library management system ppt

IT 6 th Semester Software Engineering Project on Library Management System Presented By Abhishek Kr. Jha Arijit Sikdar Debayan Kar Mahapatra Manish Chakrabarty Souradipa Ghosh Tamaghna Banerjee OPUS Library Management System

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Opus is library management system that is introduced by the ppt itself


  • 1. Presentation Contents1. Basic Identity of a typical LibraryManagement System2. Brief Introduction to the OPUSobjectives.3. Moto and Future Perspectives ofOPUS system.4. Presentation of Data Flow & ER-Diagram of OPUS.OPUS Library Management System

2. What We think about a Library System?? Its a well organized Software Solution for aLibrary. It has a Database which is constantly managedand updated. It helps to provide information on any bookpresent in library to the User who uses it. It keeps a track of books issued,returned andadded to the library. Allows users to virtually Browse the bookswithout doing so manually. 3. OPUS Library Management System Maintain User friendly , Robust & User customizable software product. The vital thing that we follow from the beginning is the Software Specificationbased on current demand. Globalize the concept of Software proficiency and visualize the best outcomesof the Software products from the clients in future aspects. All technical and managerial activities required to deliver the deliverables tothe clients/users and make a perspective relations among them. A software project has a specific duration, consumes resources and produceswork products. Management categories to complete a software project: Tasks, Activities,Functions. 4. OPUSOPUS Library Management SystemMoto & Future Perspectives for making ofOPUS.. 5. OPUS Library Management SystemSection for Diagrammatic Elaborationof OPUS Software 6. OPUS Library Management System 7. OPUS Library Management SystemEntity Relationship Diagram 8. OPUS MAINSystemStudentAdminLog insearch book in database Find booksearch for book Submit requisitionIssue on cardValidate signature Issue book to studentsignRegister in LibrarySystem 9. LOGIN PAGESystemUSer SystemLoginVerify username and passwordEnter Username & password Generate Error Message 10. FIND BOOK 11. SUBMIT REQUISITION 12. ADD NEW BOOK 13. ADD SUPPLIER 14. ADD NEW EMPLOYEESystemAdminSystemAdd NewemployeeEnter Employee Information DetailsValidate Employee Details 15. FINE CALCULATION 16. ADMIN LOGIN FUNCTIONSSystemAdminAdd New booksAdmin loginAdd new EmployeeAdd new UserCheck User FineAdd Book Supplier informationSystem 17. ISSUE BOOK 18. ADD NEW USER 19. REGISTRATION 20. CLASS DIAGRAMAdministrator-fname-lname-address+state+city+pin+age+phoneno+designation+date of join+month+year+1.Add book()+2.Add student information()+3.calculate fine()+4.Order supplier for book()+5.Isuue books()Book+Books title+Publishers name+Authors name+ISBN NO.+CategorySupplier+Supplier name+Address+Phone number+Manufacturer+Local+Dealers+Month+Date+Year+1.Order assessment()+2.Dispatch order()Student+User name+Userid+Address+Phone number+Department+1.Check availability()+2.Submit requistion()manageinteract withissue orderaccess 21. OPUS Library Management System 22. OPUS Library Management SystemSystem LoginPanel 23. OPUSLibrary Management SystemLibrary USER Section... 24. OPUS Library Management SystemUser Login Panel 25. OPUS Library Management System 26. OPUS Library Management SystemLibrary USER Menu Panel 27. OPUS Library Management SystemUser Book Issue Panel 28. OPUS Library Management SystemBook Searching panel 29. OPUS Library Management SystemLibrary Regulation Frame 30. OPUS Library Management SystemLibrary Support Panel 31. OPUSLibrary Management SystemAbout the Software 32. OPUSLibrary Management SystemLibrary Administrator Section... 33. OPUS Library Management System 34. OPUS Library Management SystemAdmin Menu Panel 35. OPUS Library Management SystemUser Fine Details 36. OPUS Library Management SystemAdding New Library Books 37. OPUS Library Management SystemSearch Library Users 38. OPUS Library Management SystemLibrary USER Add Panel 39. OPUS Library Management SystemEmployee Registration Panel 40. OPUS Library Management SystemGlobal Supported Supplier Registration Panel 41. OPUS Power to Ease of Access by OPUS on Library books bytracking and saving the records of any function that providedto Users or Administrators. Delivering Secure & Separate User & Administrative LibraryServices. Users can easily Search, Issue,Reissue books according totheir requirements. Administrators can Check and Track detail records of userslegitimate actions related to the library system.Why OPUS?? 42. To make the Software Platform Independent. To make the Software general accessibility to the users. Giving inner topics highlights of the book searched. Providing space for online suggestions. To add more features and graphics making it User-Friendly.OPUSFUTURESCOPE 43. OPUS Library Management System 44. OPUS LibraryManagement SystemAt the end of todays presentation we express our sincerethanks to Bidisha Acharjee,Chandrani RayChowdhury & Brainware IT Faculty from OPUSteam for being here and giving us their valuablefeedback to compensate our software project fordeveloping and serving better performance in futureaspects...ConclusionTHANK YOUWe would like togive Answers of yourany solicitedQuestions regardingour presentation..