r it rirr n thai HIP ilurumrtit r Mntly wlinlrarD had dour nr of bM tie hul- lii nnytil Die numrtnrp MI mM ant MIUN iirrrKur iiryilhin niin llnl wr ii cl noun tu Icnlihirvlntlunv mrily IndliJile Ilic full nnnw nnd frrhin ihi slhts name Kvrn i fllBHt vnrlunls UF Ant lutliroflrn gir us lull orri lonil hiJp Ttrrr nnr Hlilrb it inArt trEnlAtlf In thr unn turn end uf wflrhwe run rice tuber r lnnnllon U It the nanir smith unmhtnlntilv nrltiru In irfrli rlnrarifr WrhHTonrtrrrininiliinvthncltkrltiVrorr And Aurrly wotih irlllne tiE miny iiltlni iil hrd bourn nf Ihrnamo that Ihrro wise a roan known i Smith In t fntllh Mr of tho third Pto1omy J7 II nnd thalho iwiiplod Inhrritln hnCor In nclllnc i It Is tire any oilier lniUh rirf9arbla this In antiquity M MAlfcrPY i i II Ill hili lit PitiihluluiiteM hL I tilt him the ntiunourlieiriuirt have riot I for Ian I heal soak > rellU7ed how are ben IIIII Fir tll Ir i 11 nor Ill lf e rrr rl loa llII r ill ill I II < hutch If I Ito Itt I del rlllllllllllll I TIll II I > I 1 II I II ran t lrI I I Ihl ilt itt r IIIt ttiieI I t1IC burn a I tiittutt In iflelprit rue si litr 11 I Ilk rrtOsred list III nom > v I Spa I n I Its gut iii iiuiiuy t lie uuiaguii i I Iii I lie I tel t I lie I lie Juurtygrse lie eat he every ill nips hut Tot i tri iui < a sold tlts sit let tune it ant ill 151 hicK pvr a tai I bin I lit S uric t hIt Iii tturi liii med ha hurst Ito in lit Is tug s oil I t teeth I tat I rut er ii nut er turrte s s t trot c tint icr I flirt kit w ill ret I sc I Iii I aT pail hrusi sri I Irs ilini na hurt 11 ti doss 4 the t tartar ut clips eali tIll Cu itit s slipitti P ti tier 1 s ii tIm Iii Sit lbs was y 4 t vr ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > < < < > > > > > < < > > SOVTH APttlCA- Tlm IlrltliOi and loer In tho outhea t of- HK Kroo are now In touch nnd fighting FrMay between Itundleii division nnd th bourn coverIng time forct fiivmtliiK WvtHnrr According to ItoliertHri despatch tho Urltlih lo Was only nlno vmmdej from which It would up to Friday ulzht there had been no very closa llehtliiK Now however that contact linn tien nmJ liars nhoiild bn iomo nharii i n U tiMnr antI illPIltiK round till miuthw t rn corner of Uusiitoland trek totho norlhea Ill lirnnd cnvirnl l r the lloeri pouted at 1haba- NClm Tho fact If the reports of theIr otrciiLth nro to li tollevcd that it body ol froni flitht to ten thousand men with- a coiiHiilrriitilH number of tubs hould lift Itft Isolated an they have Is oomewhal- lncotuir linilble even HioiiBli thoy Itiiifii whole dlvlnloii nnd several liurnriant contlneentH of Lord llolieitun army lo look utter them The mystery mant bo shortly denred UP when the lirltish forte lias advanced further townrd Weponer from He- wcNdorp It mny I e tlmt tlm Uoer force huns been greatly exatrcernicd an line freinpntly- boenlhecsse Gen Metliuenn asurowlve movement front Uo hof in tIes cactwnrJ stems to have coino to nn end for tho present und hIs convoy omit leareuard narrowly frieaped capture durlni- tho retreat from warts RoW Thin retire- ment lit probably the result of Lord IobertRs Inability to ndvnrce owing III tart 10 the went her nail In dlsarrancement III tho plnus for Hie ndvanco camed by tilook Alt of Wapener Tho liner activity In Natal not of much signIficance Their being pu ht d an iioxHlbletothu British linen to IMP them well under oh ervatloii as no tlnubt thin liner fortes In tho Dlgcnro berg havo been ionRldorubly wcaki ntd to furnlih rec5nforceinenU lo thus Mite king Investing force anti the nrmr- In the Frco State Tho Drnkensberc pnsneH however nro not likely to ho denuded of their KiirrUons o are beIng car- ried on south of the Yet Klvrr and there I II hoer forc o In the lliiarr b on tIme roads to tlio of Sundays lllver Gen Duller can hnrdly risk n toward tIre panes to the northwest of Iady mlth fiCIKMK Mr Ma 11 n iii K plant lion Not SoRlclrnt To TUB FuiTon OK TUB Sfssir I havn read the different loiter published III TruE SUN In reference to rhrlntlnn Kclene and no far have been content with nexpre wl opinIons but the stntomcnt of Mr Wlllanl S Mnttox- tlmt ha nnswers Mr W A Purrinetonni- juestloiiH frankly ant unequivocally N o absurd That I cannot help but protest lie Hint thus power of Chrmtlan Bcloncfl which In the cn e of II covered nrtery would flop the How of blood would dlmlpate nn whether It be a tone In time throat tIme eve To iiltantliite Ids h cItes nn whnt I pre- sume hn con ldc rii nna ail lile tln cntf- of n woman who lilt a bniift lodiiifd In her nml hal It removed Icy no other menus thin lint of 1 tick that If in to a ntntement answered uy merely nasertlng that Ills 10 Suppose I hould make some eiimlly au tlonable statement nnd nm differed with doo- my simply avinK o without fncto or reasons III or same snake It BO Tin Idea of n Mhtione that to death Mntr illxcolvcd or dlnlodced tn hiss relief of the mifTorpr hy mpnii of hits soculled power of ChrUtinn Kolonci Is very rldlciiloun ti lieMippo ed lag the exhortation Pimes to tlm conclusion that n Christian hOntlut Is after It and that It had better move onV I hays n little son nlKnut four year of nee that luring n mpnl I shoud hour n- uaspnndttKurcle aol lonkliiK at hun would iMtlnu tonIc nnd tdark In tin waichnklne I lilt my wife b onlm nnd ile rnich a ine pnepr faint nHdet- nf riirlitlnn Science1 and have him or hcrcotne- nnd recltn t heir over my slrniiitllnur or- whil nnd ootivul lon were driving mv wlf and myself mad I would busy a ilmtnr who known time struc hnmiin throat with n of fnr oepa trdl lodiio and remove the Louis so thnt niT Imy roiild hnathe ant live riot mockery rf wonts ant tneantntlnnA nail tho bloated nod distorted fnoinfniir little dead NRWAIIK April IH KIIWIN Onuou The Slrantrri Coiirnnirnl To Till KiiiTon or TUB Srvvir Mr DithrldKe will permIt me to my that I think hn taken too uiiaorublo u VPW of the lovernmrnt of llrltlsh India wcakenlnn thereby as It seems to nit the rent moral of the 1 havn lint occasion for historical cur to study tho history of lirltish India nnd I think hnvrt ntuJled It Imprtrtlnlly I nm- tnyelf u believer riot In emnlra but In a corn of notions selfdeveloped contributing each of them Iff own Kills to tho hiitnnn rtore nail uthor by nxnmple ansi emula- tion In tire rno of progress My fealty Is to InBlnnd not to the Empire I feel Impartial survey will lead to th conclusion that for the bust century tho spirit of lirltish povernment In Inillrt has been bpneflcent nnd that nilmlnlstratlon has been on tile whole very able ant remarkably pure Us purity belnc dim In great measure to titus oruanlrntlon of Its civil service nnd to Its almost entIre separation train the polItIes anti the imrtles of this Imperial country Its one fatal nnd Incurable vlco Is that It Is time government of thn stranger An Americnn government the Philippines would also be till government of the strmeT fatal to native effort anti hopes of puternnl- tut lne end KUldinre Mr Uthridce may havo formed the result would probably bo the same fnlcssftsevirnncp nf tho of tho dependency foni the polities of the Imperial cliintrr could In tIns cave UK In tIne ease if llrltlsli India bo PlTiCleit his might bo much worm It mdcht be n political ulcer NEW YORE April I loiuwis Ssiun- Trari If Ihittuo Trliuni What does slit asked crafty poll tkian who hail referred to Wilt for information ns to his Hhe refuses to talk replied the spokesman of the committee Then It wasnt mv wife you rant gentle- men ho rejoined with great It wns riomebody else turned In- To TI1K KWnm IV TUB Si f Sir llu ul inmr on ti my plvrof bulnru I and that cf ilf Sop WnnjM pl know list he slIt tierfririulrrlhi tunas of thInk llotn Icid H mid In your llall uf rum hm turn him In j ClllCAriii A pill llarhitrit Illrlfblp To ills KlilTOU HP Till MlN Sir I riti mo- AII nlil liwly of 70 jf t IKITII niid trarrdlm ll rrdrrlrk Mil liavr litrti Ihlnklntf forymrMf late n rtrrrrl this rrrnr ill Hilt non riiM- Iriil out Knrli ttlc whu vr 1 11 rai- n ptiiun rtiiiritircrl cm VVi utfoi with lor MMfr for HIP old IT Mr nilndicl laity sii WAS Inure turn i lilld Vinld I ilif il niln fcT tear his wliido play wlih tier lianakirMif ihrcU I lh nn ins iflfl wield tutu In aniiivtnriital lior Intiirrnrv mil I think slrlikl MttlitUif put III hf Hind hy A Mrv Jiunitlll fcirmirly Ury Sinds wife of tho if inn 111 ymcilnll lliiiln llivsjuil Mils MAIIV UVANTIIIU UAITIMIIIIK April la- Ihr lilrl In Khaki 7ilYcJ Djltv Vfivi- Ihrro tt in II shoppl1 inunio- Tho inn Imk twiru tlir IIIIOH mro- Ttiorilili fn slnx A iinl- A iV ond hot wo ilirouli Ihr aping rrimd Mill the IIOSM Mil and ihf tern uiir if ilrst In it knakl drr- hlir pAs llio nil ippliur liral lie Mini and points uil tutu rile lror- iThr ctiliri lit viino hr a fllh n Mih mutt hrs uiluiiiir In Hut thr titans llirm mtti iniiohlev- f iri if tlrnl In It thai clr- rTir no hi stet inlo her rib Vfv dm tlfklo ri tiiidrt dr 1l iwiiiMj a rnti tird mrnr 1 k in y Hdoni iu here lift f brunt com not nicl hr rnrr much less Shonno f lire Pr lln i khaki 1 n eainlltl rein JIT A Ihoisnnri eyes llulut hr o Hi iVh Ant the ni Shf Ion mike road on n rainy day nut ar tlim ci Sie tui of kh KI stress I I hM our Lori miller work the nburrdoui her away two part to tIre tire I rlIlrol arm unirturnlly Inlll operatIons bug ant mOfem lIt II RI TIt or Il llnllr In throat hrl lInn eonider a tIn ls chokIng I It that LIIII alter Sill hA agony turl1 lot 111 11 lilt t3eh that 011 whatever Qtln government rl lIlt Some Jllltalo thll his lo ltIne8 mon I St IU liP I 111111 MId ItI Mtl I anti ap tit the Dress la- Th tin fit gin nib us nIp to a It II nich Its a VP Sub heui truing slurs hun tIn so is close so at east V says Mlu tics hut as one this hear iCt tats att hits of the stun has ease aidIng sure tIn say thus lii- a ute tit I I 1 I tnt it lit lieus C at i tit ii let attain Alit t I lit Mla 1 si flip sac nemut 55 5 err i ups fl turin 4 tie tim tile Cttl lii uiiir toil slid tin c Ii Itt r II iiT wit dress tinertide flu g inI IilC I ant ares uSe Stat In > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < > < > > < > > < > > < < FOHTVOAI Portugal Ancient Trrntlfl Hrqilr tIer to Kniiland Troops Ttarnilh- Acalnit Ihn IlofM A lrotnt hy Iho Iow rrs Ilkrly The InwurdneM of the limiter WAMilMiiov April o ItlsJiHtposlblctlmt- Hiero some In recent ipnlt liis to Ilitcflett thnt tin Our will protest iiKMlnt traiispuriutlnn of MrltWi troups by- wny nf Ililrn in InrtiiKiK Africa mid le t The Iw latter powers nro ninth morn directly 11 thus mailer than ltu sln mid wIry this Csar should take tho Initiative doss nut apptir uiile s It be timid his action may be In nice irdiiiico withan under aniotii tire power that huts protest wiiuld appear moru illnlntercntcd md inlklit be placed upon Llj hruad around nf law nrtinti nf PoMiitfnJ III tiii iitlnc to truifllt of thu trnop tantiol be Justified upon the Kfiioriil principles of Internntlntuil limes TIlt author Itlett an all walnut It Mr Hall whose work nn- Intirnnllniinl law ono nf Hit latest and must authoritative referring In till old doctrine thut- a iniilrnl Slate mldit nt UK tliscretlnn allow this pahutH nf n belligerent nrmy through territory toUr Hut the limit recent author as ert a con- trary opinion nn direct rtlenipt has been made Hinti ISIS In take advunlnK of the asserted right iind tire tiennlsslnn Krnntrd lo the Allies In thnt year to cross Swltcrlnnd In order In- Invnde Frnnoe was extorted frotu tire Federal Council under circumstances whirl would In any eas rub lies precedent nf niilhorlty Tbo- sami cniintry In I TO denied n pnssntre lo bodies of ANntlniis enlisted In French Army but without urihs and uniforms and tiers ran IH no question thnt exillnc nplnloiiwnuld- I forbid renewed laxity nf conduct In this rorpect on tire hart nf neiitrnl countries Passage for tics sole anti obvious fiurimM of attack Is clearly forbidden Tire irnnt of iieriulsiinn Is nn net by the State with object of furtherinc a warlike end arid Is In Its nature nn lnt war Knowlnc tic mjilerti tloctrlno nn Ibis sib ice tics Portuguese Minister In announcing the cnnncmt of PortiiKnl bused II iutoma- tinnnl luw hut upon the treat nf IHIII and upon certain ancient treaties between Porttl wit ant irent Itrilaiu The treaty of 1S91 does lint In tprnis secure ibis right to ireut llritnln Hut these nnrient irealles- If they tart still In force not only give this but dtiliKatn treat Hrilnin and Pnrtiicul- to n tilcn lve and defensive alliance acalnst- tho world As far hank as iw Ferdinand nf Portucnl and Richard of Knslntid entered Into n treaty of offensive anti defensive ulllnnco which provided that each of thn contracting parties should bn bound to succor and nffnrd aId lo the other nuulmt ull men that nisi live arid die who hall nttdnpl to vlolato poaco of tho other or In war Itwasstlpula- Intcd however that the obllcatlnn should not ftypl 01 Klnc III hards pnrlatriilnst this Popo and imcccsjorH eii7ii lu Ring of iicmo und llnheuila anti John Kins of Caslila und Ixon- In Portugal rtidCharles I nf KiiKland Micned n treaty of peace commerce nail iillliirnil Iiilt 4 KI Tomwtllii treaty cf the same kind was concluded nt Lair don between the Republic of Kntrland and the Most Serene Klnc of Portugal Hy tho treaty nf icfli Alfonsn VI gays hits daughter to Chnrlfi II and with tier Bombay Tangier ant lwnoDO crowns as a dowry In 1T01 Great nrltnln Hollnnd anti Portugal enteod Into na alliance nffenslve and defensive by which the two former agreed that If Portu gal should IR attncked by the Kim nf Spain nnd France either present or future they would make wnr against the tsjailant with all their force In isio threat BritaIn antI Portugal made n treaty by which they bound themnelven tn a pirpituii1 firm and unalterable friendship and defensive alliance o that the high cnntriHUng powers shall ormstanlly em- ploy ns well their utmost attention ns nil those means which Almltihly Proyldenco has put In their power for pre ervlne tho public anti security fnr their common imprests and for their mutual dtifonc- nnd Kiinrantif ncninst every attack tbs whule in cnnformlty to tire treatIes already existitiK between the hugh contracting pnrtlts the Htlptilniinns of which so far a this points of alliance and friendship are concerned shall reiiinln in entire force and vl rnr rid shall bn- deciiuil lo bo renewed by tie present treaty In their fullest Intorpretatlon aid ll tIe treaty nf April S ISIS PnrlUKul joined alllnico of treat llritnln Kussla Austria anti Prussia uciirnt Nnmleon She had ire vlnu ly beei cuvid trMi Krntice by the Duke of Vellinctoii In lilt Peninsular cmnpulvnt The treatv of T recites that thin Infanta Jtc- ent nf IVrtupal In coiiwciuence of axgressinns- ncalnst her tprrllon1 lord claimed from ireat Britain tbs fulfilment nf the nucient treaties nf alliance between this two countries In re spnnve to which Great Ilrltam haul ilNpntcbed- n hotly of troops to her assistance rind pro- vided for thin malntenntico of llieea troops ly the treaty of i 3i ireat lirilain Spain Krntice and 1nrlUival agreed to compel the In- fant Don Carlos of Spain and llm Infant Don Mlvuel Portuual to withdraw from Iho- Portuviiesi dnininlniis the navy nf Great Hritnln In cooperatu with thin land forces of Powers fur that purpose For n century Portugal lists owetl TOOD to tutu tirotectlnn nf Kisland Ills not Ktronue Ihnrefnre to Ibid her Inclined In Kraut that nation nny prlileies It may nik in tlie pre it war Asido fruits Krntltude for pint n sstai M Portusal is In no tn re lil i nny dimaid Kn land nniUe the reliitliri of bcr pnHi ions in hurst i en- tirely dependent iiinn the Kuod i fllces of thnt Power In tact but for Kntrliitnl it U nlloietherI- ircbablt that thn Hoers of the Trin viial lone ere this would have taken possession nf PortiiKuesit Africn nncl extended thoir own frontier to thu seuhoard Delnnoa Hay Is tin outlet nf tin South African lUpublle and Its acijulf Minn would open to the Hoers Ibi commerce nf tint wurli- lIliira Iho tmrt which BrltWi now prnpUM In Hnd nn armed ixwrflllon limit Khod lii In fiiualed in the upper part uf the PnrliiBiiia territory about tVi milen from Ixireno Miiriium tie mrt nf Delaena bay It- hnrlinr dues fbi with th1l nf Lnrenzn- MnriiMes itt ve seU nf lichl draft cim reach it ruin and steps bavn Ixeu tokn by tire Porl- UBilex iiivenmiciit In incrensc the depth of water lufllelHiilly fnr nrdmnrv cninnierclitl- purpcKi4 It held Hie Minn relallnii in Jas- hnimlancl nd ltlinde liilliKt inrenxn Manjues lines In the Transvaal rnilrniiilislriisiursnnf- mnsinieliun frnm lleirn tnHalitliury in Itl nrte ia and lh nc tn Ilil iva Ii u ner this rout that titus KiivlHh Imnps will PIHH inln- Ilhnie in if tl oc there will lie In a losltjnn- tn livmli the Transvim Irmn Snrlh With Idrlr main forte iiuler Uinl Huberts tnnvliu eniiKoii from Natul nnd the llrlllsh ei- pedltlon iinisiiii down trim lthnde tho liners In ihreiitoTnd from Ihree id- invl It will tn k the taliill and rcinurcoH of- en llnthn a fnrce nf siiuo nr- nn l niiiln wiihla d II ticmy npprnnc- hlif with siiikritir niiintie a n MI ninny dlrellinii Withml nil iden lslnce it InoUn now ns if it were a mire iiieMlnn nf how lhe lirive lt rs can hold nut lualnst Midi ovcrwhltiilis ndds- Iinl It miv happen llml ili cirntloti of the Porlnoies iovernm nl tint U I hoiitiil- by Its t mlnw nice I thrnii IN territory will rii up frleii fir lli Trinsvnid from IIK- nulildc wnrlil If thesi treaties require lortu gal tn pnrmlt Ilin of dMthed in nperatn nailnst the Hoers tier etjunlly cilliK ii to give ianio firrnisslnn t llritl li trrmps In cii nl hustlllties Imtneon- Knelaitl md nny oih r niiinn t her It vippril In m uiii r lanilinir r- KtWei iermanv nid Iiibml nt ti their African pos essmn lluf HUpins thst Hint understand Intf should be terminated threat two Powers rxaMs Af That Send shut UPrrmlil 111111111 I ill Jlnln Ihlll It0 It J him I all utrtreted i its Smis let irma lit t rim I hr I his itt itt Fist itt intirti itloutal hIt I hisS hInt it Ii at In utiuuilerum I bus trnaehi tog lit rim I ti nil V the In tie nut ii con y right thus isLet blurt tnt IuisSttteln ivty his td4 tohn IV Ring of hits tlniu rut e 0 tranq stUb t t ill hostIle a e knit this itt this other her exIst estfldt thou eta y t fruit i tit ii a tim rrul thi ruts rithm I Ito 5it tituS it 5 t hut it I hue rrige fr tuIis littler timrsiit tie titi iII s vii I ttI i t rolls tag lit t rent Its ii Ii reat I in tat Ti t his tue 1ng1 itt roil us ito fruIt sti I runts Iii press and r j s j4 > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ > > < > thould find themselves at nddi In that rrdon- Uernian Africa Is hounded on th south hy Portuguese territory and In cnxo of ho ti ties threat llritnln may seek to make tin susie of Hint territory ngiiliuKieritiany that tinw making of It ngalnst th Transvaal Ii M not inireaHoiinble Ihrefort tn SIIPPOM that Cernmny mny demur to ptiiltlon Inken hr Itn- PtirtUgilCudoverillilPtil ns In effect nf lit nneient treaties with lnnt and It may be Hint FinHrnr Vllllatn I nt llm bottom nf tin protest which the Is reported tn h- conlemplntllig If Is really preparing us It Is Mild fnr a movement ncnlnsl the Afririii frontier II would good dlplomncy nn his tn rnlst this iiuosllnn as tn the right of Portugal Inplare the UKPof her territory nt tie cllsrrrtioii- of Kiiglnnd In nny war In which mir be Involved with other Ioweri A protnM- ngalnst thlt would hi reaionnble In INolf und would dnublJpss be mippnrled by bnJ- iertnnny watt France lratict Is still I her recent disappointment in Central Afrira Is tots directly Interested in Kant Africn to tolerate the present position nf tht j inverntnent If llussla cnntrm plates with Knclnnd In India she will do well lo encourage Ciennnny lied France lo npposp thus right of Portugal In give transit to llrillsh Irnops through her terrltnrl and If necessary to lund In thin proton ngainn It J 8T- FOK OVR OliN An Appeal to the American Tfoplt At a meeting of representative Army wnmta held at the residence of Mrs Daniel Ijtmont New York city early In March IHOlt a nooietr was organized and called the National fioclstr for tIre Itollef of Dependent Wllows cal Orphans of time Ofllccra nnd Knlisted Men ot lligular Army of the United States The tins socIety Into raise funl from which to provide not annuities but rolls In caseit of emergency Time trustees of the fund are men of national reputation for Integrity and financial ability The lion LevI P Morton mill Col Daniel S lamont are among those who have consentel to net as funh The great need nf thIs society and the duni which liproiose to mid HlmlnUter has brought hnmo to many hr the loiigd hv in the of lioverninent pensions which are especially In the cnsn of so very Instance are many where the widows sal orphausof nf1lceiitnti l enll t d men July IKiR penny of thn pension dm them It may not ti amU In this connection tn state tilts amounts of the wldnwj ant orphnuRof thu officers of tho United states Army Colonels LlrutrnantColonola ant htehtr rank jiooo pen mona Maoi 2Scn- OptAlns jnOrt- Ilrnt Ucuttnai ti 1700 Scrotal Ilrutrnanti 1300 Tie widow nt every frllKod rfrdvo KOO- Earhfhlld sunder 18 age 200 When war conic and demands Its evict sncrlflcts In many an Army family tn Ipsnlntitig grief of Toes the bitterness ot even th tlc of actual want lor Information concerning the society and tunic application may b made to Mac A I MILLS S i Point MRS lnui M MAD Fort Hamilton Mrs JAM F II lIURBlrTI Fort Hancock MRS IlUKLrs F HOB 7 bi Thlrtyflfth street Jl li Sins DIVIBL fl LAMONT Vi f t Flttrthlrd street MRS IAMKR Fort Slocum Committee on Organization rxvr nrMovK CUXTOX fvsrirprn The tnlTfriilliU KircnIUv Comraltto IlM- No JurIsdIction Over It FORT PLAINN y April 20 Th action of tin Kxecutlvo Committee ot the UnlveraalUU of this Stats In New York city yesterday re garding the future ot Clinton Liberal Institute anti United Rtates Military Academy which was destroyed by fire hers on March 25 hat Thuootnmlt tee resolved that it IM to contInue llin k hnnl nt Fort anti that steps h iHkin to Ir m fir thin Institute to N Y w hern ar located Ht Lawrence University nnd St Imvrencp Theological School both ninlnnt Lnlvi rsiillst Institutions Th feet thnt the committee has no more jurisdiction overCllntnii lltcrol Institute than It his over Ihn nnmlnntlon to lie made at Philadelphia nnd Knnins tiy The Institute not tnd nii teen A denominational strictlyranking anti IM future according to legIslative net can only b determined br Its trustees The committees peculiar blunder Is only forhy the that articles IncortKirntlng thus for election Its trustees at the annual vention ot 1nlversallnts- Confottloni of Htn Oonln from IV CMeaga Trfiitnt Nine reasons for spinsterhood were to n- falbillf Womans National Ioof up In an Arcunxnt yesterday aflcrnnon Miss Catherine Oof fin wb- ha boon a made teacher In the publlr icboalu for twenty yrariwhols PiesMrnl nl tho OradeTmrbrr- Fnlf ration and now Is engaged In tax InTetttfatlnni told tire story of her life to the club women by request MIss norln prepared a tenminute paper on Why I Am Slnjlt There were urine answers follows Reranso he mlfht not be an orphan Ueraune he mlrht like tidies ItocAiise he might be fond of mine pet itmttI- locaino he might part hit hair In the middle of his head Ilemine he mliht demand an itemized aoronntrf- bousttinld eipendllute- sllr u dinner would bare to be taken with satin person onofi day Ilecause manlace would neresiltate dally lettof wetter when either hr or she might be away the rwd men seemed to be marrlctl already HorAine he Irma not proprved Miss iiortln slid that she might have oth- rfuini hint It tuning Lent she decided la tel truth whIch was set forth In thin nine causal at- Stalne of he Senator llajard- 1rontnt Ihlladrlijhia IrtuW- ILVIINGTOM IM April 18 Stlllnus- tf London was jeloctod yrtterday nflernoon by the llayard Memorial Association tn d lrn a tMuonf the late Thomas P llaysrd whlfli l l Ibis rlty 11 Is anllrlpaleil tlmt Ihr statue anti IhliiK ronnertrd nllli U will roM about ISftnnn- Aemidlnz to the repent of Treaiiirfr HnborlU html Is II 3913 In the treasury and to this there Is lo Ix added gao cit iMs ariuiint ml liV lino KAsrijntrltmled fcy feutareint Hooked To TIIK RDITOH or THR StN OrHinsI herring Is it lloltlmure motrhant Can he by h u riiMiU get In A H llAtiliAWAV- KASTON Md April 7 Ilirrlgu Volet uf Ural Interest 1rriss womans f p r Ia lront wlvrh boastM install ll mirk hy Hiirrrn f Ihr law tililrh ilnrs mil irrttill tunifn ID srt Inc at Is truss a carriage In Krcland and inl it fut pasaengrr Sn the IHflslnna- lio yuteris II mali tins ilirlded In n toll Oliie wheto Vllllam Centpor nt the Liner part nf Ms life will relpbrale i er lilMiealtion Ji ltrry rhlld In III pliro i mints a rnp nf thin llrllcliius ti irlfl s M S nf thr nx- Mr MOIII iiirod tea onrs Mhi ihn iffrspl l oii KITpud by lOnron linl s Ulitdni up NhtMtfts trim nl i rhriion- il Ialtt nncl it prosoni m n rh Id in the hsggoI- rani t the nf s twor wrsantnf tho Illflr lirlificlo wits wmndo- dlllslirsro of Norfolk In Mirllnir f r the wars rar- rlodoiil the rurllirtAl trnlltlcns nf the howArd P- firo leaving U ndii hr took Ms Mtmd lo tire criTu- rliaprl In ArrhbUh ii f UoMm nurrs H Mr rt i iclinil irhsn- Iho Duke knrdlni bifoio Mr OriharilMins jniiiio rnoratluns nf th riyal fnmll wll ho inn jrt ltr nf at Unyal Aradrmy Tho n iros arr ilvito of iho Qiron she lilnio f IVAles Ihr Ilikr nf York and little Irlrr IMward The pinralts are ldeill od the l nllv Chrontelt tint of the Pilaw U- romrs nearest to realltf Fast irs sirs t I I hit I tie I tin Lain I nit F thus latter its hart I its I alter sort oSC antI hsrntani I ort ugliest irtlit till its a the object of a raIse who felt a- Snntiao hive unit as yet receive onus man the he its ihilitA fOr Misc tirecic Park rmtnlsisd lii s en tie ofthls plaee hiram anton ours lists accounted the given i as the hletase sit given the intnterbovd late Mtss Eat eretrd ill ever Inca there s- hr over Sin f was tine tas tin tile St ttircte hiuiciiat tm t et thin ruriiie Ii itt rriIiu sit tita < t itt ii Ira I thy C I lttu nit ill t Ibm tn ittat tie titnrin ss Itt ft I ic lie boise V tern alas > the f t tie ear lbs says R > > ¬ > ¬ > > > > > >

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Page 1: · THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL 22 1900 kft M f 8 T Jtw SUNDAY APRIL rli Mbirrlplloni bj Mall


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Mbirrlplloni bj Mall Ftntpald

flAtlY P i Mnnllj O 5ODAILY pet V t CO-

8UNDAV per Year a OO


loil toforelfn cuunlrtei added

THKIiK New York City

PAHisKlasqut to 12 near Grind Haul aiil-

Kloaque No 10 Boultfitd

11 Mir frltnit uAa furor til trrtA manuifflpd or

tuMlroJftn trill r Aai rtltrtiil urtltlti rtturntt tryIn oU calf I lotnl ilompD Mat piirpoi

Why Senator Wellingtons PlatformWill Nut Do

The lion GKOIUIR 1 WKIUNUTON nfMaryland whose place In the Sctmte Mnmls

In the name of the Hepnblloan parly haannounced that ho will not support theItepublican Presidential nominee If tho

I upon a platform toleratIdeas ot it colonial tariff and the

permanent retention cf the PhilippineInasmuch n Senator VKiUvriTON ex-

presses thn belief that the platform to beby the Philmlolphla convention will

nature he weans that tie U cer-

tain to bo a bolterThrough thn humble medium of the senior

Etnatorof Marylnnd therefore a questionhwbeen put forward prominently for gen-

eral consideration which later the romingDemocratic platform of Kansas City maymake of the first Importance

republicans have already virtuallypronounced for thn retention of the Philip-

pines nml a colonial trtriff that Is for theprinciple that for territory belonging to theUnited States It is within tho power of Con

reisstoclUoriiulnuteus to Imports andbetween such territory and the States

dictate of political common en t

that when once launched upon nuch u policyIt must bondhercd to since to withdraw fromIt would he to withdraw from content withthe opposition that compels such a surren-der There Is however another reason whythe Republics partyshould take theopposed by Senator NViiUJXOTOM

Incomparably weightier than their acci-

dental Identification with ItTho truth U that the party which should

maintain that the lnlted States are power-

less to acquire territory oiitldo of theirformer borders without reiOKnlzinjrule and regulation Imposed ii

Mate themselves by tho Constitution In

other that the United State cannotcolonial tariff or nro practi-

cally debarred by the Constitution fromexpanding and competing with other greatnations In the development of the globewould be utterly and disgracefully beaten ina national election

American Republic ha comfort-ably and progressively for a cen-

tury with the right to make colonialtariffs asserted arid practised fromthe first It will not renounce it timeIn the worlds history of all others

Syracuse UniversityOf the tinlversltlfH situated In the State

of New York the Institution established In

the city of Syracuse is tho youngeiu butthe remarkable rate of Us developmentduring the last quarter of a ceiitmy haalready given it high rank Its doors weronot opened until 1871 and in SO It hadonly 288 BtudoiitH By 1SW the number ofthose benefiting by its opportunities witsBIO and it has risen to 1402 In the presentHcndemical year In thive Ilgureri youngwomen an well a men are comprehendedthe Institution being founded on the coedu-cation principle There are now 130 pro-fessor in the cevral depart-ments of tin university

The Syracuse University Includt fourorganized depart menu Ihexe are Thecollege of liberal nrlc the college of tInsarU the college of iiirdlcine ansi theof law The college of liberalprided a classical course a philosophical

and a general course in ilencetogether with special courses in civil en-

gineering mid elctriciil engineering Thedegrees obtainable In this department varyrecording to the course of studies pursuedThey comprise this e of Harhelor of ArtsBachelor of Philosophy Bachelor of ScienceElectrical Engineer and Civil Engineer CanIs taken at this wit of learning to pnservo

of thn It de-

cree Applicants for admission to the cluncourse must offer Uiiin

nnd they are required to study both of theselanciiapiv during Die freshman and sopho-

inorn yours The other conditions for ad-

mission do not differ fruit those prescribeilat other firhtnile universities The philo-sophical course lending ID the degree ofBachelor of PhiloNuphy is nearly Identjiiilwith the classical any modern language-liowever being substituted for out ofancient tongues It IsiimieceKary tu offereither lrifkiorlii tin In order to matriculateIn the general or ttperlil course in scletu e-

AVo should add that whole number ofundergraduates incident graduates and spe-

cial BttidonlH In college of liberal urta-Is 727 ornightytbree more than lust year

An interesting feature of this institutionIs the college or this arts whish oilers-cournert In architecture inuaiu painting andlellwlettres and according to tit cur-riculum pursued confers the degree ofBachelor of Architecture HacVidor of Let

Bachelor of Painting or Hachelor ofCiindidntes for admission to tiny of

the offered by this college artexamined in English In geography In his-

tory In physlm In arithmetic in algebrannd In plane and solid geometry They arenot required to present either reek or

Those art students who do not careto pend four jtars In college and

t viince the hope of scouring dcgreen may-a a normal art course which coversperiod of two years and U planned to pre-pare young persons for the position ofWarners and superintendent of drawing inschools The number of HlmtenU In tirecollege of tints arts IK now 52 whilst meansan Increase of 132 ulnco last year

The college of medicine and the colleguof law contain each 1W students o nileIs permitted to enter tim former collegewith the Intention of taking the degren ofDoctor of Medicine until In has earned tiremedical student certlllcati pre cribed bythn Ilegontrt of the Diversity of the Stuttof New York arid he must In addition passlaminations III algebra plane geometrynnd Latin Tin curriculum covers touryearn hut II student who Intends to take atSyracuse not onlya college course hut al oa pfofeMtonnt course In medicine or III

law can advantage of this electivey t m In such a way as to save twelve

thus completing the four yearsolleiecmirno and the four years course




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In medicine In seven years or the fouryears collect rourso and the thrtolaw course In sli yiura AppllcantN for adinlsHlon to th law Bchool miles they urngradual1 of a university orcollege must pais an examination upon thesubject prmcrlbeil in the idles of tliedmit-of Appeals nf thu Siutc of New York ex

PhiL that it of the Hoard of lle-

genlrtof till State of New York diplomaIssued by a high school or mainlalning Katlsfuitory courses of or acertltlciitu of admission to tiny oruniversity of approved grail may bo ac-

cepted in lieu of such anTho for tuition In tin collega of

liberal aits U 75 II year for courses III

the rlasMes Ill philosophy and In generalHilenctj for tuition In civil or electricalengineering rile must PitY Sim The Inci-

dental charges me IM it year In till colicgoof fine arts the fee for tuition it llo buttho incidental charges amount to onlyannually In tin college of mcdldno tuitionCoSts mi arid III the collegu of law tumuyear We should mention lint I he cost of liv-

ing In Is comparatively low Thiwlust year ono Ktudent expended only Ji1

found that 277 nplemcoveiedall necessary outlay two pent 28

apiece ono fSoC and several J31 each forthe twelvemonth Neither rooms norboard art provided by Ih university butaccommodations ate easily procurable In

Syracuse It seems that wtudents nfedingto Increase their Income while III collegetan frequently Ibid employment of variouskinds In the city Upon tho whole therotire fow If any Institutions In this countrywhew liberal education I obtainable atso small an outlay of tummy

The fleetly ireut Southern Irot leni

A conference for this discussion of theraw problem Is to ho hold at Montgom-

ery in Alabama on threo ilnyH of Maythe Nth to the 10th That

problem iif Is negro questionnml the conference to IK held under tho-

nusplcos or the Soul hern Society arid Is tobe controlled entirely by Southern menthough two Northern men Dr FnissKU-thn Principal of the Hampton Institute furtho Industrial education of negroes nndlion lioritKu of New Yorl havebeen Invited to bo among the speakersTho approach of tlifsranfcrenco has Inducedthe delivery and subsequent publicationof a thoughtful address on the negroproblem tire Rev KDOAII G MfitPiir-rcitorof St Johnsof which w have received a copy but Itdoes not touch what seenis to UH to bo themain subject for tIre consideration of thoconfercnoi-

The Rev Mr Mtnrnr makes a distinc-tion between Southern anti Northernfor which there Is no justification Hn-

Kpenksof them ns If they were the names ofdistinct peoples withpollt teal intitutioiH and typ s of characterActually of cource there Is no puch dis-

tinction The States of the AmericanUnion make up a common nation withcommon Interests politically ImllsholuUloand mutually Interdependent Except In

States along th hut of Mexico mid them toB alight extent only no cllmatM dllTorenceH

exist which muki airy ueh distinction Intemperament of the popu-

lation a tint supposed to exist betweenInhabitants nf the and tropie-7ones Tbo population of theSouthtiin ns lying below tIre now almost

Mason and Dlxon lint Is In Itsorigin substantially till sumo us ofNow Knglancl In religion It Is till samewholly

Slavery III that Southern belt of Statesoma constituted n real dl tlnctlun betweenthe ehilizuttons of North HIM South thelabor syittin In sure wii radically differenttrout that of the other The ratio of repre

and till ltH vote biing piciillnr nlco-beeaiinc ff slavery tliern was it polltleald-

llTtMMieii likewlee Hut now all that Ims-

pa Mid nwny Polllleully ami socially In tiltsystem of labor ami In buBlnee methodsanti interests there Is no longer any touch

distinct km The South muru apartthan Is this West or till Eat or a northerncounty of a single Stall from a southerncounty The Inhabitants of one part

Union are frt to emlgrntn to any otherpart nml to enjoy and exwcko politicalprivilege equal to those which belong tothe Inhabitant with whom tliey easttheIr lot

The concern In tlm negro question 01 tilEs

rneo iiroblem therefore Is not limitedto the geographically Southern States hutextends to every Part of tIe Union for eah

hi the welfare of nil Thecalled South has no Interets which are

front those of till ocnlelNorth No settlement of the question ofnegro labor which Is not for thendvnntiigoof thn South un bo otherwise than dl m-

lvantuceoiis to thu North Prosperity atSoutli l of fonimoii beinlll to the

whole Union ansi wlmlevtrthere reaot Injuriously iipun

nil Tim Southern States especiallyneed to this approval andto convince judgment of the NorthernStates by heIr political pollile uiidmethod beeuiisiu fromtlieNnrtlicoiiiPB thechief part of the capital on whlcli Southernindustries must depend for thclr developmnnt nnd capita Is secured only by gain-Ing its iontlclincn through fnlr and wise

nnd thn elimination tie

strintlon of I lie seitlonnl prnjudlin which Isonly another name for provincial feelingIt liiiit no toleration for Inherited prejudicesnnd for heartburnings over a

lout cnue but afraid of them Itdemands first of nil harmony and n

domlnnnt fishing of nationality So longtherefore us wo hays what Is railed

solid South or n group of State whichwhatever tin

Mithnt rnetliully there Is no dl-

cussion In them the group tegrcgntes Itselffrom tire tuition with results Injurious toItself and dangerous to the rest

That In subject which should engagetin thought of Montgomery confereiko-as the serious problem now confront-ing this South Thi raw queM ion will settie itself already It hn made onlyporadli trouble At nny mti Its

innnt cannot be forced Inuoniuuli tinSlates need labor of

negro population sinco in It they enjoygreet nil vantages in competition with thelabor of the rest of world It Is plainlyto tliolr interest to treat thn negroeswith consideration Complaintsaro iniitlo of the negrous nnd justlybut Much roniplnints run bo niAilc of nillabor Here In New York now we have be-

fore us u rnio problem III the Instance ofthe Italian We havenlway had raco problems here imposedupon us by an enormous immigrationThe only really pTlloun negro ques-tion which inn come up In the South-ern States would to precipitated if



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tho nc roen Miould t nbout to organlzn n general movement to abandonthorn IIH of course they havn a right to doThat would portend iwulUUo-SdUlliern Industry would real blowto Southern prosperity aswan notorasiven trotThosn Stales then ilesirlllg to keep thnnegroes an II laboring population wiitlil-to tlielr prosperity tlm iaco prohlem Is-

alniidy wottlcd to that degree at lenst

fur getblllllex

Id of them wILIiln the poMlConstitution thus decision

lit hard

tackle Is unit iln nrjfro cminllon buttlio political problem creAted by tho nentlinent which dlsHmulslies them from thorent nf tlm Americnn penpli Hint thiyhold tliclimelvcH ns If they bnloiiKOil to ndistinct nnd pootillnr riicn nnd nn inde-

pendent imtlun When that iinfortiinntohcntinient Is gone nnd wo wa e III hear

tho South hpnkon of nn if It was n dis-

tinct country to which tho Northmother distinct country Is naturally

tho ntBro probliMii ns u dnnceroiisquestion will have ceased to eilst Tinproton by which the race problem In

now Nittllntc Itself will bo hastened to uconclusion prosperity of the Southwill go ahead n hound

OM Clo WllllnmiUmvSnuu WuUAMaof YOHIO

City itprirunU till Mississippi dis-

trict in tilt Fiftysixth ConnroM Inuvi-

tably ho Is Dcmocrat Ho happens to bo-

nn ulso Un April ft thobelntr In Commllteo of the Vliolo

and considering tho bill lo provldo ngovernment for hawaii Mr WIUIAMHemitted n speech which win publlsdicd III

Uxonlof April 11 withIho titln Kmplro or Itcpiililloof till Philippines Its most Inttrostlnspassage Is tills curious lilt of learning

Tlirn Mr Chairman we area HejmWIr Asron-

tradlsilnetilfclird from alllarch Inf hark Intbt elymologlcsl prununrU

troll a ntie roan power

Mr VitUAUS has studied nt severalnnivcrplllcp Including IleldolberrT and hisetymological pronunciation monarchthows how ho hits prolltid Studyhus mntlo him modest ton lb 1m wason his leg tint so much on hU own nocountas for the purpose of onricliliiK tho Uiconlwith two old spooclus by tho Hon m j

Snipu Would p nnlisnu bo given Itwas Then Mr VntiMS nuked nnd ob i

tamed permission to swell tire Hooord withnn old letter written by tho Hon OKOCOK

Kiiisiitr hour to rortain Jioston ncwpapers Then ho wanted permission to re-

print of nn old pamphlet culled ThoLiberty Cntorlilum by IrruriucK V

iXKtv Who mny please In

iUlnl this Kxoxof MIISSV

chiiHotU Tliolion nevnv S liotTiiiL of Illinois saidthnt Mr GOOKIX wits ours of his ctinstitu-cntc ncanhlorof n ChicdKO bnnk a veryable man and a very mini So

the very ablo and very tliouhtfiilClooKiNs-Liberty Cateihlum lit revised by thn

Hon Tolls HliAKI VIMIAMH WIIH switchedInto tho alltoiitalnlni Ittconl ThenWtiitAiis n kid anti nnunlmoiis sour

sent td tin republication nl expense ofa benevolent iovtrmmnt nf u musty oldspeech by the Hon iKoiiTi s loirwnti

Finding ho still had fifteen minutes leftMr WIMIAMM reml loiij iiotatlons from

nml the Iund of tfiuwhintwound up in ireoop Macodonlu-

In tho onjjivHsIonnl Keionl Mr Wn-

MAMSM remiirkeltKuut extracts oouupy u little more thanthrew tKVf HU cxlilbll of antllinperin-lIi HUraturi n morn thanelhlivu of hire type such typo n

few men will to tackle long evenako of dlK ltiR out tin wiun-

of the very till und very ilinti litfiil-

looKiN As fur this lion CAIII ScitrnsP-hllndelpliln Ionfeienco mill Chicago con

nddrcssoM they mv not t bo re-

vlvtd by n popular publicationtilt oiiRrtSslonul Hpoorl lInt wo con

the Hon liiiiv SiiAttl WUIIAMSupon his iiiethii of inaklin a speech HeIs this old elo inun

Some Wnbnsh liensAnybody can see that the Inert Is n groat-

nntunil hearer Kven a Miporllelal ob-

btrver would riot talSo tire jack rabbit withnil his curs for hens equal In doleetlni

Tlm liens alt Undois that of listening When ndult lieushifts her pose It Is to take on

utico of listening with till She IsamblnurliMilnr-

Nobody hors seen u mother lien scanningthe hky for bird of prey yet no Imwk over

many circles nbovo h r broodiMforo hilt hustled tier cldclfl out ofsight uinl riilTod tinfeathers on her nockwslfIn henrd n mvnhot pinions farnbovn ns tho threatening Rpcik tackedwings in bis Illglt j

This phenomenal ability of thin hen to illstinguUh sounds Unmixed In mi Interestingway by n community IICIH In tho WalnMiregion of till Hooiler coiumonweullh Timfuels are presented herewith upon nu-

thorily of wevornl reputnblo nnd esteemedctmtcmpornrles of tin Central West AtMonoii Ind the junction of Motionmain lino nnd the Indianapolis dlvlsii ntwo through trains meet dully nnd tliodining caw nit run onto Biding where

clean up Hie kitolicns throwingout culinary odds nnd endi Tiint n-

trnins nro met with clockwork regularity-by tint hens of thu vicinity tlio tempsthrown furnish them with mnrbutt acceptable This in no wayout of tho ordinary lUll tilt Interesting I

part tins not LIMMI toldIt Is asserted nnd vouched for tlmttheie-

Wabash hens so nell Is tliili Mii ifhearing run illntliiKUlh tin whlMlisof tlm-

illiiliigcar trains from tlios of thn lonllassdiger nnd freight trnin or evenfrom thirst of a loiomntlvn running wild nnd j

thaI they sit placidly on their ncstn orrcralih gravel in II noticliiilant wiry upon

nf nil KHVC

pulling the dining ar Ami this Is nutnil those winin hens run thn-

whlstlns of the ItKoiiiiillves on till diningcar trains nt linrndlhln ill tance fill that ifniio tif till sn twins is twenty minutes latefor Instance intending pus iMigcr do riot I

look at tho blackboard bulletin hut merely

WilY toward tItus crosing It Is iiH rteilmoroovor that Hooslcrs thcrinboiits of n j

turn of mind hay nn easytheir dorks ansi wntrlns

to into by the movements of thtsc-thurphearing hen

Tho hens of Kanins have been justly cele-

brntedof lain becauso of their vnlun froma purely utilitarian point of view thishaving been a tremendous year fur eggsThose of the Wabash have revealed thorn




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selves In wholly different but not leeslntnrestng nspect-

Tor Our OwnIn nnoiliir cidiinm will bo found nn p-

nl to tho Americnn people In-

tinthrilling leninTor Our Own Sinnthn ending of the war with thn

attention has to a great extentmoved on lo South frlcu ansi bus inisistmoney fur the benefit of combatants of Hintcunt n t but I lie lictd for raring for wlvcnansi cliildren of American soldier has ro-

mnlned iiiisntlsiled Tlm continued ditty

fle l the ri iiiri mititH rill such aid as U tobrought by National Society for

llellef of Widows and Orphnlinof tho Olllctrs runt Inlisted Men ofItegular Army of United State

A fow wctks igo Metropolitan OperalloiiHt was packed with faslilon that hadbought tickets at high pilccn for n conceitmninly In aiil of lirltish nulferers from the warin South Africa something being allotted tothis Anmririn Hed Cross to give tho nffair-

coiintenanco btfom tho American public

Much morn U needed Renders of TUB

firs aro referred to the circular for Information as to how they may contribute

DctvcyIhe result of Admiral DEWETS deolnra

thou that ho is II candidate for tho Presi-dency Will that practically not one newspaierof either Kivnt a worthof encoiinigiinent

The second stage of Downy campaignof the platform Is snld-

t bo nt hand Wellwishers of this dis-

tinguished Americans fame whobeen upset In their judgment by A deslroto uso lrwiv to further some Hdieme ofpolltics will nil urge tho second bid

nomination bo not madeTho American people hiivo great

faction In their Idiot of Admiral DKWKV

of Manila nml would dlsllko mightily If

iroiT UKWKY of Wnshington tthonld spoilIt Ho rather owe It to thorn to provent such a reverse and wo say this In fulladmission of American citizenA privi-lege to bo nraiidldnto for President Thebecoming oonrrv for Drwxv to pursue Isnot to persist hilL to withdraw

IMmpfiltlhtn Mirrcrd therE will bt inrrmrjn or Iti political iloiirlnr to the futnorclimit nf the Stitr unit thefrom wltlrli llullclnfitly sprang fprtialdij Ilinutilieni

hum SAIIIIO nowiER nn frlundu Whyhe allowed to howl nail caper In the ntroM

Take the poor chap Lisk to liln Institutionshave his him In lotions blued himant give him a little thin uriiel

Vow that the oppo ltlon to thn jirovl lonIn tin naval Mil fur buying tlie l armorto IIP liad for iho Mnlnn Ohio and Mlsivoiir-lhns bun bonten and tli till ims cd by lbsllciii e this rtinarli la t week upon tlil saltJect by th lreldcnt of the Ilrlti ti lli tilulion if Xnvnl Arrhlterti Lord IlorKTof-Nl in order Fur n Slate to undertakenmniifiirtiirc of armor pUte tald Lord HorK

Is ipon to tffrioiii objection an-

oplnicm nHv lhn luiidon Knaintrnng towhich nil who linv itidiefl tie mbleot wiltmhiribe Indced say our contemporaryfurther If Lord HOPETOUN verj

the ehl rtnn ne lin would hardlyput fc r nrd this prcipo al of a State nrinor-nctory von a reniololy potslbl alterna-


The lion WILLIAM KATOM Ciuxmtnof NewIlHmp hlr nnd Dr JACOH II OALLISOKII ofNew IIninp dilrnbavf not hovel each other nnmuch a collctaKiieit should They toIIIIVD slinkcn bunds ln t week II much more

prooeodlnc tItan shaklne theirfnirli tIter Jlay they dwell together In unityhenceforth

Tin tcotid livin In the Navy DepartmentMr Me KiMiV lre lcient lias-

jn t liwn ninii Pit In lice letlrenient ftuinthe Iiciiirtnieiil SerreliiryII AIJKN ftlin gus tn a iimc the invrnior-M nf Iorln Hlcii anti tho appointment Inhis pltce nf KPISK v With Mr-

AIIKN will co the lp t wi hr ut the tlepari-nieiit arjiroval of piililie

llAciviTr n Xtw llamii r ire terra whohi llVfd in Wri iiiton for vdiiu years ll-

i a Inwyer nl siuncliiii in lii own andIn tin 1iipitul liu IH married to lb damjliltrof n imval uniier nnd tots her oniiHctliiinin lh Navy KO that he takes Ilia plato with-

in liivnr nf llm nrviitwill flit opH rtiinlly in make hj mark onour nnvnl n hln i rde

have Hindi their

KrldeHunipIng lady faIlure to killlion vvlint nn eitraordlnarlly loiitih-

Kiihjeot the beiiitt is Kven a full fromn helutif of no iVcl on hard a surface nwater followed n that Miniitd hu-

enniiRh to dronn aivomplKli the nuitides purpoti

The Cutiati Fair that clued last evenlninfl a warm fprp inii of thoyiniaihy of tin uf this rity with Ihs

ehllilren of Affairs of thin kind artsnlleh yliuwy nnd jinvn ho crnorul credit ofgrent IKTI ilri In fun liutcnl if frovldlng find fur charity leave difldti lo bo-

rnvtrid Miiny fairs Innnhed iih louttiiM liiivln i of hiivli ioclnl-ititticiii aId til whlth Iho tubHe takes n luuxuid Intcril Ttit e iemi uf-

flinrital ltt iiiniiey rul inc generally urInmely tlifllfiilt tn nanuro anti ntiliuHduiteil with titniu are apt to procjnco poorrefills tvfii in the initi worthy

It Is H of tlicrefnreto fay Unit hits Culmn Fnirwa a tunnirR me-c s financliilly nml u 1 faIr pure and im lcIt was In nlil of a pirpwe than floristoouM ipieal mure In the Itlnd heartso nun rtifin huh anI ytniinj Ihi urilllUHof ulja and Indicd most plcasuruMc r ilt nr till function the tvideni-ii iiiord tint ibi u lioltl upon iho Amvrlcan trust mind nd nn niPiiiion nf titus

Knlr rotnpleie Hint d n s notcredit lifildii icifcciiuityArt hiMlneiH iklll nf ilh MiinaKirinChlef MrMimi HATCH ILIAIIII-

HP DonrttItiluk Hi Will Attend7o Tim KlilTOIt n si fur nffm-

itnrif mr rnninirin un H r iijiifstKini In In-

iirn t so iin tn rrcinl In iloiilthink AI In rceniil InArlinrliil ire It not it

b n fc y Idontlhlnk 1 hull it-tcn l UK rklu tr It rut nfftrlnp nu niacini llif anti twiuiMj 3 ilinuclu riotthink Hi niklil tumdy I that altrnd

liimiiCnnii April i w S IIHOWN-

Kllrrurr Smllh of rut trum Ihi laniloi tfiinaiuiA-

iiinilit cutlu illro uf the Pflrlc j

nl yfl I 1 111 of iiiunn ionnrrtrd wlli Ih minil rr ululth vtr Unow pnimtur

Iopt narni li r it rirrn thai HIP ilurumrtit r Mntly

wlinlrarD had dour nr of bM tie hul-lii nnytil Die numrtnrp MI mM ant MIUN

iirrrKur iiryilhin niin llnl wr ii clnoun tu Icnlihirvlntlunv mrily IndliJile Ilicfull nnnw nnd frrhin ihi slhts name Kvrn i

fllBHt vnrlunls UF Ant lutliroflrngir us lull orri lonil hiJp Ttrrr nnr Hlilrb it

inArt trEnlAtlf In thr unn turn end uf wflrhwerun rice tuber r lnnnllon U It the nanirsmith unmhtnlntilv nrltiru In irfrli rlnrarifrWrhHTonrtrrrininiliinvthncltkrltiVrorr And

Aurrly wotih irlllne tiE miny iiltlni iil hrd bournnf Ihrnamo that Ihrro wise a roan known i Smith In

t fntllh Mr of tho third Pto1omy J7 II

nnd thalho iwiiplod Inhrritln hnCor In nclllnc i

It Is tire any oilier lniUh rirf9arblathis In antiquity M MAlfcrPY




Ill hili

lit PitiihluluiiteM hL




the ntiunourlieiriuirt

have riot




heal soak


rellU7ed how





Ir i




e rrr rl loa

llII rill ill






del rlllllllllllll






t lrII I Ihl ilt

itt r

IIIt ttiieII t1IC burn a I

tiittutt In iflelprit ruesi litr



rrtOsred list





Spa I n

I Its

gut iii iiuiiuy t lie uuiaguii

i I Iii I lieI tel t

I lieI lie



eat he


ill nips


Tot i

tri iui <



tlts sit

let tune

it ant ill 151

hicK pvr

a tai I bin I lit

S uric



Iii tturi liii med ha

hurstIto in lit

Is tug

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t teethI tat


rut erii nut

er turrtes


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tartar ut

clips ealitIll Cu itit s

slipittiP ti tier 1

s ii tIm




y 4

t vr








< <





> >






Tlm IlrltliOi and loer In tho outhea t of-

HK Kroo are now In touch nnd fightingFrMay between

Itundleii division nnd th bourn coverIng time

forct fiivmtliiK WvtHnrr According toItoliertHri despatch tho Urltlih lo Was onlynlno vmmdej from which It would

up to Friday ulzht there had been no veryclosa llehtliiK Now however that contactlinn tien nmJ liars nhoiild bn iomo nharii

i n U tiMnr antI

illPIltiK round till miuthw t rn corner ofUusiitoland trek totho norlhea Illlirnnd cnvirnl l r the lloeri pouted at 1haba-NClm Tho fact If the reports of theIrotrciiLth nro to li tollevcd that it body

ol froni flitht to ten thousand men with-a coiiHiilrriitilH number of tubs houldlift Itft Isolated an they have Is oomewhal-lncotuir linilble even HioiiBli thoyItiiifii whole dlvlnloii nnd several

liurnriant contlneentH of Lord llolieitun armylo look utter them The mystery mant boshortly denred UP when the lirltish forte liasadvanced further townrd Weponer from He-

wcNdorp It mny I e tlmt tlm Uoer force huns

been greatly exatrcernicd an line freinpntly-boenlhecsse

Gen Metliuenn asurowlve movement frontUo hof in tIes cactwnrJ stems to have coino tonn end for tho present und hIs convoy omit

leareuard narrowly frieaped capture durlni-tho retreat from warts RoW Thin retire-ment lit probably the result of Lord IobertRsInability to ndvnrce owing III tart 10 thewent her nail In dlsarrancement III

tho plnus for Hie ndvanco camed by tilook

Alt of WapenerTho liner activity In Natal not of much

signIficance Their beingpu ht d an iioxHlbletothu British linento IMP them well under oh ervatloii as notlnubt thin liner fortes In tho Dlgcnroberg havo been ionRldorubly wcaki ntdto furnlih rec5nforceinenU lo thus Miteking Investing force anti the nrmr-In the Frco State Tho Drnkensberc pnsneH

however nro not likely to ho denuded of theirKiirrUons o are beIng car-

ried on south of the Yet Klvrr andthere I II hoer forc o In the lliiarr b ontIme roads to tlio of Sundays lllver GenDuller can hnrdly risk n toward tIrepanes to the northwest of Iady mlth


Mr Ma 11 n iii K plant lion Not SoRlclrntTo TUB FuiTon OK TUB Sfssir I havn

read the different loiter published III TruESUN In reference to rhrlntlnn Kclene and no farhave been content with nexpre wl opinIonsbut the stntomcnt of Mr Wlllanl S Mnttox-

tlmt ha nnswers Mr W A Purrinetonni-juestloiiH frankly ant unequivocally N o

absurd That I cannot help but protestlie Hint thus power of Chrmtlan Bcloncfl

which In the cn e of II covered nrtery wouldflop the How of blood would dlmlpate nn

whether It be a tone In time throattIme eve

To iiltantliite Ids h cItes nn whnt I pre-sume hn con ldc rii nna ail lile tln cntf-of n woman who lilt a bniift lodiiifd In her

nml hal It removed Icy no other menusthin lint of

1 tick that If into a ntntement answered uy merely nasertlngthat Ills 10

Suppose I hould make some eiimlly autlonable statement nnd nm differed with doo-my simply avinK o without fncto or reasonsIII or same snake It BO

Tin Idea of n Mhtione that todeath Mntr illxcolvcd or dlnlodced tn hiss reliefof the mifTorpr hy mpnii of hits soculled powerof ChrUtinn Kolonci Is very rldlciiloun

ti lieMippo edlag the exhortation Pimes to tlm conclusionthat n Christian hOntlut Is after It and that Ithad better move onV

I hays n little son nlKnut four year of neethat luring n mpnl I shoud hour n-

uaspnndttKurcle aol lonkliiK at hun wouldiMtlnu tonIc nnd tdark In tin

waichnklne I lilt my wife bonlm nnd ile rnich a ine pnepr faint nHdet-nf riirlitlnn Science1 and have him or hcrcotne-nnd recltn t heir over my slrniiitllnur or-whil nnd ootivul lon were drivingmv wlf and myself mad

I would busy a ilmtnr who known time struchnmiin throat with n of fnr

oepa trdl lodiio and remove the Louis so thntniT Imy roiild hnathe ant live riot mockeryrf wonts ant tneantntlnnA nail tho bloated noddistorted fnoinfniir little dead


The Slrantrri CoiirnnirnlTo Till KiiiTon or TUB Srvvir Mr

DithrldKe will permIt me to my that I thinkhn taken too uiiaorublo u VPW of the

lovernmrnt of llrltlsh India wcakenlnnthereby as It seems to nit the rent moral of the

1 havn lint occasion for historical curto study tho history of lirltish India nnd

I think hnvrt ntuJled It Imprtrtlnlly I nm-tnyelf u believer riot In emnlra but In a corn

of notions selfdeveloped contributingeach of them Iff own Kills to tho hiitnnn rtorenail uthor by nxnmple ansi emula-tion In tire rno of progress My fealty Is toInBlnnd not to the Empire

I feel Impartial survey will leadto th conclusion that for the bust century thospirit of lirltish povernment In Inillrt has beenbpneflcent nnd that nilmlnlstratlon hasbeen on tile whole very able ant remarkablypure Us purity belnc dim In great measure totitus oruanlrntlon of Its civil service nnd toIts almost entIre separation train the polItIesanti the imrtles of this Imperial country Itsone fatal nnd Incurable vlco Is that It Is time

government of thn stranger An Americnngovernment the Philippines would also betill government of the strmeT fatal to nativeeffort anti hopes of puternnl-tut lne end KUldinre Mr Uthridce may havoformed the result would probably bo the samefnlcssftsevirnncp nf tho of thodependency foni the polities of the Imperialcliintrr could In tIns cave UK In tIne ease ifllrltlsli India bo PlTiCleit his might bomuch worm It mdcht be n political ulcer

NEW YORE April I loiuwis Ssiun-

Trari If Ihittuo TrliuniWhat does slit asked crafty poll

tkian who hail referred toWilt for information ns to his

Hhe refuses to talk replied the spokesmanof the committee

Then It wasnt mv wife you rant gentle-men ho rejoined with great

It wns riomebody else

turned In-

To TI1K KWnm IV TUB Si f Sirllu ul inmr on ti my plvrof bulnru I and thatcf ilf Sop WnnjM pl know list he slIttierfririulrrlhi tunas of thInk llotn Icid H

mid In your llall uf rum hmturn him In j

ClllCAriii A pill

llarhitrit IllrlfblpTo ills KlilTOU HP Till MlN Sir I riti mo-

AII nlil liwly of 70 jf t IKITII niid trarrdlm llrrdrrlrk Mil liavr litrti Ihlnklntf forymrMf laten rtrrrrl this rrrnr ill Hilt non riiM-Iriil out Knrli ttlc whu vr 1 11 rai-

n ptiiun rtiiiritircrl cm VViutfoi with lor MMfr for HIP oldIT Mr nilndicl laity sii WAS Inure turn ililld Vinld I ilif il niln fcT tearhis wliido play wlih tier lianakirMif ihrcU

I lh n n ins iflfl wield tutuIn aniiivtnriital lior Intiirrnrv mil I think slrlikl

MttlitUif put III hf Hind hy A Mrv Jiunitlllfcirmirly Ury Sinds wife of tho if inn 111

ymcilnll lliiiln llivsjuilMils MAIIV UVANTIIIU


Ihr lilrl In Khaki7ilYcJ Djltv Vfivi-

Ihrro tt in II shoppl1 inunio-Tho inn Imk twiru tlir IIIIOH mro-Ttiorilili fn slnx A iinl-A iV ond hot wo ilirouli Ihr aping rrimdMill the IIOSM Mil and ihf tern

uiir if ilrst In it knakl drr-

hlir pAs llio nil ippliur lirallie Mini and points uil tutu rile lror-iThr ctiliri lit viino hr a fllh n

Mih mutt hrs uiluiiiir InHut thr titans llirm mtti iniiohlev-f iri if tlrnl In It thai clr-

rTir no hi stet inlo her ribVfv dm tlfklo ri tiiidrt dr1l iwiiiMj a rnti tird mrnr

1 k in y Hdoni iu herelift f brunt com not nicl hr rnrr much lessShonno f lire Pr lln i khaki

1 n eainlltl rein JIT A Ihoisnnri eyesllulut hr o Hi iVhAnt the ni

Shf Ion mike road on n rainy daynut ar tlim ci

Sie tui of kh KI stress


hM our



work the nburrdoui


away two

part to tIretire


rlIlrol arm unirturnlly

Inlll operatIonsbugant

mOfem lIt


or Il llnllr In

throathrl lInn

eonider a tIn

ls chokIng

I It that LIIII alter




lot111 11 lilt


that 011

whatever Qtln


rl lIlt

Some Jllltalo

thll his

lo ltIne8





I 111111 MIdItI Mtl


antiap tit

the Dress





nIpto a

ItII nich Its



Subheui truing slurs hun



is close

so at




Mlu ticshut as


this hear

iCttats att


of the







say thus


a ute tit I

I 1

I tntit lit lieus

C at

i tit ii letattain

Alit t

I litMla

1 si flipsac

nemut 55 5 erri ups fl turin

4 tie tim

tile Cttl lii

uiiirtoil slid


c Ii Itt rII iiT wit


tinertide flug inI IilC

I ant aresuSe Stat In













> >



> <



Portugal Ancient Trrntlfl HrqilrtIer to Kniiland Troops Ttarnilh-Acalnit Ihn IlofM A lrotnt hy Iho Iowrrs Ilkrly The InwurdneM of the limiter

WAMilMiiov April o ItlsJiHtposlblctlmt-Hiero some In recentipnlt liis to Ilitcflett thnt tin Our will protestiiKMlnt traiispuriutlnn of MrltWi troups by-

wny nf Ililrn in InrtiiKiK Africa mid

le t The Iw latter powers nro ninth morndirectly 11 thus mailer than ltu sln

mid wIry this Csar should take tho Initiativedoss nut apptir uiile s It be timid his actionmay be In nice irdiiiico withan underaniotii tire power that huts protest wiiuld

appear moru illnlntercntcd md inlklit be placedupon Llj hruad around nf law

nrtinti nf PoMiitfnJ III tiii iitlnc totruifllt of thu trnop tantiol be Justifiedupon the Kfiioriil principles of Internntlntuil

limes TIlt authorItlett an all walnut It Mr Hall whose work nn-

Intirnnllniinl law ono nf Hit latest and mustauthoritative referring In till old doctrine thut-

a iniilrnl Slate mldit nt UK tliscretlnn allowthis pahutH nf n belligerent nrmy throughterritory toUr

Hut the limit recent author as ert a con-

trary opinion nn direct rtlenipt has been madeHinti ISIS In take advunlnK of the assertedright iind tire tiennlsslnn Krnntrd lo the AlliesIn thnt year to cross Swltcrlnnd In order In-

Invnde Frnnoe was extorted frotu tire FederalCouncil under circumstances whirl would Inany eas rub lies precedent nf niilhorlty Tbo-

sami cniintry In I TO denied n pnssntre lo bodiesof ANntlniis enlisted In French Army but

without urihs and uniforms and tiersran IH no question thnt exillnc nplnloiiwnuld-

I forbid renewed laxity nfconduct In this rorpect on tire hart nf neiitrnlcountries Passage for tics sole anti obviousfiurimM of attack Is clearly forbidden Tire

irnnt of iieriulsiinn Is nn net by the State withobject of furtherinc a warlike end

arid Is In Its nature nn lnt warKnowlnc tic mjilerti tloctrlno nn Ibis sib

ice tics Portuguese Minister In announcing thecnnncmt of PortiiKnl bused II iutoma-tinnnl luw hut upon the treat nf IHIII andupon certain ancient treaties between Porttlwit ant irent Itrilaiu The treaty of 1S91

does lint In tprnis secure ibis right toireut llritnln Hut these nnrient irealles-

If they tart still In force not only give thisbut dtiliKatn treat Hrilnin and Pnrtiicul-to n tilcn lve and defensive alliance acalnst-tho world

As far hank as iw Ferdinand nf Portucnl andRichard of Knslntid entered Into n treaty ofoffensive anti defensive ulllnnco which providedthat each of thn contracting parties should

bn bound to succor and nffnrd aId lo the othernuulmt ull men that nisi live arid die who hallnttdnpl to vlolato poaco of tho other or In

war Itwasstlpula-Intcd however that the obllcatlnn should notftypl 01 Klnc III hards pnrlatriilnst this Popoand imcccsjorH eii7ii lu Ring of iicmound llnheuila anti John Kins of Caslila undIxon-

In Portugal rtidCharlesI nf KiiKland Micned n treaty of peace commercenail iillliirnil Iiilt 4 KI Tomwtlliitreaty cf the same kind was concluded nt Lairdon between the Republic of Kntrland andthe Most Serene Klnc of Portugal Hy tho

treaty nf icfli Alfonsn VI gays hits daughterto Chnrlfi II and with tier Bombay Tangierant lwnoDO crowns as a dowry

In 1T01 Great nrltnln Hollnnd anti Portugalenteod Into na alliance nffenslve and defensiveby which the two former agreed that If Portugal should IR attncked by the Kim nf Spainnnd France either present or future theywould make wnr against the tsjailant withall their force

In isio threat BritaIn antI Portugal made ntreaty by which they bound themnelven tn apirpituii1 firm and unalterable friendship anddefensive alliance o that thehigh cnntriHUng powers shall ormstanlly em-ploy ns well their utmost attention ns nilthose means which Almltihly Proyldenco hasput In their power for pre ervlne tho public

anti security fnr theircommon imprests and for their mutual dtifonc-

nnd Kiinrantif ncninst every attacktbs whule in cnnformlty to tire treatIes alreadyexistitiK between the hugh contracting pnrtltsthe Htlptilniinns of which so far a this points ofalliance and friendship are concerned shallreiiinln in entire force and vl rnr rid shall bn-

deciiuil lo bo renewed by tie present treaty Intheir fullest Intorpretatlon aid

ll tIe treaty nf April S ISIS PnrlUKul joinedalllnico of treat llritnln Kussla Austria

anti Prussia uciirnt Nnmleon She had irevlnu ly beei cuvid trMi Krntice by the Dukeof Vellinctoii In lilt Peninsular cmnpulvnt

The treatv of T recites that thin Infanta Jtc-

ent nf IVrtupal In coiiwciuence of axgressinns-ncalnst her tprrllon1 lord claimed from ireatBritain tbs fulfilment nf the nucient treatiesnf alliance between this two countries In respnnve to which Great Ilrltam haul ilNpntcbed-n hotly of troops to her assistance rind pro-

vided for thin malntenntico of llieea troopsly the treaty of i 3i ireat lirilain Spain

Krntice and 1nrlUival agreed to compel the In-

fant Don Carlos of Spain and llm Infant DonMlvuel Portuual to withdraw from Iho-

Portuviiesi dnininlniis the navy nf GreatHritnln In cooperatu with thin land forces of

Powers fur that purposeFor n century Portugal lists owetl

TOOD to tutu tirotectlnn nf Kisland Ills notKtronue Ihnrefnre to Ibid her Inclined In Krautthat nation nny prlileies It may nik in tliepre it war Asido fruits Krntltude for pintn sstai M Portusal is In no tn relil i nny dimaid Kn land nniUe thereliitliri of bcr pnHi ions in hurst i en-

tirely dependent iiinn the Kuod i fllces of thntPower In tact but for Kntrliitnl it U nlloietherI-ircbablt that thn Hoers of the Trin viiallone ere this would have taken possessionnf PortiiKuesit Africn nncl extendedthoir own frontier to thu seuhoard DelnnoaHay Is tin outlet nf tin South AfricanlUpublle and Its acijulf Minn would open to theHoers Ibi commerce nf tint wurli-

lIliira Iho tmrt which BrltWinow prnpUM In Hnd nn armed ixwrflllonlimit Khod lii In fiiualed in the upper part ufthe PnrliiBiiia territory about tVi milen fromIxireno Miiriium tie mrt nf Delaena bay It-

hnrlinr dues fbi with th1l nf Lnrenzn-MnriiMes itt ve seU nf lichl draft cim reach itruin and steps bavn Ixeu tokn by tire Porl-

UBilex iiivenmiciit In incrensc the depth ofwater lufllelHiilly fnr nrdmnrv cninnierclitl-purpcKi4 It held Hie Minn relallnii in Jas-hnimlancl nd ltlinde liilliKt inrenxn Manjueslines In the Transvaal rnilrniiilislriisiursnnf-mnsinieliun frnm lleirn tnHalitliury in Itl nrte iaand lh nc tn Ilil iva Ii u ner thisrout that titus KiivlHh Imnps will PIHH inln-Ilhnie in if tl oc there will lie In a losltjnn-tn livmli the Transvim Irmn Snrlh WithIdrlr main forte iiuler Uinl Huberts tnnvliu

eniiKoii from Natul nnd the llrlllsh ei-pedltlon iinisiiii down trim lthnde tholiners In ihreiitoTnd from Ihree id-invl It will tn k the taliill and rcinurcoH of-

en llnthn a fnrce nf siiuo nr-nn l niiiln wiihla d II ticmy npprnnc-

hlif with siiikritir niiintie a n MI ninnydlrellinii Withml nil iden lslnce it InoUnnow ns if it were a mire iiieMlnn nf howlhe lirive lt rs can hold nut lualnst Midiovcrwhltiilis ndds-

Iinl It miv happen llml ili cirntloti ofthe Porlnoies iovernm nl tint U I hoiitiil-by Its t mlnwnice I thrnii IN territorywill rii up frleii fir lli Trinsvnid from IIK-

nulildc wnrlil If thesi treaties require lortugal tn pnrmlt Ilin ofdMthed in nperatn nailnst the Hoers tieretjunlly cilliK ii to give ianio firrnisslnnt llritl li trrmps In cii nl hustlllties Imtneon-Knelaitl md nny oih r niiinn t

her It vippril In m uiii r lanilinir r-KtWei iermanv nid Iiibml nt ti their Africanpos essmn lluf HUpins thst Hint understandIntf should be terminated threat two Powers

rxaMs AfThat


shut UPrrmlil 111111111 I ill Jlnln Ihlll It0

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thould find themselves at nddi In that rrdon-Uernian Africa Is hounded on th southhy Portuguese territory and In cnxo of ho tities threat llritnln may seek to make tin susieof Hint territory ngiiliuKieritiany that tinwmaking of It ngalnst th Transvaal Ii M

not inireaHoiinble Ihrefort tn SIIPPOM thatCernmny mny demur to ptiiltlon Inken hr Itn-

PtirtUgilCudoverillilPtil ns In effect nf litnneient treaties with lnnt and Itmay be Hint FinHrnr Vllllatn I nt llm bottomnf tin protest which the Is reported tn h-

conlemplntllig If Is really preparingus It Is Mild fnr a movement ncnlnsl the Afririiifrontier II would good dlplomncy nn histn rnlst this iiuosllnn as tn the right of PortugalInplare the UKPof her territory nt tie cllsrrrtioii-of Kiiglnnd In nny war In which mirbe Involved with other Ioweri A protnM-ngalnst thlt would hi reaionnble In INolfund would dnublJpss be mippnrled by bnJ-iertnnny watt France lratict Is still

I her recent disappointment in Central AfriraIs tots directly Interested in Kant

Africn to tolerate the present position nf thtj inverntnent If llussla cnntrm

plates with Knclnnd In Indiashe will do well lo encourage Ciennnny liedFrance lo npposp thus right of Portugal In givetransit to llrillsh Irnops through her terrltnrland If necessary to lund In thin proton ngainn It

J 8T-


An Appeal to the American TfopltAt a meeting of representative Army wnmta

held at the residence of Mrs Daniel IjtmontNew York city early In March IHOlt a nooietrwas organized and called the National fioclstrfor tIre Itollef of Dependent Wllows calOrphans of time Ofllccra nnd Knlisted Men otlligular Army of the United States

The tins socIety Into raise funlfrom which to provide not annuities but rollsIn caseit of emergency

Time trustees of the fund are men of nationalreputation for Integrity and financial abilityThe lion LevI P Morton mill Col Daniel S

lamont are among those who have consentelto net as funh

The great need nf thIs society and the duniwhich liproiose to mid HlmlnUter has

brought hnmo to many hr the loiigd hvin the of lioverninent pensions whichare especially In the cnsn of so very

Instance are many where the widows salorphausof nf1lceiitnti l enll t d menJuly IKiR

penny of thn pension dm themIt may not ti amU In this connection tn

state tilts amounts of the wldnwjant orphnuRof thu officers of tho United statesArmyColonels LlrutrnantColonola ant

htehtr rank jiooo pen monaMaoi 2Scn-OptAlns jnOrt-

Ilrnt Ucuttnai ti 1700Scrotal Ilrutrnanti 1300Tie widow nt every frllKod

rfrdvo KOO-Earhfhlld sunder 18 age 200

When war conic and demands Its evictsncrlflcts In many an Army family tnIpsnlntitig grief of Toes the bitternessot even th tlc of actual want

lor Information concerning the society andtunic application may b

made to Mac A I MILLSS i Point

MRS lnui M MADFort Hamilton

Mrs JAM F II lIURBlrTIFort Hancock

MRS IlUKLrs F HOB7 bi Thlrtyflfth street


Vi f t Flttrthlrd streetMRS IAMKR

Fort SlocumCommittee on Organization

rxvr nrMovK CUXTOX fvsrirprnThe tnlTfriilliU KircnIUv Comraltto IlM-

No JurIsdIction Over ItFORT PLAINN y April 20 Th action of

tin Kxecutlvo Committee ot the UnlveraalUUof this Stats In New York city yesterday regarding the future ot Clinton Liberal Instituteanti United Rtates Military Academy whichwas destroyed by fire hers on March 25 hat

Thuootnmlttee resolved that it IM to contInuellin k hnnl nt Fort anti that steps hiHkin to Ir m fir thin Institute to NY w hern ar located Ht Lawrence Universitynnd St Imvrencp Theological School bothninlnnt Lnlvi rsiillst Institutions Th feetthnt the committee has no more jurisdictionoverCllntnii lltcrol Institute than It his overIhn nnmlnntlon to lie made at Philadelphiannd Knnins tiy The Institute nottnd nii teen A denominationalstrictlyranking anti IM future according tolegIslative net can only b determined br Itstrustees The committees peculiar blunder Isonly forhy the that articlesIncortKirntlng thus forelection Its trustees at the annualvention ot 1nlversallnts-

Confottloni of Htn Oonlnfrom IV CMeaga Trfiitnt

Nine reasons for spinsterhood were to n-

falbillf Womans National Ioofup In an Arcunxntyesterday aflcrnnon Miss Catherine Oof fin wb-

ha boon a made teacher In the publlr icboalu fortwenty yrariwhols PiesMrnl nl tho OradeTmrbrr-Fnlf ration and now Is engaged In tax InTetttfatlnnitold tire story of her life to the club women by requestMIss norln prepared a tenminute paper on

Why I Am Slnjlt There were urine answersfollows

Reranso he mlfht not be an orphanUeraune he mlrht like tidiesItocAiise he might be fond of mine pet itmttI-locaino he might part hit hair In the middle of

his headIlemine he mliht demand an itemized aoronntrf-

bousttinld eipendllute-sllr u dinner would bare to be taken with

satin person onofi dayIlecause manlace would neresiltate dally lettof

wetter when either hr or she might be awaythe rwd men seemed to be marrlctl

alreadyHorAine he Irma not proprved

Miss iiortln slid that she might have oth-

rfuini hint It tuning Lent she decided la teltruth whIch was set forth In thin nine causal at-

Stalne of he Senator llajard-1rontnt Ihlladrlijhia IrtuW-

ILVIINGTOM IM April 18 Stlllnus-tf London was jeloctod yrtterday nflernoon by thellayard Memorial Association tn d lrn a tMuonfthe late Thomas P llaysrd whlfli l lIbis rlty 11 Is anllrlpaleil tlmt Ihr statue antiIhliiK ronnertrd nllli U will roM about ISftnnn-Aemidlnz to the repent of Treaiiirfr HnborlU html

Is II 3913 In the treasury and to thisthere Is lo Ix added gao cit iMs ariuiint ml liV

lino KAsrijntrltmled fcy feutareint


herring Is it lloltlmure motrhant Can he by h u

riiMiU get In A H llAtiliAWAV-KASTON Md April 7

Ilirrlgu Volet uf Ural Interest1rriss womans f p r Ia lront wlvrh boastM

install ll mirk hy Hiirrrn f

Ihr law tililrh ilnrs mil irrttill tunifn ID srt Inc at

Is truss a carriage In Krcland andinl it fut pasaengrr Sn the IHflslnna-

lio yuteris II mali tins ilirlded In n toll

Oliie wheto Vllllam Centpor nt the Liner partnf Ms life will relpbrale i erlilMiealtion Ji ltrry rhlld In III pliro i

mints a rnp nf thin llrllcliius ti irlfl s M S

nf thr nx-

Mr MOIII iiirod tea onrs Mhi ihn iffrspll oii KITpud by lOnron linl s

Ulitdni up NhtMtfts trim nl i rhriion-il Ialtt nncl it prosoni m n rh Id in the hsggoI-

rani t the nf stwor wrsantnf tho Illflr lirlificlo wits wmndo-

dlllslirsro of Norfolk In Mirllnir f r the wars rar-

rlodoiil the rurllirtAl trnlltlcns nf the howArd P-

firo leaving U ndii hr took Ms Mtmd lo tire criTu-rliaprl In ArrhbUh ii f UoMm nurrs

H Mr rt i iclinil irhsn-Iho Duke knrdlni bifoio

Mr OriharilMins jniiiio rnoratluns nf thriyal fnmll wll ho inn jrt ltr nf atUnyal Aradrmy Tho n iros arr ilvito of iho Qironshe lilnio f IVAles Ihr Ilikr nf York and littleIrlrr IMward The pinralts are ldeill odthe l nllv Chrontelt tint of the Pilaw U-romrs nearest to realltf


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