library email services

Library Email Services Dheeraj Singh Negi [email protected] 12/30/2021 Slide 1

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Library email services


Page 1: Library email services


Library Email Services

Dheeraj Singh Negi

[email protected] Slide 1

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PPT Out line Introduction

Obtaining an E-mail Account

The Mail Folders

The parts of an email

E-mail Protocols

Advantages and Benefits of Email for a Library Service

Disadvantages of emails

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Email is a short word for electronic mail. You create texts and send them over a network of computers. The first emails go back to the 1960s. The invention has influenced our lives and emails have become a popular means of communication.

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E-Mail - Electronic Mail

Send mail electronically via the Internet Requires an account on a mail server and

supporting software on your PC The username and password will allow you

to access your account All e-mail programs allow you to Send,

Compose, Reply, and Forward mail

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Obtaining an E-mail Account

You will need an e-mail server (post office) in order to send and receive e-mail.

You can obtain an account in school You can pay for an account through an ISP

such as AOL You can get free accounts: etc

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E-mail is less private than US mail If you need privacy, send a letter

Every mail server has terms that you must agree to No copyright infringements No harassing or stalking No junk mail or spamming No intentional sending of viruses

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The Mail Folders

Inbox – new messages as well as messages that have been read

Outbox – messages not yet sent Sent items – messages that have been

sent (moved here from outbox) Deleted items – messages deleted from

any folder Custom folders – additional folders

created by the user

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An E-mail Address

Every e-mail address is unique and consists of two parts, a user name and a host computer

The @ sign is required The host computer can be omitted if you

are logged onto the same network or host computer

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E-mail Protocols

POP Client – Post Office Protocol Lets you work without being connected to mail

server Upload to send mail - Download to read mail Allows almost any e-mail program to access e-mail

from server IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol

Permits a "client" email program to access remote message stores as if they were local

Enables user to access messages from more than one computer

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The parts of an email

To : enter the exact email address of your recipient (remember: [email protected])

For multiple recipients, separate each address with a comma

CC : carbon copy BCC : BLIND carbon copy – is anonymous Subject : the topic of your email – very

important Body : the message of your email Attachments : the paperclip symbol - files or


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Sending an email

Communication can be tough with written correspondence. No body language or facial cues to help.

Err on the side of too formal Punctuation & spelling Greeting & closing signature ATTACH a file from a flash drive Click on SEND to mail your letter Message will now appear in your SENT


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Library email Services

Alerting Services (online notice) Circulation based services(over due

reminder ) Current awareness Solve the requirement by faculty(article,

online news etc.) Ask librarian Online chat Fast and low cost

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Advantages and Benefits of Email for a Library Service

Ease of Communication

Faster Communication

Library Costs

Library Marketing

Ease of Access


Library user Service

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Ease of Communication

Email has reached a high level of popularity due largely to the convenience of it. Messages move quickly and lots of information can be shared in the body of the email or through attachments. Emails are easily archived and searched. Emails offer the writer a chance to think through his thoughts and present a professional level of communication. Library use email to solicit new users , provide library service and keep library staff in the loop on developments. Email's versatility makes it an indispensable part of any modern Library.

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Faster Communication

Email is a faster means of communication and correspondence. With email, Librarian are not held up by delays commonly experienced when sending correspondence in the mail. Additionally, emailing documents is faster than faxing. In just a click of a button, Library staff can send time-sensitive information to anyone in the world and the recipient gets the message almost instantaneously. This type of fast, effective exchange allows people to stay on top of projects, respond to communication requests with more efficiency and be more productive

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Library Costs

Library can keep costs down by using low cost or free web email services. Many documents that used to be sent through the mail at regular postage rates can be sent by email. These savings add up significantly over time. Money is also saved by the speed of email. Modifying a proposal and responding to users needs quickly might make the difference between a made sale and a lost sale.

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Marketing library service

Marketing is a major l use of email. A well-run email marketing campaign is effective, inexpensive and builds good will with users.

Library can be sell of library product and service by email.

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Email can be sent to multiple people and groups for use as a collaboration or training tool. This may come in the form of a survey or request for feedback from customers. It can also be used for drafting business proposals with partners and keeping employees in the loop on new procedures or projects. Email allows the participants to work together at their own speed, rather than under the pressure of a conference call or in-person meeting. It also means that a good record of the work is maintained for future reference

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Customer Service

E-Marketing Journal states that email offers customers a quick and easy way to provide a company with feedback on products and services. Customers can even contact company customer service representatives by email, and often have their concerns addressed via email. Email provides customers and companies with documentation, which can be useful when certain issues need to be verified.

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Disadvantages of emails

Emails may carry viruses. These are small programs that harm your computer system. They can read out your email address book and send

themselves to a number of people around the world. Many people send unwanted emails to others. These are

called spam mails. It takes a lot of time to filter out the unwanted emails from

those that are really important. Emails cannot really be used for official business documents. They may be lost and you cannot sign them. Your mailbox may get flooded with emails after a certain

time so you have to empty it from time to time

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