literary translation in the 21th century

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  • literary Translation in the 21Th centuryproject : Dr. Hanan mahgoub group section : 74

  • Definition of translation : content is transferred from the source language to the target language Translation is considered an independent art in that it depends on the creativity sense language , and the ability to bridge cultures . it makes people benefit from each others experiences so , it is very important in the modern age.Is the translation of literature, of poetry and prose, stories, novels and memoirs, of the finest types of translation and that link people to each other and the movement of the history and environment of one country to another.

  • It includes literary translation which consists of the translation of poetry , plays , literary books , literary texts , as well as songs , rhymes , literary articles , fiction novels , short stories , poems etc .(translate the language , translate their culture )Literary translation began a long time ago , but it developed and improved in the 21st century:The 21st century in literature refers to world literature in prose produced during the 21st century the range of years is, for the purpose of this article literature written from (roughly) the year 2001 to the present We will talk about literary translation in the 21st century in detail in this research.

  • The 21st century in literature refers to world literature in prose produced during the 21st century . the range of years is , for the purpose of this article , literature written from (roughly) the year 2001 to the present The 2000, saw a steep in crease in the acceptability of literature of all types, inspired by the coming of age of millions of people who enjoyed the works of written such as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Talkien in their youths The 2000s also saw the popularization of mange , or Japanese comics , among international audiences , particularly in English speaking nation . many famous book series such as the Harry potter series were adapted into films. Books on ways , guides for exams . myths , etc were frequent sellers in this decade . some books were written in simple English and works of old writers were translated into language that was easier to understated . mythology was converted into graphic novel from to build interest among young readers

  • Pervious centuries have seen a surge in cash students meant to examine the modalities adopted in the translation but studies have been dominated by impressionist assessments of what should be the good translation. of translation studies and remained the same , that to the mid twentieth century . where the first linguistic studies , which focused on the translation appeared . he studies the owners no longer considered just a translator art , but become consider , as well as a science of science . seeking , therefore to a systematic process of translation process The twentieth century will be a watershed between the so- called Conan colored glass (I mean its literal translation) and transparent glass ( I mean its free translation if Voltaire had said cloth which become proverbial (thing are not its purposes Bolvazaa ) has manifested it self in the twentieth century intellectual triumph of translation on a literal translation that prevailed in the nineteenth century . the Two main type of translator are religions translator and literary translator These literary translator privilege in their translating strategy the primacy of prose meaning and textual interpretation . A couple of interesting observation can be gleaned from the start of English literary translation during the 20th century

  • Here are some examples of many novels from different languages had translate to English language :1- "the cave" by Sara mogo, which won the pen award for translation .2- "My Name is Red" by pmuck which was originally in Turkish3- "the Shadow of the wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon which was originally in Spain4- "wolves of crescent moon" by yousef AL-Mohamed which was originally in Arabic5- "An Apartment called Fradom" by Ghazi AbdulRahman Algosaibi which was originally in Arabic

  • Conclusion :Literary translation is translation of literary works. In 21st century will still probably slant towards accuracy in meaning at the expense of aesthetics and structural form. After all, the search for structure identity, as for many other possible objectives of literary translation, such as stylistic replication, is illusory only meaning is real. In this century technological advances will inevitably offer new, hyper-textual aid for dialogic reading in translation. So it is considered a literary pursuit in its own right.

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