listening part i 1-10 - 張瑞釗 chang reed-joe · pdf file2017/11/01 · 2...


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Listening Part I 1-10

1. The woman is operating a photocopier. 影印機

2. The woman is trying to transfer a call. 轉接電話

3. A man is writing some figures on the board. 數字

4. Other team members are about to leave. 即將

The show is about to begin. 表演就要開始了。

5. The road is being paved. 舖路, (修理)

be動詞的被動進行式 be being + PP

be變性為being + 形容詞片語, 當主詞補語

3Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Listening Part I 1-10

1. The scenery is breathtaking. 景色美得令人屏息。

sce ‧ ne ‧ ry: 景色, 風景

Breath ‧ tak ‧ ing: impressive, excited, surprising, 興奮

的, 驚訝的, 印象深刻的

4Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Listening Part II 11-40

Who’s most likely the speaker?

What’s most likely the speaker?

Where’s the conversation probably taking place?

What does the woman suggest the man to do?

5Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. We are planning the product launch schedule.


The small lot production was launched in 2013. 開始

North Korea launches missile over Japan. - CNN 發射

launch: to start something, usually something big or

important 開始。一般指大型的, 重要的事

2. The VP of Sales will also join the discussion.

VP: vice president 副總經理

Listening Part II 11-40

6Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. According to the notification, it’s tomorrow at 10 a.m.

no ‧ ti ‧ fi ‧ ca ‧ tion: official information about something

消息, 通知 (一般指官方)

2. I spent almost all day preparing for the upcoming presentation.

prepare變性為名詞片語 preparing + , 當動詞 spent的受詞

一般 Ving指事情已過去了 (to V: 一般指要去做, 但尚未做)

upcoming: happening soon 即將發生, 即將來臨

Listening Part II 11-40

7Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. You know the ABF report is due today, right?

that ABF report is due today.

due: adj. expected to happen or arrive at a

particular time 到期的

2. Sure, just let me send out this email first.

V變性為原形V, 變成名詞片語, 當受詞me之受詞補語

Listening Part II 11-40

8Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. Some difficult customers are really hard to handle.


2. The customer service department will be dismissed next month.

dis‧ miss: to remove someone from their job 解雇, 解散

3. The smart phone market seems pretty promising.

promising: showing signs of being successful or good in the

future 顯示未來會成功的事實(fact)或事件(event), 有出息的

Listening Part II 11-40


1. There is not much room for him to advance in this

company anyway.


advance: 晋升

2. I need to pull an all-nighter to get this job done.

all-nighter: an occasion when you spend the whole night

studying or doing written work at university

get this job done

to pull an all-nighter: 熬夜工作

Listening Part II 11-40

10Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. Do you want me to lend you a hand?


2. I don’t know what time he is available?



Listening Part II 11-40

11Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. I don’t know what time he is available.



Listening Part II 11-40

12Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. Jim always speaks with a forked tongue.

speak with a forked tongue: 說話不誠實, 意有所指

2. Have you ever worked in an American company?

Yes, around two years ago. 大約

3. We need to hire more sales reps.

rep: representative (銷售)代表

Listening Part II 11-40


1. I need one more day to get it done.


2. A: Will James take on that new project?

take on: to agree to do some work or to be responsible

for something 負責

B: Yes, he thinks it’s a wonderful opportunity for him.

3. I regularly attend yoga classes on Sundays.

attend classes: 上課

on Sundays: 每逢星期日

Listening Part II 11-40

14Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. What time will the Japanese delegates arrive?

del‧ e‧ gate: someone who has been elected to speak,

vote, or take decisions for a group 代表

2. They are supposed to be here by 3 p.m.

be supposed to: (義務上)應該, (大家認為)照理說應該


Listening Part II 11-40

15Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. Okay, I will be right with you. 好的, 我馬上過去。

She cried right after the Boss scolded her.

right: immediately and without any delay 馬上

2. A: Have you got any plans after work?

B: Not really, why? 沒呢, 怎麼了?

Listening Part II 11-40

16Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

1. A: Can I get you something to drink?

B: Oh, a cup of coffee would be good.

(應該)(會)(不錯 )

2. A: What’s wrong with the printer?

B: Nothing’s wrong. You should put paper in first.

Listening Part II 11-40

17Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

A: We are running out of time. Are you ready to go?

B: Sure, let me just grab my coat.

A: 我們快沒時間了

B: 好, 我拿個外套

running out of: use up 用完了

grab: to take hold of someone or something with a

sudden or violent movement 抓 (一把) (了就走)

Listening Part II 11-40

18Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

A: Do you speak Japanese at all?

B: No, and that’s why I communicate with Japanese vendors

in English.

at all: used in negative statements and questions to

emphasize what you are saying?

vendor: (1)someone who sells things, especially on the

street (2)someone who is selling something 攤販, 廠商

Listening Part II 11-40

19Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

A: Do you think customers like our products?

B: Yeah, they are selling like hot cakes.

1. A: Do you think that customers like our products?

2. B: Yeah, they are selling like hot cakes.

當然, 產品很熱賣呢!

Listening Part II 11-40


Film playing

Fully understand the context

1. Listen to the dialog with script

Translate into Chinese (reading)

2. Show English and Chinese


3. Show Chinese only

Translate into English (speaking)

4. Show the first word

Read the whole sentence (memory)

5. Listen and shadow

6. Listen to Chinese, speak English

7. Show Chinese

Speak English with pace of script showing up

8. Listen to the whole context

Six ways to a better memory


1. Translate into Chinese

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

There is a feeling that only the best of friends can understand when you are on the same page.

Six ways to a better memory


2. Listen

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

There is a feeling that only the best of friends can understand when you are on the same page.


Six ways to a better memory


3. Speak English

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.


Six ways to a better memory


There is…

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

4. Memory

Six ways to a better memory


There is a feeling that only the best of friends can understand when you are on the same page.

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

5. Listen and Shadow

Six ways to a better memory

26Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

6. Listen to Chinese, speak English

Six ways to a better memory


Listen to the context

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

There is a feeling that only the best of friends can understand when you are on the same page.

Six ways to a better memory

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.


Create an Established and

Elegant Writing Style

Genre and Style



あなたは 果物 の中 で、 何が 一番 好きですが。くだもの なか なに いちばん すき

そうですね、 わたしは バナナが 一番 好きです。私 いちばん すき

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Analysis of sentence structure

