lesbian zombies from outer space

Upload: javierhn

Post on 21-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space


    Are you male, and are you turned on by naked hot girlswho kiss and rub and fondle

    each other? Then you might soon be a dead man, because you're exactly the man-

    meatthese lesbian zombies are after!

    Lesbian Zombies from Outer Spaceis a full-color, limited-release comic book series

    where fantasy becomes a nightmare. This ickstarter camaign is meant to raise funds

    for the comletion of an aocalytic zom-com the likes of which you'"e ne"er seen.


    l from $ssue %&

    ature themes, crude humor, and the occasional bared, undead breasts -- you'"e got to

    get your hands on Issue #3, when Ace and (wen )nd shelter in a church!

    *+es, it's a Catholichurch. +es, there are nuns. o the math.

    A/ 0123413 *&5s is a regular guy. 2e manages a mom-and-o "ideo store, and he

    likes orn. (6/3 177/T *&5s is a lesbian of mediocre looks. 4he's not too successful

    with the ladies, and she hates guys who like orn. 8ut when a mysterious 4#A/ 9://3

    crash lands in the woods, the town's women start turning into lesbian zombies, andthese unlikely heroes are the only ones left to sto the aocalyse.

    6hile Ace is our rotagonist, the real stars of the show are the lesbian zombies

    themsel"es. 6hat sets these zombies aart from any you'"e seen before? $n this world,

    only women can become zombies, and when they do, they are transformed into their

    idealized sexual self. They will ;aunt their sexuality to attract their real "ictims< men.

    And while classic zombies are interested in brains, the lesbian zombies are looking to

    munch on something below the belt...

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space


  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space


    academics, so... esbian @ombies are ust kind of awesome. /secially when they're

    from outer sace.


    ng ust met, Ace and (wen try to )gure out what the hell is going on.

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space


  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space



    n seems to know an awful lot about lesbians...

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space



    much do you want to bet there's not a man out there with the last name BanginaB?

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space



    and (wen seek shelter in a church.

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space



    e %C - 6ill add colored "ersion shortly

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space



    e %C - 6ill add colored "ersion shortly

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space



    e %C - 6ill add colored "ersion shortly

    6ill the exorcism work? 1r would you rather see a bunch of lesbian zombie nuns tear

    u that church? $ wouldn't hold my breath for that riest...

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space


    Aart from $ssue %C, the earlier issues are also a"ailable as rewards. And considering

    that $ssue %& has not yet been made a"ailable anywhere yet, $'m hoing most returned

    backers will want both issues.

    The Dewards are basically broken down into three categories< igital deli"ery, standard

    rint deli"ery, and D-rated Eariant o"er rint deli"ery. 6ithin these three tiers, $ made it

    ossible to get ust $ssue %C, & F C, or all three issues if you're new to the series.

    The highest tier rewards ha"e secial items, like t-shirts, ickstarter-only art, a

    4ketchbook created seci)cally for the camaign, and e"en the chance to be drawn into

    the comic.

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space


  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space


    Lesbian Zombies from Outer Spaceis a =55G creator-owned roect. 6ith your hel,

    $ will be able to co"er the roduction costs of the book as well as rint and shi your

    rewards. $ know that ickstarter has an enthusiastic and suorti"e comics community

    which has recently allowed indie artists and writers to )nd a more democratic ublishingformat than the established system. +our ledges are "ital to bringing the lesbian-zombie

    aocalyse to life.

    And besides, it's only here on ickstarter where Ace can make the following lea

  • 7/24/2019 Lesbian Zombies From Outer Space


    Diesgos y desafHos

    The esbian @ombies are still oming. Thanks to all the suort from backers on our )rst

    camaign, $ssue %= is comlete and it looks fantastic. As $ mentioned in the Disks Fhallenges for that go-around, it was my )rst ublished and rinted comic book, so $ was

    learning as $ went. At this oint with $ssues = F & comlete, and %C on its way, the

    creati"e team is a moti"ated collaborati"e machine, and we're all excited about )nishing

    the limited-series.

    Aart from their awesome and ob"ious creati"e talent, 6ayne tells me when $'"e tried to

    stu> too much info in a anel, and onds oints out continuity ;ubs. $ ust thank the

    gods that $'m lucky enough to work with such talented eole.

    $f there are any una"oidable delays, $ will de)nitely kee e"eryone arised of the

    situation. 8ut you will get your reward in the end. *3o, that was not a "eiled threat. The

    backers for $ssue %= had no comlaints, and $ hoe many of them ha"e returned for the

    next round.

    Ms informacin sobre el concepto de responsabilidad en ickstarter

    #reguntas frecuentes

    $s @f14 recommended for my =5-year-old nehew?

    2ot zombies? 6on't they e"er decomose?

    6ill this o>end lesbians, or the (8T community in general?

    $'m atholic and my faith is strong and imortant to me. 6ill this issue o>end me?
