lines- · magazines and. '\ ladies' magazines stijre_' _ .. _ newspaper~ , , ... the...

00·· .'. ... 0: .:.: •• 0:0 e e. 'e ••• ".0.. ... '.. .. . . " ' . " , , . . \ " . • 1 .> , , , .' " / \. , .. " i' '. /. '.' r " ) /., '. },' , , J " , . ' +, " j/ ...... "', .. .' r r , .. ' .. J : j ,it, iIII" : j , 'j .. ", . , , "I , , ',' ; .) I ','it,· , '.' , " I , .1 . , \ V ,'0 ••• I . . ' - . :: . .... . .. " .... .. . o , . " , Holland - . M'rl. W,'J. Engllih Rathwetl Ag.nt:- " / MI .. Jane Forbes VOL. XXIV-NO. 33, THU.RSDAY, MAY 17th/1923. This is National Silverware Weelt ! There is nothing ro beautiful as a complete Silver Set. Think of SILVERWARE when you are- looking gifts for the June Bride. We carry a complete stock of the very best Silverware, either in complete sets, or by the single piece. Goodman "Jeweler Treherne ( I .. Magazines and. '\ LADIES' MAGAZINES StiJre_' _ .. _ , , Good HO,use\[eeping, 35c. ,Pictorial Review, 15c. Woman's Home Companion, 20c. McCall's, 1St. Ladies' Home Journal, ISc. The best story of the day, begins in the May number of Ladies' Home Journal- "Feet of Clay" by Margaret TUllle. G::t yoms today. , . OTHER MAGAZINES Saturday Evening Post, 10c ,McLeans, 15c. Western Home Monthly, 15c. . Literary Digest, 1 Oc. . Cosmopolitan, American, Physical Culture, Popuularo-. Munsey, Red Book, Blue Book, Classic, Brain Hearst's, Smart Set, and many others. LAST BUT NOT LEAST . '. The Best Farm Weekly in,Print- . THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, 5c, per copy Clean and Instructive. A Trial will Convince FREE PRESS:-Daily, $,9.00 per year. 90c. per month Weekly, $1.00 per year :rRIBUNE, Daily $8.00 per Yl'ar Get.y!-,ur lIere. STATIONERY:- ", / . ! Our Stationery is of good quality and the price is i1 g ht. ri It consists' of :.- /,' '. . . 'Quality Pads , , : / - . . . ..... , ..... -. ""''''':-'·''':!''::.7'''lQ ... a1ityPapeteries, ; If you want good, clean, Quality Writing Material, t - , Get It Here. ' f . ., . .lPlh.alrIDTIlca\ccy . Treherne, Man. , " . . . . ... lines- J ... \. l TREH'ERNE TIMES, PUBLISHERS, --TREHERNE, MANITOBA ,I ," . \ MEMBER:- . Canadian Weekly Newspapers Ass'n. Western Selected Town Weekllea Associate Member:- .. - Buckeye Press Asaoclatlon • SUBSCRIPTIONS, $2.00 PER YEAR JAMES FLACK PASSES . AUNT SUSAN'S VISIT POSTPONED *-__ ••• U A!1I-1II1II_"iII.IIIIIIIIII11* •• James Flack IlRSsed away. at his home In town on Friday, arter being II re!ldent of the town and district for almost forty years. , Mr. was born of Irish parent· age, In the township of Manvel'S, Dur· ham county. Ontario. on September 16. ]851, and wa's married to Jane Staples of the !ame place on r.larch 10th. 18701. "Aunt Susan" woulu have been he're ror the 24Ui had she not ueyeloped the mumps. However, 'she wlIl be on hand about a 'wcek later. and the entertain· ment put on bu the Chalmers' Ladles A lu on that ocraslon wllI be too good to m!ss. Watch [or posters ani a de· finite announcement next week, \ - - . . WEATHER REPORT , 'm I' ,Curry' .. ws I w m m iill ill ill m M II> m III m He was twice a Illoneer. His early llIanhood was developed unller the clr· 'that met the t:;'\'e men MlniJ.aum nn d women whose mission It was to May 2nd-38 above; . conquer the wllus of eastern Canada. May 31'd-35 above; :or. ;:; I III .. 6,1 aliovo '" :.: 62 above ill ' lI/.'nln In 1887. wflh his wife lind young May 4th-29 ,above; Cllmhy he came to ManltoDa to May 6th-49 above; 65 nbove iii ill 72 above iii. !j' 00 ... with Industry. fidelity. couragc nnd May 6th-32 'above; hope. the duties that fell to the lot '01 - May 7th-30 above; ij 63 above gi :t . 44 nbove. iii ill those who catii'e to occupy and subdue May 8th-23 above; · this then. great lone lanu. May 9th :-31 above; 48 above ill :r: 64 above @ They sellled on the old homestead May 10th-23 above; 501 abovc :Ii' a: 49 a!Jove iii m foUl' miles west of town, where they May 111h'--:29 IIboye; resldeu until 1905. when they' retired May ]2th-17 nbove; W 54 nbm'e li1 ;ll !l :Ei: I CANVAS SHOES I from the farm and have since lIyed In ,May 13tr-27 nbove; Trehel'llc. Mr. was the.lnst sur Mny.14th-32 nboye; vivol' of n flll1llly- of twelve. 'rhree of May 111th-22 above; them passeuaway durlng'Ute pnst year Ra:nfnll :-.03 Inche!. He was n man of great Integrity nnd •• Ii! We have the best line we have ever stocked for (. ',,, honol'llble character. Delng a member CREAMERY OPENS NEXT WEEK 1 0f the lIiethodlst ·church. gave long -- and "falthful service In the cause of .,-The City Dairy Co. or Winnipeg au· Chrlstlaulty. He wlll be much mlsseu 1l0llnCC In their advertisement this I by the church -and tile whole commun· the opening- of Treherne cream· Ity. He \\'lls ever renlly with a skilful ory. which Is to take plnce on lIIohduy, helping hnnd to any person 01' pcr:5ons ay The local manager 'of .the In times of trouble and need. rnctory Is Mr. J. A. Farrell. a mnn 0' '1'he symJlat.h·y of the whole commun· '·tlde experience In the business. who lty Is extended to the widow. who has I emovClI from LundaI' to Trehernc sei'veu him well as a laYing, competent weelts ago. The Clh Dnlry Com· nnd fulthful wife for nlmost fifty yonrs. rnny has nn enviable recol'll for fnlr I He had Rov'on of a ramlly. two sons uenllng, honest grading and promp' and five daughters, two of whom pre· pnyment, and the people In this l1l1l deceased him some' yenrs ngo. He trlcl nre fortunate to have lh'e local ,leaves one r..on. Samupl, on Ute old rteamel'y In-the hnnds of this firm. DI hOlilCstend; lind foul' daughtCl'!;, Mrs. vel'sllled farming and live stocl( raising J. S. Corbett nnd MI's .. I.-H. Hobertson nrc the hope of \VeSlern Canada, nnd ('If Trehel11o; Mrs. ·NOI·tou Keal'lls of 'wllh our creamery· once more In Vermillion, Alta., l111tl Mrs, Charier. nlion, under t.he slIpervls'lon of this Blrlwlt . of Winnipeg; nlsq 21 local situation bids to become clllluron. -' 'much brighter, as the fnrmers, ono by '1'he funel'lll ,on' Sundny nfternoon Clne. change their methods of fnrmlng. from the l\letho(lIst Church to Dethel .. - -,- cemetery was conducted by Hev. T. n. LOCAL GIRL GRADUATES \Vllson, nllli was very lal'gely Iltlendell. ./ -----;_ .. _ .. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES J Next Is'" "Chprch·golng Sun· ullY" th roughoul all Cll11ada. Let each one help, to mllke.· a reCOI'l In church attendunce.. .- ':':'Ornce Church, \Vlunillog, wns the Ecene on Friday, or the gradunt,lon of 39 students from \Vlunlpeg Genernl Hospitnl School for Nurses. 'rhe oc· rllslon Is or local Int\'lrest, for t.he rea· s6n thllt Miss 1.11111111' 1'0110/1 Tre· h"l·ne. unugllter of MI'. nnd Mrs. A. H . was among the graduntes. Miss iii '. Men and Boys... ill Child's, extra heavy sole, sizes 5 to 10 ..... $1.25 iii Youths', extra heavy, rubber loe cap, 1ft. . 11 t 13 1 50 ill m B' slzb s 0 ........................................... p. iii oys , as a ove, sizes 1 to 5 .............................. $1. 75 i:i 'ii; Men's, as. above, sizes 6 to 10 ....................... $2.00 'm '"1" m A -FULL LINE OF LADIES CANVAS SHOES- White, trimmed with Patent Leather iij :i: All prices from $1.75 to $3.75. m , w ;A FULL LINE OF LADIES LEATHER OXFORDS .. III ill AND STRAP SLIPPERS \ iij ill m m - m fF'l IrJFl (C1I 'iI WO'ilr''\\F "!II M II 0 a hl .iIi TREHERNE, MAN. PHONE 106 iH tl m m _ BILLlE BURKE , .;.: Morning $ubject:'"':;-"'rhy I"lnglloll1 · Come.'" .' . Evcn.lng Subjecl:-"Church·golng. • On Wednesdny, May 23rd, the Meth· oulst congregation wlll meet with the rresby.terlan -" In Chal· 1II01'S Church at 8 o'clock to elect tho llIunagement 1'01' the govCI'ull1ent or the Union Church. 1111Q. complete the bus· were present at the """'AnIonV':, 'uml' bol h' SUIB .. \1.l:!'.l c ll, to lie congratuluted . DRESSES .. BIG NEXT WEDN'ESDAY " Iness [01' currying the union Into opor· _______ IilII _____________ .. u.tlon ut th<: end of Juno. The Full·1Ii Pep Orchestra wllI phy for Treherne '!lfovlcA next 'Wednesday night. with thell' complete four·plece orchestm or pllmo. violin, Oute and tmps, nnd Immediately_ufter the show will be put. on a dunce. 'rhe admIs'?!on to the show wllI remnln at 25c. nllli t6e and to the dance 75c. ror gentlement, ladles free. Dance until 1 :30. 'rhlA ir your first opportunity to !lance to thll1. orchestra's music. and you will surely enjoy It.. At this low price of ndmis· slon, not mnny wllI care to ml'l1 It. : - - \ TREHERNE LO,CALS · , ..Mrs. D. L. Plumton Qf 'Vlnulllcg Is 11 guest ul lhe home of her Vl1renls, "MI'. and JIll's. C. S. Holmos. •• 'BARGAINS " .' ·-lIIrs .. 'r. Neelin, and son. Jack, or Hamlotn, Is ,,,Isltlng Mrs. Neelin's pal" cnts, IIlr. amf Mrs. \Vallace McCreary. , , , . , We have a quantity of HALF SCREENS in va}:iolls sizes we are to sell at 50c each, while they They will make. excellent doors for meat cupboards and ice boxes. ./ . . . '.. ' Three round Potch Colaimns 'al50 cents.· .... square-base Turn.:a:.columns.' " ' I'Newel Post.' 'c' " ... , ' " . ..' .. ';.,'... ,\,' A of Porc;h Balusters, i Spindles at Ie. each, while: they last. Here' tional opportunity to up' you venindah , -Mrs. Georp;e II. English spent a fow duys at Cni'lnan wipl her Miss JessIe lIlcCreary who' has be'en very Ill. ··c -: ! • • • , -Miss A. Hutchison, oC Elm Creek. -\ ' . Silent' tho week·end In ,town. I' •• , -Mrs. William Tlenders. or \Vlnnlpeg, Ip ,;Islling with relntlves In the distriCt. .'''. . . . -Miss McCallum. Crom ncar London. · Ont., ylslting her bl'other. Alex. Mc· Cllllum., . . j -<' ••• " , -, \ . ' , ,. ., . -MI'. nnd Mi·s .. C .. DII'kett anll fllmBy. Colored and Leaded Oriel"Top 'Windows' to be;deared at" w, D. Stllpies and J. Mulligan. of $ 5 h Th 'II' I If' 4 00 $7 00 nlpeg. lind I\L H. Staples of E'lm Creek 1. 0 eae ... se regu ar y at rom. to ; . '''ere' In 'town OV' er the week.end allen. "A real' Bargain.' , . r '., , .. '. .'. -, '>-" :ilng the· rUllEll'll1 of the late' James ---0-- TREHERNE SP'ORTS DAY JUNE 15 . . --- ... -The Sports Commillee nleeting helu at. the Central Hotel Monuay evening was well attended. After consluerablc tllscusslon" It' wns decided to hold n Sports Day as lIsual. about the middle of Jline and Friday June 15th has sel· eatml., ror baseball wllI be In llttle smaller this year, but will bo oetereu for horse anll "the track'wlll be put I'u condition for this class' oC events. .i Dnte wlIl nn· I!ounced 'as soon ns. ,dates of ollIeI' e,Yents around the district are learned. '---'--0--- MICKIE SAYS: .., , "\ "If every farmer had some .. cows! there wouldn't be 800 'of them overdue with their subscriptions." " ' .. .' ! _, .' .', ' < ' Fmck. -.;..---.;;;. ........ : ..... -. ...... -."::, .... ..... "'''';', -''':Al1''I11;oe' 'no'u:e:' ... tho, Ii] ' .. '-,: .. ,:' .' . , iT . :'BllrTlI1SS anf-:-pro\'lous .one. Tho man· A. J. P. ESTLlN, Manager. "'-.'. 57,' '" '<TREHERNE IJ'liellllllut Is ."builtirig ItsoH wide open" . '.' ,r:'o '"".:',' ".'. -:i;' .. :':-, to' 'plenty of .. for _________ __ -a. .. ... --_-_-, everyone .. Two, big, national holldl}Ys; July 1st nnd July 4th obsorve9· tho 4Ui'-'belng American' Day. 'nnd on \vlIl become. to all ll! ptii'po'!!'O s, -n lillie bit. of STOP · be "n gront_l.i·awlnp: -. . line , '. FOR -we "P""" , . :. •• •• - .e • e . . . - .' ... e •• .' . " --( -: FOR EVERY USE:- EASY-to on; To take off; To launder; ( To iron. MODELS-For porch wear: For slreet wear; For house .' For any lime. PieUy Styles: . Attractive Materials \ , W:' 1. RUSTON, Phone 52 Cals1h General Merchant TREijERNE . ' , . 10 ) , i; '15galloiis onlY-, in tins, at 75c.per gallon,., " ".If PAYS TO BUY FROM ,/. ," 9i1' CO.;'._ ': ' :. R;' D.'.-BOOTH;"Agerit' .. '\'" ':r _ J. '. _ .- . ". ' - .. " - , ,1 " .. .' . ., " , , .. .'

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Page 1: lines- · Magazines and. '\ LADIES' MAGAZINES StiJre_' _ .. _ Newspaper~ , , ... The best story of the day, begins in the May number of Ladies' Home Journal "Feet ... Hearst's, Smart

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, Holland Repreaent~tlv·.: - •

. M'rl. W,'J. Engllih

Rathwetl Su~b.crlptlon Ag.nt:- "


MI .. Jane Forbes

VOL. XXIV-NO. 33, THU.RSDAY, MAY 17th/1923.

This is National Silverware Weelt


There is nothing ro beautiful as a complete Silver Set. Think of SILVERWARE when you are­looking f~r gifts for the June Bride.

We carry a complete stock of the very best Silverware, either in complete sets, or by the single piece.

D~ Goodman "Jeweler Treherne (

I ..

Magazines and. '\


StiJre_' _ .. _

Newspaper~ , ,

Good HO,use\[eeping, 35c. ,Pictorial Review, 15c. Woman's Home Companion, 20c. McCall's, 1St. Ladies' Home Journal, ISc. The best story of the day, begins in the May number of Ladies' Home Journal­"Feet of Clay" by Margaret TUllle. G::t yoms today. , .

OTHER MAGAZINES Saturday Evening Post, 10c ,McLeans, 15c. Western Home Monthly, 15c. . Literary Digest, 1 Oc. ~ . Cosmopolitan, American, Physical Culture, Popuularo-. Munsey, Red Book, Blue Book, Classic, Brain Power~ Hearst's, Smart Set, and many others.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST . '. The Best Farm Weekly in,Print-

. THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, 5c, per copy Clean and Instructive. A Trial will Convince

FREE PRESS:-Daily, $,9.00 per year. 90c. per month Weekly, $1.00 per year

:rRIBUNE, Daily • $8.00 per Yl'ar Get.y!-,ur Subsc~ip(ions lIere.

STATIONERY:- ", / . ! Our Stationery is of good quality and the price is i1ght. ri It consists' of :.- /,' '. . .

'Quality Pads a~~ ,Eiive~~pes , , : / - . . . ..... , ..... - . ""''''':-'·''':!''::.7'''lQ ... a1ityPapeteries, ;

If you want good, clean, Quality Writing Material, t - , Get It Here. ' f . ., .

1rJfcelh~lrll1l~ .lPlh.alrIDTIlca\ccy . Treherne, Man.

, " . • . .

. ... • •

lines-J ... \. l


• ," .

\ MEMBER:- .

Canadian Weekly Newspapers Ass'n. Western Selected Town Weekllea

Associate Member:-.. - Buckeye Press Asaoclatlon •



James Flack IlRSsed away. at his home In town on Friday, arter being II

re!ldent of the town and district for almost forty years. , Mr. I~lack was born of Irish parent· age, In the township of Manvel'S, Dur· ham county. Ontario. on September 16. ]851, and wa's married to Jane Staples of the !ame place on r.larch 10th. 18701.

~--' "Aunt Susan" woulu have been he're

ror the 24Ui had she not ueyeloped the mumps. However, 'she wlIl be on hand about a 'wcek later. and the entertain· ment put on bu the Chalmers' Ladles A lu on that ocraslon wllI be too good to m!ss. Watch [or posters ani a de· finite announcement next week, \ - - .



, 'm

I' ,Curry' .. ws I w m ~ ~. m ~ ~ ~ iill i~ ill ill m M

II> m III m He was twice a Illoneer. His early

llIanhood was developed unller the clr· cuindlln~es 'that met the t:;'\'e men MlniJ.aum nn d women whose mission It was to May 2nd-38 above;

. conquer the wllus of eastern Canada. May 31'd-35 above;

:or. ;:;

Maxl~um I III ~1 .. 6,1 aliovo '" :.:

62 above ill ' ~ lI/.'nln In 1887. wflh his wife lind young May 4th-29 ,above; Cllmhy he came to ManltoDa to fa~ May 6th-49 above;

65 nbove iii ill 72 above iii. !j'

00 ...

with Industry. fidelity. couragc nnd May 6th-32 'above; hope. the duties that fell to the lot '01 - May 7th-30 above;

~ ij 63 above gi :t •

. 44 nbove. iii ill those who catii'e to occupy and subdue May 8th-23 above;

· this then. great lone lanu. May 9th :-31 above; 48 above ill :r: 64 above ~! @

They sellled on the old homestead May 10th-23 above; 501 abovc :Ii' a: 49 a!Jove iii m foUl' miles west of town, where they May 111h'--:29 IIboye;

resldeu until 1905. when they' retired May ]2th-17 nbove; ~~ W 54 nbm'e li1 ;ll

!l :Ei: I CANVAS SHOES I from the farm and have since lIyed In ,May 13tr-27 nbove; Trehel'llc. Mr. I~lacl( was the.lnst sur Mny.14th-32 nboye; vivol' of n flll1llly- of twelve. 'rhree of May 111th-22 above; them passeuaway durlng'Ute pnst year Ra:nfnll :-.03 Inche!.

He was n man of great Integrity nnd • •• • Ii! We have the best line we have ever stocked for (. ',,,

~ ~ honol'llble character. Delng a member CREAMERY OPENS NEXT WEEK


0f the lIiethodlst ·church. h~ gave long --and "falthful service In the cause of .,-The City Dairy Co. or Winnipeg au· Chrlstlaulty. He wlll be much mlsseu 1l0llnCC In their advertisement this

I by the church -and tile whole commun· w~clt, the opening- of Treherne cream· Ity. He \\'lls ever renlly with a skilful ory. which Is to take plnce on lIIohduy, helping hnnd to any person 01' pcr:5ons ay ~lst. The local manager 'of .the In times of trouble and need. rnctory Is Mr. J. A. Farrell. a mnn 0'

'1'he symJlat.h·y of the whole commun· '·tlde experience In the business. who lty Is extended to the widow. who has I emovClI from LundaI' to Trehernc sei'veu him well as a laYing, competent ~ome weelts ago. The Clh Dnlry Com· nnd fulthful wife for nlmost fifty yonrs. rnny has nn enviable recol'll for fnlr

I He had Rov'on of a ramlly. two sons uenllng, honest grading and promp' and five daughters, two of whom pre· pnyment, and the people In this l1l1l deceased him some' yenrs ngo. He trlcl nre fortunate to have lh'e local

,leaves one r..on. Samupl, on Ute old rteamel'y In-the hnnds of this firm. DI hOlilCstend; lind foul' daughtCl'!;, Mrs. vel'sllled farming and live stocl( raising J. S. Corbett nnd MI's .. I.-H. Hobertson nrc the hope of \VeSlern Canada, nnd ('If Trehel11o; Mrs. ·NOI·tou Keal'lls of 'wllh our creamery· once more In Vermillion, Alta., l111tl Mrs, Charier. nlion, under t.he slIpervls'lon of this Blrlwlt . of Winnipeg; nlsq 21 fi~mt,.!}1e local situation bids to become clllluron. -' 'much brighter, as the fnrmers, ono by

'1'he funel'lll ,on' Sundny nfternoon Clne. change their methods of fnrmlng. from the l\letho(lIst Church to Dethel .. - -,-cemetery was conducted by Hev. T. n. LOCAL GIRL GRADUATES \Vllson, nllli was very lal'gely Iltlendell. ./

-----;_ .. _ ..


J Next SI;~dny Is'" "Chprch·golng Sun· ullY" th roughoul all Cll11ada. Let each one help, to mllke.· a reCOI'l In church attendunce.. .­

':':'Ornce Church, \Vlunillog, wns the Ecene on Friday, or the gradunt,lon of 39 students from \Vlunlpeg Genernl Hospitnl School for Nurses. 'rhe oc· rllslon Is or local Int\'lrest, for t.he rea· s6n thllt Miss 1.11111111' 1'0110/1 o~ Tre· h"l·ne. unugllter of MI'. nnd Mrs. A. H .

was among the graduntes. Miss

iii '. Men and Boys... ~ ill Child's, extra heavy sole, sizes 5 to 10 ..... $1.25 iii i~ Youths', extra heavy, rubber loe cap, ~ 1ft. . 11 t 13 ~ 1 50 ill m B' slzbs 0 ........................................... p. iii ;~ oys , as a ove, sizes 1 to 5 .............................. $1. 7 5 i:i 'ii; Men's, as. above, sizes 6 to 10 ....................... $2.00 i~ 'm '"1"

m A -FULL LINE OF LADIES CANVAS SHOES- I~ ~ White, trimmed with Patent Leather iij :i: All prices from $1.75 to $3.75. m , w


m fF'l ~fR\ IrJFl (C1I 'iI WO'ilr''\\F "!II M ~~~o II 0 ~a a ~ hl .iIi TREHERNE, MAN. PHONE 106 iH tl m m _


BILLlE BURKE , .;.: Morning $ubject:'"':;-"'rhy I"lnglloll1 · Come.'" .' .

Evcn.lng Subjecl:-"Church·golng. • On Wednesdny, May 23rd, the Meth· oulst congregation wlll meet with the rresby.terlan -" congr~ntlon In Chal· 1II01'S Church at 8 o'clock to elect tho llIunagement 1'01' the govCI'ull1ent or the Union Church. 1111Q. complete the bus·

were present at the """'AnIonV':, 'uml' bol h' SUIB .. u~n~I.-.ll:J.\'J~c, \1.l:!'.lcll, to lie congratuluted .



" Iness [01' currying the union Into opor· _______ IilII _____________ .. ~--------ii u.tlon ut th<: end of Juno.

The Full·1Ii Pep Orchestra wllI phy for Treherne '!lfovlcA next 'Wednesday night. with thell' complete four·plece orchestm or pllmo. violin, Oute and tmps, nnd Immediately _ufter the show will be put. on a dunce. 'rhe admIs'?!on to the show wllI remnln at 25c. nllli t6e and to the dance 75c. ror gentlement, ladles free. Dance until 1 :30. 'rhlA ir your first opportunity to !lance to thll1. orchestra's music. and you will surely enjoy It.. At this low price of ndmis· slon, not mnny wllI care to ml'l1 It.

• : - -




· , .. Mrs. D. L. Plumton Qf 'Vlnulllcg Is 11 guest ul lhe home of her Vl1renls,

"MI'. and JIll's. C. S. Holmos. • ••

'BARGAINS " .' ·-lIIrs .. 'r. Neelin, and son. Jack, or Hamlotn, Is ,,,Isltlng Mrs. Neelin's pal" cnts, IIlr. amf Mrs. \Vallace McCreary. , , , .


We have a quantity of HALF SCREENS in va}:iolls sizes wl~i~h we are go~t:tg' to sell at 50c each, while they "i~t. They will make. excellent doors for meat cupboards and ice boxes. ./ . . . '.. '

Three round Potch Colaimns 'al50 cents.· .... Fou~ square-base Turn.:a:.columns.' " ' I'Newel Post.' ~" 'c' "

... , ' " . ..' .. ';.,'... ,\,' A qu~tity of Porc;h Balusters, Finialsa;cF~e~andah' i Spindles at Ie. each, while: they last. Here' is·'~~.~xcep-; tional opportunity to fi~ up' you venindah c1{eap.~·':~ ,

• • • -Mrs. Georp;e II. English spent a fow duys at Cni'lnan wipl her slstel'~ Miss JessIe lIlcCreary who' has be'en very Ill. ··c -: !

• • • , -Miss A. Hutchison, oC Elm Creek.

-\ ' . Silent' tho week·end In ,town. I' • •• ,

-Mrs. William Tlenders. or \Vlnnlpeg, Ip ,;Islling with relntlves In the distriCt. .'''. . . ~ . -Miss McCallum. Crom ncar London.

· Ont., I~ ylslting her bl'other. Alex. Mc· Cllllum., .

. j -<' ••• " , -, \ . ' , ~ ,.

., . -MI'. nnd Mi·s .. C .. DII'kett anll fllmBy. Colored and Leaded Oriel"Top 'Windows' to be;deared at" w, D. Stllpies and J. Mulligan. of

$ 5 h Th 'II' I If' 4 00 $7 00 nlpeg. lind I\L H. Staples of E'lm Creek 1. 0 eae ... e~e se regu ar y at rom. to ; . ~ '''ere' In 'town OV' er the week.end allen. "A real' Bargain.' , . r '., , .. ~ '. .'. -, '>-" :ilng the· rUllEll'll1 of the late' James


~ . . ---... -The Sports Commillee nleeting helu at. the Central Hotel Monuay evening was well attended. After consluerablc tllscusslon" It' wns decided to hold n Sports Day as lIsual. about the middle of Jline and Friday June 15th has sel· eatml., PI~lzes ror baseball wllI be In llttle smaller this year, but ~225 will bo oetereu for horse race~" anll "the track'wlll be put I'u condition for this class' oC events. .i Dnte wlIl b,~, nn· I!ounced 'as soon ns. ,dates of ollIeI' e,Yents around the district are learned.



, "\ "If every farmer had some .. cows!

there wouldn't be 800 'of them overdue with their subscriptions."


' .. .' ~/ ! _, • .' ~ .', ' < ' Fmck.

-.;..---.;;;. ........ : ..... -. ;;':.;~,\';"-.""""-""""",-,", ...... -."::, .... ~-,-:.-::":-, ..... ,-,~, "'''';', -''':Al1''I11;oe' 'no'u:e:' • ... con~Crnng·_ tho, Ii] .~ TH~~.CQ~ON.~. ' I.~MB~R' C().~.:/~~.~.:~ .. '-,: .. ,:' pro~~~~i~! ~~l:!~~~o::l~t.~~a~~~~t ~~i~ .' .

, iT . :'BllrTlI1SS anf-:-pro\'lous .one. Tho man· A. J. P. ESTLlN, Manager. "'-.'. ~hone 57,' '" '<TREHERNE IJ'liellllllut Is . "builtirig ItsoH wide open"

. '.' ,r:'o '"".:',' ".'. -:i;' .. :':-, to' 'plenty of .. entel't:ilnme~t for _________ ~~ __ -a. .. ~-IB!I---_ ... --_-_-, everyone .. Two, big, national holldl}Ys;

-="..,."=-+""""."....-,.,..;..,;;,..,,,,,;,~~,.,...;~,;,.~~#i=~;.,,,,#7'::#"""'~,;,,,.,=-'~=:,,i July 1st nnd July 4th obsorve9· tho 4Ui'-'belng American' Day. 'nnd on

;'!li::::~I!:lm::li!!fm!lii!li~~ll;;li!I!~:;I::!~i!i::~~~~Vfi~~it~~1!~.~~I;:I~~,~!l;!f~;!';~Z.!1~.~:.nii!im;l :'Uli.~ll;t~ ';r:l~yn:~D~l'I1ndon \vlIl become. to all ll! ptii'po'!!'O s, -n lillie bit. of

STOP· be "n gront_l.i·awlnp: - . . line

, '.

FOR -we "P""" , .

• • :. •• • •• •

• -.e • e . . ~. . - .' ... • • e •• • .' . • • •


--( -: FOR EVERY USE:-

EASY-to p~t on; To take off; To launder; (

To iron.

MODELS-For porch wear: For slreet wear; For house we~r;

.' For any lime.

PieUy Styles: . Attractive Materials \


TW(elh.~)fll1\~ W:' 1. RUSTON,

Phone 52

Cals1h §1t(Q>l'L~~

General Merchant TREijERNE

. ' , .

~"_a4iio.,,S~~i~1 10 ~~to'Oil'"


, i; '15galloiis onlY-, in tins, at 75c.per gallon,., " ".If PAYS TO BUY FROM ,/.

," ,~riti~h~ .Am~rican 9i1' CO.;'._ :,,~':: ': ' :. R;' D.'.-BOOTH;"Agerit' ..

~, '\'" ':r _ J. '. _


. ". '




, 1




. ., " ~

, , ..

• • .' •

Page 2: lines- · Magazines and. '\ LADIES' MAGAZINES StiJre_' _ .. _ Newspaper~ , , ... The best story of the day, begins in the May number of Ladies' Home Journal "Feet ... Hearst's, Smart

.... t·'. .• t:'~' " :. ... ~

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TIlE tlOM E' PAPER FOR SOUTH NORFOLK The Time5-'Obs~rver, Treheme, Man.-$Z.OO per Year • TIlE HOME PAPER FOR VIt;rORIA ,


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Harvie's Store News



LADIES Have you inspected our new stock of OXFORDS and STRAP SLIPPERS? We have a wonderful line in all the newesllasLs and we have Lhem priced so that, Lhey are wiLh­in the range of everybody. -

We also Iiave HOSE to match all shades, and the niftiest range it has been our pleasure to show. I

SA TURDA Y SPECIAL: -Ladies' Art Silk Hose in brown, black and white at ........................ 75c. per pair

FOR THE MAN OUT-OF-DOORS:-When you are looking for a good, strong, serviceable boot for farm wear, remember that the Grebb .Work Boot can't be beaten.· We have them. •

A Special Offering of Men's Work Shirts, at $1.35 each .. SaturClay Only. ~ :

GROCERY SPECIALS:-Multipl:er Onions ............................................................ 3 Ibs. for 25c. Old Dutch Cleanser ................................. : .................. : ............. 2 for 25c. Pink Salmon ...... J ................. ; ..... 2 tins for 35c. (And it's good!) Karo Syrup .......................... : ....................... ; ........ .1 O-lb. tins. for 90c. Krinkle Cori1 Flakes ..... : ...... :: ..................... ~.: ................. , ...... 3 for 25c. ..

JL Ao HARVHE The Celltrrl Store Treherne, Man.



, I - , ~

. - " Treherne, Man. I,

-You will be 'needing some the following articles on which I quote.

our REGULAR PRICES--.:.NOT SALE PRICES:-:-' • . Linoleum, 4 yds. wide, pe~ lineal yd.;·.$4.20 & $4.~0"

Linoleum, 3 yards wide, per lineal ·Yd ...... : .. : ...... : .. $3.15 " Inlaid Linoleum, 2 yards wide, per lineal yard $4.20

Linq!eum Rugs, 2Yz x3 yards .: ........ : ... ~ ........... : ...... , .. $11.50 Linoleum Rugs, 3x3 yards ............. _ ............. , ...... :.: ... $13.50 Linoleum Rugs, 3x3 Yz yards ...... ~.: ............... I ..... ~: .. :.$15,75 Linoleum Rugs, 3x4 yards ..................................... : .... $18.00·,

Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs ilt Regular-Priies.. . ,_ .: ~ .. I ... • - •

Cream Shipping Canf.~heayY weight, '5 gallons' $5.25'· Crenm Shipping Cans; heavy·weight, 8 gallons~' $6.25 .

Also: Dairy,.Pails of different kinds. ~ . , , . ......, . . ' .. , .. ' '~,: .

.; GARDEN TOOLS. of ,all 'kinds, and many other' articles .. , " ' and many other articles you ,."ill'need at this,time'of. ' . year. '.-


We Sell a~d, -. . Ouarantee

. TOOLS' -..

. .

~ • ,,_ •• _ _ •• _ - __ - ....... ,. ~ ~ ... _ • _..,_ • 4

-. , .



Premier Greenfield of Alberta, Pre· miel' Dllllning of Saslmtchewnn, and Premier DracltCn of Manitoba, visited tho Union Stockya1'lls. St. Donifnce, Man., on MondllY in ordol' to inspect II

thousund hend of export steers gather· cd for shipment to Dritish' mnrkets un· del' the cn operative pooling plnn in: r.ugurated by Unlled Grain Growers', 'Ltd. In three different consignments;

. IJ2c2tfews, -Mrs. J.' Adnms retul'l1ed homo on l\IondllY after spending the week at the home of her cousin, lIlI·s. Dewar. Ink· ster Ave .. \Ylnnlp·eg. .

• • • •

, JUHt ho\Y.. up·to·dale and iow'pricod :.rl·eherne movie programs are, is cas· IIy seen JI'om the fact that "'l'he Loves oC Phuronh ... · which was shown lust Saturday night at 35c. and 15c, was dhown at the Capitol 'fheatre, "'Innl·

Call at Adair's and see our snappy new lines of


We have a full line of Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords, priced from $5.50 to $7.00

.Men's Dress Shoes in tan and blar;k calf. $5.75 to $9.00 •

Prices from

Children's "Classic" Shoes from $1.95 up.

H.-A. ·ADAIR Phone 60 TREHERNE .. MAN.

peg only two 01' threo months ago. al - ", .. - .. . - -- --- -'"

.1~~0~f.~::~:~!:;~fi~~;::;~,:::,: TR-EH·~E-Rj::rF:·i Tn response to a demand for thcm. lU

11)[: management has boolted the fol· Flour MI'}} I.:: .. ;", 'Io\vlng FIrst Natienal slars for early Cntes :-Constllnce and NOl'lna 'fal· . madge, Charles Ray. Jaclcle Coogan. We are again making 2 grade3 of Flour. Our Dusler Keaton, Charlie Challlin, Anitn first grade, or Purity Patent, is second to none. ! I

~1~~~:,~I\t~lt~lI~:::~k, '~:':~l~r~~lIl\I~~ In addition to the above, we have another grade '. ].lolland. -our Straight grade. BoLh varieties are of pre-

. • • • war quality. -Summer traln·servlce lime card will taite effect Sunday. May 20th, wh.'11 We are always in the market for wheat. the "Trans·Canuda," the Canadian We are gristing every day. Bring in your wheat in quantities I'acific Rallway's fast train between and take your flour as you require it. Montreal and Vancouver will agaIn lie put In service. There will be '10 change In tl'aln time on this branch,

• • • -J. S. MacEwing Is the first In this district to purchase a Star cllr. R. D. Booth luade the deal last weelt.

• • • -lIlrs. J. Rall·h of Nut Mountain, Saslt. Is visiting her sistel·. Mrs, J. J, Fau· chore, for a short lime.


II' w'li:ll;m",""""'''''''I'iI''''l!' "' .. "'''.'''l'' .... ·'''''' "''-', ."""." '" """1"""""" """';"l"'" ",,, .. ,,,,. m,' "'WIII'l!' '"'''' ••• "h'" ...... J, ..... tn. ";";r. •• :n· ... r. •••• •• XWoWo;o;;JVli.n,m,,,,".}f·rn' fn'tnr.»n', .... ~ t.Volf'OlKm.I,KOl;.tllnt. • .,,""'"

these are on their WilY to GhlSgOW, to Dundee and to lIIaricheste.r. 'fhe Pre: mlcrs also ~tched the PI'OCIlSS by ./ which mixed cnrs of cattle, ns receil'ed by the pool from 'the country al'e sorted up Into even Cal' lots before be·

Hete a'nd There I Pioneer Hardware

ANNOUNCEMENT Ing offered for sale, shipped to mal" Irets east 01' south, 01' expol·ted.

"It is a wondel'ful ndvailce in cattle nlllrketing." said Premier Grecnfield. gpcaklng of the co·oporlltive pool meth· oct. "It menns getting for farmers lhe full vlllue of their cattle on the finll.l m a rlto t. "

"'Ye have been preaching co·opera· tive marketing of cattle for. years in Saslmtchewan." said premier Dunning. "and were delighted when the' formel' method of co·operative shipping tc westem markets was broadened out by tho pOQI method to covel' the final

I markotln g of catlle. We arC Wlllching with great Interest the extension 01' lbe co·operallv~ plan to covel' the ex· porting or' cllll1e to Great Drltain,"

. "'Vhat appellis to D10' 1\\6ilt." sltlll Premier Draolten. "is the system by, which cattle are sorted up before they are o'rrered for sale. I am sure tii'ls plan of seIlIng. Is going to bring more money to farmers. eS)lecially to those who are raising the betl~r graded catt.le. It means .developing our cattle industry by encouraging the men"\"ho ure breeding and feeding the rlghl kll1d of Cll ttl e."

-From left to right in the group above are G. F. Crl)Jl1lan, Editor Grain Gro\y,;


.ors· GuIde; Premier DracliCn. of Maul.'\ toba; MI'. C. Rice·J ones, General Mau·j agel' of United Gmin Growers' Ltd::: Premier Dunning of SasKatchewan:1 Hon. F. M. Black. Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba. and PI'emlel' Greenfield of Alberta. I'

" , ,

-On Wednesday. May 16th. Dedmnr Ruston celebrated his 8th birthday. About 20 other '''young gentlemen 'Iolned h Ini In gllmcs and frolic on' the lawn. At ·tea time all partook of a dainty lunch, Including bIrthday cake. and other goodies, ,Mrs. Jack Smith assisted MI:s. Ruston.

1'::":\~OUld all WhO· li::e 'bO~kS rrOl~ ~he I .. . ~

U.l~.W.M. Travelling .Llbrary please return them on Satu\'uay, May 19th, If possible, and oblige the Llbrarinn, as Ithe- boolts aro' beIng called in: '

••• -:-The:name of ·the Hon; President· of the Tennis "Club was omitted in last week's report of.: tI\e meellnlj'. - Mr. Spinks, M.L.A., holds thls,office .. . ,~ 0 " . _ f '< -l '


Each acre of corn grown in Ohio costs on an avuruge 4G.:W hOurs uf labor. .

Canada is now second on th~ ;ist ns an expol·ting land. the pel' capita':: being $100.63 per unnum.

A new station is bcing built by the C~nadilln, Pacific Ibiiway at Fredertcton a t a cost of $[;0,000.

Half a million Canadians look to the forests each day Cor their meals and lodging, and Inore thun I uu "ull Canadi~n workmen arc engaged' in ~onvcrtlng forest products into one form or another. I 'Th~ )arge 'party of rtebrldenns I

Who were'brought to Canada on the Canarpan PI\t;lfi~ St~nmships "l\1eta­gam:l ' lind "~l!lrlochl' ha\'c gonc lo Red Deer, Alta., where they will form an 'agric",lturaf colony.

Seven hundred farmers and'r~rm laborers arrived in Carnda recently on the Canadian Pacific steamer "Montcalm." ,These colonists nrc proceeding to Ontario and weRtern_ points whore they will tnIce up farm wOlk.

The projecl of !l ship canal acro~s Scotland from the Clyde to the Firth of Forth wa~ hrought to the fore again at a recent mce'ing of the. ~id.ScotInnd Ship Can~1 As. SOClntlOn, and there is a po~sibility of something being started in this connection in the ncar future.

"---: A single' pair of potato bugs would. wibhout check increase to GO.OOO,OOO in one se8;on; the hop aphis;' developing thirteen genera­tions in a single year would if un. checked. to _ the end of .the 'twelfth generatIon, have multiplied to ten sextillions. '

.Canadian air pilots flew 2!l4.449 mIles carrying 9,153 passenr:ers and

. 77,850 pounds of' freight in i922 I· , aecon Ing to a, reoort of ,the Cana.

dian Air Board. Saskatchewan pilots led in the Dominion, carrying 3,622 pas~engers. Manitoba pilots carried 1,622 people, and ,British Columbia pilot,S 1.122.

" .,

A company has been formed in London to exploit sunken treasure in

'1>Iavarino Bay. oCf the west coast of Grcece. ;The promoters state ~hat th~re is a matter of $45,000.000 III bullion and- other forms still at' the bottom 'of the Bay. where it was sunle with the united 'fleets of Egypt and Turkey' by the' united 'I3ritish, French and Russian fleets in' 1827.

. , As announc2d by Mr. Straube two weeks ago, we

have purchased the Pioneer Hardware. It is our intenLion to continue the business in the same courteous manner, giv­ing our paLrons the best possible value in hardware for their money. .

We will enlarge upon the lines formerly carried by this store, and will be in a position Lo supply your needs at once, from our stock, no matter what they (TIay be in Hard .. ware and heating supplies. .

We soI:cit a continuance of the patronage you \;ave given Mr. Straube, and assure you that your wants at all t:mes ,viII be gIven our immediate ancl careful aLLcntion.

---------------,--------------------The Pioneer Hardware

BOX BROS., Ltd. Phone 111 Treherne

JJ 0 Go Car1roll T reherne, M,an.



Several of the best Loan Com­panies represented. Appli­cations for loans are piling Jp ~md money is scarce. TIlere­fore, if you want a loan, come in now before the money is all gon~. TI1ere is still some left

-I have a splendid selection of FARMS for sale or exchange. Call and let me know your needs. I can supply them.

<T e~as and-Mi~souri Latids f~r Sale 'or Exchange

. Agent for 'the--Staridard, and Car, and General Fire Insurance. -Also, Agent for the Confederation Life.


: I • . ,

You Clln poinl Ilt a piano. but you clln'l point Ilt a sound. A donkoy'· -could, but then he's not a good "judgo

, ..


A good ear for musle would enjoy It· selC Immensely in our establishment. We deal In pianos or beautiful tone .


P. T. JOHNSON Musical Supplies



, ,

. " and' NEW ICE CREAM PARLOR' Soda Fountain>lce Cream. Sundae§, Soft Drinks, etc. 1

.' ". ' , ." FINE BOXED'CHOCOLATES ' , " '. " Meals. at all hours •

',~, .' ".Cigars ' .• _'.', CigareUes·:.:- -~ " Tobacco " ' .. <-, ~ Fr.uii,,:b~ik Candy, 'best' Home-made ,Ice Cream

. \' t· E v,erytbing. Goo'd ", .... .. ' Prices Right, ~ere. 'nn" .SHING':- c-'.' TREHERNE

, ,


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" ' ,

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" ,- . , "

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Page 3: lines- · Magazines and. '\ LADIES' MAGAZINES StiJre_' _ .. _ Newspaper~ , , ... The best story of the day, begins in the May number of Ladies' Home Journal "Feet ... Hearst's, Smart

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I" r" -".' \ ~ " i-E HOM: ~AP.ERcFG,~,:seurn:NORFOLK • . . .' . . II ." Ill, .

".' ; . .:.~.' '..;;,'~~-_" ~"";;",;;;,;;;",;";,;,;";",;",;:;",;;;",;",,;,,,;,,,;,,;;~,;,,;,,;,,~~,-;,,~,,,,,,:,,, __ -,,;,, ___ ,:,,,,,-,,,;,,,,,~--,:,,:----;;;......--.:Ti.:,,;, H=E.;.,;H:,:,OM::.:.:E:.,· ,:,;,;PAPER~:;,.:;::.;.·~FQ.:.;R~·...;VI;..;.CT_O_RIA...ii<"



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• I

. . "

Your Own' Good.' Taste'

aided by a brush, a little time, and a. can or two of Stephens' paints, stains or varnish-, - ;

~Vill make the flo me Jou~ly 'inviting • You'vc no'idea how much you can accomplish for

a met'ely !rtrling expense-until you try it ..

E A S Y -:-A N I? S Q SAT I S FA C T O'R Y if you get the'right paint prOducts to start with; urid 'don't try to finish' fence posts and furniture

, f th . • " fom e same can. ." \,'

. The finest wall finIsh you can . apply i. '


Used In the finest mansions or humblest cottage. Their soft shades honnonize with any decorative schem·e. They can 'be washed alloln and again, and hold their

A freshness indefinitely.


. NEW BRADY SUCCESS , "Anna A8cerid8~' Strong Vehicle' for

~ DaInty Star :. , . . .

• .. AlIce Brndy 'Is, wlnn'lng' Quite ns much fnvor In the Parnmoun't screen

IproductiOll oC "Annn Ascends" 'ns she , , , ~dld with Ule pIny, In which her success" . was undoubtedly signal: Tho .plcture,' 'directed by Victor Jo'lem!ng, Is blll~d ns

. •• I tbe. feature nt the locnl thentre next Saturdny night. . Miss· Drndy Is seen oIn Ule role of

Annn Avyob, n Syrhm girl wlio hns conl,Q to Ule United Stllte~ to til' to renllze lhe ItInbltion with which she Is fired, nnmely, to be n successCul.wrltpr, She .Is forced to work In n corree liou5e In New York. There she meets How· ard Fiske, n newspnper mnn with 'whoni 'she fnlls In love, nnd who Is

• It , • \

seekll1g' to run down n gem·smuggllng plol. ,The' love story oC Howard nnd Annn Is ndmlrnbly woven Into tile un· ravelllng,oC the plot, In which tlie girl hns 1\ lending pnrt. The result Is It

lively romnnce. The support Includes Robert Ellis, lending mlln; Dnvld Pow.

• . ell, Nltn Nnldl, EdwllrlI'Durnnd, Flor· e'Dce Dixon,' Frederick Durton. IIIHI Ornce Oriwolll.

~ Dalton.1Id ~ ValentirO . in 1114 Paramount Picture 'Moran. or the. Lad)" I.e ttv ~ A George Mcl10rd 'Proau.C£ioI&


Paramount Star 'Has Feature Role In "Moran of the. Lady Letty"

With Dorothy'Dnlton In the fentured '. role,' George Melford's big Pnrnmount ;;;..--------------...;-------------.:. 'production, "MOl:nn of the Lndy' Letty," , . ' t


" , an adaptntlon of the novel by' the late • k '\ ' '!t ...................... J! ••• _ ......... ~ ••••••••••• " ••••• J!.J! • .! ........................................................................ .,.,.!. Fran NOI'rtB, wi 11 bo s~wn nt the .~ ................... ~ ..............•......••... ~ , . ,

'Ii ~. .' • •. . _ :.. .. , :i:, ~I!,l.~al thenlrs.l next Wedne ~Iay, night. - , at·· , "-::.1 ,',' Rodolph ValentJbo, who wlis fentured

. ,

'. p ,IClans ana :i: with Agnes AYl:es In''''l'he'Shelk,'' Mr.

a '. .:. Melford's. preceding llrpductlon,. hns

pto' metrlsts' 'i' lIe male lead oC Rllmon Laredo Chas. , , . :;: Brindley· Is CllPt. Stel'nersen; '. Emil , , . of Winnipeg t :1: forgensen plllYs the 'pllrt of Nols;.

WILL VISIT • ;. Mllude Wayno'is :Josephine ,Herrick; :1: Cecil Holland Is cllsl liS Dill 'l'rhn: •

", )~ TREHERNE •• ' JUNE 11 th -and 12th \ :i: Walter L!lng plays Cnptllin. Kitchell

., .;. and' GeOl'go KuwlI' Is Charllo WdllJ! '1' This Is. bellovod to be· one of tho :;: ~trogost 'subjects foi' the "scroen .thal. :~ could be found.' Frank NorriS WIIS n '.. mllstcr 'story·teller .' ,vhose' untimely



." ~. . , . . nffi ' HI' .1. doath robbed the· world of II IIteral'y '. ,{ ST. CLAUDE '.. JUNE 1.4-v ce at ote .;. genius.' "Mornn or lhe 'LndY'Letty" Is

. ", ELM CREEK, ••. 'JUNE IS-Office .at:Hot'el :i: on adventUre. tnJe or 'the Pnc\f1c S()ns <. i "":, . '~ wlt~1 . thrills,. lind the ,sldl ,tnllg oC the , ,'. t~ •• :~-:..)-:..:-<-(.<-<.( •• : •• ).:.(.( •• :-.:.<-( •• : •• :..: •• : •• :.( •• : •• >.:'-:":-':":":''''':'':'.:'':'':'':''!'':'':'':', :~,cean In cyo/ry scene.'!,' '.,

" . ' , ( ... "~'~'~================~======~==~==~========~.

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" . - , .'


. ,

., • '.

. ,


, •




. " ~ ..

) !

, .'

• • • •

I '

Che~roi~t Challenge$ iComp'arison for· Ec~no~ical Transportation ~ .' , '

CHEV'ROLET 1S 'the' world's lowest , : . priced f'ltlly equipped car. It i~ not neces~ary, to spend, a d<;>l1ar 'more than the p~rchase ·price to make 1 t complete. There are no exttas .to buy. ' .. .. .

, . Chevrolet' economy is still f~rther .. evi?enced after its purchase .. It, C?sts lea~t per Il1:1le m consum~­tion of 'gasolme, 011 and tires.·, It also' costs least per year for mainten~nce .

: .


Every Chevrolet model delivers the ~ost econ0I"?­ical transportation a,vailable i~ n:otonng .. Yet" m construction and appearance, It IS a credit to Its builders and a source of continuous gratification to its owners.

Before .you buy a car at any price, be sure to ~nvesti­gate and thoroughly examine Chevrolet.

Comparisons sell Chevrolet: ., ,

)"Ask Abollt the G.M.A.C. Plan of Deferr;ed Payments

.~ J., D. SCOtT, Dealer, Treherne I) .t '

.">J .. '. , :."~l,r.,,~, ,- '" ,


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;WhelJ.)he;c'sa Gi1af~DOla in your home _( '.'t . ,

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. , '. " " , '. :' ' •• • • I 1 ' • • ' • ' , or • •

.. '. !'" : ... ,Ifs eflsy. to enter.tain· if fr'i~nds "drop in." . Just play some records " ,.F " 'tha(.they h~v.en't .heard, song hits from stageland, ,new dances by

, famous orchestras, fiems of-opera an'd concert. With a Columbia 'Graf~Hiola,'and C6Iu·mh.ia·Re~ords '),"ou ran hear all the music qf'

:; ') .. ,: \ .

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.·.·all the' world .. , '. ' , ,I·.···, .' , j ~ ,~. ~,...;-. :, ~ ~. , , , • '., " \ " '.. '

\', " .... ", ',' ,Some of the' new Records you should have: ';~_ .. '.' The clln~I~'g, Vine fr~m ':Thd Clil/bing 'villi' . ~Ild" .' }' . ,," ....... : ,"" I've nel'n,Wnn.tin~ You Il1tro,''''1 hat AllIericall Doy cif Minc" Crom "The' A;:838

, ....... ' "." ; . ',/?ancing ~irl" Me(!I~y Jlox·'l'rots .'. ~'hc COlllll1bia~l.s· e , ,': .' The Loveli~ht In Your Eyes and FaIl!n~- Fox-Trots .. \ : . " - } "-:4819

, • '.'.' .. /.', "'" .\ ':,' '.' ,'" " : 0 • " . ' Manhattan· Dalldfo. Orchestra '. 75" ' ':'1," :,Co~en' ~Istel'!s in Oft' ·tlie Radio alid 'Cohen Buys a WI~.eles8 Set"':" .} A .;48)1 ' .;. • "C.~~cdy .1i~onQlokllc~' ...., . '_' , .. ,. ..: \. J 01' ~a~,man 750 ' . "

, " ' , , • " I , • '1 ' ,. : .. The .. llul,1lors, of Bandon (Irish Long Dance) and Maid nehlnd tho:Bhr- ) ....•

. : ,~~'I;rlm ,th!l Velvet.,(frish ,Reels) Irish Dagpipcs,,violin' '~nd 1'!".no: 'frio. ) .A7~~~6. r ' I , '. Enms, MorrIson :and rvruller '/,. c_

, , . " • , . R9~n 'Po~selle } 98019 .. , ;. $1.50:. < .'

. R ,I, 'ai . ,". ' \. / '~! """. t:. { - eet>r s:,-",no'scrntcn orc.scrape:,·

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Page 4: lines- · Magazines and. '\ LADIES' MAGAZINES StiJre_' _ .. _ Newspaper~ , , ... The best story of the day, begins in the May number of Ladies' Home Journal "Feet ... Hearst's, Smart

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• •

"I. 'Can NoW Do My-WOlek '; WlthttutiFeeliilg, Tired"

,~Mn.' A. Moffatt, Roston Fatl., Que:, write.: . \' . . , "I suffered frqm a run·down system

and' ne,rvous debility. I could not' slc<;p or :'rest at night. and fclt'so weak I could not

walle any distan~e. I took' sev~,ral' ' t~nics, but they only helped.' "\1e

while I was takin« them. MOlher advi~ed me to takc Dr. Chase's

, •• I

Nerve Food, and I felt grea t benr.~ fit from the first. ,box, and 'con­tinued taking several boxes,' To­day 1 feci like a new woman: and am able to do my work without that dreadful lired feeling." , '

DRe',CIIASE'S NERVE FOOD '. , 1>0 Ce,nl8 a boll, ~I tle41cftl, or ElllIlIUlSilll, ~t(·s' & Co., JJld" 'rlll'onto . . ~ /

, ,

Wool is ,Higher This ).lear, al before, you want every' cent you. can get out of

your wool, You will therefore find ,that It will pay you well to get ~y prices before seiling, Owing to my extensive connections among the largest woolen mills, I can, pay you, the, yery best prices In REAL tfl0NEV on. the day you want to sell. Write, or cali me up for prices, WOOL SACKS furnllhed Free, and Paper Fleece TwIne at 40' cents a pound (50 strings,) J ' ..... . ,



Typewriters' - -We are now in position to furnish others with first-cla'ss

type-writers a1 low prices, guarante~ tO'be in 'hrst class condi! tion., Olivera, $35, up; L.C, Smiths, $40,Up; ,Underwoo~s an,d Monuch. $40 and up. Of these we recommend the Ohver to

, I'd be the best all-purpose machine, except for expenence steno· graphers. ' We will allow yo.! a r,easonable amount for you~ typewriter, Every home s~ould have one of these machmes,

On time ,to respon.ible' parties;' 1 0,0/0 additi~nal c~.t. " t,. , ." ,



Dr. C. H. Weaganf , ~ DENTI·ST,'

526 Somerset Block WINNIPEG

Extrol)ting arid Platework , , -

.......... 1111111 11111111111 II t' II I I a. I' ( ..


Fr •• Auto BUI' Meetl' All Tral"iiii:.' , Good Dlnlnll lervlce

H'.t and 1 Celd Water In £very : .... m'


Th~ Br~n~\Vick ,t, , Hotel


, I C.'ntraliy Locat.d on Corner .f MaIn and Rup.rt, Itre.t. '.

JAI'o:1E,1 "O'flLIE :' Pr~p,

, I


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"·THE HOME PAPER·FOR.~· • The rlDle.~OI?ie"er,' Treherae, M .... -$2.88 per Y!.u ' _ _ ~~~_~Z=~~~~~~~~~,~ __ ~ ____ ~., . . .\

." .. .. I '


lI1et. Wp, say, therefore, thnt the best t~mperance !llensure Is one.thal' recog·

FolIowlng I~ n sum~nry' of the nd· nlzes Ulls condition and provides a dress given by F, W, Russell, Pre&l· reasonable nnd elrectlve system of

, , Gov'ernment control; this we cluhn ilent of the Moderation League'at Elm w11\ be accomphshE\d by our Act. We C.reek, ~a Mo~day, eev~g, Mny 7th: hold, It Is obvious that us soon as the

"Our 11I'oposltlon mllY be Ilrlefly legltlmnte demand for liquor for bev. summed Ull in'Lhe folllwing terms;- eJ'uge purposes Is legally, pro'vlded for, 'thnt thc control and sale of liquor the 11\egal business of the bootleggtlr b,eve1'llge PUI'llOses as provided for nn,d \v'n'l dlsappeur, Our :Act will be en· ~nfegllarded In OUI' :Act Is In forced, nnd enforceuble becau!'\e thl? Interest of lIlll genera! of tile [le,oplle will be ba&llnd It, nnd It will iJe people of the province, It \!! Important because there will be no pro· In view of the 'remperance Boar~ pro Htlnlls non·observunce, amI It 1Il "pro· • [lugandn, to emphnslze the w,0rds 'safe· lit" thllt undoubtedly Cl'entes llle Illegal gUlll'lhid II! our Act' as It Is by our Act liquor bUl\lness which Is ulways pllOvul we wlslled ,to be judged, not by: the ent under prohibitive laws, British Columblrt' Act which seems to "Notwithstanding somewhat' trivial give the prohibitionists so ,much con' pnd pettifogging objections which cern and by the SnfegUllrds In our Act, hnve been taken to detnlls lu our bill, " ~ as we have safeguards never Jjontem· \\'e ure quite satlslled that It lldequate· plated In British Columbh\ ,Ie,"slatlon Iy, protects the prlnclilles, of govern· which would etrectually prevent the oc· ment control of the sule of liquor In currence In this province of those"evlls the province, nnd provides' all the ne' ,vlilch, according to the prohibitionists, c~lary machinery,' 11', lifter expel" 11I'cvall In British Columbia, lence, some anjendment Is found 'nec·

"Our Act' Is cnlled tile Government 1."~'Oi'''' "us Is generally the cllse wIUI LIC/uor Control Act. Prohibitionists 'ob· any leglslution, the l\[odemtion League joel, to this title, s~ylng that It Is II, will be quite bappy to assist In passing misnomer,· because the Government al· the necessary amendments, In tbe ready controls all sllies or liquor undor meantime we llro well allsured thllt our the ,prOVisions of lhe Munltobll TOlD' bIll would tend to \Jl'omote bet\er con·. vcrance Act, \Ve challenge the IlCCU d!ilons In, the provlnce- thnn we are mcy of this stat~ment an~ declare thnt DOW experiencing and wollid be an

GO\;ornmcnt does not control I\n 6conomlc' Godsend to the taxpayers~ oC Inllnlte~liual llllrt of the sales of liquor the province, The economic llrgument which are dally mude In the pro~lnce, Cllnnot be entered Into at length, but I

Ou'r bill simply meuns thut tbe h'a!1lc the advantages of our bill f.'om this In liquor for beverage .purposes which point of view nre so obvious to u Illrge alrendy exists In the \lrovlnce, a,,!d D1l1jorlty of our, citizens they will not whleh Is growing byl\!aps amI bounds, requh'c re·stntement, and UlC quibbling £hull be put under legal control-tbat objections that have beon made to 'It sh .. 11 be tuken out or the hands of Ihem by the Tempernn~e DOliI'd, In Iml: Irrosponslble Individuals who now con· pits, ulld elsewhere will surely huve no', , trol It, and put under the G<?ntrol 01 weight with the' tuxpayers who sec commlssloners'io be appointed by' the vast sums of money expended ellch Governmoni, lind that pUl,lllrge nnd yellr In,I'legected law enfOl'cement, anti growing profit which Is now g!llng Into at the SI\me time "Iegnl dealers llrl) be. the pockets or:thole Individuals .shall ('olhlng millionaires on 'the profits In'Cuture go Into the cotrer~,of the G ch' should go to the reduction or ernment to be dlstrlbuted"to ,the Mun· laxation, . Iclpulltles for" the relLer of tI~e' hard 1 Flnnlly, there Is the personlll liberty pressed tllxllllyers. • . ,., aepect:-fOl' generations our nncestors

"We urge that 1\ change In the liquor have enjoyed the n~turlll right of choo. IllWS Is necessary because or the SOCllll sing their own beverages, und In ,the mornl uUlI economic' conditions In the oxercl8e of that right have built up I)[ovlnce today llfter seven years'of the virile, red.blooded nations rlanltoba TempOI:ance Act, many o! which make the British Empire und these evils being traceable to co~dl' olher great countries of the ea"lh, und

Introduced Into lhe province by !lOW lhey lell ,us In Mnnltoba that If Briefly, It may be said lhat: we dure to ,exercise the rights our lin.

Iy we luive a great evil In the ~estors, to such advuntllge enjoyed, .VOW€i{\ 'reVOlt or 1\ la/ge section of lhe they will put us In jail und write our

people against lin establLshed law of nanles 'among the criminals of the lhe province, r condition which docs country, CUI} one wondel~'that the un. not exlst:ln' nny other '\la\'t of the Brit· rllst und rcsentment arc so serious us Ish Empire, Morally:-the widespread we idtow them to be In Iho face 0' alsregurd or" the laws or the land' en· such foolish exp\1rlmentatlon, wllb I~u. genderQ(1 by'[illl contempt In whlch'the nature, ' lIlanllob~ '1'eln\10I'ill1ce Act Il!, heJd by ,"My finlll word Is thllt wc do ,not ulm large 'numbers 'of peoplc Is causing" Increase the liquor 'sales, nellher do [urthel' widespread disregard or we contemllla[e tlie l'etlll'n .of.i.tlriy, of more Important, laws-Divine laws- lhe old liquor traffic-our object, iIi:a)i lind this Is creating a condition In the . , young sincerity, Is the restol'lltloll of (leUCe

"!H.""'"" .. espCCllllly among OUI happiness, contentment nn!l'proSllCrllY lle'olllle, whIch Is I'l\pldly sllPplng the umler reasonable laws to the people oJ' foundutlons of the moral structure on r.lanltoba," ' whlcl; our,clvllIzatlon, Is based, Econ \ ADVERTISEMENT orolcnily:'-:'does nny~!1e remembcr any "' time In tlfe history of the llrovlnce when liuslnees ' conditions \ were so heartbrcaklng 01' when the govel'Dmenl organizations bolh ,provincial !lnd mun· ,I Icillal wcre so hampered for luck or funds and·thls,ln spite of the ftfct that the t~xPI\yer Is' ground 'to the earth In trylng'to meet, the demands made upon .lllm,

• "We hold, lIlat we have now su clent .cxperlence In this province to Ii rove 'tlmt, proh~~llIon ItseH'ls an ~Vll thing, nnd' when this ev,1l thing ~jI en· grafted on' the laws of. the country In the CRUDE WtA Y In w\tlch 1~'waB 1m· [,oBed upon l\lIinllolia, It Inevitably \11'0-duces l\ Iniquities which. If not

'In tllelr devastating ca!,' eel' w1l1 nny' country, no matter

, ' o •

The Athlete'. Re~~,d~"

r~l Sprains aDd Brwses , THE. sprains and , bruiae. tncountered

insportvanish wilh the appUcationof Minard:. Liniment. Thi. fact IS confirmed by the fol. Iowinll letter received'

rv~:~::i.EI:;c~fti Arm. I.: Club:

. .

.' 'For ,


- . Ma..

'Uk \01 ... \rfollL,


CASTOJ:: 'hIC "lITau_ •••• a.'. Maw ,oB6II.


UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on ,'1 -MAN.


, a're ,not getting Aspirin at ;til

·'HaDoe , : Loaa 'Iwmje·

,Iran .. rle Dorllb •

Accept only 'an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tall~ aa4

Aspirin," wliich contains directions and dose worked , ph~sicians during 22 years and proved safe by milli(}h.~

Colds I Headache Rheumatisl1 •

Toothache Neuralgia' Neuritis ':e Co.

Ea,' rache, ,Lumbago'" Pain, Pain t. , , I,rance

rrandy "D'\ycr" boxes of 12 tnblet.-Aleo bQttles,oi '24 and'IOO-D) A..plrln I. the m .. rk (rt'glltl"rt'd In Canada) of nayer Uanut .. elluol .!:ty. aceth'acldutur ot ~.lIt'Ylleuch.l, 'Vhlle It I. wttll known lh"t Aspirin meA manutacture, to Rlaillt the 11UlJllc.:.JLlflllnettlmltaUol1., the ,'.hletll of Barer '\~-_ "1l1 be' .tamJled wit .. thulr CUlI,ural trade Ull'rk., the "lla:/ur era..... _

hci~ ,pl:opeerouB Uiat coun,t'I'y might' In justification of the use of the

~~~~====~~====\==~==========~~====~., , wny" we SIlY~

Is ' that i\d:vn~ltal~e;WI.,e • filM

_A' , Training obtained at t~:= -. ',.sUCCESS COLLEGE, WINNIPEC~

I, ' ." " twa

I, ~"J- "i '' Trainin, ~!I1::: THE'su6cESS Is ,the Leading Business College In' 10M

'Cnnadll, '. Its, pre",mnlnencc Is due to: excellent location, Ideal sp!end!d orgnnlzatlon, coillplele ,equipment, model'D comp',

,courses, expert staff nnd active-Employment Department, Business SchOOl west of the Grcut Lukes can compare \\,;...--SUCCESS In these Important particulars. O •• 1

~'~', ,.! " COURSES , ,~~r. :! " ...I • Ilatera PECI~L ,E,LE~E"!T~RX'COURSE:' - WI'I~lng, Rending" '''''I, Al'lthmcll.c! Grammal',' English, I_eller Writing, Geogl'ap•G.

:" " tor those who have had '!tWe chunce to go to 8c1100l 't • •• f:"' ~ 1. ary. FARMERS' BUSINESS 'COURSE:-Spcclnlly deSigned to I"

Ifarmers' to apply' business methods" It ,Includes BUBI'':''I---'­: ',' ,Corresponde,nce, P~nmllnshlll, 'D~~~o~plng, om~e' PI'a4JO

I InesB ~orllll!, etc., • I -, ,'.v." : ~ - ~. I~

,SHORTHAND, BUSINESS" CLERICAL, SECRETARIAL., 1, ,"PHONE'illld OthEll' business courses. Thcse equip yOI'

fOl' o!1lce woi'k, " ' ,LL , ;. - ... ' ." " ' \ " , W M

Or.'lE STUDV COURSE In bushies! 8ubjec~' , ,~ 'erllte, cost for those who 'coll!lge, Full I

"on request,'

'.OL '."sllC4~!1:ISS::g'ri~d~'atl;s.flndl~e.lriplo}'me!rit:readlly. We i

, tlon


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Page 5: lines- · Magazines and. '\ LADIES' MAGAZINES StiJre_' _ .. _ Newspaper~ , , ... The best story of the day, begins in the May number of Ladies' Home Journal "Feet ... Hearst's, Smart


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:1: . The ,House of Qyality :1: • • ~ A ~ i ~ ~ ~: We expect to have shortJy, our odd'stock in BOOTS on ~: :i: sale _ We are going to put them out at a price at which they:?'

t J :l: are bound to go. Don't fail to ask for odd stock. ; :i: SEE OUR NEW GINGHAMS, VOILES AND CURTAIN SCRIMS '::: :~: Our stock will not be elaborate, but we hope to satisfy, :l: ~ A ,!. the most of our customers; " ,t. ~ i :1: IN OUR GROCERY SECTION :1: i A :i: Our stock is always fresh and clean. What we have not, :1: :1: we can soon get. Don'tbe afraid to give us your orders for all :l: :1: the Spring Vegetable and Gra'ss Seeds you.are needing. ::: J A

:1: We have a nice assortment of Linoleum, Feltol and Oil ~: :i: Cloth. Prices right. :i: + f :1: YOURS FOR SERVICE ::: y y ',' ....... '"'tOt ...... ",... ... rOt.. ... .. , .................. rOt :(

y ,

I Smith Brothers i A - A

~: Rathwell, Man. Phone 39 ~ .. ~ i , .: •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• !.t: •• : • .: • .: •• : •• : •• : • .: •• : •• : •• :-t: •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : • ..:..: •• :.( .. :..:_: •• : •• :..: .. :_: .. : •• :.,:,,:,,:,,:,,:,,:--:,,:,,:,,:,,:,':t

( •• !t(I,:":":,,:,,:,,:,(,,,,,,:,-:,(.(,<,,:,,:,<,,:,(-+<,,:,,:,':t( .. : •• :.(.<.(-(.+< .. :-(~( •• : •• : •• ~ •• : •• : •• : •• ).: •• : •• :.< •• : .. : •••. A t A Y * WOOD GOODS' ::: y X :1: WE HAVE THEM OF EVERY DESCRIPTION :~ :1: -For your Seeder, Buggy or Wagons- ::. :1: THE VERY BEST OF OAK AND HICKORY USED ~: • t :1: CallJon 'J. & R.ARBUTHNOTT, :!: ~ y :1: OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING :f :i: HORSE-SHOERS Phone 2 GENERAL BLACKSMITHS S' ~ y .ooo.o •••• ~~ ••••••••• ooo~.o~o •• o •• oooooooooo •• oo.o

, '

Ship your Live Stock with me: They are' ahuys insured for highest market value. Commissions are' right.



____________________ 1 •. _.~ _Eo .• ______ _

• "

A Comedy in Two Acts presented' under the" auspjces

• e. _e. •

, , . .. -

, • • . ,-. . .

• " . • ~, ,

• The Times-Observer, Treheme, M,Jn.-!.$2.00 per Year THE HOME PAPER FOR VICTORIA , RATHWELL RUMORS •

-Mrs. Ifrlggs' nephew, Mr.- Driggs o( Winnipeg. was a vlsllor In (o\vn (01' a ...... . rew days last week: .

• • • -l\Irs. U. Scammell lect (01' Winnipeg' 'rhursday evening on a vlsll to 1I1L·S. 2,'. C. Forbes, lier daughter.

• • • ?

-\Vm. Woodman arrived rrom Van· cOIII'or on F"lday and Is tile guest o( 'A. ~V. Caswell.

• • • -Mrs. Wm. Turnbull went to Drandon l?rlday IlLst.

• • • ,~ . ."

-Dr. Cunningham o( Carman, Dr. La· monl or 'l'reherne,wlth Dr. 1,\ all, were culled to Mr. Guardhouse 'Iasl wOl~lc, when an operation was perrormed. The patient IB doing nicely.

• • • -'fhe wutc!· main has been giving trouble or late and Saturday the oulfll

l' plpOilaylng amI ditching was un· loaded. 'rhe new sec LIon-house Is pro· gresslng rapidly.' The lOll'n _Is quile busy.

• • • _1\1 r. I Scarrow was able to be down lown on Salurday.

• • • -Miss Hart o( Carman school staff motored over with Mr. 'Allan last Sat· urday and spent Sunday and Monday renewing ILcqualntances In town.

• •• -" Sunday Is May 27th In Ralhwell. Come and see the Dulldlng of a Nation.

• • • -.T. L. and I\Irs. Smith, lhe Misses Dowman and D. Smith 'took Monday night's lraln 1'01; Winnipeg, (01' a short visl L.

• • • -Arbor Day wus generally observed by work In gardens, and giving the premises a clenn·up. The baclcward Iveather Is giving everyone an even dtarl In lhe early vegetable race.

• •• -'1'he 1.0.0.F. will hold~ their annual Church Parade on Sunday, May 20th. Vlsiling brethren and Rebekahs wlJl be welcomCll. Lodge will assemble in the Masonic Hall al 6: 30 and mllrch to Call'ln Church. Service wlJl be can· ducled hy Lodge Chaplain, Rev. W, T. HamIlton, asslsled by Rev. F. 'r, Jack" son, .T.P.G. '

-May 20lh Is Mothers' Day wllh the Sunday Schools of Calvin and ln~lan. ford Churches. Como and enjoy lhe servlco and society of all who honor the memory of Mother-Humanlly's best earthly friend.

~ ~ . -Measles ap!l sllli wllh us. McAlplr 01' lhe school staff was quarantined on Monday nlgrt. Foul' houses are sWI ticketed.


,V, A. Cameron called the "clan" to 'lether to talk baseball on Tuesday night May 8th. After a full discussion '11' past history ILnd finance, tlui rollow· Ing were elected to ofllce:-

W. A. CaLDeron, Presldenl.' Wm. 'l'hompson :-lst Vlce,resldent. JILS. LlLrlllour:-2nd Vlce,Presldent. C. H. Gould :-3rd ,Vlce.Presldent. The giecutlve Committee member~

l:,e:-A. Forbes, A. 'V. Caswell, 0<)0, Patorson, W. L. DaIVklns,' V. E Schweitzer. T. M. WlJlelt"'\I'as elected Secretal'y:Tre'asurel';

• -. ~SEVEN" YEARS OF , ~ ,

TORTURE Headaches and Indigestion

Ended By "Fruit-a-tives" The Marvellous Fruit Medicine

Likc thousands and thousauds of _ olh"r sull'ol'ers, Mr. Albert Varner uf Bucking-IHull, P .Q., tried many

,rcm4fllies allll went to doctors IWt! sp(lmalists j but nothing did him any gon,!. .

I"iually a friend advised him to try _II Fruit.a-tives "-now he is \\'ell. As-ho sul's in nicHeI': '

• AUCTIONEERING! I guarantee satls(actlon. Sal'~s con·

ducted anywhere. Call on reverlie ticket. Farm lands (or sale. W., E. STAPLES Treherne

'-LIcensed Auctioneer

LICENSED AUCTIONEER Dates lIlay be arranged at the 'l'hlles

OllJce~ Treherne, 01' by telophone on reverse U(.ket. 1 guarantee satlsfac' tlon. W. TURNER

LICENSED AUCTIONEER , I guarantee satls(actlon. Sales con·

ductl'ld anywhere .. _ Dated can be ar· ranged at my shop.

" Phone 16 II Fol' s~ven l't!lLrs, I suffcred terribly

from Itcmlnchcs aUlI Indigestion. [ hud hclchin': gas, bitter stull' \\'ou!.1 COIllC l~ in:.llY mou th, of len vomiting', and Il'11s'terribly constipated. I took

. Jas. Sharp. Rathwell

, Irrllit·a·ti\·cs lind this grand fruit mpdicino made me well ". ,

50c. a hox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At c1enlers or scnt by Frult·a·tives Limited, Ottawa, Onto

EGGS'FOR SALE, Darred Plymouth Hock eggs for

hatching, $1.25' per Belling of 13, or $8.00 pel' hundred. Apply Phone 88·6

33P Mrs. T, C. Forbes,

Sec. }of-7·8, Rathwell -0-

FOR SALE '1'wo reglslered Shortrorn DuJls, one

year old, at' good breeding, ala reaBOIl" able pL·lce. Apply to

John RtlBS, 35P Phone '12:2, Hollaml '


FOR SALE House aml_lhl'eo lols, on Drolldway,

AUCTIONEER If you are conslderlnJ; havln, a sale,

or desire lo lell your (arm, Ie. mo. I will rerer you lo any number of laUs, ned palron •. Phone on Revera. Ticket, 40, Rathwelt. Auctioneer R .. I Eatate


Livery Stable

A flrat·cla .. Livery Ilnd Flied Bualne .. ; ;ood and rellablo HO~B"j atyllsh Rh~'j every· lhln, up·to·date.

ProlUpt and obllJ;llli !:I_rYlce. Sp8clal attention 'lo Cammer· clala.

Phone 117

J. H. 'Smith Phon. 117

Trehernej electric lights, rurnace cis· =====;========== lern and llhone for particulars. Apply to '


DR. J. LAURIE LAMONT, B.A:, M.D. Ch. 'D., Edinburgh Physician and SUI'geoD

ProvincIal Coroner


Llffice Doyne St. Phone ·f

DR. J. A. CHRISTILAW PhysicIan and Surgeon.

Manitoba Medical College Gral/ullle. Office: OI'lffith St. - Phon" 1:11 '-'"


Grndw,te North,western Unlnrsitr. Chlcaco.

Office: Mylu Block.

DR. G. A. BOWMAN V.S., B.V. So. 1I0nor GL'aduale 'l'oronto Unlvef'lltr.

Olllco III Slllltb's UveL'y Stable Dr,oadway, '1'r9hel'Uc, Man. •

Uesldonce Phone No. U


R. C. PARSONS, B.A, _ • Darrlster, etc.

Offices: Railway AYe., Troharne Maa S,,,UcItOI: for thi! Calladlllll D~k \iii COIllll101 ce, Dllnk ()( Halllll tOll ... the MunlclplLlIly of South l';brfoJll.

PAU L KAN E, I.A. Barrllter, Solloltor, Notary Public, .t~

Phone A7701 34'C. P. R. Bulldln" Wlnnlpe ....... Rathwell A"ent f.r Ontarl. Loa" .'

Debenture Company \ Money to loan at I per c .. t. o. Je. proved Farm Property. At RathweJI on Wednesday o( IIverr week"

STAPLES, HALL ... SCHWlt:ITZ.R Barriater, Sollclt~r8, Notarl .. Plllal ..

Head Office: Elm Creek Dranch Ocnca. :-TrchernQ, Rlltb'll'eU

Ollkvlll. Ilnd St. Claude, • Melville E. ataplea, Ll.B.

SlIech,,1 Examiner in tho Kln,'s Beau Gavin Allan Hall, LI.S.

Valmar Erio Schweitzer, IiI.A., LI .•.

MORRIION ... POP'P' Barrl.tera, Solleltere, etu.

403-401 Huron ... Erie Ildlli. WINNIP'/lG, NAN.

J. W. Morrl .. n, LL: B. W. V, In,lIe John,Popp, LL .••


J. COULTER Fir. Inlurallc. A,ent

Islu.r of llarrlaie Lille •••• ' J. S. Palmer, ' I TltEHJi;RNill 'MAN,

. :Ralhwell, Man, I The Cause of Unrest _ ..

.o1·~I. ':~I- I, -o~ - -" -- , I -, . '

_._ •• - ... ..- "-~ •• .&»<. ... ~,~"""='

ALFRio MARTiN ".,{I - ,~()R,JAUE:"'" I.'." I There arc few pe pI h w Id Hilal

.. __ SlI·l\wbci'I·Y 1l1~IiLs unci j'liiill\JlJi't'Y an"7J,I,hat the people ~f ~I:~i~lbn o~rc canes. Good st~1Jlt, $2.00 pel' hundL'cu, haPllY;'"colltellted lind sutisfi~d. All

Eatat4i, ),tor lillie and InlluuH -,'

at my hOlllil. '~" clas~es, "J)linister3, pUhlic III ell, pro, Roblll,t"Qaln, " fesslOnlll 'llIen 1111<1 leadcrs in husines'

" , \ Phone '!i(j!1t;~ 'Vi'ohOi'tlll; f1P,d though,t will ,ndll1!tithnl the sub~ -0-., sti'utnm of tho mmus of thc peoplc i,

FOR SALE' " ~"". dissatisr.n~tion, llessimism, if not al· most rcvolu,tioll.

.... unt. RepL'eSlIlllllll' IBvllral o( tbe but La.. and 1119urullclt COlUllallle.. CommiIJ. aloneI'. OI~FlCE • Broad..,.,..

W. J. WALDON Good, clean brome grass seed, $10.00 '

l,er hllnclred Ibs. Apply to. What i~"'cul1sing this sad state of AJ;ent Oeo, W. Forbes, Sec. 14.7.8, condition in the minds of our people?

(or Mutual Life AMsuL'ance Co.; , of Wnlerlou, Onl., ILIlQ

Phone 88.6, Rathwell . r:u!'t nt any rute,is ar,olJse,1 by Jlro" -0- lubltlOn and thc dl~satwruction with

tnt.! law. All classes brenk it with .. .' PASTURE, impunity, und COl' every onc caught FOI' horse~ and cattle: 160 acres 1st I' and convicted dozcns go free. '

class Redto[l gmss and lols or wator.' It I'S c u '11 . I' t A I

a HI g a sel'lolls'( Isrcspec' s t mes are hard, have cut the prine for la'w to spread in l\Iunitoba. It can

to $1.00 pel' month pel' head. only havc thc eventual ami all too J. S. Palmer, speedy elrect of malting muny citizens

Rathwell, 1\[an. disr~spect all laws. Ilootlegging and -0- bUYlllg from bootleggers are both

FOR SALE against the law. It is a misdemcanor to do so. Next, the same people will do greater and greuter misdemeanors,

Brltlah Amel'i"a In.urancQ C •. Merchant.' Casually Co,. Wlnnip ••

n,e Farmers' Mutual Fire Inauran .. Company Of Portage I. Pralrl.

rOI' lhe or Troharne and norilb also for lho Villa!:. o( Hath well .ad "urroundlng dl.trlct. Ii:uljulr. of

JAM!:II HIRD Line 71, Ring 5 Agont

J. J. FAUCHERe: -Agent fOI'-


of the -Ladies' Aid of ,Calvin Presbyterian Ch~rch


, It was decided to lJUt a Senior and I Intermediate team on the field, m\d . tho Secretary was Inslrucled to wrlt~

aelghborlng towns to J,IIarn their pro gram as to forming a league.

FI'esh Milk Cow and calfj also SII· vel' Wyandotte eggs, $2,00 )Jer .seltlng. 3U(c P. Vlgni', Phone fi1


~OR SALE Ford Touring carin good condition,

at a .vOl·y low price. Inquire al Times

and finally grow to disrespect laws which are made to punith criminllls of all sorts. The disrcsllect for the prohibition law is a real !Lnd scrious "lcnace to the safety and sccurity of 'ife Rl~d property. _ ..

The Great West Life Assurance Co. The Royal Fire Insurance Co.

The Farme,rs' Mutual Fire Insuranc. of Portage.

Money to Loan on Farm Property.


Scammell's : Hall , ' , ' ... -. . . ,

RATHW-EI..L" ,'" \


'FRI DAY'-::NI'A¥', ." .. .to, , .. , . ,

'. at 8.30' p.m._· , - CASTE: ..-:. "

PHILIP'ROYSON .............. : .. t ................................. · ............ .Y. ,E. Scl1\yei~zer' ROBT. BROWN ........................ : ....... , ................................... ;, .. _ . .A. W." Caswell ,;., .. "",' ,,' , " T'M' '1 "" JENKINS ......................... : ... / ..... , ............ .,.,..................................... ... WII eU - " REBECCA LUKE ' ... ~.~ ......... :::~.:.~ ... : .......................... :: .. ,~.:._Mrs. J. A. Dr~per KATHERINE ROGERS : .. : ... ~.~:.:~ ............... : .......... : .......... : ... Miss, M. Scarrow MARION BRYANT .... :.::.:;_ ......... ::;.: ..... ; ... _: .. : ... ~~.~ .... _ ... Mis~ Ella: Wils~n .. moo . ' -'.,,',,' M' H I F' 'b PA' ,'; ............. ..::. ..................... : .... .;..:.~., .. :,.:.i.-' ...... , ... ,. ISS e en' or es'-

. .. ~ '....

SOc. and 2Sc. ' ' , 'SOc. and 2Sc.

I I .I

III essrs. Thomllsdn and Ferg. "'lIson were .ailpolnled delegatos to meeting of lnter.leaglle of Soulh -Norfollc. Messrs, Wilson and Caswell w.ert' del·

" , ogates to attend meetings of Senl')r I,engue Executive. -

Though weakened by 'the remc,Val of ~overnl Old learn· mates, especially. C W. Forbes, tho boys expect to lJUl onough pep Into the game lo Iceep the tcam In lhe running. Some promlolng

Office. Why is the prohibition law in dis" -0'-'-"" cpute, us many willudmit7 Govern­

.Ients arc only carried on and laws FOR SALE can only be enforced with the con·

Rllspberry plants, $1.50 pel' 100i $ent of the govcrned. In other words T~yerbenrlng Strawberi'lea, $2.00 per public opinion must be behind the 100;, Dronze 'rurkey eggs, 25c. eachj cnforcemcnt of n la\v If it is to be llarred Rock eggs, $1.25 peL' selling. enforced at nil. And thousands 0 r

, /' Mrs. Ooodl'ldge, people know that public opinion is

C3-l Phone 78.4 not behind the present prohihition

" iaw. It is not cnforccd. The highcr



Meeta Friday on or b"rol·. the fIll. moon at the Maaonlc lIall. 'fraher_. Vl»ltlnl:- lll'othr~u cordially welc/)_ It W. Bro .. John Coulter. liIecretlUY

W. H. Spinks, W. i\1.'

HEW material IS,ln sight. .. '.

, '-0- ,_ up have not been brought to justice , ' FOR SALE ' yet after many ycurs of a fair trial IND. ORDER OF ODDFI.LLOW.

_ PUI'ebred Yorlcshlre pigs, ,bncon type, of the law, only the small fry hnvc Treho,no Lod&'11 No. H meala la .... March Carrow, males only, $15.00 each. b~en caught, the workman who, .\lawnlr. 1Iall overy 'fhundar 8venlq Allply .uddenly deprived of a stimulunt by al 8 p. m. All Odd fellows In 10M

" , <'- •


k , , •

The lIfoll\l~r and Da~lghters' banquet on evening was' a great

J. Do' Scammell, Phone 130·12, 'frehel:ne -,0-

FOR'SALE' !?evcral settings of. good. Turkey

Eggs at $1'.00 per selling. , ' N. Kearns,'

Phone 93·101

A'large'gatherlng o~ lIfolllers gl'ew, young again, as . they gathei:~\1 around the'"tables In lIle basoment o( Calvin Church. 'rhe after·dlnner tOI\sts 'brought out· a, 'splendid arl'RY, '. P1 sp'6ches,' and Jl!lss~ W. -Dolmago, J<'leld ", ,: '-0'-'-

o( ,the Olrls" Work Doa"il , ' STRAYED anlloba, delighted .an·d edified' allan ell' about December ,1st, ·1822, a her splendid address on the joys, bay colt,comlng" 3· years. While r~l)e

rcsP'lJl!llbll)Jt es 'and wonderful 'll<:1,slIl., anr! w111te ,hlnd,feet. ' Reward for Infor· consecraled girlhood enor· mallon leadlng to Ils recov.~ry. ,

gles. Ev"erYOno' love :wllh IreI'I "" N. Kearns, . most' enlhuslastlcally -Invited hoI' 35P Phone 93:.1.4

0: return ylslt' soon. ", -.0--:: ,'. .' ; .. , , : ST,R.I'WBEijRY ,f>LANTS, "

Our 'Progressive Everbenrlng 111'0

to" t1'aosplaE-t any' time" this I Jrlontn. ~ . ':/ ,""

law, goes out to get it outsidc the' .tandln, ar. welcome. la\vj the parent with a siCK child; a James Painter, N. G . few hotel keepers; but the hill' distri- II. A. "', Sec. butors/of "bootleg" huve never heen dhturbcd, and only II few a r the il­Iicit'manufacturers of liquor, who 'exist und nrosper in thousands, havc bcen caught. They could not be im­mllne if public opinion was behind the present prohibition law. , It is proposed by the Moderation Lengue to chaago this liiw, to bring

DOVE REBEKAH LODGE, NO. I. Meet. lhe 2nd and 4th 'fuead.r .f

eocla month In the lIlalonlc Ilall, .t 8 p. m. Visiting brethren ud al.terM alway. welcome. , '

Mrs. J. A. CIlL;lstllaw, N.G. Mra. A. E. Smlll1, Secr.tA!T.

L. O. L. No. 1730

in a law which deserves the 'respect and support of all classes except the bootleggers, l'umrllnners and illicit llIanUfactlll'ers. Tho proposed law has already gllined a great measure of iJUblic, ,support anil' confidence . Over 81,000 'qurilifled electors of the' ,~~

I,01'nv' nce of Manitoba have petitioned ..

M .. ta fir.t Tueaday eve.,

Month, In the

MAlONIC HALL this change, which will do away

with n, law ~vhich is not respected,' and bring'ln one which is calculated to remove all the objectionable' features of total, bone dry and narrow prohi. bition, and also all the objectionable features of the old wide open· days of the bar, which is, happily, a dead and· . buried evil. Wo ' have·r pro­gressed beyond, those days. The Moderl\tion League welcomes that ad­vance, and ;'proposes a further onc,

'Is' to lind will,

-- A. g. English, W. M. Vlaltln, ,br.lI1r .. welcome.

.. ~,

.: •• : • .;..:.+-:.-:.(-.:.(-++-:-: .. :-.:..:-.:.-:. .... -:-+...:.+e-

~: TREHERNE HIGH SCHOOL· * f Offors 'Inatructlon In Teachers', i l Combl!1ed"and In Matriculation oQo '

e old respect :for orljel;';i:-'J~ne which has public

siaJile.;jop!riion so"!idly"'b:1lt ind it.'

t, Coura .. , admlttln" to Normal :t ~ ,schooi"' or .. ,to· Unlycralty upon' t .1, completion of Grade XI. l. t _ For detaIls of Couraes, Informa.,,~

.-COL.'W. 'j:~SIio.fPSON;


:~ t!on as to FeCI, etc, apply to: ,:~ 'f. "'., ~ 'S' ~: MISS M~INTOSH,- ,Principal, I t " '. -or , ,~ ,


f ' :, 'R: J. MILLS. . \ ';l ,~; Ie : S·,~r·tarY',Of School Bo~rd ,1- c' .:··:·-X-~-)·Xot·:-~+-:-t)~.: •. :-.:-.:+.:-++.;..;..:, -.

, "

, .,

... .. ". • . .

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0" 0 ·0

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• , • • ,

~ " 0

• . .

, j'" .('



. .

.. ". ' . 0'

• • • , " •• t,

.. -0 .. , ,. . .. : . • 0·.


• , .

Page 6: lines- · Magazines and. '\ LADIES' MAGAZINES StiJre_' _ .. _ Newspaper~ , , ... The best story of the day, begins in the May number of Ladies' Home Journal "Feet ... Hearst's, Smart

. .•.

• •

. .


:. " "

, , .. " . '/ '~! .~ . . , "

r< .':r ... f

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• •

~.~~-._~~:~HOM~:;:_~.~,~~:~::::A~~_~, ... ~_F,:,,:,_0R:-::, .. ~.~soorn~_~~7~:~_ .. ~:~~~ __ :::::~F:::::!=~= .. ~._:=.=.="_~~::~.===_=._=_=_=~_=Th:e:;:r~~~:,~:~;b;_~;_~:_e:;~,~~!~.~~~~.~m:i_~~''7~:~;;_:ff.,~:$:_2:~o:o~pe:-.r:.Y~eut:''::·_''-~~~~~\'·~· ~~~;.~.TH~E~H~QM~E~'~PAP~.ER~"F~.O~R;!YI~CT~.Q;·R~IA[i' .,,;. .. DEATH OF MRS. W. R •. ROSS I

\ I

<, . ,

. '

Important Notice to ,Crecll!l' ~Shippers



. l -.


Announces. the opening on . Monday ,- . May._ 21st of its hew - ...... ,

TREHERNE CREAME'RY WE hav: leas~d the plant of the T reher~e ~reamery Co .• lid. and are ready 10_ take delIvery of your cream- for butter-making purposes.

Your interests and our interests will be in the hands of Mr. J. A. Farrell. as local manager-a man .of wide "experience in the, creamery business. \ .

- , The same honorable methods of dealing-correct~veight. highest grade. - ~'top prices for cream')landsome prep1ium for extra quality-which have broui# ') so many new customer~ to City ~airy. Ltd.-~i11 .be .followed as strictly in our

T reherne Creamery as In our Main Plant at WInmpeg.

, I

. ,

, 'I

BETTER CREAM MARKETIN'G PAYS .... Here is a permanent market right at your door._

Make the most of it. Get Full Value for Your Cream. Our Cheque will be sent you on the day your shipment is received. You will always be satisfied if you


Ship your Cream to




J. A. FARRELL, Manager




Why You Sl'loulcl Use a Mild -S~lap

Harsh soap dries the natural oils and is apt .to irritate the skin and make it scaly.

In the mild, soothiilg, creamy lather of Palmolive you have 'an ideal cleanser. It is lotion-like in its a.ction, I t soothes while it cleanses, --

Artful application of rouge and powder may lend your skin the appearance of sm60th freshness, but when this is washed off, ,vhat . a crucl revelation I .' ,

You can easily possess a fine complcxion by giving your skin proper care .. Instead of putting your skin to sleep with cold creams and cosr11elics, wake it up with soap and water. Cleanse each tiny pore and skin cell revh'e sluggish' circulation. ,Get rid of th~ blackheads which arc only'accumulated dirt.

Usc Palmolive Soap and apply it with your t\,:o hands. Massage it thoroughly into your ~~II.' and remove with many' warJll rinsings. •

. 11115 treatment makes your skin fresh as a rose.

You c~n buy Palmolivc 'Soap at all first- . class dCi.\lers. \. , !


Mrs. W. R. Ross died at her home In Holland ·thls (Thursday) momlng, af. I tel' a short Illness. _ Further ~rtlculars will be llUblished next wee It.


.. Lome Ma:lo.'well returned fl'om tho city Thul'sday noon.

• •• -Mrs. Thos. 'Moore visited In Winni­peg last week, returning Thursday.

• • • -Mrs. Jas. Hamilton and son Bert vis­Ited with .MI'. und Mrs. J. D. Scott of , \

Treherne for a few days this week. • • •

-Mrs. Mrs. H. E. CUI'II und Gordon I'eturned-from the city Saturlay. I -MI'. Smal't Is spending a few days In the city .. · ..... -Miss Henselwood of Treherne visit. ed with fl'lends In town last weel(.

• • • -Mrs. L. 'Vulker of Curberl'Y Is spend­ing a few days with fl'lends und rela' tlves In town.

• • • -Jack Ross wus u passengel' to Glen­bol'o SatUl:day., , . . -MI'. 'Al'thul' Ross of "'Innlpeg was called home last weqk to see his mo--H!iB ther, who Is seriously \111. .

• •• -Mrs. Humphrey was a passenger to Winnipeg Monday night.

• • • -MI'. H. Drake .Is spending a few duys In the city. -"

• • • , ·-Mrs. Menzie Is visiting with 'friends

In Winnipeg. • • •

-Mrs .. Roy Tompltlns of Brundon Is viSiting with her parents, MI'. and 1II1'S.

AUdnson. • • •

-Miss Mary Sayers visited In Glen· bol'o this ','eek.

- , ... -Miss Hl{zel HUllIphrey, who was op· i omLed on fol' appendicitis l\!ondny, In . Winnipeg Geneml Hospital Is reported to be dOing very nicely. .


'l'hls year's I~ollal1ll SIIOI'Ls will hf'1 held on ,Monduy, June '1111, lind lho COlllmlttee e..xpects Lo multc the cvent bigger and bettor ,than over. '1'he usual baseball aOUl'namcn t and horse I mces will fentul'e thc' progmlll, with It first-class band In attendance.

The usual Ilrlzes rOI' baseball will be offered, nnd It Is expected tat Ilt lenst ten ball teams will bo on hand for the seulor ovent, as lhe day Is a logal hoi· Iday, lho King's birthday, June 3rd, fnlllng on Sunday,

Don't miss Holland Sports this year, Holland Movies will' prosent a big fea­ture In tho ovenlng, which wJII be, rol­lowed by' n dance.

rAil ftlN. ~ NIght and Monlng. " ,. c.;. Have Clean, Healtf,y

~ ~ EY8". ·If they Tire, ' fOR c?~~ Itch, Smart or Burn, ~ rJES if Sore, Irritated, In­,OUR LI flamed orGranulated, use Murine often. SOOth.8,R.f ... h ... Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Frce E)'cBook. lIIar1a. El0 n ... c4C .. , Chi<a3o

, ,

BLACKSMITHING I ·have opened up the black-,

Saturday, -May 19th AIi~e Brady in ,

Anna Ascends What c1;ances for love and happiness, what temptations

await a pretty immigrant girl in America? lllat' s the question thrillingly answered in this drama of New York's underworld and "upper ten." It was Alice Brady's most popular stap,e success; it is by far her greatest picture.

ADMISSION: -35 c. and ISc.

- - Paramount popular particular ictures at rices for alrons - -

Wednesday, May 23r.d Dorothy Dalton and Rudolph

Valentino in

Moran of the Lady Letty A tale of sbnt-eycd smugglers, roving Pacific ~eas!­

A dare-devil girh"ho be~t them! -A soft society dandy, shang­haied and made a man I

See the murdrous mu'tiny! See the burning schooner see the battle for love and treasure in Magdalena Bay!

lllen shimmering over this savage bl,lckground, see the fashion. lure and beauty of a world that lives on pleasure, until ? I

A picture that sails through a thousand thrills I

Admission, Adults '25c Children ISc, which includes tax

The Fullopep Orchestra ,

will play for the movies and hold a

Bleg Danc'e after the pictu:es. 7Sc for gents, ladles free •


Holland Movies each Friday Palm alld olive oils -llo/hillg else-give ttaillre's grcctl color to, Palmolive Soap

Made in Canada smith shop next Smith's liv-

ery, where I am now ready

for businers. Giye me a trial

L Good Music' at every Show

-, Volullle alld EjJiCICIICJ 10

Produce 25-cCII/ ..., C - Quality for 'J .

.' \


• (


§.ufferers from ~hell.,!l1atlsm, SClatlca>-Arthrltl~,· 'L~'mbago! Neuralgia, Synovitis, Stiff Joints and any form·ofIMuscular. Pains .

. ~ '''' ,r., We recommend to·your Specific Medicine No.1, No matter what kina of medicine or tl'eatmcnt you ha\(o your nllments,: •

. HAVE. YOU GOT'TO BUY. A NEW BATTERY THIS SPRING t" ' . . Before:-you buy. 'give us a call· , We',can 'co!TIpete with ".


TO SUFFERING . WOMAN:iloOD' .., "\- ."' , "

• • P ,We Recommend Sfeclflc MediCine 'No.2 . Inuamation: or the 'Vomb, Fnlloplan, 'rub,es, Leultorrhea, Ute1'ine an'd

Vaginal Dlschal'ges, Pain In the 'Loins and ,Pclvls, to ,regulate ,the monthly periods, . - .. .:,".' .

F:OR iNDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTiPATION I' .. " . .~. . Take SpecIfic Medicine No.3' , . '-', .

. '1 " , " , ... ,.

In adcjltlon to the above allmonlS;'thls medicine ,vIII relieve :',." . ' - . ~ ,"',.....,. -" .

, SOUR STOMACH, ERUCT A TlOt{ OF GAS, HEART-BURN ~ ~ J '. , • ~ " _, .. <

We l'ec0111Dlond"lhls Dledlclne as a specll\c'· loi· '>the above' allll·II"u',.~,.:. ,.;.

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. any, Catalog House,and supply you with.a Battery that is much superior. ' . "

NOW i~ THK TI~E TO G&l.YOlJR ChR TUNED UP FOR THE . i I . '., ~ . ' COMING SEASON! . ' ."...,

.' Our p;ices are. righe al1d: our s'ervlce 'is guaranteed.' -. Co~e in' and se~ "us for any trouble-'-either gas~llne, or steaUi.· "", \ , . I," " • \ - '~' ... _, 'I ,",

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·~GasQline 3'6 cts , /' -

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