life processes information report

Life Processes By Luca

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Life Processes

By Luca

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Ever wondered what classifies a living creature. Well I am about to tell you the seven things that keep you and your species alive. An easy way to remember them is Mrs Gren.

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All living things must move. Living things move to get nutrients and to keep away from danger. Plants move their leaves towards the sun to make more nutrients and animals move to collect it. When the bicep moves the triceps relaxes causing the arm to move. Calcium helps keep your bones strong helping you move. If you couldn’t move wouldn’t be able to keep yourself away fro danger or source food.

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Respiration is your breathing. With out respiration your heart would stop beating and you would die. Respiration is where your lungs inhale the oxygen and you breath out the bad stuff. Oxygen also goes into your blood stream to help parts of your body work properly. Plants are the opposite to animals and humans. They inhale the bad stuff and let the air out clean.

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Sensitivity is a important life process. Without it you wouldn’t be able to keep yourself out of danger. Sensitivity is your touch, hearing, fell and smell. Your nerves send a message to your brain and your brain reacts by making your body part move according to the danger. If there was a fire and your senses didn’t work you might not hear the fire alarm or smell the smoke.

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Growth is a very important life process. All things must grow. Trees and crops grow to produce more food and to catch more of the sunlight. Humans and animals grow up as they will have to leave home and fend for themselves. All living organisms grow older. You can’t stay a baby forever.

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Without reproduction kinds would die out. Reproduction is where to living organisms create one of their on species. Not just animals and humans reproduce plants do too. Plants use pollen to make seeds and when planted grow one of their kind.

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Excretion is where your body gets rid of the toxic wastes you don’t need. Humans get rid of food and liquids. Plants get rid of rotting leaves and branches. Humans get rid of their toxic wastes by pooh, wee, sweat and you breath out the carbon dioxide.

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NutritionAll organisms need to take nutrition to survive. Plants move towards the sun to absorb the nutrients from the sunlight. Herbivores eat flesh and carnivores eat meat. Some animals are called omnivores meaning they eat meat and plants. Nutrients help you grow and keep your body healthy and strong. When captain Cook sailed to NZ some of his sailors weren’t getting enough vitamins resulting in a disease called scurvy were your teeth fall out and you die from starvation.

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So now you know the 7 life processes. Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition. Try and remember the words Mrs Gren. Hope you’ve learnt lots.

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