library management system

Page | 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I (SANDEEP KUMAR BATSA, CSE 3 RD YEAR) would like to start by thanking the Almighty and my Parents, who filled me with wisdom and knowledge and rendered me good health and made me to finish this project successfully. The satisfaction and delight that accompany the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the people who were responsible for the completion of the project. I first extend my immense gratitude to my honorable Chairman, SHRI A.N. RADHAKRISHNAN for his constant motivation and for providing a well equipped lab to carry on my project. I thank my respected Dean, Dr. T. MANVEL RAJ, M.Tech., Ph.D(Engg.(AUC))., Ph.D(R&D(UK))., Ph.D(Mgt.(BDU))., for his encouragement and Support in doing the project. I wish to express my heart-felt gratitude towards my Head of the Department cum internal guide, Mr. M. NARAYANAN, B.E.,M.E.,(Ph.D)., for his pain staking Efforts and invaluable technical support on my behalf throughout the duration of this project. I also wish to thank the lab technician Mr. SASI, PGDCA., (BCA)., for their timely help and assistance in the lab in carrying out the project. Last but not the least I thank all my friends for their moral support and technical discussions in doing the project.

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I (SANDEEP KUMAR BATSA, CSE 3RD YEAR) would like to start by thanking

the Almighty and my Parents, who filled me with wisdom and knowledge and rendered

me good health and made me to finish this project successfully. The satisfaction and

delight that accompany the successful completion of any task would be incomplete

without mentioning the people who were responsible for the completion of the project.

I first extend my immense gratitude to my honorable Chairman,

SHRI A.N. RADHAKRISHNAN for his constant motivation and for providing a well

equipped lab to carry on my project.

I thank my respected Dean, Dr. T. MANVEL RAJ, M.Tech.,

Ph.D(Engg.(AUC))., Ph.D(R&D(UK))., Ph.D(Mgt.(BDU))., for his encouragement and

Support in doing the project.

I wish to express my heart-felt gratitude towards my Head of the Department cum

internal guide, Mr. M. NARAYANAN, B.E.,M.E.,(Ph.D)., for his pain staking Efforts

and invaluable technical support on my behalf throughout the duration of this project.

I also wish to thank the lab technician Mr. SASI, PGDCA., (BCA)., for their

timely help and assistance in the lab in carrying out the project. Last but not the least I

thank all my friends for their moral support and technical discussions in doing the project.

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A&I - Abstracting and Indexing

ACRL - Association of College & Research Libraries

AHIP - Academy of Health Information Professionals

ALA - American Library Association

ASIS - American Society for Information Science (and Technology)

ASTED - Association pour l’avancement des Sciences ET Techniques de la


AV - Audio-Visual

BFM - Bibliographic File Maintenance

BI - Bibliographic Instruction

BIBCO - the monographic Bibliographic record Component of the Program for

Cooperative Cataloging

BIP - Books In Print

BnF - Bibliothèque national de France

CD-R - Compact Disc-Recordable

CD-ROM - Compact Disc Read-Only Memory

CD-RW - Compact Disc Rewritable

CDS - Cataloging Distribution Service (Library of Congress)

CLIR - Council on Library & Information Resources

CNI - Coalition for Networked Information

CPSO - Cataloging Policy and Support Office (Library of Congress)

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CV - Curriculum Vitae

CDS/ISIS - Computerized Documentation Services Integrated Set of Information System

DDC - Dewey decimal classification

DDS - Document Delivery Service

DOI - Digital Object Identifier

DIRKS - Design and Implementation of Recordkeeping Systems

DMCA - Digital Millennium Copyright Act

DRM - Digital Rights Management

DVD - Digital Video Disc

ERIC - Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse

FDLP - Federal Depotisitory Library Program

FRBR - Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records

GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

GIS - Geographic Information Systems

GPO - Government Printing Office

GUI - Graphical User Interface

HR - Human Resources

HTML - Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

IALL - International Association of Law Libraries

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IAMSLIC - International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and

Information Centers

IB - Information Behavior

IE - Internet Explorer

III - Innovative Interfaces, Incorporated

ILL - Interlibrary loan

IMLS - Institute for Museum and Library Services

ISBD - International Standard Bibliographic Description

ISBN - International Standard Book Number

ISP - Internet Service Provider

ISSN - International Standard Serial Number

IT - Information Technology

JAKE - Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

KWIC - Keyword in Context

KWOC - Keyword Out of Context

LAN - Local Area Network

LC - Library of Congress

LCC - Library of Congress Classification

LCCN - Library of Congress Control Number

LIS - Library and Information Science (common abbreviation)

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LISA - Library and Information Science Abstracts

LISA - Library and Information Services in Astronomy

LITA - Library and Information Technology Association

LTTE - Letter To The Editor

MALS - Master of Arts, Librarianship

MARC - MAchine Readable Cataloging

MFHD - MARC Format for Holdings Data

MIS - Master of Information Science


Medical Library Association

Modern Language Association

Music Library Association

MLIS - Master of Library and Information Science

MLS - Master of Library Science

MSLIS - Master of Science in Library and Information Science

MARC - Machine Readable Catalogue

MARC 21 Machine Readable Catalogue 21 Century

NACO - the Name Authority COmponent of the PCC

NAMTC - National Association of Media & Technology Centers

NAR - Name Authority Record

NASIG - North American Serials Interest Group

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NCLIS - National Commission on Libraries and Information Science

ND - No Date

NISC - National Information Services Corporation

NISO - National Information Standards Organization

NLA - Nevada Library Association

NTIS - National Technical Information Service

UC National Union Catalog

OCLC - Online Computer Library Center

ODLIS - Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science

OED - Oxford English Dictionary

OP - Out of Print

OPAC - Online Public Access Catalog

OS - Out of Stock

PC - Personal Computer

PDF - Portable Document Format

PIN – Personal Identification Number.

PO - Purchase Order

PPL - Peace Palace Library

RDA - Resource Description and Access

RDF - Resource Description Framework

RFP - Request For Proposal

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RIM - Records and Information Management

RLG - Research Libraries Group

SIC code - Standard Industrial Classification code

SLA - Special Libraries Association

SMS reference - Short Message Service reference

SSL - Secure sockets layer

SuDoc - Superintendent of Documents

TOC - Table Of Contents

T.P. - Title page

UDC - Universal Decimal Classification

URI - Unifrom Resource Indicator

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

USB - Universal Serial Bus

VHS - Video Home System

WLIC - World Library and Information Congress

VPN - Virtual Private Network

Vlog - Video (web-) log.

WAN - Wide Area Network

WWW - World Wide Web

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2.1 Overview of the proposed system

2.2 Architecture Diagram

2.3 Flow chart

2.4 Use case Diagram

2.5 Use case Diagram

2.6 Use case Diagram

2.7 Activity Diagram

2.8 Sequence Diagram

2.9 Class Diagram

2.10 Association Diagram

4.1 Compilation

4.2 Execution

4.3 Library Record System

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1.1 Account Details

1.2 Books Detail

1.3 Borrow Table

1.4 Issue Return Table

1.5 Member Details

1.6 User Table

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This project is aimed at developing an online Library Management System

(LiMS) for the college library. This is an Intranet based application that can be accessed

throughout the campus. This system can be used to search for books/magazines, reserve

books, find out who is having a particular book, put in requests to buy a new book etc.

This is one integrated system that contains both the user component and the librarian

component. There are features like email notifications/reminders, report generators etc in

this system.Online Library Management system is software to provide the whole system

in a while of second. There is no need of any paper work. In the paper work the librarian

should maintain the notebooks of the whole year record.

But if the record will maintain through the software then it’s should be easiest

process. It should be safe and there is no fear to lose any information. In a number of

times any one can save the whole detail of the library minimum 50 years.

• Fast report generation is not possible.

• Tracking a book is difficult.

• Information about issue/return of the books are not properly maintained.

• No central database can be created as information is not available in database.

The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the manger

to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the

software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. This

application is working properly and meeting to all user requirements. This component can

be easily plugged in many other systems.

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Online Library Management system is software to provide the whole system in a

while of second. There is no need of any paper work. In the paper work the librarian

should maintain the notebooks of the whole year record.

But if the record will maintain through the software then it’s should be easiest

process. It should be safe and there is no fear to lose any information. In a number of

times any one can save the whole detail of the library minimum 50 years.

1.1 PURPOSE Borrowing books, returning books or viewing the available books at the Library of

the local University is currently done manually where in the student has to go to the

Library and check the available books at the Library. Students check the list of books

available and borrow the books if the book is a borrow book otherwise it is of waste for

the student to come to the library to come to check for the books if the student doesn’t get

the book. Then the librarian checks the student id and allows the member to check out the

book and the librarian then updates the member database and also the books database.

This takes at least one to two hours if the member is available at the nearby place

otherwise it may take more time.

We have decided to investigate the use of an Online Library Management System.

This system would be used by members who may be students or professors of that

University to check the availability of the books and borrow the books, and by the

librarian to update the databases. The purpose of this document is to analyze and

elaborate on the high-level needs and features of the Online Library System. It focuses

on the capabilities and facilities provided by a Library. The details of what all are the

needs of the Online Library System and if it fulfils these needs are detailed in the use-case

and supplementary specifications

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The purpose of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to describe

the external behaviour of the Online Library System. Requirements Specification defines

and describes the operations, interfaces, performance, and quality assurance requirements

of the Online Library System. The document also describes the non functional

requirements such as the user interfaces. It also describes the design constraints that are to

be considered when the system is to be designed, and other factors necessary to provide a

complete and comprehensive description of the requirements for the software. The

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) captures the complete software requirements

for the system, or a portion of the system. Requirements described in this document are

derived from the Vision Document prepared for the Online Library System. The purpose

of this application is as follows:

The software is for automation of library.

It provides following facilities to Operator:

Can enter details related to a particular book.

Can provide membership to members.


Can read and write information about any member.

Can update, create, and delete the record of membership as per requirement and

implementation plants.

Proposed system is an automated Library Management System. Through our

software user can add members, add books, search members, search books, update

information, edit information, borrow and return books in quick time. Our proposed

system has the following advantages.

User friendly interface

Fast access to database

Less error

More Storage Capacity

Search facility

Look and Feel Environment

Quick transaction

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All the manual difficulties in managing the Library have been rectified by

implementing computerization.

1.2 SCOPE The Software Requirements Specification captures all the requirements in a single

document. The Online Library System that is to be developed provides the members of

the Library and employees of the library with books information, online blocking of

books and many other facilities. The Online Library System is supposed to have the

following features.

The product provides the members with online blocking of books capabilities and

the Online Library System is up and running all day.

The system provides logon facility to the users.

The system provides the members with the option to check their account and/or

change their options like password of the account whenever need all through the

day during the library hours.

The system allows the members to block the books 24 hours a day and all the

through the semester.

The system lets the library staff to check which all members have blocked the

books and whether they can borrow any more books or not.

The system allows the Librarian to create the books catalog, add/delete books and

maintain the books catalog.

The system updates the billing system as and when the member borrows or returns

a book.

The book catalog is automated and the decision of offering the book based on the category of the book is automatically decided.

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We also have an order department, which manages to add or remove a book from

the Library.

The different areas where we can use this application are :

Any education institute can make use of it for providing information about author,

content of the available books.

It can be used in offices and modifications can be easily done according to



This application can be easily implemented under various situations.We can add new

features as and when we require. Reusability is possible as and when require in this

application. There is flexibility in all the modules.



This software is extendable in ways that its original developers may not expect.

The following principles enhances extensibility like hide data structure, avoid traversing

multiple. Links or methods avoid case statements on object type and distinguish public

and private operations.


Reusability is possible as and when require in this application. We can update it

next version. Reusable software reduces design, coding and testing cost by amortizing

effort over several designs. Reducing the amount of code also simplifies understanding,

which increases the likelihood that the code is correct. We follow up both types of

reusability: Sharing of newly written code within a project and reuse of previously written

code on new projects.

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A method is understandable if someone other than the creator of the method can

understand the code (as well as the creator after a time lapse). We use the method, which

small and coherent helps to accomplish this. Cost-effectiveness: Its cost is under the

budget and make within given time period. It is desirable to aim for a system with a

minimum cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire requirement.

Scope of this document is to put down the requirements, clearly identifying the

information needed by the user, the source of the information and outputs expected from

the system.


A&I - Abstracting and Indexing

ACRL - Association of College & Research Libraries

AHIP - Academy of Health Information Professionals

ALA - American Library Association

ASIS - American Society for Information Science (and Technology)

ASTED - Association pour l’avancement des Sciences et TEchniques de la


AV - Audio-Visual

BFM - Bibliographic File Maintenence

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BI - Bibliographic Instruction

BIBCO - the monographic BIBliographic record COmponent of the Program for

Cooperative Cataloging

BIP - Books In Print

BnF - Bibliothèque nationale de France

CD-R - Compact Disc-Recordable

CD-ROM - Compact Disc Read-Only Memory

CD-RW - Compact Disc ReWritable

CDS - Cataloging Distribution Service (Library of Congress)

CLIR - Council on Library & Information Resources

CNI - Coalition for Networked Information

CPSO - Cataloging Policy and Support Office (Library of Congress)

CV - Curriculum Vitae

CDS/ISIS - Computerised Documentation Services Intregated Set of Information System

DDC - Dewey decimal classification

DDS - Document Delivery Service

DOI - Digital Object Identifier

DIRKS - Design and Implementation of Recordkeeping Systems

DMCA - Digital Millennium Copyright Act

DRM - Digital Rights Management

DVD - Digital Video Disc

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ERIC - Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse

FDLP - Federal Depotisitory Library Program

FRBR - Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records

GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

GIS - Geographic Information Systems

GPO - Government Printing Office

GUI - Graphical User Interface

HR - Human Resources

HTML - HyperText Markup Language

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol

HTTPS - HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

IALL - International Association of Law Libraries

IAMSLIC - International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and

Information Centers

IB - Information Behavior

IE - Internet Explorer

III - Innovative Interfaces, Incorporated

ILL - InterLibrary loan

IMLS - Institute for Museum and Library Services

ISBD - International Standard Bibliographic Description

ISBN - International Standard Book Number

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ISP - Internet Service Provider

ISSN - International Standard Serial Number

IT - Information Technology

JAKE - Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

KWIC - KeyWord In Context

KWOC - KeyWord Out of Context

LAN - Local Area Network

LC - Library of Congress

LCC - Library of Congress Classification

LCCN - Library of Congress Control Number

LIS - Library and Information Science (common abbreviation)

LISA - Library and Information Science Abstracts

LISA - Library and Information Services in Astronomy

LITA - Library and Information Technology Association

LTTE - Letter To The Editor

MALS - Master of Arts, Librarianship

MARC - MAchine Readable Cataloging

MFHD - MARC Format for Holdings Data

MIS - Master of Information Science


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Medical Library Association

Modern Language Association

Music Library Association

MLIS - Master of Library and Information Science

MLS - Master of Library Science

MSLIS - Master of Science in Library and Information Science

MARC - Machine Readable Catalogue

MARC 21 Machine Readable Catalogue 21 Century

NACO - the Name Authority COmponent of the PCC

NAMTC - National Association of Media & Technology Centers

NAR - Name Authority Record

NASIG - North American Serials Interest Group

NCLIS - National Commission on Libraries and Information Science

ND - No Date

NISC - National Information Services Corporation

NISO - National Information Standards Organization

NLA - Nevada Library Association

NTIS - National Technical Information Service

UC National Union Catalog

OCLC - Online Computer Library Center

ODLIS - Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science

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OED - Oxford English Dictionary

OP - Out of Print

OPAC - Online Public Access Catalog

OS - Out of Stock

PC - Personal Computer

PDF - Portable Document Format

PIN – Personal Identification Number.

PO - Purchase Order

PPL - Peace Palace Library

RDA - Resource Description and Access

RDF - Resource Description Framework

RFP - Request For Proposal

RIM - Records and Information Management

RLG - Research Libraries Group

SIC code - Standard Industrial Classification code

SLA - Special Libraries Association

SMS reference - Short Message Service reference

SSL - Secure sockets layer

SuDoc - Superintendent of Documents

TOC - Table Of Contents

T.P. - Title page

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UDC - Universal Decimal Classification

URI - Unifrom Resource Indicator

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

USB - Universal Serial Bus

VHS - Video Home System

WLIC - World Library and Information Congress

VPN - Virtual Private Network

Vlog - Video (web-)log.

WAN - Wide Area Network

WWW - World Wide Web


Front End: Servlets, HTML, Java script.

Back End: MS Access, Apache Tomcat server.

New technology for any discipline is frequently technology that is not necessarily

new from the broadest perspective, but technology that is finally capable of being widely

adopted within the discipline. Two such technologies are currently available and can now

be used in the library and information discipline: GIS (geographic information system

software) for library market profiling and location analysis; and PDAs (palm pilot type

instruments) with built in bar code scanners, for better collecting in-library use. This

paper describes and discusses applications and technologies.

"New technology" for any discipline is frequently technology that is not

necessarily new from the broadest perspective, but technology that is finally capable of

being widely adopted within the discipline. The lag time from the initial development of

the technology to its adoption within a discipline may be caused by a variety of factors,

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such as costs, difficulty of usage, or lack of required support services. Two technologies

that fit into this "new technology" description that are in existence presently, for well over

a decade, but can now be widely used in the library discipline, are geographic information

systems (GIS) and portable data collectors (PDCs) or personal digital assistants (PDAs).


The project titled Library Management System is Library management software

for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library. The project “Library

Management System” is developed in java, which mainly focuses on basic operations in

a library like adding new member, new books, and updating new information, searching

books and members and facility to borrow and return books.

“Library Management System” is a windows application written for 32-bit

Windows operating systems, designed to help users maintain and organize library. Our

software is easy to use for both beginners and advanced users. It features a familiar and

well thought-out, an attractive user interface, combined with strong searching Insertion

and reporting capabilities. The report generation facility of library system helps to get a

good idea of which are the books borrowed by the members, makes users possible to

generate reports’ hard copy.

In our existing system all the transaction of books are done manually, So taking

more time for a transaction like borrowing a book or returning a book and also for

searching of members and books. Another major disadvantage is that to preparing the list

of books borrowed and the available books in the library will take more time, currently it

is doing as a one day process for verifying all records. So after conducting the feasibility

study we decided to make the manual Library management system to be computerized.

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Table .1.1: Account Details

Table .1.2: Books Detail

Table .1.3: Borrow Table

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Table .1.4: Issue return Table

Table .1.5: Member Details

Table .1.6: User Table


Whatever we think need not be feasible .It is wise to think about the feasibility of

any problem we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in the

organization by the development of a system. The impact can be either positive or

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negative. When the positives nominate the negatives, then the system is considered

feasible. Here the feasibility study can be performed in two ways such as technical

feasibility and Economical Feasibility.

Technical Feasibility

We can strongly say that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much

difficulty in getting required resources for the development and maintaining the system as

well. All the resources needed for the development of the software as well as the

maintenance of the same is available in the organization here we are utilizing the

resources which are available already.

Economical Feasibility

Development of this application is highly economically feasible .The

organization needed not spend much m one for the development of t he system already

available. The only thing is to be done is making an environment for the development

with an effective supervision. If we are doing so , we can attain the maximum usability of

the corresponding resources .Even after the development, the organization will not be in a

condition to invest more in the organization .Therefore, the system is economically




System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a

system and their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is-

what all problems exist in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem?

Analysis begins when a user or manager begins a study of the program using existing


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During analysis, data collected on the various files, decision points and

transactions handled by the present system. The commonly used tools in the system are

Data Flow Diagram, interviews, etc. Training, experience and common sense are required

for collection of relevant information needed to develop the system. The success of the

system depends largely on how clearly the problem is defined, thoroughly investigated

and properly carried out through the choice of solution. A good analysis model should

provide not only the mechanisms of problem understanding but also the frame work of

the solution. Thus it should be studied thoroughly by collecting data about the system.

Then the proposed system should be analyzed thoroughly in accordance with the needs.

System analysis can be categorized into four parts.

System planning and initial investigation

Information Gathering

Applying analysis tools for structured analysis3

Feasibility study

Cost/ Benefit analysis.

In our existing system all the transaction of books are done manually, So taking

more time for a transaction like borrowing a book or returning a book and also for

searching of members and books. Another major disadvantage is that to preparing the list

of books borrowed and the available books in the library will take more time, currently it

is doing as a one day process for verifying all records. So after conducting the feasibility

study we decided to make the manual Library management system to be computerized.

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The Online Library System is a package to be used by Libraries to improve the

efficiency of Librarians, Library employees and Users. The Online Library System to be

developed benefits greatly the members and the Librarian of University of Houston-

Clearlake. The system provides books catalog and information to members and helps

them decide on the books to borrow from the library. The Librarian can keep the books

catalog updated all the time so that the members (students and the professors) get the

updated information all the time.

The complete overview of the system is as shown in the overview diagram below:

The product to be developed has interactions with the users: Librarian, Members who are

the students and professors of the UNCL. The product has to interact with other systems

like: Internet, Billing System and the uncl Information Security System. The proper user

interface, user’s manual, online help and the guide to install and maintain the system must

be sufficient to educate the users on how to use the system without any problems.

The document also describes the nonfunctional requirements such as the user

interfaces. It also describes the design constraints that are to be considered when the

system is to be designed, and other factors necessary to provide a complete and

comprehensive description of the requirements for the software. The Software

Requirements Specification (SRS) captures the complete software requirements for the

system, or a portion of the system. Requirements described in this document are derived

from the Vision Document prepared for the Online Library System.

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The Proposed Online Library Management System


Fig. 2.1: Overview of the proposed system


A firewall will be used with the server to prevent unauthorized access to the


Database: SQL Server.

Application: ASP (Active Server Pages)

Web Server: IIS (Internet Information Services (IIS) is a powerful Web server that

provides a highly reliable, manageable, and scalable Web application infrastructure)


OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows 2000 Professional / XP

ENVIRONMENT : Visual Studio .NET 2005

Billing System


UHCL Information Security System

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NET FRAMEWORK : Version 2.0



BACKEND : MS excess


The existing Local Area Network (LAN) will be used for collecting data from the

users and also for updating the Library Catalogue.










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2.4 PRODUCT FUNCTION The Online Library System provides online real time information about the books

available in the Library and the user information. The Product functions are more or less

the same as described in the product perspective. The functions of the system include the

system providing different type of services based on the type of users


2.5 USER CHARACTERISTICS There are various kinds of users for the product. Usually web products are visited

by various users for different reasons.

The users include:

Students who will be using the above features by accessing the Library online.

Librarian who will be acting as the controller and he will have all the privileges of

an administrator.


The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is accessible by

the Online Library System. The university information security system must be

compatible with the Internet applications. The Online Library System is connected to the

university computer and is running all 24 hours a day. The users access the Online

Library System from any computer that has Internet browsing capabilities and an Internet

connection. The billing system is connected to the Online Library System and the

database used by the billing system must be compatible with the interface of the Online

Library System. The users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into

the Online Library System.

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Fig. 2.2: Architecture Design

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Fig. 2.3: Flow chart


Search book Exit




Not available


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<< extend>> <<extend>>


<<include>> <<include>>



Fig. 2.4: Use case




Book Circulation



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Fig. 2.5: Use Case


Search client

Access time


Synchronize time

Display time


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<<e>> <<e>>

<<i>> <<i>> <<i>> <<i>>

Librarian User

Fig. 2.6: Use Case



Password Username Books Thesis


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Fig. 2.7: Activity Diagram

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Fig. 2.8: Sequence Diagram

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Fig. 2.9: Class Diagram

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The users have sufficient knowledge of computers .The University computer

should have Internet connection and Internet server capabilities .The users know the

English language, as the user interface will be provided in English. The product can

access the university student database.


1 Borrows *

1 Borrows *

1 Manages *

1 Has *

1 Issues *

Fig. 2.10: Overall Association




Student Account






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The product provides the members with online blocking of books capabilities and

the library Management System is up and running all day. The system provides logon

facility to the users. The system provides the members with the option to check their

account and/or change their options like password of the account whenever needed all

through the day during the library hours. The system allows the members to block the

books 24 hours a day and all the through the semester. The system lets the library staff to

check which all members have blocked the books and whether they can borrow any more

books or not. The system allows the Librarian to create the books catalog, add/delete

books and maintain the books catalog. The system updates the billing system as and when

the member borrows or returns a book. The book catalog is automated and the decision of

offering the book based on the category of the book is automatically decided. We also

have an order department, which manages to add or remove a book from the Library.


Online help is provided for each of the feature available with the Online Library

System. All the applications provide an on-line help system to assist the user. The nature

of these systems is unique to application development as they combine aspects of

programming (hyperlinks, etc) with aspects of technical writing (organization,

presentation). Online help is provided for each and every feature provided by the system.

The User Manual describes the use of the system to Librarian and Employees. It

describes the use of the system on mobile systems. The user manual should be available

as a hard copy and also as online help.

An installation document will be provided that includes the installation

instructions and configuration guidelines, which is important to a full solution offering.

Also, a Read Me file is typically included as a standard component. The Read Me

includes a “What’s New with This Release” section, and a discussion of compatibility

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issues with earlier releases. Most users also appreciate documentation defining any

known bugs and workarounds in the Read Me file. Since the installation of Online

Library System is a complex process, our experts will do it. So an installation Guide will

not be provided to the user.

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Fig.4.1: Compilation

Fig.4.2: Execution

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Fig.4.3: Library Record System

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Fig. 4.4: Book Details

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Fig.4.5: Cd Details

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Fig.4.6: Exception

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import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.sql.*;

import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;


public class ProjectLibrary extends JFrame implements ActionListener


JTextField id,phno,name,add,city,padd,eadd,class1,shift,progress,date;

JTextField bookTF,authorTF,priceTF,bcodeTF;

JTextField cdcodeTF,cdtitleTF,cdisbnTF,cdeditionTF,cdpubTF;

Container c;

JButton search,save,delete,exit,update;

JButton searBook,saveNow,update1;

JButton cdsearch,cdsave,cddelete,cdexit,cdupdate;

JLabel cdlogo,cdcode,cdtitle,cdisbn,cdedit,cdpub;

JOptionPane jp = new JOptionPane();

JMenuBar menuBar,menuBar1;

JMenu menu1,menu2;

JMenuItem menuItemN,menuItemB,menuItemC,menuItemH,menuItemA,menuItemE;

Cursor cur;

public ProjectLibrary()


super("Library Record System"); c = getContentPane(); c.setBackground(new Color(14,58,119)); c.setLayout(null); setBounds(0,0,850,590);

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setFont(new Font("verdana",3,14)); cur = new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR); setCursor(cur); ImageIcon coll = new ImageIcon("collicon.gif"); JLabel LogoColl = new JLabel(coll); menuBar = new JMenuBar(); menu1 = new JMenu("Library"); menu1.setBackground(Color.white); menu1.setMnemonic('L'); menu2 = new JMenu("Help"); menu2.setMnemonic('H'); menu2.setBackground(Color.white); //menu1.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_D); menuItemN = new JMenuItem("New",new ImageIcon("NEW.GIF")); menuItemN.setBackground(Color.white); menuItemN.setMnemonic('N'); menuItemB = new JMenuItem("Books",new ImageIcon("b.gif")); menuItemB.setBackground(Color.white); menuItemB.setMnemonic('B'); menuItemC = new JMenuItem("CD's",new ImageIcon("cd.PNG"));menuItemC.setBackground(Color.white); menuItemC.setMnemonic('C'); menuItemE = new JMenuItem("Exit",new ImageIcon("Exit.PNG")); menuItemE.setBackground(Color.white); menuItemE.setMnemonic('E'); menuItemH = new JMenuItem("Help library",new ImageIcon("help.gif")); menuItemH.setBackground(Color.white); menuItemH.setMnemonic('E'); menuItemA = new JMenuItem("About LRS"); setJMenuBar(menuBar); JLabel lDate = new JLabel("Issue Of Date :"); lDate.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel ph = new JLabel("Enter Phone Number :"); ph.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel lname = new JLabel("Student's Name :"); lname.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel address = new JLabel("Student's Address :"); address.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel lid = new JLabel("Book Code"); lid.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel lcity = new JLabel("City"); lcity.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel pad = new JLabel("Permenent Address"); pad.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel leadd = new JLabel("Email Address"); leadd.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel lclass = new JLabel("Class"); lclass.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel lshift = new JLabel("Shift"); lshift.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel lprogress = new JLabel("Progress"); lprogress.setForeground(Color.white); ImageIcon next = new ImageIcon("next.gif");

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JLabel next1 = new JLabel(next); ImageIcon previous = new ImageIcon("Back.gif"); JLabel previous1 = new JLabel(previous); search.setToolTipText("Search the record"); save.setToolTipText("Save the record"); delete.setToolTipText("Delete the record"); exit.setToolTipText("Exit from the library"); update.setToolTipText("Update the record"); lDate.setBounds(80,135,670,150); LogoColl.setBounds(380,20,670,150); lid.setBounds(80,240,150,20); ph.setBounds(400,245,150,20); lname.setBounds(80,285,150,20); address.setBounds(400,290,150,20); lcity.setBounds(400,330,150,20); pad.setBounds(400,375,150,20); leadd.setBounds(400,415,150,20); lclass.setBounds(80,330,150,20); lshift.setBounds(80,380,150,20); lprogress.setBounds(80,415,150,20); next1.setBounds(650,478,180,54); previous1.setBounds(10,478,190,54); img.setBounds(90,100,20,40); colLogo.setBounds(3,0,790,142); Line.setBounds(2,2,48,1000); date.setBounds(220,190,152,26); id.setBounds(220,235,152,26); phno.setBounds(550,245,152,26); name.setBounds(220,280,152,26); add.setBounds(550,290,152,26); city.setBounds(550,330,152,26); padd.setBounds(550,370,152,26); eadd.setBounds(550,410,152,26); class1.setBounds(220,325,152,26); shift.setBounds(220,370,152,26); progress.setBounds(220,415,152,26); search.setBounds(160,490,105,30); save.setBounds(270,490,90,30); delete.setBounds(363,490,95,30); update.setBounds(460,490,110,30);

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exit.setBounds(575,490,95,30); menu1.add(menuItemN); menu1.add(menuItemB); menu1.add(menuItemC); menu1.add(menuItemE); menuBar.add(menu1); menu2.add(menuItemH); menu2.add(menuItemA); menuBar.add(menu2); save.addActionListener(this); search.addActionListener(this); delete.addActionListener(this); update.addActionListener(this); exit.addActionListener(this); menuItemN.addActionListener(this); menuItemB.addActionListener(this); menuItemC.addActionListener(this); menuItemH.addActionListener(this); menuItemA.addActionListener(this); menuItemE.addActionListener(this); c.add(search); c.add(save ); c.add(delete); c.add(exit); c.add(update); c.add(LogoColl); c.add(lDate); c.add(ph); c.add(lname); c.add(address); c.add(lid); c.add(lcity); c.add(pad); c.add(leadd); c.add(lclass); c.add(lshift); c.add(lprogress); c.add(next1); c.add(previous1); c.add(img); c.add(colLogo); c.add(date);

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c.add(phno); c.add(name); c.add(add); c.add(city); c.add(padd); c.add(id); c.add(eadd); c.add(class1); c.add(progress); c.add(shift); c.add(Line); next1.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { int a = Integer.parseInt(id.getText()); a++; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from Directory where Id="+a); while( { date.setText(rs.getString("DateToday")); id.setText(rs.getString("Id")); name.setText(rs.getString("Name")); add.setText(rs.getString("Address")); class1.setText(rs.getString("Class")); progress.setText(rs.getString("Progress")); shift.setText(rs.getString("Shift")); city.setText(rs.getString("City")); padd.setText(rs.getString("Permenent_Address")); phno.setText(rs.getString("PhoneNo")); eadd.setText(rs.getString("eaddress")); } c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) {

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System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } catch(SQLException sql) { System.out.println(sql); } } }); previous1.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { int a = Integer.parseInt(id.getText()); a--; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from Directory where Id="+a); while( { date.setText(rs.getString("DateToday")); id.setText(rs.getString("Id")); name.setText(rs.getString("Name")); add.setText(rs.getString("Address")); class1.setText(rs.getString("Class")); progress.setText(rs.getString("Progress")); shift.setText(rs.getString("Shift")); city.setText(rs.getString("City")); padd.setText(rs.getString("Permenent_Address")); phno.setText(rs.getString("PhoneNo")); eadd.setText(rs.getString("eaddress")); } c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); }

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catch(SQLException sql) { System.out.println(sql); } } }); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String str1=(String)ae.getActionCommand(); Object source = ae.getSource(); if(source==menuItemA) { JFrame aboutus = new JFrame("About us"); aboutus.setSize(700,500); aboutus.getContentPane().setLayout(null); ImageIcon design = new ImageIcon("about.png"); JLabel cover = new JLabel(design); aboutus.getContentPane().add(cover); cover.setBounds(5,0,685,500); aboutus.setVisible(true); } if(source==menuItemN) { id.setEditable(true); phno.setEditable(true); name.setEditable(true); add.setEditable(true); city.setEditable(true); padd.setEditable(true); eadd.setEditable(true); class1.setEditable(true); shift.setEditable(true); progress.setEditable(true); date.setEditable(true); id.setText(null); phno.setText(null); name.setText(null); add.setText(null); city.setText(null);

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padd.setText(null); eadd.setText(null); class1.setText(null); shift.setText(null); progress.setText(null); date.setText(null); } if(source==menuItemB) { JFrame book=new JFrame("Book's available in library"); book.setSize(660,560); book.getContentPane().setLayout(null); book.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(14,58,119)); book.getContentPane().setForeground(Color.white); book.setResizable(false); JLabel BookName = new JLabel("Book Name:"); book.getContentPane().add(BookName); JLabel AuthorName = new JLabel("Author Name:"); book.getContentPane().add(AuthorName); JLabel Pri = new JLabel("Price:"); book.getContentPane().add(Pri); JLabel Bcode = new JLabel("Book Code:"); book.getContentPane().add(Bcode); bookTF = new JTextField(10); book.getContentPane().add(bookTF); authorTF = new JTextField(10); book.getContentPane().add(authorTF); priceTF = new JTextField(5); book.getContentPane().add(priceTF); bcodeTF = new JTextField(5); book.getContentPane().add(bcodeTF); ImageIcon logobook = new ImageIcon("logoBook.jpg"); JLabel logoBook = new JLabel(logobook); book.getContentPane().add(logoBook); searBook = new JButton("Search", new ImageIcon("SEARCH.PNG")); book.getContentPane().add(searBook); saveNow = new JButton("Save", new ImageIcon("SAVE.PNG")); book.getContentPane().add(saveNow); update1 = new JButton("Update", new ImageIcon("UPDATE.PNG")); book.getContentPane().add(update1);

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logoBook.setBounds(0,0,650,171); Bcode.setBounds(33,200,112,30); BookName.setBounds(33,250,112,30); AuthorName.setBounds(30,310,112,30); Pri.setBounds(31,370,112,30); bcodeTF.setBounds(123,200,100,20); bookTF.setBounds(123,255,262,20); authorTF.setBounds(123,315,262,20); priceTF.setBounds(123,375,100,20); saveNow.setBounds(280,500,111,30); update1.setBounds(400,500,111,30); searBook.setBounds(160,500,111,30); saveNow.addActionListener(this); update1.addActionListener(this); searBook.addActionListener(this); book.setVisible(true); } if(source==menuItemE) { System.exit(0); jp = new JOptionPane(); } if(source==saveNow) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement("Insert into Book values(?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1,bcodeTF.getText()); ps.setString(2,bookTF.getText()); ps.setString(3,authorTF.getText()); ps.setString(4,priceTF.getText()); ps.executeUpdate(); jp.showMessageDialog(this,"Record Insert Successfully","SUCCESS",jp.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf)

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{ System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } } if(source==update1) { try { } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) {System.out.println("Cnf Exception");} catch(SQLException sql) {jp.showMessageDialog(this,sql,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE);} } if(source==menuItemC) { JFrame cd=new JFrame("CD's available in library"); cd.setSize(510,540); cd.getContentPane().setLayout(null); cd.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(14,58,119)); cd.getContentPane().setLayout(null); cd.setResizable(false); ImageIcon backg = new ImageIcon("CDLABEL.PNG"); JLabel cdlogo = new JLabel(backg); cd.getContentPane().add(cdlogo); cdcode = new JLabel("CD Code:"); cdcodeTF = new JTextField(); cdtitleTF = new JTextField(); cdisbnTF = new JTextField(); cdeditionTF = new JTextField(); cdpubTF = new JTextField(); cdsearch = new JButton("Search" , new ImageIcon("SEARCH.PNG")); cdsave = new JButton("Save", new ImageIcon("SAVE.PNG")); cddelete = new JButton("Delete", new ImageIcon("DELETE.PNG")); cdupdate = new JButton("Update", new ImageIcon("UPDATE.PNG")); cdexit = new JButton("Exit", new ImageIcon("EXIT.PNG")); cd.getContentPane().add(cdcode); cd.getContentPane().add(cdtitle); cd.getContentPane().add(cdisbn);

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cd.getContentPane().add(cdedit); cd.getContentPane().add(cdpub); cd.getContentPane().add(cdcodeTF); cd.getContentPane().add(cdtitleTF); cd.getContentPane().add(cdisbnTF); cd.getContentPane().add(cdeditionTF); cd.getContentPane().add(cdpubTF); cd.getContentPane().add(cdsearch); cd.getContentPane().add(cdsave); cd.getContentPane().add(cddelete); cd.getContentPane().add(cdupdate); cd.getContentPane().add(cdexit); cdlogo.setBounds(1,0,500,100); cdcode.setBounds(50,120,210,25); cdtitle.setBounds(50,160,210,25); cdisbn.setBounds(50,200,210,25); cdedit.setBounds(50,240,210,25); cdpub.setBounds(50,280,210,25); cdcodeTF.setBounds(150,120,210,25); cdtitleTF.setBounds(150,160,210,25); cdisbnTF.setBounds(150,200,210,25); cdeditionTF.setBounds(150,240,210,25); cdpubTF.setBounds(150,280,210,25); cdsearch.setBounds(0,420,98,25); cdsave.setBounds(100,420,98,25); cddelete.setBounds(200,420,98,25); cdupdate.setBounds(300,420,98,25); cdexit.setBounds(400,420,98,25); cdsearch.addActionListener(this); cdsave.addActionListener(this); cddelete.addActionListener(this); cdexit.addActionListener(this); cdupdate.addActionListener(this); cd.setVisible(true); } if(source==cdsearch) { try {

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Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from CD where CdCode="+cdcodeTF.getText()); while( { cdtitleTF.setText(rs.getString("Title")); cdisbnTF.setText(rs.getString("IsbnNO")); cdeditionTF.setText(rs.getString("Edition")); cdpubTF.setText(rs.getString("Publication")); } c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,cnf,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } catch(SQLException sql) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,sql,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } if(source==cdsave) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement("Insert into CD values(?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1,cdcodeTF.getText()); ps.setString(2,cdtitleTF.getText()); ps.setString(3,cdisbnTF.getText()); ps.setString(4,cdeditionTF.getText()); ps.setString(5,cdpubTF.getText()); ps.executeUpdate(); c.close();

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st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } catch(SQLException sql) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,"Record Already Exists","EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } if(source==cddelete) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } catch(SQLException sql) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,sql,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } if(source==cdupdate) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); PreparedStatement ps=c.prepareStatement ("Update CD set Title=?,

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ps.setString(1,cdtitleTF.getText()); ps.setString(2,cdisbnTF.getText()); ps.setString(3,cdeditionTF.getText()); ps.setString(4,cdpubTF.getText()); ps.executeUpdate(); } if(source==cdexit) { System.exit(0); } if(source==menuItemH) { JFrame help=new JFrame("Help ?"); help.setSize(800,730); help.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(14,58,119)); help.getContentPane().setLayout(null); help.setResizable(false); ImageIcon hl = new ImageIcon("helpLib.png"); JLabel logoCD = new JLabel(hl); help.getContentPane().add(logoCD); logoCD.setBounds(0,0,800,540); help.setVisible(true); } if(source==searBook) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); while( { bookTF.setText(rs.getString("BookName")); authorTF.setText(rs.getString("AuthorName")); priceTF.setText(rs.getString("Price")); /*add.setText(rs.getString("Address")); class1.setText(rs.getString("Class")); progress.setText(rs.getString("Progress")); phno.setText(rs.getString("PhoneNo")); shift.setText(rs.getString("Shift")); city.setText(rs.getString("City")); padd.setText(rs.getString("Permenent_Address")); eadd.setText(rs.getString("eaddress"));*/

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} c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,cnf,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } catch(SQLException sql) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,sql,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } if(str1.equals("Search")) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from Directory where Id="+id.getText()); while( { date.setText(rs.getString("DateToday")); id.setText(rs.getString("Id")); name.setText(rs.getString("Name")); add.setText(rs.getString("Address")); class1.setText(rs.getString("Class")); progress.setText(rs.getString("Progress")); phno.setText(rs.getString("PhoneNo")); shift.setText(rs.getString("Shift")); city.setText(rs.getString("City")); padd.setText(rs.getString("Permenent_Address")); eadd.setText(rs.getString("eaddress")); } c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,cnf,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE);

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System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } catch(SQLException sql) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,sql,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } if(str1.equals("Save")) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement("Insert into Directory values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1,date.getText()); ps.setString(2,id.getText()); ps.setString(3,name.getText()); ps.setString(4,class1.getText()); ps.setString(5,shift.getText()); ps.setString(6,progress.getText()); ps.setString(7,add.getText()); ps.setString(8,city.getText()); ps.setString(9,padd.getText()); ps.setString(10,phno.getText()); ps.setString(11,eadd.getText()); ps.executeUpdate(); c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } catch(SQLException sql) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,"Record Already Exists","EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } if(str1.equals("Delete")) {

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try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Student"); Statement st = c.createStatement(); ps.executeUpdate(); c.close(); st.close(); } ps.setString(1,name.getText()); ps.setString(2,class1.getText()); ps.setString(3,shift.getText()); ps.setString(4,progress.getText()); ps.setString(5,add.getText()); ps.setString(6,city.getText()); ps.setString(7,padd.getText()); ps.setString(8,phno.getText()); ps.setString(9,eadd.getText()); ps.setString(10,date.getText()); ps.executeUpdate(); c.close(); st.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { System.out.println("Cnf Exception"); } catch(SQLException sql) { jp.showMessageDialog(this,sql,"EXCEPTION",jp.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } if(str1.equals("Exit")) { System.exit(0); } } public static void main(String arg[]) { ProjectLibrary p4 = new ProjectLibrary(); p4.setResizable(false) }}

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Library science, like most fields, has terms that may not be familiar to people outside

of the field. If a librarian uses a word you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask what it

means. If you need more information, use this glossary to find the meaning of any

unfamiliar library terms. For more terms, you may also want to check out ODLIS: Online

Dictionary for Library and Information Science. Multilingual glossary of library terms?


A bibliographic record for a part of a publication, such as a part of a book, or an

individual volume of a multi-volume work or monographic series, where each volume has

its own unique title.

Annotated bibliography

A list of works with descriptions and a brief summary or critical statement about each.


A note accompanying an entry in a bibliography, reading list, or catalog intended to

describe, explain, or evaluate the publication referred to.


A serial publication, such as a report, yearbook or directory, issued once a year.


A collection of extracts from the works of various authors, usually in the same genre

or about the same subject. (Example: Norton Anthology of English Literature).

Sometimes a collection from the works of an individual author.


Section of a book containing supplementary materials such as tables or maps.


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Public records or historical documents, or the place where such records and

documents are kept.


The order in which information is presented in a book. Determining arrangement

contributes to the effective use of that work.


A contribution written for publication in a journal, magazine, or newspaper.


A volume of maps, plates, engravings, tables, etc.


Information in a non-print format. Includes films, slides, audiotapes, videocassettes,

records, software. Also referred to as media.


Includes compilers, editors, and composers in addition to the main personal and

corporate authors who are responsible for a work.

Authority file

The computerized list of subject, series, and name headings used in the Online



An account of one's life, composed by one's self.

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Barcode number

The 14-digit number appearing beneath the barcode found on the back on a book.

Barcode numbers are used to charge, discharge, and renew books on the online computer


Bibliographic citations

The information which identifies a book or article. Information for a book usually

includes the author, title, publisher, and date. The citation for an article includes the

author, title of the article, title of the periodical, volume, pages, and date.

Bibliographic database

A database which indexes and contains references to the original sources of

information. It contains information about the documents in it rather than the documents


Bibliographic record

The unit of information fields (e.g. title, author, publication date, etc.) which describe

and identify a specific item in a bibliographic database.


Books that need repair and loose issues of journals that are combined or bound into a

single volume are sent out of the library system to a company which binds them. These

items are not available to users until they come back to the library system.


A list of works by various authors (or, occasionally, one author) which includes brief

biographical data.


A book about a person written by some other person.

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Advertisement found on the book jacket designed to promote the sale of the book.

Call number

A combination of numbers and letters that provide a unique description of each item

in a library collection. Items are arranged on the book shelves by call number, so the call

number is the "address" of materials on the shelf.

Card catalog

A card file, arranged by author, title, and subject, listing all items owned by a library.

The Main Card Catalog contains records for every cataloged item in the Library System

from 1868-1975. Each departmental library maintained a separate card catalog of its own



A study area for one person.

CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory)

An information technology which is used to store large databases and provides access

to them via computer. These discs look like the compact discs you'd see in a music store.

Instead of storing music, they store text. The Library has a limited number of CD-ROM

as most materials are now online.

Class number

Top part of a call number which stands for the subject matter of the book.

Classification scheme

Classification systems which use numbers and/or letters, to represent the subject

content of materials. See also Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.

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Symbols and/or terms used to retrieve computer-stored information.


The legal right to control the production, use, and sale of copies of a literary, musical,

or artistic work.

Course reserves

Materials that instructors set aside for the students in a class to read. These items may

be borrowed for a short period and have very high fines for late returns.

Cross reference

Word or heading that directs you from one part of a book, catalog, or index to

another part.


An index which is formed as a result of the incorporation of successive parts of

elements. All the material is arranged in one alphabet.


A structured set of information, stored in a book, disk, computer, etc.

Departmental libraries

Subject libraries located in either the Main Library or in other buildings on campus

that provide materials and services in a specialized area.

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A library which receives the publications of a government or official body. Illinois is

a depository for publications of the U.S. Government, the State of Illinois, the United

Nations, etc.


A simple word or phrase used as a subject.


A list of citations or references to books or periodical articles on a particular topic.

Bibliographies can appear at the end of a book, journal, or encyclopedia article, or in a

separate publication.

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[3]. Database Programming with JDBC and Java by O'Reilly.

[4]. UHCL Information Security Requirements: To provide security to the system

based on the current security system currently used by UHCL.

[5]. K .Arvind, “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,” IEEE Trans. Parallel and

Distributed Systems, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 474-487, May 1994.

[6]. F.Cristian and C. Fetzer, “ONLINE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,”

J. Real Time Systems, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 123-171, 1997.

[7]. Cristian, H. Aghili, and R. Strong, “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,”

Proc. 16th Int’l Symp. Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems, pp. 218-223, 1986.

[8]. Daliot, D. Dolev, and H. Parnas, “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,”

Technical Report TR2003-89, Schools of Eng. and Computer Science, The

Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Dec. 2003

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8. CONCLUSION Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in a library. Several user

friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in

satisfying all the requirements of the organization.

The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the

manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning

of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. This

application is working properly and meeting to all user requirements. This component can

be easily plugged in many other systems.

From a proper analysis of positive points and constraints on the component, it can

be safely concluded that the product is a highly efficient GUI based component. This

application is working properly and meeting to all user requirements. This component can

be easily plugged in many other systems.